Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
<<set $gameversion to 78>>
<<set $prevpassage to 'Game start'>>
<<set $gameDate to new Date("2019-07-14T07:00Z"); >>
<<set $GameDays to [
"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"
<<set $day to 1>>
<<set $period to 1>>
<<set $periodname to "Morning">>
<<set $activate to 0>>
<<set $mc to {
name: "John",
int: 0,
str: 0,
end: 0,
power: 0,
powertotal: 0,
powersubt: 0,
charisma: 0,
friends: 0,
drunk: false,
seXP: 0,
porn: 0,
dom: 0,
sub: 0,
job: null,
money: 1000,
debt: 0,
collars: 0,
eyes: "blue",
hair: "blond",
favdrink: "beer",
<<set $sis to {
name: "Sasha",
title: "Master",
trust: 2,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Sis's bedroom",
loc1: "Kitchen",
loc2: "Bathroom",
loc3: "Park",
loc4: "Park",
loc5: "Bathroom",
loc6: "Living room",
loc7: "Living room",
bdsm: 0,
slave: 0,
homework: 0,
homeworktotal: 0,
questmain: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $mom to {
name: "Isabelle",
title: "Master",
trust: 2,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Mom's bedroom",
loc1: "Kitchen",
loc2: "Kitchen",
loc3: "Fitness Center gym",
loc4: "Bathroom",
loc5: "Mom's bedroom",
loc6: "Mom's bedroom",
loc7: "Mom's bedroom",
loccafe: "The Cock and Bull",
bdsm: 0,
slave: 0,
questmain: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $aunt to {
name: "Marie",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Aunt's bedroom",
loc1: "Aunt's bedroom",
loc2: "Aunt's kitchen",
loc3: "Residential district",
loc4: "Mall",
loc5: "Residential district",
loc6: "Aunt's bedroom",
loc7: "Aunt's bedroom",
introchance: 100,
pregnant: 0,
questmain: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $cousin to {
name: "Bella",
title: "Master",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Bella's bedroom",
loc1: "Aunt's kitchen",
loc2: "Bella's bedroom",
loc3: "Aunt's living room",
loc4: "Aunt's pool",
loc5: "Park",
loc6: "Bella's bedroom",
loc7: "Bella's bedroom",
stuffed: 0,
slave: 0,
questmain: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $grandma to {
name: "Millie",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
int: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Grandma's bedroom",
loc1: "Grandma's home",
loc2: "Grandma's home",
loc3: "Grandma's home",
loc4: "Grandma's home",
locweekend1: "Beach",
locweekend2: "Beach",
locweekend3: "Beach",
questmain: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $kate to {
name: "Kate",
title: "Master",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Kate's home",
loc1: "The Cock and Bull",
loc2: "Fitness Center sauna",
loc3: "Kate's home",
loc4: "Kate's home",
loc5: "The Cock and Bull",
loc6: "The Cock and Bull",
loc7: "The Cock and Bull",
pool: 0,
class: 0,
questmain: 0,
slave: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $hotdog to{
int: 0,
<<set $lemo to{
int: 0,
<<set $beachbar to{
int: 0,
<<set $lucy to {
name: "Lucy",
title: "Master",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Lucy's home",
loc1: "Lucy's home",
loc2: "Park",
loc3: "Park",
loc4: "Fitness Center gym",
loc5: "Lucy's home",
loc6: "Lucy's home",
loc7: "Lucy's home",
library: 0,
class: 0,
notes: 0,
questmain: 0,
slave: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $alice to{
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
name: "Alice",
title: "Master",
house: "Her house",
loc: "Her bedroom",
loc1: "Park",
loc2: "Park",
loc3: "Park",
loc4: "Park",
loc5: "Park",
loc6: "Alice's home",
loc7: "Alice's home",
firstclass: 0,
slave: 0,
already: {
bdsm1: 0,
today: {
interacted: 0,
randomsexlow: 0,
randomsexhigh: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $jade to {
name: "Jade",
title: "Master",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Jade's home",
loc1: "Jade's home",
loc2: "Jade's home",
loc3: "Jade's home",
loc4: "Pier",
loc5: "Pier",
loc6: "Jade's home",
loc7: "Jade's home",
train: 0,
traintotal: 0,
class: 0,
torn: 0,
questmain: 0,
dungeonintro: 0,
slave: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $abigail to {
trust: 0,
int: 0,
name: "Abigail",
loc: "Abigail's house",
loc1: "Abigail's house",
loc2: "Abigail's house",
loc3: "Fitness Center gym",
loc4: "Abigail's house",
loc5: "Fitness Center gym",
loc6: "The Flaming Tiki",
loc7: "The Flaming Tiki",
loc8: "Abigail's house",
progress: 0,
corr: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $carla to {
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
name: "Carla",
title: "Master",
loc: "Carla's house",
loc1: "Carla's house",
loc2: "Carla's house",
loc3: "Pier",
loc4: "Pier",
progress: 0,
dungeonintro: 0,
slave: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $missy to {
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
name: "Missy",
title: "Master",
loc: "Missy's bedroom",
loc1: "Missy's house",
loc2: "Park",
loc3: "Missy's house",
loc4: "Missy's house",
loc5: "Missy's house",
loc6: "Park",
loc7: "Park",
progress: 0,
slave: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $teacher to {
name: "Teacher",
int: 0,
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
questmain: 0,
questclass: 0,
loc: "Ms. Lee's home",
loc1: "Park",
loc2: "Park",
loc3: "Ms. Lee's home",
loc4: "Park",
loc5: "Ms. Lee's home",
loc6: "Ms. Lee's home",
loc7: "Ms. Lee's home",
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $sato to {
name: "Akira Sato",
int: 0,
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
questmain: 0,
loc: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc1: "Fitness Center gym",
loc2: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc3: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc4: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc5: "Fitness Center gym",
loc6: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc7: "Mrs. Sato's home",
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $powers to {
name: "Jessie Powers",
int: 0,
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
questmain: 0,
loc: "Ms. Powers's home",
loc1: "Ms. Powers's home",
loc2: "Fitness Center pool",
loc3: "Fitness Center pool",
loc4: "Ms. Powers's home",
loc5: "Ms. Powers's home",
loc6: "Ms. Powers's home",
loc7: "Strip club",
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $dean to {
name: "Tabitha Graves",
int: 0,
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
route: "sub",
questmain: 0,
loc: "Dean's office",
loc1: "Dean's house",
loc2: "Park",
loc3: "Park",
loc4: "Dean's house",
loc5: "Mall",
loc6: "The Cock and Bull",
loc7: "The Cock and Bull",
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $tammy to {
name: "Tamara Sinclair",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc1: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc2: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc3: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc4: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc5: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc6: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc7: "Tamara's bedroom",
met: 0,
bdsm: 0,
questmain: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $erika to {
name: "Erika Hatzis",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
mot: 0,
dev: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Erika's bedroom",
loc1: "Erika's bedroom",
loc2: "Erika's bedroom",
loc3: "Erika's bedroom",
loc4: "Erika's bedroom",
loc5: "Erika's bedroom",
loc6: "Erika's bedroom",
loc7: "Erika's bedroom",
met: 0,
bdsm: 0,
questmain: 0,
motActive: 0,
motChoices: {
raise: 0,
raiseValue: 0,
raiseReset: 0,
chall: 0,
challValue: 0,
challReset: 0,
gift: 0,
giftValue: 0,
giftReset: 0,
lunch: 0,
lunchValue: 0,
lunchReset: 0
dayoff: 0,
gifts: [],
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $mikaela to {
name: "Mikaela Gutierrez",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
int: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc1: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc2: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc3: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc4: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc5: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc6: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc7: "Mikaela's bedroom",
met: 0,
workScore: 0,
bdsm: 0,
questmain: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $tiffany to {
name: "Tiffany Herrera",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc1: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc2: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc3: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc4: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc5: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc6: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc7: "Tiffany's bedroom",
met: 0,
defeated: 0,
bdsm: 0,
questmain: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $claus to {
name: "Mrs. Claus",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
cheer: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Mall",
questmain: 0,
completed: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<set $houses to {
totalRooms: 1,
usedRooms: 0,
<<set $school to {
status: 0,
statuschem: 0,
statusecon: 0,
statushall: 0,
statusjap: 0,
statusmath: 0,
statuscafe: 0,
statuspool: 0,
statusgym: 0,
statuslib: 0,
todaychem: 0,
todayecon: 0,
todayhall: 0,
todayjap: 0,
todaymath: 0,
missedchem: 0,
missedecon: 0,
missedhall: 0,
missedjap: 0,
missedmath: 0,
grades: 0,
finalexam: 0,
examgirl1: "",
examgirl2: "",
examgirl3: "",
examgirls: {jade: 0,kate: 0,lucy: 0,alice: 0,mom: 0,sato: 0,powers: 0,teacher: 0,dean: 0},
girlspower: {jade: 9,kate: 5,lucy: 12,alice: 3,mom: 15,sato: 6,powers: 7,teacher: 13,dean: 20},
exameffects: {jade: 0, alice: 0, mom: 0, sato: 0},
examdefeated: 0,
degree: "",
degreemult: 1,
graduated: 0,
<<set $startup to {
active: 0,
level: 1,
name: "Mycroft Co.",
workScore: 0,
spareWeeks: 0,
globalstats: {
eff: 0,
neg: 0,
mark: 0,
priceWeek: 0
projects: [],
<<set $employees to {}>>
<<set $restaurant to {
avaible: 0,
status: 0,
employee: 0,
salary: 0,
worked: 0,
barworked: 0,
haveworked: 0,
carla: 0,
missy: 0,
firstdrink: 0,
<<set $quest to {
jadeclass: 0,
jadegym: 0,
jadegiftquest: 0,
lucyclass: 0,
lucylibrary: 0,
lucygiftquest: 0,
kateclass: 0,
katepool: 0,
kategiftquest: 0,
teacheroffice: 0,
sisbathroom: 0,
sisbedroom: 0,
momhouse: 0,
alicebathroom: 0,
basement: 0,
<<set $has to {
study: 0,
breakfast: 0,
work: 0,
wash: 0,
lunch: 0,
dinner: 0,
porn: 0,
dishes: 0,
vacuum: 0,
passTest: 0,
failTest: 0,
metjade: 0,
metlucy: 0,
metkate: 0,
metalice: 0,
giftJade: 0,
giftSister: 0,
giftMom: 0,
giftLucy: 0,
giftKate: 0,
sisterintro: 0,
pocketmoney: 0,
usedcheat: 0,
bathroomkey: 0,
bathroomkeycopy: 0,
sexapplucy: 0,
sexappkate: 0,
sexapplucy: 0,
lucyid: 0,
kateid: 0,
jadeid: 0,
aliceid: 0,
carlaid: 0,
missyid: 0,
abigailid: 0,
todaynotes: 0,
jadefamily: 0,
intelligentman: 0,
katecafeteria: 0,
class: 0,
alicedailyblowjob: 0,
aliceaddress: 0,
receivedlucynudes: 0,
abigailaddress: 0,
auntaddress: 0,
paidbills: 0,
<<set $inv to {
katebikini: 0,
jadeleggings: 0,
momjewelry: 0,
<<set $books to {
dom: 0,
<<set $homework to {
has: 0,
subject: 0,
difficulty: 0,
done: 0,
impossible: 0,
haschem: 0,
donechem: 0,
hasecon: 0,
doneecon: 0,
hasjap: 0,
donejap: 0,
hasmath: 0,
donemath: 0,
<<set $sexapp to {
today: {
lucyTrust: 0,
jadeTrust: 0,
kateTrust: 0,
aliceTrust: 0,
abigailTrust: 0,
missyTrust: 0,
carlaTrust: 0,
lucyCorr: 0,
jadeCorr: 0,
kateCorr: 0,
aliceCorr: 0,
abigailCorr: 0,
missyCorr: 0,
carlaCorr: 0,
abigailInt: 0,
<<set $bdsm to {
activate: 0,
<<set $christmas to {
active: 0,
snow: 0,
gifts: {
shoes: 0,
makeup: 0,
dildo: 0,
wine: 0,
boots: 0,
puzzle: 0,
punching: 0
gifted: {
mom: 0,
sis: 0,
sato: 0,
abigail: 0,
dean: 0,
erika: 0,
tiffany: 0
<<set $uipassages to ["Cheat","Gallery Main","Progress","Credits"]>>
''Welcome to the new version of Become Someone, which is the v0.7.8. We hope you will enjoy the new content!''
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<a href="" target="_blank" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button">[img["ressources/patreon.jpg"]]</a>\
<span class="int stat">''Check the changelog <a style="font: 16px/1 Helmet,Freesans,sans-serif;font-weight:700;text-decoration:none" href="">the official website</a>''</span>
<button id="startbutton" class="large green button">[[Begin|Game start]]</button>
<<widget "locations">>
<<if !$employees>>
<<set $employees to {}>>
<<if $>><<if $ is 1>><<set _momhired to 1>><<else>><<set _momhired to 0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $employees.tamara>><<if $employees.tamara.hired is 1>><<set _tammyhired to 1>><<else>><<set _tammyhired to 0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $employees.erika>><<if $employees.erika.hired is 1>><<set _erikahired to 1>><<else>><<set _erikahired to 0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $employees.mikaela>><<if $employees.mikaela.hired is 1>><<set _mikaelahired to 1>><<else>><<set _mikaelahired to 0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $>><<if $ is 1>><<set _tiffanyhired to 1>><<else>><<set _tiffanyhired to 0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','07:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Bathroom">>
<<set $mom.loc to "Kitchen">>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc1>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc1>>
<<set $grandma.loc to "Grandma's home">>
<<set $jade.loc to "Jade's bedroom">>
<<set $kate.loc to "Kate's bedroom">>
<<set $lucy.loc to "Lucy's home">>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>><<set $alice.loc to "Your bedroom">><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "Alice's bedroom">><</if>>
<<set $teacher.loc to "Ms. Lee's bedroom">>
<<if $sato.questmain is 5 && $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's bedroom">>
<<set $powers.loc to $powers.loc1>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $dean.loc to $dean.loc1>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Dean's office">>
<<set $abigail.loc to "Abigail's house">>
<<set $carla.loc to $carla.loc1>>
<<set $missy.loc to "Missy's bedroom">>
<<set $tammy.loc to "Tammy's house">>
<<set $erika.loc to "Erika's house">>
<<set $mikaela.loc to "Mikaela's house">>
<<set $tiffany.loc to "Tiffany's house">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','11:59')>>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<set $sis.loc to "High school">>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc1>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc2>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc2>>
<<set $grandma.loc to "Grandma's home">>
<<if $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $jade.loc to "Study hall">>
<<set $kate.loc to "Study hall">>
<<set $lucy.loc to "Study hall">>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>><<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc1>><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "Study hall">><</if>>
<<if _momhired is 1>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Startup office">>
<<set $mom.loc to "Economics hall">>
<<set $teacher.loc to "Chemistry classroom">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Japanese classroom">>
<<set $powers.loc to "Mathematics hall">>
<<elseif $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<set $jade.loc to "Chemistry classroom">>
<<set $kate.loc to "Economics hall">>
<<set $lucy.loc to "Mathematics hall">>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>><<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc1>><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "Japanese classroom">><</if>>
<<if _momhired is 1>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Startup office">>
<<set $mom.loc to "Economics hall">>
<<set $teacher.loc to "Chemistry classroom">>
<<if $sato.questmain is 5 && $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Japanese classroom">>
<<set $powers.loc to "Mathematics hall">>
<<set $jade.loc to $jade.loc1>>
<<set $kate.loc to $kate.loc1>>
<<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.loc1>>
<<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc1>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc1>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc1>>
<<if $sato.questmain is 5 && $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc to $sato.loc1>>
<<set $powers.loc to $powers.loc1>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $dean.loc to $dean.loc2>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Dean's office">>
<<set $carla.loc to $carla.loc2>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59')>>
<<set $missy.loc to $missy.loc1>>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc1>>
<<set $missy.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc1>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if _tammyhired is 1>><<set $tammy.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc1>><</if>>
<<if _erikahired is 1>><<set $erika.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc1>><</if>>
<<if _mikaelahired is 1>><<set $mikaela.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc1>><</if>>
<<if _tiffanyhired is 1>><<set $tiffany.loc to "Startup office">><<elseif $tiffany.defeated is 0>><<set $tiffany.loc to "Massive Assets LLC">><<else>><<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc1>><</if>>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc1>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc1>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc1>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc1>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'22:00','06:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Sis's bedroom">>
<<set $mom.loc to "Mom's bedroom">>
<<set $aunt.loc to "Aunt's bedroom">>
<<set $cousin.loc to "Bella's bedroom">>
<<set $grandma.loc to "Grandma's bedroom">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'22:00','22:59')>>
<<set $jade.loc to "Jade's home">>
<<set $kate.loc to "Kate's home">>
<<set $lucy.loc to "Lucy's home">>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>><<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc1>><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "Public restroom">><</if>>
<<set $teacher.loc to "Ms. Lee's home">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $powers.loc to "Ms. Powers's home">>
<<set $missy.loc to $missy.loc2>>
<<set $carla.loc to "Carla's house">>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc2>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc2>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc2>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc2>>
<<set $jade.loc to "Jade's bedroom">>
<<set $kate.loc to "Kate's bedroom">>
<<set $lucy.loc to "Lucy's bedroom">>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>><<set $alice.loc to "Your bedroom">><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "Alice's bedroom">><</if>>
<<set $teacher.loc to "Ms. Lee's bedroom">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's bedroom">>
<<set $powers.loc to "Ms. Powers's bedroom">>
<<set $missy.loc to "Missy's bedroom">>
<<set $carla.loc to "Carla's bedroom">>
<<set $tammy.loc to "Tammy's bedroom">>
<<set $erika.loc to "Erika's bedroom">>
<<set $mikaela.loc to "Mikaela's bedroom">>
<<set $tiffany.loc to "Tiffany's bedroom">>
<<set $dean.loc to "Dean's bedroom">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'22:00','23:59')>>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc2>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "Abigail's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'12:00','12:59')>>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<set $sis.loc to "High school">>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc2>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc2>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc2>>
<<set $grandma.loc to "Grandma's home">>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<set $jade.loc to "Cafeteria">>
<<set $kate.loc to "Cafeteria">>
<<set $lucy.loc to "Cafeteria">>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>><<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc2>><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "Cafeteria">><</if>>
<<if _momhired is 1>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loccafe>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc2>>
<<set $teacher.loc to "Chemistry classroom">>
<<if $sato.questmain is 5 && $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Japanese classroom">>
<<set $powers.loc to "Mathematics hall">>
<<set $jade.loc to $jade.loc2>>
<<set $kate.loc to $kate.loc2>>
<<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.loc2>>
<<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc2>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc2>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc2>>
<<if $sato.questmain is 5 && $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc to $sato.loc2>>
<<set $powers.loc to $powers.loc2>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $dean.loc to $dean.loc3>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Dean's office">>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc3>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $carla.loc to $carla.loc3>>
<<set $missy.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if _tammyhired is 1>><<set $tammy.loc to "Office buffet">><<else>><<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc3>><</if>>
<<if _erikahired is 1>><<set $erika.loc to "Office buffet">><<else>><<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc3>><</if>>
<<if _mikaelahired is 1>><<set $mikaela.loc to "Office buffet">><<else>><<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc3>><</if>>
<<if _tiffanyhired is 1>><<set $tiffany.loc to "Office buffet">><<elseif $tiffany.defeated is 0>><<set $tiffany.loc to "Massive Assets LLC">><<else>><<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc3>><</if>>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc3>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc3>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc3>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc3>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','16:59')>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','13:59')>>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<set $sis.loc to "High school">>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc3>>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc3>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','13:59')>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc2>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc2>>
<<set $grandma.loc to "Grandma's home">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','14:59')>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc3>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc3>>
<<set $grandma.loc to "Grandma's home">>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc4>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc4>>
<<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.loc1>>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<set $jade.loc to "University gym">>
<<set $kate.loc to "University pool">>
<<set $lucy.loc to "Library">>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>><<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc3>><<else>><<set $alice.loc to "University restrooms">><</if>>
<<if _momhired is 1>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Startup office">>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc3>>
<<set $teacher.loc to "Chemistry classroom">>
<<if $sato.questmain is 5 && $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Japanese classroom">>
<<set $powers.loc to "Mathematics hall">>
<<set $jade.loc to $jade.loc3>>
<<set $kate.loc to $kate.loc3>>
<<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.loc3>>
<<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc3>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc3>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc3>>
<<if $sato.questmain is 5 && $daycheck is "Wednesday">>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc to $sato.loc3>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc3>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $dean.loc to $dean.loc4>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Dean's office">>
<<set $carla.loc to $carla.loc4>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','14:59')>>
<<set $missy.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc4>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $missy.loc to $missy.loc3>>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc4>>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if _tammyhired>><<set $tammy.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc4>><</if>>
<<if _erikahired>><<set $erika.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc4>><</if>>
<<if _mikaelahired>><<set $mikaela.loc to "Startup office">><<else>><<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc4>><</if>>
<<if _tiffanyhired>><<set $tiffany.loc to "Startup office">><<elseif $tiffany.defeated is 0>><<set $tiffany.loc to "Massive Assets LLC">><<else>><<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc4>><</if>>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc4>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc4>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc4>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc4>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','17:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc4>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc4>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc5>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc5>>
<<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.loc2>>
<<set $jade.loc to $jade.loc4>>
<<set $kate.loc to $kate.loc4>>
<<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.loc4>>
<<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc4>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc4>>
<<set $sato.loc to $sato.loc4>>
<<set $powers.loc to $powers.loc4>>
<<set $dean.loc to $dean.loc5>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc5>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $carla.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $missy.loc to $missy.loc4>>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc5>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc5>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc5>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc5>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'18:00','18:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc5>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc5>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc6>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc6>>
<<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.loc3>>
<<set $jade.loc to $jade.loc5>>
<<set $kate.loc to $kate.loc5>>
<<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.loc5>>
<<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc5>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc5>>
<<set $sato.loc to $sato.loc5>>
<<set $powers.loc to $powers.loc5>>
<<set $dean.loc to $dean.loc6>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc6>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $carla.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $missy.loc to $missy.loc5>>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc6>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc6>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc6>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc6>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'19:00','19:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc6>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc6>>
<<set $aunt.loc to $aunt.loc7>>
<<set $cousin.loc to $cousin.loc7>>
<<set $grandma.loc to $grandma.loc4>>
<<set $jade.loc to $jade.loc6>>
<<set $kate.loc to $kate.loc6>>
<<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.loc6>>
<<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc6>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc6>>
<<set $sato.loc to $sato.loc6>>
<<set $powers.loc to $powers.loc6>>
<<set $dean.loc to $dean.loc7>>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc7>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $carla.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $missy.loc to $missy.loc6>>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc7>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc7>>
<<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc7>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc7>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59')>>
<<set $sis.loc to $sis.loc7>>
<<set $mom.loc to $mom.loc7>>
<<set $aunt.loc to "Aunt's bedroom">>
<<set $cousin.loc to "Bella's bedroom">>
<<set $grandma.loc to "Grandma's home">>
<<set $jade.loc to $jade.loc7>>
<<set $kate.loc to $kate.loc7>>
<<set $lucy.loc to $lucy.loc7>>
<<set $alice.loc to $alice.loc7>>
<<set $teacher.loc to $teacher.loc7>>
<<set $sato.loc to $sato.loc7>>
<<set $powers.loc to $powers.loc7>>
<<set $dean.loc to "Dean's house">>
<<if $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday">>
<<set $abigail.loc to $abigail.loc8>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $carla.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $missy.loc to $missy.loc7>>
<<set $tammy.loc to $tammy.loc8>>
<<set $erika.loc to $erika.loc8>>
<<if $mikaela.questmain gte 2 && $daycheck is "Saturday">><<set $mikaela.loc to "Strip club">><<else>><<set $mikaela.loc to $mikaela.loc8>><</if>>
<<set $tiffany.loc to $tiffany.loc8>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $mom.questmain is 2>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Living room">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $mom.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Living room">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'18:00','19:59') && $mom.questmain is 3 && $sis.questmain gte 5 && $ gte 10>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Bathroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $mom.questmain is 8 && $ gte 20>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Mom's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $mom.questmain is 7 && $inv.momjewelry is 1 && $has.paidbills is 1 && $has.vacuum is 1 && $has.dishes is 1>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Mom's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'22:00','23:59') && $mom.questmain is 6>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Mom's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $sis.questmain is 6 && $mom.questmain gte 8>>
<<set $mom.loc to "Mom's bedroom">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5 && $ gte 5>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Living room">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 5 && $ gte 15 && $sis.homeworktotal gte 1>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Living room">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','07:59') && $sis.questmain is 4>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Bathroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','07:59') && $sis.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Bathroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 7>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Kitchen">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 9 && $ gte 25 && $sis.homeworktotal gte 5>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Sis's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $sis.questmain is 8 && $ gte 20>>
<<set $sis.loc to "Sis's bedroom">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','16:59') && (($jade.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $mc.str gte 5) || ($jade.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5 && $school.statuschem gte 1 && $jade.traintotal gte 1))>>
<<set $jade.loc to "University gym">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','16:59') && (($lucy.questmain is 4) || ($lucy.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $ gte 15) || ($lucy.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5))>>
<<set $lucy.loc to "Library">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','16:59') && (($kate.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5 && $school.statusecon gte 1) || ($kate.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $mc.end gte 15))>>
<<set $kate.loc to "University pool">>
<<if $school.statuscafe is 1 && isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','14:59') && $teacher.questmain is 5 && $ gte 20 && $ gte 20>>
<<set $teacher.loc to "Cafeteria">>
<<if (isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','22:59') || ($daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday")) && $dean.questmain is 2 && $dean.route is "dom" && $ gte 10 && $mc.dom gte 15>>
<<set $dean.loc to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','19:59') && $aunt.questmain is 4 && $ gte 25 && $aunt.corr gte 15>>
<<set $aunt.loc to "Aunt's kitchen">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'18:00','19:59') && $aunt.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20>>
<<set $aunt.loc to "Aunt's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','19:59') && $aunt.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15 && $mc.end gte 15>>
<<set $aunt.loc to "Aunt's kitchen">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','19:59') && $aunt.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $mc.str gte 10>>
<<set $aunt.loc to "Residential district">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','19:59') && $aunt.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5>>
<<set $aunt.loc to "Aunt's pool">>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '19:59') && $cousin.questmain is 5 && ($cousin.stuffed is 1 || $mc.collars gte 1)>>
<<set $cousin.loc to "Bella's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '11:59') && $cousin.questmain is 4>>
<<set $aunt.loc to "Aunt's kitchen">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:59') && $aunt.questmain gte 5 && $cousin.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $cousin.corr gte 15>>
<<set $cousin.loc to "Bella's bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','19:59') && $cousin.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15 && $cousin.corr gte 10>>
<<set $cousin.loc to "Park">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','19:59') && $cousin.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10>>
<<set $cousin.loc to "Your bedroom">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','19:59') && $cousin.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5>>
<<set $cousin.loc to "Bella's bedroom">>
<<if $mom.loc is "Economics hall" && $daycheck is "Wednesday" && $mom.questmain gte 9 && $ gte 25 && $grandma.questmain is 6 && $ gte 25>>
<<set $grandma.loc to "Economics hall">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'15:00','19:59') && $grandma.questmain is 4 && $ gte 15>>
<<set $grandma.loc to "Fitness Center pool">>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'15:00','19:59') && $grandma.questmain is 2 && $ gte 5>>
<<set $grandma.loc to "Fitness Center gym">>
<<widget "LocationPortraits">>
<<set _totalPortraits to 0>>
<<if passage() isnot "Street" && passage() isnot "Mall" && passage() isnot "Start up Office" && passage() isnot "House" && passage() isnot "Coast" && passage() isnot "Fitness Center">><<set _limitPortraits to 5>><<else>><<set _limitPortraits to 4>><</if>>
<<set _style to "float: right; margin-right: 16px; max-height: 72px;">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lte $args.length; _i++>>
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $mom.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $grandma.questmain gte 1>><<if $grandma.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $sis.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $has.auntaddress gte 1>><<if $aunt.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $alice.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $has.auntaddress gte 1>><<if $cousin.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $lucy.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $jade.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $kate.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $sato.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $teacher.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $powers.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $missy.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $abigail.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $carla.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $dean.questmain gte 1>><<if $dean.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $tammy.met is 1>><<if $tammy.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $erika.met is 1>><<if $erika.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $mikaela.met is 1>><<if $mikaela.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<set _delay to randomFloat(0.00001,0.001) + "s">><<if $tiffany.met is 1>><<if $tiffany.loc is $args[_i]>><<set _totalPortraits += 1>><<if _totalPortraits lt _limitPortraits>>
<div class="portrait" @style="_style">
<<if _totalPortraits gte 4 && passage() is "Street">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "Your bedroom">>
<<set $displayExtra1 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id1" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id1').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra1;
<<case "Chemistry classroom">>
<<set $displayExtra2 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id2" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id2').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra2;
<<case "Fitness Center gym">>
<<set $displayExtra3 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id3" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id3').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra3;
<<case "Mall">>
<<set $displayExtra4 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id4" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id4').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra4;
<<case "Park">>
<<set $displayExtra5 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id5" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id5').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra5;
<<case "Beach">>
<<set $displayExtra6 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id6" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id6').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra6;
<<case "Residential district">>
<<set $displayExtra7 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id7" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id7').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra7;
<<case "Red Light district">>
<<set $displayExtra8 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id8" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id8').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra8;
<<case "Startup office">>
<<set $displayExtra9 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id9" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id9').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra9;
<<elseif _totalPortraits gte 4 && passage() is "Mall">>
<<set $displayExtra10 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id10" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id10').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra10;
<<elseif _totalPortraits gte 4 && passage() is "Start up Office">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "Startup office">>
<<set $displayExtra11 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id11" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id11').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra11;
<<case "Office buffet">>
<<set $displayExtra12 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id12" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id12').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra12;
<<elseif _totalPortraits gte 4 && passage() is "House">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "Startup office">>
<<set $displayExtra13 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id13" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id13').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra13;
<<elseif _totalPortraits gte 4 && passage() is "Coast">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "Beach">>
<<set $displayExtra14 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id14" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id14').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra14;
<<case "Nude beach">>
<<set $displayExtra15 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id15" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id15').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra15;
<<elseif _totalPortraits gte 4 && passage() is "Fitness Center">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "Fitness Center gym">>
<<set $displayExtra16 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id16" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id16').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra16;
<<case "Fitness Center pool">>
<<set $displayExtra17 to "+" + ((_totalPortraits - _limitPortraits) + 1)>>
<p id="id17" style="transform: translate(-280px,-11px);background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);padding: 6px;"></p>
<<timed 0.01s>><<script>>
document.getElementById('id17').innerHTML += SugarCube.State.variables.displayExtra17;
<h2 style="color: #848ed8;font-family: 'Raleway',sans-serif;font-size: 30px;font-weight: 800;line-height: 50px;margin: 0 0 24px;text-align: center;text-transform: uppercase;">Intro</h2>
<p style="text-align:justify;">In Become Someone, You are a fresh faced young man who is set to start his senior year of college in the morning. You live with your Mother, and your Sister, Sasha. Your birth Mother left shortly after you were born, and your father later remarried. He has since passed away as well.</p><p>In Become Someone you will be provided several options and life paths to walk down. What you choose, and who you choose to be will be up to you! And no matter where you go, there will always be plenty of beautiful women to have some fun with.</p><p>But first! Let’s learn a bit more about you:</p>\
''What is your name?''
<<textbox "$" "John">>
''You were born into a:''
* <label><<radiobutton "$familybackground" "rich">>Rich family</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$familybackground" "poor" checked>>Poor family</label>
''In school you were a:''
* <label><<radiobutton "$" 3>>Good student</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$" 1 checked>>Bad student</label>
''You were also very:''
* <label><<radiobutton "$mc.charisma" 3>>Popular</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$mc.charisma" 1 checked>>Overlooked</label>
''Do you like sports?''
* <label><<radiobutton "$mc.str" 4>>Yes</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$mc.str" 1 checked>>No</label>
''Your eyes are:''
* <label><<radiobutton "$mc.eyes" "brown" checked>>Brown</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$mc.eyes" "blue">>Blue</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$mc.eyes" "green" checked>>Green</label>
''Your hair is:''
* <label><<radiobutton "$" "brown" checked>>Brown</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$" "blond">>Blonde</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$" "red" checked>>Red</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$" "black" checked>>Black</label>
''Tell me more about your family. What are their names?''
* <label>Your mother is: <<textbox "$" "Isabelle">></label>
* <label>Your sister is: <<textbox "$" "Sasha">></label>
* <label>Your aunt is: <<textbox "$" "Marie">></label>
* <label>Your cousin is: <<textbox "$" "Bella">></label>
* <label>Your grandmother is:<<textbox "$" "Millie">></label>
<button id="backgroundbutton" class="Large button green">[[Standard Start|Little intro][$path to "university"]]</button>
<button id="startbutton" class="Large button green">[[Start Up Jump Start|Start up Creation][$origin to 1]]</button>
<<Highlight "House">>
<div class="loc-nav">
<div @class="_desk1">[img["ressources/img/home/desk.jpg"][Desk]]<div @class="_desk2"></div><p>Desk</p></div>
<a data-passage="Bedroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_mcbedroom1">[img["ressources/img/home/mcbedroom.jpg"]]<div @class="_mcbedroom2"></div><p>Bedroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Your bedroom">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="livingroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_living1">[img["ressources/img/home/livingroom.jpg"]]<div @class="_living2"></div><p>Living room</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Living room">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Start up Office" data-setter="$origin to 1" class="link-internal"><div @class="_startupoffice1">[img["ressources/img/home/homeoffice.jpg"]]<div @class="_startupoffice2"></div><p>Home office</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<if $startup.level is 1>><<LocationPortraits "Startup office" "Office buffet">><</if>></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Sister Bedroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_sisbedroom1">[img["ressources/img/home/sisbedroom.jpg"]]<div @class="_sisbedroom2"></div><p>Sister bedroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Sis's bedroom">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Kitchen" class="link-internal"><div @class="_kitchen1">[img["ressources/img/home/kitchen.jpg"]]<div @class="_kitchen2"></div><p>Kitchen</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Kitchen">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="mombedroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_mombedroom1">[img["ressources/img/home/mombedroom.jpg"]]<div @class="_mombedroom2"></div><p>Mom bedroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Mom's bedroom">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Bathroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_bath1">[img["ressources/img/home/bathroom.jpg"]]<div @class="_bath2"></div><p>Bathroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Bathroom">></div></div></a>
<<if $quest.basement gte 5>><div @class="_basement1">[img["ressources/img/home/basementclean.jpg"][Basement]]<div @class="_basement2"></div><p>Basement</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<if $alice.loc is "Sex dungeon">><div class="portrait" style="float: right; margin-right: 16px; max-height: 72px;">[img["ressources/profilpictures/alice.png"]]</div><</if>></div></div><<elseif $quest.basement > 1>><div @class="_basement1">[img["ressources/img/home/basementclean.jpg"][Basement]]<div @class="_basement2"></div><p>Basement</p></div><<elseif $quest.basement > 0>><div @class="_basement1">[img["ressources/img/home/basement.jpg"][Basement]]<div @class="_basement2"></div><p>Basement</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"></div><</if>>
<div class="imglink"><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>[img["ressources/img/street/street_christmas.jpg"][Street]]<<else>>[img["ressources/img/street/street.jpg"][Street]]<</if>><div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div>
<h2 style="color: #848ed8;font-family: 'Raleway',sans-serif;font-size: 30px;font-weight: 800;line-height: 50px;margin: 0 0 24px;text-align: center;text-transform: uppercase;">TIPS:</h2>
<h3>While you play the following stats will be raised based on your actions as choices. They are important for various actions and some women will only like you if you have high enough stats in a certain category. Your stats are…</h3><p><span class="int stat">Intelligence: $</span>
<span class="str stat">Strength: $mc.str</span>
<span class="char stat">Endurance: $mc.end</span>
<span class="char stat">Charisma: $mc.charisma</span>
<span class="porn stat">Porn Addiction: $</span>
<span class="sex stat">Sexual Experience: $mc.seXP</span>
<span class="friends stat">Number of Friends: $mc.friends</span></p>
<p class="hint">In addition, each girl you meet in the game will be influenced by one of three stats. Trust, Corruption, and Interest. Every girl is effected by the trust stat. Spend time with them, and show them you can be relied on to raise their trust in you. Trust is the main stat for most content with the girls. Corruption is a secondary stat for most girls relating to how many kinky and sexual thoughts you give them. Its primary purpose is accessing some of the more kinky and taboo content available with these women. Interest is a special stat that a select few women have. They are women of power and comfortable with their sexuality already, and thus are not so easily corrupted. Their interest in you will determine how willing they are in the bedroom with you</p>
<p class="hint">And finally, as you progress in the game, jobs and career paths will present themselves to you. You may try to juggle a job and school, or you can ignore school altogether! But bare in mind, ignoring a path will have consequences</p>
<p class="hint">Now that you are caught up on how the game works, let’s get started!</p>
<button id="backgroundbutton" class="large button green">[[GAME START|Starting Bedroom]]</button>
<<if $mom.questmain is 5>><<set $mom.questmain to 6>>
<p>As you walk into your room, you take a seat on your bed and think about how you can get back into your Mother’s good graces. You know deep down that they best course of action for you to take is to become to official man of the house. You need to show her that you can take care of her, and make her feel safe like any good partner should.</p>
<p>First you should sneak into her room at night and take a look at the house bills. If you pay a few of them, that should go a long way towards making you seem dependable. Then, you spend some time cleaning the house. This will help show her how invested in the home you truly are. And finally, you should wow her with some expensive jewelry. To show her that you are willing and able to sweep her off her feet.</p>
<p>Until you do this, you doubt that anything you do with or for your Mom will change her opinion of you. You should get to it soon!</p>
<<else>><<if $ is 1>><<set _alicerandomsex to $>><<else>><<set _alicerandomsex to $>><</if>>
<<if $powers.questmain is 4 && $ gte 25>>[[Sleep|powersmainquest4][$scene to 0; $powers.questmain to 5; $[6] to 1]]<<elseif $dean.questmain is 4 && $dean.route is "sub" && $ gte 20>>[[Sleep|deanmainquest4 sub][$scene to 0; $dean.questmain to 5]]<<elseif $alice.slave is 1 && $ is "First home" && _alicerandomsex gt 80>>[[Sleep|Sleep Alice Slave]]<<else>>[[Sleep|Dream]]<</if>>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1 && $cousin.loc is "Your bedroom">>
<a data-passage="MC Bedroom Cousin" class="link-internal">Play games with $</a>
<<if $alice.slave is 1 && $ is "First home" && $alice.loc is "Your bedroom">>
[[Alice's on your bed|MC Bedroom Alice Slave][$ to 1]]
<<if $days is "Monday" && $has.pocketmoney is 0>><<set $money += 100>><<set $has.pocketmoney to 1>><<elseif $days isnot "Monday">><<set $has.pocketmoney to 0>><</if>>
<<timed 0.2s>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '07:59') && $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $ is 1>><<if $startup.level is 1>>[[Get ready and head to the office|Start up Office][$gameDate.setUTCHours(8); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0); $origin to 1]]<<else>>[[Get ready and head to the office|Start up Office][$gameDate.setUTCHours(8); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0); $origin to 2]]<</if>><<else>>[[Get your backpack and head to the University|University][$gameDate.setUTCHours(8); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)]]<</if>><br><</if>><</timed>>
[[Go out|House]]
<<if $mom.questmain is 7 && $has.paidbills is 0>>[[Pay the bills ($1000)|paybills]]<</if>>
<<if $ is 0>>[[Study]]<<else>><p class="hint">You already studied today</p><</if>>
<<if (isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:00', '19:59') || $daycheck is "Saturday" || $daycheck is "Sunday") && $sis.homework is 1>><<if $sis.slave lt 1>>[[Help your sister to study|sisterstudy]]<<else>>[[Punish your slave|sis slave punish][$[23] to 1]]<</if>><</if>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '14:00', '19:59')>>
<<if ($homework.haschem is 1 && $homework.donechem is 0 && $teacher.questmain isnot 3) || $teacher.questmain is 2>>[[Do your Chemistry homework|Homework Chemistry]]<</if>>
<<if $homework.hasecon is 1 && $homework.doneecon is 0>>[[Do your Economics homework|Homework Economics]]<</if>>
<<if $homework.hasjap is 1 && $homework.donejap is 0>>[[Do your Japanese homework|Homework Japanese]]<</if>>
<<if $homework.hasmath is 1 && $homework.donemath is 0>>[[Do your Maths homework|Homework Math]]<</if>>
[[Porn|WatchPorn][$ to 1; $ += 1]]
[[Rename your family members|Rename Family]]
[[Go back|House]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'18:00','19:59') && $mom.questmain is 3 && $sis.questmain gte 5 && $ gte 10>><<set $mom.questmain to 4>>
<p>You decide that you should get a shower before dinner. So you grab a towel from your room and head down the hall towards the bathroom. The door is slightly ajar, so you assume the bathroom is empty and you walk right in. Although, the second you push the door open, you realize that you were very wrong. Your Mother is standing there in the center of the room undressing. She pulls her bra and panties off right before your eyes and you can do nothing but stare in awe.</p>
<p>You keep staring until she inevitably notices you. She turns to face you, shock on her face as she sees you there gawking at her naked body.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>$! What are you doing! I’m not dressed!<</speech>>
[[Apologize|mommainquest3][$stage to 0; $[0] to 1]]
<<if $mc.dom gte 5>>
[[Command her to continue|mommainquest3][$stage to 1; $[1] to 1]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','07:59') && $sis.questmain is 4>><<set $sis.questmain to 5>>
<p>You approach the bathroom door and listen for $ inside. The moment you hear the water running you carefully and quietly unlock the door, hoping that this way, she will simply think that she accidentally left it unlocked. Once the door is unlocked you strip down to pretend like you were headed into the shower yourself. You open the door and step inside instantly getting a great view of your fully nude Sister.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>$! What the fuck! What are yo-<</speech>>
<p>She trails off as her gaze lists down towards you huge cock hanging between your legs. The two of you stare at each other for quite a while before either of you move or speak. Eventually is it $ who breaks the silence.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I uh… I think you should leave<</speech>>
<p>She sounded very non committal in the way she said that, but you agreed with her regardless. You saw what you came here to see. Your Sister’s cute little tits and tight ass. And you can’t wait to get your hands on both.</p>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','07:59') && $sis.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10>><<set $sis.questmain to 2>>
<p>You head towards the bathroom to take a quick shower only to find that the door is locked. You hear the shower running and realize that $ must be in there. You jiggle the handle a little to see if you can open it but it is definitely locked. You notice the key hole on the outside and wonder if your Mom has a key somewhere in her room. You might be able to get a good peak at $ one day if you can find one. In the meantime you leave, needing to wait your turn.</p>
<<if $alice.slave is 1 && $ is "First home" && $alice.loc is "Bathroom">>
[[Alice's in the shower|Bathroom Alice Slave][$ to 1]]
<<elseif $sis.loc is "Bathroom" && $sis.slave gte 1>>
<p>You her the shower running as you enter the bathroom. Since your Mother is in the kitchen, you know that it must be $ in there at the moment. Your slave has no say anymore, so you can walk in while she showers with impunity. She sees you as you walk in and gives you an excited smile. You undress and hop in the shower with her. You command her to wash you, and to make sure not to leave even an inch of your body unwashed.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yes, $sis.title. Anything you ask!<</speech>>
<p>She gets to work. Your slave soaps up her ahnds and glides them all across your body. She leaves no stone unturned. Though she does spend an inordinate amount of time focusing on cleaning your cock.</p>
[[Let her finish washing you and leave|House]]<<addmins 20>>
[[Use your cock to show her special attention as well|sis slave bathroom][$scene to 0; $[20] to 1]]
<<elseif $sis.loc is "Bathroom" && $sis.questmain gte 9>>
<p><<print "$">> is showering, the door is locked.</p>
[[Enter the bathroom|sisbathroomscene][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $sis.loc is "Bathroom" && $sis.questmain gte 4>>
<p><<print "$">> is showering, the door is locked.</p>
<p class="hint">You should try to advance further in $ story before getting inside</p>
[[Enter the bathroom|sisbathroomscene][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $mom.loc is "Bathroom" && $mom.slave gte 1>>
<p>You walk into the bathroom because you hear the water running. You are greeted with the very pleasant sight of your slave Mother washing herself. She sees you watcher her and puts on a show washing her tits with soap and a wash cloth for your viewing pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/bathroom/washing.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get washed up and leave|House]]<<addmins 20>>
[[Use your slave to get clean|mom slave bathroom][$scene to 0; $[17] to 1]]
<p>There is nothing to do here.</p>
[[Go back|House]]
<<if $mom.loc is "Kitchen" && $mom.questmain is 4 && $ gte 15>><<set $mom.questmain to 5>>
<p>You walk into the kitchen to grab a quick snack and notice your Mom sitting at the kitchen table flipping through a magazine. She is reading a cliche article about multiple ways to please your partner. You grab a quick sandwich and take a seat next to her. You ask her about the article in an effort to strike up a conversation.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh this is more just fun nonsense to read, than it is anything else. Even if this stuff was true I don’t really have man to please anymore<</speech>>
<p>You playfully mention that you are a man, and that you are around all the time.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh really? Very funny sweety, but you know what I mean<</speech>>
<p>You continue to flirt with your Mother. You hint heavily at the idea that you could be the man in her life that she is lacking. You also heavily hint that you want to be.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Even if something so outlandish did happen, these tips are pointless. You don’t need tip on how to please a guy. Cocks aren’t that hard to please<</speech>>
[[Offer to test the tips|mommainquest4][$stage to 0; $scene to 0; $[2] to 1]]
<<if $mc.dom gte 7>>
[[Make her show you how easy it is|mommainquest4][$stage to 1; $scene to 0; $[3] to 1]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 7>><<set $sis.questmain to 8>>
<p>As your whole family sits down to eat, you and your Mother specifically chose to sit on the same side of the table, opposite of $ $ is clearly suspicious of this, but pay it no mind as you all start eating. You are eventually the one to open up the dialogue, explaining that both you and your Mother agree that she is being irresponsible and needs to start taking her classes more seriously.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I can’t take them seriously. They annoy me, and I hate them. Fuck them<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Well you like money, and shopping. So if you won’t do it for yourself, then you’re gonna do it for that. Until your grades are up, you are cut off. No money, no shopping, nothing<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>What the fuck! That is completely fucking unfair! I can’t believe this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>$ we have both had it with your bad attitude! From now on, you have to prove to $ that you have earned your allowance each week. So if you want to have any fun, you better make sure he is happy. Am I understood?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yeah, loud and clear<</speech>>
<p>$ gives you a knowing look. She can tell exactly what you want from this arrangement. And you think your Mom can too. You don’t care though. As long as you get what you want, you’re happy.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Good, Now I’m going to take a shower. When you are done eating $ I expect you to be studying<</speech>>
<p>You Mother stands up and leaves the room. The second she is out of sight, $ slides under the table and crawls between your legs. You down at her surprised.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>This is what you wanted isn’t it? For me to make you happy? Pervy Twerp<</speech>>
[[She sucks your cock|sismainquest7][$scene to 0; $[3] to 1]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '06:00', '07:59') && $has.breakfast is 0>>
<<if $day is 1>>[[Have Breakfast|kitchenbasement][$has.breakfast to 1; $step to 0]]<<else>>[[Have Breakfast|Breakfast][$has.breakfast to 1]]<</if>>
<<elseif ($period is 4 or $period is 5) && $has.dinner is 0 && $quest.basement is 4>>
[[Eat with your family|dinnerbasement][$has.dinner to 1]]
<<elseif ($period is 4 or $period is 5) && $has.dinner is 0>>
[[Eat with your family|eatingdinner][$has.dinner to 1]]
<<if $period is 4 or $period is 5 && $has.dishes is 0>>
[[Wash the dishes|washingdishes][$has.dishes to 1]]
<<if $alice.slave is 1 && $ is "First home" && $alice.loc is "Kitchen">>
[[Alice seems to be cleaning|Kitchen Alice Slave][$ to 1]]
<<if $has.dishes is 1 && $has.dinner is 1 && $has.breakfast is 1>>
<p class="hint">There is nothing to do here</p>
<<if $mom.loc is "Kitchen" && $quest.basement is 0 && $day isnot 1>>
[[Mom talks to you about the basement|kitchenbasement][$step to 0]]
<<nobr>><<set _ran to random(1,100)>><<if _ran gte 95 && $carla.progress gte 2 && $carla.loc is "Street">>
<br><p>As you are walking down the street you are stopped dead in your tracks by a shockingly fantastic sight. A pair of tattooed tits are bouncing in front of you as Carla walks down the street topless. Your eyes go wide and you just stare, enjoying the view as she passes by. She waves at you, and you wave back. Your eyes never leaving her chest.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/street/topless.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<else>><<set _origin to $startup.level>>
<<if $startup.level is 4>>
<<set _officeName to "National office">>
<<set _img to "national">>
<<elseif $startup.level is 3>>
<<set _officeName to "Regional office">>
<<set _img to "regional">>
<<set _officeName to "Small office">>
<<set _img to "small">>
<<Highlight "Street">>
<div class="loc-nav">
<a data-passage="House" class="link-internal"><div @class="_mchouse1">[img["ressources/img/home/house.jpg"]]<div @class="_mchouse2"></div><p>House</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Your bedroom" "Living room" "Sis's bedroom" "Kitchen" "Mom's bedroom" "Bathroom">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="University" class="link-internal"><div @class="_university1">[img["ressources/img/university/university.jpg"]]<div @class="_university2"></div><p>University</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: 2px;"><<LocationPortraits "Chemistry classroom" "Economics hall" "Japanese classroom" "Mathematics hall" "Study hall" "Dean's office" "Library" "University gym" "University pool" "Cafeteria" "University restrooms">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Fitness Center" class="link-internal"><div @class="_fitness1">[img["ressources/img/fitness/center.jpg"]]<div @class="_fitness2"></div><p>Fitness center</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Fitness Center gym" "Fitness Center sauna" "Fitness Center pool">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Mall" class="link-internal"><div @class="_mall1"><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>[img["ressources/img/street/mall_christmas.jpg"][Mall]]<<else>>[img["ressources/img/street/mall.jpg"][Mall]]<</if>><div @class="_mall2"></div><p>Mall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Mall" "The Cock and Bull">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Park" class="link-internal"><div @class="_park1"><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>[img["ressources/img/street/park_christmas.jpg"][Park]]<<else>>[img["ressources/img/street/park.jpg"][Park]]<</if>><div @class="_park2"></div><p>Park</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Park">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Coast" class="link-internal"><div @class="_coast1">[img["ressources/img/coast/coast.jpg"]]<div @class="_coast2"></div><p>Coast</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Beach" "Nude beach" "Pier" "The Flaming Tiki">></div></div></a>
<<if $startup.level gt 1>><a data-passage="Start up Office" data-setter="$origin to _origin" class="link-internal"><div @class="_startupoffice1">[img["ressources/img/startup/" + _img + "office.jpg"]]<div @class="_startupoffice2"></div><p>_officeName</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Startup office" "Office buffet">></div></div></a><</if>>
<a data-passage="Bank" class="link-internal"><div @class="_bank1">[img["ressources/img/street/bank.jpg"]]<div @class="_bank2"></div><p>Bank</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Bank">></div></div></a>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1 || $has.aliceaddress is 1 || $has.abigailaddress is 1 || $has.metjade is 1 || $has.metlucy is 1 || $has.metkate is 1 || $dean.questmain gte 1 || $school.statuschem gte 1 || $school.statusjap gte 1 || $powers.questmain gte 1 || $missy.progress gte 1 || $carla.progress gte 1 || $grandma.questmain gte 1 || $tammy.met is 1 || $erika.met is 1 || $mikaela.met is 1 || $tiffany.defeated is 1>><a data-passage="Residential district" class="link-internal"><div @class="_residential1">[img["ressources/img/street/residential.jpg"]]<div @class="_residential2"></div><p>Residential district</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Residential district" "Aunt's bedroom" "Aunt's living room" "Aunt's kitchen" "Aunt's pool" "Bella's bedroom" "Jade's home" "Jade's bedroom" "Lucy's home" "Lucy's bedroom" "Kate's home" "Kate's bedroom" "Alice's home" "Alice's bedroom" "Abigail's house" "Abigail's bedroom" "Dean's house" "Dean's bedroom" "Ms. Lee's home" "Ms. Lee's bedroom" "Mrs. Sato's home" "Mrs. Sato's bedroom" "Ms. Powers's home" "Ms. Powers's bedroom" "Missy's house" "Missy's bedroom" "Carla's house" "Carla's bedroom" "Grandma's home" "Grandma's bedroom" "Tammy's house" "Tammy's bedroom" "Erika's house" "Erika's bedroom" "Mikaela's house" "Mikaela's bedroom" "Tiffany's house" "Tiffany's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<a data-passage="Red Light district" class="link-internal"><div @class="_redlight1">[img["ressources/img/redlight/redlight.jpg"]]<div @class="_redlight2"></div><p>Red light district</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Red Light district" "The Smoke Stacked Lounge" "Strip club">></div></div></a>
<<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "street-christmas">>\
<<addclass "body" "street">>\
<<if $ >= 6>>[[Softporn]]<</if>>
<<if $ >= 10>>[[Lesbian]]<</if>>
<<if $ >= 15>>[[Black]]<</if>>
<<if $ >= 20>>[[Hardcore]]<</if>>
<<if $ >= 25>>[[Gangbang]]<</if>>
<<if $ >= 30>>[[Bukkake]]<</if>><<if $day isnot 1>>
<<if $day gt 7 && $grandma.questmain is 0>><<set $grandma.questmain to 1>>
<p>You sit down at the breakfast table across from $ Your Mother is at the stove finishing off cooking some scrambled eggs. You drink some orange juice when there is a knock at the door. You put your drink down, and yawn as you tell your Mother and sister that you will get it. You stand back up and walk to the front door, rather confused as to who would be knocking at the door this early. You pull open the door and are greeted by the sight of your overly well dressed Grandmother $</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Don’t you just sit there and stare, $, invite your Grandma in already<</speech>>
<p>You smile at her and spread your arms wide to hug her as she comes in. She hugs you back tightly, taking the opportunity to feel you up a bit in the process. As she often does. You both pull away and you lead her in towards the kitchen. The moment you walk in with her, $ jumps up and runs over to her.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Grandma $!<</speech>>
<p>She wraps her arms around $’s waist tightly, bouncing a bit as she hugs her. Your Mother turns around, pulling the eggs off the heat. She walks over to the table and smiles warmly at her adoptive mother.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hey Mom, take a seat I’ll get you some coffee<</speech>>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Thanks $ Two creams, two sugars. You know how I like it. Now, how are my grandchildren?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I’m good Grandma $! I’m a senior now! I’m so close to being done with highschool I can’t wait!<</speech>>
<p>You wait until $ is finished, then you fill $ in on what you have been up to as well. She listens intently, even though your words trail off here and there. Half because you just woke up, and half because of the large amount of cleavage her shirt is showing.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Oh I’m so proud of you both! You raised these two right, $ To bad their fathers aren’t around to see it<</speech>>
<p>$ pinches both your and $’s cheeks lovingly. There is a pregnant pause for a moment as you think about your dad. Your sister likely is thinking about hers as well. But once Mom puts the huge plate of eggs down on the table you both scoop some onto your plate and start to chow down.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Oh, $, since I’m here I was hoping I could get your help with something. My garage door has been acting weird. Do you think you could come over today and see if you can fix it?<</speech>>
<p>She gently and sensually caresses your arm as the two of you talk. She is giving you an oddly sensual look as she asks you. You tell her that you would love to give her a hand. She smiles almost triumphantly before turning to your Mother.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Now that that is settled why don’t you and I go shopping, $ I have been looking to update my wardrobe recently<</speech>>
<p>You and your sister continue to eat as your Mother and Grandmother head upstairs so your Mom can get ready to leave. Once you are done you clear the table and head out yourself. Maybe you should head over to your Grandmother’s house when you have the time to take a look at that garage door.</p>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $ is 0>>[[Head to the University|University]]<<else>>[[Head to the office|Start up Office][$origin to $startup.level]]<</if>><<else>>
[[Get out|Street]]<</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<set $breakfast = random(100)>>
<<if $breakfast gte 90>>
<p>You walk into the kitchen and notice that the room is very messy. You sigh and quickly clean all of the dishes, wipe up the counter tops and tables, and clean up what someone had spilled on the floor. Your Mother enters the room just as you are finishing up.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh my goodness this place is spotless! Did you clean up this huge mess all on your own <<print "$">>?<</speech>>
<p>You nod as you finish washing and drying your hands, now that you have finished your work.</p>
<<if $mom.questmain gte 9>>
<<speech "Mom">>You have just been the perfect little man of the house lately. Why don’t I show you some of the benefits of that position.<</speech>>
[[Follow your Mother|breakfastscene][$breakfastscene to 1; $[7] to 1]]
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p class="hint">You need to advance further at your mother's main story to access the scene!</p><<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $ is 0>>[[Head to the University|University]]<<else>>[[Head to the office|Start up Office][$origin to $startup.level]]<</if>><<else>>
[[Leave the Kitchen|House]]<</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<elseif $breakfast gte 60>>
<p>When you enter the kitchen you realize that you are the first one awake. You decide to make breakfast for everyone before they wake up.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh <<print "$">>, that was so thoughtful!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yeah thanks, it looks….. Delicious<</speech>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $ is 0>>[[Head to the University|University]]<<else>>[[Head to the office|Start up Office][$origin to $startup.level]]<</if>><<else>>
[[Leave the Kitchen|House]]<</if>>
<<elseif $breakfast gte 30>>
<<if $sis.slave lt 1>>
<p>As you sit down for breakfast you notice that $ has fallen back asleep at the table. She has her math homework laid out on the table in front of her, and it isn’t finished. You quickly finish it for her and let her get some extra rest. When it is time to leave you gently wake her up and help her pack her things for the day. She notices the difference in handwriting and realizes what you did.</p>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $ is 0>>[[Head to the University|University]]<<else>>[[Head to the office|Start up Office][$origin to $startup.level]]<</if>><<else>>
[[Leave the Kitchen|House]]<</if>>
<p>As you sit down for breakfast with your family you notice your slave $ sits very close to you. If her chair were any closer you would be touching. Since she is being such a good slave, being close to you to be used whenever you desire, You pat her head approvingly. The three of you eat together and once the food is done your Mother gets up and heads out of the kitchen to continue her day.</p>
<<if $daycheck is 'Saturday' || $daycheck is 'Sunday'>>[[Follow her out|House]]<<else>><<if $ is 0>>[[Follow her out|University]]<<else>>[[Head to the office|Start up Office][$origin to $startup.level]]<</if>><</if>>
[[Stay behind and use your slave|sis slave eating][$scene to 0; $[21] to 1]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You walk into the kitchen and pour yourself a cup of coffee. You sit down and your Mother puts a plate of eggs down in front of you. You scarf them down and thank her for the delicious meal.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Of course sweety, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!<</speech>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $ is 0>>[[Head to the University|University]]<<else>>[[Head to the office|Start up Office][$origin to $startup.level]]<</if>><<else>>
[[Leave the Kitchen|House]]<</if>>
<<elseif $day is 1>>
<<if $has.sisterintro is 1>>
<p>You head into the kitchen and take a seat at the table. You start eating as your Mom prepares more plates of food for $ and herself. She carries them to the table just as $ walks in and takes a seat. Your Sister is slow to sit down, seething a bit from the pain as her ass touches the seat.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>$, honey? Are you alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yeah I’m alright Mom. I just do too many squats this morning<</speech>>
<p>$ looks over at you with a knowing smile on her face. As the three of you have breakfast together, a dozen thoughts swirl through your mind. Spanking $ was fun. It was exhilarating. And it made you damned horny. You had rarely looked at your Mother or your Sister in a sexual light before but now that you are you can’t help but imagine all of the things you can do with them. So you promise yourself that every one of those curiosities will be sated, in time. When you are done you get up and place the plate in the sink. You make sure you thank your Mom and give her a kiss on the cheek before heading out to school for your first day back.</p>
<p>You take a seat at the table with your Mom and notice that her shirt is oddly low cut today. You can’t help but stare at the large amount of cleavage she is showing, much to your delight. Thoughts of you fucking her tits flood our mind suddenly. But they are thrown away when you notice that $ isn’t here. You assume that your Mom is punishing her and ask her about it.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>If your Sister can’t act right, then she won’t eat right<</speech>>
<p>You wonder if you may have been to harsh. You should try to make it up to her in the future. Maybe in a similar way to how you want to treat your Mom. For now though you finish your meal, and give your Mom a hug before heading out towards school.</p>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(8)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $ is 0>>[[Head to the University|University]]<<else>>[[Head to the office|Start up Office][$origin to $startup.level]]<</if>><<else>>
[[Leave the Kitchen|House]]<</if>>
<<if $>>
<<if $ is 1>><<set _momishired to 1>><<else>><<set _momishired to 0>><</if>>
<<set _momishired to 0>>
<<Highlight "University">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','17:59')>>
<<if $school.status is 0>>
<p>Today is the first day of your senior year of college. Take your time, and enjoy the experience. You will meet many girls here, and maybe even learn something along the way. Remember to study and attend class. When you skip class your grades will suffer. If your grades fall too low, you won’t be able to progress with any of the women you meet here. Eventually, you will be able to graduate from your University. Doing so will lead to greater opportunities for your future, and it will improve your salary at various jobs you take. The year starts now, good luck and have fun!</p>
[[Get inside the building|University][$school.status to 1; $school.grades to 15]]
<<timed 0.2s>><div class="loc-nav">
<<if $school.finalexam gte 1 && $ isnot "doctorate">>
<div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"][Final Exam b]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>The final exam</p></div>
<<elseif $school.finalexam is 0 && $dean.questmain gte 5 && $jade.questmain gte 4 && $kate.questmain gte 4 && $lucy.questmain gte 5 && $quest.alicebathroom gte 3>>
<div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"][Final Exam]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>The final exam</p></div>
<<if $daycheck is "Wednesday" && $school.statuschem gte 1>><<if $teacher.loc is "Chemistry classroom" && $teacher.questmain is 3>><<set $scene to 0>>
<a data-passage="teachermainquest3" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Chemistry classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Chemistry classroom">></div></div></a>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','08:59') && $teacher.loc is "Chemistry classroom" && $teacher.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5>>
<a data-passage="teachermainquest0" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Chemistry classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Chemistry classroom">></div></div></a>
<<elseif $teacher.loc is "Chemistry classroom">>
<a data-passage="teacherwednesday" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Chemistry classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Chemistry classroom">></div></div></a>
<<if $daycheck is "Wednesday" && $school.statusecon gte 1>><<if $mom.questmain gte 9 && $ gte 25 && $grandma.questmain is 6 && $ gte 25>><<set $scene to 0>>
<a data-passage="grandmamainquest6" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Economics lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Economics hall">></div></div></a>
<<elseif $mom.loc is "Economics hall" && $mom.questmain is 9 && $ gte 25 && $mom.corr gte 10 && _momishired is 0>><<set $scene to 0>>
<a data-passage="mommainquest9" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Economics lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Economics hall">></div></div></a>
<<elseif $mom.loc is "Economics hall">>
<a data-passage="momwednesday" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Economics lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Economics hall">></div></div></a>
<<if $daycheck is "Wednesday" && $school.statusjap gte 1>><<if $sato.loc is "Japanese classroom" && $sato.questmain gte 6 && $ gte 25>><<set $scene to 0>>
<a data-passage="satomainquest6" class="link-internal"><div @class="_japwed1">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div @class="_japwed2"></div><p>Japanese classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Japanese classroom">></div></div></a>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','08:59') && $sato.questmain is 5 && $ gte 20>>
<a data-passage="satomainquest5" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Japanese classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Japanese classroom">></div></div></a>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','08:59') && $sato.loc is "Japanese classroom" && $sato.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10>><<set $stage to 0>>
<a data-passage="satomainquest1" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Japanese classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Japanese classroom">></div></div></a>
<<elseif $sato.loc is "Japanese classroom">>
<a data-passage="satowednesday" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Japanese classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Japanese classroom">></div></div></a>
<<if $daycheck is "Wednesday" && $school.statusmath gte 1>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','08:59') && $powers.loc is "Mathematics hall" && $powers.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15>>
<a data-passage="powersmainquest2" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Maths lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Mathematics hall">></div></div></a>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','08:59') && $powers.loc is "Mathematics hall" && $powers.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5>>
<a data-passage="powersmainquest0" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Maths lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Mathematics hall">></div></div></a>
<<elseif $powers.loc is "Mathematics hall">>
<a data-passage="powerswednesday" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Maths lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Mathematics hall">></div></div></a>
<<if $daycheck is "Wednesday">><<if $school.statushall is 0>><<set _target to "Study Hall First">><<else>><<set _target to "Study Hall">><</if>>
<a data-passage=_target class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Study hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Study hall">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday" && $daycheck isnot "Wednesday">><<if $school.statuschem is 0>><<set _target to "Class Chemistry First">><<else>><<set _target to "Class Chemistry">><</if>>
<a data-passage=_target class="link-internal"><div @class="_chem1">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div @class="_chem2"></div><p>Chemistry classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Chemistry classroom">></div></div></a>
<<if $school.statusecon is 0>><<set _target to "Class Economics First">><<else>><<set _target to "Class Economics">><</if>>
<a data-passage=_target class="link-internal"><div @class="_econ1">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div @class="_econ2"></div><p>Economics lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Economics hall">></div></div></a>
<<if $school.statusjap is 0>><<set _target to "Class Japanese First">><<else>><<set _target to "Class Japanese">><</if>>
<a data-passage=_target class="link-internal"><div @class="_jap1">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div @class="_jap2"></div><p>Japanese classroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Japanese classroom">></div></div></a>
<<if $school.statusmath is 0>><<set _target to "Class Math First">><<else>><<set _target to "Class Math">><</if>>
<a data-passage=_target class="link-internal"><div @class="_math1">[img["ressources/img/university/classroom.jpg"]]<div @class="_math2"></div><p>Maths lecture hall</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Mathematics hall">></div></div></a>
<</if>><<set $scene to 0>>
<<if $dean.questmain gte 1>><<if $dean.loc is "Dean's office" && $dean.questmain is 4 && $dean.route is "dom" && $ gte 20 && $mc.dom gte 25>><<set $scene to 0>>
<a data-passage="deanmainquest4 dom" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/teacheroffice.jpg"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Dean's office</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Dean's office">></div></div></a>
<<elseif $dean.loc is "Dean's office" && $dean.questmain is 2 && $dean.route is "sub" && $ gte 10>><<set $scene to 0>>
<a data-passage="deanmainquest2 sub" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/teacheroffice.jpg"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Dean's office</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Dean's office">></div></div></a>
<<elseif $dean.loc is "Dean's office" && $dean.questmain is 1>><<set $stage to 0>><<set $scene to 0>>
<a data-passage="deanmainquest1" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink golden">[img["ressources/img/university/teacheroffice.jpg"]]<div class="shadow golden"></div><p>Dean's office</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Dean's office">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Dean's office" class="link-internal"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/university/teacheroffice.jpg"]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Dean's office</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Dean's office">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Library" class="link-internal"><div @class="_unilibrary1">[img["ressources/img/university/library.jpg"]]<div @class="_unilibrary2"></div><p>Library</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Library">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="University gym" class="link-internal"><div @class="_unigym1">[img["ressources/img/university/gym.jpg"]]<div @class="_unigym2"></div><p>Gym</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "University gym">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="University pool" class="link-internal"><div @class="_unipool1">[img["ressources/img/university/pool.jpg"]]<div @class="_unipool2"></div><p>Pool</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "University pool">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Cafeteria" class="link-internal"><div @class="_unicafeteria1">[img["ressources/img/university/cafeteria.jpg"]]<div @class="_unicafeteria2"></div><p>Cafeteria</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Cafeteria">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="University restrooms" class="link-internal"><div @class="_unirestrooms1">[img["ressources/img/university/toilets.jpg"]]<div @class="_unirestrooms2"></div><p>Toilets</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "University restrooms">></div></div></a>
<div class="imglink"><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>[img["ressources/img/street/street_christmas.jpg"][Street]]<<else>>[img["ressources/img/street/street.jpg"][Street]]<</if>><div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div>
<p>The doors seem to be closed.</p>
[[Head home|House]]
<<QuestMarkers "Park">>
<<set _ran to random(1,100)>><<if _ran gte 90 && $teacher.questmain gte 6 && $teacher.loc is "Park">>
[[That woman looks like Ms. Lee|Park Lee][$stage to 2; $scene to 0]]
[[Ignore that and continue|Park]]
<div class="loc-nav">
<div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/hotdogtruck.jpg"][hotdogtruck]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Hotdog truck</p></div>
<div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/lemonadetruck.jpg"][lemonadetruck]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Lemonade truck</p></div>
<div class="imglink"><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>[img["ressources/img/street/street_christmas.jpg"][Street]]<<else>>[img["ressources/img/street/street.jpg"][Street]]<</if>><div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div>
<div style="clear:both;"><div class="gallery" style="display: flex;">
<<if $sis.loc is "Park">><script>sistext = "Your Sis is at the park"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_sasha" onmouseover="hover(sistext)">
[img["ressources/img/sasha/face.png"][Park Sis]]
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1 && $cousin.loc is "Park">><script>cousintext = `Do some yoga with ${}`</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_cousin" onmouseover="hover(cousintext)">
[img["ressources/img/cousin/face.png"][Park Cousin]]
</div><<if _cousinmark is 1>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>>
<<if $grandma.questmain gte 1 && $grandma.loc is "Park">><script>grandmatext = "Say hi to your grandma"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_grandma" onmouseover="hover(grandmatext)">
[img["ressources/img/grandma/face.png"][Park Grandma]]
<<if $has.metlucy is 1 && $lucy.loc is "Park">><script>lucytext = "Lucy's here"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_lucy" onmouseover="hover(lucytext)">
[img["ressources/img/lucy/face.png"][Park Lucy]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex; margin-top: 60px;">
<<if $has.metalice is 1 && $alice.loc is "Park">><script>alicetext = "Go near Alice"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_alice" onmouseover="hover(alicetext)">
[img["ressources/img/alice/face.png"][Park Alice]]
<<if $school.statuschem gte 1 && $teacher.loc is "Park">><script>teachertext = "Seems like Ms. Lee is here"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_teacher" onmouseover="hover(teachertext)">
[img["ressources/img/teacher/face.png"][Park Lee][$stage to 1]]
<<if $dean.questmain gte 1 && $dean.loc is "Park">><script>deantext = "You spot Dean Graves"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_dean" onmouseover="hover(deantext)">
[img["ressources/img/dean/face.png"][Park Dean]]
</div><<if _deanmark is 1>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>>
<<if $missy.progress gte 1 && $missy.loc is "Park">><script>missytext = "Hang around with Missy"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_missy" onmouseover="hover(missytext)">
[img["ressources/img/missy/face.png"][Park Missy]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When a girl is here, you may hover your mouse over her to know more about her interaction</p>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Come back home|House]]</div>
<<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "park-christmas">>\
<<addclass "body" "park">>\
<</nobr>><<if $restaurant.avaible is 1 && $mom.questmain is 1>><<if $ gte 5>><<set $ -= 5>><<else>><<set $ = 0>><</if>>
<p>As you walk into the mall you notice something strange out happening at the general store. There is a commotion and it is extremely crowded. Apparently the have a huge sale going on, on all of their items. You figure it is your lucky day and you head in to find a new book for your Mom to read. There is very little space with the unreasonable number of people filling the aisles. But you are able to make it through to the book section. One book in particular catches your eye and you pick it up to read a few pages to get an idea of what it is about. You realize that somehow, a smut filled romance novel made its way into the store. Some of the descriptions are absurdly graphic and detailed. You smile devilishly and head to the counter to buy it.</p>
<p>Once you are finished paying you push your way through the crowd to get back out of the store and return to the mall. You make a mental note to put the book on the living room table for your Mom to find as soon as you get home.</p>
[[Return|Mall][$mom.questmain to 2]]
<<Highlight "Mall">>
<<if $restaurant.avaible is 0>>
<p>You walk through the sliding front door of the mall in your city. There is a large board in the entrance that shows a map of all of the stores, as well as has several flyers taped and tacked to it. One of the flyers sticks out to you. It turns out one of the restaurants in the mall, The Cock and Bull, is hiring. They are open from 11:00 to 15:00, and from 16:00 to 22:00 every day.</p>
<<set $restaurant.avaible to 1>>
<div class="loc-nav">
<a data-passage="restaurant" class="link-internal"><div @class="_restaurant1">[img["ressources/img/restaurant/restaurant.jpg"]]<div @class="_restaurant2"></div><p>The cock and bull</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "The Cock and Bull">></div></div></a>
<div class="loc-nav">
<<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/mall/claus.jpg"][Claus Main][$action to 0]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Mrs. claus</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><div class="portrait" style="float: right; margin-right: 16px; max-height: 72px;">[img["ressources/profilpictures/claus.png"]]</div></div></div><</if>>
<div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/mall/electronicsstore.jpg"][Electronics][$action to 0]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Electronics store</p></div>
<div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/mall/clothingshop.jpg"][Clothes][$action to 0]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Clothing store</p></div>
<div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/mall/makeupstore.jpg"][Makeup][$action to 0]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Make up store</p></div>
<div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/mall/makeupstore.jpg"][Luxury][$action to 0]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Luxury store</p></div>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1 && $aunt.loc is "Mall">><div style="clear:both;"><br><a data-passage="Mall Aunt" class="link-internal">Go Shopping with Aunt $</a></div><</if>>
<<if $dean.questmain gte 1 && $dean.loc is "Mall">><div style="clear:both;"><br>[[You see the Dean shopping|Mall Dean]]</div><</if>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Leave the mall|Street][$action to 0]]</div>
<<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "mall-christmas">>\
<<addclass "body" "mall">>\
<</nobr>><<if $ <= 5>>
<<linkreplace "Buy hotdog" t8n>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money</p>
[[Buy hotdog|hotdogscene][$ -= 5]]
[[Go back|Park]]
<<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "park-christmas">>\
<<addclass "body" "park">>\
<</nobr>><<if $ <= 5>>
<<linkreplace "Buy lemonade" t8n>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money</p>
[[Buy Lemonade|lemonadescene][$ -= 5]]
[[Go back|Park]]
<<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "park-christmas">>\
<<addclass "body" "park">>\
<</nobr>><div class="loc-nav"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/mall.jpg"][Mall]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Mall</p></div></div><div class="loc-nav"><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/street/mall.jpg"][Mall]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Mall</p></div></div><<nobr>>
<div id="table-users">
<div class="header">Clothing store Products</div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<th width="230">Hint</th>
<td><img src="ressources/quest/kate/bikini.png" alt="" /></td>
<td>Black Bikini</td>
<td>''Would be a nice gift for Kate''</td>
<td><<if $inv.katebikini is 0>>[[Buy|Clothes][$action to 1;$element to 1]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<td><img src="ressources/quest/jade/leggings.png" alt="" /></td>
<td>''Would be a nice gift for Jade''</td>
<td><<if $inv.jadeleggings is 0>>[[Buy|Clothes][$action to 1;$element to 2]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<div style="text-align:center;">
<<nobr>><<if $action is 1>>
<<if $element is 1 && $ gte 50>>
<<set $inv.katebikini to 1>>
<<set $ -= 50>>
''You now have the black bikini''
<<elseif $element is 1 && $ lt 50>>
''You don't have enough money sorry''
<<elseif $element is 2 && $ gte 25>>
<<set $inv.jadeleggings to 1>>
<<set $ -= 25>>
''You now have leggings''
<<elseif $element is 2 && $ lt 25>>
''You don't have enough money sorry''
[[Go back|Mall]]
<div id="table-users">
<div class="header">Luxury store Products</div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<th width="230">Hint</th>
<td><img src="ressources/quest/mom/jewelry.png" alt="" /></td>
<td>Fine Jewelry</td>
<td>''Would be a nice gift for Mom''</td>
<td><<if $inv.momjewelry is 0>>[[Buy|Luxury][$action to 1;$element to 1]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<<if $erika.met is 1>><tr>
<td><img src="ressources/gifts/erika/ring.png" alt="" /></td>
<td>Silver ring with emerald</td>
<td>''Erika might like this''</td>
<td>[[Buy|Luxury][$action to 1;$element to 2]]</td>
<td><img src="ressources/gifts/erika/necklace.png" alt="" /></td>
<td>Fine pearl necklace</td>
<td>''Erika might like this''</td>
<td>[[Buy|Luxury][$action to 1;$element to 3]]</td>
<td><img src="ressources/gifts/erika/ring2.png" alt="" /></td>
<td>Gold ring with amethyst</td>
<td>''Erika might like this''</td>
<td>[[Buy|Luxury][$action to 1;$element to 4]]</td>
<div style="text-align:center;">
<<nobr>><<if $action is 1>>
<<if $element is 1 && $ gte 500>>
<<set $inv.momjewelry to 1>>
<<set $ -= 500>>
<p class="got">You have bought the fine jewelry</p>
<<elseif $element is 1 && $ lt 500>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 2 && $ gte 120>>
<<set $"silver ring with emerald")>>
<<set $ -= 120>>
<p class="got">You have bought a silver ring with emerald</p>
<<elseif $element is 2 && $ lt 120>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 3 && $ gte 260>>
<<set $"fine pearl necklace")>>
<<set $ -= 260>>
<p class="got">You have bought a fine pearl necklace</p>
<<elseif $element is 3 && $ lt 260>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 4 && $ gte 210>>
<<set $"gold ring with amethyst")>>
<<set $ -= 210>>
<p class="got">You have bought a gold ring with amethyst</p>
<<elseif $element is 4 && $ lt 210>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
[[Go back|Mall]]
<<if $school.statuslib is 1>>
<<if $has.metlucy is 1 && $lucy.loc is "Library">>
<<if $ >= 20 && $ >= 15 && $quest.lucygiftquest is 0>>
[[Sit in front of Lucy|lucygiftquest][$step to 1]]
<<elseif $quest.lucygiftquest is 2>>
[[Sit in front of Lucy|lucygiftquest][$step to 2]]
<<elseif $quest.lucygiftquest is 4>>
[[Sit in front of Lucy|lucygiftquest][$step to 3]]
[[Sit in front of lucy|librarylucy][$lucy.library to 1]]
<<if ($homework.haschem is 1 && $homework.donechem is 0 && $teacher.questmain isnot 3) || $teacher.questmain is 2>>[[Do your Chemistry homework|Homework Chemistry Uni]]<</if>>
<<if $homework.hasecon is 1 && $homework.doneecon is 0>>[[Do your Economics homework|Homework Economics Uni]]<</if>>
<<if $homework.hasjap is 1 && $homework.donejap is 0>>[[Do your Japanese homework|Homework Japanese Uni]]<</if>>
<<if $homework.hasmath is 1 && $homework.donemath is 0>>[[Do your Maths homework|Homework Math Uni]]<</if>>
[[Go back|University]]
<p>Your university has a very large library. There are textbooks, novels, and dissertations of all kinds for you to search for and read. You should take advantage of this space to train your intelligence. You can also find Lucy here with her nose buried in a book, in case you wanted to hang out with her. You should beef up your smarts before hand though. She likes them smart!</p>
[[Continue|Library][$school.statuslib to 1]]
<</if>><<if $alice.loc is "University restrooms">>
<<if $quest.alicebathroom > 1>>
<<if $has.alicedailyblowjob is 0>>[[Enter the stall and get a blowjob from Alice|restroomscene3][$[2] to 1]]<<else>><p class="hint">You already got a blowjob from Alice today! Come back tomorrow!</p><</if>>
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom is 1 && $alice.firstclass is 1 && $ gte 10>>
[[The noises seem louder today|restroomscene2][$scene to 0; $[1] to 1]]
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom is 1 && $alice.firstclass is 1>>
[[You hear the strange noises again|restroomscene loop][$scene to 0]]
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom is 0>>
[[You hear strange noises coming from one of the stalls|restroomscene][$scene to 0; $[0] to 1]]
<p class="hint">You don't see anyone here</p>
<p class="hint">You don't see anyone here</p>
[[Go back|University]]<<if $school.statuspool is 1>>
[[Have a swim|poolalone]]
<<if $has.metkate is 1 && $kate.loc is "University pool">>
<<if $quest.katepool is 0>>[[Try to impress Kate|poolkate][$kate.pool to 1]]<<else>>[[Train with Kate|poolkate][$kate.pool to 1]]<</if>>
<<if $quest.kategiftquest gte 1 && $inv.katebikini is 1>>
[[Offer the black bikini to Kate|katepoolgiftquest][$inv.katebikini to 2; $[5] to 1]]
[[Go back|University]]
<p>Your university has a very large sports program. Their swim team is especially successful, and thus the pool is very large and well maintained. During the afternoon, when the teams aren’t practicing, the pool is open to the students. You train your endurance by swimming once each day. You can also hang out with Kate at the pool. Be sure to raise your endurance if you want to progress with her. You can’t really hang out with her if you can’t keep up!</p>
[[Continue|University pool][$school.statuspool to 1]]
<</if>><<if $school.statusgym is 1>>
[[Train your body|gymalone]]
<<if $has.metjade is 1 && $jade.loc is "University gym">>
<<if $jade.questmain gte 4 && $quest.jadegiftquest is 0 && $ >= 20>>
[[Train with Jade|jadegiftquesttraining][$jade.train to 1; $jade.traintotal += 1; $step to 1]]
<<elseif $jade.questmain gte 4 && $quest.jadegiftquest gte 1 && $inv.jadeleggings is 1>>
[[Train with Jade|jadegiftquesttraining][$jade.train to 1; $jade.traintotal += 1; $inv.jadeleggings to 2; $step to 2]]
[[Ask Jade to train with her|jadetrain][$jade.train to 1; $jade.traintotal += 1]]
[[Go back|University]]
<p>This is the university’s weight training room. There is a plethora of weight and cardio machines throughout the gym for any of the students to use as they need. Here you can train your strength once each day. You will also be able to hang out with Jade here. Make sure you build up your strength! Jade likes strong guys!</p>
[[Continue|University gym][$school.statusgym to 1]]
<<set $randomgirltodream = ["mom", "sis"]>>
<<if $sis.questmain gte 10>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("stephanie")>><</if>>
<<if $has.metjade is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("jade")>><</if>>
<<if $has.metkate is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("kate")>><</if>>
<<if $has.metlucy is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("lucy")>><</if>>
<<if $has.metalice is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("alice")>><</if>>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("aunt", "cousin")>><</if>>
<<if $grandma.questmain gte 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("grandma")>><</if>>
<<if $school.statuschem is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("lee")>><</if>>
<<if $school.statusjap is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("sato")>><</if>>
<<if $sato.questmain gte 5>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("suki")>><</if>>
<<if $school.statusmath is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("powers")>><</if>>
<<if $restaurant.employee gte 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("abigail")>><</if>>
<<if $abigail.progress gte 5>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("eva")>><</if>>
<<if $restaurant.worked gte 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("missy")>><</if>>
<<if $restaurant.barworked gte 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("carla")>><</if>>
<<if $tammy.met is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("tammy")>><</if>>
<<if $erika.met is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("erika")>><</if>>
<<if $mikaela.met is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("mikaela")>><</if>>
<<if $tiffany.met is 1>><<set $randomgirltodream.push("tiffany")>><</if>>
<<set $girldream = $randomgirltodream.random()>>
<<if $>><<if $ is 1>><<set _ismomhired to 1>><<else>><<set _ismomhired to 0>><</if>><<else>><<set _ismomhired to 0>><</if>>
<<switch $girldream>>
<<case "mom">>
<<set _ran to random(1,7)>>
<<if $mom.slave is 1 && _ran gte 7>> /* Bdsm gif */
<p>You dream about your sex slave and mother, $ Tonight's dream feels particularly nasty.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I'm so grateful to be able to serve you, $mom.title...<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/mom/bdsm/" + random(1,20) + ".jpg"]]
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 10 && _ran gte 6>>
<<if _ismomhired is 1>> /* Orgy gif */
<p>You open your eyes and find yourself living an amazing dream. You are having sex with your own mother in an orgy.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>God, $ Who would have said that we would be participating in something like this, both mom and son... Oh yes!!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mom/orgy" + "/" + random(1,15) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<else>> /* School sex gif */
<p>You are having sex with your mom at school. What a wacky dream.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Quick, sweety... Someone might catch us!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mom/school_sex" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 9 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>Tonight, you dream about having sex with your own step-mother.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Ngh... Fuck me harder, $!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mom/fuck" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 8 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>You hear sucking noises, and suddenly feel something very warm and sloppy around your cock. You wish all your dreams were like this one.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Gbh... Does my big boy's cock feel good inside mommy's wet lips, sweety?<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mom/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 3>> /* Handjob / Titjob gif */
<p>You feel something moving down your crotch... You open your eyes and there she is, $ pleasing your dick. You must be dreaming.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I hope your cock is feeling great, $<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mom/handjob-titjob" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude / Self masturbation gif */
<<set _posefolder to either("nude", "self_masturbation")>>
<<if _posefolder is "nude">>
<p>You have a lewd dream. And the star of it is your own mother.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hey hunnie! I hope you don't mind to catch your mom like this...<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/mom/" + _posefolder + "/" + random(1,30) + ".jpg"]]
<p>You are dreaming about your mother. She is pleasing herself with her hands.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>$ Please, look away, sweety... you shouldn't see your mother like this<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mom/" + _posefolder + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You dream about your mother, $ It is something very common, since you have been very close to her since you were a child. But this dream feels different. You don't see her with the same eyes as before. She is making you feel more and more aroused.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Is that my big boy! Can mommy help you with something, $<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/mom/dressed_tease/" + random(1,50) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "sis">>
<<set _ran to random(1,7)>>
<<if $sis.slave is 1 && _ran gte 7>> /* Bdsm gif */
<p>You are dreaming about your slave, $</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Thanks for being so nice with your slave... $sis.title<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/sis/bdsm/" + random(1,20) + ".jpg"]]
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 10 && _ran gte 6>> /* Threesome gif */
<p>You open your eyes and are right in the middle of a threesome with your sister. You should enjoy before you wake up.</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/sis/threesome" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 9 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>In your dream, you are having sex with your sis, like a couple.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Ahhn! $, please! Ngh... Be gentler!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/sis/fuck" + "/" + random(1,30) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 8 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>Tonight's dream is about $ She is completely devouring your dick.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I can't believe I'm tasting my own brother's cock and pre...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/sis/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 6 && _ran gte 3>> /* Handjob gif */
<p>You dream about your sister, who's massaging your hard shaft. She seems very focused at it.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>How can your sister provoke you such a hardon?<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/sis/handjob" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>In your dream, you are with $ And she seems to want to ask you something, before she suddenly flashes her body to you.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Hey $ I was wondering, do I look prettier with or without clothes on?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/sis/nude_flash/" + random(1,20) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You dream about your sister, $ She is growing so fast...</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yeah? Did you want something?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/sis/dressed_tease/" + random(1,50) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "stephanie">>
<p>While dreaming, you spot a beautiful girl. You are sure to know her, but can't remember her name. After a while you remember her. She is Steph, your sis's friend.</p>
[img["ressources/dream/stephanie/tease/" + random(1,15) + ".webp"]] /* Tease gif */
<<case "jade">>
<<set _ran to random(1,6)>>
<<if $jade.slave is 1 && _ran gte 6>> /* Bdsm gif */
<p>You are playing with your slave, Jade. Maybe you should replicate this dream when you wake up.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Am I being a good pet for you, $jade.title?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/jade/bdsm/" + random(1,20) + ".jpg"]]
<<elseif $jade.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 5>> /* Threesome gif */
<p>The lewd noises make you open your eyes. It seems like you are dreaming about having a threesome with Jade.</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/jade/threesome" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $jade.questmain gte 4 && _ran gte 4>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>You are dreaming about your schoolmate Jade. You both are immersed in a messy and noisy session of animalistic sex.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Ahn... pound me harder Mr. $mc.eyes eyes!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/jade/fuck" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $jade.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 3>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>Your friend Jade is suckling on your shaft. You wish this dream would last longer.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Come on, Mr. $mc.eyes eyes, when will you cum?<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/jade/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $jade.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 2>> /* Handjob gif */
<p>You feel someone playing with your penis.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Come on, Mr. $mc.eyes eyes, when will you cum?<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/jade/handjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>Your schoolmate, Jade, seems to be present in your dream.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>What's up, Mr. $mc.eyes eyes<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/jade/dressed_tease/" + random(1,20) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "kate">>
<<set _ran to random(1,5)>>
<<if $kate.questmain gte 4 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>Suddenly, you are fucking Kate hard. What a wonderful dream.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Harder... Fuck me harder, $!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/kate/fuck" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $kate.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>Kate is giving you a heavenly blowjob. You don't seem to remember what you were doing an instant ago. Maybe this is a dream.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Slurp...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/kate/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $kate.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Handjob gif */
<p>You aren't too sure why, but it seems like you are dreaming about Kate, who looks very attached to your cock.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>I could play with this big bad boy all day long...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/kate/handjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $kate.questmain gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>You are dreaming. Kate is with you, staring. She then starts undressing for you. Your penis starts getting erect before you realize this is just a dream.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Do you like what you see, $<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/kate/nude_flash/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You are with your schoolmate, Kate. She's staring you in a very slutty way, like you would expect from her. Maybe you should talk to her when you wake up.</p>
[img["ressources/dream/kate/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "lucy">>
<<set _ran to random(1,5)>>
<<if $lucy.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>You are having a good time fucking with Lucy. You know that this is a dream, but you get carried away by it.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am... Ahn!! $<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/lucy/fuck" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $lucy.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>You are with Lucy. But something feels weird, surreal, even. Before you start asking anything, she grabs your penis and takes it to her mouth.</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/lucy/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $lucy.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Handjob gif */
<p>Your penis starts to feel really good inside your underwear. When you look at your crotch, you spot Lucy working on your cock with her hands. You close your eyes and keep enjoying the dream.</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/lucy/handjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $lucy.questmain gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>Lucy is next to you. The moment you start wondering about what time is it, she shows you her nude body.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>This is what you want, right?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/lucy/nude_flash/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>Lucy is present in tonight's dream. She is quiet. Maybe this could mean something?</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>...<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/lucy/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "alice">>
<<set _ran to random(1,4)>>
<<if $quest.alicebathroom gte 4 && _ran gte 4>> /* Titjob / Home sex gif */
<p>You are having savage sex with your friend Alice. Maybe you should visit her one of these days.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>I love this kind of meetings, $<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/alice/titjob-home_sex" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>You dream about Alice. You are fucking her with all your strength.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>How can your cock be so big... Uhn!! Give me more of it!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/alice/fuck" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Self masturbation / Gloryhole gif */
<<set _posefolder to either("self_masturbation", "gloryhole")>>
<<if _posefolder is "self_masturbation">>
<p>You dream about Alice, who is playing with her lusty slit.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Ahn... Did you want something?<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/alice/" + _posefolder + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You dream about a room, and a girl inside of it. She starts sucking you through a hole. You realize that she probably is that slut from university, Alice.</p>
[img["ressources/dream/alice/" + _posefolder + "/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You see Alice, that slut from university, in your dream. She looks very hot, as always.</p>
[img["ressources/dream/alice/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "aunt">>
<<set _ran to random(1,6)>>
<<if $aunt.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 6>> /* Anal gif */
<p>You dream about your aunt $ Her asshole, to be more precise. You are fucking her rough in the ass.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Ahn!! How is it possible... that anal feels so good?!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/aunt/anal" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $aunt.questmain gte 4 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>Tonight, you dream about your aunt $ You are making love to her.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Like that, $ How does it feel to fuck your own family? Ghya!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/aunt/fuck" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $aunt.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>You are wondering what $ is doing down your crotch. Then you realize your cock is being sucked by your own aunt.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>You sure have some nasty dreams... Isn't that true, $<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/aunt/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $aunt.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Titjob gif */
<p>In your dream, your aunt is masturbating you with her naked breasts. You wonder if it's weird to feel this good from a family member.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Enjoy it, $ My sweet nephew has earned it...<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/aunt/titjob/" + random(1,5) + ".jpg"]]
<<elseif $aunt.questmain gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>You are with your aunt, $ Suddenly and without an evident reason, she flashes her naked body to you. Soon you realize that you are dreaming.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Here, this way you will have a better look, $<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/aunt/nude_flash/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You are dreaming about a hot, beautiful milf. Isn't she $, your aunt?</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Greets, nephew. What is the reason for your visit?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/aunt/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "cousin">>
<<set _ran to random(1,6)>>
<<if $cousin.slave is 1 && _ran gte 6>> /* Bdsm gif */
<p>In your dream, you are with your slave $</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>$cousin.title... I'm so happy to be with you<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/cousin/bdsm/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<elseif $cousin.questmain gte 6 && _ran gte 5>> /* Anal gif */
<p>You dream about your cousin $ You are having anal sex with her tight, sloppy asshole.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Ghyanh!! Not so deep, $!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/cousin/anal" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $cousin.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 4>> /* Public sex gif */
<p>You are having sex with your cousin $ But the thing that gets your attention, it's that you are doing it in public. But it's a dream, so everything is allowed.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Oh $ Gnh... You are so lewd! Fucking your own cousin in front of strangers like this...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/cousin/public_sex" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $cousin.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Titjob gif */
<p>Your penis is imprisoned by two big tits. You try to see who they belong to, and realize that your own cousin is stroking your cock between her cow milkers.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>$ ~ Please don't wake up before your sperm paints my breasts!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/cousin/titjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $cousin.questmain gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>$ lets you have a look at her naked body. You are dreaming.</p>
[img["ressources/dream/cousin/nude_flash/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You dream about your cousin $</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Hey $! Did you want to see your cute cousin?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/cousin/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "grandma">>
<<set _ran to random(1,7)>>
<<if $grandma.questmain gte 7 && _ran gte 7>> /* Threesome / School sex gif */
<<set _posefolder to either("threesome", "school_sex")>>
<<if _posefolder is "threesome">>
<p>You are in a hell of a fun dream tonight. You find yourself in the middle of a threesome with your grandma $</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/grandma/threesome" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You are inside your university, having fun with your grandma. What a strange dream.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Come on $ if we don't make too much noise they won't find us<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/grandma/school_sex/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<elseif $grandma.questmain gte 6 && _ran gte 6>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>You are dreaming about your sweet grandma. She's receiving your big hard shaft inside her, and she seems to be enjoying it a lot, considering her slutish moans.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Ahn! Yes... yes like that!!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/grandma/fuck" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $grandma.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 5>> /* Public blowjob gif */
<p>In your dream, $, your grandma, is giving you a blowjob in a public place.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>If you cum quickly, maybe nobody will take photos, $<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/grandma/public_blowjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $grandma.questmain gte 4 && _ran gte 4>> /* Titjob gif */
<p>Your cock feels very good tonight. Seems like you are in a dream. Your grandma is milking your cock between her udders, with all her dedication put into it.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Let's see how much jizz your grandma's big breasts can take out of your strong balls, $<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/grandma/titjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $grandma.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 3>> /* Public nude flash gif */
<p>Your grandma $ is here with you. She starts undressing for you, when you realize this is a dream.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>What's wrong with seeing me naked? You are my lovely grandchild after all<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/grandma/public_nude_flash/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<elseif $grandma.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 2>> /* Kiss / Grope gif */
<p>You are dreaming about your grandmother tonight. She seems very playful with you.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>I am so happy when you come visit me, $<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/grandma/kiss-grope/" + random(1,5) + ".webm">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You are with your grandma, $, in your dream.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Hello hunnie! How is my favorite grandchild doing?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/grandma/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "lee">>
<<set _ran to random(1,6)>>
<<if $jade.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 6>> /* Threesome gif */
<p>Suddenly, you are having a threesome. In it you distinguish your teacher Carrie Lee. You think that this might be a dream.</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/teacher/threesome" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $teacher.questmain gte 6 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>You are dreaming about fucking your chemistry teacher, Carrie Lee.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Oh God... I didn't know what a great student I had! Fuck me harder, $<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/teacher/fuck" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $teacher.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>You are deep in your sleep, when you feel something wet moving around your crotch. You see your teacher Lee devouring your cock. This must be a dream.</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/teacher/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $teacher.questmain gte 4 && _ran gte 3>> /* Titjob gif */
<p>You have a nice wet dream about your chemistry teacher tonight. She's giving you a sloppy titjob between her soft breasts.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>You have been such a good student, $ I will make sure you enjoy your reward...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/teacher/titjob/" + random(1,5) + ".webm">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $teacher.questmain gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>Suddenly, you find yourself in an unexpected place. Something looks familiar. You spot a well known face; she's Carrie Lee, one of your university teachers. While looking at you, and even more unexpectedly, she undresses, letting you see her naked body. You want to look at her for a little more time, before waking up.</p>
[img["ressources/dream/teacher/nude_flash/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>This night, you have a dream in which your chemistry teacher, Ms. Carrie Lee, is present. You take advantage of the situation to have a good look at her.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>$ Could I help you with something?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/teacher/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "sato">>
<<set _ran to random(1,6)>>
<<if $sato.questmain gte 7 && _ran gte 6>> /* Threesome gif */
<p>You are dreaming. Seems like you are involved into an orgy with your japanese teacher.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Fuck! We should do this more often, $<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/sato/threesome" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $sato.questmain gte 6 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>You are fucking your japanese teacher. It feels so good, that you don't want to wake up.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Shit $!! If you stop fucking me, I'll make you fail my class... just keep pounding me hard!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/sato/fuck" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $sato.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>You are dreaming about Mrs. Sato, who's rather focused, suckling on your dick.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Gbhn...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/sato/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $sato.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Handjob / Titjob gif */
<p>You have a dream about Mrs. Sato. She's pleasing your dick.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>I could get addicted to stroking your hard shaft like this<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/sato/handjob-titjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $sato.questmain gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>You are dreaming about Mrs. Akira Sato. She is flashing her nude body to you.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Woa $ I wish my students were as focused to their homework as you are with my body<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/sato/nude_flash/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You are with your japanese teacher in tonight's dream.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Hey there $ When do you plan to wake up?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/sato/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "suki">>
<p>You dream about something unexpected. You are with your japanese teacher's wife, Suki. She looks quite flirty towards you.</p>
<<speech "Suki">>$ my wife never stops talking about you<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/suki/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]] /* Dressed tease gif */
<<case "powers">>
<<set _ran to random(1,6)>>
<<if $powers.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 6>> /* Mc home sex gif */
<p>You open your eyes, and find yourself inside your own home. But something gets your attention. Your math teacher is here too, and you both are fucking like animals; you are having a very nice and lewd dream.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>$ Fucking your teacher in your own house... Gnh!! What will your family do if they spot us?<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/powers/mc_home_sex" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $powers.questmain gte 4 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>You are dreaming about your math teacher. You are giving her the fuck of her life.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Yeah... Yes!! More, $, fuck me deeper... I want to be filled by your thick, hot sperm!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/powers/fuck" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $powers.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 4>> /* Public blowjob gif */
<p>You are in a public place. Ms. Lee, your math teacher, is also here with you. She is giving you a blowjob in front of everybody. At this point you realize that you are dreaming.</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/powers/public_blowjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $powers.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Handjob / Titjob gif */
<p>You have a wet dream involving your math teacher. She is pleasing your hard cock.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Well $, I hope this is enough for your... situation down there<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/powers/handjob-titjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $powers.questmain gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>You are with your math teacher, Ms. Powers. She is eating you with her eyes. Then, she undresses, showing you her body.</p>
[img["ressources/dream/powers/nude_flash/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You dream about Ms. Jessie Powers, your math teacher.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>$ Did you come here to learn about math, or learn about my body?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/powers/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "abigail">>
<<set _ran to random(1,6)>>
<<if $abigail.progress gte 5 && _ran gte 6>> /* Threesome gif */
<p>You are inside a dream. It is about you and Abigail, you are in a threesome with her.</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/abigail/threesome" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $abigail.progress gte 4 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>You are fucking Abigail hard in your dream. You wish that the alarm doesn't start before you cum inside her.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Yeah $, just like that!! You sure are earning yourself that promotion<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/abigail/fuck" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $abigail.progress gte 3 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>Abigail, The Cock and Bull's boss, is in your dream with you. She's sucking the hell out of your dick.</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/abigail/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $abigail.progress gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Handjob gif */
<p>You find yourself somewhere, with the restaurant's boss Abigail. Suddenly, she grabs your dick and starts working it with her hands.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>What, $ I thought my employee needed a relief<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/abigail/handjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $abigail.progress gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>You dream about Abigail, your restaurant's boss. She let's you see her naked body.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Consider this just a payment in advance, $<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/abigail/nude_flash/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>While dreaming, you spot your boss at the restaurant, Abigail. You can't help but eat her lewd body with your eyes.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>$ Do you want that pay rise, or would you rather keep staring at my body?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/abigail/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "eva">>
<p>You have a hard time remembering who is the person in your dream. Then you remember, she is Abigail's sister, Eva. You wonder why you would dream about her right now.</p>
<<speech "Eva">>$! I hope you come visit me and Abigail soon...<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/eva/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]] /* Dressed tease gif */
<<case "missy">>
<<set _ran to random(1,5)>>
<<if $missy.progress gte 4 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>You have a neat dream in which you find yourself fucking Missy as if there wasn't a tomorrow.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Yeah!! More $, fill me deeper... Gnh!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/missy/fuck" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $missy.progress gte 3 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>In your dream, you are receiving a warm and sloppy blowjob from your restaurant's partner, Missy.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Gbhh... Slurp<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/missy/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $missy.progress gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Handjob gif */
<p>Missy, your restaurant's partner, is helping you with an issue down your pants. You don't want to stop sleeping before seeing the end of this dream.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>It really feels that good if I just use my hands?<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/missy/handjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $missy.progress gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>You dream about Missy. She is showing you her naked body.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>You know how much I like to be around naked, $ But it seems like your buddy down there is enjoying it more than myself!<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/missy/nude_flash/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You are experiencing a dream, and your partner at the restaurant, Missy, is in it.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Well hello $! Will I see you at work tomorrow?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/missy/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "carla">>
<<set _ran to random(1,6)>>
<<if $carla.slave is 1 && _ran gte 6>> /* Bdsm gif */
<p>You find yourself inside a dream. It seems like you are spending some quality time with your slave Carla.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>$carla.title... Please keep using your slave like you wish<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/carla/bdsm" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $carla.progress gte 4 && _ran gte 5>> /* Home sex gif */
<p>You are at Carla's house. It's strange, you would have bet that you were at your bedroom moments ago. The moment you suddenly find yourself having sex with Carla, you realize you are inside a dream, a dream that you plan to enjoy to the bone.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Ngh!! Ahn... I love it... I love your fucking cock so bad, $!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/carla/home_sex" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $carla.progress gte 3 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>You are dreaming. In the dream, you are facefucking Carla with all your efforts.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Gbhnn!!!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/carla/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $carla.progress gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Handjob / Titjob gif */
<p>You have a wet dream in which Carla, your partner at the bar, is all over your cock, doing her best to make it cum.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Well, $ Will you cover me on your thick jizz or what?<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/carla/handjob-titjob" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $carla.progress gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>You are dreaming about your partner at the bar, Carla. She shows her body to you, not letting too much to your imagination.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Stop drooling, $ You may drown<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/carla/nude_flash/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You find yourself with your mean bar's partner, Carla. When you realize this is a dream, you start undressing her with your eyes.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>What are you looking at, $<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/carla/dressed_tease/" + random(1,10) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "tammy">>
<<set _ran to random(1,6)>>
<<if $tammy.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 6>> /* Orgy gif */
<p>In your dream, you are participating in an orgy with your employee Tamara.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Hay... Dios! We should do this more often at the office, boss...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/tammy/orgy" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $tammy.questmain gte 4 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>Suddenly, you start feeling agitated, like if you were doing an intense session of exercises. But something is strange, your cock feels tight and very warm. You realize you are in a dream with Tammy, and you both are fucking like animals.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Nnghh!! Sí! Like that jefe...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/tammy/fuck" + "/" + random(1,30) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $tammy.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>Suddenly you are receiving a delicious blowjob from Tamara. You realize this is a dream.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Hay Dios mío... Gbhh!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/tammy/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,30) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $tammy.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Titjob gif */
<p>While sleeping, you suddenly feel something very heavy and warm embracing your cock. You quickly realize it's your secretary, given you one sort of attention.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>I hope a massage relives you, jefe...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/tammy/titjob" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $tammy.questmain gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>You see Tammy while dreaming. She's naked, and seems to be trying to tease you.</p>
[img["ressources/dream/tammy/nude_flash/" + random(1,40) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You think about Tamara, your secretary, while sleeping.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Yes, jefe? What can I help you with?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/tammy/dressed_tease/" + random(1,40) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "erika">>
<<set _ran to random(1,5)>>
<<if $erika.questmain gte 4 && _ran gte 5>> /* Anal gif */
<p>You are having an amazing dream tonight. You are having your way with Erika's asshole, pounding it again and again.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>$ Why didn't you tell me anal sex felt this good!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/erika/anal" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $erika.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 4>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>Tonight you are having a wet dream, which involves your employee Erika, who's being savagely fucked by your strong shaft.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Nghha!! Boss! Harder...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/erika/fuck" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $erika.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>You are getting your cock sucked in tonight's dream. Just lay your head and enjoy.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Boss... I hope this is an acceptable reward for all your efforts<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/erika/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,30) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $erika.questmain gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>You find yourself in a dream. For some reason, your employee Erika is here, and she is showing her body to you.</p>
[img["ressources/dream/erika/nude_flash/" + random(1,40) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You are sharing some time with your start up employee, Erika. You take advantage and take a good look at her shape, when you find out you are dreaming.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>... Yes, boss?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/erika/dressed_tease/" + random(1,40) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "mikaela">>
<<set _ran to random(1,6)>>
<<if $mikaela.questmain gte 5 && _ran gte 6>> /* Cuck gif */
<p>You dream about Mikaela. You both are having sex, but there's someone else in the room. Looks like her husband Javier is watching the action.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Can you see this, hubbie? Nnh!! This is how a real man treats a woman, you piece of crap!<</speech>>
<<speech "Javier">>Y-Yes...<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mikaela/cuck" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<<elseif $mikaela.questmain gte 4 && _ran gte 5>> /* Anal gif */
<p>While deep in your sleep, your attention is drawn by something heavy, jumping against your belly. Suddenly you are ravaging Mikaela's ass.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Oh my God! Gnh!! Javier... could never make me feel this way<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mikaela/anal" + "/" + random(1,10) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $mikaela.questmain gte 3 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>You are dreaming when you feel something strange down your underwear. It's Mikaela, she's giving you a sloppy and hot blowjob.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Gbhh... Slurp<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mikaela/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $mikaela.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 3>> /* Titfuck gif */
<p>You dream about Mikaela, one of your employees. She's lustfully using her big udders to work your cock.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>I hope you remind this when you choose the employee of the month<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/mikaela/titfuck" + "/" + random(1,5) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $mikaela.questmain gte 1 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>You find yourself looking at Mikaela's naked body. When you wonder how did you get here, you realize this must be a dream.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>See something you like, boss?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/mikaela/nude_flash/" + random(1,40) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>You are dreaming about your employee Mikaela. She's teasing you, as expected from her.</p>
[img["ressources/dream/mikaela/dressed_tease/" + random(1,40) + ".jpg"]]
<<case "tiffany">>
<<set _ran to random(1,6)>>
<<if $tiffany.questmain gte 2 && _ran gte 6>> /* Anal gif */
<p>Tonight you had a very nice dream. You were having anal sex with your employee Tiffany, and the bitch's shrieking could be heard in the whole place.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Ahn... like that... Come on, fill my asshole with your hot spunk, $!!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/tiffany/anal" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $tiffany.questmain gte 1 && _ran gte 5>> /* Fuck gif */
<p>You are fucking your employee Tiffany hard. Quickly your realize this is a dream, but maybe you should do this in real life tomorrow.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Yes... Yes boss, turn me into your fucking slut!<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/tiffany/fuck" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $tiffany.defeated is 1 && _ran gte 4>> /* Blowjob gif */
<p>You are dreaming about Tiffany. Your former rival is working your cock between her lips and tongue, slurping all over it like a whore</p>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/tiffany/blowjob" + "/" + random(1,15) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $startup.level gte 4 && _ran gte 3>> /* Assjob gif */
<p>While sleeping, you realize your rival Tiffany is in your dream. You can's avoid staring at her huge butt. She seems to notice this and actively teases you, moving and shaking it, until she starts working your bulge with her soft buttocks, pressing them against you.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Maybe if I make you cum you will stop looking at my butt like a zombie<</speech>>
<<set _videosrc to "ressources/dream/tiffany/assjob" + "/" + random(1,20) + ".mp4">>
<video @src="_videosrc" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $startup.level gte 3 && _ran gte 2>> /* Nude flash gif */
<p>You are dreaming about Tiffany. For some reason she starts undressing in front of your eyes.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Enjoy it while you can, $<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/tiffany/nude_flash/" + random(1,40) + ".jpg"]]
<<else>> /* Dressed tease gif */
<p>Tiffany suddenly spawns inside your dream. She has that defiant look in her eyes, as usual.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Well? Did you want to say something, or what<</speech>>
[img["ressources/dream/tiffany/dressed_tease/" + random(1,40) + ".jpg"]]
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(22)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<link "Stop dreaming">><<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>><<set _ran to random(1, 100)>><<if ($ is 1 || $gameversion isnot 75) && $claus.completed isnot -1>><<if _ran gt $aunt.introchance && $has.auntaddress is 0>><<goto "Aunt Intro">><<else>><<goto "Bedroom">><</if>><</if>><</link>>
<<set $randomscene = random(8)>>
<p>You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode and search some nice blowjob video.</p>
<<if $randomscene is 0>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/blowjob/0.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/blowjob/1.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/blowjob/2.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/blowjob/3.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/blowjob/4.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/blowjob/5.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/blowjob/6.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 7>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/blowjob/7.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 8>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/blowjob/8.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<addmins 20>>
[[Wipe your dick|Desk]]<<set $randomscene = random(6)>>
<<set $randomsoftspeech = ["You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, time to watch some soft porn", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, that's how do you do it dude", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, she seems to like it quite a lot!"]>>
<<if $lesbianporn is 0>><p>You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, fuck these blowjob videos it’s time to watch some real porn.</p>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/softporn/0.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<set $test = $randomsoftspeech.random()>>
<<print "$test">>
<<if $randomscene is 0>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/softporn/0.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/softporn/1.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/softporn/2.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/softporn/3.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/softporn/4.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/softporn/5.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/softporn/6.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 7>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/softporn/7.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 8>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/softporn/8.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 9>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/softporn/9.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 10>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/softporn/10.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Go back|Desk]]
<<addmins 20>><<set $randomscene = random(10)>>
<<set $randomlesbianspeech = ["You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, time to watch some lesbian porn", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, I feel like watching some pussy clash today", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, that’s some nice pussy action!"]>>
<<if $lesbianporn is 0>><p>You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, this time you want to discover some new porn, what about lesbian porn.</p>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/lesbian/0.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<set $test = $randomlesbianspeech.random()>>
<<print "$test">>
<<if $randomscene is 0>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/lesbian/0.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/lesbian/1.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/lesbian/2.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/lesbian/3.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/lesbian/4.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/lesbian/5.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/lesbian/6.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 7>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/lesbian/7.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 8>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/lesbian/8.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 9>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/lesbian/9.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 10>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/lesbian/10.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Go back|Desk]]
<<addmins 20>><<set $randomscene = random(10)>>
<<set $randomblackspeech = ["You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, time to watch some black porn", "You open your favorite browser in incognito mode, why do white bitches prefer black cocks?", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, that's my boy!"]>>
<<if $lesbianporn is 0>><p>You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, this time you want to discover some new porn, maybe going a bit darker wouldn't be that unpleasant.</p>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/black/0.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<set $test = $randomblackspeech.random()>>
<<print "$test">>
<<if $randomscene is 0>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/black/0.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/black/1.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/black/2.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/black/3.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/black/4.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/black/5.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/black/6.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 7>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/black/7.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 8>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/black/8.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 9>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/black/9.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 10>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/black/10.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Go back|Desk]]
<<addmins 20>><<set $randomscene = random(11)>>
<<set $randomhardcorespeech = ["You open your favorite browser in incognito mode, smash that pussy!", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, this little pussy is getting destroyed", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, get pounded!"]>>
<<if $lesbianporn is 0>><p>You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, time to go hardcore.</p>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/hardcore/0.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<set $test = $randomhardcorespeech.random()>>
<<print "$test">>
<<if $randomscene is 0>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/hardcore/0.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/hardcore/1.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/hardcore/2.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/hardcore/3.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/hardcore/4.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/hardcore/5.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/hardcore/6.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 7>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/hardcore/7.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 8>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/hardcore/8.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 9>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/hardcore/9.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 10>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/hardcore/10.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/hardcore/11.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Go back|Desk]]
<<addmins 20>><<set $randomscene = random(10)>>
<<set $randomgangbangpseech = ["You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, that's my boys!", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, look like someone is going to be gangbanged", "You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, I didn't know you could fit 2 in a hole!?"]>>
<<if $lesbianporn is 0>><p>You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, hardcore isn't enough for me, what if there was more than one man?</p>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/gangbang/0.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<set $test = $randomgangbangpseech.random()>>
<<print "$test">>
