Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
<span class="devspeak">"Howdy, My name is Voche. I made this little game for you. All of you! I see games like this all the time and wanted to try my hand, and for the low cost of your time and mental stamina, I hope you will enjoy it.
I made this game a bit of both a test and a trial to see what the community thinks of my writing style. If the results are favorable, then I'll keep updating this game until it's finished.
I have five parts planned, which take place over a summer you spend with the Zhao family, each will jump time by a little, and hopefully, you will enjoy your stay!
The parts I have planned so far are a dinner party, a day where the girls have their friends over (Yes, is the answer to your question. I don't know why you would bother asking that in a porn game.), a part with multiple different events, and lastly will be Christmas party, which will end the game. All of this is subject to change if I decide it doesn't fit narratively, but there is a good chance this is what the game will end up like.
Each part will also have an extra event at the end, Part 1 has Amelia, Part 2 will be Ava, and Parts 3-5 are yet to be 100% decided upon. But will consist of the remaining three women.
Sorry for all that exposition, but, before you leave this daunting page, I need a name for your character!
So what is that name you want your character to be referred to by?"</span>
<<textbox "$name" "">>
[[By clicking here, I confirm I am of legal age to see porn, and that all characters within this game are of legal age to be in porn. Oh and that any and all characters are some form of ''not blood-related'' to one another, whether they say they are, or not, is irrelevant. As it is clearly just a continuity error, and also all of these characters are secretly reptillian people. Perhaps, one is even a horse-person.|Charcreation2a]]
[[Debug/Skip/Extras. -and by clicking you agree to everything above.|Debug Events]]
<<set $name = "Johnny Sins II">><span class="devspeak">So $name? Huh, not what I would have picked for you, but if that's you name, that's your name.
Also this is my gross yellow color I'm going to use to speak to you directly, it is blindingly awful.
Alright jokes aside, lets start this bad boy, unless you want to
[[change your name?|namechange1a]]
Oh, and one last thing, there are "five main girls", Sophie, Ava, Amelia, Mia, and Amanda. </span>
They all have two paths,
Sophie has: ''Dominatrix'' and a ''Mommy-Dom'' Path.
Ava has a ''Submissive'' and a ''Raceplay'' path.
Mia has a ''Exhibition'' and a ''Consensual-Unconsensual'' path.
Amelia has a ''Playful Romance'' and a ''Competitive Romance'' path.
Amanda has a ''Confidence-Boosting Romance'' and a ''Slave'' path.
<span class="devspeak"> Your ending depends on your path with that person. There should be context clues to which path is which, though [[I'll tell you how to cheat if you want.|cheat1]]. Have fun!
If you are offended by anything, just go with Amelia, she's written to be the path for those looking for a more romance centered narrative. Oh, and some of them are more monogomous than others, you wont be able to get them all first try!</span>
[[Enough reading, LET ME START!|Intro1a]]
[[Can I have a tracker for the stats?|cheat2]]''Skips''
[[Intro Debug (Starting Normally)|Intro1a]]
[[Morning Zhao House Events|Part1ZhaoHouse1a]]
[[Amelia or Sophie Choice|Part1ZhaoHousetranstion1a]]
[[Changing Scene|Part1ZhaoHouseSkip1a]]
[[Outside with Amelia|Part1ZhaoHouse8a]]
[[Outside with Amelia 2|Part1ZhaoHouse9a]]
[[Dinner with Zhao and Friends|Part1ZhaoHouse11b]]
[[Walcart Scene|Part1Store]]
[[Amanda Scene|Part1BackHome1a]]
[[Amelia Date|Part1Ameliadate]]
''Variable Testing''
[[Intro Clothes Dryer|Debug Events][$Intro3aoptionb to "1"]]
[[Ava Event|Debug Events][$eventava to "1"]]
[[Mia Event|Debug Events][$eventmia to "1"]]
[[Sophie Event|Debug Events][$eventsophie to "1"]]
[[Amelia Event|Debug Events][$eventamelia to "1"]]
[[Amanda Event|Debug Events][$eventamanda to "1"]]
[[Amelia Date|Debug Events][$ameliadate to "1"]]
''Unused/Re-done stuffs'' <span class="devspeak">Alright, but you better type it in right this time!</span>
<<textbox "$name" "">>
[[...and that should be good!|Charcreation2a]]All event's start with three choices, The first choice corresponds to the first kink listed i.e. for Sophie, Sophie has: ''Dominatrix'' and a ''Mommy-Dom'' Paths.
<span class="charspeak">"You do a thing, Choice 1"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"You say a thing, Choice 2"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"You move a thing, Choice 3"</span>
''You do a thing, Choice 1'' would set you down the Dominatrix Path
''You say a thing, Choice 2'' will set you down the Either Path
''You move a thing, Choice 3'' would set you down the Mommy-Dom Path
The either path is a mix up path, where you don't commit to any one side.
Just for reference:
Sophie has: ''Dominatrix'' and a ''Mommy-Dom'' Path.
Ava has a ''Submissive'' and a ''Raceplay'' path.
Mia has a ''Exhibition'' and a ''Consensual-Unconsensual'' path.
Amelia has what I would call a ''Playful Romance'' and a ''Competitive Romance'' path.
Amanda has a ''Confidence-Boosting Romance'' and a ''Slave'' path.
[[Okay cool.|Charcreation2a]]
[[Could you put a tracker in at least?|cheat2]]<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/PCBedroom1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You wake up in a bed you despise, the pure sight of it makes you seethe with rage!
<span class="motherspeak">"Wake up! Sweetheart!"</span>
You hear your mother call out from the outside of your door. Hearing a knock as she says the phrase you have heard much too often. You look over, catching the clock out of the corner of your eye, it reads, ''11:56 Sunday, May 6th''
After three years, two of which you spent at community college, and an entire degree later, you are still stuck in your childhood bed. No place of your own, no significant savings in a bank account, nothing! Perhaps your fortunes will change soon, at least they better! It would be best if you could get a job at least; however, this economy is certainly doing you no favors!
[[I wonder where this story is going!|Intro2a]]
</div><span class="devspeak">"I think that's the least I can do!"</span>
[[At the very least.|Charcreation2a]]
<<set $cheat = 1>><div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/PCBedroom2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You get up and look around your room, and put plainly; it's a mess. To the left hold some half-painted legally-distinct Warharmer Tiranyd's on a cheap legally-distinct WalCart desk. On your right holds a laundry basket full of clothes you probably should have washed around a year ago.
<span class="charthink">//My room isn't ''that'' bad//</span> you think to yourself.
That's until you realize you have slept on all your nice clean clothes. And to think, you just washed them all yesterday! They're certainly all wrinkled now. Damn, what unfortunate and certainly not contrived luck.
<span class="fatherspeak">"Hurry it up sport! Food's gonna' get cold, and it won't be the same without ya'!"</span> You hear your father call from downstairs.
[[Stop looking around your room and actually go downstairs.|Intro3aa][$Intro3aoptiona to "1"]]
[[Stop looking around your room and put your clothes in the laundry.|Intro3ab][$Intro3aoptionb to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/PCLivingRoom1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Breakfast1.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Father1.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You grab the cleanest smelling shirt and pull it over yourself as you open your door. Walking out into the hallway, a savory waft of bacon, eggs, and pancakes, hit you. it smells like someone is going to have a damn fine meal, and that someone is you.
<span class="charthink">"//Oh, shoot, got to grab those clothes before you head downstairs.//"</span>
Turning right around, you gather up your wrinkled clothes with the intention of putting them in the laundry, you proceed out of your room. To your right are a set of stairs leading to the living room, and to your left are the doors which hold both your sister and parents' rooms.
You head down as fast as you can, not wanting that delicious breakfast to get cold or even worse, for your sister to steal it, claiming it as her own!
Once downstairs, you maneuver around the living room couches until you're in your kitchen. Looking at the counter, a nice breakfast has all been laid out, ready for you to dig in. But before you can grab a plate, you head into the laundry room, open the dryer and throw those wrinkled clothes in.
<span class="fatherspeak">"What could possibly be taking that college graduate of a son of mine, so long?"</span> you hear your father call out.
<span class="charspeak">"//Your college graduate of a son accidentally slept on all of his clean clothes, i'll be there in one second!//"</span>
<span class="fatherspeak">"You know with him being a college graduate, you would think he would be a little smarter."</span> you hear your dad quip to the rest of your family.
You roll your eyes at this comment.
You head into the kitchen and grab a plate from the cupboard, loading it with food as you would. All the while your family talks in the background about various menial things. You look out your window to the backyard, the simple green of the trees incapsulates you for a second until you hear.
<span class="fatherspeak">"Earth to major $name!"</span> you hear your father call out in a gruff and joyful voice.
<span class="fatherspeak">"You gonna' keep watching the bird's sport, or would you like to come to sit with your nice family on this Sunday morning?"</span>
[[Sit down next to your between your father and sister.|Intro4a]]
</div><div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/PCLivingRoom1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Father1.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You grab the cleanest smelling shirt and pull it over yourself as you open your door. Walking out into the hallway, a savory waft of bacon, eggs, and pancakes, hit you. it smells like someone is going to have a damn fine meal, and that someone is you.
To your left are three doors, your parent's room, sister's room, and the bathroom, respectively, and placed to your right is a staircase leading to the living room and kitchen. You head down as fast as you can, not wanting that delicious breakfast to get cold or even worse, for your sister to steal it, claiming it as her own!
Once downstairs, you swiftly maneuver around the living room couches until you're in your kitchen. Looking at the counter, a nice breakfast has all been laid out, ready for you to dig in. You head into the kitchen and grab a plate from the cupboard loading it with food; while your family talks in the background. You look out your window to the backyard, the simple green of the trees incapsulates you for a second until you hear.
<span class="fatherspeak">"Earth to major $name!"</span> your father calls out in a gruff voice.
<span class="fatherspeak">"You gonna' keep watching the bird's sport, or would you like to come to sit with your nice family on this Sunday morning?"</span>
[[Sit down next to your between your father and sister.|Intro4a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Father2.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/PCKitchen1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mother1.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="fatherspeak">"Well now, what are your plans for today $name?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Well, you know, just waste my college degree sitting around the house.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Sounds about right, all he ever does-"</span> your sister pipes up.
Your father gives her a dispairing look at this comment, which leads her to stop speaking and get up from the table.
<span class="fatherspeak">"How about instead, you work for my friend, Dr. Zhao, I know it's nothin' special, but they're looking for a new pool boy to clean their pool--"</span>
You cut him off; you went to school for two years; this isn't fair, you aren't gonna be some common shmuck!
<span class="charspeak">"//Dad, I went to school for two years, no offense, but I would like to do something more than, well, cleaning your friend's pool.//"</span>
<span class="fatherspeak">"--Which is why I am recommending you this job! Dr. Zhao works at the FreetonU -and might be able to get you a job there as an English tutor; if you know, you do well."</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Well, now isn't that something!//"</span>
<span class="fatherspeak">"I know it is not your dream job, but come on sport! You will get paid to sit in the sun and flex those muscles of yours! You might even get a better job out of it; it would be a shame to miss this opportunity up!"</span>
He grabs your arm squeezing it, jokingly testing your strength.
You think it over for a minute, it really isn't like you're doing anything better with your life at the moment.
<span class="motherspeak">"Plus, you're adding up in food bills!"</span> your mother jokingly pipes in from across the table. But some part of you makes you think there may be a tinge of seriousness behind it.
[[Alright fine, when do I start?|Intro5a]]
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Father1.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/PCShowerRoom1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<span class="fatherspeak">"Today! at 1 o' clock!"</span>
You look over at the stove; it reads 12:22.
<span class="charspeak">"WA!-WHAT!?"</span>
You quickly finish your food and run upstairs to the bathroom.
You look yourself over, a young man in his early-20's with a full head of hair, and some nice muscles. Though, if you wanted to look presentable today, you probably would have needed to get ready about 20 minutes ago.
<span class="charspeak">"Damn! I'm handsome!"</span> you say coyly to yourself, as you are once again thrust into action, trying to get ready as quickly as possible.
Knowing you have little time to waste admiring yourself, you throw your clothes behind you and jump into the shower. As you turn the nozzle, cold water hits your chest, letting out a <span class="charspeak">"//Ya-h!//"</span>, as the frigid tempature slowly turns warm.
You wash quickly, jumping out of the shower you realize you forgot a clean change of clothes!
<span class="charthink">"//FUCK!//"</span>
<<if $Intro3aoptionb == 1>>\
[[Grab a towel and run downstairs, flinging open the dryer door and grabbing the nicest pair of clothes you own.|Intro6a][$Intro6aoptiona to "1"]]
[[Grab a towel and run into your room. Throwing on the nicest thing, you own.|Intro6a][$Intro6aoptionb to "1"]]
<<set $charseen = 1>>
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<<if $Intro6aoptiona == 1>>\
You dash down the stairs, practically flying as you hit the bottom step. Unfortunately for you; you hit your sister as she's walking up the stairs, and you both go tumbling into the living room couch. She ends up on top of you in this entanglement.
<<if $Intro6aoptionb == 1>>\
You dash out of the bathroom, practically flying as you hit the hallway carpet. Unfortunately for you; your sister was also in the hallway. You two collide as she's walking towards her room. Needless to say, you both go tumbling, hitting the ground hard.
<span class="sisterspeak">"AH--REally!? $name!!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Get your fat-ass off of me!//"</span>
You call back! But your sister's tone changes at your comment.
<span class="sisterspeak">"It.. I'm not really... that fat..."</span>
Her face turns from one of anger to one of sorrow as tears start to form in her lower eyes!
<span class="charthink">"//I may have hit a soft spot.//"</span>
[[No, no, come on! It is just a phrase! I didn't mean it!|Intro7aa][$Intro7aoptiona to "1"]]
[[Fatty! Fatty! Fatty little Mandy!|Intro7ab][$Intro7aoptionb to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/PCHallway1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
She gets up, and you can definitely see tears have developed in her eyes, who knew she was so self-conscious about her weight? I mean sure she has put on some pounds since she graduated, but this? What happened to the mean-spirited sister you knew back in high school? She was the star of women's track, tough, mean, and determined, but now? It's like you are staring at the shadow of her former self! That is not going to fly with you; you are her brother- well, not technically, she is adopted. But no matter! You still aren't going to let that slide!
<span class="charthink">"//Tonight when I get home her and I are going to have a talk!//"</span> you say firmly to yourself!
At that, she gets off the top of you and walks briskly into her room.
<span class="charthink">"//Hey, WAIT, i'm still naked!//"</span>
[[Run and get them clothes on boy!|Intro8a]]
<<set $amandastonerom += 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/PCHallway1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
At that she gets up, she suddenly and completely bursts into tears! Who knew she was so self-conscious about her weight!? I mean sure she has put on some pounds since she graduated, but this! What happened to the mean-spirited sister you knew back in high school? She was the star of women's track, tough, mean, and determined, but now? It's like you are staring at the shadow of her former self! That is not going to fly with you; you are her brother- well, not technically, she is adopted. But no matter! You still aren't going to let that slide!
<span class="charthink">"//Tonight when I get home her and I are going to have a talk!//"</span> you say firmly to yourself!
At that, she gets up off of you and sprints into her room.
<span class="charthink">"//Hey, WAIT, i'm still naked!//"</span>
[[Run and get them clothes on boy!|Intro8a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Clothes1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/PCCar1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You put on your nicest pair of jeans, the fanciest shirt you have, and top it off by throwing a suit jacket on, you know, just for good measure. Then take a sprint for the door.
You throw the front door open, the sun blinds you for a moment, a beautiful summer day!
You run to your car, jumping in the passenger side; and then quickly darting over the central console until you're in the driver seat. Putting your key in the ignition starting the car, until you realize...
<span class="charthink">"//Shit, Where the hell am I going? I didn't ask dad for the address!//"</span>
Jumping out of your car once again, you run into your house and call to the kitchen.
<span class="charspeak">"//DAD, WHAT'S DR. ZHAO'S ADDRESS!?//"</span>
<span class="fatherspeak">"3202 W. PARK STREET!"</span> you hear him yell back.
At that, you slam the front door shut and run back to your car.
<span class="charthink">"//3202 W. Park Street, 3202 W. Park Street, 3202 W. Park Street, 3402 W. Park Street, no wait, 3202 W. Park Street.//"</span> you repeat to yourself as you hit the pedal.
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoHouse1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
Making your way off M.Khalif Ave. You coast your way up to the front 3202 W. Park Street; a large house sits before you, perhaps even a mansion by some metrics.
<span class="charthink">"//Now, that is the kind of house I want to live in!//"</span> you think, as you park and step outside your car.
Taking a look around, you catch a glimpse of the pool in the backyard, this won't be a simple task to keep clean as it looks relatively large. At least the pay is-- wait what is //the pay//? I suppose I can ask Mr. Zhao when I meet him.
Walking up past the gate, you get to the front door swiftly, checking the time on your wristwatch it reads ''12:58''
<span class="charthink">"//Nice! just in time!//"</span> you think to yourself as the door opens before you.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Hello, you must be Mr. $name. punctual."</span>
<<if $Intro3aoptionb == 1>>\
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"and in a very nice outfit too!"</span>
<<set $sophiezhaodom += 1>>\
<<set $sophiezhaomom += 1>>\
[[Hi, I'm looking for your husband Dr. Zhao, he has a job for me?|Part1ZhaoHouse1b][$Part1ZhaoHouse1boptiona to "1"]]
[[This is a wonderful house, very large! You wink!|Part1ZhaoHouse1b][$Part1ZhaoHouse1boptionb to "1"]]
[[Ah, I see this is a switcheroo, you are Dr. Zhao!|Part1ZhaoHouse1b][$Part1ZhaoHouse1boptionc to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouse1boptiona == 1>>\
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Well, you have found Dr. Zhao, though I would prefer Sophie, as, for my husband, he is still asleep. Come I will show you the pool, oh, and those clothes will simply not do. It is none the matter, you can just borrow my husbands."</span>
She then turns and walks into her home, beckoning you inside.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"But clearly it isn't the only thing large around here."</span>
She turns and gives you a quick glance.
<span class="charspeak">"//Uh...?//"</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Is she talking about....//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"My family is at least of equal size, come I will introduce you to my three daughters, as you will be spending time around here, it would be undoubtedly awkward if you do not know them, and when my husband is awake, him too."</span>
[[Follow her deeper into the house.|Part1ZhaoHouse1c]]
<<set $sophiezhaodom += 1>>\
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouse1boptionb == 1>>\
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Why thank you, it is, isn't it. I'm Dr. Zhao, though you can call me Sophie, not Dr. Sophie or Ms. Zhao, just, Sophie. I know a lot about you, your father speaks highly, it would be best not to let him down."</span> She gives a cheeky smile at that.
She then turns and walks into her home, beckoning you inside.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"But clearly it isn't the only thing large around here. "</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Uh...?//"</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Is she talking about....//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"My family is at least of equal size, come I will introduce you to my three daughters, as you will be spending time around here, it would be undoubtedly awkward if you do not know them, and when my husband is awake, him too."</span>
[[Follow her deeper into the house.|Part1ZhaoHouse1c]]
<<set $sophiezhaodom += 1>>\
<<set $sophiezhaomom += 1>>\
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouse1boptionc == 1>>\
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"..and even observant! This will be helpful for your job. Though you can just call me Sophie, no need for Zhao nor the Doctor. Come, I will show you the pool. Oh, and those clothes will simply not do, but it is no matter, you can borrow my husbands."</span>
She then turns and walks into her home, beckoning you inside.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"The house is large, I am sure you have noticed, but clearly it isn't the only thing large around here."</span>
She looks back to you and smiles.
<span class="charspeak">"//Uh...?//"</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Is she talking about....//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"My family is at least of equal size, come I will introduce you to my three daughters, as you will be spending time around here, it would be undoubtedly awkward if you do not know them, and when my husband is awake, him too."</span>
[[Follow her deeper into the house.|Part1ZhaoHouse1c]]
<<set $sophiezhaomom += 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoLivingRoom1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You enter behind Dr.- eh, Sophie Zhao, and, it's not exactly what you were expecting, it looks like a typical home, nothing too fancy or extravagant.
Perhaps one thing is extravagant, though, that minx Sophie! But you are here to do a job you tell yourself.
<span class="charspeak">"//Perhaps I'll do her job!//"</span>
Did you just say that aloud?
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I'm sorry what was that, I didn't catch what you said.?"</span>
Sophie turns and faces you,
[[I said I want to straight fuck that fat ass of yours!|Part1ZhaoHouse2a]]
[[I said I'll do whatever job you give me.|Part1ZhaoHouse2a]]
[[Uh, I said I'll do a good job!|Part1ZhaoHouse2a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia1.PNG" width="450" height="550"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava1.PNG" width="450" height="550"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia1.PNG" width="450" height="550"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<span class="charspeak">"//I said I-//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Mom--"</span>
A female voice says in astonishment.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"--is that the new pool-boy!?"</span>
A voice from upstairs catches your attention; you look up to see a young Asian woman looking down at the two of you from the banister.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"This is my middle-daughter Amelia, Amelia come say hi, this is $name, he will be cleaning our pool from now on."</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I would love to come downstairs mom! But unfortunately, someone is hiding behind me.</span>
She looks over her shoulder despairingly, at what you now realize is a smaller looking girl hiding behind her.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Because! Apparently! Mia is too shy to be seen!"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"hi."</span>
You hear a tiny voice chirp from behind Amelia, she steps out from behind Amelia revealing herself.
That is when the door behind them opens to reveal a late 20's appearing woman.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"What's all this fuss."</span> you hear in a serious voice.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Ava look! The new pool-boy has arrived!"</span> Amelia says cheerfully to her clearly older sister.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Didn't ask, don't care."</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"b-but you just.."</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I. don't. care."</span>
The oldest sister, Ava, then turns and heads into another room upstairs, closing it behind her.
<span class="charthink">"//Well, that was an introduction.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Great, now I do not need to introduce the rabble individually. Come, we still need to do something about that outfit."</span>
[[Follow Sophie some more|Part1ZhaoHouse3a]]
<<if $Intro3aoptionb == 1>>\
<<set $miazhaoexh += 1>>\
<<set $avazhaosub += 1>>\
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 1>>\
<<set $miazhaocnc += 1>>\
<<set $avazhaocuc += 1>>\
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 1>>\
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoKitchenRoom1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You and Sophie walk into the kitchen.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Alright, stay here. I am going to go grab you a pair of swim trunks for you to wear."</span>
She then walks off, disappearing back into the living room, where her three daughters had just accosted the two of you.
<span class="charthink">"//I bet I could see the pool from here, but Sophie said to stay put.//"</span>
You spend about a minute standing around until you hear a footstep from the hallway behind you. Looking back, you see the blur of someone dot behind one of the various outcroppings in the wall.
[[(Mia Path) Perhaps checking out who the hell that was in the hallway would be best.|Part1ZhaoHouseMia1a]]
[[(Ava Path) Nah, I will just wait patiently in the kitchen, after all, that is what Sophie said to do.|Part1ZhaoHouseAva1a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Vasebroke1.PNG" width="550" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You step toward the hallway, making your way into the dark corridor you hear.
You run to see what that sound was, only to find Mia on the ground next to a broken vase.
She looks up and sees you, immediately going beet red at sight.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"I wasn't watching you! Without your knowledge!"</span> she says swiftly and loudly, with more gusto than you thought this girl could handle. Though her words don't reassure you that isn't precisely what she was doing.
<span class="charspeak">"//Are you okay?//"</span> you ask,
<span class="miazhaospeak">"no... not really, I think I just broke my mom's vase... She's going to be really, really, upset, oh jeeze, no, no, no...."</span>
She starts trying to pick up the pieces as fast as she can.
[[Tell her everything will be alright because you guys are going to fix the vase.|Part1ZhaoHouseMia1ba][$Part1ZhaoHouseMia1boptiona to "1"]]
[[Sound's like uh, you-problem.|Part1ZhaoHouseMia1bb][$Part1ZhaoHouseMia1boptionc to "1"]]
[[Yeah, she probably will be, maybe we should just find and tell her.|Part1ZhaoHouseMia1bc][$Part1ZhaoHouseMia1boptionb to "1"]]
[[(Skip Event) I'm glad you're alright, where is a dustpan?|Part1ZhaoHouseSkipmia]]
<<set $miazhaocnc += 1>>\
<<set $miazhaoexh += 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava2.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava3.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava4.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
You stand in the kitchen for a moment and hear a voice come from the hallway,
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Get out of my way weirdo."</span>
You turn and see Ava coming into the kitchen, clearly not talking to you, yet. She looks like she's in an easily excitable mood, not much different from how you saw her about 5 minutes ago when she came out of her room.
She enters the kitchen, looking at you with a scowl, but doesn't say a word, making her way to the cupboard with all the snacks.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"You know what happened to the last pool boy.?"</span> she yells into the pantry, expecting you to hear.
<span class="charspeak">"//Huh, what?//"</span> you say, just wanting to reaffirm what you thought you heard.
