This interactive story is intended for 18+ adults only.
It contains mature content and themes.
There are shortcuts to late game if you scroll down.
[[Skip Intro->Start FBPAF]]
(set: $array to (a:""))
(set: $pText to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $pGirlyText to (text-color:"#ff3399"))
(set: $BrianText to (text-color:"#0000e6"))
(set: $pNameCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $pMakeupCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $takeFem to "0")
(set: $FemCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $takeIntel to "0")
(set: $IntelCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $takeBottom to "0")
(set: $BottomCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $takeTop to "0")
(set: $TopCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $takeFace to "0")
(set: $FaceCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $HairCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $takeGen to "0")
(set: $GenCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $takeAge to "0")
(set: $AgeCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $takeHM to "0")
(set: $HMCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $takeMuscle to "0")
(set: $MusCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $drugged to "0")
(set: $StephText to (text-color:"#e60000"))
(set: $BrianText to (text-color:"#0000e6"))
(set: $Fname to "Tyler")
(set: $Lname to "Porter")
(set: $page to "25")
(set: $pweight to "170")
(set: $pstrength to "large muscles")
(set: $pbody to "normal male")
(set: $pgenitals to "6 inch cock")
(set: $pbutt to "fit tight")
(set: $plegs to "long")
(set: $pfeet to "large")
(set: $pchest to "wide")
(set: $pboobs to "no")
(set: $pmid to "big")
(set: $pface to "androgynous")
(set: $plips to "normal")
(set: $pmakeup to "no")
(set: $pmaturity to "experienced adult")
(set: $pintel to "a good student with quick wit")
(set: $school to "Middlebrook University")
(set: $class to " graduated from")
(set: $printGrad to "who has just $AgeCol[$class] $AgeCol[$school] and moved into your own place.")
(set: $pheight1 to "6")
(set: $pheight2 to "0")
(set: $phairlen to "eye length")
(set: $phaircol to "brown")
(set: $phairstyle to "shaggy")
(set: $pmasculinity to "resolved man")
(set: $pfemininity to "nonexistant")
(set: $FemCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $thistext to "gentleman")
(set: $thistextCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(link:"Skip to post transformation(sissy)")[
(set: $Fname to "Kelli")
(set: $Lname to "Porter")
(set: $pweight to "125")
(set: $pstrength to "weak muscles")
(set: $pbody to "curvy cute figure")
(set: $pgenitals to "2 inch cock")
(set: $plegs to "smooth short")
(set: $pfeet to "small")
(set: $pchest to "petite")
(set: $pboobs to "B cup")
(set: $pmid to "thin")
(set: $pface to "cute and attractive")
(set: $plips to "normal")
(set: $pmakeup to "light makeup")
(set: $pmaturity to "cute and bratty")
(set: $pintel to "sorta bright")
(set: $class to " Freshman")
(set: $school to "Community College")
(set: $printGrad to "you are a $AgeCol[$class] at $AgeCol[$school].")
(set: $pheight1 to "5")
(set: $pheight2 to "5")
(set: $phairlen to "long")
(set: $page to "19")
(set: $thistext to "sissy")
(set: $pmasculinity to "weakened")
(set: $pfemininity to "girly demenor")
(set: $HMCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $MusCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $TopCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $BottomCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $GenCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $AgeCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $HairCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pNameCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $FemCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $IntelCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pHeadwearCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pheadwear to "a wig")
(set: $pShirtCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pshirt to "revealing top")
(set: $pPantsCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $ppants to "tight shorts")
(set: $pShoesCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pshoes to "sneakers")
(set: $pUnderCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $punderwear to "panties")
(set: $thistext to "sissy")
(set: $thistextCol to $pGirlyText)
(link:"Skip to post transformation(bimbo)")[
(set:$thistext to "bimbo")
(set: $thistextCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $GenCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $Fname to "Bambi")
(set: $Lname to "Porter")
(set: $pweight to "140")
(set: $pstrength to "toned muscles")
(set: $pbody to "curvy feminine figure")
(set: $pgenitals to "wet pussy")
(set: $plegs to "smooth long")
(set: $pfeet to "small")
(set: $pchest to "wide")
(set: $pboobs to "D cup")
(set: $pmid to "hourglass")
(set: $pface to "feminine and slutty")
(set: $plips to "large")
(set: $pmakeup to "slutty makeup")
(set: $class to "dropout")
(set: $printGrad to "you are a $AgeCol[$class].")
(set: $pmaturity to "basically just a sex doll")
(set: $pintel to "a brainless bimbo")
(set: $school to "")
(set: $pheight1 to "5")
(set: $pheight2 to "7")
(set: $phairlen to "eye length")
(set: $page to "19")
(set: $pmasculinity to "nonexistant")
(set: $pfemininity to "girly demenor")
(set: $HMCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $MusCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $TopCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $BottomCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $GenCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $AgeCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $HairCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pNameCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $FemCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $IntelCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pHeadwearCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pheadwear to "blonde hair extensions")
(set: $pShirtCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pshirt to "tube top")
(set: $pPantsCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $ppants to "short shorts")
(set: $pShoesCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pshoes to "heels")
(set: $pUnderCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $punderwear to "no panties")
(set: $FETarray to (a:""))
(set: $feetFET to "0")
(set: $sissyFET to "0")
(set: $intelFET to "0")
(set: $cumFET to "0")
(set: $wetFET to "0")
(set: $cockFET to "0")
(set: $femaleFET to "0")
(set: $assFET to "0")
(set: $boobFET to "0")
(set: $littleFET to "0")
(set: $pHeadwearCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $pheadwear to "no headwear")
(set: $pShirtCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $pshirt to "graphic tshirt")
(set: $pPantsCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $ppants to "baggy blue jeans")
(set: $pShoesCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $pshoes to "sneakers")
(set: $pUnderCol to (text-color:"#009900"))
(set: $punderwear to "boxers")
(set: $wear to "a $pShirtCol[$pshirt] and $pPantsCol[$ppants], $pShoesCol[$pshoes], $pUnderCol[$punderwear], and $pHeadwearCol[$pheadwear]")
(set: $wearing to "You are wearing $wear")
[[test]]Your name is $pNameCol[$Fname $Lname], an $AgeCol[$page] year old, $printGrad
You are $HMCol[$pheight1'$pheight2"] and $HMCol[$pweight] pounds
You have $MusCol[$pstrength] with a $HMCol[$pbody] figure.
You have a $TopCol[$pchest] chest with $TopCol[$pboobs] boobs
You have a $BottomCol[$pbutt] butt, $BottomCol[$pmid] hips, $BottomCol[$plegs] legs, and $BottomCol[$pfeet] feet.
You are a $thistextCol[$thistext] with a $GenCol[$pgenitals.]
Your face is $FaceCol[$pface], you have $FaceCol[$plips] lips and $FaceCol[$pmakeup] makeup on
You have $HairCol[$phairlen], $HairCol[$phairstyle] $HairCol[$phaircol] hair.
You are $IntelCol[$pintel.] As far as maturity goes, you're an $AgeCol[$pmaturity.]
Your masculinity is $FemCol[$pmasculinity] and your femininity is $FemCol[$pfemininity.]
Your friend, $BrianText[Brian], used to be your down the street neighbor, he went to State College. He lives in the city by the mall.
Your friend $StephText[Stephanie] has always played coy with you - you met her in college her parents live in your hometown of Cherry Grove. She lives just down the street. She was a cheerleader.
You're hosting a graduation party at your apartment common area. Brian and Stephanie are here.
[[You see Brian over by the grill ->Greet Brian]]You go inside and Stephanie pitches her product to you.
<span style="color:#e60000">"This is some of the newest in nanotechnology!
The Feminine Body Products corporation has been developing a new variety of Altering Formulas that can help people alter biomass."</span>
[[You ask about FBPAF ->FBPAF]]You find Brian over by the grill.
<span style="color:#009900">"Bro!"</span>
<span style="color:#0000e6">"Hey $Fname!..
The meat isnt ready yet.
Congrats on graduating. Here take my phone number, I'm available later this month."</span>
[[You see Stepahnie at the table->Greet Stephanie]]<span style="color:#e60000">"Hi $Fname, it's like, totally great to see you. I wanted to give you something for being //so// good lately."</span>
<span style="color:#009900">"What is it!?"</span> You reply hungrily.
<span style="color:#e60000">"A once in a life time oppertunity to BE YOUR OWN BOSS!"</span>
<span style="color:#009900">"Oh no not this bullshit again."</span>
<span style="color:#e60000">"Oh please $Fname, just [[hear me out! ->Stephanie Willing]]"</span>
[[Refuse her scam. ->Stephanie Forced]]You walk inside
"Not a chance Stephanie. That stuff is not worth it."
<span style="color:#e60000">"Pity cutie..."
"Here, have a promotional product"</span>
<span style="padding-left:4em">You recieve FBP Sublend - Flavors of spice and milk</span>
[[Chug The FBP Sublend ->Drugged]](set:$druggedText to "")
(if:$drugged is "1")[(set: $druggedText to "$pGirlyText[You've been drugged.]")]
You read the pamplet she brought
FBPAF has been developed for use by females who have not developed further after puberty, in a mental and spiritual sense.
It provides attrubute modifications based off a idealized end state.
WARNING: Altering Formula is only approved for biological women
<span style="color:#e60000">"I have two weeks supply for sale, if you can sell it to someone else, and i'll pay you a comission! It's been said guys sell them better"</span>
<span style="color:#009900">[["Good idea!" ->I'll take it!"]]</span>(set: $drugged to "1")
(set: $array to $array + (a:"drugged"))
You drink the refreshing beverage. After couple minutes of talking you start to feel uncomfortable and very hot. Stepahnie takes you over to the couch.
<span style="color:#e60000">"$Fname! Are you alright?"</span>
You just groan
<span style="color:#e60000">"You shouldnt drink that stuff so fast."</span>
Her voice sounds angellic. Stephanie brushes your $phairlen off your forehead and touches your lips. She is staring into your eyes and muttering something.
As you look up at her, you find a feeling of acceptance growing inside of you. You want to listen to her and you want to please her. Stephanie knows how to take care of you. Maybe you should [[give her a chance ->FBPAF]] You take the supply of FBPAF from Stephanie
The party ends with a firepit and your friends drive home.
[[Later that summer->Cleaning out the closet]]Youre cleaning out your closet a few weeks later when you pull out the SSMAF kit, you thought you would sell it sooner.
(set: $print to "[[Take a closer look at the kit.->Read manual]]")
(if: $drugged is "1")[(set: $print to "[[You get a gut feeling you should call Stephanie.->Trigger]]")]
$printYou call Stephanie
<span style="color:#009900">"Heeey Stephanie!
"Remember that kit I got from you?
I still can't find anyone intereseted in it...
Do you do returns?"</span>
<span style="color:#e60000">"Oh $Fname, i'm afraid not..
The company has me working in a new department.
You know..
You shouldn't have used your phone to take creep shots of me and my friends at my 18th birthday." </span>
Oh. Fuck!
<span style="color:#e60000">"Brian told me all about it.. Now listen closely </span> $pGirlyText[*steffy's $thistext girl*.]
<span style="color:#009900">"what is.. Yes."</span>
<span style="color:#e60000">"That feeling is devotion $Fname. You were been given a trigger word in a trance when I drugged you at your party. The longer I waited to use it, the stonger it became."</span>
<span style="color:#009900">[["Yes ma'am."->Request]]</span>You reach into the box and read the drug information manual.
You imagine yourself gaining the muscle and personality you need to make Stephanie your girlfirnd.
[[Maybe the formula will work the same for males->Start FBPAF]]
[[Too risky - put the pamplet back->Accident]](set: $print to "You imagine yourself taking the formula and becoming attractive and cool to Stephanie.")
(if: $drugged is "1")[(set: $print to "You try to resist your desire to take the altering formula. But submitting to the requests of Stephanie has become a need of yours.")]
(set:$avoid to 0)
You look at the different jars.
(set:$hypcount to 0)(set:$newtext to "")(set: $a to (shuffled:"[[Feminimity]]","[[Intelligence]]","[[Maturity]]","[[Face]]","[[Top]]","[[Genitals]]","[[Bottom]]","[[Muscle]]","[[Height and Mass]]"))
(print: $a's 1st)
(print: $a's 2nd)
(print: $a's 3rd)
(print: $a's 4th)
(print: $a's 5th)
(print: $a's 6th)
(print: $a's 7th)
(print: $a's 8th)
(print: $a's 9th)You finish reorganizing your closet and decide to put the box on the top shelf of your closet.
You stand on a wooden chair that came with the apartment.
You are falling
You're feeling something wet.. Is that blood?
[[No, it's coming from the Altering formula box.->Exposure]]<span style="color:#ff3399">*Hissssss*</span>
The box seems to have been pressurized and the chemicals are spraying out in a fine mist.
[[Go find tape. Fast!->Tape]](set: $print to "Maybe taking the muscle altering formula will make you more fit and healthy. Stephanie would like that.")
(if: $drugged is "1")[(set: $print to "You imagine Stephanie's fit body. But you're confused. Why //do// you have to be strong when there are strong men?")]
(set: $printTake to "[[You decide to take it.->Take muscle]]")
(if: $takeMuscle is "1")[(set: $printTake to "It's been opened and is empty.")]
You inspect the muscle FPB formula.
It comes in a silver can.
[[Reconsider->Start FBPAF]]
(link:"Empty it out")[(set:$takeMuscle to "1")(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeMuscle"))(set:$avoid to 1)(goto:"Next Day")](set: $print to "Maybe taking the hight and mass formula will make you more large. Someone who can be a protector of Stephanie.")
(if: $drugged is "1")[(set: $print to "You imagine Stephanie's size and figure and how her sparce fat accentuantes it. You want to brush her soft skin.")]
(set: $printTake to "[[You decide to take it.->Take height&mass]]")
(if: $takeHM is "1")[(set: $printTake to "It's been opened and is empty.")]
You inspect the Height and mass FPB formula.
It comes in a silver can.
[[Reconsider->Start FBPAF]]
(link:"Empty it out")[(set:$takeHM to "1")(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeHM"))(set:$avoid to 1)(goto:"Next Day")](set: $print to "You believe taking the genitals altering formula will make your cock grow larger. Stephanie would notice its size even if she didnt want to look!")
(if: $drugged is "1")[(set: $print to "You imagine Stephanie holding your $pgenitals. She looks so happy with a dick in her face.")]
(set: $printTake to "[[You decide to take it.->Take genitals]]")
(if: $takeGen is "1")[(set: $printTake to "It's been opened and is empty.")]
You inspect the genitals FPB formula.
It comes in a silver can.
[[Reconsider->Start FBPAF]]
(link:"Empty it out")[(set:$takeGen to "1")(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeGen"))(set:$avoid to 1)(goto:"Next Day")](set: $print to "Maybe taking the bottom altering formula will make you more athletic and hot below the waist. Maybe it will fill out your flat ass. Stephanie would like that")
(if: $drugged is "1")[(set: $print to "Stephanie's legs are so pretty. Smooth and hairless and shaped right. Maybe this bottom formula can give you sexy legs too.")]
(set: $printTake to "[[You decide to take it.->Take bottom]]")
(if: $takeBottom is "1")[(set: $printTake to "It's been opened and is empty.")]
You inspect the bottom FPB formula.
It comes in a silver can.
[[Reconsider->Start FBPAF]]
(link:"Empty it out")[(set:$takeBottom to "1")(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeBottom"))(set:$avoid to 1)(goto:"Next Day")](set: $print to "Maybe taking the top altering formula will make you more athletic and hot above the waist. Your chest has always been average. Wide set shoulders and less of a belly might interest Stephanie.")
(if: $drugged is "1")[(set: $print to "You imagine Stephanie's petit figure and slim shoulders and how it must feel to rub your hand on her smooth bare chest")]
(set: $printTake to "[[You decide to take it.->Take top]]")
(if: $takeTop is "1")[(set: $printTake to "It's been opened and is empty.")]
You inspect the top FPB formula.
It comes in a silver can.
[[Reconsider->Start FBPAF]]
(link:"Empty it out")[(set:$takeTop to "1")(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeTop"))(set:$avoid to 1)(goto:"Next Day")](set: $print to "Maybe taking the face altering formula will make you more attractive. Your acne and sparce facial hair never made you look that mature..")
(if: $drugged is "1")[(set: $print to "You imagine Stephanie's facial features; her smooth cheecks and plush lips. You want to be beautiful too")]
(set: $printTake to "[[You decide to take it.->Take face]]")
(if: $takeFace is "1")[(set: $printTake to "It's been opened and is empty.")]
You inspect the face FPB formula.
It comes in a silver can.
[[Reconsider->Start FBPAF]]
(link:"Empty it out")[(set:$takeFace to "1")(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeFace"))(set:$avoid to 1)(goto:"Next Day")](set: $print to "Maybe taking the maturity altering formula will make Stephanie realize youre a nice man who //deserves// a relationship with her.")
(if: $drugged is "1")[(set: $print to "You imagine back when you were younger, and your features were more androygenous.")]
(set: $printTake to "[[You decide to take it.->Take maturity]]")
(if: $takeAge is "1")[(set: $printTake to "It's been opened and is empty.")]
You inspect the maturity FPB formula.
It comes in a silver can.
[[Reconsider->Start FBPAF]]
(link:"Empty it out")[(set:$takeAge to "1")(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeAge"))(set:$avoid to 1)(goto:"Next Day")](set: $print to "Maybe taking the feminimity formula will make you more masculine and confident around Stephanie. Her dainty figure will be shadowed by your masculine power.")
(if: $drugged is "1")[(set: $print to "You imagine Stephanie and the way she extrudes her feminine grace and charm. The way she giggles lightly and sits daintily.")]
(set: $printTake to "[[You decide to take it.->Take feminimity]]")
(if: $takeFem is "1")[(set: $printTake to "It's been opened and is empty.")]
You inspect the feminimity FPB formula.
It comes in a silver can.
[[Reconsider->Start FBPAF]]
(link:"Empty it out")[(set:$takeFem to "1")(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeFem"))(set:$avoid to 1)(goto:"Next Day")](set: $print to "Maybe taking the intelligence formula will make you more smart and Stephanie will like you if you get a good job and have lots of money.")
(if: $drugged is "1")[(set: $print to "You imagine Stephanie and her moments of thoughtless bliss. Does she likes to play dumb to tease the boys? Or is she really a moron?")]
(set: $printTake to "[[You decide to take it.->Take intelligence]]")
(if: $takeIntel is "1")[(set: $printTake to "It's been opened and is empty.")]
You inspect the intelligence FPB formula.
It comes in a silver can.
[[Reconsider->Start FBPAF]]
(link:"Empty it out")[(set:$takeIntel to "1")(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeIntel"))(set:$avoid to 1)(goto:"Next Day")]You take the feminimity altering formula.
[[You rest for the night->Next Day]]
(set: $takeFem to "1")
(set: $FemCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pmasculinity to "tomboy")
(set: $pfemininity to "curious")
(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeFem"))You take the intelligence altering formula.
[[You rest for the night->Next Day]]
(set: $takeIntel to "1")
(set: $IntelCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pintel to "below average intelligence")
(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeIntel"))You decide to take the bottom altering formula.
[[You rest for the night->Next Day]]
(set: $takeBottom to "1")
(set: $BottomCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $plegs to "narrow")
(set: $pfeet to "small")
(set: $pmid to "curvy")
(set: $pbutt to "round")
(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeBottom"))You take the top altering formula.
[[You rest for the night->Next Day]]
(set: $takeTop to "1")
(set: $TopCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pchest to "petite")
(set: $pboobs to "flat")
(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeTop"))You take the face altering formula.
[[You rest for the night->Next Day]]
(set: $takeFace to "1")
(set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pface to "cute and androgynous")
(set: $plips to "normal")
(set: $pmakeup to "no")
(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeFace"))You take the genitals altering formula.
[[You rest for the night->Next Day]]
(set: $takeGen to "1")
(set: $GenCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pgenitals to "aching 6 inch cock")
(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeGen"))You take the maturity altering formula.