<<if $randomscene is 0>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/gangbang/0.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/gangbang/1.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/gangbang/2.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/gangbang/3.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/gangbang/4.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/gangbang/5.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/gangbang/6.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 7>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/gangbang/7.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 8>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/gangbang/8.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 9>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/gangbang/9.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 10>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/gangbang/10.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Go back|Desk]]
<<addmins 20>><<set $randomscene = random(6)>>
<p>You open your favorite browser in Incognito mode, after all of this fucking, it’s time to watch some bitches getting jerked on.</p>
<<if $randomscene is 0>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/bukkake/1.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/bukkake/2.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/bukkake/3.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/bukkake/4.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/bukkake/5.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/bukkake/6.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $randomscene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/videos/porn/bukkake/7.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Go back|Desk]]
<<mcporn>><<addmins 20>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 9 && $ gte 25 && $sis.homeworktotal gte 5>><<set $sis.questmain to 10>>
<p>You go into $’s bedroom to check in on her. The moment you open the door she screams with excitement. She bounces around and runs up to you and leaps into your arms. You catch her and hold her against your body, holding her by her ass and groping her while you have the chance. She kisses your face appreciatively over and over again. You tell her that you are excited to see her too.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I did it! I got honor roll! All As and Bs! Well, mostly Bs but still! I did it!<</speech>>
<p>You let her down to continue to celebrate. She bounces around happily. You smile, proud of her accomplishments.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I never could have done this on my own. Thanks. I know you and I didn’t always use to get along. But you kept pushing. Thank you. I can’t even think of a way to repay you<</speech>>
[[Reward her for her hard work|sismainquest9][$stage to 0; $[5] to 1]]<<if $mc.dom gte 15 && $sis.corr gte 15>>
[[Show her a way she can repay you|sismainquest9][$stage to 1; $scene to 0; $[6] to 1]]<</if>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $sis.questmain is 8 && $ gte 20>><<set $sis.questmain to 9>>
<p>You open your Sister’s bedroom door and walk in. You enter, wanting to check in on her and expect to see her studying. Although the moment you step inside you see her masturbating furiously. Her books are thrown to the floor, porn is on her computer and her she has four fingers inside of her pussy. You yell at her, angry that she isn’t studying. But she doesn’t stop masturbating while you talk, only seeming to turn her look of lust an affection onto you instead of her porn. You both look at each other wordlessly for a moment. Until finally you relent, and begin to strip down.</p>
<p>Once you are nude and your cock is hard you leap towards the bed, tackling $ and pinning her down onto her bed, on her stomach.</p>
<p>You take your cock and slide it into her pussy, and begin to fuck her hard and fast. She is so horny that she pushes back against you as your thrust, fucking herself on your huge cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage5/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Pull her on top of you|sismainquest8][$scene to 0; $[4] to 1]]
<<if $sis.slave lt 1 || $sis.loc isnot "Sis's bedroom">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain gte 10>>
[[Check your sister|sismainquest9loop]]
<<set $sisevent to random(100)>>
<<if $sisevent gte 60 && $sis.loc is "Sis's bedroom">>
<<if $sis.corr >= 15 && $ >= 15 && $sis.questmain gte 9 && $sisevent gte 80>>
<p>You hear your Sister masturbating once again and decide that its time to escalate things. You swing open her door and before she can even react you are on top of her kissing her as she continues to masturbate.</p>
[[Make her suck your cock|sispornscene][$sispornscene to 5]]
[[Skip straight to fucking|sispornscene][$sispornscene to 6]]
<<elseif $sis.corr >= 5 && $ >= 1>>
<p>You hear moaning coming from $’s bedroom. Her door is unlocked so you open it up to see what she is doing.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/masturbating/masturbating.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Your Sister is watching porn in her room and masturbating. You hide behind the door and watch her fuck herself with a dildo.</p>
[[Finish|sispornscene][$sispornscene to 1]]
[[Enter the room|sispornscene][$sispornscene to 2]]
<p>You hear moaning coming from your Sister’s bedroom. You try to peak inside to see what is going on but the door is locked. You decide to just give your Sister some privacy.</p>
<<elseif $sisevent gte 0>>
<<if $sis.loc is "Sis's bedroom" && $sis.corr >= 10 && $ >= 10>>
<<if $mc.dom > 10 && $sis.questmain gte 9>>
[[Time to fuck this bitch|sisbedroomscene][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 9>>
[[Gently ask your sister to have sex|sisbedroomscene][$scene to 1]]
[[Ask your sister to sleep with her|sleepingsis]]
<<elseif $sis.loc is "Sis's bedroom" && ($period is 5 || $period is 0)>>
[[Ask your sister to sleep with her|sleepingsis]]
<<elseif $sis.loc is "Sis's bedroom" && $period is 4 && $sis.homework is 1>>
[[Help your sister with her homework|sisterhomework]]
<p class="hint">You have nothing else to do here now</p>
<p class="hint">Your sister doesn't seem to be here</p>
<p>You walk into your slave’s bedroom and see her relaxing on the bed. The moment she sees you she jumps out of bed, looking anxious as through she was doing something she knows she wasn’t supposed to be doing. You give your slaves the slightest freedom to keep their old rooms, so longs as their doors, and more importantly, their holes, are always open.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Are you here to use me, $sis.title?<</speech>>
[[Get some rest by her side|sis slave sleeping][$scene to 0]]
[[Use your slave before bed|sis slave sleeping][$scene to 1; $[24] to 1]]
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Hey! $! Wake the hell up!<</speech>>
<p>You roll around a bit in your covers. You mumble something incoherent back as you struggle to emerge from your deep slumber.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Come on, GET UP!<</speech>>
<p>Your Sister, $, yanks your blanket off of you and start spanking you to get up. She swings her hand and slaps your ass several times until you are wide awake and leaping out of bed to get away from her.</p>
<video src="ressources/videos/sisterspanking.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Ask Mom for help]]
[[Teach her a lesson]]
<div id="now"><<now>></div>\
<<nobr>><button class="pass-time button blue makemewhite leftbar" style="margin-top: 8px;"><<link [img["ressources/img/arrow1.png"]]>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours($gameDate.getUTCHours() + 1)>><<replace "#now">><<now>><</replace>><</link>></button>
<button class="button blue makemewhite leftbar" style="margin-top: 8px;"><<link [img["ressources/img/arrow2.png"]]>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>><<set _ran to random(1, 100)>><<if _ran gt $aunt.introchance && $has.auntaddress is 0>><<goto "Aunt Intro">><<else>><<goto "Bedroom">><</if>><</link>></button><</nobr>>
<div id="helpss"><p class="title fasttravel">Fast travel:</p><hr>\
<<nobr>><div class="gallery" style="margin-left: 16px; margin-top: 16px; height: 260px;"><div class="girlcircle loc"><div class="portrait loc"><div class="fast-travel-img">[img["ressources/backgrounds/home/house.jpg"][House]]</div><p>House</p></div></div>
<div class="girlcircle loc"><div class="portrait loc"><div class="fast-travel-img">[img["ressources/backgrounds/street/street.jpg"][Street]]</div><p>Street</p></div></div>
<div class="girlcircle loc"><div class="portrait loc"><div class="fast-travel-img">[img["ressources/backgrounds/coast/coast.jpg"][Coast]]</div><p>Coast</p></div></div>
<div class="girlcircle loc"><div class="portrait loc"><div class="fast-travel-img">[img["ressources/backgrounds/university/university.jpg"][University]]</div><p style="left: -12px;">University</p></div></div>
<div class="girlcircle loc"><div class="portrait loc"><div class="fast-travel-img">
<<if $startup.level gte 4>>[img["ressources/backgrounds/startup/nationaloffice.jpg"][Start up Office][$origin to 2]]
<<elseif $startup.level gte 3>>[img["ressources/backgrounds/startup/regionaloffice.jpg"][Start up Office][$origin to 2]]
<<elseif $startup.level gte 2>>[img["ressources/backgrounds/startup/smalloffice.jpg"][Start up Office][$origin to 2]]
<<else>>[img["ressources/backgrounds/home/homeoffice.jpg"][Start up Office][$origin to 1]]<</if>>
<div class="girlcircle loc"><div class="portrait loc"><div class="fast-travel-img">[img["ressources/backgrounds/fitness/center.jpg"][Fitness Center]]</div><p>Fitness</p></div></div>
<div class="girlcircle loc"><div class="portrait loc"><div class="fast-travel-img">[img["ressources/backgrounds/aunt/residential.jpg"][Residential district]]</div><p style="left: -16px;">Residential</p></div></div>
<div class="girlcircle loc"><div class="portrait loc"><div class="fast-travel-img">[img["ressources/backgrounds/redlight/redlight.jpg"][Red Light district]]</div><p>Red Light</p></div></div>
<div class="girlcircle loc"><div class="portrait loc sexapp"><div class="fast-travel-img">[img["ressources/img/sexapp/sexapp.jpg"][SexApp]]</div><p>SexApp</p></div></div></div><</nobr>>\
<p class="title stats2">Stats:</p><hr><strong>Intelligence:</strong> $
<strong>Strength:</strong> $mc.str
<strong>Endurance:</strong> $mc.end
<strong>Porn addiction:</strong> $
<strong>Dominant:</strong> $mc.dom
<strong>Money:</strong> $
<<if $ is "doctorate">><strong>Degree:</strong> <span style="color: #17e117;">Doctorate</span><<elseif $school.status gte 1>><strong>Grades:</strong> <<if $school.grades gte 5>><span style="color: #17e117;">Passing</span><<else>><span style="color: red;">Failing</span><</if>><</if>>
<<if $ isnot "" && $ isnot "doctorate">><strong>Degree:</strong> <span style="color: #17e117; text-transform: capitalize;">$</span><</if>>
<<if $mc.collars gte 1>><strong>Slave collars:</strong> $mc.collars<</if>>
<p class="title girlsloc">Girl's location:</p><hr><strong>Jade:</strong> $jade.loc
<strong>Lucy:</strong> $lucy.loc
<strong>Kate:</strong> $kate.loc
<strong>Alice:</strong> $alice.loc
<strong>Mom:</strong> $mom.loc
<strong>Sister:</strong> $sis.loc
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1>><strong>Aunt $</strong> $aunt.loc
<strong>$</strong> $cousin.loc<</if>>
<<if $grandma.questmain gte 1>><strong>Grandma $</strong> $grandma.loc<</if>>
<strong>Ms. Lee:</strong> $teacher.loc
<strong>Mrs. Sato:</strong> $sato.loc
<strong>Ms. Powers:</strong> $powers.loc
<<if $dean.questmain gte 1>><strong>Dean Graves:</strong> $dean.loc<</if>>
<<if $restaurant.status gte 1>><strong>Missy:</strong> $missy.loc
<strong>Carla:</strong> $carla.loc
<strong>Abigail:</strong> $abigail.loc<</if>>
<<if $tammy.met is 1>><strong>Tammy:</strong> $tammy.loc<br><</if>>
<<if $erika.met is 1>><strong>Erika:</strong> $erika.loc<br><</if>>
<<if $mikaela.met is 1>><strong>Mikaela:</strong> $mikaela.loc<br><</if>>
<<if $tiffany.met is 1>><strong>Tiffany:</strong> $tiffany.loc<br><</if>>
<a href="" target="_blank" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button">[img["ressources/patreon.jpg"]]</a>\
<nav id="story-menu">\
<<if $uipassages.includes(passage())>>[[Cheat]]
[[Gallery|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]
[[Credits]]<<else>>[[Cheat][$prevpassage to passage()]]
[[Gallery|Gallery Main][$stage to 0; $prevpassage to passage()]]
[[Progress][$prevpassage to passage()]]
[[Credits][$prevpassage to passage()]]<</if>>
<<link "Save">><<script>>UI.saves()<</script>><</link>>
<<link "Restart">><<script>>UI.restart()<</script>><</link>>
<<nobr>><<if $ is 1 && $gameversion is 75>><br><<link "Snow">><<if $christmas.snow is 1>><<set $christmas.snow to 0>><<script>>snowfall();<</script>><<else>><<set $christmas.snow to 1>><<script>>snowfall();<</script>><</if>><</link>><</if>><br><</nobr>>
<p>You pop up out of bed and rub your sore ass. You look at her and her smug grin with a deep scowl. You rush over your bed and grab her before she can run out of your room. You pull her over your knee and spank her ass repeatedly.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Hey, wait, what are you doi- Ah! HAH! OW! Wait, stop. AH!<</speech>>
<video src="ressources/videos/spanksister.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slap her several times, finally stopping when you can feel her cheeks start to get raw from the spanking. As you pull her back up off of your legs you notice a faint pleased smile on her face. She slowly starts to walk out of the room, rubbing her ass along the way. She stops at the door and turns back to you.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Don’t get cocky. I’ll get you back for this, $<</speech>>
[[Time for breakfast|Kitchen][$[0] to 1]]<<set $has.sisterintro += 1>>
<p>You call out for your Mom to try and diffuse this situation. $ isn’t afraid of you, but your Mom knows how to make her do whatever she says. She rushes into the room, out of breath from hurrying in and sees you caressing your sore ass and $ standing there with a smug smile.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>$! What is it with you? Why can’t you even leave your brother alone?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>What? All I did was make sure he got up for his classes like you asked me to!<</speech>>
<p>You interject, explaining how she hit you to wake you up. You make sure to exaggerate a bit to make her look bad.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I told you to wake him up not beat him! Oh my poor sweety are you alright? $ if you don’t stop behaving like a brat you’ll be in for it<</speech>>
<p>$ looks over to you ans scowls. She purses her lips in anger as she speaks.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I’m gonna get you back for this you little twerp<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>$! Go to your room this instant! You better rethink this attitude of yours!<</speech>>
<p>$ shoots both you and your Mother a last murderous look before stomping her way out of the room.</p>
[[Time for breakfast|Kitchen]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/hotdog/serve.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>A nice waitress gives you your hotdog.</p>
<<if $ >= 5 && $ < 10>>
[[Ask her to give you a blowjob|hotdogscene2][$hotdogscene to 0]]
<<linkreplace "Give a tip">>
<p>She smiles and winks at you.</p>
<<set $ -= 2>>
<<set $ += 1>> <p class="got">She is a bit more interested in you</p>
<<elseif $ >= 10>>
[[Fuck her|hotdogscene2][$hotdogscene to 1;$scene to 0]]
[[Ask her to give you a blowjob|hotdogscene2][$hotdogscene to 0]]
<<linkreplace "Give a tip">>
<p>She smiles and winks at you.</p>
<<set $ -= 2>>
<<set $ += 1>> <p class="got">She is a bit more interested in you</p>
<<linkreplace "Give a tip">>
<p>She smiles and winks at you.</p>
<<set $ -= 2>>
<<set $ += 1>> <p class="got">She is a bit more interested in you</p>
<<addmins 10>>
[[Go back|Park]]
<<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "park-christmas">>\
<<addclass "body" "park">>\
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/lemonade/serve.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>A nice waitress gives you your lemonade.</p>
<<if $ >= 5 && $ < 10>>
[[Ask her to give you a blowjob|lemonadescene2][$lemoscene to 0]]
<<linkreplace "Give a tip">>
<p>She smiles and winks at you.</p>
<<set $ -= 2>>
<<set $ += 1>> <p class="got">She is a bit more interested in you</p>
<<elseif $ >= 10>>
[[Fuck her|lemonadescene2][$lemoscene to 1;$scene to 0]]
[[Ask her to give you a blowjob|lemonadescene2][$lemoscene to 0]]
<<linkreplace "Give a tip">>
<p>She smiles and winks at you.</p>
<<set $ -= 2>>
<<set $ += 1>> <p class="got">She is a bit more interested in you</p>
<<linkreplace "Give a tip">>
<p>She smiles and winks at you.</p>
<<set $ -= 2>>
<<set $ += 1>> <p class="got">She is a bit more interested in you</p>
<<addmins 10>>
[[Go back|Park]]
<<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "park-christmas">>\
<<addclass "body" "park">>\
<</nobr>><<set $random = random(3)>>
<<if $hotdogscene is 0>>
<<if $random is 0>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/hotdog/blowjob0.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $random is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/hotdog/blowjob1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/hotdog/blowjob2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<<if $random is 0>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/hotdog/doggy0.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $random is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/hotdog/doggy1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/hotdog/doggy2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/hotdog/doggy3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/hotdog/reversecowgirl0.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/hotdog/reversecowgirl1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/hotdog/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Doggy|hotdogscene2][$scene to 0]]
[[Reverse cowgirl|hotdogscene2][$scene to 1]]
[[Facial|hotdogscene2][$scene to 2]]
<<addmins 10>>
[[Go back|Park]]
<<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "park-christmas">>\
<<addclass "body" "park">>\
<</nobr>><<set $random = random(2)>>
<<if $lemoscene is 0>>
<<if $random is 0>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/lemonade/blowjob0.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $random is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/lemonade/blowjob1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/lemonade/blowjob2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<<if $random is 0>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/lemonade/doggy0.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $random is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/lemonade/doggy1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/lemonade/doggy2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/lemonade/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/park/lemonade/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Doggy|lemonadescene2][$scene to 0]]
[[Reversecowgirl|lemonadescene2][$scene to 1]]
[[Facial|lemonadescene2][$scene to 2]]
<<addmins 10>>
[[Go back|Park]]
<<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "park-christmas">>\
<<addclass "body" "park">>\
<</nobr>><<if $school.grades gte 5>>
<<if $jade.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $mc.str gte 15>><<set $jade.questmain to 4>>
<p>You sit through class as usual. The material is rather boring, and Jade still hates when you mess around with her during class. If she and Ms. Lee weren’t so nice to look at, there would be very little to keep you interested.</p>
<p>When class finally ends you breath a sigh of relief. You go to get up to leave but suddenly Jade reaches out to you and pulls you back down into your seat. The two of you sit there in silence while everyone funnels out of the room. When it is finally empty she turns to you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>So hey, you have been really good recently. Not distracting me in class, that is. I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate that. And that, I think I’d like that to change<</speech>>
<p>You look at her confused, not sure exactly what she means.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I realized that I really like you, and that if I’m focusing all of myself on the school work, I’m gonna miss out on the things that actually make my life more fun. So since you are the most fun thing in my life. I’m gonna focus all of myself on you<</speech>>
[[Let her focus on you|jademainquest3][$stage to 0, $scene to 0; $[3] to 1]]
[[Show her what it means to have your focus on her|jademainquest3][$stage to 1, $scene to 0; $[4] to 1]]
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15 && $mc.str gte 10>><<set $jade.questmain to 3>>
<p>You sit by Jade in Chemistry and pay attention as well as you can. But you are rather bored, and Jade sitting right beside you is making you extremely horny. You casually reach over with your hand and place it on her thigh. You slowly and gently begin to rub it up and down along her leg, squeezing her toned thigh.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Stop! We are in class! I need to focus!<</speech>>
<p>She slaps your hand away but you quickly put it right back on her leg and squeeze harder. You then slide your hand further up and get very close to her pussy. She grabs your hand in a death grip and throws it away from her and looks over at you with a death stare. You smile smugly back at her. You leave her alone for the rest of the class, not knowing what she might do if you tried again.</p>
<p>Eventually the class finally ends. As you both start to stand up Jade grabs you by your hand and pulls you along.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Come here!<</speech>>
[[You arrive in the bathroom|jademainquest2]]
<<else>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $ gte 20 && $jade.questmain gte 2>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You and Jade barely pay attention to class. You tease and fool around with each other the entire time. But you are careful, always making sure to keep out of Ms. Lee’s watchful eye. When the class is finally over, both of you unleash all of the pent up arousal you built up over the period. You kiss deeply until the classroom empties out. Jade then drops down between your legs and pulls your cock out, sucking you off expertly until you are completely drained.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/class/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>As you look over at Jade during class, you notice that one of her buttons is undone. It leaves a hole through her shirt that you can look through and see that she is not wearing a bra. You chuckle and tease her about it, playfully calling her slutty as you point out the undone button.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Oh you think I’m a slut huh? Fine I’ll show you a slut<</speech>>
<p>She undoes more buttons and quickly flashes her tits at you.</p>
<p>She closes her shirt back up quickly and buttons her shirt up properly this time. You still can’t help but stare at her for the rest of the lesson, imagining her tits the whole time.</p>
<<elseif $ gte 10>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>As you and Jade get closer you are more and more tempted to talk to her almost all of the time. Even in class, where you know it would be a bad idea. Whenever the teacher pauses in her lesson you whisper short comments to Jade. Nothing that would start a conversation. Just short jabs and jokes to make her laugh when Ms. Lee isn’t saying anything. Her smiles and laughs show that she clearly enjoys them.</p>
<p>The moment class starts Jade is looking around and starting to freak out a bit. She searches through her bag, muttering to herself as she rifles through its contents. You lean over and quietly ask her what is wrong.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I forgot my notebook! I never forget my stuff!<</speech>>
<p>She continues to search and worry. You go into your bag and pull out an extra empty notebook you have in there and slide it over to her. You tell her to go ahead and keep it, that you have your laptop to type on.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Thank you so fucking much! Seriously you have no idea how thankful I am for this<</speech>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You sit beside Jade for chemistry today. You can’t help but sneak looks at her now and then. She clearly notices you looking at her. The occasional blush on her face proves that. But you are sure that you do nothing to break her focus from the lesson. You know how much she would hate that.</p>
<p>The class breezes by faster than normal today. When it is over you turn towards Jade and ask her what she thought of the lesson.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>To be blunt, I find Ms. Lee’s methods of teaching to be pretty dry. Today was really exciting though! It was a nice change of pace<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you agree. The two of you continue to chat as you pack up and make your way out of the classroom and into the hallway.</p>
<p>You see Jade and walk up to her. You begin to speak but before you can even get a full word out she cuts you off.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Listen, unlike you I care about my grades. If you don’t focus I can’t waste time hanging out with you and risk my grades falling to. Get them back up and we can talk<</speech>>
<p>You nod your head in understanding and walk away.</p>
[[Listen to the lesson|normalclasschem][$has.class to 1;$school.todaychem to 2]]
[[University hall|University]]<<if $school.grades gte 5>>
<<silently>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>><</silently>>
<<if $ gte 15>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>Kate sits by you and you can’t help but notice based on what she is wearing. Her tight yellow shirt made it very clear that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She is clearly trying to get people’s attention today. But as usual, you Mom’s much larger breasts and sweater draws more attention from the class. She is so disgusted that she suddenly just opens up her shirt to let her tits out to see if anyone would look. You have no idea if anyone else looked, but you stared for every second you could.</p>
<p>You and Kate hang out during class and discuss things beside school. She mentions that she smokes weed and asks if you do as well. You tell her that you have, but don’t smoke often.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>I smoke to calm down after arguments with my Mom. Or if I just need to chill out in general. You wanna smoke with me some time?<</speech>>
<p>You give her a non committal answer. Maybe you will smoke with her one day, but you can’t be sure. You continue talking about all sorts of things for the rest of the class.</p>
<<elseif $ gte 5>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You sit with Kate in class today. You wrap your arm around her shoulders and hold her. The two of you flirt and tease one another. Playing sexy chicken, each of you touching more and more sensual parts of the others body until their limit is reached.</p>
<p>You and Kate spend the class talking about Olympic swimmers. The two of you discuss who is likely the better of the great swimmers.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>I think it is impossible to know, but I would bet that Michael Phelps is the best. Mark Spitz would be a close second though<</speech>>
<p>This discussion goes on for the whole class. She knows an amazing amount about professional swimmers.</p>
<p>You sit beside Kate in class today. The two of you chat for a while. You focus deeply on on her and your conversation. And considering the rest of the entire class is focused on your Mom’s low cut shirt, she is appreciative of your attention.</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You see Kate and decide to run up to her to say hi and see if she wants to spend time together. She seems very disinterested in even talking to you though.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>I can tell you haven’t been to class. I thought I could rely on your for the homework, but I guess not. If you wanna fool around you gotta help me out<</speech>>
<p>She turns her head away from you and refuses to acknowledge you further. You sigh and walk away.</p>
[[Listen to the lesson|normalclassecon][$has.class to 1;$school.todayecon to 2]]
<<if $school.grades gte 5>>
<<if $lucy.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $ gte 5>><<set $lucy.questmain to 2>>
<p>Class today is moving unusually slowly. During an especially boring period you turn to Lucy and suggest that the two of you have some fun and test one another. You bet her that you can ask her a question that she won’t know the answer to.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>While I would prefer to focus on the work, I can’t help but agree that this has been extremely boring. Some mental stimulation would be beneficial. What do you suggest should be the stakes of this wager of yours?<</speech>>
<p>You jokingly suggest that if you win, she should give you a hand job. But you don’t assume she would agree.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Sure, I can agree to that. You could have even asked for more than that. I would have agreed either way since I cannot foresee you winning this wager<</speech>>
<p>You smile smugly. You then ask her a question that it would be absolutely impossible for her to ever answer. You ask her what your own Father’s name is.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>What?! That’s cheating! I thought you meant intellectual questions! Not personal ones!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that it is her fault for not clarifying and that she lost, so now she has to pay up.</p>
[[Let her pay up at her own pace|lucymainquest1][$stage to 0; $scene to 0; $[0] to 1]]
[[Get a jump start on your winnings|lucymainquest1][$stage to 1; $scene to 0; $[1] to 1]]
<<else>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if $ gte 15>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You and Lucy talk during class today. She has really started to become more laid back, especially around you. You wrap your arm around her shoulders playfully. You rest your hand on her breast, groping it subtly so no one else notices. Her hand finds its way to the bulge in your pants. The two of you tease each other here and there for the rest of the class.</p>
<p>As you sit down for class, Lucy turns to you and gets your attention.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Do you still have your notes from last week? My computer crashed and I lost it all<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you do. You pull them up and send them to her over SexApp.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Oh wonderful! Thank you so much, I am very grateful for this. Allow me to return the favor<</speech>>
<p>You go to say that it isn’t necessary. But, before you get a word out, you turn to her and see that she has pulled open her shirt to show you her tits.</p>
<<elseif $ gte 5>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You sit by Lucy and pull out your laptop to start taking notes. You open it up and your eyes go wide. You apparently forgot to shut down some porn you were looking at last time you used your computer. You quickly close it, but you hear Lucy giggle beside you. You look over to her and share a knowing look. You make a joke to play it off, making her laugh heartily.</p>
<p>You and Lucy talk a bit during breaks in Ms. Powers’ lesson. She watches you type your notes and looks at you in amazement.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>How do you write so fast? You must have a typing speed that exceeds one hundred twenty words per minute!<</speech>>
<p>You flex your finger like a bicep and joke about doing finger work outs. She giggles cutely.</p>
<p>You sit beside Lucy in class today. You try to talk to her here and there. But, she is more focus on the lesson than she is on what you have to say. You decide to focus on taking notes again. When Ms. Powers’ lecture is over, Lucy compares her notes to yours again. She is continuously surprised at just how much you can write.</p>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You find Lucy in her usual spot and go up to greet her. She raises her finger to silence you and her eye shoot daggers at you when she turns toward you.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>You have really disappointed me with your lack of care for your school work. Show me some serious improvement before coming back to see me<</speech>>
<p>You hang your head in shame and leave her be.</p>
[[Listen to the lesson|normalclassmath][$has.class to 1;$school.todaymath to 2]]
<</if>><<if $school.statuscafe is 1>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'12:00','12:59')>>
[[Eat alone|cafeteriabis]]
<<if $has.metjade is 1 && $jade.loc is "Cafeteria">>[[Eat with Jade|jadecafeteria]]<</if>>
<<if $has.metkate is 1 && $quest.kategiftquest is 0 && $ >= 20 && $kate.corr >= 10>>[[Have lunch with Kate|katecafeteriagiftquest][$step to 0]]<<elseif $has.metkate is 1 >>[[Eat with Kate|katecafeteria]]<</if>>
<<if $has.metlucy is 1>>[[Eat with Lucy|lucycafeteria]]<</if>>
<<if $has.metalice is 1>>[[Eat with Alice|alicecafeteria]]<</if>>
<p class="hint">The cafeteria is empty</p>
[[Go back|University]]
<p>This is the university cafeteria. There are many franchised restaurants selling food to the students here. As well as a university run kitchen for a discounted price. After class each day you can come her to enjoy a meal and interact with any of your classmates. You may even spot a teacher here on occasion. Eating lunch with someone is a good way to raise your trust with them. Although, eating alone has its benefits too. It allows you to study while you eat, and slightly improve your grades. So choose wisely!</p>
[[Continue|Cafeteria][$school.statuscafe to 1]]
<</if>><<if $lucy.questmain is 4>><<set $lucy.questmain to 5>>
<p>You head into the library to see if Lucy wants to study with you. When you see her at her usual table she is surprisingly sitting there without any books. She is just there waiting, with a smug and proud look on her face. You walk up to her and ask her how her test went.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>It went spectacularly. Since they grade the tests using a machine we already have our scores. I got a perfect score!<</speech>>
<p>She bursts with excitement bouncing up out of her seat and running around the table to give you a hug. She tightly wraps her arms around you, still bouncing. You hug her back tightly and give her congratulations.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>I don’t think I would have been able to do it without you. I can’t ever thank you enough. But, I certainly know where to start<</speech>>
[[Follow Lucy|lucymainquest4][$scene to 0; $[3] to 1]]
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $ gte 15>><<set $lucy.questmain to 4>>
<p>You head into the library to look for Lucy. You walk right by her during your first look though the library. When you finally do see her you realize that you passed right by her because she was hidden behind a mountain of books. You slide one of the piles to the side to see her face. Or at least the half of it that isn’t obscured by a book. You ask her why she is obsessing over her studies even more than usual.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Tomorrow I have a critical exam. If I do not get at least a ninety percent on the exam I may not maintain my scholarship. This school is expensive and I do not have a dollar to spare. So while I do enjoy our study sessions, today is a poor day for one<</speech>>
<p>You suggest that today is in fact the perfect day for one. You offer to help her study for the test, however you are able. She looks at you with appreciative eyes.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>I am going to pull an all nighter. I can’t possibly ask you to do such a thing with me<</speech>>
<p>You say that it is no trouble at all. You sit down across from her and the two of you get to work. Minutes turn to hours. The sun sets. The library empties. But, the two of you don’t move except to get new books. Before long, it is early in the morning and you two are almost falling asleep in your chairs. You put the books away and take her back to her dorm. You wish her luck on her test and head home to go to sleep yourself. You should head to the library again soon, to see how Lucy’s test turned out.</p>
[[Go home and sleep until tomorrow|Bedroom]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5>><<set $lucy.questmain to 1>>
<p>You decide to head into the library to study with Lucy. You grab a few books from the shelves to look over with her. You grab a few books relating to the math class you share. But, as you walk down the aisle of books, one catches your eye. A book about human anatomy piques your interest and you pull it out as well. You carry all of the books over and place them on the table in front of you as you site across from Lucy.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Hello, $! I’m glad to see you today. What are you looking to brush up on?<</speech>>
<p>You show her the anatomy book. You tell her that you don’t have an anatomy class, but that you are still very curious about the subject.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Oh I love anatomy. I actually am taking a class in it this year. Anything in particular catch your eye?<</speech>>
<p>You open the book to a section on female breasts. You turn the book to her and give her a sensual and seductive look. She blushes deeply at the sight of it. You say that maybe a more practical examination would help you both learn more.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Um… yes. I uh, suppose you are correct in that assumption. A proper up close and personal examination would undoubtedly prove informative<</speech>>
<p>She slowly pulls her shirt down and reveals her tight perky breasts to you. She points to each section of the breast in the anatomy book, then points to the same spot on her breasts for comparison. It was as informative as it was sexy.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>That is quite enough for today. I hope you learned enough. But, it would be a pleasure to help you again if you require a refresher on the topic<</speech>>
<p>You tease her and say that you’d love to see her tits anytime. You then get up and head out of the library, your cock bulging obviously in your pants as you head out of the library.</p>
[[Go back|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<else>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if $ gte 15>><<if $lucy.questmain lt 3>><<set _ran to 1>><</if>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You spend the afternoon giving Lucy a practice quiz in the library. The two of you sit very close to one another. You are almost touching, just sitting side by side. You ask her questions to make sure she is ready for any quiz or test that comes her way. She nails every question you can throw at her of course. She greatly appreciates you and your help.</p>
<p>Lucy is squirming in her chair today. She is barely focusing on her studies, which is very unlike her. You ask her what is wrong but she doesn’t answer. She simply looks around to make sure no one is looking at her. Then she dives beneath the table and paws at your groin. She pulls your cock out and sucks it into her mouth like a vacuum.</p>
<<set _ranb to random(1,2)>><<if _ranb is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/library/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video><<else>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/library/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video><</if>>
<p>When she is done and has had her fun she slides back up into her seat, acting like nothing amazing just happened.</p>
<<elseif $ gte 5>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>Lucy has been much more interactive when you study together lately. She is engaging more and you realize that it is because she realized that she can learn more from it. You two get into a deep conversation about political science today. The conversation almost turns hostile a few times when you each get onto topics that depend more on personal morals than actual theory. But you do well to keep your cool and recognize the potential for argument, stopping it before it can begin.</p>
<p>While you and Lucy study together you send her an article that you believe she would find interesting. When she opens it, she blushes a deep red and looks at you, confused.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>I believe you may have sent me the wrong link<</speech>>
<p>She turns her computer around to show the sight you sent her too. It is a website about the kamasutra. You tell her it is no mistake and there is much to learn about different cultures and beliefs through their sexuality.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>I guess you may be right. I will delve into this deeper<</speech>>
<p>You see Lucy in the Library and ask to study with her. She is happy to. But, she doesn’t interact much with you during the session. She focuses much more on her books and notes than she does anything you have to say. You do both manage to help each other learn something new though!</p>
[[Go back|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $kate.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $mc.end gte 15>><<set $kate.questmain to 4>>
<p>You head out of the locker room and search for Kate. She is sitting by the edge of the pool, looking at her reflection in the water. You sit beside her and greet her. She looks over at you and smiles. She seems heavily distracted at the moment. You decide that this might be the right to to have a serious talk about how she has been acting. You grab her hand and ask her the real reason she acts so slutty. And that you can tell it is an act by how self conscious she is when the two of you are alone.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>It’s because of my Mom. Remember how I told you we don’t get along very well? We are always fighting because she calls me awful things all the time. She says I’m ugly, worthless, stupid. All kinds of hurtful things. My dad used to black all of her hateful bullshit. But he hasn’t been around much because of work. So almost everything I do is to prove her wrong. I act like a slut to prove I’m not ugly. I go to this school to prove I’m not dumb. It’s pointless, I know. It’s just how she made me<</speech>>
[[Kiss her and make her feel better|katemainquest3][$stage to 0; $scene to 0; $[3] to 1]]
[[Fuck her and show her why her Mom is wrong|katemainquest3][$stage to 1; $scene to 0; $[4] to 1]]
<<elseif $kate.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5 && $school.statusecon gte 1>><<set $kate.questmain to 1>>
<p>You head to the pool to go for a swim. You go into the locker room and change into your swim shorts and then head out. You see Kate swimming laps back and forth along the length of the pool. When she finishes a set of laps she rests on the edge of the pool. You walk over to her and sit on the edge, dipping your feet in.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh hey there Mr. Big Cock! Come to swim with me?<</speech>>
<p>She smiles at you and talks to you in her usual flirty ways. You tell her that you would love to swim with her. You also propose that you race a bit for fun.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Fun idea! No way you can beat me though! The only way I’d lose is if you swam so fast those shorts of yours fell off. On second thought, I hope you win!<</speech>>
<p>You decide to try and impress her with a graceful dive into the pool. You stand on the edge and leap up to try and dive in. You are not very graceful though. Instead of a beautiful dive you smack into the water with a belly flop. When you resurface, rubbing your sore stomach you see Kate giggling at your failure. You try and play it cool and just start the race. But, you fail there too. Kate is an expert swimmer. She out paces you at every turn, beating you handily in the race.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Ha! Told you I’d win! Maybe that cock of yours was slowing you down. You’ll need to practice more if you wanna beat me<</speech>>
<p>You reply with a smarmy tone. Saying that maybe she should give you some more incentive to train with her in the pool. You suggest the some visual incentives would be very helpful. Her disposition suddenly shifts. As if she were called on a bluff. She is clearly hesitant and looks around to make sure no one is looking at you two.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Okay...<</speech>>
<p>She pulls down the top of her swim suit to show you her perky tits. You gaze at their beauty for the short time that she allows, enjoying every second before she puts them away once again.</p>
<p>Kate then lifts herself out of the pool and abruptly says goodbye to you. You say goodbye back as she walks over to the locker room. You swim a bit more and when you are done you dry off and get changed as well, heading out of the pool and back into the main hall.</p>
[[Go back|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $ gte 15 && $kate.questmain gte 3>>
<p>You and Kate swim together today. Once you are each done swimming your laps, you decide to have a race.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>First one to do three full laps wins! Loser goes down on the winner!<</speech>>
<p>You assume Kate is joking but you give it your all none the less. You power through and push yourself. You put everything you had left after a long day of swimming. You zip through the water and reach the end of the pool faster than you ever have before. You push off the side and head back, shooting through the water. You don’t even look to see where Kate is. Mostly because you assume that she has already finished. But when you touch the other edge and pop your head out of the water you see Kate just then reaching the end. You look at her with a shocked face.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Damn you have gotten fast $ Congrats on the win. Would you like your reward now or later?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you weren’t sure she was serious. But since she is, you want your blow job now. The two of you hop out of the pool and head somewhere more secluded.</p>
[[Get your dick sucked|katepool3][$scene to 0; $[6] to 1]]
<<elseif $ gte 5>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You walk to the side of the pool and get ready to jump in when you hear Kate approaching you from behind.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Hey there Mr. Big Cock. Come for a swim today?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you have. You ask if she would like to train a bit with you today.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Sure, I’d love to! I hope you can keep up Mr. Big Cock<</speech>>
<p>You spend the rest of the afternoon swimming with Kate. She is a lot faster than you but you are certainly improving.</p>
<p>You and Kate spend some time swimming together. She is still way faster than you and she likes to flaunt it. Almost as much as she like to flaunt other things about herself.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Hurry up slow poke! I know you like staring at my ass, but if you never pass me you’ll never be able to look back at my tits!<</speech>>
<p>You speed up thanks to her encouragement. But, you still aren’t fast enough to pass her.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Don’t worry. Looking back at me isn’t the only way to see my titties you know<</speech>>
<p>You head to the pool and change into some swim shorts. You spend the time chatting with Kate for a bit before heading into the water to swim. You chat a bit more in between sets of laps. Mostly just talking about random likes and dislikes.</p>
[[Go back|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $jade.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $mc.str gte 5>><<set $jade.questmain to 2>>
<p>You head into the gym and before you can even look around for her Jade sees you and runs up to you. You can’t help but watch her tits bounce as she runs up to you. When she gets to you she wraps her arms around you and hugs you. She quickly pulled away, looking shocked that she hugged you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Um… Hey! I’m glad to see you. My workouts are always more fun when you’re here<</speech>>
<p>You say that you really enjoy working out with her as well and that you have a fun idea for today’s workout. You suggest that they compete to see which one of them can lift the heaviest dumbbell in the gym the most times consecutively.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Sounds like fun! I am so gonna wipe the floor with you though<</speech>>
[[The challenge begins|jademainquest1][$scene to 0; $[0] to 1]]
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5 && $school.statuschem gte 1 && $jade.traintotal gte 1>><<set $jade.questmain to 1>>
<p>You walk into the gym and see Jade doing bicep curls with dumbbells near the mirror. You approach her from behind and greet her. She turns around and places the dumbbells down. When she bends down to place them on the floor her tight sports bra gives you a nice view down her cleavage. She pops back up and smiles at you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey there Mr. $mc.eyes eyes! I’m glad to see you. I know I usually like to work out alone and focus, but I have been wanting to up my weight recently. So I could use a spotter. Would you mind helping me out?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you would be happy to give her a hand. You follow her to the bench and help her rack up some weights. She puts on more than you think she will be able to handle, so it makes sense why she would need a spotter.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Alright here we go! One, two, lift!<</speech>>
<p>You both lift the bar up together. You use your hands to give the bare minimum support as Jade lowers the weight down towards her chest and back up again. Each time she pushed the bar back up she pushes slower and struggles more. After five reps she has clearly reached her limit so you grab the bar fully and help her re-rack it.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>YES! I knew I could do it. But, thanks. I wouldn’t have been secure enough to try and lift that much without you there. I’m not used to people just helping me for nothing. So follow me, I want to repay you some how<</speech>>
[[Follow Jade|jademainquest0]]
<<if $jade.questmain gte 4 && $ gte 25 && $jade.torn is 1>>
<p>You head into the gym and head straight towards Jade. She is working out in a far off corner of the gym, trying to hide the large rip in her leggings that expose her ass and pussy. You head up to her and spank her ass, gripping her ass roughly with your hand. Your fingers sink in deep as you grope her and spread her cheeks apart.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Don’t just tease me! You have me wear this for a reason, don’t you?<</speech>>
<p>She is right and you show her that she is right by bending her over and shoving your fingers into her pussy to make her wet. Once she is soaking wet and ready for you, you pull your cock out and slide it deep inside of her, fucking her hard and fast.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gym/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|jadetrain4][$stage to 0; $[7] to 1]]
<<elseif $jade.questmain gte 4 && $quest.jadegiftquest gte 2 && $ gte 25>>
<p>You head into the gym and search for Jade to spend the afternoon working out with her. She is sporting the leggings you got her and doing some squats to show them off. As well as showing off her nice round ass. You walk up and wrap your arms around her. She turns around and hugs you tightly, almost bouncing with how happy she is to see you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey, I’m almost done with my workout if you wanna go mess around<</speech>>
<p>You say that you would never say no to that. She smiles as she gets back to squatting to finish her set. Once she is done you help her re-rack the weights. She then grabs you by your collar and pulls you along to a hidden area in the back of the gym.</p>
[[Hit it|jadetrain4][$stage to 1; $scene to 0; $[8] to 1]]
<<elseif $jade.questmain gte 3 && $ gte 15>>
<p>You walk into the Gym and see that Jade is already in there and well into her workout. She is doing jumping jacks in front of the mirror. You walk over to her and can’t help but stare at her tits as they bounce with each jump.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey there, Mr. $mc.eyes eyes. Are you here to work out or are you just gonna stare all day?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that even though you are here to work out, you would be more than happy to stare all day every day.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Well, look all you want. No touching until I’m done though. You know the rules. I need to focus<</speech>>
<p>You tell her you understand. You get to work as well, doing some bicep curls beside her. The two of you talk here and there but for the most part the workout is silent. When you are all finished you walk up to her and ask if she is doing anything afterwords. She smiles at you and pulls you to a secluded bench.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Yeah I am doing something. I hope you don’t mind lending me a hand<</speech>>
<p>She pulls your pants down and pulls your cock into her mouth sucking on it vigorously.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gym/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|jadetrain3][$[6] to 1]]
<<elseif $ gte 5>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You hit the gym and when you see Jade there you decide to walk up to her and work out with her. You approach her and you both greet one another. The two of you discuss class for a bit while you work out. You take turns doing lat pull downs, increasing the weight with every turn until you both reach your limits.</p>
<p>You and Jade meet up in the gym and get to working out. You spend the day on cardio and use a pair of stair climbers that are beside each other. You spend half an hour on the machines and by the end your thighs are on fire. You both laugh as your legs feel like jelly as you walk out of the gym when you are done.</p>
<p>You head into the gym and see Jade. You walk over and say hi to her. She smiles and says hi back. She seems happy to see you. But, then she turns away and returns to her work out, mostly ignoring you. You grab a couple of weights and do some lunges beside her. When you are both done working out you wave and say by to one another, going your separate ways.</p>
[[Go back|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 1>>
<p>You get your pants down, she notices it and start sucking your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[But then|restroomsceneb]]
<p>You enter the second stall. You notice a hole cut into the connecting wall. You get closer to the hole and watch the show. A nice brunette teen is there masturbating.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom/masturbating.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Put your cock in the hole|restroomscene][$scene to 1]]
<</if>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You grab a burger in the cafeteria and look for a place to sit. You see jade sitting alone and walk over to her. You ask her if you can join her and she agrees, seemingly happy to have some company.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I believe that people assume that I am cold and unwelcoming. I just prefer it if people let me listen to the classes I pay for. If that makes me cold then I’d wear the title of Ice queen proudly<</speech>>
<p>The two of you chat while you eat. You learn quite a bit more about one another.</p>
[[Finish eating|Cafeteria]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You grab some lunch and choose to sit with Jade while you eat. The two of you discuss different workouts that you had each seen online.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>There is this one workout I might wanna try some day. It’s all about concentration. A girl sits on a guys lap as he benches. If he gets a hard on he has to do double the reps. Sounds fun right?<</speech>>
<p>You say that you love the idea of it. You smile seductively at her and ask if she would be your partner for the workout.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Oh course. We both know you’ll lose though<</speech>>
[[Finish eating|Cafeteria]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $kate.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $mc.end gte 5>><<set $kate.questmain to 2>>
<p>You sit down at the table to eat your lunch with Kate. She seems to be acting a bit odd around you. She is still being her flirty self, but more tactful. As though she doesn’t want to imply too much. You get the feeling you know why and ask her if you stepped over the line when you were both at the pool together before.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh no you were fine. I like the way you went all slack jawed when you saw my titties<</speech>>
<p>You ask her why she seems troubled if that is the case then. You ask her why she acts all slutty and flirty when it doesn’t seem she really wants to follow through on her words in the end.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh I love to follow through. Trust me on that Mr. Big Cock. I just like the build up too<</speech>>
[[Tell her that you like her whether she follows through or not|katemainquest1][$stage to 0, $scene to 0; $[0] to 1]]
[[Make her follow through|katemainquest1][$stage to 1, $scene to 0; $[1] to 1]]
<<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
<p>It is time for lunch so you head to the cafeteria and grab some fries to get your through the day. You look for a seat and see Kate in the back of the room, looking like she made herself very comfortable. Her feet are up on the table and she is leaned back in the chair. You walk up and take a seat by her, giving her a skeptical look about how she is sitting.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>What? Don’t tell me you get skeeved out by my feet being on the table. Because I don’t really care if you do, I’ll keep them up there if I want<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle at her bravado. You tell her you don’t mind as long as they don’t touch your food. She looks at you somewhat apologetically.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>I’m sorry, I don’t mean to snap. I just hate when people judge me for not acting ‘lady like’. Let me just be who I am ya know?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that she can always be herself around you. You won’t ever judge her. She seems to really appreciate your saying that.</p>
[[Finish eating|Cafeteria]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You see Kate in the cafeteria and decide to join her for lunch. She seems a bit dejected at the moment so you give her your full attention and ask her what is wrong.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>My dad works over seas a lot. So I rarely see him. Plus me and my mom don’t get along to well. We are always arguing. She can be really judgmental<</speech>>
<p>She sighs. You tell her that you are sorry that that is the case. You ask if there is anything you can do to to try and cheer her up.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>I appreciate it. But no. At least nothing right now, Mr. Big Cock<</speech>>
<p>She smiles playfully. She is obviously deflecting but you smile back at her regardless, happy to see her having a little fun.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Sometimes I just wish I didn’t have to go home, ya know? Anyway, thanks for listening, $<</speech>>
[[Finish eating|Cafeteria]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $lucy.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15 && $ gte 10>><<set $lucy.questmain to 3>>
<p>You grab a BLT for lunch today and see Lucy sitting alone with her head in a book and barely touching her meal. You sit with her. She doesn’t pay much mind to you at first but you make a point to get her attention. You say that all the studying in the world won’t matter if she never eats or rests.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>I eat and rest plenty. I study just enough to keep my grades up. You should study like me. If not I doubt you’ll pass all of your classes<</speech>>
<p>You decide to prove her wrong. You show her your most recently posted grades and prove to her that you are doing well in all of your classes.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>This is absurd! You don’t study nearly as much as me! Your notes are spectacular, but even still there is no way you should be doing so well! I am barely even performing better than you are!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her rest helps the mind store information better. And that she needs to relax and let loose here and there. She gives you an oddly seductive look at you when you suggest that.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Well, I guess you might be right. I do have something I have wanted to do to relax. I guess now is as good of a time as any. Are you free? I require your assistance to do this<</speech>>
<p>You agree to help her. She pops out of her seat and tells you to follow her.</p>
[[Follow her|lucymainquest2][$scene to 0; $[2] to 1]]
<<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
<p>As you enter the cafeteria, you notice Lucy sitting by herself with one hand on a book and the other around a spoon. You sit next to her and greet her. She barely looks up from her book when she greats you back. Following it by shoveling a spoonful of soup into her mouth. You ask her what she is reading. She replies with her mouth still half full.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>H.P. Lovecraft. I am reading him for my creative writing class. I think he may be one of my favorite authors. But, in truth I love far to many to say any of them are my favorite<</speech>>
<p>You let her know that you might read the book too, and that they should discuss it in the library one day. She smiles widely at the prospect. She clearly loves discussing literature.</p>
[[Finish eating|Cafeteria]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You sit with Lucy as you eat your lunch. The two of you exchange pleasantries, but she is clearly very engrossed in her text book. In fact she has her face buried in it and seems to be hiding it from anyone who passes by. Eventually though, someone bumps her chair and she drops the book, revealing that a sensual romance novel was inside.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit<</speech>>
<p>She scrambles to pick it up and hide it but it is too late. You have already seen what she was reading. You make a small teasing comment about it, but let her know that she doesn’t have to hide what she likes to read with you. You even suggest that maybe you could read it together and see what ideas it inspires. She blushes a deep red at the thought.</p>
[[Finish eating|Cafeteria]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $activate is 0>>
[[Use Light cheat|Light cheat][$activate to 1]]
<<elseif $activate is 1>>\
[[Dominant path|Light cheat][$activate to 2]]
[[Submissive path|Light cheat][$activate to 3]]
<<elseif $activate is 2>>
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $abigail.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $carla.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $missy.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $alice.corr += 10>>\
<<set $kate.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $lucy.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $jade.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $mom.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $sis.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $aunt.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $cousin.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $teacher.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $sato.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $powers.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $dean.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $tammy.corr += 10>>\
<<set $erika.mot += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $erika.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $mikaela.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $tiffany.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $mc.str += 10>>\
<<set $mc.end += 10>>\
<<set $mc.seXP += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10000>>\
<<set $mc.dom += 10>>
<<set $school.grades += 10>>
<p class="got">Light cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<set $has.usedcheat to 1>>
<<elseif $activate is 3>>
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $abigail.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $carla.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $missy.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $alice.corr += 10>>\
<<set $kate.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $lucy.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $jade.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $mom.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $sis.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $aunt.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $cousin.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $teacher.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $sato.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $powers.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $dean.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $tammy.corr += 10>>\
<<set $erika.mot += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $erika.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $mikaela.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $tiffany.corr += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10>>\
<<set $mc.str += 10>>\
<<set $mc.end += 10>>\
<<set $mc.seXP += 10>>\
<<set $ += 10000>>\
<<set $mc.sub += 10>>
<<set $school.grades += 10>>
<p class="got">Light cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<set $has.usedcheat to 1>>
<p class="hint">You already used cheats</p>
[[Go back to your house|House]]
<<if $activate is 0>>
[[Use Medium cheat|Medium cheat][$activate to 1]]
[[Use Light cheat|Light cheat][$activate to 1]]
<<elseif $activate is 1>>\
[[Dominant path|Medium cheat][$activate to 2]]
[[Submissive path|Medium cheat][$activate to 3]]
<<elseif $activate is 2>>
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $abigail.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $carla.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $missy.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $alice.corr += 15>>\
<<set $kate.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $lucy.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $jade.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $mom.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $sis.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $aunt.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $cousin.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $teacher.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $sato.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $powers.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $dean.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $tammy.corr += 15>>\
<<set $erika.mot += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $erika.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $mikaela.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $tiffany.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $mc.str += 15>>\
<<set $mc.end += 15>>\
<<set $mc.seXP += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15000>>\
<<set $mc.dom += 15>>
<<set $school.grades += 15>>
<p class="got">Medium cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<set $has.usedcheat to 1>>
<<elseif $activate is 3>>
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $abigail.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $carla.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $missy.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $alice.corr += 15>>\
<<set $kate.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $lucy.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $jade.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $mom.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $sis.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $aunt.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $cousin.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $teacher.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $sato.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $powers.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $dean.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $tammy.corr += 15>>\
<<set $erika.mot += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $erika.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $mikaela.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $tiffany.corr += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15>>\
<<set $mc.str += 15>>\
<<set $mc.end += 15>>\
<<set $mc.seXP += 15>>\
<<set $ += 15000>>\
<<set $mc.sub += 15>>
<<set $school.grades += 15>>
<p class="got">Medium cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<set $has.usedcheat to 1>>
<p class="hint">You already used cheats</p>
[[Go back to your house|House]]
<<if $activate is 0>>
[[Use Hard cheat|Hard cheat][$activate to 1]]
[[Use Medium cheat|Medium cheat][$activate to 1]]
[[Use Light cheat|Light cheat][$activate to 1]]
<<elseif $activate is 1>>\
[[Dominant path|Hard cheat][$activate to 2]]
[[Submissive path|Hard cheat][$activate to 3]]
<<elseif $activate is 2>>
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $abigail.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $carla.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $missy.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $alice.corr += 20>>\
<<set $kate.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $lucy.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $jade.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $mom.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $sis.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $aunt.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $cousin.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $teacher.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $sato.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $powers.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $dean.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $tammy.corr += 20>>\
<<set $erika.mot += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $erika.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $mikaela.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $tiffany.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $mc.str += 20>>\
<<set $mc.end += 20>>\
<<set $mc.seXP += 20>>\
<<set $ += 10000>>\
<<set $mc.dom += 20>>
<<set $school.grades += 20>>
<p class="got">Hard cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<set $has.usedcheat to 1>>
<<elseif $activate is 3>>
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $abigail.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $carla.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $missy.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $alice.corr += 20>>\
<<set $kate.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $lucy.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $jade.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $mom.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $sis.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $aunt.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $cousin.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $teacher.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $sato.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $powers.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $dean.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $tammy.corr += 20>>\
<<set $erika.mot += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $erika.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $mikaela.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $tiffany.corr += 20>>\
<<set $ += 20>>\
<<set $mc.str += 20>>\
<<set $mc.end += 20>>\
<<set $mc.seXP += 20>>\
<<set $ += 10000>>\
<<set $mc.sub += 20>>
<<set $school.grades += 20>>
<p class="got">Hard cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<set $has.usedcheat to 1>>
<p class="hint">You already used cheats</p>
[[Go back to your house|House]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '8:00', '18:00')>>
<<if $mc.dom gte 15>>[[Ask about collars|strangeshopcollar][$step to 1]]<</if>>
<<if $quest.lucygiftquest is 1>>[[Search for Lucy’s book|strangeshoplucygiftquest][$step to 1]]
<<elseif $quest.lucygiftquest is 3>>[[Trade for the book|strangeshoplucygiftquest][$step to 2]]<</if>>
<<if $sis.questmain is 3>>[[Get the key copied|strangeshopbathroomkey]]<</if>>
<<if $quest.basement is 2>>[[Buy Dungeon Supplies|buydungeonsupplies]]<</if>>
<<if $quest.basement gte 5>><<if $books.dom is 2 && $mc.dom gte 20>>[[Search for an expert book about dominance|strangeshopbookdom][$step to 3]]
<<elseif $books.dom is 1 && $mc.dom gte 10>>[[Search for an advanced book about dominance|strangeshopbookdom][$step to 2]]
<<elseif $books.dom is 0 && $mc.dom gte 0>>[[Search for a book about dominance|strangeshopbookdom][$step to 1]]<</if>><<set $scene to 0>><</if>>
<<if $cousin.questmain is 5 && $cousin.stuffed is 0>>[[Buy an abnormally large stuffed animal|strangeshopstuffed]]<</if>>
<p class="hint">The shop is closed right now</p>
[[Leave|Red Light district]]
<<if $scene is 1>>
<p>You quietly unlock the door and enter the bathroom, she seems a bit surprised at first but then she invites you in.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Since you’re here, come and help me wash my back<</speech>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/wash.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|sisbathroomscene][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You quietly unlock the door and enter the bathroom, she immediately yells at you.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Get the fuck out you goddamned pervert!<</speech>>
[[Leave the bathroom|House]]
<<if $mc.dom > 10 && $sis.corr >= 20>><br>[[Fuck her against her will|sisbathroomscene][$scene to 4]]<</if>>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<<if $bathroomscene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bathroomscene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/doggy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bathroomscene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/missionary.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bathroomscene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/cowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bathroomscene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/reversecowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bathroomscene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/facial.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You stop washing her and make her face you. She gets on her knees and starts to suck your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<addmins 30>>
[[Blowjob|sisbathroomscene][$bathroomscene to 1]]
[[Doggy|sisbathroomscene][$bathroomscene to 2]]
[[Missionary|sisbathroomscene][$bathroomscene to 3]]
[[Cowgirl|sisbathroomscene][$bathroomscene to 4]]
[[Reverse cowgirl|sisbathroomscene][$bathroomscene to 5]]
[[Facial|sisbathroomscene][$bathroomscene to 6]]
[[Leave the bathroom|House][$[9] to 1; $bathroomscene to 0]]
<<if $bathroomscene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bathroomscene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/doggy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bathroomscene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/missionary.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bathroomscene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/cowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bathroomscene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/reversecowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bathroomscene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/facial.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You make her gets on her knees and tell her to suck your cock. As the submissive bitch you made her become she obeys.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<addmins 30>>
[[Blowjob|sisbathroomscene][$bathroomscene to 1]]
[[Doggy|sisbathroomscene][$bathroomscene to 2]]
[[Missionary|sisbathroomscene][$bathroomscene to 3]]
[[Cowgirl|sisbathroomscene][$bathroomscene to 4]]
[[Reverse cowgirl|sisbathroomscene][$bathroomscene to 5]]
[[Facial|sisbathroomscene][$bathroomscene to 6]]
[[Leave the bathroom|House][$[10] to 1; $bathroomscene to 0]]
<</if>><div id="cheatdiv">
<<if $has.usedcheat is 0>>
<<textbox "_testcode" "cheat code here">>
<<linkreplace "Active cheats">>
<<set _val = sha256(_testcode)>>
<<if _val == $bathroom.bath>>
''Light cheat unlocked''
<<goto "Light cheat">>
<<elseif _val == $bathroom.shower>>
''Medium cheat unlocked''
<<goto "Medium cheat">>
<<elseif _val == $bathroom.toilets>>
''Hard cheat unlocked''
<<goto "Hard cheat">>
<<elseif _val == $bathroom.max>>
''Platinium cheat unlocked''
<<goto "Platinium cheat">>
<<elseif _val == $bathroom.ultra>>
''Diamond cheat unlocked''
<<goto "Diamond cheat">>
Sorry the code you entered is not valid
''You already used cheats!''
<h2>To get the code you must donate</h2>
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<a href="" target="_blank" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button">[img["ressources/patreon.jpg"]]</a>
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var $input = document.querySelector("#textbox--testcode");
var allowed = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/;
$input.addEventListener("beforeinput", e => {
if (!allowed.test( {
<p>You helped <<print "$">> with her homework.</p>
<<addhours 1>><<set $sis.homeworktotal += 1>>
[[Leave the room|House]]
<<set $sleepingwithsis = random(100)>><<if $sleepingwithsis lte 44>>
<p>You go into your Sister’s bedroom and see that she is getting ready for bed. You ask if you can sleep with her tonight.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Sure, <<print "$">>! Come on in!<</speech>>
<p>She lifts her covers for you and you slide into bed. You wrap your arm around her and quickly fall asleep.</p>
[[You fall asleep|morningsisterbedroom]]
<<elseif $sleepingwithsis gte 45 && $sleepingwithsis lte 90>>
<p>It is time for bed so you go into $’s room to try and sleep with her tonight. But, when you open your door you notice that she is still changing.</p>
<<if $ >= 5>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>If you wanted to see me naked all you have to do is ask<</speech>>
<p>She teases you as she gets dressed into her pajamas and slides into her bed. You join her soon after and fall asleep beside her.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I know you’re a perv but you could at least knock before coming in<</speech>>
<p>You apologize and turn away while she gets dressed.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>You can turn around now. I guess you came in here to sleep with me tonight? Well, come on<</speech>>
<p>You turn back around and join her in bed. She maintains some distance from you on the bed, but you still both fall asleep quickly beside one another.</p>
[[You fall asleep|morningsisterbedroom]]
<p>You walk into $’s bedroom to see if you can go to bed with her tonight. But when you enter she doesn’t appear to be getting ready to sleep.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I’m not tired at all! Wanna have some fun before bed?<</speech>>
<<if $ gte 10 && $sis.questmain gte 9>>
<p>You ask her what kind of fun she wanted to have and she grabs your crotch and starts rubbing your cock over your pants.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I think you know exactly what I wanna do for fun<</speech>>
[[Get your cock sucked|sashasleepingscene][$sashasleepingscene to 0; $[13] to 1]]
<p>You agree and ask what she had in mind. She pulls out a gaming controller.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Let’s play something!<</speech>>
<p>You spend an hour playing a game with your Sister. You both eventually get tired and head to bed together.</p>
[[You fall asleep|morningsisterbedroom]]
<</if>><video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/library/fingerpussy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $mom.questmain is 8 && $ gte 20>><<set $mom.questmain to 9>>
<p>Ever since you took on a bigger role in the house, and your Mom first sucked your cock, you have wanted more. You walk into your Mother’s room, without even bothering to knock. She is sitting on the bed nude, as she often does since the two of you have begun sharing her bed on occasion.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hey, sweety. What’s up? Come to spend the night with Mommy?<</speech>>
<p>She smiles at you seductively, as if she knows why you are really here. You tell her that you are here to spend the night with her, but that you have no intention of getting much sleep.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I was wondering when you would finally come in here and fuck me. I was hoping it would have been sooner if I’m honest. Well, don’t keep me waiting, come here and fuck me!<</speech>>
[[Fuck your mother|mommainquest8][$scene to 0; $[5] to 1]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $mom.questmain is 7 && $inv.momjewelry is 1 && $has.paidbills is 1 && $has.vacuum is 1 && $has.dishes is 1>><<set $mom.questmain to 8>>
<p>You knock on your Mother’s bedroom door and wait for her to call you in. There is a palpable pause between when you know and when she responds.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Come in<</speech>>
<p>You enter and see you Mom sitting on her bed looking at you in the door way. She is wearing nothing but some very sensual lingerie. You step in and present her with the gift you got her. You explain how you paid the bills, how you have cleaned the house, and how you have now gotten her this gift. You also explain that this is all in the hopes that she will see you as the man of the house, and her partner, which is what you truly want to be.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Sweety, you really didn’t need to do all of this. I already love and appreciate you so much<</speech>>
<p>She opens the gift and gasps at the magnificent jewelry that you bought her. She holds it up, the diamonds glittering in the light of the room.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>It’s gorgeous! $, I… I don’t know what to say<</speech>>
<p>The two of you stare longingly into each others eyes for a moment. You both then close your eyes, lean in and kiss one another passionately. You caress each others bodies as you make out, sensually feeling each others forms with your hands.</p>
[[She drops to her knees|mommainquest7][$scene to 0; $[4] to 1]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'22:00','23:59') && $mom.questmain is 6>><<set $mom.questmain to 7>>
<p>You carefully sneak into your Mother’s bedroom and take a look at the papers on her desk. You see that her car payment as well as the family phone bill are yet to be paid. Even worse it appears her car is past due. You add up the totals in your head and figure out that you will need $1000 to pay these bills for her.</p>
<p>You head back out of her room silently as to not wake your Mom up and head back to your room. You should work toward getting that money together soon. Once you have it you can pay them through your computer at your desk.</p>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $sis.questmain is 6 && $mom.questmain gte 8>><<set $sis.questmain to 7>>
<p>You walk into your Mother’s bedroom and adamantly express that you want to talk about $ and her lack of motivation. Your Mother is sitting in lingerie on her bed waiting for you, clearly expecting to spend the night with you. But you have other priorities at the moment. You explain that $ has no motivation, and that since you are taking a larger role in the home, you want her support in your plan to motivate $ properly.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I totally agree, sweety. $ is acting so spoiled and bratty lately. More than ever. I know what we can do! We can cut her off. Until her grades get better she gets no new clothes or new anything!<</speech>>
<p>You tell your Mom that you like the idea and that you are thankful that she is backing you up in this endeavor. The two of you agree that the next time you share dinner together, you will inform $ together.</p>
<<elseif $mom.loc isnot "Mom's bedroom" && $sis.questmain is 2>><<set $sis.questmain to 3>>
<p>You sneak into you Mom’s room while she isn’t there. You go to her night stand and root around the top drawer looking for the key to the bathroom. Thankfully, being a teacher, your Mom is a rather organized woman. There is a key in the back of the drawer with a label on it that says bathroom. You swipe the key and head out of her room, leaving everything else exactly where you found it. You should head to the Strange shop to get a copy made soon. If your Mother finds out you stole the key, she might get very upset.</p>
<p class="got">You obtained the bathroom key!</p>
<<if $mom.loc is "Mom's bedroom" && $mom.slave gte 1>>
[[Sleep with your mother|mom slave sleeping][$scene to 0]]
<<elseif $mom.loc is "Mom's bedroom" && $mom.questmain gte 9>>
[[Sleep with your mother|sleepingwithmom]]
[[Have fun with your mother|mombedscene]]
<<elseif $mom.loc is "Mom's bedroom" && $mom.questmain gte 8>>
[[Sleep with your mother|sleepingwithmom]]
<<elseif $mom.loc is "Mom's bedroom">>
<p class="hint">Your mother doesn't trust you enough to let you sleep with her. You should advance further in her main story</p>
<p>There is nothing to do here for the moment.</p>
<</if>><<if $sis.corr >= 10>><<set $dinnerevent = random(100)>><<else>><<set $dinnerevent = random(79)>><</if>>
<<if $dinnerevent gte 80 && $sis.questmain gte 9>>
<p>You sit down to eat with your Mother and Sister. Once you are all finished, your Mother stands up, clears the table, and begins to soak the dishes. $ then suddenly slides out of her seat and under the table.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Wanna have a little fun?<</speech>>
<p>Your Sister pulls your shorts down and pulls out your hardening cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/dinner/pullingout.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[She works your cock|dinnerscene][$dinnerscene to 0]]
<<elseif $dinnerevent gte 60>>
<<if $sis.slave lt 1>>
<p>You sit down to eat dinner and notice your Sister is wearing very skimpy clothes. You can’t help but stare. When she notices you staring, she shifts in her chair to give you a better look.</p>
<<addmins 20>>
<p>As you sit down to eat with your family you notice your slave $ sits very close to you. If her chair were any closer you would be touching. Since she is being such a good slave, being close to you to be used whenever you desire, You pat her head approvingly. The three of you eat together and once the food is done your Mother gets up and heads out of the kitchen to continue her day.</p>
[[Follow her out|House]]
[[Stay behind and use your slave|sis slave eating][$scene to 0; $[21] to 1]]<<addmins 20>>
<<elseif $dinnerevent gte 30>>
<p>You eat dinner with your family. Soon your Mother begins to talk to you and $ about her day.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>You would not believe what happened at the market today!<</speech>>
[[Listen intently|eatingdinnerevent][$choice to 3]]
[[Ignore your Mother|eatingdinnerevent][$choice to 4]]
<p>You have dinner with your Mother and Sister. $ begins to talk about her day at school.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>We had a tough test today at school<</speech>>
[[Listen intently|eatingdinnerevent][$choice to 1]]
[[Ignore your Sister|eatingdinnerevent][$choice to 2]]
<</if>>\<<if $mom.slave lt 1>>
<<set $washingdishes = random(100)>>
<<if $washingdishes gte 90>>
<p>While you are washing the dishes you Mother enters the kitchen.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Honey the garbage disposal was acting up again this morning. Can you take a look at it for me?<</speech>>
<p>You agree and spend some time trying to see what is wrong with the disposal. You solve the issue rather quickly as it was just jammed and needed to be manually turned. You flip on the switch to show your Mother that it is working correctly now.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Thank you so much sweety you are so helpful!<</speech>>
<<if $mom.questmain gte 9>>
<p>Your Mother suddenly climbs up on the counter and spreads her legs, revealing that she isn’t wearing any panties as her pussy is put on display for you.</p>
[[Get your cock sucked|washingdishesscene][$washingscene to 1; $[9] to 1]]
<p class="hint">Hint: you should up your mother trust to unlock the scene</p>
<<addhours 1>>
[[Leave the room|House]]
<<elseif $washingdishes gte 60>>
<p>You help your Mother wash the dirty dishes. As you wash a bowl it slips from your hands landing in the dish water, splashing you both with a lot of water.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh no! My dress is soaked!<</speech>>
<p>Her dress becomes almost see through as the water soaks through the fabric.</p>
[[Stare|washingdishesevent][$washingevent to 1]]
[[Focus on the dishes|washingdishesevent][$washingevent to 2]]
<<elseif $washingdishes gte 30>>
<p>You are washing some dishes when your Mother walks by and sees you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Thanks for the help <<print "$">><</speech>>
<p>She is very appreciative of your help.</p>
[[Wipe your hands and leave|House]]
<p>You noticed that the sink is overflowing with dirty dishes. You take a few moments out of your day to wash them up.</p>
<<addmins 30>>
[[Wipe your hands and leave|House]]
<p>While you are in the kitchen you notice that the dishes need to be done. You don’t have to do such meaningless chores anymore. You have a slave to do these types of things for you. You call out for your slave Mother and in seconds she is rushing into the room to greet you. She drops to her knees fully nude before you with a loving glint in her eye.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>How can I serve you, $mom.title?<</speech>>
<p>You grab her by her chin and smirk devilishly down at her. You tell her to wash the dishes like the good little slave that she is.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Of course, $mom.title! With pleasure!<</speech>>
<p>She jumps up to her feet and begins to wash the dishes. She shakes her ass and soaps up her tits the whole time tempting you.</p>
[[Use your slave|mom slave dishes][$scene to 0; $[18] to 1]]
[[Leave and let her finish cleaning|House]]<<addmins 10>>
<</if>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $mom.questmain is 2>><<set $mom.questmain to 3>>
<p>As you are passing by the living room you hear an odd soft sound coming out of it. It does look like anyone is in there so you slowly and silently peer in to see what made the sound. You then hear the sound again, louder and more clearly this time as you get closer. This time you can tell exactly what the sound was. It was a moan escaping your Mother’s lips as she masturbates on the couch. The book you bought her is open on the coffee table and her clothes are completely off.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage1/masturbating.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You hide yourself as you stand there and watch her play with her pussy. Your cock gets hard and forms a tent in your pants as she teases her clit with her fingers. Eventually she brings herself to orgasm, shaking and moaning loudly as she cums. When she is done you leave the room, making sure you aren’t noticed on the way out.</p>
<<momcorr>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(20)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $mom.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5>>
<p>You walk into the living room and notice that your Mother is searching through the bookshelf. She looks somewhat disappointed as she turns away from the books and walks over to the couch to sit down. She sighs as she turns on the TV. You take a seat next to her and ask her what’s wrong.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Nothing much sweety. I was just looking forward to spending some time reading today but it turns out I have nothing new to read. I have read all of the books on that shelf so many times that I can probably recite a few of them by heart. I really need something new to read<</speech>>
<p>You spend some time with your Mom and watch TV with her. You think about how you could maybe help her out. You remember hearing that there is a section for books in the general store at the mall. Maybe you should head there tomorrow and pick her up something new to read.</p>
<<momtrust>><<set $mom.questmain to 1>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(20)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 5 && $ gte 15 && $sis.homeworktotal gte 1>><<set $sis.questmain to 6>>
<p>You take a seat on the couch next to your Sister and watch some TV with her. She is playing on her phone and barely even paying attention to the screen. It is obvious that she is just killing time until dinner. You decide to ask her about her homework, and how school is going for her.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Nah I haven’t done it yet. I probably won’t either. Its not like I’m smart enough to go to a good college anyway, so why bother?<</speech>>
<p>You look at her with a crooked expression. She is usually a lazy brat, but this kind of attitude is absurd even for her. You tell her that if she focused and stopped making excuses, then that wouldn’t be true.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Whatever. Just because you got into a decent school doesn’t mean you know what’s best for me, twerp<</speech>>
[[Encourage her|sismainquest5][$stage to 0; $scene to 0; $[1] to 1]]
[[Punish her|sismainquest5][$stage to 1; $scene to 0; $[2] to 1]]
<<elseif $sis.loc is "Living room" && $sis.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5 && $ gte 5>>
<p>You see $ sitting on the floor, doing her homework in the living room. She looks absolutely befuddled by the material so you walk in and offer you assistance with whatever she is working on. She jumps up from the floor and looks at you skeptically.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Why would you wanna help me? You just looking to screw me over again?<</speech>>
<p>You let her know you would like to help in order to apologize for the other morning. You admit you were acting foolishly, and say you are sorry. You know that in truth, this is a lie. But it is better to keep the peace.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yeah… sure. I’m sorry too, I guess. Whatever<</speech>>
<p>She turns around and sits back down to get back to her homework. As she turns her very short skirt flies up and you get a perfect look at her panties. Seeing how skimpy her outfit is, it is hard to keep yourself from getting hard from looking at her. So hard that you fail. Your cock bulges visibly in your pants. $ seems to notice right away. She smiles seductively and adjusts her shirt to show off more cleavage to tease you.</p>
[[Change the subject|sismainquest0][$scene to 0]]
[[Punish her for being slutty|sismainquest0][$scene to 1]]
<<if $sis.loc is "Living room">>
<<if $sis.slave lt 1>>[[Watch something with your sister|watchtvsis][$watching to 0]]<<else>>[[Watch something with your sister|sis slave livingroom][$scene to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $period is 4 or $period is 5>>
<<if $has.vacuum is 0>>
[[Clean the living room|cleaninglivingroom][$has.vacuum to 1]]
<<if $alice.slave is 1 && $ is "First home" && $alice.loc is "Living room">>
[[Watch the tv with your slave Alice|Living room Alice Slave][$ to 1]]
<<if $period isnot 4 or $period isnot 5>>
<p class="hint">You can't think of something else to do here for the moment</p>
<<if $watching is 0>>
[[Something funny|watchtvsis][$watch to "funny";$watching to 1]]
[[A romantic film|watchtvsis][$watch to "romance";$watching to 1]]
[[Some Porn|watchtvsis][$watch to "porn";$watching to 1]]
<<set _random = random(2)>>
<<if $watch is "funny">>
<p>You have watched a funny show.</p>
<<if _random is 0>>
<video src="ressources/videos/tv/funny/0.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif _random is 1>>
<video src="ressources/videos/tv/funny/1.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<video src="ressources/videos/tv/funny/2.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<addmins 30>>
<<elseif $watch is "romance">>
<p>You have watched a long and annoying romantic film.</p>
<<if _random is 0>>
<video src="ressources/videos/tv/romance/0.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif _random is 1>>
<video src="ressources/videos/tv/romance/1.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<video src="ressources/videos/tv/romance/2.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<addhours 1>>
<<addmins 30>>
<p>You have watched some porn together, your sister seemed rather focused.</p>
<<if _random is 0>>
<video src="ressources/videos/tv/porn/0.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif _random is 1>>
<video src="ressources/videos/tv/porn/1.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<video src="ressources/videos/tv/porn/2.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<addmins 30>>
[[Leave|House]]<<set $cleaningevent = random(100)>>
<<if $cleaningevent gte 80 && ($ gte 5 || $sis.corr gte 5) && $sis.slave lt 1>>
<p>You enter the Living room and see that $ is reading a book. As she is laying on the couch her skirt hikes up, making her panties visible.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/pantiesvisible.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Watch for a little more|cleaningscene][$scene to 0]]
<<elseif $cleaningevent gte 60 && $sis.slave lt 1>>
<p>You begin to clean up the Living room when $ enters and begins looking for something.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Have you seen my text book <<print "$">>?<</speech>>
<p>You help her look around the room while you clean, finding the text book underneath the couch.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Thanks for the help!<</speech>>
<<sistrust>><<addmins 30>>
<<elseif $cleaningevent gte 30>>
<p>You walk into the Living room and clean it up a bit. Your Mother saw you cleaning and appreciates the help.</p>
<<momtrust>><<addmins 30>>
<p>Someone spilled their drink on the Living room carpet. You spend some time soaking and scrubbing it so it doesn't leave a stain.</p><<addmins 30>>
<<set $sleepmom = random(100)>>
<<if $sleepmom lte 29>>
<p>You enter your Mother’s bedroom and see that she is sleeping. You back out of the room and close the door slowly so she doesn’t wake up.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Honey is that you? Come lay with me! It’s so much easier to sleep with you here.<</speech>>
<p>You do as your Mother says and get into bed with her. You wrap your arm around her waist and cuddle with her as you both fall sound asleep.</p>
[[Next morning|sleepingwithmomevent][$sleepevent to 4]]
<<elseif $sleepmom gte 30 && $sleepmom lte 59>>
<p>You walk into your Mother’s bedroom. She is in bed but doesn’t appear to be asleep.</p>
[[Say goodnight|sleepingwithmomevent][$sleepevent to 1]]
[[Enter the room|sleepingwithmomevent][$sleepevent to 2]]
<<elseif $sleepmom gte 60 && $sleepmom lte 89>>
<p>You enter your Mother’s bedroom. She is clearly fast asleep. You climb into her bed quietly and fall asleep next to her.</p>
[[Next morning|sleepingwithmomevent][$sleepevent to 4]]
<p>You walk into your Mother’s bedroom without knocking.</p>
<<if $mom.corr >= 10 && $ >= 10>>
<<speech "Mom">>Sweety! Don’t sneak up on me like that. If you wanted a look, you could have just asked!<</speech>>
<p>Your Mother’s huge tits get you hard within seconds. You Mother notices your growing bulge and bites her lip.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Why don’t I help you with that<</speech>>
<p>Your Mother gets on her knees and begins to suck your cock like a master.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/sleeping/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get a titsjob|sleepingwithmomscene][$sleepmomscene to 1; $[10] to 1]]
<<speech "Mom">><<print "$">>! I’m changing! Get out!<</speech>>
<p>You rush out of the room, embarrassed.</p>
<p class="hint">Hint: You need to upgrade your mother corruption and trust stats to unlock the scene</p>
[[Apologize|sleepingwithmomevent][$sleepevent to 3]]
<<if $scene is 1>>
<<if $bedscene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/blowjob1.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/missionary.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/doggy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/cowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/reversecowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/creampie.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You enter her room, she is laying on her bed staring at her phone.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>What's up?<</speech>>
<p>She notices your boner.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Ho... I see... someone wants some care!<</speech>>
<p>She comes closer, gets on her knees and starts to give you a nice blowjob.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/blowjob0.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Blowjob|sisbedroomscene][$bedscene to 1]]
[[Missionary|sisbedroomscene][$bedscene to 2]]
[[Doggy|sisbedroomscene][$bedscene to 3]]
[[Cowgirl|sisbedroomscene][$bedscene to 4]]
[[Reverse cowgirl|sisbedroomscene][$bedscene to 5]]
[[Creampie|sisbedroomscene][$bedscene to 6]]<<set $[14] to 1>>
<<if $bedscene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/blowjob0.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/missionary.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/doggy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/cowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/reversecowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/creampie.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You enter her room, she is laying on her bed watching her phones.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>What do you want?<</speech>>
<p>You go towards her, grab her out of her bed, push her to her knees and start deep throating this little bitch.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/blowjob1.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Blowjob|sisbedroomscene][$bedscene to 1]]
[[Missionary|sisbedroomscene][$bedscene to 2]]
[[Doggy|sisbedroomscene][$bedscene to 3]]
[[Cowgirl|sisbedroomscene][$bedscene to 4]]
[[Reverse cowgirl|sisbedroomscene][$bedscene to 5]]
[[Creampie|sisbedroomscene][$bedscene to 6]]<<set $[15] to 1>>
<<addmins 10>>
[[Leave|House][$bedscene to 0]]<<if $bedscene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/bedroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/bedroom/cowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/bedroom/doggy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/bedroom/sidefuck.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/bedroom/missionary.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $bedscene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/bedroom/facial.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You enter her room, it seems that she is not there. You feel someone pushing you from behind.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Looking for someone sweetie?<</speech>>
<p>She gets you on her bed.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I think that you deserve a little reward for all your recent efforts<</speech>>
<p>She gets her clothes off, you stare at her.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>What are you waiting for!? Go on! Undress too!<</speech>>
<p>You obey, she pushes you on the bed and climbs on you, you start licking her pussy while she sucks your dick.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/bedroom/69.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Blowjob|mombedscene][$bedscene to 1]]
[[Cowgirl|mombedscene][$bedscene to 2]]
[[Doggy|mombedscene][$bedscene to 3]]
[[Side fuck|mombedscene][$bedscene to 4]]
[[Missionary|mombedscene][$bedscene to 5]]
[[Facial|mombedscene][$bedscene to 6]]
<<addmins 10>>
[[Leave|House][$[11] to 1; $bedscene to 0]]<<nobr>>
<div class="container">
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="height: 5px;"></div>
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/home/mom.jpg" style="">
<h2 class="name">MOM</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $mom.corr</p>
<p>MAIN QUEST: $mom.questmain</p>
<p>ENSLAVED: <<if $mom.slave gte 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/home/grandma.jpg">
<h2 class="name">GRANDMA</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>INTEREST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $grandma.corr</p>
<p>MAIN QUEST: $grandma.questmain</p>
<p>HAVE HER ADDRESS: <<if $grandma.questmain gte 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/home/sis.jpg">
<h2 class="name">SISTER</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $sis.corr</p>
<p>MAIN QUEST: $sis.questmain</p>
<p>ENSLAVED: <<if $sis.slave gte 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/home/aunt.jpg">
<h2 class="name">AUNT</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $aunt.corr</p>
<p>MAIN QUEST: $aunt.questmain</p>
<p>HAVE HER ADDRESS: <<if $has.auntaddress is 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/university/alice.jpg">
<h2 class="name">ALICE</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $alice.corr</p>
<p>BATHROOM QUEST: $quest.alicebathroom</p>
<p>HAVE HER ADDRESS: <<if $has.aliceaddress is 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>></p>
<p>ENSLAVED: <<if $alice.slave gte 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/home/cousin.jpg">
<h2 class="name">COUSIN</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $cousin.corr</p>
<p>MAIN QUEST: $cousin.questmain</p>
<p>ENSLAVED: <<if $cousin.slave gte 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/university/lucy.jpg">
<h2 class="name">LUCY</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $lucy.corr</p>
<p>MAIN QUEST: $lucy.questmain</p>
<p>LIBRARY QUEST: $quest.lucylibrary</p>
<p>ENSLAVED: <<if $lucy.slave gte 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.jpg">
<h2 class="name">JADE</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $jade.corr</p>
<p>MAIN QUEST: $jade.questmain</p>
<p>ENSLAVED: <<if $jade.slave gte 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.jpg">
<h2 class="name">KATE</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $kate.corr</p>
<p>MAIN QUEST: $kate.questmain</p>
<p>POOL QUEST: $quest.katepool</p>
<p>ENSLAVED: <<if $kate.slave gte 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/university/sato.jpg">
<h2 class="name">MRS. SATO</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $sato.corr</p>
<p>MAIN QUEST: $sato.questmain</p>
<p>INTEREST: $</p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/university/teacher.jpg">
<h2 class="name">MS. LEE</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $teacher.corr</p>
<p>MAIN QUEST: $teacher.questmain</p>
<p>CLASS QUEST: $teacher.questclass</p>
<p>INTEREST: $</p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/university/powers.jpg">
<h2 class="name">MS. POWERS</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $powers.corr</p>
<p>MAIN QUEST: $powers.questmain</p>
<p>INTEREST: $</p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.jpg">
<h2 class="name">MISSY</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $missy.corr</p>
<p>PROGRESS: $missy.progress</p>
<p>ENSLAVED: <<if $missy.slave gte 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/abigail.jpg">
<h2 class="name">ABIGAIL</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>INTEREST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $abigail.corr</p>
<p>PROGRESS: $abigail.progress</p>
<p>HAVE HER ADDRESS: <<if $has.abigailaddress is 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.jpg">
<h2 class="name">CARLA</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $carla.corr</p>
<p>PROGRESS: $carla.progress</p>
<p>SHIFT: BAR</p>
<p>ENSLAVED: <<if $carla.slave gte 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/startup/tammy.jpg">
<h2 class="name">TAMARA</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $tammy.corr</p>
<p>PROGRESS: $tammy.questmain</p>
<p>IS YOUR EMPLOYEE: <<if $employees.tamara>><<if $employees.tamara.hired is 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>><<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/startup/erika.jpg">
<h2 class="name">ERIKA</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $erika.corr</p>
<p>DEVELOPMENT: <<if $ gte 3>>Inspired<<elseif $ gte 2>>Motivated<<elseif $ gte 1>>Slightly motivated<<else>>Unmotivated<</if>></p>
<p>PROGRESS: $erika.questmain</p>
<p>IS YOUR EMPLOYEE: <<if $employees.erika>><<if $employees.erika.hired is 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>><<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/startup/mikaela.jpg">
<h2 class="name">MIKAELA</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>INTEREST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $mikaela.corr</p>
<p>PROGRESS: $mikaela.questmain</p>
<p>IS YOUR EMPLOYEE: <<if $employees.mikaela>><<if $employees.mikaela.hired is 1>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>><<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/startup/tiffany.jpg">
<h2 class="name">TIFFANY</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $tiffany.corr</p>
<p>PROGRESS: $tiffany.questmain</p>
<p>DEFEATED: <<if $startup.level gte 4>>Yes<<else>>No<</if>></p>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<img class="profile" src="ressources/profilpictures/university/dean.jpg">
<h2 class="name">DEAN GRAVES</h2>
<div class="content">
<p>TRUST: $</p>
<p>CORRUPTION: $dean.corr</p>
<p>MAIN QUEST: $dean.questmain</p>
<p>GRADUATION: <<if $school.graduated is 1>>COMPLETED<<else>>NOT COMPLETED<</if>></p>
<div style="clear:both;"><br><a data-passage=$prevpassage class="link-internal">Return</a></div><<nobr>>
<div class="loc-nav">
<<if $has.lucyid is 1>><a data-passage="lucysexapp" class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_lucy"><div class="circle"><p>Talk with<br>Lucy</p></div>[img["ressources/img/lucy/face.png"]]</div></a><</if>>
<<if $has.jadeid is 1>><a data-passage=jadesexapp class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_jade"><div class="circle"><p>Talk with<br>Jade</p></div>[img["ressources/img/jade/face.png"]]</div></a><</if>>
<<if $has.kateid is 1>><a data-passage=katesexapp class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_kate"><div class="circle"><p>Talk with<br>Kate</p></div>[img["ressources/img/kate/face.png"]]</div></a><</if>>
<<if $has.aliceid is 1>><a data-passage=alicesexapp class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_alice"><div class="circle"><p>Talk with<br>Alice</p></div>[img["ressources/img/alice/face.png"]]</div></a><</if>>
<<if $has.abigailid is 1>><a data-passage=abigailsexapp class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_abigail"><div class="circle"><p>Talk with<br>Abigail</p></div>[img["ressources/img/abigail/face.png"]]</div></a><</if>>
<<if $has.carlaid is 1>><a data-passage=carlasexapp class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_carla"><div class="circle"><p>Talk with<br>Carla</p></div>[img["ressources/img/carla/face.png"]]</div></a><</if>>
<<if $has.missyid is 1>><a data-passage=missysexapp class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_missy"><div class="circle"><p>Talk with<br>Missy</p></div>[img["ressources/img/missy/face.png"]]</div></a><</if>>
<<if $has.lucyid is 0 && $has.jadeid is 0 && $has.kateid is 0 && $has.aliceid is 0 && $has.abigailid is 0 && $has.carlaid is 0 && $has.missyid is 0>><p class="hint">You don't have any SexApp id for the moment, you must talk to girls to get their id</p><</if>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Go back to House|House]]</div>
<p class="creditsmain">Credits</p>
<p class="creditssub">Development team</p>
<p class="creators">Volen - Founder
Sanjix1 - Writer
EmiYoung - Coder</p>
<p class="creditssub">Patreon's biggest donators:</p>
<span style="text-align: center;"><ol>
<p class="shout">We would like to thank your guys and all the other patrons for making this adventure possible!</p>
<p class="creditssub">Infos</p>
<p>Videos and Images displayed in this game are used without removing the watermark that are on them.</p>
<p class="creditssub">To play this game you must have an account with a valid membership on these sites:</p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a src="" style="font-size:14px;">Brazzers</a>
<a src="" style="font-size:14px;">Bangbros</a>
<a src="" style="font-size:14px;">Little caprice dreams</a>
<a src="" style="font-size:14px;">Pornhub</a>
<a src="" style="font-size:14px;">Team Skeet</a>
<a src="" style="font-size:14px;">Digital Playground</a>
<a src="" style="font-size:14px;">Mofos</a>
<a src="" style="font-size:14px;">Wicked</a>
<a src="" style="font-size:14px;">Fake hub</a>
<a src="" style="font-size:14px;">Reality King</a>
<a src="" style="font-size:14px;">Babes</a>
<p class="creditssub">Backgrounds come from:</p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a src="" style="font-size:14px;">Unsplash</a></p>
<p class="creditssub">Notes:</p>
<p class="shout">In this story the step-mom and step-sis are referred as Sis and Mom but that's only Main character point of view which is story fictional. All scenes come from Legal Porn sites and do not represent real incest scenes! </p>
<a data-passage=$prevpassage class="link-internal">Return</a><<if $washingevent is 1>>
<p>You can’t help but stare at her massive breasts as the underwear beneath her dress starts to become visible.</p>
<<if $mom.questmain gte 9>>
<p>She notices you staring and smiles seductively. She pulls her dress up over her body, fully revealing the lingerie and leaving her half naked.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I guess I should go put this in the washing machine so it doesn’t get ruined. You can finish up here right sweety?<</speech>>
<p>You nod your head, watching her tits bounce in her bra as she leaves the room. You finish up the dishes rather quickly afterwards.</p>
<p>She sees you staring and covers herself up with her arms. She walks out of the room, embarrassed.</p>
[[Finish up the dishes and leave the kitchen|House]]
<<elseif $washingevent is 2>>
<p>You avert your eyes and focus on getting the dished cleaned up.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Shoot, I should go wash this<</speech>>
<p>She jogs out of the room quickly, and you finish up washing the dishes.</p>
[[Dry your hands and leave the room|House]]
<<addmins 30>><<if $washingscene is 1>>
<p>Your Mother lays on the counter and pulls your cock out. She licks it all over and takes it into her mouth, sucking it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/washingdishes/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her pussy|washingdishesscene][$washingscene to 2]]
<<elseif $washingscene is 2>>
<p>You stand her up and put one of her legs on the counter to open up her pussy for you. You slide your dick in and begin fucking her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/washingdishes/legsup.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her tits|washingdishesscene][$washingscene to 3]]
<<elseif $washingscene is 3>>
<p>You pull your cock out of your Mother’s pussy and put her on her knees. She wraps her huge tits around your cock and strokes you with them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/washingdishes/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Make her ride you|washingdishesscene][$washingscene to 4]]
<<elseif $washingscene is 4>>
<p>You lie down on the counter yourself and pull your Mother on top of you. You slide your cock into her pussy and thrust up into her. You fuck her with a nice view of her ass.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/washingdishes/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|washingdishesscene][$washingscene to 5]]
<<elseif $washingscene is 5>>
<p>You finally reach your peak and start to cum. You stand up and jerk your cock until you cum all over her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/washingdishes/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks your cock and her tits clean until all of the cum is gone.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh Sweety that was amazing! We need to do that more often.<</speech>>
<p>She gives your cock one last kiss before she gets up and heads out of the kitchen. You get dressed and leave as well.</p>
<<addhours 1>>
<<if $sashasleepingscene is 0>>
<p>$ pulls your cock out and bends over to suck on it. Bobbing her head very quickly as she takes it past her lips.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/sleeping/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Have her ride you|sashasleepingscene][$sashasleepingscene to 1]]
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $sashasleepingscene is 1>>
<p>You pull your Sister on top of you and she slides your cock into her pussy and begins to bounce on it while she faces you. Her tits are bouncing in front of you and you can’t help but kiss them sensually as she rides your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/sleeping/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Missionary|sashasleepingscene][$sashasleepingscene to 2]]
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $sashasleepingscene is 2>>
<p>You pull out and place $ on her back and slide your cock back inside of her pussy and start thrusting.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/sleeping/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Doggy style|sashasleepingscene][$sashasleepingscene to 3]]
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $sashasleepingscene is 3>>
<p>You roll $ onto her stomach and start fucking her pussy from behind hard and fast. Her moans serve to drive you to fuck her harder.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/sleeping/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|sashasleepingscene][$sashasleepingscene to 4]]
<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $sashasleepingscene is 4>>
<p>You pull out as you start to cum, shooting your load all over her face as your groan loudly in pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/sleeping/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Fuck… me. I think I’m definitely ready to sleep now<</speech>>
<p>You both laugh together and you cuddle and fall asleep in each others arms.</p>
<<addmins 10>>
[[You fall asleep|morningsisterbedroom]]
<</if>><<if $sleepevent is 1>>
<p>You wish your Mother a pleasant night’s rest.</p>
<<addmins 10>>
[[Leave the room|House]]
<<elseif $sleepevent is 2>>
<p>You walk into the room and hop up onto the bed next to your Mother.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh hey Sweety! Can’t sleep huh?<</speech>>
<<if $ > $mom.corr>>
<<speech "Mom">>Well that’s okay, just snuggle up with Momma<</speech>>
<p>You wrap your arm around your Mother and pull her in close. Her round ass against your groin makes your cock hard in an instant.</p>
[[Next morning|sleepingwithmomevent][$sleepevent to 4]]
<<elseif $ <= $mom.corr>>
<<speech "Mom">>You can sleep in here if you want. I know my bed is more comfy<</speech>>
<p>You lay on the bed next to your Mother, and quickly fall asleep.</p>
[[Next morning|sleepingwithmomevent][$sleepevent to 4]]
<<elseif $sleepevent is 3>>
<p>After a few minutes you knock on your Mother’s door.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Come in<</speech>>
<p>When you enter she is now dressed and clearly angry. You apologize and promise to knock before entering from now on.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh sweety I can’t stay mad at you. Come here and sleep with me tonight<</speech>>
<p>You do as she says and climb into bed with her. You cuddle for a little while before eventually falling asleep.</p>
[[Next morning|sleepingwithmomevent][$sleepevent to 4]]
<p><<print either("You wake up next morning, your mother is still sleeping, you decide to quietly leave the room.", "You wake up next morning your mother has already left the room.")>></p>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
[[Leave the room|House]]
<</if>>\<<if $sleepmomscene is 1>>
<p>Your Mother slides your cock between her tits and rubs your with them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/sleeping/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|sleepingwithmomscene][$sleepmomscene to 2]]
<<elseif $sleepmomscene is 2>>
<p>It is too much to take and you cum all over her tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/sleeping/facial.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks the cum up from her tits while you get dressed. She grabs you and pulls you into bed. You fall asleep in each others arms.</p>
[[Next morning|sleepingwithmomscene][$sleepmomscene to 3]]
<p>You wake up alone in your mom's bed, seems she has already left the room.</p>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
[[Leave the room|House]]
<</if>><<if $sispornscene is 1>>
<p>You continue to watch until your Sister cums. Once she is done she gets under her covers and goes to bed. You leave her room.</p>
<<addmins 30>>
<<elseif $sispornscene is 2>>
<<if $ gte 10 && $sis.corr gte 5 && $sis.questmain gte 9>>
<p>You decide that $ has been watching enough porn and that it is time to have her experience the real thing. You walk into her room and quickly approach her.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>><<print "$">>? What are you doing in here?<</speech>>
<p>Your Sister never stops masturbating as you enter. You pull out your hardening cock to show her exactly why you came in her room.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Well It’s about time!<</speech>>
[[Fuck her mouth|sispornscene][$sispornscene to 3; $[11] to 1]]<<addmins 10>>
<p>Watching your Sister masturbate has gotten you hard, so you go into her room to replace her hands.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>><<print "$">>! What the fuck are you doing! Get out!<</speech>>
<p>She yells at you and throws a pillow at you until you leave the room.</p>
<p class="hint">You need to build your relationship with her before trying something like that again</p><<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $sispornscene is 3>>
<p>$ grabs your cock and wraps her lips around it, sucking on your cock just as the actress in the porn she was watching did.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/masturbating/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|sispornscene][$sispornscene to 4]]<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $sispornscene is 4>>
<p>You Sister sucks your cock like a master and makes you cum very quickly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/masturbating/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks up all of the cum before you get dressed and leave.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Don’t be a stranger<</speech>><<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $sispornscene is 5>>
<p>You push $ down to her knees and pull your cock out, shoving it right into her mouth.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I’ve been looking forward to this all day!<</speech>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/masturbating/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|sispornscene][$sispornscene to 6]]<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $sispornscene is 6>>
<p>You push your Sister down onto her back and slide your cock into her pussy.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Fuck, yes!<</speech>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/masturbating/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You fuck her hard watching her tits bounce with each thrust of your cock.</p>
[[Flip her over|sispornscene][$sispornscene to 7]]<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $sispornscene is 7>>
<p>You flip your Sister over to fuck her doggy style.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yes! fuck my pussy <<print "$">>!<</speech>>
<p>You do as she asks and fuck her from behind until she cums.</p>
[[Cum on her|sispornscene][$sispornscene to 8]]<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $sispornscene is 8>>
<p>You pull out and groan as you unload your jizz all over her lower back and ass.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/masturbating/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You wipe your cock off on her back before getting dressed and leaving the room.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I need to watch porn more often<</speech>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<siscorr>><<set $[12] to 1>>
[[Leave|House]]<<if $choice is 1>>
<p>You listen closely to what $ has to say, hanging on her every word.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I think my science teacher has something against my class. He always makes our tests so hard! I’m not even sure I passed this one!<</speech>>
<p>$ rambles on and on for nearly an hour. She notices and appreciates your attention.</p>
<<elseif $choice is 2>>
<p>You space out, not listening to a word your Sister says and instead choosing to stare at your moms tits while you eat.</p>
<p>Your Mother notices you staring.</p>
<<elseif $choice is 3>>
<p>You pay close attention to your Mother as she speaks to you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>It was the craziest thing. Some guy just cut right in front of me in line! The nerve of some people. Anyway, how was your day sweety?<</speech>>
<p>You tell your Mother about your day until you both finish eating.</p>
<<elseif $choice is 4>>
<p>You space out, not bothering to listen to what your Mother is saying. You eat your food quickly and head to your room once you finish.</p>
<<addmins 40>>\
<<if $dinnerscene is 0>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Be quiet so mom won’t notice<</speech>>
<p>She begins to stroke and lick your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/dinner/blowjob0.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Your Sister’s hands and tongue feel so good you can’t help but groan in pleasure.</p>
<<if $mom.questmain gte 9 && $mom.corr gte 20>>
[[Suddenly|dinnerscene][$dinnerscene to 1; $[8] to 1]]
<a data-passage="dinnerscene" data-setter="$dinnerscene to 2; $scene to 0" class="link-internal">$ keeps sucking your cock</a>
<</if>>\<<set $[7] to 1>>
<<elseif $dinnerscene is 1>>
<<speech "Mom">>What was that sweety?<</speech>>
<p>Your mom turns around and faces you. $ hits you in your leg for alerting Mom.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh did your Sister go to bed already? Lucky us<</speech>>
<p>You Mother smiles as she walks up closer to you. You slide closer to the table in your chair to try and hide $ below.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Why don’t we head to bed ourselves?<</speech>>
<p>Your Mother grabs your hands and places them on her chest.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>We can have a little fun before we go to sleep<</speech>>
<p>You Mother gives you a seductive look as she pulls her tits out of her top.</p>
<video src="ressources/videos/dinner/chestout.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Your Mother happily jogs out of the room and heads to her bedroom.</p>
<a data-passage="dinnerscene" data-setter="$dinnerscene to 2" class="link-internal">$ keeps sucking your cock</a>
<<elseif $dinnerscene is 2>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/dinner/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Give her a facial|dinnerscene][$scene to 1]]
<p>You groan loudly as you cum hard on her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/videos/dinner/sisfacial.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks her hand clean of your cum.</p>
<<addmins 20>>
<<if $mc.dom > 10>><<speech "Sasha" $>>We should do this again sometime….soon<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Be quieter next time… idiot<</speech>>
<<if $mom.questmain >= 9 && $mom.corr >= 20>>
[[Go to your Mother's bedroom|mombedroomdinnerscene][$dinnerscene to 3]]
[[Go to your bedroom|Bedroom]]
[[Leave the kitchen|House]]
<</if>><<if $dinnerscene is 3>>
<p>You quickly leave the kitchen and head down the hall to your Mother’s room. When you open the door, she is naked on her bed waiting for you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Took you long enough! Now come give Momma some loving!<</speech>>
<p>You're still riled up even after your sister made you cum, so you rush towards the bed, put her on her back and start going for her... asshole!</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/dinner/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Give me more!<</speech>>
[[Go for a doggy|mombedroomdinnerscene][$dinnerscene to 4]]
<<elseif $dinnerscene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/dinner/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|mombedroomdinnerscene][$dinnerscene to 5]]
<<elseif $dinnerscene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/dinner/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[player falls asleep in his Mother’s bed|mombedroomdinnerscene][$dinnerscene to 6]]
<p>You wake up first and decide to leave the room quietly.</p>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
[[Leave the room|House]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Didn't you come in here to clean?<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her, realizing that she must have noticed you staring. You begin to clean and quickly tidy up the whole room. You take a seat beside her on the couch and can’t help but look up her skirt again.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/panties.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Stare|cleaningscene][$scene to 1]]
[[Pull down panties|cleaningscene][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You stare at your Sister's panties for as long as her patience allows.</p>
<p>She finaly leaves the room.</p>
<<addhours 1>>
[[Leave the room too|House]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You grab your Sister’s panties by the waistband and pull them down and off her legs, revealing her tight pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/pullingoffpanties.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<if $sis.questmain gte 9>>
[[Go further|cleaningscene][$scene to 3; $[8] to 1]]
<<speech "Sister">>What the hell are you doing?<</speech>>
<p>$ screams and yells at you until you leave the room. Advance further in her quest and try again later.</p>
<<addmins 30>>
[[Leave the room|House]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull your own pants off and climb over top of her. You slide your cock into her pussy slowly.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>> *GASP* .... Oh my god.<</speech>>
<p>You begin to thrust, fucking her from behind.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<if $mc.dom > 10>>
[[Grab her arms|cleaningscene][$scene to 4]]
[[Grab her|cleaningscene][$scene to 5]]
<</if>><<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You grab your Sister’s arms and hold them behind her back, pinning her against the couch while you fuck her hard.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/handsbehindback.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Grab her|cleaningscene][$scene to 5]]<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You then grab her and sit her on your cock while your thrust up into her pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Blowjob|cleaningscene][$scene to 6]]<<addmins 10>>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<p>It doesn’t take long before you start to cum. You pull your cock out of her pussy and she sucks you off until you cum on her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|cleaningscene][$scene to 7]]<<addmins 10>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Leave the room|House]]<<addmins 10>>
<</if>><<if $breakfastscene is 1>>
<p>You Mother leads you down the hall to her bedroom. She locks the door behind her.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>What are you waiting for? Get undressed<</speech>>
<p>She undresses and hops up on her bed. You pull your cock out as she commanded and she quickly starts to suck it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/breakfast/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Slide your cock in|breakfastscene][$breakfastscene to 3]]
<<elseif $breakfastscene is 3>>
<p>You line up your cock with your Mother’s pussy and slowly slide it in. You grab her legs and raise them up by your shoulders as your thrust into her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/breakfast/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get underneath her|breakfastscene][$breakfastscene to 4]]
<<elseif $breakfastscene is 4>>
<p>You lie on the bed and pull your Mother on top of you and start to thrust upwards into her pussy. You stare at her amazing ass as it bounces on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/breakfast/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|breakfastscene][$breakfastscene to 5]]
<<elseif $breakfastscene is 5>>
<p>You pull your cock out of her as you are just about to cum. She gets down on her knees and opens her mouth wide as you cum all over her face and tongue.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/breakfast/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Wow! That was a big load!<</speech>>
<p>She licks your cock clean then scoops the cum on her face into her mouth.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I hope you keep helping me around the house. I’d love to do this again sometime<</speech>>
<p>Your Mother gets up, grabs a towel and heads toward the bathroom.</p>
<<addmins 30>>
[[You get dressed and head out of her room as well|House]]
<p>You sit down at your desk and pull out your laptop to review your notes. You spend about an hour rereading them through to memorize them. You retain quite a bit and feel like you have a strong grasp of the material.</p>
<<grades>><<addhours 1>><<set $ to 1>>
<<widget "mcint">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''You are now more intelligent''
<<widget "mcstr">>
<<set $mc.str = parseInt($mc.str) + 1>> ''You are now stronger''
<<widget "mcfriend">>
<<set $mc.friend = parseInt($mc.friend) + 1>> ''You have a new friend !''
<<widget "mccharisma">>
<<set $mc.charisma = parseInt($mc.charisma) + 1>> ''You're now a bit more charismatic''
<<widget "mcsex">>
<<set $mc.seXP = parseInt($mc.seXP) + 1>> ''You're now a bit more sexually experienced''
<<widget "mcporn">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''You're now a bit more addicted to porn''
<<widget "mcpornminus">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ - 1>> ''Your porn addiction goes down a little''
<<widget "mcsub">>
<<set $mc.sub = parseInt($mc.sub) + 1>> ''You're now more submissive''
<<widget "mcdom">>
<<set $mc.dom = parseInt($mc.dom) + 1>> ''You're now more dominant''
<<widget "mcdomminus">>
<<set $mc.dom = parseInt($mc.dom) - 1>> ''You're now less dominant''
<<widget "sistrust">>
<<if $sis.questmain isnot 6 && $sis.questmain isnot 7>>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Your sister trusts you more''
''Your sister trust won't grow higher until you find a way to motivate her''
<<widget "sistrustminus">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ - 1>> ''Your sister trusts you less''
<<widget "siscorr">>
<<set $sis.corr = parseInt($sis.corr) + 1>> ''Your sister is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "momtrust">>
<<if $mom.questmain isnot 5 && $mom.questmain isnot 6 && $mom.questmain isnot 7>>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Your mother trusts you more''
''Your mother trust won't grow higher until you fix your relation with her''
<<widget "momtrustminus">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ - 1>> ''Your mother trusts you less''
<<widget "momcorr">>
<<set $mom.corr = parseInt($mom.corr) + 1>> ''Your mother is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "katetrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Kate trusts you more''
<<widget "katetrustminus">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ - 1>> ''Kate trusts you less''
<<widget "katecorr">>
<<set $kate.corr = parseInt($kate.corr) + 1>> ''Kate is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "jadetrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Jade trusts you more''
<<widget "jadetrustminus">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ - 1>> ''Jade trusts you less''
<<widget "jadecorr">>
<<set $jade.corr = parseInt($jade.corr) + 1>> ''Jade is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "lucytrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Lucy trusts you more''
<<widget "lucytrustminus">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ - 1>> ''Lucy trusts you less''
<<widget "lucycorr">>
<<set $lucy.corr = parseInt($lucy.corr) + 1>> ''Lucy is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "alicetrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Alice trusts you more''
<<widget "alicetrustminus">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ - 1>> ''Alice trusts you less''
<<widget "alicecorr">>
<<set $alice.corr = parseInt($alice.corr) + 1>> ''Alice is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "teacherint">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Your teacher is a bit more interested in you''
<<widget "teachercorr">>
<<set $teacher.corr = parseInt($teacher.corr) + 1>> ''Your teacher is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "teachertrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Your teacher trusts you more''
<<widget "abigailint">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Abigail is a bit more interested in you''
<<widget "abigailtrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Abigail trusts you more''
<<widget "abigailcorr">>
<<set $abigail.corr = parseInt($abigail.corr) + 1>> ''Abigail is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "missycorr">>
<<set $missy.corr = parseInt($missy.corr) + 1>> ''Missy is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "missytrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Missy trusts you more''
<<widget "carlacorr">>
<<set $carla.corr = parseInt($carla.corr) + 1>> ''Carla is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "carlatrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Carla trusts you more''
<<widget "mcend">>
<<set $mc.end = parseInt($mc.end) + 1>> ''Now you have more endurance''
<<widget "satoint">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Your japanese teacher is a bit more interested in you''
<<widget "satocorr">>
<<set $sato.corr = parseInt($sato.corr) + 1>> ''Your japanese teacher is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "satotrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Your japanese teacher trusts you more''
<<widget "powersint">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Your math teacher is a bit more interested in you''
<<widget "powerscorr">>
<<set $powers.corr = parseInt($powers.corr) + 1>> ''Your math teacher is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "powerstrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Your math teacher trusts you more''
<<widget "deanint">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''The University Dean is a bit more interested in you''
<<widget "deancorr">>
<<set $dean.corr = parseInt($dean.corr) + 1>> ''The University Dean is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "deantrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''The University Dean trusts you more''
<<widget "aunttrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Your aunt trusts you more''
<<widget "auntcorr">>
<<set $aunt.corr = parseInt($aunt.corr) + 1>> ''Your aunt is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "cousintrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Your cousin trusts you more''
<<widget "cousincorr">>
<<set $cousin.corr = parseInt($cousin.corr) + 1>> ''Your cousin is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "grandmaint">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Your grandma is a bit more interested in you''
<<widget "grandmacorr">>
<<set $grandma.corr = parseInt($grandma.corr) + 1>> ''Your grandma is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "grandmatrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Your grandma trusts you more''
<<widget "tammycorr">>
<<set $tammy.corr = parseInt($tammy.corr) + 1>> ''Tammy is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "tammytrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Tammy trusts you more''
<<widget "erikacorr">>
<<set $erika.corr = parseInt($erika.corr) + 1>> ''Erika is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "erikatrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Erika trusts you more''
<<widget "erikamot">>
<<set $erika.mot = parseInt($erika.mot) + 1>> ''Erika is slighty more motivated''
<<widget "mikaelacorr">>
<<set $mikaela.corr = parseInt($mikaela.corr) + 1>> ''Mikaela is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "mikaelatrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Mikaela trusts you more''
<<widget "mikaelaint">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Mikaela is more interested in you''
<<widget "tiffanycorr">>
<<set $tiffany.corr = parseInt($tiffany.corr) + 1>> ''Tiffany is slightly more corrupted''
<<widget "tiffanytrust">>
<<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>> ''Tiffany trusts you more''
<<widget "grades">>
<<set $school.grades = parseInt($school.grades) + 1>> ''You are slighty increasing your grades''
<<widget "salary">>
<<set $salary = (7 + (($ + $*2) + ($restaurant.status * 2)) * $school.degreemult>> ''You received $<<print "$salary">>''<<set $ += $salary>>
<<widget "now">>
<<print $GameDays[$gameDate.getUTCDay()]>> - <<print "$periodname">><br> Day $day - <<= padZero($gameDate.getUTCHours())>>:<<= padZero($gameDate.getUTCMinutes())>>
<<set $daycheck = $GameDays[$gameDate.getUTCDay()]>>
<<widget "addmins">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes($gameDate.getUTCMinutes() + $args[0])>>
<<widget "addhours">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours($gameDate.getUTCHours() + $args[0])>>
<<widget "period">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '06:00', '11:59')>>
<<set $periodname = "Morning">>
<<set $period = 1>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '12:59')>>
<<set $periodname = "Noon">>
<<set $period = 2>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '13:00', '15:59')>>
<<set $periodname = "Afternoon">>
<<set $period = 3>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '17:59')>>
<<set $periodname = "Evening">>
<<set $period = 4>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '21:59')>>
<<set $periodname = "Late evening">>
<<set $period = 5>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '22:00', '05:59')>>
<<set $periodname = "Night">>
<<set $period = 0>>
<<widget "SexappReset">>
<<set $sexapp to {
today: {
lucyTrust: 0,
jadeTrust: 0,
kateTrust: 0,
aliceTrust: 0,
abigailTrust: 0,
missyTrust: 0,
carlaTrust: 0,
lucyCorr: 0,
jadeCorr: 0,
kateCorr: 0,
aliceCorr: 0,
abigailCorr: 0,
missyCorr: 0,
carlaCorr: 0,
abigailInt: 0,
<<widget "dayreset">>
<<if $ is 1>>
<<if $startup.projects.length>><<UpdateDeadlines>><</if>>
<<if $employees.mikaela>><<if $employees.mikaela.hired is 1>>
<<set $mikaela.workScore += 1>>
<<if $daycheck is "Monday">>
<<if $workScoreWeek isnot 1>>
<<set $workScoreWeek to 1>>
<<set $workScoreWeek to 0>>
<<set $mikaela.workScore to 0>>
<<set $startup.workScore to 0>>
<<if $school.todaychem is 0 && $school.todayecon is 0 && $school.todayhall is 0 && $school.todayjap is 0 && $school.todaymath is 0 && $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday" && $school.graduated is 0>>
<<set $school.grades -= 1>>
<<if $school.grades lt 0>><<set $school.grades to 0>><</if>>
<<if $ lte 0>><<set $ = parseInt($ - 5>><<if $ lt 0>><<set $ to 0>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $day gte 7 && $aunt.introchance gt 0>><<set $aunt.introchance -= 5>><</if>>
<<set $ to 0>>
<<set $ to 0>>
<<set $has.wash to 0>>
<<set $has.lunch to 0>>
<<set $has.dinner to 0>>
<<set $ to 0>>
<<set $has.todaynotes to 0>>
<<set $has.class to 0>>
<<set $has.breakfast to 0>>
<<set $has.dishes to 0>>
<<set $has.vacuum to 0>>
<<set $has.alicedailyblowjob to 0>>
<<set $ to 0>>
<<set $ to random(1,100)>>
<<set $ to random(40,100)>>
<<set $jade.class to 0>>
<<set $kate.class to 0>>
<<set $lucy.class to 0>>
<<set $jade.train to 0>>
<<set $kate.pool to 0>>
<<set $lucy.library to 0>>
<<set $restaurant.haveworked to 0>>
<<set $restaurant.missy to 0>>
<<set $restaurant.carla to 0>>
<<set $restaurant.meeting to 0>>
<<set $school.todaychem to 0>>
<<set $school.todayecon to 0>>
<<set $school.todayhall to 0>>
<<set $school.todayjap to 0>>
<<set $school.todaymath to 0>>
<<set $deanlocs to ["Park","The Cock and Bull","Mall","Fitness Center gym","Fitness Center sauna","Dean's house","Beach"]>>
<<if $dean.questmain gte 5>><<set $deanlocs.push("Nude beach")>><</if>>
<<set $dean.loc1 to either($deanlocs)>>
<<set $dean.loc2 to either($deanlocs)>>
<<set $dean.loc3 to either($deanlocs)>>
<<set $dean.loc4 to either($deanlocs)>>
<<set $dean.loc5 to either($deanlocs)>>
<<set $dean.loc6 to either($deanlocs)>>
<<set $deanlocs.delete("Park","Beach","Nude beach")>>
<<set $dean.loc7 to either($deanlocs)>>
<<set $auntlocs to ["Aunt's bedroom","Aunt's living room","Aunt's kitchen","Aunt's pool"]>>
<<set $aunt.loc1 to either($auntlocs)>>
<<set $aunt.loc2 to either($auntlocs)>>
<<set $auntlocs.push("Mall","Residential district","Beach")>>
<<if $aunt.questmain gte 3>><<set $auntlocs.push("Nude beach")>><</if>>
<<set $aunt.loc3 to either($auntlocs)>>
<<set $aunt.loc4 to either($auntlocs)>>
<<set $aunt.loc5 to either($auntlocs)>>
<<set $aunt.loc6 to either($auntlocs)>>
<<set $auntlocs.delete("Residential district","Beach","Nude beach")>>
<<set $aunt.loc7 to either($auntlocs)>>
<<set $cousinlocs to ["Bella's bedroom","Aunt's living room","Aunt's kitchen","Aunt's pool"]>>
<<set $cousin.loc1 to either($cousinlocs)>>
<<set $cousin.loc2 to either($cousinlocs)>>
<<set $cousinlocs.push("Park","Your bedroom","Beach")>>
<<if $cousin.slave is 1>><<set $cousinlocs.push("Nude beach")>><</if>>
<<set $cousin.loc3 to either($cousinlocs)>>
<<set $cousin.loc4 to either($cousinlocs)>>
<<set $cousin.loc5 to either($cousinlocs)>>
<<set $cousin.loc6 to either($cousinlocs)>>
<<set $cousinlocs.delete("Park","Beach","Nude beach")>>
<<set $cousin.loc7 to either($cousinlocs)>>
<<set $jadelocs to ["Jade's home","Beach","Pier","The Cock and Bull"]>>
<<if $jade.questmain gte 3>><<set $jadelocs.push("Nude beach")>><</if>>
<<set $jade.loc1 to either($jadelocs)>>
<<set $jade.loc2 to either($jadelocs)>>
<<set $jade.loc3 to either($jadelocs)>>
<<set $jade.loc4 to either($jadelocs)>>
<<set $jade.loc5 to either($jadelocs)>>
<<set $jadelocs.delete("Beach","Nude beach")>>
<<set $jade.loc6 to either($jadelocs)>>
<<set $jade.loc7 to either($jadelocs)>>
<<set $lucylocs to ["Lucy's home","Fitness Center gym","Park","Beach"]>>
<<if $lucy.questmain gte 3>><<set $lucylocs.push("Nude beach")>><</if>>
<<set $lucy.loc1 to either($lucylocs)>>
<<set $lucy.loc2 to either($lucylocs)>>
<<set $lucy.loc3 to either($lucylocs)>>
<<set $lucylocs.push("The Smoke Stacked Lounge")>>
<<set $lucy.loc4 to either($lucylocs)>>
<<set $lucy.loc5 to either($lucylocs)>>
<<set $lucylocs.delete("Park","Beach","Nude beach")>>
<<set $lucy.loc6 to either($lucylocs)>>
<<set $lucy.loc7 to either($lucylocs)>>
<<set $katelocs to ["Kate's home","Beach","Fitness Center sauna","The Cock and Bull"]>>
<<if $kate.questmain gte 3>><<set $katelocs.push("Nude beach")>><</if>>
<<set $kate.loc1 to either($katelocs)>>
<<set $kate.loc2 to either($katelocs)>>
<<set $kate.loc3 to either($katelocs)>>
<<set $kate.loc4 to either($katelocs)>>
<<set $kate.loc5 to either($katelocs)>>
<<set $katelocs.delete("Beach","Nude beach")>>
<<set $kate.loc6 to either($katelocs)>>
<<set $kate.loc7 to either($katelocs)>>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>><<set $alicelocs to ["Your bedroom","Living room","Kitchen","Bathroom"]>><<else>><<set $alicelocs to ["Alice's home","Beach","The Cock and Bull","Park"]>><</if>>
<<if $quest.alicebathroom gte 4 && $alice.slave isnot 1>><<set $alicelocs.push("Nude beach")>><</if>>
<<set $alice.loc1 to either($alicelocs)>>
<<set $alice.loc2 to either($alicelocs)>>
<<set $alice.loc3 to either($alicelocs)>>
<<set $alice.loc4 to either($alicelocs)>>
<<set $alice.loc5 to either($alicelocs)>>
<<if $alice.slave isnot 1>><<set $alicelocs.delete("Park","Beach","Nude beach")>><</if>>
<<set $alice.loc6 to either($alicelocs)>>
<<set $alice.loc7 to either($alicelocs)>>
<<set $momlocs to ["Living room","Kitchen","Mom's bedroom","Bathroom","Beach","Fitness Center gym"]>>
<<if $mom.questmain gte 8>><<set $momlocs.push("Nude beach")>><</if>>
<<set $mom.loc1 to either($momlocs)>>
<<set $mom.loc2 to either($momlocs)>>
<<set $mom.loc3 to either($momlocs)>>
<<set $mom.loc4 to either($momlocs)>>
<<set $mom.loc5 to either($momlocs)>>
<<set $momlocs.delete("Beach","Nude beach")>>
<<set $mom.loc6 to either($momlocs)>>
<<set $mom.loc7 to either($momlocs)>>
<<set $mom.loccafe to either("The Cock and Bull", "Office buffet")>>
<<set $sislocs to ["Living room","Kitchen","Sis's bedroom","Bathroom","Beach","Fitness Center sauna", "Park"]>>
<<if $sis.slave is 1>><<set $sislocs.delete("Beach")>><<set $sislocs.push("Nude beach")>><</if>>
<<set $sis.loc1 to either($sislocs)>>
<<set $sis.loc2 to either($sislocs)>>
<<set $sis.loc3 to either($sislocs)>>
<<set $sis.loc4 to either($sislocs)>>
<<set $sis.loc5 to either($sislocs)>>
<<set $sislocs.delete("Park","Beach","Nude beach")>>
<<set $sis.loc6 to either($sislocs)>>
<<set $sis.loc7 to either($sislocs)>>
<<set $satolocs to ["Mrs. Sato's home","Beach","Fitness Center gym"]>>
<<if $sato.questmain gte 6>><<set $satolocs.push("Nude beach")>><</if>>
<<set $sato.loc1 to either($satolocs)>>
<<set $sato.loc2 to either($satolocs)>>
<<set $sato.loc3 to either($satolocs)>>
<<set $sato.loc4 to either($satolocs)>>
<<set $sato.loc5 to either($satolocs)>>
<<set $satolocs.delete("Beach","Nude beach")>>
<<set $sato.loc6 to either($satolocs)>>
<<set $sato.loc7 to either($satolocs)>>
<<set $teacherlocs to ["Ms. Lee's home","Park","Fitness Center pool"]>>
<<set $teacher.loc1 to either($teacherlocs)>>
<<set $teacher.loc2 to either($teacherlocs)>>
<<set $teacher.loc3 to either($teacherlocs)>>
<<set $teacher.loc4 to either($teacherlocs)>>
<<set $teacher.loc5 to either($teacherlocs)>>
<<set $teacherlocs.delete("Park")>>
<<set $teacher.loc6 to either($teacherlocs)>>
<<set $teacher.loc7 to either($teacherlocs)>>
<<set $powerslocs to ["Ms. Powers's home","Pier","Fitness Center pool"]>>
<<set $powers.loc1 to either($powerslocs)>>
<<set $powers.loc2 to either($powerslocs)>>
<<set $powers.loc3 to either($powerslocs)>>
<<set $powerslocs.push("The Smoke Stacked Lounge")>>
<<set $powers.loc4 to either($powerslocs)>>
<<set $powers.loc5 to either($powerslocs)>>
<<set $powers.loc6 to either($powerslocs)>>
<<set _ran to random(1,100)>><<if _ran gt 80>><<set $powers.loc7 to "Strip club">><<else>><<set $powers.loc7 to either($powerslocs)>><</if>>
<<set $missylocs to ["Missy's house","Park","Fitness Center pool","Fitness Center gym","Nude beach"]>>
<<if $missy.slave is 1>><<set $missylocs.delete("Fitness Center gym")>><</if>>
<<set $missy.loc1 to either($missylocs)>>
<<set $missy.loc3 to either($missylocs)>>
<<set $missy.loc4 to either($missylocs)>>
<<set $missy.loc5 to either($missylocs)>>
<<set $missylocs.delete("Park","Nude beach")>>
<<if $missy.slave is 1>><<set $missylocs.push("Fitness Center gym")>><</if>>
<<set $missy.loc6 to either($missylocs)>>
<<set $missy.loc7 to either($missylocs)>>
<<set $missylocs.delete("Fitness Center pool","Fitness Center gym")>>
<<set $missy.loc2 to either($missylocs)>>
<<set $carlalocs to ["Carla's house","Pier","Fitness Center pool","Street","Nude beach"]>>
<<set $carla.loc1 to either($carlalocs)>>
<<set $carla.loc2 to either($carlalocs)>>
<<set $carla.loc3 to either($carlalocs)>>
<<set $carla.loc4 to either($carlalocs)>>
<<set $abigaillocs to ["Abigail's house","Fitness Center pool","Fitness Center gym","The Flaming Tiki"]>>
<<set $abigail.loc1 to either($abigaillocs)>>
<<set $abigail.loc3 to either($abigaillocs)>>
<<set $abigail.loc4 to either($abigaillocs)>>
<<set $abigaillocs.push("The Smoke Stacked Lounge")>>
<<set $abigail.loc5 to either($abigaillocs)>>
<<set $abigail.loc6 to either($abigaillocs)>>
<<set $abigail.loc7 to either($abigaillocs)>>
<<set $abigail.loc8 to either($abigaillocs)>>
<<set $abigaillocs.delete("Fitness Center pool","Fitness Center gym")>>
<<if $daycheck is "Friday">><<set $abigail.loc2 to "Strip club">><<else>><<set $abigail.loc2 to either($abigaillocs)>><</if>>
<<set $grandmalocs to ["Grandma's home","Fitness Center pool","Fitness Center gym","Park"]>>
<<set $grandma.loc1 to either($grandmalocs)>>
<<set $grandma.loc2 to either($grandmalocs)>>
<<set $grandma.loc3 to either($grandmalocs)>>
<<set $grandmalocs.delete("Park")>>
<<set $grandma.loc4 to either($grandmalocs)>>
<<set $tammylocs to ["Tammy's house","Beach","Fitness Center gym","Fitness Center sauna"]>>
<<set $tammy.loc1 to either($tammylocs)>>
<<set $tammy.loc3 to either($tammylocs)>>
<<set $tammy.loc4 to either($tammylocs)>>
<<set $tammy.loc5 to either($tammylocs)>>
<<set $tammy.loc6 to either($tammylocs)>>
<<set $tammy.loc7 to either($tammylocs)>>
<<set $tammy.loc8 to either($tammylocs)>>
<<set $tammylocs.delete("Fitness Center sauna","Fitness Center gym")>>
<<set $tammy.loc2 to either($tammylocs)>>
<<set $erikalocs to ["Erika's house","Beach","The Flaming Tiki"]>>
<<if $erika.questmain gte 2>><<set $erikalocs.push("Fitness Center gym")>><</if>>
<<set $erika.loc1 to either($erikalocs)>>
<<set $erika.loc3 to either($erikalocs)>>
<<set $erika.loc4 to either($erikalocs)>>
<<set $erika.loc5 to either($erikalocs)>>
<<set $erika.loc6 to either($erikalocs)>>
<<set $erika.loc7 to either($erikalocs)>>
<<set $erika.loc8 to either($erikalocs)>>
<<if $erika.questmain gte 2>><<set $erikalocs.delete("Fitness Center gym")>><</if>>
<<set $erika.loc2 to either($erikalocs)>>
<<set $mikaelalocs to ["Mikaela's house","Fitness Center pool"]>>
<<set $mikaela.loc1 to either($mikaelalocs)>>
<<set $mikaela.loc3 to either($mikaelalocs)>>
<<set $mikaela.loc4 to either($mikaelalocs)>>
<<set $mikaelalocs.push("The Smoke Stacked Lounge")>>
<<set $mikaela.loc5 to either($mikaelalocs)>>
<<set $mikaela.loc6 to either($mikaelalocs)>>
<<set $mikaela.loc7 to either($mikaelalocs)>>
<<set $mikaela.loc8 to either($mikaelalocs)>>
<<set $mikaelalocs.delete("Fitness Center pool")>>
<<set $mikaela.loc2 to either($mikaelalocs)>>
<<set $tiffanylocs to ["Tiffany's house","Fitness Center gym","Fitness Center pool","Pier"]>>
<<set $tiffany.loc1 to either($tiffanylocs)>>
<<set $tiffany.loc3 to either($tiffanylocs)>>
<<set $tiffany.loc4 to either($tiffanylocs)>>
<<set $tiffany.loc5 to either($tiffanylocs)>>
<<set $tiffany.loc6 to either($tiffanylocs)>>
<<set $tiffany.loc7 to either($tiffanylocs)>>
<<set $tiffany.loc8 to either($tiffanylocs)>>
<<set $tiffanylocs.delete("Fitness Center pool","Fitness Center gym")>>
<<set $tiffany.loc2 to either($tiffanylocs)>>
<<if $daycheck is "Friday" && $ is 1>><<if $startup.spareWeeks lte 0>><<PayEmployees>><<else>><<set $startup.spareWeeks -= 1>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $claus.cheer gte 70 && $[4] is 1 && $claus.completed is 0>><<set $claus.completed to -1>><<goto "Claus Total Completion">><<elseif $gameversion is 75 && $ is 0>><<goto "Christmas Intro">><</if>>
<<widget "lunchshift">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(15)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<widget "barshift">>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(22)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</widget>><</nobr>><<nobr>><<widget "receivehomework">>
<<set $homework.subject to $args[0]>>
<<if $homework.subject is "Chemistry">>
<<set $homework.haschem to 1>>
<<set $homework.donechem to 0>>
<<elseif $homework.subject is "Economics">>
<<set $homework.hasecon to 1>>
<<set $homework.doneecon to 0>>
<<elseif $homework.subject is "Japanese">>
<<set $homework.hasjap to 1>>
<<set $homework.donejap to 0>>
<<elseif $homework.subject is "Math">>
<<set $homework.hasmath to 1>>
<<set $homework.donemath to 0>>
You received a<<if $homework.subject is "Economics">>n<</if>> <<print "$homework.subject">> homework.