She turns and gives you a deadpan look,
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I said- Do. //YOU// know what happened to the last pool boy we had."</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Oh fuck this bullshit, I'm not going to take that.//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I'll humor you, what happened to him?//"</span> you say in an bitter tone.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"My boyfriend beat the shit out of him for talking the way you are talking to me right now!"</span> She says with unquestionable certainty.
<span class="charspeak">"//He... What...//"</span>
And then something in your clicks.
<span class="charspeak">"//Hah! Ha-ha ha-ha! Holy shit! Phew! That's good! I mean, that is good! You had me going there for a second!//"</span> you wipe a fake tear from your eye.
Her eyes alight with rage, upon your comment, she roars,
<span class="avazhaospeak">"''DO YOU THINK I AM FUCKING KIDDING!''"</span>
[[Clearly! In fact, I'd wager you don't even have a boyfriend!|Part1ZhaoHouseAva1ba][$Part1ZhaoHouseAva1boptiona to "1"]]
[[Oooooo, Oh no! he sounds SOOOOO scary! I am quivering in my boots as we speak! |Part1ZhaoHouseAva1bb][$Part1ZhaoHouseAva1boptionb to "1"]]
[[I'd like to see him try to beat my ass, bet the guy has noodle arms to match his noodle cock!|Part1ZhaoHouseAva1bc][$Part1ZhaoHouseAva1boptionc to "1"]]
[[(Skip Event) Don't give her the time of day, shut her down now, by not responding.|Part1ZhaoHouseSkipava]]
<<set $avazhaosub += 1>>\
<<set $avazhaocuc += 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoKitchenRoom1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="miazhaospeak">"There's one in the kitchen... next to the trashcan..."</span>
You head back into the kitchen, finding both a broom and dustpan attached right where Mia said they would be, you come back to the broken vase only to find her gone.
You sweep up the shattered pieces and head into the kitchen, then realize it might not be too good to just toss them. Deciding now would be an excellent time to find Sophie and tell her what happened, but it looks like she has found you first.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Oh, my, what happened here?"</span> she says referencing the shattered vase.
<span class="charspeak">"//Mia tripped over your vase, so I cleaned it up, she kind of disappeared though.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"That sounds like Mia, I am going to go find that girl, maybe put some sense into her head."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Well, if you don't mind me saying, it is just a broken vase.//"</span>
Sophie gives you a quizzical look at this.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Not about the vase! About her not helping you clean it up! I could care less about that vase. It was only ten dollars at Walcart."</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Mia definitely said Sophie was going to be upset, why would she lie?//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Oh.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"-and I am going to be a little longer, I can't find the trunks anywhere!"</span>
[[Stand around for a little longer.|Part1ZhaoHousetranstion1a]]
<<set $skip = 1>>
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia4.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="charspeak">"//This sounds like something we are going to need to fix, ourselves, what do you think?//"</span>
You stretch your arm out and help her up; she's very light, so it doesn't take much effort at all.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Uhm.. eh... you think so...? You really think she wouldn't realize?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Well, even if she does, it will be fixed, right? And at the very least you can say you tried, I think she would be more upset if you just told her you broke it, and left it broken.//"</span>
She looks uncertain at your approach, but you ignore that.
<span class="charspeak">"//Come on, you have to have glue somewhere, it will be a small craft project; while I wait.//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Okay.. but only if you are certain this will work.. I will trust you."</span>
[[Can't be any worse than it is now.|Part1ZhaoHouseMia1d][$Part1ZhaoHouseMia1doptiona to "1"]]
<<set $miazhaoexh += 2>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia3.PNG" width="550" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Please don't tell on me! Please, please, please, It was a mistake! no one needs to know!"</span> she bursts out.
<span class="charspeak">"//I could really car-//"</span>
She cut's you off quickly saying.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Please! I will do anything for you to not tell on me, anything you ask, I'll even do your job for you! "</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Uh, what the fuck, it's literally just a broken vase.//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You will do anything? Even my job?//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"A-n-y-t-h-i-n-g."</span>
[[Take her phone, and put your number in it.|Part1ZhaoHouseMia1ca][$Part1ZhaoHouseMia1coptiona to "1"]]
[[Humiliate her now instead, while she is vunerable.|Part1ZhaoHouseMia1cc][$Part1ZhaoHouseMia1coptionb to "1"]]
<<set $miazhaocnc += 2>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="charspeak">"//She might, but we still have to tell her, better us than her finding out herself.//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"WH-AT! no! We can't tell her! You can't tell her either! She will be so, so, so upset! please-please don't tell her!"</span>
The girl starts panicking, at the contemplation of you telling her mother she broke a vase.
<span class="charthink">"//What is up with this girl!//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Please! i'll do anything! just please don't tell her!"</span>
[[Uh, Anything...?|Part1ZhaoHouseMia1ca][$Part1ZhaoHouseMia1coptiona to "1"]]
[[No, we -ought to tell her.|Part1ZhaoHouseMia1baa][$Part1ZhaoHouseMia1baaoptiona to "1"]]
<<set $miazhaocnc += 1>>\
<<set $miazhaoexh += 1>>\
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/JunkDrawer1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia5.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia6.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie2.PNG" width="450" height="550"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia3.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia2.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
Mia leads you to the area where the glue is stored; it's the fated junk door of any kitchen.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"It's somewhere in there... I'm not sure where..."</span>
You sigh and get to looking for it,
<span class="miazhaospeak">"I'll go get the... pieces..."</span>
She grabs a pan and walks away. After a few minutes of searching, you finally find it, Garoluh glue!
You grab it and turn around looking at the young girl; you are about to speak when you get a glance of...
<span class="charthink">"//Jesucristo de Nazaret, sálvame! Wait- what did even just say? I don't even know Spanish!//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Uh... uh Mia!//"</span>
She turns around looking at you on the floor,
<span class="miazhaospeak">"I'm almost done.... give me one second...!"</span> she then turns back.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"There is just this one piece I can't-"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"-get, Ah Hah!"</span>
She turns around, holding a small vase piece in hand, slightly bobbing up and down, showing it off like she just won a contest.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"So... let's get to it.."</span>
You both take pieces and glue them together, attempting to hide your boner brought on from before: you position yourself behind the young woman and reach over her.
That works until she drops a piece, reaching down to grab it she backs up into you. Massaging your cock with her tiny ass as she does, it feels a little too good for you to resist, leaning in, you press your shaft against the tiny woman's body.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Ah! Oh my... it's so lar-"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I heard a crash! Is everything alright!?"</span>
You jump upon hearing this voice; you look up to see Sophie entering the kitchen!
Your heart pounds out of your chest at this revelation!
She stops entering and goes wide-eyed upon seeing you two.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"''What the hell is this.?''"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Mom..! it's not what it-"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Are you two fixing my old vase! That is just so very thoughtful! I thought I heard a crash earlier!"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Oh..."</span>
She keeps rubbing herself against your hard cock, you try to appear normal, but you can feel a slow tension building...
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Oh my god.... yes....Uh.... I mean, yeah! That is exactly what we... are-are doing!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Uh. Yeah what Mia said!//"</span> You stutter out, giving a fake smile as you do.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Who knew you would be able to bring Mia out of her shell! I certainly didn't! I'm glad you are already making friends!"</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Huh, she is not mad at all, i'm starting to get a suspicion that Mia just made up the angry part...//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"He is just so... mmm... so, nice!"</span>
She says as her tiny ass caress your cock, if no one were around, you'd push this little girl up onto the counter and fuck the shit out of her.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"..I accidentally broke your....ahnn... vase mom...! and he offered to help me... fix it!"</span>
At this, she stops, realizing what she has been doing she goes bright red and then pushes herself forward. Removing herself from you. Looking down, you can see Mia's juices have clearly presented themself onto your jeans, a clear wet-spot has formed on your right thigh.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Oh... oh my god... I . need to go!"</span> She practically screams and runs off as fast as she can blushing hard.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Mia! What's wrong?"</span>
But Mia doesn't answer instead, she just speeds out of the kitchen and disappears into the hallway.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Well, that was strange, thank you anyways $name! Now, I still need to go and find those darn trunks; they aren't where I thought they were at all!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I'll just stay in the kitchen.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"You do that."</span>
[[Go back into the kitchen and wait around some more.|Part1ZhaoHousetranstion1a]]
<<set $miazhaoexh += 3>>\
<<set $eventmia += 1>>
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia8.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/NeckStroke1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia7.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You grab her arms, pinning her between yourself and the wall, she lets out a small moan at your forcefulness, something you wern't expecting, but isn't entirely unwelcome.
<span class="charspeak">"//You will do anything huh.?//"</span> You state in a voice which commands respect.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"yes.... I will.... I will do anything..... anything for you."</span>
She looks away to one side, trying to avoid your gaze. You take this moment to shove your knee into her crotch; she moans again and starts instinctively rubbing herself against it.
<span class="charspeak">"//You will be doing something for me, now look at me.//"</span> you demand.
She trembles to look at you, but she does.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Please... don't hurt me.... I'm just a shy, quiet, and weak, rich girl.... and you're a strong, bruting, monster.... who has just forcefully come into my home and coerced my family into giving you a job... and... and is now holding me, hostage.... against my will! I couldn't do anything to stop you...."</span>
She says, picking up speed, rubbing herself harder against your leg.
You look down at the woman and notice something dripping down her legs onto your thigh.
<span class="charthink">"//is she getting off on this?//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You like this don't you? You dirty-//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"No....I hate it! You pushed me against the wall and are holding me against my will, pushing your hard- fat cock against me-all while I am too useless to stop you... I woul---AgnhnNA!"</span> She moans hard as her body twitches against the wall and pushes hard against your thigh.
<span class="charspeak">"//You do! You are such a dirty. Little. Wh-//"</span>
You go to say something else when you hear footsteps, quickly pushing yourself off the girl.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Oh, my, what happened here?"</span> she says referencing the shattered vase."
You turn around and act quickly, saying the first thing that comes to mind.
<span class="charspeak">"//Hi, Ms. Zhao, your daughter fell, I was just helping her back up; unfortunately, I don't think your vase survived, I am really sorry. //"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Is that right? You seem to be in a huff Mia, everything all alright?"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Uh......"</span> You give her a look before she can finish her sentence, Sophie however, misses your glance.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"I mean! yes, yes, everything's alright, mom! I slipped and when $name went to catch me.... he accidentally broke the vase.... But he didn't mean too!"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Well, I would prefer a vase broken too my daughter, thank you $name, I need to go find those trunks still, why don't you wait in the kitchen."</span>
[[Go back into the kitchen and wait around some more.|Part1ZhaoHousetranstion1a]]
<<set $eventmia += 1>>\
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="miazhaospeak">"No, No, please! I'll do anything! We could try to fix it you and me!"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Just please don't tell my mom! She will be so upset!"</span>
[[Wait, you will do anything..?|Part1ZhaoHouseMia1cc][$Part1ZhaoHouseMia1coptionb to "1"]]
[[Alright, let us go find some glue.|Part1ZhaoHouseMia1d][$Part1ZhaoHouseMia1doptiona to "1"]]
<<set $miazhaocnc += 1>>\
<<set $miazhaoexh += 1>>\
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Phone1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia7.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="charspeak">"//Anything? Fine, give me your phone.//"</span> You demand in a stern voice.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"My... my phone...?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Are you deaf!?//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">Please..! it's really expensive... don't-"</span>
All you do is put your hand out in a motion of ''Give it to me.''
She whimpers and shies away for a second at your forceful nature. She slowly reaches into her pocket and hands you her phone, its small and pink. You flip it open, putting your number inside, and take her number too; then you calmly, hand it back to her.
<span class="charspeak">"//If you want my silence then you are going to have to earn it, I will message you my demands when the time comes, understand?//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"yes.. I understand... as long as it is just me... You demand something from.. I would do anything. Anything! to have you not hurt my family..."</span>
You stand in silence for a moment, thinking about what she just said when hear a voice from behind.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Oh, my! What happened here?"</span> she says referencing the shattered vase"
You turn around and act quickly, saying the first thing that comes to mind.
<span class="charspeak">"//Hi, Ms. Zhao! Your daughter fell, I was just helping her back up; unfortunately, I don't think your vase survived, I am really sorry. //"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Is that right? You look upset Mia, everything alright?"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Uh......"</span> you give her a look of "keep your mouth shut", which Sophie can't see.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"I mean! yes! Everything's alright mom! I slipped and when $name went to catch me.... he accidentally broke the vase.... But he didn't mean too!"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Well, I would prefer a vase broken to a broken daughter. Sorry, it is taking so long $name, I still need to go find those trunks, why don't you wait in the kitchen."</span>
Mia takes this chance to slip away.
[[Go back into the kitchen and wait around some more.|Part1ZhaoHousetranstion1a]]
<<set $eventmia += 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoKitchenRoom1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You stand around a while longer; still, nothing happens. You have maybe been here for 20 minutes now, but it's really starting to drag on into eternity.
<span class="charthink">"//I could go check out the pool while I wait, or better yet, go find Sophie.//</span>
[[(Sophie Path) Go find Sophie and see why it's taking so long.|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1a]]
[[(Amelia Path) Perhaps that would be best, I could go check out that pool.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1a]]
[[(Skip Event) Just stay put.|Part1ZhaoHouseSkip1a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava5.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava4.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<<set $avazhaosub += 2>>\
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I'd like to hear you say that when you are picking up your teeth off the ground."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Again, not afraid. Doesn't exist rememeber?//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Oooo! aren't you just the most insufferable little being!"</span> She yells at you with anger, and storms away toward the entrance
<span class="charspeak">"//You sound like you need a nice hard fuck. Your boyfriend; really must be lacking in his duties.//"</span> You say wanting to get the last word in, adding ample gasoline to the fire.
She stops moving, looks like you struck the nerve you wanted too.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Ha! Want to talk about fucking! Like you even know how to give that to a woman! I'd like to see you try!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//So? You do want to see me give someone a nice, hard, fuck?//"</span>
Like a nuclear bomb falling slowly to the earth, you can tell the cogs inside her head are about to bust.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"you little.. little......."</span>
[[Kaboom.|Part1ZhaoHouseAva1ca][$Part1ZhaoHouseAva1coptiona to "1"]]
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava4.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava5.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<<set $avazhaosub += 1>>\
<<set $avazhaocuc += 1>>\
<span class="avazhaospeak">"HE IS! and you will be picking up your teeth off the ground, if you keep going down this road!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Sure I will, sounds like to me, he doesn't give you enough of what you need.//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Oh!? and just what is that? Say it! Don't be scared! SAY IT!"</span> She yells at you with anger.
<span class="charspeak">"//You. sound. Like. You need the nicest hardest fuck of your life.//"</span> You say in a shitty tone.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Ha! Want to talk about something //good//! Like you even know how to give that to a woman! I'd like to see you try!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//So? you ''do'' want to see me give someone a nice hard fuck?//"</span>
Like a nuclear bomb falling slowly to the earth, you can tell the cogs inside her head are about to bust.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"you little.. little......."</span>
[[Kaboom.|Part1ZhaoHouseAva1cb][$Part1ZhaoHouseAva1coptionb to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava6.PNG" width="450" height="550"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava8.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<<set $avazhaocuc += 2>>\
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Is that a racial slur- because he's Asian!?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//What the fuck, obviously it wasn't! Mainly because, how the fuck was I to even know he was Asian? you are a weird little woman, aren't you?//"</span>
She gets up in your face at this.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Do not. Call. Me. A. Weird. Little. Woman."</span> She looks at you with daggers for eyes.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Must be nice, being white and not constantly oppressed."</span> she says with spite rolling off her tongue.
<span class="charspeak">"//Listen, I don't have the time to unpack whatever screws are loose in your head, but you are starting to really get on my fucking nerves.//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You obviously don't know anything about white privilege, because you can still be white and oppr- why am I even explaining this? You're just trying to start a fight with bullshit.//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Why don't I know anything, huh.? is it because I'm a woman? And a minority on top of that? Just what are you trying to insinuate?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//-No. Listen, I genuinely don't have the time to explain race and privilege to you in a porn game made in HTML, but it isn't at all how you are portraying it.//"</span>
You think she may have turned you out as her next comment is,
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I bet you just love colonizing, and pillaging and taking what you want."</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"That's all you white people are good for, taking //whatever// you want."</span> Adding extra emphasis to "whatever."
She runs her hands down her sides, and for a second, you think she may have shaken her ass at you, but you might also be hallucinating in the fury this woman has caused you with her awful comments.
[[Get up and grab her ass|Part1ZhaoHouseAva1cc][$Part1ZhaoHouseAva1coptionc to "1"]]
[[Jesus Christ, I am in overload.|Part1ZhaoHouseAva1da][$Part1ZhaoHouseAva1doptionb to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoKitchenRoom1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You give her a look, not saying anything more, as you know it will just escalate the situation.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Ok-ay. Got nothing more to say, huh? Is that it? Going to play it that way. Whatever. Not like I wanted to talk to you, anyways."</span>
She storms off with a huff.
[[Wait around a while longer|Part1ZhaoHousetranstion1a]]
<<set $skip = 1>>
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava4.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Fight1.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="avazhaospeak">"''OH MY GOD I HATE YOU! SO FUCKING MUCH! YOU ARE A FUCKING CREATURE !''"</span>
She lunges at you, and you both go down, your back hits the hard tile floor first, and it hurts like a damn bitch.
While on top of you, she uses this moment to grab at your face, you're not sure exactly what she is doing, but it's clear, neither does she.
<span class="charspeak">"//HEY GET OFF OF ME, YOU ANO-MULL!//"</span>
You attempt to say animal, but her hand gets caught in your mouth. She fights with you for a few minutes. Until you gain the advantage and grab both her arms.
<span class="charspeak">"//CALM, Calm down! -and I will let you go!//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"GET YOUR GRUBBY HANDs-"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//CALM! I said! Calm!//"</span>
At that, she stops moving, looking at you, waiting for you to say something.
<span class="charspeak">"//Listen! I take full responsibility for being shitty earlier! But, ''you'' started this. Understand. You came to me looking to start something, and I take no responsibility for that.//"</span> At that, you let her go, and her arms fly back toward herself.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"You don't really think I could get a boyfriend, do you."</span> She says in a low, self-reflective voice.
<span class="charthink">"//Oh boy, she has problems.//"</span>
[[I think you're attractive enough to get a boyfriend|Part1ZhaoHouseAva1da]]
[[You need serious help.|Part1ZhaoHouseAva1db][$Part1ZhaoHouseAva1doptiona to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/EyeBlind1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Why did you say it then.."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//What? That I don't think you have a boyfriend?//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"yeah."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Because, no one in their right mind, goes around telling people they have a boyfriend without provocation, especially when they have first just met them.//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"You think they're too small.."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Have you been listening to anything I've been saying?//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Well they aren't!"</span>
She pulls down her blouse, flashing you.
<span class="charspeak">"//AH! Tits!//"</span> you throw your hands over your eyes.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I knew it! you think they're gross!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//NO! I've known you for 20 minutes, and half of that was spent fighting! What is wrong with you in the head, woman? //"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"He broke up with me.."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//What are you even saying!?//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"My boyfriend."</span>
[[Jesus Christ, I am in overload.|Part1ZhaoHouseAva1dc][$Part1ZhaoHouseAva1doptionb to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava4.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Fight1.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/EyeBlind1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="avazhaospeak">"''OH MY GOD I HATE YOU! SO FUCKING MUCH! YOU ARE A FUCKING CREATURE !''"</span>
She lunges at you, and you both go down, your back hits the hard tile floor first, and it hurts like a damn bitch.
While on top of you, she uses this moment to grab at your face, you're not sure exactly what she is doing, but it's clear, neither does she.
<span class="charspeak">"//HEY GET OFF OF ME, YOU ANO-MULL!//"</span>
You attempt to say animal, but her hand gets caught in your mouth. She fights with you for a few minutes. Until you gain the advantage and grab both her arms.
<span class="charspeak">"//CALM, Calm down! -and I will let you go!//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"GET YOUR GRUBBY HANDs-"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//CALM! I said! Calm!//"</span>
At that, she stops moving, looking at you, waiting for you to say something.
<span class="charspeak">"//Listen! I take full responsibility for being shitty earlier! But, ''you'' started this. Understand. You came to me looking to start something, and I take no responsibility for that.//"</span> At that, you let her go, and her arms fly back toward herself.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"You don't really think I could get a boyfriend, do you."</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Oh boy, she has problems.//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I think you are attractive enough to get a boyfriend.//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Why did you say it then.."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//What? That I don't think you have a boyfriend?//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"yeah."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Because, no one in their right mind, goes around telling people they have a boyfriend without provocation, especially when they have first just met them.//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"You think they're too small.."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Have you been listening to anything I've been saying?//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Well they aren't!"</span>
She pulls down her blouse, flashing you.
<span class="charspeak">"//AH! Tits!//"</span> you throw your hands over your eyes.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I knew it! you think they're gross!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//NO! I've known you for 20 minutes, and half of that was spent fighting! What is wrong with you in the head woman? //"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"He broke up with me.."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//What are you even saying!?//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"My boyfriend."</span>
[[Jesus Christ, I am in overload.|Part1ZhaoHouseAva1dc][$Part1ZhaoHouseAva1doptionb to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/AssGrab1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You get up and grab her ass, sexually assaulting the girl, pushing her against you as you do.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I knew your filthy white blood couldn't help but grabbing what you want!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You think your boyfriend would notice a half-white baby?//"</span> You say with spite.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I wouldn't! How dare you even think of filling my womb with your seed."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Turn around whore.//"</span>
She turns around, giving a "hmph" as she does.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Better...?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Now get the fuck on your knees and start sucking.//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I wouldn't ever suck your fat- juicy- big -white- cock!"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"But, maybe this will satisfy your craving for now you dirty white-monster."</span>
She then pulls her shirt up, flashing her tits at you, letting you look at them for as long as you so desire.
That is until you then hear footsteps approaching, it's probably Sophie back from getting you her husband's trunks.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Some other time...?"</span>
Ava says coyly, looking a little panicked from knowing her mom almost caught you two.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Hey everything okay? I thought I heard yelling?"</span> Sophie says as she enters the room.
<span class="charspeak">"//Ha, ha, nope none of that! Must have been the other girls!//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Yea. What the white-boy said."</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Are they seriously still fighting over who's shirt that was!? Mia, Amelia!"</span>
Sophie then storms off toward the stairs. Ava takes her leave in this as well, leaving without saying another word.
[[Stand around and wait for Sophie to come back.|Part1ZhaoHousetranstion1a]]
<<set $eventava += 1>>
<<set $avazhaocuc += 2>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Kissing2.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Tea1.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I guess.."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Here, lets get up,//"</span>
She gets off of you but stays kneeling on the floor looking into space.
<span class="charspeak">"//Wheres the..//"</span>
<span class="charthink">"//This girl needs help.//"</span>
You go to the pantry,
<span class="charspeak">"//What is your favourite tea?//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Chamomile."</span>
You grab the tea bag and head for the teapot, putting in the bag closing it, letting it steep. You then make your way to the living room where you promptly grab a blanket and head back, tucking the blanket over her. As a last motion, you head back toward the tea, pouring it into a cup, and handing it to her.
You sit in front of her; tears are developing in the rim of this girl's eyes, and she takes a small drink. Giving her a little kiss on the head as you do.
<span class="charspeak">"//Now, this was not how I expected this to end.//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Me neither."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//It's either, actually.//"</span> you say in a geeky voice.
She gives a small soft smile, as you break through her shell momentarily, but just like that, her barriers come back up.
You hear footsteps approaching, it's probably Sophie back from getting you her husband's trunks.
Ava looks a little in shock, but just get's up and sits at the kitchen table, not wanting to appear weak in front of her mom, you suppose.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Everything alright here, I thought I heard yelling?"</span> She looks over at Ava staring blankly at nature outside
<span class="charspeak">"//We heard it too, maybe it was the other girls?//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Is that right Ava? everything okay?"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Yeah, we didn't yell. I'm okay, mom, thanks for asking."</span>
Sophie clearly wasn't expecting a response like that, and she is clearly taken aback.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Now I know somethings off! You never say thank you to anyone! Why don't we talk, you and I? Come on, the pool boy can wait one second."</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"No thanks. I'm gonna go to my room."</span>
Ava gets up and leaves at that.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Well, that's just strange, I am going to find you those trunks, stay right here, they aren't at all where I thought they were!"</span>
[[Stand around a while longer and wait for Sophie to come back.|Part1ZhaoHousetranstion1a]]
<<set $avazhaosub += 2>>\
<<set $eventava += 1>><div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Kissing4.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="charspeak">"//I don't think I have ever been this overloaded with information in my entire-//"</span>
You get cut off as she grabs your collar and passionately kisses you.
You pull back, but she just simply says
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Please."</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Please. Look at them. Tell me they're good."</span>
She lifts her shirt once again, showing you her tits.
<span class="charspeak">"//Wuh... Huh....//"</span>
You attempt to say as you are entranced by her perky nipples.
She then puts her shirt back down.