[[You rest for the night->Next Day]]
(set: $takeAge to "1")
(set: $AgeCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $page to "23")
(set: $pheight1 to "5")
(set: $pheight2 to "8")
(set: $pweight to "135")
(set: $HMCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pmaturity to "young adult")
(set: $school to "Middlebrook University")
(set: $class to "Senior")
(set: $printGrad to "you are a $AgeCol[$class] at $AgeCol[$school].")
(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeAge"))
(set: $pText to $pGirlyText)You take the height and mass altering formula.
[[You rest for the night->Next Day]]
(set: $takeHM to "1")
(set: $HMCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pheight1 to "5")
(set: $pheight2 to "8")
(set: $pweight to "135")
(set: $pbody to "girly")
(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeHM"))You take the muscle altering formula.
[[You rest for the night->Next Day]]
(set: $takeMuscle to "1")
(set: $MusCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pstrength to "little muscle mass")
(set: $array to $array + (a:"takeMuscle"))You want to follow her orders
<span style="color:#e60000">"You're going to want to take the drug regimin for me, $Fname."</span>
<span style="color:#009900">"Yes ma'am."</span>
<span style="color:#e60000">"Goodbye dear."</span>
[["You shake your head and put down the Phone->Start FBPAF]](if:$avoid is 0)[(set:$text to "You wake up after taking the formula")](if:$avoid is 1)[(set:$text to "You choose not to take the formula")]$text
$pGirlyText[//Something's changed..//]
[[Inspect self->Inspect self]]
[[Call Stephanie->Call Stephanie]]
(if:$avoid is 1)[(print:"[[Skip day]]")]
(set: $len to length of $array)
(set: $mostRecent to $len of $array)
(if: $mostRecent is "takeFem")[
(set: $StephanieArrives to "[[Stephanie Arrives->FemDay]]")
(if: $mostRecent is "takeIntel")[
(set: $StephanieArrives to "[[Stephanie Arrives->IntelDay]]")
(if: $mostRecent is "takeBottom")[
(set: $StephanieArrives to "[[Stephanie Arrives->BottomDay]]")
(if: $mostRecent is "takeTop")[
(set: $StephanieArrives to "[[Stephanie Arrives->TopDay]]")
(if: $mostRecent is "takeFace")[
(set: $StephanieArrives to "[[Stephanie Arrives->FaceDay]]")
(if: $mostRecent is "takeGen")[
(set: $StephanieArrives to "[[Stephanie Arrives->GenDay]]")
(if: $mostRecent is "takeAge")[
(set: $StephanieArrives to "[[Stephanie Arrives->AgeDay]]")
(if: $mostRecent is "takeHM")[
(set: $StephanieArrives to "[[Stephanie Arrives->HMDay]]")
(if: $mostRecent is "takeMuscle")[
(set: $StephanieArrives to "[[Stephanie Arrives->MuscleDay]]")
(set: $fetishes to "Your fetishes include: $pGirlyText[$FETarray.]")<img src="./Img/BIMFK.gif" WIDTH=299 HEIGHT=552>
(set: $tapesWatched2 to "1")
$pGirlyText[Your head feels lighter and you let out a giggle]
(set:$bimboFET to "intelligece loss")
(set:$FETarray to $FETarray + (a:"$bimboFET"))As you are searching the area you notice a smell starting to fill the aopartment, it smells something like strawberries and perfume.
[[You rest for a minute and take a deep inhale.->Bimbo Horndog]]
[[Keep looking]]As you inhale you feel your cock stiffen.
You start to touch yourself.
You walk over to the box. You plug the hold with your thumb.
<span style="color:#009900">"There. Fixed it!"</span>
You pull your hand away. Theres that sweet smell again.
You lick your hand. Mmmm that's good.
You rub the rest on your cock.
You get more altering formula.
You grab spit from your mouth with that hand. And touch your slippery cock. You savor the taste and love the texture.
You massage yourself to orgasm in a puddle of the formula and fall alseep exhausted.
[[1 month later->GO_Bimbo]]
(set: $Fname to "Bambi")
(set: $Lname to "Porter")
(set: $pweight to "120")
(set: $pstrength to "toned muscles")
(set: $pbody to "curvy feminine figure")
(set: $pgenitals to "slippery pussy")
(set: $plegs to "smooth long")
(set: $pfeet to "small")
(set: $pchest to "wide")
(set: $pboobs to "D cup")
(set: $pmid to "hourglass")
(set: $pface to "feminine and slutty")
(set: $plips to "large")
(set: $pmakeup to "slutty makeup")
(set: $pmaturity to "basically just a sex doll")
(set: $pintel to "a brainless bimbo")
(set: $school to "")
(set: $pheight1 to "5")
(set: $pheight2 to "7")
(set: $phairlen to "eye length")
(set: $page to "20")
Aha! The tape was under the sink! You patch up the box before bagging it, then you throw it in the garbage.
You lie down on the couch and take a deep breathe. The weather lady has a nice rack and her dress really show off her... //ass//ets.
You turn on your computer and free your cock.
What porn do you watch?
[[DDLG->Daddy's little girl]]
[[Sissy->Sissy end]]
[[Large Breasts->Large Breasts]]
[[Wash your hands and go to bed->The next day]]<span style="color:#ff3399">Your name is $Fname $Lname, an $page year old. You have just dropped out from school and started working at the local strip club. At first it was just a way to earn money. But now you love the attention and modifying yourself to look vapid and slutty.</span>
You are <span style="color:#ff3399">$pheight1'$pheight2"</span> and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pweight</span> pounds
You have <span style="color:#ff3399">$pstrength</span> with a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pbody</span>
You have a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pchest</span> chest which supports your <span style="color:#ff3399">$pboobs</span> boobs
<span style="color:#ff3399">"I like, love it when guys look at my titties!"</span>
You have <span style="color:#ff3399">$pmid</span> hips, <span style="color:#ff3399">$plegs</span> legs and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pfeet</span> feet
<span style="color:#ff3399">"For the men"</span>
You have a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pgenitals</span>
Your face is <span style="color:#ff3399">$pface</span>, you have <span style="color:#ff3399">$plips</span> lips and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pmakeup</span> on
You are <span style="color:#ff3399">$pintel</span> and as far as your interests go, you're <span style="color:#ff3399">$pmaturity</span>
<span style="color:#ff3399">"At first, I thought being dumb was just an act. But the more I played a bimbo the stupider I am. Now I let the men do all the thinking! $Fname is just here to play!"</span>
<img src="./Img/bim.jpg" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=300>
<span style="color:#ff3399">"I like, totally love being a thoughless bimbo!"</span>
GAME OVERYou load up a DDLG porno with a young woman, "darling", and her "Daddy."
The man teases the girl and tells her she is his pretty girl before he treats darling to a mouthful of cum. Then he helps himself to her pussy. She squals and moans for more. darling loves serving his large cock.
You like the way he commands her and the way the darling acts cute and docile.
You shower before sleep. You feel warm and lighter than before.
[[Next week->GO_DDLG]]
(set: $Fname to "Esmerelda")
(set: $Lname to "Porter")
(set: $pweight to "125")
(set: $pstrength to "toned muscles")
(set: $pbody to "curvy cute figure")
(set: $pgenitals to "smooth shaved pussy")
(set: $plegs to "smooth short")
(set: $pfeet to "small")
(set: $pchest to "petite")
(set: $pboobs to "B cup")
(set: $pmid to "slender")
(set: $pface to "cute and attractive")
(set: $plips to "normal")
(set: $pmakeup to "light makeup")
(set: $pmaturity to "cute and young")
(set: $pintel to "clever and smart")
(set: $school to "Community College")
(set: $pheight1 to "5")
(set: $pheight2 to "6")
(set: $phairlen to "long")
(set: $page to "19")You [[watch->hypno1]] 'sissy hypnosis' videos
<img src="./Img/cock1.gif">
(set: $Fname to "Kelli")
(set: $Lname to "Porter")
(set: $pweight to "115")
(set: $pstrength to "toned muscles")
(set: $pbody to "curvy cute figure")
(set: $pgenitals to "shaved pussy")
(set: $plegs to "smooth short")
(set: $pfeet to "small")
(set: $pchest to "petite")
(set: $pboobs to "B cup")
(set: $pmid to "thin")
(set: $pface to "cute and attractive")
(set: $plips to "normal")
(set: $pmakeup to "light makeup")
(set: $pmaturity to "cute and bratty")
(set: $pintel to "sorta bright")
(set: $school to "Community College")
(set: $pheight1 to "5")
(set: $pheight2 to "3")
(set: $phairlen to "long")
(set: $page to "19")You look at women with large titties.
<img src="./Img/boobs_perfect.gif">
<img src="./Img/pregfuck.gif">
You eventually cum to a pregnant woman getting fucked doggystyle. You like watching her large knockers swing against her full pregnant tummy.
You shower before sleep. You feel warm and lighter than before.
[[Next week->GO_Knocked up]]
(set: $Fname to "Brandi")
(set: $Lname to "Porter")
(set: $pweight to "150")
(set: $pstrength to "not very strong")
(set: $pbody to "full figured")
(set: $pgenitals to "wet pussy")
(set: $plegs to "smooth long")
(set: $pfeet to "small")
(set: $pchest to "bulging")
(set: $pboobs to "engorged")
(set: $pmid to "child-bearing")
(set: $pface to "cute and glowing")
(set: $plips to "plump")
(set: $pmakeup to "light makeup")
(set: $pmaturity to "pregnant and horny")
(set: $pintel to "slow")
(set: $school to "")
(set: $pheight1 to "5")
(set: $pheight2 to "6")
(set: $phairlen to "long")
(set: $page to "19")<span style="color:#ff3399">You're Daddy's special little princess!</span>
Your name is <span style="color:#ff3399">$Fname $Lname</span>, but Daddy just calls you <span style="color:#ff3399">"Ezzi."</span>
You are <span style="color:#ff3399">$page</span> year old and, and are going to <span style="color:#ff3399">$school. Thats where you met Daddy!</span>
You are <span style="color:#ff3399">$pheight1'$pheight2"</span> and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pweight</span> pounds.
<span style="color:#ff3399">"Daddy is big!"</span>
You have <span style="color:#ff3399">$pstrength</span> with a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pbody</span>
<span style="color:#ff3399">"Daddy is ''so'' strong!"</span>
You have a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pchest</span> chest which compliments your <span style="color:#ff3399">$pboobs</span> boobs
You have a $pGirlyText[nice round] butt <span style="color:#ff3399">$pmid</span> hips, <span style="color:#ff3399">$plegs</span> legs and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pfeet</span> feet
You have a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pgenitals</span>
<span style="color:#ff3399">"I ''love'' Daddy's cock!"</span>
Your face is <span style="color:#ff3399">$pface</span>. You have <span style="color:#ff3399">$plips</span> lips and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pmakeup</span> on
You are <span style="color:#ff3399">$pintel</span> but you behave <span style="color:#ff3399">$pmaturity</span> around Daddy
<span style="color:#0000e6">"Princess!"</span>
<span style="color:#ff3399">"Yes Daddy?"</span>
<span style="color:#0000e6">"Get up buttercup, its time for class!"</span>
<span style="color:#ff3399">"UWWUW!!"</span>
You cuddle your blankets and stuffed animals
<span style="color:#ff3399">"I don't want to!"</span>
<img src="./Img/daddy.jpg" WIDTH=944 HEIGHT=940>
GAME OVERYou load up a Deepthroat porno with young women swallowing cock
<img src="./Img/deep.gif" WIDTH=347 HEIGHT=231>
The ladies look so content to let their throats become secondary cunts.
<img src="./Img/ddgh.gif" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=237>
You cum and shower before sleep. You feel warm and lighter than before.
[[Next week->GO_Deep]]
(set: $Fname to "Kelli")
(set: $Lname to "Porter")
(set: $pweight to "140")
(set: $pstrength to "average fitness")
(set: $pbody to "nice figure")
(set: $pgenitals to "shaved pussy")
(set: $plegs to "smooth athletic")
(set: $pfeet to "small")
(set: $pchest to "curvy")
(set: $pboobs to "C cup")
(set: $pmid to "thin")
(set: $pface to "attractive")
(set: $plips to "smooth")
(set: $pmakeup to "messy makeup")
(set: $pmaturity to "know you want be used like a slut")
(set: $pintel to "intelligent")
(set: $school to "")
(set: $pheight1 to "5")
(set: $pheight2 to "7")
(set: $phairlen to "long")
(set: $page to "19")<span style="color:#ff3399">You are a cumthirsty dick slut</span>
<span style="color:#ff3399">You</span>r name and age <span style="color:#ff3399">are unimportant</span>
<span style="color:#ff3399">Only your need to fill your throat with cock</span>
You are <span style="color:#ff3399">$pheight1'$pheight2"</span> and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pweight</span> pounds
You have <span style="color:#ff3399">$pstrength</span> with a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pbody</span>
You have a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pchest</span> chest which supports your <span style="color:#ff3399">$pboobs</span> boobs
You have <span style="color:#ff3399">$pmid</span> hips, <span style="color:#ff3399">$plegs</span> legs and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pfeet</span> feet
You have a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pgenitals</span>
Your face is <span style="color:#ff3399">$pface</span>, you have <span style="color:#ff3399">$plips</span> lips and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pmakeup</span> on
You are <span style="color:#ff3399">$pintel</span> and as far as your interests go, you <span style="color:#ff3399">$pmaturity</span>
<span style="color:#ff3399">You love pleasing strong men</span>
<img src="./Img/gloryhole_slow.gif">
<span style="color:#ff3399">You want slippery cock down your throat</span>
<img src="./Img/DAMNNDO.gif" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=281>
GAME OVERYou're watching tv when Stephanie calls you.
<span style="color:#e60000">"Hey $Fname, you awake?"</span>
<span style="color:#009900">"Yeah obviously"</span>
<span style="color:#e60000">"Let me in!"</span>
You let Stephanie in and she has a drinks for you two from the foundation. You drink yours while she talks about work - how she recruits sales representatives now, rather than sell product. That's impressive...
You wake up with a jolt.
<span style="color:#009900">"Woah"</span>
<span style="color:#e60000">"$Fname, you passed out. Are you alright?"</span>
Later, Stephanie leaves, after probably the 10th time you tell her you're okay. It was dehydration?
Oh great. She left another FBPAF regimin on the counter
You have a sudden desire to take the Altering Formula.
[[Open kit->Start FBPAF]]
(set: $drugged to "1")
(set: $array to $array + (a:"drugged"))<span style="color:#ff3399">You are a $pmaturity sissy girl!</span>
Your name is <span style="color:#ff3399">$Fname $Lname</span>, you are <span style="color:#ff3399">$page.</span>
You are <span style="color:#ff3399">$pheight1'$pheight2"</span> and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pweight pounds</span>
You are <span style="color:#ff3399">$pstrength</span> with a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pbody body</span>
You have a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pchest chest</span> which supports your <span style="color:#ff3399">$pboobs boobs</span>
You have <span style="color:#ff3399">$pmid</span> hips, <span style="color:#ff3399">$plegs legs</span> and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pfeet</span> feet
You have a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pgenitals</span>
Your face is <span style="color:#ff3399">$pface</span>, you have <span style="color:#ff3399">$plips</span> lips and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pmakeup</span> on
You have <span style="color:#ff3399">$phairlen $phaircol</span> hair
</span>You are <span style="color:#ff3399">$pintel</span> and $pGirlyText[contantly aroused]
Master and Mistress are a couple. They took you in when you came out to Mistress at the gym.
<span style="color:#ff3399">Firstly, you spent a long time at home learning how to behave and become an obedient domestic servant. Master and Mistress work so hard and so must you.
<img src="./Img/0.jpg" WIDTH=726 HEIGHT=1014>
Mistress put you in a chastity cage and forced you to [[Watch->hypno1]] hypnosis videos
<img src="./Img/cage.jpg" WIDTH=599 HEIGHT=799>
After you had become accustomed to your sissy clit leaking all the time Master removed the cage.
Your dick is now always ''weak'' and ''effeminite''.
<img src="./Img/smallpen.jpg" WIDTH=615 HEIGHT=464>
Master arranges clients, strong men and women, to use your sissy body. You are a weak stupid feminine sissy whore.</span>
<img src="./Img/sissyfked.gif" WIDTH=619 HEIGHT=378>
GAME OVERYou look at bimbos
<img src="./Img/bimbo.jpg" WIDTH=449 HEIGHT=675>
Bimbos are dumb made-up cockloving sluts
<img src="./Img/stick.gif" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=300>
[[Next week->GO_Bimbo]]
(set: $Fname to "Bambi")
(set: $Lname to "Porter")
(set: $pweight to "135")
(set: $pstrength to "toned muscles")
(set: $pbody to "curvy feminine figure")
(set: $pgenitals to "slippery pussy")
(set: $plegs to "smooth long")
(set: $pfeet to "small")
(set: $pchest to "wide")
(set: $pboobs to "D cup")
(set: $pmid to "hourglass")
(set: $pface to "feminine and slutty")
(set: $plips to "large")
(set: $pmakeup to "slutty makeup")
(set: $pmaturity to "basically just a sex doll")
(set: $pintel to "a highly aware woman")
(set: $school to "")
(set: $pheight1 to "5")
(set: $pheight2 to "7")
(set: $phairlen to "eye length")
(set: $page to "20")[[And->hypno2]]
<img src="./Img/hypno1.gif">[[Learn->hypno3]]
<img src="./Img/sis9.gif"><img src="./Img/hypno2.gif">
You cum in wet slippery discharge. It doesnt look much like semen.
[[Next week->GO_Sissy]]
(set: $Fname to "Tyri")
(set: $Lname to "Porter")
(set: $pweight to "130")
(set: $pstrength to "not very strong")
(set: $pbody to "skinny thin")
(set: $pgenitals to "tiny cock")
(set: $plegs to "smooth short")
(set: $pfeet to "small")
(set: $pchest to "thin")
(set: $pboobs to "small")
(set: $pmid to "shapely plump")
(set: $pface to "cute and feminine")
(set: $plips to "plump")
(set: $pmakeup to "light makeup")
(set: $pmaturity to "horny and obedient")
(set: $pintel to "dumb and useless")
(set: $school to "Middlebrook University")
(set: $pheight1 to "5")
(set: $pheight2 to "8")
(set: $phairlen to "long")
(set: $phaircol to "blonde")
(set: $page to "20")Your name is <span style="color:#ff3399">$Fname $Lname</span>, you are <span style="color:#ff3399">$page</span> years old.
You are <span style="color:#ff3399">$pheight1'$pheight2"</span> and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pweight</span> pounds
You are <span style="color:#ff3399">$pstrength</span> with a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pbody</span> body
You have a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pchest</span> chest which supports your <span style="color:#ff3399">$pboobs</span> boobs
You have <span style="color:#ff3399">$pmid</span> hips, <span style="color:#ff3399">$plegs</span> legs and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pfeet</span> feet
You have a <span style="color:#ff3399">$pgenitals</span>
Your face is <span style="color:#ff3399">$pface</span>, you have <span style="color:#ff3399">$plips</span> lips and <span style="color:#ff3399">$pmakeup</span> on
You are <span style="color:#ff3399">$pintel</span> intellectually, and you are <span style="color:#ff3399">$pmaturity</span>
<span style="color:#ff3399">You were in high school, in your senior year, and now you've had to drop out. Your boyfriend Travis got you pregnant!</span>
<img src="./Img/teenpreg.gif" WIDTH=360 HEIGHT=274>
<span style="color:#ff3399">"He said he would pull out, dammit!"</span>
<img src="./Img/creampy.gif" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=260>
<span style="color:#ff3399">You owe Travis a lot. You secretly love being his dumb pregnant fucktoy with heavy swollen leaky titties</span>
<img src="./Img/pregfuck.gif" WIDTH=499 HEIGHT=280>
GAME OVER(set: $print to "You want to appease and impress Stephanie.")(if: $drugged is "1")[(set: $print to "You want to continue to take the formula because Stephanie told you to.")]