<<widget "impossiblehomework">>
<<if $quest.teacheroffice is 0 && $ gte 10>>
You received an additional assignment which seems rather difficult, you may need your teacher's help
<<set $homework.impossible to 1>>
<<set $quest.teacheroffice to 1>>
<<widget "MakeGallery">>
<<for _i to 1; _i lte $args[0]; _i++>>
<<set _passage to "gallery"+$args[1]+_i>>
<<switch $args[1]>>
<<case "mom">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_mom"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/mom/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_mom">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/mom/face.png"]]
<<case "grandma">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_grandma"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/grandma/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_grandma">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/grandma/face.png"]]
<<case "sasha">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_sasha"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/sasha/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_sasha">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/sasha/face.png"]]
<<case "aunt">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_aunt"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/aunt/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_aunt">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/aunt/face.png"]]
<<case "alice">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_alice"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/alice/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_alice">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/alice/face.png"]]
<<case "cousin">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_cousin"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/cousin/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_cousin">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/cousin/face.png"]]
<<case "lucy">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_lucy"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/lucy/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_lucy">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/lucy/face.png"]]
<<case "jade">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_jade"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/jade/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_jade">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/jade/face.png"]]
<<case "kate">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_kate"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/kate/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_kate">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/kate/face.png"]]
<<case "sato">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_sato"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/sato/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_sato">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/sato/face.png"]]
<<case "teacher">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_teacher"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/teacher/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_teacher">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/teacher/face.png"]]
<<case "powers">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_powers"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/powers/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_powers">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/powers/face.png"]]
<<case "missy">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_missy"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/missy/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_missy">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/missy/face.png"]]
<<case "abigail">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_abigail"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/abigail/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_abigail">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/abigail/face.png"]]
<<case "carla">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_carla"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/carla/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_carla">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/carla/face.png"]]
<<case "dean">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_dean"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/dean/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_dean">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/dean/face.png"]]
<<case "tammy">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_tammy"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/tammy/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_tammy">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/tammy/face.png"]]
<<case "erika">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_erika"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/erika/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_erika">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/erika/face.png"]]
<<case "mikaela">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_mikaela"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/mikaela/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_mikaela">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/mikaela/face.png"]]
<<case "tiffany">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_tiffany"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/tiffany/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_tiffany">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/tiffany/face.png"]]
<<case "claus">>
<<if $[_i-1] is 1>>
<a data-passage=_passage class="link-internal"><div class="portrait banner" target="_claus"><div class="circle"><p>Scene<br>_i</p></div>[img["ressources/img/claus/face.png"]]</div></a>
<div class="portrait banner" target="_claus">
<div class="circle">[img["ressources/img/lock.png"]]</div>[img["ressources/img/claus/face.png"]]
<p>You are suddenly struck with a bout of intense exhaustion. Your eyelids grow heavy. Your muscles grow weak. Your mind becomes cloudy. You do all that you can to get back home and climb into bed, passing out into a deep slumber.</p>
<p>You awake the moment the sun funnels in between the shades of your window. It is time to start the day. You should pay closer attention to the clock next time!</p>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<set $day += 1>>
[[Get up|Bedroom]]
<p><<print either("She has already left her room when you wake up", "You get up before she does")>></p>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
[[Leave the room|House]]
<<if $teacher.questmain is 5 && $ gte 20 && $ gte 20>><<set $teacher.questmain to 6>>
<p>You are eating your lunch alone when you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn your head back and look over your shoulder to see Ms. Lee standing behind you with a very demanding look in her eye.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>You are coming with me. Now<</speech>>
<p>You don’t even bother trying to argue with her. The determined and powerful look in her eyes tell you it would never be worth it. You get up and follow her closely. She leads you out to her car and practically pushes you into the passenger seat. She drives you along until you arrive at her home. A surprisingly nice suburban house. You get out of the car and follow her inside. The second you pass the threshold of the front door she grabs you and pulls you in for a passionate kiss. You pull each others clothes off and go at one another like primal animals.</p>
[[Get laid|teachermainquest5][$scene to 0; $[3] to 1]]
<<elseif $dean.questmain is 0 && $teacher.questmain gte 6 && $sato.questmain gte 6 && $powers.questmain gte 5 && $school.grades gte 5>><<set $dean.questmain to 1>><<set $scene to 0>>
<<if $ gt $ && $ gt $>><<goto "Dean Intro Carrie">><<elseif $ gt $ && $ gt $>><<goto "Dean Intro Sato">><<else>><<goto "Dean Intro Powers">><</if>>
<p>You have eaten your lunch alone.</p>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
[[Leave the cafeteria|University]]
<</if>><<if $step is 1>>
<p>While in the library you notice that Lucy is looking at something on her phone. As you pass by you see that it is a store listing for a book. You sit down across from her and ask her about it.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Hey <<print "$">>! I found out someone is selling a first edition of my favorite book. But it is way out of my price range<</speech>>
<p>You ask her for more information about the book. The somber look on her face making you feel sorry for her.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>It’s Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I have been looking for a first edition for years. But this one costs over five thousand dollars!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you feel sorry that she won’t be able to get it. You wonder if the Strange Shop might have a copy for cheaper. In the meantime you study with Lucy, her eyes giving her phone a longing look every few seconds the whole time.</p>
<<addhours 2>>
<<set $quest.lucygiftquest += 1>>
[[Leave the library|University]]
<<elseif $step is 2>>
<p>As you study with Lucy in the library the topic of your SexApp conversations and the nude pictures she has sent you is raised. Her cheeks get flushed as the two of you talk.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Yeah, you are the first person I have ever sent nudes to, <<print "$">>. I hope you feel special<</speech>>
<p>She giggles playfully as she sees your surprised face. You realize that the nudes you have of her on your phone would be valuable to the right person, and Lucy just told you that they were certainly unique.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Make sure you message me tonight. I might just send you some more<</speech>>
<p>The two of you chat while you continue to study. Once you are done you head home for the day.</p>
<<addhours 2>>\
<<set $quest.lucygiftquest += 1>>
[[Leave the library|University]]
<<elseif $step is 3>>
<p>You join Lucy in the library and tell you have a surprise for her.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>A surprise? For me?<</speech>>
<p>You hand her her gift. She pulls the wrapping paper off and squeals with glee as she realizes that you got her the first edition Jane Eyre that she has been searching for.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Oh my god how did you get this? This must have cost you so much money!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her not to worry about it, and that you are happy to just to make her smile.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>This is so great! I’m gonna be smiling for weeks! And I’m gonna make sure you smile for weeks too. Come with me<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a sultry look as she grabs your hand and leads you out of the library.</p>
[[Follow her|lucygiftquestscene][$scene to 0; $[4] to 1]]
<</if>><<if $step is 1>>
<p>You look around the Strange Shop for a while. There are plenty of books around but none of them seem to be the copy of Jane Eyre that you are looking for. After a bit of searching you decide to ask the shop keep for some help.</p>
<<speech "???">>Such rarities are hard to come by, and are rarely cheap<</speech>>
<p>You ask her if she can get the book, and what it would cost you. She strokes her chin with her fingers, deep in thought.</p>
<<speech "???">>I can retrieve a copy of the book you seek. But I will require something equally rare in return. Money will not suffice<</speech>>
<p>You ask her what you could possibly offer her, not knowing of anything rare that you own.</p>
<<speech "???">>Something unique. And Item one could only come to me to obtain<</speech>>
<p>You leave the shop, not sure what you could give the shop keeper that be unique and valuable enough to trade. Maybe you’ll get an idea next time you talk to Lucy.</p>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $quest.lucygiftquest += 1>>
[[Leave|Red Light district]]
<<elseif $step is 2>>
<p>You return to the Strange shop and tell the shop keeper that you have something you think is unique and valuable enough to trade for the book.</p>
<<speech "???">>Oh? Show me boy, do not waste my time<</speech>>
<p>You pull out your phone and show her the pictures that Lucy has sent you over SexApp. The Shop Keeper looks at you Skeptically.</p>
<<speech "???">>Pornography is not hard to come by, boy<</speech>>
<p>You explain how these are the only nudes of this girl. You also explain how Lucy is a very chased after girl in your university. Many people wish they had these pictures. The Shop Keeper sighs.</p>
<<speech "???">>I will accept this trade. But next time I ask you for something unique and valuable, I expect something more in the realm of relics and antiques<</speech>>
<p>You tell her you understand as you send her the pictures. She disappears into the back room and a few moments later returns with the book.</p>
<p>You thank her and take the book, heading out of the store to bring it home and wrap it up.</p>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $quest.lucygiftquest += 1>>
<</if>><<if $ >= 100>><<set $ -= 100>>
<p>You approach the woman behind the counter cautiously. The robe shrouding her face always giving you reason to worry about her intentions.</p>
<<speech "???">>What can I do for you, boy?<</speech>>
<p>You ask her if she can copy a key for you. You pull the key out of your pocket and hand it to her so she can take a look at it.</p>
<<speech "???">>I can do this. I need time. Time, and one hundred dollars<</speech>>
<p>You hand her the money and she snatches it from your hand. She rushes into her back room and an hour later she returns with two keys that look perfectly identical. Even down to the color. She hands you both keys and you head back out of the shop, thanking her for her help.</p>
<p>You head home after that and go to your Mother’s room to put the key back where you found it.</p>
<p class="got">You now have the bathroom key copy!</p>
[[Leave|House][$sis.questmain to 4]]<<addhours 1>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money. The copy costs $100, come back when you have it</p>
[[Leave the shop|Red Light district]]
<p>You studied for few hours.</p>
<<addhours 2>>
<p>That was a nice swimming session.</p>
<<addhours 2>>
<p>You've built some new muscles.</p>
<<addhours 2>>
<<if $step is 0>>
<p>As you enter the kitchen, your Mother stops you to talk.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hey <<print "$">>, I need you to clean up the basement. It is a complete mess!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you will take care of it.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Thanks sweety! We really need to think up some way to use the space. Otherwise it will just gather up dust again<</speech>>
<a data-passage="kitchenbasement" data-setter="$step to 1" class="link-internal">Ask her if you can use the space <span style="color:orange;">(Enables BDSM content)</span></a>
[[Tell her that you are sure she will think of something|kitchenbasement][$step to 2]]
<<elseif $step is 1>>
<p>You ask your Mother if you can take the room for yourself. You leave out that your idea is a sex dungeon, not seeing it as important information just yet.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Sure! If you have a good idea and promise to keep it clean, it’s all yours<</speech>>
<p>You thank her before heading out of the kitchen.</p>
<p class="got">You now have access to the bdsm content</p>
<<set $bdsm.activate to 1>>\
<<set $quest.basement += 1>>\
<<speech "Mom">>Maybe I’ll put a couch and TV down there for a movie room<</speech>>
<p>You agree that that would be a great idea.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Great! Just let me know when it’s all clean sweety!<</speech>>
<p class="hint">You choose to not activate the bdsm content. You can go to the cheat menu to activate it if you change your mind</p>
<<addmins 10>>
<<if $day is 1>>[[Sit down for breakfast|Breakfast]]<<else>>[[Leave|Kitchen]]<</if>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
<<if $quest.basement is 1>>
[[Spend a few hours cleaning|basementsetup][$step to 0]]
[[Hold of until later|House]]
<<elseif $quest.basement is 3>>
[[Remodel Basement|basementsetup][$step to 1]]
<<elseif $quest.basement gte 5>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '00:00')>>
[[Invite your Mother in the dungeon|momdungeon]]
<a data-passage="sisterdungeon" class="link-internal">Invite $ down to the dungeon</a>
<<if $cousin.slave is 1>>[[Call your Cousin to the dungeon|cousindungeon][$stage to 1]]<</if>>
<<if $jade.questmain gte 5 && $jade.corr gte 25 && $mc.dom gte 10>>[[Call Jade to the dungeon|jadedungeon][$stage to 0; $scene to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $kate.questmain gte 4 && $kate.corr gte 20>>[[Call Kate to the dungeon|katedungeon]]<</if>>
<<if $lucy.questmain gte 5 && $lucy.corr gte 50>>[[Call Lucy to the dungeon|lucydungeon]]<</if>>
<<if $quest.alicebathroom gte 2>>[[Call Alice to the dungeon|alicedungeon]]<</if>>
<<if $carla.progress gte 5 && $carla.corr gte 15 && $mc.dom gte 25>>[[Call Carla to the dungeon|carladungeon][$stage to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $missy.progress gte 5 && $missy.corr gte 50 && $mc.dom gte 25 && $restaurant.status gte 2>>[[Call Missy to the dungeon|missydungeon]]<</if>>
<p class="hint">You can't invite anyone for the moment you can play with girls in the dungeon from 4pm to midnight</p>
[[Learn about domination|traindom]]
<p class="hint">There is nothing to do here for the moment</p>
<<if $quest.basement lte 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "basement">>\
<<elseif $quest.basement gt 1 && $quest.basement lte 3 >>\
<<addclass "body" "basementclean">>\
<<elseif $quest.basement gte 4>>\
<<addclass "body" "dungeon">>\
<</if>>\<<if $ >= 400>>
<p>You approach the counter and speak to the owner of the shop. Their face is shrouded under a hood, but when they speak you are able to tell that they are clearly female.</p>
<<speech "???">>What can I provide you with?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her you are looking for some bondage supplies. You explain your vision of a sex dungeon to them. The stocks to hold your plaything still while you punish them, the straps to safely tie them to the bed, the cat’o’nine tails to whip them to your heart’s content. Your descriptions quickly get out of hand as you babble on excitedly.</p>
<<speech "???">>I can provide these for you. The price is four hundred dollars<</speech>>
<p>You happily pay her what she asks, and she disappears into the back room. Moments later she returns with a box overflowing with all the toys you asked for and even some more that you don’t recognize.</p>
<<speech "???">>The larger items will be delivered soon<</speech>>
<p>You give the shop owner your address for the delivery and head out with your toys, excited to get started on the remodel.</p>
<<set $ -= 400>>
<<set $quest.basement += 1>>
<<speech "???">>You need 400$ to buy these, come back when you have enough!<</speech>>
[[Leave|Red Light district]]
<<if $quest.basement lte 1>>\
<<addclass "body" "basement">>\
<<elseif $quest.basement gt 1 && $quest.basement lte 3 >>\
<<addclass "body" "basementclean">>\
<<elseif $quest.basement gte 4>>\
<<addclass "body" "dungeon">>\
<<if $step is 0>>
<p>You grab a mop, bucket, duster, and other cleaning supplies and get to work. It take you four hours to clean, but when you are done the room is sparkling it is so clean. You call your Mother down to show her that the job is done.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>My goodness this place looks amazing! You did such a nice job! Here’s a little something to thank you for the help<</speech>>
<p>She hands you some money before heading back up stairs. You follow her up soon after.</p>
<<set $ += 50>>
<<addhours 4>>
<p>You get to work remodeling the basement into a sex dungeon. You put up new walls, add a caged bed, a set of stocks, and hanging racks for a litany of toys. It takes a long time but your hard work pays off.</p>
<p>You stand and marvel at your accomplishment. Now you just need to convince someone to join you down here for some real fun.</p>
<<addhours 2>>
<<set $quest.basement += 1>>
<<widget "homeworksetup">>
<<set $bathroom to {}>>
Object.defineProperties(SugarCube.State.variables.bathroom, {
"bath": {
value: "34e133df2f8688f5da5ae4280e8a94d4cc2ef04f57f664fdde03497109771a45",
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
"shower": {
value: "7a45893d1ef984680207f60d2ee2dfa3633c80bd46d42706fc3652c25ca091ab",
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
"toilets": {
value: "1d0933714ff24822068748e363f18807af52a056780b2522f779726492828e46",
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
"max": {
value: "0d3f7de60ccc0fe78a6861ae811061c58b7567311bc7aa6ee76c2a19c1b7242e",
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
"ultra": {
value: "f998f92f72241b1fddd6b66150eaa7cbc7025fc1c77969843df00625ffa0a0b5",
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
"urinal": {
value: "6d2521f72cd93b368f10e469e582838f39b8ec413405077bc2314b788f56a10b",
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
});}, 600);
<</widget>><<if $step is 0>>
<p>You get some lunch and see Kate eating alone in the cafeteria. You walk over and take a seat next to her.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Hey there Mr. Big Cock! Joining me for lunch?<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her and take a bite of your food. The two of you talk and joke around with each other while you both enjoy your meals. Eventually the conversation leads to her birthday.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Yeah my birthday was a couple days ago. But being away from home leads to not being able to celebrate it with my family<</speech>>
<p>You ask if she planned anything.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh I don’t plan on having a party or anything this year. Being away from home doesn’t really get me in the mood to party<</speech>>
<p>Kate looks a little bummed about not celebrating her birthday this year. Maybe you should visit the Mall and see if they have anything she would like.</p>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<set $quest.kategiftquest += 1>>
[[Finish Eating|University]]
<p>While at the pool you see Kate. You walk over to her and hand her the gift, wishing her a happy birthday.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>For me? Oh you shouldn’t have!<</speech>>
<p>She excitedly tears open the box and pulls out the bikini.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>A new bikini! I love it, thank you so much! I’m gonna go try it on I’ll be right back<</speech>>
<p>She runs off towards the locker rooms with the bikini in hand.</p>
<p>Kate returns.</p>
<p>Kate stands before you wearing her new bikini. It is a bit small on her, but looks fantastic.</p>
<p>She turns to show you her back.</p>
<<speech "Kate">> “Look at me! This bikini is amazing!<</speech>>
<p>You can’t help but agree, and your hardening cock makes that very obvious to Kate.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Looks like Mr. Big Cock likes it too. I think its time to show you how much I appreciate your gift<</speech>>
[[Follow her|kategiftquestpoolscene][$scene to 0]]
<<if $lucy.library is 1 && $lucy.class is 1>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
[[Have a small talk with lucy|librarysexapplucy]]<<else>>
[[Have a small talk with lucy|classsexapplucy]]<</if>>
<<elseif $lucy.library is 1>>
[[Talk about today's study session at the library with lucy|librarysexapplucy]]
<<elseif $lucy.class is 1>>
[[Talk about today's class with lucy|classsexapplucy]]
[[Exchange a few messages with lucy|nothingsexapplucy]]
<<if $has.sendnotes is 0 && $has.class is 1>>
[[Send today's notes to lucy|lucynotes][$notes to 1]]
<<elseif $lucy.notes is 1 && $has.class is 1 && $has.todaynotes is 0>>
[[Send today's notes to lucy|lucynotes][$notes to 2]]
<<if $jade.train is 1 && $jade.class is 1>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
[[Have a small talk with Jade|trainsexappjade]]<<else>>
[[Have a small talk with Jade|classsexappjade]]<</if>>
<<elseif $jade.train is 1>>
[[Talk about today training with Jade|trainsexappjade]]
<<elseif $jade.class is 1>>
[[Talk about today's class with Jade|classsexappjade]]
[[Exchange a few messages with Jade|nothingsexappjade]]
<<if $kate.pool is 1 && $kate.class is 1>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
[[Have a small talk with Kate|poolsexappkate]]<<else>>
[[Have a small talk with Kate|classsexappkate]]<</if>>
<<elseif $kate.pool is 1>>
[[Talk about today's swimming session with Kate|poolsexappkate]]
<<elseif $kate.class is 1>>
[[Talk about today's class with Kate|classsexappkate]]
[[Exchange a few messages with Kate|nothingsexappkate]]
<<if $quest.alicebathroom gte 2 && $has.aliceaddress is 0>>
[[Message Alice about what happened in the restrooms|alicebathroomsexapp]]
<p class="hint">Alice is offline</p>
<<if $scene is 1>>
<p>You push open her stall door and stand in front of her. She doesn’t stop masturbating on your account.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>What the fuck are you doing?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you want more than just a blowjob this time as you pull your cock free from your pants. It quickly grows hard as you look at her masturbating in front of you.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>You’re a bit of a cocky prick, huh?<</speech>>
<p>She slaps her pussy a few times, giving you a seductive smile as she does.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>What are you waiting for?<</speech>>
[[Fuck the slut|restroomscene2][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You grab her and push her up against the wall. You slide your cock into her pussy from behind. You grab her arm for some leverage as you begin to thrust into her, quickly building into a steady pace. You hold her by the neck and lean in to kiss her before grabbing her hair like reigns to begin to really start thrusting into her tight pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Have her ride you|restroomscene2][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You go into the stall and sit on the toilet. You pull her close and she spreads her legs so that one is on each side of you as she lowers her pussy onto your cock. She begins to bounce quickly and powerfully. You slap her round slutty ass while she rides you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Make her bounce on your cock|restroomscene2][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You stand her up and turn her around. You make her fully undress, then you pull her hips closer to you. You aim your cock at her pussy as she lowers herself down onto it. She lowers herself further and then begins to bounce on and ride your cock. Her moans echoing out through the entire bathroom.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Put her back against the wall|restroomscene2][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You pull your cock out of her pussy and spin her around. You push her against the wall of the stall and lift one of her legs up and hold it against you as you slide your cock back into her pussy. You fuck her fast, grabbing her tits with your hand as your thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|restroomscene2][$scene to 6]]
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<p>You pull out and push her down to her knees as you start to cum. You groan in pleasure as rope after rope of cum shoots out and onto her face and into her open smiling mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Alice">>That was fucking amazing. Here’s my SexApp ID. Hit me up sometime. I wanna do this again<</speech>>
<p class="got">You got Alice’s SexApp ID</p><<set $has.aliceid to 1>>
<p class="got">Alice trusts you more</p><<set $ += 5>>
<p>You tell her that she will hear from you soon. You then get dressed and leave the bathroom.</p>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $quest.alicebathroom += 1>>
<p>As you enter the stall you hear the same sounds you heard before. You look through the hole and see that the girl from before has returned and is masturbating furiously in the stall besides you once again.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom/masturbating.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Push the stall|restroomscene2][$scene to 1]]
<p>You enter the stall and get a blowjob from Alice.</p>
<<set _random = random(120)>>
<<if _random lte 29>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/blowjob0.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif _random gte 30 && _random lte 59>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/blowjob1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif _random gte 60 && _random lte 89 >>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/blowjob2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/blowjob3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<set $has.alicedailyblowjob to 1>>\
<<addmins 30>>\
<p>You open up your phone and decide to message Alice. You tell her that fucking her was fun and you can’t wait to do it again soon.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Why wait, here’s my address ;)<</speech>>
<p>She sends a nude selfie of herself back with her message.</p>
<p>You put your phone away. You should visit her home in the evening sometime soon.</p><<set $quest.alicebathroom += 1>>
<p class="got">Gained Alice’s address</p><<set $has.aliceaddress to 1>>
<<alicetrust>><<set $ += 4>>
<<alicecorr>><<set $alice.corr += 4>>
[[Say bye|House]]
<<if $alice.loc is "Alice's home">>
[[Knock on the door|insidealicehouse]]
<<elseif $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 22>>
<p>It's too late. All the lights are off.</p>
<p>There is nothing to do here.</p>
[[Go back|Street]]
<<if $quest.alicebathroom is 3>>
<p>You arrive at the address Alice gave you over SexApp and knock on the door. Within moments she arrives at the door to greet you.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Took you long enough. Hurry up and get in here, I want another taste of that cock<</speech>>
<p>She leads you into her house and into the kitchen. She hops up on the kitchen counter. She pulls out her tits and spreads her legs for you, revealing the rip in her leggings giving you full access to her pussy. You lean in and kiss her, groping her tits with one hand while you pull out your cock with the other.</p>
[[Fuck her in the kitchen|alicehomescene][$[3] to 1]]
<p>You go back to Alice’s house to get some more pussy. She is naked and ready to fuck within seconds of you walking through her front door.</p>
<<set _random = random(100)>>
<<if _random lte 29>>
<p>You pull Alice off of the counter, turn her around and slide your cock back into her pussy from behind. You bend her over the table as you begin to thrust, slamming your cock into her hard. The room fills with the sounds of your bodies slapping together. You reach around and grab her long brown hair, wrapping a lock of it around her throat as you fuck her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif _random gte 30 && _random lte 69>>
<p>You grab your hard cock and shove it right inside of her wet pussy. You reach up and gently choke her while you thrust hard and fast. You release her throat and slap her tit, getting rough with her as you continue to fuck Alice.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You hop onto the counter and lie down on your back. She climbs up slowly after you and sucks on your cock briefly before positioning her pussy above your cock. You slide it in as she lowers herself down. You thrust up into her and she bounces on it quickly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You spend the whole evening fucking her over and over again. You fall asleep in each others arms.</p>
[[Next Morning|alicebedroommorning][$[4] to 1]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 1>>
<p>You pull Alice off of the counter, turn her around and slide your cock back into her pussy from behind. You bend her over the table as you begin to thrust, slamming your cock into her hard. The room fills with the sounds of your bodies slapping together. You reach around and grab her long brown hair, wrapping a lock of it around her throat as you fuck her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Give her a taste|alicehomescene][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You push her down to her knees and shove your cock into her mouth. You grab hold of her head and hair as you roughly pull it down onto your cock and fuck her throat. She gags loudly and often as you rough her throat up with your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her tits|alicehomescene][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You tell her to press her tits together so you can fuck them. She does so and so you slide your cock beneath her shirt and between her tits. You start to thrust fast as your slam your groin into her tits. You hold onto her face and make her look you in the eyes while your hard cock slides between her fuck pillows.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get on the counter|alicehomescene][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You hop onto the counter and lie down on your back. She climbs up slowly after you and sucks on your cock briefly before positioning her pussy above your cock. You slide it in as she lowers herself down. You thrust up into her and she bounces on it quickly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|alicehomescene][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You pull her to the ground as you get close to cumming. A few extra strokes of your cock is all you need to erupt. You aim your cock at her face as your load starts to shoot out. Every burst of jizz splashing against her face as you cover her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Alice">>Holy fuck you are amazing. You can come by and fuck me like then whenever you want<</speech>>
<p>You let her know that you will be back soon as you get dressed and get ready to head home. You give her one more slap on her ass before leaving, just for the fun of it.</p>
<<set $quest.alicebathroom += 1>>
<p>You grab your hard cock and shove it right inside of her wet pussy. You reach up and gently choke her while you thrust hard and fast. You release her throat and slap her tit, getting rough with her as you continue to fuck Alice.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Flip her over|alicehomescene][$scene to 1]]
<p>You wake up as the sun hits your eyes through the window. There is a note and an energy bar on the bed next to you.</p>
<p class="hint">Alice’s note: 'Hey stud. Last night was great. Sorry I couldn’t make you breakfast but I had to go to work. Come by again soon!”</p>
<p>You get up and get dressed, leaving to begin your day.</p>
<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<<if $step is 1>>
<<if $scene is 1>>
<p>You and Jade do some squats together. She playfully flashes you in between sets.</p>
<p>During one of her squats she went particularly low and a low ripping sound filled the gym.</p>
[[Find out where the sound came from|jadegiftquesttraining][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You find the source of the ripping noise rather quickly when you notice that you can see Jade’s bare ass and pussy through a large hole ripped into her leggings.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Oh fuck! I just got these!<</speech>>
<p>She jumps to try and cover herself, clearly sad that they ripped.</p>
[[Demand she continues to train in them|jadegiftquesttraining][$scene to 3]]
[[Offer to buy her a new pair of leggings|jadegiftquesttraining][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You get close to her and move her hands away from the hole in her leggings.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>What are you doing?<</speech>>
<p>You make it clear to her that you want her to keep working out in this outfit and only this outfit from now on.</p>
<<if $jade.corr >= 15 && $mc.dom > 10>><<set $jade.torn to 1>>
<p>Jade smiles back at you and gets back to her workout. She squats down low again, giving you a great view of her exposed ass and pussy through the hole of the yoga pants.</p>
<p>The two of you finish your workout soon after. She stops just before going into the locker room to get changed.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>That was a lot of fun. But if I’m gonna be showing off like that when I work out from now on, you better promise that you’ll be here to see it more often<</speech>>
<p>The two of you go your separate ways. You get changed and head home for the day.</p>
<p>Jade scowls at you and pushed you away from her.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Excuse me? I’m not just some toy that will do whatever you want!<</speech>>
<p>Jade stomps away fuming.</p>
<<jadetrustminus>><<set $ -= 4>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You tell Jade that you can buy her some new leggings. One that won’t rip on her when she trains.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Really? You would do that for me? Wow Mr. <<print "$mc.eyes">> eyes, aren’t you sweet?<</speech>>
<p>Jade gives you a kiss on the cheek before quickly walking back to the changing room. You follow her lead and get changed yourself before heading home.</p>
<<set $quest.jadegiftquest += 1>>
<<addhours 2>>
<p>You head into the gym and look for Jade to train with her today. When you find her you see that she is wearing some new leggings that look fantastic on her.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey Mr. <<print "$mc.eyes">> eyes! Do you like my new yoga pants?<</speech>>
<p>You nod at her. The growing erection in your pants making it easy to see that you greatly enjoy how she looks in her new outfit.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Maybe we should get started before you start drooling<</speech>>
[[Start training|jadegiftquesttraining][$scene to 1]]
<p>You walk into the gym with Jade’s gift. You quickly find her working out on the elliptical and get her attention.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey there Mr. <<print "$mc.eyes">> eyes! What is that in your hand?<</speech>>
<p>You open the gift to show her the leggings you bought her.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Oh my goodness they are perfect! How can I ever thank you?<</speech>>
<p>You smile back and place your hand on her ass, giving her a hint of how you would like to be thanked.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Oh I see. Follow me<</speech>>
[[Follow Jade|jadegiftquestscene][$scene to 0; $[5] to 1]]
<</if>><<if $ gte 20>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
<section id="chatsys">
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<ol class="discussion">
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>You were looking sexy as hell in the gym today</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>You were looking pretty sexy yourself, Mr. $mc.eyes Eyes. If you aren’t careful I won’t be able to resist you next time</p>
<time datetime="">Jade</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Guess I should stop being careful then</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<jadetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Jade's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 10>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<ol class="discussion">
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Today’s work out was great!</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>It was so much fun. I love watching you workout. You muscles are getting so big!</p>
<time datetime="">Jade</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>You can feel them whenever you want</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I’ll hold you too that</p>
<time datetime="">Jade</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<jadetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Jade's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<ol class="discussion">
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Ugh I’m so sore after that workout</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Good job today! You are definitely getting stronger!</p>
<time datetime="">Jade</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<time datetime="">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<jadetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Jade's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $ gte 20>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<ol class="discussion">
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I almost hate going to class anymore</p>
<time datetime="">Jade</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Why is that?</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I’d rather skip and hang out with you</p>
<time datetime="">Jade</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<jadetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Jade's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 10>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<ol class="discussion">
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Chemistry was fun today. I wish Ms. Lee wasn’t such a hard ass all the time</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Yeah, same. At least she teaches well</p>
<time datetime="">Jade</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<time datetime="">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<jadetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Jade's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Thanks for not talking during class. I hate when people try to talk to me when I’m listening to the lesson. It’s so annoying</p>
<time datetime="">Jade</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>No problem, I get it!</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<jadetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Jade's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $ gte 20>>
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Where were you today???</p>
<time datetime="">Jade</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Aww did some one miss me?</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Yes I did! Do I need to flash you to get you to hang out with me more?</p>
<time datetime="">Jade</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Couldn’t hurt, lol</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p class="app-link"><<link "nude">><<dialog 'nude' ''>>[img["ressources/sexapp/jade/" + random(3) + ".jpg"]]<</dialog>><</link>></p>
<time datetime="">Jade</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<jadetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Jade's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 10>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<div class="messages">
<p>So what is your favorite position?</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Definitely cowgirl. I like to set the pace some times. Plus it is a nice work out</p>
<time datetime="">Jade</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I get that. I like watching tits bounce so I’m right there with you</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<jadetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Jade's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<ol class="discussion">
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Hey! Looking forward to hanging out with you soon!</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Same, come by the gym, I’m there like every day</p>
<time datetime="">Jade</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I’ll be sure to check it out</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<jadetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Jade's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $ gte 20>>
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<ol class="discussion">
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Had tons of fun swimming with you today!</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I bet you had fun. Hell, I did too. Your cock looked tasty clung to your wet shorts</p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>You can have a taste whenever you’d like</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<katetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Kate's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 10>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I had a great time swimming with you today!</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I had fun too! And you are becoming a much better swimmer Mr. Big Cock. Maybe you deserve a reward for your hard work</p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Can’t wait to see what you have in mind</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<katetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Kate's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<p>Please tell me you didn’t see my attempt at a dive earlier today</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>You mean that belly flop? Yeah I saw it</p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Lol, it was a decent try though</p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<katetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Kate's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $ gte 20>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Hey! Class was pretty fun today, huh?</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Fuck class! Hell half the reason I even go is because I get to see you Mr. Big Cock</p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Maybe we should skip together some time then</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Any time, anywhere</p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<katetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Kate's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 10>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>You should sit near me more often. Class is a lot more fun when you do</p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Agreed. And the view is nicer with you there too</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Aww, you’re making me blush</p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<katetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Kate's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Class today was pretty interesting. I’m starting to enjoy our teacher more and more each class</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Yeah I wasn’t listening to the teacher all that much. Not with you next to me Mr. Big Cock</p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I’m happy to be your distraction</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<katetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Kate's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $ gte 20>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Hey, I missed you today. Didn’t have time to make it to the pool?</p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Sorry, I couldn’t. I’ll be around soon though. You know I always enjoy seeing you</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>You can ‘see me’ whenever you want</p>
<p class="app-link"><<link "nude">><<dialog 'nude' ''>>[img["ressources/sexapp/kate/" + random(3) + ".jpg"]]<</dialog>><</link>></p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<katetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Kate's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 10>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I wish the teacher would get off my back. I do my best. It’s not my fault she is so boring</p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>She can be a bit dry if you aren’t a guy ogling her all class</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>That doesn’t help me like her class either. I like having eyes on me</p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<katetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Kate's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<ol class="discussion">
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Hey, what’re you up to tonight?</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Smoking and watching movies, you?</p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I’m sitting her hating that I’m not joining you</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Maybe next time, Mr. Big Cock</p>
<time datetime="">Kate</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<katetrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Kate's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $ gte 20>>
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<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I need to come to the library more often. I always have such a good time with you there. I do better on homework too</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/lucy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Well study hard and keep coming to the library. We can have all sorts of fun together</p>
<p class="app-link"><<link "nude">><<dialog 'nude' ''>>[img["ressources/sexapp/lucy/" + random(3) + ".jpg"]]<</dialog>><</link>></p>
<time datetime="">Lucy</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<lucytrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Lucy's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 10>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<p>Thanks for studying with me. You’re such a great help!</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/lucy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Awe, Thanks! With how helpful your notes have been I’m always happy to help you study</p>
<time datetime="">Lucy</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<lucytrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Lucy's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<div class="messages">
<p>Studying with you in the library today was great</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/lucy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Don’t you just love the library? It’s so serene. It’s the perfect place to just relax with a book</p>
<time datetime="">Lucy</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I know. There is no better place to chill at</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<lucytrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Lucy's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $ gte 20>>
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<div class="messages">
<p>Had fun with you in class today. Hope I didn’t distract you too much</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/lucy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Every time you sit next to me my notes suffer. Not that I mind. Yours are still great, plus I like seeing you</p>
<p class="app-link"><<link "nude">><<dialog 'nude' ''>>[img["ressources/sexapp/lucy/" + random(3) + ".jpg"]]<</dialog>><</link>></p>
<time datetime="">Lucy</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I like seeing you too</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<lucytrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Lucy's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 10>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<p>One set of notes, ready for you to study from!</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/lucy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Thanks again. I just love your notes. They help so much!</p>
<time datetime="">Lucy</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I’m glad to hear that. I’m happy to send them whenever you need them</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<lucytrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Lucy's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<ol class="discussion">
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Hey, here is a copy of my notes from today’s class</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/lucy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Wow! I wish I could take notes as fast as you</p>
<time datetime="">Lucy</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<lucytrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Lucy's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $ gte 20>>
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/lucy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Missed you today</p>
<time datetime="">Lucy</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Same, I hate not seeing you some days</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/lucy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Here now you can always see me!</p>
<p class="app-link"><<link "nude">><<dialog 'nude' ''>>[img["ressources/sexapp/lucy/" + random(3) + ".jpg"]]<</dialog>><</link>></p>
<time datetime="">Lucy</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<lucytrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Lucy's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 10>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Hey, what’s up?</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/lucy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<time datetime="">Lucy</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>You busy? You seem distracted</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/lucy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Just studying extra hard. I get the feeling Ms. Powers is gonna give us a pop quiz soon</p>
<time datetime="">Lucy</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<lucytrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Lucy's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<ol class="discussion">
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Hey, you doing anything this weekend?</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/lucy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Studying, why?</p>
<time datetime="">Lucy</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Just seeing if you wanted to do something fun!</p>
<time datetime="">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/university/lucy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Studying is fun</p>
<time datetime="">Lucy</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<lucytrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Lucy's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $scene is 1>>
<p>Jade undresses you and gets down on her knees. She grabs your rock hard cock and wraps her lips around it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gift/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|jadegiftquestscene][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You turn Jade around and put her on her hands and knees. You push the head of your cock into her pussy and let her push back to slide the rest of your cock inside. You caress and grab her hips as you begin to thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gift/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Flip her over|jadegiftquestscene][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull your cock out of her pussy long enough for her to flip over onto her back.</p>
<p>You grab her legs and slide your cock back into her pussy, thrusting hard into her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gift/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Have her ride yourself|jadegiftquestscene][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You lie down next to Jade and she quickly climbs on top of you, grabbing your cock and guiding into her pussy as she begins to ride your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gift/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Change position|jadegiftquestscene][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>Before long she turns around and begins to bounce on your cock while facing away from you. You thrust up into her hard and fast while she bounces on you. You both moan together in pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gift/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|jadegiftquestscene][$scene to 6]]
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<p>You let Jade know you are close to cumming. She climbs off your cock and slides her face down close to your cock as you stroke yourself to completion.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gift/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Make her clean your cock|jadegiftquestscene][$scene to 7]]
<<elseif $scene is 7>>
<p>She sucks and licks your cock clean.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gift/licking.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She cleans her face off and then starts to get dressed.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>That was fun, <<print "$">>. I hope we can train together again real soon<</speech>>
<p>She give you a wink before leaving. You head home soon after.</p>
<<set $quest.jadegiftquest += 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>Jade takes you by the hand and leads you off somewhere secluded. She takes her clothes off and starts to kiss you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Let’s get these clothes off<</speech>>
[[Undress|jadegiftquestscene][$scene to 1]]
<</if>><<if $notes is 1>>
<p>Lucy replies with a nice picture of… her boobs!</p>
<<set _thanks to random(2)>>
[img["ressources/homework/lucy/" + _thanks + ".jpg"]]
<<set $has.sendnotes to 1>>
<<set _picture to either(1, 2, 3)>>
<<if _picture is 1>>
<p>Lucy replies with a nice picture of… her boobs!</p>
<<set _thanks to random(2)>>
[img["ressources/homework/lucy/" + _thanks + ".jpg"]]
<<elseif _picture is 2>>
<p>Lucy replies with a nice picture of… her ass!</p>
<<set _thanks to random(3, 5)>>
[img["ressources/homework/lucy/" + _thanks + ".jpg"]]
<<elseif _picture is 3>>
<p>Lucy replies with a nice picture of… her body!</p>
<<set _thanks to random(6, 8)>>
[img["ressources/homework/lucy/" + _thanks + ".jpg"]]
<<set $has.todaynotes to 1>>
[[Back to SexApp mainscreen|SexApp]]
<<addmins 10>><<set $has.receivedlucynudes to 1>><<if $scene is 1>>
<p>You pull Kate onto your lap and slide your cock into her pussy. She bounces her ass up and down as she rides you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/gift/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[She turns around|kategiftquestpoolscene][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Kate stands up and turns around, sliding your cock back inside of her and riding you once more, giving you a nice view of her butt as it bounces on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/gift/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her ass|kategiftquestpoolscene][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<<speech "Kate">>Time for a real treat<</speech>>
<p>Kate bends over and spreads her cheeks for you.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Fuck my ass Mr. Big Cock!<</speech>>
<p>You happily slide your cock slowly into her tight ass and begin to fuck her doggy style.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/gift/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|kategiftquestpoolscene][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You thrust hard and fast as your orgasm builds. You finally cum and cream pie Kate’s ass with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/gift/creampie.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Kate">>Fuck! That was fantastic <<print "$">>. We need to do that again sometime!<</speech>>
<<katecorr>><<set $kate.corr += 3>>\
<<katetrust>><<set $ += 3>>\
<<set $quest.kategiftquest += 1>>\
<<addhours 4>>\
<p>Kate leads you away to a secluded room in the university so you can fool around in peace.</p>
<p>She grabs your cock and immediately takes you into her mouth, sucking powerfully.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/gift/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Time to fuck|kategiftquestpoolscene][$scene to 1]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 1>>
<p>Lucy jumps onto the bed and begins to pull her lingerie off, revealing her small perky tits to you.</p>
<p>You reach forward with your hand. You grope and caress her tits. You feel her soft silky skin in your palm. Her breasts are warm and soft. She moans as you play with them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/gift/tits.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Have her blow you|lucygiftquestscene][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You lie down onto the bed in front of her. She moves between your legs, pulls off your pants, and grabs your rapidly hardening cock. She looks at you while she licks your shaft. She then takes your cock in both of her hands and pulls it closer to her face. She lowers her mouth onto it, sucking on just the head at first. She looks into your eyes as she swallows more past her lips.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/gift/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|lucygiftquestscene][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>Lucy sits up and turns around. She bends over, showing you her ass and pussy. You finger her pussy lightly for a moment, before pulling her back and sliding your cock into her. She leans forward and slowly rocks her body back and forth. Her pussy lips gliding along your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/gift/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Look at her while you fuck her|lucygiftquestscene][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You pull Lucy off and flip her onto her back. You crawl up between her legs and slide your cock into her pussy. You stare into each others eyes as your slowly thrust into her building into a steady rhythm.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/gift/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|lucygiftquestscene][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You feel your orgasm building. You thrust harder and faster into her pussy as you begin to erupt. Your cock pulses as it unloads deep into her pussy, giving her a heavy creampie with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/gift/creampie.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks your cock and her hands clean, staring into your eyes as she does.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>That was fantastic! Ready for round two?<</speech>>
<p>You are exhausted but you agree. The two of you fuck and make love over and over again until before you know it, the day is gone and it is dark out side. The two of you have drained each other completely, having fucked each other half a dozen times today. You are incredibly tired but you manage to get dressed so you can head home.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Don’t be stranger<</speech>>
<p>You promise her that you won’t and head home for the night.</p>
<<set $quest.lucygiftquest += 1>>
<<link "Head home">><<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>><<goto "Bedroom">><</link>>
<p>Lucy leads you along and the two of you walk together until you reach an apartment building. She leads you inside one of the apartments and into her bedroom. She undresses down into her lingerie.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>You are such a great guy. I’m gonna fuck you all night for this<</speech>>
[[She teases you|lucygiftquestscene][$scene to 1]]
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<h1>All Gallery scenes unlocked</h1>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<div class="portrait" target="_mom">
[img["ressources/img/mom/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 1]]
<div class="portrait" target="_sasha">
[img["ressources/img/sasha/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 3]]
<div class="portrait" target="_grandma">
[img["ressources/img/grandma/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 16]]
<div class="portrait" target="_aunt">
[img["ressources/img/aunt/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 14]]
<div class="portrait" target="_alice">
[img["ressources/img/alice/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 2]]
<div class="portrait" target="_cousin">
[img["ressources/img/cousin/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 15]]
<div class="portrait" target="_lucy">
[img["ressources/img/lucy/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 4]]
<div class="portrait" target="_jade">
[img["ressources/img/jade/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 5]]
<div class="portrait" target="_kate">
[img["ressources/img/kate/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 6]]
<div class="portrait" target="_sato">
[img["ressources/img/sato/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 7]]
<div class="portrait" target="_teacher">
[img["ressources/img/teacher/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 8]]
<div class="portrait" target="_powers">
[img["ressources/img/powers/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 9]]
<div class="portrait" target="_missy">
[img["ressources/img/missy/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 10]]
<div class="portrait" target="_abigail">
[img["ressources/img/abigail/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 11]]
<div class="portrait" target="_carla">
[img["ressources/img/carla/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 12]]
<div class="portrait" target="_tammy">
[img["ressources/img/tammy/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 17]]
<div class="portrait" target="_erika">
[img["ressources/img/erika/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 18]]
<div class="portrait" target="_mikaela">
[img["ressources/img/mikaela/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 19]]
<div class="portrait" target="_tiffany">
[img["ressources/img/tiffany/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 20]]
<<if $>><div class="portrait" target="_claus">
[img["ressources/img/claus/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 21]]
<div class="portrait" target="_dean">
[img["ressources/img/dean/face.png"][Gallery Main][$stage to 13]]
let placeholder = document.getElementById('placeholder');
placeholder.setAttribute('draggable', false);
}, 400);
<div id="cheatdiv" style="clear:both; transform: translateX(-34px);">
<<textbox "_testcode" "Gallery code here">>
<<linkreplace "Unlock all Gallery scenes">>
<<set _val = sha256(_testcode)>>
<<if _val == $bathroom.urinal>>
<p class="got">Gallery Unlocked</p>
<<goto "Gallery cheat">>
<p class="hint">Sorry the code you entered is not valid</p>
<h2>To get the code you must donate</h2>
''On <span class="porn stat">Patreon:</span>''
<a href="" target="_blank" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button">[img["ressources/patreon.jpg"]]</a>
<span class="porn stat">''''</span>
''Or on <span class="sex stat">Subscribestar:</span>''
<a href="" target="_blank">[img["ressources/subscribestar.png"]]</a>
<span class="sex stat">''''</span>
<a data-passage=$prevpassage class="link-internal">Return</a>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<MakeGallery 23 mom>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<MakeGallery 8 alice>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<MakeGallery 26 sasha>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<MakeGallery 8 lucy>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<MakeGallery 14 jade>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<MakeGallery 10 kate>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<MakeGallery 7 sato>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<MakeGallery 5 teacher>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<MakeGallery 7 powers>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<MakeGallery 7 missy>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<MakeGallery 6 abigail>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<MakeGallery 9 carla>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<MakeGallery 12 dean>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<MakeGallery 7 aunt>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 15>>
<<MakeGallery 6 cousin>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 16>>
<<MakeGallery 6 grandma>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 17>>
<<MakeGallery 5 tammy>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 18>>
<<MakeGallery 5 erika>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 19>>
<<MakeGallery 5 mikaela>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<elseif $stage is 20>>
<<MakeGallery 6 tiffany>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<<MakeGallery 6 claus>>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 0]]</div>
<</if>><<set $scene to 0>><<UnlockFinishedGalleries>><<nobr>><<if ( $daycheck is "Wednesday" || $daycheck is "Friday" ) && isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '21:59') && $restaurant.meeting is 0 && $restaurant.employee gte 1 && $abigail.progress lt 6>>
<<goto "abigailmeeting">>
<<if $restaurant.status is 0 || $restaurant.status is 1>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '11:00', '14:59')>>
<<if $restaurant.employee is 0>>
<p>You push open the front door of the restaurant and walk in. The hostess is standing behind a podium just inside.</p>
<<speech "Hostess">>Hi! Welcome to the Cock and Bull! Table for one?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you aren’t here to eat and that you came to ask about the job.</p>
<<speech "Hostess">>Oh great! You’ll wanna talk to Abigail then, she is the owner. Come with me I’ll take you to her<</speech>>
[[Follow her|restaurantfirsttime][$restaurant.employee to 1]]
<<elseif $restaurant.employee gte 1 && $restaurant.worked is 0>>
[[Work|firstwork][$step to 0]]
<<elseif $restaurant.employee gte 1>>
[[Work|restaurantwork][$restaurant.haveworked to 1]]
[[Enjoy a meal|restauranteating]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '19:59')>>
<<if $restaurant.employee is 0>>
<p>You push open the front door of the restaurant and walk in. The hostess is standing behind a podium just inside.</p>
<<speech "Hostess">>Hi! Welcome to the Cock and Bull! Table for one?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you aren’t here to eat and that you came to ask about the job.</p>
<<speech "Hostess">>Oh great! You’ll wanna talk to Abigail then, she is the owner. Come with me I’ll take you to her<</speech>>
[[Follow her|restaurantfirsttime][$restaurant.employee to 1]]
<<elseif $restaurant.employee gte 1 && $restaurant.barworked is 0>>
[[Work|firstbarwork][$step to 0]]
<<elseif $restaurant.employee gte 1>>
<<if $dean.loc is "The Cock and Bull" && $dean.questmain is 2 && $dean.route is "dom" && $ gte 10 && $mc.dom gte 15>>
[[Work|deanmainquest2 dom][$restaurant.haveworked to 1; $scene to 0]]
[[Work|barwork][$restaurant.haveworked to 1]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '21:59') && $restaurant.employee gte 1>>
[[Grab a drink|drinkingbar]]
<<elseif $restaurant.status is 2>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '11:00', '14:59')>>
[[Work|restaurantwork][$restaurant.haveworked to 1]]
[[Enjoy a meal|restauranteating]]
[[Work as a manager|restaurantmanager][$restaurant.haveworked to 1]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '19:59')>>
<<if $dean.loc is "The Cock and Bull" && $dean.questmain is 2 && $dean.route is "dom" && $ gte 10 && $mc.dom gte 15>>
[[Work|deanmainquest2 dom][$restaurant.haveworked to 1; $scene to 0]]
[[Work as a manager|deanmainquest2 dom][$restaurant.haveworked to 1; $scene to 0]]
[[Work|barwork][$restaurant.haveworked to 1]]
<<if $carla.slave is 1>>[[Work as a manager|barmanagerscene][$scene to 0; $restaurant.haveworked to 1]]<<else>>[[Work as a manager|barmanager][$restaurant.haveworked to 1]]<</if>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '21:59')>>
[[Grab a drink|drinkingbar]]
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Get out|Mall]]</div>
<p>You follow the hostess closely as she leads you towards the back rooms of the restaurant. She brings you up to a door and knocks on it firmly.</p>
<<speech "???">>Yeah? Come in, what do you want?<</speech>>
<p>The hostess opens the door and walks in. You enter just behind her and see a buxom beautiful woman standing in front of her desk.</p>
<<speech "Hostess">>Hello Abigail, this guy is here about the job opening<</speech>>
<<speech "Abigail">>Thank you, now leave I need to speak with him privately<</speech>>
<p>The hostess walks out, clearly used to how short and firm Abigail is with her words.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Sit down and tell me why you want the job<</speech>>
<p>Abigail sits down behind her desk and waits impatiently for you to answer her. You spend a few moments giving her the most convincing argument you can for why you should get the job. She stares at you while you talk. Her large bright eyes contrasted by the coldness of her stare. When you are done she nods her head and stands.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>I’ll give you a shot. From 12 to 14, you can work as a server with Missy. From 17 to 22, Carla needs help at the bar so you’ll will work there. You get paid per shift, and we will meet every Wednesday and Friday to discuss your productivity. Do not make me regret hiring you. You are dismissed<</speech>>
<p>You thank her for the opportunity and get up and leave as she asked. You head back out of the restaurant, thanking the hostess for her help as you pass her and return to the mall.</p>
<<set $restaurant.employee to 1>>
<<set $restaurant.status to 1>>
<<if $step is 0>>
<p>You head into the back and grab and apron to start your first shift as a waiter. You remember that Abigail told you that you would be working with Missy during the day. So, when you head back out into the dining room you start looking for her. You find her easily enough since she is the only other person serving customers. When you see her she is serving a table of guys that are around your age. She is flirting heavily with them and giving them a look down her shirt every chance she can get. When she is done you get her attention and introduce yourself.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Oh you’re the new guy, huh? Abby didn’t tell me you were so hot! Come on new guy I’ll show you the ropes. And maybe some more if you play your cards right<</speech>>
<p>Missy turns away from you and starts walking towards the tables. Her massive ass in her tight skirt is taking up most of your attention as you begin to follow her though. And she is clearly swaying it as she walks for added effect.</p>
[[Get to work|firstwork][$step to 1]]
<p>You spend the shift shadowing her and learning the job. By the end of the shift you are good on your own, and able to do everything that Missy does. Well, except the flirting. You imagine that she must get huge tips.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>You did great today. I’ll make sure I put in a good word with Abby<</speech>>
<p>The two of you talk a bit once the lunch shift is over. You put your apron away and collect your payment for the day. You head home to get some rest.</p>
<<set $restaurant.worked to 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(15)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
[[Work hard|restaurantworkhard]]
[[Mess around with Missy|restaurantworkmissy][$restaurant.missy to 1]]
<<if $ >= 25>>
<p>You sit down and grab some lunch at the Cock and Bull. You order a steak and Missy the hot waitress brings it to you. She gives you a chance to look down her shirt very often. She clearly is fishing for a big tip.</p>
<<set $ -= 25>>\
<<if $ >= 25>>[[Leave a big tip|bigtiprestaurant]]<<else>><</if>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(14)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
[[Head home|House]]
<p>You don't have enough money to order a meal.</p>
<</if>><<if $step is 0>>
<p>You arrive at the restaurant for your first shift behind the bar. Abigail told you to that you would be helping Carla behind the bar. So you make a point to find her before the start of your shift. You see a gorgeous girl with dyed hair and lots of tattoos setting things up behind the bar and assume that she must be Carla. You walk up behind her and tap her shoulder to get her attention. She spins around quickly and snatches your arm by the wrist, her grip is weirdly powerful.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>I haven’t served one goddamned drink yet and you fuckers are already getting handsy?<</speech>>
<p>Your eyes grow wide in fear. You apologize and explain that you are the new employee and just wanted to introduce yourself.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Oh…. Next time say something don’t just go touching people! Anyway, I’m Carla. I run the bar most nights. Do as I do, don’t break shit, and if you accidentally touch my ass more than three times in one night I’ll break whichever hand touched me. Got it?<</speech>>
[[Got it|firstbarwork][$step to 1]]
<p>With the introductions out of the way the two of you get to work serving drinks. You mess up here and there, and Carla yells at you. But considering how much louder she yells at random dudes who hit on her, she must be taking it easy on you since you’re new.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Not bad for your first day kid. Abigail will be happy to hear about it<</speech>>
<p>You thank her for showing your the ropes as you get ready to leave. Once the bar is cleaned up and the store is closing you head out and head home for the evening.</p>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(22)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<set $restaurant.barworked to 1>>
[[Go back home|Bedroom]]
[[Work hard|barworkhard]]
[[Try to impress Carla|barworkcarla][$restaurant.carla to 1; $scene to 0]]
<<if ($daycheck is 'Saturday' || $daycheck is 'Sunday') && isDateBetween($gameDate,'18:00','19:59') && $sato.questmain is 4>><<set $sato.questmain to 5>>
<p>You head into the Cock and Bull and make a b-line for the bar. You order a drink and take a look around. At the end of the bar you see a familiar face. Akira is knocking back whiskey after whiskey, and looking very drunk already. You walk up to her and say hi. She turns to you with an annoyed look. You ask her what’s wrong and she scoffs.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You know I almost had a bit of hope. I spent years, learning English, getting a degree, moving to this country, and getting this job. All so I could teach a bunch of weeaboos and lazy idiots my native language. Or actually, not teach them anything apparently. Hell even you! The one person who actually tries, can’t learn it! It has to be me. I’m just a failure<</speech>>
<p>You pull her drink away from her and turn her to face you. You tell her that she is wrong. You reassure her that she is a great teacher, and that she shouldn’t let the failures of students who don’t care define her like that.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>I didn’t, until I met you. You aren’t a failure. You have been trying! You actually care! But, no! You stilled failed a simple ass test<</speech>>
<p>You decide that you have to cheer her up no matter what it takes. You lie to her and tell her that you weren’t able to study for a while, and it was your own failures that you failed the test. She looks at you skeptically. You doubt she believes you, but the smile growing on her face shows that she at least appreciates your attempts.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You have been such a great guy. Hell, you’re the best student I’ve ever had hands down. I’m plastered, wanna do me one more favor and take me home?<</speech>>
<p>You agree and wrap your arm around her shoulders to steady her as you lead her out of the Cock and Bull, and into her car. You drive her car down the road to the residential area of the city. You stop outside the building she says she lives in. You lead her up to the door to make sure she gets in okay. She turns back and looks at you with bedroom eyes.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You coming in? Or am I gonna have to drag you in?<</speech>>
[[Head inside|satomainquest4][$scene to 0; $[2] to 1]]
<<if $restaurant.firstdrink is 0>>
<p>You head to the bar to get a drink. The bartender Carla is always attracting attention. So you often have to fight for hers. When she gets to you she gives you a very fake customer service-like smile.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>What do you want. Hurry the fuck up I don’t have all night<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you want a <<textbox "$mc.favdrink" "Sex on the Beach">>, your favorite drink. She nods to you and starts to prepare it for you. She pulls out a glass and pours your drink, sliding it across the bar and looking at you, expectingly. You can’t help but take a look down her shirt whenever you get the chance.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Five bucks for the drink and two hundred for staring at my tits<</speech>>
<p>You stammer, trying to make excuses and say that you weren’t staring at her chest. But she just laughs at you.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>I’m fucking with you. Just the five for the drink<</speech>>
<p>You slide her five dollars, weakly laughing at her cruel joke.</p>
<<if $ gte 5>><<set $ -= 5>><<else>><<set $ to 0>><</if>>
[[Go back|drinkingbar][$restaurant.firstdrink to 1]]
[[Have a drink alone|drinkingbar alone]]
<<if $has.metjade is 1 && $jade.loc is "The Cock and Bull">>[[Have a drink with Jade|bar Jade]]<</if>>
<<if $has.metkate is 1 && $kate.loc is "The Cock and Bull">>[[Approach Kate|bar Kate]]<</if>>
<<if $has.metalice is 1 && $alice.loc is "The Cock and Bull">>[[Alice's at the bar|bar Alice]]<</if>>
<<if $dean.questmain gte 2 && $dean.loc is "The Cock and Bull">>[[Speak to Dean Graves|bar Dean]]<</if>>
[[Go back|restaurant]]
<</if>><<if $missy.slave is 1>>
<p>Working as a manager can be stressful sometimes. Even with a task as simple as filing supply orders. A single mistake can be costly. So it can be a great help when you have a slave fuck toy to call upon to help relieve some of that stress now and then. So when Missy walks by your door, about ready to start her shift, you decide to call in your butt slut to help relax. She stops in her tracks the moment she hears your name. She moves into your office and quickly closes the door behind her. She knows by now that if you are calling her in there is almost certainly a single reason for it.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Looking to have some fun, $missy.title?<</speech>>
<p>She turns her body around slightly to show of the way her skirt is wrapped tightly around the curve of her ass. Any tighter and Her ass would rip through the fabric from any movement she made. It makes you wish it was tighter, because you can hardly wait to get her out of that skirt. And you tell her as much, saying that she needs to sit naked on the chair and get ready for you to get her ass gaped by your cock. She squeals with excitement as she pulls her clothes off with reckless abandon, tossing them to the floor and sitting backwards on a chair with her legs spread and her ass hanging off. It juts out even further than normal, fully on display for you. You walk over, undressing yourself and getting close to her so you can give her ass a nice solid spank. You aim your rock hard cock between her cheeks and slide it into her ass. You squeeze and sink your fingers into her ass as you start to thrust. Each thrust of your cock growing rougher and faster until she is squirming on the chair from how hard you are pounding her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/bdsm/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Put your back into it|restaurantmanagerslave][$scene to 0; $[6] to 1]]
<p>You head into the back office and get started on some paperwork. You set the employee schedule for the next week, and work on recording the restaurant's inventory. Then you write up a few invoices for Abigail to order new supplies. Over all the day goes rather smoothly.</p>
<<if $ lt 25>>
[[There is a knock at the door|restaurantmanagerscene][$scene to 1]]
[[There is a knock at the door|restaurantmanagerscene][$scene to 2; $[4] to 1]]
<p>You arrive at the Cock and Bull to manage the late shit. You head into back offices and get to work. You leave the door open so you can listen out for the bar in case it gets busy and Carla needs any help. Towards the end of the evening as you work Carla appears in your door way, knocking on the door frame.</p>
<<if $ lt 25>>
[[Ask her what she needs|barmanagerscene][$scene to 1]]
[[Ask her what she needs|barmanagerscene][$scene to 2; $[4] to 1]]
<p>You enjoyed the show so you decide to give Missy the tip she was hoping for.</p>
<<set $ -= 25>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(14)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
[[Head home|House]]
<p>You show up for your shift for the restaurant and get right to work. You focus and work hard, giving it one hundred and ten percent for the entire shift. Abigail will certainly notice the extra effort.</p>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(15)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $missy.slave is 1>>
<p>Working as a manager can be stressful sometimes. Even with a task as simple as filing supply orders. A single mistake can be costly. So it can be a great help when you have a slave fuck toy to call upon to help relieve some of that stress now and then. So when Missy walks by your door, about ready to start her shift, you decide to call in your butt slut to help relax. She stops in her tracks the moment she hears your name. She moves into your office and quickly closes the door behind her. She knows by now that if you are calling her in there is almost certainly a single reason for it.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Looking to have some fun, $missy.title?<</speech>>
<p>She turns her body around slightly to show of the way her skirt is wrapped tightly around the curve of her ass. Any tighter and Her ass would rip through the fabric from any movement she made. It makes you wish it was tighter, because you can hardly wait to get her out of that skirt. And you tell her as much, saying that she needs to sit naked on the chair and get ready for you to get her ass gaped by your cock. She squeals with excitement as she pulls her clothes off with reckless abandon, tossing them to the floor and sitting backwards on a chair with her legs spread and her ass hanging off. It juts out even further than normal, fully on display for you. You walk over, undressing yourself and getting close to her so you can give her ass a nice solid spank. You aim your rock hard cock between her cheeks and slide it into her ass. You squeeze and sink your fingers into her ass as you start to thrust. Each thrust of your cock growing rougher and faster until she is squirming on the chair from how hard you are pounding her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/bdsm/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Put your back into it|restaurantmanagerslave][$scene to 0; $[6] to 1]]
<<elseif $ gte 20 && $missy.progress gte 4>>
<p>You show up a bit early for your shift. You walk in and notice that the restaurant isn’t even open yet. Missy is setting the last few tables before the lunch rush starts. You are somewhat disappointed to see that she is wearing her original uniform, instead of the skimpier ones she has been wearing recently. When she sees you she runs to you excitedly.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Yay you’re here! I’m so glad you’re working today I’ve been so excited to show you my new uniform!<</speech>>
<p>You look at her confused and comment on how her uniform looks great, but it seems no different than her older one. She laughs sensually.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Not this silly, this is just the wrapping paper. You have to pull it off to see what is inside<</speech>>
[[Unwrap the gift|missyshiftscene][$scene to 4;$step to 0; $[3] to 1;$missy.progress to 5]]
<<elseif $ gte 15 && $missy.progress gte 3>>
<p>You decide to spend most of your shift talking with Missy. Something that you can’t really help doing considering she decided to come to work in a mini skirt and a bikini top. You tell her that her barely there wardrobe style looks fantastic on her. And the bulge in your pants reaffirms it for her.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Like, thanks so much. It took an hour to convince Abby to let me come to work like this. She can be such a hard ass. But hey, I get to wear fewer cloths so I’m happy!<</speech>>
<p>You let her know just how much it makes you happy as well. You ask her why she likes showing so much skin.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Because like, fuck clothes. I have a great ass, and some nice titties. And I like when people look at them. Cloths kinda fuck that up ya know?<</speech>>
[[Tell her that her feelings are natural|missyshiftscene][$scene to 2;$step to 0; $[1] to 1;$missy.progress to 4]]
[[Show her how much you agree with her|missyshiftscene][$scene to 3;$step to 0; $[2] to 1;$missy.progress to 4]]
<<elseif $ gte 10 && $missy.progress gte 2>>
<p>You spend your shift following Missy around. Or more accurately, following her ass around. Her outfit today is so skimpy it borders on being lingerie. And the bottom of her plump ass cheeks are visible just under the hem of her dress when she walks. You are following her too closely and when she stops you accidentally bump into her. You end up grinding your bulge into her ass and causing her to yelp in shock.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Hey now, I can tell that you’re all frisky today but warn a girl before you start to grind on her<</speech>>
<p>You apologize at first, but upon thinking about her response you decide to joke around with her. You decide to ask her if you can grind on her, to take advantage of what she said. She responds my pushing her ass back into your groin and rubbing your bulge with her thick ass.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Oooh someone’s even friskier than I thought. Follow me, I’ll help you with that<</speech>>
[[Follow Missy|missyshiftscene][$scene to 1;$step to 0; $[0] to 1;$missy.progress to 3]]
<<elseif $ gte 5 && $missy.progress gte 1>>
<p>You decide to fool around at work at talk to Missy for most of the shift. She is wearing jeans today and you take every chance you get to stare at her huge ass as it looks like it will burst through the tight denim. You tell her That with an ass like hers, hiding it is almost criminal.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>I hate wearing clothes as much as everyone hates seeing me in them. I’d be a nudist if it wasn’t illegal to walk around like that<</speech>>
<p>You laugh a bit at her comment. Her liberated view of nudity being something you can greatly appreciate, you suggest yourself as someone she can trust being nude around. You say it mostly as a joke, but she seems to take the reassurance to heart.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>I might just take you up on that more than you realize<</speech>>
<p>After you get a nice long look at her fat round ass, she pulls her jeans back up around it and gets back to work. You spend the day barely able to even think about your job as the image of her bare cheeks is burned into your mind. When your shift finally ends you head home to try and think of just about anything else.</p>
<<set $missy.progress = 2>>
<p>You throw on your apron and get to work serving tables. But, Missy holds your attention better than any of the customers do. It doesn’t help that you are new to the job as well. You make a few silly mistakes like forgetting to check on some of your tables because you are spending your time staring at or talking to Missy instead. Towards the end of the shift you and Missy talk about your screw ups.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>You shouldn’t worry too much. You should have seen me around here when I first started. You’re the new guy! I think we all expect you to fuck up here and there<</speech>>
[[Thank her for the reassurance|missyshiftevent][$event to 1;$choice to 1;$missy.progress to 1]]
[[Pretend to fuck up and drop you pen|missyshiftevent][$event to 1;$choice to 0;$missy.progress to 1]]
<p>You bust your ass at the bar. You work extra hard, and pull off a few bottle tricks to show off and try and impress Carla. They don’t seem to work, but Abigail will certainly like to see you working so hard.</p>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(22)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $carla.slave is 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You hop behind the bar with Carla and start to serve drinks to the guests. You try to maintain a degree of professionalism while in the work place. So while you are serving guests you don’t toy with ore tease your slave as you might normally. Instead, you wait until the crowd dies down. When Carla comes up to ask you something.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Yo, $carla.title. I’m taking a break. You got this right?<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her, pleased as ever to hear her using your proper title while speaking to you. Once she is gone you decide to be a little mischievous. You put a couple of bottles up onto the bar and tell the late night drunkards to serves themselves for a bit. You follow Carla back into the break room. When she sees you she looks confused.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>$carla.title? You just left the bar? What are you-?<</speech>>
<p>You shut her up rather quickly by grabbing the collar of her dress and tearing it open, letting her tattooed tits spring free. Before she can even react you reach down and grab her by her ankles, lifting them up by her head and commanding her to hold them there. Which she does without hesitation. You pull her panties to the side before pulling your cock out and sliding it right into her wet and wanting hole. You place your hands on her legs as you start to thrust, pounding away and making her scream loud enough that if the people at the bar weren’t hammered they’d know exactly what was going on back there.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on your slave's face|barworkcarla][$scene to 1]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[The shift is over|Street]]
<<if $ gte 20 && $carla.progress gte 4>>
<p>When you head back behind the bar Carla shoots you a quick smile. One of very few you ever get to see from her. The two of you get working and Carla seems to be in a good mood the whole night. She only cursed out one sleazy customer when she averages about one an hour. You make things even smoother for her as the job has become second nature to you. When the day finally winds down she comes to you with an oddly shy smile on her face.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Hey, you doing anything after your shift?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are free, and ask if she wanted to do anything.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Yeah, I’m fixin to do you<</speech>>
<p>She grabs you by your shirt and leads you out to her car. Once inside she drives you both towards the residential area of the city.</p>
[[Go inside and get some|carlashiftscenehouse][$[3] to 1;$carla.progress to 5]]
<<elseif $ gte 15 && $carla.progress gte 3>>
<p>You get to the bar and see that it is already busy. Carla is juggling five customers at once and seems relieved to see you arrive. Her tone when she speaks to you on the other hand, is coarse as always.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>It’s about goddamned time! Give me some fucking help back here<</speech>>
<p>You head back and give her a hand. You have been working here long enough now that the job is starting to come easy to you. You mix and pour drinks quickly and get them out to the customers. In ten minutes the bar goes from busy and crowded to calm and managed. Carla seems much happier as things slow down. The night goes smoothly from that point on, and at the end of the evening, she goes up to talk to you with a wide smile on her face.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Nice fucking job today! Good to see you know what you’re doing now. You pulled me out of a shit storm back there. Thanks a fuck ton<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are happy to help. But that you can think of a few ways that she can thank you properly.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Oh? You gonna be a fucking tease or are you gonna pull your cock out?<</speech>>
[[Pull your cock out|carlashiftscene][$scene to 2;$step to 0; $[2] to 1;$carla.progress to 4]]
<<elseif $ gte 10 && $carla.progress gte 2>>
<p>You walk behind the bar passing Carla and getting right to work. You are certainly getting better, as you barely need to ask for Carla’s help at all during the night. There are still obvious signs that you are new at this though. Like at the end of the night, when you drop a glass and it shatters on the floor. Carla looks at your with exhausted disappointment in her eyes.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>You are such a fucking klutz. Are you gonna clean that up or what?<</speech>>”
<p>You grab a dust pan and broom and start sweeping the shards of glass up into a pile, then into the pan. You throw away the shards and sweep over the area a few extra times to make sure that no small slivers of glass remain.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Well, at least you can clean shit up right. Nice job. I may have been a bit to hard on you. I do appreciate the help you know<</speech>>
<p>You say that you know. You also hint that you would like to see how much she appreciates it. She gives you a lusty look as she approaches you.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>I’m not sure you could handle it if I did decide to show you<</speech>>
[[Tell her that you can handle it|carlashiftevent][$event to 2;$choice to 0; $[0] to 1;$carla.progress to 3]]
[[See if she can handle you|carlashiftevent][$event to 2;$choice to 1; $[1] to 1;$carla.progress to 3]]
<<elseif $ gte 5 && $carla.progress gte 1>>
<p>You rush back behind the bar to begin your work day. You try to shadow Carla a bit here and there, watching what she does so you know better when you try to do the same things yourself in the future. She notices you staring but makes little mention of it most of the evening. But eventually it seems to start to irritate her.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>What the fuck do you keep staring at me for? What never seen a girl with so many tattoos before? Judgmental prick<</speech>>
<p>You fumble over your words telling her that that isn’t why you were staring. Assuring her that you love her tattoos.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Oh so you’re just another perv who thinks I’m eye candy huh? Well get a good look then!<</speech>>
<p>She suddenly pulls her big tits out of her shirt and bounces them for you.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Goddamned pervert<</speech>>
<p>She puts them away and continues on with the shift like it was nothing. You try to get back to work but your hard on makes you mess up for the rest of the night. Eventually, you clock out and head home, Carla’s tits never leaving your thoughts.</p>
<<set $carla.progress to 2>>
<<barshift>>[[Call it a day|House]]
<p>You head to the bar and get to work. You pick things up quickly and work well, but you are still new and it shows. You have to repeatedly ask Carla for help. You don’t mind talking to her, but she clearly doesn’t like having to stop and teach you.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>This is the third time tonight you’ve asked what goes into a long island iced tea. Write it the fuck down this time<</speech>>
[[Write it down|carlashiftevent][$event to 1;$choice to 0;$carla.progress to 1]]
[[Make a crude comment|carlashiftevent][$event to 1;$choice to 1;$carla.progress to 1]]
<</if>><<if $ gte 25 && $abigail.corr gte 25 && $abigail.progress gte 5>>
<p>You head back into the office area for your weekly meeting with Abigail as usual. But, for some reason her door is closed. She has had it open for you for a while now, so it gives you reason to pause. You knock on the door and you hear two voices tell you to enter in tandem. You walk through the door and see Abigail as well as another gorgeous women sitting on her desk next to her.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>I have terrific news <<print "$">>! You have been working so hard, and doing such a great job that I am promoting you to manager of the restaurant. And remember how I told you management comes with special perks? Well, meet Eva my sister, the perk<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Nice to meet you, <<print "$">>. Abby here tells me that you are terrific with that cock of yours<</speech>>
<p>You tell Eva that you would love to show her your skills whenever she’d like.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Why do you think she is here? Whip it out already!<</speech>>
[[Whip out your cock|meetingscene][$reward to 5;$scene to 0; $[4] to 1;$abigail.progress to 6]]
<<elseif $ gte 20 && $abigail.corr gte 20 && $abigail.progress gte 4>>
<p>Today is one of the days you visit Abigail for your performance meetings. You head back and the door is wide open. She is clearly expecting you. The moment you walk in Abigail gives you a very seductive look.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>You just keep on impressing me. Every time I assume that you have reached your peak, you surpass yourself again. I think I know why too<</speech>>
<p>She starts undressing in front of you, pulling out her hugs tits and sliding her skirt down to show off her round ass.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Take your cock out. You’re going to fuck me good. I expect you to work as hard on my pussy as you do at your job<</speech>>
[[Fuck her|meetingscene][$reward to 4;$scene to 0; $[3] to 1;$abigail.progress to 5]]
<<elseif $ gte 15 && $abigail.corr gte 15 && $abigail.progress gte 3>>
<p>It is time for your weekly meeting with Abigail. You head to her office in the back to meet with her. You go to knock on the door but notice that it is already slightly ajar. You push it open and see Abigail in there, wearing nothing but a small neon yellow bathing suit. You ask her if she was going swimming teasing her for her attire.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Maybe later. I’m wearing this now because you have earned another reward. You have done very well here. You are on a path to management for sure. And management comes with several….perks<</speech>>
<p>She drops down to her knees in front of you and pulls your pants down, grabbing a hold of your hardening cock. She pulls her bathing suit top off of her tits giving you a perfect view of them as she starts to go down on you.</p>
[[Abigail sucks you off|meetingscene][$reward to 3;$scene to 0; $[2] to 1;$abigail.progress to 4]]
<<elseif $ gte 10 && $abigail.corr gte 10 && $abigail.progress gte 2>>
<p>You walk down the hall towards Abigail’s office. You knock and wait for her to invite you in. She calls you right in and you sit down in the seat across from her. You are starting to feel much more comfortable around her, having worked with her for so long.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>I’m pleased with your progress, <<print "$">>. I’m almost impressed<</speech>>
<p>You thank her for her kind words and promise her that you will continue to improve.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>I believe you. And you know what? I think it might be time for another reward<</speech>>
<p>Abigail begins to undress. She drops her skirt and pulls off her shirt, revealing that she was wearing no underwear underneath.</p>
[[Abigail strokes you|meetingscene][$reward to 2;$scene to 0; $[1] to 1;$abigail.progress to 3]]
<<elseif $ gte 5 && $abigail.corr gte 5 && $abigail.progress gte 1>>
<p>You arrive at Abigail’s office for your weekly meeting with her. You knock on her door and she calls you in almost immediately.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Take a seat, <<print "$">>. Time to talk<</speech>>
<p>You do as she says and take a seat across the desk from her. She stands up and walks around the desk, looking over her shoulder at you seductively.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>You have done a good job around here recently. You have been showing some honest improvement. I’d like to show you that around here we reward such behavior<</speech>>
[[Get your reward|meetingscene][$reward to 1; $[0] to 1;$abigail.progress to 2]]
<p>You head into the back of the restaurant as soon as you arrive. You knock on her door and wait for her response.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Come in!<</speech>>
<p>You walk in and see Abigail sitting behind the desk. She has a very stoic look on her face. She points to the chair on the other side of her desk wordlessly. You understand her and quickly take a seat. She gingerly flips through some papers on her desk. Her silence creating a suspenseful air in the room.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>I need you to try harder in the future. Your effort so far has not been satisfactory. Here is my SexApp ID. Message me if you have any questions about work. If it can help you get better I can make some time<</speech>>
<p>You nod and tell her that you understand. You promise to work harder in the future. She does not respond and the two of you sit quietly in the room for several moments. She looks up from her desk and breaks the silence.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>You’re still here? Get out and go to work!<</speech>>
<p>You stand up and rush out of the room on her command.</p>
<<if $has.abigailid is 0>><<set $has.abigailid to 1>><<else>><</if>><<addhours 1>>
<<set $abigail.progress to 1>>
[[Leave|restaurant]]<<addmins 30>>
<<set $restaurant.meeting to 1>>
<<if $reward is 1>>
<p>You watch as Abigail shows you just how much she values her employees. She takes her skirt and shirt off, revealing the black lingerie underneath. You stare in awe at her huge tits and ass, barely hidden by the skimpy underwear she has on.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>I’ll take that slack jawed look of yours as you like what you see<</speech>>
<p>She continues to undress, pulling off her bra revealing her huge round breasts. She bends down and pulls her panties off, showing you her ass and pretty pussy. She stands proudly before you, and looks at the bulge forming in your pants.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Oh I like the look of that bulge. I hope you keep up the hard work. I think I’d have fun rewarding you further<</speech>>
<p>You spend a few moments trying to cool down as Abigail gets dressed. Once her clothes are back on she yells at you to get back to work. You stand up and leave her office at once.</p>
[[Leave|restaurant]]<<addhours 1>>
<<elseif $reward is 2>>
<<if $scene is 1>>
<p>Her hands are like magic. Her grip is perfect and the softness of them give you immense pleasure. And her skill with the motions shows that she clearly knows how to handle dick. It doesn’t take long to make you cum. Once you are close to cumming she pushes you down to the ground on your back and hops on top of you. She strokes and strokes until you cum, shooting ropes over her face and over yourself. She licks up every drop until you are clean.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward1/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Abigail">>I knew this cock would be fun to play with. Keep it up. You are quickly becoming one of my favorite employees<</speech>>
<p>You both get dressed and you leave her office to head back to work.</p>
[[Leave|restaurant]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>Abigail drops to her knees and front of you as you stand up. She pulls down your pants and grabs your hardening cock and starts to stroke it. She spits on your cock and uses both of her hands to stroke your cock and fondle your balls.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward1/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|meetingscene][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $reward is 3>>
<<if $scene is 1>>
<p>Her masterful blow job skills bring you to orgasm very quickly. She grabs your cock and jerks you off until you cum. You shoot rope after rope of cum. She aims your cock at her tits and you cover them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward2/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Abigail">>Oh wow, what a load. I’m flattered. I hope you keep up the good work. Your next reward will be extra special<</speech>>
<p>You get dressed as she begins to lick the cum from her tits. You head back out to the restaurant to get back to work.</p>
[[Leave|restaurant]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>Abigail sucks your cock into her mouth and bobs her head up and down masterfully. Her mouth is like a vacuum, the power of her sucking surprising you. Her plump lips glide alone your shaft, stroking you with them as her tongue flicks at the head.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward2/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her tits|meetingscene][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $reward is 4>>
<<if $scene is 1>>
<p>You pull out and put Abigail on her back. You spread her legs wide and look into her eyes as you slide your cock in her pussy and start fucking her hard and fast. Her huge tits bounce wildly with each powerful thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward3/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|meetingscene][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You are close to cumming. So you pull out of Abigail’s pussy and she quickly drops to her knees on the floor. You stroke your cock in front of her face and cum, shooting your jizz all over her. She swallows what lands in her mouth and scoops up the rest with her finger.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Abigail">>Fuck, that was spectacular. I am damn glad I hired you<</speech>>
<p>You let her know how happy you are that you were hired as well. Then, you get dressed and head back out of her office so you can get back to work.</p>
[[Leave|restaurant]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You strip down at once. She turns around and offers herself up for you. You slide your cock in from behind and start fucking her, grabbing her hips for leverage as you thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward3/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Flip her over|meetingscene][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $reward is 5>>
<<if $scene is 1>>
<p>The girls combine their efforts, and their huge tits, to stroke your cock with all four of their breasts at the same time. The four mounds of soft tit flesh absorbing your cock into them as they raise and lower along your shaft.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck Eva|meetingscene][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Eva lies down on her back and Abigail climbs up on top of her and puts her pussy in Eva’s face. Abigail licks and plays with Eva’s pussy while you slide your cock into her. Eva and Abigail eat each other out while you thrust into Eva’s tight pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/evafuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Switch places|meetingscene][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull out of Eva on Abigail’s request. She lays down on the table and pulls Eva on top of her and her pussy into her face. Her tongue goes deep into Eva’s pussy while Eva watches you slide your cock into Abigail’s waiting hole. You start the thrust, fucking Abigail’s pussy hard and fast while Eva watches from just above.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/abifuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|meetingscene][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>Both of the women have heavenly pussies. Your orgasm builds quickly and powerfully. You pull out of Abigail and both she and Eva drop to their knees in front of you. The suck and stroke your cock to bring you to orgasm. You finally burst and unload your cum all over their faces and tits. They lick the cum off of each other playfully in front of you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Eva">>That was fun. I’m glad Abby was willing to share. She is usually so stingy<</speech>>
<<speech "Abigail">>Shush you. <<print "$">>, since you’re a manager now you can fuck me and Eva together Whenever you’d like. Here’s our address<</speech>>
<p>You take the paper with their address on it and put it in your pocket as you get dressed. You thank Abigail for the opportunity, and head back out to get to work.</p>
<<if $has.abigailaddress is 0>><<set $has.abigailaddress to 1>><p class="got">Now you know Abigail's address!</p><</if>>
<<set $restaurant.status to 2>> <p class="got">You can now work as a manager in the restaurant</p>
[[Leave|restaurant]]<<addhours 2>>
<p>Abigail and Eva begin to undress. You take a seat and pull your pants off, letting your already hard cock spring free. You suck on Abigail’s tits briefly before she starts to go down on you, swallowing your cock and bobbing her head up and down on it. Eva takes the cock from Abigail and strokes it while you suck her tits. She then lowers herself to pull your cock into her mouth as well.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck their tits|meetingscene][$scene to 1]]
<</if>><<if $restaurant.haveworked is 1>>
[[Talk about today's work|abigailsexappworked]]
[[Chat with Abigail|abigailsexappchat]]
<</if>><<if $restaurant.carla is 1>>
[[Talk about today's work|carlasexappworked]]
[[Chat with Carla|carlasexappchat]]
<</if>><<if $restaurant.missy is 1>>
[[Talk about today's work|missysexappworked]]
[[Chat with Missy|missysexappchat]]
<</if>><<if $ lt 5>>
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<p>Hello Abigail. It's <<print "$">>. I just wanted to thank you again for the opportunity to work for you.</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/abigail.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Yeah sure, whatever. Don’t screw it up!</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Abigail</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I won’t Miss. I promise</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<abigailcorr>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Abigail's corruption through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 15>>
<<set $random = random(100)>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
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<p>Hey Abigail. Are you feeling okay? You seemed off today</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
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<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/abigail.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I’m fine. Thank you for your concern. And you may call me Abby if you wish.</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Abigail</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I’m glad to hear it, Abby</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<abigailcorr>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Abigail's corruption through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
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<p>You looked great in that dress today Abigail. The color really suits you.</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/abigail.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I look better without it ;)</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Abigail</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Oh I know you do!</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/abigail.png" />
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<p class="app-link"><<link "nude">><<dialog 'nude' ''>>[img["ressources/sexapp/abigail/" + random(3) + ".jpg"]]<</dialog>><</link>></p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Abigail</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<abigailint>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Abigail's interest through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 5>>
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<p>Hey Abigail, while I was cleaning at the end of my shift I saw that we are out of hand soap. We need to order some.</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/abigail.png" />
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<p>Thank you for letting me know. Please try to inform me sooner next time. Like, before we are out.</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Abigail</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Yes ma’am.</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<abigailcorr>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Abigail's corruption through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $ lt 5>>
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<p>Hey Abigail. Do you need me to come in tomorrow?</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/abigail.png" />
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<p>I need you to come in every day! That is why I hired you!</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Abigail</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Yes Ma’am, I understand.</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<abigailcorr>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Abigail's corruption through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 15>>
<<set $random = random(100)>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
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<p>Sorry I couldn’t come in today. I was needed at home.</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/abigail.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Too bad. I really like seeing you around here ;)</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Abigail</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>The feeling is mutual.</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<abigailcorr>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Abigail's corruption through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
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<p>Do you maybe want to hang out, outside of work some time? Maybe grab a drink?</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/abigail.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>You’re just trying to get in my pants!</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Abigail</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Well, not JUST trying to get in your pants!</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/abigail.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Good. You need to get into the bra too</p>
<p class="app-link"><<link "nude">><<dialog 'nude' ''>>[img["ressources/sexapp/abigail/" + random(3) + ".jpg"]]<</dialog>><</link>></p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Abigail</time>
<<elseif $ gte 5>>
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<p>I have some extra time tomorrow if you need me to stay late, Abigail</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/abigail.png" />
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<p>Good to know. I appreciate the initiative. I might just take you up on that</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Abigail</time>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $scene is 1>>
<<if $step is 0>>
<p>Missy leads you to the break room and puts you on your back on the couch. She pulls at your pants and undoes them to get access to your cock. She pulls it out and grabs it with her hand.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Oh I love it!<</speech>>
<p>She starts pumping both of her hands along your shaft up and down. She twists her hands and spits on them and your cock to give you a strong and wet hand job.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward1/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|missyshiftscene][$scene to 1;$step to 1]]
<p>She strokes faster and faster, but you stop her just as you are about to climax. You stand up above her and aim your cock at her face. She grabs it once again with one hand and pumps it quickly. You cum, shooting your load against her cheek, covering her face and chin with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward1/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks your cock clean then scoops the cum into her mouth to clean up.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>That was fun. I kinda wish Carla had seen us though. I love to get caught<</speech>>
<p>You both get dressed and get back to work. When the shift ends you head home, with your mind clear.</p>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<<if $step is 0>>
<p>You let Missy know that you think how she feels is entirely natural. People being nude is so common throughout history that it is practically a past time of the human race.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>I know! If girls in paintings can have their titties out, why can’t I?<</speech>>
<p>You agree with her. And you tell her that she is way hotter than the women in paintings on top of that.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Awe, aren’t you sweet. Come with me<</speech>>
<p>She leads you into the back hall of the restaurant and pushes you onto a chair. She yanks your pants down and pulls your huge cock out, quickly wrapping her lips around it and bobbing her head up and down as you quickly grow hard.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward2/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|missyshiftscene][$scene to 2;$step to 1]]
<p>She sucks and gags on your cock for longer than your can really handle. Her mouth is so warm and soft, and her throat is so tight that when you finally cum, you cum hard. You push her on her back and aim your cock at her face as your stroke yourself hard and fast. You erupt all over her face, coating her in cum from her forehead, to her eyes, to her lips, to her chin.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward2/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Missy">>Fuck, now that is how you put on a show. Next time maybe we should do this in a park or something<</speech>>
<p>You laugh with her as you both get dressed. The two of you head back out to the residential floor. She gives you a playful smack on the ass as you go your separate ways. When your shift is done, you head home, still reeling from the pleasure of her mouth.</p>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<<if $step is 0>>
<p>You grab Missy by her arm and pull her back behind the bar. It is empty during the day shift so you have some relative privacy as you pull her bikini top off and push her down to her knees. You pull your cock out and shove it down her throat. You grab her head with both hands and fuck her face roughly, making her gag loudly for the whole restaurant to hear.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward3/facefuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|missyshiftscene][$scene to 3;$step to 1]]
<p>You thrust and thrust, forcing your cock down her throat through her gags and coughs. He saliva begins to drool down onto the floor coating her chin and your balls in a thick layer of spit from your rough pounding of her mouth. You groan loudly as you begin to cum, You pull her hair to hold her head in place. You stroke your cock and aim your load at her mouth as your spray it over her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Missy licks her lips as she puts her bikini top back on and pops back up from behind the bar. She had some cum left on her chin but you decide not to tell her. You figure when she finds out later she’d love the feeling of knowing she walked around with cum on her face. You smack her ass before you both head back to work and finish your shifts. You head home when the day is done feeling very satisfied.</p>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<<if $step is 0>>
<p>You need no further invitation and walk up to her and pull her shirt right off revealing the lacy blue bra underneath. You yank her skirt down, showing that she wasn’t wearing any panties. You share seductive looks as your lift her up onto one of the dining tables. You lift one of her legs up by your shoulder as you pull your cock out and slide it into her pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward4/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her from behind|missyshiftscene][$scene to 4;$step to 1]]
<<elseif $step is 1>>
<p>You spin her around and pull her bra off. You bend her over the table and smack her huge ass. When her fat cheeks finally stop rippling you slide your cock into her pussy from behind and start to ram her with your thrusts.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward4/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>F
[[Cum|missyshiftscene][$scene to 4;$step to 2]]
<p>You fuck her hard and fast. Her tight pussy clenches down onto your cock and milks you until you cum. You pull out and pull her down to her knees before you. You stroke your cock and cum on her face, your white jizz splashing all over it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She wipes the cum up off her face and eats it off her hand playfully. You put your cock away and watch as she gets dressed as well. Only she doesn’t put her shirt back on. Instead she slides her skirt on and just the bra, leaving her very exposed.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>So this is my new uniform. You like?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her you like it very much. You almost have the urge to fuck her again. But with people starting to line up at the door, the two of you decide to get to work. The shift otherwise goes smoothly and when it’s over you head home, excited to see what Missy has planned next.</p>
<</if>><<if $event is 1>>
<<if $choice is 0>>
<p>While you talk with Missy you decide to have some fun with her. You pretend to accidentally drop your pen behind her. You politely ask her if she can turn around and pick it up for you.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Sure thing new guy. I know what it’s like to be clumsy<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a wide smile before she turns around and slowly bends over at the waist. Whether she intended to or not she gives you a great look at her huge ass straining the tight skirt she is wearing. She picks up the pen and then pops back up to standing. She turns around and giggles at the look of awe sprawled across your face. She hands you the pen and gives you a wink.</p>
<<if $has.missyid is 0>><<set $has.missyid to 1>><<speech "Missy">>If you ever need any more of my help, hit me up on SexApp. Here’s my ID<</speech>><</if>>
<<speech "Missy">>See you around new guy, it’s been a blast<</speech>>
<p>You agree with her before heading out of the restaurant. You head back home, Missy’s huge ass consuming your thoughts the whole way.</p>
<p>You thank Missy profusely for her reassuring words. You ask her if she has any tips on how to get better as fast as possible. She looks up, seemingly deep in thought for a moment before replying.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>I guess just don’t fuck up. That is what I do. Well, that and show my cleavage but you can’t really do that can you?<</speech>>
<<if $has.missyid is 0>><<set $has.missyid to 1>><<speech "Missy">>If I think of anything though I can just message you. Here’s my SexApp ID!<</speech>><</if>>
<p>The two of you share a laugh as you continue to talk. You wish her a good rest of her day before you head out back home.</p>
<</if>><<if $ lt 5>>
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<p>Thanks for your help today. I really could not remember that order</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>No worries! You’ll get the hang of it soon!</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Missy</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I hope so. With you helping me I definitely should</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<missytrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Missy's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 15>>
<<set $random = random(100)>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
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<p>That lunch rush was hectic today!</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.png" />
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<p>I know! My ass got grabbed like twenty times during the service</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Missy</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Sorry, I think I was about nineteen of those</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Oh I don’t count yours, I like when you grab it</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Missy</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<missytrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Missy's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.png" />
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<p>You know one of theses days I should just stop wearing clothes to work altogether</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Missy</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I support that fully</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I figured you would :P</p>
<p class="app-link"><<link "nude">><<dialog 'nude' ''>>[img["ressources/sexapp/missy/" + random(3) + ".jpg"]]<</dialog>><</link>></p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Missy</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<missycorr>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Missy's corruption through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gt 5>>
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<p>Your outfit looked fantastic on you today</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Thank you so much! I have some others I think you’ll like even more though :P</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Missy</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I can’t wait to see them!</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<missycorr>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Missy's corruption through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $ lt 5>>
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<p>Hey can I borrow your apron next time we both work? I can’t find mine</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Ohhhh Abby’s gonna be mad at you. But sure I have a bunch of extras</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Missy</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Thank you so much!</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<missytrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Missy's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 15>>
<<set $random = random(100)>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.png" />
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<p>Would you ever fuck someone in public?</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Missy</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Why? Is this an invitation?</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Missy</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<missytrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Missy's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Abby yelled at me today</p>
<p>She said my pasties weren’t appropriate work attire</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Missy</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Damn, I’m sad I missed seeing you in them</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Well you’re cute so maybe you will one day</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Missy</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<missycorr>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Missy's corruption through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 5>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
<section id="chatsys">
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<ol class="discussion">
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Hey, wanna get together for lunch sometime this week?</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I can’t, I gotta work</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Missy</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Lol I know, I was joking about how we work together</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Oh lmao DUH!</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Missy</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<missytrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Missy's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $scene is 1>>
<p>You lay on your back in her bed and pull her on top of you. You slide your cock into her ass and hold her above you while you roughly and quickly thrust up into her ass. You both groan and moan in pleasure as you ram your cock inside of her repeatedly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward3/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|carlashiftscenehouse][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Her tight ass combined with your fast and powerful thrusts bring you both to orgasm rather quickly. After she cums you put her on her knees on the floor of her room. She pulls her mouth open with both hands as you stroke above her and unload your cum onto her tongue.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Carla smiles gleefully as she swallows you cum. She sits nude in her room as she watches you get dressed.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Fuck me again soon you fat dicked asshole<</speech>>
<p>You promise her that you will before heading out of her house, and heading home.</p>
[[Get back home|House]]
<p>You follow Carla into her house and into her bedroom. You both undress one another and kiss on her bed. You put her on her back, spread her legs and pull one leg up in the air to use for leverage. You slide your cock into her pussy and start to trust. You place one hand on her throat and gently choke her while you fuck her hard.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward3/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Make her ride you|carlashiftscenehouse][$scene to 1]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 1>>
<<if $choice is 0>>
<p>You groan loudly as you begin to cum, erupting jizz all over her hands and your groin as she continues to stroke you well beyond the end of your orgasm. Your squirm and shake in her hands as she jerks your sensitive cock to her liking.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward1/facial0.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Eventually she stops jerking you. She stands up and licks her hand clean.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>You did better then I thought. If I had used my mouth you would have passed out thoug<</speech>>
<p>You are out of breath but still manage to make a snarky comment about wanting to try. She laughs it off as she gets dressed and leaves. You get dressed as well and head home for the evening.</p>
[[Get back home|House]]
<p>You start to groan as your orgasm builds. She can tell you are close to cumming so she pulls your cock from her tits and brings it close to her face as she continues to stroke it quickly and powerfully. You begin to cum shooting you load onto her face. You coat her chin and mouth with your jizz. When you are done you put your cock away and walk away from her, leaving her there with her facial.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward1/facial1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get back home|House]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<<if $step is 1>>
<p>Her throat is masterful and before you know it you are ready to cum. You pull out of her mouth and start stroking your cock. She leans back and opens her mouth, sticking her tongue out to take your load. You cum, shooting your jizz all over her face and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward2/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Carla">>Fucking hell, your cock tastes good. Don’t get a big head, though. You could still learn a thing or two about how to use it<</speech>>
<p>She gets up and walks away, as though she is embarrassed about having given you a compliment. You get dressed as well, and head home.</p>
[[Get back home|House]]
<p>You pull your cock out of your pants and start stroking it to get hard. Carla strips down out of her cloths and follows you out to the main floor of the bar. You lead her in front of a couch that is against the side wall. You push her to her knees, grab her head, and ram your cock into her throat. You hold her there throating your cock for a moment, releasing her once she looks like she is struggling to breath. You sit down on the couch and she crawls up to you and starts bobbing her head on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward2/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|carlashiftscene][$scene to 2;$step to 1]]
<p class="hint">You shouldn't be here</p>
<</if>><<if $event is 1>>
<<if $choice is 0>>
<p>You nod to her and write it down as she lays it out for you. You won’t forget it again.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Here take my SexApp ID too. That way if you forget how to make something I can text the recipe to you so you won’t have to ask me again<</speech>>
<<if $has.carlaid is 0>><<set $has.carlaid to 1>><</if>><<set $ = 5>>
[[Get back home|House]]
<p>You make a comment back to her, joking about how she wears such low cut shirts that you can barely focus when you talk to her. She punches your arm after hearing that. But she doesn’t look mad, in fact she has a slight smile on her face.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Asshole. Here, take my SexApp. I might give you something to look at there so you don’t stare at me all day<</speech>>
<<if $has.carlaid is 0>><<set $has.carlaid to 1>><</if>><<set $ = 5>>
[[Get back home|House]]
<<elseif $event is 2>>
<<if $choice is 0>>
<p>You tell Carla that you know you can handle it. And you add that even if you can’t you’d like to try either way. She smiles slyly and starts to strip down slowly. She gives you an expecting look that tells you to take your clothes of as well, so you do.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>I’m gonna fucking break your little mind. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya<</speech>>
<p>She grabs your cock and starts to stroke it in her hand wildly. He firm grip and fast movements send electric bursts of pleasure throughout your whole body. You have to kneel down from the intensity of her strokes.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward1/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|carlashiftscene][$scene to 1]]
<p>You decide to show Carla just how much you can handle. You pull down your shorts and shove her down to her knees so your cock is right in her face. You tell her to stroke it if she is so sure of herself. She looks up at you with a cocky grin and gets to work. She puts your cock between her tits and starts jerking you off with them. Her large tattooed breasts wrap around your shaft and stroke you, sending waves of pleasure through your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward1/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|carlashiftscene][$scene to 1]]
<</if>><<if $ lt 5>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Hey, can you tell me the recipe for a Manhattan?</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I told you that drink five fucking times today! 5 parts rye, 2 parts vermouth, dash of bitters and a cherry</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Thanks, sorry I’ll get used to it all soon</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Get better faster, asshole</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<carlatrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Carla's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 15>>
<<set $random = random(100)>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>You did alright at work today. Keep it up</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Thanks! I appreciate it! I appreciate what happened after work too</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Just don’t piss me off and who knows what you might appreciate</p>
<p class="app-link"><<link "nude">><<dialog 'nude' ''>>[img["ressources/sexapp/carla/" + random(3) + ".jpg"]]<</dialog>><</link>></p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<carlacorr>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Carla's corruption through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I’m glad you finally figured out the job. I was sick of picking up your slack</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Just say something nice like a normal person</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Fuck you. I just did say something nice</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Well, thanks. I guess</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<carlatrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Carla's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 5>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Sorry again if I was staring too much today</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Don’t be fucking sorry, just stop staring. I know you’re a perv but Jesus Christ, learn some goddamned self control</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Showing me your tits didn’t help ya know</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Not that they weren’t great to look at</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Learn some self control then maybe a set of tits won’t mess you up so much</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<carlatrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Carla's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $ lt 5>>
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<p>Hey do you think you could give me a hand some time?</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I help your dumb ass all the time what do you need now?</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>I just wanted to know if you could test me sometime at the bar. I wanna make sure I’m learning</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Yeah, sure. Whatever</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<carlatrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Carla's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 15>>
<<set $random = random(100)>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
<section id="chatsys">
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<ol class="discussion">
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>We should hang out some time. Based on what we do after work I think we could have a lot of fun together</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I bet you’d like that wouldn’t you, Perv? Keep it in your fucking pants</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Stop pulling it out then</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<carlacorr>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Carla's corruption through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
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<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Where the hell were you today? We were fucking packed!</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Sorry I couldn’t make it in. I didn’t know you valued my help so much</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Well you finally start doing the job well then you don’t come in. You really know how to send a girl mixed up fucking signals</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Just get in her more often dammit</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<carlatrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Carla's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
<<elseif $ gte 5>>
<div style="margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:50%;">
<section id="chatsys">
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<span class="icon typicons-message"></span>
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<ol class="discussion">
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>Hey what do you do outside of work?</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>Why the fuck do you wanna know?</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<li class="self">
<div class="messages">
<p>No need to be hostile. I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out some time</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:14">You</time>
<li class="other">
<div class="avatar">
<img src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.png" />
<div class="messages">
<p>I see enough of you at work. But I appreciate the thought, I guess</p>
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00">Carla</time>
<<if $ is 0>><<carlatrust>><<set $ to 1>><<else>>''You may raise Carla's trust through SexApp again tomorrow''<</if>>
[[Go back to main screen|SexApp]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $scene is 1>>
<p>You invite the knocker in and see that Missy has come to pay you a visit. She walks in and stands in front of your desk with a wide manipulative smile on her face. You ask her what you can do for her.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>I need a day off. Can you approve my request.<</speech>>
<p>You smile back at her as you look over the days she asks to take off from work. They are days that can easily be covered so you let her know that it shouldn’t be a problem.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Thanks boss man. See ya later!<</speech>>
<p>She heads out of your office. You stare at her swaying ass as she leaves. After that you gather your stuff and head out for the day.</p>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You yell out for whoever is knocking to come on into your office. The door cracks open and Missy pokes just he head inside. You look at her puzzled and ask her what she needs.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>You have some free time, boss man?<</speech>>
<p>You smile and tell her you always have some time to talk with her. She smiles seductively as she pushes the door open and reveals that she is fully nude. She strides into your office, not closing the door behind her as she walks to your desk and takes a seat on top of it.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Good, I thought we could have some fun.<</speech>>
[[Stand up|restaurantmanagerscene][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You get up from your desk as Missy walks around it to you. You pull your pants and shirt off, letting your rock hard cock free. She bends down at the waist, grabs it with her hand and guides it into her mouth. Her huge ass is sticking up in the air, so you reach out and give it a playful smack, groping her plush cheeks while her head bobs up and down on your shaft.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/missy/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Bend her over the desk|restaurantmanagerscene][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You grab Missy and push her against the desk. She raises one leg up onto the top of the desk and spreads her pussy for you. You smack her ass. Her milky pale skin reddening from your hand. You grab your cock and slide it into Missy’s pussy and start to thrust, ramming her roughly from behind. You grab her by her hair and pound her with wild abandon.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/missy/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Flip her over|restaurantmanagerscene][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You pull out and turn Missy around. You push her back onto the desk and lay her down on her back. You lift on leg up and hold onto it as you slide your cock back into her pussy. You use her leg as leverage as you begin to thrust again. You fuck her hard and fast making her cum hard on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/missy/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|restaurantmanagerscene][$scene to 6]]
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<p>You pull out as you approach the moment of orgasm. Missy drops to her knees and fondles her tits to give you a show as you stoke your cock inches from her face. You begin to cum, shooting rope after rope of hot jizz onto her face and chest.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/missy/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Missy">>Only way that could have been hotter is if someone walked in on us.<</speech>>
<p>The two of you laugh as you get dressed. Missy leaves all of your cum on her as she walks out of your office, swaying her hips seductively as she leaves. You take a look at the time and decide to head home for the day.</p>
<</if>><<if $carla.slave is 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Carla’s shift at the Cock and Bull is now as a stripper and waitress, rather than as a bartender. As your slave she is happy to be your slut and show off her body to try and sell more food and liquor to the customers. Abigail is certainly happy with the boosts in revenue as well.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/stripping.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Use your slave|barmanagerscene][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Eventually though, you get tired of just watching and decide that you want to have a little more fun with her. You walk up and give her a lascivious look. She knows all too well what that look means. She stops dancing and follows you instantly, not even needing a command from you to be the obedient little slave that she is. You lead her into your office and immediately start toying with her nude body. You pull her down to the ground onto her back. Gripping her by her waist, you lift her ass up into the air, letting her feet dangle down by her head. You pull your cock out and aim it down at her pussy. You slide it in and bend at the knees to lower your cock into her. Each thrust downward becoming rougher than the last as you begin to put your weight into it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/piledriver.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|barmanagerscene][$scene to 2]]
<p>You pound her senseless. She cums so hard and so often that by the time you are close to cumming she is nothing but a cock drunk fuck toy. You pull out of her pussy and pull her face up close to your cock. You cum, unleashing your load all over her face and painting her white. She sticks her tongue out to greedily lap up every drop that spills over her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/facial2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Carla">>Thank you, $carla.title. That was so fucking good<</speech>>
<p>You smack her ass to punish her for cursing before telling her to get back to work.</p>
[[End the shift|Street]]
<<if $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Carla">>Its getting busy as shit. Mind hopping off your ass and giving me a hand out there?<</speech>>
<p>You nod as you stand up and follow her out to the bar. A line at the bar is starting to form so you head right to work with Carla. The two of you work well together as always and get the rest of the customers served very quickly. Before you know it Carla is calling last call and the bar is almost empty.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Good to know you can still do the work, <<print "$">>. I’m heading the fuck out. See you later.<</speech>>
<p>You tell her to have a good night as you finish cleaning up and lock up for the evening. You head home exhausted from all the work.</p>
[[Call it a day|House]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<<speech "Carla">>Well its slow as shit right now so I figured we could fuck around a bit. Break in the office a little. What do you say?<</speech>>
<p>You stand up and start pulling your shirt off wordlessly. She needs nothing further for an answer as she shuts the door behind her and pulls her own clothes off as well.</p>
[[Fuck her mouth|barmanagerscene][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>Carla drops down to her knees on the carpeted floor. Her big tattooed tits bounce as she drops. You pull your rock hard cock out and she grabs it, wrapping her lips around it greedily. You rub your cock along her lips before grabbing her by her hair and making her gag on your cock as it slips into her throat.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/carla/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her hard|barmanagerscene][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You push Carla down onto the small black sofa in your office. You grab both of her legs and put them on either side of your head, resting them on your shoulders as you lean in and slide your cock into her pussy. You ram your cock into her hard, using your weight to your advantage with your thrusts.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/carla/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Have her ride you|barmanagerscene][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You pull out of Carla’s pussy just long enough to take a seat on the couch yourself. You pull her on top of you, facing away. She straddles you with one leg on each side of your body as she grabs your cock and slides it back into her pussy. Your thrust upwards and fuck her as she lowers and bounces herself on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/carla/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|barmanagerscene][$scene to 6]]
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<p>As you get close to cumming you push Carla off of you and down to the floor. You grab her hair and hold her in place as you stroke your cock inches away from her face. You erupt and shoot your load over he face, covering her eyes especially. She licks your cock clean as the last drops of cum pour out of the tip.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/carla/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Carla">>Motherfucker that was nice. I guess I should get back out there.<</speech>>
<p>She wipes the cum from her face and licks her fingers clean. She gets dressed and heads back out to the bar to get to work. Her disheveled hair, makeup, and clothes make it blatantly obvious why she was gone for so long. You continue to work for the rest of the evening. When you are all set, you lock up for the night and head home.</p>
[[Call it a day|House]]
<p>You sit down and have dinner with your family. You, your Mother, and your sister $ talk about your respective days as you eat. Eventually the conversation turns to the basement that you have recently renovated.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Honey I went down to see what you had done with the basement. It looks…. Uh, nice!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>It looks like a sex den.<</speech>>
<p>You Mother gasps at your sister’s bluntness.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>$ don’t be so crass! Just because there are straps, and whips, and….. sweety did you turn the basement into a sex den?<</speech>>
<p>$ laughs at your Mother’s sudden realization. You let them both know that yes, the basement was renovated so you could have some BDSM fun down there. Your Mother looks at you and squirms. It is clear that she is uncomfortable by the prospect but it seems to turn her on as well.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Told you Mom! <<print "$">> is such a pervert.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>$ I already warned you once about your language don’t make me send you to your room!<</speech>>
<p>$ rolls her eyes and slumps in her chair as she continues to eat.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Just promise me that you will be safe sweety. Otherwise I hope you have fun in your… um, sex den.<</speech>>
<p>You promise her that you will be safe, as she asks. $ then promptly changes the subject as the three of you finish your meal together.</p>
<p class="hint">Hint: With the basement fully renovated you can now go down into the room and begin inviting women down there with you. Be careful! You need to sufficiently corrupt them before they will agree to go down to the basement with you. If you invite them too soon, you may harm your relationship with them</p>
<<set $quest.basement += 1>>
<<addmins 40>>\
<<if $mom.bdsm is 0>>
<p>You are down in the basement when a fun, and wicked idea strikes you. You pull out your phone and send a text to your mom to come down to the basement to talk to you. After about five minutes she descends the steps and is standing in front of you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>What do you need sweety?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you want to put your sex den to use. You give her a firm command to strip down in front of you.</p>
<<if $mom.corr gte 25 && $ gte 10>>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh sweety, so forceful. Are you gonna tie up and fuck mommy?<</speech>>
<p>She tries to tease you but you are having none of it. You walk up to her and grab her clothes, tearing them off of her with a powerful passion. When she is wearing nothing but her stockings you push her down to the ground. You walk over to a table filled with tool for you domination and grab a bottle of baby oil. You lightly throw it to her and command her to coat herself in it. You take a seat and watch her. She crawls closer to you obediently and begins to sensually rub her body as she coats it in oil.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/first/oiling.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Tie her up|momdungeonfirst][$scene to 1; $[12] to 1]]
<<speech "Mom">>Excuse me? I am not going to strip down so you can do whatever twisted thing you have planned. Your sister was right you are a pervert.<</speech>>
<p>She storms away and back up the stairs. She seems extremely angry with you. She is clearly not corrupted enough to do something like this with.</p>
[[Leave|House]]<<addmins 20>>
[[Put her into the stocks|mombdsm][$scene to 1; $[13] to 1]]
[[Tie her up and fuck her hard|mombdsm][$scene to 2; $[14] to 1]]
[[Suspend her from the ceiling|mombdsm][$scene to 3; $[15] to 1]]
<<if $jade.slave is 1 && $mom.slave is 1>>[[Have a threesome with Jade|jade and mom slave][$scene to 0]]<</if>>
<<if $mc.dom gte 15 && $mc.collars gte 1 && $mom.slave is 0 && $mom.questmain gte 10 && $mom.corr gte 50 && ($mom.loc is "Living room" || $mom.loc is "Mom's bedroom" || $mom.loc is "Kitchen" || $mom.loc is "Bathroom")>>[[Enslave your Mother|momenslave][$scene to 0; $[16] to 1]]<</if>>
<<if $mom.slave gte 1>>[[Change the way she addresses you|momtitle]]<</if>>
<</if>><<if $sis.bdsm is 0>>
<p>You yell up the stairs, calling $’s name to ask your Sister to come down to the basement to speak with you. After several minutes she lazily comes down the stairs and looks at you skeptically.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Well I’m down here. What did you want? Bring me her to make me play in your new dungeon?<</speech>>
<p>She smile at your smugly. You decide that it is time to wipe the smug look from her face. You walk up to her and grab her by the back of her neck. You pull her close to you, pull your hand up and swing it down smacking her ass powerfully.</p>
<<if $sis.corr gte 25 && $ gte 10>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Ow, bastard<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you, pouting with her bottom lip pushed forward. She looks into your eyes expectingly, wordlessly begging you to continue. You slap her ass again and grab hold of her short. You yank them and her panties down with one swift pull. You then grab the collar of her shirt with both hands and pull, ripping it open and tossing it off of her. You pick up some rope and take both of her hands. You tie them together, leaving very little slack in the bindings. You leave a long length of the rope attached to her to be used as a lead. You pull her along with the lead toward the couch in the dungeon. You sit down and pull your hard cock out of your shorts. You yank her down, grab her head and shove it down on your shaft.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/first/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Spank her|sisdungeonfirst][$scene to 1; $[16] to 1]]
<<speech "Sasha" $>>What the fuck are you doing?!? God you are such a fucking pervert!<</speech>>
<p>She punches you in the stomach and pulls away from you. She runs back up the stairs, stomping her feet angrily. It is clear that she was not corrupt enough for this yet, and she seems very angry with you.</p>
[[Leave|House]]<<addmins 40>>
[[Make her dress up|sisbdsm][$scene to 1; $[17] to 1]]
[[Restrain her|sisbdsm][$scene to 2; $[18] to 1]]
<<if $mc.dom gte 15 && $mc.collars gte 1 && $sis.slave is 0 && $sis.questmain gte 10 && $sis.corr gte 50 && ($sis.loc is "Living room" || $sis.loc is "Sis's bedroom" || $sis.loc is "Kitchen" || $sis.loc is "Bathroom")>><a data-passage="sisenslave" data-setter="$scene to 0; $[19] to 1" class="link-internal">Enslave $</a><</if>>
<<if $sis.slave gte 1>>[[Change the way she addresses you|sistitle]]<</if>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 1>>
<p>When she is sufficiently oiled up you stand up and take the bottle from her. You return the bottle to the table and pick up a roll of hot pink binding tape. You walk back over to your Mother and firmly take hold of her legs. You wrap them together using the tape. Your Mother struggles a bit against the bindings, you respond by wrapping them tighter. You pull her arms behind her back and tie them together as well. You wrap more tape around her body, crossing her chest. You put the tape away and grab a ball gag and shove it into her mouth, clasping it tightly around her head. She tries to move and speak but her gag and bindings make her nearly immobile and helpless. As she lays there in this state you grab her breasts, fondling and teasing them to your hearts content.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/first/breastfondle.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Put her legs up by her head|momdungeonfirst][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You remove the bindings around her legs and raise each foot up until they are up by her head. You tie her hands to her feet so she has to remain in that position as you slide your cock into her pussy. You slap her tits hard, as your start to thrust. You fuck her hard and fast using all of your strength. Pain converts to pleasure for her as she cums heavily on your cock. You continue to fuck her hard as fast, focusing on pleasing yourself as you use your Mother.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/first/facefuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|momdungeonfirst][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull your cock out of your Mother’s pussy as your are about to cum. You cut her bindings and throw her to her knees in front of you. You place the head of your cock on her tongue as your stroke. You cum, erupting jizz into her mouth and onto her face. She strokes your cock to pull out the last few drops of cum, licking up the load from her face hungrily.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/first/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>My goodness. Sweety that was intense. I don’t think I could ever get used to this. And I’m not sure I’d want to. It might not be as fun if I’m used to it. Invite me back down here soon<</speech>>
<p>You help your mom up and give her a playful slap on her ass as she heads back up stairs. You spend some time cleaning up the room now that the fun is done.</p>
<<set $mom.bdsm to 1>> <p class="got">You can now play with your Mom in the basement</p>
[[Leave|House]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<set $random = random(100)>>
<<if $scene is 1>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
<p>You lock your Mother in the stocks and slide your cock into her ass. Your ram your cock into her, holding onto the stocks for leverage and balance as you thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/repeat/stocksanal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Once your Mother is secured in the stocks your open her mouth and shove your cock inside. You thrust into her mouth and down her throat, making her gag loudly.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/repeat/stocksblowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
<p>You use some rope to tie your Mother’s hands behind her back. You bend her over and shove your cock into her mouth and savagely fuck her throat.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/repeat/tiedupblowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You take some rope and tie up your Mother. You tie her legs closed then use the rope to connect her legs to her neck, keeping the up and close to her face. You slide your cock into her pussy and pound her roughly, groping and slapping her tits as you thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/repeat/tiedupmissionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
<p>You take some rope and hooks in your hands and begin to tie up your Mother. With her tied up you use the hooks to attach her ropes to the ceiling, effectively hanging her in the air with them. When she is suspended and helpless you take your cock and slide it into her pussy, holding her steady by grabbing her hair as you start to fuck her.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/repeat/suspendedfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You suspend your Mother from the ceiling with a series of ropes and hooks. With her dangling in the air she is helpless to your whims and desires. You grab her by her hair and rub your cock in her face before sliding it past her lips and fucking her throat.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/repeat/suspendedblowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<addhours 1>>[[Leave|House]]<<if $scene is 1>>
<p>You grab hold of $’s hair and pull her off your cock. You use her hair and the lead to yank her forward so she is laying across your lap. You pin her down by her hair as you use your other hand to begin spanking her ass. You smack her cheek hard, alternating between them. Her ass turns from a pearly white to a beat red after just a few slaps, and you don’t stop there.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/first/spanking.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Punish her|sisdungeonfirst][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You put $ on her back and spread her legs. You push her tied up hands above her head and hold her there as you slide your cock into her pussy. You place your hand on her neck and squeeze gently as you begin to thrust. You pick up to a quick and rough pace quickly, slapping your Sister in the face with your free hand as you punish her with your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/first/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|sisdungeonfirst][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You yank your Sister’s bindings to pull her up to her knees. You take your cock out of her pussy and stroke it in front of her face. You command her to open her mouth as you cum. You shoot blast after blast of jizz into her mouth and on her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/first/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finished you tell her that you are done with her for now and that she needs to go back up stairs.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>You’re lucky I like it rough… asshole.<</speech>>
<p>She heads up stairs, not even bothering to take her torn clothes with her.</p>
<<set $sis.bdsm to 1>> <p class="got">You can now play with your sister in the basement</p>
[[Leave|House]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<set $random = random(100)>>
<<if $scene is 1>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
<p>You bring $ down to the dungeon and pull out an outfit for her to wear. It is a very skimpy Supergirl outfit, complete with miniskirt and red ball gag. You make her put the outfit on for your enjoyment. Then your lay her on her back and slide your cock into her pussy, fucking and dominating her for your pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/repeat/cosplaymissionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You command your Sister $ to get dressed up like Supergirl so you can have some fun with her. When she is dressed and gagged, you strap her to a wall and use a vibrating wand on her pussy to torture her with pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/repeat/tiedupvibrator.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<if $random lte 49>>
<p>You take some tight black straps and restrain $ to the wall. You strip her down and pull your cock out, shoving it down her throat and making her suck your cock. You look down into her helpless eyes as she obediently bobs her head along your shaft.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/repeat/restrainblowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You bend $ over and tie up her hands to the wall. You pull her toward you by her hips and slide your cock into her pussy. You take hold of her long golden hair and yank hard, pulling it as you thrust into her.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/repeat/restraindoggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<addhours 1>>[[Leave|House]]<<if $activate is 0>>
[[Use Platinium cheat|Platinium cheat][$activate to 1]]
[[Use Hard cheat|Hard cheat][$activate to 1]]
[[Use Medium cheat|Medium cheat][$activate to 1]]
[[Use Light cheat|Light cheat][$activate to 1]]
<<elseif $activate is 1>>\
[[Dominant path|Platinium cheat][$activate to 2]]
[[Submissive path|Platinium cheat][$activate to 3]]
<<elseif $activate is 2>>
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $abigail.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $carla.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $missy.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $alice.corr += 25>>\
<<set $kate.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $lucy.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $jade.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $mom.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $sis.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $aunt.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $cousin.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $teacher.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $sato.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $powers.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $dean.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $tammy.corr += 25>>\
<<set $erika.mot += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $erika.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $mikaela.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $tiffany.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $mc.str += 25>>\
<<set $mc.end += 25>>\
<<set $mc.seXP += 25>>\
<<set $ += 10000>>\
<<set $mc.dom += 25>>
<<set $school.grades += 20>>
<p class="got">Platinium cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<set $has.usedcheat to 1>>
<<elseif $activate is 3>>
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $abigail.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $carla.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $missy.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $alice.corr += 25>>\
<<set $kate.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $lucy.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $jade.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $mom.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $sis.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $aunt.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $cousin.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $teacher.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $sato.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $powers.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $dean.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $tammy.corr += 25>>\
<<set $erika.mot += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $erika.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $mikaela.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $tiffany.corr += 25>>\
<<set $ += 25>>\
<<set $mc.str += 25>>\
<<set $mc.end += 25>>\
<<set $mc.seXP += 25>>\
<<set $ += 10000>>\
<<set $mc.sub += 25>>
<<set $school.grades += 20>>
<p class="got">Platinium cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<set $has.usedcheat to 1>>
<p class="hint">You already used cheats</p>
[[Go back to your house|House]]
<<if $activate is 0>>
[[Use Diamond cheat|Diamond cheat][$activate to 1]]
[[Use Platinium cheat|Platinium cheat][$activate to 1]]
[[Use Hard cheat|Hard cheat][$activate to 1]]
[[Use Medium cheat|Medium cheat][$activate to 1]]
[[Use Light cheat|Light cheat][$activate to 1]]
<<elseif $activate is 1>>\
[[Dominant path|Diamond cheat][$activate to 2]]
[[Submissive path|Diamond cheat][$activate to 3]]
<<elseif $activate is 2>>
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $abigail.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $carla.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $missy.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $alice.corr += 30>>\
<<set $kate.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $lucy.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $jade.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $mom.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $sis.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $aunt.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $cousin.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $teacher.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $sato.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $powers.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $dean.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $tammy.corr += 30>>\
<<set $erika.mot += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $erika.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $mikaela.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $tiffany.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $mc.str += 30>>\
<<set $mc.end += 30>>\
<<set $mc.seXP += 30>>\
<<set $ += 10000>>\
<<set $mc.dom += 30>>
<<set $school.grades += 20>>
<p class="got">Diamond cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<set $has.usedcheat to 1>>
<<elseif $activate is 3>>
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $abigail.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $carla.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $missy.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $alice.corr += 30>>\
<<set $kate.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $lucy.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $jade.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $mom.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $sis.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $aunt.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $cousin.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $teacher.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $sato.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $powers.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $dean.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $tammy.corr += 30>>\
<<set $erika.mot += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $erika.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $mikaela.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $tiffany.corr += 30>>\
<<set $ += 30>>\
<<set $mc.str += 30>>\
<<set $mc.end += 30>>\
<<set $mc.seXP += 30>>\
<<set $ += 10000>>\
<<set $mc.sub += 30>>
<<set $school.grades += 20>>
<p class="got">Diamond cheat used, have fun!</p>
<<set $has.usedcheat to 1>>
<p class="hint">You already used cheats</p>
[[Go back to your house|House]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You arrive at Abigail’s office for your weekly meeting with her. You knock on her door and she calls you in almost immediately.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Take a seat, <<print "$">>. Time to talk<</speech>>
<p>You do as she says and take a seat across the desk from her. She stands up and walks around the desk, looking over her shoulder at you seductively.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>You have done a good job around here recently. You have been showing some honest improvement. I’d like to show you that around here we reward such behavior<</speech>>
[[Get your reward|galleryabigail1][$scene to 1]]
<p>You watch as Abigail shows you just how much she values her employees. She takes her skirt and shirt off, revealing the black lingerie underneath. You stare in awe at her huge tits and ass, barely hidden by the skimpy underwear she has on.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>I’ll take that slack jawed look of yours as you like what you see<</speech>>
<p>She continues to undress, pulling off her bra revealing her huge round breasts. She bends down and pulls her panties off, showing you her ass and pretty pussy. She stands proudly before you, and looks at the bulge forming in your pants.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Oh I like the look of that bulge. I hope you keep up the hard work. I think I’d have fun rewarding you further<</speech>>
<p>You spend a few moments trying to cool down as Abigail gets dressed. Once her clothes are back on she yells at you to get back to work. You stand up and leave her office at once.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk down the hall towards Abigail’s office. You knock and wait for her to invite you in. She calls you right in and you sit down in the seat across from her. You are starting to feel much more comfortable around her, having worked with her for so long.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>I’m pleased with your progress, <<print "$">>. I’m almost impressed<</speech>>
<p>You thank her for her kind words and promise her that you will continue to improve.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>I believe you. And you know what? I think it might be time for another reward<</speech>>
<p>Abigail begins to undress. She drops her skirt and pulls off her shirt, revealing that she was wearing no underwear underneath.</p>
[[Abigail strokes you|galleryabigail2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Abigail drops to her knees and front of you as you stand up. She pulls down your pants and grabs your hardening cock and starts to stroke it. She spits on your cock and uses both of her hands to stroke your cock and fondle your balls.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward1/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryabigail2][$scene to 2]]
<p>Her hands are like magic. Her grip is perfect and the softness of them give you immense pleasure. And her skill with the motions shows that she clearly knows how to handle dick. It doesn’t take long to make you cum. Once you are close to cumming she pushes you down to the ground on your back and hops on top of you. She strokes and strokes until you cum, shooting ropes over her face and over yourself. She licks up every drop until you are clean.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward1/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Abigail">>I knew this cock would be fun to play with. Keep it up. You are quickly becoming one of my favorite employees<</speech>>
<p>You both get dressed and you leave her office to head back to work.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>It is time for your weekly meeting with Abigail. You head to her office in the back to meet with her. You go to knock on the door but notice that it is already slightly ajar. You push it open and see Abigail in there, wearing nothing but a small neon yellow bathing suit. You ask her if she was going swimming teasing her for her attire.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Maybe later. I’m wearing this now because you have earned another reward. You have done very well here. You are on a path to management for sure. And management comes with several….perks<</speech>>
<p>She drops down to her knees in front of you and pulls your pants down, grabbing a hold of your hardening cock. She pulls her bathing suit top off of her tits giving you a perfect view of them as she starts to go down on you.</p>
[[Abigail sucks you off|galleryabigail3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Abigail sucks your cock into her mouth and bobs her head up and down masterfully. Her mouth is like a vacuum, the power of her sucking surprising you. Her plump lips glide alone your shaft, stroking you with them as her tongue flicks at the head.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward2/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her tits|galleryabigail3][$scene to 2]]
<p>Her masterful blow job skills bring you to orgasm very quickly. She grabs your cock and jerks you off until you cum. You shoot rope after rope of cum. She aims your cock at her tits and you cover them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward2/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Abigail">>Oh wow, what a load. I’m flattered. I hope you keep up the good work. Your next reward will be extra special<</speech>>
<p>You get dressed as she begins to lick the cum from her tits. You head back out to the restaurant to get back to work.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>It’s Friday, which means it is time to visit Abigail in her office for your weekly meeting. You head back and the door is wide open. She is clearly expecting you. The moment you walk in Abigail gives you a very seductive look.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>You just keep on impressing me. Every time I assume that you have reached your peak, you surpass yourself again. I think I know why too<</speech>>
<p>She starts undressing in front of you, pulling out her hugs tits and sliding her skirt down to show off her round ass.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Take your cock out. You’re going to fuck me good. I expect you to work as hard on my pussy as you do at your job<</speech>>
[[Fuck her|galleryabigail4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You strip down at once. She turns around and offers herself up for you. You slide your cock in from behind and start fucking her, grabbing her hips for leverage as you thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward3/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Flip her over|galleryabigail4][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pull out and put Abigail on her back. You spread her legs wide and look into her eyes as you slide your cock in her pussy and start fucking her hard and fast. Her huge tits bounce wildly with each powerful thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward3/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryabigail4][$scene to 3]]
<p>You are close to cumming. So you pull out of Abigail’s pussy and she quickly drops to her knees on the floor. You stroke your cock in front of her face and cum, shooting your jizz all over her. She swallows what lands in her mouth and scoops up the rest with her finger.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Abigail">>Fuck, that was spectacular. I am damn glad I hired you<</speech>>
<p>You let her know how happy you are that you were hired as well. Then, you get dressed and head back out of her office so you can get back to work.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You head back into the office area for your weekly meeting with Abigail as usual. But, for some reason her door is closed. She has had it open for you for a while now, so it gives you reason to pause. You knock on the door and you hear two voices tell you to enter in tandem. You walk through the door and see Abigail as well as another gorgeous women sitting on her desk next to her.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>I have terrific news <<print "$">>! You have been working so hard, and doing such a great job that I am promoting you to manager of the restaurant. And remember how I told you management comes with special perks? Well, meet Eva my sister, the perk<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Nice to meet you, <<print "$">>. Abby here tells me that you are terrific with that cock of yours<</speech>>
<p>You tell Eva that you would love to show her your skills whenever she’d like.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Why do you think she is here? Whip it out already!<</speech>>
[[Whip out your cock|galleryabigail5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Abigail and Eva begin to undress. You take a seat and pull your pants off, letting your already hard cock spring free. You suck on Abigail’s tits briefly before she starts to go down on you, swallowing your cock and bobbing her head up and down on it. Eva takes the cock from Abigail and strokes it while you suck her tits. She then lowers herself to pull your cock into her mouth as well.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck their tits|galleryabigail5][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>The girls combine their efforts, and their huge tits, to stroke your cock with all four of their breasts at the same time. The four mounds of soft tit flesh absorbing your cock into them as they raise and lower along your shaft.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck Eva|galleryabigail5][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>Eva lies down on her back and Abigail climbs up on top of her and puts her pussy in Eva’s face. Abigail licks and plays with Eva’s pussy while you slide your cock into her. Eva and Abigail eat each other out while you thrust into Eva’s tight pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/evafuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Switch places|galleryabigail5][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You pull out of Eva on Abigail’s request. She lays down on the table and pulls Eva on top of her and her pussy into her face. Her tongue goes deep into Eva’s pussy while Eva watches you slide your cock into Abigail’s waiting hole. You start the thrust, fucking Abigail’s pussy hard and fast while Eva watches from just above.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/abifuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryabigail5][$scene to 5]]
<p>Both of the women have heavenly pussies. Your orgasm builds quickly and powerfully. You pull out of Abigail and both she and Eva drop to their knees in front of you. The suck and stroke your cock to bring you to orgasm. You finally burst and unload your cum all over their faces and tits. They lick the cum off of each other playfully in front of you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Eva">>That was fun. I’m glad Abby was willing to share. She is usually so stingy<</speech>>
<<speech "Abigail">>Shush you. <<print "$">>, since you’re a manager now you can fuck me and Eva together Whenever you’d like. Here’s our address<</speech>>
<p>You take the paper with their address on it and put it in your pocket as you get dressed. You thank Abigail for the opportunity, and head back out to get to work.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Try to impress Carla|gallerycarla1][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You walk behind the bar passing Carla and getting right to work. You are certainly getting better, as you barely need to ask for Carla’s help at all during the night. There are still obvious signs that you are new at this though. Like at the end of the night, when you drop a glass and it shatters on the floor. Carla looks at your with exhausted disappointment in her eyes.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>You are such a fucking klutz. Are you gonna clean that up or what?<</speech>>”
<p>You grab a dust pan and broom and start sweeping the shards of glass up into a pile, then into the pan. You throw away the shards and sweep over the area a few extra times to make sure that no small slivers of glass remain.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Well, at least you can clean shit up right. Nice job. I may have been a bit to hard on you. I do appreciate the help you know<</speech>>
<p>You say that you know. You also hint that you would like to see how much she appreciates it. She gives you a lusty look as she approaches you.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>I’m not sure you could handle it if I did decide to show you<</speech>>
[[Tell her that you can handle it|gallerycarla1][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You tell Carla that you know you can handle it. And you add that even if you can’t you’d like to try either way. She smiles slyly and starts to strip down slowly. She gives you an expecting look that tells you to take your clothes of as well, so you do.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>I’m gonna fucking break your little mind. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya<</speech>>
<p>She grabs your cock and starts to stroke it in her hand wildly. He firm grip and fast movements send electric bursts of pleasure throughout your whole body. You have to kneel down from the intensity of her strokes.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward1/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerycarla1][$scene to 3]]
<p>You groan loudly as you begin to cum, erupting jizz all over her hands and your groin as she continues to stroke you well beyond the end of your orgasm. Your squirm and shake in her hands as she jerks your sensitive cock to her liking.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward1/facial0.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Eventually she stops jerking you. She stands up and licks her hand clean.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>You did better then I thought. If I had used my mouth you would have passed out thoug<</speech>>
<p>You are out of breath but still manage to make a snarky comment about wanting to try. She laughs it off as she gets dressed and leaves. You get dressed as well and head home for the evening.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Try to impress Carla|gallerycarla2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You walk behind the bar passing Carla and getting right to work. You are certainly getting better, as you barely need to ask for Carla’s help at all during the night. There are still obvious signs that you are new at this though. Like at the end of the night, when you drop a glass and it shatters on the floor. Carla looks at your with exhausted disappointment in her eyes.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>You are such a fucking klutz. Are you gonna clean that up or what?<</speech>>”
<p>You grab a dust pan and broom and start sweeping the shards of glass up into a pile, then into the pan. You throw away the shards and sweep over the area a few extra times to make sure that no small slivers of glass remain.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Well, at least you can clean shit up right. Nice job. I may have been a bit to hard on you. I do appreciate the help you know<</speech>>
<p>You say that you know. You also hint that you would like to see how much she appreciates it. She gives you a lusty look as she approaches you.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>I’m not sure you could handle it if I did decide to show you<</speech>>
[[See if she can handle you|gallerycarla2][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You decide to show Carla just how much you can handle. You pull down your shorts and shove her down to her knees so your cock is right in her face. You tell her to stroke it if she is so sure of herself. She looks up at you with a cocky grin and gets to work. She puts your cock between her tits and starts jerking you off with them. Her large tattooed breasts wrap around your shaft and stroke you, sending waves of pleasure through your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward1/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerycarla2][$scene to 3]]
<p>You start to groan as your orgasm builds. She can tell you are close to cumming so she pulls your cock from her tits and brings it close to her face as she continues to stroke it quickly and powerfully. You begin to cum shooting you load onto her face. You coat her chin and mouth with your jizz. When you are done you put your cock away and walk away from her, leaving her there with her facial.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward1/facial1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Try to impress Carla|gallerycarla3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You get to the bar and see that it is already busy. Carla is juggling five customers at once and seems relieved to see you arrive. Her tone when she speaks to you on the other hand, is coarse as always.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>It’s about goddamned time! Give me some fucking help back here<</speech>>
<p>You head back and give her a hand. You have been working here long enough now that the job is starting to come easy to you. You mix and pour drinks quickly and get them out to the customers. In ten minutes the bar goes from busy and crowded to calm and managed. Carla seems much happier as things slow down. The night goes smoothly from that point on, and at the end of the evening, she goes up to talk to you with a wide smile on her face.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Nice fucking job today! Good to see you know what you’re doing now. You pulled me out of a shit storm back there. Thanks a fuck ton<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are happy to help. But that you can think of a few ways that she can thank you properly.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Oh? You gonna be a fucking tease or are you gonna pull your cock out?<</speech>>
[[Pull your cock out|gallerycarla3][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pull your cock out of your pants and start stroking it to get hard. Carla strips down out of her cloths and follows you out to the main floor of the bar. You lead her in front of a couch that is against the side wall. You push her to her knees, grab her head, and ram your cock into her throat. You hold her there throating your cock for a moment, releasing her once she looks like she is struggling to breath. You sit down on the couch and she crawls up to you and starts bobbing her head on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward2/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerycarla3][$scene to 3]]
<p>Her throat is masterful and before you know it you are ready to cum. You pull out of her mouth and start stroking your cock. She leans back and opens her mouth, sticking her tongue out to take your load. You cum, shooting your jizz all over her face and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward2/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Carla">>Fucking hell, your cock tastes good. Don’t get a big head, though. You could still learn a thing or two about how to use it<</speech>>
<p>She gets up and walks away, as though she is embarrassed about having given you a compliment. You get dressed as well, and head home.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Try to impress Carla|gallerycarla4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>When you head back behind the bar Carla shoots you a quick smile. One of very few you ever get to see from her. The two of you get working and Carla seems to be in a good mood the whole night. She only cursed out one sleazy customer when she averages about one an hour. You make things even smoother for her as the job has become second nature to you. When the day finally winds down she comes to you with an oddly shy smile on her face.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Hey, you doing anything after your shift?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are free, and ask if she wanted to do anything.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Yeah, I’m fixin to do you<</speech>>
<p>She grabs you by your shirt and leads you out to her car. Once inside she drives you both towards the residential area of the city.</p>
[[Go inside and get some|gallerycarla4][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You follow Carla into her house and into her bedroom. You both undress one another and kiss on her bed. You put her on her back, spread her legs and pull one leg up in the air to use for leverage. You slide your cock into her pussy and start to trust. You place one hand on her throat and gently choke her while you fuck her hard.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward3/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Make her ride you|gallerycarla4][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You lay on your back in her bed and pull her on top of you. You slide your cock into her ass and hold her above you while you roughly and quickly thrust up into her ass. You both groan and moan in pleasure as you ram your cock inside of her repeatedly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward3/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerycarla4][$scene to 4]]
<p>Her tight ass combined with your fast and powerful thrusts bring you both to orgasm rather quickly. After she cums you put her on her knees on the floor of her room. She pulls her mouth open with both hands as you stroke above her and unload your cum onto her tongue.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/carla/reward3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Carla smiles gleefully as she swallows you cum. She sits nude in her room as she watches you get dressed.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Fuck me again soon you fat dicked asshole<</speech>>
<p>You promise her that you will before heading out of her house, and heading home.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You decide that you should get a shower before dinner. So you grab a towel from your room and head down the hall towards the bathroom. The door is slightly ajar, so you assume the bathroom is empty and you walk right in. Although, the second you push the door open, you realize that you were very wrong. Your Mother is standing there in the center of the room undressing. She pulls her bra and panties off right before your eyes and you can do nothing but stare in awe.</p>
<p>You keep staring until she inevitably notices you. She turns to face you, shock on her face as she sees you there gawking at her naked body.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>$! What are you doing! I’m not dressed!<</speech>>
[[Apologize|gallerymom1][$scene to 1]]
<p>You apologize profusely to you Mom as you begin to back out of the room. Just as you turn away, you hear you Mom speak.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hold on sweety. Come her for a moment<</speech>>
<p>You stop and turn back around. She is turning the water on for the shower and standing there without covering up her huge tits and ass. You step closer to her and ask her why she wanted you to come closer.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Well since you already got a good look, I figure you might as well help me wash my back<</speech>>
<p>She gets underneath the running water and begins to rub soap all over her gorgeous body. Her tits suds up and wash clean as she moves her hands to her ass. She looks at you expectantly. You step closer and grab the soap, lathering it up in your hands and pressing them against the smooth skin of her back. You slowly and sensually wash her up and down, getting her squeaky clean.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Thanks sweety. But be more careful next time okay. What if it was $ in here and not me?<</speech>>
<p>You promise your Mom you will be more careful and head out back into the hall, your pants tented all the while from your raging erection.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You decide that you should get a shower before dinner. So you grab a towel from your room and head down the hall towards the bathroom. The door is slightly ajar, so you assume the bathroom is empty and you walk right in. Although, the second you push the door open, you realize that you were very wrong. Your Mother is standing there in the center of the room undressing. She pulls her bra and panties off right before your eyes and you can do nothing but stare in awe.</p>
<p>You keep staring until she inevitably notices you. She turns to face you, shock on her face as she sees you there gawking at her naked body.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>$! What are you doing! I’m not dressed!<</speech>>
[[Command her to continue|gallerymom2][$scene to 1]]
<p>You step closer to your Mother as she grabs a towel to cover herself. You grab the towel and yank it from her hands, tossing it on the bathroom floor. You take a seat on the toilet and command her to keep going. You tell her that you are going to watch her show, and that you want her to make a show of it. She gives you a sultry smile as she turns the shower on and gets in.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>So naughty, making your own Mother wash herself for your enjoyment. Naughty boys like you should be punished<</speech>>
<p>You let her know that you intend to be doing the punishing, and that if she didn’t start soaping up her tits she would be punished very soon.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Yes sir!<</speech>>
<p>She hands glide across her massive melons, coating them in suds as she caresses her self sensually. You raging hard on bulges in your pants, giving your Mom something to look at as well. Seeing the bulge she gives your turns her on, and she bites her lower lip as her gaze lingers.</p>
<p>When you are satisfied, you stand up and tell your Mother that she did well, and that you plan on seeing her beautiful tits again soon. You then head back out into the hall to continue your day.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Work as a manager|gallerycarla5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You arrive at the Cock and Bull to manage the late shit. You head into back offices and get to work. You leave the door open so you can listen out for the bar in case it gets busy and Carla needs any help. Towards the end of the evening as you work Carla appears in your door way, knocking on the door frame.</p>
[[Ask her what she needs|gallerycarla5][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<<speech "Carla">>Well its slow as shit right now so I figured we could fuck around a bit. Break in the office a little. What do you say?<</speech>>
<p>You stand up and start pulling your shirt off wordlessly. She needs nothing further for an answer as she shuts the door behind her and pulls her own clothes off as well.</p>
[[Fuck her mouth|gallerycarla5][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>Carla drops down to her knees on the carpeted floor. Her big tattooed tits bounce as she drops. You pull your rock hard cock out and she grabs it, wrapping her lips around it greedily. You rub your cock along her lips before grabbing her by her hair and making her gag on your cock as it slips into her throat.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/carla/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her hard|gallerycarla5][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You push Carla down onto the small black sofa in your office. You grab both of her legs and put them on either side of your head, resting them on your shoulders as you lean in and slide your cock into her pussy. You ram your cock into her hard, using your weight to your advantage with your thrusts.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/carla/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Have her ride you|gallerycarla5][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You pull out of Carla’s pussy just long enough to take a seat on the couch yourself. You pull her on top of you, facing away. She straddles you with one leg on each side of your body as she grabs your cock and slides it back into her pussy. Your thrust upwards and fuck her as she lowers and bounces herself on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/carla/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerycarla5][$scene to 6]]
<p>As you get close to cumming you push Carla off of you and down to the floor. You grab her hair and hold her in place as you stroke your cock inches away from her face. You erupt and shoot your load over he face, covering her eyes especially. She licks your cock clean as the last drops of cum pour out of the tip.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/carla/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Carla">>Motherfucker that was nice. I guess I should get back out there.<</speech>>
<p>She wipes the cum from her face and licks her fingers clean. She gets dressed and heads back out to the bar to get to work. Her disheveled hair, makeup, and clothes make it blatantly obvious why she was gone for so long. You continue to work for the rest of the evening. When you are all set, you lock up for the night and head home.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Mess around with Missy|gallerymissy1][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You spend your shift following Missy around. Or more accurately, following her ass around. Her outfit today is so skimpy it borders on being lingerie. And the bottom of her plump ass cheeks are visible just under the hem of her dress when she walks. You are following her too closely and when she stops you accidentally bump into her. You end up grinding your bulge into her ass and causing her to yelp in shock.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Hey now, I can tell that you’re all frisky today but warn a girl before you start to grind on her<</speech>>
<p>You apologize at first, but upon thinking about her response you decide to joke around with her. You decide to ask her if you can grind on her, to take advantage of what she said. She responds my pushing her ass back into your groin and rubbing your bulge with her thick ass.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Oooh someone’s even friskier than I thought. Follow me, I’ll help you with that<</speech>>
[[Follow Missy|gallerymissy1][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Missy leads you to the break room and puts you on your back on the couch. She pulls at your pants and undoes them to get access to your cock. She pulls it out and grabs it with her hand.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Oh I love it!<</speech>>
<p>She starts pumping both of her hands along your shaft up and down. She twists her hands and spits on them and your cock to give you a strong and wet hand job.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward1/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymissy1][$scene to 3]]
<p>She strokes faster and faster, but you stop her just as you are about to climax. You stand up above her and aim your cock at her face. She grabs it once again with one hand and pumps it quickly. You cum, shooting your load against her cheek, covering her face and chin with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward1/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks your cock clean then scoops the cum into her mouth to clean up.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>That was fun. I kinda wish Carla had seen us though. I love to get caught<</speech>>
<p>You both get dressed and get back to work. When the shift ends you head home, with your mind clear.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Mess around with Missy|gallerymissy2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You decide to spend most of your shift talking with Missy. Something that you can’t really help doing considering she decided to come to work in a mini skirt and a bikini top. You tell her that her barely there wardrobe style looks fantastic on her. And the bulge in your pants reaffirms it for her.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Like, thanks so much. It took an hour to convince Abby to let me come to work like this. She can be such a hard ass. But hey, I get to wear fewer cloths so I’m happy!<</speech>>
<p>You let her know just how much it makes you happy as well. You ask her why she likes showing so much skin.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Because like, fuck clothes. I have a great ass, and some nice titties. And I like when people look at them. Cloths kinda fuck that up ya know?<</speech>>
[[Tell her that her feelings are natural|gallerymissy2][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You let Missy know that you think how she feels is entirely natural. People being nude is so common throughout history that it is practically a past time of the human race.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>I know! If girls in paintings can have their titties out, why can’t I?<</speech>>
<p>You agree with her. And you tell her that she is way hotter than the women in paintings on top of that.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Awe, aren’t you sweet. Come with me<</speech>>
<p>She leads you into the back hall of the restaurant and pushes you onto a chair. She yanks your pants down and pulls your huge cock out, quickly wrapping her lips around it and bobbing her head up and down as you quickly grow hard.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward2/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymissy2][$scene to 3]]
<p>She sucks and gags on your cock for longer than your can really handle. Her mouth is so warm and soft, and her throat is so tight that when you finally cum, you cum hard. You push her on her back and aim your cock at her face as your stroke yourself hard and fast. You erupt all over her face, coating her in cum from her forehead, to her eyes, to her lips, to her chin.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward2/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Missy">>Fuck, now that is how you put on a show. Next time maybe we should do this in a park or something<</speech>>
<p>You laugh with her as you both get dressed. The two of you head back out to the residential floor. She gives you a playful smack on the ass as you go your separate ways. When your shift is done, you head home, still reeling from the pleasure of her mouth.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Mess around with Missy|gallerymissy3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You decide to spend most of your shift talking with Missy. Something that you can’t really help doing considering she decided to come to work in a mini skirt and a bikini top. You tell her that her barely there wardrobe style looks fantastic on her. And the bulge in your pants reaffirms it for her.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Like, thanks so much. It took an hour to convince Abby to let me come to work like this. She can be such a hard ass. But hey, I get to wear fewer cloths so I’m happy!<</speech>>
<p>You let her know just how much it makes you happy as well. You ask her why she likes showing so much skin.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Because like, fuck clothes. I have a great ass, and some nice titties. And I like when people look at them. Cloths kinda fuck that up ya know?<</speech>>
[[Show her how much you agree with her|gallerymissy3][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You grab Missy by her arm and pull her back behind the bar. It is empty during the day shift so you have some relative privacy as you pull her bikini top off and push her down to her knees. You pull your cock out and shove it down her throat. You grab her head with both hands and fuck her face roughly, making her gag loudly for the whole restaurant to hear.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward3/facefuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymissy3][$scene to 3]]
<p>You thrust and thrust, forcing your cock down her throat through her gags and coughs. He saliva begins to drool down onto the floor coating her chin and your balls in a thick layer of spit from your rough pounding of her mouth. You groan loudly as you begin to cum, You pull her hair to hold her head in place. You stroke your cock and aim your load at her mouth as your spray it over her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Missy licks her lips as she puts her bikini top back on and pops back up from behind the bar. She had some cum left on her chin but you decide not to tell her. You figure when she finds out later she’d love the feeling of knowing she walked around with cum on her face. You smack her ass before you both head back to work and finish your shifts. You head home when the day is done feeling very satisfied.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Mess around with Missy|gallerymissy4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You show up a bit early for your shift. You walk in and notice that the restaurant isn’t even open yet. Missy is setting the last few tables before the lunch rush starts. You are somewhat disappointed to see that she is wearing her original uniform, instead of the skimpier ones she has been wearing recently. When she sees you she runs to you excitedly.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Yay you’re here! I’m so glad you’re working today I’ve been so excited to show you my new uniform!<</speech>>
<p>You look at her confused and comment on how her uniform looks great, but it seems no different than her older one. She laughs sensually.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Not this silly, this is just the wrapping paper. You have to pull it off to see what is inside<</speech>>
[[Unwrap the gift|gallerymissy4][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You need no further invitation and walk up to her and pull her shirt right off revealing the lacy blue bra underneath. You yank her skirt down, showing that she wasn’t wearing any panties. You share seductive looks as your lift her up onto one of the dining tables. You lift one of her legs up by your shoulder as you pull your cock out and slide it into her pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward4/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her from behind|gallerymissy4][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You spin her around and pull her bra off. You bend her over the table and smack her huge ass. When her fat cheeks finally stop rippling you slide your cock into her pussy from behind and start to ram her with your thrusts.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward4/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymissy4][$scene to 4]]
<p>You fuck her hard and fast. Her tight pussy clenches down onto your cock and milks you until you cum. You pull out and pull her down to her knees before you. You stroke your cock and cum on her face, your white jizz splashing all over it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/missy/reward4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She wipes the cum up off her face and eats it off her hand playfully. You put your cock away and watch as she gets dressed as well. Only she doesn’t put her shirt back on. Instead she slides her skirt on and just the bra, leaving her very exposed.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>So this is my new uniform. You like?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her you like it very much. You almost have the urge to fuck her again. But with people starting to line up at the door, the two of you decide to get to work. The shift otherwise goes smoothly and when it’s over you head home, excited to see what Missy has planned next.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Work as a manager|gallerymissy5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You head into the back office and get started on some paperwork. You set the employee schedule for the next week, and work on recording the restaurant's inventory. Then you write up a few invoices for Abigail to order new supplies. Over all the day goes rather smoothly.</p>
[[There is a knock at the door|gallerymissy5][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You yell out for whoever is knocking to come on into your office. The door cracks open and Missy pokes just he head inside. You look at her puzzled and ask her what she needs.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>You have some free time, boss man?<</speech>>
<p>You smile and tell her you always have some time to talk with her. She smiles seductively as she pushes the door open and reveals that she is fully nude. She strides into your office, not closing the door behind her as she walks to your desk and takes a seat on top of it.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Good, I thought we could have some fun.<</speech>>
[[Stand up|gallerymissy5][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You get up from your desk as Missy walks around it to you. You pull your pants and shirt off, letting your rock hard cock free. She bends down at the waist, grabs it with her hand and guides it into her mouth. Her huge ass is sticking up in the air, so you reach out and give it a playful smack, groping her plush cheeks while her head bobs up and down on your shaft.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/missy/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Bend her over the desk|gallerymissy5][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You grab Missy and push her against the desk. She raises one leg up onto the top of the desk and spreads her pussy for you. You smack her ass. Her milky pale skin reddening from your hand. You grab your cock and slide it into Missy’s pussy and start to thrust, ramming her roughly from behind. You grab her by her hair and pound her with wild abandon.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/missy/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Flip her over|gallerymissy5][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You pull out and turn Missy around. You push her back onto the desk and lay her down on her back. You lift on leg up and hold onto it as you slide your cock back into her pussy. You use her leg as leverage as you begin to thrust again. You fuck her hard and fast making her cum hard on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/missy/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymissy5][$scene to 6]]
<p>You pull out as you approach the moment of orgasm. Missy drops to her knees and fondles her tits to give you a show as you stoke your cock inches from her face. You begin to cum, shooting rope after rope of hot jizz onto her face and chest.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/manager/missy/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Missy">>Only way that could have been hotter is if someone walked in on us.<</speech>>
<p>The two of you laugh as you get dressed. Missy leaves all of your cum on her as she walks out of your office, swaying her hips seductively as she leaves. You take a look at the time and decide to head home for the day.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[You hear strange noises coming from one of the stalls|galleryalice1][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You enter the second stall. You notice a hole cut into the connecting wall. You get closer to the hole and watch the show. A nice brunette teen is there masturbating.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom/masturbating.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Put your cock in the hole|galleryalice1][$scene to 2]]
<p>You get your pants down, she notices it and start sucking your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<linkreplace "But then">>
<p>Someone enters the restroom, and knocks on the door to your stall.</p>
<<speech "???">>Hurry up bro, I need to piss.<</speech>>
<p>You get your cock back in your pants, flush the toilet and get out.</p>
<p>Some random guy is there waiting.</p>
<<speech "???">>Dude, what took you so long. You get your cock caught in the gloryhole or something?<</speech>>
<p>Your eyes grow wide in shock and embarrassment.</p>
<<speech "???">>Ha! I'm just fucking with you dude. Now get the fuck out I need to take a dump.<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[You hear the strange noises again|galleryalice2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>As you enter the stall you hear the same sounds you heard before. You look through the hole and see that the girl from before has returned and is masturbating furiously in the stall besides you once again.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom/masturbating.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Push the stall|galleryalice2][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You push open her stall door and stand in front of her. She doesn’t stop masturbating on your account.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>What the fuck are you doing?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you want more than just a blowjob this time as you pull your cock free from your pants. It quickly grows hard as you look at her masturbating in front of you.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>You’re a bit of a cocky prick, huh?<</speech>>
<p>She slaps her pussy a few times, giving you a seductive smile as she does.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>What are you waiting for?<</speech>>
[[Fuck the slut|galleryalice2][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You grab her and push her up against the wall. You slide your cock into her pussy from behind. You grab her arm for some leverage as you begin to thrust into her, quickly building into a steady pace. You hold her by the neck and lean in to kiss her before grabbing her hair like reigns to begin to really start thrusting into her tight pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Have her ride you|galleryalice2][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You go into the stall and sit on the toilet. You pull her close and she spreads her legs so that one is on each side of you as she lowers her pussy onto your cock. She begins to bounce quickly and powerfully. You slap her round slutty ass while she rides you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Make her bounce on your cock|galleryalice2][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You stand her up and turn her around. You make her fully undress, then you pull her hips closer to you. You aim your cock at her pussy as she lowers herself down onto it. She lowers herself further and then begins to bounce on and ride your cock. Her moans echoing out through the entire bathroom.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Put her back against the wall|galleryalice2][$scene to 6]]
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<p>You pull your cock out of her pussy and spin her around. You push her against the wall of the stall and lift one of her legs up and hold it against you as you slide your cock back into her pussy. You fuck her fast, grabbing her tits with your hand as your thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|galleryalice2][$scene to 7]]
<p>You pull out and push her down to her knees as you start to cum. You groan in pleasure as rope after rope of cum shoots out and onto her face and into her open smiling mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Alice">>That was fucking amazing. Here’s my SexApp ID. Hit me up sometime. I wanna do this again<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that she will hear from you soon. You then get dressed and leave the bathroom.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Enter the stall and get a blowjob from Alice|galleryalice3][$scene to 1]]
<p>You enter the stall and get a blowjob from Alice.</p>
<<set _random = random(120)>>
<<if _random lte 29>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/blowjob0.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif _random gte 30 && _random lte 59>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/blowjob1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif _random gte 60 && _random lte 89 >>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/blowjob2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom2/blowjob3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Knock on the door|galleryalice4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You arrive at the address Alice gave you over SexApp and knock on the door. Within moments she arrives at the door to greet you.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Took you long enough. Hurry up and get in here, I want another taste of that cock<</speech>>
<p>She leads you into her house and into the kitchen. She hops up on the kitchen counter. She pulls out her tits and spreads her legs for you, revealing the rip in her leggings giving you full access to her pussy. You lean in and kiss her, groping her tits with one hand while you pull out your cock with the other.</p>
[[Fuck her in the kitchen|galleryalice4][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You grab your hard cock and shove it right inside of her wet pussy. You reach up and gently choke her while you thrust hard and fast. You release her throat and slap her tit, getting rough with her as you continue to fuck Alice.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Flip her over|galleryalice4][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull Alice off of the counter, turn her around and slide your cock back into her pussy from behind. You bend her over the table as you begin to thrust, slamming your cock into her hard. The room fills with the sounds of your bodies slapping together. You reach around and grab her long brown hair, wrapping a lock of it around her throat as you fuck her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Give her a taste|galleryalice4][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You push her down to her knees and shove your cock into her mouth. You grab hold of her head and hair as you roughly pull it down onto your cock and fuck her throat. She gags loudly and often as you rough her throat up with your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her tits|galleryalice4][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You tell her to press her tits together so you can fuck them. She does so and so you slide your cock beneath her shirt and between her tits. You start to thrust fast as your slam your groin into her tits. You hold onto her face and make her look you in the eyes while your hard cock slides between her fuck pillows.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get on the counter|galleryalice4][$scene to 6]]
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<p>You hop onto the counter and lie down on your back. She climbs up slowly after you and sucks on your cock briefly before positioning her pussy above your cock. You slide it in as she lowers herself down. You thrust up into her and she bounces on it quickly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|galleryalice4][$scene to 7]]
<p>You pull her to the ground as you get close to cumming. A few extra strokes of your cock is all you need to erupt. You aim your cock at her face as your load starts to shoot out. Every burst of jizz splashing against her face as you cover her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Alice">>Holy fuck you are amazing. You can come by and fuck me like then whenever you want<</speech>>
<p>You let her know that you will be back soon as you get dressed and get ready to head home. You give her one more slap on her ass before leaving, just for the fun of it.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Knock on the door|galleryalice5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You go back to Alice’s house to get some more pussy. She is naked and ready to fuck within seconds of you walking through her front door.</p>
<<set _random = random(100)>>
<<if _random lte 29>>
<p>You pull Alice off of the counter, turn her around and slide your cock back into her pussy from behind. You bend her over the table as you begin to thrust, slamming your cock into her hard. The room fills with the sounds of your bodies slapping together. You reach around and grab her long brown hair, wrapping a lock of it around her throat as you fuck her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif _random gte 30 && _random lte 69>>
<p>You grab your hard cock and shove it right inside of her wet pussy. You reach up and gently choke her while you thrust hard and fast. You release her throat and slap her tit, getting rough with her as you continue to fuck Alice.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You hop onto the counter and lie down on your back. She climbs up slowly after you and sucks on your cock briefly before positioning her pussy above your cock. You slide it in as she lowers herself down. You thrust up into her and she bounces on it quickly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/home/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You spend the whole evening fucking her over and over again. You fall asleep in each others arms.</p>
[[Next Morning|galleryalice5][$scene to 2]]
<p>You wake up as the sun hits your eyes through the window. There is a note and an energy bar on the bed next to you.</p>
<p class="hint">Alice’s note: 'Hey stud. Last night was great. Sorry I couldn’t make you breakfast but I had to go to work. Come by again soon!”</p>
<p>You get up and get dressed, leaving to begin your day.</p>
<<if !$prevpassage>>
<<set $prevpassage to 'Game start'>>
<<if !$gameDate>>
<<set $gameDate to new Date("2019-07-14T07:00Z"); >>
<<if !$GameDays>>
<<set $GameDays to [
"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"
<<if !$bdsm>>
<<set $bdsm to {
activate: 1,
<<if !$beachbar>>
<<set $beachbar to{
int: 0,
<<if !$mc.end>>
<<set $mc.end to 0>>
<<if !$mc.collars>>
<<set $mc.collars to 0>>
<<if !$mc.power>>
<<set $mc.power to 0>>
<<set $mc.powertotal to 0>>
<<set $mc.powersubt to 0>>
<<if !$mc.favdrink>>
<<set $mc.favdrink to "beer">>
<<if !$mc.debt>>
<<set $mc.debt to 0>>
<<if $gameversion lt 55 || !$gameversion>>
<<set $ to [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<if !$[25]>>
<<set $>>
<<if !$sis.bdsm>>
<<set $sis.bdsm to 0>>
<<if !$sis.slave>>
<<set $sis.slave to 0>>
<<if !$sis.homework>>
<<set $sis.homework to 0>>
<<if !$sis.homeworktotal>>
<<set $sis.homeworktotal to 0>>
<<if !$sis.title>>
<<set $sis.title to "Master">>
<<if !$books>>
<<set $books to {
dom: 0,
<<if !$sis.questmain>>
<<set $sis.questmain to 0>>
<<if $gameversion lt 55 || !$gameversion>>
<<set $ to [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<if !$[21]>>
<<set $>>
<<if !$[22]>>
<<set $>>
<<if !$mom.bdsm>>
<<set $mom.bdsm to 0>>
<<if !$mom.slave>>
<<set $mom.slave to 0>>
<<if !$mom.questmain>>
<<set $mom.questmain to 0>>
<<if !$mom.title>>
<<set $mom.title to "Master">>
<<if $ isnot "Isabelle">>
<<set $ to "Isabelle">>
<<if !$kate.questmain>>
<<set $kate.questmain to 0>>
<<if $gameversion lt 55 || !$gameversion>>
<<set $ to [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<if !$[7]>>
<<set $,0,0)>>
<<if !$kate.slave>>
<<set $kate.title to "Master">>
<<set $kate.slave to 0>>
<<if $gameversion lt 55 || !$gameversion>>
<<set $ to [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<if !$[5]>>
<<set $,0,0)>>
<<if !$lucy.notes>>
<<set $lucy.notes to 0>>
<<if !$lucy.questmain>>
<<set $lucy.questmain to 0>>
<<if !$lucy.slave>>
<<set $lucy.title to "Master">>
<<set $lucy.slave to 0>>
<<if !$jade.traintotal>>
<<set $jade.traintotal to 0>>
<<if !$jade.torn>>
<<set $jade.torn to 0>>
<<if !$jade.questmain>>
<<set $jade.questmain to 0>>
<<if !$jade.dungeonintro>>
<<set $jade.dungeonintro to 0>>
<<set $jade.slave to 0>>
<<set $jade.title to "Master">>
<<if !$jade.loc1>>
<<set $jade.loc1 to "Jade's home">>
<<set $jade.loc2 to "Jade's home">>
<<set $jade.loc3 to "Jade's home">>
<<set $jade.loc4 to "Pier">>
<<set $jade.loc5 to "Pier">>
<<set $jade.loc6 to "Jade's home">>
<<if !$jade.loc7>>
<<set $jade.loc7 to "Jade's home">>
<<if !$lucy.loc1>>
<<set $lucy.loc1 to "Lucy's home">>
<<set $lucy.loc2 to "Park">>
<<set $lucy.loc3 to "Park">>
<<set $lucy.loc4 to "Fitness Center gym">>
<<set $lucy.loc5 to "Lucy's home">>
<<set $lucy.loc6 to "Lucy's home">>
<<if !$lucy.loc7>>
<<set $lucy.loc7 to "Lucy's home">>
<<if !$kate.loc1>>
<<set $kate.loc1 to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $kate.loc2 to "Fitness Center sauna">>
<<set $kate.loc3 to "Kate's home">>
<<set $kate.loc4 to "Kate's home">>
<<set $kate.loc5 to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<set $kate.loc6 to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if !$kate.loc7>>
<<set $kate.loc7 to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if !$alice.loc6>>
<<set $alice.loc1 to "Park">>
<<set $alice.loc2 to "Park">>
<<set $alice.loc3 to "Park">>
<<set $alice.loc4 to "Park">>
<<set $alice.loc5 to "Park">>
<<set $alice.loc6 to "Alice's home">>
<<set $alice.loc7 to "Alice's home">>
<<if !$mom.loc7>>
<<set $mom.loc1 to "Kitchen">>
<<set $mom.loc2 to "Kitchen">>
<<set $mom.loc3 to "Fitness Center gym">>
<<set $mom.loc4 to "Bathroom">>
<<set $mom.loc5 to "Mom's bedroom">>
<<set $mom.loc6 to "Mom's bedroom">>
<<set $mom.loc7 to "Mom's bedroom">>
<<set $mom.loccafe to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if !$mom.loccafe>>
<<set $mom.loccafe to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if !$sis.loc7>>
<<set $sis.loc1 to "Kitchen">>
<<set $sis.loc2 to "Bathroom">>
<<set $sis.loc3 to "Park">>
<<set $sis.loc4 to "Park">>
<<set $sis.loc5 to "Bathroom">>
<<set $sis.loc6 to "Living room">>
<<set $sis.loc7 to "Living room">>
<<if $gameversion lt 55 || !$gameversion>>
<<set $ to [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<if !$[9]>>
<<set $,0,0,0,0)>>
<<if !$alice>>
<<set $alice to {
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
name: "Alice",
title: "Master",
house: "Her house",
loc: "Her bedroom",
loc1: "Park",
loc2: "Park",
loc3: "Park",
loc4: "Park",
loc5: "Park",
loc6: "Alice's home",
loc7: "Alice's home",
firstclass: 0,
slave: 0,
already: {
bdsm1: 0,
today: {
interacted: 0,
randomsexlow: 0,
randomsexhigh: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$alice.firstclass>>
<<set $alice.firstclass to 0>>
<<if !$>>
<<set $ to [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<if !$[5]>>
<<set $,0,0)>>
<<if !$alice.slave>>
<<set $alice.title to "Master">>
<<set $ to "Her house">>
<<set $alice.slave to 0>>
<<set $alice.already to {
bdsm1: 0,
<<set $ to {
interacted: 0,
randomsexlow: 0,
randomsexhigh: 0,
<<if !$abigail>>
<<set $abigail to {
trust: 0,
int: 0,
name: "Abigail",
loc: "Abigail's house",
loc1: "Abigail's house",
loc2: "Abigail's house",
loc3: "Fitness Center gym",
loc4: "Abigail's house",
loc5: "Fitness Center gym",
loc6: "The Flaming Tiki",
loc7: "The Flaming Tiki",
loc8: "Abigail's house",
progress: 0,
corr: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$abigail.progress>>
<<set $abigail.progress to 0>>
<<if !$>>
<<set $ to [0,0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<if !$[5]>>
<<set $>>
<<if !$abigail.loc8>>
<<set $abigail.loc to "Abigail's house">>
<<set $abigail.loc1 to "Abigail's house">>
<<set $abigail.loc2 to "Abigail's house">>
<<set $abigail.loc3 to "Fitness Center gym">>
<<set $abigail.loc4 to "Abigail's house">>
<<set $abigail.loc5 to "Fitness Center gym">>
<<set $abigail.loc6 to "The Flaming Tiki">>
<<set $abigail.loc7 to "The Flaming Tiki">>
<<set $abigail.loc8 to "Abigail's house">>
<<if !$carla>>
<<set $carla to {
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
name: "Carla",
title: "Master",
loc: "Carla's house",
loc1: "Carla's house",
loc2: "Carla's house",
loc3: "Pier",
loc4: "Pier",
progress: 0,
dungeonintro: 0,
slave: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$carla.progress>>
<<set $carla.progress to 0>>
<<if !$>>
<<set $ to [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<if !$[5]>>
<<set $,0,0,0)>>
<<if !$carla.loc4>>
<<set $carla.loc to "Carla's house">>
<<set $carla.loc1 to "Carla's house">>
<<set $carla.loc2 to "Carla's house">>
<<set $carla.loc3 to "Pier">>
<<set $carla.loc4 to "Pier">>
<<if !$carla.dungeonintro>>
<<set $carla.dungeonintro to 0>>
<<set $carla.slave to 0>>
<<set $carla.title to "Master">>
<<if !$missy>>
<<set $missy to {
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
name: "Missy",
title: "Master",
loc: "Missy's bedroom",
loc1: "Missy's house",
loc2: "Park",
loc3: "Missy's house",
loc4: "Missy's house",
loc5: "Missy's house",
loc6: "Park",
loc7: "Park",
progress: 0,
slave: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$missy.progress>>
<<set $missy.progress to 0>>
<<if !$>>
<<set $ to [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<if !$missy.loc7>>
<<set $missy.loc to "Missy's bedroom">>
<<set $missy.loc1 to "Missy's house">>
<<set $missy.loc2 to "Park">>
<<set $missy.loc3 to "Missy's house">>
<<set $missy.loc4 to "Missy's house">>
<<set $missy.loc5 to "Missy's house">>
<<set $missy.loc6 to "Park">>
<<set $missy.loc7 to "Park">>
<<if !$missy.slave>>
<<set $missy.title to "Master">>
<<set $missy.slave to 0>>
<<if !$teacher.questmain>>
<<set $teacher.questmain to 0>>
<<if !$teacher.questclass>>
<<set $teacher.questclass to 0>>
<<if !$>>
<<set $ to [0,0,0,0,0]>>
<<if !$teacher.loc7>>
<<set $teacher.loc to "Ms. Lee's home">>
<<set $teacher.loc1 to "Park">>
<<set $teacher.loc2 to "Park">>
<<set $teacher.loc3 to "Ms. Lee's home">>
<<set $teacher.loc4 to "Park">>
<<set $teacher.loc5 to "Ms. Lee's home">>
<<set $teacher.loc6 to "Ms. Lee's home">>
<<set $teacher.loc7 to "Ms. Lee's home">>
<<if !$sato>>
<<set $sato to {
name: "Akira Sato",
int: 0,
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
questmain: 0,
loc: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc1: "Fitness Center gym",
loc2: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc3: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc4: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc5: "Fitness Center gym",
loc6: "Mrs. Sato's home",
loc7: "Mrs. Sato's home",
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$sato.loc7>>
<<set $sato.loc to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc1 to "Fitness Center gym">>
<<set $sato.loc2 to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc3 to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc4 to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc5 to "Fitness Center gym">>
<<set $sato.loc6 to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<set $sato.loc7 to "Mrs. Sato's home">>
<<if !$[6]>>
<<set $>>
<<if !$powers>>
<<set $powers to {
name: "Jessie Powers",
int: 0,
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
questmain: 0,
loc: "Ms. Powers's home",
loc1: "Ms. Powers's home",
loc2: "Fitness Center pool",
loc3: "Fitness Center pool",
loc4: "Ms. Powers's home",
loc5: "Ms. Powers's home",
loc6: "Ms. Powers's home",
loc7: "Strip club",
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$powers.loc7>>
<<set $powers.loc to "Ms. Powers's home">>
<<set $powers.loc1 to "Ms. Powers's home">>
<<set $powers.loc2 to "Fitness Center pool">>
<<set $powers.loc3 to "Fitness Center pool">>
<<set $powers.loc4 to "Ms. Powers's home">>
<<set $powers.loc5 to "Ms. Powers's home">>
<<set $powers.loc6 to "Ms. Powers's home">>
<<set $powers.loc7 to "Strip club">>
<<if !$dean>>
<<set $dean to {
name: "Tabitha Graves",
int: 0,
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
route: "sub",
questmain: 0,
loc: "Dean's office",
loc1: "Dean's house",
loc2: "Park",
loc3: "Park",
loc4: "Dean's house",
loc5: "Mall",
loc6: "The Cock and Bull",
loc7: "The Cock and Bull",
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$dean.loc4>>
<<set $dean.loc4 to "Dean's house">>
<<set $dean.loc5 to "Mall">>
<<set $dean.loc6 to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if !$dean.loc7>>
<<set $dean.loc7 to "The Cock and Bull">>
<<if !$[11]>>
<<set $>>
<<if !$aunt>>
<<set $aunt to {
name: "Marie",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Aunt's bedroom",
loc1: "Aunt's bedroom",
loc2: "Aunt's kitchen",
loc3: "Residential district",
loc4: "Mall",
loc5: "Residential district",
loc6: "Aunt's bedroom",
loc7: "Aunt's bedroom",
introchance: 100,
pregnant: 0,
questmain: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$aunt.loc7>>
<<set $aunt.loc7 to "Aunt's bedroom">>
<<if !$cousin>>
<<set $cousin to {
name: "Bella",
title: "Master",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Bella's bedroom",
loc1: "Aunt's kitchen",
loc2: "Bella's bedroom",
loc3: "Aunt's living room",
loc4: "Aunt's pool",
loc5: "Park",
loc6: "Bella's bedroom",
loc7: "Bella's bedroom",
stuffed: 0,
slave: 0,
questmain: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$cousin.loc7>>
<<set $cousin.loc7 to "Bella's bedroom">>
<<if !$grandma>>
<<set $grandma to {
name: "Millie",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
int: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Grandma's bedroom",
loc1: "Grandma's home",
loc2: "Grandma's home",
loc3: "Grandma's home",
loc4: "Grandma's home",
locweekend1: "Beach",
locweekend2: "Beach",
locweekend3: "Beach",
questmain: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$tammy>>
<<set $tammy to {
name: "Tamara Sinclair",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc1: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc2: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc3: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc4: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc5: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc6: "Tamara's bedroom",
loc7: "Tamara's bedroom",
met: 0,
bdsm: 0,
questmain: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$erika>>
<<set $erika to {
name: "Erika Hatzis",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
mot: 0,
dev: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Erika's bedroom",
loc1: "Erika's bedroom",
loc2: "Erika's bedroom",
loc3: "Erika's bedroom",
loc4: "Erika's bedroom",
loc5: "Erika's bedroom",
loc6: "Erika's bedroom",
loc7: "Erika's bedroom",
met: 0,
bdsm: 0,
questmain: 0,
motActive: 0,
motChoices: {
raise: 0,
raiseValue: 0,
raiseReset: 0,
chall: 0,
challValue: 0,
challReset: 0,
gift: 0,
giftValue: 0,
giftReset: 0,
lunch: 0,
lunchValue: 0,
lunchReset: 0
dayoff: 0,
gifts: [],
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$[4]>>
<<set $>>
<<if !$mikaela>>
<<set $mikaela to {
name: "Mikaela Gutierrez",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
int: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc1: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc2: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc3: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc4: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc5: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc6: "Mikaela's bedroom",
loc7: "Mikaela's bedroom",
met: 0,
workScore: 0,
bdsm: 0,
questmain: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$tiffany>>
<<set $tiffany to {
name: "Tiffany Herrera",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc1: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc2: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc3: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc4: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc5: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc6: "Tiffany's bedroom",
loc7: "Tiffany's bedroom",
met: 0,
defeated: 0,
bdsm: 0,
questmain: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$[5]>>
<<set $>>
<<if !$claus>>
<<set $claus to {
name: "Mrs. Claus",
trust: 0,
corr: 0,
cheer: 0,
sex: 0,
loc: "Mall",
questmain: 0,
completed: 0,
gallery: [0,0,0,0,0,0],
<<if !$school>>
<<set $school to {
status: 0,
statuschem: 0,
statusecon: 0,
statushall: 0,
statusjap: 0,
statusmath: 0,
statuscafe: 0,
statuspool: 0,
statusgym: 0,
statuslib: 0,
todaychem: 0,
todayecon: 0,
todayhall: 0,
todayjap: 0,
todaymath: 0,
missedchem: 0,
missedecon: 0,
missedhall: 0,
missedjap: 0,
missedmath: 0,
grades: 0,
finalexam: 0,
examgirl1: "",
examgirl2: "",
examgirl3: "",
examgirls: {jade: 0,kate: 0,lucy: 0,alice: 0,mom: 0,sato: 0,powers: 0,teacher: 0,dean: 0},
girlspower: {jade: 9,kate: 5,lucy: 12,alice: 3,mom: 15,sato: 6,powers: 7,teacher: 13,dean: 20},
exameffects: {jade: 0, alice: 0, mom: 0, sato: 0},
examdefeated: 0,
degree: "",
degreemult: 1,
graduated: 0,
<<if !$school.finalexam>>
<<set $school.examgirl1 to "">>
<<set $school.examgirl2 to "">>
<<set $school.examgirl3 to "">>
<<set $school.examgirls to {jade: 0,kate: 0,lucy: 0,alice: 0,mom: 0,sato: 0,powers: 0,teacher: 0,dean: 0}>>
<<set $school.girlspower to {jade: 9,kate: 5,lucy: 12,alice: 3,mom: 15,sato: 6,powers: 7,teacher: 13,dean: 20}>>
<<set $school.exameffects to {jade: 0, alice: 0, mom: 0, sato: 0}>>
<<set $school.examdefeated to 0>>
<<set $ to "">>
<<set $school.degreemult to 1>>
<<set $school.finalexam to 0>>
<<if !$school.graduated>>
<<set $school.graduated to 0>>
<<if !$startup>>
<<set $startup to {
active: 0,
level: 1,
name: "Mycroft Co.",
workScore: 0,
spareWeeks: 0,
globalstats: {
eff: 0,
neg: 0,
mark: 0,
priceWeek: 0
projects: [],
<<if !$startup.level>>
<<set $startup.level to 1>>
<<if !$startup.globalstats>>
<<set $startup.spareWeeks to 0>>
<<set $startup.globalstats to {
eff: 0,
neg: 0,
mark: 0,
priceWeek: 0
<<set $startup.projects to []>>
<<set $startup.workScore to 0>>
<<if !$employees>>
<<set $employees to {}>>
<<if !$restaurant>>
<<set $restaurant to {
avaible: 0,
status: 0,
employee: 0,
salary: 0,
worked: 0,
barworked: 0,
haveworked: 0,
carla: 0,
missy: 0,
meeting: 0,
<<if !$restaurant.meeting>>
<<set $restaurant.meeting to 0>>
<<if !$restaurant.firstdrink>>
<<set $restaurant.firstdrink to 0>>
<<if !$has.carlaid>>
<<set $has.carlaid to 0>>
<<if !$has.missyid>>
<<set $has.missyid to 0>>
<<if !$has.abigailid>>
<<set $has.abigailid to 0>>
<<if !$has.abigailaddress>>
<<set $has.abigailaddress to 0>>
<<if !$has.metalice>>
<<set $has.metalice to 0>>
<<if !$has.paidbills>>
<<set $has.paidbills to 0>>
<<if !$has.auntaddress>>
<<set $has.auntaddress to 0>>
<<if !$inv>>
<<set $inv to {
katebikini: 0,
jadeleggings: 0,
momjewelry: 0,
<<if !$inv.momjewelry>>
<<set $inv.momjewelry to 0>>
<<if !$homework.haschem>>
<<set $homework to {
has: 0,
subject: 0,
difficulty: 0,
done: 0,
impossible: 0,
haschem: 0,
donechem: 0,
hasecon: 0,
doneecon: 0,
hasjap: 0,
donejap: 0,
hasmath: 0,
donemath: 0,
<<if !$sexapp>>
<<set $sexapp to {
today: {
lucyTrust: 0,
jadeTrust: 0,
kateTrust: 0,
aliceTrust: 0,
abigailTrust: 0,
missyTrust: 0,
carlaTrust: 0,
lucyCorr: 0,
jadeCorr: 0,
kateCorr: 0,
aliceCorr: 0,
abigailCorr: 0,
missyCorr: 0,
carlaCorr: 0,
abigailInt: 0,
<<if !$houses>>
<<set $houses to {
totalRooms: 1,
usedRooms: 0,
<<if !$christmas>>
<<set $christmas to {
active: 0,
snow: 0,
gifts: {
shoes: 0,
makeup: 0,
dildo: 0,
wine: 0,
boots: 0,
puzzle: 0,
punching: 0
gifted: {
mom: 0,
sis: 0,
sato: 0,
abigail: 0,
dean: 0,
erika: 0,
tiffany: 0
<<if !$uipassages>>
<<set $uipassages to ["Cheat","Gallery Main","Progress","Credits"]>>
<<set $gameversion to 78>>
Updating old save file...