<span class="charthink">"//What. just. happened.//"</span>
You hear footsteps approaching, it's probably Sophie back from getting you her husband's trunks, Ava quickly puts her shirt back on and just get up and sits at the kitchen table.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Hey, everything okay? I thought I heard yelling?"</span> Sophie says as she enters the room.
<span class="charspeak">"//NO, none of that! Must have been the other girls!//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Yea. What the pool-boy said."</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Are they seriously still fighting over who's shirt that was!? Mia, Amelia!"</span>
Sophie then storms off toward the stairs. Ava takes her leave in this as well, leaving without saying another word.
[[Stand around and wait for Sophie to come back.|Part1ZhaoHousetranstion1a]]
<<set $avazhaosub += 1>>\
<<set $avazhaocuc += 1>>\
<<set $eventava += 1>><div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Thinking1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoLivingRoom1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You head into the hallway looking for Sophie, doing some quick math in your head, you saw four doors upstairs, each probably leads to one of the three girls rooms, with the fourth being a bathroom. You summarize this because the three girls were upstairs when you entered, you also saw one door downstairs near the entrance, which must be the master bedroom since Sophie went back into the hallway to grab a pair of swim trunks from her husband's drawers!
<span class="devspeak">"Wow, you are really smart! I'm glad that wasn't contrived at all."</span>
You walk to her door, making your way through the hallway, finding the door now ajar.
<span class="charthink">//I bet this is where she is.//</span> you say to yourself and quickly call out, <span class="charspeak">//Sophie...?//</span>, but get no response.
[[Look inside|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1b]]
<<set $sophiezhaodom += 1>>\
<<set $sophiezhaomom += 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoPool2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Underwater1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Pool2.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You got to check out the pool, nimbly opening the back door to the outside, a gentle hot breeze settles over you. Walking outside and closing the door behind, you stare at the pool you notice something strikingly odd, the lake is clean, well. Mostly. Sure there is a leaf floating along the top, here, and a piece of plant resting at the bottom of the pool. But, honestly, this is nothing compared to what you thought you would be doing.
<span class="charthink">"//Huh, guess my job will be straightforward then.//"</span> you say to yourself, taking in the warm sun-filled sky.
Then you feel hands on your back, and a shove, before you know what's happening, you are heading straight into the pool!
It's icy. It's frigid; you did not expect it to be so fucking cold!
Getting your bearing, you swim up toward the sky and break the surface tension, you gasp for air, and try to blow out all the water that got lodged up your nose in the event. You start paddling toward the siding, breaking a good sweat as you do, since all those wet clothes are weighing you down. When you finally arrive at the edge, you pull yourself up with all your strength and end up on land once more, you look up, spotting Amelia. Who is now resting on a pool chair, giving you a look.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Oh-no. you fell in! Guess now you are def-inite-ly going to have to get out of those clothes! Good thing I was here, or you wouldn't have a towel!"</span> Amelia says, with great coyness, and motions you towards the pool chair adjacent to her, which rests both a skimpy speedo and a towel.
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah, I am not wearing that.//"</span> you say sternly.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"But your clothes are all wet!"</span>
She gives you a look of innocence, slightly nodding her head in a "Tsk Tsk Tsk" fashion.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"It look like you really don't have a choice.."</span>
[[Keep it cool and explain that her mother is getting you a pair of swimtrunks.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1ba][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1boptiona to "1"]]
[[Blow up on this girl! She just threw you in!|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1bb][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1boptionb to "1"]]
[[Pick this tiny girl up and throw her in the pool too!|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1bc][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1boptionc to "1"]]
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 1>>\
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoKitchenRoom1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You stay put only for Sophie to come back 5 minutes later with a pair of trunks!
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Guess what I found!"</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Great, thank you for letting me borrow them Miss Zhao.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Please, just Sophie!"</span>
You head toward the bathroom.
<span class="charspeak">"//These look a little small. to be honest.//"</span>
[[Head into the restroom|Part1ZhaoHouse4a]]
<<if $skip gte 1>>\
<span class="devspeak">"Psssst, Hey, I see you skipped both, you want to just skip to the Amanda part at the end of Part 1? I.e. skip the whole pool boy stuff.</span>
[[Sure.|Part1ZhaoHouseEnd3][$skip to "2"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia3.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia4.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah, I am seriously not wearing that.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"But why not? I think it would suit you, unlike your suit. Why did you wear a suit to a pool-boy job?"</span>
<span class="charthink">"//You know, she brings up a good point... why did I? Whoa, whoa, whoa, -hold on a damn second, It would have been fine had she not just thrown me in the pool!//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Hey, it would have been fine had you not thrown me into the pool!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"No. No, I really don't think it would have. Maybe you should try something more liberating, like.." </span>
She grabs the speedo and holds it up with one finger.
<span class="charspeak">"//I am not wearing that, I told you already. Twice.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Aren't you just the party pooper!" </span>
At that, she gets up throwing the speedo back down and grabs the towel,
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Come on, take your shirt off; I know mom's grabbing you something else anyways." </span>
The shirt is bugging, being so weighed down with water that you take it off regardless of whether or not you want to spite the little troublemaker.
Once your shirt is off, she wraps the towel around you, getting much closer than is necessary and pushes herself tightly against you.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Hey, I'm sorry alright."</span>
She starts somber, but slowly, she builds back to her joking and smiling self.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You just were standing so perfectly next to that water I just couldn't help myself! I won't do it again, I pinky promise." </span>
She hold's out her pinky, waiting for you to lock yours.
[[Pinky promise her.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1cb][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1coptionb to "1"]]
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 2>>\
<<if $cheat == 1>>
This was going to be a choice but it didn't fit narratively, you can still check it out though, it will take you to the same place with no consequences, I.e. it's fully implemented.
[[Nope. Not going to do that.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1ca][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1coptiona to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia3.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia4.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia8.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah, I am seriously not wearing that.//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I don't know who you think you are, Amelia, but that was a real shitty move.//"</span>
She weirdly prefects a southern accent and says,
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Well, now, I just don't know what you mean by that."</span>
<span class="charthink">"//I'm starting to get the sinking feeling this girl is a psycopath.//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Listen, Amelia.//"</span> you say sternly.
She darts her eyes to you, waiting for you to say your next word, but instead, you say nothing, and just give her a grimacing look.
You hold the look for, one, two, three, four...
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Okay, Okay! look I'm sorry, you were just soooo in that //zone!// For me not to have ruined it would have been like, hitting the lottery, but I promise I won't do it again."</span>
She stands up grabbing the towel and brings it to you,
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Here, let's get that shirt off of you."</span>
You take your shirt off, and she wraps your now shivering torso with the towel.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"C'mon let's get you inside, so I can put your clothes in the laundry, I am sure mom has found you another pair to wear."</span>
[[Follow Amelia inside.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1da]]
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 2>>\
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 2>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia2.PNG" width="700" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Pool1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia5.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1Amelia6.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You grab the tiny girl and pick her up, hoisting her over your shoulders.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Hey! Hey! What are you- Oh, I see how this is going to be!"</span>
You get to the edge of the pool, and toss her in, however unfortunately for you, she gets ahold of your shirt, and you both fly into the water together.
<span class="charspeak">"//Woa- No -no -n//"</span> You start to say but are quickly cut off as you once again hit the water.
When you get back to the surface, Amelia is staring at you with a big smile on her face.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Now, that was evil!"</span> She says in a mocking voice.
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah! Well, you-//"</span> once again, you are cut off by a giant wave of water hitting your face! She is splashing you!
You make some attempts to splash back at her, but your clothes are really making you quite the opposite of nimble!
You decide to grab her and show her a real splash.
<span class="charspeak">"//Come here you little-//"</span>
You start paddling toward her as fast as you can eventually start catching up despite your predicament.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Oh no, no, no, no"</span> she starts saying over and over as she attempts to run away, towards the stairs of the pool.
Gaining speed, you get about a half a foot away until she gets to a part of the pool she can actually reach with her legs. When that happens, her pace turns from a turtle to Usain Bolt, and she sprints away from you. That is until you also get leverage and make your way up the stair too, following her closely.
You run after her, gaining speed, you pouncing like a tiger at the exact quintessential moment. What follows is you both hitting the grass.
She flips over, back to the grass, as you pin her down under you.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You- you really killed me out there! But, I still got you right where I want you."</span> She gives a wink and a seductive little wiggle under you.
Panting from all the exercise you just exposed your body too, you say
<span class="charspeak">"//Je-Jesus christ, W-hew! I'm dying here.//"</span> you say in between ragged breaths, you feel the tiny beads of sweat roll down your forehead hitting the ground bellow.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"So? Are you going to just look lovingly into my eyes, between your ragged, panting, hard, breaths, or are you going to kiss me?"</span>
[[Go in for the kill.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1cc][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1coptionc to "1"]]
[[Tease her.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1cd][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1coptiond to "1"]]
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 3>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/PinkyPromise1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
Wrapping your pinky around hers, she smiles.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"No hard feelings?"</span> she says softly.
<span class="charspeak">"//There a few hard feelings.//"</span> you respond jokingly with a small smile.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"That I will take! Well, come on! let's get those clothes of yours in the dry-yah!"</span> She says with a weird take on the word "dryer."
[[Follow Amelia inside.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1da]]
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 2>>\
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You refuse, looking at her coldly.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You are really torn up about this.."</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Well, we still need to get those clothes dry and off of you, come on."</span>
[[Follow Amelia inside.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1da]]
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia9.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia19.gif" width="550" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie2.PNG" width="450" height="500"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie3.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
After that debacle, you head inside with Amelia. You pull open the door to the kitchen and head inside, leaking pool water all over the floor but eventually making it to the laundry room.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Strip to your underwear."</span>
You go to say something back, but before you can, she tilts her head and gives you a "really?" look.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I just saw you shirtless"</span>
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1coptionc == 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">...and you just kissed me too! If anyone should be embarassed, trust me, it's me."</span>
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1coptiond == 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"...and you just made me moan, like five minutes ago! If anyone should be embarrassed, trust me, it's me."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I still think it's a little different.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"FINE! I'll close my eyes! No fun!"</span>
You take off your clothes in their laundry room as a very attractive lady stands next to you with her fingers covering her eyes.
You struggle to get your jeans off with how drenched they are, though as you finally get them off, you hear.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Wow. That is fucking hu-"</span>
You look up, and she has taken her hand's off her eyes and is now staring at the sizable bulge in your boxers.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I-! MEAN! NOT LOOKING!"</span>
She swiftly recovers her eyes, though the damage is done.
<span class="charspeak">"//Well, at least I now know with you, I can guarantee 100% privacy.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"That-s ME!"</span>
You shake your head and put your clothes in the washer.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"He-Here is a towel."</span> She hands you one off the top of the washer with her eyes still covered, and you take the opportunity to wrap it around yourself.
A head pops around the corner to the laundry room,
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I thought I heard- Now just what the hell is going on in here!?"</span>
Seeing you half-naked with a towel around your waist and her daughter in a small room together does not seem to have made her happy.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I pushed him in the pool!"</span> Amelia says as quick as she can.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"yoU WHAT!? AMELIA! How irresponsible of you! He's been here for 10 minutes! And you up and threw him in the pool!? It's no wonder you can't get a boyfriend! But that is a whole other issue! What the hell is the matter with you?"</span>
[[Stick up for Amelia|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1e][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1eoptiona to "1"]]
[[Yeah, It was pretty bad|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1e][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1eoptionb to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia20.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia8.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You cement your lips onto hers, passionately kissing the girl under you, but she pulls away suddenly.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"AH!"</span> She screams with a fright!
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I mean, I know I told you to do it! But I was just playing around! I didn't think you would actually do it!"</span> she says with an expression of shock plastered across her face.
<span class="charspeak">"//Oh, uh...//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"No hard feelings, but context clues man!"</span> she gives you a soft punch on the shoulder. You get up off her, helping her to her feet and dusting yourself off as you do.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Hey, but we still need to get you out of those wet clothes, Well come on, I'll take you to the laundry room."</span>
[[Follow Amelia inside.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1da]]
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 1>>\
<<set $ameliazhaocmp -= 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia21.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia22.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia7.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You let off some of the tension in your arms holding you up above her, not all of it, but enough to get very, close, and personal. You brush your leg against hers, pushing it down the length of her inner thigh; you can feel the electricity course through her veins as she reacts to your body's demands. Taking your hand and reach into her thick hair, you coil it in and around your finger, giving a tiny tug here, and lightly pull there. She makes a moaning sound, at least it sounded like one tiny moan, though you cannot fully tell. At this, you take the advantage of moving your body firmly atop of hers, pressing your cock right into her as she makes a pure unsolicited moan.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Staa--
You move your lips to about two centimeters away from hers, acting if you are going to kiss her. Her hot breath tingles across your lips as you make your final power play, you simply get off of her. She shakes her head, looking bewildered at this move you have just made.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Hey-! No fair I was-"</span>
Upon realizing what she was about to say, she goes red.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I mean- I mean-"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//So, how about drying my clothes?//"</span> you change the subject.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Yeah- Yeah inside is the dryer. I'll show you to it."</span>
As she walks towards the door, she stops and says.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Uh... you should lead.."</span>
[[Head inside.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1da]]
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 2>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoBathRoom1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Shorts1.PNG" width="450" height="550"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
Once you grab the shorts, Sophie takes you to the downstairs bathroom,
<<if $event1amelia == 1>>\ and you take the towel off. The cold air hits you and makes you shiver, but you quickly put on the swimming trunks.
<<else>>\stepping in, you quickly take your clothes off and put on the swimming trunks in their absence.
Though it seems you have another issue, these swimming trunks are two sizes too small.
<span class="charthink">//What the fuck! These are supposed to be her husbands!?//</span> you think to yourself, because unfortunately for you, your dick looks as if it is about to rip the seams of the fabric. It's not even close to being able to fit! What the fuck are you even going to do now!?
<span class="charthink">What the fuck am I even going to do now!?</span> you summerize to yourself.
<<if $eventsophie gte 1>>\
[[Tell Sophie you have a ''big'' problem|Part1ZhaoHouse5aa][$Part1ZhaoHouse5aoptiona to "1"]]
[[Just act like nothing is the matter|Part1ZhaoHouse5aa][$Part1ZhaoHouse5aoptionb to "1"]]
[[Ask Sophie if her husband has a bigger pair?|Part1ZhaoHouse5aa][$Part1ZhaoHouse5aoptiona to "1"]]
[[Tell Sophie you have a ''big'' problem|Part1ZhaoHouse5ab][$Part1ZhaoHouse5aoptiona to "1"]]
[[Just act like nothing is the matter|Part1ZhaoHouse5ab][$Part1ZhaoHouse5aoptionb to "1"]]
[[Ask Sophie if her husband has a bigger pair?|Part1ZhaoHouse5ab][$Part1ZhaoHouse5aoptiona to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Car1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You get into the car, about to take it out of the park when you feel your phone vibrate. Thinking it might be Sophie, or maybe one of the girls, you pull it out and check your texts.
It's from your adopted sister, Amanda.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Hey?
Can you pick something up from the store before you come home."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//What do you want?//"</span>
You send back.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Mint Ice-cream. xoxo"</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Who uses "XOXO" still?//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Sure, but your taste in ice-cream is-//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"THANK YOU!"</span>
[[Head to the store before you get home.|Part1Store]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie2.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie3.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You make your way to that door, pushing it open slowly. Peering in, you see a lump under a bunch of covers on the bed, which must be her husband, and to your right, oh wow...
Sophie has pulled down part of her blouse, exposing her wonderful tits, though her bra blocks the full view. Her hand is buried in her skirt, moving ruggedly as though someone was trying to get off as fast as they can. She lets out little moans as she continues to fuck herself in front of you, all the while not knowing you are watching.
From this scene of intense pleasure, you can start to feel a rising in your pants.
You take a step back, hiding behind the door.
<span class="charthink">//Fuck me, she is so hot, god I wish she would let me fuck her, at least once..//</span>
You start rubbing the outside of your pants, wishing that she knew you were here..
[[I want to be caught, to be honest.|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1ca][$Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1coptiona to "1"]]
[[Make your presence known!|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1cb][$Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1coptionb to "1"]]
[[Stop, You can't risk getting caught.|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1cc][$Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1coptionc to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie6.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You slowly unzip your pants, making sure not to make any noise; at that moment, Sophie turns the corner!
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"What do you possibly think you're doing! You naughty boy!"</span> She grabs you by the collar and pushes you up against a wall!
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Not only were you spying on me, but you thought you could masturbate right here! In my own hallway! You have some nerve, boy."</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Maybe, we will just see how much nerve you have!"</span>
[[Look's like you're in trouble.|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1ce][$Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1caoptionb to "1"]]
<<set $sophiezhaodom += 3>>\
</div><div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie5.gif" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
You stop touching yourself and knock on the door, quietly.
<span class="charspeak">//Sophie? I just wanted to make sure everything was okay...?//</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Ehem, everything is just fine."</span>
She walks out of the room, with a pair of trunks her hand, all put back together.
She sizes you up and down and then gives a look.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"You were spying on me weren't you?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">//What- What makes you say that!?//</span> you say in a not too convincing-lying voice.
[[Just tell her the truth, she caught you red-handed.|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1da][$Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1doptiona to "1"]]
[[Keep lying!|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1ce][$Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1caoptionb to "1"]]
<<set $sophiezhaodom += 1>>\
<<set $sophiezhaomom += 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie7.gif" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie4.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
You stop touching yourself and step away from the door, but right at that moment the door swings open, she walks out of the room, with a pair of trunks her hand, all put back together.
She sizes you up and down and then gives a look.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"You were spying on me, weren't you? Didn't your mother ever teach you manners? boy."</span>
<span class="charspeak">//What- What makes you- I wasn't spying I swear!//</span> you say in a not too convincing voice.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"-And after being caught red-handed, you are still lying! Unbelievable. Sounds like you need someone to teach you some manners!"</span>
[[Yes, someone absolutetly does need too!|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1cd][$Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1caoptiona to "1"]]
[[No! This is all a mistake.|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1ce][$Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1caoptionb to "1"]]
<<set $sophiezhaomom += 2>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie4.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<span class="charspeak">"//Please, I do need someone to teach me manners, my mom didn't teach me right!//"</span> you cry out.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"That is what I thought! I will just have to take the role over myself, you insolent, little child."</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"But, I do think you deserve a little reward for admitting it so earnestly"</span>
She pulls her blouse down once again, showing you her beautiful tits.
<span class="charspeak">"//Ah.. uh...em...//"</span> you try to muster a sentence but nothing comes to mind.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Now! That's it!"</span>
She once again pulls up her blouse.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Come, we are going to discuss what you think you deserve as payment."</span>
[[Follow her.|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1e]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<span class="charspeak">//This-this is all just a-//</span>
<span class="charthink">//DID SHE JUST SLAP ME?//</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Keep lying and you will get another!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">//Hey you can't-//</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Talk back, and you will get another I said!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">//But you-//</span>
At this point, your cheek is too red and hot for you to muster the courage to talk back.
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1coptiona == 1>>\
[[Please I beg you, stop!|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1db][$Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1doptionb to "1"]]
[[I'm sorry, I do need someone to teach me manners!|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1dc][$Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1doptionc to "1"]]
<<set $sophiezhaodom += 3>>\
<<set $sophiezhaomom += 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie5.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie6.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
Sophie walks into the kitchen and sits down at the table across from you, motioning you to sit which you indeed do.
<<if $sophiezhaodom gt $sophiezhaomom>>\
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Because of your refusal to act properly!"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"You will be cleaning my pool for a quarter of what I was going to pay you! Which will be eight dollars an hour, and you should be thankful for getting even that much!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">//Yes, ma'am.//</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Wait, so I was going to be paid thrity-two dollars an hour? Jesus christ!//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Perhaps if you act better we can raise the amount, but for now that will be it, plus you will also be getting lessons in proper civic virtue! -and exactly what not to do when entering a stranger's home."</span> She looks at you seductively upon that last comment.
Getting up, she heads towards you, leaning down in front of you to accentuate her tits before slamming a pair of swimming trunks in front of you.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Now go put these shorts on young man.</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Because of your dying need to learn some manners!"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"You will be cleaning my pool for half of what I was going to pay you! Which will be sixteen dollars an hour, and you should be thankful for getting even that much!"</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Wait, so I was going to be paid thrity-two dollars an hour? Jesus christ!//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">//Yes, mom-ma'am.//</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Perhaps if you act better we can raise the amount, but for now that will be it! Plus, you will also be getting lessons in proper civic virtue! -and exactly how to treat a lady when entering her home."</span> She looks at you seductively upon that last comment.
Getting up, she heads towards you, leaning down in front of you to accentuate her tits, before slamming a pair of swimming trunks in front of you.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Now go put these shorts on young man.</span>
[[Head into the restroom.|Part1ZhaoHouse4a]]
<<set $eventsophie += 1>>
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<span class="charspeak">//Please!//</span> you call out.
<span class="charspeak">//I lied, please! Just stop!//</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Beg. Boy. Beg."</span>
<span class="charspeak">//Please, no more! It hurts!//</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I will tell you when I am done! Do we have an understanding?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">//Ye-//</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Good. From now on you will refer to me as Mistress."</span>
<span class="charspeak">//Yes-yes mistress.//</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Let's discuss your punishment for your insolence, come, slave."</span>
[[Follow your mistress.|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1e]]
<<set $sophiezhaodom += 3>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie4.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<span class="charspeak">"//Please, I do need someone to teach me manners, my mom didn't teach me right!//"</span> you cry out.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"That is what I thought! I will just have to take the role over myself, you insolent, little child."</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"But, because of your failure to see the truth, and forcing my hand, you will not get any reward from me! Unless you beg."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Please, please, I'm so sorry for trying to pretend I wasn't spying on you, I'll do anything for your sympathy!//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Now! Isn't that a just a good little boy."</span>
She pulls her blouse down once again, showing you her beautiful tits.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Now! That's it! Good boy!"</span>
She once again pulls up her blouse.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Come, we are going to discuss what you think you deserve as payment."</span>
[[Follow her.|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1e]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<span class="charspeak">//You caught me, I'm so sorry, please, it was just an accident!//<span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Doesn't appear like an accident to me! How would that work hm? Accidentally spying."</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"It looks like someone needs to be taught some manners. I taught three girls! I think I can manage one more insolent little child."</span>
<span class="charspeak">//What!? I have manners!//<span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Did I ask you? Speaking out of turn is not manners, young man!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">//But-//<span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"No, -buts!"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Come we are going to discuss you payment!"</span>
[[Follow her.|Part1ZhaoHouseSophie1e]]
<<set $sophiezhaodom += 1>>\
<<set $sophiezhaomom += 1>>\
<span class="hide"></div>\</span>
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia10.PNG" width="450" height="600"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie3.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1eoptiona == 1>>\
<span class="charspeak">"//No, no, it's really not that bad, they're just clothes..//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Well, now I am worried!"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Either you bribed this poor boy, Amelia, or gaslighted him! and I am not sure which is worse!"</span>
You hear Amelia talk, it's like she's shrunken to a smaller self at this ridicule.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I'm sorry, mom, I just thought it would be funny, I didn't mean any harm by it.."</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I certainly hope you got your laughs out then!"</span>
At that Amelia turns and leaves the laundry room,
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I am sorry about her, sometimes she can get a little out of hand. Looks like you need new clothes anyway, here take these."</span>
She hands you a pair of shorts. They look a little small if you have to be honest.
[[Time to go put them on|Part1ZhaoHouse4a]]
<<set $ameliazhaocmp -= 1>>\
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1eoptionb == 1>>\
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah it was pretty awful..//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Hey! You were supposed to have my back!"</span>
Amelia punches your shoulder jokingly.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"AMELIA! THIS is not a time for joking! You could have hurt $name! Do you understand that!?"</span>
As Sophie talks, Amelia seems to shrink to a smaller self at her ridicule.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I'm sorry, mom, I just thought it would be funny, I didn't mean any harm by it.."</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I certainly hope you got your laughs out then!"</span>
At that Amelia turns and leaves the laundry room,
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I am sorry about her, sometimes she can get a little out of hand. Looks like you need new clothes anyway, here take these."</span>
She hands you a pair of shorts. They look a little small if you have to be honest.
[[Time to go put them on|Part1ZhaoHouse4a]]
<<set $ameliazhaoply -= 1>>\
<<set $eventamelia += 1>>
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/PCCock.gif" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie8.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie9.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie7.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie4.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouse5aoptiona == 1>>\
<<if $sophiezhaomom gte $sophiezhaodom>>\
<span class="charspeak">"//Sophie, there seems to be an issue.//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You, don't happen to have another pair do you?//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Open the door, let me see what the problem is!"</span>
You unlock the door, and it opens about just as fast, She stops and looks at the swim trunks.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Is this from earlier!?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No ma'am! they're just too tight!//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I don't believe this! No one is that big! Do I need to tell you what happens to liars!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No! Look, miss! You pull down your boxers to reveal your cock, just hanging out.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Oh my, it does appear you need some help, not only with your manners but, with- that, as well! Who knew you would be such a man down there."</span>
You tense up at this, but she gets on her knees.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Lay down and let your new mommy take care of your little problem."</span>
You do as you're commanded; she pulls down her blouse, revealing her gorgeous tits once again, and positions herself near your side.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Whenever you have an issue like this, you come to me, okay? Mommy will fix your issues any-time"</span>
At that, she positions herself next to you, taking your cock into her mouth, the feeling sends tingles up your spine as her hot breath soothes your senses.