You look at the different jars.
(set:$avoid to 0)(set:$newtext to "")(set: $a to (shuffled:"[[Feminimity]]","[[Intelligence]]","[[Maturity]]","[[Face]]","[[Top]]","[[Genitals]]","[[Bottom]]","[[Muscle]]","[[Height and Mass]]"))
(print: $a's 1st)
(print: $a's 2nd)
(print: $a's 3rd)
(print: $a's 4th)
(print: $a's 5th)
(print: $a's 6th)
(print: $a's 7th)
(print: $a's 8th)
(print: $a's 9th)
(set:$newtext to "")(if: (($takeFem is "1") and ($takeIntel is "1") and ($takeBottom is "1") and ($takeBottom is "1") and ($takeFace is "1") and ($takeGen is "1") and ($takeAge is "1") and ($takeHM is "1") and ($takeMuscle is "1")))[(set: $newtext to "You've taken the entire formula and decide to [[give Stephanie a call->aftercall]]")]$newtextYour name is $pNameCol[$Fname $Lname], a $AgeCol[$page] year old, $printGrad
You are $HMCol[$pheight1'$pheight2"] and $HMCol[$pweight] pounds.
You have $MusCol[$pstrength] with a $HMCol[$pbody] figure.
You have a $TopCol[$pchest] chest with $TopCol[$pboobs] boobs.
You have a $BottomCol[$pbutt] butt, $BottomCol[$pmid] hips, $BottomCol[$plegs] legs, and $BottomCol[$pfeet] feet.
You are a $thistextCol[$thistext] with a $GenCol[$pgenitals.]
Your face is $FaceCol[$pface], you have $FaceCol[$plips] lips and $FaceCol[$pmakeup] makeup on
You have $HairCol[$phairlen], $HairCol[$phairstyle] $HairCol[$phaircol] hair.
You are $IntelCol[$pintel]. As far as maturity goes, you're an $AgeCol[$pmaturity].
Your masculinity is $FemCol[$pmasculinity] and your femininity is $FemCol[$pfemininity].
[[Return->Next Day]]
(link: "Change name")[(set: $Fname to (prompt: "Your new name:"))
(set: $pNameCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "Inspect self")]
[[Apply makeup->Apply makeup]]You call Stephanie on her cellular.
$pText["Stephanie listen, I need you to come over."]
$StephText["Be right there sugar."]
$StephanieArrives(link: "Subtle makeup")[(set:$pmakeup to "subtle")(set: $pMakeupCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "Inspect self")]
(link: "Dark makeup")[(set:$pmakeup to "dark")(set: $pMakeupCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "Inspect self")]
(link: "Bimbo makeup")[(set:$pmakeup to "slutty overdone")(set: $pMakeupCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "Inspect self")]
[[Return->Inspect self]]**Knock Knock**
You invite Stephanie in.
$pText["Stephanie, thank goodness you're here!"]
$StephText["Hey $Fname, why are you holding yourself like ] $pGirlyText[//that//?"]
$StephText["Has your voice gone up in pitch?"]
$StephText["Say something!"]
$pText["I don't sound different!"]
[["Do I?"->Girly voice]]**Knock Knock**
You invite Stephanie in.
$StephText["Hello $Fname, why the long face?"].
$pGirlyText["I feel like I haven't woken up. Everything feels couldy and dreamy."]
She frowns back
$StephText["Lets see what we can do about that. Start some tea"]
[[Start tea->BimDay]]
**Knock Knock**
You invite Stephanie in.
$pText["Stephanie, thank goodness you're here!"]
She looks down
$StephText["Oh my goodness $Fname, your legs look ] $pGirlyText[//goregous//!"]
$pText["You think?"]
You smile to yourself.
$StephText["We have to do somthing about this"]
Stephanie draws you a [[bath->bath]]**Knock Knock**
You invite Stephanie in.
$pText["Stephanie, thank goodness you're here!"]
$StephText["$Fname! Your chest! Are those.. ] $pGirlyText[//titties//?"]
You blush and smile cutely.
You have a $TopCol[$pchest] chest with $TopCol[$pboobs] boobs.
$StephText["Wow you look incredible! Let me see your changes!"]
[[show Stephanie->topafter]]**Knock Knock**
You answer the door.
$pGirlyText["Stephanie, thank goodness you're here!"]
$StephText["Oh $Fname, your face is so ] $pGirlyText[//cute//!"]
[[Let me get a look at you!->appearance]]
(set:$cosmo to "0")
(set:$tepesWatched3 to "0")
(set:$text to "")**Knock Knock**
You answer the door.
$pText["Stephanie, thank goodness you're here"]
$StephText["Whats the matter $Fname?"]
[[You blush->Tackcle]]**Knock Knock**
You answer the door.
$pText["Stephanie, thank goodness you're here"]
$StephText["Aww $Fname..? is that you? Let me inside."]
[[You invite her in->Agely]]**Knock Knock**
You invite Stephanie in.
$pText["Stephanie, thank goodness you're here!"]
Stephanie looks down at you.
$StephText["Woah $Fname, what happened to ] $pGirlyText[//you//?"]
[[You strip naked->HMDay2]]**Knock Knock**
You answer the door.
$pText["Stephanie, thank goodness you're here!"]
Stephanie hugs you. Her muscles feel good holding your weak body.
$StephText["Aw $Fname, are you okay?]
[[No->MuscleDay2]]$StephText["$Fname! your voice sounds different!"]
$StephText["I think you should allow me to give you a lesson!"]
[["Alright. I guess.." -> Voice lesson]]Stephanie works on a crossword while you boil water.
$StephText["4 letter word for male poultry"]
You try to come up with a solution when..
$pText["When I use my brain, like, I can't"]
Stephanie runs her hands [[through your hair->head lighter]]
(set:$printTherepy2 to "")
(set:$tapesWatched2 to "0")
(set:$manfun to "0")Stephanie spends the next couple hours with you watching old movies and having you repeat the womens' lines with her.
<img src="./Img/mist.jpg" WIDTH=317 HEIGHT=575>
You start to become more confident.
You don't feel wrong about this. It's fun!
You now have a $pGirlyText[light girly voice]
$pGirlyText["I think i'm getting the hang of it!"]
$StephText["I do think so! I have some ideas I believe you will come to enjoy! Come with me into the city."]
(set: $pText to $pGirlyText)[[You go with Stephanie->Therapist]]
Stephanie drives you into the city.
(set: $tapesWatched to "0")
$StephText["You're going to enjoy this."]
$StephText["Dr. Lin is a professional"]
(set: $printTherepy to "")
[[You walk into the office->Appointment]]Dr. Lin sits you down.
You tell her the whole story up to this morning.
"I know excatly what you need"
[[Video tapes->femMe]]You are $HMCol[$pheight1'$pheight2"] and $HMCol[$pweight] pounds.
You have $MusCol[$pstrength] with a $HMCol[$pbody] figure.
You have a $TopCol[$pchest] chest with $TopCol[$pboobs] boobs.
You have a $BottomCol[$pbutt] butt, $BottomCol[$pmid] hips, $BottomCol[$plegs] legs, and $BottomCol[$pfeet] feet.
You are a $thistextCol[$thistext] with a $GenCol[$pgenitals.]
Your face is $FaceCol[$pface], you have $FaceCol[$plips] lips and $FaceCol[$pmakeup] makeup on
You have $HairCol[$phairlen], $HairCol[$phairstyle] $HairCol[$phaircol] hair.
You are $IntelCol[$pintel]. As far as maturity goes, you're an $AgeCol[$pmaturity].
Your masculinity is $FemCol[$pmasculinity] and your femininity is $FemCol[$pfemininity].
[[return->BarRestroom]]$StephText["Oh c'mon, $Fname, What is it today?"]
She gets close to her and her perfume and heat wash over you.
You look down in shame.
Stephanie looks down your body again.
$StephText["$Fname, Tell me now!"]
[[bend over->bendover]]
[[refuse->refusal]]You are a $AgeCol[$page] year old, who goes to $printGrad. As far as maturity goes, you're an $AgeCol[$pmaturity].
<img src="./Img/sexy.gif">
$StephText["Wow $Fname -- your face! You look so youthful!"]
$pText["I was supposed to get my student ID renewed today"]
$StephText["Ok lets go!"]
[[Ride with Stephanie->SchoolDrive]]
[[Drive yourself]]$StephText["Oh, $Fname! You're absolutely adorable!""]
She hugs you. You are at the height where your face sits on her half exposed breasts. They are so soft and heavy. She is not wearing a bra.
After many minutes of resting your head, she pulls back. Stephanie pets your cheek softly.
$StephText["Were you just salivating on my breasts?"]
<img src="./Img/bigwoyman.png">
[["Yes I was. Dear Mistress."->FemaleSUB1]]
[[Exit->ReturnHome]]You have $MusCol[$pstrength]
Stephanie notices your puny muscles
$StephText["Aw $Fname, you poor thing. Look at your thin arm and legs muscles. So curved and smooth! Like a ]$pGirlyText[girls!"]
<img src="./Img/skinni.jpg">
$pText["I dont want to be like this"]
$StephText["Oh $Fname, there are many advantanges to having a slim physique. Do yoga with me."]
[["No!"->Yogapeek]]You return home and observe the tonics laid out on your dresser
Your lust draws you to them
[[Inspect them->Take FBPAF]](set: $tapesWatched to "1")<img src="./Img/sisyes.gif">
(set: $sissyFET to "forced feminization")
(set: $FETarray to $FETarray + (a:"$sissyFET"))
$pGirlyText[You now have a feminization fetish]
(set:$FemCol to $pGirlyText)
Stephanie takes you to her house
(set:$pfemininity to "girly")
(set:$pmasculinity to "nonexistant")You start to walk home when you stop by your favorite bar for a drink.
[[Have a drink->Drink]]
[[Use the restroom->BarRestroom]]
[[Go home->EndOfDay]][[Men's Room->MensRoom]]
[[Woman's Room->WomansRoom]]
[[Return Home->EndOfDay]]
(set:$textSiss to "")
(if:$assFET is not "0")[(set: $textSiss to "Because of your $assFET, when a cock flops through the hole in the wall, you want to [[put it in your butthole]]")]
(set:$textPee to "")
(if:$wetFET is not "0")[(set: $textPee to "Because of your $wetFET you [[have to pee]]")]
(set:$textSuck to "")
(if:$cockFET is not "0")[(set: $textSuck to "Because of your $cockFET, when a cock flops through the hole in the wall, you want to [[put it in your mouth]]")]
(set:$textCum to "")
(if:(($cumFET is not "0") and ($cockFET is not "0")))[(set: $textCum to "Because of your $cumFET and $cockFET, when a cock flops through the hole in the wall, you want to [[drink from it]]")]
(set:$textBoob to "")
(if:(($boobFET is not "0") and ($count >= 3)))[(set:$textBoob to "Because of your $boobFET fetish, when a cock flops through the hole in the wall, you want to [[put it between your breasts]]")]
(if:(($boobFET is not "0") and ($count < 3)))[(set:$textBoob to "Because of your $boobFET fetish, when a cock flops through the hole in the wall, you want to put it between your breasts. But they aren't big enough. A [[handjob]] will have to do.")]You order a drink.
It settles in your tummy making you feel warm.
[[You have to use the restroom->BarRestroom]]You slowly lower your $BottomCol[$pbutt] butt, $BottomCol[$pmid] hips, $BottomCol[$plegs] legs, and $BottomCol[$pfeet] feet into the piping hot water.
$pText["Why does it have to be so hot!?"]
$StephText["So the solution I added does it's work"]
[[Solution?->BottomHRemoval]]You exit the bath, sit on the floor, and let Stephanie towel down your legs.
$StephText[How do you like that?]
<img src="./Img/smooth-legs.jpg" WIDTH=558 HEIGHT=395>
Your legs are now $pGirlyText[smooth and hairless](set:$linkout to "[[You inspect elsewhere->BottomHRemoval2]]")
(if:(($pgenitals is "wet pussy") or ($thistext is "bimbo")))[(set:$linkout to "[[You inspect elsewhere]]")]
$linkoutAll hair is missing from around your $GenCol[$pgenitals] too including your asshole(set: $plegs to "smooth and hairless narrow")
You push your member between your $pGirlyText[$plegs] legs and rub them together. With all the hair gone it feels much more natural to have it in this position.
<img src="./Img/shaved2.jpg" WIDTH=750 HEIGHT=611>
$pGirlyText[It feels good to be soft!]
While you are pantsless Stephanie offers to [[paint your toenails.->pedicure]]Stephanie paints your toenails as you sit in a daze. The fumes from the strong polish and Stephanie's voice make you feel relaxed.
<img src="./Img/feet.jpg" WIDTH=317 HEIGHT=318>
She sits a fashion magazine on a music stand. What do you like?
over wear
[[skirt and stockings]]
(set: $dirtyfeet to "")
(set: $wear to "a $pShirtCol[$pshirt] and $pPantsCol[$ppants], $pShoesCol[$pshoes], $pUnderCol[$punderwear], and a $pHeadwearCol[$pheadwear]")
(if:$pshoes is "no shoes")[(set: $dirtyfeet to "[[Stephanie notices your dirty feet->feetEvent]]
(if:$punderwear is "boxers")[(set:$pUnderCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$punderwear to "panties")](set:$pShoesCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$pshoes to "high heels")
You prefer to wear $pGirlyText[high heels]
[[return->pedicure]](set:$pShoesCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$pshoes to "no shoes")
You prefer to $pGirlyText[be barefoot]
[[return->pedicure]](set:$pUnderCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$punderwear to "no underwear")
You prefer to wear $pGirlyText[no underwear.]
[[return->pedicure]](set:$pUnderCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$punderwear to "panties")
You prefer to wear $pGirlyText[panties]
[[return->pedicure]](set:$pPantsCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$ppants to "a skirt and stockings")
You prefer $pGirlyText[skirts and stockings.]
[[return->pedicure]]Stephanie helped you change clothes while you were in a daze from the fingernail polish fumes.
(set: $wearing to "You are wearing $wear")
You blush as you cross your legs and your cock strains.
$StephText["You look so cute $Fname"]
$pText["Can we get out of here?"]
$StephText["Do you have to use the restroom $Fname?"]
[["No, lets leave."->bottomTrain]]
(set:$throughpiss to "")
(if:$punderwear is "panties")[(set: $throughpiss to " through your panties")]
(set:$tapesWatched8 to 0)
(set:$printTherepy3 to "")Stephanies hands running through your $phairstyle $phaircol hair makes the lightening feeling subside as it is replaced by a calming static and tingle.
You feel as though thousands of little bubbles are popping within your head
$pGirlyText[*pop pop pop*
Everything feeling lighter and lighter]
<img src="./Img/brainnin.jpg" WIDTH=430 HEIGHT=430>
[[You wake up->Better]]
(set:$pText to $pGirlyText)
$pGirlyText[Your voice changes to be breathier. It makes you sound stupid.]You rub your head.
$pGirlyText["Thanks Stephanie!"]
$StephText["You're a silly bimbo $Fname."]
$pGirlyText["Hehe a what?"]
$StephText["You can't think for yourself. You're a dumb girl with no thoughts."]
$StephText["Precisely little bimbo, lets take you ][[somewhere you can learn."->BimboTherepy]]Stephanie was supposed to take you to the bathroom
She has you trapped in a side room
$pText["Please Stephanie I really need to go!"]
$StephText["You're not going anywhere"]
She is suprisingly strong
As you struggle, Stephanie presses on your tummy and tickles you
Your muscles weaken and you piss yourself $throughpiss
<img src="./Img/peegif.gif" WIDTH=550 HEIGHT=269>
$pText["Oh no!"]
$pGirlyText[Your weak bladder now causes you to have accidents!]
$pGirlyText[You develop a personal wetting fetish]
(set: $wetFET to "wetting fetish")
(set: $FETarray to $FETarray + (a:"$wetFET"))$StephText["Your dirty barefoot feet are so cute $Fname"]
$StephText["You like being free and getting dirty."]
<img src="./Img/feet3.jpg" HIGHT=512 WIDTH=384>
$StephText["Kiss my feet."]
[[Kiss her feet->feetkiss]]
[[Refuse->BottomWear]]Stephanie lets you kiss and lick her feet
<img src="./Img/fete.gif">
$StephText["That's right, lick my toes ]$pGirlyText[$thistext"]
$pGirlyText[You now have a foot fetish]
(set: $feetFET to "foot fetish")
(set: $FETarray to $FETarray + (a:"$feetFET"))
You enter a stall
[[Wash hands and leave->BarRestroom]]
[[look in mirror->mirror]]
[[Get beside the hole]] in the wall
(if:($pgenitals is "2 inch cock") or ($pgenitals is "little sissy cock"))[(set:$text12 to "You can't fit your $GenCol[$pgenitals] through the hole!
$pGirlyText[I want to be in another stall!]")(set:$pic to "./Img/pant.jpg")]
(if:$pgenitals is "4 inch cock")[(set:$text12 to "You stick your dick through the hole in the wall
Before long you feel a warm breath and mouth on your $GenCol[$pgenitals.]")(set:$pic to "./Img/gloryhole_self.gif")]
(if:$pgenitals is "6 inch cock")[(set:$text12 to "You stick your dick through the hole in the wall
Before long you feel a warm breath and mouth on your $GenCol[$pgenitals.]")(set:$pic to "./Img/gloryhole_cock.gif")]
(if:$thistext is "bimbo")[(set:$text12 to "You offer your pussy to the hole in the wall
A large stiff cock fills your $GenCol[$pgenitals] before spilling cum everywhere.")(set:$pic to "./Img/gloryhole_finish.gif")][[look in mirror->mirror]]
(set: $textFemale to "")
(if: $femaleFET is not "0")[(set: $textFemale to "A woman stares at you from the side of the mirror. Because of your $femaleFET you meekly [[avoid her stare]]")]
(print: '<img src="' + $pic +'">')
[[return->BarRestroom]]You try to not look at the woman, but you can feel her gaze, slicing through you.
"You there!"
You make eye contact with the cute girl and she slowly removes her jacket.
"Pick up this pigsty slave!"
[[exit->BarRestroom]]$StephText["Wow, you look totally amazing $Fname!"]
You look at pictures of girls on the internet
$StephText["What do you like on a girl?"]
Facial appearance
[[Thin lips]]
[[Plump lips]]
[[Fat lips]]
(set:$cosmo to "1")<img src="./Img/boob1.jpg">
$StephText["Do you like them?]
[["Yes Mistress."]]You ride in Stephanie's car and she drives you to School. She has a bottles of the $pGirlyText[Altering Formula] strewn throughout her car and spilling out of her purse.
You go to $school just like Stephanie did. She gives you rides from time to time.
On the way to shoool, Stephanie stops to gets some drinks
From in the car, you see her put down what she is holding, and dig arond in her purse, before she pays and returns.
$StephText["Here $Fname, I got you your favorite!"]
[[Accept the drink->HighSchoolID]]
[[Decline->CollegeID]]You sip the soda as Stephanie drives around. As she gets on the highway, the drive makes you so tired....
[[Close your eyes->enterschool]]
(set: $page to "18")
(set: $pmaturity to "young naive teenager")
(set: $school to "Cherry Grove High School")
(set: $class to "Senior")
(set: $printGrad to " a $AgeCol[$class] at $AgeCol[$school].")
(set: $pText to $pGirlyText)You and Stephanie arrive at $school
"What is your name sweetheart?" the protographer asks
"Are you related to Stephanie? You look an awful lot like her."
(link: "State your name")[(set: $Fname to (prompt: "Your name:"))
(set: $pNameCol to $pGirlyText)(set: $Lname to "Smith")(goto: "collegeID2")]
(set: $page to "21")
(set: $pmaturity to "young naive adult")
(set: $school to "Middlebrook University")
(set: $class to "Junior")
(set: $printGrad to " a $AgeCol[$class] at $AgeCol[$school].")
(set: $pText to $pGirlyText)(set: $pheight2 to "4")$pGirlyText[You've gotten shorter! You are now $pheight1'$pheight2"]
You are sitting in Stephanie's passenger seat.