<<if $gameversion !== 78 && passage() !== "Intro">>
<<goto "innitpassage">>
const progressBar = document.getElementsByClassName('progress-bar')[0];
if(progressBar){'--power', Math.round(;'--widthsubt',;
}, 200);
<</script>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59')>>
<<if $kate.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15 && $mc.end gte 10>><<set $kate.questmain to 3>>
<p>You sit by and talk to Kate during class today. The two of you might be the only ones not paying attention. Although considering the entire class is paying attention to the teacher, because she is your hot Mom with huge tits, you doubt anyone else is learning anything today either. Kate seems to notice the way all of the other guys in class are drooling over your Mom. It seems to bother her greatly.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>I’m glad someone else is getting gawked at for once. It is nice to have a break from all the staring<</speech>>
<p>You can tell pretty obviously that she is lying. If it were up to her every eye in the class would be on her the whole time. You decide not to push her on it though. You simply agree that you Mom is very hot so it isn’t hard to see why people ogle her all class.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>But I’m hotter, right?!<</speech>>
<p>She glares at you menacingly. Asking you a rhetorical question like a jilted girlfriend who is offended that you acknowledged the beauty of another woman. You stare at her for a moment, thinking hard about what to say next. Before you can answer, the class ends. Groans of sadness fill the room as your Mother ends the class and everyone has to leave. You start to pack up your stuff but before you get up to leave you notice that Kate is blocking your way out of the aisle, still waiting for an answer.</p>
[[She answers for you|katemainquest2][$scene to 0; $[2] to 1]]
[[Sit next to Kate|sitkate][$has.class to 1;$kate.class to 1;$school.todayecon to 1]]
[[Listen to the lesson|normalclassecon][$has.class to 1;$school.todayecon to 2]]
<<if $homework.hasecon is 0>>
<<receivehomework "Economics">>
<<elseif $homework.hasecon is 1 && $homework.doneecon is 1>>
<p>You give your homework to mom</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I’m so proud of you sweety! I see you work so hard at home. It’s really paying off!<</speech>>
<<set $homework.hasecon to 0>>
<<set $homework.doneecon to 0>>
<<elseif $homework.hasecon is 1 && $homework.doneecon is 0>>
<p>You try to avoid any eye contact with your mother as you enter the classroom</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh sweety, why didn’t you do your homework? You know how important your school work is!<</speech>>
<<set $homework.hasecon to 0>>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'11:00','11:59')>>
<p class="hint">The door is closed. Classes start at 8:00 hs</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'12:00','12:59')>>
<p class="hint">During noon students may have a meal at the cafeteria</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','17:59')>>
<p>There aren't any classes during the afternoon students are free to do other activities such as sports or reading books at the library</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<p>There is no one here</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<</if>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59')>>
[[Sit next to Jade|sitjade][$has.class to 1;$jade.class to 1;$school.todaychem to 1]]
[[Listen to the lesson|normalclasschem][$has.class to 1;$school.todaychem to 2]]
<<if $teacher.questmain isnot 2 && $teacher.questmain isnot 3>><<if $homework.haschem is 0>>
<<receivehomework "Chemistry">>
<<elseif $homework.haschem is 1 && $homework.donechem is 1>>
<p>You give your homework to Ms. Lee</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Nice work. Keep it up, $<</speech>>
<<set $homework.haschem to 0>>
<<set $homework.donechem to 0>>
<<elseif $homework.haschem is 1 && $homework.donechem is 0>>
<p>You try to avoid any eye contact with your teacher as you enter the classroom</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>I expect more from you, $ Do your homework next time<</speech>>
<<set $homework.haschem to 0>>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'11:00','11:59')>>
<p class="hint">The door is closed. Classes start at 8:00 hs</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'12:00','12:59')>>
<p class="hint">During noon students may have a meal at the cafeteria</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','17:59')>>
<p>There aren't any classes during the afternoon students are free to do other activities such as sports or reading books at the library</p>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '13:00', '14:59')>><<if $ gte 25 && $jade.questmain gte 4 && $ gte 25 && $teacher.questmain gte 6>>
[[You run into Jade|msleejadequest][$scene to 0; $[4] to 1]]<</if>>
[[Get out|University]]
<p>There is no one here</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<</if>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59')>>
[[Sit next to Lucy|sitlucy][$has.class to 1;$lucy.class to 1;$school.todaymath to 1]]
[[Listen to the lesson|normalclassmath][$has.class to 1;$school.todaymath to 2]]
<<if $homework.hasmath is 0>>
<<receivehomework "Math">>
<<elseif $homework.hasmath is 1 && $homework.donemath is 1>>
<p>You give your homework to your teacher</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Oh your penmanship is absolutely atrocious, $! At least you are able to absorb my genius enough to do the work<</speech>>
<<set $homework.hasmath to 0>>
<<set $homework.donemath to 0>>
<<elseif $homework.hasmath is 1 && $homework.donemath is 0>>
<p>You try to avoid any eye contact with your teacher as you enter the classroom</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I’m not at all shocked that you didn’t do the assignment. Many a young man have been too awestruck by my beauty and genius to perform even simple tasks<</speech>>
<<set $homework.hasmath to 0>>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'11:00','11:59')>>
<p class="hint">The door is closed. Classes start at 8:00 hs</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'12:00','12:59')>>
<p class="hint">During noon students may have a meal at the cafeteria</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','17:59')>>
<p>There aren't any classes during the afternoon students are free to do other activities such as sports or reading books at the library</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<p>There is no one here</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<</if>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59')>>
<<if $alice.firstclass is 1>>
[[Screw around with Alice|sitalice][$has.class to 1;$school.todayjap to 1]]<</if>>
<<if $quest.alicebathroom is 1 && $alice.firstclass isnot 1>>
[[Listen to the lesson|sitalicefirst][$has.class to 1;$school.todayjap to 2]]
[[Listen to the lesson|normalclassjap][$has.class to 1;$school.todayjap to 2]]<</if>>
<<if $homework.hasjap is 0>>
<<receivehomework "Japanese">>
<<elseif $homework.hasjap is 1 && $homework.donejap is 1>>
<p>You give your homework to your teacher</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You actually did the homework? Were you coerced? Good job, I guess<</speech>>
<<set $homework.hasjap to 0>>
<<set $homework.donejap to 0>>
<<elseif $homework.hasjap is 1 && $homework.donejap is 0>>
<p>You try to avoid any eye contact with Mrs. Sato as you enter the classroom</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Yeah no one else did their homework either. Why do I even assign this crap?<</speech>>
<<set $homework.hasjap to 0>>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'11:00','11:59')>>
<p class="hint">The door is closed. Classes start at 8:00 hs</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'12:00','12:59')>>
<p class="hint">During noon students may have a meal at the cafeteria</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','17:59')>>
<p>There aren't any classes during the afternoon students are free to do other activities such as sports or reading books at the library</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<p>There is no one here</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<</if>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','11:59')>>
[[Use the time to study|normalstudyhall][$has.class to 1;$school.todayhall to 2]]
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'12:00','12:59')>>
<p class="hint">During noon students may have a meal at the cafeteria</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','17:59')>>
<p>There aren't any classes during the afternoon students are free to do other activities such as sports or reading books at the library</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<p>There is no one here</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<</if>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59')>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk through the halls until you reach the chemistry lab. You open the door and notice that you are one of the last students to arrive. There are very few seats left. You decide to take one right next to a shy but very cute looking girl with glasses on. The teacher walks in very soon after you take your seat. She is a beautiful buxom blonde who has a confidence behind her eyes that allows her to command the room.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Good morning and welcome to Chemistry 101. I will be your instructor. My name is Carrie Lee. You all may call me Ms. Lee. If there are no questions, I’d like to get started immediately<</speech>>
<p>Her commanding voice has made the class give her their undivided attention. The room falls silent as she listens for a moment. When no one speaks up she turns around and pulls out a marker.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Good, let’s begin<</speech>>
[[Start taking notes|Class Chemistry First][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You pull out a notebook from your bag and realize that you forgot to bring a pen. You look around and notice the nerdy girl beside you has several on her desk. You turn to her and whisper to her, asking if you can borrow one for the day.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Do you mind?<</speech>>
<p>You recoil a bit from her hostile response. She notices your reaction and suddenly looks very apologetic.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so rude. I just usually prefer to sit alone so I’m not disturbed while I’m working. Let’s start over, I’m Jade<</speech>>
<p>You smile and introduce yourself to her. She hands you one of her pens. Your fingers touch as she hands it too you. She pulls her hand away quickly, an obvious blush forming on her face. You thank her for her help.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Excuse me you two. You classmates are listening to the lesson, follow their example<</speech>>
<p>You both nod to Ms. Lee, letting her know you both understand.</p>
[[Pay attention to the lesson|Class Chemistry First][$scene to 2]]
<p>You take diligent notes for the rest of the class. You make a mental note to yourself to bring your computer with you from now on so you never have to worry about bringing a pen again. You stand up and begin to pack up your things.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey! Mr. $mc.eyes eyes, don’t forget that that is my pen. I expect that back next time I see you!<</speech>>
<p>You tease her, letting her know that you hope to return her pen soon.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Find me in the gym in the afternoons, if you’re so eager to return it. See you around!<</speech>>
<p>You can’t help but notice Ms. Lee giving you sultry looks as you talk to Jade. But you don’t make it obvious you can see her.</p>
<p>You follow the crowd as the class funnels out of the chemistry lab.</p>
[[Leave|University][$school.statuschem to 1; $has.metjade to 1]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'11:00','11:59')>>
<p class="hint">The door is closed. Classes start at 8:00 hs</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'12:00','12:59')>>
<p class="hint">During noon students may have a meal at the cafeteria</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','17:59')>>
<p class="hint">There aren't any classes during the afternoon. Students are free to do other activities such as sports or reading books at the library</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<p>There is no one here.</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<</if>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59')>>
<<if $>>
<<if $ is 1>>
<<set _momhired to 1>>
<<set _momhired to 0>>
<<set _momhired to 0>>
<<if _momhired is 0>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The Economics hall is one of the larger classrooms in the university. As you walk in you are surprised to see how full it actually is. You wonder why Economics is so popular as you begin to find a place to sit. You see a girl with an insanely short skirt take a seat near the edge of one of the aisles and decide to make your way over towards her quickly.</p>
<p>There is a seat open right beside her and you jump at the opportunity. When you sit next to her you can’t help but stare at her long bare legs. She notices you staring and snaps at you.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>What? Did you just sit next to me to perv over me? Do you think I’m just some easy slut?<</speech>>
<p>Between the way she is dressed, and the snarky smile on her face, you can tell exactly what kind of girl she really is. You playfully tell her to shut up as you reach out and grab her hand by her wrist. You pull her hand towards your groin and place her palm on your bulge. She looks at your bulge with a sultry smile on her face.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Not even gonna ask my name first? Fine I’ll just tell you. I’m Kate. What should I call you, Mr. Big Cock?<</speech>>
<p>You introduce yourself properly to Kate as her hand continues to linger on your cock as it grows in your pants. She almost starts to stroke you over your pants when she is interrupted by the arrival of the professor.</p>
[[The professor walks in|Class Economics First][$scene to 1]]
<p>As the professor walks in and takes her spot at the head of the lecture hall, you can quickly understand exactly why this class is so popular. The professor is none other than your Mother. Her low cut shirt and enormous breasts would draw in a crown anywhere.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Welcome to Economics everyone! We’re gonna have a great year!<</speech>>
<p>Your Mother bounces a bit in excitement, much to the joy of the many men in the lecture hall as he breasts bounce with her.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Let’s get started!<</speech>>
<p>She turns around and starts to write on the board at the front of the class. The only reason the whole class isn’t disappointed that they can’t see her tits is because her huge ass is now on display as it strains against her tight skirt. Kate turns to you, pulling her hand away from your cock. You look at her, somewhat disappointed.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>You don’t wanna cum in your pants in the middle of class do you? Meet me by the pool some time, Mr. Big Cock. Or maybe just hit me up on SexApp. Here is my ID<</speech>>
<p class="hint">You just got Kate's SexApp ID!</p><<set $has.kateid to 1>>
<p>You listen to the rest of your Mother’s lecture, taking notes on your computer along with her. Kate falls asleep in her chair beside you, clearly not wanting to be here right now. Before long the class is over and you quickly pack up to leave. Before you head out you gently rock Kate until she is awake so she can leave too.</p>
[[Leave|University][$school.statusecon to 1; $has.metkate to 1]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The Economics hall is one of the larger classrooms in the university. As you walk in you are surprised to see how full it actually is. You wonder why Economics is so popular as you begin to find a place to sit. You see a girl with an insanely short skirt take a seat near the edge of one of the aisles and decide to make your way over towards her quickly.</p>
<p>There is a seat open right beside her and you jump at the opportunity. When you sit next to her you can’t help but stare at her long bare legs. She notices you staring and snaps at you.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>What? Did you just sit next to me to perv over me? Do you think I’m just some easy slut?<</speech>>
<p>Between the way she is dressed, and the snarky smile on her face, you can tell exactly what kind of girl she really is. You playfully tell her to shut up as you reach out and grab her hand by her wrist. You pull her hand towards your groin and place her palm on your bulge. She looks at your bulge with a sultry smile on her face.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Not even gonna ask my name first? Fine I’ll just tell you. I’m Kate. What should I call you, Mr. Big Cock?<</speech>>
<p>You introduce yourself properly to Kate as her hand continues to linger on your cock as it grows in your pants. She almost starts to stroke you over your pants when she is interrupted by the arrival of the professor.</p>
[[The professor walks in|Class Economics First][$scene to 1]]
<p>There are a cacophony of disappointed sighs that ring out as the male professor enters the room and begins teaching. It is almost as if someone else should be teaching here. Someone that the students love. But, instead we have this substitute. You decide to redirect your focus back on fate instead. Kate turns to you, pulling her hand away from your cock. You look at her, somewhat disappointed.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>You don’t wanna cum in your pants in the middle of class do you? Meet me by the pool some time, Mr. Big Cock. Or maybe just hit me up on SexApp. Here is my ID<</speech>>
<p class="hint">You just got Kate's SexApp ID!</p><<set $has.kateid to 1>>
<p>You listen to the rest of your teachers’s lecture, taking notes on your computer along with her. Kate falls asleep in her chair beside you, clearly not wanting to be here right now. Before long the class is over and you quickly pack up to leave. Before you head out you gently rock Kate until she is awake so she can leave too.</p>
[[Leave|University][$school.statusecon to 1; $has.metkate to 1]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'11:00','11:59')>>
<p class="hint">The door is closed. Classes start at 8:00 hs</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'12:00','12:59')>>
<p class="hint">During noon students may have a meal at the cafeteria</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','17:59')>>
<p class="hint">There aren't any classes during the afternoon. Students are free to do other activities such as sports or reading books at the library</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<p>There is no one here.</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<</if>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59')>>
<p>On Wednesdays every week you will have a free period. You can use this time to catch up on, or even get ahead in your studies. Or you can take advantage of the office hours of one of your teachers, to try and build your relationship with them. Study Hall isn’t just some time to goof off though! You should always be doing something. So just like your regular classes, if you decide to blow it off, your grades will suffer. So be careful with you decisions!</p>
[[Leave|University][$school.statushall to 1]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'11:00','11:59')>>
<p class="hint">The door is closed. Classes start at 8:00 hs</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'12:00','12:59')>>
<p class="hint">During noon students may have a meal at the cafeteria</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','17:59')>>
<p class="hint">There aren't any classes during the afternoon. Students are free to do other activities such as sports or reading books at the library</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<p>There is no one here.</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<</if>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59')>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You head to the foreign language wing of the university and make your way to the Japanese classroom. You walk in and notice that there are very few students besides you in the classroom. You check your watch to make sure you aren’t too early, but you appear to be right on time. You take a seat near the center of the desks and wait.</p>
<p>Eventually, the door opens up and in comes a somewhat disheveled woman with a coffee and very large sun glasses hiding her eyes. She stumbles a bit as she makes it to her desk.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>調子はどう?<</speech>>
<p>She says in fluent Japanese as she plops down into her chair. She pulls out a flask and pours some alcohol into her coffee to make it Irish before chugging it down quickly and surprisingly easily. She throws the coffee cup across the room into the garbage can, pulls he glasses off and stands up.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Welcome to Japanese. Call me Sato Sensei. Half of you are here because you heard this class was an easy grade. The other half of you are Gaikoku-jin who wanna watch anime without subtitles. If you are a part of the second group, you are the reason I drink. Let’s get started<</speech>>
[[Listen to the lesson|Class Japanese First][$scene to 1]]
<p>Mrs. Sato goes through her lesson, starting off by teaching the class many of the more basic Hiragana. You take diligent notes through out, trying your hardest to actually learn when she is teaching. Most of the students around you do seem to fall into one of the two categories that Mrs. Sato mentioned. Some of them aren’t even paying attention, and the others seem to be staring at her chest or their phones instead of actually trying to learn.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Alright that is all I can stand of you for one day. Class over, see you next week<</speech>>
<p>You start to pack up most of your things. The rest of the students don’t even pack up as most of them didn’t even unpack to begin with. You had a question about the lesson so you wait until everyone else has left to walk up to Mrs. Sato’s desk to ask her about it. She seems very surprised that you had a question. She is even more surprised when you show her that you were taking actual notes for the whole class.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Are you fucking with me? You were actually paying attention? Ha! Sorry, that is just funny to me. You might be the first student I’ve had who actually listened to my lecture in like five years. Here, you got this Hiragana a bit wrong, it is actually written like this<</speech>>
<p>She takes your notes and corrects them a bit for you. You thank her before packing up and leaving. She gives you a wide intrigued smile as she watches you leave.</p>
[[Leave|University][$school.statusjap to 1]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'11:00','11:59')>>
<p class="hint">The door is closed. Classes start at 8:00 hs</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'12:00','12:59')>>
<p class="hint">During noon students may have a meal at the cafeteria</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','17:59')>>
<p class="hint">There aren't any classes during the afternoon. Students are free to do other activities such as sports or reading books at the library</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<p>There is no one here.</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<</if>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59')>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>It is time for your Mathematics class. You head to the lecture hall and begin to look for a seat. You see an open desk beside a beautiful brunette in the third row.</p>
<p>You head down and walk into the row only to see that the seat is occupied after all. But not by a person, by the brunette’s bag. You tap her shoulder to ask her to move it so you can sit. But, the moment you touch her she snaps a look at you.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>What do you want?<</speech>>
<p>You get angry by her rude response, but you calmly ask her to move her bag so you can sit down. She seems to cool off a bit, realizing that her harsh reaction was unwarranted.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Oh…. My bad….. Here let me move that for you. No one ever sits by me, so I just put my bag there as a reflex at this point. Anyway, I’m Lucy by the way<</speech>>
<p>You take your seat, introducing yourself to her as you sit, and pull out your laptop to get ready to take notes.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>And just so you know, when the teacher talks, I listen. I’m not here to talk, I’m here to learn. This school costs way too much to waste class time talking<</speech>>
<p>You let her know you understand and that you promise to be silent during class.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>I appreciate that. Follow that rule and we will get along great!<</speech>>
[[The teacher arrives|Class Math First][$scene to 1]]
<p>The door at the front of the lecture hall opens up and a tall, buxom, redheaded woman saunters in with her nose turned up and a snarky smile on her face. Her tight, partly open, designer blouse reveals a lot of cleavage. He milky white tits jiggle with each sultry step of her Prada heels.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Alright, alright. Settle down you plebeians. Time to see if any of you can appreciate my genius and learn something this year. Though it is not likely, I do hope you all at least give what little effort your smaller minds are capable of<</speech>>
<p>Her biting words are masked behind a sexy and flirtatious smile. She gives the men thorough look over, as if she were scouting out her prey. She even licks her lips when her eyes linger on you.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Now then, I’m sure most of you already know who I am, but for those of you who live under a rock, I’m Jessie Powers. I am here to try and make you poor children understand mathematics. Good luck to you all<</speech>>
<p>She laughs mockingly between her arrogant words. When she is done taunting the class she turns and begins to write on the board. You take extensive notes as she writes, getting down almost everything she writes and says in deep explicit detail. When the class is over, She turns and bows to the class, as if she were a performer receiving applause.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>That is all for today my little dimwits. I hope you don’t all drop my class by next week, some of you are quite cute<</speech>>
<p>She saunters back out of the room and you get ready to pack up and leave. You go to pack up your things and head out of the class as well. But, before you can, Lucy stops you. She is looking at the massive amount of notes on your computer.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>You have five pages of notes! I barely have four. The detail in which you write is exquisite. Would you be willing to send me copies of your notes? Here is my SexApp ID. Please send them to me whenever you are able<</speech>>
<p>You take her SexApp ID and tell her that you are happy to send them to her. She smiles wide as she says thank you and goodbye. You follow her out soon after.</p>
<p class="got">You just got Lucy's SexApp ID!</p><<set $has.lucyid to 1>>
[[Leave|University][$school.statusmath to 1; $has.metlucy to 1]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'11:00','11:59')>>
<p class="hint">The door is closed. Classes start at 8:00 hs</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'12:00','12:59')>>
<p class="hint">During noon students may have a meal at the cafeteria</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<elseif isDateBetween($gameDate,'13:00','17:59')>>
<p class="hint">There aren't any classes during the afternoon. Students are free to do other activities such as sports or reading books at the library</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<p>There is no one here.</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<</if>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You pass by Alice on the way to the cafeteria and stop her to invite her to share lunch with you.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Hmm, I was gonna go for a run, but ya know, I haven’t eaten yet today. Sure, let’s go I’ll buy<</speech>>
<p>The two of you walk to the cafeteria together and grab some food. Alice pays for the both of you, and you make a point to thank her and say you will make it up to her somehow.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>No worries! I like buying stuff for the people I like. And there is plenty to like about you<</speech>>
<p>She eyes you up quite often while the two of you chat. When you are done eating she gets up and starts to head out.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>I’m going on that run now. We should do this again soon!<</speech>>
[[Finish eating|Cafeteria]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You sit by Alice as you enjoy your lunch. Alice is eating as well but she doesn’t have a meal. Instead she has a popsicle. One that she is eating very sensually. She repeatedly makes provocative motions and slurping sounds with the popsicle, while looking at and talking to you the whole time.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Popsicles are delicious. They are definitely my second favorite thing to put in my mouth<</speech>>
<p>She winks at you playfully. You can’t help but blush and get hard at the thought. You are suddenly wishing you were in the university bathroom right now.</p>
[[Finish eating|Cafeteria]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $school.grades gte 5>>
<<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if $ gte 10>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You sit beside Alice during class today. The two of you talk some here and there but ultimately the day is extremely slow and boring. Everyone in the class appears to just be coasting, as the dominant sound in the room is the ticking of the clock on the wall. Suddenly Alice turns to you, looking almost distressed.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Hey look!<</speech>>
<p>You turn towards her as she pulls her shirt down and flashes her tits to you. She sticks her tongue out and bounces them for you and much of the class, while you stare blatantly.</p>
<p>You chuckle as she pulls her shirt back up and puts her tits away. You ask her what spurred her into doing that so suddenly.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>I’m fucking bored. I hate not doing something. Besides, it’s sexy to see the look on guy’s faces when they get caught in the headlights<</speech>>
<p>Alice seems pissed off in class today. She has her arms folded and is slumping down in her chair. You turn towards her and ask her if anything is wrong.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>One of the teachers caught me in the bathroom this morning. She kicked me out. I hate being told what to do<</speech>>
<p>Her voice is a bit hoarse, as if she had been yelling. You try to cheer her up a bit. You make a joke saying that she should go back to the bathroom tomorrow and spend the whole day there just to spite the teacher that she got into a spat with. Alice laughs and smiles for the first time all class.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Good idea, $ Maybe I will. Do you promise to pay me a visit?<</speech>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You sit down beside Alice, somewhat pleased to see that she has decided to come to class today. You turn towards her and talk to her about her day. You ask her what her plans are after school.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Oh I dunno yet. Probably gonna see if someone wants to bend me over behind the school. If not I’ll go on a hike. I like hiking. Mostly because I hate being stuck in one place for too long<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you’d be happy to be that person who bends her over or go on a hike with her any time, whichever she would prefer. She laughs playfully.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>I’ll keep that in mind. Just make sure you can keep up with me. I don’t hold back no matter who I’m with<</speech>>
<p>She chuckles lightly. You chuckle back to her, not really sure if she was talking about the hiking, the sex, or both.</p>
<p>You and Alice sit together in class. You spend the time chatting rather than listening. One of the slackers in the back row yells for Alice to take her top off. You stand up from your chair and tell him to fuck off. When you sit back down Alice is staring at you with a playful look in her eye.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>I appreciate the knight in shining armor stuff, $ But, I don’t need you to stick up for me. Hell I like taking my top off for rando losers like him. I like showing them what they’ll never have<</speech>>
<p>The two of you laugh together and continue talking for the rest of the class and having a good time together.</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You bump into Alice and ask her if she wants to fuck around a bit. She laughs at you.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>I fuck a lot of guys but I’m not here to mess with idiots. Call me when you aren’t failing<</speech>>
<p>She continues to laugh at you as she walks away. You hang your head and move along.</p>
[[Listen to the lesson|normalclassjap][$has.class to 1;$school.todayjap to 2]]
<p>You take a seat in the classroom and wait for Mrs. Sato to arrive. The class seems unusually empty today. Chances are that Mrs. Sato was right and that many of the students dropped the class when they learned it wasn’t something for anime lovers. The door to the class opens and a gorgeous brunette in very provocative clothing walks in. You are a little confused as you have never seen her before. She takes the seat right beside you and lounges back, clearly not preferring to be here. You turn to her and introduce yourself to her. She gives you a sultry look in return.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>How’s it going. I’m Alice<</speech>>
<p>You ask her why you have never seen her around before. You make sure to add a compliment about how someone as hot as her would certainly attract your attention.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Oh I rarely go to class. I spend most of my time here hanging out in the bathrooms. It’s where all the fun is had<</speech>>
<p>She winks at you and just like that you put two and two together. You realize that this is the girl from the other side of the bathroom stall. You go to mention it, but just as you start to speak Mrs. Sato walks in and plops down in her chair. She barely puts in any effort but once she starts teaching it is hard to maintain a conversation.</p>
<p>When the class finally comes to an end you make a point to talk to Alice but she is clearly in a hurry to leave.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Maybe I’ll see ya around, $ You know where you can find me<</speech>>
<p>She sways her hips seductively as she leaves. You watch intently on her ass as it moves back and forth the whole way. When she is finally out of sight you collect yourself enough to leave as well.</p>
[[Leave|University][$alice.firstclass to 1; $has.metalice to 1]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $school.grades gte 5>>
<<if $sato.questmain is 3>><<set $sato.questmain to 4>>
<p>You go into class and take a seat. Akira walks in a while later, looking clearly dejected. She slumps down into her desk even harder than she did on the first day of class. She sighs and groans angrily before finally speaking.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Well! Great job on the test ya little fuckers. Not a single one of you passed. Not. A. Single. One<</speech>>
<p>You slump down in your desk as well. You knew you likely didn’t do well on the test, but hearing that you failed when you tried so hard is still disheartening. You look over at Akira and notice that she is averting her eyes from you. She is clearly disappointed in you. You should try to apologize to her when she is alone. You have heard that she goes to the Cock and Bull and hangs at the bar on the weekends. Maybe you should try speaking with her there.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<elseif $sato.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15>><<set $sato.questmain to 3>>
<p>Today in class, Akira gives everyone a quiz. She mumbles about how she has to because of some rule making the teachers give a certain number of tests each semester. She smiles at you though, as though you are the only person she is not even remotely worried about. When you look over the paper you realized something unfortunate. This is going to be a very hard test. You get three questions in and realize that you are probably wrong on all three of them. You slog through the exam doing your best, but you are not confident that you did very well.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<elseif $sato.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5>><<set $sato.questmain to 1>>
<p>You try to pay attention in class today. But you are a bit too excited to follow closely enough. Your studies have been paying off and you have been eager to show that to Mrs. Sato. Although, she rarely gives the class any quizzes or tests. So, you have decided to take some time out of your day to show her on your own. When the class ends you wait for everyone else to leave. Mrs. Sato lingers, covering her face with her jacket and almost snoring in her chair.</p>
<p>You walk up to her desk and get her attention, asking her if she has a moment to talk with you.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>I guess. I was hoping to get a bit of rest in before my next class. But, whatever. Go ahead<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you have been studying and practicing your pronunciation of certain words and was hoping she could give you some feedback.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You, what? You have been studying and practicing? Huh?<</speech>>
<p>You repeat a phrase for her in Japanese. You say, ‘Anata wa watashi no sukina senseidesu’. You are not very good at pronouncing it but by the smiling welling up on her face you can tell that she was able to understand that you told her that she was your favorite teacher. She begins to chuckle lightly, breaking her smile.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Oh your pronunciation is fucking atrocious. But, you’re cute. Even cuter for actually trying!<</speech>>
<p>She laughs some more. Laughing as though she barely even believes this conversation is happening.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Here, I can’t give you a grade or any extra credit. But, you certainly deserve something for all that hard work. Let me teach you a new word, oppai!<</speech>>
<p>Mrs. Sato stands up and suddenly pulls open her shirt, letting her large round breasts free. They bounce a bit as they fall. As does your jaw as you stare at them.</p>
<p>She smiles at you, never bothering to put her clothes back on.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>As much as I enjoy the attention I think you should head off for now. I wouldn’t want my next class to get the wrong idea<</speech>>
<p>You agree and thank her for her heal and for her tits. You head out of the room still a bit shaken from the encounter.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<else>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if $ gte 15>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>Akira teaches the class. She really only put any effort in to teaching you the language, as she knows that no one else is really paying attention. She smiles at you sweetly whenever she turns back to ask you a question. Seeing her put effort into teaching again is heart warming.</p>
<p>Once again it is just you and Akira in class today. She knows you want to learn. But, she also knows how you both love to have fun together. So she locks the classroom door and teaches class topless for you today.</p>
<<elseif $ gte 5>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You head to class today and are surprised when you are the only one there. Mrs. Sato walks in and sighs when you are the only one she sees. You smile at her nervously, unsure of what she plans to do.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Wanna just call it a day? No one else seems to care about this class<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you care very much and wouldn’t rather be doing anything than learn Japanese from her today. She looks at you, half with hope, and half with exhaustion. She sighs and gets on with the lesson, teaching you honorifics.</p>
<p>Mrs. Sato sits behind her desk as the class takes notes. Or more accurately, as you take notes. She pours some liquor into her coffee from her flask. But the flask slips and it pours all over her shirt. She stands up, shocked and trying to wipe away the liquid. The liquor soaks her top and reveals that she was not wearing a bra beneath her white blouse, giving the whole class a great view. She notices this and chuckles.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Enjoy it while you can. Might be the last time most of you ever see tits in person<</speech>>
<p>You pay close attention to the lesson today. Mrs. Sato isn’t the most engaging teacher. Her obvious disinterest makes it hard to follow. But, you still try your best and write extensive notes. She is a decent teacher, and if she weren’t so disheartened she would be fantastic at it.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Just another student who took my class to slack off. Leave me alone, I’m trying to sleep this hangover off<</speech>>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $school.grades gte 5>>
<<if $teacher.questmain is 4 && $ gte 15 && $ gte 15>><<set $teacher.questmain to 5>>
<p>You sit through chemistry class today and pay close attention to the lesson. Ms. Lee notices and gives you several sensual looks through out the class. When it is time to leave Ms. Lee calls out to you.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>$! Please stay behind. I hope you aren’t busy I have something important to discuss with you<</speech>>
<p>You are confused by her request. But, you agree. You head up towards her desk and wait for the rest of the students to funnel out of the room. Once it is empty she goes over and locks the door. She turns back to you and smiles seductively.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>I have a proposal for you. You see, I actually like that base ball bat of a cock you are hiding in there. So here is how this will work. I am in charge. I touch you or allow you to touch me on my terms. You agree to that, then you and I get to have some fun together<</speech>>
<p>Her authority turns you on and makes it damn near impossible to to say no to her. You don’t even want to say no. You agree the moment she finishes talking.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Wonderful. Now hurry up and take your pants off. My throat is far too empty at the moment<</speech>>
[[Get your cock sucked|teachermainquest4][$scene to 0; $[2] to 1]]
<<elseif $teacher.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $ gte 10>><<set $teacher.questmain to 2>>
<p>Class goes by as usual. Ms. Lee explains some reactions and their causes, you stare at her tits the whole time. A completely normal day. At the end of the class Ms. Lee gives everyone an assignment. The way she looks at you when she hands out the assignment sheet tells you that this homework is rather important. You should make sure you take care of it right when you get home tonight.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<else>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if $ gte 15>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>Ms. Lee decides to give the students a verbal pop quiz today. She asks each student a series of random question. She also chooses each student at random so no one can prepare or no when they will be next. Everyone slips up on at least one question. But, once she gets to you, she rapid fires almost a dozen questions at you, and you get each one perfectly right.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Good effort, $ I’m glad someone around here is actually putting effort into their studies<</speech>>
<p>During class Ms. Lee asks you to head to the front of the class to help with a demonstration. But, once you are up there you realize that she only brought you up as an excuse to grope and feel you up in the middle of class. She take every opportunity to grab your bulge and pinch your butt. It is surprising at first but you ultimately enjoy it so you let her paw at you as she pleases. Once class is over though, she rewards you for your cooperation and help with a quick look at her tits before you leave.</p>
<<elseif $ gte 5>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You spend the class paying extra close attention to Ms. Lee’s lesson. Every time she asks a question you raise your hand to answer.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Who can tell me what the difference between and endothermic and an exothermic is?<</speech>>
<p>You raise your hand and she calls on you to answer. You explain the difference to her in rather simple terms, saying that exothermic generates or releases heat and endothermic absorbs it.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Correct. Glad you are paying attention, $<</speech>>
<p>Once class ends you stand up and stretch out a bit. You raise your arms up and bend back, waking your muscles back up. You shirt pulls up and your abs are visible to the room. When you are done stretching you notice Ms. Lee staring and biting her lip. You smile back at her. She winks at you before you head out of the class.</p>
<p>You sit through your chemistry class today. Ms. Lee spends the class delving into the concept of radioactivity. You listen intently. Ms. Lee takes notice and shoots you several glances throughout the course of the class.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Oh now you want to pay attention? Your failures in academia do not surprise me but they do disappoint me. Do better before you speak to me again<</speech>>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $>>
<<if $ is 1>>
<<set _momhired to 1>>
<<set _momhired to 0>>
<<set _momhired to 0>>
<<if _momhired is 0>>
<<if $mom.slave lt 1>>
<<if $school.grades gte 5>>
<<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if $ gte 15>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You sit through class as usual. Your Mother asks for a volunteer to visual explain something. You throw your hand up and she of course chooses you. You walk down and play along with her visual aid. She is grateful for your help. She knows that if any of the other students were to fill the role they would likely try to grope her the whole time. Or maybe she was just trying to get you to be the one to grope her instead.</p>
<p>You Mom’s class is especially rowdy today. She decided to wear a blue sweater that, frankly, if it were any more low cut it might as well not even be on her. Each time she moves her huge tits visibly bounce. But she doesn’t seem to even pay attention to any of the other students. She only cares that you are looking. And she blushes bright red when she can tell that you are.</p>
<<elseif $ gte 5>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<<speech "Mom">>So that about wraps up everything there is to know about capitol. Any questions?<</speech>>
<p>The entire class is enraptured by your Mom’s low cut shirt. So none of them raise their hands. She looks a little disappointed, assuming that no one is paying attention. You raise your hand and ask a simple question to let her know you were listening. She smiles at you warmly and gets to answering it.</p>
<p>While your Mom is teaching she turns around and her large hips make her accidentally knock over some books and papers from her desk. She bends down to pick them up giving the whole class a great view as the fabric of her skirt strained against her huge round ass. A few guys in the class even wolf whistled at her.</p>
<p>You sit back and listen to your Mother teach. She is wearing a tight black dress today. One that hugs her curves beautifully. You still aren’t sure if she knows about the affect she has on her students. She seems to by the way she expertly teases them all. But considering how infrequently she is ever with anyone you wonder why she would be trying to be so hot on purpose. Regardless, the lesson is where you attention lies. Although you don’t learn much, being the son of an economics teacher you already know more than most on the subject.</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<speech "Mom">>Sweety, I’d love to talk. But, if you’re just going to ignore your school work I have to put my foot down. Get to studying young man!<</speech>>
[[Get out|University]]
<p>You sit through Economics class. Although you are hardly able to focus. Ever since you turned your Mother into your sex slave, it is hard to think of her as anything other than a tool for your pleasure. This teacher act she puts on almost makes you laugh. But, you still appreciate the chance to learn from her regardless. And she truly is an excellent teacher when you can focus past her barely covered tits.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>That is all I have for today class. Have a spectacular day!<</speech>>
[[Head out of class|University]]
[[Stick around and use your slave|mom slave class][$scene to 0; $[19] to 1]]
<p>You pay close attention to the lesson. Unlike the rest of your classes, there isn’t a drop dead gorgeous teacher to keep your attention. So your notes hold your focus instead. You type them even more quickly and extensively than usual. Lucy would probably be in awe at them. You even feel a bit smarter because of them as well.</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<if $school.grades gte 5>>
<<if $powers.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20>><<set $powers.questmain to 4>>
<p>You listen closely to Jessie’s lesson today. Every now and then she stutters when she sees you watching her so closely. She almost breaks her facade at one point. But, she plays it off as just having something caught in her throat. When the lesson ends Jessie nods to you, to signal that she wants to talk to you. Once the rest of the students finish leaving the classroom she locks the door to give you both some privacy. You ask her why she wanted to talk.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I kinda don’t get you, $ You could’ve asked for a fuck ton outta me over my secret. But, even after everything you keep just tryin’ to know me, instead of use me. I gotta tell ya that is real special to me<</speech>>
[[Tell her she is special to you too|powersmainquest3][$stage to 0; $scene to 0; $[4] to 1]]<<if $mc.dom gte 10>>
[[Press the advantage and get all that you can out of her|powersmainquest3][$stage to 1; $scene to 0; $[5] to 1]]<</if>>
<<elseif $powers.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10>><<set $powers.questmain to 2>>
<p>Math class goes by rather smoothly. Ms. Powers is her usual posh and self aggrandizing self. And, math is still as complicated of a subject as any. Eventually the class ends and you pack up and leave. You head down the hallway and almost make it to the cafeteria when you check your pocket and realize something. You accidentally left your phone back in the classroom. You turn around and head back.</p>
<p>Once you get to the classroom door you hear the faint sound of music and talking. You open the door and see Ms. Powers sitting on the desk and talking on the phone. Country music is playing on a low volume and Ms. Powers is talking in a completely different accent that the one she usually speaks with. She sounds like a southern girl that grew up on a farm.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Now I’m tellin’ ya Tammy, the boy has abs you could grate cheese on<</speech>>
<p>You stands there shocked at how different she seems. She is slouching, speaking with poor grammar, and complimenting someone other than herself. It is like she is a totally separate person. She notices you out of the corner of her eye and jumps in shock. She looks at you like a deer caught in the headlights, completely unsure of what to do. You gesture to the seats and quietly walk over and grab your phone. You start to walk back out of the room, trying to avoid eye contact.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Wait! I can’t let you leave just yet<</speech>>
<p>You stop in your tracks and turn to her. She has put her facade back on by now. She slowly walk over and turns off her music. She turns back to you and walks up close. She looks very concerned.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>You have seen me in a position I have not allowed another person to see me in, in years. Frankly, I am ashamed of this side of me. A fact that is likely evident to you by my demeanor. I cannot let this side of me be revealed. I am wiling to pay for your silence<</speech>>
[[Ask to learn more about the real her instead|powersmainquest1][$stage to 0; $scene to 0; $[1] to 1]]<<if $mc.dom gte 5>>
[[Demand much more than money|powersmainquest1][$stage to 1; $scene to 0; $[2] to 1]]<</if>>
<<else>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if $ gte 15>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>Ms. Powers is getting flustered today in class. One student is clearly trying to bother her by repeatedly asking the same stupid question over and over again, and acting like he doesn’t understand her explanation of it. She gets so angry that her true accent almost bleeds through. You call out and yell at the student, putting a stop to the idiocy, and saving her from revealing herself.</p>
<p>Ms. Powers leans back in her chair and stretches out her arms. When she does she spreads her arms too wide. Between her large tits and her wide spread arms, her blouse didn’t stand a chance. It pops open. Thankfully she was wearing a bra, but the entire class certainly got a very good look at her chest in that brief moment.</p>
<<elseif $ gte 5>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You attend math class today. Ms. Powers is writing on the board using needlessly intricate handwriting that half of the class can’t even read. You ask her thoughtful and relevant questions throughout the class to try and get her to explain the material better for those that can’t read what is on the board to take proper notes. She can see what you are doing and appreciates the effort, as well as giving her more chances to talk.</p>
<p>In math class today, Mr. Powers bends over to pick up a marker from the floor. Her short skirt rides up and her panties are visible to the class. There is some snickering and some whistling coming from the students. But, as she stands back up she just acts like she expected such a reaction from the students. Clearly viewing her own looks highly.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Yes, yes, my buttocks are glorious. Even in this skirt. But please control yourselves, you lascivious boys<</speech>>
<p>You listen closely to Ms. Powers’ lesson today. She spends some time explaining differential equations to the class. She is clearly smart but her ability to make concepts easy to digest could use some real work.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Preposterous, I shouldn’t even let you in my distinguished classroom if you aren’t going to absorbs any of the wealth of knowledge I have to share. Let alone speak with such an unmotivated student<</speech>>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><p>You spend today's study hall reviewing your latest exercices.</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<if $teacher.questmain is 2>><<set $teacher.questmain to 3>>
<p>You sit down to do your homework for chemistry as usual. But as you are reading through the assignment, you realize that it is absolutely impossible. You read it through over and over again, just in case you are missing something. But no matter what you do, the formula cannot be solved as it is written. You should talk to her during your next free period.</p>
<<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>Ms. Lee gave you some homework to make sure you understand the differences between acidic and alkaline substances. It seems pretty easy to understand. Although remembering the ph of many of the example substances will be the hard part when the test comes.</p>
<p>Your Chemistry homework this week is rather simple. You just need to fill out a periodic table with as many of the elements and their atomic weighs as you can. The minimum required for a passing grade is 25. And you make it to 40 before you even start counting them.</p>
[[Return|Desk][$homework.donechem to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You sit at your desk to do this week’s economics homework. Having to write a paper about that advantages and disadvantages of both communism and capitalism, is sure to start some arguments. But you are certain that all your Mom would have to do to make them forget all about that is lean forward and show off her cleavage.</p>
<p>You have to write a paper about supply side economics for class. It it due by next class so you have to word hard to get it done. It is only a five hundred word paper though. So you have no problem getting it done quickly.</p>
[[Return|Desk][$homework.doneecon to 1]]<<addhours 1>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You sit down to do your Japanese homework for the week. Writing down the Hiragana, and Katakana over and over again to demonstrate that you know how they are written, as well as how they are pronounced. It is tedious work but it really helps!</p>
<p>It is time to get your homework done for your Japanese class. You have to write a full introduction of yourself in Japanese. It is hard, but after an hour you are happy with it. Although you probably embellished some of your accomplishments a bit.</p>
[[Return|Desk][$homework.donejap to 1]]<<addhours 1>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You pull out your homework for your math class and get to work. The work is difficult, but thankfully, Ms. Powers thinks so little of her students that her questions are phrased in a way that help you get the answer easier.</p>
<p>You sit at your desk and toil away at your math homework. You probably won’t be able to impress Ms. Powers much by doing well on her homework. She writes it in such a simplified way that a fourth grader could probably understand it. That being said quadratic equations aren’t exactly simple.</p>
[[Return|Desk][$homework.donemath to 1]]<<addhours 1>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You hurry to sit down next to her, hiding your hard on and trying to divert her attention back to her homework. You look over the questions she is working on and notice that they seem rather easy to you. You ask her why she seems to be having trouble with them.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Because I don’t pay attention to my fat ass whore of a teacher. She is a bitch so I just sleep in her class<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that she needs to study to pass and get into a good college. You offer to help her with her homework so she can learn something away from the teacher she clearly does not like. She seems rather interested in the idea.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Sure, I guess I can use the help. It beats failing and having to deal with her for another year<</speech>>
<p>You spend some time helping her with her homework. She seems to truly understand the material once you explain it to her. Once she is done you let her know that you can give her a hand whenever she needs it. Then you get up and head out of the room.</p>
<p class="got">You can now help $ with her homework! Go to the desk to offer to help her with it once each day!</p>
<p>You scowl at her. She is supposed to be doing her homework yet her she is, ogling your bulge. You let her know that you are very disappointed in her, and that she should be focusing on her school work, not every cock that she sees.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Fuck my homework. And don’t flatter yourself. Your cock might be huge but I still don’t associate with twerps like you<</speech>>
<p>That was the last straw. You approach $ quickly and lift her up firmly. You bend her over your legs, Pull down her skirt, and begin to spank her. Your hand comes down on her ass hard and fast. Each spank leaving her ass cheeks bright red. She yelps out with each strike, but lets out a deep moan following her yelps. You yell at her that she needs to focus more on her school work and that you plan on making sure she does by helping her with it from now on. When she is properly punished, you help her with her homework until it is complete and correct. You then leave the room, leaving $ to caress her sore ass alone.</p>
<p class="got">You can now help $ with her homework! Go to the desk to offer to help her with it once each day!</p>
[[Leave|House][$sis.questmain to 1; $sis.homework to 1]]<<addhours 1>><<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You nudge her shoulder and tell her to stop thinking so negatively. You let her know that you know that what is best for you, isn’t what is best for her. But, you also make sure to let her know that she is smart and can do great things if she actually worked for it. She seems to blush a bit at your compliments, but shrugs it off quickly.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I am already close to failing this year either way. It’s too late. Just drop it<</speech>>
<p>You try to push it further, but before you even have the chance $ stands up and kneels down between your legs.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Let’s talk about something more fun. Like how ever since I saw your huge fucking cock I’ve wanted a closer look<</speech>>
<p>She pulls your pants down, in an obvious attempt at distracting you from the topic at hand. She is always trying to get her way, even to the point of degrading herself. But you aren’t one to complain. Your cock hardens quickly once it is free, eclipsing half of her face behind it.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Damn...<</speech>>
[[She strokes your cock|sismainquest5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>$ reaches for your cock with both hands and grips the shaft tightly. She strokes your cock powerfully, her soft hands having a surprisingly strong grip on you. Each pump of her fists going faster and harder than the last.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage3/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I can have some fun with this cock<</speech>>
<p>She speaks as though the cock is hers to toy with. The hungry look in her eye telling you that that is how she sees it as well.</p>
[[Cum|sismainquest5][$scene to 2]]
<p>You groan loudly as you begin to cum. She pulls your cock closer to her with one hand and continues to stroke with the other as you erupt. You shoot rope after rope of thick cum all over her face and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage3/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Now that is something worth talking about<</speech>>
<p>She licks her face clean before heading out of the living room. You get dressed yourself and head out. You think about how unmotivated $ really is. You need to find a way to change that. You will never get further with $ until you can make her listen to you and respect you and her studies in a more serious way. Maybe your Mother will have some ideas on how you can motivate her.</p>
[[Leave|House]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(20)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You scowl at $ You are taken aback by her blatant disregard for herself, for you, and for the efforts your Mother has put into raising her. You start to yell at her. You tell her that if she is going to just throw her life away, she might as well just start selling herself and become a whore.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Maybe I should, it’s my life. I’ll do what I want with it<</speech>>
<p>You grab her by her hair and pull her to the ground. If she is going to act like a dumb whore, you intend to treat her like one. You pull your cock out and shove it in her face. You command her to stroke it. You voice booming in a way that lets her know that you are completely serious.</p>
[[She does as you command|sismainquest5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>She starts off slowly. She is clearly shell shocked by how forceful you are being. But deep down you can tell that she like it. As if the reason she acts bratty is to get roughed up and pushed around just like you are treating her now. She takes both hands and strokes you faster and faster, clearly trying to please you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage3/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|sismainquest5][$scene to 2]]
<p>You call her rude names and degrade her as she strokes your cock. You show her exactly what life as a whore would be like. Unfortunately it seems like she is starting to like being treated this way. You may need to change your strategy in the future, but for now you fully intend to enjoy yourself as well. You enjoy yourself all the way up to your climax. Your cock spasms as you unload your cum all over her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage3/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finished she sits there motionless. As if she is waiting for you to give her another order. You tell her to get cleaned up and do her homework. She rolls her eyes and licks the cum up from her face. She heads out of the living room. You get dressed and leave as well. You should maybe talk with your mom about motivating her further. She may like being a whore. But if she is a whore you want her to be your whore. Not someone else’s.</p>
[[Leave|House]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(20)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<p>You apologize profusely to you Mom as you begin to back out of the room. Just as you turn away, you hear you Mom speak.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hold on sweety. Come her for a moment<</speech>>
<p>You stop and turn back around. She is turning the water on for the shower and standing there without covering up her huge tits and ass. You step closer to her and ask her why she wanted you to come closer.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Well since you already got a good look, I figure you might as well help me wash my back<</speech>>
<p>She gets underneath the running water and begins to rub soap all over her gorgeous body. Her tits suds up and wash clean as she moves her hands to her ass. She looks at you expectantly. You step closer and grab the soap, lathering it up in your hands and pressing them against the smooth skin of her back. You slowly and sensually wash her up and down, getting her squeaky clean.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Thanks sweety. But be more careful next time okay. What if it was $ in here and not me?<</speech>>
<p>You promise your Mom you will be more careful and head out back into the hall, your pants tented all the while from your raging erection.</p>
<p>You step closer to your Mother as she grabs a towel to cover herself. You grab the towel and yank it from her hands, tossing it on the bathroom floor. You take a seat on the toilet and command her to keep going. You tell her that you are going to watch her show, and that you want her to make a show of it. She gives you a sultry smile as she turns the shower on and gets in.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>So naughty, making your own Mother wash herself for your enjoyment. Naughty boys like you should be punished<</speech>>
<p>You let her know that you intend to be doing the punishing, and that if she didn’t start soaping up her tits she would be punished very soon.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Yes sir!<</speech>>
<p>She hands glide across her massive melons, coating them in suds as she caresses her self sensually. You raging hard on bulges in your pants, giving your Mom something to look at as well. Seeing the bulge she gives your turns her on, and she bites her lower lip as her gaze lingers.</p>
<p>When you are satisfied, you stand up and tell your Mother that she did well, and that you plan on seeing her beautiful tits again soon. You then head back out into the hall to continue your day.</p>
[[Leave|House]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(20)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Since she is so certain that these tips are bogus you tease her a bit and offer to be a test dummy so she can find out for herself. You lean in close to her and look at the article with her, looking for a somewhat simple tip to suggest you try. One of the earlier options says that spontaneous hand jobs are a sure fire way to spice things up. You stand up and pull down your pants swiftly, revealing your already hard cock for your Mom. You let her know that this would surely be a spontaneous opportunity.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh sweety… I, uh. I don’t know what to say. It’s a nice coc- IDEA that you have. But I’m not too sure<</speech>>
<p>You tell her to relax as you reach down and take her hand and place it around your cock. She starts off slow but eventually begins to stroke it. Her soft hand glides up and down your shaft slowly. She looks at you into your eyes and your pulsating member slides between her fingers.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage3/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|mommainquest4][$scene to 1]]
<p>She strokes harder and faster. Each stroke pulling you closer to your orgasm. She can clearly tell it is coming as well because her strokes continue to grow faster and faster until you climax, shooting your load all over her hand.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage3/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Your jizz coats her hand. She keeps stroking even after you finish cumming as she milks every last drop out of you. It isn’t until you are done though that you notice the distraught look on her face. You ask her whats wrong and she looks at you with tears in her eyes.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Just…. Get out. I need to be alone for a little while<</speech>>
<p>You let her know you understand and start to get dressed. You head out of the kitchen, leaving her to dwell on her thoughts. You realize that you may have gone too far. Her emotions might be weighing on her. You should leave her be for a while and spend some time trying to show her that you can be the dependable man of the house that she needs you to be. That will surely help you progress further with her.</p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You decide to test her theory out first hand. You stand up and take hold of the collar of her shirt with both hands. You pull them apart, tearing her shirt open and revealing her massive breasts that were hiding beneath the fabric. You yank your pants down and shove your cock between her tits and command her to please your cock if it is so easy.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Sweety! Oh my goodness, you’re being so forceful<</speech>>
<p>She feigns surprise and reluctance but in seconds she is grabbing her tits with her hands and pushing them together. She rubs your cock up and down with her plush fuck pillows expertly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage3/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|mommainquest4][$scene to 1]]
<p>Her huge soft breasts caress and press against your cock as the envelope and glide along your huge shaft. Your Mom has an almost hungry look on her face as she watches the head of your cock poke out through the top of her amble cleavage. The stimulation is enough to make you climax before long and the moment you begin to cum your Mother takes your cock in her hand and strokes you hard and fast until your load spills out and coats her fingers.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage3/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Your Mother stands up and give you a dirty look. She looks like she wants to yell but she suppresses her anger long enough to cool down and speak calmly.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>You tear my shirt open, you shove your huge cock between my tits, and then you just cum on me. What the hell are you thinking?!? I’m not your fuck toy I’m your Mother. Learn some respect!<</speech>>
<p>The anger in her voice is weak and her conviction even less so. You can tell she greatly enjoyed being used in the way that she did. But she doesn’t yet want to admit to the taboo. You should give her some space for a while. Take some time to show her that you have the power and are in control of the house now.</p>
[[Leave|House]]<<if $ gte 1000>><<set $has.paidbills to 1>><<set $ -= 1000>>
<p class="got">You pay all the bills with your money</p>
<p class="hint">You haven't enough money. The bills cost $1000 total</p>
[[Return|Desk]]<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You Mother pulls away from your embrace and slowly slides down to her knees in front of you. She pulls your legs open and runs her hands along them until they are on your bulge. She rubs your bulge with her hand and leans in to press her huge tits against them, making you get rock hard quickly. She then unzips your pants and pulls your cock free stroking it for a moment before lowering he head down and enveloping your cock with her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage4/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|mommainquest7][$scene to 1]]
<p>Her plump, soft lips are like heaven as they stroke your shaft. Her tongue lashes around the head of your cock, flicking with expert dexterity. She bobs her head up and down very quickly. Your cock pulses in her mouth as the pleasure begins to overwhelm you and bring you to climax. As you get close to cumming you Mom pulls her head off of your cock and strokes it quickly as she pulls her breasts close to the tip. You finally erupt. Jizz shoots out all over your Mother’s tits, coating them. When you are finally done cumming she pulls her breasts up to her mouth and licks them clean.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage4/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>That was wonderful, sweety. Now come on, time for bed. You can sleep with me tonight<</speech>>
<p>You agree, get undressed, and slide into bed. You Mom slides in beside you and you wrap your arm around her and grab hold of her still exposed breast as the two of you gently fall asleep together.</p>
<p class="got">You can now go to sleep with your Mother at night!</p>
[[Next morning|mombedroom]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You need no further provocation as you quickly strip nude in front of her. You toss you cloths around the room as your shed them. Your Mother crawls towards the end of her bed and kisses you passionately as you undress. Once your huge, hard cock is free she lays down on her back and holds her legs up by her ankles. Her spread legs leave her beautiful pussy exposed. You lean in and slide your cock into her surprisingly tight pussy and begin to thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage5/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You thrust hard and fast, making her massive melons bounce in tandem with each pump of your cock deep into her pussy. Your eyes switch back and forth between staring at them and watching them quake, and staring into her beautiful blue eyes as the look back into yours.</p>
[[Have her ride you|mommainquest8][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You pull your cock slowly out of your Mother’s pussy just long enough to lay on your back on her bed. She swings her leg over your body and squats down, sliding her pussy back down around your cock. You hold her thighs while you thrust up into her. She drop down, bouncing on your cock in tandem with your thrusts.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage5/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|mommainquest8][$scene to 2]]
<p>You groan out as you are getting close to cumming. Your Mom can feel your cock pulsing inside of her so she pulls out and pulls your cock close to her huge hanging tits. She strokes it hard and fast until your burst, unloading your cum all over her beautiful mounds.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage5/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Fuck that was wonderful sweety. Oh why did we wait so long to do this?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her not to worry because you plan on doing this with her much more often in the future.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Good, I’ve been missing having a big strong cock fucking me silly<</speech>>
<p>She giggles as she cuddles up next to you. The two of you embrace one another and fall asleep together, peacefully.</p>
[[Next morning|mombedroom]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You decide to spend your free period with your Mother during her office hours. You head into the Economics lecture hall and walk down towards her office at the front of the room. You approach her door and knock on it. Even though you never knock at home any more, she might be with a student and you wouldn't want to disturb them.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Come on in!<</speech>>
<p>You open the door and see your Mother sitting behind her desk. You greet her as you close and lock the door behind you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Nice to see you sweety! What can I do for you?<</speech>>
<p>Once the door is locked your turn back to her and smile devilishly. You begin to undress and tell her that she can get nude for you since you came to fuck her brains out.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Yes sir!<</speech>>
<p>She jumps up ecstatically and begins to strip down, pulling her shirt and skirt off. The pulling her tits out of her bra to show them to you.</p>
[[Get sucked off|mommainquest9][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You get close and pull your hard cock out. She drops to her knees and wraps her heavily lipsticked lips around your head and sucks on it greedily. She bobs her head and strokes your shaft with her hands. She gags and coughs on it when she goes deep. She then drops your cock between her huge tits and strokes it with them, wrapping her arms around herself to tighten the grip her breasts have on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage6/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her on her desk|mommainquest9][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You grab your Mother and stand her up. You sweep your hand across her desk, tossing many of her papers and things off to the side. You then push her back and lay her onto her desk. You pull her panties to the side and slide your cock into her push and immediately start to thrust into her. You quickly build into a fast and powerful pace, pummeling her pussy and making her cum on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage6/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Make her ride you|mommainquest9][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull out and lay on the desk yourself as your Mom climbs on top of you and straddles your body. She slides your cock into her pussy and bounces on you wildly. The walls of her pussy gripping your shaft tightly as it strokes you. You thrust upwards into her as well, ramming into her pussy with wild abandon.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage6/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her tits until you cum|mommainquest9][$scene to 4]]
<p>You pull out and stand beside her desk and she drops back down onto her knees before you. She wraps your cock back up in her tits tightly holding in one in her hands. You thrust hard into her tits until you reach your climax, cumming hard as you coat her chest and breasts in your huge load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage6/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh my goodness. That was spectacular. I wish I didn’t have to teach so we could just do that all day!<</speech>>
<p>You agree with her as you get dressed. She scoops the cum off her chest and tits and into her mouth. Moaning in pleasure as she swallows it all. You tell her that you will see her back and home before heading out of her office and back into the hall. You revel in the fact that your Mother is now and forever, truly yours.</p>
[[Leave|University][$[6] to 1; $mom.questmain to 10]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You say nothing and just let her work. She undoes your pants and pulls your rock hard cock out, pulling it into her mouth and sucking on it hard. Her mouth feel like a vacuum, pulling on your cock as she sucks it powerfully. She slides your cock deep into her throat and gags on it. Then she starts to bob her head quickly up and down.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage4/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|sismainquest7][$scene to 1]]
<p>You run your fingers through her hair, pushing her head down onto your cock to make her gag more. You eventually start to climax, pulling your cock out of her throat and covering her tongue and face in your heavy load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage4/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Can I have my allowance now, twerp?<</speech>>
<p>You stand up and out your cock away. You tell her no, she can’t. She pouts angrily, and in disbelief. You explain that she hasn’t shown you that she is taking this seriously. And that if she calls you twerp again, she might never get her allowance again. She looks away from you, clearly frustrated by all of this. You head out of the kitchen, having had your fun.</p>
[[Leave|House]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(20)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Her silence is a welcome change from her usually bratty self. You fuck her hard and enjoy hearing her moans of pleasure instead of her groans of anger. You pull her on top of you and make her ride your cock. She bounces up and down, looking at you in your eyes as she does. Her eyes are filled with lust as she cums again and again on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage5/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|sismainquest8][$scene to 1]]
<p>As she rides your her tight pussy grips your cock tightly. Each time she has an orgasm it grips tighter, milking you for all your worth. She bounces faster and faster and when it is finally time you pull your cock out of her pussy and start to cum. You fire your load all over her ass and pussy, coating her with jizz.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage5/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You get out from underneath her and stand by her bed for a moment. You pick up all of her school work and place it back on the bed. You tell her that she needs to get this done otherwise she will be severely punished.</p>
<<if $mc.dom gte 10>><<speech "Sasha" $>>Yes… Sir<</speech>><<else>><<speech "Sasha" $>>Yeah… okay<</speech>><</if>>
<p>She lowers her head and gets to work, not even bothering to clean up or get dressed. Finally listening to you. She clearly accepts you as the head of the house now. You hope she will buckle down whenever you aren’t pulling her pants off from now on.</p>
[[Leave|House]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(22)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $stage is 0>>
<p>You decide that she really deserves a reward for doing so well. You let her know that you will be taking her shopping so she can get something new as a gift. She bounces and screams with excitement again.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Oh my god, yay! Can Stephanie come with us?<</speech>>
<p>You have no idea who Stephanie is but you assume it is one of her friends. You figured the more the merrier but you make sure she knows the gift is for her and not Stephanie. She nods in understanding and texts her friend.</p>
[[Head to the mall|sismainquest9b]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You get close to her and place you hand on the back of her neck. You let her know that she has done a good job and that you know exactly how she can repay you. You swing your hand around and smack her ass, grabbing it and groping it roughly. Before she can even respond you lift her up and carry her to her bed. You pull her pants down and spread her cheeks exposing her pussy and ass.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Oh you gonna fuck me some more? I hope you put some effort into this time. I barely felt you last time!<</speech>>
<p>You slap her ass hard to shut her up. And while she doesn’t shut up, her loud and satisfied moans show that she got just what she wanted. You pull your cock out and shove it deep into her pussy. You pull her are back with one hand and press her face into the bed with the other as your start to pound away at her pussy. Each thrust slamming into her with raw animalistic power as you ram her pussy with everything you’ve got.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage6/dom/pronebone.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|sismainquest9][$scene to 1]]
<p>You pull out of her pussy and pull her close to you on her knees. You grab her by her hair to control her. You then shove your cock into her throat and face fuck her until you reach your orgasm. When you are there you pull out and stroke close to her face, while you hold her their by her hair. You finally cum. You shoot ropes all over her face and tongue, hitting her mouth and eyes with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage6/dom/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You throw her back, having her land on her bed. You tell call her a whore and tell her to clean herself up as you shove your cock back into your pants and head out. She licks herself clean, swallowing your cum greedily.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Thanks again!<</speech>>
<p>You go into $’s bedroom to check in on her. The moment you open the door she screams with excitement. She bounces around and runs up to you and leaps into your arms. You catch her and hold her against your body, holding her by her ass and groping her while you have the chance. She kisses your face appreciatively over and over again. You tell her that you are excited to see her too.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I did it! I got honor roll! All As and Bs! Well, mostly Bs but still! I did it!<</speech>>
<p>You let her down to continue to celebrate. She bounces around happily. You smile, proud of her accomplishments.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I never could have done this on my own. Thanks. I know you and I didn’t always use to get along. But you kept pushing. Thank you. I can’t even think of a way to repay you<</speech>>
[[Reward her for her hard work|sismainquest9][$stage to 0]]<<if $mc.dom gte 15 && $sis.corr gte 15>>
[[Show her a way she can repay you|sismainquest9][$stage to 1; $scene to 0]]<</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(20)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You drive along toward the mall. $ is in the passenger seat, and you pick up her friend Steph outside of her house.</p>
<p>The three of you head to the mall. Once inside $ and Steph sprint towards the clothing store and start looking at the racks. With you paying it appears that she is purposefully looking in the more expensive section of the shop. You walk around, looking in the men’s section to see if there is anything you want. You notice them both whispering and looking at you often. The blush on their faces betrays them as to what they were discussing.</p>
[[Pay and head home|sismainquest9c][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>When $ has finally picked out her gift she brings it to you. You pay for it and lead them both out of the mall and back into your car. You drive home and bring Steph along with you. You head inside the front door and start heading towards your room but $ stops you.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Where are you going? Don’t you wanna see me try this on?<</speech>>
<p>She smiles seductively and walks towards her room with Stephanie. They both giggle childishly as they lead you along. You enter her room and they both immediately start stripping. You can take a hint so you undress as well. $ and Steph lay on the bed beside one another. Their legs spread open for you. The giggle as the look at one another and kiss, waiting for your cock.</p>
[[Fuck your Sister|sismainquest9c][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You walk up to $ and grab her legs, pulling you closer to you. You slide your cock into her puss slowly. You start to thrust and quickly build into a solid pace. You fill her tight pussy with your cock and you balls slap her ass below as they swing in tandem with your thrusts.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage6/sub/sisfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her friend|sismainquest9c][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pull out of $ and quickly line your cock up with Stephanie’s pussy. As you slide in you are shocked by how tight it is. You struggle to thrust your huge cock into her tiny hole but before long you are moving steady. Ramming her hard with your big tool.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage6/sub/stephfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|sismainquest9c][$scene to 3]]
<p>You pull out of Steph and $ climbs up on top of her. You start to cum and aim your load at their pussies as they are stacked on top of each other. Your heavy load coats their pussies and asses well. Each rope following a powerful burst of pleasure from your orgasm.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage6/sub/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You leave them to lick your cum from each others pussies. You get dressed and head out, pleased that your Sister is doing well again.</p>
<</if>><<silently>><<set _ran to random(1,3)>><</silently>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You sit down beside $ and open up her text book to help her with her homework. You can tell she barely pays any attention in class by the way she talks about the material. You remind her to pay more attention to her teachers.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>My teachers are so boring though. I’m not gonna listen to someone who couldn’t attract a bear if he was covered in honey<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle at her joke but firmly remind her that school is important and make her promise to you that she will try to focus more.</p>
<<elseif _ran is 2>>
<p>You walk in and offer to give $ a hand with her homework. She shrugs back at you.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I guess. I’m mostly done with this paper I have to write. I guess it could be good to have you look it over<</speech>>
<p>You smile, seeing that she has actually done her assignment. You sit beside her as she opens up her computer to reveal a porn site on the screen. She was clearly watching some when she closed it last. You laugh as she scrambles to close the browser and pull her paper up. You continue to chuckle but make no mention of it as you look over the paper. You make a couple of corrections, but overall the paper is well done and you let her know as much.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Really? You like it? Thanks… for the help<</speech>>
<p>You sit by your Sister and start to help her with her homework. She seems to understand it all, but she is so bored by it all that she slumps down in her chair the whole time. Her clothes today are rather skimpy. Which is something that has become a common trend for her lately. But you still can’t help but stare here and there, your cock bulging in your pants eventually. It bulges far to much for $ not to notice it. She blushes when she sees it but neither of you do or say anything about it, focusing on the homework instead.</p>
[[Leave|House]]<<set $sis.homeworktotal += 1>><<addhours 1>><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>><<set _stage to 0>><<else>><<set _stage to 1>><</if>>
[[Talk with Mom|momconversation][$stage to _stage; $scene to 0]]
<a data-passage="sisconversation" data-setter="$stage to _stage; $scene to 0" class="link-internal">Spend time with $</a>
<<if $stage is 0>>
[[Just spend time with her|momconversation][$stage to 1]]
[[Give her a Christmas present|momconversation][$stage to 2]]
[[Go back|House]]
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $ gte 25 && $school.todayecon is 2>>
<<speech "Player">>Hey Mom, how are you feeling?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Pretty sore, sweety. You pounded me good today<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>Just wait until tonight<</speech>>
<<elseif $ gte 25 && $school.todayecon gte 0>>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh $! I’m so glad you're here<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>What’s up Mom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>I wanted your opinion on something. Do you like my new lingerie?<</speech>>
[img["ressources/scene/mom/lingerie/" + random(5) + ".jpg"]]
<<speech "Player">>I love it Mom! It really suits you. I can’t wait to take it off of you<</speech>>
<<elseif $ gte 10 && $school.todayecon is 2>>
<<speech "Mom">>Don’t forget to do your homework, sweety. I can’t have my favorite student falling behind<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>I won’t Mom. I’d hate to disappoint my favorite teacher. Thanks for the reminder though<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Of course, Sweety! Anything for you<</speech>>
<<elseif $ gte 10 && $school.todayecon gte 0>>
<<speech "Player">>Hey Mom! How about we order take out this weekend. I found this movie online I think you’d love<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh that sounds great, sweety! Are you sure you’d wanna spend your weekend at home with me though?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>You kidding Mom? There is no one I’d rather spend it with<</speech>>
<<elseif $ gte 0 && $school.todayecon is 2>>
<<speech "Player">>Hey Mom! Just wanted to let you know that class was great today! I learned a lot<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Thanks, sweety. I’m always glad to hear that. A lot of kids fail my classes. I’ll never understand why<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>They are too distracted by your beauty Mom. That has to be it<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>You’re such a charmer!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Hey sweety! How was your day today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>Good Mom! Thanks, how about yours?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>It was wonderful! Some of my students tried to invite me to the beach this weekend. If I didn’t need write a lesson plan I might have joined them<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>Let me know if you change your mind. I love going to the beach with you! And seeing all of the bikinis<</speech>>
[[Leave|House]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $ is 0>>
<<set _giftsArray to Object.keys($>>
<<set _totalGifts to 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _giftsArray.length; _i++>>
<<if $[_giftsArray[_i]] is 1>>
<<switch _giftsArray[_i]>>
<<case "shoes">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Mom" data-setter="$gift to 'shoes'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "makeup">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Mom" data-setter="$gift to 'makeup'" class="link-internal">Give her the make up</a><br>
<<case "dildo">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Mom" data-setter="$gift to 'dildo'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "wine">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Mom" data-setter="$gift to 'wine'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "boots">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Mom" data-setter="$gift to 'boots'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "puzzle">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Mom" data-setter="$gift to 'puzzle'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Mom" data-setter="$gift to 'punching'" class="link-internal">Give her the punching bag</a><br>
<<set _totalGifts += 1>><</if>>
<<if _totalGifts is 0>><p class="hint">You don't have any gift to give right now. You may buy something to Mrs. Claus at the Mall</p><</if>>
<p class="hint">You already gave your mom a gift this Christmas</p>
[[Go back|House]]
<</if>><<if $stage is 0>>
[[Just spend time with her|sisconversation][$stage to 1]]
[[Give her a Christmas present|sisconversation][$stage to 2]]
[[Go back|House]]
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<silently>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>><</silently>>
<<if $ gte 25>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Hey I’m gonna get some homework done. I’d really appreciate it if you’d help me<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>Of course! I’m always here when you need me<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I know, thanks for that<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>Hey $, you doing anything?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Not at the moment, but once I’m finished taking my clothes off we could be doing something<</speech>>
[img["ressources/scene/sis/flash/" + random(5) + ".jpg"]]
<<speech "Player">>I like the sound of that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I figured you would, $<</speech>>
<<elseif $ gte 10>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<<speech "Player">>Hey, need any help with your homework tonight?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I would, if I planned on doing it<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>Come on $, you need to do your homework<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yeah, I guess. you’re probably right<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Hey, do you wanna watch some TV with me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>Sure! But I get to pick the show!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>You just wanna put on something with tits in it<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>Yes. Yes I do<</speech>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<<speech "Player">>Hey, $ What are you up to<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>What is it to you, twerp?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>Just being a decent brother. Taking an interest in your life<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yeah well, I’m not doing much of anything. Happy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>Hey $, is that outfit new? It’s really nice!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Stop perving on me<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>Compliments are pervy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>They are when you are undressing me with your eyes!<</speech>>
[[Leave|House]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $christmas.gifted.sis is 0>>
<<set _giftsArray to Object.keys($>>
<<set _totalGifts to 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _giftsArray.length; _i++>>
<<if $[_giftsArray[_i]] is 1>>
<<switch _giftsArray[_i]>>
<<case "shoes">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Sis" data-setter="$gift to 'shoes'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "makeup">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Sis" data-setter="$gift to 'makeup'" class="link-internal">Give her the make up</a><br>
<<case "dildo">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Sis" data-setter="$gift to 'dildo'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "wine">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Sis" data-setter="$gift to 'wine'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "boots">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Sis" data-setter="$gift to 'boots'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "puzzle">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Sis" data-setter="$gift to 'puzzle'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Sis" data-setter="$gift to 'punching'" class="link-internal">Give her the punching bag</a><br>
<<set _totalGifts += 1>><</if>>
<<if _totalGifts is 0>><p class="hint">You don't have any gift to give right now. You may buy something to Mrs. Claus at the Mall</p><</if>>
<p class="hint">You already gave $ a gift this Christmas</p>
[[Go back|House]]
<p>You tell Jade that you don’t need to be repaid but she is insistent. You follow her as she requests. She heads towards the locker room and walks into the girls side. You stop and wait outside the door at first. But she beckons you in. You look around to make sure you aren’t seen and follow her through into the girl’s locker room.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I’m not really sure why, but I can tell you like my tits. So here they are!<</speech>>
<p>Jade pulls her sports bra up and lets her perky tits fall out. She presents them to you much to your enjoyment. You stare at her chest, your eyes wide and your jaw hanging just a bit. When she finally pulls her sports bra back down you snap out of it. You tell her again that she didn’t have to do that. And that you enjoyed helping her. But that you certainly enjoyed seeing her tits a whole lot as well.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Good to know. Maybe we can work out together sometimes. I’ve never had a partner before. It might be fun. Here take my SexApp ID. That way we plan our workouts<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are always happy to join her. You then head out of the locker room quickly as to not get caught. You get back to your work out and when you are finished you get a shower and head back into the hall of the University.</p>
<<set $has.jadeid to 1>>''Now you have Jade’s SexApp Id. You'll be able to talk to her using SexApp from now on.''