<span class="charspeak">"//Jesu-s H. Christ... Missus Zhao please don't stop...//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Don't worry Hunny, mommy will take care of you! All you need is to come, can you do that for me, sweetie? Just cum, cum all over mommy's pretty face!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Fu-Fuck, please don't stop, Missus Zhao!//"</span> You stutter out, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to climax.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Langauge! You don't want mommy to have to stop? do you?"</span>
She keeps sucking your dick, feeling up every inch with her tongue, milking it to an explosion.
<span class="charspeak">"//Mi-sss Zhao-- plea-//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Do you like this, Hunny? Perhaps next time you can lick my pussy while I suck your fat cock, you can make mommy feel good too!
Do you like having mommy suck your fat cock? I bet you want to come all over mommy right now? Will you come for me baby? Come for me, please!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//ye--yesss!//"</span> you desperately try to say.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Please come all over me, baby. I want to be coated with your cum!"</span>
The wonderful bliss of being degraded and pleasured brings you to a breaking point. She opens wide, seeing your resolve breaking and you cum in her mouth, never did you think working- ''worshiping'' this Asian milf would be so good.
She stands up though her beautiful tits are still out.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Clean up! -and then go clean the pool! Perhaps when you are done, there might be more waiting for you."</span> She says as she licks your cum off her lips.
[[Head out to the pool|Part1ZhaoHouse7b]]
<<set $sophiezhaomom += 1>>\
<<if $sophiezhaomom lt $sophiezhaodom>>\
<span class="charspeak">"//Sophie, there seems to be an issue.//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You, don't happen to have another pair do you?//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Open the door, let me see what the problem is!"</span>
You unlock the door, and it opens about just as fast, She stops and looks at the swim trunks.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Is this from earlier!?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No ma'am! they're just too tight!//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I don't believe this! No one is that big! Do I need to tell you what happens to liars!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No! Look, miss! You pull down your boxers to reveal your cock, just hanging out.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"How dare you! You sick boy! I did not ask to see it! Now I'm going to have to punish you!"</span>
You tense up at this, but she gets on her knees.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Lay down you sick boy!"</span>
At that, she positions herself next to you, taking your cock into her mouth, the feeling sends tingles up your spine as her hot breath soothes your senses.
<span class="charspeak">"//Jesu-s H. Christ... Missus Zhao please don't stop...//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"This is going to be your punishment from now on! Every-time you make a mistake, you will have to deal with the consequences!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Fu-Fuck, please don't stop, Missus Zhao!//"</span> You stutter out, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to climax.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Langauge boy! -Or else there may be more sever consequences to your actions!"</span>
She keeps sucking your dick, feeling up every inch with her tongue, milking it to an explosion. But suddenly she stops, gaining a stranglehold on your cock, gripping it tight between her fingers, and squeezing it until there is pain.
<span class="charspeak">"//Mi-sss Zhao-- plea-//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Do you like this, young man? You really are sick! I bet you would like it if I suffocated you with my pussy! Begging for air as you desperately try to suck up all of my juices!
You're a little boy-slut, and you will be treated as such, do you understand? I will fuck you when I please, and you will worship the ground I walk on. Is there an understanding! Boy."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//ye--yesss!//"</span> you desperately try to say.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Good! then I am going to make your dirty little cock cum. Cum for me, boy! Do it!"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Release your dirty semen all over me!"</span>
The wonderful bliss of being degraded and pleasured brings you to a breaking point. She opens wide, seeing your resolve breaking and you cum in her mouth, never did you think working- ''worshiping'' this Asian milf would be so good.
She stands up though her beautiful tits are still out.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Clean up! -and then go clean my pool! You have been nothing but trouble all day!"</span> She says as she licks your cum off her lips.
[[Head out to the pool|Part1ZhaoHouse7b]]
<<set $sophiezhaodom += 1>>\
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouse5aoptionb == 1>>\
<<if $sophiezhaomom gte $sophiezhaodom>>\
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Oh My! That is not going to work at all, get back in there!"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Is this from earlier!?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No ma'am! they're just too tight!//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I don't believe this! No one is that big! Do I need to tell you what happens to liars!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No! Look, miss! You pull down your boxers to reveal your cock, just hanging out.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Oh my, it does appear you need some help, not only with your manners but your fat cock as well! Who knew you would be such a man down there."</span>
You tense up at this, but she gets on her knees.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Lay down and let your new mommy take care of your little problem."</span>
You do as you're commanded; she pulls down her blouse, revealing her gorgeous tits once again, and positions herself near your side.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Whenever you have an issue like this, you come to me, okay? Mommy will fix your issues any-time"</span>
At that, she positions herself next to you, taking your cock into her mouth, the feeling sends tingles up your spine as her hot breath soothes your senses.
<span class="charspeak">"//Jesu-s H. Christ... Missus Zhao please don't stop...//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Don't worry hunny, mommy will take care of you! All you need is to come, can you do that for me, sweetie? Just cum, cum all over mommy's pretty face!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Fu-Fuck, please don't stop, Missus Zhao!//"</span> You stutter out, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to climax.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Langauge! You don't want mommy to have to stop? Do you?"</span>
She keeps sucking your dick, feeling up every inch with her tongue, milking it to an explosion.
<span class="charspeak">"//Mi-sss Zhao-- plea-//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Do you like this, Hunny? Perhaps next time you can lick my pussy while I suck your fat cock, you can make mommy feel good too!
Do you like having mommy suck your fat cock? I bet you want to come all over mommy right now? Will you come for me baby? Come for me, please!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//ye--yesss!//"</span> you desperately try to say.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Please come all over me, baby. I want to be coated with your cum!"</span>
The wonderful bliss of being degraded and pleasured brings you to a breaking point. She opens wide, seeing your resolve breaking and you cum in her mouth, never did you think working- ''worshiping'' this Asian milf would be so good.
She stands up though her beautiful tits are still out.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Clean up! -and then go clean the pool! Perhaps when you are done there might be more waiting for you."</span> She says as she licks your cum off her lips.
[[Head out to the pool|Part1ZhaoHouse7b]]
<<set $sophiezhaomom += 1>>\
<<if $sophiezhaomom lt $sophiezhaodom>>\
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Oh My! That is not going to work at all, get back in there!"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Is this from earlier!?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No ma'am! they're just too tight!//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I don't believe this! No one is that big! Do I need to tell you what happens to liars!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No! Look, miss! You pull down your boxers to reveal your cock, just hanging out.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"How dare you! You sick boy! I did not ask to see it! Now I'm going to have to punish you!"</span>
You tense up at this, but she gets on her knees.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Lay down you sick boy!"</span>
At that, she positions herself next to you, taking your cock into her mouth, the feeling sends tingles up your spine as her hot breath soothes your senses.
<span class="charspeak">"//Jesu-s H. Christ... Missus Zhao please don't stop...//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"This is going to be your punishment from now on! Every-time you make a mistake, you will have to deal with the consequences!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Fu-Fuck, please don't stop, Missus Zhao!//"</span> You stutter out, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to climax.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Langauge boy! -Or else there may be more sever consequences to your actions!"</span>
She keeps sucking your dick, feeling up every inch with her tongue, milking it to an explosion. But suddenly she stops, gaining a stranglehold on your cock, gripping it tight between her fingers, and squeezing it until there is pain.
<span class="charspeak">"//Mi-sss Zhao-- plea-//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Do you like this, young man? You really are sick! I bet you would like it if I suffocated you with my pussy! Begging for air as you desperately try to suck up all of my juices!
You're a little boy-slut, and you will be treated as such do you understand? I will fuck you when I please, and you will worship the ground I walk on. Is there an understanding! Boy."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//ye--yesss!//"</span> you desperately try to say.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Good! I am going to make your dirty little cock cum. Cum for me, boy! Do it!"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Release your dirty semen all over me!"</span>
The wonderful bliss of being degraded and pleasured brings you to a breaking point. She opens wide, seeing your resolve breaking and you cum in her mouth, never did you think working- ''worshiping'' this Asian milf would be so good.
She stands up though her beautiful tits are still out.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Clean up! -and then go clean my pool! You have been nothing but trouble all day!"</span> She says as she licks your cum off her lips.
[[Head out to the pool|Part1ZhaoHouse7b]]
<<set $sophiezhaodom += 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie3.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouse5aoptiona == 1>>\
<span class="charspeak">"//Sophie, there seems to be an issue.//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You, don't happen to have another pair do you?//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"No! That's the only pair we have."</span>
You open the door and head outside the bathroom, Sophie takes a look, and unconsciously says <span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Oh, My!"</span>
Realizing what she just said, she quickly goes on damage control.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"What I meant to say was oh, my they look good on you, yes."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Thank you Ms. Zhao, maybe we should go...//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">Yes. That would be good!"</span>
[[Follow her back into the kitchen|Part1ZhaoHouse6a]]
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
You both head out to the pool, it's a nice pool.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"This will be your job for now, just cleaning this pool, the skimmer is over in the shed, and I hope you know being a pool boy comes with other duties.."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Wait, really? What else could there be?//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Well you will have to clean around the pool as well, and of course, come to any events which have many children to supervise. To ensure they don't fall in the pool or get hurt! As well as take care of any and all issues I have, which may present themselves at a later date."</span> She winks at you.
<span class="charspeak">"//Ah, I see, this just isn't being a pool boy, it's more like being a day-butler.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"-and perhaps more."</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Well, I will leave you too it, chop-chop, I will be seeing you when you are done, for that //payment// we discussed."</span>
[[Get to skimming?|Part1ZhaoHouse8a]]
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoKitchenRoom1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You both enter the kitchen and sit down across from one another at the table.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Ahem, our last pool boy was paid thirty dollars an hour, does that seem reasonable to you?"</span>
<span class="charthink">"//FUCKING WHAT!? Reasonable? Absolutely not!? THAT's insane! That's more than I was being offered with my degree! Not that I was being offered anything, of course! But holy fuck what!?//"</span> you think to yourself, but decide to play it cool not wanting to upset the gods for this gift.
<span class="charspeak">"//That is very generous ma'am, thank you.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"No, thank you for doing this dirty job for all of us here."</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Now let me show you the pool!"</span>
[[Head out to the pool|Part1ZhaoHouse7a]]
<<if $charseen == 1>>
<img src="Images/Part1/PC1.PNG" width="250" height="250"/>
This is you!
<<if $cheat == 1>>\
Amelia Competitive: $ameliazhaoply
Amelia Playful: $ameliazhaocmp
Ava Submissive: $avazhaosub
Ava Raceplay: $avazhaocuc
Mia Exhibition: $miazhaoexh
Mia C.N.C.: $miazhaocnc
Sophie Dominatrix: $sophiezhaodom
Sophie Mommy-Dom: $sophiezhaomom
Amanda Romance: $amandastonerom
Amanda Slave: $amandastoneslv
<</if>><<set $name = "Johnny Sins II">>
<<set $amandastonerom = 0>>\
<<set $amandastoneslv = 0>>\
<<set $sophiezhaodom = 0>>\
<<set $sophiezhaomom = 0>>\
<<set $miazhaocnc = 0>>\
<<set $miazhaoexh = 0>>\
<<set $avazhaocuc = 0>>\
<<set $avazhaosub = 0>>\
<<set $ameliazhaoply = 0>>\
<<set $ameliazhaocmp = 0>>\
<<set $eventsophie = 0>>
<<set $eventava = 0>>
<<set $eventamelia = 0>>
<<set $eventmia = 0>>
<<set $eventamanda = 0>>
<<set $part1ameliadate = 0>>
<<set $ameliadatedone = 0>>
<<set $ameliahadsex = 0>>
<<set $ameliadating = 0>><div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Shed1.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia11.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You walk to the shed, peering in you see all kinds of things, a women's lacrosse stick, what you think might be a chemistry set, and last is a practically brand new lawn-mower! Not that you really know anything about lawn-mowers, but it is real shinny and clean.
No matter, you grab the skimmer near all the other tools in the corner and head back into the sunlight and beauty outside.
Walking back to the pool, you see Amelia lounging outside.
<<if $eventamelia gte 1>>\
Once again....
<span class="charthink">"//Again, really. Not this again.//"</span>
You think to yourself as you head over.
[[Walk over to the pool, with trepidation.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia2a]]
[[Walk over to the pool.|Part1ZhaoHouse8c]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoPool2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You both head out to the pool, it's a nice pool.
<<if $eventamelia gte 1>>\
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I know you have already been acquainted, thanks to lovely Amelia, but this will be your job, for now, just cleaning this pool, the skimmer is over in the shed, and I hope you know being a pool boy comes with other duties.."</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"This will be your job, for now, just cleaning this pool, the skimmer is over in the shed, and I hope you know being a pool boy comes with other duties.."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Wait, really? What else could there be?//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Well you will have to clean around the pool as well, and of course, come to any events which have many children to supervise. To ensure they don't fall in the pool or get hurt! As well as take care of any other duties which may present themselves."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Ah, I see, this just isn't being a pool boy, it's more like being a day-butler, I don't know about this.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Yes, much. But, twenty-eight dollars an hour! There must be worse jobs for less pay."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You bring up a good point, won't argue that.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Well, I will leave you too it."</span>
<<if $eventamelia gte 1 and $eventmia lt 1>>\
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"-and try not to get pushed in the pool again!"</span>
<<if $eventmia gte 1>>\
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"-and I do appreciate you fixing my vase."</span>
[[Get to skimming?|Part1ZhaoHouse8a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia13.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia14.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You get close to the pool, walking up behind Amelia as you do.
<span class="charspeak">"//Amelia, what are you doing out here?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Hey //you!// I didn't see you //there.// Crazy we meet twice in the same day!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Amelia. You promised not to throw me in again.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"How could you think I would be so evil!? I wouldn't break a promise. I promise!"</span>
You aren't convinced by her display, but you continue on anyway, moving toward the pool and start skimming what little there is to skim, making sure to keep a little distance between you and her.
You skim a bit in silence, moving around the pool, getting all the little leaves.
<span class="charspeak">"//So what are you doing out here again? Weren't you just out here?//"</span> You call to Amelia from across the pool, much less on edge with the distance put between the two of you.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Yeah pushing you in!
I still wanted to relax outside a little, something I didn't get to do!"</span>
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia1boptionc == 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"-With you chasing me all around the yard!"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"-With me having to take you in to get dried off!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//And that's somehow my fault!? you threw me in the pool!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Let's not split hairs! The situation was clearly one-sided."</span>
[[Ask her about her life.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia2ba][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia2boptiona to "1"]]
[[Ask her how she likes living with her parents.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia2bb][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia2boptionb to "1"]]
[[Ask her if she has a boyfriend!|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia2bc][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia2boptionc to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia13.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia12.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You get close to the pool, walking up behind Amelia as you do.
<span class="charspeak">"//Amelia, right?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"How dare you! Only my family can call me that! Not. You."</span>
She gets up, getting into your face, she appears really upset at whatever slight you may have given her.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Do you really think you can just do that shit! I mean seriously, who the fuck do you think you are!?"</span>
She yells at you, staring at you for a moment. But eventually, her demeanor breaks, and she gives a giant smile, laughing a little as she does.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Oh boy, you should have seen your face!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Very funny.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Oh come on, don't be like that! I was only playing with you."</span>
You start to skim the pool as Amelia watches you; eventually, she lays down and sunbathes, not expecting anything more out of her you continue to do your job.
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia17.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia12.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You skim the pool; eventually, things start to go quiet, and Amelia lays down to start sunbathing. After a few moments, you decide to break the silence with a witty question such as this,
<span class="charspeak">"//So, what do you do Amelia? //"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Me? In general? You know breathe and eat.</span>
You give her an eye roll.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Okay, okay, that's not what you meant, I'm going to college and getting my masters in immunology! Laugh, all you want. </span>
<span class="charspeak">"//What's there to laugh about, that is good work!//"</span>
She pulls herself into a sitting position, pulls down her glasses, and gives you an eye roll, imitating your earlier one.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">What about you? Mr. pool-boy? Can't be exciting to have to work for my mother as a side job.</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I went to school for two years, I'm an English major, but jobs are short right now, my dad recommended me this since your mother, and him are friends, plus she works at Freeton University right?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">A white boy who is an English Major, and an Asian going into medicine! We could really be poster children! Imagine that, us two standing together, "THIS IS AMERICA" plastered above!</span>
She laughs at her own joke.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"-Also did you really just admit this job is just to get on my mom's good side. So maybe in the future, she will offer you an actual job?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Well now, when you say it like that it sounds really sinister!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Because it is!</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Like i'm the only evil one! You were pushing me into the pool barely 20 minutes ago!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Oh my god! You are never going to let that go are you!?</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">-Also, that really doesn't excuse you being evil!</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Nope. I am, -probably, never going to let that go.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">I apologized! --And promised!</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//It was still evil, and you know it!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Okay, I really am sorry! I know I can't take it back! B-u-t! maybe I can do something to make it better?</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//And what could that possibly be?//"</span>
[[Will you talk to your mother about the job for me?|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia3ba][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia3boptiona to "1"]]
[[Let her speak.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia3ba][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia3boptionb to "1"]]
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 2>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia17.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia12.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You skim the pool; eventually, things start to go quiet, and Amelia lays down to start sunbathing. After a few moments, you decide to break the silence with a witty question such as this,
<span class="charspeak">"//So, how do you like living with your parents? //"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">That's certainly a question, it's okay, I suppose, it could be worse! I could have to pay for rent!</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//That's true, are you going to school while staying with them?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">I am.</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//So, what for?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Immunology, I'm going for my masters, I know! It doesn't go over my head either. What about you, Mr. pool-boy? Can't be exciting to have to work for my mother as a side job.</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I went to school for two years, I'm an English major, but jobs are short right now, my dad recommended me this since your mother, and he are friends, plus she works at Freeton University right?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">A white boy who is an English Major, and an Asian going into medicine, we could really be poster children! Imagine that, us two standing together, "THIS IS AMERICA" plastered above!</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Also did you really just admit, this job is just to get on my mom's good side, so maybe she will offer you an actual job? </span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Well now, when you say it like that it sounds really sinister!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Because it is!</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Like i'm the only evil one! You were pushing me into the pool barely 20 minutes ago!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Oh my god! You are never going to let that go are you!?</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Also, that really doesn't excuse you being sinister!</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Nope. I am still, probably, never going to let that go!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">I apologized! --And promised!</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//It was still evil, and you know it!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Okay, I really am sorry! I know I can't take it back! B-u-t! maybe I can do something to make it better?</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//And what could that possibly be?//"</span>
[[Will you talk to your mother about the job for me?|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia3ba][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia3boptiona to "1"]]
[[Let her speak.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia3ba][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia3boptionb to "1"]]
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 1>>\
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia14.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia15.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia18.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You skim the pool; eventually, things start to go quiet, and Amelia lays down to start sunbathing. After a few moments, you decide to break the silence with a question such as this,
<span class="charspeak">"//So, do you have a boyfriend? //"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">That's a little upfront don't you think?</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Just curious.//"</span>
Thinking you're slick, you go back to skimming the pool, letting the question marinate. But, she goes back to sunbathing without care.
<span class="charthink">"//Damn. Maybe, I was too forward.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Nope.</span> She says suddenly.
<span class="charspeak">"//Are you into guys?//"</span>
She pulls herself up into a sitting pose, and pulls down her glasses, giving you a look.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Really?</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Just wanted to make sure, ya-know test the waters.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">You could just say "Hey Amelia, you're really hot, and beautiful, and attractive, and perfect, and the greatest lacrosse player, and the woman of my dreams, and I would be lucky to be able to go a date with you".</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Or you know, whatever you were going to say.</span>
You start to walk closer to her, and then sarcastically say,
<span class="charspeak">"//Okay, Amelia. You are ''really hot''//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//''-and really beautiful''//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">Now -I like where this is going.</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//''-and really, really attractive.''//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//''-and how could I possibly understate those incredible lacrosse skills?''//"</span>
You are now standing over her, looking down at her resting on the chair, trying to appear as dreamy as possible.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">-Go on.</span>
You get a few inches from her face and staring into beautiful brown eyes, attempting to position yourself in a way in which it appears like you are about to kiss her.
[[-and boy, oh boy. You really are the woman of my dreams...|Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia3b][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia3boptionc to "1"]]
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 2>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia18.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
Upon finish your sentence Amelia kisses you, going straight in without any warning!
She pulls away for a second to say.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You... Are just the worst."</span>
And then she pulls you back in.
You push your body against hers, lovingly moving with her, as you two dance with emotions.
It comes to an end when you both here the sliding glass door, you jump up without worried you might be seen smooching Zhoa's daughters.
[[Who is that?|Part1ZhaoHouse9a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia18.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouseAmelia3boptiona == 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Sini---ster! No, even better! Come here you oaf!"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Oh just come here you oaf!"</span>
You walk toward her, pool skim in hand, being cautious as you apporach, not wanting to find yourself in the pool for a second time today.
<span class="charspeak">"//Yes..?//"</span> You say standing directly over her pool chair.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Closer!"</span> She moves her legs and opens a spot for you on the pool chair.
You sit down,
<span class="charspeak">"//Yes?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Closer..."</span>
You get about an inch from her face,
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Closer."</span>
<<if $ameliazhaocmp gte $ameliazhaoply>>\
You get even closer, about to kiss her when she puts her fingers on your lips and pushes you back.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"That's for earlier!"</span>
Instinctively you move her hand and go in, kissing her in the heat of the moment. You aren't sure what would happen; next, part of you expecting her to move away, but she never does. Instead, she leans into you, reciprocating your advances, as you both start kissing on the pool chair.
She pulls away only for a second to say,
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Hey... no fair... I was in the middle of getting //you// back.."</span>
Only to pull back in passionately kissing you with more gusto this time.
You two spend some time together, exploring one another's body for a brief moment until you think you hear someone open the kitchen door.
You jump up at this and grab the skim, Amelia laughs behind you.
[[Who is that?|Part1ZhaoHouse9a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Hans1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia17.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="hanszhaospeak">"Hello! I am Hans! Good to meet you, pool boy! I am going to work! //Goutenbye// Amelia, yes, yes!"</span>
An old, fat, balding, (German? Romanian? Hungarian?) man says from the backdoor, and just like that, he is again gone.
<span class="charspeak">"//Is that...?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"He's our, eh- Step-dad. My mom had us three before she married him."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No offense, but-//"</span>
Amelia cuts you off, knowing what you are about to say.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"My mom can do better? I know! Crazy, right!"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"-and yet he is the only man she has ever married! Well! Anyways. would you mind putting on some sunscreen?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//-What?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Would you mind putting some sunscreen on me?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Ah.//"</span>
<<if $eventamelia gte 1>>\
[[Probably, not a good idea.|Part1ZhaoHouse9c]]
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia14.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Why not?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Well, I don't want your mother thinking-//"</span>
<<if $eventamelia gte 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Oh no, no, no. N. to the O. Get. Your. Handsome-ass. Over. Here!"</span>
[[Put some effort into it.|Part1ZhaoHouse9bb]]
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Really? Come on! I am not asking you to eat me out!"</span>
[[Alright fine.|Part1ZhaoHouse9ba]]
[[No seriously, I think your mother might kill me.|Part1ZhaoHouse10a][$Part1ZhaoHouse9doptiona to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia16.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You continue to skim the pool for a while, doing the same thing as before until Amelia pipes up again.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"So do you just find hot Asian milf's to work for? or is this a one-off thing?"</span>
Her little remarks are starting to get on your nerves.
[[Did you really just call your own mother a milf?|Part1ZhaoHouse8e][$Part1ZhaoHouse8eoptiona to "1"]]
[[Doesn't you mom work a Freeton University?|Part1ZhaoHouse8e][$Part1ZhaoHouse8eoptionb to "1"]]
[[I looking for a job for my degree!|Part1ZhaoHouse8e][$Part1ZhaoHouse8eoptionc to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia15.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouse8eoptiona == 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I have eyes to you know!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No, I'm not working for your mother because she a- whatever, It's just a job, they're scarce right now.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Su-re, a likely story."</span>
You pop, not wanting to hear any more of this girl's remarks.
<span class="charspeak">"//You're mom works at Freeton University and knows my father, he recommended I do this, so maybe I can apply to FreetonU with a really good reference.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Oh, well that's not th-at bad, I honestly expected worse."</span>
At that, you hear the backdoor to the yard open.
[[Who is that?|Part1ZhaoHouse9a]]
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 2>>\
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouse8eoptionb == 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I don't see how that's- oh- OH- Now ''that'' is evil! You want to get a job there, don't you!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Jobs are scarce right now! You got to understand!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I understand! I still think you are evil, though!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Well I guess I am going to have to live with that.//"</span>
Amelia goes to say something else when you both hear the backdoor open.