$pGirlyText[*Did someone change the seat settings?*]
$pText["Where are we?"]
$StephText["School silly, your senior year is starting and you have to get your student ID."]
You go to $school just like Stephanie did. She gives you rides from time to time.
You [[enter the building.->picname]]<img src="./Img/milfers.jpg">
"Good mornin' honey! What's your name?"
"Are you Stephanie? You look an awful lot like her. You are you her!?.. Or mayber her little sister?
$pGirlyText[Oh my god she thinks i'm a girl, maybe even Stephanie herself!]
(link: "State your name")[(set: $Fname to (prompt: "Your name:"))
(set: $pNameCol to $pGirlyText)(set: $Lname to "Smith")(goto: "picname")]
(set: $NextText to "")(if: $Fname is "Stephanie")[(set: $NextText to "Yes, [[my name is Stephanie->HSIDWin]]")]
(if: $Fname is "Stephanie")[
(set: $Lname to "Smith")
(set: $page to "18")
(set: $pmaturity to "confident teenager")
(set: $school to "Cherry Grove High School")
(set: $class to "Senior")
(set: $printGrad to " a $AgeCol[$class] at $AgeCol[$school].")
(set: $pText to $StephText)
(set: $pheight2 to "2")$pGirlyText[You've gotten shorter! You are now $pheight1'$pheight2"]
You look down at your student ID
<img src="./Img/smallgrill.jpg">
$school Student ID Card
Name: $pGirlyText[$Fname $Lname]
Class: $pGirlyText[$class] Age: $pGirlyText[$page]
$pGirlyText[Why does the ground seem closer?] You think as you walk outside.
You groan and stomp your foot and slam shut the door.
$StephText["What's wrong monkey?"]
$pText["This doesnt feel right."]
[[Ask to go home->homework]]
$StephText["Don't worry lil munchkin, it's just your pre-class jitters getting to you! Here [[have a drink->littledrive]], lets go home and practise for cheer."]You sip the soda as Stephanie drives around. As she gets on the highway, the drive makes you so tired....
[[Close your eyes->littleENDID]]
(set: $page to "14")
(set: $pmaturity to "young naive teenager")
(set: $school to "Cherry Grove High School")
(set: $class to "Freshman")
(set: $printGrad to " a $AgeCol[$class] at $AgeCol[$school].")(set: $pheight2 to "4")(set: $pheight2 to "11")$pGirlyText[You've gotten shorter! You are now $pheight1'$pheight2"]
You wake up in Stephanie's car. You can't see over the dashboard.
You look down at your Student ID in your hands
<img src="./Img/youngest.jpg">
$school Student ID Card
Name: $pText[$Fname $Lname]
Class: $pText[$class] Age: $pText[$page]
You look up to your big sister driving you around.
$pText["Oh my god Stephanie! I'm so excited to go to high school and meet boys and try out for cheer!"]
$StephText["Yes little sis, you and I are going to have a lot of fun!"]
GAME OVER $pGirlyText[little one]You get in the drivers seat of your $StephText[red] car.
Your little sister is passed out in the passenger seat. Probably all that soda made her crash, she drank the whole thing!
You look down at your student ID
$school Student ID Card
Name: $StephText[$Fname $Lname]
Class: $StephText[$class] Age: $StephText[$page]
<img src="./Img/steph.jpg">
Looks like $pGirlyText[Tylie] got hers too
$school Student ID Card
Name: $pGirlyText[Tylie $Lname]
Class: $pGirlyText[Freshman] Age: $pGirlyText[14]
<img src="./Img/cheerlader.jpg" WIDTH=507 HEIGHT=507>
She is such a cute little $pGirlyText[trap.]
YOU WIN!(set: $pheight2 to "6")$pGirlyText[You've gotten shorter! You are now $pheight1'$pheight2"]
You look at your ID
<img src="./Img/grill.jpg">
$school Student ID Card
Name: $pText[$Fname $Lname]
Class: $pText[$class] Age: $pText[$page]
Why do I feel so short?
$StephText["Don't be silly $Fname!
Here, have a drink. This will set you right."]
[[You reluctantly sip her smoothie->drive5]]
[[Refuse->StephHome]]Stephanie smiles.
$StephText["Thank you for being honest."]
<img src="./Img/femboob.gif">
$StephText["Get down on your knees and look at the floor and wait for my directions."]
Stephanie silently removes your clothes. Then her own. She slinks into the other room while you wait with eyes downcast. Soon she returns wearing something new.
[[look up->punishment]]
[[you wait with eyes downcast->starp]]
Stephanie sinks the lubricated cock into your asshole
<img src="./Img/femdomfuck.gif" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=450>
You love getting fucked deep by Stephanie's cock.
[[cum->peg2]]$StephText["Okay $Fname you may look"]
<img src="./Img/femstrap.jpg" WIDTH=339 HEIGHT=512>
[[ask for a taste->encourage]]$StephText["That's a naughty $thistext $Fname."]
Stephanie spanks your bare bottom.
<img src="./Img/punish.gif" WIDTH=330 HEIGHT=210>
[[return->HMDay2]]$StephText["That's very good little one. You're doing great."]
<img src="./Img/femdomreward.gif">
[[return->femstroke]] $pText["Please let me taste it Mistress"]
You kiss and lick Stephanie's member until it is wet. You try to fit it down your throat and gag and spit on it.
Stephanie leans back and stokes the cock.
<img src="./Img/femlube.gif" WIDTH=460 HEIGHT=293>
$StephText["That's enough, get on your knees"]
[[Keep sucking->punishment]]
[[Obey->reward]]You put on $pGirlyText[compression pants] and do some streches and poses with Stephanie
You eagerly take glances at her body again.
<img src="./Img/squat.gif">
(set:$word to "strained")(set:$link to "[[\"I can't!\"->yogaaccident]]")(if:$thistext is "bimbo")[(set:$word to "leaking")(set:$link to "[[\"I can't!\"->yogaaccident2]]")]
Stephanie glaces back at you and your $word $GenCol[$pgenitals.]
$StephText["$Fname! Control yourself."]
$link<img src="./Img/yoga.jpg" WIDTH=800 HEIGHT=690>
Stephanie looks at you with a concerned expression.
$StephText["Oh you ]$pGirlyText[silly sissy slut"]
$StephText["You've made a mess little dear. Change into these new one's and lets go to the gym.]
[[Go to gym->Gym]]$StephText["Don't be such a naughty $thistext, $Fname."]
What did she just call me?
Stephanie spanks your bottom.
<img src="./Img/punish.gif" WIDTH=330 HEIGHT=210>
[[return->topafter]]$StephText["That's great $Fname!
Drink this and you can enjoy the sensation further"]
She hands you what looks to be a bottle of milk from her purse.
You remove the top and give it a look.
[[Drink it->titmilk]]
[[Put a little on your finger->cumdrink]]
[[Pretend to drink it and pour it on your breasts->jizzbreasts]]You drink the milk eagerly.
You finish the sweet milk.
$StephText["That was my friend's breast milk"]
Stephanie pats your tummy and you feel $pGirlyText[docile and tired] as she leads you [[into her dressing room->TopW]]The gooey liquid sticks to your fingertip.
For some reason or another you draw the liquid to your lips and lick it all off your finger. $pGirlyText[It's so sweet!]
<img src="./Img/fingerlip.gif">
You hand the empty bottle back to Stephanie
$StephText["Thanks $Fname!"]
[[continue->TopW]]Stephanie replaces your fingernails as you sit in a daze. The glue fumes and Stephanie's voice make you feel relaxed.
<img src="./Img/pinkspike.jpg">
She sits a fashion magazine on a music stand. What do you like?
upper wear
[[girly tshirt]]
[[halter top]]
(if:$littleFET is "like to act little")[(print: "[[pacifier]]")]
(if:$manfun is "1")[(print: "[[red bow]]")]
(set: $wear to "a $pShirtCol[$pshirt] and $pPantsCol[$ppants], $pShoesCol[$pshoes], $pUnderCol[$punderwear], and $pHeadwearCol[$pheadwear]")(set: $pShirtCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pshirt to "revealing top")
You prefer to wear $pGirlyText[a revealing top]
(set: $wear to "a $pShirtCol[$pshirt] and $pPantsCol[$ppants], $pShoesCol[$pshoes], $pUnderCol[$punderwear], and $pHeadwearCol[$pheadwear]")
[[return->TopW]](set: $pHeadwearCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pheadwear to "a chocker")
You prefer to wear $pGirlyText[a chocker]
(set: $wear to "a $pShirtCol[$pshirt] and $pPantsCol[$ppants], $pShoesCol[$pshoes], $pUnderCol[$punderwear], and $pHeadwearCol[$pheadwear]")
[[return->TopW]](set: $pShirtCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pshirt to "girly tshirt")
You prefer to wear $pGirlyText[girly tshirts]
(set: $wear to "a $pShirtCol[$pshirt] and $pPantsCol[$ppants], $pShoesCol[$pshoes], $pUnderCol[$punderwear], and $pHeadwearCol[$pheadwear]")
[[return->TopW]](set: $wearing to "You are wearing $wear")
$StephText["You look great $Fname! Show me your titties again"]
[[Flash her->boob1]]
[[Refuse->refuse2]]You are in Dr. Lin's office.
You can't remember what Stephanie told you to do..
$pGirlyText[You stare dumbly at Dr. Lin with your mouth open]
Dr. Lin reccomends image therepy.
(set:$hypnocount to "0")
[[Image therepy->bimMe]]
(if: $tapesWatched2 is "1")[
(set: $printTherepy2 to "$pGirlyText[You now have reduced intelligence.]
[[Stephanie drives you to her home->bimPostTherepy]]")]
$printTherepy2$StephText["Lets get you changed into something more appropriate"]
[[Change clothes]]
[[Wander off->bimdayfun]]
(set: $pintel to "dumb and horny")$StephText["I'm going to gather some things from my car, brb Barbie"]
$pGirlyText["Huh? I don't remember my place having this much pink decoration."]
Stephanie insists (link:"you change into some clothes she selected for you")[(set: $pShirtCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pshirt to "tight pink dress")
(set: $pPantsCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $ppants to "nylon stockings")
(set: $pShoesCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pshoes to "high heels")
(set: $pShoesCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pshoes to "a g-string")
(set: $pUnderCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $punderwear to "no underwear")
(set: $pHeadwearCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pheadwear to "a chocker")
(set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $HairCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $phairlen to "long")
(set: $phairstyle to "straight")
(set: $phaircol to "platinum blonde")
(set: $pmakeup to "slutty overdone")
[[You don't change into the new outfit->cupcake]]
(if:$manfun is "1")[
(print:"I understand you've earned my bow $Fname! You may elect to add only that to your current outfit.")
(link:"You don only the red bow")[
(set:$pHeadwearCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$pheadwear to "red bow")
(set:$HairCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$phairlen to "long")
(set:$phairstyle to "wavy")
(set:$phaircol to "blonde")
(set: $pmakeup to "eye catching")
(goto:"Thank Steph")]]You walk outside into the warm sunlight
$pGirlyText["Like, this is so great"]
A young man walks by and looks at you.
$BrianText["Hello honey!"]
[[Greet him->Bimbnapped]]
[[Call the police->Bimbo police]]You look at yourself in the mirror
$pGirlyText[You look like a airhead bimbo slut]
You are also wearing $pGirlyText[$pmakeup] makeup
<img src="./Img/bimbodress.jpg" WIDTH=458 HEIGHT=960>
[[You love it!->Thank Steph]]$pGirlyText[You look, like, totally different]
[[Look in the mirror]]
[[Go home->ReturnHome]]
$pGirlyText["Like... Hello sir."]
$BrianText["Don't I know you from somewhere? Are you related to the young man who lives here?"]
You stare at the man $pGirlyText[dumbly].
$BrianText["Come with me"]
You follow the man down the street while he talk
You like when he calls you $pGirlyText[honey] and $pGirlyText[sweetheart].
$pGirlyText[*hehe* he must like me!]
[[Follow the man further->manhome]]You speak on the phone:
(font: "Lucida Console")[
$pGirlyText["Hello police, I am being accosted by a young man"]
(set: $polText to (text-color:"#dd33dd"))
$polText["Like, he COST you what? Did he take anything?"]
$BrianText["What's your problem honey?"]
(font: "Lucida Console")[
$pGirlyText["Send assistance at once!"]
$polText["My ass is right here at the station, sorry sweetie. One of our officers is on the scene."]]
''$polText["Hands up!"]''
You grin at the man smugly. Until you notice the gun is pointed at you!
[[raise hands->raise hands]]<img src="./Img/bimbopolice.jpg" WIDTH=402 HEIGHT=604>
$polText["Get on your knees."]
$pGirlyText["Nuu.. you don't understand, I called the police!"]
You comply with the officer's orders and slowly get on your knees, not even noticing her unusual appearace.
$polText["Oh I understand completely what is going on here. You are refusing this man's advances.
You know what will happen if you are naughty. Be a good girl and apologize to the man. Let's just hope he doesn't press charges."]
$pGirlyText["''UGH!'' This is, *so totally,* uncool. Can he like, do that?"]
[[apologize->apology]]$pGirlyText["I'm sorry for being a naughty girl sir"]
$polText["That's not good enough, you know what to do"]
[[You comply->blowjobman]]<img src="./Img/slowsuck.gif" WIDTH=395 HEIGHT=222>
$BrianText["I accept your apology, you dumb tart.
Give Stephanie my regards."]
$pGirlyText["*GLANK GLUUU*"]
(set:$manfun to "1")
You [[return home->bimPostTherepy]](set: $pHeadwearCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pheadwear to "no headwear")
You prefer to wear $pGirlyText[nothing] on your head.
Your hair looks so $pGirlyText[cute], why hide it?
(set: $wear to "a $pShirtCol[$pshirt] and $pPantsCol[$ppants], $pShoesCol[$pshoes], $pUnderCol[$punderwear], and $pHeadwearCol[$pheadwear]")The man leads you inside his house
$pGirlyText["Wow, he must, like, totally be rich"] your dumb fuzzy brain tells you.
You giggle
The man leads you downstairs to a bedroom and shows you his pad and makes you a drink.
$BrianText["So, whats your name little bimbo?"]
$pGirlyText["Hehe! Bimbo? My name is uh..."]
(link: "My name is... bimbo?")[(set: $Fname to "bimbo")(set: $pNameCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "manhome2")]
(link: "Change name")[(set: $Fname to (prompt: "Your new name:"))
(set: $pNameCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "manhome2")]
$BrianText[Okay $Fname.
You will refer to yourself in the third person, never using 'I' or 'me', say your name as often as you can for Master"]
Oh, so his name must be Master!
$BrianText[You will be my girlfrind, pet, slut, and submissive]
$pGirlyText["Uh.. Okay Master! $Fname will!"]
Now get on the bed and raise your legs.
[[he aproaches->bimEnd]]
$pGirlyText[You've become Master's stupid $thistext](set:$a to "./Img/bondfuk.gif")
(if:$thistext is "sissy")[(set:$a to "./Img/bondgif.gif")]
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')]}
$pGirlyText["$Fname loves to please Master and be a thoughtless dim cum dump!"]
The End $pGirlyText[dumb $thistext]Your face is $FaceCol[$pface], you have $FaceCol[$plips] lips and $FaceCol[$pmakeup] makeup on.
(if:$cosmo is "1")[(set:$temp to "Oh $Fname, you look so ")(set:$temp2 to "pretty!")(set:$text to "$StephText[$temp]$pGirlyText[$temp2]")"(print:$text)" Stephanie exclaims.]
[[use cosmetics->cosmetics]]
[[Spend time with Stephanie->pretherepy]]
(set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pface to "boyishly masculine")
Your face is now $FaceCol[$pface].
[[return->cosmetics]](set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pface to "cute and androgynous")
Your face is now $FaceCol[$pface].
[[return->cosmetics]](set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pface to "cute girl feminine")
Your face is now $FaceCol[$pface].
[[return->cosmetics]](set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $plips to "healthy")
Stephanie applies a special brand of lipgloss.
Your lips are $FaceCol[$plips] and look normal.
You want more.
[[return->cosmetics]](set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $plips to "plump")
Stephanie applies a special brand of glitter lipgloss.
Your lips are $FaceCol[$plips] and pouty.
You want to put them around something.
<img src="./Img/lipsy.gif">
[[return->cosmetics]](set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $plips to "inflated")
Stephanie applies a special brand of pink lipstick.
Your lips are $FaceCol[$plips], and are stuck out.
You lick your lips and shudder with need.
<img src="./Img/lick.gif">
$pGirlyText[You develop a slight speech impediment due to your large inlated lips]
[[return->cosmetics]](set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pmakeup to "no")
You wear $FaceCol[$pmakeup] makeup, and look radiant and beautiful without it.
[[return->cosmetics]](set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pmakeup to "subtle")
Your makeup is $FaceCol[$pmakeup], and tastefully contoures your face, making it more attractive and eye catching.
[[return->cosmetics]](set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pmakeup to "whorish")
Your face is now deeply layered and dark giving you a $FaceCol[$pmakeup] trashy look. You look like a needy slut in heat, and push you lips out for an imaginary observer.
[[return->cosmetics]]Stephanie lays you down in bed and uses velcro straps to handcuff you to the headboard.
$StephText["Lay back and be patient for awhile sugar"]
<img src="./Img/shaved1.jpg" WIDTH=496 HEIGHT=329>
You feel her warm breath on your $GenCol[$pgenitals] and close your eyes.
Stephanie slips a blindfold over your face.
[[wait pantiently->StephSuck]]
(set:$tapesWatched4 to 0)
[[open your eyes->shrinkhyp]]
(set:$bjcount to $bjcount+1)
(if:$bjcount >= 4)[(link:"You start to get close")[(goto:"bjEnd")]]$pText["It's my] $GenCol[$pgenitals."]
<img src="./Img/bottom.jpg" WIDTH=425 HEIGHT=500>
$StephText["Wow $Fname, that is suck a cute little cock"]
$StephText["Can I play with it?"]
[["Yes please!"->tiedup]]
(set:$bjcount to 0)You refuse to let Stephanie see your $GenCol[$pgenitals.]
$StephText["Tisk Tisk. I'm sorry $Fname.]
$pText["What's that supposed to mean?"]
You start to smell a strange chemical smell..
*You pass out*
Everything goes [[black->Wakeup]]You wake up drowsily. Your entire body has changed!
[[Look down->is2]]
(set: $GenCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pgenitals to "soft pussy mound")You have a $GenCol[$pgenitals.]
<img src="./Img/frontal2.jpg" WIDTH=423 HEIGHT=246>
[[Now you remember->Prostitute]]You recognize the basement of Stephanie's house.
$StephText["Hey slut, a John is here"]
You wash your face and get $pGirlyText[nice and pretty] for the customer.
<img src="./Img/sexy.gif">
Stephanie has left and you greet the man.
[[Kneel for his cock->suck]]
[[Offer your pussy->fuck]]You get down on your knees and hungrily lick and engulf the cock
<img src="./Img/ddgh.gif" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=237>
THE END $pGirlyText[whore]You lower your bottoms and wiggle your $pGirlyText[pert ass] for the man.
He fucks you like the $pGirlyText[needy girl] you are
<img src="./Img/FUKK.gif" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=345>
THE END $pGirlyText[whore]You and Stephanie are at the gym and working out.
You are wearing $pGirlyText[$ppants] and unconcously watching the men workout. On your head you have $pGirlyText[$pheadwear].
You go to the water fountain to get some water.
[[You get lost->gymhyp]]
(set:$tapesWatched5 to 0)
You notice [[a flier->discard]] on the groundYou shake your rump and spread your needy $pGirlyText[hole] for Stephanie. She records you.
<img src="./Img/ass.gif">
[[return->StephHome3]] The boring drive, or maybe something else, lulls you to sleep.
[[When you wake up->driveafter]]
(set: $page to "18")
(set: $pmaturity to "young silly girl")
(set: $school to "Cherry Grove Community College")
(set: $class to "Freshman")
(set: $printGrad to " a $AgeCol[$class] at $AgeCol[$school].")