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You head over and each grab one of the dumbbells. At eighty-five pounds lifting one with a single hand is no easy task. But you are both strong enough to get it up the first time. Then the second, then comes the third. At the fourth lift of the dumbbell you are starting to falter, but you manage to lift it even still. Jade manages to lift it as well, but it is clear she can go no further.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Alright, that’s it for me. Four is my limit. Guess we tied huh?<</speech>>
<p>You weren’t about to give in just yet. You summoned all of your strength and pushed yourself to lift the eighty-five pound weight. You struggle, but just barely manage to get it up a fifth and final time. You put the dumbbell down and huff from exhaustion. You stand up and pump your fists in the air like Rocky, having come out victorious. Jade bites her lip as she looks at you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Damn! I’m impressed. You know what? I know we didn’t bet on this or anything. But you certainly won. I think you deserve a reward. Come with me<</speech>>
[[Go with Jade|jademainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Jade grabs your hand and pulls you along. You walk together through the gym and into the locker room. She pushes you onto the bench and looks at you seductively. She pulls her shirt up revealing her round and perky tits to you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Take of your pants<</speech>>
<p>She speaks with a somewhat commanding sultry tone. You listen well and yank your shorts off, letting your hard cock spring free. She gets down on her knees and grabs a hold of it and starts to stroke it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage2/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|jademainquest1][$scene to 2]]
<p>Her hands grip your cock tightly as she runs them up and down along your shaft. Each pump sending waves of pleasure through your body. You stand up as you grow close to coming. You aim your cock at her face as you erupt. Rope after rope of cum shooting out and splashing onto Jade’s face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Jade">>Holy fuck, even your loads are strong<</speech>>
<p>She stands up and licks her face clean for you. You put your cock away and she gets dressed. You both promise to see one another again soon as you part ways.</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>Jade pulls you into the bathroom and scowls at you. She then start to yell at you, not even trying to be discreet with how loud she yells.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I have told you that I do not like to be disturbed during class! What because we workout together and have fooled around a bit that makes you think you can just grab me whenever you want?!? That is not okay! I need to focus!<</speech>>
<p>Her yelling continues on and on. She is clearly upset but the red blush on her face makes it obvious that she is more upset at herself than she is at you.</p>
[[Apologize|jademainquest2b][$stage to 1; $scene to 0; $[1] to 1]]<<if $mc.dom gte 5>>
[[Shut her up|jademainquest2b][$stage to 2; $scene to 0; $[2] to 1]]<</if>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You ask her exactly what she means by focusing all of herself on you. She looks around to make sure you are both alone. Then, Jade looks back at you and smiles. She starts to undress her self before you. Her clothes fall to the floor and she stands in front of you, fully nude. You quickly strip down as well, letting your hard cock pop free. She swings her leg over your lap and slide your cock into her pussy. She steadies herself and starts to bounce on your cock. Her tight pussy grips your shaft as she goes up and down.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage4/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|jademainquest3][$scene to 1]]
<p>You pull out of Jade as you get close to cumming. She grabs your cock and strokes your vigorously until you shoot all over her. She aims your load at her chest. Rope after rope of thick cum splashing against her chest and tits until you are completely spent.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Jade">>What do you think? Can you handle you being my focus from now on?<</speech>>
<p>You laugh as you get dressed. You tell her to bring it on and that you are happy to do that whenever she wants. The two of you share a kiss before heading out of the class and on with your day.</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You tell Jade that focusing all of herself on you might be more than she can handle. But that you are happy to show her just what it would entail. You stand up and pull her up with you. You pull her clothes off roughly and bend her nude form over the desk. You strip down and take your rock hard cock out. You aim it at her pussy and slide it right into her tight hole. You thrust hard and fast, pounding away at her. You reach up and grab her hair, pulling it while you ram away and make her cum on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage4/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|jademainquest3][$scene to 1]]
<p>You thrust and pound away until eventually you reach the point of climax. You pull out of Jade and push her down to her knees and command her to stroke you. She listens and strokes you hard and fast until you cum. You unload all over he chest and tits, coating her thoroughly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You start to get dressed as she cleans herself up. You smile at her and ask if she still wants to focus her attention on you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I’m more sure than ever. I will make sure we see each other around much more often, Mr. $mc.eyes eyes<</speech>>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $stage is 0>>
<p>You pound away at her pussy hard and fast. She shakes and spasms on your cock. Her convulsing pussy grips your shaft hard and milks you until you are about to cum. You pull out just in time to unload all over her face, splattering her with cum.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gym/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Jade pulls down her leggings as you pull down your shorts to let your hard cock free. You lay down on the mat and she climbs on, sliding your cock into her pussy. She bounces up and down on your cock, slamming her body down onto you. She grinds her hips into you as your cock reaches deep inside of her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gym/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|jadetrain4][$scene to 1]]
<p>You groan loudly as you get close to cumming. She pulls off of you and strokes your cock hard and fast with both hands. You quickly are brought to climax. You cum all over her face. Your load splattering against her skin.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gym/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks your cock clean and then her face. You both get up and get dressed, heading out of the secluded part of the gym. She wraps her arms around you again and hugs you tightly.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>That was fun, Mr. player.eyecolor eyes. Do not be a stranger. Otherwise I’ll be forced to come find you myself<</speech>>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>She bobs her head and sucks like a high powered vacuum. Her warm, wet mouth works your head and shaft with brilliant ease. Her tongue flicks the underside of your cock and her hands massage your balls. It is not long before she brings you to orgasm. You cum hard, firing your load all over her face and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gym/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You pull your shorts back up and look around to make sure no one saw. Thankfully, you appear to be off the hook. She licks her face clean and gets dressed herself. You and Jade walk out together and wish one another well as you part ways.</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You take her hand and let her know that she doesn’t need to follow through to be cool to you. You assure her that you think she is an awesome person, even beyond the flirting and slutty comments.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Awe you’re such a cutie. You’re just the type of guy who is worth following through for<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a sultry look for a moment. She suddenly stands up and tells you to follow her. You look at her, unsure of what she is doing. But as she starts to walk out of the cafeteria you hop up out of her seat to follow her. She leads you out, through the hall and into a secluded room. She pushes you back onto a seat and kneels down between your legs.</p>
[[She pulls your cock out|katemainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>She glides her hands along your groin, feeling the bulge forming in your pants. She pulls them down and lets your hard cock spring free.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oooh fuck! It looks even bigger than it feels<</speech>>
<p>She grips your hard cock with her hand and strokes you powerfully. Her soft hand pumps up and down along your shaft. Each stroke sending waves of pleasure throughout your body.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage2/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|katemainquest1][$scene to 2]]
<p>She strokes faster and faster. Her grip tightens as your cock begins to pulse in her hand. You start to cum. Jizz erupts from your tip onto her hand and face. You groan loudly as she jerks your cock harder and harder, milking you until every drop of cum you have within you is shot out onto her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Kate">>Big cock and a big load. Fucking perfect<</speech>>
<p>You tell Kate that she can have more of your loads whenever she wants. She giggles nervously, as if she were called out on something she was lying about. You ignore it though, still recovering from cumming so hard. Kate says goodbye and heads out of the secluded room, licking the cum up from her face as she leaves. When you have caught your breath you get dressed and leave as well.</p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You look at Kate skeptically. You stand up and give her a powerful glare. You say only two words to her, follow me. You turn and walk out of the cafeteria. You don’t even look back. You know Kate is following you by the sounds of the footsteps behind you. You lead her along the hall until you find an unlocked room that is completely empty. You open the door and lead her in, locking it behind both of you. You take a seat on a chair in the room and look at her very seriously.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>What are we doing in here? Trying to pull me away and do naughty things?<</speech>>
<p>She giggles, trying to tease you. But, you have none of it. You tell her flat out that, yes that is exactly why you brought her there. You then tell her in a deep commanding tone, to get on her knees, pull out your cock and deliver.</p>
[[She obeys|katemainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You is hesitant, but still willing. She slowly lowers herself to her knees between your legs. You pull your rock hard cock out, making her eyes grow wide from the sight of it. You take each of her hands and pull them to your cock. She grabs your shaft with both hands and slowly starts to pump them up and down, stroking you with all of her strength.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage2/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|katemainquest1][$scene to 2]]
<p>She is clearly not sure of herself. The look on her face betrays her true feelings. But she is none the less diligent. She strokes you hard and fast regardless, putting all of her effort into it. The wet sound of her hands sliding along your cock make you go wild. And you soon cum, unloading your balls all over her face and hands.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Kate sits there with her face coated in your load. She is unsure of what to do at first but eventually she licks herself clean of cum. You tell her that she did a good job. And that she should deliver like that more often. She musters up only a nod of affirmation to you. You walk out of the room, leaving her behind.</p>
[[Finish eating|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Kate">>If you aren’t sure, I guess I’ll just have to show you that I’m hotter<</speech>>
<p>Her usual hesitation seems to be completely gone at the moment. She slides down out of her chair and moves between your legs. She isn’t even being flirty anymore she is angrily determined. Almost pissed off that she has to do what she is about to do, but has such a need to prove herself hotter that she would go to the ends of the earth to do so.</p>
<p>She pulls your pants down and grips your cock tightly. She wraps her lips around it immediately and sucks on the head. Her warm mouth makes you get hard very quickly. Your cock grow in her mouth and she bobs her head back and forth on it, gagging when it gets deep into her throat.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage3/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|katemainquest2][$scene to 1]]
<p>She impales her throat on your cock over and over until you groan loudly, ready to cum. She pulls her lips off of you to give you a nice view as you fire your load into her mouth and onto her face. You coat her heavily in your cum, shaking from the power of the orgasm.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage3/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Kate">>I told you I was hotter. Now say it<</speech>>
<p>She grips your cock tightly and strokes your very sensitive cock, making you squirm. You tell her that you agree and that she is hotter. Whether you mean it or not is irrelevant. She just needs to hear you say it.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Damn straight. See you around Mr. Big Cock<</speech>>
<p>She winks at you before leaving. You spend a moment recoiling from her sudden outburst. You’ll have to talk to her about her insecurities before she goes even more overboard one day.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You reach over and take her by her chin. You bring her lips to yours and kiss her deeply and passionately. The two of you share a long, sensual kiss. You both only break away to take a deep breath. You stare into each others eyes. You say that she doesn’t need to put up any act with you. You like her for who she is. What he Mom wants means nothing. Because since you like her, everything her Mom says is instantly proven wrong.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>You are damn right. And I’m gonna show you just how wrong she was<</speech>>
[[She pushes you onto your back|katemainquest3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>She swings her legs around your body and gently uses both of her hands to push you back until you are laying down. She pulls your shorts down and strokes your cock until you are rock hard. She pulls her swimsuit off and aims your cock at her pussy. She lowers herself down until your cock disappears inside of her. She bounces on your cock fast and hard, making her tits bounce as you watch her ride you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage4/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|katemainquest3][$scene to 2]]
<p>As you get close to cumming you throw your head back in pleasure. Kate sees this and pulls your cock out, stroking your cock until you cum. You erupt, firing your load all over her face and into her mouth. Rope after rope sprays out onto her until your balls are empty. She licks up every drop of cum and lays beside you. You both relax by the pool, basking in the moment for a while.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage4/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Kate">>I’m so glad we met, $<</speech>>
<p>You tell Kate that you feel the same way. Eventually though you both have to leave. So you get dressed and head out together. You say goodbye for now and head your separate ways.</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You wrap your arm around Kate’s shoulder and rest your hand on her breast. You look at her with a sensual and powerful stare. You tell her that her Mom can fuck right off. You let her know that you like her very much, and that you intend to show her just how wrong her Mom is about her.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh really? And just how do you plan on doing that?<</speech>>
<p>Without saying a word you answer her by pulling her swimsuit off of her. You roughly yank it off and toss it to the side. You tell her that you plan to fuck her sexy ass so hard that she won’t even remember the fucked up things her Mom says.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Well then? What are you waiting for?<</speech>>
[[Fuck her|katemainquest3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You bend Kate over and pull her ass close to you. You smack it a few times while your cock gets hard. Once it is rock solid you pull it out and shove it deep into her pussy. You pull on her hair while you ram her from behind. You plow her pussy and make her cum again and again on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage4/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|katemainquest3][$scene to 2]]
<p>You keep thrusting as hard and as fast as you can until you finally are brought to the edge. As your orgasm approaches you pull out of Kate’s pussy, and turn her around to aim your cock at her face. She opens her mouth wide as you stroke yourself to completion. You shoot you load at her, covering her face heavily with your cum.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage4/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are done you dress yourself. You tell Kate that you intend to show her just how wrong her Mom is every chance you get from now on.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>You better. That was fantastic. Fuck that old whore. I’m happy I met you, $<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are happy you met her as well. You wish her a good evening and leave the pool for the day.</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Kate yanks your shorts down and strokes your cock until you are hard. She pulls your cock into her mouth, wrapping her lips around the head and sucking powerfully. She bobs her head along your shaft and flicks her tongue along the underside of your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/pool/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|katepool3][$scene to 1]]
<p>She moves her head faster and faster. Her tight throat rubs the head of your cock as she pushes her head down onto you as far as she can take you. You start to cum, shooting a few ropes into her mouth and the rest all over her face. You glaze her tongue in a thick layer of jizz.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/pool/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Kate">>Same bet for next time? I won’t hold back, even if your cock does taste good<</speech>>
[[Go back|University]]
<</if>><<if $mc.dom gte 20 && $books.dom gte 3>>
<p>You read through the master level book on dominance. It offers guidance on how to manipulate people into giving almost total control over to you. With these techniques, you doubt anyone would ever even want to tell you ‘No’.</p>
<<if $mc.dom gte 100>>
<p class="hint">You feel like you could recapture Constantinople with your absurd dominance knowledge.</p><</if>>
<<elseif $mc.dom gte 10 && $mc.dom lt 20 && $books.dom gte 2>>
<<if $mc.dom gte 20>>
<p>You read through the book. But, it doesn’t seem there is anything more you can learn from it. You should buy a new book to teach you more advanced techniques.</p>
<p>You crack open the book to learn more about dominating people. The book teaches you tricks like how to phrase commands so that the person thinks that they want to follow your orders. Rather than thinking that you are just bossing them around.</p>
<<elseif $mc.dom lt 10 && $books.dom gte 1>>
<<if $mc.dom gte 10>>
<p>You read through the book. But, it doesn’t seem there is anything more you can learn from it. You should buy a new book to teach you more advanced techniques.</p>
<p>You open up the book and learn some techniques to improve your confidence. Things like maintaining eye contact, standing up straight with your chest puffed out, and speaking with your diaphragm to deepen your voice.</p>
<p class="hint">You should find a new source of techniques to improve your dominance. Maybe the strange shop has something that can help.</p>
[[Return|Basement]]<<addmins 20>><<if $step is 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You find a book which its cover reads "Fantastic Thots and How to Manage Them". It's priced $50.</p>
<<if $ gte 50>>[[Buy it|strangeshopbookdom][$scene to 1]]
<<else>><p class="hint">You can't afford this book</p><</if>>
[[Return|Strange shop]]
<p class="got">You have bought a new book!</p>
<p class="hint">You may take advantage of this book reading it at the Basement</p>
[[Return|Strange shop][$books.dom to 1]]<<set $ -= 50>>
<<elseif $step is 2>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You find a book which its cover reads "How to Train Your Hoe II: All About Whips". It's priced $80.</p>
<<if $ gte 80>>[[Buy it|strangeshopbookdom][$scene to 1]]
<<else>><p class="hint">You can't afford this book</p><</if>>
[[Return|Strange shop]]
<p class="got">You have bought a new book!</p>
<p class="hint">You may take advantage of this book reading it at the Basement</p>
[[Return|Strange shop][$books.dom to 2]]<<set $ -= 80>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You find a book which its cover reads "The Art of Gags by Zus Nuts". It's priced $150.</p>
<<if $ gte 150>>[[Buy it|strangeshopbookdom][$scene to 1]]
<<else>><p class="hint">You can't afford this book</p><</if>>
[[Return|Strange shop]]
<p class="got">You have bought a new book!</p>
<p class="hint">You may take advantage of this book reading it at the Basement</p>
[[Return|Strange shop][$books.dom to 3]]<<set $ -= 150>>
<</if>><<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The two of you sit in somewhat awkward silence for the rest of class. When it is over and everyone has left the room you turn to her and give her an expecting look. She looks back at you nervously. She then lets out an exasperated sigh and gets up from her chair to kneel down between your legs. She fumbles with your pants to pull them down to pull your hard cock out of them. Her eyes grow wide at the sight of it. She places her hand on your cock and slowly begins to stroke. She clearly has very little experience but her soft hands and determination make up for a lack of practice.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%202/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|lucymainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<p>She strokes on and builds into a steady rhythm. You lean your head back and groan in pleasure as you start to cum. You give her almost no warning and simply unleash your load all over her face. Rope after rope of thick jizz splashing on her cheeks.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%202/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Lucy">>Oh my goodness. What an absolutely absurd amount of semen!<</speech>>
<p>She marvels at your load on her face, slowly scooping it into her mouth to taste it. She clearly likes it as she smiles while scooping the rest in. She sees that you notice this and her demeanor changes swiftly back to the more even tempered front she always puts on. She gets up and leaves without a word, clearly embarrassed.</p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You wait a bit for the class to end and for the room to get empty. The moment the coast is clear, you stand up, undo your pants and pull your cock out. You grab it and drop it down onto Lucy’s face, making her feel the full weight of it. You then tell her to stark stroking it. You domineering voice making her listen without protest. She grips your cock with both hands and strokes. In seconds you are rock hard and she is building up to a stead pace of pumping her arms.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%202/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|lucymainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<p>You pull her hands away and begin to stroke yourself very quickly. You are on the edge of cumming and you push your self over it. You aim your cock at her face and unload all over it. Like a faucet your cock sprays cum all over her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%202/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Lucy">>Congratulations on your victory. Do not expect to beat me again, $<</speech>>
<p>She gets up and leaves the classroom, seeming to forget to clean her face of before hand. Not that it is any concern of yours. You put your cock away and head out yourself.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Lucy leads you through the hall and towards an empty class room. She checks the door and seems relieved that it is unlocked. She leads you inside. The room is dark and has few lights in it. It seems unused and even has some dust on the tables.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>This is one of the unused classrooms this year. They still haven’t found a teacher for the course, so it just sits her empty all the time. But now that we are alone, let’s relax<</speech>>
<p>Lucy pulls her shirt open for you and points to a chair for you to take a seat in. You sit down and she slides between your legs. You pull your pants down and let your hardening cock spring free. She grabs your cock in her hand and wraps her lips around it. She bobs her head up and down along your shaft. She is very inexperienced but makes up for it with her extreme dedication and enthusiasm.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%203/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|lucymainquest2][$scene to 1]]
<p>Her warmth of her tight throat envelopes your cock. She chokes and gags on your size adding to the pleasure. Eventually, you begin to cum. She pulls her lips off of your cock as the first shots of cum fire out of your tip. You cum in her mouth and all over her face. You groan loudly as you unload on her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%202/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finished Lucy stands up and wipes her face clean. She redresses herself and begins to head out of the room. You sit there for a moment, recoiling from the orgasm.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>That was fun. I think I would enjoy doing that with you again some time. Thank you, for reminding me that taking some time out for fun and relaxation could be helpful<</speech>>
[[Finish eating|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Lucy pulls you along by your shirt and leads you back into a secluded part of the library that is rarely visited. A section filled with nothing but dissertations by doctors of archaeology. She pulls you in close and kisses you deeply. You both begin to undress one another. In seconds you are both nude. You caress her body, you hands gliding along her skin groping every inch of her. You hit the floor together and she wraps her legs around your waist. You slide your cock into her pussy and start to thrust, fucking her hard on the floor.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%204/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|lucymainquest4][$scene to 1]]
<p>You thrust and thrust into her, building up to a steady and powerful rhythm. Her tight previously virgin pussy grips your cock tightly, as if not wanting it to leave her as you pound away. She cums on your cock multiple times. Her contracting pussy bringing you to orgasm. You pull out of her and cum. You shoot your load all over Lucy. You coat her in a thick layer of jizz.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%204/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You lay with her for a moment, basking in the post orgasmic after glow. Once you catch your breath though you realize the danger of staying where you are for too long. Lucy wipes herself clean and you both get dressed. You share a deep kiss before parting ways. You head out of the library, telling Lucy on that way out that you will see her again soon.</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>><<set $jade.questmain to 5>>
<p>As you walk past the door to your classroom Jade pops out and grabs your arm to get your attention. She seems nervous and jittery as she talks to you. You ask her what’s wrong.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey there Mr. $mc.eyes eyes! I have to make up a presentation for chemistry. I’m presenting in life, five minutes. I’m super nervous about it, I hate talking in front of people. Do you think you could sit in? I think I’ll feel better seeing you there<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you would be glad to come watch her presentation. She yanks on your arm hard and pulls you into the classroom to get into into a seat near the front.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Thank you, thank you, thank you!<</speech>>
<p>You see your teacher and a few other students in the room as you take your seat. Your teacher gives you a sultry look when she notices that you have joined the small crowd.</p>
[[The experiment begins|msleejadequest][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Jade stands behind a lab table in the front of the classroom. The table is covered with beakers and chemicals. She begins her experiment, adding and mixing chemicals in a specific order.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Alright once I add this last ingredient, crystals should begin to form in these beakers<</speech>>
<p>Jade pours in the last chemical, but instead of crystals the contents of the beakers begin to turn to foam and erupt from the tops like volcanoes. Some of the other students begin to laugh at Jade’s failure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/expfail.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[The aftermath|msleejadequest][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Your teacher ushers almost everyone out of the room rather quickly, trying to save Jade some embarrassment. Everyone leavers, except for Jade, your teacher, and yourself.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>That’s enough for today, the show is over<</speech>>
<p>She walks back over and pulls Jade close to you. You try to comfort Jade but your teacher interrupts you before you have the chance.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>You know, I think this mistake could have been avoided, Jade. I think you were too distracted. But it’s not all your fault. I’ve been distracted too. Lover boy here has been keeping us both preoccupied<</speech>>
<p>You and Jade both recoil at your teachers bluntness. You and Jade both try to make excuses and cover for your relationship.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Oh can it both of you. I see how you look at each other. And those under the desk handjobs aren’t subtle Jade. But they are damn hot!<</speech>>
<p>Your teacher suddenly pulls open her lab coat, revealing that she was wearing nothing but lingerie underneath.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/opencoat.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fool around with Jade and your Teacher|msleejadequest][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>Your Teacher drops her lab coat, and pulls down her bra to show off her big tits. She grabs both Jade’s and your head and pulls them close to her chest. You and Jade both begin to lick and suck on her huge breasts. Before long her hand reaches down and undoes your belt.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/teachbreast.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Pull your cock out|msleejadequest][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You stand up and drop your pants, letting your cock hang free. Your Teacher pushes Jade to her knees in front of you. She tells you to sit back down as Jade begins to suck your cock, making it grow hard in her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/jadeblow.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Your Teacher joins in|msleejadequest][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>Your Teacher drops down to her knees beside Jade as you stand back up. She takes your cock from Jade and pulls it into her mouth, sucking hard. She and Jade pull their clothes off as they take turns licking and sucking your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck Jade|msleejadequest][$scene to 6]]
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<p>Your teacher hops up on the desk and spreads her legs. Jade stands up and leans over the table. She begins to lick and finger your Teachers pussy. Meanwhile you stand up and aim your dick towards Jade’s pussy. You slide it into Jade and start thrusting hard and fast.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/jadedoggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck your Teachers|msleejadequest][$scene to 7]]
<<elseif $scene is 7>>
<p>You pull out of Jade and sit back down on one of the chairs. Your teacher hops up from the table and walks over to you. She turns away from you, showing you her as as she grabs your cock and lowers herself down onto it until it is in her pussy. She bounces and rides on your cock while you sit on the chair. Jade teases her pussy and sucks on her tits as they bounce in front of her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/teachcowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Take control|msleejadequest][$scene to 8]]
<<elseif $scene is 8>>
<p>You pull out of your Teacher and bend her over the table. She puts one leg up on the table as you slide your cock in her pussy from behind. You hold her hips as you thrust hard and fast into her tight hole. Jade hops up on the table to get her pussy licked by the Teacher at the same time.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/teachdoggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Jade rides you|msleejadequest][$scene to 9]]
<<elseif $scene is 9>>
<p>You sit back down on the chair and pull Jade on top of you. She wraps her legs around you as you lower her pussy into your cock. Her tits bounce in your face as she rides you. Your Teacher lowers herself to watch Jade bounce on your cock and she plays with your balls at the same time.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/jadecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Plow your Teacher|msleejadequest][$scene to 10]]
<<elseif $scene is 10>>
<p>You put your Teacher on her back on the table and spread her legs wide as you begin to thrust into her. You play with her clit with your hand as you ram into her with all your strength. Jade rides your Teachers face while you plow her pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/teachmissionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|msleejadequest][$scene to 11]]
<p>You pull out of your Teacher and pull both her and Jade down to their knees in front of you. You groan loudly as you start to cum, shooting your load all over both of their faces.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Jade and your teacher lick your cum off of each others faces as you watch. When they are done, your Teacher stands up and grabs her things.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>That should help us focus. Now then, clean this place up. I have another class soon<</speech>>
<p>You and Jade get dressed and clean the room up together. She stops you to talk for a second as you leave together.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Thanks for coming. That was a lot more fun than I thought it would be<</speech>>
<<teacherint>><<set $ += 4>>
<<jadecorr>><<set $jade.corr += 4>>
[[Get out|University]]<<if $stage is 0>>
<p>You decide to spend your weekend free period with Mrs. Sato studying up some more on your Japanese. You walk into her classroom and see her with her head down on her desk, and her jacket laid over her head. You cough lightly to get her attention. She pops her head up and out from under her jacket to see who made the noise. With her head up you notice that she had her phone under her jacket as well. And some very raunchy porn is playing on the screen.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Oh, $! You need something?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you came to get some extra study time in with her. But, you suggest that you could return later if she is busy at the moment.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You talking about the porn? Nah, forget about it. Come on in I can make some time for the only student who seems to give a damn. Besides, I’m just watching this because I’m horny. My wife, Suki, is out of town and I haven’t gotten any in over a week<</speech>>
[[Suggest you help one another out|satomainquest1][$stage to 1; $scene to 0; $[0] to 1]]
[[Grab her and have some fun|satomainquest1][$stage to 2; $scene to 0; $[1] to 1]]
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You grab a nearby chair and pull it up next to her. You get close to her and give her a sly smile. You suggest that the two of you might be able to have some fun together. You place your hand on her thigh and look deeply into her eyes. She smiles back at you deviously.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Are you suggesting that I cheat on my wife with you?<</speech>>
<p>She puts a little bit of offense behind her words. You pull away, saying that you didn’t mean to over step. Just that you thought you were picking up some signals from her.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Relax, $ I’m kidding. Hell, Suki is probably air tight with three guys right now. Our relationship is totally open. Love is love, sex is just fun<</speech>>
<p>You suggest that, in that case, the two of you should have some fun right now.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Are you just going to suggest things or are you gonna pull your cock out?<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even answer, Mrs. Sato’s hands slide along your legs to your groin. She undoes your pants and yanks your cock right out of them. She strips down for you, giving you a show and making your cock hard very quickly. Once you are nice and hard she kneels down and starts to stroke your cock. She grabs your shaft with both hands and double fists your cock hard and fast.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage2/sub/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|satomainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>She works your cock expertly. Both hands gripping and pumping along your cock at max speed. She goads you on, compelling you to cum. Her words might have done it alone, but the way she is stroking you, you hardly have any sort of choice. You orgasm hard, shooting your load out all over her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage2/sub/facial0.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>But she doesn’t stop…</p>
[[Cum again|satomainquest1][$scene to 2]]
<p>Mrs. Sato doesn’t let you rest. She keeps on pumping both of her hands back and forth along your cock as hard and as fast as she can. She demands you cum on her again as she mercilessly milks your cock for all it is worth. Forcing you to unload a second time onto her face and body.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage2/sub/facial1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She seems like she is ready to force a third load out of you but you pull back, unable to take anymore. You slump back in your chair and breath heavily as you watch her lick the cum up from her face and chest. You thank Mrs. Sato for the fun time.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Any time, $ Oh, and call me Akira from now on. After those two big loads I think you’ve earned it<</speech>>
<p>You smile at her weakly before getting dressed and heading out for the day, still recoiling from the orgasm.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You ask Mrs. Sato how she could go so long without her partner. You joke that you would be desperate to get some after a day or two. She laughs a bit then gives you a seductive look.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Well lucky for both me and Suki, we have an open relationship. Love is love and sex is just sex. So if I ever need it too bad, I can always fine some fun somewhere around<</speech>>
<p>You smile at her deviously as you walk around her desk and stand right in front of her. She turns to you and throws you a seductively teasing look. You reach down and grab her shirt, ripping it open and mauling at her large breasts.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Well it took you long enough<</speech>>
<p>You pull your huge, rock hard cock out and shove it between her breasts. She reaches up and presses them together as you start to thrust. You fuck her tits hard and fast. She spits between them to lube up your cock, helping you thrust faster.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage2/dom/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|satomainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<p>She grabs her breasts, using her nipples as handle and bounces them up and down along your shaft. She times her strokes of her breasts with your thrusts. The soft tit flesh being more than enough to bring your to orgasm. You cum hard, firing your heavy load all over her tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage2/dom/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With her tits properly coated, you slump down in a near by chair. She scoops the cum up into her mouth and swallows it all. You stand up and get dressed once you are no longer recoiling from the orgasm. You go to leave and wish Mrs. Sato a good afternoon.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Have a good day yourself, $ Oh and call me Akira from now on, alright?<</speech>>
<p>You nod at her and give her a sly smile as you leave.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<set $sato.questmain to 2>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You eagerly take her up on her offer and follow her inside. She pulls you into her living room and pushes you onto her couch. She strips down in front of you, giving you a fun show. She then drops to her knees and fumbles with your pants until she pulls out your rock hard cock. She licks your balls and shaft up and down before lowering her head down onto your cock. She sucks it in as deeply as she can, gagging on your length.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage3/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|satomainquest4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Akira sucks you off with insane skill. They way she moves her tongue is expert. It hits every right spot along your cock at just the exact right time. She can tell you are about to cum by the way your cock pulses in her mouth. She pulls out and strokes you off until you cum, unloading all over her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She giggles as she kneels in front of you with cum all over her face. She begins to lay down on the carpet in front of you and the moment her head hits the floor she passes out. You get up and quietly wish her a good evening. You get dressed and start to head out when someone walks through the front door.</p>
[[You meet Suki|satomainquest4][$scene to 2]]
<p>Another beautiful Asian woman struts through the front door, looking at you suspiciously. She looks around you to see Akira passed out on the floor covered in cum. She then looks back at you and gives you a sly smile.</p>
<<speech "Suki">>You must be the star pupil my wife has been raving about. Bout time she brought you home. She has been pining over you for a while now. I’m Suki, pleased to meet you<</speech>>
<p>You shake her hand and laugh nervously. You and Suki spend a bit of time talking and getting to know one another. Suki promises to clean Akira up and tells you to head home. You thank her and wish her a good evening before heading out.</p>
[[Go home|House]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(21)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You head to Akira’s classroom and walk inside. Her room is surprisingly empty though. You look around and find no trace that she ever even came in today. You stand there confused for a moment and decide that the only place you could think she could be is either at home or at the Cock and Bull getting drunk. So you decide to try the restaurant first.</p>
<p>You arrive at the Cock and Bull and barely even need to look around to find Akira. She is the only one at the bar. She is just sitting there alone. And it doesn’t even seem like she is drinking. You walk up to the bar and sit beside her. You greet her and ask her why she didn’t come in to the school today.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You’re smart. It shouldn’t be hard to know when a person is avoiding you<</speech>>
<p>You are shocked to hear her say that. You ask her why she is trying to avoid you.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Because it stopped being just sex, $ I caught feelings and I’m trying to let go of them<</speech>>
<p>You hear the hesitation in her voice. She clearly doesn’t want to be saying this.</p>
[[Tell her you have feelings for her|satomainquest5b][$stage to 0; $scene to 0; $[3] to 1]]<<if $mc.dom gte 10>>
[[Exploit her emotions|satomainquest5b][$stage to 1; $scene to 0; $[4] to 1]]<</if>><<set $sato.questmain to 6>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You decide that you need to come clean. You tell Akira that you feel the same way. You assure her that you have no intention of getting between her and Suki, but that your feelings are real. And that if hers are as well, they should do something about them.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You, know what? I think you’re right<</speech>>
<p>Akira wordlessly grabs you by your collar and leads you out towards her car. She drives quickly, taking you back to her home. She leads you up to her place and brings you into the living room. Before you can even ask her for more details about what she is doing she pulls you in for a kiss. The kiss is deep and passionate, and before you even realize you are both naked. She pushes you onto the couch and sits on top of you. She slides your cock into her pussy and bounces hard on your cock. You pull her close with one arm and reach around to slap her ass with the other as you fuck each other powerfully.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage4/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|satomainquest5b][$scene to 1]]
<p>Your bodies slam into each other as you both yell out in passionate bliss. She cums on your cock multiple times. And with how tightly her pussy is gripping your shaft it is not long before you begin to cum to. You pull out of her pussy and cum on her face and tits as she kneels in front of you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slump down onto the couch, exhausted. She gets up and sits by you on the couch, looking at you lovingly.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>So this is gonna be hard to explain to Suki. But I’ll make do. Who knows maybe she likes you enough that she won’t mind<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle a little. Mostly out of fear that you might be a home wrecker. You decide to head out for now though, to give Akira some time to think and time to talk to Suki. You tell her that you will see her soon.</p>
[[Leave|Street]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You see the emotions in her eyes and realize that you can use this to your advantage. You tease her, telling Akira that if she caught feelings then maybe she should do something about them. You grab her by her wrist and take her out to her car. She is mesmerized by the authority you are speaking with. She drives you both back to her home and leads your up stares. The second you are inside you grab her and tear her clothes off, leaving them in tatters as you lead her to the couch. You place her on her back and then suddenly lift her pussy up to you. You aim your cock down into her pussy and thrust away. You use your weight and your strength to double to power of your thrusts as your ruin her pussy with your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage4/piledriver.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|satomainquest5b][$scene to 1]]
<p>Akira cums over and over again on your cock. You ram your cock into her tight pussy and make her shake with pleasure. Her shakes bring you over the edge as well. You begin to cum so you pull out of her pussy and pull her up to her knees. You grab her by her hair to hold her still as your coat her face and tits in your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are done you tell Akira that she is yours now. And that either Suki can fall in line, or leave. After that you tell her you will be fucking her again soon. You get dressed and leave her a cum coated well fucked mess.</p>
[[Leave|Street]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You head to the Japanese classroom to see Akira. You have been itching to find out how Suki and Akira are handling Akira’s newly discovered feelings for you. You enter the class but are confused to see that the lights are off. You turn them on and see a magnificent sight.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>The man of the hour is finally here! I hope you like it. Suki and I worked it out. We are happy with a third wheel as long as we each come first with one another. And since we both know how fun you can be, we decided to surprise you with both of us, and a few colleagues of Suki’s from her law firm<</speech>>
<p>Your jaw drops and you can say nothing as you marvel at the bevy of beauties standing before you.</p>
[[They make the first move|satomainquest6][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>With you standing there too slack jawed to even speak, the girls walk over and grab you. They strip you down and before you know it you are all having fun. Suki lays on Akira’s desk and beckons you until your slide your cock into her pussy. Suki also eats the pussy of her coworker while you fuck her hard. Akira is with the other coworker, eating one another out and calling out in extreme pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage5/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Akira’s turn|satomainquest6][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pull out of Suki and walk over to grab Akira. You pull her on top of you and have her ride you cowgirl while you thrust up into her tight pussy. Suki and her two coworkers kiss and tease Akira, overwhelming her with pleasure from all four of you focusing on her at once. She cums harder than she likely ever has before.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage5/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|satomainquest6][$scene to 3]]
<p>You pull out of Akira and all four girls instinctively know why. The drop to their knees and bring their faces together as you start to cum. You erupt, making sure you aim at least a little of your load at each of their faces. You are sure to give Akira a little extra, just to show that you care.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage5/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finished you stand there, basking in the glory as you watch four Asian beauties lick your cum off of each others faces. You look at the time and realize that you need to leave, despite how little you actually want to. You say good by to Akira and Suki, making sure to tell them that you will be seeing them both, very soon.</p>
[[Leave|University][$[5] to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<set $sato.questmain to 7>>
<p>You want to get closer to Ms. Lee so you decide to seek out her help on the homework for her class this week. You don’t really need any help, but you head into her room during your free period any way to spend time with her. You knock on the door and wait for an answer.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Come in!<</speech>>
<p>You enter quickly. The authority with which she speaks compels you to enter and do as she says.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>What can I do for you $ I don’t exactly have all day to waste here<</speech>>
<p>You quickly explain that you came to get her help on the homework. You tell her that there are parts you don’t understand and would appreciate if she took some time to help clear things up for you. She doesn’t answer, not with words at least. She extends her hand out expectingly. You place the assignment sheet in her hand and she looks it over. You explain what you need help with, but you stutter several times, her ample cleavages taking much of your focus away in the moment. Something she is obviously aware of.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>$, we went over this in class twice. I don’t think you misunderstand the material. I think you simply care more about staring at my breasts, than you do about doing the work. So, allow me to fulfill this childish desires so maybe you could start to focus properly<</speech>>
<p>She pulls open her shirt letting her large breasts bounce free and into your view for a moment.</p>
<p>The chance to look isn’t very long but you take it all in and savor every moment. When the moment is up, Ms. Lee closes her blouse back up and looks at you skeptically.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>I expect that you will be more motivated to pay attention to the lesson and not my chest from here on out. If you need any more motivation, allow me to add some incentive. This will be the last time you ever see my breasts if I don’t see some marked improvement<</speech>>
<p>You tell her you understand and head out of her classroom to get to studying. With more looks at that rack on the line you have plenty of incentive.</p>
[[Leave|University][$teacher.questmain to 1; $[0] to 1]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You take your impossible to complete homework to Ms. Lee’s classroom to discuss it with her. You walk in and see her doing paper work behind her desk. You approach her and tell her that you need some help with the homework she gave for this week.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Didn’t you already try this ploy before, $ I was hoping that showing you my breasts would quell your lust but it appears that you are insatiable<</speech>>
<p>You say that while you would always jump at the chance to see her tits, you are not here under false pretenses. You place the assignment sheet down in front of her and point out that the formula appears to be unsolvable. She scoffs and looks it over with a smug smile. As she reads the smile fades into a look of shocked realization.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Well, it appears I was mistaken. It seems that I did write this is a way that makes it impossible to complete. I appreciate your honesty. Hmm, I think you deserve a reward, and an apology, for my misguided assumptions of you<</speech>>
[[Accept the apology|teachermainquest3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Ms. Lee grabs her blouse at the buttons and pulls it open, revealing her breasts to you once again. This time though, she seems intent on going further with you that just giving you a quick look. She directs you to a nearby seat. The moment you hit the seat she works your cock out of your pants, stroking it until it is hard in her hand. She looks pleased and impressed by the size. She slides it between her tits and presses them tightly around your shaft. She bounces up and down, stroking you with her huge tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lee/stage2/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|teachermainquest3][$scene to 2]]
<p>She wraps both of her hands around your cock and strokes you at a blazing speed. She pumps her hands and works your cock until your erupt. You cum all over her face and tits hard. Your balls feel completely empty by the time you are finished.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lee/stage2/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are done she stands up and returns to her desk.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>I will cancel the assignment for this week. Thank you for informing of the mistake. I hope my apology was sufficient. I will see you on Monday<</speech>>
<p>You barely even have a chance to respond before she directs you out of the classroom. You make sure to tell her the apology was more than sufficient, goading a smile out of her before you leave.</p>
[[Get out|University][$[1] to 1]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<set $teacher.questmain to 4>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You stand up and your pants fall down. She drops down and grabs your cock excitedly. She shoves your cock down her throat and bobs her head down aggressively. Gagging and choking on your cock. Her chin and tits get covered in her spit as she deep throats your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lee/stage3/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|teachermainquest4][$scene to 1]]
<p>Her throat and mouth wrap around and stroke your cock masterfully. She grabs and gently squeezes your balls, as if she knew you were on the edge of cumming. You burst very soon after. You shake from the powerful orgasm, cumming hard and splattering your load all over Ms. Lee’s face and tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lee/stage3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You fall back into your chair, recoiling and breathing heavily. Ms. Lee stands up and licks every drop of cum up from her face and body. She smiles at you as she does.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Time to leave now. But rest assured that will be occurring again soon<</speech>>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Ms. Lee brings you to her bedroom and pushes you onto her bed. She climbs up on top of you and slides your cock deep into her pussy. She bounces on your cock as hard and as fast as she is able. She slams her pussy down onto you so hard that it almost starts to hurt. Her pussy grips your shaft as it glides along your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lee/stage4/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|teachermainquest5][$scene to 1]]
<p>She rides you so hard that you almost don’t manage to pull out in time before you start to cum. You push her to the side and cum all over her ass and pussy, groaning loudly and you unload on her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lee/stage4/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She doesn’t let you rest though. She grabs your cock and shoves it right back inside of her, riding you again, even harder and rougher than before. She rides you again and again, all throughout the night. Never giving you rest beyond stopping to let you cum. Before long you are shooting air as she lets loose every primal urge within her and rides you until you both pass out on the bed together.</p>
<p>When you wake up the next morning Ms. Lee is nowhere to be found. Only a note about having a fun night together. You get dressed and head out, barely recovered from the previous evening.</p>
[[Get out|Street]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<p>You head into Ms. Powers’ office during your free period. She is sitting at her desk in a tight black blouse. She is sitting in a weirdly proper way, with her back perfectly straight and one leg crossed over the other. You approach her, preparing to navigate her self absorbed way of conversing. You get her attention and go to ask her for some help with this weeks homework. But, before you can finish your sentence she interrupts you.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I know what this is about. I can tell when a student is obsessed with me. It has happened before and it will happen again<</speech>>
<p>You try to cut her off and tell her that you are just here for homework help, but she doesn’t let up.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Now, I know I’m gorgeous and brilliant but you and I simply can’t be together. I won’t pretend that I’m not flattered though, so how about I show you a little something to assuage your lustful desires?<</speech>>
<p>Ms. Powers pulls open her shirt and pulls down her red lacy bra. She lets her big natural tits free so you can take a good long look at them. You stare for a while. It could have been five seconds or twenty minutes. You have no idea, it is hard to tell time when your focus is on a pair of tits.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Now then, as much as I adore that whimsically lustful look you are giving me, we must stop. I have many duties to perform today. I hope this little experience can quell your desires<</speech>>
<p>She buttons herself back up and dismissively sachets you out of her classroom. You leave, still a bit shocked by what you saw. It isn’t until you get halfway down the hallway that you remember the question you had about the homework.</p>
[[Get out|University][$[0] to 1]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $powers.questmain to 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk up close to her and smile warmly. You tell her that you don’t want her money. Instead, you tell her that you simply want to see the real her. You express sympathy about how lonely hiding her true self must be. You tell her that you won’t tell anyone about her true self, if she allows you to be a person that she can be her true self with.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>That is, suspiciously sweet of you to offer. I can’t help but be skeptical of your true intentions. But, frankly that is to beneficial of a deal for me to ever even consider passing up. I accept your terms<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that if she really did agree to the terms, then she wouldn’t still be talking with the fake posh accent.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I guess you may have a solid argument there. Very well, I shall hold up my end of the bargain<</speech>>
<p>She takes a deep breath and looks at you with an insecure smile. When she begins speaking again, her true accent has come back in full force.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Here’s the real me. Jessie powers, country gal<</speech>>
<p>You smile and walk up to her. You wrap your arms around her and hug her. You tell her that it is nice to meet her properly.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Nice ta meet ya too, I guess. I’m not to sure ‘bout all this. But, you’re being real sweet here. I don’t really get what you’re gettin’ from this. I figure I outta sweeten the deal a bit. Just to be safe. So go ahead and take those pants off<</speech>>
<p>You want to tell her that you don’t need the deal sweetened but you also aren’t going to pass up an opportunity when it arises.</p>
[[She jerks you off|powersmainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You drop your pants and take a seat in front of Ms. Powers. Her eyes grow wide and she bites her lip at the sight of your hard cock.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Well fuck me, why didn’t ya say you were packing?<</speech>>
<p>She drops to her knees and pulls off her clothes. She grabs your cock and strokes it hard for you. She looks into your eyes, her large deep blue eyes piercing your to your core. Her soft hands glide along your shaft and caress your balls.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage2/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|powersmainquest1][$scene to 2]]
<p>You shake in her grasp. The pleasure of her hands easily bringing you to climax. She jerks you off harder and harder until you cum. You shoot your load erratically all over her. Most of it hits her face and tits, but some of it even lands on her arm.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage2/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are done she stands up and walks back to her desk, wiping the cum up from her body. You get dressed and start to gather your things back up.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Remember now, don’t go spillin’ the beans to anyone. We have a deal<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her in understanding, and tell her to remember her side of the deal as well. You head out of the classroom and back into the hall.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You smile slyly. You walk up closer to her and place your hand on her shoulder. She recoils a bit, obviously unsure of your intentions. You tell her that you will keep quiet about all of this, provided she agrees to two conditions you set.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I get the feeling that you have ill intent. I also get the feeling that I won’t have much choice in the matter. Go on then. Name your stipulations<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that first, she has to drop the posh act around you. You tell her it annoys you and that her real accent is actually pretty hot.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I guess I can do that. As long as it’s just you<</speech>>
<p>You then moves your hands to the buttons of her blouse and slowly start to unbutton it for her. You look into her eyes as you do, telling her that the second condition is that you get to fuck her tits until you cum all over them.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I knew you were gonna pull some pervy shit like that. Well, alright then let’s get this over with<</speech>>
[[Pull your cock out|powersmainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You finish pulling her shirt off and her bra comes off right after. You push her down to her knees and pull out your quickly hardening cock. She grabs her tits in her hands and presses them together tightly around your cock. You run your fingers through her hair and hold her steady as you thrusts, pounding your cock into her tits and making them bounce with each buck of your hips.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage2/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|powersmainquest1][$scene to 2]]
<p>You fuck her tits hard and fast. You ram into her with all the strength your hips can generate. Jessie flinches with each thrust, but her eyes are lust filled and fixated on the head of your cock poking out through the top of the hole made from her breasts. You pull out from her tits as you begin to cum. You erupt all over her and cover her face and tits in your heavy load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage2/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slap your cock against her face a couple times to get the last drops of cum off before getting dressed again. You gather your things and make sure you have your phone this time. She wipes the cum up from your body and looks at you expectingly.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>We got a deal right?<</speech>>
<p>You assure her that her secret is safe, for the moment at least. You head out of the room, leaving her to her thoughts as you return to the hallway.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>Since you have a free period today you decide that it is time to see Ms. Powers and learn more about her true self. You walk into her classroom and see her sitting properly as usual. She keeps up her posh persona well. But, just not well enough. She looks at you as you enter. She has a look of insecurity that she is trying to mask with her false self absorbed confidence. But, you can see right through it.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>$, how can I help you today?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her to cut the act since it is just you here.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>My door is open, so we are not truly alone<</speech>>
<p>You say you understand. Then you suggest that you head somewhere where you two can talk more comfortably. You suggest that you head to the Cock and Bull to share a meal and a drink. She gives you a suspicious look, but agrees. She knows that if she refuses she would needlessly risk her secret being revealed.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Very well. I suppose a meal would be nice<</speech>>
[[Head to the Cock and Bull|powersmainquest2b][$scene to 0; $[3] to 1]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The two of you make your way into the restaurant and take a seat at the bar together. You each order a drink and a meal to enjoy while you talk. You decide to dive deep right away and ask where the facade comes from.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>It isn’t some sort of special story. I grew up on a farm, and when I went to school to be a teacher people gave me shit for my accent. So I started puttin’ on the act. It’s easier actin’ like I’m better than everyone, than it is taking their shit<</speech>>
<p>You tell her you understand that mindset. And you offer your sympathies for how she was treated by those people. You assure her that she never has to worry about that with you. A warm smile grows on her face.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>It’s a shame you’re the only one. I’m kinda in too deep at this point<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that whenever she just needs to be herself, to come find you. You assure her that you’ll be there when you can be.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I know a way you can be there for me right now. Come with me<</speech>>
[[Follow Ms. Powers|powersmainquest2b][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You get up and follow Ms. Powers as she leads you along towards the back rooms of the restaurant. She sneaks in and finds and empty room. She pulls you inside and locks the door behind you. She pounces on you and pulls your pants down. She strokes your huge cock while she undresses. The moment her bra touches the floor she wraps her lips around your cock and starts sucking you off.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage3/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|powersmainquest2b][$scene to 2]]
<p>Ms. Powers bobs her head along your cock. She takes as much into your throat as she can, gagging on your length. She caresses your balls and coaxes out your load. You erupt, cumming on her face while you hold her head still. As you finish cumming she grabs your cock by the base and sucks in the tip to pull every drop out of you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finished you get dressed. Ms. Powers cleans off her face and gets dressed as well. You let her know that you had a great time, but that you have to head out. You assure her again that you are there for her when she wants to be herself.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>In that case you can call me Jessie from now on. When we aren’t in class at least<</speech>>
<p>You head out of the restaurant, saying goodbye to Jessie with a hug.</p>
[[Leave|Street]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(14)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $powers.questmain to 3>>
<</if>><<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk up to her and take her hand in your own. You look deeply into her eyes and tell her that she is special to you as well. Her eyes well up and the two of you embrace one another in a deep passionate kiss. It doesn’t stop with the kiss though. Your hands glide along and explore each others bodies. You then peel her clothes of and she removes yours. She lays you down and grabs hold of your hard cock, guiding it into her pussy as she lowers herself down onto it. She bounces on your cock, riding you fast.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage4/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|powersmainquest3][$scene to 1]]
<p>Her tight pussy grips your shaft tightly. You grab her nice round ass as it bounces on you, building your orgasm quickly. When it is time, you pull out and aim your cock at her face. She strokes your cock hard until you erupt all over her. Coating her face with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you finish cumming you fall back. You relax in a chair, exhausted and recoiling from the orgasm. Jessie licks her face clean as she gets up and gets dressed again. When you catch your breath you get dressed as well. You give Jessie another kiss before heading out to the hall.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk up to Jessie and reach up, grabbing the back of her neck firmly in your hand. You pull her close and wordlessly kiss her. You allow her emotions to do all of the talking for you. You strip her down and bend her over her desk. You pull your cock out and slide it deep into her pussy. You smack her ass as you start to thrust. You grab onto her hair, pulling it lightly as you pound her pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage4/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|powersmainquest3][$scene to 1]]
<p>You ram your cock deep inside of Jessie over and over again. The tip of your cock kissing her cervix with each thrust. She cums hard on your cock and her spasming pussy brings you to orgasm. You pull out and push Jessie to her knees. You jerk your cock inches from your face as you unload on her, coating her face in your jizz.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finished cumming you quickly get dressed. Jessie is breathing heavy and still recovering from her orgasm. You smack her ass hard as you leave, telling her you look forward to next time.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The moment your head hits your pillow you hear a knock at your front door. You get up and head to the door, looking out the eye hole to see who is there. All you see though is a lot of cleavage. You pull open the door and see Jessie standing on the other side. Neither of you say a word. Jessie just bull rushes you and pushes you into your bedroom and onto your bed. She lustfully pulls your clothes off, kissing your chest and pulling your cock into her mouth, bobbing her head quickly and sucking your cock powerfully.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage5/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[She rides you like a bronco|powersmainquest4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Jessie aims your cock at her pussy and slams herself down onto you. She starts to ride you like a crazy person. She is slamming her pussy down onto your cock so hard and so fast that it is starting to feel like you are getting punched in the pelvis. But the pleasure of her pussy stroking your cock at mock speed outweighs the pain my a ton.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage5/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|powersmainquest4][$scene to 2]]
<p>As you get close to cumming you have to force Jessie off of you. She is cumming and riding so hard on your cock that she is barely even aware of anything else at the moment. You put her on your back and cum all over her pussy and thighs, coating her groin in your thick load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage5/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are done you lay back in your bed and fall fast asleep. When you wake up Jessie is gone, and you see a note beside you from her. It says she had a good time and can’t wait to do it again. You smile at her note and get up for the day, still feeling a little sore.</p>
[[Sleep|Bedroom]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<</if>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You decide to spend your free period in Ms. Lee’s chemistry class. You ask her to review a bit of the lesson from last class with you. The morning flies by as the two of you review your extensive notes.</p>
<p>Today you have a free period and choose to spend it studying your chemistry notes in Ms. Lee’s classroom. She watches you study closely. She is clearly impressed by your dedication to the subject.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<addhours 1>><<if $mom.slave lt 1>>
<<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You head into the economics lecture hall. You sit with your Mom at her desk and help her write her lesson plans while she helps you review your notes. She has taught you a lot over they years but she always has something new you can learn from her.</p>
<p>You are reviewing your economics notes with your Mom during your free period today. You are a little tired so you rest your eyes a bit. Before you know it you are leaning against her, almost completely asleep. Your head rests on her huge tits, making her blush deeply.</p>
[[Get out|University]]
<p>Since you have a free period you decide to visit your slave Mother’s economics hall. You walk in and thankfully she is alone. She seems very happy to see you. And the moment you lock the door behind you she knows exactly what you expect of her. She pulls her clothes off and sits nude by you while you study. She dotes over you, massaging your shoulders, resting her tits on your head, and caressing your body to make you as comfortable as possible.</p>
[[Finish up and grab some lunch|University]]
[[Reward your slave for a job well done|mom slave wednesday][$scene to 0; $[20] to 1]]
<<addhours 1>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
<p>Mrs. Sato is always a bit thrown off whenever someone actually chooses to spend their free period studying for her class. She helps you, but she always seems distrusting that you actually care about the material. It doesn’t help that you can’t stop yourself from staring at her tits every chance you get.</p>
<p>You use your free period today to study up on your Japanese. You try to hold a conversation with Mrs. Sato in Japanese for as long as you can. You are still just learning so you only manage a few sentences at a time. But, Mrs. Sato is clearly helping you improve.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<addhours 1>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
<p>Ms. Powers’ math class is not easy. You take the chance to get some extra help during your free period. Ms. Powers loves to talk, especially when she thinks it makes her look good. So she is always glad to spend more time explaining things.</p>
<p>You head to the Mathematics classroom to get some extra help from Ms. Powers. Unfortunately for you she is wearing an almost skin tight red dress today. So you have no hope of focusing on anything she tries to teach you. She does seem to love the attention you are giving her though.</p>
[[Get out|University]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>Someone enters the restroom, and knocks on the door to your stall.</p>
<<speech "???">>Hurry up bro, I need to piss.<</speech>>
<p>You get your cock back in your pants, flush the toilet and get out.</p>
<p>Some random guy is there waiting.</p>
<<speech "???">>Dude, what took you so long. You get your cock caught in the gloryhole or something?<</speech>>
<p>Your eyes grow wide in shock and embarrassment.</p>
<<speech "???">>Ha! I'm just fucking with you dude. Now get the fuck out I need to take a dump<</speech>>
[[Leave the toilets|University]]
<<mcsex>><<set $quest.alicebathroom += 1>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk into the kitchen to grab a quick snack and notice your Mom sitting at the kitchen table flipping through a magazine. She is reading a cliche article about multiple ways to please your partner. You grab a quick sandwich and take a seat next to her. You ask her about the article in an effort to strike up a conversation.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh this is more just fun nonsense to read, than it is anything else. Even if this stuff was true I don’t really have man to please anymore<</speech>>
<p>You playfully mention that you are a man, and that you are around all the time.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh really? Very funny sweety, but you know what I mean<</speech>>
<p>You continue to flirt with your Mother. You hint heavily at the idea that you could be the man in her life that she is lacking. You also heavily hint that you want to be.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Even if something so outlandish did happen, these tips are pointless. You don’t need tip on how to please a guy. Cocks aren’t that hard to please<</speech>>
[[Offer to test the tips|gallerymom3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Since she is so certain that these tips are bogus you tease her a bit and offer to be a test dummy so she can find out for herself. You lean in close to her and look at the article with her, looking for a somewhat simple tip to suggest you try. One of the earlier options says that spontaneous hand jobs are a sure fire way to spice things up. You stand up and pull down your pants swiftly, revealing your already hard cock for your Mom. You let her know that this would surely be a spontaneous opportunity.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh sweety… I, uh. I don’t know what to say. It’s a nice coc- IDEA that you have. But I’m not too sure<</speech>>
<p>You tell her to relax as you reach down and take her hand and place it around your cock. She starts off slow but eventually begins to stroke it. Her soft hand glides up and down your shaft slowly. She looks into your eyes and your pulsating member slides between her fingers.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage3/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymom3][$scene to 2]]
<p>She strokes harder and faster. Each stroke pulling you closer to your orgasm. She can clearly tell it is coming as well because her strokes continue to grow faster and faster until you climax, shooting your load all over her hand.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage3/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Your jizz coats her hand. She keeps stroking even after you finish cumming as she milks every last drop out of you. It isn’t until you are done though that you notice the distraught look on her face. You ask her whats wrong and she looks at you with tears in her eyes.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Just…. Get out. I need to be alone for a little while<</speech>>
<p>You let her know you understand and start to get dressed. You head out of the kitchen, leaving her to dwell on her thoughts. You realize that you may have gone too far. Her emotions might be weighing on her. You should leave her be for a while and spend some time trying to show her that you can be the dependable man of the house that she needs you to be. That will surely help you progress further with her.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk into the kitchen to grab a quick snack and notice your Mom sitting at the kitchen table flipping through a magazine. She is reading a cliche article about multiple ways to please your partner. You grab a quick sandwich and take a seat next to her. You ask her about the article in an effort to strike up a conversation.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh this is more just fun nonsense to read, than it is anything else. Even if this stuff was true I don’t really have man to please anymore<</speech>>
<p>You playfully mention that you are a man, and that you are around all the time.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh really? Very funny sweety, but you know what I mean<</speech>>
<p>You continue to flirt with your Mother. You hint heavily at the idea that you could be the man in her life that she is lacking. You also heavily hint that you want to be.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Even if something so outlandish did happen, these tips are pointless. You don’t need tip on how to please a guy. Cocks aren’t that hard to please<</speech>>
[[Make her show you how easy it is|gallerymom4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You decide to test her theory out first hand. You stand up and take hold of the collar of her shirt with both hands. You pull them apart, tearing her shirt open and revealing her massive breasts that were hiding beneath the fabric. You yank your pants down and shove your cock between her tits and command her to please your cock if it is so easy.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Sweety! Oh my goodness, you’re being so forceful<</speech>>
<p>She feigns surprise and reluctance but in seconds she is grabbing her tits with her hands and pushing them together. She rubs your cock up and down with her plush fuck pillows expertly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage3/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymom4][$scene to 2]]
<p>Her huge soft breasts caress and press against your cock as the envelope and glide along your huge shaft. Your Mom has an almost hungry look on her face as she watches the head of your cock poke out through the top of her amble cleavage. The stimulation is enough to make you climax before long and the moment you begin to cum your Mother takes your cock in her hand and strokes you hard and fast until your load spills out and coats her fingers.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage3/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Your Mother stands up and give you a dirty look. She looks like she wants to yell but she suppresses her anger long enough to cool down and speak calmly.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>You tear my shirt open, you shove your huge cock between my tits, and then you just cum on me. What the hell are you thinking?!? I’m not your fuck toy I’m your Mother. Learn some respect!<</speech>>
<p>The anger in her voice is weak and her conviction even less so. You can tell she greatly enjoyed being used in the way that she did. But she doesn’t yet want to admit to the taboo. You should give her some space for a while. Take some time to show her that you have the power and are in control of the house now.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You knock on your Mother’s bedroom door and wait for her to call you in. There is a palpable pause between when you know and when she responds.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Come in<</speech>>
<p>You enter and see you Mom sitting on her bed looking at you in the door way. She is wearing nothing but some very sensual lingerie. You step in and present her with the gift you got her. You explain how you paid the bills, how you have cleaned the house, and how you have now gotten her this gift. You also explain that this is all in the hopes that she will see you as the man of the house, and her partner, which is what you truly want to be.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Sweety, you really didn’t need to do all of this. I already love and appreciate you so much<</speech>>
<p>She opens the gift and gasps at the magnificent jewelry that you bought her. She holds it up, the diamonds glittering in the light of the room.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>It’s gorgeous! $, I… I don’t know what to say<</speech>>
<p>The two of you stare longingly into each others eyes for a moment. You both then close your eyes, lean in and kiss one another passionately. You caress each others bodies as you make out, sensually feeling each others forms with your hands.</p>
[[She drops to her knees|gallerymom5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You Mother pulls away from your embrace and slowly slides down to her knees in front of you. She pulls your legs open and runs her hands along them until they are on your bulge. She rubs your bulge with her hand and leans in to press her huge tits against them, making you get rock hard quickly. She then unzips your pants and pulls your cock free stroking it for a moment before lowering he head down and enveloping your cock with her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage4/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymom5][$scene to 2]]
<p>Her plump, soft lips are like heaven as they stroke your shaft. Her tongue lashes around the head of your cock, flicking with expert dexterity. She bobs her head up and down very quickly. Your cock pulses in her mouth as the pleasure begins to overwhelm you and bring you to climax. As you get close to cumming you Mom pulls her head off of your cock and strokes it quickly as she pulls her breasts close to the tip. You finally erupt. Jizz shoots out all over your Mother’s tits, coating them. When you are finally done cumming she pulls her breasts up to her mouth and licks them clean.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage4/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>That was wonderful, sweety. Now come on, time for bed. You can sleep with me tonight<</speech>>
<p>You agree, get undressed, and slide into bed. You Mom slides in beside you and you wrap your arm around her and grab hold of her still exposed breast as the two of you gently fall asleep together.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Ever since you took on a bigger role in the house, and your Mom first sucked your cock, you have wanted more. You walk into your Mother’s room, without even bothering to knock. She is sitting on the bed nude, as she often does since the two of you have begun sharing her bed on occasion.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hey, sweety. What’s up? Come to spend the night with Mommy?<</speech>>
<p>She smiles at you seductively, as if she knows why you are really here. You tell her that you are here to spend the night with her, but that you have no intention of getting much sleep.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I was wondering when you would finally come in here and fuck me. I was hoping it would have been sooner if I’m honest. Well, don’t keep me waiting, come here and fuck me!<</speech>>
[[Fuck your mother|gallerymom6][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You need no further provocation as you quickly strip nude in front of her. You toss you cloths around the room as your shed them. Your Mother crawls towards the end of her bed and kisses you passionately as you undress. Once your huge, hard cock is free she lays down on her back and holds her legs up by her ankles. Her spread legs leave her beautiful pussy exposed. You lean in and slide your cock into her surprisingly tight pussy and begin to thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage5/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You thrust hard and fast, making her massive melons bounce in tandem with each pump of your cock deep into her pussy. Your eyes switch back and forth between staring at them and watching them quake, and staring into her beautiful blue eyes as the look back into yours.</p>
[[Have her ride you|gallerymom6][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pull your cock slowly out of your Mother’s pussy just long enough to lay on your back on her bed. She swings her leg over your body and squats down, sliding her pussy back down around your cock. You hold her thighs while you thrust up into her. She drop down, bouncing on your cock in tandem with your thrusts.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage5/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymom6][$scene to 3]]
<p>You groan out as you are getting close to cumming. Your Mom can feel your cock pulsing inside of her so she pulls out and pulls your cock close to her huge hanging tits. She strokes it hard and fast until your burst, unloading your cum all over her beautiful mounds.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage5/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Fuck that was wonderful sweety. Oh why did we wait so long to do this?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her not to worry because you plan on doing this with her much more often in the future.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Good, I’ve been missing having a big strong cock fucking me silly<</speech>>
<p>She giggles as she cuddles up next to you. The two of you embrace one another and fall asleep together, peacefully.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You decide to spend your free period with your Mother during her office hours. You head into the Economics lecture hall and walk down towards her office at the front of the room. You approach her door and knock on it. Even though you never knock at home any more, she might be with a student and you wouldn't want to disturb them.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Come on in!<</speech>>
<p>You open the door and see your Mother sitting behind her desk. You greet her as you close and lock the door behind you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Nice to see you sweety! What can I do for you?<</speech>>
<p>Once the door is locked your turn back to her and smile devilishly. You begin to undress and tell her that she can get nude for you since you came to fuck her brains out.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Yes sir!<</speech>>
<p>She jumps up ecstatically and begins to strip down, pulling her shirt and skirt off. The pulling her tits out of her bra to show them to you.</p>
[[Get sucked off|gallerymom7][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You get close and pull your hard cock out. She drops to her knees and wraps her heavily lipsticked lips around your head and sucks on it greedily. She bobs her head and strokes your shaft with her hands. She gags and coughs on it when she goes deep. She then drops your cock between her huge tits and strokes it with them, wrapping her arms around herself to tighten the grip her breasts have on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage6/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her on her desk|gallerymom7][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You grab your Mother and stand her up. You sweep your hand across her desk, tossing many of her papers and things off to the side. You then push her back and lay her onto her desk. You pull her panties to the side and slide your cock into her push and immediately start to thrust into her. You quickly build into a fast and powerful pace, pummeling her pussy and making her cum on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage6/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Make her ride you|gallerymom7][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull out and lay on the desk yourself as your Mom climbs on top of you and straddles your body. She slides your cock into her pussy and bounces on you wildly. The walls of her pussy gripping your shaft tightly as it strokes you. You thrust upwards into her as well, ramming into her pussy with wild abandon.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage6/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her tits until you cum|gallerymom7][$scene to 4]]
<p>You pull out and stand beside her desk and she drops back down onto her knees before you. She wraps your cock back up in her tits tightly holding in one in her hands. You thrust hard into her tits until you reach your climax, cumming hard as you coat her chest and breasts in your huge load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/mainquest/stage6/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh my goodness. That was spectacular. I wish I didn’t have to teach so we could just do that all day!<</speech>>
<p>You agree with her as you get dressed. She scoops the cum off her chest and tits and into her mouth. Moaning in pleasure as she swallows it all. You tell her that you will see her back and home before heading out of her office and back into the hall. You revel in the fact that your Mother is now and forever, truly yours.</p>
<p>You walk into the kitchen and notice that the room is very messy. You sigh and quickly clean all of the dishes, wipe up the counter tops and tables, and clean up what someone had spilled on the floor. Your Mother enters the room just as you are finishing up.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh my goodness this place is spotless! Did you clean up this huge mess all on your own <<print "$">>?<</speech>>
<p>You nod as you finish washing and drying your hands, now that you have finished your work.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>You have just been the perfect little man of the house lately. Why don’t I show you some of the benefits of that position.<</speech>>
[[Follow your Mother|gallerymom8b][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You Mother leads you down the hall to her bedroom. She locks the door behind her.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>What are you waiting for? Get undressed.<</speech>>
<p>She undresses and hops up on her bed. You pull your cock out as she commanded and she quickly starts to suck it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/breakfast/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Slide your cock in|gallerymom8b][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You line up your cock with your Mother’s pussy and slowly slide it in. You grab her legs and raise them up by your shoulders as your thrust into her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/breakfast/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get underneath her|gallerymom8b][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You lie on the bed and pull your Mother on top of you and start to thrust upwards into her pussy. You stare at her amazing ass as it bounces on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/breakfast/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymom8b][$scene to 3]]
<p>You pull your cock out of her as you are just about to cum. She gets down on her knees and opens her mouth wide as you cum all over her face and tongue.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/breakfast/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Wow! That was a big load!<</speech>>
<p>She licks your cock clean then scoops the cum on her face into her mouth.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I hope you keep helping me around the house. I’d love to do this again sometime.<</speech>>
<p>Your Mother gets up, grabs a towel and heads toward the bathroom.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 1]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You sit down to eat with your Mother and Sister. Once you are all finished, your Mother stands up, clears the table, and begins to soak the dishes. $ then suddenly slides out of her seat and under the table.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Wanna have a little fun?<</speech>>
<p>Your Sister pulls your shorts down and pulls out your hardening cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/dinner/pullingout.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[She works your cock|gallerymom9][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Be quiet so mom won’t notice<</speech>>
<p>She begins to stroke and lick your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/dinner/blowjob0.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Your Sister’s hands and tongue feel so good you can’t help but groan in pleasure.</p>
[[Suddenly|gallerymom9][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<<speech "Mom">>What was that sweety?<</speech>>
<p>Your mom turns around and faces you. $ hits you in your leg for alerting Mom.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh did your Sister go to bed already? Lucky us<</speech>>
<p>You Mother smiles as she walks up closer to you. You slide closer to the table in your chair to try and hide $ below.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Why don’t we head to bed ourselves?<</speech>>
<p>Your Mother grabs your hands and places them on her chest.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>We can have a little fun before we go to sleep<</speech>>
<p>You Mother gives you a seductive look as she pulls her tits out of her top.</p>
<video src="ressources/videos/dinner/chestout.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Your Mother happily jogs out of the room and heads to her bedroom.</p>
<a data-passage="gallerymom9" data-setter="$scene to 3" class="link-internal">$ keeps sucking your cock</a>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/dinner/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Give her a facial|gallerymom9][$scene to 4]]
<p>You groan loudly as you cum hard on her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/videos/dinner/sisfacial.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks her hand clean of your cum.</p>
<<if $mc.dom > 10>><<speech "Sasha" $>>We should do this again sometime….soon<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Be quieter next time… idiot<</speech>>
[[Go to your Mother's bedroom|gallerymom9b][$scene to 0]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You quickly leave the kitchen and head down the hall to your Mother’s room. When you open the door, she is naked on her bed waiting for you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Took you long enough! Now come give Momma some loving!<</speech>>
<p>You're still riled up even after your sister made you cum, so you rush towards the bed, put her on her back and start going for her... asshole!</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/dinner/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Give me more!<</speech>>
[[Go for a doggy|gallerymom9b][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/dinner/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymom9b][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/dinner/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Player falls asleep in his Mother’s bed|gallerymom9b][$scene to 3]]
<p>You wake up first and decide to leave the room quietly.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 1]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>While you are washing the dishes you Mother enters the kitchen.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Honey the garbage disposal was acting up again this morning. Can you take a look at it for me?<</speech>>
<p>You agree and spend some time trying to see what is wrong with the disposal. You solve the issue rather quickly as it was just jammed and needed to be manually turned. You flip on the switch to show your Mother that it is working correctly now.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Thank you so much sweety you are so helpful!<</speech>>
<p>Your Mother suddenly climbs up on the counter and spreads her legs, revealing that she isn’t wearing any panties as her pussy is put on display for you.</p>
[[Get your cock sucked|gallerymom10][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Your Mother lays on the counter and pulls your cock out. She licks it all over and takes it into her mouth, sucking it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/washingdishes/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her pussy|gallerymom10][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You stand her up and put one of her legs on the counter to open up her pussy for you. You slide your dick in and begin fucking her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/washingdishes/legsup.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her tits|gallerymom10][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull your cock out of your Mother’s pussy and put her on her knees. She wraps her huge tits around your cock and strokes you with them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/washingdishes/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Make her ride you|gallerymom10][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You lie down on the counter yourself and pull your Mother on top of you. You slide your cock into her pussy and thrust up into her. You fuck her with a nice view of her ass.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/washingdishes/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymom10][$scene to 5]]
<p>You finally reach your peak and start to cum. You stand up and jerk your cock until you cum all over her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/washingdishes/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks your cock and her tits clean until all of the cum is gone.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh Sweety that was amazing! We need to do that more often.<</speech>>
<p>She gives your cock one last kiss before she gets up and heads out of the kitchen. You get dressed and leave as well.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk into your Mother’s bedroom without knocking.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Sweety! Don’t sneak up on me like that. If you wanted a look, you could have just asked!<</speech>>
<p>Your Mother’s huge tits get you hard within seconds. You Mother notices your growing bulge and bites her lip.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Why don’t I help you with that<</speech>>
<p>Your Mother gets on her knees and begins to suck your cock like a master.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/sleeping/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get a titsjob|gallerymom11][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Your Mother slides your cock between her tits and rubs your with them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/sleeping/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymom11][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>It is too much to take and you cum all over her tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/sleeping/facial.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks the cum up from her tits while you get dressed. She grabs you and pulls you into bed. You fall asleep in each others arms.</p>
[[Next morning|gallerymom11][$scene to 3]]
<p>You wake up alone in your mom's bed, seems she has already left the room.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/bedroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/bedroom/cowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/bedroom/doggy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/bedroom/sidefuck.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/bedroom/missionary.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/bedroom/facial.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You enter her room, it seems that she is not there. You feel someone pushing you from behind.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Looking for someone sweetie?<</speech>>
<p>She gets you on her bed.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I think that you deserve a little reward for all your recent efforts<</speech>>
<p>She gets her clothes off, you stare at her.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>What are you waiting for!? Go on! Undress too!<</speech>>
<p>You obey, she pushes you on the bed and climbs on you, you start licking her pussy while she sucks your dick.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/bedroom/69.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Blowjob|gallerymom12][$scene to 1]]
[[Cowgirl|gallerymom12][$scene to 2]]
[[Doggy|gallerymom12][$scene to 3]]
[[Side fuck|gallerymom12][$scene to 4]]
[[Missionary|gallerymom12][$scene to 5]]
[[Facial|gallerymom12][$scene to 6]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You are down in the basement when a fun, and wicked idea strikes you. You pull out your phone and send a text to your mom to come down to the basement to talk to you. After about five minutes she descends the steps and is standing in front of you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>What do you need sweety?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you want to put your sex den to use. You give her a firm command to strip down in front of you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh sweety, so forceful. Are you gonna tie up and fuck mommy?<</speech>>
<p>She tries to tease you but you are having none of it. You walk up to her and grab her clothes, tearing them off of her with a powerful passion. When she is wearing nothing but her stockings you push her down to the ground. You walk over to a table filled with tool for you domination and grab a bottle of baby oil. You lightly throw it to her and command her to coat herself in it. You take a seat and watch her. She crawls closer to you obediently and begins to sensually rub her body as she coats it in oil.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/first/oiling.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Tie her up|gallerymom13][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>When she is sufficiently oiled up you stand up and take the bottle from her. You return the bottle to the table and pick up a roll of hot pink binding tape. You walk back over to your Mother and firmly take hold of her legs. You wrap them together using the tape. Your Mother struggles a bit against the bindings, you respond by wrapping them tighter. You pull her arms behind her back and tie them together as well. You wrap more tape around her body, crossing her chest. You put the tape away and grab a ball gag and shove it into her mouth, clasping it tightly around her head. She tries to move and speak but her gag and bindings make her nearly immobile and helpless. As she lays there in this state you grab her breasts, fondling and teasing them to your hearts content.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/first/breastfondle.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Put her legs up by her head|gallerymom13][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You remove the bindings around her legs and raise each foot up until they are up by her head. You tie her hands to her feet so she has to remain in that position as you slide your cock into her pussy. You slap her tits hard, as your start to thrust. You fuck her hard and fast using all of your strength. Pain converts to pleasure for her as she cums heavily on your cock. You continue to fuck her hard as fast, focusing on pleasing yourself as you use your Mother.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/first/facefuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymom13][$scene to 3]]
<p>You pull your cock out of your Mother’s pussy as your are about to cum. You cut her bindings and throw her to her knees in front of you. You place the head of your cock on her tongue as your stroke. You cum, erupting jizz into her mouth and onto her face. She strokes your cock to pull out the last few drops of cum, licking up the load from her face hungrily.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/first/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>My goodness. Sweety that was intense. I don’t think I could ever get used to this. And I’m not sure I’d want to. It might not be as fun if I’m used to it. Invite me back down here soon.<</speech>>
<p>You help your mom up and give her a playful slap on her ass as she heads back up stairs. You spend some time cleaning up the room now that the fun is done.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
[[Invite your Mother in the dungeon|gallerymom14][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
[[Put her into the stocks|gallerymom14][$scene to 2]]
<<else>><<set $random = random(100)>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
<p>You lock your Mother in the stocks and slide your cock into her ass. Your ram your cock into her, holding onto the stocks for leverage and balance as you thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/repeat/stocksanal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Once your Mother is secured in the stocks your open her mouth and shove your cock inside. You thrust into her mouth and down her throat, making her gag loudly.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/repeat/stocksblowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
[[Invite your Mother in the dungeon|gallerymom15][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
[[Tie her up and fuck her hard|gallerymom15][$scene to 2]]
<<else>><<set $random = random(100)>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
<p>You use some rope to tie your Mother’s hands behind her back. You bend her over and shove your cock into her mouth and savagely fuck her throat.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/repeat/tiedupblowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You take some rope and tie up your Mother. You tie her legs closed then use the rope to connect her legs to her neck, keeping the up and close to her face. You slide your cock into her pussy and pound her roughly, groping and slapping her tits as you thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/repeat/tiedupmissionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
[[Invite your Mother in the dungeon|gallerymom16][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
[[Suspend her from the ceiling|gallerymom16][$scene to 2]]
<<else>><<set $random = random(100)>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
<p>You take some rope and hooks in your hands and begin to tie up your Mother. With her tied up you use the hooks to attach her ropes to the ceiling, effectively hanging her in the air with them. When she is suspended and helpless you take your cock and slide it into her pussy, holding her steady by grabbing her hair as you start to fuck her.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/repeat/suspendedfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You suspend your Mother from the ceiling with a series of ropes and hooks. With her dangling in the air she is helpless to your whims and desires. You grab her by her hair and rub your cock in her face before sliding it past her lips and fucking her throat.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/mom/repeat/suspendedblowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You take a seat on the couch next to your Sister and watch some TV with her. She is playing on her phone and barely even paying attention to the screen. It is obvious that she is just killing time until dinner. You decide to ask her about her homework, and how school is going for her.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Nah I haven’t done it yet. I probably won’t either. Its not like I’m smart enough to go to a good college anyway, so why bother?<</speech>>
<p>You look at her with a crooked expression. She is usually a lazy brat, but this kind of attitude is absurd even for her. You tell her that if she focused and stopped making excuses, then that wouldn’t be true.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Whatever. Just because you got into a decent school doesn’t mean you know what’s best for me, twerp<</speech>>
[[Encourage her|gallerysasha2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You nudge her shoulder and tell her to stop thinking so negatively. You let her know that you know that what is best for you, isn’t what is best for her. But, you also make sure to let her know that she is smart and can do great things if she actually worked for it. She seems to blush a bit at your compliments, but shrugs it off quickly.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I am already close to failing this year either way. It’s too late. Just drop it<</speech>>
<p>You try to push it further, but before you even have the chance $ stands up and kneels down between your legs.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Let’s talk about something more fun. Like how ever since I saw your huge fucking cock I’ve wanted a closer look<</speech>>
<p>She pulls your pants down, in an obvious attempt at distracting you from the topic at hand. She is always trying to get her way, even to the point of degrading herself. But you aren’t one to complain. Your cock hardens quickly once it is free, eclipsing half of her face behind it.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Damn...<</speech>>
[[She strokes your cock|gallerysasha2][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>$ reaches for your cock with both hands and grips the shaft tightly. She strokes your cock powerfully, her soft hands having a surprisingly strong grip on you. Each pump of her fists going faster and harder than the last.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage3/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I can have some fun with this cock<</speech>>
<p>She speaks as though the cock is hers to toy with. The hungry look in her eye telling you that that is how she sees it as well.</p>
[[Cum|gallerysasha2][$scene to 3]]
<p>You groan loudly as you begin to cum. She pulls your cock closer to her with one hand and continues to stroke with the other as you erupt. You shoot rope after rope of thick cum all over her face and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage3/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Now that is something worth talking about<</speech>>
<p>She licks her face clean before heading out of the living room. You get dressed yourself and head out. You think about how unmotivated $ really is. You need to find a way to change that. You will never get further with $ until you can make her listen to you and respect you and her studies in a more serious way. Maybe your Mother will have some ideas on how you can motivate her.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You take a seat on the couch next to your Sister and watch some TV with her. She is playing on her phone and barely even paying attention to the screen. It is obvious that she is just killing time until dinner. You decide to ask her about her homework, and how school is going for her.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Nah I haven’t done it yet. I probably won’t either. Its not like I’m smart enough to go to a good college anyway, so why bother?<</speech>>
<p>You look at her with a crooked expression. She is usually a lazy brat, but this kind of attitude is absurd even for her. You tell her that if she focused and stopped making excuses, then that wouldn’t be true.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Whatever. Just because you got into a decent school doesn’t mean you know what’s best for me, twerp<</speech>>
[[Punish her|gallerysasha3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You scowl at $ You are taken aback by her blatant disregard for herself, for you, and for the efforts your Mother has put into raising her. You start to yell at her. You tell her that if she is going to just throw her life away, she might as well just start selling herself and become a whore.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Maybe I should, it’s my life. I’ll do what I want with it<</speech>>
<p>You grab her by her hair and pull her to the ground. If she is going to act like a dumb whore, you intend to treat her like one. You pull your cock out and shove it in her face. You command her to stroke it. You voice booming in a way that lets her know that you are completely serious.</p>
[[She does as you command|gallerysasha3][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>She starts off slowly. She is clearly shell shocked by how forceful you are being. But deep down you can tell that she like it. As if the reason she acts bratty is to get roughed up and pushed around just like you are treating her now. She takes both hands and strokes you faster and faster, clearly trying to please you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage3/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysasha3][$scene to 3]]
<p>You call her rude names and degrade her as she strokes your cock. You show her exactly what life as a whore would be like. Unfortunately it seems like she is starting to like being treated this way. You may need to change your strategy in the future, but for now you fully intend to enjoy yourself as well. You enjoy yourself all the way up to your climax. Your cock spasms as you unload your cum all over her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage3/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finished she sits there motionless. As if she is waiting for you to give her another order. You tell her to get cleaned up and do her homework. She rolls her eyes and licks the cum up from her face. She heads out of the living room. You get dressed and leave as well. You should maybe talk with your mom about motivating her further. She may like being a whore. But if she is a whore you want her to be your whore. Not someone else’s.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>As your whole family sits down to eat, you and your Mother specifically chose to sit on the same side of the table, opposite of $ $ is clearly suspicious of this, but pay it no mind as you all start eating. You are eventually the one to open up the dialogue, explaining that both you and your Mother agree that she is being irresponsible and needs to start taking her classes more seriously.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I can’t take them seriously. They annoy me, and I hate them. Fuck them<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Well you like money, and shopping. So if you won’t do it for yourself, then you’re gonna do it for that. Until your grades are up, you are cut off. No money, no shopping, nothing<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>What the fuck! That is completely fucking unfair! I can’t believe this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>$ we have both had it with your bad attitude! From now on, you have to prove to $ that you have earned your allowance each week. So if you want to have any fun, you better make sure he is happy. Am I understood?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yeah, loud and clear<</speech>>
<p>$ gives you a knowing look. She can tell exactly what you want from this arrangement. And you think your Mom can too. You don’t care though. As long as you get what you want, you’re happy.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Good, Now I’m going to take a shower. When you are done eating $ I expect you to be studying<</speech>>
<p>You Mother stands up and leaves the room. The second she is out of sight, $ slides under the table and crawls between your legs. You down at her surprised.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>This is what you wanted isn’t it? For me to make you happy? Pervy Twerp<</speech>>
[[She sucks your cock|gallerysasha4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You say nothing and just let her work. She undoes your pants and pulls your rock hard cock out, pulling it into her mouth and sucking on it hard. Her mouth feel like a vacuum, pulling on your cock as she sucks it powerfully. She slides your cock deep into her throat and gags on it. Then she starts to bob her head quickly up and down.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage4/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysasha4][$scene to 2]]
<p>You run your fingers through her hair, pushing her head down onto your cock to make her gag more. You eventually start to climax, pulling your cock out of her throat and covering her tongue and face in your heavy load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage4/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Can I have my allowance now, twerp?<</speech>>
<p>You stand up and out your cock away. You tell her no, she can’t. She pouts angrily, and in disbelief. You explain that she hasn’t shown you that she is taking this seriously. And that if she calls you twerp again, she might never get her allowance again. She looks away from you, clearly frustrated by all of this. You head out of the kitchen, having had your fun.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You open your Sister’s bedroom door and walk in. You enter, wanting to check in on her and expect to see her studying. Although the moment you step inside you see her masturbating furiously. Her books are thrown to the floor, porn is on her computer and her she has four fingers inside of her pussy. You yell at her, angry that she isn’t studying. But she doesn’t stop masturbating while you talk, only seeming to turn her look of lust an affection onto you instead of her porn. You both look at each other wordlessly for a moment. Until finally you relent, and begin to strip down.</p>
<p>Once you are nude and your cock is hard you leap towards the bed, tackling $ and pinning her down onto her bed, on her stomach.</p>
<p>You take your cock and slide it into her pussy, and begin to fuck her hard and fast. She is so horny that she pushes back against you as your thrust, fucking herself on your huge cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage5/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Pull her on top of you|gallerysasha5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Her silence is a welcome change from her usually bratty self. You fuck her hard and enjoy hearing her moans of pleasure instead of her groans of anger. You pull her on top of you and make her ride your cock. She bounces up and down, looking at you in your eyes as she does. Her eyes are filled with lust as she cums again and again on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage5/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysasha5][$scene to 2]]
<p>As she rides your her tight pussy grips your cock tightly. Each time she has an orgasm it grips tighter, milking you for all your worth. She bounces faster and faster and when it is finally time you pull your cock out of her pussy and start to cum. You fire your load all over her ass and pussy, coating her with jizz.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage5/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You get out from underneath her and stand by her bed for a moment. You pick up all of her school work and place it back on the bed. You tell her that she needs to get this done otherwise she will be severely punished.</p>
<<if $mc.dom gte 10>><<speech "Sasha" $>>Yes… Sir<</speech>><<else>><<speech "Sasha" $>>Yeah… okay<</speech>><</if>>
<p>She lowers her head and gets to work, not even bothering to clean up or get dressed. Finally listening to you. She clearly accepts you as the head of the house now. You hope she will buckle down whenever you aren’t pulling her pants off from now on.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You go into $’s bedroom to check in on her. The moment you open the door she screams with excitement. She bounces around and runs up to you and leaps into your arms. You catch her and hold her against your body, holding her by her ass and groping her while you have the chance. She kisses your face appreciatively over and over again. You tell her that you are excited to see her too.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I did it! I got honor roll! All As and Bs! Well, mostly Bs but still! I did it!<</speech>>
<p>You let her down to continue to celebrate. She bounces around happily. You smile, proud of her accomplishments.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I never could have done this on my own. Thanks. I know you and I didn’t always use to get along. But you kept pushing. Thank you. I can’t even think of a way to repay you<</speech>>
[[Reward her for her hard work|gallerysasha6][$scene to 1]]
<p>You decide that she really deserves a reward for doing so well. You let her know that you will be taking her shopping so she can get something new as a gift. She bounces and screams with excitement again.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Oh my god, yay! Can Stephanie come with us?<</speech>>
<p>You have no idea who Stephanie is but you assume it is one of her friends. You figured the more the merrier but you make sure she knows the gift is for her and not Stephanie. She nods in understanding and texts her friend.</p>
[[Head to the mall|gallerysasha6b][$scene to 0]]
<p>You drive along toward the mall. $ is in the passenger seat, and you pick up her friend Steph outside of her house.</p>
<p>The three of you head to the mall. Once inside $ and Steph sprint towards the clothing store and start looking at the racks. With you paying it appears that she is purposefully looking in the more expensive section of the shop. You walk around, looking in the men’s section to see if there is anything you want. You notice them both whispering and looking at you often. The blush on their faces betrays them as to what they were discussing.</p>
[[Pay and head home|gallerysasha6c][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>When $ has finally picked out her gift she brings it to you. You pay for it and lead them both out of the mall and back into your car. You drive home and bring Steph along with you. You head inside the front door and start heading towards your room but $ stops you.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Where are you going? Don’t you wanna see me try this on?<</speech>>
<p>She smiles seductively and walks towards her room with Stephanie. They both giggle childishly as they lead you along. You enter her room and they both immediately start stripping. You can take a hint so you undress as well. $ and Steph lay on the bed beside one another. Their legs spread open for you. The giggle as the look at one another and kiss, waiting for your cock.</p>
[[Fuck your Sister|gallerysasha6c][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You walk up to $ and grab her legs, pulling you closer to you. You slide your cock into her puss slowly. You start to thrust and quickly build into a solid pace. You fill her tight pussy with your cock and you balls slap her ass below as they swing in tandem with your thrusts.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage6/sub/sisfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her friend|gallerysasha6c][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pull out of $ and quickly line your cock up with Stephanie’s pussy. As you slide in you are shocked by how tight it is. You struggle to thrust your huge cock into her tiny hole but before long you are moving steady. Ramming her hard with your big tool.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage6/sub/stephfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysasha6c][$scene to 3]]
<p>You pull out of Steph and $ climbs up on top of her. You start to cum and aim your load at their pussies as they are stacked on top of each other. Your heavy load coats their pussies and asses well. Each rope following a powerful burst of pleasure from your orgasm.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage6/sub/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You leave them to lick your cum from each others pussies. You get dressed and head out, pleased that your Sister is doing well again.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 3]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You go into $’s bedroom to check in on her. The moment you open the door she screams with excitement. She bounces around and runs up to you and leaps into your arms. You catch her and hold her against your body, holding her by her ass and groping her while you have the chance. She kisses your face appreciatively over and over again. You tell her that you are excited to see her too.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I did it! I got honor roll! All As and Bs! Well, mostly Bs but still! I did it!<</speech>>
<p>You let her down to continue to celebrate. She bounces around happily. You smile, proud of her accomplishments.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I never could have done this on my own. Thanks. I know you and I didn’t always use to get along. But you kept pushing. Thank you. I can’t even think of a way to repay you<</speech>>
[[Show her a way she can repay you|gallerysasha7][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You get close to her and place you hand on the back of her neck. You let her know that she has done a good job and that you know exactly how she can repay you. You swing your hand around and smack her ass, grabbing it and groping it roughly. Before she can even respond you lift her up and carry her to her bed. You pull her pants down and spread her cheeks exposing her pussy and ass.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Oh you gonna fuck me some more? I hope you put some effort into this time. I barely felt you last time!<</speech>>
<p>You slap her ass hard to shut her up. And while she doesn’t shut up, her loud and satisfied moans show that she got just what she wanted. You pull your cock out and shove it deep into her pussy. You pull her are back with one hand and press her face into the bed with the other as your start to pound away at her pussy. Each thrust slamming into her with raw animalistic power as you ram her pussy with everything you’ve got.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage6/dom/pronebone.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysasha7][$scene to 2]]
<p>You pull out of her pussy and pull her close to you on her knees. You grab her by her hair to control her. You then shove your cock into her throat and face fuck her until you reach your orgasm. When you are there you pull out and stroke close to her face, while you hold her their by her hair. You finally cum. You shoot ropes all over her face and tongue, hitting her mouth and eyes with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/mainquest/stage6/dom/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You throw her back, having her land on her bed. You tell call her a whore and tell her to clean herself up as you shove your cock back into your pants and head out. She licks herself clean, swallowing your cum greedily.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Thanks again!<</speech>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Hey! $! Wake the hell up!<</speech>>
<p>You roll around a bit in your covers. You mumble something incoherent back as you struggle to emerge from your deep slumber.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Come on, GET UP!<</speech>>
<p>Your Sister, $, yanks your blanket off of you and start spanking you to get up. She swings her hand and slaps your ass several times until you are wide awake and leaping out of bed to get away from her.</p>
<video src="ressources/videos/sisterspanking.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Teach her a lesson|gallerysasha1][$scene to 1]]
[[Ask Mom for help|gallerysasha1][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You pop up out of bed and rub your sore ass. You look at her and her smug grin with a deep scowl. You rush over your bed and grab her before she can run out of your room. You pull her over your knee and spank her ass repeatedly.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Hey, wait, what are you doi- Ah! HAH! OW! Wait, stop. AH!<</speech>>
<video src="ressources/videos/spanksister.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slap her several times, finally stopping when you can feel her cheeks start to get raw from the spanking. As you pull her back up off of your legs you notice a faint pleased smile on her face. She slowly starts to walk out of the room, rubbing her ass along the way. She stops at the door and turns back to you.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Don’t get cocky. I’ll get you back for this, $<</speech>>
<p>You call out for your Mom to try and diffuse this situation. $ isn’t afraid of you, but your Mom knows how to make her do whatever she says. She rushes into the room, out of breath from hurrying in and sees you caressing your sore ass and $ standing there with a smug smile.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>$! What is it with you? Why can’t you even leave your brother alone?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>What? All I did was make sure he got up for his classes like you asked me to!<</speech>>
<p>You interject, explaining how she hit you to wake you up. You make sure to exaggerate a bit to make her look bad.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I told you to wake him up not beat him! Oh my poor sweety are you alright? $ if you don’t stop behaving like a brat you’ll be in for it<</speech>>
<p>$ looks over to you ans scowls. She purses her lips in anger as she speaks.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I’m gonna get you back for this you little twerp<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>$! Go to your room this instant! You better rethink this attitude of yours!<</speech>>
<p>$ shoots both you and your Mother a last murderous look before stomping her way out of the room.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You sit down to eat with your Mother and Sister. Once you are all finished, your Mother stands up, clears the table, and begins to soak the dishes. $ then suddenly slides out of her seat and under the table.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Wanna have a little fun?<</speech>>
<p>Your Sister pulls your shorts down and pulls out your hardening cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/dinner/pullingout.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[She works your cock|gallerysasha8][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Be quiet so mom won’t notice<</speech>>
<p>She begins to stroke and lick your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/dinner/blowjob0.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Your Sister’s hands and tongue feel so good you can’t help but groan in pleasure.</p>
<a data-passage="gallerysasha8" data-setter="$scene to 2" class="link-internal">$ keeps sucking your cock</a>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/dinner/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Give her a facial|gallerysasha8][$scene to 3]]
<p>You groan loudly as you cum hard on her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/videos/dinner/sisfacial.webm" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks her hand clean of your cum.</p>
<<if $mc.dom > 10>><<speech "Sasha" $>>We should do this again sometime… soon<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Be quieter next time… idiot<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You enter the Living room and see that $ is reading a book. As she is laying on the couch her skirt hikes up, making her panties visible.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/pantiesvisible.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Watch for a little more|gallerysasha9][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Didn't you come in here to clean?<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her, realizing that she must have noticed you staring. You begin to clean and quickly tidy up the whole room. You take a seat beside her on the couch and can’t help but look up her skirt again.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/panties.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Pull down panties|gallerysasha9][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You grab your Sister’s panties by the waistband and pull them down and off her legs, revealing her tight pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/pullingoffpanties.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Go further|gallerysasha9][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull your own pants off and climb over top of her. You slide your cock into her pussy slowly.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>> *GASP* .... Oh my god.<</speech>>
<p>You begin to thrust, fucking her from behind.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<if $mc.dom > 10>>
[[Grab her arms|gallerysasha9][$scene to 4]]
[[Grab her|gallerysasha9][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You grab your Sister’s arms and hold them behind her back, pinning her against the couch while you fuck her hard.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/handsbehindback.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Grab her|gallerysasha9][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You then grab her and sit her on your cock while your thrust up into her pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Blowjob|gallerysasha9][$scene to 6]]
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<p>It doesn’t take long before you start to cum. You pull your cock out of her pussy and she sucks you off until you cum on her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysasha9][$scene to 7]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/cleaning/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p class="hint"><<print "$">> is showering, the door is locked.</p>
[[Enter the bathroom|gallerysasha10][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You quietly unlock the door and enter the bathroom, she seems a bit surprised at first but then she invites you in.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Since you’re here, come and help me wash my back.<</speech>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/wash.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|gallerysasha10][$scene to 2]]
<<if $scene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/doggy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/missionary.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/cowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 7>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/reversecowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 8>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/facial.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You stop washing her and make her face you. She gets on her knees and starts to suck your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Blowjob|gallerysasha10][$scene to 3]]
[[Doggy|gallerysasha10][$scene to 4]]
[[Missionary|gallerysasha10][$scene to 5]]
[[Cowgirl|gallerysasha10][$scene to 6]]
[[Reverse cowgirl|gallerysasha10][$scene to 7]]
[[Facial|gallerysasha10][$scene to 8]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p class="hint"><<print "$">> is showering, the door is locked</p>
[[Enter the bathroom|gallerysasha11][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You quietly unlock the door and enter the bathroom, she immediately yells at you.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Get the fuck out you goddamned pervert!<</speech>>
[[Fuck her against her will|gallerysasha11][$scene to 2]]
<<if $scene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/doggy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/missionary.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/cowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 7>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/reversecowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 8>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/facial.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You make her gets on her knees and tell her to suck your cock. As the submissive bitch you made her become she obeys.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bathroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Blowjob|gallerysasha11][$scene to 3]]
[[Doggy|gallerysasha11][$scene to 4]]
[[Missionary|gallerysasha11][$scene to 5]]
[[Cowgirl|gallerysasha11][$scene to 6]]
[[Reverse cowgirl|gallerysasha11][$scene to 7]]
[[Facial|gallerysasha11][$scene to 8]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You hear moaning coming from $’s bedroom. Her door is unlocked so you open it up to see what she is doing.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/masturbating/masturbating.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Your Sister is watching porn in her room and masturbating. You hide behind the door and watch her fuck herself with a dildo.</p>
[[Enter the room|gallerysasha12][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You decide that $ has been watching enough porn and that it is time to have her experience the real thing. You walk into her room and quickly approach her.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>><<print "$">>? What are you doing in here?<</speech>>
<p>Your Sister never stops masturbating as you enter. You pull out your hardening cock to show her exactly why you came in her room.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Well It’s about time!<</speech>>
[[Fuck her mouth|gallerysasha12][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>$ grabs your cock and wraps her lips around it, sucking on your cock just as the actress in the porn she was watching did.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/masturbating/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysasha12][$scene to 3]]
<p>You Sister sucks your cock like a master and makes you cum very quickly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/masturbating/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks up all of the cum before you get dressed and leave.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Don’t be a stranger<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You hear your Sister masturbating once again and decide that its time to escalate things. You swing open her door and before she can even react you are on top of her kissing her as she continues to masturbate.</p>
[[Make her suck your cock|gallerysasha13][$scene to 1]]
[[Skip straight to fucking|gallerysasha13][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You push $ down to her knees and pull your cock out, shoving it right into her mouth.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I’ve been looking forward to this all day!<</speech>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/masturbating/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|gallerysasha13][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You push your Sister down onto her back and slide your cock into her pussy.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Fuck, yes!<</speech>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/masturbating/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You fuck her hard watching her tits bounce with each thrust of your cock.</p>
[[Flip her over|gallerysasha13][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You flip your Sister over to fuck her doggy style.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yes! fuck my pussy <<print "$">>!<</speech>>
<p>You do as she asks and fuck her from behind until she cums.</p>
[[Cum on her|gallerysasha13][$scene to 4]]
<p>You pull out and groan as you unload your jizz all over her lower back and ass.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/masturbating/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You wipe your cock off on her back before getting dressed and leaving the room.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I need to watch porn more often.<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk into $’s bedroom to see if you can go to bed with her tonight. But when you enter she doesn’t appear to be getting ready to sleep.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I’m not tired at all! Wanna have some fun before bed?<</speech>>
<p>You ask her what kind of fun she wanted to have and she grabs your crotch and starts rubbing your cock over your pants.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I think you know exactly what I wanna do for fun<</speech>>
[[Get your cock sucked|gallerysasha14][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>$ pulls your cock out and bends over to suck on it. Bobbing her head very quickly as she takes it past her lips.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/sleeping/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Have her ride you|gallerysasha14][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pull your Sister on top of you and she slides your cock into her pussy and begins to bounce on it while she faces you. Her tits are bouncing in front of you and you can’t help but kiss them sensually as she rides your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/sleeping/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Missionary|gallerysasha14][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull out and place $ on her back and slide your cock back inside of her pussy and start thrusting.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/sleeping/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Doggy style|gallerysasha14][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You roll $ onto her stomach and start fucking her pussy from behind hard and fast. Her moans serve to drive you to fuck her harder.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/sleeping/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysasha14][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You pull out as you start to cum, shooting your load all over her face as your groan loudly in pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/sleeping/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Fuck… me. I think I’m definitely ready to sleep now<</speech>>
<p>You both laugh together and you cuddle and fall asleep in each others arms.</p>
[[You fall asleep|gallerysasha14][$scene to 6]]
<p><<print either("She has already left her room when you wake up", "You get up before she does")>></p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Gently ask your sister to have sex|gallerysasha15][$scene to 1]]
<<if $scene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/blowjob1.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/missionary.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/doggy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/cowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/reversecowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 7>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/creampie.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You enter her room, she is laying on her bed staring at her phone.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>What's up?<</speech>>
<p>She notices your boner.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Ho... I see... someone wants some care!<</speech>>
<p>She comes closer, gets on her knees and starts to give you a nice blowjob.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/blowjob0.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Blowjob|gallerysasha15][$scene to 2]]
[[Missionary|gallerysasha15][$scene to 3]]
[[Doggy|gallerysasha15][$scene to 4]]
[[Cowgirl|gallerysasha15][$scene to 5]]
[[Reverse cowgirl|gallerysasha15][$scene to 6]]
[[Creampie|gallerysasha15][$scene to 7]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Time to fuck this bitch|gallerysasha16][$scene to 1]]
<<if $scene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/blowjob0.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/missionary.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/doggy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/cowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/reversecowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 7>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/creampie.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You enter her room, she is laying on her bed watching her phones.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>What do you want?<</speech>>
<p>You go towards her, grab her out of her bed, push her to her knees and start deep throating this little bitch.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/bedroom/blowjob1.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Blowjob|gallerysasha16][$scene to 2]]
[[Missionary|gallerysasha16][$scene to 3]]
[[Doggy|gallerysasha16][$scene to 4]]
[[Cowgirl|gallerysasha16][$scene to 5]]
[[Reverse cowgirl|gallerysasha16][$scene to 6]]
[[Creampie|gallerysasha16][$scene to 7]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You yell up the stairs, calling $’s name to ask your Sister to come down to the basement to speak with you. After several minutes she lazily comes down the stairs and looks at you skeptically.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Well I’m down here. What did you want? Bring me her to make me play in your new dungeon?<</speech>>
<p>She smile at your smugly. You decide that it is time to wipe the smug look from her face. You walk up to her and grab her by the back of her neck. You pull her close to you, pull your hand up and swing it down smacking her ass powerfully.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Ow, bastard<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you, pouting with her bottom lip pushed forward. She looks into your eyes expectingly, wordlessly begging you to continue. You slap her ass again and grab hold of her short. You yank them and her panties down with one swift pull. You then grab the collar of her shirt with both hands and pull, ripping it open and tossing it off of her. You pick up some rope and take both of her hands. You tie them together, leaving very little slack in the bindings. You leave a long length of the rope attached to her to be used as a lead. You pull her along with the lead toward the couch in the dungeon. You sit down and pull your hard cock out of your shorts. You yank her down, grab her head and shove it down on your shaft.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/first/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Spank her|gallerysasha17][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You grab hold of $’s hair and pull her off your cock. You use her hair and the lead to yank her forward so she is laying across your lap. You pin her down by her hair as you use your other hand to begin spanking her ass. You smack her cheek hard, alternating between them. Her ass turns from a pearly white to a beat red after just a few slaps, and you don’t stop there.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/first/spanking.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Punish her|gallerysasha17][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You put $ on her back and spread her legs. You push her tied up hands above her head and hold her there as you slide your cock into her pussy. You place your hand on her neck and squeeze gently as you begin to thrust. You pick up to a quick and rough pace quickly, slapping your Sister in the face with your free hand as you punish her with your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/first/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysasha17][$scene to 3]]
<p>You yank your Sister’s bindings to pull her up to her knees. You take your cock out of her pussy and stroke it in front of her face. You command her to open her mouth as you cum. You shoot blast after blast of jizz into her mouth and on her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/first/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finished you tell her that you are done with her for now and that she needs to go back up stairs.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>You’re lucky I like it rough… asshole<</speech>>
<p>She heads up stairs, not even bothering to take her torn clothes with her.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
<a data-passage="gallerysasha18" data-setter="$scene to 1" class="link-internal">Invite $ down to the dungeon</a>
<<else>><<set $random = random(100)>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
<p>You bring $ down to the dungeon and pull out an outfit for her to wear. It is a very skimpy Supergirl outfit, complete with miniskirt and red ball gag. You make her put the outfit on for your enjoyment. Then your lay her on her back and slide your cock into her pussy, fucking and dominating her for your pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/repeat/cosplaymissionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You command your Sister $ to get dressed up like Supergirl so you can have some fun with her. When she is dressed and gagged, you strap her to a wall and use a vibrating wand on her pussy to torture her with pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/repeat/tiedupvibrator.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
<a data-passage="gallerysasha19" data-setter="$scene to 1" class="link-internal">Invite $ down to the dungeon</a>
<<else>><<set $random = random(100)>>
<<if $random lte 49>>
<p>You take some tight black straps and restrain $ to the wall. You strip her down and pull your cock out, shoving it down her throat and making her suck your cock. You look down into her helpless eyes as she obediently bobs her head along your shaft.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/repeat/restrainblowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You bend $ over and tie up her hands to the wall. You pull her toward you by her hips and slide your cock into her pussy. You take hold of her long golden hair and yank hard, pulling it as you thrust into her.</p>
<video src="ressources/bdsm/sis/repeat/restraindoggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You head into the gym and before you can even look around for her Jade sees you and runs up to you. You can’t help but watch her tits bounce as she runs up to you. When she gets to you she wraps her arms around you and hugs you. She quickly pulled away, looking shocked that she hugged you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Um… Hey! I’m glad to see you. My workouts are always more fun when you’re here<</speech>>
<p>You say that you really enjoy working out with her as well and that you have a fun idea for today’s workout. You suggest that they compete to see which one of them can lift the heaviest dumbbell in the gym the most times consecutively.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Sounds like fun! I am so gonna wipe the floor with you though<</speech>>
[[The challenge begins|galleryjade1][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You head over and each grab one of the dumbbells. At eighty-five pounds lifting one with a single hand is no easy task. But you are both strong enough to get it up the first time. Then the second, then comes the third. At the fourth lift of the dumbbell you are starting to falter, but you manage to lift it even still. Jade manages to lift it as well, but it is clear she can go no further.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Alright, that’s it for me. Four is my limit. Guess we tied huh?<</speech>>
<p>You weren’t about to give in just yet. You summoned all of your strength and pushed yourself to lift the eighty-five pound weight. You struggle, but just barely manage to get it up a fifth and final time. You put the dumbbell down and huff from exhaustion. You stand up and pump your fists in the air like Rocky, having come out victorious. Jade bites her lip as she looks at you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Damn! I’m impressed. You know what? I know we didn’t bet on this or anything. But you certainly won. I think you deserve a reward. Come with me<</speech>>
[[Go with Jade|galleryjade1][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Jade grabs your hand and pulls you along. You walk together through the gym and into the locker room. She pushes you onto the bench and looks at you seductively. She pulls her shirt up revealing her round and perky tits to you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Take of your pants<</speech>>
<p>She speaks with a somewhat commanding sultry tone. You listen well and yank your shorts off, letting your hard cock spring free. She gets down on her knees and grabs a hold of it and starts to stroke it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage2/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryjade1][$scene to 3]]
<p>Her hands grip your cock tightly as she runs them up and down along your shaft. Each pump sending waves of pleasure through your body. You stand up as you grow close to coming. You aim your cock at her face as you erupt. Rope after rope of cum shooting out and splashing onto Jade’s face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Jade">>Holy fuck, even your loads are strong<</speech>>
<p>She stands up and licks her face clean for you. You put your cock away and she gets dressed. You both promise to see one another again soon as you part ways.</p>
<p>You sit by Jade in Chemistry and pay attention as well as you can. But you are rather bored, and Jade sitting right beside you is making you extremely horny. You casually reach over with your hand and place it on her thigh. You slowly and gently begin to rub it up and down along her leg, squeezing her toned thigh.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Stop! We are in class! I need to focus!<</speech>>
<p>She slaps your hand away but you quickly put it right back on her leg and squeeze harder. You then slide your hand further up and get very close to her pussy. She grabs your hand in a death grip and throws it away from her and looks over at you with a death stare. You smile smugly back at her. You leave her alone for the rest of the class, not knowing what she might do if you tried again.</p>
<p>Eventually the class finally ends. As you both start to stand up Jade grabs you by your hand and pulls you along.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Come here!<</speech>>
[[You arrive in the bathroom|galleryjade2b][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Jade pulls you into the bathroom and scowls at you. She then start to yell at you, not even trying to be discreet with how loud she yells.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I have told you that I do not like to be disturbed during class! What because we workout together and have fooled around a bit that makes you think you can just grab me whenever you want?!? That is not okay! I need to focus!<</speech>>
<p>Her yelling continues on and on. She is clearly upset but the red blush on her face makes it obvious that she is more upset at herself than she is at you.</p>
[[Apologize|galleryjade2b][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You sink your head down and apologize to Jade. You make it clear that you just wanted to show her your interest in her. You didn’t mean to be too pushy, but she is just too hot for you not to want to touch her. She looks at you with a deep blush that breaks through her scowl.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I get it. But you know that I like to focus in class. I need to. It costs to much for me to be here to not focus<</speech>>
<p>You apologize again. And promise her that you won’t do it ever again.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Don’t be too hasty now. I did really like it. Just no more in class okay? We gotta have our fun in our free time. Like… Right now<</speech>>
[[She drops to her knees|galleryjade2b][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Jade lowers herself down to her knees. She extends her hands out and grabs at your crotch, pulling your pants down and grabbing your cock. She strokes it until you grow rock hard. She then wraps her lips around around the head and sucks powerfully. She swirls her tongue around the head of your cock and pushes her head forward, sliding more of your cock into her mouth. She gags as it presses against the back of her throat. She strokes the part of your shaft she can’t fit into her mouth as she bobs her head.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage3/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryjade2b][$scene to 3]]
<p>You groan loudly as you start to cum. She strokes your cock as you shoot your load all over her face and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She continues to stroke you after you finish cumming, teasing you while you are still sensitive. When she is done you put your cock back into your pants. She stands up and cleans herself off.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>So, do we have a deal, Mr. $mc.eyes eyes? More fun just no more in class, right?<</speech>>
<p>You nod in agreement. You hug her, in what is likely the warmest embrace you have ever gotten from her before leaving.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 5]]
<p>You sit by Jade in Chemistry and pay attention as well as you can. But you are rather bored, and Jade sitting right beside you is making you extremely horny. You casually reach over with your hand and place it on her thigh. You slowly and gently begin to rub it up and down along her leg, squeezing her toned thigh.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Stop! We are in class! I need to focus!<</speech>>
<p>She slaps your hand away but you quickly put it right back on her leg and squeeze harder. You then slide your hand further up and get very close to her pussy. She grabs your hand in a death grip and throws it away from her and looks over at you with a death stare. You smile smugly back at her. You leave her alone for the rest of the class, not knowing what she might do if you tried again.</p>
<p>Eventually the class finally ends. As you both start to stand up Jade grabs you by your hand and pulls you along.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Come here!<</speech>>
[[You arrive in the bathroom|galleryjade3b][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Jade pulls you into the bathroom and scowls at you. She then start to yell at you, not even trying to be discreet with how loud she yells.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I have told you that I do not like to be disturbed during class! What because we workout together and have fooled around a bit that makes you think you can just grab me whenever you want?!? That is not okay! I need to focus!<</speech>>
<p>Her yelling continues on and on. She is clearly upset but the red blush on her face makes it obvious that she is more upset at herself than she is at you.</p>
[[Shut her up|galleryjade3b][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You see the blush on her face and decide that the ice queen act she is putting up is getting old. You wrap your hand around the back of her neck and pull her close to you, powerfully. You look deep into her eyes and tell her that you decide when it is, or isn’t time to fool around.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>What? No… I, uh<</speech>>
<p>Before she can even finish her thought you push her down to her knees. You hold her still with one hand and pull your pants down with the other. You pull your rock hard cock out and shove it deep into her throat. You hold her head still while you fuck her, ramming as much of your cock into her throat as she can physically handle.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage3/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryjade3b][$scene to 2]]
<p>She gags and coughs as your roughly use her throat. You thrust and fuck her to your whims. You pay little to no mind to her own pleasure or enjoyment. You can tell that she likes this. That she adores structure and not having to worry about making the wrong decision. You take the power from her and it gives her peace. The looks of appreciation on her eyes as she looks up at you tells you all you need to know.</p>
<p>Eventually you reach your peak. Your cock pulses as you get close to coming. You pull out and command her to stroke you off until you finish. She obliges, grabbing your shaft with her hands and stroking it until you unload all over her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are done you both get cleaned up and dressed. You smack her ass and tell her that you had fun. She looks at you with a look of self doubt. She wants to be mad, but she knows she had too much fun to stay angry at you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Yeah. Just, no more in class? Please? I do really need to focus. Like I said I can’t afford to be distracted<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you’ll use her when you please. But that since she asked nicely, you’ll leave her alone in class. You smack her ass again before you leave and head back out to the hall.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 5]]
<</if>><<if $stage is 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You sink your head down and apologize to Jade. You make it clear that you just wanted to show her your interest in her. You didn’t mean to be too pushy, but she is just too hot for you not to want to touch her. She looks at you with a deep blush that breaks through her scowl.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I get it. But you know that I like to focus in class. I need to. It costs to much for me to be here to not focus<</speech>>
<p>You apologize again. And promise her that you won’t do it ever again.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Don’t be too hasty now. I did really like it. Just no more in class okay? We gotta have our fun in our free time. Like… Right now<</speech>>
[[She drops to her knees|jademainquest2b][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Jade lowers herself down to her knees. She extends her hands out and grabs at your crotch, pulling your pants down and grabbing your cock. She strokes it until you grow rock hard. She then wraps her lips around around the head and sucks powerfully. She swirls her tongue around the head of your cock and pushes her head forward, sliding more of your cock into her mouth. She gags as it presses against the back of her throat. She strokes the part of your shaft she can’t fit into her mouth as she bobs her head.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage3/blowjob1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|jademainquest2b][$scene to 2]]
<p>You groan loudly as you start to cum. She strokes your cock as you shoot your load all over her face and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She continues to stroke you after you finish cumming, teasing you while you are still sensitive. When she is done you put your cock back into your pants. She stands up and cleans herself off.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>So, do we have a deal, Mr. $mc.eyes eyes? More fun just no more in class, right?<</speech>>
<p>You nod in agreement. You hug her, in what is likely the warmest embrace you have ever gotten from her before leaving.</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You see the blush on her face and decide that the ice queen act she is putting up is getting old. You wrap your hand around the back of her neck and pull her close to you, powerfully. You look deep into her eyes and tell her that you decide when it is, or isn’t time to fool around.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>What? No… I, uh<</speech>>
<p>Before she can even finish her thought you push her down to her knees. You hold her still with one hand and pull your pants down with the other. You pull your rock hard cock out and shove it deep into her throat. You hold her head still while you fuck her, ramming as much of your cock into her throat as she can physically handle.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage3/blowjob1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|jademainquest2b][$scene to 1]]
<p>She gags and coughs as your roughly use her throat. You thrust and fuck her to your whims. You pay little to no mind to her own pleasure or enjoyment. You can tell that she likes this. That she adores structure and not having to worry about making the wrong decision. You take the power from her and it gives her peace. The looks of appreciation on her eyes as she looks up at you tells you all you need to know.</p>
<p>Eventually you reach your peak. Your cock pulses as you get close to coming. You pull out and command her to stroke you off until you finish. She obliges, grabbing your shaft with her hands and stroking it until you unload all over her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are done you both get cleaned up and dressed. You smack her ass and tell her that you had fun. She looks at you with a look of self doubt. She wants to be mad, but she knows she had too much fun to stay angry at you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Yeah. Just, no more in class? Please? I do really need to focus. Like I said I can’t afford to be distracted<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you’ll use her when you please. But that since she asked nicely, you’ll leave her alone in class. You smack her ass again before you leave and head back out to the hall.</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You sit through class as usual. The material is rather boring, and Jade still hates when you mess around with her during class. If she and Ms. Lee weren’t so nice to look at, there would be very little to keep you interested.</p>
<p>When class finally ends you breath a sigh of relief. You go to get up to leave but suddenly Jade reaches out to you and pulls you back down into your seat. The two of you sit there in silence while everyone funnels out of the room. When it is finally empty she turns to you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>So hey, you have been really good recently. Not distracting me in class, that is. I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate that. And that, I think I’d like that to change<</speech>>
<p>You look at her confused, not sure exactly what she means.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I realized that I really like you, and that if I’m focusing all of myself on the school work, I’m gonna miss out on the things that actually make my life more fun. So since you are the most fun thing in my life. I’m gonna focus all of myself on you<</speech>>
[[Let her focus on you|galleryjade4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You ask her exactly what she means by focusing all of herself on you. She looks around to make sure you are both alone. Then, Jade looks back at you and smiles. She starts to undress her self before you. Her clothes fall to the floor and she stands in front of you, fully nude. You quickly strip down as well, letting your hard cock pop free. She swings her leg over your lap and slide your cock into her pussy. She steadies herself and starts to bounce on your cock. Her tight pussy grips your shaft as she goes up and down.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage4/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryjade4][$scene to 2]]
<p>You pull out of Jade as you get close to cumming. She grabs your cock and strokes your vigorously until you shoot all over her. She aims your load at her chest. Rope after rope of thick cum splashing against her chest and tits until you are completely spent.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Jade">>What do you think? Can you handle you being my focus from now on?<</speech>>
<p>You laugh as you get dressed. You tell her to bring it on and that you are happy to do that whenever she wants. The two of you share a kiss before heading out of the class and on with your day.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You sit through class as usual. The material is rather boring, and Jade still hates when you mess around with her during class. If she and Ms. Lee weren’t so nice to look at, there would be very little to keep you interested.</p>
<p>When class finally ends you breath a sigh of relief. You go to get up to leave but suddenly Jade reaches out to you and pulls you back down into your seat. The two of you sit there in silence while everyone funnels out of the room. When it is finally empty she turns to you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>So hey, you have been really good recently. Not distracting me in class, that is. I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate that. And that, I think I’d like that to change<</speech>>
<p>You look at her confused, not sure exactly what she means.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I realized that I really like you, and that if I’m focusing all of myself on the school work, I’m gonna miss out on the things that actually make my life more fun. So since you are the most fun thing in my life. I’m gonna focus all of myself on you<</speech>>
[[Show her what it means to have your focus on her|galleryjade5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You tell Jade that focusing all of herself on you might be more than she can handle. But that you are happy to show her just what it would entail. You stand up and pull her up with you. You pull her clothes off roughly and bend her nude form over the desk. You strip down and take your rock hard cock out. You aim it at her pussy and slide it right into her tight hole. You thrust hard and fast, pounding away at her. You reach up and grab her hair, pulling it while you ram away and make her cum on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage4/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryjade5][$scene to 2]]
<p>You thrust and pound away until eventually you reach the point of climax. You pull out of Jade and push her down to her knees and command her to stroke you. She listens and strokes you hard and fast until you cum. You unload all over he chest and tits, coating her thoroughly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You start to get dressed as she cleans herself up. You smile at her and ask if she still wants to focus her attention on you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I’m more sure than ever. I will make sure we see each other around much more often, Mr. $mc.eyes eyes<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk into the gym with Jade’s gift. You quickly find her working out on the elliptical and get her attention.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey there Mr. <<print "$mc.eyes">> eyes! What is that in your hand?<</speech>>
<p>You open the gift to show her the leggings you bought her.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Oh my goodness they are perfect! How can I ever thank you?<</speech>>
<p>You smile back and place your hand on her ass, giving her a hint of how you would like to be thanked.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Oh I see. Follow me<</speech>>
[[Follow Jade|galleryjade6][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Jade takes you by the hand and leads you off somewhere secluded. She takes her clothes off and starts to kiss you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Let’s get these clothes off<</speech>>
[[Undress|galleryjade6][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Jade undresses you and gets down on her knees. She grabs your rock hard cock and wraps her lips around it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gift/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|galleryjade6][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You turn Jade around and put her on her hands and knees. You push the head of your cock into her pussy and let her push back to slide the rest of your cock inside. You caress and grab her hips as you begin to thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gift/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Flip her over|galleryjade6][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You pull your cock out of her pussy long enough for her to flip over onto her back.</p>
<p>You grab her legs and slide your cock back into her pussy, thrusting hard into her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gift/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Have her ride yourself|galleryjade6][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You lie down next to Jade and she quickly climbs on top of you, grabbing your cock and guiding into her pussy as she begins to ride your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gift/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Change position|galleryjade6][$scene to 6]]
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<p>Before long she turns around and begins to bounce on your cock while facing away from you. You thrust up into her hard and fast while she bounces on you. You both moan together in pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gift/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryjade6][$scene to 7]]
<<elseif $scene is 7>>
<p>You let Jade know you are close to cumming. She climbs off your cock and slides her face down close to your cock as you stroke yourself to completion.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gift/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Make her clean your cock|galleryjade6][$scene to 8]]
<p>She sucks and licks your cock clean.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gift/licking.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She cleans her face off and then starts to get dressed.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>That was fun, <<print "$">>. I hope we can train together again real soon<</speech>>
<p>She give you a wink before leaving. You head home soon after.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk into the Gym and see that Jade is already in there and well into her workout. She is doing jumping jacks in front of the mirror. You walk over to her and can’t help but stare at her tits as they bounce with each jump.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey there, Mr. player.eyecolor eyes. Are you here to work out or are you just gonna stare all day?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that even though you are here to work out, you would be more than happy to stare all day every day.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Well, look all you want. No touching until I’m done though. You know the rules. I need to focus<</speech>>
<p>You tell her you understand. You get to work as well, doing some bicep curls beside her. The two of you talk here and there but for the most part the workout is silent. When you are all finished you walk up to her and ask if she is doing anything afterwords. She smiles at you and pulls you to a secluded bench.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Yeah I am doing something. I hope you don’t mind lending me a hand<</speech>>
<p>She pulls your pants down and pulls your cock into her mouth sucking on it vigorously.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gym/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryjade7][$scene to 1]]