[[Who is that?|Part1ZhaoHouse9a]]
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 1>>\
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 1>>\
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouse8eoptionc == 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"What kind of degree?"</span>\
<span class="charspeak">"//English.//"</span>
She starts laughing at that!
<span class="charspeak">"//Hey! English is a good degree!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"No! No- ha ha! No!"</span>\
She continues to laugh a little harder at your comment.
<span class="charthink">"//She is really cracked up about that.//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//What is so funny?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Oh man-"</span>
She wipes a tear from her eye.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You are never going to believe this, but, I am a major in immunology!"</span>\
<span class="charspeak">"//So what?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Oh come on! You really-really don't see the irony in a White boy being an English major and an Asian girl being a major in medicine! We could be like poster children for-"</span>\
You both hear the backdoor open and turn to face whoever is coming outside.
[[Who is that?|Part1ZhaoHouse9a]]
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 2>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia14.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Clock1.gif" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouse9doptiona == 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Fine! l-a-m-e."</span> She says jokingly.
<<set $ameliazhaocmp -= 3>>\
You skim the pool for about two hours, Amelia heads inside during that time, and when you think you have gotten every little piece of green out from the pool. You proceed to sweep all around the edge of the pool and ensuring everything looks nice and neat.
As you finish, you realize you are drenched in sweat. It was probably a good thing you switched out your clothes before you came out. Looking up, you can see the sun has started to drift behind the mountains in the distance.
Checking your watch, it appears to be 5:44.
<span class="charthink">"//I've been out here for 4 hours!? I swear it did not feel that long!//"</span>
You head back inside, opening the backdoor you see the three girls sitting and talking at the kitchen table, well, actually you see Mia and Amelia talking, and Ava sitting in silence staring at her phone. The smell of meat cooking hits you like a truck, it smells damn good.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"So how was it?"</span> Sophie says, pan in hand over their electric stove, she seems to be making.. tacos?
<span class="charspeak">"//Not bad would you like to come look? See what you are paying me for?//"</span> You say jokingly.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Yes I would! Girls watch the pan please!"</span>
The two older girls say nothing, but a meek voice calls out.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"okay.!"</span>
<<if $eventmia gte 1>>\
Mia gets up and heads towards the kitchen as she passes you she pinches your butt! Your eyes go wide with shock, not expecting it from the shy girl. Luckily Sophie doesn't seem to notice.
Sophie wipes her hands on a towel, throwing it back onto the counter as you both head outside.
<<if $eventsophie gte 1>>\
[[Head back outside with Sophie|Part1ZhaoHouse11aa]]
[[Head back outside with Sophie|Part1ZhaoHouse11ab]]
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia18.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia19.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You grab the sunscreen pouring a little onto your hand you start to press it into Amelia's back.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Mmmmm. That feels soo-ooo good."</span>
You spend about 20 minutes gently massaging and putting lotion on Amelia.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I can see now what mom is paying you for!"</span> She says jokingly.
<span class="charspeak">"//I'm glad I can help.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Oh brother! you are certainly helping!"</span>
As you rub the sunscreen on Amelia's back, you catch a glimpse of her swimsuit, now transparent from the oils present within the sunscreen.
<span class="charthink">"//Damn!//"</span>
[[Ask if she would like to get coffee sometime?|Part1ZhaoHouse9e]]
[[Just finish up here and continue skimming.|Part1ZhaoHouse10a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia20.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia2.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia3.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia4.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<<if $eventamelia gte 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Maybe we can finish what we started earlier? Before we we're interupted."</span>
You grab the sunscreen pouring a little onto your hand you start to press it into Amelia's back.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Mmmmm. That feels soo-ooo good."</span>
Moving your hands into her back, you sneak some cheeky gropes here and there. Once you finish with her back, Amelia turns over.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I need some on my chest too!"</span> She says with a flirtatious wink.
You spare no time; you move up pressing the sunscreen into her chest, but as you apply more and more, her white bathing suit starts to lose its opaqueness and instead become transparent.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Oh no, My bathing suit is becoming see-through, who could have seen this coming?"</span>
You look at her to see what kind of sarcastic look has appeared across her face, but as you lift your head, she once again meets your lips with hers.
You move your hands around her body, grabbing any little piece of clothing or skin you can get your hands on, you want to fuck this sarcastic girl silly, and at this rate, you might just.
Upon glance, the entirety of her bathing suit has become transparent, you take the opportunity to grab her tits, eventually feeling your way to her nipples and pinching them between your fingers.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Fu-ck, -ahhn, mmmhmm, please..."</span>
She moans at you, eventually tire of the suit's complexity, and rip it down, revealing her massive tits to the world around. You grab hold of one and cement your lips, sucking it as she moans above you, craving more and more from your body.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"GoD! Ye-S!"</span>
She screams and starts twitching above you, violently shaking from the orgasm which has just washed over Amelia's body. She lays there for a second, slightly convulsing from the stimulation you just provided this desperate, needy girl.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Je-ssus I di-dn't thin--k I could co-me from that!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//-you okay?//"</span> not knowing what to say to her reaction.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Am I-?"</span> She says as she rolls around still deep in bliss, <span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Come- here."</span> She stutters.
You do as your commanded and get closer to her; she grabs you and hugs you, trying to reel you in to cuddle with her on the pool chair. You lay down next to her and hold her, grabbing around her with your arms and holding her tight. You two lay there for a second as she gently strokes your arm.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I know I didn't get to- help you- but I really didn't think I would come so fast, I mean- wow."</span> She says gently pushing her ass against your dick.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Next-time we are going to focus a little on you, understand!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//If you insist,//"</span> you say planting a peck on her cheek, you lay there for a few more moments stroking her hair as she holds your arm tightly.
<span class="charspeak">"//I hate to ruin the moment, but I still need to finish skimming.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"L-a-m-e,"</span> She says jokingly and releases her hold on your arm.
You get up, and she scoots back onto the center of the chair,
<span class="charspeak">"//You know I think I might be-//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"NO!"</span> She says in a great fuss.
You go red, oh shit, maybe she wanted this to be a side thing?
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You can say that after you have taken me on a date! Not before!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//When are you free for a date then?//"</span> you say smoothly, not wanting to ruin the atmosphere.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Thursday night! "</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I'll pick you up then.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You better! remind me to give you my phone number before you leave!"</span>
[[Stand up and finish skimming|Part1ZhaoHouse10a]]
<<set $ameliadate = 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia15.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"With me?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No, I was asking the invisible person next to you.//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Yes, you!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Maybe, but it can't be coffee, I'm free Thursday night. how about dinner instead?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Dinner works. I'll pick you up.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Remind me to give you my phone number before you leave!"</span>
You finish up with the massage and get up to skim, Amelia does too, heading inside but before she does she says
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"See you soon lover--boy!"</span>
[[Finish Skimming.|Part1ZhaoHouse10a]]
<<set $ameliadate = 1>>
</div>\Double-click this passage to edit it.<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie8.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie9.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie10.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie11.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie12.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie13.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<<if $sophiezhaomom gte $sophiezhaodom>>\
The place is spotless, but you secretly hope she's finds some excuse to ''teach'' you something new.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Everything looks clean here.."</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I expect you cleaned out the gutters too?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Huh!? No, I didn't know you wanted that done!//"</span>
She takes a glance back at the house, making sure no one can see you two.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. I expected more, Now you have wasted my time. Do you know what happens to bad little boys who waste mommy's time?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No, I don't...//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Get on your knees! It's time for you to start your first lesson! Lesson 1: how to correctly clean something you are told too!"</span>
She pulls down her sweat pants, turning around to show you her fat ass, and her silky snatch.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Come on hunny, get to it! You are going to need to learn!"</span>
You get on your knees and head closer to Sophies pussy, the smell is intoxicating, you start to feel you dick rise as the scent hits your nose.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Come on baby, mommy is in real need of your tongue right now."</span>
You get to it, digging your face into the milfs ass, you lick as much of her juices up as you can, the taste only drives you further on. Your cock is fully erect, bursting out of your pants as you kneel on the ground, subservient to this unbelievably sex milf.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"-AHn-mmmm fuck ye-es baby."</span> She moans as you fufill all your needs in her ass.
You keep sucking her pussy, juices fly everywhere coating your entire face as she rubs her fat ass all over you, you would happily be this woman's sex-doll if she so desired.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Mo--ore! Please baby more!"</span>
She screams as you continue to fuck her pussy with your tongue, you almost get a moment to assert your dominance, but Sophie pushes her pussy into your face hard and forces you to eat it up instead, feeling your cock get harder and harder until you reel back and let out a moan as thick ropes of jizz line the inside of her husbands short, having cum in your pants from the oral stimulation alone.
Sophie takes this moment to push your head into her pussy and force it there, making you lick her cunt while you are still orgasming in your pants, she pushes your head deep, and you feel the walls of her vagina start to twitch as your face and mouth are filled with Sophie's juices.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"''Holy shit!'' F-uck tha-t was so good, baby! you did such a good job!"</span> Sophie says as waves of orgasms rush over her. You both sit there for a moment, trying to comprehend the amounts of bliss the both of you just endured until Sophie decides to clean you and herself up.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"We need to do that again! You are definitely going to be our pool-boy, you are going to be //my// pool-boy."</span>
After she finishes cleaning you up, she puts herself back together and beckons you to follow her inside.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Come. you are going to join us for dinner!"</span>
[[Are you sure? I really don't want to intrude!|Part1ZhaoHouse11b]]
<<if $sophiezhaomom lt $sophiezhaodom>>\
The place is spotless, but you secretly hope she's finds some excuse to ''punish'' you.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Everything looks clean here.."</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I expect you cleaned out the gutters too?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Huh!? No, I didn't know you wanted that done!//"</span>
She takes a glance back to the house, making sure no one can see you two, then looks back at you with an evil grin.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Looks like you have failed me! Once again! What do you think I pay you for a boy! Do I need to keep punishing you until you get it through your thick skull!?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I really am sorry..//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"You think sorry will cut it!? Get on your knees this instant! It's time for you to start your first lesson! Lesson 1, how to correctly clean something you are told too!"</span>
She pulls her dress up a little and pushes her panties to the side, revealing to you her dripping pussy.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Well? What are you waiting for boy!?"</span>
You get on your knees and head closer to Sophies pussy, the smell is intoxicating, you start to feel you dick rise as the scent hits your nose.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Come on boy, I am waiting!"</span>
You get to it, digging your face into the milfs ass, you lick as much of her juices up as you can, the taste only drives you further on. Your cock is fully erect, bursting out of your pants as you kneel on the ground, subservient to this unbelievably sex milf.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"-AHn-mmmm fuck ye-es."</span> She moans as you fufill all your needs in her ass.
You keep sucking her pussy, juices fly everywhere coating your entire face as she rubs her fat ass all over you, you would happily be this woman's sex-doll if she so desired.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Mo--ore! mORE! you little glorified dildo!"</span>
She screams as you continue to fuck her pussy with your tongue, you almost get a moment to assert your dominance, but Sophie pushes her pussy into your face hard and forces you to eat it up instead, feeling your cock get harder and harder until you reel back and let out a moan as thick ropes of jizz line the inside of her husbands short, having cum in your pants from the oral stimulation alone.
Sophie takes this moment to push your head into her pussy and force it there, making you lick her cunt while you are still orgasming in your pants, she pushes your head deep, and you feel the walls of her vagina start to twitch as your face and mouth are filled with Sophie's juices.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"You- you dirty boy! You came in your pants just from fucking me with your mouth! I bet you enjoyed that you sick-!"</span> Sophie says as waves of orgasms rush over her. You both sit there for a moment, trying to comprehend the amounts of bliss the both of you just endured until Sophie decides to clean you and herself up.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"You are such a dirty little boy for cumming in your pants like that, despicable, next-time I might just put a cage on your cock! So you can't cum unless I say so!"</span>
After she finishes cleaning you up, she puts herself back together and beckons you to follow her inside.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Come. You are going to join us for dinner."</span>
[[Are you sure? I really don't want to intrude!|Part1ZhaoHouse11b]]
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoPool1.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie2.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
The place is spotless, it looks ornate.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Wow, it looks very nice! Thank you!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No problem, it is what you are paying me for after-all!//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"It is -and you went above and beyond! Come, I am making dinner, my husband won't be home for dinner, so there is some extra if you want to stay!"</span>
<<if $eventamelia gte 1>>\
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"-and I am sure you clothes are dry by now!"</span>
[[Are you sure? I really don't want to intrude!|Part1ZhaoHouse11b]]
[[I should probably head out, my sister insisted I come home as soon as possible.|Part1ZhaoHouse12a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia9.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava7.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
You two make your way back inside, opening the door you are greeted by the heat of the kitchen and the smell of good food.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Good news, $name will be joining us for dinner!"</span> Sophie announces to the girls.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Yay..!"</span> Mia quietly says with jubilee while stirring the meat over the stove.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"As long as he doesn't eat too much."</span> Ava says in her trademark deadpan voice from the table, continuing to stare at her phone.
Sitting across is Amelia who now has a giant smile across her face, grabbing Ava's arm and shaking it, Amelia quips,
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"-With a body like that, how could he not!"</span> she says exuberantly.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Amelia!"</span> Sophie says scolding the middle child.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"it's true!"</span>
Amelia testifies with certainty, but both Sophie and Ava both just give eye rolls to this.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Amelia is right..."</span> Mia says quietly behind Sophie, which causes Sophie to turn and scold the youngest child too!
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Mia!"</span> She yells!
You laugh at the situation, the mood was light, but your laugh lightens it further, you head toward the table and sit down...
<<if $eventava gte 1 or $eventmia gte 1 or $eventamelia gte 1 or $eventsophie gte 1>>
<<if $eventava gte $eventmia>>\
[[(Part 1 Ava Ending)..Between where Mia was sitting, and Ava.|Part1ZhaoHouse13ba]]
<<if $eventmia gte $eventava>>\
[[(Part 1 Mia Ending)..Between where Mia was sitting, and Ava.|Part1ZhaoHouse13bb]]
<<if $eventamelia gte $eventsophie>>\
[[(Part 1 Amelia Ending)..Next to Amelia and where, presumably, Sophie will sit.|Part1ZhaoHouse13ca]]
<<if $eventsophie gte $eventamelia>>\
[[(Part 1 Sophie Ending)..Next to Amelia and where, presumably, Sophie will sit.|Part1ZhaoHouse13cb]]
[[..Between where Mia was sitting, and Ava.|Part1ZhaoHouse13bc]]
[[..Next to Amelia and where, presumably, Sophie will sit.|Part1ZhaoHouse13bc]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Oh- Okay, well maybe some other time then! Here come with me I will show you out."</span>
You follow Sophie through the kitchen and living room until you're outside.
[[Hit it.|Part1ZhaoHouseEnd2]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava7.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava2.gif" width="450" height="175"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava3.gif" width="450" height="175"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava4.gif" width="450" height="175"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia10.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
You sit down next to Ava, she doesn't acknowledge your presence.
You start talking to Amelia and Mia until you feel a hand upon your shorts, it fumbles around for a little until it finds...
Your phone?
Ava pulls your phone out of your pocket, and she nimbly put types something into it and slides it back into your pocket.
A few moments later you feel it buzz, luckily the conversation has turned into mostly Mia and Amelia talking, so you pull your phones out to see a number has texted you ''Hey'', you look to your right at Ava, and she gives you a small nod and smile.
You open your phone and text her <span class="charspeak">"//Was this necessary?//"</span>
Instead of responding, she just sends you a video.
<span class="charthink">"//Jesus- Christ! This girl is crazy!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Earth to $name! Hey! Mia asked you a question!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Huh-- Uh sorry, my- Sister! yeah, my sister just messaged me about chores!//"</span> you quickly put your phone away, as you hear Ava quietly laughing to your right.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"//-so do you?//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Sorry, I tuned out, do I what?//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"//nevermind.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"He was texting his sister! Just ask him again-"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"//Do you-//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Alright! dinner is ready! watch out! coming through!"</span>
Sophie says while bringing a plate full of tacos to the table, and setting it down in the middle of everyone, Amelia digs in first, then Ava, and lastly Mia, you grab two, not wanting to seem rude, and scarf them down. The rest of the dinner is relatively silent, some idle small talk here and there, but nothing too serious.
You finish dinner and start getting ready to leave, grabbing your things, and head to the restroom to swap out your clothes.
[[Head into the restroom and change.|Part1ZhaoHouseAvaEnd1a]]
<<set $avazhaosub += 1>>\
<<set $avazhaocuc += 1>>\
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia9.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava7.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia21.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia11.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
You sit next to where you think Mia is going to sit, and in a few moments, she does exactly that. She may have been embarrassed earlier, but now she is teeming with excitement, she looks like she is about to burst with happiness when you decided to sit next to her.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Hi..."</span> She says in a soft but jubilious voice.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Egh-"</span> Ava makes the motion of gagging, which seems to make Mia extremely upset.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"I didn't make fun of you when you brought your boyfriend home!"</span> Mia says, mustering all the courage the little girl has.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Oh so he's your boyfriend now!"</span> Amelia butts in.
Mia goes bright red at this.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"That-s Tha- ''That's not what I meant!''"</span> Mia burst out in an upset voice.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"It certainly sound-"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Ava! Amelia! Stop pestering your younger sister!"</span>
Ava rolls her eyes. Amelia just laughs.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Whatever..."</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"So... do you like... doing the pool-stuff?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah, actually it wasn't bad at all, I got to get a nice tan while I was out there.
Might need to bring my own shorts next time though.//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Yeah..."</span> Mia then stares off into the distance as if captivated by your discussion on shorts.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Gross!"</span> Amelia says directed at Mia, she, in turn, turns red once again, in her signature move.
<span class="charspeak">"//How about you, what do you do Mia?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"That's a good question what do you do Mia?"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"You know 'Melia! I write online..."</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"-and what do you write-"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Alright! dinner is ready! watch out! coming through!"</span>
Sophie says while bringing a plate full of tacos to the table, and setting it down in the middle of everyone, Amelia digs in first, then Ava, and lastly Mia, you grab two, not wanting to seem rude, and scarf them down. The rest of the dinner is relatively silent, some idle small talk here and there, but nothing too serious.
You finish dinner and start getting ready to leave, grabbing your things, and head to the restroom to swap out your clothes.
[[Head into the restroom and change.|Part1ZhaoHouseMiaEnd1a]]
<<set $miazhaocnc += 1>>\
<<set $miazhaoexh += 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia21.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia10.PNG" width="450" height="550"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You know, I always wanted a clingy boyfriend.."</span> she says jokingly towards you.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Amelia, How many times do I need to call your name before you stop saying such outrageous things!"</span> you hear from the kitchen as Sophie takes over making dinner from Mia.
Amelia ignores her.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"So.... what do you think of your new job?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Oh it's beautiful, I am going to have a nice tan in no time.
-but I am going to need to bring my own pair of trunks.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I know right!"</span>
Amelia takes her hand and pantomimes a c shape in the air, Mia starts laughing at this but covers her face to hide her blushing red cheeks.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Amelia R. Zhao! Apologize this instant! Enough of these gross games!"</span> Sophie calls from the kitchen.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Sorry mom, and sorry $name."</span>
She then whispers, getting down low to the tabletop and making an exaggerated circling motion around the table.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I am sooo-ooo not sorry."</span>
You laugh out of embarrassment, but there is a tinge of pride deeply rooted somewhere in there as well.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Mom! $name is taking me out Thursday, we are going to go have dinner!"</span> She says looking at you with devilish intent, knowing this is about to cause a scene.
But it doesn't.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"That's very nice, I hope the two of you have fun!"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"What! No! Come on! You are supposed to say, "you're moving too fast," etcetera, etcetera! You can't be okay with it! I am rebelling against you right now!"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Amelia, I have known the young man's father a long time, I trust him very much. He has said nothing but good things about $name, and constantly goes over his achievements! In fact, I think you two would be a great fit for one another!"</span>
Amelia starts to blush at this comment in a total role reversal.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"-MOM!"</span> She yells!
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Amelia!"</span> She mimes back in a sarcastic voice. Amelia goes quiet and folds her arms in an angry and embarrassed manner at this.
<span class="charspeak">"//If it is any consolation, I agree with your mother.//"</span> you pipe up.
She goes even redder, and you can practically feel the heat coming off her cheeks.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Don't you start too!"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Alright! dinner is ready! watch out! coming through!"</span>
Sophie says while bringing a plate full of tacos to the table, and setting it down in the middle of everyone, Amelia digs in first, then Ava, and lastly Mia, you grab two, not wanting to seem rude, and scarf them down. The rest of dinner is relatively silent, some idle small talk here and there, but nothing too serious.
You finish dinner and start getting ready to leave, grabbing your things, and head to the restroom to swap out your clothes.
[[Head into the restroom and change.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmeliaEnd1a]]
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 1>>\
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 1>>\
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia9.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava7.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
You sit down next to Amelia, and she starts to chat.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"So.... what do you think of your new job?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Oh it's nice, I am going to have a nice tan in no time.
-but I am going to need to bring my own pair of trunks.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I know right!"</span>
Amelia takes her hand and pantomimes a c shape in the air, Mia starts laughing at this but covers her face to hide her blushing red cheeks.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Amelia R. Zhao! Apologize this instant! Enough of these gross games!"</span> Sophie calls from the kitchen.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Sorry mom, and sorry $name."</span>
She goes silent, but Mia pipes up.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Do you... like tacos..?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Free food is hard to complain about!//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"That's not what she asked."</span> Ava says still not looking up from her phone.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Ava! You 'ought to be nicer! We all know what he meant. "</span>
Ava just rolls her eyes.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"It's nice you're doing this... Mom told us you have a degree..."</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Hey! I have a degreee too!"</span> Amelia cuts in.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Yeah... But you aren't a pool-boy, or pool-girl..."</span>
You go to respond, maybe even defuse the situation before anything escalates when.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Alright! dinner is ready! watch out! coming through!"</span>
Sophie says while bringing a plate full of tacos to the table, and setting it down in the middle of everyone, Amelia digs in first, then Ava, and lastly Mia, you grab two, not wanting to seem rude, and scarf them down. The rest of dinner is relatively silent, some idle small talk here and there, but nothing too serious.
You finish dinner and start getting ready to leave, grabbing your things, and head to the restroom to swap out your clothes.
[[Head into the restroom and change.|Part1ZhaoHouseSophieEnd1a]]
<<set $sophiezhaodom += 1>>\
<<set $sophiezhaomom += 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Dinner1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoHouseLaundry1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You finish the taco dinner, Mia eats quickly, then patiently waits until everyone is done eating, only to then grab everyone's plates and head into the kitchen with them. It appears to you as if a lot of responsibility is put on her due to her quietness, perhaps a symbol of a non-confrontational nature.
You feel your phone vibrate, another message from Ava, <span class="avazhaospeak">"My door is the second one upstairs."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//What?//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"See you soon."</span> she texts back.
You watch Ava get up and head out of the kitchen into the living room.
<span class="charspeak">"//So, where are my clothes by chance?//"</span> you ask to the room.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Oh! They're.. In the laundry room! I can show you!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Thank you, but I think I know where it is.//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Oh... okay..."</span>
You get up and head into the hallways, finding the laundry room with ease and collecting your clothes.
Now would be your chance to get upstairs and have a little fun with Ava if you so want to.
[[Head to the front door and leave.|Part1ZhaoHouseEnd2]]
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouseAva1doptiona == 1>>\
[[Head to the Ava's room.|Part1ZhaoHouseAvaEnd1ba]]
[[Head to the Ava's room.|Part1ZhaoHouseAvaEnd1bb]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Dinner1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia12.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You finish the taco dinner, Mia eats quickly, then patiently waits until everyone is done eating, only to then grab everyone's plates and head into the kitchen with them. It appears to you as if a lot of responsibility is put on her due to her quietness, perhaps a symbol of a non-confrontational nature.
<span class="charthink">"//Oh, man, well thank you all so much, I better head home//"</span>
<<if $eventamelia gte 1 >>\
<span class="miazhaospeak">"I'll show you where your clothes are!"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"I'll show you out!</span>
Mia says quickly.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"If.. That's okay with you..</span>
Ava, having had enough of the antics over dinner, gets up and heads toward the living room giving an eye roll as she does.
<span class="charspeak">"//I don't see why not.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"What if I want to show the pool-boy out?"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Well... I am already doing it so.."</span>
You turn to look away but catch Mia sticking her tongue out at her sister in the corner of your vision.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Come on!"</span>
<<if $eventamelia gte 1 >>\
<span class="miazhaospeak">"I folded them in the laundry room.."</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"I put your clothes in the laundry room.."</span>
[[Head to the laundry room with Mia|Part1ZhaoHouseMiaEnd1b]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Dinner1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoHouseLaundry1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You finish the taco dinner, Mia eats quickly, then patiently waits until everyone is done eating, only to then grab everyone's plates and head into the kitchen with them. It appears to you as if a lot of responsibility is put on her due to her quietness, perhaps a symbol of a non-confrontational nature.
You get up.