(set: $pText to $pGirlyText)(set: $pheight2 to "4")$pGirlyText[You've gotten shorter! You are now $pheight1'$pheight2"]
You look at your ID
<img src="./Img/younga.png">
$school Student ID Card
Name: $pText[$Fname $Lname]
Class: $pText[$class] Age: $pText[$page]
You look up at Stephanie
$pGirlyText["Am I stuck like this?"]
$StephText["What do you mean $Fname? Things have always been this way ha ha!"]
You feel your disbelief fading as you $pGirlyText[happily accept your new role as a younger & smaller you.]
[[Give up->StephHome]]You are in Dr. Lin's office.
(set:$printTherepy3 to "")
You tell her about your lips being different.
Dr. Lin reccomends image therepy.
[[Image therepy->cumMe]]
(if:$tapesWatched3 is 1)[(set:$printTherepy3 to "[[Stephanie drives you to her home->cumPostTherepy]]")]
$printTherepy3<img src="./Img/drool_final.gif">
You show off. Suprised of your own abilities.
$pGirlyText[You now salivate at the thought of cum]
[[You return home->ReturnHome]]Stephanie notices that your $FaceCol[$plips] lips are arranged in a pouty frown.
$StephText["What's wrong $Fname?"]
$pText["I'm not used to all this on my face."]
$StephText["I'm sorry, maybe you can discuss your feelings with a psychologist."]
(set:$tapesWatched3 to 0)
(set:$hypcount to 0)You and Stephanie have a long workout.
Your ass certainly looks nicer.
<img src="./Img/arse.jpg" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=376>
$pGirlyText[I should offer to let someone fuck it..]
(if:$pheadwear is "a cute sweatband")[(print:"A man noticies your headband and complements it<br><br>[[Say thank you]]")]
Stephanie drives you back into town
You're [[at her apartment]]You get a drink from the water fountain in the gym's conference room. There is a computer plugged with a tape titled $pGirlyText[Motivation]
(set: $printTherepy to "")
(if: $tapesWatched5 is 1)[(set: $printTherepy to "[[leave->Gym2]]")$printTherepy]
(set:$hypcount to 0)<img src="./Img/gloryhole_slow.gif">
$pGirlyText[You lick and suck the cock before letting the man cum on you.]
(set:$ptext to "")
(if: $cumFET is not "0")[
(set:$ptext to "[[eat the cum->cumeat]]")
(print: $ptext)]You suck and lick the cock until it fills your mouth with semen.
<img src="./Img/gloryhole_cum.gif" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=168>
$pGirlyText[You greedily swallow and lick leftover cum your fingers]
<img src="./Img/peepants.gif" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=225>
You empty your bladder through your panties.
Your warm pee quickly soaks through the fabric.
[[return->BarRestroom]]You greedily swallow the cum $pGirlyText[like a cumthristy whore] before licking your fingers.
<img src="./Img/gloryhole_swallow.gif" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=256>
[[return->BarRestroom]]You stick the man's dick in your $pGirlyText[needy butthole].
<img src="./Img/assfu.gif">
[[return->BarRestroom]] Stephanie has slipped a headset over your eyes.
A [[video plays->sdMe]]
(set:$hypcount to 0)
(if: $tapesWatched4 is 1)[(set: $printTherepy to "[[exit->CHAST]]")$printTherepy]Stephanie works her soft wet lips over your member lovingly.
<img src="./Img/slowsuck.gif" WIDTH=395 HEIGHT=222>
Your thoughts drift to..
[[the blowjob->tiedup]]
[[opening your eyes->shrinkhyp]] Your masculinity is $FemCol[$pmasculinity] and your femininity is $FemCol[$pfemininity].
$pGirlyText[Because of this, you are inclined to obey others..]
As Stephanie undresses in front of you, she asks sweetly -
$StephText["Try on some clothes with me, please $Fname!"]
<img src="./Img/ass23.gif">
(set:$wantpanties to 1)
[[Okay!->Panties]]Take a look at [[your package]]
(set:$pic111 to "./Img/biggirl.gif")(if:$pgenitals is "2 inch cock")[(set:$pic111 to "./Img/pant.jpg")](if:$pgenitals is "4 inch cock")[(set:$pic111 to "./Img/dress2.gif")]
$StephText["I know you want to go home. But Dr.Lin requested your company."]
Stephanie takes you to [[the therepist->Cock Therepy]]<img src="./Img/sd1.gif">
(set:$tapesWatched4 to 1)
$pGirlyText[Your genitals feel funny.]
(set: $pgenitals to "4 inch cock")
(print: '<img src="' + $pic111 +'">')
You have a look at your $GenCol[$pgenitals].
[[return->aftershhyp]] Your face is $FaceCol[$pface], you have $FaceCol[$plips] lips and $pGirlyText[$pmakeup] makeup on
You have $FaceCol[$phairlen], $FaceCol[$phairstyle] $FaceCol[$phaircol] hair.
<img src="./Img/bim.jpg" WIDTH=484 HEIGHT=484>
[[return->Thank Steph]]You obediently clean up the place on your hands and knees, under the watchful eyes of Mistress.
<img src="./Img/broom.png">
Mistress watches in silence, which only scares and excites you more.
Finally, she is satisfied and gives your cock a loving squeeze
[[Remain silent->Goog girl]] <img src="./Img/buttin.gif">
$pGirlyText[You now desire to have your butthole fucked]
(set:$assFET to "want to be butt fucked")
(set:$FETarray to $FETarray + (a:"$assFET"))
(set:$tapesWatched5 to 1)You invite Stephanie inside when she arrives moments later.
$pGirlyText["Hey Steph"]
$StephText["Let's get a look at you sweetheart"]
[[continue->aftercall2]]Your name is $pNameCol[$Fname $Lname], a $AgeCol[$page] year old, $printGrad
You are $HMCol[$pheight1'$pheight2"] and $HMCol[$pweight] pounds.
You have $MusCol[$pstrength] with a $HMCol[$pbody] figure.
You have a $TopCol[$pchest] chest with $TopCol[$pboobs] boobs.
You have a $BottomCol[$pbutt] butt, $BottomCol[$pmid] hips, $BottomCol[$plegs] legs, and $BottomCol[$pfeet] feet.
You are a $thistextCol[$thistext] with a $GenCol[$pgenitals.]
Your face is $FaceCol[$pface], you have $FaceCol[$plips] lips and $FaceCol[$pmakeup] makeup on
You have $HairCol[$phairlen], $HairCol[$phairstyle] $HairCol[$phaircol] hair.
You are $IntelCol[$pintel]. As far as maturity goes, you're an $AgeCol[$pmaturity].
Your masculinity is $FemCol[$pmasculinity] and your femininity is $FemCol[$pfemininity].
Stephanie [[calls Brian over->aftercall3]]
(link: "Change name")[(set: $Fname to (prompt: "Your new name:"))
(set: $pNameCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "aftercall2")]$StephText["Show me where you want to be touched $Fname"]
You look at her confused.
She motions down towards your crotch
[[Show her]]<img src="./Img/butt2.gif">
$pGirlyText["This is where I like it!"]
You giggle
Stephanie smiles.
[[You return home->ReturnHome]]$StephText["I thought that since you had so much fun today, you should try these on!"]
She holds out a pair of $pGirlyText[panties!]
[[Take them]]
[[Turn her down]]You are now wearing a pair of $pGirlyText[girly] panties.
<img src="./Img/sispant.jpg" WIDTH=583 HEIGHT=329>
You like how $pGirlyText[snug] and $pGirlyText[tight] they feel
$StephText["You're a good girl"]
You smile.
You thank Stephanie and [[Return Home->ReturnHome]]
(set:$pUnderCol to $pGirlyText)(set:$punderwear to "panties")
(if:$wantpanties is 1)[(print:"$StephText[\"Since you liked girly panties at first glace, I thought you might like this too\"]
Stephanie holds out a $pGirlyText[small woman\'s dress]
[[wear it]]")]$StephText["Bad Girl!"]
<img src="./Img/badgirl.gif" WIDTH=576 HEIGHT=300>
(set:$wantpanties to 0)
[[return->Panties]]$StephText["How do you like the temperature in here?
I also have some candles I think you will like"]
<img src="./Img/boob3.jpg">
Your nipples poke out through your $pShirtCol[$pshirt]
$pGirlyText[Hehe. They feel good.
That smells nice.]
[["What now"->candle]]
(set:$inhale to 0)
(set:$bcount to 0)You lift up your $pShirtCol[$pshirt] to reveal your $TopCol[$pboobs] boobs.
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')
$pGirlyText[I will love the attention these bring]
$StephText["You look great! Good news is that the drugs take YEARS to fully develop the tissues. It also says not to contaminate them, whatever that means."]
She reads from the candle
(set:$boobFET to "breast expansion")
$StephText["Side effects include memory loss, addional swelling, as well as lactiation. This is normal. Consult your nearest hospital if movement becomes severly impared by breast tissue."]
(set:$FETarray to $FETarray + (a:"$boobFET"))
$pGirlyText[Side effects? Lactation..? Normal..?]
$pGirlyText["Thanks Stephanie, see you again soon!"]
[[Make your leave->ReturnHome]]
$pGirlyText[You develop a fetish for showing off your growing breasts.]He arrives
$pGirlyText["Hi Brain!"]
$BrianText["Who is this?"]
$StephText["This is my new stepsister $Fname!"]
You look at Stephanie in shock
$BrianText["Oh is that right?"]
Brian turns to face you
[[Smile sweetly]]
[[you look nervous]]
(set:$pa to (a:"./Img/anal1.gif","./Img/ass.gif","./Img/ass1.gif","./Img/ass2.gif","./Img/ass3.gif","./Img/ass6.gif","./Img/ass10.gif","./Img/ass11.gif","./Img/ass12.gif","./Img/ass22.gif","./Img/ass23.gif","./Img/ass24.gif","./Img/ass25.gif","./Img/assA.gif","./Img/assC.gif","./Img/assD.gif","./Img/asshole.gif","./Img/back1.gif","./Img/back2.gif","./Img/badgirl.gif","./Img/bimbo1.gif","./Img/bimbo2.gif","./Img/bimbo3.gif","./Img/bimboX.gif","./Img/bimboY.gif","./Img/bimbo4.gif","./Img/bimbo5.gif","./Img/bimboA.gif","./Img/bimboB.gif","./Img/bimboC.gif","./Img/BIMFK.gif","./Img/bimfuk2.gif","./Img/bj.gif","./Img/bobs.gif","./Img/bondfuk.gif","./Img/bondgif.gif","./Img/boob_pour.gif","./Img/boob_shower.gif","./Img/boob4.gif","./Img/boob7.gif","./Img/boob55.gif","./Img/boob8.gif","./Img/boob9.gif","./Img/boob10.gif","./Img/boob41.gif","./Img/boobA.gif","./Img/boobdrop.gif","./Img/boobjob.gif","./Img/boobL.gif","./Img/boobs11.gif","./Img/boobsmall.gif","./Img/boobs_perfect.gif","./Img/breasts.gif","./Img/butt.gif","./Img/butt2.gif","./Img/cageA.gif","./Img/cagebj.gif","./Img/cagedpink.gif","./Img/cleaning.gif","./Img/cock0.gif","./Img/cock1a.gif","./Img/cock1.gif","./Img/cock3.gif","./Img/cock4.gif","./Img/cock5.gif","./Img/cock6.gif","./Img/cock7.gif","./Img/cock8.gif","./Img/cock9.gif","./Img/cockA.gif","./Img/cockB.gif","./Img/cockC.gif","./Img/cockD.gif","./Img/cockE.gif","./Img/cockF.gif","./Img/cockG.gif","./Img/cockhyp.gif","./Img/cockJ.gif","./Img/crawl.gif","./Img/creampy.gif","./Img/cum1.gif","./Img/cum2.gif","./Img/cum3.gif","./Img/cum4.gif","./Img/cum5.gif","./Img/cum6.gif","./Img/cum7.gif","./Img/cum8.gif","./Img/cum11.gif","./Img/cuma.gif","./Img/cumB.gif","./Img/cumC.gif","./Img/cumd.gif","./Img/cumE.gif","./Img/cumF.gif","./Img/cumG.gif","./Img/cumlove.gif","./Img/cumshot.gif","./Img/DAMNNDO.gif","./Img/dancer.gif","./Img/ddgh.gif","./Img/deep.gif","./Img/dress2.gif","./Img/drool.gif","./Img/drool_bad.gif","./Img/drool_final.gif","./Img/drool2.gif","./Img/drool3.gif","./Img/drool4.gif","./Img/dtc.gif","./Img/edge.gif","./Img/eyeroll.gif","./Img/femaledom.gif","./Img/femdomfuck.gif","./Img/femdomreward.gif","./Img/femlube.gif","./Img/FUKK.gif","./Img/gag.gif","./Img/gang1.gif","./Img/gang2.gif","./Img/gloryhole_cock.gif","./Img/gloryhole_cum.gif","./Img/gloryhole_end.gif","./Img/gloryhole_self.gif","./Img/gloryhole_sissy.gif","./Img/gloryhole_slow.gif","./Img/gloryhole_slow2.gif","./Img/gloryhole_swallow.gif","./Img/hang.gif","./Img/hips.gif","./Img/hypno1.gif","./Img/hypno2.gif","./Img/hypnocap.gif","./Img/kissy.gif","./Img/latex.gif","./Img/lipssuck.gif","./Img/milked.gif","./Img/milkyp.gif","./Img/milking.gif","./Img/milking2.gif","./Img/milkdrink.gif","./Img/MINDFUK.gif","./Img/mouthful.gif","./Img/omg.gif","./Img/preg.gif","./Img/pregfuck.gif","./Img/punish.gif","./Img/restrained.gif","./Img/ride2.gif","./Img/sd1.gif","./Img/sd2.gif","./Img/sd3.gif","./Img/sd4.gif","./Img/sd5.gif","./Img/sd6.gif","./Img/sd7.gif","./Img/sd11.gif","./Img/sdB.gif","./Img/sdC.gif","./Img/sis1.gif","./Img/sis2.gif","./Img/sis3.gif","./Img/sis4.gif","./Img/sis5.gif","./Img/sis6.gif","./Img/sis9.gif","./Img/sisA.gif","./Img/sisgym.gif","./Img/sisplay.gif","./Img/sisfked.gif","./Img/slowsuck.gif","./Img/smallone.gif","./Img/squat.gif","./Img/Squat2.gif","./Img/stick.gif","./Img/stroke.gif","./Img/suckoff.gif","./Img/suck1.gif","./Img/swing.gif","./Img/teenpreg.gif","./Img/train.gif","./Img/trap.gif","./Img/undertable.gif","./Img/washing.gif","./Img/femdomreward2.gif","./Img/femboob.gif","./Img/cumloss.gif","./Img/sexy.gif","./Img/girl_anal.gif","./Img/towel.gif","./Img/swallow.gif","./Img/lipsy.gif","./Img/lick.gif","./Img/licky.gif","./Img/lick2.gif","./Img/pussoft.gif","./Img/pusdrool.gif","./Img/pusclit.gif","./Img/pusinside.gif","./Img/deep1.gif","./Img/bimbobutt.gif","./Img/sisB.gif","./Img/gloryhole_girl.gif","./Img/gloryhole_finish.gif","./Img/stephdom.gif","./Img/gloryhole_boobcum.gif","./Img/pussylick.gif","./Img/useless.gif","./Img/buttin.gif","./Img/yoga2.gif","./Img/touch.gif","./Img/cream1.gif","./Img/cream2.gif","./Img/cream3.gif","./Img/assF.gif","./Img/creamout.gif","./Img/creamin.gif","./Img/gloryhole_ff.gif","./Img/pushin.gif","./Img/sisD.gif","./Img/pregcum.gif","./Img/pregs.gif","./Img/preg2.gif","./Img/pregmotion.gif","./Img/preg1.gif","./Img/preg3.gif","./Img/gloryhole_handy.gif","./Img/asslove.gif","./Img/assinto.gif","./Img/assfu.gif","./Img/buttprep.gif","./Img/deep2.gif","./Img/deepused.gif","./Img/deeper.gif","./Img/deep3.gif","./Img/bigswing.gif","./Img/buttya.gif","./Img/sdF.gif","./Img/sisG.gif","./Img/cumH.gif","./Img/cumI.gif","./Img/cockH.gif","./Img/cockK.gif","./Img/selfsuck.gif","./Img/lactlick.gif","./Img/2men.gif","./Img/2men2.gif","./Img/sisJ.gif","./Img/sisX.gif","./Img/sisyes.gif","./Img/lac4.gif","./Img/cumJ.gif","./Img/fingerlip.gif","./Img/cockL.gif","./Img/dollfuck.gif","./Img/sis10.gif","./Img/sis11.gif","./Img/cockU.gif","./Img/boobS.gif","./Img/sisY.gif","./Img/shorthairfuk.gif","./Img/girlon.gif","./Img/buttH.gif","./Img/cockZ.gif","./Img/cockX.gif","./Img/leak.gif","./Img/lacpump.gif","./Img/biggirl.gif","./Img/assJ.gif","./Img/used.gif","./Img/yogarip.gif",
"./Img/sishole.gif","./Img/cumK.gif","./Img/dollLotion.gif","./Img/both.gif"))You look down at your $GenCol[$pgenitals.]
You also look at Stephanie's hands.
<img src="./Img/cage2.jpg">
What is that?
$StephText["$Fname, I'd love for you to try this accesory"]
$StephText["There are minimal side affects. And you will love how it feels."]
[[elect nightly chastity->nightly]]
[[refuse->aftershhyp]]Stephanie attaches the instrument.
(set:$pgenitals to "2 inch cock")
<img src="./Img/cage.jpg">
You don't feel strange at all.
$pGirlyText[It's nice to be taken care of]
$StephText["Let me take care of you $Fname"]
[[She does->care]]Stephanie teases and tickles your restrained $GenCol[$pgenitals]
<img src="./Img/cageA.gif">
She stops when you can't take it any longer.
$pGirlyText[But it felt nice] you think
Then you start to feel warm
[[look down->more]]{(live: 4s)[
(set: $hypcount to (either: "0","1", "2", "3", "4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13"))
(if:$hypcount is "0")[(set:$a to "./Img/bimbohyp.jpg")]
(if:$hypcount is "1")[(set:$a to "./Img/bimboA.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "2")[(set:$a to "./Img/bimone.png")]
(if:$hypcount is "3")[(set:$a to "./Img/bimbo1.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "4")[(set:$a to "./Img/bimboX.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "5")[(set:$a to "./Img/bimbo2.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "6")[(set:$a to "./Img/bimboY.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "7")[(set:$a to "./Img/bimtwo.png")]
(if:$hypcount is "8")[(set:$a to "./Img/bimbo4.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "9")[(set:$a to "./Img/bimbo5.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "10")[(set:$a to "./Img/bimboC.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "11")[(set:$a to "./Img/bim2.jpg")]
(if:$hypcount is "12")[(set:$a to "./Img/bim3.jpg")]
(if:$hypcount is "13")[(set:$a to "./Img/bim4.jpg")]
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')]}
{(live: 48s)[(print:"[[Focus->bimHypEnd]]")]}
You refuse to change into any of the clothes offered by Stephanie
But you don't refuse one of her delicious $pGirlyText[pink cupcakes].
What harm could it do?