<p>She bobs her head and sucks like a high powered vacuum. Her warm, wet mouth works your head and shaft with brilliant ease. Her tongue flicks the underside of your cock and her hands massage your balls. It is not long before she brings you to orgasm. You cum hard, firing your load all over her face and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gym/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You pull your shorts back up and look around to make sure no one saw. Thankfully, you appear to be off the hook. She licks her face clean and gets dressed herself. You and Jade walk out together and wish one another well as you part ways.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You head into the gym and head straight towards Jade. She is working out in a far off corner of the gym, trying to hide the large rip in her leggings that expose her ass and pussy. You head up to her and spank her ass, gripping her ass roughly with your hand. Your fingers sink in deep as you grope her and spread her cheeks apart.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Don’t just tease me! You have me wear this for a reason, don’t you?<</speech>>
<p>She is right and you show her that she is right by bending her over and shoving your fingers into her pussy to make her wet. Once she is soaking wet and ready for you, you pull your cock out and slide it deep inside of her, fucking her hard and fast.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gym/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryjade8][$scene to 1]]
<p>You pound away at her pussy hard and fast. She shakes and spasms on your cock. Her convulsing pussy grips your shaft hard and milks you until you are about to cum. You pull out just in time to unload all over her face, splattering her with cum.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gym/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You head into the gym and search for Jade to spend the afternoon working out with her. She is sporting the leggings you got her and doing some squats to show them off. As well as showing off her nice round ass. You walk up and wrap your arms around her. She turns around and hugs you tightly, almost bouncing with how happy she is to see you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey, I’m almost done with my workout if you wanna go mess around<</speech>>
<p>You say that you would never say no to that. She smiles as she gets back to squatting to finish her set. Once she is done you help her re-rack the weights. She then grabs you by your collar and pulls you along to a hidden area in the back of the gym.</p>
[[Hit it|galleryjade9][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Jade pulls down her leggings as you pull down your shorts to let your hard cock free. You lay down on the mat and she climbs on, sliding your cock into her pussy. She bounces up and down on your cock, slamming her body down onto you. She grinds her hips into you as your cock reaches deep inside of her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gym/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryjade9][$scene to 2]]
<p>You groan loudly as you get close to cumming. She pulls off of you and strokes your cock hard and fast with both hands. You quickly are brought to climax. You cum all over her face. Your load splattering against her skin.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/gym/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks your cock clean and then her face. You both get up and get dressed, heading out of the secluded part of the gym. She wraps her arms around you again and hugs you tightly.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>That was fun, Mr. player.eyecolor eyes. Do not be a stranger. Otherwise I’ll be forced to come find you myself<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You sit down at the table to eat your lunch with Kate. She seems to be acting a bit odd around you. She is still being her flirty self, but more tactful. As though she doesn’t want to imply too much. You get the feeling you know why and ask her if you stepped over the line when you were both at the pool together before.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh no you were fine. I like the way you went all slack jawed when you saw my titties<</speech>>
<p>You ask her why she seems troubled if that is the case then. You ask her why she acts all slutty and flirty when it doesn’t seem she really wants to follow through on her words in the end.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh I love to follow through. Trust me on that Mr. Big Cock. I just like the build up too<</speech>>
[[Tell her that you like her whether she follows through or not|gallerykate1][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You take her hand and let her know that she doesn’t need to follow through to be cool to you. You assure her that you think she is an awesome person, even beyond the flirting and slutty comments.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Awe you’re such a cutie. You’re just the type of guy who is worth following through for<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a sultry look for a moment. She suddenly stands up and tells you to follow her. You look at her, unsure of what she is doing. But as she starts to walk out of the cafeteria you hop up out of her seat to follow her. She leads you out, through the hall and into a secluded room. She pushes you back onto a seat and kneels down between your legs.</p>
[[She pulls your cock out|gallerykate1][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>She glides her hands along your groin, feeling the bulge forming in your pants. She pulls them down and lets your hard cock spring free.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oooh fuck! It looks even bigger than it feels<</speech>>
<p>She grips your hard cock with her hand and strokes you powerfully. Her soft hand pumps up and down along your shaft. Each stroke sending waves of pleasure throughout your body.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage2/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerykate1][$scene to 3]]
<p>She strokes faster and faster. Her grip tightens as your cock begins to pulse in her hand. You start to cum. Jizz erupts from your tip onto her hand and face. You groan loudly as she jerks your cock harder and harder, milking you until every drop of cum you have within you is shot out onto her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Kate">>Big cock and a big load. Fucking perfect<</speech>>
<p>You tell Kate that she can have more of your loads whenever she wants. She giggles nervously, as if she were called out on something she was lying about. You ignore it though, still recovering from cumming so hard. Kate says goodbye and heads out of the secluded room, licking the cum up from her face as she leaves. When you have caught your breath you get dressed and leave as well.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You sit down at the table to eat your lunch with Kate. She seems to be acting a bit odd around you. She is still being her flirty self, but more tactful. As though she doesn’t want to imply too much. You get the feeling you know why and ask her if you stepped over the line when you were both at the pool together before.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh no you were fine. I like the way you went all slack jawed when you saw my titties<</speech>>
<p>You ask her why she seems troubled if that is the case then. You ask her why she acts all slutty and flirty when it doesn’t seem she really wants to follow through on her words in the end.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh I love to follow through. Trust me on that Mr. Big Cock. I just like the build up too<</speech>>
[[Make her follow through|gallerykate2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You look at Kate skeptically. You stand up and give her a powerful glare. You say only two words to her, follow me. You turn and walk out of the cafeteria. You don’t even look back. You know Kate is following you by the sounds of the footsteps behind you. You lead her along the hall until you find an unlocked room that is completely empty. You open the door and lead her in, locking it behind both of you. You take a seat on a chair in the room and look at her very seriously.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>What are we doing in here? Trying to pull me away and do naughty things?<</speech>>
<p>She giggles, trying to tease you. But, you have none of it. You tell her flat out that, yes that is exactly why you brought her there. You then tell her in a deep commanding tone, to get on her knees, pull out your cock and deliver.</p>
[[She obeys|gallerykate2][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You is hesitant, but still willing. She slowly lowers herself to her knees between your legs. You pull your rock hard cock out, making her eyes grow wide from the sight of it. You take each of her hands and pull them to your cock. She grabs your shaft with both hands and slowly starts to pump them up and down, stroking you with all of her strength.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage2/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerykate2][$scene to 3]]
<p>She is clearly not sure of herself. The look on her face betrays her true feelings. But she is none the less diligent. She strokes you hard and fast regardless, putting all of her effort into it. The wet sound of her hands sliding along your cock make you go wild. And you soon cum, unloading your balls all over her face and hands.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Kate sits there with her face coated in your load. She is unsure of what to do at first but eventually she licks herself clean of cum. You tell her that she did a good job. And that she should deliver like that more often. She musters up only a nod of affirmation to you. You walk out of the room, leaving her behind.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You sit by and talk to Kate during class today. The two of you might be the only ones not paying attention. Although considering the entire class is paying attention to the teacher, because she is your hot Mom with huge tits, you doubt anyone else is learning anything today either. Kate seems to notice the way all of the other guys in class are drooling over your Mom. It seems to bother her greatly.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>I’m glad someone else is getting gawked at for once. It is nice to have a break from all the staring<</speech>>
<p>You can tell pretty obviously that she is lying. If it were up to her every eye in the class would be on her the whole time. You decide not to push her on it though. You simply agree that you Mom is very hot so it isn’t hard to see why people ogle her all class.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>But I’m hotter, right?!<</speech>>
<p>She glares at you menacingly. Asking you a rhetorical question like a jilted girlfriend who is offended that you acknowledged the beauty of another woman. You stare at her for a moment, thinking hard about what to say next. Before you can answer, the class ends. Groans of sadness fill the room as your Mother ends the class and everyone has to leave. You start to pack up your stuff but before you get up to leave you notice that Kate is blocking your way out of the aisle, still waiting for an answer.</p>
[[She answers for you|gallerykate3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Kate">>If you aren’t sure, I guess I’ll just have to show you that I’m hotter<</speech>>
<p>Her usual hesitation seems to be completely gone at the moment. She slides down out of her chair and moves between your legs. She isn’t even being flirty anymore she is angrily determined. Almost pissed off that she has to do what she is about to do, but has such a need to prove herself hotter that she would go to the ends of the earth to do so.</p>
<p>She pulls your pants down and grips your cock tightly. She wraps her lips around it immediately and sucks on the head. Her warm mouth makes you get hard very quickly. Your cock grow in her mouth and she bobs her head back and forth on it, gagging when it gets deep into her throat.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage3/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerykate3][$scene to 2]]
<p>She impales her throat on your cock over and over until you groan loudly, ready to cum. She pulls her lips off of you to give you a nice view as you fire your load into her mouth and onto her face. You coat her heavily in your cum, shaking from the power of the orgasm.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage3/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Kate">>I told you I was hotter. Now say it<</speech>>
<p>She grips your cock tightly and strokes your very sensitive cock, making you squirm. You tell her that you agree and that she is hotter. Whether you mean it or not is irrelevant. She just needs to hear you say it.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Damn straight. See you around Mr. Big Cock<</speech>>
<p>She winks at you before leaving. You spend a moment recoiling from her sudden outburst. You’ll have to talk to her about her insecurities before she goes even more overboard one day.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You head out of the locker room and search for Kate. She is sitting by the edge of the pool, looking at her reflection in the water. You sit beside her and greet her. She looks over at you and smiles. She seems heavily distracted at the moment. You decide that this might be the right to to have a serious talk about how she has been acting. You grab her hand and ask her the real reason she acts so slutty. And that you can tell it is an act by how self conscious she is when the two of you are alone.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>It’s because of my Mom. Remember how I told you we don’t get along very well? We are always fighting because she calls me awful things all the time. She says I’m ugly, worthless, stupid. All kinds of hurtful things. My dad used to black all of her hateful bullshit. But he hasn’t been around much because of work. So almost everything I do is to prove her wrong. I act like a slut to prove I’m not ugly. I go to this school to prove I’m not dumb. It’s pointless, I know. It’s just how she made me<</speech>>
[[Kiss her and make her feel better|gallerykate4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You reach over and take her by her chin. You bring her lips to yours and kiss her deeply and passionately. The two of you share a long, sensual kiss. You both only break away to take a deep breath. You stare into each others eyes. You say that she doesn’t need to put up any act with you. You like her for who she is. What he Mom wants means nothing. Because since you like her, everything her Mom says is instantly proven wrong.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>You are damn right. And I’m gonna show you just how wrong she was<</speech>>
[[She pushes you onto your back|gallerykate4][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>She swings her legs around your body and gently uses both of her hands to push you back until you are laying down. She pulls your shorts down and strokes your cock until you are rock hard. She pulls her swimsuit off and aims your cock at her pussy. She lowers herself down until your cock disappears inside of her. She bounces on your cock fast and hard, making her tits bounce as you watch her ride you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage4/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerykate4][$scene to 3]]
<p>As you get close to cumming you throw your head back in pleasure. Kate sees this and pulls your cock out, stroking your cock until you cum. You erupt, firing your load all over her face and into her mouth. Rope after rope sprays out onto her until your balls are empty. She licks up every drop of cum and lays beside you. You both relax by the pool, basking in the moment for a while.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage4/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Kate">>I’m so glad we met, $<</speech>>
<p>You tell Kate that you feel the same way. Eventually though you both have to leave. So you get dressed and head out together. You say goodbye for now and head your separate ways.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You head out of the locker room and search for Kate. She is sitting by the edge of the pool, looking at her reflection in the water. You sit beside her and greet her. She looks over at you and smiles. She seems heavily distracted at the moment. You decide that this might be the right to to have a serious talk about how she has been acting. You grab her hand and ask her the real reason she acts so slutty. And that you can tell it is an act by how self conscious she is when the two of you are alone.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>It’s because of my Mom. Remember how I told you we don’t get along very well? We are always fighting because she calls me awful things all the time. She says I’m ugly, worthless, stupid. All kinds of hurtful things. My dad used to black all of her hateful bullshit. But he hasn’t been around much because of work. So almost everything I do is to prove her wrong. I act like a slut to prove I’m not ugly. I go to this school to prove I’m not dumb. It’s pointless, I know. It’s just how she made me<</speech>>
[[Fuck her and show her why her Mom is wrong|gallerykate5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You wrap your arm around Kate’s shoulder and rest your hand on her breast. You look at her with a sensual and powerful stare. You tell her that her Mom can fuck right off. You let her know that you like her very much, and that you intend to show her just how wrong her Mom is about her.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh really? And just how do you plan on doing that?<</speech>>
<p>Without saying a word you answer her by pulling her swimsuit off of her. You roughly yank it off and toss it to the side. You tell her that you plan to fuck her sexy ass so hard that she won’t even remember the fucked up things her Mom says.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Well then? What are you waiting for?<</speech>>
[[Fuck her|gallerykate5][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You bend Kate over and pull her ass close to you. You smack it a few times while your cock gets hard. Once it is rock solid you pull it out and shove it deep into her pussy. You pull on her hair while you ram her from behind. You plow her pussy and make her cum again and again on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage4/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerykate5][$scene to 3]]
<p>You keep thrusting as hard and as fast as you can until you finally are brought to the edge. As your orgasm approaches you pull out of Kate’s pussy, and turn her around to aim your cock at her face. She opens her mouth wide as you stroke yourself to completion. You shoot you load at her, covering her face heavily with your cum.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/mainquest/stage4/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are done you dress yourself. You tell Kate that you intend to show her just how wrong her Mom is every chance you get from now on.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>You better. That was fantastic. Fuck that old whore. I’m happy I met you, $<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are happy you met her as well. You wish her a good evening and leave the pool for the day.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Offer the black bikini to Kate|gallerykate6][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>While at the pool you see Kate. You walk over to her and hand her the gift, wishing her a happy birthday.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>For me? Oh you shouldn’t have!<</speech>>
<p>She excitedly tears open the box and pulls out the bikini.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>A new bikini! I love it, thank you so much! I’m gonna go try it on I’ll be right back<</speech>>
<p>She runs off towards the locker rooms with the bikini in hand.</p>
<p>Kate returns.</p>
<p>Kate stands before you wearing her new bikini. It is a bit small on her, but looks fantastic.</p>
<p>She turns to show you her back.</p>
<<speech "Kate">> “Look at me! This bikini is amazing!<</speech>>
<p>You can’t help but agree, and your hardening cock makes that very obvious to Kate.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Looks like Mr. Big Cock likes it too. I think its time to show you how much I appreciate your gift<</speech>>
[[Follow her|gallerykate6][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Kate leads you away to a secluded room in the university so you can fool around in peace.</p>
<p>She grabs your cock and immediately takes you into her mouth, sucking powerfully.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/gift/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Time to fuck|gallerykate6][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull Kate onto your lap and slide your cock into her pussy. She bounces her ass up and down as she rides you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/gift/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[She turns around|gallerykate6][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>Kate stands up and turns around, sliding your cock back inside of her and riding you once more, giving you a nice view of her butt as it bounces on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/gift/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her ass|gallerykate6][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<<speech "Kate">>Time for a real treat<</speech>>
<p>Kate bends over and spreads her cheeks for you.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Fuck my ass Mr. Big Cock!<</speech>>
<p>You happily slide your cock slowly into her tight ass and begin to fuck her doggy style.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/gift/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerykate6][$scene to 6]]
<p>You thrust hard and fast as your orgasm builds. You finally cum and cream pie Kate’s ass with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/gift/creampie.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Kate">>Fuck! That was fantastic <<print "$">>. We need to do that again sometime!<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You and Kate swim together today. Once you are each done swimming your laps, you decide to have a race.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>First one to do three full laps wins! Loser goes down on the winner!<</speech>>
<p>You assume Kate is joking but you give it your all none the less. You power through and push yourself. You put everything you had left after a long day of swimming. You zip through the water and reach the end of the pool faster than you ever have before. You push off the side and head back, shooting through the water. You don’t even look to see where Kate is. Mostly because you assume that she has already finished. But when you touch the other edge and pop your head out of the water you see Kate just then reaching the end. You look at her with a shocked face.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Damn you have gotten fast $ Congrats on the win. Would you like your reward now or later?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you weren’t sure she was serious. But since she is, you want your blow job now. The two of you hop out of the pool and head somewhere more secluded.</p>
[[Get your dick sucked|gallerykate7][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Kate yanks your shorts down and strokes your cock until you are hard. She pulls your cock into her mouth, wrapping her lips around the head and sucking powerfully. She bobs her head along your shaft and flicks her tongue along the underside of your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/pool/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerykate7][$scene to 2]]
<p>She moves her head faster and faster. Her tight throat rubs the head of your cock as she pushes her head down onto you as far as she can take you. You start to cum, shooting a few ropes into her mouth and the rest all over her face. You glaze her tongue in a thick layer of jizz.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/pool/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Kate">>Same bet for next time? I won’t hold back, even if your cock does taste good<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Class today is moving unusually slowly. During an especially boring period you turn to Lucy and suggest that the two of you have some fun and test one another. You bet her that you can ask her a question that she won’t know the answer to.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>While I would prefer to focus on the work, I can’t help but agree that this has been extremely boring. Some mental stimulation would be beneficial. What do you suggest should be the stakes of this wager of yours?<</speech>>
<p>You jokingly suggest that if you win, she should give you a hand job. But you don’t assume she would agree.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Sure, I can agree to that. You could have even asked for more than that. I would have agreed either way since I cannot foresee you winning this wager<</speech>>
<p>You smile smugly. You then ask her a question that it would be absolutely impossible for her to ever answer. You ask her what your own Father’s name is.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>What?! That’s cheating! I thought you meant intellectual questions! Not personal ones!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that it is her fault for not clarifying and that she lost, so now she has to pay up.</p>
[[Let her pay up at her own pace|gallerylucy1][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>The two of you sit in somewhat awkward silence for the rest of class. When it is over and everyone has left the room you turn to her and give her an expecting look. She looks back at you nervously. She then lets out an exasperated sigh and gets up from her chair to kneel down between your legs. She fumbles with your pants to pull them down to pull your hard cock out of them. Her eyes grow wide at the sight of it. She places her hand on your cock and slowly begins to stroke. She clearly has very little experience but her soft hands and determination make up for a lack of practice.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%202/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerylucy1][$scene to 2]]
<p>She strokes on and builds into a steady rhythm. You lean your head back and groan in pleasure as you start to cum. You give her almost no warning and simply unleash your load all over her face. Rope after rope of thick jizz splashing on her cheeks.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%202/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Lucy">>Oh my goodness. What an absolutely absurd amount of semen!<</speech>>
<p>She marvels at your load on her face, slowly scooping it into her mouth to taste it. She clearly likes it as she smiles while scooping the rest in. She sees that you notice this and her demeanor changes swiftly back to the more even tempered front she always puts on. She gets up and leaves without a word, clearly embarrassed.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Class today is moving unusually slowly. During an especially boring period you turn to Lucy and suggest that the two of you have some fun and test one another. You bet her that you can ask her a question that she won’t know the answer to.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>While I would prefer to focus on the work, I can’t help but agree that this has been extremely boring. Some mental stimulation would be beneficial. What do you suggest should be the stakes of this wager of yours?<</speech>>
<p>You jokingly suggest that if you win, she should give you a hand job. But you don’t assume she would agree.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Sure, I can agree to that. You could have even asked for more than that. I would have agreed either way since I cannot foresee you winning this wager<</speech>>
<p>You smile smugly. You then ask her a question that it would be absolutely impossible for her to ever answer. You ask her what your own Father’s name is.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>What?! That’s cheating! I thought you meant intellectual questions! Not personal ones!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that it is her fault for not clarifying and that she lost, so now she has to pay up.</p>
[[Get a jump start on your winnings|gallerylucy2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You wait a bit for the class to end and for the room to get empty. The moment the coast is clear, you stand up, undo your pants and pull your cock out. You grab it and drop it down onto Lucy’s face, making her feel the full weight of it. You then tell her to stark stroking it. You domineering voice making her listen without protest. She grips your cock with both hands and strokes. In seconds you are rock hard and she is building up to a stead pace of pumping her arms.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%202/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerylucy2][$scene to 2]]
<p>You pull her hands away and begin to stroke yourself very quickly. You are on the edge of cumming and you push your self over it. You aim your cock at her face and unload all over it. Like a faucet your cock sprays cum all over her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%202/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Lucy">>Congratulations on your victory. Do not expect to beat me again, $<</speech>>
<p>She gets up and leaves the classroom, seeming to forget to clean her face of before hand. Not that it is any concern of yours. You put your cock away and head out yourself.</p>
<p>You grab a BLT for lunch today and see Lucy sitting alone with her head in a book and barely touching her meal. You sit with her. She doesn’t pay much mind to you at first but you make a point to get her attention. You say that all the studying in the world won’t matter if she never eats or rests.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>I eat and rest plenty. I study just enough to keep my grades up. You should study like me. If not I doubt you’ll pass all of your classes<</speech>>
<p>You decide to prove her wrong. You show her your most recently posted grades and prove to her that you are doing well in all of your classes.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>This is absurd! You don’t study nearly as much as me! Your notes are spectacular, but even still there is no way you should be doing so well! I am barely even performing better than you are!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her rest helps the mind store information better. And that she needs to relax and let loose here and there. She gives you an oddly seductive look at you when you suggest that.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Well, I guess you might be right. I do have something I have wanted to do to relax. I guess now is as good of a time as any. Are you free? I require your assistance to do this<</speech>>
<p>You agree to help her. She pops out of her seat and tells you to follow her.</p>
[[Follow her|gallerylucy3b][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Lucy leads you through the hall and towards an empty class room. She checks the door and seems relieved that it is unlocked. She leads you inside. The room is dark and has few lights in it. It seems unused and even has some dust on the tables.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>This is one of the unused classrooms this year. They still haven’t found a teacher for the course, so it just sits her empty all the time. But now that we are alone, let’s relax<</speech>>
<p>Lucy pulls her shirt open for you and points to a chair for you to take a seat in. You sit down and she slides between your legs. You pull your pants down and let your hardening cock spring free. She grabs your cock in her hand and wraps her lips around it. She bobs her head up and down along your shaft. She is very inexperienced but makes up for it with her extreme dedication and enthusiasm.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%203/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerylucy3b][$scene to 1]]
<p>Her warmth of her tight throat envelopes your cock. She chokes and gags on your size adding to the pleasure. Eventually, you begin to cum. She pulls her lips off of your cock as the first shots of cum fire out of your tip. You cum in her mouth and all over her face. You groan loudly as you unload on her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%202/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finished Lucy stands up and wipes her face clean. She redresses herself and begins to head out of the room. You sit there for a moment, recoiling from the orgasm.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>That was fun. I think I would enjoy doing that with you again some time. Thank you, for reminding me that taking some time out for fun and relaxation could be helpful<</speech>>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 4]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You head into the library to see if Lucy wants to study with you. When you see her at her usual table she is surprisingly sitting there without any books. She is just there waiting, with a smug and proud look on her face. You walk up to her and ask her how her test went.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>It went spectacularly. Since they grade the tests using a machine we already have our scores. I got a perfect score!<</speech>>
<p>She bursts with excitement bouncing up out of her seat and running around the table to give you a hug. She tightly wraps her arms around you, still bouncing. You hug her back tightly and give her congratulations.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>I don’t think I would have been able to do it without you. I can’t ever thank you enough. But, I certainly know where to start<</speech>>
[[Follow Lucy|gallerylucy4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Lucy pulls you along by your shirt and leads you back into a secluded part of the library that is rarely visited. A section filled with nothing but dissertations by doctors of archaeology. She pulls you in close and kisses you deeply. You both begin to undress one another. In seconds you are both nude. You caress her body, you hands gliding along her skin groping every inch of her. You hit the floor together and she wraps her legs around your waist. You slide your cock into her pussy and start to thrust, fucking her hard on the floor.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%204/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerylucy4][$scene to 2]]
<p>You thrust and thrust into her, building up to a steady and powerful rhythm. Her tight previously virgin pussy grips your cock tightly, as if not wanting it to leave her as you pound away. She cums on your cock multiple times. Her contracting pussy bringing you to orgasm. You pull out of her and cum. You shoot your load all over Lucy. You coat her in a thick layer of jizz.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/mainquest/stage%204/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You lay with her for a moment, basking in the post orgasmic after glow. Once you catch your breath though you realize the danger of staying where you are for too long. Lucy wipes herself clean and you both get dressed. You share a deep kiss before parting ways. You head out of the library, telling Lucy on that way out that you will see her again soon.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You join Lucy in the library and tell you have a surprise for her.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>A surprise? For me?<</speech>>
<p>You hand her her gift. She pulls the wrapping paper off and squeals with glee as she realizes that you got her the first edition Jane Eyre that she has been searching for.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Oh my god how did you get this? This must have cost you so much money!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her not to worry about it, and that you are happy to just to make her smile.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>This is so great! I’m gonna be smiling for weeks! And I’m gonna make sure you smile for weeks too. Come with me<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a sultry look as she grabs your hand and leads you out of the library.</p>
[[Follow her|gallerylucy5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Lucy leads you along and the two of you walk together until you reach an apartment building. She leads you inside one of the apartments and into her bedroom. She undresses down into her lingerie.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>You are such a great guy. I’m gonna fuck you all night for this<</speech>>
[[She teases you|gallerylucy5][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Lucy jumps onto the bed and begins to pull her lingerie off, revealing her small perky tits to you.</p>
<p>You reach forward with your hand. You grope and caress her tits. You feel her soft silky skin in your palm. Her breasts are warm and soft. She moans as you play with them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/gift/tits.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Have her blow you|gallerylucy5][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You lie down onto the bed in front of her. She moves between your legs, pulls off your pants, and grabs your rapidly hardening cock. She looks at you while she licks your shaft. She then takes your cock in both of her hands and pulls it closer to her face. She lowers her mouth onto it, sucking on just the head at first. She looks into your eyes as she swallows more past her lips.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/gift/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|gallerylucy5][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>Lucy sits up and turns around. She bends over, showing you her ass and pussy. You finger her pussy lightly for a moment, before pulling her back and sliding your cock into her. She leans forward and slowly rocks her body back and forth. Her pussy lips gliding along your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/gift/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Look at her while you fuck her|gallerylucy5][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You pull Lucy off and flip her onto her back. You crawl up between her legs and slide your cock into her pussy. You stare into each others eyes as your slowly thrust into her building into a steady rhythm.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/gift/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerylucy5][$scene to 6]]
<p>You feel your orgasm building. You thrust harder and faster into her pussy as you begin to erupt. Your cock pulses as it unloads deep into her pussy, giving her a heavy creampie with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/gift/creampie.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks your cock and her hands clean, staring into your eyes as she does.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>That was fantastic! Ready for round two?<</speech>>
<p>You are exhausted but you agree. The two of you fuck and make love over and over again until before you know it, the day is gone and it is dark out side. The two of you have drained each other completely, having fucked each other half a dozen times today. You are incredibly tired but you manage to get dressed so you can head home.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Don’t be stranger<</speech>>
<p>You promise her that you won’t and head home for the night.</p>
<p>You want to get closer to Ms. Lee so you decide to seek out her help on the homework for her class this week. You don’t really need any help, but you head into her room during your free period any way to spend time with her. You knock on the door and wait for an answer.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Come in!<</speech>>
<p>You enter quickly. The authority with which she speaks compels you to enter and do as she says.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>What can I do for you $ I don’t exactly have all day to waste here<</speech>>
<p>You quickly explain that you came to get her help on the homework. You tell her that there are parts you don’t understand and would appreciate if she took some time to help clear things up for you. She doesn’t answer, not with words at least. She extends her hand out expectingly. You place the assignment sheet in her hand and she looks it over. You explain what you need help with, but you stutter several times, her ample cleavages taking much of your focus away in the moment. Something she is obviously aware of.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>$, we went over this in class twice. I don’t think you misunderstand the material. I think you simply care more about staring at my breasts, than you do about doing the work. So, allow me to fulfill this childish desires so maybe you could start to focus properly<</speech>>
<p>She pulls open her shirt letting her large breasts bounce free and into your view for a moment.</p>
<p>The chance to look isn’t very long but you take it all in and savor every moment. When the moment is up, Ms. Lee closes her blouse back up and looks at you skeptically.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>I expect that you will be more motivated to pay attention to the lesson and not my chest from here on out. If you need any more motivation, allow me to add some incentive. This will be the last time you ever see my breasts if I don’t see some marked improvement<</speech>>
<p>You tell her you understand and head out of her classroom to get to studying. With more looks at that rack on the line you have plenty of incentive.</p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You take your impossible to complete homework to Ms. Lee’s classroom to discuss it with her. You walk in and see her doing paper work behind her desk. You approach her and tell her that you need some help with the homework she gave for this week.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Didn’t you already try this ploy before, $ I was hoping that showing you my breasts would quell your lust but it appears that you are insatiable<</speech>>
<p>You say that while you would always jump at the chance to see her tits, you are not here under false pretenses. You place the assignment sheet down in front of her and point out that the formula appears to be unsolvable. She scoffs and looks it over with a smug smile. As she reads the smile fades into a look of shocked realization.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Well, it appears I was mistaken. It seems that I did write this is a way that makes it impossible to complete. I appreciate your honesty. Hmm, I think you deserve a reward, and an apology, for my misguided assumptions of you<</speech>>
[[Accept the apology|galleryteacher2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Ms. Lee grabs her blouse at the buttons and pulls it open, revealing her breasts to you once again. This time though, she seems intent on going further with you that just giving you a quick look. She directs you to a nearby seat. The moment you hit the seat she works your cock out of your pants, stroking it until it is hard in her hand. She looks pleased and impressed by the size. She slides it between her tits and presses them tightly around your shaft. She bounces up and down, stroking you with her huge tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lee/stage2/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryteacher2][$scene to 2]]
<p>She wraps both of her hands around your cock and strokes you at a blazing speed. She pumps her hands and works your cock until your erupt. You cum all over her face and tits hard. Your balls feel completely empty by the time you are finished.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lee/stage2/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are done she stands up and returns to her desk.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>I will cancel the assignment for this week. Thank you for informing of the mistake. I hope my apology was sufficient. I will see you on Monday<</speech>>
<p>You barely even have a chance to respond before she directs you out of the classroom. You make sure to tell her the apology was more than sufficient, goading a smile out of her before you leave.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You sit through chemistry class today and pay close attention to the lesson. Ms. Lee notices and gives you several sensual looks through out the class. When it is time to leave Ms. Lee calls out to you.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>$! Please stay behind. I hope you aren’t busy I have something important to discuss with you<</speech>>
<p>You are confused by her request. But, you agree. You head up towards her desk and wait for the rest of the students to funnel out of the room. Once it is empty she goes over and locks the door. She turns back to you and smiles seductively.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>I have a proposal for you. You see, I actually like that base ball bat of a cock you are hiding in there. So here is how this will work. I am in charge. I touch you or allow you to touch me on my terms. You agree to that, then you and I get to have some fun together<</speech>>
<p>Her authority turns you on and makes it damn near impossible to to say no to her. You don’t even want to say no. You agree the moment she finishes talking.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Wonderful. Now hurry up and take your pants off. My throat is far too empty at the moment<</speech>>
[[Get your cock sucked|galleryteacher3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You stand up and your pants fall down. She drops down and grabs your cock excitedly. She shoves your cock down her throat and bobs her head down aggressively. Gagging and choking on your cock. Her chin and tits get covered in her spit as she deep throats your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lee/stage3/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryteacher3][$scene to 2]]
<p>Her throat and mouth wrap around and stroke your cock masterfully. She grabs and gently squeezes your balls, as if she knew you were on the edge of cumming. You burst very soon after. You shake from the powerful orgasm, cumming hard and splattering your load all over Ms. Lee’s face and tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lee/stage3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You fall back into your chair, recoiling and breathing heavily. Ms. Lee stands up and licks every drop of cum up from her face and body. She smiles at you as she does.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Time to leave now. But rest assured that will be occurring again soon<</speech>>
<p>You are eating your lunch alone when you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn your head back and look over your shoulder to see Ms. Lee standing behind you with a very demanding look in her eye.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>You are coming with me. Now<</speech>>
<p>You don’t even bother trying to argue with her. The determined and powerful look in her eyes tell you it would never be worth it. You get up and follow her closely. She leads you out to her car and practically pushes you into the passenger seat. She drives you along until you arrive at her home. A surprisingly nice suburban house. You get out of the car and follow her inside. The second you pass the threshold of the front door she grabs you and pulls you in for a passionate kiss. You pull each others clothes off and go at one another like primal animals.</p>
[[Get laid|galleryteacher4b][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Ms. Lee brings you to her bedroom and pushes you onto her bed. She climbs up on top of you and slides your cock deep into her pussy. She bounces on your cock as hard and as fast as she is able. She slams her pussy down onto you so hard that it almost starts to hurt. Her pussy grips your shaft as it glides along your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lee/stage4/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryteacher4b][$scene to 1]]
<p>She rides you so hard that you almost don’t manage to pull out in time before you start to cum. You push her to the side and cum all over her ass and pussy, groaning loudly and you unload on her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lee/stage4/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She doesn’t let you rest though. She grabs your cock and shoves it right back inside of her, riding you again, even harder and rougher than before. She rides you again and again, all throughout the night. Never giving you rest beyond stopping to let you cum. Before long you are shooting air as she lets loose every primal urge within her and rides you until you both pass out on the bed together.</p>
<p>When you wake up the next morning Ms. Lee is nowhere to be found. Only a note about having a fun night together. You get dressed and head out, barely recovered from the previous evening.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 8]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p class="hint">There aren't any classes during the afternoon. Students are free to do other activities such as sports or reading books at the library</p>
[[You run into Jade|galleryteacher5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>As you walk past the door to your classroom Jade pops out and grabs your arm to get your attention. She seems nervous and jittery as she talks to you. You ask her what’s wrong.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey there Mr. $mc.eyes eyes! I have to make up a presentation for chemistry. I’m presenting in life, five minutes. I’m super nervous about it, I hate talking in front of people. Do you think you could sit in? I think I’ll feel better seeing you there<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you would be glad to come watch her presentation. She yanks on your arm hard and pulls you into the classroom to get into into a seat near the front.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Thank you, thank you, thank you!<</speech>>
<p>You see your teacher and a few other students in the room as you take your seat. Your teacher gives you a sultry look when she notices that you have joined the small crowd.</p>
[[The experiment begins|galleryteacher5][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Jade stands behind a lab table in the front of the classroom. The table is covered with beakers and chemicals. She begins her experiment, adding and mixing chemicals in a specific order.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Alright once I add this last ingredient, crystals should begin to form in these beakers<</speech>>
<p>Jade pours in the last chemical, but instead of crystals the contents of the beakers begin to turn to foam and erupt from the tops like volcanoes. Some of the other students begin to laugh at Jade’s failure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/expfail.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[The aftermath|galleryteacher5][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>Your teacher ushers almost everyone out of the room rather quickly, trying to save Jade some embarrassment. Everyone leavers, except for Jade, your teacher, and yourself.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>That’s enough for today, the show is over<</speech>>
<p>She walks back over and pulls Jade close to you. You try to comfort Jade but your teacher interrupts you before you have the chance.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>You know, I think this mistake could have been avoided, Jade. I think you were too distracted. But it’s not all your fault. I’ve been distracted too. Lover boy here has been keeping us both preoccupied<</speech>>
<p>You and Jade both recoil at your teachers bluntness. You and Jade both try to make excuses and cover for your relationship.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Oh can it both of you. I see how you look at each other. And those under the desk handjobs aren’t subtle Jade. But they are damn hot!<</speech>>
<p>Your teacher suddenly pulls open her lab coat, revealing that she was wearing nothing but lingerie underneath.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/opencoat.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fool around with Jade and your Teacher|galleryteacher5][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>Your Teacher drops her lab coat, and pulls down her bra to show off her big tits. She grabs both Jade’s and your head and pulls them close to her chest. You and Jade both begin to lick and suck on her huge breasts. Before long her hand reaches down and undoes your belt.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/teachbreast.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Pull your cock out|galleryteacher5][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>You stand up and drop your pants, letting your cock hang free. Your Teacher pushes Jade to her knees in front of you. She tells you to sit back down as Jade begins to suck your cock, making it grow hard in her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/jadeblow.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Your Teacher joins in|galleryteacher5][$scene to 6]]
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<p>Your Teacher drops down to her knees beside Jade as you stand back up. She takes your cock from Jade and pulls it into her mouth, sucking hard. She and Jade pull their clothes off as they take turns licking and sucking your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck Jade|galleryteacher5][$scene to 7]]
<<elseif $scene is 7>>
<p>Your teacher hops up on the desk and spreads her legs. Jade stands up and leans over the table. She begins to lick and finger your Teachers pussy. Meanwhile you stand up and aim your dick towards Jade’s pussy. You slide it into Jade and start thrusting hard and fast.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/jadedoggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck your Teachers|galleryteacher5][$scene to 8]]
<<elseif $scene is 8>>
<p>You pull out of Jade and sit back down on one of the chairs. Your teacher hops up from the table and walks over to you. She turns away from you, showing you her as as she grabs your cock and lowers herself down onto it until it is in her pussy. She bounces and rides on your cock while you sit on the chair. Jade teases her pussy and sucks on her tits as they bounce in front of her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/teachcowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Take control|galleryteacher5][$scene to 9]]
<<elseif $scene is 9>>
<p>You pull out of your Teacher and bend her over the table. She puts one leg up on the table as you slide your cock in her pussy from behind. You hold her hips as you thrust hard and fast into her tight hole. Jade hops up on the table to get her pussy licked by the Teacher at the same time.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/teachdoggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Jade rides you|galleryteacher5][$scene to 10]]
<<elseif $scene is 10>>
<p>You sit back down on the chair and pull Jade on top of you. She wraps her legs around you as you lower her pussy into your cock. Her tits bounce in your face as she rides you. Your Teacher lowers herself to watch Jade bounce on your cock and she plays with your balls at the same time.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/jadecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Plow your Teacher|galleryteacher5][$scene to 11]]
<<elseif $scene is 11>>
<p>You put your Teacher on her back on the table and spread her legs wide as you begin to thrust into her. You play with her clit with your hand as you ram into her with all your strength. Jade rides your Teachers face while you plow her pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/teachmissionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryteacher5][$scene to 12]]
<p>You pull out of your Teacher and pull both her and Jade down to their knees in front of you. You groan loudly as you start to cum, shooting your load all over both of their faces.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/mainquest/stage5/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Jade and your teacher lick your cum off of each others faces as you watch. When they are done, your Teacher stands up and grabs her things.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>That should help us focus. Now then, clean this place up. I have another class soon<</speech>>
<p>You and Jade get dressed and clean the room up together. She stops you to talk for a second as you leave together.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Thanks for coming. That was a lot more fun than I thought it would be<</speech>>
<<return>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You decide to spend your weekend free period with Mrs. Sato studying up some more on your Japanese. You walk into her classroom and see her with her head down on her desk, and her jacket laid over her head. You cough lightly to get her attention. She pops her head up and out from under her jacket to see who made the noise. With her head up you notice that she had her phone under her jacket as well. And some very raunchy porn is playing on the screen.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Oh, $! You need something?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you came to get some extra study time in with her. But, you suggest that you could return later if she is busy at the moment.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You talking about the porn? Nah, forget about it. Come on in I can make some time for the only student who seems to give a damn. Besides, I’m just watching this because I’m horny. My wife, Suki, is out of town and I haven’t gotten any in over a week<</speech>>
[[Suggest you help one another out|gallerysato1][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You grab a nearby chair and pull it up next to her. You get close to her and give her a sly smile. You suggest that the two of you might be able to have some fun together. You place your hand on her thigh and look deeply into her eyes. She smiles back at you deviously.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Are you suggesting that I cheat on my wife with you?<</speech>>
<p>She puts a little bit of offense behind her words. You pull away, saying that you didn’t mean to over step. Just that you thought you were picking up some signals from her.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Relax, $ I’m kidding. Hell, Suki is probably air tight with three guys right now. Our relationship is totally open. Love is love, sex is just fun<</speech>>
<p>You suggest that, in that case, the two of you should have some fun right now.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Are you just going to suggest things or are you gonna pull your cock out?<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even answer, Mrs. Sato’s hands slide along your legs to your groin. She undoes your pants and yanks your cock right out of them. She strips down for you, giving you a show and making your cock hard very quickly. Once you are nice and hard she kneels down and starts to stroke your cock. She grabs your shaft with both hands and double fists your cock hard and fast.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage2/sub/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysato1][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>She works your cock expertly. Both hands gripping and pumping along your cock at max speed. She goads you on, compelling you to cum. Her words might have done it alone, but the way she is stroking you, you hardly have any sort of choice. You orgasm hard, shooting your load out all over her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage2/sub/facial0.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>But she doesn’t stop…</p>
[[Cum again|gallerysato1][$scene to 3]]
<p>Mrs. Sato doesn’t let you rest. She keeps on pumping both of her hands back and forth along your cock as hard and as fast as she can. She demands you cum on her again as she mercilessly milks your cock for all it is worth. Forcing you to unload a second time onto her face and body.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage2/sub/facial1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She seems like she is ready to force a third load out of you but you pull back, unable to take anymore. You slump back in your chair and breath heavily as you watch her lick the cum up from her face and chest. You thank Mrs. Sato for the fun time.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Any time, $ Oh, and call me Akira from now on. After those two big loads I think you’ve earned it<</speech>>
<p>You smile at her weakly before getting dressed and heading out for the day, still recoiling from the orgasm.</p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You decide to spend your weekend free period with Mrs. Sato studying up some more on your Japanese. You walk into her classroom and see her with her head down on her desk, and her jacket laid over her head. You cough lightly to get her attention. She pops her head up and out from under her jacket to see who made the noise. With her head up you notice that she had her phone under her jacket as well. And some very raunchy porn is playing on the screen.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Oh, $! You need something?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you came to get some extra study time in with her. But, you suggest that you could return later if she is busy at the moment.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You talking about the porn? Nah, forget about it. Come on in I can make some time for the only student who seems to give a damn. Besides, I’m just watching this because I’m horny. My wife, Suki, is out of town and I haven’t gotten any in over a week<</speech>>
[[Grab her and have some fun|gallerysato2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You ask Mrs. Sato how she could go so long without her partner. You joke that you would be desperate to get some after a day or two. She laughs a bit then gives you a seductive look.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Well lucky for both me and Suki, we have an open relationship. Love is love and sex is just sex. So if I ever need it too bad, I can always fine some fun somewhere around<</speech>>
<p>You smile at her deviously as you walk around her desk and stand right in front of her. She turns to you and throws you a seductively teasing look. You reach down and grab her shirt, ripping it open and mauling at her large breasts.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Well it took you long enough<</speech>>
<p>You pull your huge, rock hard cock out and shove it between her breasts. She reaches up and presses them together as you start to thrust. You fuck her tits hard and fast. She spits between them to lube up your cock, helping you thrust faster.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage2/dom/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysato2][$scene to 2]]
<p>She grabs her breasts, using her nipples as handle and bounces them up and down along your shaft. She times her strokes of her breasts with your thrusts. The soft tit flesh being more than enough to bring your to orgasm. You cum hard, firing your heavy load all over her tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage2/dom/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With her tits properly coated, you slump down in a near by chair. She scoops the cum up into her mouth and swallows it all. You stand up and get dressed once you are no longer recoiling from the orgasm. You go to leave and wish Mrs. Sato a good afternoon.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Have a good day yourself, $ Oh and call me Akira from now on, alright?<</speech>>
<p>You nod at her and give her a sly smile as you leave.</p>
<p>You head into the Cock and Bull and make a b-line for the bar. You order a drink and take a look around. At the end of the bar you see a familiar face. Akira is knocking back whiskey after whiskey, and looking very drunk already. You walk up to her and say hi. She turns to you with an annoyed look. You ask her what’s wrong and she scoffs.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You know I almost had a bit of hope. I spent years, learning English, getting a degree, moving to this country, and getting this job. All so I could teach a bunch of weeaboos and lazy idiots my native language. Or actually, not teach them anything apparently. Hell even you! The one person who actually tries, can’t learn it! It has to be me. I’m just a failure<</speech>>
<p>You pull her drink away from her and turn her to face you. You tell her that she is wrong. You reassure her that she is a great teacher, and that she shouldn’t let the failures of students who don’t care define her like that.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>I didn’t, until I met you. You aren’t a failure. You have been trying! You actually care! But, no! You stilled failed a simple ass test<</speech>>
<p>You decide that you have to cheer her up no matter what it takes. You lie to her and tell her that you weren’t able to study for a while, and it was your own failures that you failed the test. She looks at you skeptically. You doubt she believes you, but the smile growing on her face shows that she at least appreciates your attempts.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You have been such a great guy. Hell, you’re the best student I’ve ever had hands down. I’m plastered, wanna do me one more favor and take me home?<</speech>>
<p>You agree and wrap your arm around her shoulders to steady her as you lead her out of the Cock and Bull, and into her car. You drive her car down the road to the residential area of the city. You stop outside the building she says she lives in. You lead her up to the door to make sure she gets in okay. She turns back and looks at you with bedroom eyes.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You coming in? Or am I gonna have to drag you in?<</speech>>
[[Head inside|gallerysato3b][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You eagerly take her up on her offer and follow her inside. She pulls you into her living room and pushes you onto her couch. She strips down in front of you, giving you a fun show. She then drops to her knees and fumbles with your pants until she pulls out your rock hard cock. She licks your balls and shaft up and down before lowering her head down onto your cock. She sucks it in as deeply as she can, gagging on your length.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage3/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysato3b][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Akira sucks you off with insane skill. They way she moves her tongue is expert. It hits every right spot along your cock at just the exact right time. She can tell you are about to cum by the way your cock pulses in her mouth. She pulls out and strokes you off until you cum, unloading all over her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She giggles as she kneels in front of you with cum all over her face. She begins to lay down on the carpet in front of you and the moment her head hits the floor she passes out. You get up and quietly wish her a good evening. You get dressed and start to head out when someone walks through the front door.</p>
[[You meet Suki|gallerysato3b][$scene to 2]]
<p>Another beautiful Asian woman struts through the front door, looking at you suspiciously. She looks around you to see Akira passed out on the floor covered in cum. She then looks back at you and gives you a sly smile.</p>
<<speech "Suki">>You must be the star pupil my wife has been raving about. Bout time she brought you home. She has been pining over you for a while now. I’m Suki, pleased to meet you<</speech>>
<p>You shake her hand and laugh nervously. You and Suki spend a bit of time talking and getting to know one another. Suki promises to clean Akira up and tells you to head home. You thank her and wish her a good evening before heading out.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 7]]
<p>You head to Akira’s classroom and walk inside. Her room is surprisingly empty though. You look around and find no trace that she ever even came in today. You stand there confused for a moment and decide that the only place you could think she could be is either at home or at the Cock and Bull getting drunk. So you decide to try the restaurant first.</p>
<p>You arrive at the Cock and Bull and barely even need to look around to find Akira. She is the only one at the bar. She is just sitting there alone. And it doesn’t even seem like she is drinking. You walk up to the bar and sit beside her. You greet her and ask her why she didn’t come in to the school today.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You’re smart. It shouldn’t be hard to know when a person is avoiding you<</speech>>
<p>You are shocked to hear her say that. You ask her why she is trying to avoid you.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Because it stopped being just sex, $ I caught feelings and I’m trying to let go of them<</speech>>
<p>You hear the hesitation in her voice. She clearly doesn’t want to be saying this.</p>
[[Tell her you have feelings for her|gallerysato4b][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You decide that you need to come clean. You tell Akira that you feel the same way. You assure her that you have no intention of getting between her and Suki, but that your feelings are real. And that if hers are as well, they should do something about them.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You, know what? I think you’re right<</speech>>
<p>Akira wordlessly grabs you by your collar and leads you out towards her car. She drives quickly, taking you back to her home. She leads you up to her place and brings you into the living room. Before you can even ask her for more details about what she is doing she pulls you in for a kiss. The kiss is deep and passionate, and before you even realize you are both naked. She pushes you onto the couch and sits on top of you. She slides your cock into her pussy and bounces hard on your cock. You pull her close with one arm and reach around to slap her ass with the other as you fuck each other powerfully.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage4/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysato4b][$scene to 1]]
<p>Your bodies slam into each other as you both yell out in passionate bliss. She cums on your cock multiple times. And with how tightly her pussy is gripping your shaft it is not long before you begin to cum to. You pull out of her pussy and cum on her face and tits as she kneels in front of you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slump down onto the couch, exhausted. She gets up and sits by you on the couch, looking at you lovingly.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>So this is gonna be hard to explain to Suki. But I’ll make do. Who knows maybe she likes you enough that she won’t mind<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle a little. Mostly out of fear that you might be a home wrecker. You decide to head out for now though, to give Akira some time to think and time to talk to Suki. You tell her that you will see her soon.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 7]]
<p>You head to Akira’s classroom and walk inside. Her room is surprisingly empty though. You look around and find no trace that she ever even came in today. You stand there confused for a moment and decide that the only place you could think she could be is either at home or at the Cock and Bull getting drunk. So you decide to try the restaurant first.</p>
<p>You arrive at the Cock and Bull and barely even need to look around to find Akira. She is the only one at the bar. She is just sitting there alone. And it doesn’t even seem like she is drinking. You walk up to the bar and sit beside her. You greet her and ask her why she didn’t come in to the school today.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>You’re smart. It shouldn’t be hard to know when a person is avoiding you<</speech>>
<p>You are shocked to hear her say that. You ask her why she is trying to avoid you.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Because it stopped being just sex, $ I caught feelings and I’m trying to let go of them<</speech>>
<p>You hear the hesitation in her voice. She clearly doesn’t want to be saying this.</p>
[[Exploit her emotions|gallerysato5b][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You see the emotions in her eyes and realize that you can use this to your advantage. You tease her, telling Akira that if she caught feelings then maybe she should do something about them. You grab her by her wrist and take her out to her car. She is mesmerized by the authority you are speaking with. She drives you both back to her home and leads your up stares. The second you are inside you grab her and tear her clothes off, leaving them in tatters as you lead her to the couch. You place her on her back and then suddenly lift her pussy up to you. You aim your cock down into her pussy and thrust away. You use your weight and your strength to double to power of your thrusts as your ruin her pussy with your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage4/piledriver.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysato5b][$scene to 1]]
<p>Akira cums over and over again on your cock. You ram your cock into her tight pussy and make her shake with pleasure. Her shakes bring you over the edge as well. You begin to cum so you pull out of her pussy and pull her up to her knees. You grab her by her hair to hold her still as your coat her face and tits in your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are done you tell Akira that she is yours now. And that either Suki can fall in line, or leave. After that you tell her you will be fucking her again soon. You get dressed and leave her a cum coated well fucked mess.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 7]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You head to the Japanese classroom to see Akira. You have been itching to find out how Suki and Akira are handling Akira’s newly discovered feelings for you. You enter the class but are confused to see that the lights are off. You turn them on and see a magnificent sight.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>The man of the hour is finally here! I hope you like it. Suki and I worked it out. We are happy with a third wheel as long as we each come first with one another. And since we both know how fun you can be, we decided to surprise you with both of us, and a few colleagues of Suki’s from her law firm<</speech>>
<p>Your jaw drops and you can say nothing as you marvel at the bevy of beauties standing before you.</p>
[[They make the first move|gallerysato6][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>With you standing there too slack jawed to even speak, the girls walk over and grab you. They strip you down and before you know it you are all having fun. Suki lays on Akira’s desk and beckons you until your slide your cock into her pussy. Suki also eats the pussy of her coworker while you fuck her hard. Akira is with the other coworker, eating one another out and calling out in extreme pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage5/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Akira’s turn|gallerysato6][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pull out of Suki and walk over to grab Akira. You pull her on top of you and have her ride you cowgirl while you thrust up into her tight pussy. Suki and her two coworkers kiss and tease Akira, overwhelming her with pleasure from all four of you focusing on her at once. She cums harder than she likely ever has before.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage5/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysato6][$scene to 3]]
<p>You pull out of Akira and all four girls instinctively know why. The drop to their knees and bring their faces together as you start to cum. You erupt, making sure you aim at least a little of your load at each of their faces. You are sure to give Akira a little extra, just to show that you care.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/stage5/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finished you stand there, basking in the glory as you watch four Asian beauties lick your cum off of each others faces. You look at the time and realize that you need to leave, despite how little you actually want to. You say good by to Akira and Suki, making sure to tell them that you will be seeing them both, very soon.</p>
<p>You head into Ms. Powers’ office during your free period. She is sitting at her desk in a tight black blouse. She is sitting in a weirdly proper way, with her back perfectly straight and one leg crossed over the other. You approach her, preparing to navigate her self absorbed way of conversing. You get her attention and go to ask her for some help with this weeks homework. But, before you can finish your sentence she interrupts you.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I know what this is about. I can tell when a student is obsessed with me. It has happened before and it will happen again<</speech>>
<p>You try to cut her off and tell her that you are just here for homework help, but she doesn’t let up.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Now, I know I’m gorgeous and brilliant but you and I simply can’t be together. I won’t pretend that I’m not flattered though, so how about I show you a little something to assuage your lustful desires?<</speech>>
<p>Ms. Powers pulls open her shirt and pulls down her red lacy bra. She lets her big natural tits free so you can take a good long look at them. You stare for a while. It could have been five seconds or twenty minutes. You have no idea, it is hard to tell time when your focus is on a pair of tits.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Now then, as much as I adore that whimsically lustful look you are giving me, we must stop. I have many duties to perform today. I hope this little experience can quell your desires<</speech>>
<p>She buttons herself back up and dismissively sachets you out of her classroom. You leave, still a bit shocked by what you saw. It isn’t until you get halfway down the hallway that you remember the question you had about the homework.</p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Math class goes by rather smoothly. Ms. Powers is her usual posh and self aggrandizing self. And, math is still as complicated of a subject as any. Eventually the class ends and you pack up and leave. You head down the hallway and almost make it to the cafeteria when you check your pocket and realize something. You accidentally left your phone back in the classroom. You turn around and head back.</p>
<p>Once you get to the classroom door you hear the faint sound of music and talking. You open the door and see Ms. Powers sitting on the desk and talking on the phone. Country music is playing on a low volume and Ms. Powers is talking in a completely different accent that the one she usually speaks with. She sounds like a southern girl that grew up on a farm.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Now I’m tellin’ ya Tammy, the boy has abs you could grate cheese on<</speech>>
<p>You stands there shocked at how different she seems. She is slouching, speaking with poor grammar, and complimenting someone other than herself. It is like she is a totally separate person. She notices you out of the corner of her eye and jumps in shock. She looks at you like a deer caught in the headlights, completely unsure of what to do. You gesture to the seats and quietly walk over and grab your phone. You start to walk back out of the room, trying to avoid eye contact.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Wait! I can’t let you leave just yet<</speech>>
<p>You stop in your tracks and turn to her. She has put her facade back on by now. She slowly walk over and turns off her music. She turns back to you and walks up close. She looks very concerned.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>You have seen me in a position I have not allowed another person to see me in, in years. Frankly, I am ashamed of this side of me. A fact that is likely evident to you by my demeanor. I cannot let this side of me be revealed. I am wiling to pay for your silence<</speech>>
[[Ask to learn more about the real her instead|gallerypowers2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You walk up close to her and smile warmly. You tell her that you don’t want her money. Instead, you tell her that you simply want to see the real her. You express sympathy about how lonely hiding her true self must be. You tell her that you won’t tell anyone about her true self, if she allows you to be a person that she can be her true self with.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>That is, suspiciously sweet of you to offer. I can’t help but be skeptical of your true intentions. But, frankly that is to beneficial of a deal for me to ever even consider passing up. I accept your terms<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that if she really did agree to the terms, then she wouldn’t still be talking with the fake posh accent.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I guess you may have a solid argument there. Very well, I shall hold up my end of the bargain<</speech>>
<p>She takes a deep breath and looks at you with an insecure smile. When she begins speaking again, her true accent has come back in full force.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Here’s the real me. Jessie powers, country gal<</speech>>
<p>You smile and walk up to her. You wrap your arms around her and hug her. You tell her that it is nice to meet her properly.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Nice ta meet ya too, I guess. I’m not to sure ‘bout all this. But, you’re being real sweet here. I don’t really get what you’re gettin’ from this. I figure I outta sweeten the deal a bit. Just to be safe. So go ahead and take those pants off<</speech>>
<p>You want to tell her that you don’t need the deal sweetened but you also aren’t going to pass up an opportunity when it arises.</p>
[[She jerks you off|gallerypowers2][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You drop your pants and take a seat in front of Ms. Powers. Her eyes grow wide and she bites her lip at the sight of your hard cock.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Well fuck me, why didn’t ya say you were packing?<</speech>>
<p>She drops to her knees and pulls off her clothes. She grabs your cock and strokes it hard for you. She looks into your eyes, her large deep blue eyes piercing your to your core. Her soft hands glide along your shaft and caress your balls.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage2/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerypowers2][$scene to 3]]
<p>You shake in her grasp. The pleasure of her hands easily bringing you to climax. She jerks you off harder and harder until you cum. You shoot your load erratically all over her. Most of it hits her face and tits, but some of it even lands on her arm.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage2/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are done she stands up and walks back to her desk, wiping the cum up from her body. You get dressed and start to gather your things back up.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Remember now, don’t go spillin’ the beans to anyone. We have a deal<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her in understanding, and tell her to remember her side of the deal as well. You head out of the classroom and back into the hall.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Math class goes by rather smoothly. Ms. Powers is her usual posh and self aggrandizing self. And, math is still as complicated of a subject as any. Eventually the class ends and you pack up and leave. You head down the hallway and almost make it to the cafeteria when you check your pocket and realize something. You accidentally left your phone back in the classroom. You turn around and head back.</p>
<p>Once you get to the classroom door you hear the faint sound of music and talking. You open the door and see Ms. Powers sitting on the desk and talking on the phone. Country music is playing on a low volume and Ms. Powers is talking in a completely different accent that the one she usually speaks with. She sounds like a southern girl that grew up on a farm.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Now I’m tellin’ ya Tammy, the boy has abs you could grate cheese on<</speech>>
<p>You stands there shocked at how different she seems. She is slouching, speaking with poor grammar, and complimenting someone other than herself. It is like she is a totally separate person. She notices you out of the corner of her eye and jumps in shock. She looks at you like a deer caught in the headlights, completely unsure of what to do. You gesture to the seats and quietly walk over and grab your phone. You start to walk back out of the room, trying to avoid eye contact.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Wait! I can’t let you leave just yet<</speech>>
<p>You stop in your tracks and turn to her. She has put her facade back on by now. She slowly walk over and turns off her music. She turns back to you and walks up close. She looks very concerned.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>You have seen me in a position I have not allowed another person to see me in, in years. Frankly, I am ashamed of this side of me. A fact that is likely evident to you by my demeanor. I cannot let this side of me be revealed. I am wiling to pay for your silence<</speech>>
[[Demand much more than money|gallerypowers3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You smile slyly. You walk up closer to her and place your hand on her shoulder. She recoils a bit, obviously unsure of your intentions. You tell her that you will keep quiet about all of this, provided she agrees to two conditions you set.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I get the feeling that you have ill intent. I also get the feeling that I won’t have much choice in the matter. Go on then. Name your stipulations<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that first, she has to drop the posh act around you. You tell her it annoys you and that her real accent is actually pretty hot.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I guess I can do that. As long as it’s just you<</speech>>
<p>You then moves your hands to the buttons of her blouse and slowly start to unbutton it for her. You look into her eyes as you do, telling her that the second condition is that you get to fuck her tits until you cum all over them.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I knew you were gonna pull some pervy shit like that. Well, alright then let’s get this over with<</speech>>
[[Pull your cock out|gallerypowers3][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You finish pulling her shirt off and her bra comes off right after. You push her down to her knees and pull out your quickly hardening cock. She grabs her tits in her hands and presses them together tightly around your cock. You run your fingers through her hair and hold her steady as you thrusts, pounding your cock into her tits and making them bounce with each buck of your hips.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage2/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerypowers3][$scene to 3]]
<p>You fuck her tits hard and fast. You ram into her with all the strength your hips can generate. Jessie flinches with each thrust, but her eyes are lust filled and fixated on the head of your cock poking out through the top of the hole made from her breasts. You pull out from her tits as you begin to cum. You erupt all over her and cover her face and tits in your heavy load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage2/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slap your cock against her face a couple times to get the last drops of cum off before getting dressed again. You gather your things and make sure you have your phone this time. She wipes the cum up from your body and looks at you expectingly.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>We got a deal right?<</speech>>
<p>You assure her that her secret is safe, for the moment at least. You head out of the room, leaving her to her thoughts as you return to the hallway.</p>
<p>Since you have a free period today you decide that it is time to see Ms. Powers and learn more about her true self. You walk into her classroom and see her sitting properly as usual. She keeps up her posh persona well. But, just not well enough. She looks at you as you enter. She has a look of insecurity that she is trying to mask with her false self absorbed confidence. But, you can see right through it.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>$, how can I help you today?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her to cut the act since it is just you here.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>My door is open, so we are not truly alone<</speech>>
<p>You say you understand. Then you suggest that you head somewhere where you two can talk more comfortably. You suggest that you head to the Cock and Bull to share a meal and a drink. She gives you a suspicious look, but agrees. She knows that if she refuses she would needlessly risk her secret being revealed.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Very well. I suppose a meal would be nice<</speech>>
[[Head to the Cock and Bull|gallerypowers4b][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The two of you make your way into the restaurant and take a seat at the bar together. You each order a drink and a meal to enjoy while you talk. You decide to dive deep right away and ask where the facade comes from.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>It isn’t some sort of special story. I grew up on a farm, and when I went to school to be a teacher people gave me shit for my accent. So I started puttin’ on the act. It’s easier actin’ like I’m better than everyone, than it is taking their shit<</speech>>
<p>You tell her you understand that mindset. And you offer your sympathies for how she was treated by those people. You assure her that she never has to worry about that with you. A warm smile grows on her face.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>It’s a shame you’re the only one. I’m kinda in too deep at this point<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that whenever she just needs to be herself, to come find you. You assure her that you’ll be there when you can be.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I know a way you can be there for me right now. Come with me<</speech>>
[[Follow Ms. Powers|gallerypowers4b][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You get up and follow Ms. Powers as she leads you along towards the back rooms of the restaurant. She sneaks in and finds and empty room. She pulls you inside and locks the door behind you. She pounces on you and pulls your pants down. She strokes your huge cock while she undresses. The moment her bra touches the floor she wraps her lips around your cock and starts sucking you off.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage3/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerypowers4b][$scene to 2]]
<p>Ms. Powers bobs her head along your cock. She takes as much into your throat as she can, gagging on your length. She caresses your balls and coaxes out your load. You erupt, cumming on her face while you hold her head still. As you finish cumming she grabs your cock by the base and sucks in the tip to pull every drop out of you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finished you get dressed. Ms. Powers cleans off her face and gets dressed as well. You let her know that you had a great time, but that you have to head out. You assure her again that you are there for her when she wants to be herself.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>In that case you can call me Jessie from now on. When we aren’t in class at least<</speech>>
<p>You head out of the restaurant, saying goodbye to Jessie with a hug.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 9]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You listen closely to Jessie’s lesson today. Every now and then she stutters when she sees you watching her so closely. She almost breaks her facade at one point. But, she plays it off as just having something caught in her throat. When the lesson ends Jessie nods to you, to signal that she wants to talk to you. Once the rest of the students finish leaving the classroom she locks the door to give you both some privacy. You ask her why she wanted to talk.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I kinda don’t get you, $ You could’ve asked for a fuck ton outta me over my secret. But, even after everything you keep just tryin’ to know me, instead of use me. I gotta tell ya that is real special to me<</speech>>
[[Tell her she is special to you too|gallerypowers5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You walk up to her and take her hand in your own. You look deeply into her eyes and tell her that she is special to you as well. Her eyes well up and the two of you embrace one another in a deep passionate kiss. It doesn’t stop with the kiss though. Your hands glide along and explore each others bodies. You then peel her clothes of and she removes yours. She lays you down and grabs hold of your hard cock, guiding it into her pussy as she lowers herself down onto it. She bounces on your cock, riding you fast.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage4/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerypowers5][$scene to 2]]
<p>Her tight pussy grips your shaft tightly. You grab her nice round ass as it bounces on you, building your orgasm quickly. When it is time, you pull out and aim your cock at her face. She strokes your cock hard until you erupt all over her. Coating her face with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you finish cumming you fall back. You relax in a chair, exhausted and recoiling from the orgasm. Jessie licks her face clean as she gets up and gets dressed again. When you catch your breath you get dressed as well. You give Jessie another kiss before heading out to the hall.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You listen closely to Jessie’s lesson today. Every now and then she stutters when she sees you watching her so closely. She almost breaks her facade at one point. But, she plays it off as just having something caught in her throat. When the lesson ends Jessie nods to you, to signal that she wants to talk to you. Once the rest of the students finish leaving the classroom she locks the door to give you both some privacy. You ask her why she wanted to talk.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I kinda don’t get you, $ You could’ve asked for a fuck ton outta me over my secret. But, even after everything you keep just tryin’ to know me, instead of use me. I gotta tell ya that is real special to me<</speech>>
[[Press the advantage and get all that you can out of her|gallerypowers6][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You walk up to Jessie and reach up, grabbing the back of her neck firmly in your hand. You pull her close and wordlessly kiss her. You allow her emotions to do all of the talking for you. You strip her down and bend her over her desk. You pull your cock out and slide it deep into her pussy. You smack her ass as you start to thrust. You grab onto her hair, pulling it lightly as you pound her pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage4/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerypowers6][$scene to 2]]
<p>You ram your cock deep inside of Jessie over and over again. The tip of your cock kissing her cervix with each thrust. She cums hard on your cock and her spasming pussy brings you to orgasm. You pull out and push Jessie to her knees. You jerk your cock inches from your face as you unload on her, coating her face in your jizz.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finished cumming you quickly get dressed. Jessie is breathing heavy and still recovering from her orgasm. You smack her ass hard as you leave, telling her you look forward to next time.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Sleep|gallerypowers7][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>The moment your head hits your pillow you hear a knock at your front door. You get up and head to the door, looking out the eye hole to see who is there. All you see though is a lot of cleavage. You pull open the door and see Jessie standing on the other side. Neither of you say a word. Jessie just bull rushes you and pushes you into your bedroom and onto your bed. She lustfully pulls your clothes off, kissing your chest and pulling your cock into her mouth, bobbing her head quickly and sucking your cock powerfully.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage5/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[She rides you like a bronco|gallerypowers7][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Jessie aims your cock at her pussy and slams herself down onto you. She starts to ride you like a crazy person. She is slamming her pussy down onto your cock so hard and so fast that it is starting to feel like you are getting punched in the pelvis. But the pleasure of her pussy stroking your cock at mock speed outweighs the pain my a ton.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage5/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerypowers7][$scene to 3]]
<p>As you get close to cumming you have to force Jessie off of you. She is cumming and riding so hard on your cock that she is barely even aware of anything else at the moment. You put her on your back and cum all over her pussy and thighs, coating her groin in your thick load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jessie/stage5/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are done you lay back in your bed and fall fast asleep. When you wake up Jessie is gone, and you see a note beside you from her. It says she had a good time and can’t wait to do it again. You smile at her note and get up for the day, still feeling a little sore.</p>
<<widget "Highlight">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "House">>
<<if $mom.questmain is 7 && $has.paidbills is 0>>
<<set _desk1 to "imglink golden">><<set _desk2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _desk1 to "imglink">><<set _desk2 to "shadow">>
<<if $mom.questmain is 5 || (isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '01:00') && $powers.questmain is 4 && $ gte 25) || ($has.auntaddress is 1 && $cousin.loc is "Your bedroom" && $cousin.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10)>>
<<set _mcbedroom1 to "imglink golden">><<set _mcbedroom2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _mcbedroom1 to "imglink">><<set _mcbedroom2 to "shadow">>
<<if (isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $mom.questmain is 2)||(isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $mom.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5)||(isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 5 && $ gte 15 && $sis.homeworktotal gte 1)||($sis.loc is "Living room" && $sis.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5 && $ gte 5)>>
<<set _living1 to "imglink golden">><<set _living2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _living1 to "imglink">><<set _living2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _startupoffice1 to "imglink golden">><<set _startupoffice2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _startupoffice1 to "imglink">><<set _startupoffice2 to "shadow">>
<<if (isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 9 && $ gte 25 && $sis.homeworktotal gte 5) || (isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $sis.questmain is 8 && $ gte 20)>>
<<set _sisbedroom1 to "imglink golden">><<set _sisbedroom2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _sisbedroom1 to "imglink">><<set _sisbedroom2 to "shadow">>
<<if ($mom.loc is "Kitchen" && $mom.questmain is 4 && $ gte 15) || (isDateBetween($gameDate,'17:00','19:59') && $sis.questmain is 7)>>
<<set _kitchen1 to "imglink golden">><<set _kitchen2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _kitchen1 to "imglink">><<set _kitchen2 to "shadow">>
<<if (isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $mom.questmain is 8 && $ gte 20) || (isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $mom.questmain is 7 && $inv.momjewelry is 1 && $has.paidbills is 1 && $has.vacuum is 1 && $has.dishes is 1) || (isDateBetween($gameDate,'22:00','23:59') && $mom.questmain is 6) || (isDateBetween($gameDate,'20:00','21:59') && $sis.questmain is 6 && $mom.questmain gte 8) || ($mom.loc isnot "Mom's bedroom" && $sis.questmain is 2)>>
<<set _mombedroom1 to "imglink golden">><<set _mombedroom2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _mombedroom1 to "imglink">><<set _mombedroom2 to "shadow">>
<<if (isDateBetween($gameDate,'18:00','19:59') && $mom.questmain is 3 && $sis.questmain gte 5 && $ gte 10) || (isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','07:59') && $sis.questmain is 4) || (isDateBetween($gameDate,'07:00','07:59') && $sis.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10)>>
<<set _bath1 to "imglink golden">><<set _bath2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _bath1 to "imglink">><<set _bath2 to "shadow">>
<<if $quest.basement is 1 || $quest.basement is 3 || ($quest.basement gte 5 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '00:00') && ( ($mc.dom gte 15 && $mc.collars gte 1 && $mom.slave is 0 && $mom.questmain gte 10 && $mom.corr gte 50 && $ gte 10 && ($mom.loc is "Living room" || $mom.loc is "Mom's bedroom" || $mom.loc is "Kitchen" || $mom.loc is "Bathroom")) || ($mc.dom gte 15 && $mc.collars gte 1 && $sis.slave is 0 && $sis.questmain gte 10 && $sis.corr gte 50 && ($sis.loc is "Living room" || $sis.loc is "Sis's bedroom" || $sis.loc is "Kitchen" || $sis.loc is "Bathroom")) || ($jade.questmain gte 5 && $jade.corr gte 25 && ( $jade.dungeonintro is 0 || ($jade.corr gte 35 && $mc.str gte 30 && $mc.collars gte 1 && $jade.slave is 0))) || ($kate.questmain gte 4 && $kate.corr gte 30 && $kate.slave is 0 && $mc.collars gte 1) || ($quest.alicebathroom gte 4 && $alice.corr gte 15 && $mc.collars gte 1 && $alice.slave is 0 && $houses.usedRooms lt $houses.totalRooms) || ($lucy.questmain gte 5 && $lucy.corr gte 50 && $lucy.slave is 0 && $mc.collars gte 1) || ($carla.progress gte 5 && $carla.corr gte 40 && $mc.dom gte 50 && $mc.collars gte 1 && $carla.slave is 0) || ($missy.progress gte 5 && $missy.corr gte 50 && $mc.dom gte 25 && $mc.collars gte 1 && $missy.slave is 0 && $restaurant.status gte 2) ))>>
<<set _basement1 to "imglink golden">><<set _basement2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _basement1 to "imglink">><<set _basement2 to "shadow">>
<<case "aunthouse">>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1 && $aunt.questmain is 3 && $aunt.loc is "Aunt's bedroom" && $ gte 20 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '23:59')>>
<<set _auntbedroom1 to "imglink golden">><<set _auntbedroom2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _auntbedroom1 to "imglink">><<set _auntbedroom2 to "shadow">>
<<if ($has.auntaddress is 1 && $cousin.questmain is 0 && $cousin.loc is "Bella's bedroom" && $ gte 5) || ($cousin.loc is "Bella's bedroom" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:59') && $aunt.questmain gte 5 && $cousin.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $cousin.corr gte 15) || ($cousin.questmain is 5 && $cousin.loc is "Bella's bedroom" && ($cousin.stuffed is 1 || $mc.collars gte 1))>>
<<set _cousinbedroom1 to "imglink golden">><<set _cousinbedroom2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _cousinbedroom1 to "imglink">><<set _cousinbedroom2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _auntliving1 to "imglink golden">><<set _auntliving2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _auntliving1 to "imglink">><<set _auntliving2 to "shadow">>
<<if ($has.auntaddress is 1 && $aunt.questmain is 2 && $aunt.loc is "Aunt's kitchen" && $ gte 15 && $mc.end gte 15) || ($has.auntaddress is 1 && $aunt.questmain is 4 && $aunt.loc is "Aunt's kitchen" && $ gte 25 && $aunt.corr gte 15) || ($has.auntaddress is 1 && $aunt.loc is "Aunt's kitchen" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '11:59') && $cousin.questmain is 4)>>
<<set _auntkitchen1 to "imglink golden">><<set _auntkitchen2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _auntkitchen1 to "imglink">><<set _auntkitchen2 to "shadow">>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1 && $aunt.questmain is 0 && $aunt.loc is "Aunt's pool" && $ gte 5>>
<<set _auntpool1 to "imglink golden">><<set _auntpool2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _auntpool1 to "imglink">><<set _auntpool2 to "shadow">>
<<case "Street">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _mchouse1 to "imglink golden">><<set _mchouse2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _mchouse1 to "imglink">><<set _mchouse2 to "shadow">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','17:59') && $school.status is 0>>
<<set _university1 to "imglink golden">><<set _university2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _university1 to "imglink">><<set _university2 to "shadow">>
<<if ($restaurant.avaible is 1 && $mom.questmain is 1) || ($dean.loc is "Mall" && $dean.questmain is 3 && $dean.route is "sub" && $ gte 15 && $ gte 500)>>
<<set _mall1 to "imglink golden">><<set _mall2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _mall1 to "imglink">><<set _mall2 to "shadow">>
<<if ($dean.loc is "Park" && $dean.questmain is 3 && $dean.route is "dom" && $ gte 15 && $mc.dom gte 20) || ($has.auntaddress is 1 && $cousin.loc is "Park" && $cousin.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15 && $cousin.corr gte 10)>>
<<set _park1 to "imglink golden">><<set _park2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _park1 to "imglink">><<set _park2 to "shadow">>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1 && $aunt.loc is "Residential district" && $aunt.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $mc.str gte 10>>
<<set _residential1 to "imglink golden">><<set _residential2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _residential1 to "imglink">><<set _residential2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _coast1 to "imglink golden">><<set _coast2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _coast1 to "imglink">><<set _coast2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _fitness1 to "imglink golden">><<set _fitness2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _fitness1 to "imglink">><<set _fitness2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _startupoffice1 to "imglink golden">><<set _startupoffice2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _startupoffice1 to "imglink">><<set _startupoffice2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _bank1 to "imglink golden">><<set _bank2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _bank1 to "imglink">><<set _bank2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _redlight1 to "imglink golden">><<set _redlight2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _redlight1 to "imglink">><<set _redlight2 to "shadow">>
<<case "Residential">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _aunt1 to "imglink golden">><<set _aunt2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _aunt1 to "imglink">><<set _aunt2 to "shadow">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59') && $grandma.loc is "Grandma's home" && ($grandma.questmain is 1 || ($grandma.questmain is 3 && $ gte 10) || ($grandma.questmain is 5 && $ gte 20))>>
<<set _grandma1 to "imglink golden">><<set _grandma2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _grandma1 to "imglink">><<set _grandma2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _jade1 to "imglink golden">><<set _jade2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _jade1 to "imglink">><<set _jade2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _lucy1 to "imglink golden">><<set _lucy2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _lucy1 to "imglink">><<set _lucy2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _kate1 to "imglink golden">><<set _kate2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _kate1 to "imglink">><<set _kate2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _alice1 to "imglink golden">><<set _alice2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _alice1 to "imglink">><<set _alice2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _lee1 to "imglink golden">><<set _lee2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _lee1 to "imglink">><<set _lee2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _sato1 to "imglink golden">><<set _sato2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _sato1 to "imglink">><<set _sato2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _powers1 to "imglink golden">><<set _powers2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _powers1 to "imglink">><<set _powers2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _dean1 to "imglink golden">><<set _dean2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _dean1 to "imglink">><<set _dean2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _missy1 to "imglink golden">><<set _missy2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _missy1 to "imglink">><<set _missy2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _carla1 to "imglink golden">><<set _carla2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _carla1 to "imglink">><<set _carla2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _abigail1 to "imglink golden">><<set _abigail2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _abigail1 to "imglink">><<set _abigail2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _tammy1 to "imglink golden">><<set _tammy2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _tammy1 to "imglink">><<set _tammy2 to "shadow">>
<<if $erika.loc is "Erika's house" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '22:59') && $erika.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $ gte 1>>
<<set _erika1 to "imglink golden">><<set _erika2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _erika1 to "imglink">><<set _erika2 to "shadow">>
<<if $mikaela.loc is "Mikaela's house" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '22:59') && $mikaela.questmain is 4 && $ gte 25 && $mikaela.corr gte 15>>
<<set _mikaela1 to "imglink golden">><<set _mikaela2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _mikaela1 to "imglink">><<set _mikaela2 to "shadow">>
<<if $tiffany.loc is "Tiffany's house" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '22:59') && $tiffany.questmain is 1 && $ gte 25>>
<<set _tiffany1 to "imglink golden">><<set _tiffany2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _tiffany1 to "imglink">><<set _tiffany2 to "shadow">>
<<case "Coast">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _beach1 to "imglink golden">><<set _beach2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _beach1 to "imglink">><<set _beach2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _beachnude1 to "imglink golden">><<set _beachnude2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _beachnude1 to "imglink">><<set _beachnude2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _beachbar1 to "imglink golden">><<set _beachbar2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _beachbar1 to "imglink">><<set _beachbar2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _pier1 to "imglink golden">><<set _pier2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _pier1 to "imglink">><<set _pier2 to "shadow">>
<<case "Fitness Center">>
<<if $grandma.loc is "Fitness Center gym" && ($grandma.questmain is 2 && $ gte 5)>>
<<set _fitgym1 to "imglink golden">><<set _fitgym2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _fitgym1 to "imglink">><<set _fitgym2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _fitsauna1 to "imglink golden">><<set _fitsauna2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _fitsauna1 to "imglink">><<set _fitsauna2 to "shadow">>
<<if $grandma.loc is "Fitness Center pool" && ($grandma.questmain is 4 && $ gte 15)>>
<<set _fitpool1 to "imglink golden">><<set _fitpool2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _fitpool1 to "imglink">><<set _fitpool2 to "shadow">>
<<case "Red Light district">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _smokeshop1 to "imglink golden">><<set _smokeshop2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _smokeshop1 to "imglink">><<set _smokeshop2 to "shadow">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '23:59') && $mikaela.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $startup.workScore gt $mikaela.workScore>>
<<set _stripclub1 to "imglink golden">><<set _stripclub2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _stripclub1 to "imglink">><<set _stripclub2 to "shadow">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '8:00', '18:00') && ($quest.lucygiftquest is 1 || $quest.lucygiftquest is 3 || $sis.questmain is 3 || $quest.basement is 2 || ($cousin.questmain is 5 && $cousin.stuffed is 0))>>
<<set _strangeshop1 to "imglink golden">><<set _strangeshop2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _strangeshop1 to "imglink">><<set _strangeshop2 to "shadow">>
<<case "University">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59') && $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday" && $daycheck isnot "Wednesday" && (($teacher.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $ gte 10) || ($teacher.questmain is 4 && $ gte 15 && $ gte 15) || ($jade.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15 && $mc.str gte 10) || ($jade.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $mc.str gte 15))>>
<<set _chem1 to "imglink golden">><<set _chem2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _chem1 to "imglink">><<set _chem2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _econ1 to "imglink golden">><<set _econ2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _econ1 to "imglink">><<set _econ2 to "shadow">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59') && $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday" && $daycheck isnot "Wednesday" && (($sato.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5) || ($sato.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15) || ($sato.questmain is 3))>>
<<set _jap1 to "imglink golden">><<set _jap2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _jap1 to "imglink">><<set _jap2 to "shadow">>
<<if $daycheck is "Wednesday" && $school.statusjap gte 1 && $sato.loc is "Japanese classroom" && $sato.questmain is 6 && $ gte 25>>
<<set _japwed1 to "imglink golden">><<set _japwed2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _japwed1 to "imglink">><<set _japwed2 to "shadow">>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate,'08:00','10:59') && $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday" && $daycheck isnot "Wednesday" && (($powers.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10) || ($powers.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20) || ($lucy.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $ gte 5))>>
<<set _math1 to "imglink golden">><<set _math2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _math1 to "imglink">><<set _math2 to "shadow">>
<<if $school.statuslib isnot 1 || ($lucy.loc is "Library" && $has.metlucy is 1 && ( ($ >= 20 && $ >= 15 && $has.receivedlucynudes is 1 && $quest.lucygiftquest is 0) || ($quest.lucygiftquest is 2) || ($quest.lucygiftquest is 4) || ($lucy.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5) || ($lucy.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $ gte 15) || ($lucy.questmain is 4) ) )>>
<<set _unilibrary1 to "imglink golden">><<set _unilibrary2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _unilibrary1 to "imglink">><<set _unilibrary2 to "shadow">>
<<if $school.statusgym isnot 1 || ($jade.loc is "University gym" && $has.metjade is 1 && ( ($jade.questmain gte 4 && $quest.jadegiftquest is 0 && $ >= 20) || ($jade.questmain gte 4 && $quest.jadegiftquest gte 1 && $inv.jadeleggings is 1) || ($jade.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5 && $school.statuschem gte 1 && $jade.traintotal gte 1) || ($jade.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $mc.str gte 5) ) )>>
<<set _unigym1 to "imglink golden">><<set _unigym2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _unigym1 to "imglink">><<set _unigym2 to "shadow">>
<<if $school.statuspool isnot 1 || ($has.metkate is 1 && $kate.loc is "University pool" && ( ($quest.kategiftquest gte 1 && $inv.katebikini is 1) || ($kate.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5 && $school.statusecon gte 1) || ($kate.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $mc.end gte 15) ) )>>
<<set _unipool1 to "imglink golden">><<set _unipool2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _unipool1 to "imglink">><<set _unipool2 to "shadow">>
<<if $school.statuscafe isnot 1 || ( $has.metkate is 1 && $quest.kategiftquest is 0 && $ >= 20 && $kate.corr >= 10 ) || (isDateBetween($gameDate,'14:00','14:59') && $dean.questmain is 0 && $teacher.questmain gte 6 && $sato.questmain gte 6 && $powers.questmain gte 5 && $school.grades gte 5)>>
<<set _unicafeteria1 to "imglink golden">><<set _unicafeteria2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _unicafeteria1 to "imglink">><<set _unicafeteria2 to "shadow">>
<<if ($quest.alicebathroom is 1 && $alice.firstclass is 1 && $ gte 10 && $alice.loc is "University restrooms") || ($quest.alicebathroom is 0 && $alice.loc is "University restrooms")>>
<<set _unirestrooms1 to "imglink golden">><<set _unirestrooms2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _unirestrooms1 to "imglink">><<set _unirestrooms2 to "shadow">>
<<case "Office">>
<<if (isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '11:59') || isDateBetween($gameDate, '13:00', '16:59')) && ( ($mikaela.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5) || ($tammy.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5) )>>
<<set _workall1 to "imglink golden">><<set _workall2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _workall1 to "imglink">><<set _workall2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _interactemployees1 to "imglink golden">><<set _interactemployees2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _interactemployees1 to "imglink">><<set _interactemployees2 to "shadow">>
<<if 1 is 2>>
<<set _officecafeteria1 to "imglink golden">><<set _officecafeteria2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _officecafeteria1 to "imglink">><<set _officecafeteria2 to "shadow">>
<<if $startup.level gte 4 && $ gte 15 && $tiffany.defeated is 0>>
<<set _hiring1 to "imglink golden">><<set _hiring2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _hiring1 to "imglink">><<set _hiring2 to "shadow">>
<<if ($startup.level is 1 && $ gte 20000) || ($startup.level is 2 && $ gte 50000 && _currentlyHired gte 2) || ($startup.level is 3 && $ gte 150000 && _currentlyHired gte 5)>>
<<set _officegrow1 to "imglink golden">><<set _officegrow2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _officegrow1 to "imglink">><<set _officegrow2 to "shadow">>
<<case "Mall">>
<<if (($restaurant.status is 0 || $restaurant.status is 1) && isDateBetween($gameDate, '11:00', '14:59') && $restaurant.employee is 0) || (($restaurant.status is 0 || $restaurant.status is 1 || $restaurant.status is 2) && isDateBetween($gameDate, '16:00', '19:59') && $restaurant.employee gte 1 && $restaurant.barworked isnot 0 && $dean.questmain is 2 && $dean.route is "dom" && $ gte 10 && $mc.dom gte 15)>>
<<set _restaurant1 to "imglink golden">><<set _restaurant2 to "shadow golden">>
<<set _restaurant1 to "imglink">><<set _restaurant2 to "shadow">>
<<widget "VariableLimit">>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $mc.str gt 100>>
<<set $mc.str to 100>>
<<if $mc.end gt 100>>
<<set $mc.end to 100>>
<<if $mc.seXP gt 100>>
<<set $mc.seXP to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $mc.collars gt 100>>
<<set $mc.collars to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $sis.corr gt 100>>
<<set $sis.corr to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $sis.homeworktotal gt 100>>
<<set $sis.homeworktotal to 100>>
<<if $sis.questmain gt 10>>
<<set $sis.questmain to 10>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $mom.corr gt 100>>
<<set $mom.corr to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $mom.questmain gt 10>>
<<set $mom.questmain to 10>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $kate.corr gt 100>>
<<set $kate.corr to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $kate.questmain gt 4>>
<<set $kate.questmain to 4>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $lucy.corr gt 100>>
<<set $lucy.corr to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $lucy.questmain gt 5>>
<<set $lucy.questmain to 5>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $alice.corr gt 100>>
<<set $alice.corr to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $jade.corr gt 100>>
<<set $jade.corr to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $jade.traintotal gt 100>>
<<set $jade.traintotal to 100>>
<<if $jade.questmain gt 5>>
<<set $jade.questmain to 5>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $abigail.corr gt 100>>
<<set $abigail.corr to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $carla.corr gt 100>>
<<set $carla.corr to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $missy.corr gt 100>>
<<set $missy.corr to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $teacher.corr gt 100>>
<<set $teacher.corr to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $teacher.questmain gt 6>>
<<set $teacher.questmain to 6>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $sato.corr gt 100>>
<<set $sato.corr to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $sato.questmain gt 7>>
<<set $sato.questmain to 7>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $powers.corr gt 100>>
<<set $powers.corr to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $powers.questmain gt 5>>
<<set $powers.questmain to 5>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $dean.corr gt 100>>
<<set $dean.corr to 100>>
<<if $ gt 100>>
<<set $ to 100>>
<<if $dean.questmain gt 5>>
<<set $dean.questmain to 5>>
<</nobr>><<if $ gte 20 && $abigail.corr gte 10 && $abigail.progress gte 5>>
<p>You ring the bell. After a few minutes Abigail opens the door. She greets you, and invites you in.</p>
<p>Inside of her home, she offers you a hot cup of coffee. You spot Eva in the living room, too.</p>
<<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>><br>[[Give her a Christmas present|abigailhouse gift][$scene to 0]]<br><</if>>
[[Fuck Abigail right away|abigailhousescene1][$scene to 0]]
<<if $abigail.progress gte 6>>[[Fuck both of them like animals|abigailhousescene2][$scene to 0]]<</if>>
<p>You ring the bell but nobody comes out.</p>
[[Leave|Street]]<<if $scene is 1>>
<p>You pull out and put Abigail on her back. You spread her legs wide and look into her eyes as you slide your cock in her pussy and start fucking her hard and fast. Her huge tits bounce wildly with each powerful thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward3/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|abigailhousescene1][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You are close to cumming. So you pull out of Abigail’s pussy and she quickly drops to her knees on the floor. You stroke your cock in front of her face and cum, shooting your jizz all over her. She swallows what lands in her mouth and scoops up the rest with her finger.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Abigail">>Fuck, that was spectacular. I am damn glad I hired you<</speech>>
<p>You let her know how happy you are that you were hired as well. Then, you get dressed and head out of her house.</p>
<<speech "Eva">>... Damn<</speech>>
[[Leave|Street]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You strip down at once. She turns around and offers herself up for you. You slide your cock in from behind and start fucking her, grabbing her hips for leverage as you thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward3/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Flip her over|abigailhousescene1][$scene to 1]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 1>>
<p>The girls combine their efforts, and their huge tits, to stroke your cock with all four of their breasts at the same time. The four mounds of soft tit flesh absorbing your cock into them as they raise and lower along your shaft.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/titsjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck Eva|abigailhousescene2][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Eva lies down on her back and Abigail climbs up on top of her and puts her pussy in Eva’s face. Abigail licks and plays with Eva’s pussy while you slide your cock into her. Eva and Abigail eat each other out while you thrust into Eva’s tight pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/evafuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Switch places|abigailhousescene2][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull out of Eva on Abigail’s request. She lays down on the table and pulls Eva on top of her and her pussy into her face. Her tongue goes deep into Eva’s pussy while Eva watches you slide your cock into Abigail’s waiting hole. You start the thrust, fucking Abigail’s pussy hard and fast while Eva watches from just above.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/abifuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|abigailhousescene2][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>Both of the women have heavenly pussies. Your orgasm builds quickly and powerfully. You pull out of Abigail and both she and Eva drop to their knees in front of you. The suck and stroke your cock to bring you to orgasm. You finally burst and unload your cum all over their faces and tits. They lick the cum off of each other playfully in front of you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Eva">>That was fun. I’m glad Abby was willing to share. She is usually so stingy<</speech>>
<<speech "Abigail">>Shush you. <<print "$">>, since you’re a manager now you can fuck me and Eva together Whenever you’d like. Feel free to come here again soon<</speech>>
<p>You thank Abigail for the good fuck, and head out of her house.</p>
[[Leave|Street]]<<addhours 2>>
<p>Abigail and Eva begin to undress. You take a seat and pull your pants off, letting your already hard cock spring free. You suck on Abigail’s tits briefly before she starts to go down on you, swallowing your cock and bobbing her head up and down on it. Eva takes the cock from Abigail and strokes it while you suck her tits. She then lowers herself to pull your cock into her mouth as well.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/restaurant/meeting/reward4/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck their tits|abigailhousescene2][$scene to 1]]
<</if>><<if $step is 1>>
<p>You ask the lady in the counter all the information she can give you about collars.</p>
<<speech "???">>Collars? Wouldn't this boy be planning something nasty, like enslavement... right?<</speech>>
<p>You remain silently, while the woman inspects you with her sight from end to end.</p>
<<speech "???">>Whatever, I'm just messing with you, young man. Just wait a second there<</speech>>
<p>She says while grinning at you and walking towards a nearby room. Then, she comes back with an antique looking box. It looks heavy.</p>
<<speech "???">>Pick the one that fits your pet better. These cost $100 each<</speech>>
[[Buy one slave collar|strangeshopcollar][$step to 2]]
[[Maybe later|Strange shop]]
<<if $ gte 100>>
<<speech "???">>Interesting choice. Hope you have luck in your "activities"<</speech>>
<p class="got">You have bought a new slave collar!</p><<set $mc.collars += 1>><<set $ -= 100>>
[[Leave|Red Light district]]
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money for this yet</p>
[[Leave|Red Light district]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You stand in the basement, holding the leather collar in your hand. You think hard about what exactly you plan on doing, just to root out any doubts you might have. But there is not a single moral blockage that will keep you from your desires. You call up to your Mother to tell her to come down stairs. She knows by now if you are calling her name that you have plans to fuck her silly. But, nothing could prepare her for the plans you have for her today. She jogs down the stairs, her huge tits bouncing with each step.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Yeah sweety? You called me down here right? You looking to have some fun?<</speech>>
<p>You smile at her deviously. You walk up to your Mom and tell her to drop to her knees. She still thinks that the two of you are just going to have some kinky fun, so she obeys. Once she is on her knees she reaches out at your groin to pull your cock out. You push her hands away for now though, establishing your control over the moment.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Well, sweety if we aren’t here to fool around what did you have me come down here for?<</speech>>
<p>You show your Mother the collar and explain to her exactly why you brought her down her. You explain that since she is such a good and eager slut, she is going to become your personal sex slave. You lay out the rules for her, explaining that you intend to use her for sex at any and every moment possible. And that she will still be required to teach at school, pretending as though nothing is different. But, at home, she is to wear nothing and be an open legged cock sleeve for your every desire.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh $! So forceful! Sure sweety I can agree to that. It isn’t like I feel like doing much besides fooling around with you anyway<</speech>>
[[Put the collar on her|momenslave][$scene to 1; $mc.collars -= 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You take the collar and slide it around her neck. She smiles as she looks up at you. There is a sparkle of love and lust in her eyes. A look that tells you that she is yours now and forever, to do with as you please. And right now, what would please you is fucking her silly. You pull your cock out and lay down beside her. You grab your Mother by her head and pull her down to your cock forcing her down to choke and gag on you. You let her up only to breath and praise you and your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/intro/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Pound her pussy|momenslave][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You stand up and bend your Mom over. You pull her leg up to plant it on the mattress to spread her legs out wide for you. You shove your cock into her sopping wet pussy with little warning and immediately begin ramming her hard and fast. You reach up and grab hold of her huge tits like counter balances that you use to fuck her harder and harder.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/intro/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Ram her ass|momenslave][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You push your Mother onto the bed fully and slide your cock our of her pussy. It doesn’t touch the air for long as your shove it right back inside of her, filling her ass this time. You hold her leg as you thrust, filling and stretching her ass with your cock. Your slave Mother cums and moans, falling under your complete control deeper and deeper with each thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/intro/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on your new toy|momenslave][$scene to 4]]
<p>You pull out and grab your slave by her hair, pulling her close to your cock. You stroke yourself quickly, bringing yourself to orgasm. You aim the tip of your cock at her face as your unload. Rope after rope of cum fills her mouth and splashes against her face until she is properly covered.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/intro/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You smack her ass and repeat to her the rules, explaining exactly how things will change from now on. How she is no longer allowed to wear clothes in the house, and how her bed will always be open to you. You also tell her that from now on she must call you <<textbox "$mom.title" "Master">> whenever she speaks to you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Yes, $mom.title. I understand<</speech>>
<p>You smack her ass again and tell her to head back up stairs. She smiles sweetly and obeys, running up and giving you a good look at her naked ass along the way.</p>
<p class="got">Your Mother is now your sex slave!</p><<set $mom.slave to 1>><<addhours 1>>
[[Your Slave leaves the basement|Basement]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The moment she finished the dishes you stand up and pull your cock out. You push her down to her knees and shove it into her mouth. She eagerly sucks on it. She takes it deep into her throat as you ram it deeper into her. You hold her head as you thrust away, feeling your balls swing and hit her chin.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/kitchen/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|mom slave dishes][$scene to 1]]
<p>You pull out of her mouth and tell her to stick her tongue out. She obeys you, opening her mouth wide knowing you are close to cumming. You stroke yourself to completion and unload all over her face and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/kitchen/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You give her a hard slap on her face and tell her that she is a good slut.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Thank you, $mom.title! Please use me more soon!<</speech>>
<p>You leave her to clean herself up and head out of the kitchen.</p>
[[Leave|House]]<<addmins 50>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Mom">>Come in $mom.title! The water is wonderful! My tits are better though!<</speech>>
<p>You would never pass up a proposition like that. You undress and step into the shower. You push her down to her knees and show your hard cock into her mouth. She bobs her head along your shaft for a bit. You then pull out and tell her to press her tits together. She uses her hands to squeeze them together tightly as you ram your cock in between her pillowy breasts. You thrust hard and fast and fuck her tits hard.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/bathroom/titjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|mom slave bathroom][$scene to 1]]
<p>You slam your cock between her tits hard and fast. You use your Mother’s tits like your own personal sex toy. Which of course they now are. You get close to cumming and pull out from between her tits. She grabs your cock and strokes you until you cum. Your cock pulses as you pump out your load all over her face and tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/bathroom/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slap your cock against her face a few times before heading back out of the shower. You don’t bother getting dressed. You tell your Mother slave to clean up and give her a sultry smile before leaving the bathroom.</p>
[[Leave|House]]<<addmins 40>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>When you walk into your Mother’s bedroom you see her laying naked on her bed, clearly expecting you. She smiles seductively as she rubs her tits and gives you a show in anticipation of you fucking her tonight.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>My bed is nice and warm for you, $mom.title. Please join me<</speech>>
[[Take her to bed|mom slave sleeping][$scene to 1]]
[[Take her to pound town|mom slave sleeping][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
[[You wake up next morning|mombedroom]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You walk over to the bed and grab her by her neck. You press her down onto the bed and pull her ass up close to you. You pull your cock out and spit on it to lube it up. You smack her ass hard before shoving your cock deep into her hole. You press your hand down onto her neck as you ram away, abusing her ass with the hard thrusts of your cock. Your slave cries out in pained pleasure as she cums from your rough ruining of her ass.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/mombedroom/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|mom slave sleeping][$scene to 3]]
<p>She is convulsing and cumming hard as you pull your cock out of your slave pussy and drag her down to the floor and onto her knees. You stroke your cock and begin to cum. Your explode, firing your load all over her lips and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/mombedroom/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She licks her lip clean and slides under her covers, cuddling up with you. You both quickly fall asleep together in each others arms.</p>
[[You wake up next morning|mombedroom]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You wait until the entire lecture halls clears out. You and your slave lock eyes the entire time, knowing good and well exactly why you are sticking around. The second the last student leaves your slave begins throwing her clothes off. You hop up and run to lock the door to give you both some privacy.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh, $mom.title! I have been dying to do this all morning!<</speech>>
<p>She is standing there almost completely nude for you. She shakes her tits at you, just how she knows you like it. You pull your clothes off and sit on her desk chair. Your hard cock aim straight up, throbbing as it waits for her. You command her to get on and she dutifully obeys.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/class/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|mom slave class][$scene to 1]]
<p>She bounces on your cock. Impaling her self on your member hard and fast for your amusement and pleasure. You grope her tits as they bounce along with her. When you are ready to cum you pull out and push her down to the ground. Your stroke your cock and launch your load all over her face. She opens wide and swallows every drop that lands in her mouth like a good slave. The look in her eyes is begging for more as she licks up every drop.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/class/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Thank you so much for using me today, $mom.title. You are always so good to your slave<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are welcome and give her ass a nice and hard slap before heading out to continue your day.</p>
[[Leave the classroom|University]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You stand up from your chair and grab your slave by her hair. You push he into her seat facing the back of the chair. You pull her ass up and your cock out. You aim your hard rod at her pussy and slide it in. You have fucked her so much that her pussy is always ready to take your cock. You grab her hair and pull it hard. You start to thrust, slamming your cock into her pussy so hard your balls swing up and smack her clit with each thrust. You smack her ass, making it beat red. You punish her with how hard you fuck her, treating her like the slave fuck meat that you both know she is.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/wednesday/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|mom slave wednesday][$scene to 1]]
<p>Your slave cums again and again as you use and abuse her pussy. It quivers and clamps down on your cock perfectly, milking you like a good slave’s pussy should. Your cock pulses powerfully in her pussy as you begin to orgasm. You stroke yourself, unleashing your load over her face and into her mouth. You command her to swallow every drop and she obeys dutifully.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/wednesday/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Mmm, thank you so much, $mom.title!<</speech>>
<p>You get dressed, groping her tits and slapping her ass while you do. You then head out of the classroom and on with your day.</p>
[[Get out of the classroom|University]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Enslave your Mother|gallerymom17][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You stand in the basement, holding the leather collar in your hand. You think hard about what exactly you plan on doing, just to root out any doubts you might have. But there is not a single moral blockage that will keep you from your desires. You call up to your Mother to tell her to come down stairs. She knows by now if you are calling her name that you have plans to fuck her silly. But, nothing could prepare her for the plans you have for her today. She jogs down the stairs, her huge tits bouncing with each step.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Yeah sweety? You called me down here right? You looking to have some fun?<</speech>>
<p>You smile at her deviously. You walk up to your Mom and tell her to drop to her knees. She still thinks that the two of you are just going to have some kinky fun, so she obeys. Once she is on her knees she reaches out at your groin to pull your cock out. You push her hands away for now though, establishing your control over the moment.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Well, sweety if we aren’t here to fool around what did you have me come down here for?<</speech>>
<p>You show your Mother the collar and explain to her exactly why you brought her down her. You explain that since she is such a good and eager slut, she is going to become your personal sex slave. You lay out the rules for her, explaining that you intend to use her for sex at any and every moment possible. And that she will still be required to teach at school, pretending as though nothing is different. But, at home, she is to wear nothing and be an open legged cock sleeve for your every desire.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh $! So forceful! Sure sweety I can agree to that. It isn’t like I feel like doing much besides fooling around with you anyway<</speech>>
[[Put the collar on her|gallerymom17][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You take the collar and slide it around her neck. She smiles as she looks up at you. There is a sparkle of love and lust in her eyes. A look that tells you that she is yours now and forever, to do with as you please. And right now, what would please you is fucking her silly. You pull your cock out and lay down beside her. You grab your Mother by her head and pull her down to your cock forcing her down to choke and gag on you. You let her up only to breath and praise you and your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/intro/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Pound her pussy|gallerymom17][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You stand up and bend your Mom over. You pull her leg up to plant it on the mattress to spread her legs out wide for you. You shove your cock into her sopping wet pussy with little warning and immediately begin ramming her hard and fast. You reach up and grab hold of her huge tits like counter balances that you use to fuck her harder and harder.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/intro/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Ram her ass|gallerymom17][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You push your Mother onto the bed fully and slide your cock our of her pussy. It doesn’t touch the air for long as your shove it right back inside of her, filling her ass this time. You hold her leg as you thrust, filling and stretching her ass with your cock. Your slave Mother cums and moans, falling under your complete control deeper and deeper with each thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/intro/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on your new toy|gallerymom17][$scene to 5]]
<p>You pull out and grab your slave by her hair, pulling her close to your cock. You stroke yourself quickly, bringing yourself to orgasm. You aim the tip of your cock at her face as your unload. Rope after rope of cum fills her mouth and splashes against her face until she is properly covered.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/intro/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You smack her ass and repeat to her the rules, explaining exactly how things will change from now on. How she is no longer allowed to wear clothes in the house, and how her bed will always be open to you. You also tell her that from now on she must call you $mom.title whenever she speaks to you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Yes, $mom.title. I understand<</speech>>
<p>You smack her ass again and tell her to head back up stairs. She smiles sweetly and obeys, running up and giving you a good look at her naked ass along the way.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk into the bathroom because you hear the water running. You are greeted with the very pleasant sight of your slave Mother washing herself. She sees you watcher her and puts on a show washing her tits with soap and a wash cloth for your viewing pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/bathroom/washing.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Use your slave to get clean|gallerymom18][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Mom">>Come in $mom.title! The water is wonderful! My tits are better though!<</speech>>
<p>You would never pass up a proposition like that. You undress and step into the shower. You push her down to her knees and show your hard cock into her mouth. She bobs her head along your shaft for a bit. You then pull out and tell her to press her tits together. She uses her hands to squeeze them together tightly as you ram your cock in between her pillowy breasts. You thrust hard and fast and fuck her tits hard.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/bathroom/titjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymom18][$scene to 2]]
<p>You slam your cock between her tits hard and fast. You use your Mother’s tits like your own personal sex toy. Which of course they now are. You get close to cumming and pull out from between her tits. She grabs your cock and strokes you until you cum. Your cock pulses as you pump out your load all over her face and tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/bathroom/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slap your cock against her face a few times before heading back out of the shower. You don’t bother getting dressed. You tell your Mother slave to clean up and give her a sultry smile before leaving the bathroom.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>While you are in the kitchen you notice that the dishes need to be done. You don’t have to do such meaningless chores anymore. You have a slave to do these types of things for you. You call out for your slave Mother and in seconds she is rushing into the room to greet you. She drops to her knees fully nude before you with a loving glint in her eye.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>How can I serve you, $mom.title?<</speech>>
<p>You grab her by her chin and smirk devilishly down at her. You tell her to wash the dishes like the good little slave that she is.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Of course, $mom.title! With pleasure!<</speech>>
<p>She jumps up to her feet and begins to wash the dishes. She shakes her ass and soaps up her tits the whole time tempting you.</p>
[[Use your slave|gallerymom19][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>The moment she finished the dishes you stand up and pull your cock out. You push her down to her knees and shove it into her mouth. She eagerly sucks on it. She takes it deep into her throat as you ram it deeper into her. You hold her head as you thrust away, feeling your balls swing and hit her chin.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/kitchen/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymom19][$scene to 2]]
<p>You pull out of her mouth and tell her to stick her tongue out. She obeys you, opening her mouth wide knowing you are close to cumming. You stroke yourself to completion and unload all over her face and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/kitchen/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You give her a hard slap on her face and tell her that she is a good slut.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Thank you, $mom.title! Please use me more soon!<</speech>>
<p>You leave her to clean herself up and head out of the kitchen.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You sit through Economics class. Although you are hardly able to focus. Ever since you turned your Mother into your sex slave, it is hard to think of her as anything other than a tool for your pleasure. This teacher act she puts on almost makes you laugh. But, you still appreciate the chance to learn from her regardless. And she truly is an excellent teacher when you can focus past her barely covered tits.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>That is all I have for today class. Have a spectacular day!<</speech>>
[[Stick around and use your slave|gallerymom20][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You wait until the entire lecture halls clears out. You and your slave lock eyes the entire time, knowing good and well exactly why you are sticking around. The second the last student leaves your slave begins throwing her clothes off. You hop up and run to lock the door to give you both some privacy.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh, $mom.title! I have been dying to do this all morning!<</speech>>
<p>She is standing there almost completely nude for you. She shakes her tits at you, just how she knows you like it. You pull your clothes off and sit on her desk chair. Your hard cock aim straight up, throbbing as it waits for her. You command her to get on and she dutifully obeys.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/class/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymom20][$scene to 2]]
<p>She bounces on your cock. Impaling her self on your member hard and fast for your amusement and pleasure. You grope her tits as they bounce along with her. When you are ready to cum you pull out and push her down to the ground. Your stroke your cock and launch your load all over her face. She opens wide and swallows every drop that lands in her mouth like a good slave. The look in her eyes is begging for more as she licks up every drop.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/class/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Thank you so much for using me today, $mom.title. You are always so good to your slave<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are welcome and give her ass a nice and hard slap before heading out to continue your day.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Since you have a free period you decide to visit your slave Mother’s economics hall. You walk in and thankfully she is alone. She seems very happy to see you. And the moment you lock the door behind you she knows exactly what you expect of her. She pulls her clothes off and sits nude by you while you study. She dotes over you, massaging your shoulders, resting her tits on your head, and caressing your body to make you as comfortable as possible.</p>
[[Reward your slave for a job well done|gallerymom21][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You stand up from your chair and grab your slave by her hair. You push he into her seat facing the back of the chair. You pull her ass up and your cock out. You aim your hard rod at her pussy and slide it in. You have fucked her so much that her pussy is always ready to take your cock. You grab her hair and pull it hard. You start to thrust, slamming your cock into her pussy so hard your balls swing up and smack her clit with each thrust. You smack her ass, making it beat red. You punish her with how hard you fuck her, treating her like the slave fuck meat that you both know she is.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/wednesday/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerymom21][$scene to 2]]
<p>Your slave cums again and again as you use and abuse her pussy. It quivers and clamps down on your cock perfectly, milking you like a good slave’s pussy should. Your cock pulses powerfully in her pussy as you begin to orgasm. You stroke yourself, unleashing your load over her face and into her mouth. You command her to swallow every drop and she obeys dutifully.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/mom/slave/wednesday/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Mmm, thank you so much, $mom.title!<</speech>>
<p>You get dressed, groping her tits and slapping her ass while you do. You then head out of the classroom and on with your day.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You pull out one of your slave collars and decide that it is time to add a girl to your stable of willing sex slave cock sleeves. You call up to $ and command her to come downstairs to speak to you. She obeys and descends the stairs wearing nothing but a skin tight tee shirt, and cut off daisy dukes shorts. She looks at you with a cocky smirk as she sees you standing there with the collar.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>A collar? You are such a perv. Well hurry up and put it on<</speech>>
<p>You walk up to her and strap the collar tightly around her neck. You spend a moment explaining exactly what you expect of her now that she has this collar around her neck. You explain that she is your sex slave, and that besides school, she is never to leave the house without your permission. She will forever stay here and be at your beck and call for as long as you desire. You also tell her that from now on she will refer to you only as <<textbox "$sis.title" "Master">>.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I get railed harder than ever and all I have to do is always be around ready for it? It’s a deal, $sis.title<</speech>>
[[Use your new slave|sisenslave][$scene to 1; $mc.collars -= 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You add some straps to $’s wrists to tie her hands behind her back. You push her down to her knees and take your hard cock out. You slap her face with your cock several times before shoving it deep into her throat. You fuck her throat hard and pinch her nose shut to choke her with your cock. You refuse to let her breath for as long as you think she can handle, punishing her with your cock for no reason beyond you enjoy it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/intro/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Ruin her pussy|sisenslave][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pull your cock out of her mouth and drag her to the couch near by. You pin her down on the leather by her restrained arms. You beat her ass with your palm until it is beat red. You take your massive cock and shove it deep into her tight pussy. She lays flat on the couch and helplessly moans as your plow her pussy hard and fast.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/intro/pinned.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|sisenslave][$scene to 3]]
<p>$ has cum and screamed in pained pleasure nearly a dozen times now. She is shaking and can barely contain herself. You finally get close to cumming yourself, so you pull out and yank your sister up to her knees. You pull her hair back and force her to hold her mouth open as your stroke yourself to completion. You cum fills her mouth as it pours out onto her. She happily swallows every drop.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/intro/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You smack $ across her face and tell her to get cleaned up. She is a quivering mess as you leave her. You turn back to look at her as she struggles to stand. You smile wickedly at her and she looks back at you with a loving and satisfied smile.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Thank you, $sis.title. I can’t wait to serve you again soon<</speech>>
<p class="got">Your Sister is now your sex slave!</p><<set $sis.slave to 1>><<addhours 1>>
[[Go upstairs|House]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<a data-passage="gallerysasha20" data-setter="$scene to 1" class="link-internal">Enslave $</a>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You pull out one of your slave collars and decide that it is time to add a girl to your stable of willing sex slave cock sleeves. You call up to $ and command her to come downstairs to speak to you. She obeys and descends the stairs wearing nothing but a skin tight tee shirt, and cut off daisy dukes shorts. She looks at you with a cocky smirk as she sees you standing there with the collar.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>A collar? You are such a perv. Well hurry up and put it on<</speech>>
<p>You walk up to her and strap the collar tightly around her neck. You spend a moment explaining exactly what you expect of her now that she has this collar around her neck. You explain that she is your sex slave, and that besides school, she is never to leave the house without your permission. She will forever stay here and be at your beck and call for as long as you desire. You also tell her that from now on she will refer to you only as $sis.title.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>I get railed harder than ever and all I have to do is always be around ready for it? It’s a deal, $sis.title<</speech>>
[[Use your new slave|gallerysasha20][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You add some straps to $’s wrists to tie her hands behind her back. You push her down to her knees and take your hard cock out. You slap her face with your cock several times before shoving it deep into her throat. You fuck her throat hard and pinch her nose shut to choke her with your cock. You refuse to let her breath for as long as you think she can handle, punishing her with your cock for no reason beyond you enjoy it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/intro/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Ruin her pussy|gallerysasha20][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull your cock out of her mouth and drag her to the couch near by. You pin her down on the leather by her restrained arms. You beat her ass with your palm until it is beat red. You take your massive cock and shove it deep into her tight pussy. She lays flat on the couch and helplessly moans as your plow her pussy hard and fast.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/intro/pinned.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysasha20][$scene to 4]]
<p>$ has cum and screamed in pained pleasure nearly a dozen times now. She is shaking and can barely contain herself. You finally get close to cumming yourself, so you pull out and yank your sister up to her knees. You pull her hair back and force her to hold her mouth open as your stroke yourself to completion. You cum fills her mouth as it pours out onto her. She happily swallows every drop.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/intro/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You smack $ across her face and tell her to get cleaned up. She is a quivering mess as you leave her. You turn back to look at her as she struggles to stand. You smile wickedly at her and she looks back at you with a loving and satisfied smile.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Thank you, $sis.title. I can’t wait to serve you again soon<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>$ gives you a sultry look, biting her lips as she strokes your cock under the pretext of cleaning it. You reach down and grab her by her neck. You turn her around and bend her over. You smack her ass before sliding your cock into her pussy. Your hand still wrapped around her neck as you begin to thrust. Each slap of your bodies together growing loud as you pummel your slaves pussy with your cock. She shakes as your fuck her, cumming uncontrollably. But, you aren’t here for her pleasure. You keep thrusting harder and hard into her, using her like the cocksleeve slave that she is.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/bathroom/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|sis slave bathroom][$scene to 1]]
<p>When you are ready to cum you pull out and toss your petite slave to her knees on the floor. You shove your cock in her face and she grabs it with both hands, stroking it quickly and powerfully as she knows you want. You command her to aim your cock into her mouth and she obeys. You fire your load directly onto her tongue, filling her mouth with cum. She wraps her lips around the head of your member, sucking it powerfully to extract every drop of cum. She looks up at you with big doe eyes as if thanking you for the load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/bathroom/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slap her face for the fun of it and tell her that she better have her legs spread and ready for you when you get home.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Of course $sis.title. I’ll be wet and ready like a good little slave<</speech>>
[[Leave the bathroom|House]]<<addmins 40>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You her the shower running as you enter the bathroom. Since your Mother is in the kitchen, you know that it must be $ in there at the moment. Your slave has no say anymore, so you can walk in while she showers with impunity. She sees you as you walk in and gives you an excited smile. You undress and hop in the shower with her. You command her to wash you, and to make sure not to leave even an inch of your body unwashed.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yes, $sis.title. Anything you ask!<</speech>>
<p>She gets to work. Your slave soaps up her ahnds and glides them all across your body. She leaves no stone unturned. Though she does spend an inordinate amount of time focusing on cleaning your cock.</p>
[[Use your cock to show her special attention as well|gallerysasha21][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>$ gives you a sultry look, biting her lips as she strokes your cock under the pretext of cleaning it. You reach down and grab her by her neck. You turn her around and bend her over. You smack her ass before sliding your cock into her pussy. Your hand still wrapped around her neck as you begin to thrust. Each slap of your bodies together growing loud as you pummel your slaves pussy with your cock. She shakes as your fuck her, cumming uncontrollably. But, you aren’t here for her pleasure. You keep thrusting harder and hard into her, using her like the cocksleeve slave that she is.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/bathroom/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerysasha21][$scene to 2]]
<p>When you are ready to cum you pull out and toss your petite slave to her knees on the floor. You shove your cock in her face and she grabs it with both hands, stroking it quickly and powerfully as she knows you want. You command her to aim your cock into her mouth and she obeys. You fire your load directly onto her tongue, filling her mouth with cum. She wraps her lips around the head of your member, sucking it powerfully to extract every drop of cum. She looks up at you with big doe eyes as if thanking you for the load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/bathroom/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slap her face for the fun of it and tell her that she better have her legs spread and ready for you when you get home.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Of course $sis.title. I’ll be wet and ready like a good little slave<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>How may I serve you today, $sis.title?<</speech>>
<p>You decide to get some relief and have some fun now that you have some energy from that meal. You grab your slave up out of her chair and pull her clothes off of her. Since she is so small it is easy for you to lift her up and just carry her around like the play thing that she is. You sit down on the couch and pull your hard cock out, shoving it in her face. You put your hand on the back of her head and force her down onto your cock making her gag roughly in the process.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/eating/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her face|sis slave eating][$scene to 1]]
<p>You pound her throat roughly, having no care for her enjoyment. Not that she cares anymore anyway. She is your total cock sleeve. She knows it and she loves it. When you are close to cumming you throw her off of you onto the floor. She pops back up to her knees eagerly as your stroke yourself to completion. She smile widely, showing you her teeth as you cum. You unload your jizz over her face and teeth until she is properly coated and you are properly sated.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/eating/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You grab her by her throat and command her to swallow every drop. She obeys gladly, licking her lips clean when she is done. You slap her in her face once more and call her a good little slave.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Thank you, $sis.title! I am always here for you to use<</speech>>
[[Leave the kitchen|House]]<<addmins 20>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>As you sit down to eat with your family you notice your slave $ sits very close to you. If her chair were any closer you would be touching. Since she is being such a good slave, being close to you to be used whenever you desire, You pat her head approvingly. The three of you eat together and once the food is done your Mother gets up and heads out of the kitchen to continue her day.</p>
[[Stay behind and use your slave|gallerysasha22][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>How may I serve you today, $sis.title?<</speech>>
<p>You decide to get some relief and have some fun now that you have some energy from that meal. You grab your slave up out of her chair and pull her clothes off of her. Since she is so small it is easy for you to lift her up and just carry her around like the play thing that she is. You sit down on the couch and pull your hard cock out, shoving it in her face. You put your hand on the back of her head and force her down onto your cock making her gag roughly in the process.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/eating/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her face|gallerysasha22][$scene to 2]]
<p>You pound her throat roughly, having no care for her enjoyment. Not that she cares anymore anyway. She is your total cock sleeve. She knows it and she loves it. When you are close to cumming you throw her off of you onto the floor. She pops back up to her knees eagerly as your stroke yourself to completion. She smile widely, showing you her teeth as you cum. You unload your jizz over her face and teeth until she is properly coated and you are properly sated.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/eating/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You grab her by her throat and command her to swallow every drop. She obeys gladly, licking her lips clean when she is done. You slap her in her face once more and call her a good little slave.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Thank you, $sis.title! I am always here for you to use<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You sit down on the couch and relax a bit to decompress from the day. Your slave $ walks in and greets you properly.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Hello, $sis.title. Would you like me to serve you?<</speech>>
<p>Since she is such a good slave you let her sit beside you on the couch for a little while. The two of you watch TV together. Or more accurately, you watch hardcore porn together. Once you are finished watching your turn the TV off and stand up.</p>
[[Head out of the room|House]]
[[Use your slave to relieve some tension|sis slave livingroom][$scene to 1; $[22] to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You begin to strip down and command your slave to get naked as well. She barely even needs to be told. In seconds you are both nude and facing one another. You push $ to your couch and lift her legs up, pinning them to either side of her body as you slide your cock into her pussy. You begin to thrust, putting your whole body weight behind you as you roughly pound away at her pussy. You fuck her so hard that she is pressed into the back of the couch and pinned by your power.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/living/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fill her up|sis slave livingroom][$scene to 2]]
<p>You pound and pound away. You thrust so hard and deep you feel the tip of your cock slamming into her cervix. She cums and spasms wildly, barely able to hold herself together under the torrent of painful pleasure that is racking her body. You soon begin to cum as well. But, you are enjoying your slave far too much. You decide to not stop fucking her as you cum. Each thrust dumping ropes and ropes of jizz directly into her womb as you fill her completely with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/living/creampie.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You pull out and use her panties to wipe your cock clean. You then throw them at her and watch as she sucks the leftover cum off of them. You give her ass a good slap before getting dressed and leaving her in her pleasure induced near comatose state.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You sit down on the couch and relax a bit to decompress from the day. Your slave $ walks in and greets you properly.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Hello, $sis.title. Would you like me to serve you?<</speech>>
<p>Since she is such a good slave you let her sit beside you on the couch for a little while. The two of you watch TV together. Or more accurately, you watch hardcore porn together. Once you are finished watching your turn the TV off and stand up.</p>
[[Use your slave to relieve some tension|gallerysasha23][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You begin to strip down and command your slave to get naked as well. She barely even needs to be told. In seconds you are both nude and facing one another. You push $ to your couch and lift her legs up, pinning them to either side of her body as you slide your cock into her pussy. You begin to thrust, putting your whole body weight behind you as you roughly pound away at her pussy. You fuck her so hard that she is pressed into the back of the couch and pinned by your power.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/living/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fill her up|gallerysasha23][$scene to 2]]
<p>You pound and pound away. You thrust so hard and deep you feel the tip of your cock slamming into her cervix. She cums and spasms wildly, barely able to hold herself together under the torrent of painful pleasure that is racking her body. You soon begin to cum as well. But, you are enjoying your slave far too much. You decide to not stop fucking her as you cum. Each thrust dumping ropes and ropes of jizz directly into her womb as you fill her completely with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/living/creampie.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You pull out and use her panties to wipe your cock clean. You then throw them at her and watch as she sucks the leftover cum off of them. You give her ass a good slap before getting dressed and leaving her in her pleasure induced near comatose state.</p>
<p>You sit at your desk and get a sudden urge to relieve some pent up aggression that you have built up over the day. You call your slave $ into the room. She comes in some fast you could swear she had to have sprinted there. She stands in front of you with a wide smile, eager to serve your every whim. You grab her by her neck and push her face down onto the desk. You reach behind and take hold of her shorts. In one swift motion you yank them down to expose her bare ass to the air. You raise your hand up and high bring it down hard onto her ass. She yelps in pain and jumps ass your spank her. She turns her head towards you and smiles slyly. You smack her ass again, and again, and again. You palm slapping her tight ass over and over. Making it red and leaving welts as your properly punish her for being the dirty little slutty slave that she is.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/punish/spank.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Finish|Desk]]<<addmins 30>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
[[Punish your slave|gallerysasha24][$scene to 1]]
<p>You sit at your desk and get a sudden urge to relieve some pent up aggression that you have built up over the day. You call your slave $ into the room. She comes in some fast you could swear she had to have sprinted there. She stands in front of you with a wide smile, eager to serve your every whim. You grab her by her neck and push her face down onto the desk. You reach behind and take hold of her shorts. In one swift motion you yank them down to expose her bare ass to the air. You raise your hand up and high bring it down hard onto her ass. She yelps in pain and jumps ass your spank her. She turns her head towards you and smiles slyly. You smack her ass again, and again, and again. You palm slapping her tight ass over and over. Making it red and leaving welts as your properly punish her for being the dirty little slutty slave that she is.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/punish/spank.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You sleep next to your slave, and wake up in the morning to start a new day.</p>
[[Leave the room|House]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You walk up and grab your slave by her neck. You push her back down onto the bed wordlessly pulling her clothes off of her until her petite body is naked in front of you. You undress as well, letting your rock hard cock free. You pull her pussy to the end of the bed by her thighs. You line your cock up with her hole and ram it inside, thrusting powerfully as you use and abuse her pussy to your whims.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/sisbedroom/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her face|sis slave sleeping][$scene to 2]]
<p>After what feels like hours of none stop pounding of her pussy, You finally feel yourself coming close to orgasm. You pull out and drag her off the bed to her knees abruptly. She is in a slight daze from the many orgasms she has had and mindlessly grabs at your cock, stroking you to completion. You cum, firing rope after rope of thick jizz into her mouth and onto her face, until your balls are spent.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/sisbedroom/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are done she licks up every drop of cum from her face. You pull her up to her feet by her hair and smack her ass hard leaving a bright red hand print. You usher her into the bed and lay beside her, holding her like a toy as you fall asleep beside her.</p>
[[Leave the room|House]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk into your slave’s bedroom and see her relaxing on the bed. The moment she sees you she jumps out of bed, looking anxious as through she was doing something she knows she wasn’t supposed to be doing. You give your slaves the slightest freedom to keep their old rooms, so longs as their doors, and more importantly, their holes, are always open.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Are you here to use me, $sis.title?<</speech>>
[[Use your slave before bed|gallerysasha25][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You walk up and grab your slave by her neck. You push her back down onto the bed wordlessly pulling her clothes off of her until her petite body is naked in front of you. You undress as well, letting your rock hard cock free. You pull her pussy to the end of the bed by her thighs. You line your cock up with her hole and ram it inside, thrusting powerfully as you use and abuse her pussy to your whims.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/sisbedroom/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her face|gallerysasha25][$scene to 2]]
<p>After what feels like hours of none stop pounding of her pussy, You finally feel yourself coming close to orgasm. You pull out and drag her off the bed to her knees abruptly. She is in a slight daze from the many orgasms she has had and mindlessly grabs at your cock, stroking you to completion. You cum, firing rope after rope of thick jizz into her mouth and onto her face, until your balls are spent.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/home/sis/slave/sisbedroom/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are done she licks up every drop of cum from her face. You pull her up to her feet by her hair and smack her ass hard leaving a bright red hand print. You usher her into the bed and lay beside her, holding her like a toy as you fall asleep beside her.</p>
<p>You decided to eat lunch alone today to have some time alone to relax. The plastic chairs are hardly relaxing to sit on, but they are at least sturdy enough to lean back and relax in. The cafeteria is oddly quiet today. It would have been a great afternoon to enjoy in silence. But it is clear that the world had other plans as your Economics professor and fuck buddy Carrie Lee enters the room, making a b-line right for you. She walks up to you, seemingly a little annoyed. Although you can’t help but just stare at the way her tits bounce in her shirt the whole way.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>$, I need you to come with me, now<</speech>>
<p>You sigh quietly. You get up telling Ms. Lee that you had hoped to have a quiet lunch alone, but that if she needs your cock that bad you are happy to oblige.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>While your cock is nice and I’d sure enjoy pinning you down and having some fun, that isn’t what this is about. The Dean would like to speak with you. Now get a move on, it isn’t polite to keep her waiting<</speech>>
[[Follow Carrie to the Dean|Dean Intro Carrie b][$[0] to 1]]
<p>You rarely ever bother to walk over to the administration wing of the University. It is filled with long lines and people complaining about the bullshit bureaucracy that they themselves either created or perpetuate. It is to depressing and frankly, most of the women you find in this wing are old and rather ugly. So beyond paying tuition and choosing classes, you avoid the area when possible. However as Ms. Lee leads you through towards Dean Graves’ office, you have little choice but to walk straight through the moth ball scented hallway. You reach the Dean’s office and Ms. Lee suddenly stops your just outside.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Dean Graves is quite a harsh woman. If she called you here there is most certainly a strong provocation for doing so. I highly suggest you be respectful in there. I would hate to hear you were expelled. Think of how much gas I’ll have to waste just to hitch a ride on that cock of yours<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle lightly and promise to be respectful. She reaches for the door, only to stop just before grasping the brass knob. She pulls back and reaches for her chest, pulling her blouse up and revealing her breasts to you in the open of the hallway.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Just some motivation to act right in there<</speech>>
[[Enter the Dean’s Office|Dean Intro Carrie c]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Your teacher reaches her hand out for the brass knob and pushes open the door. As the door swings open the Dean’s office is revealed to you. It is a very well furnished room with dark brown leather chairs and a large oak desk that Ms. Graves is sitting behind. She stands up from her chair and slowly saunters around the desk to greet you.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I’m so glad to finally meet you, Mr. $ I have heard so much about you. All of it good, don’t worry<</speech>>
<p>You greet her and say goodbye to your teacher as she leaves the two of you alone. You look back at Dean Graves and politely ask her why she called you into the office.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Its simple really. Your professors have become very enamored with you recently. And it is pretty easy to tell why. Especially from where I sit with camera feeds from most of the classrooms<</speech>>
<p>You freeze up, not exactly sure how to respond in the moment. Were you about to be expelled? Her calm demeanor led you to believe that she has something else in mind. But at first thought you couldn’t imagine what.</p>
[[You find out what|Dean Intro Carrie c][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You see I’m currently in the market for a new boy toy. You have impressed me. So here is a little taste of what’s to come. And if you play nice, who knows what you might get to taste<</speech>>
<p>You watch as Dean Graves strips her top off to show you her large tan breasts. Her golden skin shines in the light from the window. They are so large and round that they Dean Graves barely even needs to try to push them together.</p>
<p>You stare intently for every moment that you are able until she eventually puts her tits away again. She walks back behind her desk and takes a seat. She looks up at you as she puts on her glasses and smiles devilishly.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You can go now Mr. $ I expect to see much more of you from now on. My office is open to you. And remember, I’m always watching<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her in understanding, unsure of exactly how to react in the moment. You head out of her office, closing the door on the way out. You think about how she acted in there, how much she controlled the situation. You know that you will have to decide whether you like that or not the next time you speak with her. Because no doubt this will be a tough choice that you can’t go back from once you make it.</p>