<span class="charspeak">"//So, where are my clothes by chance?//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Oh! They're.. In the laundry room! I can show you!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Thank you, but I think I know where it is.//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Oh... okay..."</span>
You get up and head into the hallways, finding the laundry room with ease and collecting your clothes.
You grab your clothes heading into the closest bathroom and change, putting Sophie's husband's trunks on the dryer, and head to the door.
[[Head out|Part1ZhaoHouseEnd2]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia9.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava7.PNG" width="450" height="550"/>>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You sit down next to Amelia, and she starts to chat.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"So.... what do you think of your new job?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Oh it's nice, I am going to have a nice tan in no time.
-but I am going to need to bring my own pair of trunks.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I know right!"</span>
Amelia takes her hand and pantomimes a c shape in the air, Mia starts laughing at this but covers her face to hide her blushing red cheeks.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Amelia R. Zhao! Apologize this instant! Enough of these gross games!"</span> Sophie calls from the kitchen.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Sorry mom, and sorry $name."</span>
She goes silent, but Mia pipes up.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Do you... like tacos..?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Free food is hard to complain about!//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"That's not what she asked."</span> Ava says still not looking up from her phone.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Ava! You 'ought to be nicer! We all know what he meant. "</span>
Ava just rolls her eyes.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"It's nice you're doing this... Mom told us you have a degree..."</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Hey! I have a degreee too!"</span> Amelia cuts in.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Yeah... But you aren't a pool-boy, or pool-girl..."</span>
You go to respond, maybe even defuse the situation before anything escalates when.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Alright! dinner is ready! watch out! coming through!"</span>
Sophie says while bringing a plate full of tacos to the table, and setting it down in the middle of everyone, Amelia digs in first, then Ava, and lastly Mia, you grab two, not wanting to seem rude, and scarf them down. The rest of dinner is relatively silent, some idle small talk here and there, but nothing too serious.
You finish dinner and start getting ready to leave, grabbing your things, and head to the restroom to swap out your clothes.
[[Head into the restroom and change.|Part1ZhaoHouseEnd1a]]<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Dinner1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia21.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoHouseLaundry1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You finish dinner, Mia eats quickly, then patiently waits until everyone is done, only for her to grab everyone's plates and head into the kitchen with them. It appears to you as if a lot of responsibility is put on her due to her quietness, perhaps a symbol of a non-confrontational nature.
<span class="charspeak">"//Thank you again for the delicious food Miss Zhao!//"</span> you say to Sophie.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Miss Zhao! That is good!"</span>
Amelia puffs out her chest and says in the most authoritative voice she can.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"From now on $name, and other peasants! I declare that I am to be referred to as Miss Zhao the Second!"</span>
Ava, having had enough of the antics over dinner, gets up and heads toward the living room, clearly wanting to be left alone.
You take a look at Amelia, <span class="charspeak">"//I swear Amelia, one of these days we are gonna fight, me and you.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Oh yeah!"</span> She gets up from her chair and pulls Sylvester Stalones stance from "Rocky"
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Let's go then! Buster Brown! Knock you' out in one, two-three. Bam. Bam. re-al quick."</span>
You stand up, putting your fists up, you aren't actually going to fight this girl, but you also aren't gonna go down without a fight.
<span class="charspeak">"//Bet.//"</span>
Amelia grabs her right arm with her left and makes a face of pain.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Ooo-ouch just broke my arm! Lucky for you! -Would have broken your arm had you had to face me! We will have to fight some other time."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Uh-huh//"</span> you give her a real unconvinced look.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"-and anyways! You need to grab your clothes! Come on, lover-boy!"</span> She says as she leads into the hall, expecting you to follow behind. You do, follow behind.
She takes you to the laundry room, passing Ava lying on the couch, still typing away on her phone. Heading into the laundry, your clothes are neatly folded atop the dryer, you grab them and turn to leave, but Amelia blocks you.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Hey, look, I am really, really sorry about pushing you in the pool today, it wasn't cool. At all. It was the mega-dick move. I don't expect you to not be upset, or say "it's okay"... and I know make a joke out of everything.. but I really like you- and I don't want you to hold this against me because it was stupid and-"</span>
[[Cut her off and reassure her you accept her apology.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmeliaEnd1b][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmeliaEnd1boptiona to "1"]]
[[Make a joke out of the whole situation.|Part1ZhaoHouseAmeliaEnd1b][$Part1ZhaoHouseAmeliaEnd1boptionb to "1"]]
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Dinner1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia11.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You finish the taco dinner, Mia eats quickly, then patiently waits until everyone is done eating, only to then grab everyone's plates and head into the kitchen with them. It appears to you as if a lot of responsibility is put on her due to her quietness, perhaps a symbol of a non-confrontational nature.
<span class="charspeak">"//So, where are my clothes by chance?//"</span> you ask to the room.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Oh! They're.. In the laundry room! I can show you!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Thank you, but I think I know where it is.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"It's okay, I can show the young man where they are."</span> Sophie butts in.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Oh... okay..."</span>
[[Head with Sophie to the laundry.|Part1ZhaoHouseSophieEnd1b]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/PCCock.gif" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie4.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
Sophie leads you into the laundry room, you spot your clothes neatly folded atop the dryer.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Well, what are you waiting for."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Uh, well I was going to change in the bathr-.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Here will do."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//okay.//"</span>
You pull down your shorts, half expecting Sophie to do something,
But she doesn't, she just watches you lustfully as you change.
You put yourself back together, changing into the clothes you wore here.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Done? I will see you out."</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"But, before I do."</span>
She rips down her blouse exposing her tits one last time,
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"I hope you have a good memory."</span> She states before covering herself once more.
[[Head to the front door with Sophie.|Part1ZhaoHouseEnd2]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia10.PNG" width="450" height="550"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia20.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouseAmeliaEnd1boptiona == 1>>\
<span class="charspeak">"//Amelia, it's okay, I was mad at the time. But it's really okay.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"-like really okay?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Like really okay.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Okay."</span>
You push her chin up with your hand so that your eyes meet.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You can tell me if it's-"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Oh shut up.//"</span> you says as you grab the woman and kiss her.
You break away regretfully.
<span class="charspeak">"//I need to get going home.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You suck."</span> She says with a light smile.
<span class="charspeak">"//We will get to see eachother soon.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Can't wait!"</span> she says turning and leaving the laundry room so you can change.
You grab your clothes, stripping. When you hear a rustle at the door.
<span class="charspeak">"//Seriously Amelia?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Not looking!"</span> she calls back, as a call-back.
You finish changing and head to the door.
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouseAmeliaEnd1boptionb == 1>>\
<span class="charspeak">"//Amelia, this is something we are just going to have to work past, I don't know if I will ever fully get over it, it was a really shit thing to do.//"</span> You say suppressing any emotions.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I- -really? I am really sorry, I know it was a really bad, I didn't mean to hurt or offend you-"</span>
Your facade breaks down as you a stupid smirk spreads across your face.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"YOU! YOU played me! Ugh! I should have known you were messing around!"</span>
She gives you a warm hug, holding you tight in the as the world around slowly becomes inconsequential. You rest your head atop hers as she holds you close.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You suck."</span>
You break away regretfully.
<span class="charspeak">"//I need to get going home.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Again, you suck."</span> She says with a light smile.
<span class="charspeak">"//We will get to see eachother soon.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Can't wait."</span> she says turning and leaving the laundry room so you can change.
You grab your clothes, stripping. When you hear a rustle at the door.
<span class="charspeak">"//Seriously Amelia?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Not looking!"</span> she calls back, as a call-back.
[[Head to your car.|Part1ZhaoHouseEnd2]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sophie1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/PCCar2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
Sophie appears behind you.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Thank you for everything today, we will be seeing you soon! Here take my number, I will text you when the pool needs to be cleaned again."</span>
She pulls out her phone and is about to give you her number, but instead hands you her phone and has you put your information in it.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Oh! -and we will be having a Dinner Party next week Saturday at 7, we would like for you to join us. There will be kids, and I would prefer to have someone to watch all the children! Will that be good for you?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Friday? I might have to re-do my schedule but I can make it.//"</span>
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Great! Thank you very much, Mr. $name, we will all be happy to see you then!"</span>
You walk out and head down the steps to your car, the house looked much more daunting today than it does now.
<<if $ameliadate == 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"''---WAIT!''"</span>
You hear Amelia yell from the front door, a second later, she comes running out looking flustered.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You need my number!"</span>
She stops in front of you, panting. Then looks up and says shyly.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"For the um. date."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Oh yeah! I almost forgot.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You did forget, here."</span>
She hands you a small piece of paper with a number written on it, next to the number is 'Amelia' and a little drawn heart.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You should call me. Or whatever.."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Will do.//"</span>
You get to your car, ''BEEP'' you unlock it and get in.
[[In your car.|Part1ZhaoHouseEnd3]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoHouseLaundry1.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia4.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia5.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia6.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Mia7.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Kissing3.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
Mia leads you to the laundry room, your clothes are folded neatly on top of the washer.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"We are alone..."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//That's true.//"</span>
<<if $miazhaocnc gte $miazhaoexh>>\
<span class="miazhaospeak">"You.. aren't going to do anything to me while we are alone are you..."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Maybe? Would you like me to do something to you?//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"No! I wouldn't want you to finger me in my own laundry room! Making my little pussy cum against your forceful fingers.. while you cover my mouth, not letting me scream for help as you rape me in my own house... that's not what I would like you to do.. at all."</span>
You grab her shoulders and push her down, she barely has time to grab the dryer as you run your fingers between her folds. The only thing stopping you from finger fucking this dirty little whore is the thin sheet of cloth from her shorts. It doesn't stop you from ramping up speed as you push into this girl with all your might.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Mmmmm please... //no more dadd-dy//...I mean you sick pervert... raping me in my o-Ahh.nn. //No//... I am going to scream.. and alert everyone to your finger fucking my pussy dad-- perv.. you might have to stop-ahN- me! "</span>
Upon hearing the girls request you stick your fingers in her mouth and shut her up quick, this only seems to further her orgasm though as fluids start to flow down her leg, dripping onto the floor.
Deciding you have had enough with rubbing the outside of the shorts you pull them down, she gives a little scream to this, but it doesn't stop you from fingered her tight snatch with your hand. You start slowly, fluids coat your hand as you continue, you think she might not be able to take anymore, -but instead of letting her off easy, you hasten your pace and start thrusting your finger into this poor girl's bright red snatch.
At this, she starts moaning loudly, luckily for you, your hand is negating most of the sound. You continue for a little, raping this poor girls holes until her entire body starts convulsing as she hits her limit. At first, it starts off small until her entire body is shaking as you continue to finger the girl. Mia screams loudly into your hand, her eyes roll back as you realize you have just made this little whore cum the hardest she has probably ever come in her life. Wanting to push her orgasm over the edge you double down, fingering her snatch as fast as you can, you feel her walls close hard in on your hand as she pushes hard into your hand and starts squirting all over you and the floor.
You take your hand off from over her mouth, and lay her on the ground, she lays there for about a minute reeling from the orgasm you just subjected her too. She rolls a little, occasionally convulsing. You get down close to her and kiss her forehead, and whisper.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"About earlier.. I didn't.. I did.. but what I mean is..."</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"I hope it didn't offend... you.. "</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Not at all, Mia I have something to confess.//"</span> you state.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"...Oh?.."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life.//"</span>
She goes red and twirls around a little, but eventually gives a big smile.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"You really think so...?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I really know so.//"</span> You grab her and lock eyes, suddenly you kiss her. Pushing your tongue into her mouth, she tries to grapple with what is happening, but eventually, she relents and grabs you, kissing you back with vigor. You can tell she is inexperienced, but she tries her hardest to keep up when you finally break away, she says.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Wow.. I never..."</span>
She grabs your hand, you puzzle yourself at what she might do with it until she puts it on her crotch, you can feel her fluids seeping through her shorts onto your hand.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"...Will you please... help me.. with my problem..."</span>
You grab her shoulders and push her down, she barely has time to grab the dryer as you run your fingers between her folds. The only thing stopping you from finger fucking this dirty little whore is the thin sheet of cloth from her shorts. It doesn't stop you from ramping up speed as you push into this girl with all your might.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"Mmmmm please... thank you... would be.. so-AnNhnn= awful if someone heard us-- maybe you should cove--AH!- -m ymmouh-th-- before I scream..</span>
Upon hearing the girls request you stick your fingers in her mouth and shut her up quick, this only seems to further her orgasm though as fluids start to flow down her leg, dripping onto the floor.
Deciding you have had enough with rubbing the outside of the shorts you pull them down, she gives a little scream to this, but it doesn't stop you from fingered her tight snatch with your hand. You start slowly, fluids coat your hand as you continue, you think she might not be able to take anymore, -but instead of letting her off easy, you hasten your pace and start thrusting your finger into this poor girl's bright red snatch.
At this, she starts moaning loudly, luckily for you, your hand is negating most of the sound. You continue for a little, raping this poor girls holes until her entire body starts convulsing as she hits her limit. At first, it starts off small until her entire body is shaking as you continue to finger the girl. Mia screams loudly into your hand, her eyes roll back as you realize you have just made this little whore cum the hardest she has probably ever come in her life. Wanting to push her orgasm over the edge you double down, fingering her snatch as fast as you can, you feel her walls close hard in on your hand as she pushes hard into your hand and starts squirting all over you and the floor.
You take your hand off from over her mouth, and lay her on the ground, she lays there for about a minute reeling from the orgasm you just subjected her too. She rolls a little, occasionally convulsing. You get down close to her and kiss her forehead, and whisper.
<span class="charspeak">"//Are you okay?//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"-yes..."</span> she lets out meekly, as she lays out.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"um...can you.. can you carry me?.. I don't think.. I can walk..."</span>
You smile, picking her up into your arms like you would a puppy.
<span class="charspeak">"//Which one is your room?//"</span> You say as you turn the corner and head up the living room stairs.
<span class="miazhaospeak">"The first one..."</span>
You head to the first door and open it, the room is too dark for you to really make out anything inside, except for a vague rectangle which you assume is her bed.
You put her down on the dark rectangle, which is indeed her bed, she lays out and says
<span class="miazhaospeak">"... thank you.... I think you..."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I think I like you too.//"</span> you say as you gently stroke her head as you kneel by her side.
<span class="charspeak">"//I need to get going, i'll be back soon.//"</span>
<span class="miazhaospeak">"i'll miss you..."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Me too. goodby for now, Mia.//"</span> you say one last time as you kiss her head again and head for her bedroom door.
Downstairs you hang back into the laundry room, grabbing your clothes and quickly changing, setting the trunks on the washer.
[[Head to your car.|Part1ZhaoHouseEnd2]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava9.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava10.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You head upstairs, making as little noise as possible going up the stairs. You open the middle door and find Ava laying on her bed looking at her phone, she looks up at your entrance for the first time all night.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Hello."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Hello.//"</span> you say, closing the door behind you.
<span class="charspeak">"//What did you want?//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I want you to fuck me."</span>
She says as she lowers the blanket showing you her tits.
<span class="charspeak">"//No.//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"-What do you mean no? I asked you to fuck me, now do it!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No. I won't touch you.//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"AM I not attractive enough for you, IS THAT IT?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You are plenty beautiful, and maybe one day we will fuck eachother senseless. Today however, is not that day.//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"FINE! Then just LEAVE!"</span>
You turn back and open the door, heading back out and walking down the stairs. Though as you reach about halfway down, you hear movement from upstairs.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Wait! I'm sorry."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Are you?//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"yes..."</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"...thank you."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//For?//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"For today..."</span>
You nod and turn back, heading down the stairs once more.
[[Head to your car.|Part1ZhaoHouseEnd2]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava9.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava5.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava6.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava7.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava8.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava11.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<<if $avazhaocuc gte $avazhaosub>>\
You head upstairs, making as little noise as possible going up the stairs. You open the middle door and find Ava laying on her bed looking at her phone, she looks up at your entrance for the first time all night.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"What are you doing in here? Didn't I tell you to keep your white hands to yourself."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Quite the opposite.//"</span> you say, closing the door behind you.
Turning back, you head toward the girl, she has a fire inside, but her statue doesn't show it, in fact, shes quite meek when compared to yourself.
You grab her.
<span class="charspeak">"//I wasn't satisfied earlier. You're little tits weren't enough.//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Don't you dare! Touch me, and I will bite!."</span>
You flip her over, putting her back against the bed, you pull down her fathers swimming trunks revealing you dick right above her head.
You are going to face-fuck this dumb Asian bitch with your big white cock.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Don't. you. dare."</span>
You get atop her without saying a word.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I won't let you defile my mouth with your fat white co-."</span>
That's when you thrust into her mouth, not wanting to hear another word form this bitchy girl you start senselessly face fucking her, thrusting your cock into the back of her skull, as her head bumps into her bad.
<span class="charspeak">"//From here on out. YOU EVER talk back to me, and I will face-fcuk you twice as hard. You understand!?//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"mNph!."</span>
The only response you get is gurgles and moans on your dick as you press your cock into this woman's skull.
<span class="charspeak">"//That's right you love that fat white cock huh? I always knew you were a little bitch for it.//"</span>
You can see her idly pushing her thighs together as she attempts to stop her pussy from leaking onto her bed. Her arms are trapped in front of your cock, disabling her from furiously fingering herself to the overwhelming pleasure she is experiencing right now.
Her hot breath makes you tingle as you feel your cock hit the back of her throat. You continue to face fuck this girl as she tries to gain any pleasure from her pussy, pleading to get her hands into her panties, but you refuse instead of continuing to face-fuck her.
Eventually, you feel your cock tightening as you thrust once more into her throat, spewing you white seed deep down into her belly.
She can't swallow it all though, and some end up leaking down onto her forehead.
You take your cock out of her mouth as she coughs.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Ah..nhnnnN."</span> She says as she sticks her hands into her pants, furiously fingering herself in front of you.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I am a whore for big fat white cock."</span> She says in a defeated voice, she turns to look at you as she continues to fuck herself.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"God, I want you to breed my pussy so badly! Giving me white babies while my husband looks on with shame! I want you to cum in me with you fat white cock and fill me with your seed- "</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"AhhANNnHmmm"</span>
She yells as she climaxes and falls limp on her bed.
Feeling satisfied, you quickly put on your clothes and open her door, turning back to say.
<span class="charspeak">"//Next time, I won't be as gentle, whore.//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"yes.."</span>
[[Head downstairs|Part1ZhaoHouseEnd2]]
<<if $avazhaosub gt $avazhaocuc>>\
You head upstairs, making as little noise as possible going up the stairs. You open the middle door and find Ava laying on her bed looking at her phone, she looks up at your entrance for the first time all night.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Hello."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Hello.//"</span> you say, closing the door behind you.
Turning back, you head toward the girl, she has a fire inside, but her statue doesn't show it, in fact, shes quite meek when compared to yourself.
You grab her.
<span class="charspeak">"//I wasn't satisfied earlier. You're little tits weren't enough.//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"What does sir want with his little whore?</span>
You flip her over, putting her back against the bed, you pull down her fathers swimming trunks revealing you dick right above her head.
You are going to face-fuck this dumb Asian bitch with you fat dick.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I understand."</span>
<img src="Images/Part1/Ava11.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
You get atop her without saying a word.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Please use my mouth as you want sir."</span>
That's when you thrust into her mouth, not wanting to hear another word form this bitchy girl you start senselessly face fucking her, thrusting your cock into the back of her skull, as her head bumps into her bad.
<span class="charspeak">"//From here on out. YOU EVER talk back to me, and I will face-fcuk you twice as hard. You understand!?//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"mNph!."</span>
The only response you get is gurgles and moans on your dick as you press your cock into this woman's skull.
<span class="charspeak">"//That's right I awlays new you were a little submissive slut under that bitchy exterior.//"</span>
You can see her idly pushing her thighs together as she attempts to stop her pussy from leaking onto her bed. Her arms are trapped in front of your cock, disabling her from furiously fingering herself to the overwhelming pleasure she is experiencing right now.
Her hot breath makes you tingle as you feel your cock hit the back of her throat. You continue to face fuck this girl as she tries to gain any pleasure from her pussy, pleading to get her hands into her panties, but you refuse instead of continuing to face-fuck her.
Eventually, you feel your cock tightening as you thrust once more into her throat, spewing you white seed deep down into her belly.
She can't swallow it all though, and some end up leaking down onto her forehead.
You take your cock out of her mouth as she coughs.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"Ah..nhnnnN."</span> She says as she sticks her hands into her pants, furiously fingering herself in front of you.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"I am a whore for you sir"</span> She says in a defeated voice, she turns to look at you as she continues to fuck herself.
<span class="avazhaospeak">"God I want you to fuck my pussy red, sir, to take me whenever you want! to fuck the daylights out of me! -and use me as a little cum dumpster."</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"AhhANNnHmmm"</span>
She yells as she climaxes and falls limp on her bed.
Feeling satisfied, you quickly put on your clothes and open her door, turning back to say.
<span class="charspeak">"//Next time, I won't be as gentle, whore.//"</span>
<span class="avazhaospeak">"yes.."</span>
[[Head downstairs|Part1ZhaoHouseEnd2]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Car2.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Walcart1.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You drive home, racing the clock, swerving in and out of traffic like some kind of action hero who needs to quickly defuse a bomb on the other side of the city.
Except you don't do that at all, instead you get stuck behind two Semi's going thirty on a freeway.
After a while of blasting music to drown out your road rage, you make it to WalCart, and park.
[[Into the store.|Part1Store1a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Walcart2.PNG" width="550" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Icecream1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You head through the aisles, checking out the odd people who seem to attract themselves to Walcart.
<span class="charthink">"//What if I am one of those weird people attracted to Wal-Cart? Nah! I can't be. Can I?//"</span>
You walk by a bearded....? Thing.
<span class="charthink">"//I swear, these people man. phew, what a world.//"</span>
You walk some more through the halls, times seems to disappear as the universe slows to a crawl. The bright light gives the impression that Wal-cart exists neither in time nor space, but as an entity of its own- Oh, hey, you found some ice cream.
<span class="charthink">"//Mint ice cream. check.//"</span>
You head away from the freezer section, spotting a giant crate of movies in the corner you decide to stop and just look, maybe there is something good.
<span class="charthink">"//Hey look! I should grab a movie, see if Amanda would be down.//"</span>
You look through, all kinds of movies pop out, like a unique collection of garbage.
[[Grab a bad comedy flick|Part1Store1b][$Part1Store1aoptiona to "1"]]
[[Grab a bad romance flick|Part1Store1b][$Part1Store1aoptionb to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Walcart4.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<span class="charthink">"//Generico 7, Featuring "Adam Snadler" That has to be good.//"</span>
It will most certainly not be.
Grabbing the movie, you set off towards the cashier, you get to the front of the store. There are two lines you can wait in, either waiting in line behind an old hunchback lady, someone who has clearly glued pubic hair onto their head, and a young guy with a goatee and mohawk, Or perhaps you prefer Honey boo-boo and her three mothers, A lady who looks exactly like Morticia Adams from the 1960s, and Mr. M'lady, fit with a trenchcoat and fedora.
[[The line with Mohawk man.|Part1Store1c]]
[[Morticia Adams, Please.|Part1Store1c]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Walcart3.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
You step into line only to watch as the other line goes twice as fast, you fear your ice-cream might melt while you wait.
Once you get to the counter, you are met by a peculiar face, though you don't know this man you get a sinking feeling you in some way do.
You pay for your things and leave.
[[Time to get going|Part1Store1d]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Car1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You head back into the parking lot, getting in your car once again and texting Amanda.
<span class="charspeak">"//On my way home, I picked up that new movie by Adam Snadler, want to watch?//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Sure!"</span>
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/PCHome1.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You pull into your driveway, collecting the bag with ice cream and the movie; you step out of your car.
<span class="charthink">"//Finally, finally, home.//"</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Again? my phone!//"</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Oh, It's from Sophie.//"</span>
You open your texts and see.
<span class="sophiezhaospeak">"Honey! I am so sorry I forgot to pay you! Next time I will pay you what I owe! I apologize!"</span>
<span class="charthink">"//Oh, yeah, she didn't pay me, huh.//"</span>
You text back.
<span class="charspeak">"//No worries, it's all good, you can just give me it next time.//"</span>
You slide your phone into your pocket as you reach the front door, opening it to reveal your home!
[[Walk inside.|Part1BackHome1b]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/PCKitchen2.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda3.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/DVDPlayer1.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You walk inside,
<span class="charspeak">"//'Manda I am 'the-home'!//"</span> you say in a weird voice, not entirely set on what you were trying to imitate.
You see, Amanda's door open from behind the banister.
<span class="sisterspeak">"SHHHH!"</span> She puts her finger over her lip.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Mom and dad are sleeping! meet me in the kitchen."</span> She says.
You walk into the kitchen and set the bag down on the counter. You grab the movie out and unwrap it, deciding to get it ready to put it into the video player. Once done, you wait for a few moments for Amanda to get downstairs.
<span class="charthink">"//Damn, She is taking for-ev-er///"</span>
You turn around, heading to the pantry, looking for something to snack on.