[[eat it->Thank Steph]]
(set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $HairCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $phairlen to "long")
(set: $phairstyle to "straight")
(set: $phaircol to "platinum blonde")
(set: $pmakeup to "slutty overdone"){(live: 4s)[
(set: $hypcount to (either: "0","1", "2", "3", "4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19"))
(if:$hypcount is "0")[(set:$a to "./Img/cum1.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "1")[(set:$a to "./Img/cum3.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "2")[(set:$a to "./Img/cumd.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "3")[(set:$a to "./Img/cum7.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "4")[(set:$a to "./Img/cum6.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "5")[(set:$a to "./Img/cum11.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "6")[(set:$a to "./Img/cumE.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "7")[(set:$a to "./Img/cum8.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "8")[(set:$a to "./Img/cumF.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "9")[(set:$a to "./Img/cumG.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "10")[(set:$a to "./Img/cumH.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "11")[(set:$a to "./Img/cumI.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "12")[(set:$a to "./Img/cumJ.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "13")[(set:$a to "./Img/cumaa.jpg")]
(if:$hypcount is "14")[(set:$a to "./Img/cum4.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "15")[(set:$a to "./Img/cum5.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "16")[(set:$a to "./Img/cumshot.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "17")[(set:$a to "./Img/cumloss.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "18")[(set:$a to "./Img/cumK.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "19")[(set:$a to "./Img/cock4.gif")]
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')]}
{(live: 44s)[(print:"[[Focus->cumHypEnd]]")]}{(live: 4s)[
(set: $hypcount to (either: "0","1", "2", "3", "4","5","6"))
(if:$hypcount is "0")[(set:$a to "./Img/sdC.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "1")[(set:$a to "./Img/sdB.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "2")[(set:$a to "./Img/sd5.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "3")[(set:$a to "./Img/sd2.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "4")[(set:$a to "./Img/sd7.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "5")[(set:$a to "./Img/sd11.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "6")[(set:$a to "./Img/sdF.gif")]
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')]}
{(live: 40s)[(print:"[[Focus->sdEnd]]")]}You start to feel special in your nether regions
(set:$GenCol to $pGirlyText)
You tap Stephanie's head but she doesn't come up for air.
(set:$pgenitals to "6 inch cock")
Stephanie milks and swallows the cum from your $GenCol[$pgenitals]
<img src="./Img/cockC.gif">
[[recover->aftershhyp]](set: $tapesWatched3 to 1)<img src="./Img/cuma.gif">
(set: $cumFET to "desire to swallow cum")
You lick your lips.
(set: $FETarray to $FETarray + (a:"$cumFET"))
$pGirlyText[You now have a thirst for cum.]
[[Submit->cumtherepy]]Stephanie talks to you in the car.
$StephText[Did you enjoy the session $Fname?]
[["Something bothers me"->HowDeep]]
$pText["How did the girls get the cocks so deep without it being uncomfortable? Like this one."]
<img src="./Img/dtc.gif">
$StephText["That's easy. They're ready."]
$pText["What's that mean?"]
$StephText["I'm glad you asked. Look at my phone."]
[[Stephanie's phone]]
[["No thanks"->ReturnHome]]
No drool training<img src="./Img/drool_bad.gif" height-"800" width="400">
$StephText["The first one is cute, but not an example of not being ready. You have to make your mouth water."]
[[next->drool1]]<img src="./Img/drool3.gif">
$StephText["This is a little better."]
[[next->drool2]]<img src="./Img/drool.gif">
$StephText["You will condition your mouth to water."]
[[next->drool3]]<img src="./Img/drool2.gif">
$StephText["Don't be afraid to share."]
[[next->drool4]]<img src="./Img/drool4.gif">
$StephText["Thats a]$pGirlyText[ good girl"]
[[Arrive->drool5]]$StephText["We're here!"]
Stephanie brings you inside where she gives you some sweets.
Your mouth waters just looking at them.
Then she hands you a dildo.
$pText["What's this for?"]
$StephText["I want you to show me what you learned in the car."]
[[You comply->cumEnd]]Stephanie pats your $BottomCol[$pbutt] butt
There was something in that drink that has you feeling $pGirlyText[free]
$pGirlyText[You've developed a fetish for acting and feeling younger]
$StephText["Time for you to run on home $Fname, call me when you get there."]
You $pText[hum and suck your thumb] as you take a break on the stairs on your way out
<img src="./Img/boottap.gif">
$pText[I love being cute and small] you think to yourself before you skip on down the road.
[[Go on->ReturnHome]]
(set: $littleFET to "like to act little")
(set: $FETarray to $FETarray + (a:"$littleFET"))You lift up your $pShirtCol[$pshirt] to reveal your $TopCol[$pboobs] boobs.
<img src="./Img/boob1.jpg">
$StephText["Do you want them any bigger?"]
[["No thanks"->TooBad]]$StephText["Too bad hehe!"]
Stephanie rubs something slippery all over your exposed chest
<img src="./Img/washing.gif">
[[Try to wipe it off->ChestWipe]]
[[Pull your shirt down->ChestConcentrate]]Stephanie lit a $pGirlyText[large pink] candle and left the room
<img src="./Img/candle.jpg">
{(live: 5s)[(set:$bcount to $bcount+5)(set:$inhale to $bcount/5)(goto:"candle")]}You've been inhaling the $pGirlyText[sweet deep aroma] of the candle for $bcount seconds
(if:$bcount > 30)[(print:"$pGirlyText[Your chest starts to feel tingly. You like it.]")]
[[blow it out]]You blow out the candle and peacefully fall asleep.
(set:$link to "$pGirlyText[You clutch your chest, and feel it start to ][[grow->grow]]")(if:$inhale is 0)[(set:$pboobs to "tiny")(set:$pchest to "skinny")(set:$a to "./Img/boobsmall.gif")(set:$link to "$pGirlyText[You ][[don't notice many changes->flashPrompt]]")]
(set:$count to 0)
(set:$live to 0)You make a show of lifting the bottle in the air, and meeting your lips to it.
Then you turn away from Stephanie and pour it down your chest.
<img src="./Img/boob_pour.gif">
You still manage to get some in your mouth $pGirlyText[probably by *accident*.]
$StephText["Aw you missed. This way."]
[[You follow->TopW]]$StephText["$Fname, You need to work on your posture."]
$pText["What do you mean"]
$StephText["Look at these pictures."]
You [[view her pictiures->assMe]]
(if:$tapesWatched8 is 1)[(set:$printTherepy3 to "[[Stephanie drives you home->StephHome3]]")]
(set:$hypcount to 0){(live: 4s)[
(set: $hypcount to (either:"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13"))
(if:$hypcount is "0")[(set:$a to "./Img/arse.jpg")]
(if:$hypcount is "1")[(set:$a to "./Img/ass25.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "2")[(set:$a to "./Img/ass23.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "3")[(set:$a to "./Img/ass.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "4")[(set:$a to "./Img/butt.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "5")[(set:$a to "./Img/ass24.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "6")[(set:$a to "./Img/sissygym.jpg")]
(if:$hypcount is "7")[(set:$a to "./Img/buttya.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "8")[(set:$a to "./Img/backside.jpg")]
(if:$hypcount is "9")[(set:$a to "./Img/assJ.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "10")[(set:$a to "./Img/bimbobutt.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "11")[(set:$a to "./Img/buttya.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "12")[(set:$a to "./Img/butt2.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "13")[(set:$a to "./Img/buttprep.gif")]
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')]}
{(live: 40s)[(print:"[[Focus->assEnd]]")]}<img src="./Img/ass22.gif">
(set:$tapesWatched8 to 1)
(set: $plegs to "sexy shapely")(set: $pfeet to "dainty")(set: $pmid to "wide")(set: $pbutt to "bubble")
$pGirlyText[Your feel different from the waist down.]
(set:$arseFET to "want to show off a noticable butt")
(set:$FETarray to $FETarray + (a:"$arseFET"))$StephText["Bye $Fname. It was nice to see you today!"]
She pats your bottom and you jump as her finger presses on your asshole.
[[Inspect legs]]
[[Show off butt->showoff]]
[[Return home->ReturnHome]]You don't agree to workout with Stephanie.
But you watch her through the doorway
Stephanie does a dozen yoga stances while you stare at her tits and ass.
When she does yoga, you start to fiddle with your pants..
<img src="./Img/yoga2.gif">
$StephText["Hey pervert!"]
You [[approach her]]$StephText["Like the show dork?
I can feel you staring at my body.
I won't tell anyone what a creep you're being if you try yoga with me in these!"]
<img src="./Img/ass24.gif">
(set:$ppants to "yoga pants")
(set:$pPantsCol to $pGirlyText){(live: 4s)[
(set: $hypcount to (either: "0","1", "2", "3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12"))
(if:$hypcount is "0")[(set:$a to "./Img/ass1.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "1")[(set:$a to "./Img/ass2.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "2")[(set:$a to "./Img/ass3.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "3")[(set:$a to "./Img/ass6.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "4")[(set:$a to "./Img/ass10.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "5")[(set:$a to "./Img/ass11.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "6")[(set:$a to "./Img/ass12.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "7")[(set:$a to "./Img/asshole.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "8")[(set:$a to "./Img/assD.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "9")[(set:$a to "./Img/assC.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "10")[(set:$a to "./Img/assF.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "11")[(set:$a to "./Img/back2.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "12")[(set:$a to "./Img/buttH.gif")]
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')]}
{(live: 40s)[(print:"[[Focus->assEnd2]]")]}You wipe the serum down your chest and onto your midiff trying to get it off yourself
Your breasts and midriff start to feel warm as you fall asleep.
The next day when you wake up, you've changed.
<img src="./Img/preg.gif">
You have a $pGirlyText[wet shaved pussy], $pGirlyText[large lactating boobs], and a $pGirlyText[bulging pregnant belly].
$StephText["Oops, I guess I shouldn't have used so much!"]
You love how Stephanie takes care of you and your $pGirlyText[full tummy].
THE END $pGirlyText[breeder stock]You pull your $pShirtCol[$pshirt] down, trying to soak up the serum on your chest. You eventually feel less wet.
Your breasts start to feel warm
The next day when you wake up, you've changed.
You've got a pair of $pGirlyText[massive heavy breasts]
<img src="./Img/cleaning.gif">
You start to toy with them when they **leak** on your hands
$pGirlyText["What the..."]
[[Inspect]]You have a $BottomCol[$pbutt] butt, $BottomCol[$pmid] hips, $BottomCol[$plegs] legs, and $BottomCol[$pfeet] feet.
<img src="./Img/hips.gif">
[[return->StephHome3]] You smile at Brian
(set:$textF to "She is a cute sissy")
(if:$pgenitals is "wet pussy")[(set:$textF to "She is a pretty bimbo")]$BrianText["$textF"]
$StephText["She is all yours"]
He [[takes you to dinner]]You nervously chuckle at his remark
Brian takes that as a good sign and gives you his number.
Later, you [[use your computer]]You read the crumpled paper
(set:$pic to "./Img/gymposter.jpg")(if:$thistext is "bimbo")[(set:$pic to "./Img/gymbim.jpg")]
(print: '<img src="' + $pic +'">')
[[check locker]]
Stephanie treats your $GenCol[$pgenitals] with love
<img src="./Img/cagebj.gif">
You let her know when you are [[done->Useless]]You are in Dr. Lin's office.
(set:$printTherepy4 to "")
You tell her about your package being different.
Dr. Lin reccomends you be more considerate of other peoples needs and happiness too. She just so happens to have a tape.
[[Image therepy->CockMe]]
(if:$tapesWatched5 is 1)[(set:$printTherepy4 to "You [[make your leave->StephPill]]")]
$printTherepy4{(live: 4s)[
(set: $hypcount to (either: "0","1", "2", "3", "4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20","21","22","23"))
(if:$hypcount is "0")[(set:$a to "./Img/cock0.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "1")[(set:$a to "./Img/cock1.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "2")[(set:$a to "./Img/cock1a.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "3")[(set:$a to "./Img/hypno2.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "4")[(set:$a to "./Img/cock3.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "5")[(set:$a to "./Img/cock5.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "6")[(set:$a to "./Img/cock6.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "7")[(set:$a to "./Img/cock7.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "8")[(set:$a to "./Img/cock8.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "9")[(set:$a to "./Img/cock9.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "10")[(set:$a to "./Img/cock10.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "11")[(set:$a to "./Img/cock11.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "12")[(set:$a to "./Img/cockA.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "13")[(set:$a to "./Img/cockB.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "14")[(set:$a to "./Img/cockD.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "15")[(set:$a to "./Img/cockE.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "15")[(set:$a to "./Img/cockF.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "16")[(set:$a to "./Img/cockG.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "17")[(set:$a to "./Img/cockJ.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "18")[(set:$a to "./Img/cockL.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "19")[(set:$a to "./Img/cockU.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "20")[(set:$a to "./Img/cockZ.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "21")[(set:$a to "./Img/cockX.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "22")[(set:$a to "./Img/cockK.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "23")[(set:$a to "./Img/cockH.gif")]
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')]}
{(live: 56s)[(print:"[[Focus->CockEnd]]")]}<img src="./Img/cockhyp.gif">
"All finished!" Dr.Lin exclaims.
You lift your half closed eyelids and come to relize you were in a haze while you licked the paperweight on Dr.Lins desk.
$pGirlyText[It felt so natutal to!]
You sheepishly return it to her desktop.
[[continue->Cock Therepy]]
$pGirlyText[You now desire to suck cock]
(set:$cockFET to "love to suck cock")
(set:$FETarray to $FETarray + (a:"$cockFET"))
(set:$tapesWatched5 to 1)$StephText["hehehe"]
Stephanie laughs as you hump the air
<img src="./Img/restrained.gif">
$StephText["Your tiny pecker is worthless"]
$pGirlyText[I might as well be female]
(set:$tapesWatched5 to 0)$StephText["Show me what you've got!"]
Stephanie becons as she pouts at you. You can't resist her.
[[flash her->flash2]]{(live: 6s)[{(if:$live is 0)[(set:$count to $count+1)(goto:"grow")]}]}(if:$count is 0)[(set:$a to "./Img/boob2.jpg")](if:$count is 1)[(set:$pboobs to "noticable")(set:$pchest to "petite")(set:$a to "./Img/boobsmall.gif")](if:$count is 2)[(set:$pboobs to "noticable")(set:$pchest to "petite")(set:$a to "./Img/boob55.gif")](if:$count is 3)[(set:$pboobs to "average")(set:$pchest to "slender")(set:$a to "./Img/boobS.gif")](if:$count is 4)[(set:$pboobs to "ample")(set:$pchest to "slender")(set:$a to "./Img/boobA.gif")](if:$count is 5)[(set:$pboobs to "heavy")(set:$pchest to "slender")(set:$a to "./Img/boobdrop.gif")](if:$count is 6)[(set:$pboobs to "heavy")(set:$pchest to "toned")(set:$a to "./Img/boob6.jpg")](if:$count is 7)[(set:$pboobs to "large")(set:$pchest to "toned")(set:$a to "./Img/boob10.gif")](if:$count is 8)[(set:$pboobs to "large")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/boob7.gif")](if:$count is 9)[(set:$pboobs to "large")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/boobs11.gif")](if:$count is 10)[(set:$pboobs to "very large")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/bobs.gif")](if:$count is 11)[(set:$pboobs to "very large")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/boobL.gif")](if:$count is 12)[(set:$pboobs to "huge")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/boobs_perfect.gif")](if:$count >= 13)[(set:$pboobs to "huge")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/swing.gif")](print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')
You have a $pGirlyText[$pchest] chest and $pGirlyText[$pboobs] boobs
(if:($count < $inhale) and ($count is not 0))[(print:"$pGirlyText[Your breasts grow!]")](if:$count is $inhale)[(set:$live to 1)(print:"$pGirlyText[Your breasts finish growing!]
[[leave->flashPrompt]]")]<img src="./Img/badgirl.gif">
[[You show her->boob1]]$pGirlyText[You put the cock between your $pboobs boobs]
<img src="./Img/boobjob.gif">
$pGirlyText[It feels really good]
[[let the man cream on your chest]]After ordering for you, and having eaten, Brian grabs your arm.
$BrianText["New rule. You will only call me Master, and only obey me. Now
I want you to get under the table for me, and suck my cock."]
[["Yes Master"->get under the table]]Master beckons you towards his crotch. You comply as you were taught.
<img src="./Img/undertable.gif">
The server is speaking with Master when you bump your head quite loud
**CLANG** Master drops his silverware
$pGirlyText[Mmm Master is so smart]
The waiter leaves and you hum
[[Leave]]Master takes you to his home
$pGirlyText[Being invited makes you feel special and horny]
He takes you to his art hall.
"Which Painting is your favorite?"
[[The erotic orgy painting]]
[[The one of the meadow->Lactation]]
(set:$theText to "")(if:$wetFET is not "0")[(set:$theText to "[[The lavatory ->Watersports warning]]<br><br>")]$theText[[The small girl ->littlePaint]]
[[The doll->dollLine]]
[[Refuse to choose->Refuse]]Master takes your arm and seats you down
(set:$link2 to "[[Strip and wait->femWaitORg]]")(set:$a to "./Img/asslove.gif")
$pGirlyText["Thank you Master"]
(if:$thistext is "bimbo")[(set:$link2 to "[[Strip and wait->sissyWaitORg]]")(set:$a to "./Img/both.gif")]
"Lie by the fire and get comfortable $thistext"
$pGirlyText["Yes Master. Thank you Master"]
Master leaves the room
$link2$BrianText["Big mistake you little brat"]
Master gags your mouth
<img src="./Img/gag.gif">
[[Next->Refuse35]]Then Master ties you up and cuts off your clothing.
<img src="./Img/cutoff.gif">
[[Next->Use]]Then, Master cuffs you so you can't fight back
<img src="./Img/locked.jpg">
[[Next->Refuse3]]Then Master keeps you in his house for days and days.
He lets you watch porn and cartoons and roam the gardens.
In two weeks time you've grown fond of living with Master
<img src="./Img/heart.gif">
One day, Master walks by as you are (set:$a to "[[getting changed->sisU]]")(if:$thistext is "bimbo")[(set:$a to "[[getting changed->bimboU]]")]$a$pGirlyText[You wear the pretty dress for ]Master.
<img src="./Img/dress.jpg">
$pGirlyText[I love looking pretty for ]Master.
You crawl over and lay your head in his lap
$BrianText["Good girl"]
He pets your hair
THE END $pGirlyText[little brat]You are $HMCol[$pheight1'$pheight2"] and $HMCol[$pweight] pounds.
You have $MusCol[$pstrength] with a $HMCol[$pbody] figure.
You have a $TopCol[$pchest] chest with $TopCol[$pboobs] boobs.
You have a $BottomCol[$pbutt] butt, $BottomCol[$pmid] hips, $BottomCol[$plegs] legs, and $BottomCol[$pfeet] feet.
You are a $thistextCol[$thistext] with a $GenCol[$pgenitals.]
Your face is $FaceCol[$pface], you have $FaceCol[$plips] lips and $FaceCol[$pmakeup] makeup on
You have $HairCol[$phairlen], $HairCol[$phairstyle] $HairCol[$phaircol] hair.
You are $IntelCol[$pintel]. As far as maturity goes, you're an $AgeCol[$pmaturity].
Your masculinity is $FemCol[$pmasculinity] and your femininity is $FemCol[$pfemininity].
[[return->use your computer]]
[[BodyMorph Software]]
[[Virtual Wardrobe]]You dream of fields and pastures as you stare at the picture.
Suddenly you are hit with the realization that it is a screen.
{(live: 4s)[
(set: $hypcount to (either: "0","1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"))
(if:$hypcount is "0")[(set:$a to "./Img/milkhyp.gif" )]
(if:$hypcount is "1")[(set:$a to "./Img/lactlick.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "2")[(set:$a to "./Img/milkhyp.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "3")[(set:$a to "./Img/milked.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "4")[(set:$a to "./Img/lac4.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "5")[(set:$a to "./Img/lacpump.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "6")[(set:$a to "./Img/leak.gif")]
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')]}
{(live: 20s)[(print:"[[Focus->milk1]]")]}"Look little $pGirlyText[hefer], these will help releave pressure"
<img src="./Img/lacpump.gif">
$pGirlyText["Thank you Master"]
[[You fall asleep->milk3]]You wake up to a large meal made by Master.
You scarf down double what you normally eat.
You lie down and Master kindly rubs your tummy and breasts.
<img src="./Img/milked.gif">
$pGirlyText["Thank you Master"] you [[purr->milk3.5]] quietly
$pGirlyText[You submissively let Master touch you and feed you]
Before long you are one of his most relient producers.