<<deantrust>><<set $ = parseInt($ + 4>>
<<deancorr>><<set $dean.corr = parseInt($dean.corr) + 4>>
[[Leave the office|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You sit alone as you eat lunch today. You have been rather busy lately, so you want to revel in a chance to be alone with your thoughts and just relax. Although this relaxation was short lived. You barely got more than two bites into your sandwich before a familiar face came walking towards you in the cafeteria. Akira strode towards you, wearing as sexy of an outfit as ever. You always enjoy filling her and her wife’s tight Asian pussies with your cock. But, that would certainly cut into your plans for a nice quiet lunch.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Hey $, you gotta come with me. Dean Graves wants to talk. For some reason she dragged me into bringing you. Not that I mind, spending time with you is better than in that classroom filled with disappointments. Come on<</speech>>
<p>You get up and ask what the Dean could possibly want to talk to you for. You follow her out of the cafeteria, watching her round ass sway with each step.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>No idea. You’re better off just going and listening though. She can be a real hard ass sometimes<</speech>>
[[Follow Akira to the Dean|Dean Intro Sato b][$[1] to 1]]
<p>You rarely ever bother to walk over to the administration wing of the University. It is filled with long lines and people complaining about the bullshit bureaucracy that they themselves either created or perpetuate. It is to depressing and frankly, most of the women you find in this wing are old and rather ugly. So beyond paying tuition and choosing classes, you avoid the area when possible. But, with Akira leading you through, you don’t have much of a choice but to brave the musty smelling hallway. When you reach Dean Graves’ door, Akira stops you just outside.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Listen, be cool in here. If you got kicked out of this school I might just stop even coming in to work<</speech>>
<p>She then looks around to make sure no one is watching. When she realizes that the coast is clear she pops open her shirt and gives you a good long look at her beautiful tits. It takes all of your self control to not reach out and grab them.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Just a little motivation before you head in<</speech>>
[[Enter the Dean’s Office|Dean Intro Sato c]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Your teacher reaches her hand out for the brass knob and pushes open the door. As the door swings open the Dean’s office is revealed to you. It is a very well furnished room with dark brown leather chairs and a large oak desk that Ms. Graves is sitting behind. She stands up from her chair and slowly saunters around the desk to greet you.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I’m so glad to finally meet you, Mr. $ I have heard so much about you. All of it good, don’t worry<</speech>>
<p>You greet her and say goodbye to your teacher as she leaves the two of you alone. You look back at Dean Graves and politely ask her why she called you into the office.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Its simple really. Your professors have become very enamored with you recently. And it is pretty easy to tell why. Especially from where I sit with camera feeds from most of the classrooms<</speech>>
<p>You freeze up, not exactly sure how to respond in the moment. Were you about to be expelled? Her calm demeanor led you to believe that she has something else in mind. But at first thought you couldn’t imagine what.</p>
[[You find out what|Dean Intro Sato c][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You see I’m currently in the market for a new boy toy. You have impressed me. So here is a little taste of what’s to come. And if you play nice, who knows what you might get to taste<</speech>>
<p>You watch as Dean Graves strips her top off to show you her large tan breasts. Her golden skin shines in the light from the window. They are so large and round that they Dean Graves barely even needs to try to push them together.</p>
<p>You stare intently for every moment that you are able until she eventually puts her tits away again. She walks back behind her desk and takes a seat. She looks up at you as she puts on her glasses and smiles devilishly.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You can go now Mr. $ I expect to see much more of you from now on. My office is open to you. And remember, I’m always watching<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her in understanding, unsure of exactly how to react in the moment. You head out of her office, closing the door on the way out. You think about how she acted in there, how much she controlled the situation. You know that you will have to decide whether you like that or not the next time you speak with her. Because no doubt this will be a tough choice that you can’t go back from once you make it.</p>
<<deantrust>><<set $ = parseInt($ + 4>>
<<deancorr>><<set $dean.corr = parseInt($dean.corr) + 4>>
[[Leave the office|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You hang out alone in the cafeteria as you eat your lunch. You are enjoying the silence and chance to relax alone. At least you are until you notice your mathematics teacher Jessie Powers walk into the cafeteria and start walking towards you. Ever since she showed up at your house in the middle of the night she seems like she is ready to hop on your cock anywhere at any time. Her faked and forced elegant way of walking gives you a great view of her swaying hips and bouncing tits. Normally a welcome sight, but right now it is a sight of unwelcome interruption.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Hello $, The Dean has requested your presence in her office. She has tasked me with delivering you to her. Please abandon your meal and follow me<</speech>>
<p>You sigh, annoyed. Both at her public facade and at being summoned to the Dean’s office. You have no idea what the Dean could want with you, but you figure it would be better to just get up and follow Jessie. Plus, it is always nice to watch Jessie’s ass sway as she walks in front of you.</p>
[[Follow Jessie to the Dean’s Office|Dean Intro Powers b][$[2] to 1]]
<p>You rarely ever bother to walk over to the administration wing of the University. It is filled with long lines and people complaining about the bullshit bureaucracy that they themselves either created or perpetuate. It is to depressing and frankly, most of the women you find in this wing are old and rather ugly. So beyond paying tuition and choosing classes, you avoid the area when possible. And yet, here you are, following Jessie through the awful smelling hallway towards the Dean’s door. Once you reach the door she stops you just outside, dropping her act as she talks to you.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Dean Graves can be a bitch, but just be nice and she won’t give you trouble none. Least I hope not. I’m down to come over your place to ride you all night, but I’d miss you around here<</speech>>
<p>She pops open her blouse and shows off her tits to you. She jumps a bit letting her milky white orbs bounce for your viewing pleasure. When she gets worried that someone might see her she closes her shirt back up and reaches for the handle to the office door.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Hope that is enough keep you focused on being nice and sticking around. Good luck in here<</speech>>
[[Enter the Dean’s Office|Dean Intro Powers c]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Your teacher reaches her hand out for the brass knob and pushes open the door. As the door swings open the Dean’s office is revealed to you. It is a very well furnished room with dark brown leather chairs and a large oak desk that Ms. Graves is sitting behind. She stands up from her chair and slowly saunters around the desk to greet you.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I’m so glad to finally meet you, Mr. $ I have heard so much about you. All of it good, don’t worry<</speech>>
<p>You greet her and say goodbye to your teacher as she leaves the two of you alone. You look back at Dean Graves and politely ask her why she called you into the office.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Its simple really. Your professors have become very enamored with you recently. And it is pretty easy to tell why. Especially from where I sit with camera feeds from most of the classrooms<</speech>>
<p>You freeze up, not exactly sure how to respond in the moment. Were you about to be expelled? Her calm demeanor led you to believe that she has something else in mind. But at first thought you couldn’t imagine what.</p>
[[You find out what|Dean Intro Powers c][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You see I’m currently in the market for a new boy toy. You have impressed me. So here is a little taste of what’s to come. And if you play nice, who knows what you might get to taste<</speech>>
<p>You watch as Dean Graves strips her top off to show you her large tan breasts. Her golden skin shines in the light from the window. They are so large and round that they Dean Graves barely even needs to try to push them together.</p>
<p>You stare intently for every moment that you are able until she eventually puts her tits away again. She walks back behind her desk and takes a seat. She looks up at you as she puts on her glasses and smiles devilishly.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You can go now Mr. $ I expect to see much more of you from now on. My office is open to you. And remember, I’m always watching<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her in understanding, unsure of exactly how to react in the moment. You head out of her office, closing the door on the way out. You think about how she acted in there, how much she controlled the situation. You know that you will have to decide whether you like that or not the next time you speak with her. Because no doubt this will be a tough choice that you can’t go back from once you make it.</p>
<<deantrust>><<set $ = parseInt($ + 4>>
<<deancorr>><<set $dean.corr = parseInt($dean.corr) + 4>>
[[Leave the office|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $dean.questmain gte 2 && $dean.loc is "Dean's office">><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You head into Dean Grave’s office to visit her. She is working as per usual. You imagine that being a Dean of an entire university must keep her rather busy. When she notices you come in she gives you a warm smile.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Please, Mr. $, take a seat. Let’s chat for a bit<</speech>>
<p>You do just that and sit in the chair opposite her desk. The two of you politely chat about the school and your personal lives. You learn more about one another than you knew before. She no doubt is starting to understand what the other teachers see in you.</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You find yourself spending some of your free time in Dead Graves’ office yet again. When you walk in you see her sitting with her shirt open and only her bra covering her luscious tan tits. You make a joke about there being a dress code in the school.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Ha ha, it gets hot in this room sometimes. I gotta let the girls breath now and then. I doubt you mind, do you Mr. $<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you don’t mind at all. You go so far as to say that if she needs to let them breath some more that she should feel more than comfortable.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Oh I do. If this bra had a front clasp instead of back hooks I probably would<</speech>>
[[Leave|University]]<<addhours 1>>
<p class="hint">You currently have nothing to do in the office</p>
<</if>><<if $stage is 0>><<set $dean.questmain to 2>>
<p>Dean Graves made it rather clear that her door was always open for you. So, today you decided to walk through that open door and see just what might come of spending more time with the buxom Dean. You walked through the halls, braving the awful admin hallway once again until you were standing outside her door. You turn the handle and push the door open, stepping inside and closing the door behind you. Dean Graves looks up from her computer and cocks one eye brow up, as she was clearly put off by the boldness of you just walking in.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You do know that it is generally polite to knock before entering a room, don’t you? What if I had been in a meeting Mr. $ As much fun as I think you and I could have, you really must be more discreet<</speech>>
<p>You smile to her and say that she told you that the door is always open. You add that you assumed she was true to her word and says exactly what she means. You take a seat across her desk from her and smile snarkily at her.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I did mean what I said. But the door being open, doesn’t excuse you from common courtesy. Remember that for next time. I won’t hesitate to end this relationship whenever I think it might be more harm to me that benefit<</speech>>
<p>You nod and tell her you understand. Your gaze then strays down from her large brown eyes to her huge tan tits. She notices your eyes wander and grabs her tits in her hands to play with them.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You boys are always so easy to predict. Come here, I will stroke you so you can go through your day without my tits on your mind<</speech>>
[[Let her take control and stroke you|deanmainquest1][$stage to 1; $[3] to 1; $dean.route to "sub"]]<<if $mc.dom gte 10>>
[[Take control for yourself and make her use her tits|deanmainquest1][$stage to 2; $[4] to 1; $dean.route to "dom"]]<</if>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>She stands up and walks around her desk until she is standing just in front of you. She begins to undress, he golden tan skin glistening in the light of the room. Her glasses hanging on her face in a way that she just looks in charge. She drops to her knees in front of your and forcibly undoes your pants until she can pull your cock free from it.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Good for you, Mr. $ You look even bigger in person<</speech>>
<p>She grips your cock with both hands and begins to pump them up and down with surprising strength and power. She has such a tight grip that if her cock wasn’t filled with pleasured bliss you would probably be worried that she was going to rip it off. She pumps with a lot of strength but not much speed, essentially teasing you as much as she is pleasuring you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage1/sub/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|deanmainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<p>Her hands glide along your shaft. Each pulse and shiver that she gives you she can feel. She laughs and teases you further until she can feel that you are ready to cum. When you are she lets go of your cock and tells you to stand up and stroke yourself to completion. She puts her face right up in front of your tip as your stroke yourself. You finally cum, erupting and dousing her glasses in your thick load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage1/sub/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I knew you and I could have some fun together. I expect to see you around my office often from now on. If you’re good, maybe I’ll be bad<</speech>>
<p>She winks at you before licking her glasses clean of cum. She gets dressed and gives you a look that tells you to do the same. You stand up and put your cock away and fix your pants. You say goodbye to her politely and head out of her office, back into the hall.</p>
<p class="got">You have chosen to make Tabitha Graves the dominant one in your escapades!</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(15)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You stand up and look at her firmly. She clearly thinks she is in control here. It makes you wonder if she was really watching when your were fucking your other teachers. If she was she would know that you don’t follow orders, you give them. And you tell her as much, telling her that you have no interest in her half assed tug job. If she really wants to help, then she needs to whip those tits out and wrap them around your cock.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Oh you wanna be in charge huh? Are you sure you can handle me?<</speech>>
<p>You smile smugly as you get closer to her. You swiftly reach down and rip open her shirt, shredding the buttons off of it and leaving her huge tan tits exposed. You wrap your hand around her neck gently to crook her face up to look at you. She smiles, half impressed and half in pleasure as your control her. You tell her that you can more than handle her. You lightly smack her face and sit down onto the chair, pulling your rock hard cock out. You tell her to get to work and she does. She wraps her huge melons around your shaft and bounces her chest up and down, stroking you with masterful skill with her tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage1/dom/titjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|deanmainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<p>Her massive pillowy breasts envelop and caress every inch of your cock as they glide along your shaft. Each pump being a little faster and harder than the last as she puts in all of her effort to please you. Her efforts were very successful as you grow close to cumming. She can feel you getting close and picks up the pace, causing you to erupt from between her breasts and coat them in your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage1/dom/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you finish cumming your reach forward and grip the Dean by the back of her neck. You stand up and pull her in to kiss her deeply. You pull away from the kiss and slap your cock onto her tits to get the last few drops of cum out. You then get dressed and start to head out, telling her you’ll be back soon for a lot more fun. She sits there, silently shocked and extremely aroused as she tries to get back to work.</p>
<p class="got">You have chosen to be the dominant one in your escapades with Tabitha Graves!</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(15)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>><<set $dean.questmain to 3>>
<p>You man the bar at the Cock and Bull tonight. It is rather slow, so you spend most of the evening cleaning or chatting with Carla. It gets close to closing time when a familiar face enters the bar. Dean Graves takes a seat at the end of the bar. She gives you a sultry look that beckons you over. You stand in front of her and ask what you can get her to drink.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>A gin and tonic, please. You know, Mr. $, I’m impressed. How ever do you find the time to keep your grades up, work here, and fuck all of those beautiful ladies?<</speech>>
<p>You laugh quietly to yourself. You tell her that you are just gifted with great time management skills. And that there is always more room on the plate for beautiful women like her. You hand her her drink and she takes a big swig.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Oh you’re such a flatterer. No wonder its so hard to tell you no. After what happened in my office I’m not sure I could ever tell you no even if I wanted to<</speech>>
<p>You reach forward and cup her chin in your hand. You tell her that in that case, go into the back room and undress for you. She gives you a loo of arousal that speaks to her lack of control. She downs her drink quickly and gets up heading into the back room as you told her to.</p>
[[Head back and fuck your Dean’s throat|deanmainquest2 dom][$scene to 1; $[6] to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You make Dean Graves wait for a bit before heading back there. You figure that she could do with a little teasing. You let Carla know that you will be back in a bit before heading back.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Don’t take too fucking long you know it gets busy right before last call!<</speech>>
<p>You open the door to the back room and see exactly what you waned to see. Dean Graves is waiting there on her knees and completely nude. She smiles when she sees you finally come in. She seemed a bit agitated to have had to wait for you, but her joy in seeing you greatly over powers that. You don’t even say a word to her, you simply step closer, pull your cock out, and shove it into her throat. You lean your head back and let her take over from here, stroking your cock and sucking on it as she bobs her head quickly, doing her absolutely best to please you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage2/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|deanmainquest2 dom][$scene to 2]]
<p>Her throat is very experienced but deceptively tight. She sucks your cock hard and fast, pressing her plump lips against every inch of your throbbing member. She does her job well and brings you to climax. You begin to cum, taking your cock from her mouth and stroking it hard as you aim at her face. You unload, firing your jizz onto her eyes and cheeks. You groan loudly as you cum, loud enough that Carla almost certainly hears you, if not the whole bar.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Oh yeah, I definitely can’t say no to you when you can be that much fun<</speech>>
<p>You both get dressed, and give her a nice slap on the ass as you head out of the back room. You wish your Dean a good evening as she goes to leave.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You can call me Tabitha from now on. No more of the Dean Graves stuff. I think we are a ways past being polite and proper<</speech>>
<p>You wish Tabitha a good night and head back to work. You have to deal with Carla staring at you with dagger eyes the rest of the night, but it doesn’t bother you a bit. When the night is over you lock up and head home.</p>
[[Go home|House]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(22)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>><<set $dean.questmain to 3>>
<p>You head into Dean Graves’ office and politely greet her. Ever since she jerked you off you have been spending more and more time in her office, getting close to her. All in hopes of getting another hand job or more. She greets you politely as always. Dean Graves is always one to treat you with respect, but there is this way about how she acts that makes her respect feel like she is insulting you.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Welcome Mr. $, are you here to fawn over me some more? It’s cute you know. I enjoy it. But, I’m not sure it’s healthy to spend all this time thinking about someone with no release. Would you like some release, Mr. $<</speech>>
<p>You nod your head subtly. You try not to seem too eager or not interested enough. Her beauty and beguiling nature making you over think each and every response. But, she sees your nod and gives you a sly smile in return. She slowly stands, and saunters over to your seat.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>In that case, why don’t I help you with that?<</speech>>
[[Get some release|deanmainquest2 sub][$scene to 1; $[5] to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>She kneels down in front of you. Even in a knelt position it is clear that she has all the power in the moment. Her hands deftly unbuckle your pants and yank them down until your cock pops free. She grips it tightly with one hand stroking it agonizingly slowly. She kisses the head a bit first before sucking it in past her lips. Her mouth is like a vacuum around the head of your cock as she sucks and strokes you at the same time.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage2/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|deanmainquest2 sub][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Her mouth is goddess like with expertise that beat out every other woman you have been with prior. Too good in fact. She sucks you so hard and well that you cum much more quickly than you are used to. You shake in your chair as the orgasm hits you and overwhelms you before you even realize it is happening.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[She doesn't stop|deanmainquest2 sub][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I enjoy this cock of yours Mr. $ I’m going to keep it. This is my cock now, and I will do with it what I please<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even react to her words her mouth is wrapped around your cock again, sucking harder and faster than before. You are still so sensitive from having just cum that you writhe and wriggle in your seat. The pleasure she is forcing upon you is too much to handle.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage2/blowjob2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Finish this|deanmainquest2 sub][$scene to 4]]
<p>You last considerably longer the second time around. But, that is not necessarily a good thing. The sensitive pleasure endures throughout the blowjob. It feel so good that it hurts. And when you finally do cum for the second time, it is even more relief than normal as it spells the end of her use of your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Nice job, Mr. $ I do enjoy a nice afternoon romp. Be sure to visit me again soon. That cock attached to you is mine now. Remember that<</speech>>
<p>You get dressed slowly and nod your head to her in understanding. You get up and head out of her office. You are both fearful of what else she might have in store for you, and half aroused at the thought of going further with her. Either way, she is the one in control now.</p>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(15)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<</if>><<if $dean.questmain is 3 && $dean.route is "dom" && $ gte 15 && $mc.dom gte 20>>
<p>You are taking a nice relaxing stroll in the park when you notice Tabitha jogging in your direction along the path. Her huge bouncing tits in her sports bra are impossible to ignore. You couldn’t care less whether she minded you staring or not. You stood there and ogled her to your hearts content.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage3/dom/jogging.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You step into her path to let her know you want to talk with her. She slows down as she approaches. She goes to say hello to you. But, before she can get a word out you reach out and grab hold of her tits. You squeeze and massage them lewdly. Your hands sink into the soft breasts. She looks at you skeptically and scoffs.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>If you’re going to treat me like a piece of meat, take me home and fuck me so I can at least get something out of it<</speech>>
[[Head to her place|deanmainquest3 dom][$scene to 0; $dean.questmain to 4]]
<<elseif $dean.questmain gte 2>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You approach Dean Graves in the park. She is stretching before she starts her jog. Her ass stretches the tight Lycra of her yoga pants, giving you a good view of its big, round shape. It takes every bit of willpower you have within you to not reach out and grab her. When she is done stretching she stands up and notices where your eyes are fixated. She wiggles her hips a level to make her ass jiggle for you. You realize that she can tell your staring and snap out of it, looking up at her eyes.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You gonna stare all day or are we going to go for a run?<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her and say that you are here to run with her. She starts off first and you speed up a bit at first to meet her and then slow down to her pace. You run together for a while and when you are tired you say goodbye and leave the park.</p>
[[Leave|Street]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>Dean Graves is stretching on the grass in the park. She is on a mat doing various yoga poses and stretches that you can not help but enjoy the sight of. You walk up closer to her and greet her warmly. She opens her eyes and sighs sounding relieved.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Thank goodness you’re here. Come here I need you to help me with this stretch<</speech>>
<p>She lays on her back and guides you as you help her stretch her legs. She brings her knee up towards her chest and you put a little pressure to stretch her leg further than she can get on her own. You shamelessly use the opportunity to caress and grope her thighs and ass along the way as well. She gives you a sly smile and thanks your for your help before sending you away.</p>
[[Leave|Street]]<<addhours 1>>
<p class="hint">You have nothing to say to her right now</p>
[[Go away|Park]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You agree to go home with her. The look on her face when you agree tells you that she didn’t think you would actually take her up on the suggestion so flippantly. But there is a determined look in her eye. She clearly has got it in her head that she still wants to be the one in control. But, you have no intentions of letting her even gain an inch of ground back. As she leads you back to her place and opens the door to bring you in, she turns to you and gives you a cocky look.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>My house, my rules. Shoes off, pants off, coc-<</speech>>
<p>You don’t even let her finish her sentence. You step inside and grab her by her hair, tugging it just hard enough to dictate her movements. You lead her further in to her living room and tear her sports bra off. You yank her yoga pants down and lay her over the arm of the couch. You gets undressed and shoves your hard cock into her soaking wet pussy and start fucking her hard. The look of intense desire and pleasure on Tabitha’s face tells you that she understands exactly who is in control now.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage3/dom/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|deanmainquest3 dom][$scene to 1; $[8] to 1]]
<p>You pound away at her tight hole. You hold her leg so she has no choice but to lay back and get rammed by your cock for nearly an hour. When you finally cum, she is already an orgasmic mess, having cum herself several times over. You pull out and drop her to her knees in front of you, stroking yourself as you cum. You fire rope after rope of jizz all over her face until she is coat, groaning as you release all your pent up arousal at once.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage3/dom/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She sits there, covered in cum and recovering from having her world rocked. You slap your cock across her face a couple of times. Half because you need to get the last drops of cum out of your cock. And half just for the fun of degrading her. You get dressed and tell her to make sure she wears sexier clothes from now on. You want to make sure she is showing as much skin as possible. As proud and in control as she once was, Tabitha can do nothing to fight the desire that is controlling her.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I will, make sure you make it worth my while<</speech>>
<<mcsex>><<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>>
[[Leave|Street]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $dean.questmain is 3 && $dean.route is "sub" && $ gte 15>><<if $ gte 500>>
<p>While you are out shopping you notice a familiar face in the crowd. Or more accurately, you notice the titanic tan tits nearly popping out of Dean Graves’ shirt. You walk over towards her, and when you notice that she is clearly here alone you approach to say hello.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Hey Mr. $ Oh I’m glad to see you! Come here. You see today I have been looking forward to shopping and going a bit cray. But, with bills due soon I’m not sure I can go on the shopping spree I deserve. So since you’re here, you will take me on the shopping spree I deserve<</speech>>
<p>You look at her confused. You are a little hurt that she is looking at you and thinking of you as a bank rather than as a friend, partner, or even a simple student. You ask her if spending a bunch of money on frivolous things like jewelry is really necessary.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I’m not sure. Is getting your cock touched necessary? Because if you don’t pull your wallet out and take me on the shopping spree I deserve, it will be the end of anyone ever touching your cock again. Remember, I have video evidence of you plowing your own Mother. I’m not sure people will care much that she is only your Step Mother in the end. Her career, as well as Jessie’s, Akira’s, and Carrie’s will be over pretty quickly. So why don’t you be a good boy and pull the wallet out?<</speech>>
<p>She had you dead to rights and you both knew it. She had every bit of leverage a person could ever ask for on you. And to top it all off, she probably doesn’t even need it. She is such a good fuck that you would probably have listened and paid for the shopping spree either way.</p>
[[You are almost drained of your cash|deanmainquest3 sub][$scene to 0; $dean.questmain to 4]]
<p class="hint">You should have at least $500 before approaching Dean Graves</p>
<<elseif $dean.questmain gte 2>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>Dean Graves is walking through the mall. You walk up to her, weaving through the crowds, to say hello to her. You greet one another and walk with her as she shops. She has very expensive tastes, and a surprising lack of control when it comes to spending money. But, as the Dean of a university she must have the cash to live that live style. When she is done with her shopping trip you part ways wishing each other well.</p>
[[Leave|Mall]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You pass by a clothes stop in the mall as see Dean Graves shopping around. You walk in and greet her. You ask her what she is shopping for today.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I’m looking for a new swim suit. Something sexy but doesn’t make me look like I’m easy. Take a seat by the changing room I could use your advice<</speech>>
<p>You listen to her, eager to have her model some swimsuits for you. She goes into the changing room and shows you how she looks in each swim suit one by one. Most of the are bikinis but she wears a few monokinis for you as well. She walks out in one bikini that might as well be pasties held together with dental floss. You can tell this one was either just to tease you, or to test to see if you would just choose the most revealing option. When she is all done she comes out and asks which one was best. You tell her which ones were your favorite and she buys the ones you suggest.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Thanks for the help, $ See you soon, I hope<</speech>>
[[Leave|Mall]]<<addhours 1>>
<p class="hint">You have nothing to say to her right now</p>
[[Continue shopping|Mall]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Dean Graves is a woman with expensive tastes. She buys herself jewelry, perfume, and even new shoes all on your dime. And she does not shop for better deals. She is happy to pay the sticker price for anything. Not surprising when you aren’t the one funding the purchase. Thankfully though, she eventually has enough fun and ends her shopping spree. She makes you carry her bags for her out to the car. Then she makes you get in with her to ride to her house to carry the bags in for her. She takes great pleasure in using you, and frankly you can only hope that it will continue towards using your in a more sexual manner eventually.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Put those bags down on the table and follow me to the living room. You have been good today so a reward is in order<</speech>>
<p>You do as she says, carefully putting the bags on her kitchen table before following her into the living room. The two of you sit on the couch together for a short time and talk. The two of you talk about nothing really. Not because there is nothing to discuss. But rather, because she is undressing during the whole conversation and you struggle to add much depth to it. The conversation ends when her panties hit the floor. You are naked in seconds as well, with your rock hard cock standing at attention ready for her. She swings her leg over and straddles you. She slides your cock into her tight pussy and slowly lowers herself onto you. You go to begin thrusting but she stops you, instead riding you herself. She takes control and bounces her ass on your cock like a master.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage3/sub/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her|deanmainquest3 sub][$scene to 1; $[7] to 1]]<<set $ -= 500>>
<p>She rocks her hips and bounces her ass on your cock like a woman with purpose. Her tight pussy milks you for all your worth as each time she lowers herself down onto you it is like a warm, wet vice of pleasurable pressure. It doesn’t take long for her to make you cum. And you cum hard. You barely manage to pull Dean Graves off of you before you start to blow your load. The second your cock is free from her pussy you explode, firing your cum all over her belly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage3/sub/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You’re lucky you pulled out. You barely had enough money to fund a single shopping spree of mine. I doubt you would stand a chance if you had to pay for a child as well<</speech>>
<p>You pretend to laugh, taking her teasing remarks as a joke but deep down the thought of that terrifies you. She lays back on her couch and relaxes. In time you get up and get dressed. She is fast asleep when you head out of her home and back onto the street.</p>
<<mcsex>><<set $ = parseInt($ + 1>>
[[Leave|Street]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>><<set $dean.questmain to 5>>
<p>You have been having all sorts of fun with Tabitha since you met her. And after your trip to her house you are certain that you have fucked every last bit of defiance out of her. She seems to be yours to play with, just as the other teachers have become. But, you have to be certain. So you enter her office as normal. She greets you with a big smile. You say nothing and simply approach her steadily and with purpose. She assumes that you are here to fool around so she stands up to meet you as you approach. She was right in her assumption. But she certainly doesn’t have all of the details. The moment she is within arms reach of you, you extend your hands out to her her blouse. You grab hold of it by the collar and pull it apart, tearing it open. She recoils in shock at how powerfully you man handle her. You don’t stop, reaching forward and yanking her bra down as well.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>$! You know I still have to work after this don’t you? What If I have an urgent meeting with some alumni?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you could not care less as you take hold of her tits in your hands. You say that she might as well clear her schedule because you have plans to use her all afternoon. She can’t help but smile hearing you say that. But she still tries to put on a face of professionalism. That goes away when you spin her around and bend her over her office couch.</p>
[[Fuck the Dean’s ass|deanmainquest4 dom][$scene to 1; $[10] to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You lift up Tabitha’s skirt and grab hold of her panties. In one swift motion you yank and rip them off, dropping the shredded, lacy fabric onto the floor. You smack her ass hard, leaving red marks on her cheeks while you undress. The moment your hard cock is out, your spread her round booty apart and spit on her ass to lube it up at least somewhat before you start to slide your cock inside. She moans and screams as pain turns to pleasure. You rock your hips gently at first to get her used to your size. One she is nice and ready you build up into a pummeling pounding of her hole.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage4/dom/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|deanmainquest4 dom][$scene to 2]]
<p>The sound of you savagely ramming your cock into your Dean’s ass is deafening. The slaps of your bodies coming together is most certainly loud enough that everyone in the administration hall can hear it. Well, it would be, if it weren’t for Tabitha’s constant moans and screams of pleasure. There is little doubt as to what is happening. And by the end of this the whole school will likely be aware that the Dean is your fuck toy as much as the rest of the teachers are.</p>
<p>Hours pass by as your constant thrusts make her cum and scream so often that Tabitha’s voice has gone hoarse. She is covered in sweat and has a near perpetual quake about her from the aftershocks of so many orgasm. Your own orgasm is finally approaching as well. And so you pull out of your Dean’s ass. She slumps down to her knees, barely able to move her body from the intense fucking. You grab her head and hold it still as you stroke yourself to completion. You groan loudly, firing rope after rope of cum all over her face. You breath heavily when you are finished. You leave her to rest, not even able to comment on the ass blasting she just received. You get dressed and head out, pleased with yourself that for all intents and purposes, this school was now yours.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage4/dom/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Leave|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You lay your head down against your pillow and get ready for a comfortable nights rest. Although your presumption is marred by the sound of your phone ringing. The vibrations and sudden music pull you out of your slumber. You open your eyes and grab your phone to see who is calling. You realize that it is Dean Graves. You answer the phone, politely asking why she is calling at midnight of all times.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I’m calling because I want to fuck. You are familiar with the concept of a booty call aren’t you? Come to my house now<</speech>>
<p>She hangs up before you can even really respond to her demand. You don’t even think about denying her. Even if she didn’t have enough dirt against you to ruin your life and the lives of several others, you would still be compelled to go just because of how much you want the sex to continue. You get dressed and freshen yourself up a bit before heading out. You arrive at her home as quickly as you can and knock on her door so she can let you in.</p>
[[She rides you all night|deanmainquest4 sub b][$[9] to 1]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>She doesn’t even greet you. She pulls open the door, grabs you by your shirt, and drags you inside. She brings you to her living room and pushes you down onto her couch. She undresses and looks at you expectantly. You follow her lead and undress as well, letting your hardening cock free. She gives your face a light and playful tap before turning around and slowly lowering her ass onto your cock. The air tight hole wraps around your cock more tightly than you could imagine. You aren’t even sure how it is fitting with how tight she is. And she hasn’t even begun clenching. She leans back to place her hands on your chest as she begins to bounce. She rides you slowly at first, but soon build up into a quick pace.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage4/sub/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Explode on her ass|deanmainquest4 sub b][$scene to 1]]
<p>She clenches and bounces her ass on your cock and rides out through multiple orgasms of her own. Her ass is to tight that she can feel when you are about to cum. So, she leans forward on the couch and allows you to stroke yourself to completion. You cum, firing heavy ropes across her ass and even onto her back as your orgasm drives you wild.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage4/sub/cum.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finally down you slump back on the couch to try and relax. Dean Graves clearly has other plans for you though. She pops back up, swings her legs around and slides your still hard cock right back into her ass. This becomes a pattern through the night. Dean Graves relentlessly rides you again and again and again. Even once you get to the point where you have cum so much that nothing more is coming out when your orgasm, she just keeps riding you well into the morning.</p>
<p>When she is finally done you pass out instantly. Your rest was long and you managed to recover fully. Though you are surprised such a thing is even possible with how much she used, abused and milked out of you. You look at your phone and realize that between her riding and your rest, a full day has passed. That is time you will never get back. You can’t say it wasn’t worth it though. You get dressed and leave the Dean’s home, not even wanting to say goodbye out of fear of a round two.</p>
[[Next morning|Street]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<p>You decided to eat lunch alone today to have some time alone to relax. The plastic chairs are hardly relaxing to sit on, but they are at least sturdy enough to lean back and relax in. The cafeteria is oddly quiet today. It would have been a great afternoon to enjoy in silence. But it is clear that the world had other plans as your Economics professor and fuck buddy Carrie Lee enters the room, making a b-line right for you. She walks up to you, seemingly a little annoyed. Although you can’t help but just stare at the way her tits bounce in her shirt the whole way.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>$, I need you to come with me, now<</speech>>
<p>You sigh quietly. You get up telling Ms. Lee that you had hoped to have a quiet lunch alone, but that if she needs your cock that bad you are happy to oblige.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>While your cock is nice and I’d sure enjoy pinning you down and having some fun, that isn’t what this is about. The Dean would like to speak with you. Now get a move on, it isn’t polite to keep her waiting<</speech>>
[[Follow Carrie to the Dean|gallerydean1b]]
<p>You rarely ever bother to walk over to the administration wing of the University. It is filled with long lines and people complaining about the bullshit bureaucracy that they themselves either created or perpetuate. It is to depressing and frankly, most of the women you find in this wing are old and rather ugly. So beyond paying tuition and choosing classes, you avoid the area when possible. However as Ms. Lee leads you through towards Dean Graves’ office, you have little choice but to walk straight through the moth ball scented hallway. You reach the Dean’s office and Ms. Lee suddenly stops your just outside.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Dean Graves is quite a harsh woman. If she called you here there is most certainly a strong provocation for doing so. I highly suggest you be respectful in there. I would hate to hear you were expelled. Think of how much gas I’ll have to waste just to hitch a ride on that cock of yours<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle lightly and promise to be respectful. She reaches for the door, only to stop just before grasping the brass knob. She pulls back and reaches for her chest, pulling her blouse up and revealing her breasts to you in the open of the hallway.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Just some motivation to act right in there<</speech>>
[[Enter the Dean’s Office|gallerydean1c]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Your teacher reaches her hand out for the brass knob and pushes open the door. As the door swings open the Dean’s office is revealed to you. It is a very well furnished room with dark brown leather chairs and a large oak desk that Ms. Graves is sitting behind. She stands up from her chair and slowly saunters around the desk to greet you.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I’m so glad to finally meet you, Mr. $ I have heard so much about you. All of it good, don’t worry<</speech>>
<p>You greet her and say goodbye to your teacher as she leaves the two of you alone. You look back at Dean Graves and politely ask her why she called you into the office.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Its simple really. Your professors have become very enamored with you recently. And it is pretty easy to tell why. Especially from where I sit with camera feeds from most of the classrooms<</speech>>
<p>You freeze up, not exactly sure how to respond in the moment. Were you about to be expelled? Her calm demeanor led you to believe that she has something else in mind. But at first thought you couldn’t imagine what.</p>
[[You find out what|gallerydean1c][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You see I’m currently in the market for a new boy toy. You have impressed me. So here is a little taste of what’s to come. And if you play nice, who knows what you might get to taste<</speech>>
<p>You watch as Dean Graves strips her top off to show you her large tan breasts. Her golden skin shines in the light from the window. They are so large and round that they Dean Graves barely even needs to try to push them together.</p>
<p>You stare intently for every moment that you are able until she eventually puts her tits away again. She walks back behind her desk and takes a seat. She looks up at you as she puts on her glasses and smiles devilishly.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You can go now Mr. $ I expect to see much more of you from now on. My office is open to you. And remember, I’m always watching<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her in understanding, unsure of exactly how to react in the moment. You head out of her office, closing the door on the way out. You think about how she acted in there, how much she controlled the situation. You know that you will have to decide whether you like that or not the next time you speak with her. Because no doubt this will be a tough choice that you can’t go back from once you make it.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 13]]
<p>You sit alone as you eat lunch today. You have been rather busy lately, so you want to revel in a chance to be alone with your thoughts and just relax. Although this relaxation was short lived. You barely got more than two bites into your sandwich before a familiar face came walking towards you in the cafeteria. Akira strode towards you, wearing as sexy of an outfit as ever. You always enjoy filling her and her wife’s tight Asian pussies with your cock. But, that would certainly cut into your plans for a nice quiet lunch.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Hey $, you gotta come with me. Dean Graves wants to talk. For some reason she dragged me into bringing you. Not that I mind, spending time with you is better than in that classroom filled with disappointments. Come on<</speech>>
<p>You get up and ask what the Dean could possibly want to talk to you for. You follow her out of the cafeteria, watching her round ass sway with each step.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>No idea. You’re better off just going and listening though. She can be a real hard ass sometimes<</speech>>
[[Follow Akira to the Dean|gallerydean2b]]
<p>You rarely ever bother to walk over to the administration wing of the University. It is filled with long lines and people complaining about the bullshit bureaucracy that they themselves either created or perpetuate. It is to depressing and frankly, most of the women you find in this wing are old and rather ugly. So beyond paying tuition and choosing classes, you avoid the area when possible. But, with Akira leading you through, you don’t have much of a choice but to brave the musty smelling hallway. When you reach Dean Graves’ door, Akira stops you just outside.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Listen, be cool in here. If you got kicked out of this school I might just stop even coming in to work<</speech>>
<p>She then looks around to make sure no one is watching. When she realizes that the coast is clear she pops open her shirt and gives you a good long look at her beautiful tits. It takes all of your self control to not reach out and grab them.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Just a little motivation before you head in<</speech>>
[[Enter the Dean’s Office|gallerydean2c]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Your teacher reaches her hand out for the brass knob and pushes open the door. As the door swings open the Dean’s office is revealed to you. It is a very well furnished room with dark brown leather chairs and a large oak desk that Ms. Graves is sitting behind. She stands up from her chair and slowly saunters around the desk to greet you.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I’m so glad to finally meet you, Mr. $ I have heard so much about you. All of it good, don’t worry<</speech>>
<p>You greet her and say goodbye to your teacher as she leaves the two of you alone. You look back at Dean Graves and politely ask her why she called you into the office.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Its simple really. Your professors have become very enamored with you recently. And it is pretty easy to tell why. Especially from where I sit with camera feeds from most of the classrooms<</speech>>
<p>You freeze up, not exactly sure how to respond in the moment. Were you about to be expelled? Her calm demeanor led you to believe that she has something else in mind. But at first thought you couldn’t imagine what.</p>
[[You find out what|gallerydean2c][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You see I’m currently in the market for a new boy toy. You have impressed me. So here is a little taste of what’s to come. And if you play nice, who knows what you might get to taste<</speech>>
<p>You watch as Dean Graves strips her top off to show you her large tan breasts. Her golden skin shines in the light from the window. They are so large and round that they Dean Graves barely even needs to try to push them together.</p>
<p>You stare intently for every moment that you are able until she eventually puts her tits away again. She walks back behind her desk and takes a seat. She looks up at you as she puts on her glasses and smiles devilishly.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You can go now Mr. $ I expect to see much more of you from now on. My office is open to you. And remember, I’m always watching<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her in understanding, unsure of exactly how to react in the moment. You head out of her office, closing the door on the way out. You think about how she acted in there, how much she controlled the situation. You know that you will have to decide whether you like that or not the next time you speak with her. Because no doubt this will be a tough choice that you can’t go back from once you make it.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 13]]
<p>You hang out alone in the cafeteria as you eat your lunch. You are enjoying the silence and chance to relax alone. At least you are until you notice your mathematics teacher Jessie Powers walk into the cafeteria and start walking towards you. Ever since she showed up at your house in the middle of the night she seems like she is ready to hop on your cock anywhere at any time. Her faked and forced elegant way of walking gives you a great view of her swaying hips and bouncing tits. Normally a welcome sight, but right now it is a sight of unwelcome interruption.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Hello $, The Dean has requested your presence in her office. She has tasked me with delivering you to her. Please abandon your meal and follow me<</speech>>
<p>You sigh, annoyed. Both at her public facade and at being summoned to the Dean’s office. You have no idea what the Dean could want with you, but you figure it would be better to just get up and follow Jessie. Plus, it is always nice to watch Jessie’s ass sway as she walks in front of you.</p>
[[Follow Jessie to the Dean’s Office|gallerydean3b]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Your teacher reaches her hand out for the brass knob and pushes open the door. As the door swings open the Dean’s office is revealed to you. It is a very well furnished room with dark brown leather chairs and a large oak desk that Ms. Graves is sitting behind. She stands up from her chair and slowly saunters around the desk to greet you.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I’m so glad to finally meet you, Mr. $ I have heard so much about you. All of it good, don’t worry<</speech>>
<p>You greet her and say goodbye to your teacher as she leaves the two of you alone. You look back at Dean Graves and politely ask her why she called you into the office.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Its simple really. Your professors have become very enamored with you recently. And it is pretty easy to tell why. Especially from where I sit with camera feeds from most of the classrooms<</speech>>
<p>You freeze up, not exactly sure how to respond in the moment. Were you about to be expelled? Her calm demeanor led you to believe that she has something else in mind. But at first thought you couldn’t imagine what.</p>
[[You find out what|gallerydean3c][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You see I’m currently in the market for a new boy toy. You have impressed me. So here is a little taste of what’s to come. And if you play nice, who knows what you might get to taste<</speech>>
<p>You watch as Dean Graves strips her top off to show you her large tan breasts. Her golden skin shines in the light from the window. They are so large and round that they Dean Graves barely even needs to try to push them together.</p>
<p>You stare intently for every moment that you are able until she eventually puts her tits away again. She walks back behind her desk and takes a seat. She looks up at you as she puts on her glasses and smiles devilishly.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You can go now Mr. $ I expect to see much more of you from now on. My office is open to you. And remember, I’m always watching<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her in understanding, unsure of exactly how to react in the moment. You head out of her office, closing the door on the way out. You think about how she acted in there, how much she controlled the situation. You know that you will have to decide whether you like that or not the next time you speak with her. Because no doubt this will be a tough choice that you can’t go back from once you make it.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 13]]
<p>You rarely ever bother to walk over to the administration wing of the University. It is filled with long lines and people complaining about the bullshit bureaucracy that they themselves either created or perpetuate. It is to depressing and frankly, most of the women you find in this wing are old and rather ugly. So beyond paying tuition and choosing classes, you avoid the area when possible. And yet, here you are, following Jessie through the awful smelling hallway towards the Dean’s door. Once you reach the door she stops you just outside, dropping her act as she talks to you.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Dean Graves can be a bitch, but just be nice and she won’t give you trouble none. Least I hope not. I’m down to come over your place to ride you all night, but I’d miss you around here<</speech>>
<p>She pops open her blouse and shows off her tits to you. She jumps a bit letting her milky white orbs bounce for your viewing pleasure. When she gets worried that someone might see her she closes her shirt back up and reaches for the handle to the office door.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Hope that is enough keep you focused on being nice and sticking around. Good luck in here<</speech>>
[[Enter the Dean’s Office|gallerydean3c]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Dean Graves made it rather clear that her door was always open for you. So, today you decided to walk through that open door and see just what might come of spending more time with the buxom Dean. You walked through the halls, braving the awful admin hallway once again until you were standing outside her door. You turn the handle and push the door open, stepping inside and closing the door behind you. Dean Graves looks up from her computer and cocks one eye brow up, as she was clearly put off by the boldness of you just walking in.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You do know that it is generally polite to knock before entering a room, don’t you? What if I had been in a meeting Mr. $ As much fun as I think you and I could have, you really must be more discreet<</speech>>
<p>You smile to her and say that she told you that the door is always open. You add that you assumed she was true to her word and says exactly what she means. You take a seat across her desk from her and smile snarkily at her.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I did mean what I said. But the door being open, doesn’t excuse you from common courtesy. Remember that for next time. I won’t hesitate to end this relationship whenever I think it might be more harm to me that benefit<</speech>>
<p>You nod and tell her you understand. Your gaze then strays down from her large brown eyes to her huge tan tits. She notices your eyes wander and grabs her tits in her hands to play with them.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You boys are always so easy to predict. Come here, I will stroke you so you can go through your day without my tits on your mind<</speech>>
[[Let her take control and stroke you|gallerydean4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>She stands up and walks around her desk until she is standing just in front of you. She begins to undress, he golden tan skin glistening in the light of the room. Her glasses hanging on her face in a way that she just looks in charge. She drops to her knees in front of your and forcibly undoes your pants until she can pull your cock free from it.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Good for you, Mr. $ You look even bigger in person<</speech>>
<p>She grips your cock with both hands and begins to pump them up and down with surprising strength and power. She has such a tight grip that if her cock wasn’t filled with pleasured bliss you would probably be worried that she was going to rip it off. She pumps with a lot of strength but not much speed, essentially teasing you as much as she is pleasuring you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage1/sub/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerydean4][$scene to 2]]
<p>Her hands glide along your shaft. Each pulse and shiver that she gives you she can feel. She laughs and teases you further until she can feel that you are ready to cum. When you are she lets go of your cock and tells you to stand up and stroke yourself to completion. She puts her face right up in front of your tip as your stroke yourself. You finally cum, erupting and dousing her glasses in your thick load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage1/sub/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I knew you and I could have some fun together. I expect to see you around my office often from now on. If you’re good, maybe I’ll be bad<</speech>>
<p>She winks at you before licking her glasses clean of cum. She gets dressed and gives you a look that tells you to do the same. You stand up and put your cock away and fix your pants. You say goodbye to her politely and head out of her office, back into the hall.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Dean Graves made it rather clear that her door was always open for you. So, today you decided to walk through that open door and see just what might come of spending more time with the buxom Dean. You walked through the halls, braving the awful admin hallway once again until you were standing outside her door. You turn the handle and push the door open, stepping inside and closing the door behind you. Dean Graves looks up from her computer and cocks one eye brow up, as she was clearly put off by the boldness of you just walking in.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You do know that it is generally polite to knock before entering a room, don’t you? What if I had been in a meeting Mr. $ As much fun as I think you and I could have, you really must be more discreet<</speech>>
<p>You smile to her and say that she told you that the door is always open. You add that you assumed she was true to her word and says exactly what she means. You take a seat across her desk from her and smile snarkily at her.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I did mean what I said. But the door being open, doesn’t excuse you from common courtesy. Remember that for next time. I won’t hesitate to end this relationship whenever I think it might be more harm to me that benefit<</speech>>
<p>You nod and tell her you understand. Your gaze then strays down from her large brown eyes to her huge tan tits. She notices your eyes wander and grabs her tits in her hands to play with them.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You boys are always so easy to predict. Come here, I will stroke you so you can go through your day without my tits on your mind<</speech>>
[[Take control for yourself and make her use her tits|gallerydean5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You stand up and look at her firmly. She clearly thinks she is in control here. It makes you wonder if she was really watching when your were fucking your other teachers. If she was she would know that you don’t follow orders, you give them. And you tell her as much, telling her that you have no interest in her half assed tug job. If she really wants to help, then she needs to whip those tits out and wrap them around your cock.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Oh you wanna be in charge huh? Are you sure you can handle me?<</speech>>
<p>You smile smugly as you get closer to her. You swiftly reach down and rip open her shirt, shredding the buttons off of it and leaving her huge tan tits exposed. You wrap your hand around her neck gently to crook her face up to look at you. She smiles, half impressed and half in pleasure as your control her. You tell her that you can more than handle her. You lightly smack her face and sit down onto the chair, pulling your rock hard cock out. You tell her to get to work and she does. She wraps her huge melons around your shaft and bounces her chest up and down, stroking you with masterful skill with her tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage1/dom/titjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerydean5][$scene to 2]]
<p>Her massive pillowy breasts envelop and caress every inch of your cock as they glide along your shaft. Each pump being a little faster and harder than the last as she puts in all of her effort to please you. Her efforts were very successful as you grow close to cumming. She can feel you getting close and picks up the pace, causing you to erupt from between her breasts and coat them in your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage1/dom/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you finish cumming your reach forward and grip the Dean by the back of her neck. You stand up and pull her in to kiss her deeply. You pull away from the kiss and slap your cock onto her tits to get the last few drops of cum out. You then get dressed and start to head out, telling her you’ll be back soon for a lot more fun. She sits there, silently shocked and extremely aroused as she tries to get back to work.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You head into Dean Graves’ office and politely greet her. Ever since she jerked you off you have been spending more and more time in her office, getting close to her. All in hopes of getting another hand job or more. She greets you politely as always. Dean Graves is always one to treat you with respect, but there is this way about how she acts that makes her respect feel like she is insulting you.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Welcome Mr. $, are you here to fawn over me some more? It’s cute you know. I enjoy it. But, I’m not sure it’s healthy to spend all this time thinking about someone with no release. Would you like some release, Mr. $<</speech>>
<p>You nod your head subtly. You try not to seem too eager or not interested enough. Her beauty and beguiling nature making you over think each and every response. But, she sees your nod and gives you a sly smile in return. She slowly stands, and saunters over to your seat.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>In that case, why don’t I help you with that?<</speech>>
[[Get some release|gallerydean6][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>She kneels down in front of you. Even in a knelt position it is clear that she has all the power in the moment. Her hands deftly unbuckle your pants and yank them down until your cock pops free. She grips it tightly with one hand stroking it agonizingly slowly. She kisses the head a bit first before sucking it in past her lips. Her mouth is like a vacuum around the head of your cock as she sucks and strokes you at the same time.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage2/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerydean6][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Her mouth is goddess like with expertise that beat out every other woman you have been with prior. Too good in fact. She sucks you so hard and well that you cum much more quickly than you are used to. You shake in your chair as the orgasm hits you and overwhelms you before you even realize it is happening.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[She doesn't stop|gallerydean6][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I enjoy this cock of yours Mr. $ I’m going to keep it. This is my cock now, and I will do with it what I please<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even react to her words her mouth is wrapped around your cock again, sucking harder and faster than before. You are still so sensitive from having just cum that you writhe and wriggle in your seat. The pleasure she is forcing upon you is too much to handle.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage2/blowjob2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Finish this|gallerydean6][$scene to 4]]
<p>You last considerably longer the second time around. But, that is not necessarily a good thing. The sensitive pleasure endures throughout the blowjob. It feel so good that it hurts. And when you finally do cum for the second time, it is even more relief than normal as it spells the end of her use of your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Nice job, Mr. $ I do enjoy a nice afternoon romp. Be sure to visit me again soon. That cock attached to you is mine now. Remember that<</speech>>
<p>You get dressed slowly and nod your head to her in understanding. You get up and head out of her office. You are both fearful of what else she might have in store for you, and half aroused at the thought of going further with her. Either way, she is the one in control now.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Work|gallerydean7][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You man the bar at the Cock and Bull tonight. It is rather slow, so you spend most of the evening cleaning or chatting with Carla. It gets close to closing time when a familiar face enters the bar. Dean Graves takes a seat at the end of the bar. She gives you a sultry look that beckons you over. You stand in front of her and ask what you can get her to drink.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>A gin and tonic, please. You know, Mr. $, I’m impressed. How ever do you find the time to keep your grades up, work here, and fuck all of those beautiful ladies?<</speech>>
<p>You laugh quietly to yourself. You tell her that you are just gifted with great time management skills. And that there is always more room on the plate for beautiful women like her. You hand her her drink and she takes a big swig.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Oh you’re such a flatterer. No wonder its so hard to tell you no. After what happened in my office I’m not sure I could ever tell you no even if I wanted to<</speech>>
<p>You reach forward and cup her chin in your hand. You tell her that in that case, go into the back room and undress for you. She gives you a loo of arousal that speaks to her lack of control. She downs her drink quickly and gets up heading into the back room as you told her to.</p>
[[Head back and fuck your Dean’s throat|gallerydean7][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You make Dean Graves wait for a bit before heading back there. You figure that she could do with a little teasing. You let Carla know that you will be back in a bit before heading back.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Don’t take too fucking long you know it gets busy right before last call!<</speech>>
<p>You open the door to the back room and see exactly what you waned to see. Dean Graves is waiting there on her knees and completely nude. She smiles when she sees you finally come in. She seemed a bit agitated to have had to wait for you, but her joy in seeing you greatly over powers that. You don’t even say a word to her, you simply step closer, pull your cock out, and shove it into her throat. You lean your head back and let her take over from here, stroking your cock and sucking on it as she bobs her head quickly, doing her absolutely best to please you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage2/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|gallerydean7][$scene to 3]]
<p>Her throat is very experienced but deceptively tight. She sucks your cock hard and fast, pressing her plump lips against every inch of your throbbing member. She does her job well and brings you to climax. You begin to cum, taking your cock from her mouth and stroking it hard as you aim at her face. You unload, firing your jizz onto her eyes and cheeks. You groan loudly as you cum, loud enough that Carla almost certainly hears you, if not the whole bar.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Oh yeah, I definitely can’t say no to you when you can be that much fun<</speech>>
<p>You both get dressed, and give her a nice slap on the ass as you head out of the back room. You wish your Dean a good evening as she goes to leave.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You can call me Tabitha from now on. No more of the Dean Graves stuff. I think we are a ways past being polite and proper<</speech>>
<p>You wish Tabitha a good night and head back to work. You have to deal with Carla staring at you with dagger eyes the rest of the night, but it doesn’t bother you a bit. When the night is over you lock up and head home.</p>
<p>While you are out shopping you notice a familiar face in the crowd. Or more accurately, you notice the titanic tan tits nearly popping out of Dean Graves’ shirt. You walk over towards her, and when you notice that she is clearly here alone you approach to say hello.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Hey Mr. $ Oh I’m glad to see you! Come here. You see today I have been looking forward to shopping and going a bit cray. But, with bills due soon I’m not sure I can go on the shopping spree I deserve. So since you’re here, you will take me on the shopping spree I deserve<</speech>>
<p>You look at her confused. You are a little hurt that she is looking at you and thinking of you as a bank rather than as a friend, partner, or even a simple student. You ask her if spending a bunch of money on frivolous things like jewelry is really necessary.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I’m not sure. Is getting your cock touched necessary? Because if you don’t pull your wallet out and take me on the shopping spree I deserve, it will be the end of anyone ever touching your cock again. Remember, I have video evidence of you plowing your own Mother. I’m not sure people will care much that she is only your Step Mother in the end. Her career, as well as Jessie’s, Akira’s, and Carrie’s will be over pretty quickly. So why don’t you be a good boy and pull the wallet out?<</speech>>
<p>She had you dead to rights and you both knew it. She had every bit of leverage a person could ever ask for on you. And to top it all off, she probably doesn’t even need it. She is such a good fuck that you would probably have listened and paid for the shopping spree either way.</p>
[[You are almost drained of your cash|gallerydean8b]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Dean Graves is a woman with expensive tastes. She buys herself jewelry, perfume, and even new shoes all on your dime. And she does not shop for better deals. She is happy to pay the sticker price for anything. Not surprising when you aren’t the one funding the purchase. Thankfully though, she eventually has enough fun and ends her shopping spree. She makes you carry her bags for her out to the car. Then she makes you get in with her to ride to her house to carry the bags in for her. She takes great pleasure in using you, and frankly you can only hope that it will continue towards using your in a more sexual manner eventually.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Put those bags down on the table and follow me to the living room. You have been good today so a reward is in order<</speech>>
<p>You do as she says, carefully putting the bags on her kitchen table before following her into the living room. The two of you sit on the couch together for a short time and talk. The two of you talk about nothing really. Not because there is nothing to discuss. But rather, because she is undressing during the whole conversation and you struggle to add much depth to it. The conversation ends when her panties hit the floor. You are naked in seconds as well, with your rock hard cock standing at attention ready for her. She swings her leg over and straddles you. She slides your cock into her tight pussy and slowly lowers herself onto you. You go to begin thrusting but she stops you, instead riding you herself. She takes control and bounces her ass on your cock like a master.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage3/sub/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her|gallerydean8b][$scene to 1]]
<p>She rocks her hips and bounces her ass on your cock like a woman with purpose. Her tight pussy milks you for all your worth as each time she lowers herself down onto you it is like a warm, wet vice of pleasurable pressure. It doesn’t take long for her to make you cum. And you cum hard. You barely manage to pull Dean Graves off of you before you start to blow your load. The second your cock is free from her pussy you explode, firing your cum all over her belly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage3/sub/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You’re lucky you pulled out. You barely had enough money to fund a single shopping spree of mine. I doubt you would stand a chance if you had to pay for a child as well<</speech>>
<p>You pretend to laugh, taking her teasing remarks as a joke but deep down the thought of that terrifies you. She lays back on her couch and relaxes. In time you get up and get dressed. She is fast asleep when you head out of her home and back onto the street.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 13]]
<p>You are taking a nice relaxing stroll in the park when you notice Tabitha jogging in your direction along the path. Her huge bouncing tits in her sports bra are impossible to ignore. You couldn’t care less whether she minded you staring or not. You stood there and ogled her to your hearts content.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage3/dom/jogging.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You step into her path to let her know you want to talk with her. She slows down as she approaches. She goes to say hello to you. But, before she can get a word out you reach out and grab hold of her tits. You squeeze and massage them lewdly. Your hands sink into the soft breasts. She looks at you skeptically and scoffs.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>If you’re going to treat me like a piece of meat, take me home and fuck me so I can at least get something out of it<</speech>>
[[Head to her place|gallerydean9b]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You agree to go home with her. The look on her face when you agree tells you that she didn’t think you would actually take her up on the suggestion so flippantly. But there is a determined look in her eye. She clearly has got it in her head that she still wants to be the one in control. But, you have no intentions of letting her even gain an inch of ground back. As she leads you back to her place and opens the door to bring you in, she turns to you and gives you a cocky look.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>My house, my rules. Shoes off, pants off, coc-<</speech>>
<p>You don’t even let her finish her sentence. You step inside and grab her by her hair, tugging it just hard enough to dictate her movements. You lead her further in to her living room and tear her sports bra off. You yank her yoga pants down and lay her over the arm of the couch. You gets undressed and shoves your hard cock into her soaking wet pussy and start fucking her hard. The look of intense desire and pleasure on Tabitha’s face tells you that she understands exactly who is in control now.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage3/dom/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|gallerydean9b][$scene to 1]]
<p>You pound away at her tight hole. You hold her leg so she has no choice but to lay back and get rammed by your cock for nearly an hour. When you finally cum, she is already an orgasmic mess, having cum herself several times over. You pull out and drop her to her knees in front of you, stroking yourself as you cum. You fire rope after rope of jizz all over her face until she is coat, groaning as you release all your pent up arousal at once.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage3/dom/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She sits there, covered in cum and recovering from having her world rocked. You slap your cock across her face a couple of times. Half because you need to get the last drops of cum out of your cock. And half just for the fun of degrading her. You get dressed and tell her to make sure she wears sexier clothes from now on. You want to make sure she is showing as much skin as possible. As proud and in control as she once was, Tabitha can do nothing to fight the desire that is controlling her.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I will, make sure you make it worth my while<</speech>>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 13]]
<p>You lay your head down against your pillow and get ready for a comfortable nights rest. Although your presumption is marred by the sound of your phone ringing. The vibrations and sudden music pull you out of your slumber. You open your eyes and grab your phone to see who is calling. You realize that it is Dean Graves. You answer the phone, politely asking why she is calling at midnight of all times.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>I’m calling because I want to fuck. You are familiar with the concept of a booty call aren’t you? Come to my house now<</speech>>
<p>She hangs up before you can even really respond to her demand. You don’t even think about denying her. Even if she didn’t have enough dirt against you to ruin your life and the lives of several others, you would still be compelled to go just because of how much you want the sex to continue. You get dressed and freshen yourself up a bit before heading out. You arrive at her home as quickly as you can and knock on her door so she can let you in.</p>
[[She rides you all night|gallerydean10b]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>She doesn’t even greet you. She pulls open the door, grabs you by your shirt, and drags you inside. She brings you to her living room and pushes you down onto her couch. She undresses and looks at you expectantly. You follow her lead and undress as well, letting your hardening cock free. She gives your face a light and playful tap before turning around and slowly lowering her ass onto your cock. The air tight hole wraps around your cock more tightly than you could imagine. You aren’t even sure how it is fitting with how tight she is. And she hasn’t even begun clenching. She leans back to place her hands on your chest as she begins to bounce. She rides you slowly at first, but soon build up into a quick pace.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage4/sub/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Explode on her ass|gallerydean10b][$scene to 1]]
<p>She clenches and bounces her ass on your cock and rides out through multiple orgasms of her own. Her ass is to tight that she can feel when you are about to cum. So, she leans forward on the couch and allows you to stroke yourself to completion. You cum, firing heavy ropes across her ass and even onto her back as your orgasm drives you wild.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage4/sub/cum.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finally down you slump back on the couch to try and relax. Dean Graves clearly has other plans for you though. She pops back up, swings her legs around and slides your still hard cock right back into her ass. This becomes a pattern through the night. Dean Graves relentlessly rides you again and again and again. Even once you get to the point where you have cum so much that nothing more is coming out when your orgasm, she just keeps riding you well into the morning.</p>
<p>When she is finally done you pass out instantly. Your rest was long and you managed to recover fully. Though you are surprised such a thing is even possible with how much she used, abused and milked out of you. You look at your phone and realize that between her riding and your rest, a full day has passed. That is time you will never get back. You can’t say it wasn’t worth it though. You get dressed and leave the Dean’s home, not even wanting to say goodbye out of fear of a round two.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 13]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You have been having all sorts of fun with Tabitha since you met her. And after your trip to her house you are certain that you have fucked every last bit of defiance out of her. She seems to be yours to play with, just as the other teachers have become. But, you have to be certain. So you enter her office as normal. She greets you with a big smile. You say nothing and simply approach her steadily and with purpose. She assumes that you are here to fool around so she stands up to meet you as you approach. She was right in her assumption. But she certainly doesn’t have all of the details. The moment she is within arms reach of you, you extend your hands out to her her blouse. You grab hold of it by the collar and pull it apart, tearing it open. She recoils in shock at how powerfully you man handle her. You don’t stop, reaching forward and yanking her bra down as well.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>$! You know I still have to work after this don’t you? What If I have an urgent meeting with some alumni?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you could not care less as you take hold of her tits in your hands. You say that she might as well clear her schedule because you have plans to use her all afternoon. She can’t help but smile hearing you say that. But she still tries to put on a face of professionalism. That goes away when you spin her around and bend her over her office couch.</p>
[[Fuck the Dean’s ass|gallerydean11][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You lift up Tabitha’s skirt and grab hold of her panties. In one swift motion you yank and rip them off, dropping the shredded, lacy fabric onto the floor. You smack her ass hard, leaving red marks on her cheeks while you undress. The moment your hard cock is out, your spread her round booty apart and spit on her ass to lube it up at least somewhat before you start to slide your cock inside. She moans and screams as pain turns to pleasure. You rock your hips gently at first to get her used to your size. One she is nice and ready you build up into a pummeling pounding of her hole.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage4/dom/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|gallerydean11][$scene to 2]]
<p>The sound of you savagely ramming your cock into your Dean’s ass is deafening. The slaps of your bodies coming together is most certainly loud enough that everyone in the administration hall can hear it. Well, it would be, if it weren’t for Tabitha’s constant moans and screams of pleasure. There is little doubt as to what is happening. And by the end of this the whole school will likely be aware that the Dean is your fuck toy as much as the rest of the teachers are.</p>
<p>Hours pass by as your constant thrusts make her cum and scream so often that Tabitha’s voice has gone hoarse. She is covered in sweat and has a near perpetual quake about her from the aftershocks of so many orgasm. Your own orgasm is finally approaching as well. And so you pull out of your Dean’s ass. She slumps down to her knees, barely able to move her body from the intense fucking. You grab her head and hold it still as you stroke yourself to completion. You groan loudly, firing rope after rope of cum all over her face. You breath heavily when you are finished. You leave her to rest, not even able to comment on the ass blasting she just received. You get dressed and head out, pleased with yourself that for all intents and purposes, this school was now yours.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/stage4/dom/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
<p>Dean Graves is siting at the bar with a drink. You decide to take a seat next to her and join her. You order and drink and in a few moments the bartender puts it down in front of you. You and the Dean talk for a while, enjoying your drinks. Dean Graves seems to be in the mood to vent.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You have no idea how tiring it is to kiss the ass of alumni that donate money to the school. Old assholes that just like to hear themselves talk. And I gotta listen to make sure they sign the check. I’m so relieved to finally have a moment to drink and relax<</speech>>
[[Time goes away|restaurant]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>Dean Graves is clearly pretty tipsy when you approach her at the bar. Her blouse has a few extra buttons undone, she is swaying in her chair, and her cheeks are flushed. She is certainly hammered. You sit beside her and get a drink to join her. A song comes on over the speakers in the Cock and Bull and Dean Graves suddenly gets very excited.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Oh my god, $, dance with me!<</speech>>
<p>She drags you away from the bar to an open area on the floor. The two of you dance together. Well, actually dancing is hardly the right term for it. You more grind against one another to the rhythm of the music. Not that you could complain, having her you hand on her ass is plenty fun.</p>
[[Time goes away|restaurant]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You enter the second stall. You look at the hole cut into the connecting wall. You get closer to the hole and watch the show. Alice is there masturbating.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom/masturbating.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Put your cock in the hole|restroomscene loop][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You get your pants down, she notices it and start sucking your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/meganrain/restroom/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[But then|restroomscene loop][$scene to 2]]
<p>Someone enters the restroom, and knocks on the door to your stall.</p>
<<speech "???">>Hurry up bro, I need to piss.<</speech>>
<p>You get your cock back in your pants, flush the toilet and get out.</p>
<p>Some random guy is there waiting.</p>
<<speech "???">>Dude, what took you so long. You get your cock caught in the gloryhole or something?<</speech>>
<p>Your eyes grow wide in shock and embarrassment.</p>
<<speech "???">>Ha! I'm just fucking with you dude. Now get the fuck out I need to take a dump<</speech>>
[[Leave the toilets|University]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>That time of year has come once again. It is time for finals. All of your hard work and time learning over that past semester will be put to the test. This is your final year in college, so this will be your last final exam before you graduate. With a college degree, many opportunities and benefits will open up to you. You will find it easier to advance in the work place. And you will earn more money, depending on the level of degree you are able to earn.</p>
<p>But first! You need to study hard to be able to ace this exam. The final exam will be split into two parts. The written exam, and the physical exam. The written exam will be weighted entirely on your grades. As long as you have kept up your studies, you should pass no problem. The physical exam however, will be much more difficult. You will be tested by the very ladies that you have spent so much time seducing over this semester.</p>
<p>You will face a gauntlet for your physical exam. Each of the stats you have built up, will be taken into account to determine your power during this gauntlet. Each of the nine ladies has a power requirement to be able to pass their personal test in the gauntlet. You have to pass the tests of five of the women to complete the gauntlet. But, the more test you complete, the better your results will be, and the better the reward! Be mindful though. If you have been spending too much time watching porn and not paying attention to your studies, you will have a harder time building your power up and passing the tests ahead of you.</p>
<p>So now, it is time to select your study partners. You can select any two from the women you have met from the University. Each one gives different bonuses to you for the gauntlet part of the exam. Choose wisely!</p>
<div id="examdean1" class="portrait" target="_dean" style="position: relative">
<div id="examdean2"></div>
<div class="portrait text">
<h4 style="color: #945146;">TABITHA GRAVES</h4>
<p>+3 to all stats, can pick a third study partner</p>
<<click "Choose partner">>
<<if $school.examgirl1 == "">>
<<addclass "#examdean2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_dean]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examdean1" 1>>
<<set $school.examgirl1 = "dean">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "dean">>
<<addclass "#examdean2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_dean]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examdean1" 2>>
<<set $school.examgirl2 = "dean">>
<div id="exammom1" class="portrait" target="_mom" style="position: relative">
<div id="exammom2"></div>
<div class="portrait text">
<h4 style="color: #EDB4C7;">MOM</h4>
<p>+5 to Endurance, can select the Mother for no cost in the Gauntlet</p>
<<click "Choose partner">>
<<if $school.examgirl1 == "">>
<<addclass "#exammom2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_mom]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "exammom1" "1">>
<<set $school.examgirl1 = "mom">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "mom">>
<<addclass "#exammom2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_mom]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "exammom1" "2">>
<<set $school.examgirl2 = "mom">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl3 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "mom" && $school.examgirl2 != "mom" && ($school.examgirl1 == "dean" || $school.examgirl2 == "dean")>>
<<addclass "#exammom2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_mom]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "exammom1" "3">>
<<set $school.examgirl3 = "mom">>
<div id="examsato1" class="portrait" target="_sato" style="position: relative">
<div id="examsato2"></div>
<div class="portrait text">
<h4 style="color: #B9B9B9;">AKIRA SATO</h4>
<p>2X multiplier on stat average before Porn Addiction is removed</p>
<<click "Choose partner">>
<<if $school.examgirl1 == "">>
<<addclass "#examsato2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_sato]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examsato1" 1>>
<<set $school.examgirl1 = "sato">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "sato">>
<<addclass "#examsato2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_sato]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examsato1" "2">>
<<set $school.examgirl2 = "sato">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl3 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "sato" && $school.examgirl2 != "sato" && ($school.examgirl1 == "dean" || $school.examgirl2 == "dean")>>
<<addclass "#examsato2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_sato]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examsato1" 3>>
<<set $school.examgirl3 = "sato">>
<div id="examteacher1" class="portrait" target="_teacher" style="position: relative">
<div id="examteacher2"></div>
<div class="portrait text">
<h4 style="color: #28940F;">CARRIE LEE</h4>
<p>+20 Strength</p>
<<click "Choose partner">>
<<if $school.examgirl1 == "">>
<<addclass "#examteacher2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_teacher]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examteacher1" 1>>
<<set $school.examgirl1 = "teacher">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "teacher">>
<<addclass "#examteacher2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_teacher]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examteacher1" "2">>
<<set $school.examgirl2 = "teacher">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl3 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "teacher" && $school.examgirl2 != "teacher" && ($school.examgirl1 == "dean" || $school.examgirl2 == "dean")>>
<<addclass "#examteacher2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_teacher]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examteacher1" 3>>
<<set $school.examgirl3 = "teacher">>
<div id="exampowers1" class="portrait" target="_powers" style="position: relative">
<div id="exampowers2"></div>
<div class="portrait text">
<h4 style="color: #2B7F88;">JESSIE POWERS</h4>
<p>+10 Intelligence, -10 Porn Addiction</p>
<<click "Choose partner">>
<<if $school.examgirl1 == "">>
<<addclass "#exampowers2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_powers]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "exampowers1" 1>>
<<set $school.examgirl1 = "powers">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "powers">>
<<addclass "#exampowers2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_powers]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "exampowers1" "2">>
<<set $school.examgirl2 = "powers">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl3 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "powers" && $school.examgirl2 != "powers" && ($school.examgirl1 == "dean" || $school.examgirl2 == "dean")>>
<<addclass "#exampowers2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_powers]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "exampowers1" 3>>
<<set $school.examgirl3 = "powers">>
<div id="examlucy1" class="portrait" target="_lucy" style="position: relative">
<div id="examlucy2"></div>
<div class="portrait text">
<h4 style="color: #9C795F;">LUCY</h4>
<p>+20 Intelligence</p>
<<click "Choose partner">>
<<if $school.examgirl1 == "">>
<<addclass "#examlucy2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_lucy]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examlucy1" 1>>
<<set $school.examgirl1 = "lucy">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "lucy">>
<<addclass "#examlucy2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_lucy]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examlucy1" "2">>
<<set $school.examgirl2 = "lucy">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl3 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "lucy" && $school.examgirl2 != "lucy" && ($school.examgirl1 == "dean" || $school.examgirl2 == "dean")>>
<<addclass "#examlucy2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_lucy]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examlucy1" 3>>
<<set $school.examgirl3 = "lucy">>
<div id="examalice1" class="portrait" target="_alice" style="position: relative">
<div id="examalice2"></div>
<div class="portrait text">
<h4 style="color: #77A37E;">ALICE</h4>
<p>Can pick any one girl for no power cost in the gauntlet</p>
<<click "Choose partner">>
<<if $school.examgirl1 == "">>
<<addclass "#examalice2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_alice]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examalice1" 1>>
<<set $school.examgirl1 = "alice">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "alice">>
<<addclass "#examalice2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_alice]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examalice1" "2">>
<<set $school.examgirl2 = "alice">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl3 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "alice" && $school.examgirl2 != "alice" && ($school.examgirl1 == "dean" || $school.examgirl2 == "dean")>>
<<addclass "#examalice2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_alice]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examalice1" 3>>
<<set $school.examgirl3 = "alice">>
<div id="examjade1" class="portrait" target="_jade" style="position: relative">
<div id="examjade2"></div>
<div class="portrait text">
<h4 style="color: #5A608C;">JADE</h4>
<p>+10 strength, power cost of all women reduced by 1</p>
<<click "Choose partner">>
<<if $school.examgirl1 == "">>
<<addclass "#examjade2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_jade]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examjade1" 1>>
<<set $school.examgirl1 = "jade">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "jade">>
<<addclass "#examjade2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_jade]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examjade1" "2">>
<<set $school.examgirl2 = "jade">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl3 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "jade" && $school.examgirl2 != "jade" && ($school.examgirl1 == "dean" || $school.examgirl2 == "dean")>>
<<addclass "#examjade2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_jade]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examjade1" 3>>
<<set $school.examgirl3 = "jade">>
<div id="examkate1" class="portrait" target="_kate" style="position: relative">
<div id="examkate2"></div>
<div class="portrait text">
<h4 style="color: #8A100A;">KATE</h4>
<p>+20 endurance</p>
<<click "Choose partner">>
<<if $school.examgirl1 == "">>
<<addclass "#examkate2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_kate]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examkate1" 1>>
<<set $school.examgirl1 = "kate">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "kate">>
<<addclass "#examkate2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_kate]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examkate1" "2">>
<<set $school.examgirl2 = "kate">>
<<elseif $school.examgirl3 == "" && $school.examgirl1 != "kate" && $school.examgirl2 != "kate" && ($school.examgirl1 == "dean" || $school.examgirl2 == "dean")>>
<<addclass "#examkate2" "selected">><<addclass ".portrait[target=_kate]" "selected">>
<<printNumber "examkate1" 3>>
<<set $school.examgirl3 = "kate">>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[The current selection seems good|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 1; $school.finalexam to 1]]</div>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Let me choose again|Final Exam][$school.examgirl1 to ""; $school.examgirl2 to ""; $school.examgirl3 to ""]]</div>
<div style="clear:both;"><br>[[Leave|University]]</div>
<<if $school.examgirl1 is "" || $school.examgirl2 is "" || ($school.examgirl3 is "" && ($school.examgirl1 == "dean" || $school.examgirl2 == "dean"))>>
<p class="hint">You didn't choose all the allowed study partners</p>
[[Let me choose again|Final Exam][$school.examgirl1 to ""; $school.examgirl2 to ""; $school.examgirl3 to ""; $school.finalexam to 0]]
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<switch $school.examgirl1>>
<<case "mom">>
<<goto "Final Exam Mom">>
<<case "sato">>
<<goto "Final Exam Sato">>
<<case "teacher">>
<<goto "Final Exam Teacher">>
<<case "powers">>
<<goto "Final Exam Powers">>
<<case "dean">>
<<goto "Final Exam Dean">>
<<case "lucy">>
<<goto "Final Exam Lucy">>
<<case "alice">>
<<goto "Final Exam Alice">>
<<case "jade">>
<<goto "Final Exam Jade">>
<<case "kate">>
<<goto "Final Exam Kate">>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<switch $school.examgirl2>>
<<case "mom">>
<<goto "Final Exam Mom">>
<<case "sato">>
<<goto "Final Exam Sato">>
<<case "teacher">>
<<goto "Final Exam Teacher">>
<<case "powers">>
<<goto "Final Exam Powers">>
<<case "dean">>
<<goto "Final Exam Dean">>
<<case "lucy">>
<<goto "Final Exam Lucy">>
<<case "alice">>
<<goto "Final Exam Alice">>
<<case "jade">>
<<goto "Final Exam Jade">>
<<case "kate">>
<<goto "Final Exam Kate">>
<<switch $school.examgirl3>>
<<case "mom">>
<<goto "Final Exam Mom">>
<<case "sato">>
<<goto "Final Exam Sato">>
<<case "teacher">>
<<goto "Final Exam Teacher">>
<<case "powers">>
<<goto "Final Exam Powers">>
<<case "dean">>
<<goto "Final Exam Dean">>
<<case "lucy">>
<<goto "Final Exam Lucy">>
<<case "alice">>
<<goto "Final Exam Alice">>
<<case "jade">>
<<goto "Final Exam Jade">>
<<case "kate">>
<<goto "Final Exam Kate">>
<p>You and Jade head to the gym together to start studying. You chose her because you know that you will need some more strength if you plan on being ready for your final exam. Jade is a terrific person to train with. She pushes you to and beyond your limits.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Come on! Only twenty more push ups and you’ll be halfway there!<</speech>>
<p>You keep going despite your whole body being on fire. That and being able to ogle Jade certainly helps distract you from the pain and exhaustion. You keep working and by the end of the session, you feel significantly stronger. You also feel like you will likely have a much easier time with the final exam than normal. You thank Jade for the help and head out of the gym</p>
<<mcstr>><<set $mc.str = parseInt($mc.str) + 9>>
''All women require one less power in the Final Exam''
<<if $school.examgirl1 is "jade">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 2]]
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 is "jade">>
<<if $school.examgirl3 isnot "">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 3]]
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You arrive in the library to spend some time studying with Lucy. You both sit down with a mountain of books to look and study through. Lucy is one of the smartest women you know, and she is so good and helping you study that she could honestly could be a teacher with how well she graps all of the material.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>You’re notes have always been so helpful. I’m glad I can help you study in return<</speech>>
<p>The hours pass by and before you know it the university is closing up for the evening. You pack a few books away for studying later and thank Lucy for the extra help. The pulsing feeling in your brain is telling you that it was certainly worth the effort, and you feel significantly more intelligent. You and Lucy head out of the library together.</p>
<<mcint>><<set $ = parseInt($ + 19>>
<<if $school.examgirl1 is "lucy">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 2]]
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 is "lucy">>
<<if $school.examgirl3 isnot "">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 3]]
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You and Kate meet up in the pool together. She always looks so good in her bikini. So between that and how much fun it is to swim with her, it was a no brainer choosing her to study with. The two of you swim laps, racing one another the entire way. Every few sets of laps you stop to take a breather and talk, but you rarely wait very long before getting back to swimming.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Stop staring at my ass! You can look at it and fuck it all you want after you pass this exam!<</speech>>
<p>By the end you feel exhausted. But, at the same time you feel like you could still run a marathon powered almost by pure will. You feel like your endurance has significantly increased. You hop out of the pool and get washed off, thanking Kate for the extra help before moving on.</p>
<<mcend>><<set $mc.end = parseInt($mc.end) + 19>>
<<if $school.examgirl1 is "kate">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 2]]
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 is "kate">>
<<if $school.examgirl3 isnot "">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 3]]
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>Your time with Alice could hardly be considered studying. Passionate fucking would be a better label for the experience. The moment you ask her for help studying, she drags you along to her house and has your cock out before you can even pull out a book. She pulls you to her bedroom and spreads her legs for you. You place your hand on her pussy and tease her clit. But you don’t aim your cock there. You aim lower and slide your cock into her ass.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/alice/exam/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You thrust and pound away at her tight as a vice ass. You continue to tease her clit while your fuck her ass. She cums and screams on your cock as both her and your pleasure grows with each thrust. Before long you are cumming. You pull out of her ass and drag her down to her knees by her bed. You stroke yourself to completion, erupting all over Alice’s face and coating her in your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/alice/exam/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Alice is certainly one powerful fuck. You feel like you could easily bang anyone and not break a sweat now. So, you did at least gain something out of this ‘study’ session.</p>
''The first girl you select in the exam now has zero cost''
<<if $school.examgirl1 is "alice">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 2]]
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 is "alice">>
<<if $school.examgirl3 isnot "">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 3]]
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You choose to go right to the source and do some studying with your Mother the Economics teacher. You sit with her in her lecture hall and reiew the material you need to know for your exam, repeatedly. You are doing your best to maintain your focus. But, your Mother’s gigantic tits, and her tendency to flaunt them makes it incredibly difficult.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Sweety, normally I’d love to whip my tits out and have you play with them. But your exams come first!<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her in understanding and work hard to refocus on your studies. You learn quite a bit and manage to build up your endurance in the process as you train your ability to block out the very distracting environment around you. And by the way your Mother appears to be holding back her own desires as well, you think that any test with her might be easier just to be able to play with you sooner.</p>
<<mcend>><<set $mc.end = parseInt($mc.end) + 4>>
''Your Mother now has no power cost in the Final Exam''
<<if $school.examgirl1 is "mom">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 2]]
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 is "mom">>
<<if $school.examgirl3 isnot "">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 3]]
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>Akira might not have been the best choice for a study partner. Considering you are the only person who has shown any care for her class in years, and her almost insatiable lust, you end up spending your time keeping her focused more so than you do actually studying.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Come on, let’s just fuck already. I’ll just give you a perfect score on the exam either way. Why waste any more time?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you have other subjects to study for and that there will be plenty of time to fuck when the exam is over and you have passed. She pouts a bit, but doesn’t relent. She is smart enough that even while her hand is exploring your bulge, she can still help you answer every question you could possibly ask. You wonder why she sticks with the Japanese class, considering she hates it so much. She could probably teach any subject she wants. You feel as though you got better at everything, and she wasn’t even focusing while teaching you.</p>
''All your stats will now count as double when determining your power''
<<if $school.examgirl1 is "sato">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 2]]
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 is "sato">>
<<if $school.examgirl3 isnot "">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 3]]
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You and Ms. Lee work together in the Chemistry lab. She is a tough and remarkably smart woman. So choosing her to help you buckle down and study was an obvious decision. If you so much as take a breather she slams her hand on the desk to get you refocused.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Harder, faster! You have five more chapters to memorize within the hour. And yes you will be quizzed on them all!<</speech>>
<p>You whips you in to shape and keeps you so focused that ti feels like a physical workout more so than a mental one. You certainly feel like a significantly stronger willed person after all of this borderline abuse. When Ms. Lee is finally satisfied you rush out of the classroom, finally free of her iron willed tutelage.</p>
<<mcstr>><<set $mc.str = parseInt($mc.str) + 19>>
<<if $school.examgirl1 is "teacher">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 2]]
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 is "teacher">>
<<if $school.examgirl3 isnot "">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 3]]
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You sit in the Mathematics lecture hall to get help studying for the exam from Jessie. She has locked the doors to the hall so the two of you can relax and study in peace with out her putting up her usual act. When she isn’t pretending to be a stuck up know it all, she can actually be very pleasant to spend time with.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>You’re getting good with these equations. Y’all just need a bit more practice and you’ll have it<</speech>>
<p>You keep working together until you are very confident in your ability to pass the exam. Jessie, when she is relaxed manages to make you feel more at peace. Much more so than anyone else. And she is smart as a whip too. You feel like her smarts rubbed off on you a bit.</p>
<<mcint>><<set $ = parseInt($ + 9>>
<<set $ = parseInt($ - 10>><<if $ lt 0>><<set $ to 0>><</if>> ''You're now less addicted to porn''
<<if $school.examgirl1 is "powers">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 2]]
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 is "powers">>
<<if $school.examgirl3 isnot "">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 3]]
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>The Dean is not a very conventional choice for a study partner. But, that hardly matters, considering your relationship with her could hardly be considered within the realm of conventional. She clearly became the Dean for a very good reason. She seems to be a master in almost every subject.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You keep saying that I’m teaching you new things. I think I might need to reevaluate some of the teachers. You really should know this all already. Or are you just too busy fucking them to pay attention?<</speech>>
<p>As the session ends you realize that you feel a little better at everything. The Dean isn’t a very focused study partner, but she is certainly effective. When you are done you head out of her office with still plenty of time. You might be able to get some extra studying in.</p>
<<mcstr>><<set $mc.str = parseInt($mc.str) + 2>>
<<mcint>><<set $ = parseInt($ + 2>>
<<mcend>><<set $mc.end = parseInt($mc.end) + 2>>
<<if $school.examgirl1 is "dean">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 2]]
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 is "dean">>
<<if $school.examgirl3 isnot "">>
[[Continue|Final Exam Selection][$stage to 3]]
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
[[Finish the session|University]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>Today is the day. All of your hard work over the year is about to pay off, provided that you pass this one final challenge. You spend the day sitting in a large lecture hall. Every student is spaced out with at least one empty seat in between them to prevent cheating. You do your best, putting all you learned in Economics, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Japanese to task. You fill out multiple choice bubbles and write various essays. After hours and hours, you finally finish answering the final question. You breath a sigh of relief, knowing that you did well enough to pass. You turn in your final exams and leave the hall ready to take on your true test. The thing that you have spent this entire semester actually studying for. The gauntlet of women looking to drain you of every bit of energy you have.</p>
''Congratulations! You passed the written exam, the practical exam awaits!''
[[Bring it on|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 0; $gauntlet to "main"; $school.finalexam to 2; $school.examdefeated to 0]]<<set $school.examgirls to {jade: 0,kate: 0,lucy: 0,alice: 0,mom: 0,sato: 0,powers: 0,teacher: 0,dean: 0}>><<if $school.examgirl1 is 'sato' || $school.examgirl2 is 'sato' || $school.examgirl3 is 'sato'>><<set $mc.power to (($mc.str + $ + $mc.end) * 2 / 3) - $>><<else>><<set $mc.power to (($mc.str + $ + $mc.end) / 3) - $>><</if>><<if $mc.power lt 0>><<set $mc.power to 0>><</if>><<set $mc.powertotal to $mc.power>><<set $mc.powersubt to 0>>
if(typeof jadetext === 'undefined'){
let jadetext = '',
katetext = '',
lucytext = '',
alicetext = '',
momtext = '',
satotext = '',
powerstext = '',
teachertext = '',
deantext = '';
<<set _datalabel to "Power: " + Math.round($mc.power)>>
<div class="progress-bar" style="--widthsubt: 0;" @data-label="_datalabel"></div>
<<switch $gauntlet>>
<<case "main">>
<<if $mc.power lte 0>>
<<if $school.examdefeated gte 5>>
<<set $gauntlet to "success">><<goto "Final Exam Gauntlet">>
<<set $gauntlet to "failure">><<goto "Final Exam Gauntlet">>
<<elseif $school.examdefeated gte 9>>
<<set $gauntlet to "success">><<goto "Final Exam Gauntlet">>
<<if $school.examdefeated is 0>>
<p>Welcome to the gauntlet! Choose the women wisely. Each one drains your power, and you have five left to overcome to be able to graduate.</p>
<<elseif $school.examdefeated is 1>>
<p>That’s one girl down! You have four more left to graduate! Keep going, the road is long but it is at least fun to walk down.</p>
<<elseif $school.examdefeated is 2>>
<p>Two women have been defeated. But, this is just the beginning. Soldier on! You are making great progress.</p>
<<elseif $school.examdefeated is 3>>
<p>You have bested three women so far. You are doing well! Keep going, you are well on your way.</p>
<<elseif $school.examdefeated is 4>>
<p>Four women have fallen to you. You need only one more to graduate. But can you go further?</p>
<<elseif $school.examdefeated is 5>>
<p>Congratulations! You have reached the minimum goal. You may now graduate! But there are still four more women available for you to conquer. Going further increases your reward!</p>
<<elseif $school.examdefeated is 6>>
<p>With six women defeated, only a third of them remain. You are striding towards the top. Keep pushing and you will reach it in no time!</p>
<<elseif $school.examdefeated is 7>>
<p>Fantastic! You have overcome seven women. With only two remaining you are in sight of the top!</p>
<<elseif $school.examdefeated is 8>>
<p>Spectacular work! You have only a single woman left to take on. You are on the precipice of greatness!</p>
<p class="got">Outstanding! You have immense power and have overcome the gauntlet challenge in its entirety. You have proven yourself worthy of the highest level of rewards!</p>
<<if $school.examgirl1 is 'alice' || $school.examgirl2 is 'alice' || $school.examgirl3 is 'alice'>>
<<set $school.girlspower to {jade: 0,kate: 0,lucy: 0,alice: 0,mom: 0,sato: 0,powers: 0,teacher: 0,dean: 0}>>
<<if $school.examgirl1 is 'alice'>><<set $school.examgirl1 to ''>>
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 is 'alice'>><<set $school.examgirl2 to ''>>
<<else>><<set $school.examgirl3 to ''>><</if>>
<<elseif $school.examgirl1 is 'jade' || $school.examgirl2 is 'jade' || $school.examgirl3 is 'jade'>>
<<set $school.girlspower to {jade: 8,kate: 4,lucy: 11,alice: 2,mom: 14,sato: 5,powers: 6,teacher: 12,dean: 19}>>
<<set $school.girlspower to {jade: 9,kate: 5,lucy: 12,alice: 3,mom: 15,sato: 6,powers: 7,teacher: 13,dean: 20}>>
<<if $school.examgirl1 is 'mom' || $school.examgirl2 is 'mom' || $school.examgirl3 is 'mom'>>
<<set $ to 0>>
<<case "success">>
<<if $school.examdefeated gte 9>>
<<set $ to "doctorate">>
<<set $school.degreemult to 5>>
<<elseif $school.examdefeated gte 8>>
<<set $ to "masters">>
<<set $school.degreemult to 4>>
<<elseif $school.examdefeated gte 7>>
<<set $ to "bachelors">>
<<set $school.degreemult to 3>>
<<set $ to "associates">>
<<set $school.degreemult to 2>>
<<if $school.examgirl1 is ''>>
<<set $school.examgirl1 to 'alice'>>
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 is ''>>
<<set $school.examgirl2 to 'alice'>>
<<elseif $school.examgirl3 is '' && ($school.examgirl1 == "dean" || $school.examgirl2 == "dean")>>
<<set $school.examgirl3 to 'alice'>>
<p class="got">Success! You have passed your exams and are now just one step away from being a college graduate! You defeated $school.examdefeated girls in the gauntlet! Therefore, you have earned your $! Congratulations! Jobs will now progress more quickly for you, and you will earn more money from them, even from the start! All that is left to do is to attend your graduation ceremony. Head out and get that degree graduate!</p>
[[Graduation][$school.graduated to 1]]
<<case "failure">>
<<if $school.examgirl1 is ''>>
<<set $school.examgirl1 to 'alice'>>
<<elseif $school.examgirl2 is ''>>
<<set $school.examgirl2 to 'alice'>>
<<elseif $school.examgirl3 is '' && ($school.examgirl1 == "dean" || $school.examgirl2 == "dean")>>
<<set $school.examgirl3 to 'alice'>>
<p class="hint">Failure! You made a valiant effort, but unfortunately you failed. If you head back, study harder, or maybe select your opponents more wisely, you might just succeed when you try again some day.</p>
[[Better luck next time|University][$school.finalexam to 1]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(18)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<case "jade">>
<<if $mc.power gte $school.girlspower.jade>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Jade Is defeated! She is not the hardest to defeat in this gauntlet, but she has the strength to give you a decent challenge. Good work!</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/exam/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/exam/sex.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 2]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/jade/exam/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 0; $gauntlet to "main"; $school.examgirls.jade to 1]]<<set $mc.power -= $school.girlspower.jade>><<set $mc.powersubt += $school.girlspower.jade * 100 / $mc.powertotal>><<set $school.examdefeated += 1>>
<p class="hint">You have run out of power!</p><<set $mc.power to 0>><<set $mc.powersubt to 100>>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "main"]]
<<case "kate">>
<<if $mc.power gte $school.girlspower.kate>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Kate is defeated! She loves to act slutty, so its no surprise that she was one of the easier opponents. But defeating her is no menial tast none the less!</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/exam/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/exam/sex.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 2]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/kate/exam/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 0; $gauntlet to "main"; $school.examgirls.kate to 1]]<<set $mc.power -= $school.girlspower.kate>><<set $mc.powersubt += $school.girlspower.kate * 100 / $mc.powertotal>><<set $school.examdefeated += 1>>
<p class="hint">You have run out of power!</p><<set $mc.power to 0>><<set $mc.powersubt to 100>>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "main"]]
<<case "lucy">>
<<if $mc.power gte $school.girlspower.lucy>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Lucy is defeated! Lucy is one of the tougher girls to overcome. You should be proud of this victory.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/exam/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/exam/sex.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 2]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/lucy/exam/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 0; $gauntlet to "main"; $school.examgirls.lucy to 1]]<<set $mc.power -= $school.girlspower.lucy>><<set $mc.powersubt += $school.girlspower.lucy * 100 / $mc.powertotal>><<set $school.examdefeated += 1>>
<p class="hint">You have run out of power!</p><<set $mc.power to 0>><<set $mc.powersubt to 100>>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "main"]]
<<case "alice">>
<<if $mc.power gte $school.girlspower.alice>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Alice is defeated! No one will throw you any celebrations for this one. Alice is easier to fuck than a bread sandwich is to make. But she still takes effort and you should feel proud for the victory no matter what!</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/alice/exam/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/alice/exam/sex.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 2]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/alice/exam/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 0; $gauntlet to "main"; $school.examgirls.alice to 1]]<<set $mc.power -= $school.girlspower.alice>><<set $mc.powersubt += $school.girlspower.alice * 100 / $mc.powertotal>><<set $school.examdefeated += 1>>
<p class="hint">You have run out of power!</p><<set $mc.power to 0>><<set $mc.powersubt to 100>>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "main"]]
<<case "mom">>
<<if $mc.power gte $>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Your Mother is defeated! She has a wealth of experience and know exactly what you like. Defeating you Mother is a substantial feat. Great work!</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/mom/exam/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/mom/exam/sex.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 2]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/mom/exam/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 0; $gauntlet to "main"; $ to 1]]<<set $mc.power -= $>><<set $mc.powersubt += $ * 100 / $mc.powertotal>><<set $school.examdefeated += 1>>
<p class="hint">You have run out of power!</p><<set $mc.power to 0>><<set $mc.powersubt to 100>>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "main"]]
<<case "sato">>
<<if $mc.power gte $school.girlspower.sato>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Akira Sato is defeated! Akira is no slouch. But considering she begs to screw you ever chance she gets, defeating her was never likely to be particularly difficult. Still, a win is always something to be proud of!</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/exam/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/exam/sex.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 2]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/sato/exam/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 0; $gauntlet to "main"; $school.examgirls.sato to 1]]<<set $mc.power -= $school.girlspower.sato>><<set $mc.powersubt += $school.girlspower.sato * 100 / $mc.powertotal>><<set $school.examdefeated += 1>>
<p class="hint">You have run out of power!</p><<set $mc.power to 0>><<set $mc.powersubt to 100>>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "main"]]
<<case "powers">>
<<if $mc.power gte $school.girlspower.powers>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Jessie Powers is defeated! Jessie can ride a cock into submission better than she can a bull. Great work taming this cowgirl!</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/powers/exam/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/powers/exam/sex.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 2]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/powers/exam/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 0; $gauntlet to "main"; $school.examgirls.powers to 1]]<<set $mc.power -= $school.girlspower.powers>><<set $mc.powersubt += $school.girlspower.powers * 100 / $mc.powertotal>><<set $school.examdefeated += 1>>
<p class="hint">You have run out of power!</p><<set $mc.power to 0>><<set $mc.powersubt to 100>>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "main"]]
<<case "teacher">>
<<if $mc.power gte $school.girlspower.teacher>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Carrie Lee is defeated! Ms. Lee is as hard nosed as they come. Few people have ever been able to get her to kneel. And her you are having done just that. Stellar work.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/teacher/exam/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/teacher/exam/sex.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 2]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/teacher/exam/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 0; $gauntlet to "main"; $school.examgirls.teacher to 1]]<<set $mc.power -= $school.girlspower.teacher>><<set $mc.powersubt += $school.girlspower.teacher * 100 / $mc.powertotal>><<set $school.examdefeated += 1>>
<p class="hint">You have run out of power!</p><<set $mc.power to 0>><<set $mc.powersubt to 100>>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "main"]]
<<case "dean">>
<<if $mc.power gte $school.girlspower.dean>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Tabitha Graves is defeated! Few people ever even meet their dean. Yet here you are, taking on the best of the best and the cream of the crop. And coming out on top no less! You have bested the most difficult challenge in this gauntlet. Although there is always more work to be done!</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/exam/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/exam/sex.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 2]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/university/dean/exam/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$scene to 0; $gauntlet to "main"; $school.examgirls.dean to 1]]<<set $mc.power -= $school.girlspower.dean>><<set $mc.powersubt += $school.girlspower.dean * 100 / $mc.powertotal>><<set $school.examdefeated += 1>>
<p class="hint">You have run out of power!</p><<set $mc.power to 0>><<set $mc.powersubt to 100>>
[[Continue|Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "main"]]
<<if $gauntlet is "main">>
<div class="maincircle">
<div id="cost">Please, choose a girl</div>
<div class="examcircle" data-num="1">
<<if $school.examgirls.jade is 0>><script>jadetext = `Jade | Power: ${}`</script>
<div class="portrait" target="_jade" onmouseover="hover(jadetext)">
[img["ressources/img/jade/face.png"][Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "jade"]]
<div class="portrait" target="_jade" onmouseover="hover('Jade | Defeated')">
<div class="examcircle" data-num="2">
<<if $school.examgirls.kate is 0>><script>katetext = `Kate | Power: ${}`</script>
<div class="portrait" target="_kate" onmouseover="hover(katetext)">
[img["ressources/img/kate/face.png"][Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "kate"]]
<div class="portrait" target="_kate" onmouseover="hover('Kate | Defeated')">
<div class="examcircle" data-num="3">
<<if $school.examgirls.lucy is 0>><script>lucytext = `Lucy | Power: ${}`</script>
<div class="portrait" target="_lucy" onmouseover="hover(lucytext)">
[img["ressources/img/lucy/face.png"][Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "lucy"]]
<div class="portrait" target="_lucy" onmouseover="hover('Lucy | Defeated')">
<div class="examcircle" data-num="4">
<<if $school.examgirls.alice is 0>><script>alicetext = `Alice | Power: ${}`</script>
<div class="portrait" target="_alice" onmouseover="hover(alicetext)">
[img["ressources/img/alice/face.png"][Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "alice"]]
<div class="portrait" target="_alice" onmouseover="hover('Alice | Defeated')">
<div class="examcircle" data-num="5">
<<if $ is 0>><script>momtext = `Mom | Power: ${}`</script>
<div class="portrait" target="_mom" onmouseover="hover(momtext)">
[img["ressources/img/mom/face.png"][Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "mom"]]
<div class="portrait" target="_mom" onmouseover="hover('Mom | Defeated')">
<div class="examcircle" data-num="6">
<<if $school.examgirls.sato is 0>><script>satotext = `Akira Sato | Power: ${}`</script>
<div class="portrait" target="_sato" onmouseover="hover(satotext)">
[img["ressources/img/sato/face.png"][Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "sato"]]
<div class="portrait" target="_sato" onmouseover="hover('Akira Sato | Defeated')">
<div class="examcircle" data-num="7">
<<if $school.examgirls.powers is 0>><script>powerstext = `Jessie Powers | Power: ${}`</script>
<div class="portrait" target="_powers" onmouseover="hover(powerstext)">
[img["ressources/img/powers/face.png"][Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "powers"]]
<div class="portrait" target="_powers" onmouseover="hover('Jessie Powers | Defeated')">
<div class="examcircle" data-num="8">
<<if $school.examgirls.teacher is 0>><script>teachertext = `Carrie Lee | Power: ${}`</script>
<div class="portrait" target="_teacher" onmouseover="hover(teachertext)">
[img["ressources/img/teacher/face.png"][Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "teacher"]]
<div class="portrait" target="_teacher" onmouseover="hover('Carrie Lee | Defeated')">
<div class="examcircle" data-num="9">
<<if $school.examgirls.dean is 0>><script>deantext = `Tabitha Graves | Power: ${}`</script>
<div class="portrait" target="_dean" onmouseover="hover(deantext)">
[img["ressources/img/dean/face.png"][Final Exam Gauntlet][$gauntlet to "dean"]]
<div class="portrait" target="_dean" onmouseover="hover('Tabitha Graves | Defeated')">
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('cost').innerHTML = message;
<p>You sit with your cap and gown on a lawn chair in the university quad. Dean graves is standing at the podium, giving a speech meant to motivate you and the rest of the graduates for the future. You aren’t paying much attention though. Between Dean Graves’ tits, and the seductive look the rest of the teachers are giving you, you mind is elsewhere.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Our graduates exemplify the best qualities of our university. Strength, tenacity, dedication, sexual prowess, and intelligence!<</speech>>
<p>Murmurs go off through the crowd at Dean Graves’ obvious mistake in her words. But she isn’t deterred. She goes on as if it didn’t happen, giving you the occasional look out of the corner of her eye as she speaks. When she is done, one by one each of the fellow students in your graduating class head up and receive their degree. You go up and get yours, giving your mom a hug when you pass her on the stage. You also give a wave out to your sister, aunt, and cousin who are watching our in the crowd.</p>
<p>The rest of the ceremony is rather uneventful. But the sense of pride and accomplishment you feel is immense. Even if you aren’t sure it was worth all of the money you had to spend to achieve it. You head home with your degree, ready to take on the next challenge, and enter the working world.</p>
<p class="got">You got your degree!</p>
[[Call it a day|Bedroom]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
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<div id="friends" class="right-bar">
<<if $has.jadeid is 1>><a data-passage="jadesexapp"><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="ressources/profilpictures/university/jade.jpg"><p>Jade<span><br>corr: <<print $jade.corr>> trust: <<print $>></span></p></div></a><<else>><</if>>
<<if $has.lucyid is 1>><a data-passage="lucysexapp"><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="ressources/profilpictures/university/lucy.jpg"><p>Lucy<span><br>corr: <<print $lucy.corr>> trust: <<print $>></span></p></div></a><<else>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="ressources/backgrounds/background.jpg"><p>???<span><br>corr: ??? trust: ???</span></p></div><</if>>
<<if $has.aliceid is 1>><a data-passage="alicesexapp"><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="ressources/profilpictures/university/alice.jpg"><p>Alice<span><br>corr: <<print $alice.corr>> trust: <<print $>></span></p></div></a><<else>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="ressources/backgrounds/background.jpg"><p>???<span><br>corr: ??? trust: ???</span></p></div><</if>>
<<if $has.kateid is 1>><a data-passage="katesexapp"><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="ressources/profilpictures/university/kate.jpg"><p>Kate<span><br>corr: <<print $kate.corr>> trust: <<print $>></span></p></div></a><<else>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="ressources/backgrounds/background.jpg"><p>???<span><br>corr: ??? trust: ???</span></p></div><</if>>
<<if $has.abigailid is 1>><a data-passage="abigailsexapp"><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/abigail.jpg"><p>Abigail<span><br>int: <<print $>> corr: <<print $abigail.corr>></span></p></div></a><<else>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="ressources/backgrounds/background.jpg"><p>???<span><br>corr: ??? trust: ???</span></p></div><</if>>
<<if $has.carlaid is 1>><a data-passage="carlasexapp"><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/carla.jpg"><p>Carla<span><br>corr: <<print $carla.corr>> trust: <<print $>></span></p></div></a><<else>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="ressources/backgrounds/background.jpg"><p>???<span><br>corr: ??? trust: ???</span></p></div><</if>>
<<if $has.missyid is 1>><a data-passage="missysexapp"><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="ressources/profilpictures/restaurant/missy.jpg"><p>Missy<span><br>corr: <<print $missy.corr>> trust: <<print $>></span></p></div></a><<else>><div class="friend"><img alt="" src="ressources/backgrounds/background.jpg"><p>???<span><br>corr: ??? trust: ???</span></p></div><</if>>
<div class="friend"><img alt="" src="ressources/backgrounds/background.jpg"><p>???<span><br>corr: ??? trust: ???</span></p></div>
<div class="appscreen" id="fasttravelscreen">
<div class="right-bar" class="ft-card" style="top:0;left:0"><a data-passage="University"><img class="ft-card-img" alt="" src="ressources/backgrounds/university/university.jpg"><span>University</span></a><hr></div>
<div class="right-bar" class="ft-card" style="top:0;right:0"><a data-passage="House"><img class="ft-card-img" alt="" src="ressources/backgrounds/home/house.jpg"><span>House</span></a><hr></div>
<div class="right-bar" class="ft-card" style="bottom:0;left:0"><a data-passage="Mall"><img class="ft-card-img" alt="" src="ressources/backgrounds/street/mall.jpg"><span>Mall</span></a><hr></div>
<div class="right-bar" class="ft-card" style="bottom:0;right:0"><a data-passage="Street"><img class="ft-card-img" alt="" src="ressources/backgrounds/street/street.jpg"><span>Street</span></a><hr></div>
<div class="right-bar" class="ft-card" style="bottom:0;left:0"><a data-passage="Coast"><img class="ft-card-img" alt="" src="ressources/backgrounds/coast/coast.jpg"><span>Coast</span></a></div><br><br>
<div class="appscreen" id="galleryscreen">
<div class="appscreen" id="progressscreen">
<div id="progressdiv">
<div class="friend" id="jadeprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/jade/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Jade</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="lucyprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/lucy/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Lucy</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="kateprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/kate/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Kate</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="aliceprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/alice/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Alice</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="sashaprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/sasha/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Sister</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="momprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/mom/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Mom</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="auntprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/aunt/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Aunt</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="cousinprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/cousin/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Cousin</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="grandmaprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/grandma/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Grandma</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="deanprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/dean/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Dean</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="powersprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/powers/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Mrs. Powers</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="satoprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/sato/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Mrs. Sato</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="teacherprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/teacher/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Mrs. Lee</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="missyprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/missy/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Missy</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="carlaprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/carla/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Carla</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="abigailprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/abigail/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Abigail</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="tiffanyprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/tiffany/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Tiffany</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="tammyprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/tammy/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Tammy</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="erikaprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/erika/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Erika</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="mikaelaprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/mikaela/face.png" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Mikaela</p></div>
<div class="friend" id="noneprogress"><img alt="" src="ressources/backgrounds/background.jpg" style="width:40px;height:40px;"><p>Placeholder</p></div>
<div id="profileprogress">
<div class="profile-g" id="jade-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/jade/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats" style="transform: translateY(-26px);">
<p>Corr: <<print $jade.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $jade.questmain>>/5</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $jade.questmain is 0 && $ lt 5>>
Raise trust to 5
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 0>>
Train with Jade
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 1 && $ lt 10>>
Raise trust to 10
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 1 && $mc.str lt 5>>
Raise your Str to 5
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 1>>
Train with Jade
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 2 && $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 2 && $mc.str lt 10>>
Raise your Str to 10
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 2>>
Talk to Jade in Chemistry
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 3 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 3 && $mc.str lt 15>>
Raise your Str to 15
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 3>>
Speak to Jade in Chemistry
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 4 && $ lt 25>>
Raise trust to 25
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 4 && $ lt 25>>
Raise Ms. Lee trust to 25
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 4 && $teacher.questmain lt 6>>
Complete Ms. Lee's Main Quest
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 4>>
Go to Chemistry Class between 14 and 15 hs
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 5 && $bdsm.activate is 0>>
Congratulations, you have completed Jade's Main Quest!
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 5 && $jade.dungeonintro is 0 && $mc.dom lt 10>>
Raise your dominance to 10
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 5 && $jade.dungeonintro is 0 && $jade.corr lt 25>>
Raise corr to 25
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 5 && $jade.dungeonintro is 0 && $quest.basement lt 4>>
Remodel your basement
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 5 && $jade.dungeonintro is 0 && $quest.basement lt 5>>
Have dinner with your family
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 5 && $jade.dungeonintro is 0>>
Call Jade at your basement
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 5 && $jade.slave is 0 && $mc.dom lt 15>>
Raise your dominance to 15
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 5 && $jade.slave is 0 && $jade.corr lt 35>>
Raise corr to 35
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 5 && $jade.slave is 0 && $mc.str lt 30>>
Raise your strength to 30
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 5 && $jade.slave is 0 && $mc.collars lt 1>>
Buy a slave collar at the Strange Shop
<<elseif $jade.questmain is 5 && $jade.slave is 0>>
You may enslave Jade at your basement
<<elseif $jade.slave is 1>>
Congratulations! Now Jade is your personal sex slave!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<p>Gift quest step: <<print $quest.jadegiftquest>>/2</p>
<p>Gift help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $quest.jadegiftquest is 0 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $quest.jadegiftquest is 0 && $jade.questmain lt 4>>
Progress further in her Main Quest
<<elseif $quest.jadegiftquest is 0>>
Train with Jade
<<elseif $quest.jadegiftquest is 1 && $inv.jadeleggings lt 1>>
Buy a pair of leggings at the Mall
<<elseif $quest.jadegiftquest is 1>>
Train with Jade
<<elseif $quest.jadegiftquest is 2>>
Congratulations! You have completed Jade's Gift Quest!
Hints to complete the gift quest will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-jade"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="lucy-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/lucy/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats" style="transform: translateY(-26px);">
<p>Corr: <<print $lucy.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $lucy.questmain>>/5</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $lucy.questmain is 0 && $ lt 5>>
Raise trust to 5
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 0>>
Study with Lucy
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 1 && $ lt 10>>
Raise trust to 10
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 1 && $ lt 5>>
Raise your Int to 5
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 1>>
Talk to Lucy in Math
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 2 && $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 2 && $ lt 10>>
Raise your Int to 10
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 2>>
Eat lunch with Lucy
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 3 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 3 && $ lt 15>>
Raise your Int to 15
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 3>>
Study with Lucy
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 4>>
Study with Lucy again
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 5 && $bdsm.activate is 0>>
Congratulations, you have completed Lucy's Main Quest!
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 5 && $quest.basement lt 4>>
Remodel your basement
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 5 && $quest.basement lt 5>>
Have dinner with your family
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 5 && $lucy.slave is 0 && $lucy.corr lt 50>>
Raise corr to 50
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 5 && $lucy.slave is 0 && $mc.collars lt 1>>
Buy a slave collar at the Strange Shop
<<elseif $lucy.questmain is 5 && $lucy.slave is 0>>
You may enslave Lucy at your basement
<<elseif $lucy.slave is 1>>
Congratulations! Now Lucy is your personal sex slave!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<p>Gift quest step: <<print $quest.lucygiftquest>>/5</p>
<p>Gift help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $quest.lucygiftquest is 0 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $quest.lucygiftquest is 0 && $ lt 15>>
Raise your intelligence to 15
<<elseif $quest.lucygiftquest is 0>>
Study with Lucy at the Library
<<elseif $quest.lucygiftquest is 1>>
Search for Lucy's book at the Strange Shop
<<elseif $quest.lucygiftquest is 2>>
Study with Lucy at the Library
<<elseif $quest.lucygiftquest is 3>>
Get Lucy's book at the Strange Shop
<<elseif $quest.lucygiftquest is 4>>
Study with Lucy at the Library
<<elseif $quest.lucygiftquest is 5>>
Congratulations! You have finished Lucy's Gift Quest!
Hints to advance in the gift quest will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-lucy"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="kate-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/kate/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats" style="transform: translateY(-26px);">
<p>Corr: <<print $kate.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $kate.questmain>>/4</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $kate.questmain is 0 && $ lt 5>>
Raise trust to 5
<<elseif $kate.questmain is 0>>
Swim with Kate
<<elseif $kate.questmain is 1 && $ lt 10>>
Raise trust to 10
<<elseif $kate.questmain is 1 && $mc.end lt 5>>
Raise your End to 5
<<elseif $kate.questmain is 1>>
Eat lunch with Kate
<<elseif $kate.questmain is 2 && $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $kate.questmain is 2 && $mc.end lt 10>>
Raise your End to 10
<<elseif $kate.questmain is 2>>
Speak to Kate in Economics
<<elseif $kate.questmain is 3 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $kate.questmain is 3 && $mc.end lt 15>>
Raise your End to 15
<<elseif $kate.questmain is 3>>
Swim with Kate
<<elseif $kate.questmain gte 4 && $bdsm.activate is 0>>
Congratulations, you have completed Kate's Main Quest!
<<elseif $kate.slave is 0 && $quest.basement lt 4>>
Remodel your basement
<<elseif $kate.slave is 0 && $quest.basement lt 5>>
Have dinner with your family
<<elseif $kate.slave is 0 && $kate.corr lt 30>>
Raise corr to 30
<<elseif $kate.slave is 0 && $mc.collars lt 1>>
Buy a slave collar at the Strange Shop
<<elseif $kate.slave is 0>>
You may enslave Kate at your sex dungeon
<<elseif $kate.slave is 1>>
Congratulations! Now Kate is your personal sex slave!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<p>Gift quest step: <<print $quest.kategiftquest>>/2</p>
<p>Gift help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $quest.kategiftquest is 0 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $quest.kategiftquest is 0 && $kate.corr lt 10>>
Raise corr to 10
<<elseif $quest.kategiftquest is 0>>
Have lunch with Kate at the Cafeteria
<<elseif $quest.kategiftquest is 1 && $inv.katebikini lt 1>>
Buy a bikini at the Mall
<<elseif $quest.kategiftquest is 1>>
Give the bikini to Kate at the pool
<<elseif $quest.kategiftquest is 2>>
Congratulations, you have completed Kate's Gift Quest!
Hints to advance in the Gift Quest will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-kate"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="alice-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/alice/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $alice.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $quest.alicebathroom>>/4</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $quest.alicebathroom is 0>>
Go to the university restrooms when Alice is there and use the gloryhole
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom is 1 && $alice.firstclass lt 1>>
Go to Japanese class
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom is 1 && $ lt 10>>
Raise trust to 10
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom is 1>>
Go to the university restrooms and have sex
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom gte 2 && $has.aliceaddress is 0>>
Message Alice over SexApp
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom is 3 && $has.aliceaddress is 1>>
Go to Alice's home
<<elseif $quest.alicebathroom gte 4 && $has.aliceaddress is 1 && $bdsm.activate is 0>>
Congratulations, you have completed Alice's Main Quest!
<<elseif $alice.slave is 0 && $quest.basement lt 4>>
Remodel your basement
<<elseif $alice.slave is 0 && $quest.basement lt 5>>
Have dinner with your family
<<elseif $alice.slave is 0 && $alice.corr lt 15>>
Raise corr to 15
<<elseif $alice.slave is 0 && $houses.usedRooms gte $houses.totalRooms>>
Get an empty room for Alice
<<elseif $alice.slave is 0 && $mc.collars lt 1>>
Buy a slave collar at the Strange Shop
<<elseif $alice.slave is 0>>
You may enslave Alice at your sex dungeon
<<elseif $alice.slave is 1>>
Congratulations! Now Alice is your personal sex slave!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-alice"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="sasha-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/sasha/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $sis.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $sis.questmain>>/10</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $sis.questmain is 0 && $ lt 5>>
Raise trust to 5
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 0 && $ lt 5>>
Raise your Int to 5
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 0>>
Go to living room when Sister is there
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 1 && $ lt 10>>
Raise trust to 10
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 1>>
Go to bathroom when Sister is there (7 to 8 hs)
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 2>>
Go to Mom bedroom when empty
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 3>>
Copy key at Strange Shop
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 4>>
Go to bathroom when Sister is there (7 to 8 hs)
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 5 && $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 5 && $sis.homeworktotal lt 1>>
Help Sister study
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 5>>
Go to living room when Sister is there (17 to 20 hs)
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 6 && $mom.questmain lt 8>>
Complete stage four of Mom quest
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 6>>
Go to Mom bedroom when Mom is there (20 to 22 hs)
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 7>>
Go to kitchen between 17 and 20
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 8 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 8>>
Go to Sister Bedroom between 20 and 22
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 9 && $ lt 25>>
Raise trust to 25
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 9 && $sis.homeworktotal lt 5>>
Study with Sister at least 5 times total
<<elseif $sis.questmain is 9>>
Enter Sister bedroom between 14 and 20 hs
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 10 && $bdsm.activate is 1 && $sis.slave is 0 && $sis.corr lt 50>>
Raise corruption to 50
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 10 && $bdsm.activate is 1 && $sis.slave is 0 && $mc.collars lt 1>>
Buy a slave collar at the Strange Shop
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 10 && $bdsm.activate is 1 && $sis.slave is 0 && $quest.basement lt 4>>
Remodel your basement
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 10 && $bdsm.activate is 1 && $sis.slave is 0 && $quest.basement lt 5>>
Have dinner with your family
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 10 && $bdsm.activate is 1 && $sis.slave is 0>>
You may enslave your sister at your sex dungeon
<<elseif $sis.slave is 1>>
Congratulations, you have turned your sister into your sex slave!
<<elseif $sis.questmain gte 10>>
Congratulations, you have completed your Sister's Main Quest!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-sasha"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="mom-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/mom/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $mom.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $mom.questmain>>/10</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $mom.questmain is 0 && $ lt 5>>
Raise trust to 5
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5>>
Go to living room when Mom is there (17 to 20 hs)
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 1>>
Go to the mall
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 2>>
Go to living room when Mom is there (17 to 20 hs)
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 3 && $sis.questmain lt 5>>
Complete Sister quest stage two
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 3 && $sis.questmain gte 5 && $ lt 10>>
Raise Trust to 10
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 3 && $sis.questmain gte 5 && $ gte 10>>
Enter bathroom when Mom is there (18 to 20 hs)
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 4 && $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 4 && $ gte 15>>
Go to kitchen when Mom is there
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 5>>
Go to your bedroom
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 6>>
Go to Mom bedroom between 22 and 24 hs
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 7>>
<<if $has.paidbills isnot 1>>
Pay bills at your desk
<<elseif $inv.momjewelry isnot 1>>
Buy jewelry at Mall
<<elseif $has.vacuum isnot 1 || $has.dishes isnot 1>>
Clean living room and dishes (same day)
Go to Mom bedroom between 20 and 22
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 8 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 8 && $ gte 20>>
Go to Mother Bedroom when she is there (20 to 22 hs)
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 9 && ($ lt 25 || $mom.corr lt 10)>>
Raise trust to 25, corr to 10
<<elseif $mom.questmain is 9 && $ gte 25 && $mom.corr gte 10>>
<<if $>>
<<if $ is 1 && $tammy.questmain lt 4>>
Advance in Tammy's Main Quest
<<elseif $ is 1>>
Interact with Mom at the office
Go to Econ hall on Wednesday
Go to Econ hall on Wednesday
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 10 && $bdsm.activate is 1 && $mom.slave is 0 && $mom.corr lt 50>>
Raise corruption to 50
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 10 && $bdsm.activate is 1 && $mom.slave is 0 && $mc.collars lt 1>>
Buy a slave collar at the Strange Shop
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 10 && $bdsm.activate is 1 && $mom.slave is 0 && $quest.basement lt 4>>
Remodel your basement
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 10 && $bdsm.activate is 1 && $mom.slave is 0 && $quest.basement lt 5>>
Have dinner with your family
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 10 && $bdsm.activate is 1 && $mom.slave is 0>>
You may enslave your mother at your sex dungeon
<<elseif $mom.slave is 1>>
Congratulations, you have turned your mother into your sex slave!
<<elseif $mom.questmain gte 10>>
Congratulations, you have completed Mom's Main Quest!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-mom"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="aunt-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/aunt/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $aunt.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $aunt.questmain>>/5</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $has.auntaddress is 0>>
Wait for your aunt and cousin to arrive
<<if $aunt.questmain is 0 && $ lt 5>>
Raise trust to 5
<<elseif $aunt.questmain is 0>>
Talk to her at the pool
<<elseif $aunt.questmain is 1 && $ lt 10>>
Raise your aunt trust to 10
<<elseif $aunt.questmain is 1 && $mc.str lt 10>>
Raise your strength to 10
<<elseif $aunt.questmain is 1>>
Talk to your aunt in the residential district
<<elseif $aunt.questmain is 2 && $ lt 15>>
Raise your aunt trust to 15
<<elseif $aunt.questmain is 2 && $mc.end lt 15>>
Raise your endurance to 15
<<elseif $aunt.questmain is 2>>
Talk to your aunt in her kitchen
<<elseif $aunt.questmain is 3 && $ lt 20>>
Raise your aunt trust to 20
<<elseif $aunt.questmain is 3>>
Go to your aunt bedroom after 6pm
<<elseif $aunt.questmain is 4 && $ lt 25>>
Raise your aunt trust to 25
<<elseif $aunt.questmain is 4 && $aunt.corr lt 15>>
Raise your aunt corruption to 15
<<elseif $aunt.questmain is 4>>
Talk to your aunt in her kitchen
You finished your Aunt's main quest!
<div class="close-progress" id="close-aunt"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="cousin-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/cousin/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $cousin.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $cousin.questmain>>/6</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $has.auntaddress is 0>>
Wait for your aunt and cousin to arrive
<<if $cousin.questmain is 0 && $ lt 5>>
Raise your cousin trust to 5
<<elseif $cousin.questmain is 0>>
Go to your cousin bedroom
<<elseif $cousin.questmain is 1 && $ lt 10>>
Raise your cousin trust to 10
<<elseif $cousin.questmain is 1>>
Play video games with your cousin in your bedroom
<<elseif $cousin.questmain is 2 && $ lt 15>>
Raise your cousin trust to 15
<<elseif $cousin.questmain is 2 && $cousin.corr lt 10>>
Raise your cousin corruption to 10
<<elseif $cousin.questmain is 2>>
Do yoga with your cousin in the park
<<elseif $cousin.questmain is 3 && $ lt 20>>
Raise your cousin trust to 20
<<elseif $cousin.questmain is 3 && $cousin.corr lt 15>>
Raise your cousin corruption to 15
<<elseif $cousin.questmain is 3 && $aunt.questmain lt 5>>
Complete your aunt's main quest
<<elseif $cousin.questmain is 3>>
Go to your cousin bedroom between 8-10pm and sleep with her
<<elseif $cousin.questmain is 4>>
Go to your aunt's kitchen before 12
<<elseif $cousin.questmain is 5 && ($cousin.stuffed is 0 or $mc.collars lt 1)>>
Go to the strange shop and buy either the Gift or the slave collar
<<elseif $cousin.questmain is 5>>
Talk to your cousin in her room
You finished your Cousin's main quest!
<div class="close-progress" id="close-cousin"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="grandma-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/grandma/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $grandma.corr>></p>
<p>Interest: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $grandma.questmain>>/7</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $day lte 7 && $grandma.questmain is 0>>
Wait until your Grandma arrives!
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 0>>
Have breakfast at your home
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 1>>
Visit your Grandma when she's at her home
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 2 && $ lt 5>>
Raise her interest to 5
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 2>>
Go to the Fitness Center gym when she's there
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 3 && $ lt 10>>
Raise her interest to 10
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 3>>
Visit your Grandma when she's at her home
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 4 && $ lt 15>>
Raise her interest to 15
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 4>>
Go to the Fitness Center pool when she's there
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 5 && $ lt 20>>
Raise her interest to 20
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 5>>
Visit your Grandma when she's at her home
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 6 && $ lt 25>>
Raise your Mom's trust to 25
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 6 && $mom.questmain lt 9>>
Complete stage five of your Mom's quest
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 6 && $ lt 25>>
Raise your Grandma's interest to 25
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 6>>
Visit your Mom in her classroom on Wednesday
You finished your Grandma's main quest!
<div class="close-progress" id="close-grandma"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="dean-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/dean/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $dean.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Interest: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $dean.questmain>>/5</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $dean.questmain is 0 && ($teacher.questmain lt 6 || $sato.questmain lt 6 || $powers.questmain lt 5)>>
Complete main quest for all teachers
<<elseif $dean.questmain is 0 && $school.grades lt 5>>
Raise your grades to 5
<<elseif $dean.questmain is 0>>
Eat lunch alone
<<elseif $dean.questmain is 1>>
Go to Dean office at 14
<<elseif $dean.route is "dom" && $dean.questmain is 2 && $ lt 10>>
Raise trust to 10
<<elseif $dean.route is "dom" && $dean.questmain is 2 && $mc.dom lt 15>>
Raise your Dom to 15
<<elseif $dean.route is "dom" && $dean.questmain is 2>>
Work night shift at Cock and Bull
<<elseif $dean.route is "dom" && $dean.questmain is 3 && $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $dean.route is "dom" && $dean.questmain is 3 && $mc.dom lt 20>>
Raise your Dom to 20
<<elseif $dean.route is "dom" && $dean.questmain is 3>>
Speak with her when she is in the park
<<elseif $dean.route is "dom" && $dean.questmain is 4 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $dean.route is "dom" && $dean.questmain is 4 && $mc.dom lt 25>>
Raise your Dom to 25
<<elseif $dean.route is "dom" && $dean.questmain is 4>>
Enter Dean’s office
<<elseif $dean.route is "sub" && $dean.questmain is 2 && $ lt 10>>
Raise trust to 10
<<elseif $dean.route is "sub" && $dean.questmain is 2>>
Enter Dean’s office
<<elseif $dean.route is "sub" && $dean.questmain is 3 && $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $dean.route is "sub" && $dean.questmain is 3 && $ lt 500>>
Have 500$
<<elseif $dean.route is "sub" && $dean.questmain is 3>>
Speak with her when she is at the Mall
<<elseif $dean.route is "sub" && $dean.questmain is 4 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $dean.route is "sub" && $dean.questmain is 4>>
Go to sleep
<<elseif $dean.questmain gte 5>>
Congratulations, you have completed the Dean's Main Quest!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-dean"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="powers-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/powers/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $powers.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Interest: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $powers.questmain>>/5</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $powers.questmain is 0 && $ lt 5>>
Raise trust to 5
<<elseif $powers.questmain is 0>>
Go to Math classroom on Wed
<<elseif $powers.questmain is 1 && $ lt 10>>
Raise trust to 10
<<elseif $powers.questmain is 1>>
Listen to Math lesson
<<elseif $powers.questmain is 2 && $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $powers.questmain is 2>>
Go to Math classroom on Wed
<<elseif $powers.questmain is 3 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $powers.questmain is 3>>
Listen to Math lesson
<<elseif $powers.questmain is 4 && $ lt 25>>
Raise trust to 25
<<elseif $powers.questmain is 4>>
Go to sleep
<<elseif $powers.questmain gte 5>>
Congratulations, you have completed Ms. Powers's Main Quest!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-powers"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="sato-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/sato/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $sato.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Interest: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $sato.questmain>>/7</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $sato.questmain is 0 && $ lt 5>>
Raise trust to 5
<<elseif $sato.questmain is 0>>
Listen to Japanese lesson
<<elseif $sato.questmain is 1 && $ lt 10>>
Raise trust to 10
<<elseif $sato.questmain is 1>>
Go to Japanese classroom on Wed
<<elseif $sato.questmain is 2 && $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $sato.questmain is 2>>
Go to Japanese class
<<elseif $sato.questmain is 3>>
Go to Japanese class
<<elseif $sato.questmain is 4>>
Go to Cock and Bull on weekend between 18 and 20
<<elseif $sato.questmain is 5 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $sato.questmain is 5>>
Go to Japanese classroom on Wed
<<elseif $sato.questmain is 6 && $ lt 25>>
Raise trust to 25
<<elseif $sato.questmain is 6>>
Go to Japanese classroom on Wed
<<elseif $sato.questmain gte 7>>
Congratulations, you have completed Mrs. Sato's Main Quest!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-sato"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="teacher-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/teacher/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $teacher.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Interest: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $teacher.questmain>>/6</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $teacher.questmain is 0 && $ lt 5>>
Raise trust to 5
<<elseif $teacher.questmain is 0>>
Go to Chemistry on Wed
<<elseif $teacher.questmain is 1 && $ lt 10>>
Raise trust to 10
<<elseif $teacher.questmain is 1 && $ lt 10>>
Raise interest to 10
<<elseif $teacher.questmain is 1>>
Listen to Chemistry lesson
<<elseif $teacher.questmain is 2>>
Do chemistry homework
<<elseif $teacher.questmain is 3>>
Go to Chemistry on Wed
<<elseif $teacher.questmain is 4 && $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $teacher.questmain is 4 && $ lt 15>>
Raise interest to 15
<<elseif $teacher.questmain is 4>>
Listen to Chemistry lesson
<<elseif $teacher.questmain is 5 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $teacher.questmain is 5 && $ lt 20>>
Raise interest to 20
<<elseif $teacher.questmain is 5>>
Eat lunch alone
<<elseif $teacher.questmain gte 6>>
Congratulations, you have completed Ms. Lee's Main Quest!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-teacher"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="missy-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/missy/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $missy.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $missy.progress>>/5</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $missy.progress is 0>>
Work at the Cock and Bull between 11 and 13 (day shift)
<<elseif $missy.progress is 1 && $ lt 5>>
Raise trust to 5
<<elseif $missy.progress is 1>>
Work day shift
<<elseif $missy.progress is 2 && $ lt 10>>
Raise trust to 10
<<elseif $missy.progress is 2>>
Work day shift
<<elseif $missy.progress is 3 && $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $missy.progress is 3>>
Work day shift
<<elseif $missy.progress is 4 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $missy.progress is 4>>
Work day shift
<<elseif $bdsm.activate is 0 && $missy.progress gte 5>>
Congratulations, you have completed Missy's Main Quest!
<<elseif $missy.slave is 0 && $missy.corr lt 50>>
Raise corr to 50
<<elseif $missy.slave is 0 && $mc.dom lt 25>>
Raise your dominance to 25
<<elseif $missy.slave is 0 && $restaurant.status lt 2>>
Become the manager at The Cock and Bull
<<elseif $missy.slave is 0 && $quest.basement lt 5>>
Remodel your basement
<<elseif $missy.slave is 0 && $mc.collars lt 1>>
Buy at least one slave collar at the strange shop
<<elseif $missy.slave is 0>>
You may enslave Missy at your dungeon
<<elseif $missy.slave is 1>>
Congratulations, you have turned Missy into your sex slave!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-missy"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="carla-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/carla/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $carla.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $carla.progress>>/5</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $carla.progress is 0>>
Work at the Cock and Bull between 16 and 18 (night shift)
<<elseif $carla.progress is 1 && $ lt 5>>
Raise trust to 5
<<elseif $carla.progress is 1>>
Work night shift
<<elseif $carla.progress is 2 && $ lt 10>>
Raise trust to 10
<<elseif $carla.progress is 2>>
Work night shift
<<elseif $carla.progress is 3 && $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $carla.progress is 3>>
Work night shift
<<elseif $carla.progress is 4 && $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $carla.progress is 4>>
Work night shift
<<elseif $carla.progress is 5 && $bdsm.activate is 0>>
Congratulations, you have completed Carla's Main Quest!
<<elseif $carla.progress is 5 && $carla.dungeonintro is 0 && $mc.dom lt 25>>
Raise your dominance to 25
<<elseif $carla.progress is 5 && $carla.dungeonintro is 0 && $carla.corr lt 15>>
Raise corr to 15
<<elseif $carla.progress is 5 && $carla.dungeonintro is 0 && $quest.basement lt 4>>
Remodel your basement
<<elseif $carla.progress is 5 && $carla.dungeonintro is 0 && $quest.basement lt 5>>
Have dinner with your family
<<elseif $carla.progress is 5 && $carla.dungeonintro is 0>>
Call Carla at your basement
<<elseif $carla.progress is 5 && $carla.slave is 0 && $mc.dom lt 50>>
Raise your dominance to 50
<<elseif $carla.progress is 5 && $carla.slave is 0 && $carla.corr lt 40>>
Raise corr to 40
<<elseif $carla.progress is 5 && $carla.slave is 0 && $mc.collars lt 1>>
Buy a slave collar
<<elseif $carla.progress is 5 && $carla.slave is 0>>
You may enslave Carla at your basement
<<elseif $carla.slave is 1>>
Congratulations! Now Carla is your personal sex slave!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-carla"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="abigail-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/abigail/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $abigail.corr>></p>
<p>Interest: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $abigail.progress>>/6</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $abigail.progress is 0>>
Go to Cock and Bull on Friday
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 1 && $abigail.corr lt 5>>
Raise corr to 5
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 1 && $ lt 5>>
Raise interest to 5
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 1>>
Go to Cock and Bull on Friday
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 2 && $abigail.corr lt 10>>
Raise corr to 10
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 2 && $ lt 10>>
Raise interest to 10
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 2>>
Go to Cock and Bull on Friday
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 3 && $abigail.corr lt 15>>
Raise corr to 15
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 3 && $ lt 15>>
Raise interest to 15
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 3>>
Go to Cock and Bull on Friday
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 4 && $abigail.corr lt 20>>
Raise corr to 20
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 4 && $ lt 20>>
Raise interest to 20
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 4>>
Go to Cock and Bull on Friday
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 5 && $abigail.corr lt 25>>
Raise corr to 25
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 5 && $ lt 25>>
Raise interest to 25
<<elseif $abigail.progress is 5>>
Go to Cock and Bull on Friday
<<elseif $abigail.progress gte 6>>
Congratulations, you have completed Abigail's Main Quest!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-abigail"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="tiffany-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/tiffany/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $tiffany.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $tiffany.questmain>>/2</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $startup.level lt 2>>
Buy small office
<<elseif $startup.level lt 3>>
Buy regional office
<<elseif $startup.level lt 4>>
Buy National office
<<elseif $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $tiffany.defeated is 0>>
Hire Tiffany
<<elseif $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $tiffany.questmain is 0>>
Talk to Tiffany at work
<<elseif $ lt 25>>
Raise trust to 25
<<elseif $tiffany.questmain is 1>>
Visit her home
<<elseif $tiffany.questmain gte 2>>
Congratulations, you have completed Tiffany's Main Quest!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-tiffany"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="tammy-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/tammy/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $tammy.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $tammy.questmain>>/5</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $startup.level lt 2>>
Buy small office
<<elseif $tammy.met is 0>>
Hire Tammy
<<elseif $ lt 5>>
Raise trust to 5
<<elseif $tammy.questmain is 0>>
<<elseif $ lt 10>>
Raise trust to 10
<<elseif $tammy.questmain is 1>>
talk to tammy at work
<<elseif $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $tammy.questmain is 2>>
Speak to tammy at the sauna
<<elseif $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $startup.level lt 3>>
Buy regional office
<<elseif $tammy.questmain is 3>>
Talk to tammy at work
<<elseif $ lt 25>>
Raise trust to 25
<<elseif !$>>
Hire your Mom
<<elseif $ lt 1>>
Hire your Mom
<<elseif $mom.questmain lt 9>>
Advance in mom's main quest
<<elseif $tammy.questmain is 4>>
Talk with your Mother at work
<<elseif $tammy.questmain gte 5>>
Congratulations, you have completed Tammy's Main Quest!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-tammy"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="erika-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/erika/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $erika.corr>></p>
<p>Trust: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $erika.questmain>>/4</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $startup.level lt 3>>
Buy regional office
<<elseif $erika.met is 0>>
Hire Erika
<<elseif $ lt 5>>
Raise trust to 5
<<elseif $erika.questmain is 0>>
Talk to Erika at work
<<elseif $ lt 10>>
Raise trust to 10
<<elseif $employees.erika.antiquity lt 7>>
Have Erika working for you for a week
<<elseif $erika.motActive lt 1>>
Interact with Erika at work
<<elseif $ lt 1>>
Raise motivation to slightly motivated
<<elseif $erika.questmain is 1>>
Talk to Erika at her home
<<elseif $ lt 15>>
Raise trust to 15
<<elseif $ lt 2>>
Raise motivation to motivated
<<elseif $erika.questmain is 2>>
Talk to Erika at work
<<elseif $ lt 20>>
Raise trust to 20
<<elseif $ lt 3>>
Raise motivation to Inspired
<<elseif $erika.questmain is 3>>
Talk to Erika at work
<<elseif $erika.questmain gte 4>>
Congratulations, you have completed Erika's Main Quest!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-erika"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="profile-g" id="mikaela-profile">
<div class="profile-picture"><img alt="" src="ressources/img/mikaela/face.png"></div>
<div class="profile-stats">
<p>Corr: <<print $mikaela.corr>></p>
<p>Interest: <<print $>></p>
<p>Main quest step: <<print $mikaela.questmain>>/5</p>
<p>Progress help:</p>
<div class="quest-progress">
<<if $startup.level lt 4>>
Buy national office
<<elseif $mikaela.met is 0>>
Hire Mikaela and Javier
<<elseif $ lt 5>>
raise interest to 5
<<elseif $mikaela.questmain is 0>>
<<elseif $ lt 10>>
Raise interest to 10
<<elseif $mikaela.questmain is 1 && $startup.workScore lte $mikaela.workScore>>
Be more popular than Javier
<<elseif $mikaela.questmain is 1>>
Go to the strip club
<<elseif $ lt 15>>
Raise interest to 15
<<elseif $mikaela.questmain is 2 && $startup.workScore lte $mikaela.workScore>>
Be more popular than Javier
<<elseif $mikaela.questmain is 2>>
Talk to Mikaela at work
<<elseif $ lt 20>>
Raise interest to 20
<<elseif $mikaela.questmain is 3 && $startup.workScore lte $mikaela.workScore>>
Be more popular than Javier
<<elseif $mikaela.questmain is 3>>
Talk to Mikaela at the pool
<<elseif $ lt 25>>
Raise interest to 25
<<elseif $mikaela.corr lt 15>>
Raise corr to 15
<<elseif $mikaela.questmain is 4>>
Talk to Mikaela at her home
<<elseif $mikaela.questmain gte 5>>
Congratulations, you have completed Mikaela's Main Quest!