You find a bag of popcorn and throw it in the microwave,
You then see Amanda come from the stairs heading towards you.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Hey nerd!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//'Sup Mandy-pandy.//"</span> She gives you a big hug as the microwave beeps behind you signaling your popcorn is done.
<span class="sisterspeak">"It's good to see you, so how was it?"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Let me guess! A hot Asian milf, with three hot girls of varying personalities, and you can't decide between them all."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//What. the. fuck.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"what?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//How the hell did you know?.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"know what?"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"IT'S TRUE!"</span>
Her eyes light up as she realizes what she said was miraculously true.
She starts laughing.
<span class="sisterspeak">"I'm just kidding, dad told me!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You little shit!//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Hey fuck you! So what movie did you get?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//A crappy Snadler movie, I just wanted to hang out with you to be honest.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"AWH, that's so sweet! MY big bro wants to hang out with me!"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"..Was Ivanna not avaliable?"</span>
She says in a mocking tone.
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah, like Ivanna would have ever gone on a date with me after what you did!//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Not my fault!"</span>
You head over to the T.V. slipping the disk in the D.V.D player, you go and rest on the couch.
<span class="charspeak">"//So how was your day? You seemed upset this morning.//"</span>
<<if $Intro7aoptionb gte 1>>\
<span class="sisterspeak">"You called me Fatty-Mandy asshole!"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"You called me fat, asshead.</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Oh yeah...
I was kidding.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"But, it was okay, dad kept making bad jokes all day. I swear he has an unlimited amount."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//He does.//"</span>
You get up and move back into the kitchen, opening the microwave to your popcorn, fully popped.
<span class="charspeak">"//Want some?//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Nah. I got the ice cream, you did remember right?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Oh shit! Nope! It is definitely not in the bag right there! Which is also oddly shaped like an ice cream container.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"you da' best brother!"</span>
You both grab your snacks and hit the couch as the T.V. starts playing the movie.
[[Watch the movie.|Part1BackHome2a]]
[[(Skip Event) Watch the movie and chat, but nothing more.|Part1BackHome3a]]
<<if $Part1Store1aoptiona == 1>>
<<set $amandastoneslv += 1>>\
<<if $Part1Store1aoptionb == 1>>
<<set $amandastonerom += 1>>\
<<if $skip == 2>>
<<set $skip = 3>>
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Movie1.gif" width="650" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda5.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You sit watching the T.V. for a while, the movie is boring and forgettable, but you occasionally get a laugh out of it.
As you sit in silence watching the movie, the tone becomes calm, which is when Amanda asks.
<span class="sisterspeak">"I have gotten fat huh?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//'Manda I was just teasing you this morning.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"I am not talking about this morning! I know you can tell! Because I can tell you too."</span>
[[Hey, come on, it's not like you look bad!|Part1BackHomeAmanda1a][$Part1BackHomeAmanda1aoptiona to "1"]]
[[It just a change, I like it, if that means anything.|Part1BackHomeAmanda1a][$Part1BackHomeAmanda1aoptionb to "1"]]
[[Yeah, you have.|Part1BackHomeAmanda1a][$Part1BackHomeAmanda1aoptionc to "1"]]
<<set $skip = 0>>
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Movie1.gif" width="650" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda2.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<<if $skip == 3>>\
<span class="devspeak">"Why!? You just skipped everything? What point are you trying to make??? Is it a speedrun?"</span>
You sit watching the T.V. for a while, the movie is boring and forgettable, but you occasionally get a laugh out of it.
As you sit in silence watching the movie, the tone becomes calm, which is when Amanda asks.
<span class="sisterspeak">"I have gotten fat huh?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//'Manda I was just teasing you this morning.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"I am not talking about this morning! I know you can tell! Because I can tell you too."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You look fine, I wouldn't worry about it.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"But you agree! I've gotten fatter."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I suppose you have gained a little weight, but you look good. I wouldn't worry about it too much.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"You think so..?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah, I do. Besides, if someone is going to love you, it better be for what's in there.//"</span>
You say as you point to her chest.
<span class="sisterspeak">"My boobs?"</span>
She says sarcastically to you, pointing at her chest.
<span class="charspeak">"//Exactly! Now you get it!//"</span>
She laughs, and you guys go back to watching the movie for a few minutes until she once again pipes up.
<span class="sisterspeak">"I know I never said it, but I'm sorry about Ivanna. I was a lot more careless back then."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//It's whatever, not like anyone gets their highschool crush anyway.//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//-or at least, it doesn't last long after highschool.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Still.. I know you liked her a lot."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah.//"</span>
You sit in silence and finish the movie, it's pretty bad, but it had some charm here and there.
Eventually you go upstairs. Pushing open your door, exhausted from today, and perhaps also a little sunburned, you quickly strip and hit the bed.
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda2.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda4.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<<if $Part1BackHomeAmanda1aoptiona == 1>>\
<span class="sisterspeak">"But you agree! I've gotten fatter."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I suppose you have gained a little weight, but you look good. I wouldn't worry about it too much.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"You think so..?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah, I do. Besides, if someone is going to love you, it better be for what's in there.//"</span>
You say as you point to her chest.
<span class="sisterspeak">"My boobs?"</span>
She says sarcastically to you, pointing at her chest.
<span class="charspeak">"//Exactly! Now you get it!//"</span>
She laughs, and you guys go back to watching the movie for a few minutes until she once again pipes up.
<span class="sisterspeak">"I know I never said it, but I'm sorry about Ivanna. I was a lot more careless back then."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//It's whatever, not like anyone gets their highschool crush anyway.//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//-or at least, it doesn't last long after highschool.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Still.. I know you liked her a lot."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You know who I like a lot?//"</span>
You say wanting to change the subject.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Who?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You.//"</span>
She blushes, going red at your comment.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Wha-What do you mean!?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Ya' know, I like spending time with you. This movie is garbage, but it's nice to sit here and just hang out like we were kids again.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Oh. Yeah, yeah, it is nice."</span>
She smiles and rests her head on your shoulder.
<span class="sisterspeak">"I am kinda cold.. do you wanna.."</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"-um... cuddle?"</span>
[[What kind of question is that? Get over here!|Part1BackHomeAmanda1ba][$Part1BackHomeAmanda1boptiona to "1"]]
[[No, but I can grab a blanket for us.|Part1BackHomeAmanda1bb][$Part1BackHomeAmanda1boptionb to "1"]]
<<set $amandastonerom += 2>>\
<<if $Part1BackHomeAmanda1aoptionb == 1>>\
<span class="sisterspeak">"But you agree! I've gotten fatter."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I suppose, but you look hot, I mean- it all worked out.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"You think I am hot?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Well duh, anyone can tell you. Everyone was always drooling over you, I doubt much has changed.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"My weight has."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Sure, but it's gone to the right places.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Have you been staring at my body?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Maybe, what if I have? I mean you are pretty attractive, and I see you everyday, its kinda hard not too.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"My older brother has the hots for me!"</span>
She says mockingly at you.
<span class="charspeak">"//I am cold, I think i'm going to grab a blanket.//"</span>
[[Grab a blanket.|Part1BackHomeAmanda1bb][$Part1BackHomeAmanda1boptionb to "1"]]
[[Sneak off to the kitchen with a pretense of getting snacks, and scare her.|Part1BackHomeAmanda1bc][$Part1BackHomeAmanda1boptionc to "1"]]
<<set $amandastonerom += 1>>\
<<set $amandastoneslv += 1>>\
<<if $Part1BackHomeAmanda1aoptionc == 1>>\
<span class="sisterspeak">"Yeah..."</span>
You guys go back to watching the movie for a few minutes until you decide to ask her something.
<span class="charspeak">"//Have you heard about that test everyones doing?//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"What test?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//It's some internet thing, I think its called the BDSM test, it rates your kinks and stuff.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Really?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah. I was thinking about taking it later.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Sounds gross. Want to do it now, I can grab my phone!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//It's not like the movie is getting any better, sure.//"</span>
Amanda gets up and grabs her phone, you do the same.
<span class="sisterspeak">"So what is like- the website?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Not sure, I think it's just BDSMtest.cum or something.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Cool."</span>
She types into her phone, and you do as well, finding it with ease, since its the first search result.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Found it."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Me too.//"</span>
You answer all the questions, getting done relatively quickly, most of your results are overly dominant centered.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Do I like to be tied.."</span>
Amanda looks up, realizing she has spoken aloud.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Hey, it's the test!"</span>
She types on her phone for a while longer, eventually, she finishes and starts scrolling through her results.
<span class="charspeak">"//So?//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"So."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//What are they?//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"I am not telling!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No fair, I want to know.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Nope!"</span>
[[Sneak off to the kitchen with a pretense of getting snacks, and scare her.|Part1BackHomeAmanda1bc][$Part1BackHomeAmanda1boptionc to "1"]]
[[Try to grab her phone.|Part1BackHomeAmanda1bd][$Part1BackHomeAmanda1boptiond to "1"]]
<<set $amandastoneslv += 2>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Cuddling1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="sisterspeak">"Yay!"</span>
You lay down on the couch, as Amanda jumps a top you resting her body on top of yours. You two continue to watch the movie, growing ever more intertwined, as you too snuggle into one another.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Do you miss highschool?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Not really, it sucked being that young. Can't do nothin'.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Yeah."</span>
You two continue to cuddle, watching the movie in silence until Amanda breaks the silence once again.
<span class="sisterspeak">"I'm sorry about how I treated you."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//It's water under the bridge now, highschool seems like a distant dream.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"You always treated me so nicely, like I was family..."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//That's because you are family.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"I guess. But it wasn't right, you helped me when I was down, and all I did was push you down when you were in the same situation."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Water under the bridge, remember?//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"I want to make it up to you!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You don't need too.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"But I want too!"</span>
[[She sits up.|Part1BackHomeAmanda1c]]
<<set $amandastonerom += 2>>\
<<set $amandastoneslv -= 1>>\
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Cuddling2.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You get up and head to the downstairs jacket closet, knowing that your family keeps a few blankets stashed away in there. Grabbing the fluffy and heavy one with the face of a wolf, you head back and throw it over yourself and Amanda.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Thanks! "</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//No problem, it's not very big so, you might have to come a little closer.//"</span>
She does, and you both lay under the warm blanket watching the movie until Amanda pipes up.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Do you miss highschool?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Not really, it sucked being that young. Can't do nothin'.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Yeah."</span>
It goes silent for a little, but it seems Amanda would prefer to talk than watch the movie.
<span class="sisterspeak">"I'm sorry about how I treated you."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//It's water under the bridge now, highschool seems like a distant dream.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"You always treated me so nicely, like I was family..."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//That's because you are family.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"I guess. But it wasn't right, you helped me when I was down, and all I did was push you down when you were in the same situation."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Water under the bridge, remember?//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"I want to make it up to you!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You don't need too.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"But I want too!"</span>
[[She sits up.|Part1BackHomeAmanda1c]]
<<set $amandastonerom += 2>>\
<<set $amandastoneslv += 1>>\
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Fight1.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="charspeak">"//I am going to grab snacks, want anything while i'm up?//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Nah- I got my ice cream."</span>
You get up and head toward the kitchen; after a few moments of looking through the pantry, you get an idea.
<span class="charthink">"//I am going to fake going to the restroom, that way I can sneak up.//"</span>
You head to the restroom, Amanda glances at you as you do, but quickly goes back to the movie. Instead of going inside the restroom, you turn the light on and close the door from the outside, making a firm ''cla'chunk'' as the bolt closes.
Amanda continues to watch the movie as you get closer and closer, ensuring not to make a sound as you do.
You grab and leap at her yelling <span class="charthink">"//RAA!//"</span> as you do.
<span class="sisterspeak">"A-HHH!"</span>
She screams as you tumble over the couch and onto her.
<span class="sisterspeak">"I am going to kill you!"</span>
She says, but what she doesn't notice is that her tits have fallen out of her shirt in plain view of you.
[[You straddle atop her.|Part1BackHomeAmanda1d]]
<<set $amandastonerom += 1>>\
<<set $amandastoneslv += 2>>\
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Fight1.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="charspeak">"//I am going to see whether you like me too or not!//"</span>
You lunge for her phone, wrestling ensues.
<span class="sisterspeak">"NO! YO-U WONT!"</span>
She lets out as you grab around, getting a feel for her body. But more important to you is that phone, and her results.
You struggle as she pushes her hands against yours, trying to overpower one another; you enter a push and pull fight.
<span class="sisterspeak">"YOU THI-NK YOU-RE SO TOUGH!"</span>
She says as you finally get a hand on the phone, but at that moment, it slips out of both of your hands and slides across the floor.
You both look over at the phone, realizing that it is the goal, you both lunge for it, grabbing one another's legs to try to pull the other one back. You eventually get the advantage and grab the phone as Amanda squirms on the ground.
<span class="charspeak">"//AH-HA!//"</span>
You let out in triumph.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Don't-"</span>
Amanda says, but it's too late, you look down and see the results.
100% Submissive, 100% Rope-Bunny. You don't even glance at the others.
<span class="charspeak">"//Oh my.//"</span>
You look down at Amanda, now blushing shades of violet.
[[Pounce on her.|Part1BackHomeAmanda1d]]
<<set $amandastonerom -= 1>>\
<<set $amandastoneslv += 2>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Kissing1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="sisterspeak">"Please!"</span>
You lay back, Amanda kisses you passionately.
<span class="charspeak">"//Amanda-//"</span>
You go to say but are once again cut off by the girl pressing her lips to yours.
She reaches her leg up, pressing it against your dick, tension grows in your jeans as the girl pushes her body against you.
<span class="sisterspeak">"I'm-- a---"</span>
She stutters but finally relents.
<span class="sisterspeak">"a virgin."</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"-and I want to lose it to---
[[Don't say anything.|Part1BackHomeAmanda1e]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda3.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda4.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda5.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda6.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You jump on top of the girl, pushing her back to the ground and staring at her face.
<span class="charspeak">"//Kinky.//"</span>
You say in a mocking tone.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Hey stop! No fair, I didn't get to see yours! you cant do that!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Oh, I can, and will.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"No Fair!"</span>
She yells as she once again pushes you, beginning to wrestle with you all over again.
<span class="sisterspeak">"I am going to kick your ass!"</span>
Amanda screams as you two wrestle each other. You can feel the tension growing in your jeans as you two fight on the ground, grabbing each other's bodies in every way.
<span class="sisterspeak">"You are sooo going down!"</span>
The tension in your groin is getting heavier and heavier until it starts to become unbearable as your dick gets harder. At that moment you glance at Amanda's tits flying in the air, which is just enough
to ''Pop''
Your jeans break open, revealing you erect cock, it stands firm, ready to penetrate Amanda's ass if it weren't for the shorts she was wearing. This only makes you dick harder, thinking about fucking your adopted younger sister.
<span class="charspeak">"//Amanda wait-//"</span>
You try to say, but Amanda gets the upper hand and starts wrestling you to the ground, not wanting to lose the advantage, she tunes you out.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Oh no you don't!"</span>
She yells as she collapses on your groin, pushing your arms toward the ground. In the most improbable move, her little shorts move out of the way just enough for your cock to slide into her pussy.
<span class="sisterspeak">"AHhhn--gH---Ah."</span>
She yells as your shaft penetrates her, sliding deep into her vagina, you feel her walls instinctively collapse upon your cock, milking it with all her force.
<span class="sisterspeak">"It-- It's--- you're in ME!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//FUCK!//"</span>
You yell, you try to take you massive dick out of her but can't there just isn't enough room. You try to lift Amanda off, but she protests saying,
<span class="sisterspeak">"Don-Don't it feels too- fuck- good!"</span>
You start to pump into her, fucking her tight pussy as hard as you can. Fucking your adopted sister feels so wrong, yet your cock won't let you stop.
Her walls mold around your cock, the tiniest piece of flesh actively coercing you seed out as you repetitively hit the start of her uterus.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Please fuck me... I always- wanted-- to lose my virginity to you..."</span>
She pants out in between thrusts, her pussy violently trying to make your dick release your load into her. Impregnating your adopted sister with a child of your own.
<span class="sisterspeak">"YES! YES-YES! Fuck me bro! Please!"</span>
She yells at you as you continue to thrust as hard as you can, your world turns to pure pleasure as you continue to fuck your sister.
You feel a growing inside your shaft, but it's too late, you keep thrusting into her, fucking her senselessly. You feel her walls clamp down on your cock one final time as she shakes violently. You too are at the precipice, and you feel waves of pleasure rush over you as your cock twitches in this girl, filling her to the brink with your semen.
It leaks out of her, dripping from her filled pussy.
<span class="sisterspeak">"yes---"</span> she moans.
[[Hold her tightly.|Part1BackHomeAmanda1f]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Kissing1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<<if $amandastonerom gte $amandastoneslv>>\
She collapses on you, you hold her tight, you try to enjoy the moment, but panic grips you as you realize you may have just impregnated your adopted sister.
<span class="charthink">"//oh shit. oh shit.//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Uh, Amanda...//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"It-- it's okay.. I am on birth- control."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Thank god.//"</span>
She collapses on you, you hold her tight, you try to enjoy the moment, but panic grips you as you realize you may have just impregnated your adopted sister.
<span class="charspeak">"//Amanda are you on birth control!?//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"yes--"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Thank the fucking lord.
So you wanted to lose your virginity to me huh?//"</span>
She goes red, blushing at remembering what she just said only moments ago.
<span class="sisterspeak">"uh..."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I expect more of this. You understand?//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"I guess so..."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Good.//"</span>
You say as you swoop the girl up in your arms and slowly walk up the stairs. Walking to her room, you gently open the door with your leg and set her on it.
<span class="sisterspeak">"I love you..."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I love you too.//"</span>
You lay her on her bed, and tuck her in, leaving her room for you own you say
<span class="charspeak">"//Sleep tight.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"I will."</span>
Eventually you go into your room. Pushing open your door, exhausted from today, and perhaps also a little sunburned, you quickly strip and hit the bed.
<<set $eventamanda += 1>>
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda3.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda4.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda5.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amanda6.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
She kisses you once again, toying with your tongue as you too silently fill one another. She gently pushes off of you, taking off her shirt, exposing herself to you.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Do you like them?"</span>
Your tongue gets caught in your mouth, letting out a slurred <span class="charspeak">"//Yeah.//"</span>
<span class="sisterspeak">"Good."</span>
You slowly unzip your pants, making out with Amanda as you do,
Next, you remove her pants and slowly position yourself under her, making sure she is okay with what comes next.
She yells as you penetrate her, sliding deep into her vagina, you feel her walls instinctively collapse upon your cock, milking it with all her force.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Don-Don't it feels too- fuck- good!"</span>
You start to pump into her, fucking her tight pussy as hard as you can. Fucking your adopted sister feels so wrong, yet your cock won't let you stop.
Her walls mold around your cock, the tiniest piece of flesh actively coercing you seed out as you repeatedly hit the start of her uterus.
<span class="sisterspeak">"Please fuck me... I always- wanted-- to lose my virginity to you..."</span>
She pants out in between thrusts, her pussy violently trying to make your dick release your load into her. Impregnating your adopted sister with a child of your own.
<span class="sisterspeak">"YES! YES-YES! Fuck me bro! Please!"</span>
She yells at you as you continue to thrust as hard as you can, your world turns to pure pleasure as you continue to fuck your sister.
You feel a growing inside your shaft, but it's too late, you keep thrusting into her, fucking her senselessly. You feel her walls clamp down on your cock one final time as she shakes violently. You too are at the precipice, you feel waves of pleasure rush over you as your cock twitches in this girl, filling her to the brink with your semen.
It leaks out of her, dripping from her filled pussy.
<span class="sisterspeak">"yes---"</span> she moans.
[[Hold her tightly.|Part1BackHomeAmanda1f]]
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Part1End.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
As you hit the bed, the world seems to push and pull around you, becoming transient, not altogether there. You close your eyes, wanting to avoid the pulling of the universe. Your life seems to whisk you by for a while, just going through the motions, like a T.V. on fast forward. Until you are once again whisked back into control as the day of the dreaded dinner party comes around.
<<if $ameliadate gte 1 and $ameliadatedone lt 1>>\
[[On to Part 2|End of Content.]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/PCBedroom1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
Time shifts backwards, the colors unblur themselves, pushing you back in time, as you awaken. It's now Thursday, and your date with Amelia is tonight!
Back in your room, an alarm blasts in the background.
You get up once again to shut it off, like every other morning.
<span class="charthink">"//8-O'clock. Another day.//"</span>
<span class="charthink">"//-But today is the day I have a date with Amelia.//"</span>
[[Head to the restroom and take a shower.|Part1Ameliadate1a]]
</div>\<span class="devspeak">You did it! You played until the end of my game!</span>
<img src="Images/Part1/End.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<span class="devspeak">Thanks buddy, I hope you enjoyed, I too, wish there was more content. I would love to be able to produce so much that you just never run out of something to play.</span>
<span class="devspeak">Part two, as I said will continue the story into the events of the dinner party. This part had Amelia's extra event, but Part 2 will be more centered around Ava! So if you really liked her, get ready to get your cock out or something.</span>
<span class="devspeak">Thanks again for playing! Your time means a lot to me, so hopefully it was time well spent.</span><div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/PCCloset1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="charthink">"//Wait! I can't forget a a pair of clothes to wear.//"</span>
You say to yourself, as you take a look around your room, spotting anything to wear, luckily you did laundry yesterday, so there is plenty.
[[Grab a dress shirt and a tie. It's a first date afterall|Part1Ameliadate1ba][$Part1Ameliadate1boptiona to "1"]]
[[A V-Neck and a nice pair of jeans, It's just a first date after all.|Part1Ameliadate1bb][$Part1Ameliadate1boptionb to "1"]]
[[Cargo shorts and Crocs.|Part1Ameliadate1c]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Dressshirt1.PNG" width="500" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Shower1.gif" width="550" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
Aiming to impress you grab your a nice shirt and a tie, better look fancy if you want Amelia to think highly of you.
You grab your clothes and open the door, heading into the hallway; you make a move for the bathroom. As you open the door, you are once again met with the same bathroom you see every morning. You strip and jump in, and shower. Stepping out, you dry yourself off, put your clothes on, and finally head back to your room.
Having made plans over the phone, you know your date isn't until tonight at 7. You spend a few hours reading some various college books until the clock reads 5:56. Not wanting to be late, and deciding you can always drive in circles around her neighborhood. You head downstairs towards your car, giving a //goodbye// to your family as you leave your house.
[[Get in the car and drive to Dr. Zhao's house.|Part1Ameliadate2a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Clothes1.PNG" width="500" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Shower1.gif" width="550" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
Dressing more casually will set the mood fine; you are looking to impress Amelia in other ways than just fancy clothes, mainly, with that killer personality of yours.
You grab your clothes and open the door, heading into the hallway; you make a move for the bathroom. As you open the door, you are once again met with the same bathroom you see every morning. You strip and jump in, and shower. Stepping out, you dry yourself off, put your clothes on, and finally head back to your room.
Having made plans over the phone, you know your date isn't until tonight at 7. You spend a few hours reading some various college books until the clock reads ''5:56''. Not wanting to be late, and deciding you can always drive in circles around her neighborhood. You head downstairs towards your car, giving a //goodbye// to your family as you leave your house.
[[Get in the car and drive to Dr. Zhao's house.|Part1Ameliadate2a]]
</div>\<span class="devspeak"> No.
This doesn't even have a picture because I'm disappointed in you. </span>
[[Grab a dress shirt and a tie. It's a first date afterall|Part1Ameliadate1ba][$Part1Ameliadate1boptiona to "1"]]
[[A V-Neck and a nice pair of jeans, It's just a first date after all.|Part1Ameliadate1bb][$Part1Ameliadate1boptionb to "1"]]<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Car3.PNG" width="700" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You get in your car, starting up the engine, and then driving towards Zhao's house.
<span class="charthink">"//I wonder what Amelia is wearing. Hopefully we match, in like, terms of style...//"</span>
You drive in and out of traffic, coming to M. Khalif Ave. The clock reads ''6:42'' as you pull onto her street.
<span class="charthink">"//Damn. I knew I would be too early. Hm.//"</span>
[[Head to the closest Walcart and grab some flowers for her.|Part1Ameliadate3aa][$Part1Ameliadate3aoptiona to "1"]]
[[Drive in circles around her neighborhood, waste some time.|Part1Ameliadate3ab][$Part1Ameliadate3aoptionb to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Walcart5.PNG" width="600" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You drive out of Amelia's neighborhood on a mission to buy flowers and be back in 20 minutes.
<span class="charspeak">"//I think I saw a Walcart on Dudevega and St. Pauls...//"</span>
You drive around a little, trying to find this illusive Walcart when you spot it next to a Varget
<span class="charspeak">"//Ah-ha!//"</span>
You pull into the parking lot, the clock reads ''6:49''.
<span class="charthink">"//11 minutes to go!//"</span>
You jump out of your car, walking fast into Walcart, and finding the flower section with ease, mainly because it was the closest section to the entrance.