<img src="./Img/milking2.gif">
THE END $pGirlyText[hefer]Master and his friend enjoy their $pGirlyText[$thistext]
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')
THE END $pGirlyText[$thistext playmate]Your $pGirlyText[swollen full] breasts are leaking milk!
$StephText["Oops, I guess I shouldn't have used so much!"]
Stephanie milks you empty and you love the feeling
<img src="./Img/milkdrink.gif">
$StephText[Stephanie loves drinking your milk]
THE END $pGirlyText[cowgirl]"Well done" coo's the lady.
(set:$pic to "./Img/femaledom.gif")(if:$pgenitals is "wet pussy")[(set:$pic to "./Img/gloryhole_ff.gif")]
(print: '<img src="' + $pic +'">')
"Good girl."
$pGirlyText["I'm a good girl!"]
You [[smile->BarRestroom]]Through your locker openings, you faintly make out glints of gold
You remove the lock and open the door to find:
$pGirlyText[A blonde wig]
<img src="./Img/wig.jpg">
[[Try it on]]As you pull the wig down over your head, your hands drift to the back, where you pull your $pGirlyText[straight hair] into a $pGirlyText[tight long ponytail]
You are a $pGirlyText[horny gym bunny]
You love $pGirlyText[working out] and getting fit.
You love working out $pGirlyText[around men] even more.
<img src="./Img/gymposter2.jpg">
[[I do->bunny]]You love $pGirlyText[meeting] the men after a $pGirlyText[hard] workout $pGirlyText[best!]
<img src="./Img/towel.gif">
$pGirlyText[Being a $thistext gym bunny is nice!]
<img src="./Img/bj.gif">
[[return with bonus headwear->Gym]]
(set:$pHeadwearCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$pheadwear to "a cute sweatband")You shudder and moan as Stephanie slows her pace.
As you recover and dress, Stephanie pats your tush and kisses your cheek
<img src="./Img/femdomreward2.gif">
$StephText["Good girl"]
You smile
$pGirlyText[You develop a submission fetish]
(set: $femaleFET to "submissive tendencies")
(set: $FETarray to $FETarray + (a:"$femaleFET"))Stephanie gives you a ride back from the doctors.
You and her share a couple drinks and laughs.
$StephText["Want to learn how to really be a *girl*?"]
$StephText["I can't guarantee it won't lead to more *changes*"]
[[Maybe she has something else?->SisTask2]]
[["Anything for you Mistress!"]]$StephText["No!"]
<img src="./Img/bimboB.gif">
[[return->HMDay2]] Stephanie holds her hand out to you.
<img src="./Img/pill.jpg">
[[eat it]]You start to feel $pGirlyText[*really* hot!]
You remove your clothes!
<img src="./Img/sd7.gif">
$pGirlyText["Please Stephanie I need relief!"]
$StephText["Beg for it. Tell me you're ready to become a girl."]
[["I'm ready to become a girl please Mistress Stephanie."]]
(if:$hypcount is 0)[(set:$a to "./Img/cage.jpg")(set:$text to "You meekly look down at your caged cock. The man orders you to your knees.<br><br>The man removes his pants and frees his cock.")](if:$hypcount is 1)[(set:$a to "./Img/bottomPOV.jpg" )(set:$text to "\"Lick it\"")](if:$hypcount is 2)[(set:$a to "./Img/licky.gif")(set:$text to "\"Come on, a little more\"")](if:$hypcount is 3)[(set:$a to "./Img/lick2.gif")(set:$text to "\"More\"")](if:$hypcount is 4)[(set:$a to "./Img/deep1.gif")(set:$text to "\"Get ready $pGirlyText[sissy girl], I am close\"")](if:$hypcount is 5)[(set:$a to "./Img/cumshot.gif")(set:$text to "\"Swallow it\"")](if:$hypcount is 6)[(set:$a to "./Img/swallow.gif")(set:$text to "\"Show Daddy where you want it\"")](if:$hypcount is 7)[(set:$a to "./Img/ass.gif")(set:$text to "")](if:$hypcount is 8)[(set:$a to "./Img/plug.png")(set:$text to "\"Use this\"")](if:$hypcount is 9)[(set:$a to "./Img/train.gif")(set:$text to "\"That's right, make room for me.\"")](if:$hypcount is 10)[(set:$a to "./Img/buttin.gif")(set:$text to "\"Good $pGirlyText[girl]\"")](if:$hypcount is 11)[(set:$a to "./Img/sissyfked.gif")(set:$text to "\"That's a $pGirlyText[sweet girl].\"")](if:$hypcount is 12)[(set:$a to "./Img/useless.gif")(set:$text to "\"Yeah you're nice and $pGirlyText[girly] now\"")](if:$hypcount is 13)[(set:$a to "./Img/cagedpink.gif")(set:$text to "\"Lets remove this and look at you\"<br><br>$pGirlyText[You see a flash of pink]")](if:$hypcount is 14)[(set:$a to "./Img/pusclit.gif")(set:$text to "Your cock has shrunk into a $pGirlyText[girly clit!]")](if:$hypcount is 15)[(set:$a to "./Img/pussoft.gif")(set:$text to "You touch your $pGirlyText[wet pussy]")](if:$hypcount is 16)[(set:$a to "./Img/pusdrool.gif")(set:$text to "You get *so* wet when you are horny")](if:$hypcount is 17)[(set:$a to "./Img/pusinside.gif")(set:$text to "You want to be $pGirlyText[filled]")](if:$hypcount is 18)[(set:$a to "./Img/butt3.jpg")(set:$text to "$pGirlyText[\"Wow, I'm so *pretty*\"]")](if:$hypcount is 19)[(set:$a to "./Img/bimbobutt.gif")(set:$text to "$pGirlyText[\"I like this!\"]")](if:$hypcount is 20)[(goto:"FemTaskEnd")](print:$text)
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')
(set:$hypcount to $hypcount+1)
]$pGirlyText[You've turned into a girl!]
<img src="./Img/sexy.gif">
$pGirlyText["What the hell dude?]
"Sorry young lady, a magician never reveals his secrets!"
You pick up his Feminine Body Products card from the dresser and reveal his secret
$pGirlyText["Oh c'mon, who in town *isn't* working for these people"]
[[Seek stephanie's help]]
(set:$GenCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$pgenitals to "wet pussy")
(set:$HMCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$pheight1 to "5")
(set:$pheight2 to "6")
(set: $pbody to "girly")
(set:$HairCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$phairlen to "long")
(set:$FemCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$pmasculinity to "nonexistant")
(set:$pfemininity to "girly")
(set: $thistextCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$thistext to "bimbo")$StephText["$Fname! You're a ]$pGirlyText[$thistext girl!]$StephText[ You look absolutely stunning.
Let's change your name to something that suits you!"]
(link: "Change name")[(set: $Fname to (prompt: "Your new name:"))
(set: $pNameCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "Seek stephanie's help")]
[[Inspect self->inspect2]]
[[You return home->ReturnHome]]
All hair is missing from around your $GenCol[$pgenitals] too including your asshole(set: $plegs to "smooth and hairless narrow")
You look at your slit
<img src="./Img/shaved_open.jpg">
$pGirlyText[It feels good to be soft!]
While you are pantsless Stephanie offers to [[paint your toenails.->pedicure]]Stephanie looks at you with a concerned expression.
$StephText["Oh you ]$pGirlyText[silly girl.]
$StephText[I can see you touching yourself. Allow me."]
<img src="./Img/pussoft.gif">
You $pGirlyText[giggle]
[[Go to gym->Gym]]You let the man spill his stuff over your $pGirlyText[$pboobs] boobs.
<img src="./Img/gloryhole_boobcum.gif">
(set:$count to $count+1)
[[You feel strange]]
(if:$count is 1)[(set:$pboobs to "noticable")(set:$pchest to "petite")(set:$a to "./Img/boobsmall.gif")](if:$count is 2)[(set:$pboobs to "noticable")(set:$pchest to "petite")(set:$a to "./Img/boob55.gif")](if:$count is 3)[(set:$pboobs to "average")(set:$pchest to "slender")(set:$a to "./Img/boobS.gif")](if:$count is 4)[(set:$pboobs to "ample")(set:$pchest to "slender")(set:$a to "./Img/boobA.gif")](if:$count is 5)[(set:$pboobs to "heavy")(set:$pchest to "slender")(set:$a to "./Img/boobdrop.gif")](if:$count is 6)[(set:$pboobs to "heavy")(set:$pchest to "toned")(set:$a to "./Img/boob6.jpg")](if:$count is 7)[(set:$pboobs to "large")(set:$pchest to "toned")(set:$a to "./Img/boob10.gif")](if:$count is 8)[(set:$pboobs to "large")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/boob7.gif")](if:$count is 9)[(set:$pboobs to "large")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/boobs11.gif")](if:$count is 10)[(set:$pboobs to "very large")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/bobs.gif")](if:$count is 11)[(set:$pboobs to "very large")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/boobL.gif")](if:$count is 12)[(set:$pboobs to "huge")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/boobs_perfect.gif")](if:$count >= 13)[(set:$pboobs to "huge")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/swing.gif")]Your breasts have grown!
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')
You now have $pGirlyText[$pboobs boobs] set on a $pGirlyText[$pchest chest]
[[return->BarRestroom]] You rub the cock until it spills over your $pGirlyText[$pboobs] boobs.
<img src="./Img/gloryhole_handy.gif">
(set:$count to $count+1)
[[You feel strange]]
(if:$count is 1)[(set:$pboobs to "noticable")(set:$pchest to "petite")(set:$a to "./Img/boobsmall.gif")](if:$count is 2)[(set:$pboobs to "noticable")(set:$pchest to "petite")(set:$a to "./Img/boob55.gif")](if:$count is 3)[(set:$pboobs to "ample")(set:$pchest to "slender")(set:$a to "./Img/boobS.gif")](if:$count is 4)[(set:$pboobs to "ample")(set:$pchest to "slender")(set:$a to "./Img/boobA.gif")](if:$count is 5)[(set:$pboobs to "heavy")(set:$pchest to "slender")(set:$a to "./Img/boobdrop.jpg")](if:$count is 6)[(set:$pboobs to "heavy")(set:$pchest to "toned")(set:$a to "./Img/boob6.jpg")](if:$count is 7)[(set:$pboobs to "large")(set:$pchest to "toned")(set:$a to "./Img/boob10.gif")](if:$count is 8)[(set:$pboobs to "large")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/boob7.gif")](if:$count is 9)[(set:$pboobs to "large")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/boobs11.gif")](if:$count is 10)[(set:$pboobs to "very large")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/bobs.gif")](if:$count >= 11)[(set:$pboobs to "very large")(set:$pchest to "broad")(set:$a to "./Img/boobsL.gif")]**BING**
(set:$hypcount to 0)
Brian sent you a video marked $pGirlyText["Babymaker"]
$pGirlyText[How Original. We used to send eachother porn in college.
I wonder what this could be.]
[[Open it]]
[[Do not open->use your computer]](if:$hypcount is 0)[(set:$a to "./Img/cream1.gif" )](if:$hypcount is 1)[(set:$a to "./Img/cream2.gif")](if:$hypcount is 2)[(set:$a to "./Img/cream3.gif")](if:$hypcount is 3)[(set:$a to "./Img/creampy.gif")](if:$hypcount is 4)[(set:$a to "./Img/assF.gif")](if:$hypcount is 5)[(set:$a to "./Img/creamout.gif")](if:$hypcount is 6)[(set:$a to "./Img/creamin.gif")](if:$hypcount is 7)[(set:$a to "./Img/pregcum.gif")](if:$hypcount is 8)[(set:$a to "./Img/preg1.gif")](if:$hypcount is 9)[(set:$a to "./Img/preg3.gif")](if:$hypcount is 10)[(set:$a to "./Img/pregs.gif")](if:$hypcount is 11)[(set:$a to "./Img/teenpreg.gif")](if:$hypcount is 12)[(set:$a to "./Img/pregfuck.gif")](if:$hypcount is 13)[(set:$a to "./Img/pregmotion.gif")](if:$hypcount is 14)[(set:$a to "./Img/preg.gif")](if:$hypcount is 15)[(set:$a to "./Img/pregneed.jpg")](if:$hypcount is 16)[(set:$a to "./Img/pushin.gif")](if:$hypcount is 17)[(goto:"PregEnd")](print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')
(set:$hypcount to $hypcount+1)
(goto:"Open it")
]By the same time next week you have become $pGirlyText[Master's breeder slave]
$BrianText["Good *babymaker*!"]
<img src="./Img/FUKK.gif">
THE END $pGirlyText[babymaker]The video ends
$pGirlyText[That was really good!
You look down and realize you were petting your tummy the entire time.]
[[Shut down computer and go to sleep->Shut down computer]]
[[Compose yourself]]
$pGirlyText[You now desire to get pregnant]
(set:$pregFET to "pregnancy fetish")
(set:$FETarray to $FETarray + (a:"$pregFET"))
(set:$tapesWatched7 to 1)**BING**
(set:$hypcount to 0)
Brian has sent you a video marked $pGirlyText["Anal addicts"]
$pGirlyText[How Original. We used to send eachother porn in college.
I wonder what this could be.]
[[Open it->open2]]
[[Do not open->use your computer]](if:$hypcount is 0)[(set:$a to "./Img/butt.gif" )](if:$hypcount is 1)[(set:$a to "./Img/buttprep.gif")](if:$hypcount is 2)[(set:$a to "./Img/ass11.gif")](if:$hypcount is 3)[(set:$a to "./Img/assin.jpg")](if:$hypcount is 4)[(set:$a to "./Img/assinto.gif")](if:$hypcount is 4)[(set:$a to "./Img/assfu.gif")](if:$hypcount is 5)[(set:$a to "./Img/asslove.gif")](if:$hypcount is 6)[(set:$a to "./Img/ride2.gif")](if:$hypcount is 7)[(set:$a to "./Img/bondfuk.gif")](if:$hypcount is 8)[(set:$a to "./Img/back2.gif")](if:$hypcount is 9)[(set:$a to "./Img/anal1.gif")](if:$hypcount is 10)[(goto:"asshyp")](print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')
(set:$hypcount to $hypcount+1)
(set:$hypcount to 0)
Brian has sent you a video marked $pGirlyText["Wet cock sleeves"]
$pGirlyText[How Original. We used to send eachother porn in college.
I wonder what this could be.]
[[Open it->open3]]
[[Do not open->use your computer]]The video ends
$pGirlyText[That was really good!
You look down and realize you were circling your lubricated asshole the entire time.
When did it get slippery?]
[[Shut down computer and go to sleep->Shut down computer2]]
[[Compose yourself->recover]]
$pGirlyText[You now desire to get butt fucked]
(set:$buttFET to "butt fucked fetish")
(set:$FETarray to $FETarray + (a:"$buttFET"))By the same time next week you have become $pGirlyText[Master's needy butt slut]
$BrianText[Good *stupid buttfucked bitch*!]
(set:$pic to "./Img/ass12.gif")(if:$pgentials is "wet pussy")[(set:$pic to "./Img/girl_anal.gif")]
(print: '<img src="' + $pic +'">')
THE END $pGirlyText[anal addict]**BING**
Brian has sent you an email marked $pGirlyText["Help wanted"]
$pGirlyText[I wonder what this could be.]
[[Open it->open4]]
[[Do not open->use your computer]](if:$hypcount is 0)[(set:$a to "./Img/deep1.gif" )](if:$hypcount is 1)[(set:$a to "./Img/deep2.gif")](if:$hypcount is 2)[(set:$a to "./Img/deeper.gif")](if:$hypcount is 3)[(set:$a to "./Img/deep.gif")](if:$hypcount is 4)[(set:$a to "./Img/ddgh.gif")](if:$hypcount is 5)[(set:$a to "./Img/drool_final.gif")](if:$hypcount is 6)[(set:$a to "./Img/deep3.gif")](if:$hypcount is 7)[(set:$a to "./Img/deepused.gif")](if:$hypcount is 8)[(set:$a to "./Img/DAMNNDO.gif")](if:$hypcount is 9)[(set:$a to "./Img/omg.gif")](if:$hypcount is 10)[(set:$a to "./Img/cumd.gif")](if:$hypcount is 11)[(set:$a to "./Img/gloryhole_cum.gif")](if:$hypcount is 12)[(set:$a to "./Img/cumB.gif")](if:$hypcount is 13)[(set:$a to "./Img/swallow.gif")](if:$hypcount is 14)[(set:$a to "./Img/gloryhole_swallow.gif")](if:$hypcount is 15)[(goto:"SleeveEnd")](print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')
(set:$hypcount to $hypcount+1)
]Wanted: Engineer
Compensation: Generous
Location: Femenine Body Products Engineering Department
$pGirlyText[Oh wow Brian sent me an offer to work alongside him]
You apply for the job.
You look at the [[business card]] Brian gave you long time agoYou blink a couple times and compose yourself before you [[check your other email->use your computer]]You blink a couple times and compose yourself before you [[look back at your computer->use your computer]]You take a look at the business card.
<img src="./Img/card.png">
$pGirlyText[Oh, this explains a lot.]
You get a call from Brian later that week!
[[go to interview]]You arrive at the interview early.
The secretary is cleaning the front desk
<img src="./Img/cleaning.gif">
You can't help but stare
(text-color:"#FF0055")[Mister Brian will see you now]
[[Enter his office]]
$BrianText["Hey $Fname, i'm glad you came in."]
$pGirlyText["Me too! I can't believe an engineer position is open that *I* qualify for"]
$BrianText["About that, there have been some modifications to the job description, but i'm sure you'll make a great fit."]
$pGirlyText["I'll do anything."]
$BrianText["Great. Then sign right here"]
Master has heard about your incontinance, and has decided to help you correct your behavior.
$BrianText["You can't go to the restroom until you finish your homework!"]
$pGirlyText[Master doesn't know I'm stupid!]
You can't $pGirlyText[think] much less $pGirlyText[read] the questions
You sit and touch yourself until you [[can't take it any longer]].You $pGirlyText[wet yourself]!
<img src="./Img/peexam.gif">
$BrianText["See little $Fname, this is why Stephanie and I don't think you are ready for so much responsibility.
Let me help you get changed."]
You shake your head and [[let him guide you]]<img src="./Img/ab1.jpg">
$BrianText["There! That should do!"]
You are too $pGirlyText[tired and relaxed from being pampered] and [[fall asleep]]When you wake up Stehanie is petting your hair and your lips are latched onto her breast
$pGirlyText[This milk tastes good!]
<img src="./Img/ab.gif">
$StephText[There there dear"]
$pGirlyText[You cuddle up to Stephanie and purr]
[[close eyes]]$StephText[Stephanie] and $BrianText[Daddy] take good care of their $pGirlyText[baby girl]
<img src="./Img/goodnight.gif">
THE END $pGirlyText[little princess]You give your Big Boss a hug! You're so excited!
$BrianText["Congratulations $Fname, let get you your uniform and I can explain your duties"]
$pGirlyText["Whas my job?"]
$BrianText["Executive Assistant"]
$pGirlyText["Wow! It has executive in it. I must be important."]
$BrianText["You can say that again. Try this on."]
[[Try on uniform]]You try on the uniform
$pGirlyText[It comes with a skirt! Yay!]
<img src="./Img/secretary.jpg">
$pGirlyText["I look sexy!"]
$BrianText["Come over here and show off your professional demenor"]
$pGirlyText["*Hehe* show off my what?"] you say as you kneel
[[Show off]]You show off to Big Boss
<img src="./Img/suck1.gif">
$pGirlyText[You love your job!]
THE END $pGirlyText[secretary]
This is the very end. Thanks for playing
[[inspect self]]As you sign the paper you feel a sweep of wind on your head and your ears pop.
You giggle in excitement, your thoughts all drift so far away. . .
You only want to think about your new **Big Boss** and doing a good job.
You [[got the job!]]You blink a couple times and compose yourself before you [[check your other email->use your computer]]The video ends
$pGirlyText[That was really good!
You are panting and you are letting your mouth water all over your chest]
[[Shut down computer and go to sleep->Shut down computer3]]
[[Compose yourself->reel in]]
$pGirlyText[You now desire to get your throat fucked and force filled]
(set:$thotFET to "throat fuck fetish")
(set:$FETarray to $FETarray + (a:"$thotFET"))By the same time next week you have become $pGirlyText[Master's hungry cock sucker]
$BrianText[Good *dick lover*!]
<img src="./Img/stick.gif">
THE END $pGirlyText[wet cock sleeve]You get on your knees
<img src="./Img/bimboB.gif">
$StephText["Good girl. I like it when you listen"]
You like it because then you get [[rewards->fempeg]]Your name is $pNameCol[$Fname $Lname], a $AgeCol[$page] year old.
You are an $pGirlyText[executive assistant] at $pGirlyText[Feminine Body Products Inc.]
You are $HMCol[$pheight1'$pheight2"] and $HMCol[$pweight] pounds.
You have $MusCol[$pstrength] with a $HMCol[$pbody] figure.
You have a $TopCol[$pchest] chest with $TopCol[$pboobs] boobs.
You have a $BottomCol[$pbutt] butt, $BottomCol[$pmid] hips, $BottomCol[$plegs] legs, and $BottomCol[$pfeet] feet.
You are a $thistextCol[$thistext] with a $GenCol[$pgenitals.]
Your face is $FaceCol[$pface], you have $FaceCol[$plips] lips and $FaceCol[$pmakeup] makeup on
You have $HairCol[$phairlen], $HairCol[$phairstyle] $HairCol[$phaircol] hair.
You are $IntelCol[$pintel]. As far as maturity goes, you're an $AgeCol[$pmaturity].
Your masculinity is $FemCol[$pmasculinity] and your femininity is $FemCol[$pfemininity].
[[Return->Show off]]{(live: 4s)[
(set: $hypcount to (either: "0","1", "2", "3", "4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19"))
(if:$hypcount is "0")[(set:$a to "./Img/sis5.gif" )]
(if:$hypcount is "1")[(set:$a to "./Img/hypno1.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "2")[(set:$a to "./Img/hypno2.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "3")[(set:$a to "./Img/sis6.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "4")[(set:$a to "./Img/sisE.jpg")]
(if:$hypcount is "5")[(set:$a to "./Img/sisB.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "6")[(set:$a to "./Img/sisD.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "7")[(set:$a to "./Img/sis9.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "8")[(set:$a to "./Img/sisgym.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "9")[(set:$a to "./Img/sis2.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "10")[(set:$a to "./Img/sis3.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "11")[(set:$a to "./Img/sisG.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "12")[(set:$a to "./Img/sisJ.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "13")[(set:$a to "./Img/sisyes.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "14")[(set:$a to "./Img/sisX.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "15")[(set:$a to "./Img/sisplay.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "16")[(set:$a to "./Img/sis10.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "17")[(set:$a to "./Img/sis11.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "18")[(set:$a to "./Img/sisY.gif")]
(if:$hypcount is "19")[(set:$a to "./Img/dress2.gif")]
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')]}
{(live: 44s)[(print:"[[Focus->femEnd1]]")]}Wetting/ABDL warning
[[restroom]] You slip your body though the smooth material
(set: $pShirtCol to $pGirlyText)(set: $pshirt to "revealing dress")
<img src="./Img/dress1.jpg">
(set: $wear to "a $pShirtCol[$pshirt] and $pPantsCol[$ppants], $pShoesCol[$pshoes], $pUnderCol[$punderwear], and $pHeadwearCol[$pheadwear]")
You are now wearing $wear
$pGirlyText[You love the way the material feels on your soft skin]
[[return->Take them]]Stephanie drives you both back to her house
Before you go, you want to talk Stephanie into having some alcohol with you. You can [[suggest drinks]] or [[just say goodbye]]$StephText["What a great idea $Fname, wait right here."]
She comes back with a juicebox.
$pText["Juice? I was thinking something with alcohol."]
$StephText["Don't be silly little one."]
You smile and silently sip down the juice
<img src="./Img/box.gif">
$pGirlyText[Mmmm yum]
[[Done->StephHome2]](set: $pHeadwearCol to $pGirlyText)
(set: $pheadwear to "a pacifier")
You prefer to wear $pGirlyText[$pheadwear] in your mouth.
$pGirlyText[It soothes your little mind to suck and drool on it]
(set: $wear to "a $pShirtCol[$pshirt] and $pPantsCol[$ppants], $pShoesCol[$pshoes], $pUnderCol[$punderwear], and $pHeadwearCol[$pheadwear]")$StephText["You've earned my bow! That's a good ]$pGirlyText[bimbo girl]$StephText[!"]
(set:$pheadwear to "red bow")
You prefer to wear your $pGirlyText[$pheadwear]
(set:$pHeadwearCol to $pGirlyText)
$pGirlyText[It reminds you of that time you almost got arrested]
(set: $wear to "a $pShirtCol[$pshirt] and $pPantsCol[$ppants], $pShoesCol[$pshoes], $pUnderCol[$punderwear], and $pHeadwearCol[$pheadwear]")Wetting warning
[[Go back->BottomWear]]
[[continue->WatersportsEvent]] $StephText["Your words $Fname!"]
Her friend, a stranger to you arrives.
$pGirlyText[He is fit]
$StephText["$Fname, meet Master. Master meet ]$pGirlyText[sissy girl"]
"Hey sissy. Follow my lead ok."
You$pGirlyText[ try to look pretty] and nod
<img src="./Img/sexy.gif">
(set:$hypcount to 0)(set:$text to "")
[[Follow his orders->FemTask]]Her friend, a stranger to you arrives.
$pGirlyText[He is fit]
$StephText["$Fname, meet Master. Master meet ]$pGirlyText[sissy girl"]
"Hey sissy. Follow my lead ok."
You$pGirlyText[ try to look pretty] and nod
<img src="./Img/sexy.gif">
(set:$hypcount to 0)(set:$text to "")
[[Follow his orders->FemTask2]](if:$hypcount is 0)[(set:$a to "./Img/cage.jpg")(set:$text to "The man orders you to your knees. You comply and meekly look down at your caged cock. <br><br>The man removes his pants and frees his cock.")](if:$hypcount is 1)[(set:$a to "./Img/bottomPOV.jpg" )(set:$text to "\"Lick it\"")](if:$hypcount is 2)[(set:$a to "./Img/licky.gif")(set:$text to "\"Come on, a little more\"")](if:$hypcount is 3)[(set:$a to "./Img/lick2.gif")(set:$text to "\"More\"")](if:$hypcount is 4)[(set:$a to "./Img/deep1.gif")(set:$text to "\"Get ready $pGirlyText[sissy girl], I am close\"")](if:$hypcount is 5)[(set:$a to "./Img/cumshot.gif")(set:$text to "\"Swallow it\"")](if:$hypcount is 6)[(set:$a to "./Img/swallow.gif")(set:$text to "\"Show Daddy where you want it\"")](if:$hypcount is 7)[(set:$a to "./Img/ass.gif")(set:$text to "")](if:$hypcount is 8)[(set:$a to "./Img/plug.png")(set:$text to "\"Use this\"")](if:$hypcount is 9)[(set:$a to "./Img/train.gif")(set:$text to "\"That's right, make room for me.\"")](if:$hypcount is 10)[(set:$a to "./Img/buttin.gif")(set:$text to "\"Good $pGirlyText[girl]\"")](if:$hypcount is 11)[(set:$a to "./Img/sissyfked.gif")(set:$text to "\"That's a $pGirlyText[sweet girl].\"")](if:$hypcount is 12)[(set:$a to "./Img/useless.gif")(set:$text to "\"Yeah you're nice and $pGirlyText[girly] now\"")](if:$hypcount is 13)[(set:$a to "./Img/cagedpink.gif")(set:$text to "\"Lets remove this and look at you\"<br><br>$pGirlyText[You see a flash of pink]")](if:$hypcount is 14)[(goto:"SisTaskEnd")](print:$text)
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')
(set:$hypcount to $hypcount+1)
]$pGirlyText[You've turned into a sissy!]
<img src="./Img/trap.gif">
$pGirlyText["What the hell dude?]
"Sorry young lady, a magician never reveals his secrets!"
You pick up his Feminine Body Products card from the dresser and reveal his secret
$pGirlyText["Oh c'mon, who in town *isn't* working for these people"]
[[Seek stephanie's help]]
(set:$pgenitals to "little sissy cock")
(set:$GenCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$HMCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$pheight1 to "5")
(set:$pheight2 to "6")
(set: $pbody to "girly")
(set:$HairCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$phairlen to "long")
(set:$FemCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$pfemininity to "girly")
(set:$pmasculinity to "nonexistant")
(set: $thistextCol to $pGirlyText)
(set:$thistext to "sissy")You are $HMCol[$pheight1'$pheight2"] and $HMCol[$pweight] pounds.
You have $MusCol[$pstrength] with a $HMCol[$pbody] figure.
You have a $TopCol[$pchest] chest with $TopCol[$pboobs] boobs.
You have a $BottomCol[$pbutt] butt, $BottomCol[$pmid] hips, $BottomCol[$plegs] legs, and $BottomCol[$pfeet] feet.
You are a $thistextCol[$thistext] with a $GenCol[$pgenitals.]
Your face is $FaceCol[$pface], you have $FaceCol[$plips] lips and $FaceCol[$pmakeup] makeup on
You have $HairCol[$phairlen], $HairCol[$phairstyle] $HairCol[$phaircol] hair.
You are $IntelCol[$pintel]. As far as maturity goes, you're an $AgeCol[$pmaturity].
Your masculinity is $FemCol[$pmasculinity] and your femininity is $FemCol[$pfemininity].
[[return->Seek stephanie's help]] $pGirlyText["Do you have anything else?"]
$StephText["As a matter of fact, I do!"]
Stephanie also holds a magenta pill.
[[Take it->SisTask3]]You start to feel $pGirlyText[*really* hot!]
You remove your clothes!
<img src="./Img/sd7.gif">
$pGirlyText["Please Stephanie I need relief!"]
$StephText["If you say so, let me make a couple calls."]
[[wait->sistask5]]Master lets his little $thistext to stay home and play while he works
You spend that time playing with yourself.
[[Then you take a nap->fall asleep]]There is a picure of a doll, or maybe a expressionless empty-eyed girl with lots of makeup on? It's hard to tell..
Her eyes look so empty
<img src="./Img/dollface.jpg">
"You like that one don't you"
[["Uh huh"->dollAsk]]Master and his friend take turns using your $pGirlyText[sissy hole]
<img src="./Img/2men2.gif">
<img src="./Img/back1.gif">
[[continue->it2]]Master and his friend take turns using your $pGirlyText[holes]
<img src="./Img/2men.gif">
<img src="./Img/gang2.gif">
[[continue->it2]]You wait for Master's friend to arrive
Master comes in and inspects you
<img src="./Img/backside.jpg">
The doorbell rings.
$pGirlyText[You start to feel warm]
[[wait->orgy2]]You wait for Master's friend to arrive
<img src="./Img/bimbobutt.gif">
The doorbell rings.
$pGirlyText[You start to feel warm]
[[wait->orgy3]]You find a picture of a $pGirlyText[$thistext doll!]
(set:$a to "./Img/dollSis.jpg")(if:$thistext is "bimbo")[(set:$a to "./Img/bim3.jpg")]
(print: '<img src="' + $a +'">')
(set:$b to "./Img/sisE.jpg")(if:$thistext is "bimbo")[(set:$a to "./Img/bim2.jpg")]
(print: '<img src="' + $b +'">')
(set:$c to "./Img/sisdoll8.jpg")(if:$thistext is "bimbo")[(set:$a to "./Img/bim4.jpg")]
(print: '<img src="' + $c +'">')
$pGirlyText[Wow. Looks like a job for someone really dedicated]
[[You take a shower->Lotion]]You rub the bodywash on your body
<img src="./Img/boob_shower.gif">
<img src="./Img/dollLotion.gif">
You have a closer look at the $pGirlyText[sweet-smelling pink bodywash].
$pGirlyText[You can almost taste the sweet fruity aroma]
$pGirlyText[Maybe you did a little]
[[Inspect bottle->postLotion]](print: '<img src="' + $apic +'">')
As you pose for Master, your skin starts to feel softer and softer.
You walk into Masters bedroom and lie down in his bed.
It suddenly feels so hard to move. You get comfortable.
[[Relax]]"I would like a $thistext doll that remains still."
<img src="./Img/deepused.gif">
<img src="./Img/dollfuck.gif">
$pGirlyText[What is a $thistext doll?]
You [[study->dollStart]] what a $thistext doll isYour skin starts to feel heavier and heavier
You cannot move!
You've become Master's $pGirlyText[sex doll]
<img src="./Img/dollX.jpg">
You lie still on the bed as Master uses you
[[love it->dollwash]]
[[hate it->dollwash]]$pGirlyText[Feminine Body Products Altering Formula:**DollSkin**]
$pGirlyText["Oh fuck no"]
"Get comfortable little $thistext" Master commands
(set:$apic to "./Img/boob8.jpg")(if:$thistext is "bimbo")[(set:$apic to "./Img/bimbo.jpg")]
[[Pose]]Love it or hate it, you've become Master's property.
He uses you, keeps you clean, dresses you and does your makeup.
<img src="./Img/bim.jpg">
<img src="./Img/dollwash.gif">
[[accept it->dollEnd]]All that washing makes your material shrink!
Master likes it all the same.
<img src="./Img/dollY.jpg">
THE END $pGirlyText[$thistext doll]$pGirlyText[Your $pboobs breasts feel hot]
Master feeds you a big meal.
<img src="./Img/preg2.gif">
You feel tired and want to lie down.
Master lets you [[nap->milk2.5]] on his lap.Your $pboobs feel a lot different this morning. Kinda achey.
<img src="./Img/lac4.gif">
$pGirlyText[The're making milk!]
Master says that is okay. He can help.
[[countinue->milk2]](live: 4s)[(goto:"Look at porn")](link:"Next")[(goto:"Look at porn")]
(set:$pick to (either:...$pa))
(print: '<img src="' + $pick +'">')
[[finish->use your computer]]You are on your computer
[[Look at porn]]
[[Check email 1->Check email 1]]
[[Check email 2]]
[[Check email 3]]
[[Check email 4]]
[[Call Brian]]
[[Mirror Image Software->mirror2]]
[[Experiment with code]]You call Brain
$BrianText["Hey, thanks for calling babe. Want to go out to dinner?"]
[["Okay"->takes you to dinner]]
[["No Thanks"->use your computer]]*Beep Beep* Welcome to BodyMorph Software
(link: "Change height1")[(set: $pheight1 to (prompt: "Your height (ft.):"))(set: $HMCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change height2")[(set: $pheight2 to (prompt: "Your height (in.):"))(set: $HMCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change weight")[(set: $pweight to (prompt: "Your weight:"))(set: $HMCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change strength")[(set: $pstrength to (prompt: "Your strength:"))(set: $MusCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change chest")[(set: $pchest to (prompt: "Your chest:"))(set: $TopCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change boobs")[(set: $pboobs to (prompt: "Your boobs:"))(set: $TopCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change butt")[(set: $pbutt to (prompt: "Your butt:"))(set: $BottomCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change hips")[(set: $pmid to (prompt: "Your hips:"))(set: $BottomCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change legs")[(set: $plegs to (prompt: "Your legs:"))(set: $BottomCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change feet")[(set: $pfeet to (prompt: "Your feet:"))(set: $BottomCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change genitals")[(set: $pgenitals to (prompt: "Your genitals:"))(set: $BottomCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change face")[(set: $pface to (prompt: "Your face:"))(set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change lips")[(set: $plips to (prompt: "Your lips:"))(set: $FaceCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change hair length")[(set: $phairlen to (prompt: "Your hair length:"))(set: $HairCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change hair style")[(set: $phairstyle to (prompt: "Your hair style:"))(set: $HairCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change hair color")[(set: $phaircol to (prompt: "Your hair color:"))(set: $HairCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change intelligence")[(set: $pintel to (prompt: "Your intelligence:"))(set: $IntelCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change maturity")[(set: $pmaturity to (prompt: "Your maturity:"))(set: $AgeCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change masculinity")[(set: $pmasculinity to (prompt: "Your masculinity:"))(set: $FemCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change femininity")[(set: $pfemininty to (prompt: "Your femininity:"))(set: $FemCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]
(link: "Change identiy")[(set: $thistext to (prompt: "Only acceptable options are 'bimbo' and 'sissy':"))(set: $thistextCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "BodyMorph Software")]*Boop Boop* Welcome to Virtual Wardrobe
(link: "Change Top")[(set: $pheight1 to (prompt: "Top:"))(set: $pshirtCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "Virtual Wardrobe")]
(link: "Change Pants")[(set: $pheight2 to (prompt: "Pants:"))(set: $HMCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "Virtual Wardrobe")]
(link: "Change Footwear")[(set: $pweight to (prompt: "Footwear:"))(set: $HMCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "Virtual Wardrobe")]
(link: "Change Underwear")[(set: $pstrength to (prompt: "Underwear:"))(set: $MusCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "Virtual Wardrobe")]
(link: "Change Headwear")[(set: $pchest to (prompt: "Headwear:"))(set: $TopCol to $pGirlyText)(goto: "Virtual Wardrobe")]
(set: $wear to "a $pShirtCol[$pshirt] and $pPantsCol[$ppants], $pShoesCol[$pshoes], $pUnderCol[$punderwear], and $pHeadwearCol[$pheadwear]")You experiment with the code a bit
~ *Untested results may occur* ~
(link:"return to story start")[
(set: $takeFem to "0")
(set: $takeIntel to "0")
(set: $takeBottom to "0")
(set: $takeTop to "0")
(set: $takeFace to "0")
(set: $takeGen to "0")
(set: $takeAge to "0")
(set: $takeHM to "0")
(set: $takeMuscle to "0")
(goto:"Background")][[Go Home->ReturnHome]](set: $pheight2 to "5")$pGirlyText[You've gotten shorter! You are now $pheight1'$pheight2"]
You drive to $school and get your ID renewed.
<img src="./Img/femboi.jpg">
$school Student ID Card
Name: $pText[$Fname $Lname]
Class: $pText[$class] Age: $pText[$page]
On your way back, you [[meet Stephanie->StephHome]] The man pulls you into the mens locker room.
He tears apart your pants
<img src="./Img/yogarip.gif">
$pText["So strong!"]
He rapes your gym bunny butt as you hop for more
<img src="./Img/asslove.gif">
After he cums he gruffly tells you "Fuck off sugar tits"
[[leave->at her apartment]]$StephText["Bye cutie!"]
<img src="./Img/cutie.gif">
[[Return home->ReturnHome]]$pGirlyText["I just remembered I have math homework to do! Mr Grey will be so angry if I get another F!"]
$StephText["After you spend some time with me!"]
[[Go to Stephanie's->StephHome]]Master comments on how your diet is making your hips and thighs blow up
<img src="./Img/those_thighs.jpg">
Master tells you it is better to just crawl around on the groud.
$pGirlyText[You do.]
Master sets you up a padded room with a machine.
You eat in it and [[fall asleep.->milk4]]Master sees you getting changed
<img src="./Img/dressedsis.jpg">
"Here take this [[pretty dress]]"
You wouldn't refuseMaster sees you getting changed
<img src="./Img/thatrack.jpg">
"Here take this [[makeup]]"
You wouldn't refuseYou paint your face and lips with the supplies Master gives you.
Things are fine. That is, until you spray the perfume.
<img src="./Img/dollBarbie.jpg">
$pGirlyText[*Ahhem*] you cough
$pGirlyText[You can't remember anything]
$pGirlyText[Assept I know how ta look pretty *hehe*]
You [[look at Master]]
"Thats a good brainless slave" he coos
<img src="./Img/bim4.jpg">
$pGirlyText["huh? I did good!? I wanna play!"]
THE END $pGirlyText[bimbo slave][[use your computer]]