[[Grab a nice bouquet of colored roses|Part1Ameliadate3b][$Part1Ameliadate3boptiona to "1"]]
[[A random assortement of nice looking flowers.|Part1Ameliadate3b][$Part1Ameliadate3boptionb to "1"]]
[[Grab a single, cheesy, red rose.|Part1Ameliadate3b][$Part1Ameliadate3boptionc to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Car1.gif" width="550" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You do donuts in front of her house yelling <span class="charspeak">"//YEEE-HA!//"</span>
Well, that's what you wish you were doing. Instead, you just take it slow and steady driving around the neighborhood a bit, taking in the sights, until the clock reads ''6:57.''
<class="charthink">"//Time to head on up.//"</span>
You say to yourself, as you park your car out front and walk up toward the door.
[[Knock on the door.|Part1Ameliadate4a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Walcart6.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
You grab the flowers, pay for them, and rush out the store. Stepping back into the car the clock reads ''6:58''
<span class="charthink">"//There is no way in heel i'm getting back there in time.//"</span>
You put the car in reverse and swing out of the parking place, throwing the gear shift into drive and slamming your foot down hard on to the accelerator. You bust out of the parking lot back onto the road, not wanting to be late. However, you know you probably already are, you swerve in and out of traffic, pushing your car to the limit as you hit park street.
You hit the brakes and with a screech, come to a halt outside Zhao's house. Looking at the car clock, ''7:04''
<span class="charthink">"//Shit, I'm late.//"</span>
[[Head up to the door and knock.|Part1Ameliadate4a]]
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoHouse2.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia22.PNG" width="450" height="650"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You knock on the door, after a few seconds, you hear.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Coming!"</span>
The door swings open to reveal Amelia in a flowing red dress.
<<if $Part1Ameliadate3aoptiona == 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Are those for me?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Actually, I bought them for your mom.
-Of course it's yours.//"</span>
You say sarcastically as you hand them to her.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"How sweet! Thank you."</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"So- you wanna get going?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah, let's hit it, there's this fancy restraunt downtown i've been meaning to try.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Sounds yummy."</span>
Amelia turns back into her house and yells,
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"''BYE MOM, BYE DAD!''"</span>
Before closing the door behind her.
You two then make your way towards your car.
[[Politely open you car door for her.|Part1Ameliadate5a][$Part1Ameliadate5aoptiona to "1"]]
[[Just get in.|Part1Ameliadate5a][$Part1Ameliadate5aoptionb to "1"]]
<<if $eventamelia == 1>>\
<<set $part1ameliadate += 3>>
<<if $Part1Ameliadate1boptiona == 1 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptionc == 1>>
<<set $part1ameliadate += 2>>
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 3>>\
<<if $Part1Ameliadate1boptiona == 1 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptionb == 1>>
<<set $part1ameliadate += 1>>
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 1>>\
<<if $Part1Ameliadate1boptiona == 1 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptiona == 1>>
<<set $part1ameliadate += 1>>
<<if $Part1Ameliadate1boptionb == 1 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptionc == 1>>
<<set $part1ameliadate += 1>>
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 1>>\
<<if $Part1Ameliadate1boptionb == 1 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptionb == 1>>
<<set $part1ameliadate += 1>>
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 1>>\
<<if $Part1Ameliadate1boptionb == 1 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptiona == 1>>
<<set $part1ameliadate += 2>>
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 4>>\
<<if $eventamelia == 0>>\
<<set $part1ameliadate += 1>>
<<if $Part1Ameliadate1boptiona == 1 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptionc == 1>>
<<set $part1ameliadate += 2>>
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 3>>\
<<if $Part1Ameliadate1boptiona == 1 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptionb == 1>>
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 1>>\
<<if $Part1Ameliadate1boptionb == 1 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptionc == 1>>
<<set $part1ameliadate += 1>>
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 1>>\
<<if $Part1Ameliadate1boptionb == 1 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptionb == 1>>
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 1>>\
<<if $Part1Ameliadate1boptionb == 1 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptiona == 1>>
<<set $part1ameliadate -= 1>>
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 1>>\
<<if $Part1Ameliadate1boptiona == 1 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptiona == 0 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptionb == 0 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptionc == 0>>
<<set $part1ameliadate += 2>>
<<set $ameliazhaocmp += 3>>\
<<if $Part1Ameliadate1boptionb == 1 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptiona == 0 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptionb == 0 and $Part1Ameliadate3boptionc == 0>>
<<set $part1ameliadate += 1>>
<<set $ameliazhaoply += 3>>\
<</if>>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Car4.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia26.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<<if $Part1Ameliadate5aoptiona == 1>>\
You walk down the steps of Amelia's house to your car, opening the passenger door for her.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"A true gentleman!"</span>
She jests, and you just give an eye roll. Once she's in, you get in yourself, starting up the car.
<<set $part1ameliadate += 1>>\
You walk down the steps of Amelia's house to your car, you both get in and start chatting.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"So where' we headed?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Venocci's, it's a Italian restraunt, re-al fancy.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Can't wait!"</span>
You start driving down the street as Amelia pipes up.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"So.. how was your week?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//It was good, kind of fell into oner big blur though.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I know what you mean. So do you like Italian food?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah, good food, is good food. Can't complain, how about you? Probably should have asked before I chose Vennoci's.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Nah! You don't have to! I like my men, assertive!"</span>
She chuckles at herself.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"-I like Italian, and I like pasta!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Thank god. Took me an hour to decide on this place, and I don't think I have enough mental power to-//"</span>
You two idly small talk for a while until you get close to Venocci's
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"So, what do you think of my family?"</span>
She says as she cuts you off.
[[Pull in to Venocci's.|Part1Ameliadate6a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Venoccis2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Emma1.PNG" width="450" height="550"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Venoccis1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You pull into Venocci's, and both get out of the car.
<span class="charspeak">"//Your family!? They're good people, your dad, well, step-dad, is kind of a character.//"</span>
You call out from over the roof of your car, Amelia pops her head and looks at you.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Yeah. here let's finish this conversation inside."</span>
You both head into the restaurant, opening the door for Amelia. A slender woman stands at the podium, waiting to take you to your table.
<span class="emmaviospeakspeak">"Hello! Welcome to Venocci's, How many?"</span>
The lady says in clearly rehearsed, but nonetheless, polite voice.
<span class="charspeak">"//Table for two, please.//"</span>
<span class="emmaviospeakspeak">"Sure thing! Follow me."</span>
You follow the lady; she sets down two menus on a small table, you and Amelia both take a seat.
Amelia looks at you from across the table,
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"So about my family.."</span>
<<if $eventava gte 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"-You and Ava."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Uh... yeah?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I don't know if you two have something, or maybe you guys knew each other- and I don't want to sound jealous but-
I just want you to myself. Just so were... clear."</span>
<<if $eventmia gte 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"-You and Mia."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Uh... yeah?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I don't know if you two have something, or maybe you guys knew each other- and I don't want to sound jealous but-
I just want you to myself. Just so were... clear."</span>
<<if $eventmia lt 1 and $eventava lt 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You treat them so, nicely! It seems like everyone really get along when you're around!"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"It's nice having you around! For more than one reason."</span>
She winks.
<<set $part1ameliadate += 1>>\
<span class="waiterspeak">"Good Afternoon, what can I get you two?"</span>
A waiter has appeared next to the two of you, speaking in an Italian accent. Thankfully breaking up the awkward silence, which was just about to occur.
[[Coffee for me.|Part1Ameliadate7a][$Part1Ameliadate7aoptiona to "1"]]
[[Just water.|Part1Ameliadate7a][$Part1Ameliadate7aoptionb to "1"]]
[[Dr. Pepper.|Part1Ameliadate7a][$Part1Ameliadate7aoptionc to "1"]]
[[Wine?|Part1Ameliadate7a][$Part1Ameliadate7aoptiond to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Waiter1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="waiterspeak">"Very good, sir.
-And for you, Madame."</span>
<<if $Part1Ameliadate7aoptiond == 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I will have some wine too! What kinds do you have?"</span>
<span class="waiterspeak">"Oh, very good, Madame, we have many kinds, you can see right there."</span>
He points to the lower section of her menu.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Ah! Rosé, my favorite! I will take some, Stella!"</span>
<span class="waiterspeak">"Oh, my, erm- mad'am if you insist."</span>
He says disparagingly.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I think I might have some wine. What kinds do you have?"</span>
<span class="waiterspeak">"Oh, good, Madame, we have many kinds, you can see right there."</span>
He points to the lower section of her menu.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Ah! Rosé, my favorite! I will take some, Stella!"</span>
<span class="waiterspeak">"Oh, my, mad'am if you insist."</span>
He says disparagingly.
[[Hey. You got something you'd like to say? Bud.|Part1Ameliadate8aa][$Part1Ameliadate8aoptiona to "1"]]
[[You know what. I think I'd like some too. Pour us two glasses. Sir.|Part1Ameliadate8ab][$Part1Ameliadate8aoptionb to "1"]]
[[Just ignore him.|Part1Ameliadate8ac][$Part1Ameliadate8aoptionc to "1"]]
<<if $Part1Ameliadate7aoptiona == 1 or $Part1Ameliadate7aoptiond == 1>>\
<<set $part1ameliadate += 1>>\
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Waiter2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia25.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="waiterspeak">"No! Sir! Not at all! I will be back with the missus drink. -and yours."</span>
He rushes away, clearly realizing you are not in the mood for him.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Hey! I know he was an ass, but you didn't have to yell at him!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I don't think I yelled, but nonetheless he disrespected you, that doesn't stand with me.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I know. But I can take care of myself! I'm a big girl."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Alright, from now on i'll stay out of it.//"</span>
She picks up her menu and starts looking through, listing off the names of random dishes to herself. You grab your menu and decide that a steak is exactly what you want.
[[Chat a bit more while waiting for your drinks.|Part1Ameliadate9a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Waiter2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia24.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="waiterspeak">"Er- Right away..."</span>
He walks away, his face is contorted in a deeply disturbed fashion.
Amelia gets close to the table, trying to whisper to you.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Did you see his face!?
That was soo-ooo good! He looked like he was about to start crying!"</span>
She says with a smile.
<span class="charspeak">"//I know right? Legally-distinct Stella Romsa is a good brand, don't know why he got all snobbish about it.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"It is!"</span>
She picks up her menu and starts looking through, listing off the names of random dishes to herself. You grab your menu and decide that a steak is exactly what you want.
[[Chat a bit more while waiting for your drinks.|Part1Ameliadate9a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Waiter2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia27.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="waiterspeak">"I will get your drinks."</span>
He walks away toward the bar.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"What an asshole."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah, what a dick.//"</span>
She picks up her menu and starts looking through, listing off the names of random dishes to herself. You grab your menu and decide that a steak is exactly what you want.
[[Chat a bit more while waiting for your drinks.|Part1Ameliadate9a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia23.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<span class="charspeak">"//Hey you're in college right?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Yep! Immunology remember?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Yeah, how is that? Sounds a lot harder then English.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Well I just took BIO 301, -and you will not believe this guy! So we show up the first day, and he gives the //blah-blah I want everyone to succeed// and then not even joking. Five minutes later, he tells us we have this 10 page paper on chapter one due next week! -and this is the kicker! He wants seven outside sources! Seven! How!? No way! There is no way in hell!
<span class="charspeak">"//Seven!? Really?//"</span>
YES! I mean sure, 10-page papers aren't a serious pain! But due in a week with tons of outside sources! Who does he think we are! I had four other classes! No way I was going to it. So I was like what a wacko! Well, It gets better, because I grab the syllabus, and am looking through it right! Every week it was like this! I just got up and walked the fuck out! absolutely not going through hell in my third year."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//There's no way you walked out in the first ten minutes!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I did! Grabbed my bag and left! The whole class stared! -But, even if his class was -half! Half as bad! I would still rather take an icepick lobotomy!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Jesus!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"So, I left, never looked back, dropped that class, and took another- which I got an A in!"</span>
She gives a playfully smug look upon saying that.
<span class="charspeak">"//I had an Astrology teacher who wanted us to memorize like thirty equations for the size of stars, that was pretty tough. I didn't have the courage to walk on out though.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Who cares about Astronomy anyways,
//Ooo! Look at me I can look at the fire in the universe, I'm so cool!//"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Hah, It's not all that bad.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"What are you a Astronomy-sympathizer?</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Maybe.//"</span>
[[Continue to talk.|Part1Ameliadate10a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia25.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn450">\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"The Academic police don't take to kindly to your kind. Sympathizers, ugh!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Academic police? Aren't those the people who check for plagarism?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Yep. They wake you up in the middle of the night and put a bullet between your eyes if you don't cite your work."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Sounds like you have had some run ins before.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"You didn't hear!? Mia- she... she didn't make it. The academic police- well."</span>
Amelia puts on a sympathetic voice.
<span class="waiterspeak">"Here are you drinks, Madame and Sir."</span>
The waiter butts in, putting down both of your drinks.
<span class="waiterspeak">"What can I get for you two to eat?"</span>
You both order your food, aspiring to resume talking and rid yourself of this waiter.
<<if $Part1Ameliadate7aoptiona == 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Planning on staying up late tonight?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Depends.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"On?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I saw a lacrosse stick in the shed, and I know you mentioned it.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Yeah. I used to do lacrosse in high school."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Not to offend, but it's kind of a niche sport.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"It is, but I was really good! You should have seen me go."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Were you a big athelete?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Yep, I definitely had a lot of fun doing it too!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//So then, why'd you stop?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Well. It's niche. -and I certainly wasn't going to play with a bunch of lame high schoolers!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Maybe you can teach me sometime?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Heck yeah! But be warned, I'll kick your ass."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//That why I need you to ''teach'' me!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I'll teach you something alright!"</span>
The night goes on, you two float from topic to topic, you learn a lot about Amelia. Once upon a time, she wanted to be a veterinarian, her first job was at a chicken-based restaurant, she's read the three principles of the people—common stuff.
[[Back outside.|Part1Ameliadateeend1a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Venoccis2.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Kissing5.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You two stumble out of the restaurant. The wine has really went to Amelia's head, she seems relaxed, but is still acting like a comedian.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"-and so I say: Why does a priest need seven cats, I thought you aren't allowed one!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//That was a terrible joke. Did he even get it?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Nope."</span>
She says as she stumbles almost falling, but luckily you are there to catch her into your arms.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Hi"</span>
She says stupidly, looking up into your eyes. You lift her back up and put her on her feet.
<span class="charspeak">"//Come on, lets get you home.//"</span>
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/HandHold1.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You click the button on your keyring, your car makes a ''BEEP''
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Shut-up car."</span>
Amelia slurs at your vehicle. You come behind her and open the passenger door, letting you help her in.
Once in you walk around the front of your car, she mimes a steering wheel over the passenger side airbag, mimicking honking as though she is driving the car, and you are a pedestrian walking in the way.
You finally get into your car, putting your key in, you look over at Amelia, still pretending to drive the car.
<span class="charspeak">"//Having fun?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Yes!"</span>
She says as she hiccups.
<span class="charspeak">"//Who knew you were such a lightweight.//"</span>
You say, turning on the engine. You look over, and she doesn't say anything to this; instead, she puffs her cheeks out and blows a tiny raspberry at you.
<span class="charspeak">"//Agh! Don't spit on me!//"</span>
You pull out of Venocci's and get back on the road, driving towards Amelia's house.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Do- you think I'm pretty?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//You're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Cheesy!"</span>
She calls out, turning away, trying to also hide her red cheeks.
[[Pull into Zhao's house.|Part1Ameliadateeend3a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoHouse3.PNG" width="650" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia26.PNG" width="450" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You pull onto the curb outside her house.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Is this goodbye?"</span>
She gives a big frown.
<span class="charspeak">"//For now, yes.//"</span>
<<if $part1ameliadate lte 1>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Well, I'll see you later.."</span>
[[Head home.|Part1End]]
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I don't wanna go."</span>
Amelia starts pouting in your passenger seat.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Wanna come in?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Do I want too? For sure. Will your mom kill me? Absolutely.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I'll sneak you in!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Sounds risky.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Maybe"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"So heres the plan,
Step 1, I go inside.
Step 2, you drive away and park down the street.
Step 3, I unlock the backdoor.
Step 4, you get into my backyard without being seen.
Step 5, we fuck like rabbits."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I like step 5.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Great bye!"</span>
She jumps out of your car.
<span class="charspeak">"//Hey wait- I didn't agre-//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"''THANK YOU SO MUCH I HAD SUCH A GREAT TIME!''"</span>
She calls out to your car.
[[Well shit.|Part1Ameliadateeend4a]]
[[(Skip event) Just go home.|Part1End]]
<<set $ameliadatedone += 1>>
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Sneaking1.gif" width="450" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/ZhaoSecondFloor1.PNG" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You drive around the corner parking your car, and get out, sneaking up to the Zhaos house once again. You jump over the gate as silently as you can and make your way into the left-most alley of their house, conveniently having a gate to their backyard. You are about to jump over the gate when you hear,
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"WAit!~"</span>
-In a hushed but loud voice.
<span class="charspeak">"//Amelia? Where are you?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Look up!"</span>
You do just that Amelia is leaning out of her window, staring at you below.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Mia is in the kitchen! I couldn't unlock it.
But I have a plan! Here!"</span>
She throws down a bunch of shirts and blankets tied together.
<span class="charspeak">"//Amelia!? Are you serious!?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"YES!"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//That's like two stories, if I fall I'll break my neck!//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I'll give you a nice funeral!"</span>
[[Grab ahold and start climbing.|Part1Ameliadateeend5a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Cuddling5.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia5.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia6.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You lay down next to her, slowly removing every bit of clothing the two of you have on.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Open the bottom drawer.."</span>
Amelia coyly says, motioning you towards her dresser. You do as instructed, opening it to find both a thin black rope and a vibrator. You grab both, throwing the vibrator on the bed for later as you approach Amelia with the string.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I meant the vibrat-"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//We will get to it.//"</span>
You push her down onto the white covers, slowly tying her up. Feeling up each other as the walls seem to blend together.
Not wanting to let this opportunity go to waste, you kiss her, touching every bit of one another's mouth. As you finish tying her up, you once again grab the vibrator, turning it on with a little click, and then heading for Amelia.
Unable to neither stop nor want to stop you, you push the vibrator to her lips.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Ah- mmnmmhmm"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Do you like that?//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Yes-"</span>
She's quickly cut off by kissing you once again.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I-- love it-"</span>
Right then she arches her back for just a moment, shaking a little as she does, look at you holding her with pure pleasure.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"AH-mmmnm-"</span>
[[Lay her to rest, and eat her out|Part1Ameliadateeend7a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia7.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia8.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia17.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia9.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia10.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia11.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You grab Amelia, laying her down on her bed as you move downwards.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"What are you-"</span>\
But she is immediately cut off by digging into her pussy with your tongue, lapping up many of the juicers that presented themselves from the vibrator. You fuck her puss with your tongue, attempting to make her squirm under your assaults.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"AhnnH! More- Oh-my-god moRE!"</span>\
She starts to shake, trying to spread her arms, but it's fruitless. The black rope has her bound under your whim. You continue your assault some more at Amelia's request. The taste of her juices mixed with your saliva intoxicates you further.
Amelia moans under the pressure you are submitting her too, she calls out with the last bit of strength she can.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Please...I'-m -going-- to!"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"''AhnnHHHNM''"</span>
She screams out, squirting everywhere.
She lies back, attempting to get her composure, once she does, she pushes you back and off the bed. Squirming down herself until you both are at the foot of her bed. She grabs your cock into her hands.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Now I'm going to make //you// feel good too."</span>
She grabs your cock with both hands, clearly inexperienced, but trying her hardest, she bobs her head up and down on the tip.
<span class="charspeak">"//fu-cK-//"</span>
You call out as the girl continues to take your cock into her throat. You grab onto her hair, pulling it as she sucks your dick underneath. You feel her tongue slowly massaging your cocks length as tension builds. You can feel it coming up as you come sown the woman's throat.
You grab her head, pushing it hard onto your cock as ropes of thick seed coat the woman's mouth, she has no choice but to swallow it. You release her head, and it bobs back as she wipes her mouth.
<<if $part1ameliadate lt 5>>\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"-warn me next time!"</span>
She says in a joking but severe manner.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Did you enjoy yourself?"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//Fuck yes-//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Good! now come here!"</span>
You both collapse onto her bed as sleep takes you both.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Mmmm i've been waiting for, this for so long!"</span>
[[Get on the bed and fuck the daylights out of Amelia.|Part1Ameliadateeend8a]]
<<set $ameliahadsex = 1>>
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia15.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia12.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia13.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia14.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia15.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You grab Amelia throwing her back onto the end of the bed, spreading her legs, you are going to fuck the hell out of this girl, and aren't going to let up until you are finished.
You grab your cock, done with the play-time, you thrust into her, her walls grope your cock as she lets out a whine.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"It- IT's TOO Bi-G!"</span>
She says as you start fucking her already red and dripping pussy, you reach around her leg with one arm, fingering her as you two make love.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"God- FUC- I love YOU! "</span>
She screams as you mercilessly thrust in an out, you slowly feel your cock being milked from this woman's vagina, practically begging you to empty your balls into her.
You stop fucking her for a second and grab her, laying down on her bed you flip her over and up onto you.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"mmmm- You want to play it this way--"</span>\
You grab her waist, fucking her pussy now that she's the one on top, as she does the same to you. Your cock twitches under her pussy, constantly enveloping your dick.
You continue to fuck this woman, her small moans have started turning into screams. You watch her face. It seems she might not be all there. She continues to fuck your cock with her pussy mindlessly as it seems her brain has completely melted from all the pleasure being produced.
You grab her bringing her near as you change pace, fucking her pussy as fast as you possibly can.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"GOD I-AHNmN- L-OVAH-E YOU!"</span>
She yells as you thrust in and out, again and again, you slowly are building up to climax when you hear her say.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I WAN-t YOU TO -GIve ME iT"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"PLEA-AHNmmmmNH -COmE IN ME!"</span>
[[Do as your told.|Part1Ameliadateeend9a]]
<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Amelia16.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
You hold her tight, flipping her over one last time as you thrust in.
Waves of pleasure wash over you, as you release your seed into Amelia's red snatch. Pushing her down on the bad and collapsing on top of her.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"ah-- I can't believe---"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"Thank you----"</span>
She says with a tiny kiss on your cheek.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I love you..."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I love you too.//"</span>
[[Cuddle a bit.|Part1Ameliadateeend10a]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Cuddling3.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
Amelia and you both get under the covers, she flips on her T.V. as you throw your arms around her and cuddle.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I really mean it.."</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//I do too.//"</span>
She smiles and holds your hand tight, gently melting into your body.
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"So does this mean--"</span>
<span class="charspeak">"//It can.//"</span>
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"I want it to."</span>\
[[Sure.|Part1Ameliadateeend11a][$ameliadating to "1"]]
</div>\<div class="leftcolumn">\
<img src="Images/Part1/Cuddling4.gif" width="750" height="450"/>
<div class="rightcolumn">\
<span class="ameliazhaospeak">"yay!"</span>
You two cuddle for a while longer, eventually falling asleep.
</div>\Since you found this, I just want to say, man, Indian Jones. What a fucking guy, honestly, a role model of mine. Fucking love that guy.
Hm, what else, Far Cry 5 cult music is fucking incredible, I know you are suppossed to hate them, and I do, but damn they got some fucking good music.
Marty Robbins makes some pretty good music too, like of course big iron, a fucking classic. But, San Angelo, Cowboy in a Continental, Meet me in Laredo, Faleena and El Paso, Phew, good shit. good shit.
What else can I write in here as an easter egg.
I really like the Fallout series, I was way too young for the classics, but I played them not too long ago, maybe like a year or so, and they were great, I enjoyed the tongue and cheek in Fallout 2, Sergent Dorman? Was hands down the best part of that game.
Firefly is a great show if you haven't seen it, 10/10, would hard recomend, too bad the cast are all a little too old now to remake the series. The Expanse is pretty alright, I liked it, but it never hit the same amount of love as firefly.
Hardcore Henry is a great movie if you haven't seen it. The strip club shoot-out has a song call Strychnine, by The Sonics, and that song makes my ears cream. Hardcore Henry is like a 10/10 movie anyways, but the soundtrack is stellar too.
Wolfmother has these three songs which also make my ears cream, Woman being my favorite right now, but Joker and the Thief is great too. The song "woman" makes me want to write a space opera, where the protaganist is fighting this Mafia on a cyberpunk world, and theyre having a spaceship chase through the city to that song, all while blasting the fuck out of the city around. The song "joker and the thief" make me want to finish said space opera,with a giant space flesh monster the size of a planet about to consume Earth, and the protaganist and his band of misfits load into their spaceship with a doomsday device onboard, charging this giant monster which has just bloted out the sun. Dodging and weaving through building as they blast little flying flesh bugs, as they all know this is their last mission to save humanity.
total side note, Iggy pop is the shit too.
Oh and Ava has a secret romance path (:
<<if $Part1ZhaoHouseAva1doptiona == 1>>\Double-click this passage to edit it.