Hints to advance in the story will be shown here
<div class="close-progress" id="close-mikaela"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></div>
<div class="appscreen" id="timeappscreen">
<div id="timesetter">
<div class="align-time">
<div class="fixing-row">
<div class="ts-hour"><input class="time-set-slide" type="number" placeholder="0-23" id="ts-hour" min="0" max="23"><label id="hour-label">Hours:</label></div>
<div class="ts-min"><input class="time-set-slide" type="number" placeholder="0-59" id="ts-min" min="0" max="59"><label id="mins-label">Mins: </label></div>
<button class="ts-set button blue makemewhite"><<link "Set time">><<timed 0.4s>><<replace "#now">><<now>><</replace>><</timed>><</link>></button><br>
<button class="pass-time button blue makemewhite" ><<link "Add an hour">><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours($gameDate.getUTCHours() + 1)>><<replace "#now">><<now>><</replace>><</link>></button>
<button class="button blue makemewhite"><<link "Skip day">><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>><<set _ran to random(1, 100)>><<if _ran gt $aunt.introchance && $has.auntaddress is 0>><<goto "Aunt Intro">><<else>><<goto "Bedroom">><</if>><</link>></button>
<img class="mobile-cover" src="ressources/backgrounds/university/university.jpg" alt="">
<ul class="icons">
<li><i class="fa fa-comment" aria-hidden="true"></i></li>
<li><i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i></li>
<li class="right-bar"><<if $uipassages.includes(passage())>><a data-passage="Gallery Main" data-setter="$stage to 0"><i class="fas fa-images" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><<else>><a data-passage="Gallery Main" data-setter="$stage to 0; $prevpassage to passage()"><i class="fas fa-images" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><</if>></li>
$(document).ready(function() {
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console.log("mainscreen: " + mainscreen);
var ids = $('#mainscreen').attr("id");
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console.log("ids: " + ids);
var mainscreen = localStorage.getItem('mainscreen');
var activescreen = localStorage.getItem('activescreen');
$('#' + mainscreen).addClass("active");
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}else if (mainscreen != null){
$('#' + mainscreen).addClass("active");
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localStorage.setItem("activescreen", "contactsscreen");
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localStorage.setItem("activescreen", "progressscreen");
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localStorage.setItem("activescreen", "timeappscreen");
$('#ts-hour').on('input', function() {
var max = parseInt(this.max);
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this.value = max
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var max = parseInt(this.max);
if (parseInt(this.value) > max) {
this.value = max
$('.ts-set').click(function() {
var hourinput = $('#ts-hour').val();
var mininput = $('#ts-min').val();
$('#jadeprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-jade').click(function() {
$('#lucyprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-lucy').click(function() {
$('#kateprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-kate').click(function() {
$('#aliceprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-alice').click(function() {
$('#sashaprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-sasha').click(function() {
$('#momprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-mom').click(function() {
$('#auntprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-aunt').click(function() {
$('#cousinprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-cousin').click(function() {
$('#grandmaprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-grandma').click(function() {
$('#deanprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-dean').click(function() {
$('#powersprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-powers').click(function() {
$('#satoprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-sato').click(function() {
$('#teacherprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-teacher').click(function() {
$('#missyprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-missy').click(function() {
$('#carlaprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-carla').click(function() {
$('#abigailprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-abigail').click(function() {
$('#tiffanyprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-tiffany').click(function() {
$('#tammyprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-tammy').click(function() {
$('#erikaprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-erika').click(function() {
$('#mikaelaprogress').click(function() {
$('#close-mikaela').click(function() {
<div class="loc-nav">
<<Highlight "Residential">>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1>><a data-passage="aunthouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_aunt1">[img["ressources/img/aunt/exterior.jpg"]]<div @class="_aunt2"></div><p>Aunt's home</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Aunt's bedroom" "Aunt's living room" "Aunt's kitchen" "Aunt's pool" "Bella's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $grandma.questmain gte 1>><a data-passage="grandmahouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_grandma1">[img["ressources/img/residential/grandmahouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_grandma2"></div><p>Grandma's home</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Grandma's home" "Grandma's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $has.metjade is 1>><a data-passage="jadehouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_jade1">[img["ressources/img/residential/jadehouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_jade2"></div><p>Jade's house</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Jade's home" "Jade's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $has.metlucy is 1>><a data-passage="lucyhouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_lucy1">[img["ressources/img/residential/lucyhouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_lucy2"></div><p>Lucy's house</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Lucy's home" "Lucy's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $has.metkate is 1>><a data-passage="katehouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_kate1">[img["ressources/img/residential/katehouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_kate2"></div><p>Kate's house</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<if $kate.loc is "Restrained">><div class="portrait" style="float: right; margin-right: 16px; max-height: 72px;">[img["ressources/profilpictures/kate.png"]]</div><<else>><<LocationPortraits "Kate's home" "Kate's bedroom">><</if>></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $has.aliceaddress is 1>><a data-passage="alicehouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_alice1">[img["ressources/img/home/house.jpg"]]<div @class="_alice2"></div><p>Alice's house</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Alice's home" "Alice's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $school.statuschem gte 1>><a data-passage="leehouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_lee1">[img["ressources/img/residential/leehouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_lee2"></div><p>Ms. lee's home</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Ms. Lee's home" "Ms. Lee's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $school.statusjap gte 1>><a data-passage="satohouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_sato1">[img["ressources/img/residential/satohouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_sato2"></div><p>Mrs. sato's home</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Mrs. Sato's home" "Mrs. Sato's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $powers.questmain gte 1>><a data-passage="powershouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_powers1">[img["ressources/img/residential/powershouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_powers2"></div><p>Ms. Powers's home</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Ms. Powers's home" "Ms. Powers's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $dean.questmain gte 1>><a data-passage="deanhouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_dean1">[img["ressources/img/residential/deanhouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_dean2"></div><p>Dean's house</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Dean's house" "Dean's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $missy.progress gte 1>><a data-passage="missyhouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_missy1">[img["ressources/img/residential/missyhouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_missy2"></div><p>Missy's house</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Missy's house" "Missy's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $carla.progress gte 1>><a data-passage="carlahouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_carla1">[img["ressources/img/residential/carlahouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_carla2"></div><p>Carla's house</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Carla's house" "Carla's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $has.abigailaddress is 1>><a data-passage="abigailhouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_abigail1">[img["ressources/img/residential/abigailhouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_abigail2"></div><p>Abigail's house</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Abigail's house" "Abigail's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $tammy.met is 1>><a data-passage="tammyhouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_tammy1">[img["ressources/img/residential/tammyhouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_tammy2"></div><p>Tammy's house</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Tammy's house" "Tammy's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $erika.met is 1>><a data-passage="erikahouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_erika1">[img["ressources/img/residential/erikahouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_erika2"></div><p>Erika's house</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Erika's house" "Erika's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $mikaela.met is 1>><a data-passage="mikaelahouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_mikaela1">[img["ressources/img/residential/mikaelahouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_mikaela2"></div><p>Mikaela's house</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Mikaela's house" "Mikaela's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<<if $tiffany.defeated is 1>><a data-passage="tiffanyhouse" class="link-internal"><div @class="_tiffany1">[img["ressources/img/residential/tiffanyhouse.jpg"]]<div @class="_tiffany2"></div><p>Tiffany's house</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Tiffany's house" "Tiffany's bedroom">></div></div></a><</if>>
<div class="imglink"><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>[img["ressources/img/street/street_christmas.jpg"][Street]]<<else>>[img["ressources/img/street/street.jpg"][Street]]<</if>><div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div>
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1 && $aunt.loc is "Residential district">><div style="clear:both;"><br><a data-passage="Residential Aunt" class="link-internal">Work out with $</a></div><</if>>
<<Highlight "aunthouse">>
<<Highlight "Street">>
<div class="loc-nav">
<a data-passage="Aunt Bedroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_auntbedroom1">[img["ressources/img/aunt/auntbedroom.jpg"]]<div @class="_auntbedroom2"></div><p>Aunt bedroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Aunt's bedroom">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Cousin Bedroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_cousinbedroom1">[img["ressources/img/aunt/cousinbedroom.jpg"]]<div @class="_cousinbedroom2"></div><p>Cousin bedroom</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Bella's bedroom">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Aunt livingroom" class="link-internal"><div @class="_auntliving1">[img["ressources/img/aunt/living.jpg"]]<div @class="_auntliving2"></div><p>Living room</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Aunt's living room">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Aunt Kitchen" class="link-internal"><div @class="_auntkitchen1">[img["ressources/img/aunt/kitchen.jpg"]]<div @class="_auntkitchen2"></div><p>Kitchen</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Aunt's kitchen">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Aunt Pool" class="link-internal"><div @class="_auntpool1">[img["ressources/img/aunt/pool.jpg"]]<div @class="_auntpool2"></div><p>Pool</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Aunt's pool">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Residential district" class="link-internal"><div @class="_residential1">[img["ressources/img/street/residential.jpg"]]<div @class="_residential2"></div><p>Residential district</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "residential district">></div></div></a>
<div class="imglink"><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>[img["ressources/img/street/street_christmas.jpg"][Street]]<<else>>[img["ressources/img/street/street.jpg"][Street]]<</if>><div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div>
<p>You wake up to an odd weight on your chest. You think you are having a sleep paralysis moment, but the smell of cheap flowery perfume fills your nostrils and you can immediately tell that your cousin $ has crawled into bed with you. You open your eyes and see her platinum blonde hair as her head is rested on your chest. Her hands gently rubbing and caressing your stomach. It isn’t an unpleasant experience by any means. But, you are ultimately rather curious why she is in bed with you. You get her attention and ask her.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Oh you woke up. Like, hey. My mom woke me up and brought me over. Like, no clue why. They told me to wake you up for something. You looked so cute in bed that I just laid next to you instead<</speech>>
<p>You thank her for letting you sleep a bit more. But, you urge her to get up with you so you can find out why her and your aunt are here this morning. She groans as she stands up and stretches in front of you. She is very clearly trying to look sexy for you. $ has not so secretly had a crush on you ever since you dad married your step mom. So its no surprise to see how she acts around you today.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>I guess we should go or whatever. My mom is probably gonna be mad that we took so long<</speech>>
<p>You nod in agreement, throwing on some pants before following $ out of your room and into the hall.</p>
[[You aunt has some news|Aunt Intro b][$aunt.introchance to 0; $has.auntaddress to 1]]
<p>You and $ walk through the hall towards the kitchen. Your Mother, Aunt $, and $ are all standing in there talking to one another. $ walks close behind you, staring at your body the entire way. She truly has a one track mind.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>So glad you two could join us. I wonder what you two could have gotten up to that took so long<</speech>>
<p>$ says snarkily as you enter. You groggily explain that $ slept next to you rather than waking you up. $ isn’t even paying attention. She just giggles as she watches you take a seat at the table. $ steps forward and looks at you suspiciously.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>A likely story. You boys are always trying to trap us wealthy beautiful women. So predictable<</speech>>
<p>You want to say that $ is the one who is always making the advances, but you hold back, realizing that it would just cause more trouble that it is worth this early in the morning. You just shake your head and ignore it, hoping $ will get on with her news sooner rather than later.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>So I came here to let you all know that me and Roger are getting a divorce<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>$! A divorce! Hun I’m so sorry is everything okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yeah Auntie what happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marie" $>>I appreciate the concern but I am fabulous ladies. I found out that Roger was working for the MAFIA! Under our nose this whole time! Well, needless to say once I found out I filed the papers and my lawyer looks set to get me a handsome sum in the settlement<</speech>>
<p>It was no secret that Uncle Roger was in the mafia. You don’t make millions every year working a job that you never want to talk about. No one in the family was certain. But, everyone figured that he was either doing illegal work, or was doing gay porn. And no one ever found any porn with him in it, so the mafia was the only logical answer left.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I’d say I’m sorry to hear the $, but it sounds like you’re happy about this. Are you and $ doing okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Oh we’re fine! But, since you are being so supportive I was wonderig if your could do something for me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Of course Hun. What do you need?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marie" $>>I need that young strapping man right there to give us a hand moving all of our stuff<</speech>>
[[Get roped in to helping|Aunt Intro c]]
<p>Just like that, without much of even a chance to argue against it, you were tasked by your Mother to help Aunt $ and $ move into their new house. Thankfully, Aunt $ managed to trick some poor boys from her old neighborhood to move stuff out of her house. You just need to help them move into the new house. Help apparently meaning, do all of the work yourself, apparently. You spend the better part of the day helping them move. Aunt $ just had to buy a massive house too. By the way she and $ are watching you the whole time, it is pretty clear by the way they are looking at you that they chose to have you help for a reason. $ watches on with infatuation. And Aunt $, who is at least actually putting stuff away once you bring it into the house, looks at you and bites her lip like she wants to jump your bones then and there.</p>
<p>When you finally finish, Aunt $ comes up to you and awkwardly pats you on the back. She pulls out a twenty dollar bill and offers it to you. You take at as the two of you start to talk.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Here ya go. Come around some more. Without a man in the house we could certainly use your help around here. I’ll be sure to reward you plenty for the effort<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you will be around. But, you mind doesn’t focus on helping them out. Instead you think about how if they want you to replace the man of the house, then you are going to make sure you get the benefits of that position. You head out of your Aunt’s house for now, and start your day off properly.</p>
<p class="got">You’ve earned 20 dollars!</p><<set $ += 20>>
[[Get out|Residential district]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You let your mom know that now you want to be called as her <<textbox "$mom.title" "Master">></p>
<p>You let your sister know that now you want to be called as her <<textbox "$sis.title" "Master">></p>
<<if $aunt.questmain is 0 && $aunt.loc is "Aunt's pool" && $ gte 5>>
<p class="hint">Your aunt is here</p>
[[Approach her|auntmainquest0][$aunt.questmain to 1; $[0] to 1]]
[[Go inside|aunthouse]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '19:59')>>[[Mow the lawn|aunt pool lawn]]
[[Clean the pool|aunt pool clean]]<<else>>
<p class="hint">It's very late to work on the courtyard. You should do it tomorrow</p><</if>>
[[Go inside|aunthouse]]
<p>As you head out the back door of the house, you notice your Aunt $ lounging on the patio by the pool. She is soaking up the sun and getting an impressive tan. Her forest camouflage bikini is an odd choice for her. But chances are it was a gift from $ where she heard $ saying the French word fromage and thought she said camouflage. Although, even wearing something out of place like a camo bikini, Aunt $ still has an awesome body. One that she notices you checking out.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Are you going to sit there and stare or are you going to help me put on some tanning oil?<</speech>>
<p>You would never say no to an offer like that. You walk over to her and pick up the tanning oil along the way. Of course she would but some pretentiously fake Hawaiian made tanning oil. Once you pick it up and look back over at her, you notice that she has begun undressing. Her round breasts on full display and her pussy in full view as her bikini drops to the stone of the patio. Your jaw nearly drops as you start staring again.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>I know, beautiful aren’t they. Hurry up and lotion me up, I want my whole body to glisten<</speech>>
<p>You walk over and pop open the bottle of oil. You slowly begin drizzling it all along her body. You start at her neck and go down her torso, letting more than enough pour onto her tits. You move along her chair until she has some oil all over her. You quickly get to work, rubbing the oil in and all over her body. You start with her legs, massaging her tights powerfully. You glide your fingers around her pussy deftly. You make sure to tap at her labia to excite her in the process. You move to her stomach, rubbing in a circular motion until you get to her breasts. What you do could be more accurately called groping than it is applying oil. You squeeze and massage her tits to your hearts content. Or more accurately, to Aunt $’s content.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>That’s enough, $ Maybe if you are good and mow the law for me I’ll let you do this for me again some time<</speech>>
<p>The snarky and superior way she talks pisses you off. As if you are just some lackey that she can pay with letting you touch her tits. No, you won’t stand for that. If you are gonna be the man of the house and take care of all the grunt work, then you are gonna get the domestic little wife that comes with that role. You leave for now, thinking on what you plan to do next. For now, you think it would be best to make her understand just how much she needs you.</p>
[[Go inside|aunthouse]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p class="hint">Your aunt is here</p>
[[Approach her|galleryaunt1][$scene to 1]]
<p>As you head out the back door of the house, you notice your Aunt $ lounging on the patio by the pool. She is soaking up the sun and getting an impressive tan. Her forest camouflage bikini is an odd choice for her. But chances are it was a gift from $ where she heard $ saying the French word fromage and thought she said camouflage. Although, even wearing something out of place like a camo bikini, Aunt $ still has an awesome body. One that she notices you checking out.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Are you going to sit there and stare or are you going to help me put on some tanning oil?<</speech>>
<p>You would never say no to an offer like that. You walk over to her and pick up the tanning oil along the way. Of course she would but some pretentiously fake Hawaiian made tanning oil. Once you pick it up and look back over at her, you notice that she has begun undressing. Her round breasts on full display and her pussy in full view as her bikini drops to the stone of the patio. Your jaw nearly drops as you start staring again.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>I know, beautiful aren’t they. Hurry up and lotion me up, I want my whole body to glisten<</speech>>
<p>You walk over and pop open the bottle of oil. You slowly begin drizzling it all along her body. You start at her neck and go down her torso, letting more than enough pour onto her tits. You move along her chair until she has some oil all over her. You quickly get to work, rubbing the oil in and all over her body. You start with her legs, massaging her tights powerfully. You glide your fingers around her pussy deftly. You make sure to tap at her labia to excite her in the process. You move to her stomach, rubbing in a circular motion until you get to her breasts. What you do could be more accurately called groping than it is applying oil. You squeeze and massage her tits to your hearts content. Or more accurately, to Aunt $’s content.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>That’s enough, $ Maybe if you are good and mow the law for me I’ll let you do this for me again some time<</speech>>
<p>The snarky and superior way she talks pisses you off. As if you are just some lackey that she can pay with letting you touch her tits. No, you won’t stand for that. If you are gonna be the man of the house and take care of all the grunt work, then you are gonna get the domestic little wife that comes with that role. You leave for now, thinking on what you plan to do next. For now, you think it would be best to make her understand just how much she needs you.</p>
<</if>><<if $aunt.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $mc.str gte 10>><<set $aunt.questmain to 2>>
<p>You see your Aunt $ getting ready for a jog through her neighborhood like normal as you walk through the residential district. You go up to her and say hi. Her pink sports bra and gray leggings cling to her curvy body tightly in all the right places. You can’t help but stare.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Hello, $ Are you here to mow the lawn for us? It is getting a bit long you know. But, if you’re here hoping to get a better peak at me, maybe another time. I need to get some excerise. And by the looks of your scrawny arms, you do you<</speech>>
<p>You scoff at her comment. You know that you may not be very strong. But, you have been going to the gym, and you are much stronger than she is making your out to be if she is calling you scrawny. You decide to make a point in saying so too. You go beyond that even, and offer her a wager.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Oh? Well, at least you can be interesting if not strong to back it up. I’ll tell you what. One hundred push ups, think you can do that right now? Winner gets to make the loser do any one thing, no questions asked<</speech>>
<p>Her terms make you pause. One hundred push ups is quite a lot. You believe you can do it. But, the price might be a bit too steep to risk it. Anything request with no questions asked? Who knows what insane thing $ has planned. But then again, winning would offer you so many chances as well. You decide to take the bet and you quickly get to work. You drop down to the grass of her front yard, and get started.</p>
<p>The first twenty are easy. You barely even feel the burn until you start to get close to thirty. The struggle begins after you pass fifty. But, you keep pushing through the growing pain. The last ten are a slog. Your arms feel like shredded chicken, just falling apart at the lightest of stress. But with what feels like the last bit of strength you have, you push yourself up for that last one hundredth time. You drop to the dirt after you complete it, barely even remembering the bet. You are more just happy to be done in the moment.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Color me impressed. I really didn’t think you had it in you. Doesn’t seem like you have any more in you though. A bet is a bet. Go ahead and make your request<</speech>>
[[Get your reward|auntmainquest1][$scene to 0; $[1] to 1]]
<<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Hello, $, have you come to run with me? Good. Don’t use up too much energy though. The lawn needs to be mowed soon<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you have come to run with her. You ignore the rude way she simply expects you to help her with the lawn. It isn’t worth the headache of arguing over it. The two of you begin to job at a brisk pace together throughout the streets of the district. You pass by plenty of women in tight yoga pants and sports bras that barely contain their tits. But, your eyes stay focused on Aunt $’s tight, well sculpted ass. Something she certainly notices.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>$! I’m doing some stretches. Give me a hand!<</speech>>
<p>You walk up to your Aunt $ and support her while she gets deep into her stretches. You hold her steady while she bends fully over, putting her head between her legs. This is certainly a position you would like to have her in for you one day. But, you push that thought out of your mind and simply help her. When she is finished she jogs off and begins her run. Without even so much as a thank you.</p>
[[Go on|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You grab $ and pull her into the house, giving her no direct answer as to what you are doing until you are inside. The moment you close the door, you turn to her and tell her what your no questions asked request is. You tell her that you want to fuck her tits. She smiles coyly, as if she expected you to try something sexual. She also giggles to herself.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Is that all? A deal is a deal. I did expect your request to be for more than something so pedestrian. But, alright<</speech>>
<p>The thought of going further crossed your mind but you chose to fuck her tits for a very specific reason. The act is entirely focused on you. She can get little to no physical pleasure out of this. It is all for your own benefit. You had to make sure you got something like this in return after the help and work you have done for her. You walk up to here and pull your cock out, dropping it onto her chest as she drops down to her knees.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Oh not bad, $ I never would have guessed you were so well endowed<</speech>>
<p>Her backhanded compliments can’t phase you in the moment. You just watch with victorious joy as she peels her sports bra off and gets to work. She takes one of her tits in each hand and wraps them around yur cock. You buck your hips slightly as the tight pillows of flesh envelope you. But, she does most of the work, bouncing her body along your shaft.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage2/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her in cum|auntmainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<p>As you approach your orgasm your body tenses up visibly. $ pulls her tits away and strokes you vigorously to bring your over the edge. You cum, and you cum hard. You fire rope after rope of cum all over her face and chest. She leans into it with an open mouth, greedily catching shots of it into her mouth as it rains over her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Marie" $>>And your cum tastes good too. Wow you are so much better than your Uncle Roger. Maybe I should have married your dad instead of my sister. I might have stuck around for a cock like yours<</speech>>
<p>She licks the cum up smugly as she leaves the room to get cleaned up. You snarl a bit, mad that she stil managed to get something out of it in the end despite your efforts. Your desire to domesticate her grows every time you see her. Maybe next time you should be a bit more forceful.</p>
[[Leave|aunthouse]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You see your Aunt $ getting ready for a jog through her neighborhood like normal as you walk through the residential district. You go up to her and say hi. Her pink sports bra and gray leggings cling to her curvy body tightly in all the right places. You can’t help but stare.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Hello, $ Are you here to mow the lawn for us? It is getting a bit long you know. But, if you’re here hoping to get a better peak at me, maybe another time. I need to get some excerise. And by the looks of your scrawny arms, you do you<</speech>>
<p>You scoff at her comment. You know that you may not be very strong. But, you have been going to the gym, and you are much stronger than she is making your out to be if she is calling you scrawny. You decide to make a point in saying so too. You go beyond that even, and offer her a wager.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Oh? Well, at least you can be interesting if not strong to back it up. I’ll tell you what. One hundred push ups, think you can do that right now? Winner gets to make the loser do any one thing, no questions asked<</speech>>
<p>Her terms make you pause. One hundred push ups is quite a lot. You believe you can do it. But, the price might be a bit too steep to risk it. Anything request with no questions asked? Who knows what insane thing $ has planned. But then again, winning would offer you so many chances as well. You decide to take the bet and you quickly get to work. You drop down to the grass of her front yard, and get started.</p>
<p>The first twenty are easy. You barely even feel the burn until you start to get close to thirty. The struggle begins after you pass fifty. But, you keep pushing through the growing pain. The last ten are a slog. Your arms feel like shredded chicken, just falling apart at the lightest of stress. But with what feels like the last bit of strength you have, you push yourself up for that last one hundredth time. You drop to the dirt after you complete it, barely even remembering the bet. You are more just happy to be done in the moment.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Color me impressed. I really didn’t think you had it in you. Doesn’t seem like you have any more in you though. A bet is a bet. Go ahead and make your request<</speech>>
[[Get your reward|galleryaunt2b]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You grab $ and pull her into the house, giving her no direct answer as to what you are doing until you are inside. The moment you close the door, you turn to her and tell her what your no questions asked request is. You tell her that you want to fuck her tits. She smiles coyly, as if she expected you to try something sexual. She also giggles to herself.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Is that all? A deal is a deal. I did expect your request to be for more than something so pedestrian. But, alright<</speech>>
<p>The thought of going further crossed your mind but you chose to fuck her tits for a very specific reason. The act is entirely focused on you. She can get little to no physical pleasure out of this. It is all for your own benefit. You had to make sure you got something like this in return after the help and work you have done for her. You walk up to here and pull your cock out, dropping it onto her chest as she drops down to her knees.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Oh not bad, $ I never would have guessed you were so well endowed<</speech>>
<p>Her backhanded compliments can’t phase you in the moment. You just watch with victorious joy as she peels her sports bra off and gets to work. She takes one of her tits in each hand and wraps them around yur cock. You buck your hips slightly as the tight pillows of flesh envelope you. But, she does most of the work, bouncing her body along your shaft.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage2/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her in cum|galleryaunt2b][$scene to 1]]
<p>As you approach your orgasm your body tenses up visibly. $ pulls her tits away and strokes you vigorously to bring your over the edge. You cum, and you cum hard. You fire rope after rope of cum all over her face and chest. She leans into it with an open mouth, greedily catching shots of it into her mouth as it rains over her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Marie" $>>And your cum tastes good too. Wow you are so much better than your Uncle Roger. Maybe I should have married your dad instead of my sister. I might have stuck around for a cock like yours<</speech>>
<p>She licks the cum up smugly as she leaves the room to get cleaned up. You snarl a bit, mad that she stil managed to get something out of it in the end despite your efforts. Your desire to domesticate her grows every time you see her. Maybe next time you should be a bit more forceful.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 14]]
<</if>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '11:59') && $cousin.questmain is 4 && $aunt.loc is "Aunt's kitchen">><<set $cousin.questmain to 5>>
<p>You hear you Aunt $ cooking in the kitchen so you go in to speak with her about the situation with $ The smell of bacon and eggs hits your nose hard though and you are momentarily distracted by the plate of crispy bacon on the counter. You walk up and eat a piece, groaning at the pleasurable flavor.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>You boys and bacon. I’ll never understand why you all love it so much. How did you sleep last night?<</speech>>
<p>$ talking to you snaps you back into the moment. You turn to her and spend some time explaining the situation to her. Telling her that $ has confessed her love for you and that you need her help to try and make her understand that you relationship with her is sexual and nothing more.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Oh I knew something like this might happen. $ is a sweety but she is dumber then a bag of bricks. She will only get it, if you make her get it. No subtext, not big words. She needs to SEE. Or she won’t believe<</speech>>
<p>You think on it for a moment and realize that she is making an excellent point. And as you hear $ waking up and coming down the stairs, a brilliant idea forms. You walk around the counter, grab your Aunt $ and bend her over. You pull her panties down, pull your cock out and shove it right inside. You start fucking her hard and fast, making it plainly and undeniably obvious what you two are doing, even to someone as oblivious as $ And when she walks into the kitchen, her eyes grow wide with shock.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>How could you!<</speech>>
<p>She screams in anger and sadness as she runs out of the room crying. It is in that moment, that you realize just how bad of a snap decision this actually was. You likely got the desired effect. Or at least you hope she understands now. But seeing her hurt like that makes you wonder if it was worth it. You decide that you should maybe get something to help her understand the relationship better. Maybe the strange shop will have something.</p>
[[Continue|Aunt Kitchen]]<<addmins 30>>
<<elseif $aunt.questmain is 4 && $aunt.loc is "Aunt's kitchen" && $ gte 25 && $aunt.corr gte 15>><<set $aunt.questmain to 5>>
<p>Aunt $ is sitting in the kitchen, holding a mug of coffee with both hands as you enter. She looks somewhat troubled so you sit by her and ask if anything is wrong. She looks at you worried. Ever since you fucked, in fact, she has looked at you like she wants to ask you something but can’t find the words.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>I want to tell you why I really left your Uncle Roger. I always knew he was in the Mafia, that never really bothered me. The reason why I left is because ever since $ has gotten older and been more and more independent I have been wanting another child. Roger refused. He didn’t want any more kids. He just wanted his little fucktoy of a wife. So I left<</speech>>
<p>You wrap your arm around her shoulder and embrace her. You tell her that you understand and that you are here for her if she needs anything. She may have been a pretentious bitch to you here and there. But, she is still family. So you do your best to sooth her in the moment.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Well, I am telling you this because I know what you want. I see how you look at me, and how you treat me. And I know how I treat you. You want me to be the picket fence wife in return for you helping us with our home so much. But, I just can’t be that. Not without you giving me what I want too. So there’s the deal. You give me a baby, I’ll be the little houseslut you want me to be<</speech>>
[[Give her what she wants|auntmainquest4][$stage to 1; $[4] to 1; $aunt.pregnant to 1]]
[[Try to alter the deal|auntmainquest4][$stage to 2; $[5] to 1]]
<<elseif $aunt.questmain is 2 && $aunt.loc is "Aunt's kitchen" && $ gte 15 && $mc.end gte 15>><<set $aunt.questmain to 3>>
<p>You are feeling a bit hungry when you go into the kitchen. You see your Aunt $ making herself a sandwich to eat. You ask her to make you one as well. She turns over to you with an indignant stare. She throws the butter knife she was using the spread some mayo into the sink. She approaches you with a angrily serious look on her face.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>I am not some sort of personal cook for you. Make your own damn sandwich<</speech>>
<p>You scowl at her. A lot of the anger you have been building towards her all boils over at once. You do her yard work. You clean her house. You clean her pool. You help her move into her home. All of this for not so much as a thank you. And she has the nerve to act like this when you simply ask her to make you a sandwich. You stand up and begin to shout at her. Telling her that you aren’t some slave to be treated how she pleases. And that either she makes you the sandwich, or you will feed her more than she can handle.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>I’m not making shit. You’re gonna feed me more than I can handle? What does that even mean? Just try me. I’m not so easily broken<</speech>>
[[Give her her ‘just desserts’|auntmainquest2][$scene to 0; $[2] to 1]]
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '08:59') || isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '12:59') || isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '18:59')>>
[[Have a meal with your aunt and cousin|aunt kitchen meal]]
<p class="hint">You have nothing to do in the kitchen now. You can have a meal with your aunt and $ at 8hs, 12hs and 18hs</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You step up close to her and reach around, grabbing $ by her hair. You drag her into the living room and shove her down to her knees. With one hand on her head and one working yout pants, you pull your cock out and start smacking her in the face with it until you are hard.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>What is this what you’re going to feed me? You think I can’t handle a little bit of roughness? Bring it on, I’ll make you cry whith how hard I suck you off<</speech>>
<p>You shut her up by shoving your cock down her throat. You hold her head with both hands as you begin to thrust. The head of your cock rams into the back of her throat over and over as you use it as your cocksleeve. She repeatedly smacks your legs for air when you hold her head down on your cock, but you don’t so easily relent. You do you best to truly work her until she is used up.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage3/facefuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Paint her face|auntmainquest2][$scene to 1]]
<p>You use her for hours. Every time you get close to cumming you pull out of her throat and slap her face with your hand and cock. Then, the moment you are ready without warning you slam it back down her throat. Her chin and chest are coated with her own saliva, and her eyes have gone dull. She doesn’t put up any fight at this point, she is properly beaten. The willful aggression she once used against you washes away like it was never there. And once you see that, you let yourself cum. You pull out of her throat and unleash your load all over her unti her face and chest are painted white.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You shove your cock back into your pants and look at her. You tell her that she needs to treat you with more respect if she wants you to keep helping her out. She just looks at you blankly. She can barely form a response as she seems to be out of energy completely. You leave the room and let her recover. She is starting to learn who is really in charge. You just need to cement it into her mind now.</p>
[[Leave|aunthouse]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You are feeling a bit hungry when you go into the kitchen. You see your Aunt $ making herself a sandwich to eat. You ask her to make you one as well. She turns over to you with an indignant stare. She throws the butter knife she was using the spread some mayo into the sink. She approaches you with a angrily serious look on her face.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>I am not some sort of personal cook for you. Make your own damn sandwich<</speech>>
<p>You scowl at her. A lot of the anger you have been building towards her all boils over at once. You do her yard work. You clean her house. You clean her pool. You help her move into her home. All of this for not so much as a thank you. And she has the nerve to act like this when you simply ask her to make you a sandwich. You stand up and begin to shout at her. Telling her that you aren’t some slave to be treated how she pleases. And that either she makes you the sandwich, or you will feed her more than she can handle.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>I’m not making shit. You’re gonna feed me more than I can handle? What does that even mean? Just try me. I’m not so easily broken<</speech>>
[[Give her her ‘just desserts’|galleryaunt3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You step up close to her and reach around, grabbing $ by her hair. You drag her into the living room and shove her down to her knees. With one hand on her head and one working yout pants, you pull your cock out and start smacking her in the face with it until you are hard.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>What is this what you’re going to feed me? You think I can’t handle a little bit of roughness? Bring it on, I’ll make you cry whith how hard I suck you off<</speech>>
<p>You shut her up by shoving your cock down her throat. You hold her head with both hands as you begin to thrust. The head of your cock rams into the back of her throat over and over as you use it as your cocksleeve. She repeatedly smacks your legs for air when you hold her head down on your cock, but you don’t so easily relent. You do you best to truly work her until she is used up.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage3/facefuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Paint her face|galleryaunt3][$scene to 2]]
<p>You use her for hours. Every time you get close to cumming you pull out of her throat and slap her face with your hand and cock. Then, the moment you are ready without warning you slam it back down her throat. Her chin and chest are coated with her own saliva, and her eyes have gone dull. She doesn’t put up any fight at this point, she is properly beaten. The willful aggression she once used against you washes away like it was never there. And once you see that, you let yourself cum. You pull out of her throat and unleash your load all over her unti her face and chest are painted white.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage3/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You shove your cock back into your pants and look at her. You tell her that she needs to treat you with more respect if she wants you to keep helping her out. She just looks at you blankly. She can barely form a response as she seems to be out of energy completely. You leave the room and let her recover. She is starting to learn who is really in charge. You just need to cement it into her mind now.</p>
<</if>><<if $aunt.questmain is 3 && $aunt.loc is "Aunt's bedroom" && $ gte 20 && isDateBetween($gameDate, '18:00', '23:59')>><<set $aunt.questmain to 4>>
<p>You hear the shower running so you head to your Aunt $’s bedroom to wait for her. You are ready to push her even closer to the domestication that you have in mind for her. Each time she talks to you it makes you more and more angry. She is so condescending that it hurts. But you can tell it will all end soon. As she walks into her room $ drops her towel, not realizing that you are there yet. You get to enjoy a nice view of her wet body for a moment. When she sees you she jump and shouts out in surprise.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>$, what the hell are you doing in here just skulking like that?<</speech>>
<p>You stand up and walk closer to her. You tell her that you came to have some fun. You point to the bed and tell her to bend over. She looks at you with an air of skepticism. One eyebrow cocked up and a coy smile on her face. She clearly doesn’t think you are serious. You make sure the tone on your face says just how serious you are.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>I’m not just gonna bend over at your beck and call. What is it with you men demanding more and more? But, the moment I ask for something its always an issue!<</speech>>
<p>You reach up and take her by her hair. You forcibly bend her over and press her against her bed. She looks up at you. There is a hint of fear in her eyes but the dominant emotion is lust. She talks big but she loves being tossed around like this. And exploiting that gets you closer and closer to the slutty little house wife you want her to become.</p>
[[Fuck her silly|auntmainquest3][$scene to 0; $[3] to 1]]
<<if $aunt.loc is "Aunt's bedroom" && $aunt.questmain gte 5>>
<p>Your aunt is here, laying in her bed.</p>
[[Make love to her|aunt bedroom sex][$scene to 0; $[6] to 1]]
<p class="hint">You have nothing to do here now.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You pull your cock out and slowly slide it into her pussy. She gasps at the insertion. With how tight it is, its likely that you are the first man inside her in a while. You pull her head up close to yours as you start to thrust. You get rough with her, slapping her tits like the plaything she is as you use her to your hearts content. Her body betrays her words from earlier. She cums on your cock several times with surprising ease.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage4/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her|auntmainquest3][$scene to 1]]
<p>You slam into her over and over. The sounds of your groin hitting her ass reverberates throughout the room as you speed up. Her spasming and convulsing pussy grips onto your cock like a vice as you thrust. Your balls swing and slap her clit, making her spasm even more. Her pussy milks you and eventually makes you cum. She can feel your cock pulse, and it seems like she tightens her pussy up when she does. But, you pull out just in time to aim your cock at her face and coat her with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You get up from the bed and give her ass one final playful slap before heading out of her room. You fucked her so well that she falls asleep almost immediately after licking up all of your cum. She is your slut now. You just need to secure the housewife side of things and she will be yours as you desire.</p>
[[Leave|aunthouse]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You hear the shower running so you head to your Aunt $’s bedroom to wait for her. You are ready to push her even closer to the domestication that you have in mind for her. Each time she talks to you it makes you more and more angry. She is so condescending that it hurts. But you can tell it will all end soon. As she walks into her room $ drops her towel, not realizing that you are there yet. You get to enjoy a nice view of her wet body for a moment. When she sees you she jump and shouts out in surprise.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>$, what the hell are you doing in here just skulking like that?<</speech>>
<p>You stand up and walk closer to her. You tell her that you came to have some fun. You point to the bed and tell her to bend over. She looks at you with an air of skepticism. One eyebrow cocked up and a coy smile on her face. She clearly doesn’t think you are serious. You make sure the tone on your face says just how serious you are.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>I’m not just gonna bend over at your beck and call. What is it with you men demanding more and more? But, the moment I ask for something its always an issue!<</speech>>
<p>You reach up and take her by her hair. You forcibly bend her over and press her against her bed. She looks up at you. There is a hint of fear in her eyes but the dominant emotion is lust. She talks big but she loves being tossed around like this. And exploiting that gets you closer and closer to the slutty little house wife you want her to become.</p>
[[Fuck her silly|galleryaunt4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You pull your cock out and slowly slide it into her pussy. She gasps at the insertion. With how tight it is, its likely that you are the first man inside her in a while. You pull her head up close to yours as you start to thrust. You get rough with her, slapping her tits like the plaything she is as you use her to your hearts content. Her body betrays her words from earlier. She cums on your cock several times with surprising ease.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage4/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her|galleryaunt4][$scene to 2]]
<p>You slam into her over and over. The sounds of your groin hitting her ass reverberates throughout the room as you speed up. Her spasming and convulsing pussy grips onto your cock like a vice as you thrust. Your balls swing and slap her clit, making her spasm even more. Her pussy milks you and eventually makes you cum. She can feel your cock pulse, and it seems like she tightens her pussy up when she does. But, you pull out just in time to aim your cock at her face and coat her with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You get up from the bed and give her ass one final playful slap before heading out of her room. You fucked her so well that she falls asleep almost immediately after licking up all of your cum. She is your slut now. You just need to secure the housewife side of things and she will be yours as you desire.</p>
<</if>><<if $stage is 1>>
<p>You take a moment to consider. But, you realize that chances were, you’d end up with kids soon anyway with all of the women you are involved with. So you decide to agree to your Aunt $’s terms. You tell her as much as well, letting her know that if it means that you both get what you want, then there is no reason to say no. Her eyes well up a bit, as if she was terrified to even ask and hearing you say yes has filled her with relief.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Thank you so much, $ I’ll cook for you, clean for you, I’ll wait on you hand and foot. I cannot ever express how happy this will make me<</speech>>
<p>You pull her in close and hug her tightly. You hold her for a moment as she releases all of her held up emotion. It doesn’t take long though for her mood to change as she begins pawing at you and pulling your shirt off. She leads you to her bedroom, both of you shedding clothes until there is a trail of fabric leading to her room. You kiss passionately before pushing her onto the bed on her belly. You take your cock and slide it into her pussy from behind. You start to thrust and reach up and grab her hair. You sink in, pounding her harder and harder and making her cum heavily on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage5/a/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fill her up|auntmainquest4 b]]
<p>You think about it for a moment. You realize that you don’t really want children anytime soon. Or at least not with $ But there may be a way to convince her to give what you want either way. You let her know that you don’t think your are ready for kids. But, you follow that up by asking her why she suddenly wants another one so badly.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Ever since $ became an adult I have just felt so unneeded. Raising her I felt like there was always someone who depended on me. Someone that looked up to me. Someone that made me doing all of that housewife shit actually meant something. Without someone like that I’m just feeling like nothing I do has any purpose<</speech>>
<p>You wrap your arm around her shoulder and tell her that you understand. You try to comfort her for a moment. But, then you make the point that she doesn’t need others to have purpose or to feel needed. You remind her that $ isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, and that she will probably still need at least some help for the rest of her life. You also remind her that eventually $ might have children of her own. And that grandchildren might be even more fulfilling that having more kids of her own.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Maybe you’re right. I really want another baby. But now that I think about it, $ can be a bit of a handful on her own. She is an adult and still forgets to wear pants when she goes outside sometimes<</speech>>
<p>You suggest an alternate deal. You will keep being the man of the house, doing chores and yard work. And she becomes a doting slut, ready to fuck at the drop of a hat. And bringing out some lemonade while you are working would be nice too.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Alright, I guess I can agree to that. It’s better than going back to how things were with Roger at the very least<</speech>>
<p>With her in agreement, you decide to make a move. You slide your hand down from her shoulder to her breast and squeeze it gently. She looks at you with a playfully exasperated expression. She nods her head and within second the two of you are up and running towards her bedroom. You reach her room and close the door behind you. You peel each other’s clothes off ravenously. You pin her down onto the bed, taking your rock hard cock in your hand and aiming it somewhere new. You pull her round ass apart and slide your cock deep into her booty. She winces slightly at the initial insertion but quickly grows used to the size and melts with the pleasure. You grip her hips and start to thrust, pounding her ass relentlessly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage5/b/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her in cum|auntmainquest4 b]]
<</if>><<if $stage is 1>>
<p>You both grunt and call out as you push against each other. Each thrust bringing one another more and more pleasure. Her pussy is hungry for your cum and milks your hard for it. So you give it all to her. You slam your shaft deep inside, the tip of your cock kissing her cervix as you unload. You shoot your cum deep inside of her and fill her womb until every last drop of cum has left your balls. You pulls out and let the jizz ooze out of her filled pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage5/a/creampie.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slump down onto the bed beside her. She kisses you sweetly. You wrap your arms around one another and fall alseep in each other’s arms. When you wake up $ has already gotten up and started her day. She likely rushed to the store to grab some pregnancy tests out of excitement. You get up and start your day as well.</p>
[[Time to get going|aunthouse]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<p>Her round plump ass quakes each time you thrust into it. The ripples are mesmerizing. They spur you on to thrust even harder and faster. Your rough treatment of her ass makes $ swoon, and cum from the intense pleasure. She clenches her ass, tightening it around you and making the vice like hole milk your for all you’re worth. When your feel yourself about to reach your climax you pull out of her ass and climb up closer to her face. You roll her over and stroke with one hand as you cum. You shoot your load all over her face and chest coating her thoroughly in your jizz.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage5/b/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Once you are spent you lay back on the bed, exhausted. You and $ lounge on the bed for a while, basking in the aftershocks of pleasure. You gently close your eyes and fall asleep. When you wake up a couple hours later you notice that $ is gone, and you can smell something baking. You think that you are going to like this new arrangement.</p>
[[Leave|aunthouse]]<<addhours 3>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Aunt $ is sitting in the kitchen, holding a mug of coffee with both hands as you enter. She looks somewhat troubled so you sit by her and ask if anything is wrong. She looks at you worried. Ever since you fucked, in fact, she has looked at you like she wants to ask you something but can’t find the words.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>I want to tell you why I really left your Uncle Roger. I always knew he was in the Mafia, that never really bothered me. The reason why I left is because ever since $ has gotten older and been more and more independent I have been wanting another child. Roger refused. He didn’t want any more kids. He just wanted his little fucktoy of a wife. So I left<</speech>>
<p>You wrap your arm around her shoulder and embrace her. You tell her that you understand and that you are here for her if she needs anything. She may have been a pretentious bitch to you here and there. But, she is still family. So you do your best to sooth her in the moment.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Well, I am telling you this because I know what you want. I see how you look at me, and how you treat me. And I know how I treat you. You want me to be the picket fence wife in return for you helping us with our home so much. But, I just can’t be that. Not without you giving me what I want too. So there’s the deal. You give me a baby, I’ll be the little houseslut you want me to be<</speech>>
[[Give her what she wants|galleryaunt5][$scene to 1]]
<p>You take a moment to consider. But, you realize that chances were, you’d end up with kids soon anyway with all of the women you are involved with. So you decide to agree to your Aunt $’s terms. You tell her as much as well, letting her know that if it means that you both get what you want, then there is no reason to say no. Her eyes well up a bit, as if she was terrified to even ask and hearing you say yes has filled her with relief.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Thank you so much, $ I’ll cook for you, clean for you, I’ll wait on you hand and foot. I cannot ever express how happy this will make me<</speech>>
<p>You pull her in close and hug her tightly. You hold her for a moment as she releases all of her held up emotion. It doesn’t take long though for her mood to change as she begins pawing at you and pulling your shirt off. She leads you to her bedroom, both of you shedding clothes until there is a trail of fabric leading to her room. You kiss passionately before pushing her onto the bed on her belly. You take your cock and slide it into her pussy from behind. You start to thrust and reach up and grab her hair. You sink in, pounding her harder and harder and making her cum heavily on your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage5/a/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fill her up|galleryaunt5b]]
<p>You both grunt and call out as you push against each other. Each thrust bringing one another more and more pleasure. Her pussy is hungry for your cum and milks your hard for it. So you give it all to her. You slam your shaft deep inside, the tip of your cock kissing her cervix as you unload. You shoot your cum deep inside of her and fill her womb until every last drop of cum has left your balls. You pulls out and let the jizz ooze out of her filled pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage5/a/creampie.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slump down onto the bed beside her. She kisses you sweetly. You wrap your arms around one another and fall alseep in each other’s arms. When you wake up $ has already gotten up and started her day. She likely rushed to the store to grab some pregnancy tests out of excitement. You get up and start your day as well.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 14]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Aunt $ is sitting in the kitchen, holding a mug of coffee with both hands as you enter. She looks somewhat troubled so you sit by her and ask if anything is wrong. She looks at you worried. Ever since you fucked, in fact, she has looked at you like she wants to ask you something but can’t find the words.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>I want to tell you why I really left your Uncle Roger. I always knew he was in the Mafia, that never really bothered me. The reason why I left is because ever since $ has gotten older and been more and more independent I have been wanting another child. Roger refused. He didn’t want any more kids. He just wanted his little fucktoy of a wife. So I left<</speech>>
<p>You wrap your arm around her shoulder and embrace her. You tell her that you understand and that you are here for her if she needs anything. She may have been a pretentious bitch to you here and there. But, she is still family. So you do your best to sooth her in the moment.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Well, I am telling you this because I know what you want. I see how you look at me, and how you treat me. And I know how I treat you. You want me to be the picket fence wife in return for you helping us with our home so much. But, I just can’t be that. Not without you giving me what I want too. So there’s the deal. You give me a baby, I’ll be the little houseslut you want me to be<</speech>>
[[Try to alter the deal|galleryaunt6][$scene to 1]]
<p>You think about it for a moment. You realize that you don’t really want children anytime soon. Or at least not with $ But there may be a way to convince her to give what you want either way. You let her know that you don’t think your are ready for kids. But, you follow that up by asking her why she suddenly wants another one so badly.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Ever since $ became an adult I have just felt so unneeded. Raising her I felt like there was always someone who depended on me. Someone that looked up to me. Someone that made me doing all of that housewife shit actually meant something. Without someone like that I’m just feeling like nothing I do has any purpose<</speech>>
<p>You wrap your arm around her shoulder and tell her that you understand. You try to comfort her for a moment. But, then you make the point that she doesn’t need others to have purpose or to feel needed. You remind her that $ isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, and that she will probably still need at least some help for the rest of her life. You also remind her that eventually $ might have children of her own. And that grandchildren might be even more fulfilling that having more kids of her own.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Maybe you’re right. I really want another baby. But now that I think about it, $ can be a bit of a handful on her own. She is an adult and still forgets to wear pants when she goes outside sometimes<</speech>>
<p>You suggest an alternate deal. You will keep being the man of the house, doing chores and yard work. And she becomes a doting slut, ready to fuck at the drop of a hat. And bringing out some lemonade while you are working would be nice too.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Alright, I guess I can agree to that. It’s better than going back to how things were with Roger at the very least<</speech>>
<p>With her in agreement, you decide to make a move. You slide your hand down from her shoulder to her breast and squeeze it gently. She looks at you with a playfully exasperated expression. She nods her head and within second the two of you are up and running towards her bedroom. You reach her room and close the door behind you. You peel each other’s clothes off ravenously. You pin her down onto the bed, taking your rock hard cock in your hand and aiming it somewhere new. You pull her round ass apart and slide your cock deep into her booty. She winces slightly at the initial insertion but quickly grows used to the size and melts with the pleasure. You grip her hips and start to thrust, pounding her ass relentlessly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage5/b/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her in cum|galleryaunt6b]]
<p>Her round plump ass quakes each time you thrust into it. The ripples are mesmerizing. They spur you on to thrust even harder and faster. Your rough treatment of her ass makes $ swoon, and cum from the intense pleasure. She clenches her ass, tightening it around you and making the vice like hole milk your for all you’re worth. When your feel yourself about to reach your climax you pull out of her ass and climb up closer to her face. You roll her over and stroke with one hand as you cum. You shoot your load all over her face and chest coating her thoroughly in your jizz.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/stage5/b/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Once you are spent you lay back on the bed, exhausted. You and $ lounge on the bed for a while, basking in the aftershocks of pleasure. You gently close your eyes and fall asleep. When you wake up a couple hours later you notice that $ is gone, and you can smell something baking. You think that you are going to like this new arrangement.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 14]]
<<if $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/bedroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/bedroom/missionary.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/bedroom/cowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/bedroom/doggy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/bedroom/cumshot.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You jump straight into bed and take out your cock, as your aunt takes it into her hands and start working it like the whore in heat she is, without needing to tell her anything. Then she slides it inside her mouth and starts sucking.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/bedroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<addmins 30>>
[[Blowjob|aunt bedroom sex][$scene to 1]]
[[Missionary|aunt bedroom sex][$scene to 2]]
[[Cowgirl|aunt bedroom sex][$scene to 3]]
[[Doggy|aunt bedroom sex][$scene to 4]]
[[Cumshot|aunt bedroom sex][$scene to 5]]
[[Leave her bedroom|aunthouse][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/bedroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/bedroom/missionary.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/bedroom/cowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/bedroom/doggy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/bedroom/cumshot.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You jump straight into bed and take out your cock, as your aunt takes it into her hands and start working it like the whore in heat she is, without needing to tell her anything. Then she slides it inside her mouth and starts sucking.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/bedroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Blowjob|galleryaunt7][$scene to 1]]
[[Missionary|galleryaunt7][$scene to 2]]
[[Cowgirl|galleryaunt7][$scene to 3]]
[[Doggy|galleryaunt7][$scene to 4]]
[[Cumshot|galleryaunt7][$scene to 5]]
<<return>><<if $cousin.questmain is 5 && $cousin.loc is "Bella's bedroom" && ($cousin.stuffed is 1 || $mc.collars gte 1)>>
<p>You go into $’s room to talk things through. She is lying on her bed and is clearly still upset. You approach and sit on the end of the bed. You start the conversation off by apologizing for how you handled the situation. You explain your thought process, hoping to show her that sex and love are separate things. And that while you love her as your cousin, you do not love her beyond that. And that what you have together is just a sexual relationship beyond that. She sits up, still looking angry at you.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>I want more. Why does it only matter what you want?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that it doesn’t. And, that if she wants more then that is her choice. But, it is also your choice not to give her more. She doesn’t seem to like that answer and lays back down in her bed, acting rather petulant.</p>
<p class="hint">Please, choose wisely. If you don't choose to enslave your cousin right now, you won't be able to enslave her again. So if you don't have a collar, you may want to leave and return when you've bought one</p>
<<if $cousin.stuffed is 1>><a data-passage="cousinmainquest5" data-setter="$scene to 0; $stage to 1; $[3] to 1; $cousin.questmain to 6" class="link-internal">Give her the Abnormally large stuffed animal to show her you care<br><span style="color:orange;">(Won't be able to enslave her anymore)</span></a><<else>><p class="hint">You need an abnormally large stuffed animal to unlock this choice</p><</if>>
<<if $mc.collars gte 1>>[[Give her the slave collar and make this easier|cousinmainquest5][$scene to 0; $stage to 2; $[4] to 1; $cousin.questmain to 6; $cousin.slave to 1]]<<else>><p class="hint">You need at least one slave collar to unlock this choice</p><</if>>
[[Leave for now|aunthouse]]
<<elseif $cousin.questmain is 0 && $cousin.loc is "Bella's bedroom" && $ gte 5>><<set $cousin.questmain to 1>>
<p>You hear some music playing in $’s room so you open the door to see what she is up to. The moment you push the door open you are greeted with a pleasant sight. $ is bouncing around and dancing in her room, fully nude. Her wet hair tells you that she just got out of the shower and started dancing to her music while she was drying off.</p>
<p>Her huge tits were bouncing in a way that has you mesmerized. When she notices you standing in the door ways she runs over to you and grabs your hands. She makes no attempt at covering herself in the slightest. She just pulls you in.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Like, get to dancing $! Move that body!<</speech>>
<p>You move with her as she dances and bounces to they beat. She holds your hands to make you dance with her. You move with her, but don’t fully get into at you are much more focused on her chest as it bounces and jiggles in front of you.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>What are you staring at?<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you confused as she looks down at her naked body. She looks up at you wide eyed for a moment before busting out laughing. She stops dancing as she falls onto her bed in her laughing fit.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>I forgot I wasn’t dressed. Can you leave now? I’m indecent ya know<</speech>>
<p>You laugh with her for a bit. You then head out of her room to give her some privacy. You make sure you take one more good look though before you leave. Considering she clearly doesn’t mind letting you see her like this.</p>
[[Leave|aunthouse][$[0] to 1]]<<addmins 15>>
<<if $cousin.loc is "Bella's bedroom" && $cousin.questmain gte 3>>
<p>Your cousin is here, laying in her bed.</p>
[[Bang her|cousin bedroom sex][$scene to 0; $[5] to 1]]
<p class="hint">You have nothing to do here now.</p>
<</if>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '20:00', '21:59') && $aunt.questmain gte 5 && $cousin.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $cousin.corr gte 15>><<set $cousin.questmain to 4>>
<p>You hop into bed with $ and instantly start groping her huge tits. She doesn’t seems very responsive, though. She looks as though there is something she really wants to talk about. You ask her if anything is wrong, not wanting to push her if she isn’t in the mood. She looks at you as if she is unsure of what to say.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>I love you, $<</speech>>
<p>She says it somewhat bluntly, but clearly with a lot of emotion behind it. You have no idea how long she has wanted to say this to you, but by the look in her eye it was clearly not a new development. She has wanted to say this for some time. You tell her that you love her too, as your cousin. But that you aren’t really ready for anything as serious as true love. You say it gently, trying to be as nice as possible about it.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>But, like, we fuck. How can you fuck me if you don’t love me?<</speech>>
<p>You are surprised by her question, but you answer honestly. You explain that sex is just sex. Love is another topic. She gives you an incredulous look after hearing your answer.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>That’s stupid. You just are too scared to say it. It’s okie dokee though. I know you love me. That’s what matters!<</speech>>
<p>You continue to try and explain that she is wrong. But, no matter what you say she refuses to accept that sex and love can be separate. You may need to take drastic measures here. You can’t have $ thinking that you are some sort of official couple. That would make it feel wrong to fuck around with all of the other women in your life. You decide that maybe you should talk to your Aunt $ in the morning for some help with this.</p>
[[Next morning|Cousin Bedroom]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<<if $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/bedroom/masturbating.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/bedroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/bedroom/cowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/bedroom/reversecowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/bedroom/doggy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/bedroom/facial.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop></video>
<p>You notice $ sitting on the bed, almost entirely naked. As soon as she sees you, she smiles, opens her legs for you and starts sliding her fingers in her wet slit.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/bedroom/masturbating.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop></video>
<<addmins 30>>
[[Masturbating|cousin bedroom sex][$scene to 1]]
[[Blowjob|cousin bedroom sex][$scene to 2]]
[[Cowgirl|cousin bedroom sex][$scene to 3]]
[[Reverse Cowgirl|cousin bedroom sex][$scene to 4]]
[[Doggy|cousin bedroom sex][$scene to 5]]
[[Facial|cousin bedroom sex][$scene to 6]]
[[Leave her bedroom|aunthouse][$scene to 0]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/bedroom/masturbating.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/bedroom/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/bedroom/cowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/bedroom/reversecowgirl.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/bedroom/doggy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/bedroom/facial.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop></video>
<p>You notice $ sitting on the bed, almost entirely naked. As soon as she sees you, she smiles, opens her legs for you and starts sliding her fingers in her wet slit.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/bedroom/masturbating.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop></video>
[[Masturbating|gallerycousin6][$scene to 1]]
[[Blowjob|gallerycousin6][$scene to 2]]
[[Cowgirl|gallerycousin6][$scene to 3]]
[[Reverse Cowgirl|gallerycousin6][$scene to 4]]
[[Doggy|gallerycousin6][$scene to 5]]
[[Facial|gallerycousin6][$scene to 6]]
<<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
<<if $aunt.questmain gte 5>>
<p>Aunt $ calls out to you as you walk out to the backyard. She approaches you quickly with a big warm smile on her face.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Hey, $ The grass is getting a little long. Do you think you could grab the mower and trim it?<</speech>>
<p>You kiss her on the forehead and tell her that you will get right to it. She kisses you back on the cheek and heads inside. You get to work. The mower does most of the work for you, so before long you are done and the lawn looks great. $ walks out with a tray when she sees you putting the mower away. She walks up to you and offers you a glass of lemonade. You take it and thank her before guzzling it down.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>You’re very welcome. Can’t thank you enough for all you do around here<</speech>>
<p>You decide to head out to Aunt $’s backyard to relax by her pool. Unfortunately she has different plans for you. She walks up to you, sporting a rather small bikini. She tells you in an unnecessarily forceful tone that you need to mow her lawn. Part of you wants to tell her no and leave. But, family is family. So you get to work. The grass has barely even grown since it was last mowed. But the few grass clipping that do end up in the bag would undoubtedly be enough justification for $ to want it done. If it isn’t perfect, it isn’t done. That is how she wants things. By the time you finish, you take a quick dip in the pool to wash the sweat off. But, you hardly have any time to relax, so you just dry off and head back inside.</p>
<p>You are talking with $ on the patio. Despite her efforts you are just barely managing to look her in the eye while you talk. Rather than at her hardly covered tits. Her bikini is so small that some might call it dental floss. But you know that she is just doing it to entice you, so to maintain control of yourself, and the relationship with her, you force yourself to focus on her eyes. So much so that you almost miss what she is saying to you.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Oh yeah, like, um… By the way. Mom told me to tell you something about showing the lawn. Or something I wasn’t really listening<</speech>>
<p>You ask her if her Mom actually said ‘Mow the lawn’.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Yeah that’s it. So as I saying, my friend Becca said Seafoam nail pol-<</speech>>
<p>You tell her to stop in the middle of her sentence. You apologize for having to cut the conversation short. She understands why you had to though once you pull your shirt off and get to work mowing. She certainly enjoys the site. Hell certain times when you look at her it almost looks like she is masturbating as she watches.</p>
[[Get inside|aunthouse]]<<addhours 1>>
<<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You head out to the pool and see $ lazily floating in the water. You would spend a moment enjoying the view, but the pool is so full of leaves and bugs, that it is almost hard to see her. You sigh, somewhat annoyed that no one else does the job as you go to grab the skimmer. You spend a few minute scooping out all of the debris from the water so it is nice and clean. When you are done, $ seems to just be waking up from her relaxed state.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Wow. Did you clean this or did I swallow it all?<</speech>>
<p>You laugh thinking she is joking, but she clearly isn’t. You assure her that you cleaned the pool.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Oh that’s good. I’ve swallowed leaves in hear before. I usually can tell though. I was worried<</speech>>
<p>You help out your Aunt $ when she asks you to clean out her pool. It is an easy enough job, so you don’t really mind. But her way of asking where she just expects you to say yes really tends to grate on you. That being said, the fact that she is blatantly ogling your shirtless form as she watches you clean is a pretty good feeling. So all in all it isn’t so bad.</p>
[[Get inside|aunthouse]]<<addhours 1>>
<<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You take a seat by $ as you join her and your Aunt $ for a meal. $ ordered a pizza, and although it isn’t a home cooked meal like your Mom usually makes, $ still likes to make sure that $ eats dinner with her as a family. $ is happy that you sat next to her. She even says as much. She says a lot of stuff. In fact you don’t think she was even done talking when you got up to leave the room.</p>
<p>You take a seat to join $ and $ as they sit down to eat. You choose to sit by $ She doesn’t react much at first but as you try and slide yourself closer to her, she quickly catches on to why you chose to sit beside her. $ actually made the meal today. Just a simple plate of spaghetti with meat sauce. But, it was still shockingly delicious. You make sure you let her know as much.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Thank you, $ At least someone appreciates my cooking<</speech>>
[[Get inside|aunthouse]]<<addhours 1>>
<<set _ran to random(1,2)>><<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You see your Aunt $ walking through the mall and decide to join her for a quick shopping trip. You both help each other pick out some new clothes, and she even buys you a shirt. When she tries to be nice, she can be one hell of a great Aunt. Although the moment she speaks that tends to wash away.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Make sure you stop by later, $ My pool has been getting rather dirty<</speech>>
<p>She is family and you love her, but she sure can demand a lot out of you.</p>
<p>You decide to go shopping with your Aunt $ It takes some convincing but you eventually lead her into the lingerie shop. You pick out a few piece of lingerie that you like and tell her that she should buy them. You let her know that you would certainly like to her in them, so she would good in them. She smiles, knowing exactly what you are doing. But she decides to buy them anyway. You try to see if she would try them on for you, but she laughs at the idea. But, hey, it’s always worth a shot.</p>
[[Leave|Street]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You hear some music playing in $’s room so you open the door to see what she is up to. The moment you push the door open you are greeted with a pleasant sight. $ is bouncing around and dancing in her room, fully nude. Her wet hair tells you that she just got out of the shower and started dancing to her music while she was drying off.</p>
<p>Her huge tits were bouncing in a way that has you mesmerized. When she notices you standing in the door ways she runs over to you and grabs your hands. She makes no attempt at covering herself in the slightest. She just pulls you in.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Like, get to dancing $! Move that body!<</speech>>
<p>You move with her as she dances and bounces to they beat. She holds your hands to make you dance with her. You move with her, but don’t fully get into at you are much more focused on her chest as it bounces and jiggles in front of you.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>What are you staring at?<</speech>>
<p>She looks at you confused as she looks down at her naked body. She looks up at you wide eyed for a moment before busting out laughing. She stops dancing as she falls onto her bed in her laughing fit.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>I forgot I wasn’t dressed. Can you leave now? I’m indecent ya know<</speech>>
<p>You laugh with her for a bit. You then head out of her room to give her some privacy. You make sure you take one more good look though before you leave. Considering she clearly doesn’t mind letting you see her like this.</p>
<<if $cousin.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10>><<set $cousin.questmain to 2>>
<p>$ is paying you a visit so the two of you decide to play some games together. You play some Grand Theft Auto five. You don’t really have a goal while you play, you just go on destructive rampages and hand the controller off to the other whenever one of you dies. She doesn’t usually last very long. One death of hers she was screaming the whole time because she forgot how to pull out her weapon. You take the controller to start your turn and get to rampaging. $ meanwhile, has clearly gotten board and other ideas are floating around in her head. She looks at you with a sultry eye for a while before pulling her shirt off and dropping to the floor between your knees. She stands up from that position to slide between your arms and press her tits firmly into your face. You can’t complain at first, but you are certainly thrown off by it. You ask her what she is doing.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>New game. I call it fuck my tits. The rules are easy. Take your cock out and fuck my tits. Then you win!<</speech>>
<p>You laugh a bit. You would have to agree that the game certainly sounds fun. But, you tell her you aren’t fully sold. You ask her what is the prize you get is you win.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Hmm, You get to breathe. Either play the game and win or I smother you with my titties instead<</speech>>
<p>She shoves her tits into your face again as a short preview of what she means by smothering you. You take it as a win win scenario. You grab her by her upper arms and pull her away enough to be able to speak. You tell her that you would love to play this game with her.</p>
<<set _cousinName to $ + "’s">><a data-passage="cousinmainquest1" data-setter="$scene to 0; $[1] to 1" class="link-internal">Play _cousinName game</a>
<<if $cousin.slave is 1>>
<p>You and your slave cousin, $, hang out in your room together. She is sitting there naked, by your command. You always enjoying taking a good long look at her. But, for now you decide that you want to play some games. You sit up at the end of your bed to play some. You act as though your shoulders are sore, and then tell $ to rub your shoulders for you while you play.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Yes, $cousin.title<</speech>>
<p>She speaks softly and gets behind you obediently. She places her hands on your shoulders and rubs them. She isn’t very experienced at this. But her hands are soft and the feeling of her tits touching your back is very pleasant. You lean back against her as she massages you, enjoying your slave’s efforts as you play your game.</p>
<<else>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You and $ spend some time playing games together. She brought her Switch over so the two of you play some Mario Party. The usual Mario Party shenanigans ensue and despite ending the game with more stars than her, the bonus stars fucked you and $ ended up getting the win.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Wooooo! I’m da BEST!<</speech>>
<p>She roars in excitement. She isn’t usually to great at games so she always takes wins way more seriously than she probably should. But, you stay humble and congratulate her. Even if the game basically made her win.</p>
<p>$ challenges you to a racing game and you agree. It is one of her favorite types of games. Fast cars always excite her. But, she isn’t very good at them. She spends more time respawning after crashes than she does actually driving. But this time is a bit different. She must have been practicing because she is actually doing well. The two of you are neck and neck for the final turn of the track, when she panics. She wants to win so badly that she cheats. She grabs your head and shoves it into her tits so you can’t see during the final turn. You don’t even fight after a moment. Her tits are soft and fun to rest your face in. So you just sit there enjoying it as you let her cheat and win the race. The moment she passes the finish line she jumps up and starts celebrating. Not only is this her first win, this might be the first time you have ever even seen her finish. You congratulate her, not mentioning her cheating. Mostly hoping that she does it again next time.</p>
[[Move forward|House]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You are someone who tries their best when you play games. Even absurd games like the one $ has just now come up with. So you go hard and get a little rough with her. You throw her onto your bed, pulling your cock out as you climb on top of her. You grab her huge tits, one in each hand. You mash them together powerfully, making an airtight tunnel for your to shove your cock into.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage2/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[She wins a pearl necklace|cousinmainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<p>You hold her tits in place while your thrust, pounding away at them. The hefty and soft sandbags wiggle in your hands from the power of your ravenous humping. Your cock strikes her chin at the deepest part of your thrusts. Her chin is sculpted and hard but the soft skin still makes it a pleasant experience. Your cock pulses as your start to cum. You fuck her breasts hard throughout your orgasm, shooting your load all over her chest and neck. It pools on her and gives her a wonderful cum pearl necklace.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You finally let go of her tits. You grab your cock and smack them with it to flick the last drops of cum out of you. You stand up and get off of $, putting your cock away. She happily and hungrily slurps up your load before blissfully falling asleep on your bed. You decide, to get back to gaming.</p>
[[Continue|Bedroom]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>$ is paying you a visit so the two of you decide to play some games together. You play some Grand Theft Auto five. You don’t really have a goal while you play, you just go on destructive rampages and hand the controller off to the other whenever one of you dies. She doesn’t usually last very long. One death of hers she was screaming the whole time because she forgot how to pull out her weapon. You take the controller to start your turn and get to rampaging. $ meanwhile, has clearly gotten board and other ideas are floating around in her head. She looks at you with a sultry eye for a while before pulling her shirt off and dropping to the floor between your knees. She stands up from that position to slide between your arms and press her tits firmly into your face. You can’t complain at first, but you are certainly thrown off by it. You ask her what she is doing.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>New game. I call it fuck my tits. The rules are easy. Take your cock out and fuck my tits. Then you win!<</speech>>
<p>You laugh a bit. You would have to agree that the game certainly sounds fun. But, you tell her you aren’t fully sold. You ask her what is the prize you get is you win.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Hmm, You get to breathe. Either play the game and win or I smother you with my titties instead<</speech>>
<p>She shoves her tits into your face again as a short preview of what she means by smothering you. You take it as a win win scenario. You grab her by her upper arms and pull her away enough to be able to speak. You tell her that you would love to play this game with her.</p>
<<set _cousinName to $ + "’s">><a data-passage="cousinmainquest1" data-setter="$scene to 0; $[1] to 1" class="link-internal">Play _cousinName game</a>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You are someone who tries their best when you play games. Even absurd games like the one $ has just now come up with. So you go hard and get a little rough with her. You throw her onto your bed, pulling your cock out as you climb on top of her. You grab her huge tits, one in each hand. You mash them together powerfully, making an airtight tunnel for your to shove your cock into.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage2/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[She wins a pearl necklace|gallerycousin2][$scene to 2]]
<p>You hold her tits in place while your thrust, pounding away at them. The hefty and soft sandbags wiggle in your hands from the power of your ravenous humping. Your cock strikes her chin at the deepest part of your thrusts. Her chin is sculpted and hard but the soft skin still makes it a pleasant experience. Your cock pulses as your start to cum. You fuck her breasts hard throughout your orgasm, shooting your load all over her chest and neck. It pools on her and gives her a wonderful cum pearl necklace.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage2/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You finally let go of her tits. You grab your cock and smack them with it to flick the last drops of cum out of you. You stand up and get off of $, putting your cock away. She happily and hungrily slurps up your load before blissfully falling asleep on your bed. You decide, to get back to gaming.</p>
<</if>><<if $cousin.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15 && $cousin.corr gte 10>><<set $cousin.questmain to 3>>
<p>You join $ for some yoga at the park. She always wears such tight and revealing clothes when she does yoga. If it wasn’t so much fun to watch, she probably would have gotten kicked out of the part many times by now. Today she is dressed slightly more conservatively than normal. The fact that she is wearing yoga pants instead of booty shorts that look more like a thong is testament to that. You decide to mostly watch though, as it relaxes you to see just how flexible she can be.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage3/yoga.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Are you, like, just gonna watch? That has to be boring<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are having plenty of fun just watching. You also make a joke about how if you were standing and stretching with her you wouldn’t be able to hide the erection she is giving you. She gives you a sultry look as she stands up, grabbing her tits over her sports bra and shaking them to tease you.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Hide it? Like, why? I wanna see it!<</speech>>
[[She drops to her knees|cousinmainquest2][$scene to 0; $[2] to 1]]
<<if $cousin.slave is 1>>
<p>You see your slave Cousin doing some yoga in the park. You decide to have some fun and approach her. You grab her by her hair and pull her in close to kiss you. She seems happy to see you. But she is calm and patient. Well, as patient as she can be. $ is still the ditz she always was. Just more obedient now. You decide to have some fun and tell her to lift her shirt up. She does instantly, letting her huge tits fall out. Not even caring who around can see.</p>
<p>You tell her to continue on with her yoga and she does. Doing every pose and stretch she always does. Only she is mostly topless. Her breasts falling down as she bends over and hitting her in the face. They lean off the side of her chest as she beds back. It is clearly not the most comfortable thing for her. But, she does so at your command for your viewing pleasure.</p>
<<else>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<<speech "Bella" $>>You here to do yoga with me, $<</speech>>
<p>You smile as you approach your cousin, $ You tell her that you are her to do some yoga with her. You begin to stretch and loosen herself up a bit. Meanwhile, she begins bouncing and yelling in excitement.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Woooooooo! Yoga, yay!<</speech>>
<p>You laugh a bit as she celebrates. When she is done she pretends to act serious as she guides you through a few poses. You aren’t great at yoga, but $ is a good teacher. It might be one of the few things she is actually knowledgeable in.</p>
<p>You see $ doing yoga in the park and decide to sit down and watch. She always wears such skimpy clothes that she provides a good view. You are rarely the only one watching either. In fact today, she seems to have attracted a small crowd. You and about 5 other guys are all watching her bend over as her ass stretches out her booty shorts. You are the only one pretending not to start though.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>$ Why are you upside down?<</speech>>
<p>She asks as she peers through her legs at you. You smile and tell her to stand up. She looks confused but does so, turning around to look at you again.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Oh I was upside down!<</speech>>
<p>You both share a laugh about it for a moment. You finish laughing first and just start staring at her tits. When she finishes laughing herself she notices you staring. She raises her arms above her head to give you a better look while the two of you continue to talk for a little while.</p>
[[Move forward|Street]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>$ isn’t one to pay much attention to her surroundings. And by the way she drops to her knees and pulls out your cock, it is plain to see that she has forgotten that the two of you are still in public. She grabs your hard cock and pulls it into her mouth. Sucking hard as is slides down her throat and her lips wrap around the base. She bobs her head quickly. She is so good that soon your forget that you are in public too.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage3/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>The sounds of birds chirping and people murmuring snaps you back into the moment though. You tell her that you should head right home if she wants to continue. She doesn’t even respond. She only pulls her head off of your cock and starts walking. You shove it back into your pants and follow her as the two of you practically sprint to her home together.</p>
[[Continue the fun|cousinmainquest2 b]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You lay down on her bed and yank your pants off at the same time as her. She leaps up onto her bed and stands above you. She slowly lowers herself down onto your cock, the head spreading her pussy lips wide as she sheaths you inside of her. She roles her hips and grinds on you before bouncing on your cock. You watch happily as her tits bounce and quake for your viewing pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage3/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her face|cousinmainquest2 b][$scene to 1]]
<p>She bounces quickly and grips your cock with her tight pussy. The tightness and wetness is beyond amazing, and when you draw close to cumming, you almost regret having to pull out. But, you manage you pull away from her. You pull her down so your cock is right by her face as you cum. You unleash your load all over her face, coating her thoroughly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage3/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slump down on her bed and rest. She licks every drop of cum up from her face and the few drops that dribbled down to her chest. She then climbs into bed with you, falling deep into blissful slumber. You awake about an hour later, getting dressed and leaving her to her rest.</p>
[[Leave|aunthouse]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You join $ for some yoga at the park. She always wears such tight and revealing clothes when she does yoga. If it wasn’t so much fun to watch, she probably would have gotten kicked out of the part many times by now. Today she is dressed slightly more conservatively than normal. The fact that she is wearing yoga pants instead of booty shorts that look more like a thong is testament to that. You decide to mostly watch though, as it relaxes you to see just how flexible she can be.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage3/yoga.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Are you, like, just gonna watch? That has to be boring<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are having plenty of fun just watching. You also make a joke about how if you were standing and stretching with her you wouldn’t be able to hide the erection she is giving you. She gives you a sultry look as she stands up, grabbing her tits over her sports bra and shaking them to tease you.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Hide it? Like, why? I wanna see it!<</speech>>
[[She drops to her knees|gallerycousin3][$scene to 1]]
<p>$ isn’t one to pay much attention to her surroundings. And by the way she drops to her knees and pulls out your cock, it is plain to see that she has forgotten that the two of you are still in public. She grabs your hard cock and pulls it into her mouth. Sucking hard as is slides down her throat and her lips wrap around the base. She bobs her head quickly. She is so good that soon your forget that you are in public too.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage3/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>The sounds of birds chirping and people murmuring snaps you back into the moment though. You tell her that you should head right home if she wants to continue. She doesn’t even respond. She only pulls her head off of your cock and starts walking. You shove it back into your pants and follow her as the two of you practically sprint to her home together.</p>
[[Continue the fun|gallerycousin3b][$scene to 0]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You lay down on her bed and yank your pants off at the same time as her. She leaps up onto her bed and stands above you. She slowly lowers herself down onto your cock, the head spreading her pussy lips wide as she sheaths you inside of her. She roles her hips and grinds on you before bouncing on your cock. You watch happily as her tits bounce and quake for your viewing pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage3/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her face|gallerycousin3b][$scene to 1]]
<p>She bounces quickly and grips your cock with her tight pussy. The tightness and wetness is beyond amazing, and when you draw close to cumming, you almost regret having to pull out. But, you manage you pull away from her. You pull her down so your cock is right by her face as you cum. You unleash your load all over her face, coating her thoroughly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage3/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slump down on her bed and rest. She licks every drop of cum up from her face and the few drops that dribbled down to her chest. She then climbs into bed with you, falling deep into blissful slumber. You awake about an hour later, getting dressed and leaving her to her rest.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 15]]
<</if>><<if $ gte 100>>
<<speech "???">>An... interesting choice. Really. What mischevious plan are you cooking up? It would be $100.<</speech>>
<p class="got">You have bought an abnormally large stuffed animal!</p><<set $cousin.stuffed to 1>><<set $ -= 100>>
[[Leave|Red Light district]]
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money for that. It's priced $100.</p>
[[Leave|Red Light district]]
<</if>><<if $stage is 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk out of the room and grab your gift for $ It is hard to get through the door but once you manage it you present the massive stuffed animal to her. She screams in unfettered glee at the sight of it. She jumps up and runs over, tackling it with a powerful hug. She snuggles with the plush toy, almost forgetting that you are even here for a moment. You lean down beside her and tell her that you are sorry again. You add that if she wants to continue being fuck buddies, you would very much like that.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>I still don’t get it. But I can be okay with you not loving me the same way. Fucking you is fun enough to do it anyway<</speech>>
<p>No more words are even needed. The two of you begin kissing and undressing one another as you make your way to her bed. You sit on the edge of her bed and she pulls your cock out. She turns around holding your cock to aim it at her ass as she lowers herself down onto your shaft. She holds onto your knees for support as she begins to bounce.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage4/a/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|cousinmainquest5][$scene to 1]]
<p>She rides you hard. Each bounce down onto your groin making her ass bounce for you. You lean back and enjoy the ride. Your orgasm builds and when it is time to cum you pull out and turn her around. She drops to her knees as you stand. Your cock explodes, shooting your load all over her face, covering her chin in a thick layer.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage4/a/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slump back down into the bed. She licks your cum up from her face and she crawls over to her plush toy and falls asleep against it. You both rest for a while, enjoying the post orgasmic bliss.</p>
[[Continue|Cousin Bedroom]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You reach into your pocket and pull out a collar. You show it to Bella. She looks at it skeptically, and confused. You reach up and grab her by the back of her neck. You tell her plainly and boldly, That if she can’t behave, and act like a rational adult, then you aren’t going to bother trying explaining anything anymore. You wrap the collar around her neck and fasten it tight enough that she won’t pull it off. You explain that she isn’t your lover, she is now your slave. And if she wants to love you that is for her to decide, but from now on, in your eyes she is just a fuck toy. A sexual appliance to be used to your every whim. You also instruct her to call you <<textbox "$cousin.title" "Master">> from now on.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>But…. But-<</speech>>
<p>You smack her face. Not so hard to leave a bruise but hard enough to let her know you are done arguing about this. You pull your cock out and shove her down onto the bed. You pin her legs up against her body, her feet resting by her head as you slide your cock inside of her. You fuck her in the mating press position, pounding her and adding all of your weight behind each thrust. She can do nothing but cum on your cock over and over as you plow your new cousin slave toy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage4/b/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her face|cousinmainquest5][$scene to 1; $mc.collars -= 1]]
<p>Her vice like pussy soon brings on an extremely powerful orgasm. You keep fucking her until the very last moment. You pull out the moment you start to cum. Sliding her down to her knees as your aim your erupting load at her face. The cum splashes and slathers her face and chin thoroughly. You roar out in pleasure as the orgasm seems to go on and on. Blast after blast of cum covering your cousin slave like a glazed doughnut.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage4/b/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You stand above her and tell her to be ready for the next time you want you use your new slave. You grab her by her hair, forcing her to look up into your eyes. You command her to say she understands. She looks worried, but also extremely aroused as she stares at you. As if she wasn’t sure she was supposed to like this as much as she clearly does.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>I understand, $cousin.title<</speech>>
<p>You call her a good slave, then get dressed and leave her room, giving her a chance to stew in your juices.</p>
[[Continue|Cousin Bedroom]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You go into $’s room to talk things through. She is lying on her bed and is clearly still upset. You approach and sit on the end of the bed. You start the conversation off by apologizing for how you handled the situation. You explain your thought process, hoping to show her that sex and love are separate things. And that while you love her as your cousin, you do not love her beyond that. And that what you have together is just a sexual relationship beyond that. She sits up, still looking angry at you.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>I want more. Why does it only matter what you want?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that it doesn’t. And, that if she wants more then that is her choice. But, it is also your choice not to give her more. She doesn’t seem to like that answer and lays back down in her bed, acting rather petulant.</p>
[[Give her the Abnormally large stuffed animal to show her you care|gallerycousin4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You walk out of the room and grab your gift for $ It is hard to get through the door but once you manage it you present the massive stuffed animal to her. She screams in unfettered glee at the sight of it. She jumps up and runs over, tackling it with a powerful hug. She snuggles with the plush toy, almost forgetting that you are even here for a moment. You lean down beside her and tell her that you are sorry again. You add that if she wants to continue being fuck buddies, you would very much like that.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>I still don’t get it. But I can be okay with you not loving me the same way. Fucking you is fun enough to do it anyway<</speech>>
<p>No more words are even needed. The two of you begin kissing and undressing one another as you make your way to her bed. You sit on the edge of her bed and she pulls your cock out. She turns around holding your cock to aim it at her ass as she lowers herself down onto your shaft. She holds onto your knees for support as she begins to bounce.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage4/a/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|gallerycousin4][$scene to 2]]
<p>She rides you hard. Each bounce down onto your groin making her ass bounce for you. You lean back and enjoy the ride. Your orgasm builds and when it is time to cum you pull out and turn her around. She drops to her knees as you stand. Your cock explodes, shooting your load all over her face, covering her chin in a thick layer.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage4/a/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You slump back down into the bed. She licks your cum up from her face and she crawls over to her plush toy and falls asleep against it. You both rest for a while, enjoying the post orgasmic bliss.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You go into $’s room to talk things through. She is lying on her bed and is clearly still upset. You approach and sit on the end of the bed. You start the conversation off by apologizing for how you handled the situation. You explain your thought process, hoping to show her that sex and love are separate things. And that while you love her as your cousin, you do not love her beyond that. And that what you have together is just a sexual relationship beyond that. She sits up, still looking angry at you.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>I want more. Why does it only matter what you want?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that it doesn’t. And, that if she wants more then that is her choice. But, it is also your choice not to give her more. She doesn’t seem to like that answer and lays back down in her bed, acting rather petulant.</p>
[[Give her the slave collar and make this easier|gallerycousin5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You reach into your pocket and pull out a collar. You show it to $ She looks at it skeptically, and confused. You reach up and grab her by the back of her neck. You tell her plainly and boldly, That if she can’t behave, and act like a rational adult, then you aren’t going to bother trying explaining anything anymore. You wrap the collar around her neck and fasten it tight enough that she won’t pull it off. You explain that she isn’t your lover, she is now your slave. And if she wants to love you that is for her to decide, but from now on, in your eyes she is just a fuck toy. A sexual appliance to be used to your every whim. You also instruct her to call you $cousin.title from now on.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>But…. But-<</speech>>
<p>You smack her face. Not so hard to leave a bruise but hard enough to let her know you are done arguing about this. You pull your cock out and shove her down onto the bed. You pin her legs up against her body, her feet resting by her head as you slide your cock inside of her. You fuck her in the mating press position, pounding her and adding all of your weight behind each thrust. She can do nothing but cum on your cock over and over as you plow your new cousin slave toy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage4/b/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her face|gallerycousin5][$scene to 2]]
<p>Her vice like pussy soon brings on an extremely powerful orgasm. You keep fucking her until the very last moment. You pull out the moment you start to cum. Sliding her down to her knees as your aim your erupting load at her face. The cum splashes and slathers her face and chin thoroughly. You roar out in pleasure as the orgasm seems to go on and on. Blast after blast of cum covering your cousin slave like a glazed doughnut.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/stage4/b/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You stand above her and tell her to be ready for the next time you want you use your new slave. You grab her by her hair, forcing her to look up into your eyes. You command her to say she understands. She looks worried, but also extremely aroused as she stares at you. As if she wasn’t sure she was supposed to like this as much as she clearly does.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>I understand, $cousin.title<</speech>>
<p>You call her a good slave, then get dressed and leave her room, giving her a chance to stew in your juices.</p>
<<if $aunt.loc isnot "Aunt's living room" && $cousin.loc isnot "Aunt's living room">><p class="hint">The room seems empty</p><</if>>
<<if $aunt.loc is "Aunt's living room">>[[Watch tv with your aunt|watchtvaunt][$step to 1; $stage to 1]]<</if>>
<<if $cousin.loc is "Aunt's living room">>[[Watch something with your cousin|watchtvaunt][$step to 1; $stage to 2]]<</if>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<if $step is 1>>
[[Watch a tv show|watchtvaunt][$step to 2]]
<<if $aunt.corr gte 15>>[[Watch some porn|watchtvaunt][$step to 3]]<<else>><p class="hint">You should raise your aunt's corruption more to watch porn with her</p><</if>>
<<elseif $step is 2>><<set _path to "ressources/videos/tvaunt/showaunt/" + random(1,3) + ".mp4">>
<<if $aunt.questmain gte 5>>
<p>You and your Aunt $ sit down together to enjoy one of her favorite shows. She leans up against you, resting her head on your chest. You continue to snuggle as the show goes on. It is a good show, and $ is clearly enraptured by it. But you just look down at her and her cleavage the whole time instead.</p>
<video @src="_path" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Marie" $>>$! Sit down. All your shuffling is making it hard to listen to my show<</speech>>
<p>You sit down beside your Aunt $ The two of your enjoy her show together. It must be a favorite of hers as she is clearly very invested. You get into it as well, enjoying the quality time with your Aunt.</p>
<video @src="_path" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When the show ends you go to talk about it, but she gets up from the couch and cuts you off.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>You can go back to what you were doing. Oh and the pool needs cleaning soon<</speech>>
<p>You shake your head, feeling a little naive that you even thought she would engage back with you.</p>
[[Leave|aunthouse]]<<addhours 1>>
<<else>><<set _path to "ressources/videos/tvaunt/porn/" + random(1,16) + ".mp4">>
<p>You sit down in your Aunt’s living room couch and turn on her TV. She comes in and takes a seat with you as you flip through channels. You decide that there isn’t really much good on, so you flip over to a porn channel instead. $ is utterly absorbed into the scene, surprised by what she is seeing.</p>
<video @src="_path" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Marie" $>>The depravity of some women, I’ll never understand it<</speech>>
<p>She gets up to leave and you watch her ass sway as she walks out.</p>
[[Leave|aunthouse]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $step is 1>>
[[Watch a tv show|watchtvaunt][$step to 2]]
<<if $cousin.corr gte 5>>[[Watch some porn|watchtvaunt][$step to 3]]<<else>><p class="hint">You should raise your cousin's corruption more to watch porn with her</p><</if>>
<<elseif $step is 2>><<set _path to "ressources/videos/tvaunt/showcousin/" + random(1,3) + ".mp4">>
<<if $cousin.slave is 1>>
<p>You call your slave cousin to you as you walk into the living room. You command her to turn the TV on for you, and to put it on your favorite show. She listens dutifully and does so, running back to your side and waiting on her next order. You point to the ground in front of you. At first she is excited, thinking that you are going to order her to suck you off. But insteand you command her to kneel on all fours so your can put your feet up on her back like a footstool.</p>
<video @src="_path" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Hey! $! Watch TV with me!<</speech>>
<p>$ calls out to you. She is watching one of your favorite shows so you gladly head in and sit on the couch with her. By the way she jumps at you to cuddle with you while you both watch, you begin to suspect that she chose one of your favorite shows for a reason.</p>
<video @src="_path" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Leave|aunthouse]]<<addhours 1>>
<<else>><<set _path to "ressources/videos/tvaunt/porn/" + random(1,16) + ".mp4">>
<p>$ is sitting in the living room with some hardcore porn on the TV screen. She is laying back topless, with a growing wet spot in her shorts as she absorbs herself into the porn. You sit down by her and watch for a while. You get a hard on yourself. A big enough tent forms in your pants that $’s focus shifts from the TV to your groin.</p>
<video @src="_path" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Leave|aunthouse]]<<addhours 1>>
[[Go for a swim|Beach swim]]
[[Get a tan|Beach tan]]
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex;">
<<if $mom.loc is "Beach">><script>momtext = "Spend some time with your Mom"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_mom" onmouseover="hover(momtext)">
[img["ressources/img/mom/face.png"][Beach Mom]]
<<if $sis.slave is 0 && $sis.loc is "Beach">><script>sistext = `${} seems to be with a friend`</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_sasha" onmouseover="hover(sistext)">
[img["ressources/img/sasha/face.png"][Beach Sis]]
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1 && $aunt.loc is "Beach">><script>aunttext = `Your aunt ${} is hanging here`</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_aunt" onmouseover="hover(aunttext)">
[img["ressources/img/aunt/face.png"][Beach Aunt]]
<<if $has.auntaddress is 1 && $cousin.loc is "Beach">><script>cousintext = "Say hi to your Cousin"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_cousin" onmouseover="hover(cousintext)">
[img["ressources/img/cousin/face.png"][Beach Cousin]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex; margin-top: 60px;">
<<if $has.metjade is 1 && $jade.loc is "Beach">><script>jadetext = "Hang out with Jade"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_jade" onmouseover="hover(jadetext)">
[img["ressources/img/jade/face.png"][Beach Jade]]
<<if $has.metlucy is 1 && $lucy.loc is "Beach">><script>lucytext = "Approach Lucy"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_lucy" onmouseover="hover(lucytext)">
[img["ressources/img/lucy/face.png"][Beach Lucy]]
<<if $has.metkate is 1 && $kate.loc is "Beach">><script>katetext = "Kate is at the beach"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_kate" onmouseover="hover(katetext)">
[img["ressources/img/kate/face.png"][Beach Kate]]
<<if $has.metalice is 1 && $alice.loc is "Beach">><script>alicetext = "Go towards Alice"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_alice" onmouseover="hover(alicetext)">
[img["ressources/img/alice/face.png"][Beach Alice]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex; margin-top: 60px;">
<<if $school.statusjap gte 1 && $sato.loc is "Beach">><script>satotext = "Akira Sato is here"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_sato" onmouseover="hover(satotext)">
[img["ressources/img/sato/face.png"][Beach Sato]]
<<if $dean.questmain gte 1 && $dean.loc is "Beach">><script>deantext = "Your Dean is wandering here"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_dean" onmouseover="hover(deantext)">
[img["ressources/img/dean/face.png"][Beach Dean]]
<<if $tammy.met is 1 && $tammy.loc is "Beach">><script>tammytext = "Greet Tammy"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_tammy" onmouseover="hover(tammytext)">
[img["ressources/img/tammy/face.png"][Beach Tammy]]
<<if $erika.met is 1 && $erika.loc is "Beach">><script>erikatext = "Erika's at the beach today"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_erika" onmouseover="hover(erikatext)">
[img["ressources/img/erika/face.png"][Beach Erika]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When a girl is here, you may hover your mouse over her to know more about her interaction</p>
<<if $jade.slave is 1>>
<p>You see your slave, Jade, relaxing in the water. You take no issue with it as you afford all of your slaves free time, as long as they come running to you whenever you call. So you decide to make that call right now. You head into the water and get her attention. She pops up in her floating seat and gives you her full attention.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey, $jade.title! Lovely day today. How can I sever you?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her to start stripping. And to put on a show for everyone at the beach. She gets to work without hesitation, pulling her clothes off and tossing them haphazardly into the water. She spreads her legs and starts to finger herself. Masturbating for the viewing pleasure of you, and anyone within sight of the two of you.</p>
<p>You see Jade relaxing on the beach so you decide to go up and have a chat with her.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Oh, hey Mr. $mc.eyes eyes! Come to enjoy the beach too?<</speech>>
<p>You sit with her and relax for a while. You make small talk, discussing things like classes, the weather, and the beach itself.</p>
[[Go on|Beach]]<<addhours 1>>
[[Ride a roller coaster|Pier coaster]]
[[Play some games|Pier games]]
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex;">
<<if $has.metjade is 1 && $jade.loc is "Pier">><script>jadetext = "Hang out with Jade"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_jade" onmouseover="hover(jadetext)">
[img["ressources/img/jade/face.png"][Pier Jade]]
<<if $powers.questmain gte 1 && $powers.loc is "Pier">><script>powerstext = "Come near Ms. Powers"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_powers" onmouseover="hover(powerstext)">
[img["ressources/img/powers/face.png"][Pier Powers]]
<<if $restaurant.barworked gte 1 && $carla.loc is "Pier">><script>carlatext = "Say hi to Carla"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_carla" onmouseover="hover(carlatext)">
[img["ressources/img/carla/face.png"][Pier Carla]]
<<if $tiffany.met is 1 && $tiffany.loc is "Pier">><script>tiffanytext = "Hang around with Tiffany"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_tiffany" onmouseover="hover(tiffanytext)">
[img["ressources/img/tiffany/face.png"][Pier Tiffany]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When a girl is here, you may hover your mouse over her to know more about her interaction</p>
<<Highlight "Coast">>
<div class="loc-nav">
<a data-passage="Beach" class="link-internal"><div @class="_beach1">[img["ressources/img/coast/beach.jpg"]]<div @class="_beach2"></div><p>Beach</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Beach">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Beach Nude" class="link-internal"><div @class="_beachnude1">[img["ressources/img/coast/beachnude.jpg"]]<div @class="_beachnude2"></div><p>Nude beach</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Nude beach">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Beach Bar" class="link-internal"><div @class="_beachbar1">[img["ressources/img/coast/beachbar.jpg"]]<div @class="_beachbar2"></div><p>The flaming tiki</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "The Flaming Tiki">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Pier" class="link-internal"><div @class="_pier1">[img["ressources/img/coast/pier.jpg"]]<div @class="_pier2"></div><p>Pier</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Pier">></div></div></a>
<div class="imglink"><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>[img["ressources/img/street/street_christmas.jpg"][Street]]<<else>>[img["ressources/img/street/street.jpg"][Street]]<</if>><div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div>
<</nobr>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You run into Jade at the beach and invite her to visit the nude section.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Sure Mr. $mc.eyes eyes. I’ve been looking for a good excuse to even out my tan<</speech>>
<p>The two of you head over and set up a towel to lay on. Then you each start stripping. Once nude you sit across from each other and talk. Jade fidgets with some water pistols she brought to the beach with her. She playfully points that at her pussy, giving you almost obnoxiously clear hints.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Someone seems to like my water guns<</speech>>
<p>Jade jokes as she notices your cock get hard. She winks at you as she gets up to her knees. You stand up and in second she grabs your cock and pulls it into her mouth, sucking on it hard until you cum all over her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/coast/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|Beach Nude Jade][$scene to 1]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/coast/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Go on|Beach Nude]]<<addhours 1>>
[[Go for a swim|Beach Nude swim]]
[[Get a tan|Beach Nude tan]]
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex;">
<<if $mom.questmain gte 8 && $ gte 15 && $mom.loc is "Nude beach">><script>momtext = "You see your Mom at the nude beach"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_mom" onmouseover="hover(momtext)">
[img["ressources/img/mom/face.png"][Beach Nude Mom][$scene to 0]]
<<if $sis.slave is 1 && $sis.loc is "Nude beach">><script>sistext = `Here's your slave ${}`</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_sasha" onmouseover="hover(sistext)">
[img["ressources/img/sasha/face.png"][Beach Nude Sis]]
<<if $aunt.questmain gte 3 && $ gte 15 && $aunt.loc is "Nude beach">><script>aunttext = "You spot your Aunt"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_aunt" onmouseover="hover(aunttext)">
[img["ressources/img/aunt/face.png"][Beach Nude Aunt]]
<<if $cousin.slave is 1 && $cousin.loc is "Nude beach">><script>cousintext = `Your slave ${} is wandering here`</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_cousin" onmouseover="hover(cousintext)">
[img["ressources/img/cousin/face.png"][Beach Nude Cousin]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex; margin-top: 60px;">
<<if $jade.questmain gte 3 && $ gte 15 && $jade.loc is "Nude beach">><script>jadetext = "Hang out with Jade in the nude beach"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_jade" onmouseover="hover(jadetext)">
[img["ressources/img/jade/face.png"][Beach Nude Jade][$scene to 0]]
<<if $lucy.questmain gte 3 && $ gte 15 && $lucy.loc is "Nude beach">><script>lucytext = "Go nude with Lucy"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_lucy" onmouseover="hover(lucytext)">
[img["ressources/img/lucy/face.png"][Beach Nude Lucy][$scene to 0]]
<<if $kate.questmain gte 3 && $ gte 15 && $kate.loc is "Nude beach">><script>katetext = "Invite Kate to the nude section"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_kate" onmouseover="hover(katetext)">
[img["ressources/img/kate/face.png"][Beach Nude Kate][$scene to 0]]
<<if $quest.alicebathroom gte 4 && $alice.loc is "Nude beach">><script>alicetext = "Alice is at the nude beach"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_alice" onmouseover="hover(alicetext)">
[img["ressources/img/alice/face.png"][Beach Nude Alice][$scene to 0]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex; margin-top: 60px;">
<<if $sato.questmain gte 6 && $sato.loc is "Nude beach">><script>satotext = "Here's your japanese teacher"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_sato" onmouseover="hover(satotext)">
[img["ressources/img/sato/face.png"][Beach Nude Sato]]
<<if $dean.questmain gte 5 && $dean.loc is "Nude beach">><script>deantext = "You spot your Dean"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_dean" onmouseover="hover(deantext)">
[img["ressources/img/dean/face.png"][Beach Nude Dean][$scene to 0]]
<<if $restaurant.worked gte 1 && $missy.loc is "Nude beach">><script>missytext = "Hang around with Missy"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_missy" onmouseover="hover(missytext)">
[img["ressources/img/missy/face.png"][Beach Nude Missy]]
</div><<elseif $restaurant.worked lt 1 && $missy.loc is "Nude beach">><script>missytext = "You should further advance in her quest first"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_missy" onmouseover="hover(missytext)">
<span style="filter: grayscale(100%);">[img["ressources/img/missy/face.png"]]</span>
<<if $carla.progress gte 5 && $carla.loc is "Nude beach">><script>carlatext = "Carla's at the nude beach"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_carla" onmouseover="hover(carlatext)">
[img["ressources/img/carla/face.png"][Beach Nude Carla][$scene to 0]]
</div><<elseif $carla.progress lt 5 && $carla.loc is "Nude beach">><script>carlatext = "You should further advance in her quest first"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_carla" onmouseover="hover(carlatext)">
<span style="filter: grayscale(100%);">[img["ressources/img/carla/face.png"]]</span>
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When a girl is here, you may hover your mouse over her to know more about her interaction</p>
<<if $ <= 8>>
<<linkreplace "Get a drink" t8n>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money</p>
[[Get a drink|Beach Bar drink][$ -= 8]]<</if>>
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex;">
<<if $restaurant.employee gte 1 && $abigail.loc is "The Flaming Tiki">><script>abigailtext = "Abigail's at the bar"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_abigail" onmouseover="hover(abigailtext)">
[img["ressources/img/abigail/face.png"][Beach Bar Abigail]]
<<if $erika.met is 1 && $erika.loc is "The Flaming Tiki">><script>erikatext = "You spot Erika at the bar"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_erika" onmouseover="hover(erikatext)">
[img["ressources/img/erika/face.png"][Beach Bar Erika]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When a girl is here, you may hover your mouse over her to know more about her interaction</p>
<<if $jade.slave is 1>>
<p>You are walking along the boardwalk when you notice Jade, your slave, heading towards you. She was clearly enjoying the pier on her own. But, the moment she notices you, she stops what she is doing and runs over to you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>$jade.title! I’m so glad you’re here!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you feel the same. And that now that you see her you would like to have a little bit of fun together.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Of course, $jade.title. What do you want me to do?<</speech>>
<p>You command her to strip down and walk the boards with you. She does so without hesitation. She even drops her clothes onto the ground without even caring about bringing them with her as you walk together. The sounds of laughs, wolf whistles, and comments are as impossible to ignore as the hot naked college girl walking along the pier is.</p>
<p>You walk the boards and notice Jade playing one of the games. She is struggling to break balloons using some darts. You walk up to her and say hello.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Dammit! Oh hey, $ This game is so frustrating. I want the white tiger doll so badly!<</speech>>
<p>You offer to help her win the animal. She seems skeptical you can, but she steps aside to let you try. You nail three straight balloons with darts, popping them all. Jade stands there in shock as the person running the game calls you out as a winner. You ask for the white tiger and immediately hand it off to Jade.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Thank you so much! I love it!<</speech>>
<p>The two of you walk through the pier together. She seems a bit fixated though, constantly hugging her new tiger doll as if she were scared to let go.</p>
[[Go on|Pier]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $jade.slave is 1>>
<p>You decide to grab a quick drink but a certain fuck toy of yours catches your eye. You take a seat by her as she drinks. She doesn’t notice you at first, ignoring people around her. But you make your presence known and her disposition changes instantly.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Oh! $jade.title! I’m sorry I didn’t realize it was you<</speech>>
<p>She reaches out and hugs you affectionately. You aren’t happy about her overstepping, but you can’t deny that its nice to have such a loving and devoted slave. So you let it slide. When she pulls her arms back off of you, you tell her that you want to have a little fun with her.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Yay! I love having fun with you $jade.title<</speech>>
<p>You give her a masquerade mask and tell her to put it on, and take everything else off before coming back to the bar. She grabs the mask from your hands excitedly and runs off to the bathroom. She comes back a few moments later as you demanded, nude besides the mask, giving everyone in the Cock and Bull quite a show.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Get the hell out of here you pervert!<</speech>>
<p>You and Jade laugh as you run out of the restaurant to escape Carla’s wrath.</p>
[[Leave|Street]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You join Jade for a drink at the bar. You order a $mc.favdrink and she orders a peach flavored vodka. You spend the better part of an hour talking and downing drink after drink. Each drink makes Jade act a little less inhibited. Touching your leg and getting close to you at random moments. Eventually a song comes on over the speakers that makes her visibly excited.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I LOOOOOVE this song! Come dance with me!<</speech>>
<p>You get up and follow her out to the center of the room to start dancing with Jade. She gets close and uses the dance as an excuse to show off her body more than anything else.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/coast/dance.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Leave|restaurant]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $ >= 25>>
<p>You head inside the Cock and Bull and walk right up to the bar. Carla is pouring drinks as usual so you get her attention and order a glass of lager. You spend a few hours drinking and chatting with Carla until you feel buzzed and ready to get some sleep. You pay for your drinks and head home.</p>
<<set $ -= 25>>
<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(22)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money to order a drink</p>
<</if>><<if $jade.loc is "Jade's home" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59')>>
[[Knock on the front door|jadehouse inside]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You knock on the front door, but nobody came.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<</if>><<if $jade.slave is 1>>
<p>You head to Jade’s home. You walk right in through the front door. You have no need to knock now that you have gotten a key from Jade since you enslaved her. You head towards Jade’s bedroom. The moment she see you she starts undressing. Just assuming you have come to fuck her. She strip and lays face down ass up for you.</p>
<p>You smack her ass hard as you approach her. But you aren’t here to fuck her this time. You are here just to hang out with her. You spend some time laying on her bed and watching some TV with her. Her never putting her clothes back on and your hands frequently finding their way to her tits for some light groping.</p>
<p>You knock on Jade’s front door. She answers and invites you in. The two of you hang out and watch some television together. But, you spend most of the time ignoring the show and talking instead.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I love these moments. School takes up so much time I don’t always have the time to really sit back and relax<</speech>>
[[Move forward|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59')>>
<<Highlight "Fitness Center">>
<div class="loc-nav">
<a data-passage="Fitness Center gym" class="link-internal"><div @class="_fitgym1">[img["ressources/img/fitness/gym.jpg"]]<div @class="_fitgym2"></div><p>Gym</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Fitness Center gym">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Fitness Center sauna" class="link-internal"><div @class="_fitsauna1">[img["ressources/img/fitness/sauna.jpg"]]<div @class="_fitsauna2"></div><p>Sauna</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Fitness Center sauna">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Fitness Center pool" class="link-internal"><div @class="_fitpool1">[img["ressources/img/fitness/pool.jpg"]]<div @class="_fitpool2"></div><p>Pool</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Fitness Center pool">></div></div></a>
<div class="imglink"><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>[img["ressources/img/street/street_christmas.jpg"][Street]]<<else>>[img["ressources/img/street/street.jpg"][Street]]<</if>><div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div>
<p class="hint">The Fitness Center is open from 7 to 22 hs</p>
<<QuestMarkers "Fitness Center gym">>
[[Lift some weights|Fitness Center gym weights]]
[[Check out some girls|Fitness Center gym girls]]
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex;">
<<if $mom.loc is "Fitness Center gym">><script>momtext = "Greet your Mom"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_mom" onmouseover="hover(momtext)">
[img["ressources/img/mom/face.png"][Fitness Center gym Mom]]
<<if $grandma.questmain gte 1 && $grandma.loc is "Fitness Center gym">><script>grandmatext = "Your grandma seems to be here"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_grandma" onmouseover="hover(grandmatext)">
[img["ressources/img/grandma/face.png"][Fitness Center gym Grandma]]
</div><<if _grandmamark is 1>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>>
<<if $has.metlucy is 1 && $lucy.loc is "Fitness Center gym">><script>lucytext = "Approach Lucy"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_lucy" onmouseover="hover(lucytext)">
[img["ressources/img/lucy/face.png"][Fitness Center gym Lucy]]
<<if $school.statusjap gte 1 && $sato.loc is "Fitness Center gym">><script>satotext = "Mrs. Sato seems to be sitting here"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_sato" onmouseover="hover(satotext)">
[img["ressources/img/sato/face.png"][Fitness Center gym Sato]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex; margin-top: 60px;">
<<if $dean.questmain gte 1 && $dean.loc is "Fitness Center gym">><script>deantext = "Your Dean is training"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_dean" onmouseover="hover(deantext)">
[img["ressources/img/dean/face.png"][Fitness Center gym Dean]]
<<if $restaurant.worked gte 1 && $missy.loc is "Fitness Center gym">><script>missytext = "Greet Missy"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_missy" onmouseover="hover(missytext)">
[img["ressources/img/missy/face.png"][Fitness Center gym Missy]]
<<if $restaurant.employee gte 1 && $abigail.loc is "Fitness Center gym">><script>abigailtext = "Get near Abigail"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_abigail" onmouseover="hover(abigailtext)">
[img["ressources/img/abigail/face.png"][Fitness Center gym Abigail]]
<<if $tammy.met is 1 && $tammy.loc is "Fitness Center gym">><script>tammytext = "Greet Tammy"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_tammy" onmouseover="hover(tammytext)">
[img["ressources/img/tammy/face.png"][Fitness Center gym Tammy]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex; margin-top: 60px;">
<<if $erika.met is 1 && $erika.loc is "Fitness Center gym">><script>erikatext = "Erika seems to be training"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_erika" onmouseover="hover(erikatext)">
[img["ressources/img/erika/face.png"][Fitness Center gym Erika]]
<<if $tiffany.met is 1 && $tiffany.loc is "Fitness Center gym">><script>tiffanytext = "Tiffany's at the gym"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_tiffany" onmouseover="hover(tiffanytext)">
[img["ressources/img/tiffany/face.png"][Fitness Center gym Tiffany]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When a girl is here, you may hover your mouse over her to know more about her interaction</p>
[[Leave|Fitness Center]]
[[Relax for a while|Fitness Center sauna relax]]
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex;">
<<if $sis.loc is "Fitness Center sauna">><script>sistext = "Meet with your Sis"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_sasha" onmouseover="hover(sistext)">
[img["ressources/img/sasha/face.png"][Fitness Center sauna Sis]]
<<if $has.metkate is 1 && $kate.loc is "Fitness Center sauna">><script>katetext = "Kate's here"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_kate" onmouseover="hover(katetext)">
[img["ressources/img/kate/face.png"][Fitness Center sauna Kate]]
<<if $dean.questmain gte 1 && $dean.loc is "Fitness Center sauna">><script>deantext = "Dean Graves is at the sauna"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_dean" onmouseover="hover(deantext)">
[img["ressources/img/dean/face.png"][Fitness Center sauna Dean]]
<<if $tammy.met is 1 && $tammy.loc is "Fitness Center sauna">><script>tammytext = "Tammy is relaxing at the sauna"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_tammy" onmouseover="hover(tammytext)">
[img["ressources/img/tammy/face.png"][Fitness Center sauna Tammy]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When a girl is here, you may hover your mouse over her to know more about her interaction</p>
[[Leave|Fitness Center]]
<<Highlight "Red Light district">>
<div class="loc-nav">
<a data-passage="The Smoke Stacked Lounge" class="link-internal"><div @class="_smokeshop1">[img["ressources/img/redlight/smokeshop.jpg"]]<div @class="_smokeshop2"></div><p>Smoke stacked lounge</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "The Smoke Stacked Lounge">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Strip club" class="link-internal"><div @class="_stripclub1">[img["ressources/img/redlight/stripclub.jpg"]]<div @class="_stripclub2"></div><p>Strip club</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Strip club">></div></div></a>
<div @class="_strangeshop1">[img["ressources/img/street/strangeshop2.jpg"][Strange shop]]<div @class="_strangeshop2"></div><p>Strange shop</p></div>
<div class="imglink"><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>[img["ressources/img/street/street_christmas.jpg"][Street]]<<else>>[img["ressources/img/street/street.jpg"][Street]]<</if>><div class="shadow"></div><p>Street</p></div>
[[Sit back and relax|The Smoke Stacked Lounge relax]]
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex;">
<<if $has.metlucy is 1 && $lucy.loc is "The Smoke Stacked Lounge">><script>lucytext = "Approach Lucy"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_lucy" onmouseover="hover(lucytext)">
[img["ressources/img/lucy/face.png"][The Smoke Stacked Lounge Lucy]]
<<if $powers.questmain gte 1 && $powers.loc is "The Smoke Stacked Lounge">><script>powerstext = "Your math teacher is here"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_powers" onmouseover="hover(powerstext)">
[img["ressources/img/powers/face.png"][The Smoke Stacked Lounge Powers]]
<<if $restaurant.employee gte 1 && $abigail.loc is "The Smoke Stacked Lounge">><script>abigailtext = "Abigail is here"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_abigail" onmouseover="hover(abigailtext)">
[img["ressources/img/abigail/face.png"][The Smoke Stacked Lounge Abigail]]
<<if $mikaela.met is 1 && $mikaela.loc is "The Smoke Stacked Lounge">><script>mikaelatext = "Seems like Mikaela's at the bar"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_mikaela" onmouseover="hover(mikaelatext)">
[img["ressources/img/mikaela/face.png"][The Smoke Stacked Lounge Mikaela]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When a girl is here, you may hover your mouse over her to know more about her interaction</p>
[[Leave|Red Light district]]
<<if $lucy.slave is 1>>
<p>Some days it seems like Lucy can’t stand being humiliated or exposed in public. And then there are other days like today. Days where you walk to the beach and see her walking through the wake, fully nude in the non nude section of the beach. You are surprised she hasn’t been fined. But you don’t really care. Watching her naked body is what you are actually focused on.</p>
<p>You give her ass a quick slap as you pass by her. She just smiles and keeps on walking, enjoying the feeling of being watched.</p>
[[Time goes by|Beach]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You walk up to Lucy as she is heading out of the water and back towards her spot on the beach. You greet one another. You have a hard time keeping your eyes of her bikini clad body.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>I love the ocean. There is so much we don’t know about it. That is still so much we can learn<</speech>>
<p>You lay on the towel beside her as she talks for a while about all of the mysterious things she like about the ocean.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>There are dozens of species of fish that will never see sunlight. As they live so deep in the ocean the light could never reach!<</speech>>
<p>Some of it scares you, but it is cute to watch her ramble on. And she clearly appreciates you listening.</p>
[[Time goes by|Coast]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Lucy is excited at the thought of heading to the nude beach with you. You both head over there together, practically running to keep up with her. Before you can even put the towel down for you to lay on she is already stripping.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lucy/coast/stripping.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Watch the show|Beach Nude Lucy][$scene to 1]]
<p>She runs into the water as you strip down. She lets the water hit her as she cools off in the cold sea. She walks back to you, the water making her body glisten as her perky tits bounce with each step, making your cock visibly hard as you lay on the towel waiting for her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lucy/coast/outofwater.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She walks over and sits with you, the two of you tanning and enjoying each others company and nude bodies as you relax together.</p>
[[Enjoy the sun|Coast]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $lucy.slave is 1>>
<p>Your trip to the gym starts off very differently from your usual workouts. Mostly because when you walk in you see three women all working out completely nude. By the way you are talking you are able to tell that Lucy was able to convince her friends to do some naked exercises with her. Her desire to be seen naked and be humiliated is spreading. You decide to show her friends exactly why she wanted to do this by grabbing Lucy and putting her on one of the machines in the perfect position to be able to fuck her silly. You pull your cock out and slide it right in, pounding away at her while her friends watch.</p>
[[Continue|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>Lucy is doing some yoga in the gym. She is wearing some tight Lycra clothes that are very form fitting on her. She stands on her mat and does pose after pose. You walk over and ask if it’s alright if you join her.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>If you’d like. I am pretty advanced, though. So please don’t hurt yourself trying anything too difficult that I do<</speech>>
<p>You assure her that you can handle yourself as you pull out a mat of your own. You do some poses together, enjoying your time talking a bit in between poses.</p>
[[Continue|Fitness Center gym]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $lucy.slave is 1>>
<p>As you enter the lounge you are not surprised to see Lucy there. It sometimes seems like this is her favorite spot to be at when she isn’t at school. She is relaxing with a hookah when you approach her. But she instantly perks up when she notices you.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Hello $lucy.title. It is wondrous to see you this evening<</speech>>
<p>You sit in front of her and tell her that you feel the same way. But, you add that you would prefer to see more of her. Without hesitation she lifts up her shirt to let her perky breasts fall free. She sits back with her shirt up as you talk. Barely able to ignore the talking and stares from others she is receiving.</p>
<video src="ressources/scene/lucy/lounge.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get going|Red Light district]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You walk up to Lucy who is enjoying herself in the hookah bar. She takes a long drag and sits back in her chair, soaking it in. She leans forward when she sees you. Waving at you as you approach.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Hello, $ Nice to see you. Care to join me?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you would love to. You sit across from her and take a big drag yourself. She chose a citrus flavored tobacco for her hookah. It is rather enjoyable. The two of you spend some time talking, and relaxing as you variably take puffs.</p>
[[Tasty|Red Light district]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $lucy.slave is 1>>
<p>You are having a quiet stroll in the park when you notice Lucy Sitting beside a tree reading a book. Even now as your slave she is still such a studious woman. But, since she is here, you decide that it would be fun to toy with her in the public space. No better way to humiliate a studious whore than to replace her book with your cock. You go up to her and greet her, standing above her and looking down with a lewd smile.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>It is nice to see you, $lucy.title. I hope your day has been pleasant. Especially considering how lovely it is out today<</speech>>
<p>You agree with her, looking up for a moment and enjoying the heat of the sun. Before looking back down and telling her to drop her book. She does as you command, looking at you curiously. You undo your pants and pull out your cock. You wave it in front of her, showing her what you want. She blushes a deep red before moving up from sitting to kneeling. She looks around, scared of being seen. But as you put your hand on the back of her head to guide her, your control over powers her fear. She opens up wide and starts to suck you off.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lucy/bdsm/blowjob_park.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You force her head down onto your cock, making her gag loudly. Loud enough that as you start fucking her throat and making the gagging louder and constant, people begin taking notice. Lucy squirms uncomfortably in your grasp. People watching, laughing, and a few even filming the two of you as you use her throat to your hearts content. Finishing by unloading your cum deep down her throat. You pull her off you and wipe her saliva off onto her face. You shove you cock back into your pants and leave, letting her sit there alone to face the embarrassment.</p>
<p>You pass by Lucy in the park. You both notice one another and start having a conversation. You only half focus though, as her outfit has you rather fixated.</p>
<p>The two of you walk together along the trail and enjoy the nice day. You stop by the hot dog truck and get some food. The girl running the truck giving you a sensual look as she gives you the hot dogs. You sit with Lucy and eat together.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>This has been lovely. I hope to do this again with you soon<</speech>>
[[Get going|Park]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $lucy.loc is "Lucy's home" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59')>>
[[Knock at the door|lucyhouse inside]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You knock at the door, but nobody came.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<</if>><<if $lucy.slave is 1>>
<p>You walk into Lucy’s house, using your key to unlock the door and step right inside. You head up to her bedroom and see her laying there reading. You chuckle, almost expecting to see her like that. You tell her to get up and strip down. As she does you set up one of your dungeon toys that you brought with you. You strap her in once she is nude. The machine makes her immobile with her chest out and arms and legs fastened in behind her body. Once the straps are nice and tight you move her and the contraption to the window where anyone on the street can see. You decide to leave her there for a little while, telling her that you will come back in a few hours once the whole town has gotten a good view.</p>
[[Get going|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You knock on Lucy’s door and wait for her to answer. She takes a while so you go to knock again but just as you do she opens the door. She isn’t even look at you, her face is in the book in her hands. You ask her if its a bad time and tell her you were hoping to hang out.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>No, its okay. Come in, you can help me study<</speech>>
<p>You follow her in and spend some time helping her study for school. Since you share a class you get some studying in as well. She is certainly a very smart woman. And you feel her smarts rubbing off onto you.</p>
[[Say goodbye|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You change into some swim trunks and head into the water for a swim. The water is brisk to say the least. It takes a minute to get used to how cold it is. But you progressively get deep in until your feet are no longer touching the sand below. You swim around for a bit. Thankfully the beach isn’t too crowded so there isn’t anyone to get in your way. When you are satisfied you head out of the water and return to your towel to dry off.</p>
[[Go on|Beach]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You lay out a blanket on the sand and take a seat. You rub some sun tan lotion into your skin and then lay back, soaking in the rays. After a while you flip over so your can even the tan out on your back as well. The warm air almost makes you doze off and fall asleep. But you just barely stay awake, mostly because of the many hot women walking around the beach today.</p>
<<set _path to "ressources/scenes/coast/beachrandom/" + random(1,12) + ".webp">>
<img @src="_path"/>
<p>When you are done you apply another layer of lotion then head out, having deepened your tan rather well.</p>
[[Go on|Beach]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You lay out a blanket on the sand and take a seat. You rub some sun tan lotion into your skin and then lay back, soaking in the rays. After a while you flip over so your can even the tan out on your back as well. The warm air almost makes you doze off and fall asleep. But you just barely stay awake, mostly because of the many hot women walking around the beach today.</p>
<<set _path to "ressources/scenes/coast/beachnuderandom/" + random(1,12) + ".webp">>
<img @src="_path"/>
<p>When you are done you apply another layer of lotion then head out, having deepened your tan rather well.</p>
[[Go on|Beach Nude]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You change into some swim trunks and head into the water for a swim. The water is brisk to say the least. It takes a minute to get used to how cold it is. But you progressively get deep in until your feet are no longer touching the sand below. You swim around for a bit. Thankfully the beach isn’t too crowded so there isn’t anyone to get in your way. When you are satisfied you head out of the water and return to your towel to dry off.</p>
[[Go on|Beach Nude]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $ gte 5>>
<p class="got">You bought a roller coaster ticket for $5</p><<set $ -= 5>>
<p>You get in line for the roller coaster. The line is long, especially for the front car. But you patiently wait. The line moves along slowly but steadily. And eventually you get your turn. You hop in, get strapped in tight, and listen to the barely audible man over the loud speaker before the ride kicks off. Like most roller coasters, it is fast and short. But, loads of fun.</p>
<<set _path to "ressources/scenes/coast/coasterrandom/" + random(1,6) + ".webp">>
<img @src="_path"/>
[[Woo hoo!|Pier]]<<addhours 1>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money. Each ticket costs $5</p>
[[Maybe next time|Pier]]
<</if>><<if $ gte 5>>
<p class="got">You bought a fair ticket for $5</p><<set $ -= 5>>
<p>You head up to one of the games booths. The water shooting game. You line up and take position by the gun, aiming for the unreasonably small target. Once a few more competitors show up the guy running the game signals for it to start. You hit the target dead on pretty quickly. It is a close race but you narrowly win. Getting your pick of the prizes. Winning only one game only gets you so much to choose from, so you get a small plush tiger that you figure your Mother might enjoy.</p>
<<set _path to "ressources/scenes/coast/gamesrandom/" + random(1,6) + ".webp">>
<img @src="_path"/>
[[It's better than nothing|Pier]]<<addhours 1>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money. Each ticket costs $5</p>
[[Maybe next time|Pier]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/coast/barmaid/serve.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>The barmaid serves you a drink.</p>
<<if $ >= 15>>
[[Ask her to show you her tits|Beach Bar sex][$stage to 1]]
[[Ask her to flash her ass|Beach Bar sex][$stage to 2]]
[[Make her touch your dick|Beach Bar sex][$stage to 3]]
[[Make her suck your dick|Beach Bar sex][$stage to 4]]
[[Bang her|Beach Bar sex][$stage to 5; $scene to 0]]
<<linkreplace "Give a tip">>
<p>She smiles and flashes her breasts at you.</p>
<<set $ -= 4>>
<<set $ += 1>> <p class="got">She is a bit more interested in you</p>
<<elseif $ >= 10>>
[[Ask her to show you her tits|Beach Bar sex][$stage to 1]]
[[Ask her to flash her ass|Beach Bar sex][$stage to 2]]
[[Make her touch your dick|Beach Bar sex][$stage to 3]]
[[Make her suck your dick|Beach Bar sex][$stage to 4]]
<<linkreplace "Give a tip">>
<p>She smiles and flashes her breasts at you.</p>
<<set $ -= 4>>
<<set $ += 1>> <p class="got">She is a bit more interested in you</p>
<<elseif $ >= 5>>
[[Ask her to show you her tits|Beach Bar sex][$stage to 1]]
[[Ask her to flash her ass|Beach Bar sex][$stage to 2]]
<<linkreplace "Give a tip">>
<p>She thanks you shyly.</p>
<<set $ -= 4>>
<<set $ += 1>> <p class="got">She is a bit more interested in you</p>
<<linkreplace "Give a tip">>
<p>She thanks you shyly.</p>
<<set $ -= 4>>
<<set $ += 1>> <p class="got">She is a bit more interested in you</p>
<<addmins 10>>
[[Go back|Coast]]
<<if $stage is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/coast/barmaid/flashtits.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/coast/barmaid/flashass.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/coast/barmaid/handjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/coast/barmaid/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/coast/barmaid/undress.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Stick your cock in her mouth|Beach Bar sex][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/coast/barmaid/blowjob2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her|Beach Bar sex][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/coast/barmaid/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Harder|Beach Bar sex][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/coast/barmaid/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Turn her around|Beach Bar sex][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/coast/barmaid/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her pussy|Beach Bar sex][$scene to 5]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/coast/barmaid/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<addmins 10>>
<p>You spend a good hour lifting weights. You do some squats first, surprising yourself without how much you manage to lift. You move on to some calf raises and leg presses. When you are all finished up you feel sore but definitely feel like you have grown just a bit stronger.</p>
[[You feel the strength|Fitness Center gym]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You spend some time walking on the treadmill. You go at a slow pace, choosing to spend your time checking out the many hot women throughout the gym instead of focusing on your workout. The tight yoga pants and boy shorts, the sports bras that barely contain some of the girl’s tits. It is a very pleasant sight. You even have to struggle to stop yourself from getting hard at the sight.</p>
<<set _path to "ressources/scenes/fitness/gymrandom/" + random(1,16) + ".webp">>
<img @src="_path"/>
[[Go on|Fitness Center gym]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You undress in the locker room and put a towel around your waist. You head into the sauna and take a seat close to the coals. The steam feels nice, penetrating your skin and opening up your pores. You sit back against the warm, wet wood. Letting all of the stress be extruded from your body. You are much more relaxed and focused when you are all finished.</p>
[[Time to keep going|Fitness Center]]<<addmins 20>>
<p>You find a nice leather chair by a hookah and take a seat. You set up the hookah, filling it with water and your tobacco of choice. You then, lean back taking one of the hookah’s pipes and take a deep slow drag. You exhale the smoke slowly, enjoying the momentary cathartic release as the quiet moment of relaxation washes over you. The lounge has a very laid back and almost hippie ambiance to it. Making for a very comforting time for you.</p>
[[Let's get going|The Smoke Stacked Lounge]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $kate.loc is "Kate's home" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59')>>
[[Knock at the door|katehouse inside]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You knock at the door, but nobody came.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<</if>><<if $kate.slave is 1>><<set $kate.loc to "Restrained">><<set $kate.loc1 to "Restrained">><<set $kate.loc2 to "Restrained">><<set $kate.loc3 to "Restrained">><<set $kate.loc4 to "Restrained">><<set $kate.loc5 to "Restrained">><<set $kate.loc6 to "Restrained">><<set $kate.loc7 to "Restrained">>
<p>You walk into Kate’s home and see her relaxing at her dining room table. She is drinking a cup of coffee, sitting nude and scrolling through her phone. You take a seat beside her, drawing her attention to you.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Hey, $kate.title! I was thinking of going for a swim, would you like to race today?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you have something else in mind for your slave today. She looks at you interested. You get up and search through her house for a bit, finding a long length of rope, much to your delight. You go to Kate and strip her down. You begin tying her up to her dining room chair, restraining her for the fun of it.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>So are you trying to see how long I can last like this? Because I bet I can go longer than you think!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that she is wrong. And that the reason she is tied up is on its way. Just then there is a ring of the door bell. You answer Kate’s door to reveal no fewer than half a dozen men who walk into her house, clearly ready to go. You tell them to have fun, and leave them to it. Her day will no doubt be filled up by those men, and maybe even into tomorrow.</p>
<p>You knock on Kate’s door and wait for her to answer. She takes an oddly long time to to open the door. And when she does, you are surprised to see her standing at the door in a very revealing nightie.</p>
<p>You ask her if you were interrupting anything. Letting her know you just came by to hang out.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh no, you’re fine! I was just relaxing and watching some porn. Come on in I’d love to hang out<</speech>>
<p>She smiles playfully. You follow her inside. She leads you to her living room and the two of you take a seat beside each other. She turns her TV on and you flip through some channels until you agree on something to watch. You have fun together mocking an old movie, pointing out the stupid logic of the characters. You sneak glances at Kate’s barely covered body the whole time.</p>
[[Time to leave|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $kate.slave is 1>>
<p>Kate has certainly raised the bar with her slutty activities since you collared her. The cops rarely mind if you are nude on the main section of the beach rather than the nude section, as long as you aren’t flaunting it in people’s faces. But that is an unspoken agreement that Kate clearly doesn’t seem to care about right now as she is standing on the sands fully nude. She is stretching and moving her body in a way that flaunts it for everyone to see for mile. You enjoy how slutty she is acting now from a distance, not wanting to get in trouble with her if she gets too much attention.</p>
<p>Kate is just finishing up a game of volleyball as you approach her. Her team easily beat their opponents so she is gleefully gloating. She shakes her ass, almost twerking to tease the boys that she beat. Knowing her, she probably bet them some sort of sexual favor if they won.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Hey Mr. Big Cock! You wanna play too? I might not try as hard against you if you wanna make some sort of bet<</speech>>
<p>She winks at you before heading onto the sandy court. You play volleyball with her for a bit. She is shockingly good. You don’t even stand a chance. It is a good thing you chose not to bet against her.</p>
[[Time passes by|Beach]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You invite Kate to the nude section of the beach and she happily agrees. She seems so excited that her top is off before you even reach that section. You stand between her and the other people on the beach so she doesn’t get you both kicked out before you get into the nude section.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>What are you waiting for <<if $kate.slave is 1>>$kate.title<<else>>Mr. Big Cock<</if>>, whip it out and make everyone else feel bad about themselves<</speech>>
<p>You laugh as you undress, letting your cock hang free in the air. It isn’t exposed long though, as Kate drops to the sand, takes your cock and starts sucking you off like a high powered vacuum.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/kate/coast/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her face|Beach Nude Kate][$scene to 1]]
<p>You fuck her throat as she sucks you off. Her talented tongue flicking along your shaft. Her tight throat massaging your cock until you are ready to cum. You pull out and unload all over her face, much to her enjoyment.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/kate/coast/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get going|Beach Nude]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $kate.slave is 1>>
<p>You pass by one of the massage rooms in the fitness center and notice a familiar ass. Kate is laying naked, face down on the massage table. You walk in and slap her ass, grabbing it and sinking your fingers into her plush cheeks.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh you’re a frisky masseuse<</speech>>
<p>She turns up and is even more excited to see that its you grabbing her ass rather than her masseuse.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>$kate.title! It’s you! I’m here to serve<</speech>>
<p>She speaks so cheekily, but you take the invitation at face value. You strip down and shove your cock into her ass, pounding away at her for a while till you flood her ass with you cum. Giving her masseuse an interesting sight when he finally makes it into the room.</p>
<p>As you head to the sauna from the locker room you notice Kate is about to get a massage. She is laying, almost completely nude, face down on a massage table. Her masseuse accidentally left the door open so you go in. You announce your presences and say hello to her.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh hey Mr. Big Cock. Enjoying the view?<</speech>>
<p>She shakes her ass a bit to show off. You watch, and tell her that you are enjoying it very much. You go up and take a handful of her ass, gripping it tightly and kneading it.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>That’s enough for now. That feels nice but I’m paying someone else to do it. I wanna get my money’s worth<</speech>>
<p>You say goodbye and head off to get the steam bath you sought out to begin with.</p>
[[Leave|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $kate.slave is 1>>
<p>You head to the bar to grab a drink. You take a seat and ask the bartender Carla to pour you something. She makes you a $mc.favdrink pretty quickly. You take a sip and notice something out of the corner of your eye. Kate is coming out of the bathroom area. But she has certainly made adventurous choices with her wardrobe. Specifically in the fact that her tits are out, and that she clearly has some fun in the bathroom based on the amount of cum on her face.</p>
<p>She passes by you and winks. You give your slutty slave’s ass a good slap as she passes by. Telling her she is a good girl. She sits by you and you both enjoy talking over a drink. She clearly enjoys the odd looks she is getting over how she looks as well.</p>
[[Get going|Mall]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You walk up to the bar by Kate and order your favorite drink, a $mc.favdrink. You tell the bartender Carla to give Kate a refill as well. Carla pours Kate a daiquiri. You clink glasses with her before taking a drink. You compliment her on her outfit, something she is very clearly happy to hear.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>You know you don’t have to get me drunk to have fun, right Mr. Big Cock?<</speech>>
<p>The two of you talk and joke around for a little while until your drinks are empty. Kate sees some friends and heads off to drink with them. So even if you wanted to make a move, seems like the opportunity has passed. You get one more drink and head away from the bar.</p>
[[Go away|restaurant]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You walk along the beach towards Alice as she lays face down on her towel. As you approach Alice notices you and pushes herself up onto her elbows. You come and sit by her, enjoying looking at her in her small bikini as you greet her.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>What’s up, $ You here to chill at the beach? Don’t get to comfy, I’ll probably be in and out of the water constantly. Might be in and out of my top too. Depending on how the day goes<</speech>>
<p>You chill out and talk with her, following her into the water the many times she wants to go out there. Her top never comes off, but you enjoy your time with her none the less.</p>
[[Go away|Beach]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Alice is standing on the beach and looking like she is a bit anxious. Almost as if she is searching for someone or something. You walk up to her and wave getting her attention. You were looking to ask her to head over to the nude beach with you. But she doesn’t even let you speak, cutting you off before you even finish a single word.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>You, FINALLY! I’ve been looking for someone to fool around with all day. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find good dick sometimes?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that your good dick is available whenever she needs it. And before you even finish your sentence she is dragging you along to the nude section of the beach. She yanks her clothes off, not even caring where they land. She pushes you to the ground and pulls your hardening cock out. She swings one leg over your body, showing you her sculpted ass as she slowly lowers he pussy onto your cock. She straddles and rides you, finally getting the release she has been clearly aching for all day.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/coast/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|Beach Nude Alice][$scene to 1]]
<p>As you approach your orgasm you stand up and shove your cock into her mouth. Making her suck you off as you start to cum. You hold her head still as you unload into her mouth, filling it and feeling her swallow each rope as if blasts inside.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/coast/cumswallow.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She pops up and gives you a wink before strutting back out to the regular section of the beach. You lay down and take a minute to recover before heading out yourself.</p>
[[Leave|Beach Nude]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You walk up to the bar and order a $mc.favdrink. You immediately turn to Alice who is already hammered and dancing around in her skimpy club dress. She is clearly pregaming for a night of clubbing and drinking. But she seems like she has pregamed to much and is now just drunk. But, when she looks at you, she is still hot as ever.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>$! Wanna go fuck in the bathroom?<</speech>>
<p>You definitely want to answer yes to that question. But considering how much she is slurring her words you suggest that you just hang out and talk.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Alright, offer stands though<</speech>>
<p>The two of you chat for a while before she sees some friends and ditches you, likely to keep drinking until she passes out.</p>
[[Continue|restaurant]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>Alice is standing by a park bench when you walk up to her. She has one foot up on the bench and Is fixing the strap on her shoe. She is wearing platform heels. Obviously an odd choice for a shoe to walk in the park with. So after you greet her, you ask why she chose to wear those when she came to the park.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>I prefer to walk in heels. The longer I walk in them, the easier it becomes. This way I can spend a whole weekend in heels and feel almost no pain<</speech>>
<p>You feel like it would be hard to actually toughen your feet up to fee no pain like she describes. But you don’t wear heels at all so who are you to question her? You join Alice on her walk, letting her know that you’d like to spend one of those weekends with her sometime.</p>
[[Go away|Park]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $mom.slave is 0>>
<p>Your Mother is lying back and tanning on the beach. She stands up to greet you as you approach her. Her small black bikini gives you plenty of cleavage to stare at. Not that she seems to mind. She probably chose that bikini for that very reason.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hey sweety! The weather is so beautiful today! Come lounge with me!<</speech>>
<p>You agree and lie down in the sand beside her. The two of you relax and talk about life for a bit. The warm sun feels nice on your skin. And your Mother’s bikini clad body is amazing to look at.</p>
<p>Your slave Mother is spending some of her free time at the beach. As per your rules, she is wearing some of the most revealing swimwear she owns. Which happens to be a white woven one piece swim suit. One that does almost nothing to hide her voluptuous body underneath.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hello, $mom.title. May I serve you?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her to relax for now. You simply want her to rub you down with lotion while you tan. You lays down on her towel and she sensually pours sun tan lotion onto your chest. She massages your body as she rubs it into your skin. Her strong soft hands relaxing you greatly.</p>
[[Get going|Beach]]<<addhours 1>><<if $mom.slave is 0>>
<p>You approach your Mother from behind, and grab her by the waist. She yelps in surprise before turning around and looking at you with relief on her face. She hugs you, showing you how happy she is too see you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hey sweety! What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you were passing by and noticed her hanging out. You say that you also noticed that the nude beach was just a short walk away. You reach around and place your hand on her ass, squeezing it firmly. Showing her exactly what you are implying. She smiles seductively at you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh okay, let’s go!<</speech>>
<p>You walk together to the nude section of the beach and the moment you are there she strips down. She yanks your shorts down, taking your cock into her mouth and sucking on it hard. She pushes her head down onto your cock as best she can, deep throating your length.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/mom/coast/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Your cock pulses as your orgasm builds. When it is time you pull your cock out of your Mother’s throat as start to cum. You fire your load all over her face, groaning loudly as you coat her heavily.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/mom/coast/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you are finished she lays back, enjoying the feeling of your jizz on her face. You get dressed and head out, letting her know that you will see her back at home.</p>
<p>You go to find your slave Mother at the beach. The moment you see her you walk up to her and pull her tits out of her bikini. She gasps and smiles at you seductively. She caresses your chest, looking at you with a lustful look in her eyes.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Are you going to use me, $mom.title?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you will. You point to the nude section of the beach, and smack her ass hard to lead her on. You take your slave to the nude beach and strip down while you watch her get nude for you. You bend her over, pressing her face down and pulling her ass up as you slide your huge cock into her ass. You start off slow but quickly build into a powerful thrusting pace.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/mom/coast/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Your slave cums several times over while you fuck her. When you finally get close to cumming, you pull up and drag her face close to your cock. You stroke to finish yourself off, blasting her face with your thick cum.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/mom/coast/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You toss your slave back down onto the sand and get dressed. You tell her to be ready to get used more before you get home. She nods emphatically. Clearly excited at the prospect of being used again today.</p>
[[Go on|Beach Nude]]<<addhours 1>><<if $mom.slave is 0>>
<p>Your Mother is getting ready to get her workout started when you walk up to her. She is stretching to make herself loose. And stretching her matching red yoga pants and sports bra against her huge assets in the process. Something that you enjoy just standing and watching for a moment before she stands, turns to you and greets you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Sweety? What are you starting at? Are you zoning out?<</speech>>
<p>You shake your head and apologize for staring. You lie and say that you were waiting for her to finish and you got lost in your thoughts. You ask her if she could use a work out partner today.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Sure! I’m doing squats so I could use a spotter<</speech>>
<p>You spend some time working out with your Mother. But your workout isn’t really that effective since your are spending more time paying attention to her than your reps.</p>
<p>You are always happy to see that your slave Mother follows your minimum clothing rule whenever possible. As you approach her doing some yoga in the gym today she is wearing no shirt, and a pair of yoga pants that covers only her legs. And considering how thin they are stretched out, they don’t really cover her legs much either.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hello, $mom.title. I’m working to keep my body fit for you. Are you here to use me?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are just here to watch and enjoy the view. You command her to give you a show. She smiles gleefully. She lays on her side and pulls up the groin of her yoga pants, exposing her pussy to you as she continues her stretches.</p>
<p>You watch to your hearts content. Your slave is very flexible. That is something you will make sure to keep in mind in the future. When you are satisfied you say goodbye and leave.</p>
[[Let's keep going|Fitness Center gym]]<<addhours 1>><<if $sis.slave is 0>>
<p>You grab a towel, wrapping it around your waist as you follow $ into the sauna. You walk up and sit beside her, shocking her a bit as you sit down. She leans back and goes back to soaking in the steam beside you after she realizes it is you who sat next to her. She has a towel covering herself completely. Much to your disappointment.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>What are you doing here, $ Can’t I relax in peace every now and then?<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle lightly. You tell her that you are her big brother, and that you will always be around to harass her in some way or another. She groans at hearing you say that, which only makes you laugh even harder.</p>
<p>You see your slave Sister about to head into the sauna and stop her. You wrap your fingers around her neck gently. She looks up at you, your eyes locking. Her face is filled with both fear and arousal. You tell her that she needs to take her towel off for you now and present herself while you relax in the sauna. She meekly nods. Once you let go of her throat she drops her towel as quickly as she possibly can. She kneels down and spreads her pussy for your viewing pleasure.</p>
<p>Others come in and leave the sauna, seeing your sister degrading herself for your amusement. When you have had your fill you get up and leave, giving your slave a playful little slap on the cheek on your way out.</p>
[[Leave|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>><<if $sis.slave is 0>>
<p>$ is lounging in the park. You walk up to have a chat with her. She pops up and sits on her knees as you approach. Sitting down across from her the two of you spend some time just talking and enjoying each others company.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>This is nice, just relaxing and talking like this. Much better than doing shitty school work<</speech>>
<p>You laugh, resisting the temptation to make some comment to try and remind her just how important those things are. Instead you just enjoy the moment. $ is right, it is nice to just relax now and then.</p>
<p>You slave $ is doing some yoga in the park today. You are happy to see your fuck toy Sister keeping herself in good shape for you. You decide that you’d like to see just how good of shape she is in. You walk up to her, and without saying a word, roughly tear her clothes off of her. You take the shredded clothes and walk them over to a nearby trash can, throwing them away.</p>
<p>You walk back to her and tell her to continue her yoga. She is clearly embarrassed to be nude in the park like this. But seeing you enjoying yourself tells her that she has little choice. Which alleviates some of her anxiety as she stretches and shows herself off for you.</p>
[[Leave|Park]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You see $ hanging out at the beach with one of her friends from school. You remember that her name is Amelia. You walk up to them to say hi. The two of them are giggling and talking as you approach, cutting their conversation short just as you approach.</p>
<p>You ask them what they were talking about before you showed up.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Don’t worry about it, $ Come on let’s play some volleyball<</speech>>
<p>You want to object. But, volleyball actually sounds fun right now. You walk with them to the net and play a bit, not really keeping score since you don’t have even teams to play with. But considering how bad they are, you are pretty sure you won.</p>
[[Get going|Beach]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>Your slave, $ is lounging on the beach. You afford your sex slaves some small freedoms. So long as they bow to your every whim when called upon. And seeing $ now in her bikini, is making you have several whims that you intend to call on her for. You walk up and tell her to follow you. You don’t say why, you know you don’t have to. She follows as instructed as you lead her to the nude section of the beach. Once there you tell her to take her bikini off. She does so quickly, eager to fulfill your desires.</p>
<p>You take her bikini top, and bottoms. You give her a slave on her bare ass, then leave to let her figure her own way home while fully nude. You laugh a bit to yourself as you leave, looking forward to playing with her at home.</p>
[[Get going|Beach Nude]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $cousin.slave is 0>>
<p>The moment $ sees you walking towards her, she sprints across the sand to you. When she reaches you she wraps both arms around your neck and hugs you tightly. Clearly excited to see you, she holds you tight for way too long of a hug. She pulls back and stands proudly in her pink bikini, posing for you.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Like, don’t you love my new bikini? It’s so cute and revealing. But, I can go skimpier if you want<</speech>>
<p>She teases you playfully. Or actually, it probably isn’t a tease knowing her. But you tell her that you love the swimsuit, and you suggest you put it to use. The two of you head down to the water and swim together for a bit, enjoying one another’s company.</p>
<p>You see that there seems to be a mild commotion at the beach today. You look over to see what is the cause and it is pretty readily obvious what the source is. Your slave $ is strutting along the sand of the beach fully nude. She takes her role as your slave a little too seriously sometimes. You run up to her to make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Trouble? Like, why would I get in trouble $cousin.title? I’m just hanging out at the beach<</speech>>
<p>You point out that it is usually frowned upon to be nude in public. She laughs boisterously as you start leading her to the nude section of the beach.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Harm is done. Might as well make the most of it, $cousin.title<</speech>>
<p>You enjoy the sight for a bit but start getting inpatient. You steal a nearby towel and wrap it around her. You scold her, telling her that you are the one in charge. She looks at you meekly, not quite understanding what she did wrong. But you explain that if she is arrested you can’t really have fun with her. She nods her head in understanding and leaves the beach on your command.</p>
[[Continue|Beach]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You see $ walking through the wake on the beach. You walk up behind her and wrap your arm around her shoulders. She smiles excitedly at seeing you. She wraps her arms around your torso and hugs you as you walk together. She closes her eyes and walks with you, as you lead her along towards the nude section of the beach without her knowledge. Once you are in a good spot in the nude beach you stop her and tell her to strip for you.</p>
<<speech "Bella" $>>Yes, $cousin.title. Like, whatever you want<</speech>>
<p>She kneels down and strips for you, showing off her huge tits and tight pussy. She poses for your viewing pleasure, showing off every inch of her naked body for you in every way she can imagine.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/coast/strip.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get going|Beach Nude]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
[[Put her in the fuck machine|cousindungeon][$stage to 2]]
[[Pin her down and fuck her hard|cousindungeon][$stage to 3]]
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<p>You call down your slave, $, and strap her in to so restraints. You then grab a fuck machine and line the dildo attached to it up with her pussy. You turn it on, making it fuck her at greater and greater speeds and she screams and cums. You choke and slap her to your hearts content, using her like the desperate fuck doll that she is.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/basement/machine.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video><<addhours 1>>
<p>The moment your slave cousin descends the steps you grab her and put her on her back. You pin her down onto the cushion of a footrest and spread her legs wide. You pull your cock out from your shorts and shove it inside her. She gets so wet just by being around you that you hardly ever need to think about lubrication. You ram your cock deep into her pussy, no holds barred. The tip of your cock punching her cervix like it was Mike Tyson’s fist. Each thrust having enough power to even move both of you and the foot rest you are on in the process.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/cousin/basement/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video><<addhours 1>>
<p>Your Aunt $ is hanging out at the beach. You go up to say hi to her, and to check out her body in her very form fitting bikini. She looks over he shoulder at you when you get her attention. The way she is keeping her round ass in your view can only be taken as deliberate, so you take the opportunity to look that she gives you.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>Well, $ are you going to gawk or are you going to help me put on lotion?<</speech>>
<p>As always she is demanding something of you. Although you can’t really say you mind the chance to rub her body down. So you do just that, and you take your sweet time doing it too.</p>
[[Continue|Beach]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You head to the nude section of the beach, having seen your Aunt $ head over there ahead of you. You are very pleased to see her lounging in the water, soaking up the sun on her naked form. The moment she sees you she positions herself in a way to give you a very good view of her gorgeous body.</p>
<p>You head into the water and climb up onto her float. You pull your shorts off and let your hard cock spring free. You make it very clear what you hope to gain from spending time with her today.</p>
<<speech "Marie" $>>You’re lucky you do so much around the house<</speech>>
<p>She slides off the float and pulls your cock into her mouth. Bobbing her head up and down, sucking your shaft like a vacuum.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/coast/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When you get close to your climax you get off the float and stand up in the water. She kneels down in front of you, demanding as ever, telling you to cum on her face and tits. You oblige her, firing your load all over her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/aunt/coast/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You go and grab your shorts, leaving her to clean herself up before heading out.</p>
[[Continue|Beach Nude]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '17:00', '23:59') && $mikaela.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $startup.workScore gt $mikaela.workScore>><<set $mikaela.questmain to 2>>
<p>This time of day, the strip club is always starting to get more rowdy. As people funnel in to watch the dancers, some times it can end up looking more like a dance club than a strip club. You walk around and enjoy the view of the dancers. You are hoping to find one you like to get a private dance tonight. You fail to find anyone worth noting at first. Until an unusually large and shapely ass catches your eye. As you get closer, the woman it is attached to becomes more and more familiar. Until you reach her and realize that it is Mikaela who is currently dancing on the pole and showing off her illustriously massive ass.</p>
<p>You take a seat and enjoy the show with a crooked smile on your face. The woman who more or less threatened your company not long ago, is here dancing and showing off her body to the public. During her dance she notices you. Which makes her eyes grow wide with shock and fear. She keeps dancing though, clearly holding her tongue and trying to ignore the fact that you are there. In time her dance ends and she ends up walking the floor, looking to bring people into the VIP room for a private dance. You walk up to her and flash a large amount of cash. An amount large enough that she can’t rightly ignore. She is wordless, looking at you with disdain as she leads you into the VIP room. Once inside she closes the curtain behind you and you take a seat. She stands in front of you, clearly expecting you to say something, but you just silently wait for her to dance with a smug smile on your face.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Well are you going to say something or are you just going to smile at me like a perverted simpleton?<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle to yourself before replying to her. You say that you are here for a dance after all. So watching her with a smile is kind of the point of it all. You continue, saying that if she wants to talk she can explain why she is working at a strip club when you pay her and her husband so much to begin with.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Not that it is any of your business. I do this for the sake of a safety net. You can never be too careful. And I need to have money saved up that Javier doesn’t know about. Just in case<</speech>>
<p>Your smile grows. You tell her that if that is the case, you have to assume that this job is a secret she is keeping from her husband. The look of fear returns to her eyes.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Don’t tell me you’re going to blackmail me now. How cliché could you get?<</speech>>
<p>You shake your head telling her that you aren’t going to blackmail her. You explain that you are fine keeping things from her husband. The more you keep from him, the more you have to use against him should the need come up. You add that if she really needs side money, you always have good ideas for things that you would be willing to pay her for.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Oh you actually want to pay for this dance? How generous of you. And here I thought you were going to just talk to me and use this for leverage<</speech>>
<p>You reply that you couldn’t care less about the dance. You pull out a healthy stack of bills and place it on the couch beside you. Telling her that she can have the full stack if she wraps her tits around your cock. She scoffs annoyed. But doesn’t day no. She looks around for a moment, then back at you.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Fine! But if I hear word that this left this room, I will kick you in the balls so hard you’ll be vomiting your ejaculation<</speech>>
[[Get the VIP treatment|mikaelamainquest1][$scene to 0; $[1] to 1]]
[[Watch around for a while|Strip club watch]]
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex;">
<<if $powers.questmain gte 3 && $powers.loc is "Strip club">><script>powerstext = "Is that your math teacher?"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_powers" onmouseover="hover(powerstext)">
[img["ressources/img/powers/face.png"][Strip club Powers]]
</div><<elseif $powers.questmain lt 3 && $powers.loc is "Strip club">><script>powerstext = "You should further advance in her quest first"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_powers" onmouseover="hover(powerstext)">
<span style="filter: grayscale(100%);">[img["ressources/img/powers/face.png"]]</span>
<<if $restaurant.employee gte 1 && $abigail.loc is "Strip club">><script>abigailtext = "There's a crowd around..."</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_abigail" onmouseover="hover(abigailtext)">
[img["ressources/img/abigail/face.png"][Strip club Abigail]]
</div><<elseif $restaurant.employee lt 1 && $abigail.loc is "Strip club">><script>abigailtext = "You should further advance in her quest first"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_abigail" onmouseover="hover(abigailtext)">
<span style="filter: grayscale(100%);">[img["ressources/img/abigail/face.png"]]</span>
<<if $mikaela.met is 1 && $mikaela.loc is "Strip club">><script>mikaelatext = "Mikaela is working right now"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_mikaela" onmouseover="hover(mikaelatext)">
[img["ressources/img/mikaela/face.png"][Strip club Mikaela]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When a girl is here, you may hover your mouse over her to know more about her interaction</p>
[[Leave|Red Light district]]
<p>You get yourself comfortable in a couch and have a good look at the gals around you.</p>
<<set _path to "ressources/scenes/redlight/stripclubrandom/" + random(1,50) + ".webp">>
<img @src="_path"/>
<p>Time flies as your boner becomes more and more noticeable.</p>
[[Stay a little bit longer|Strip club watch]]
[[Go out|Red Light district]]<<addmins 20>>
<p>Dean graves is strutting along the sand of the beach. Her shiny silver bikini is a flashy choice. Especially for someone so naturally voluptuous. She hardly needs any reason for more eyes to be on her. Chances are they would all be on her either way. You head up to her and greet her, struggling to stare at her assets yourself as you speak.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Hello, $ can I help you?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you just wanted to say hi. You follow that up by suggesting that you walk with her along the beach. She agrees. Not shying away from eyeing you up while you walk, even when you refrain from ogling her in return.</p>
[[Go on|Beach]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $dean.route is "sub">>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You see Dean Graves walk over to the nude beach and you hastily follow her in there. The moment you enter you see her nude form and nearly burst out of your pants as you enjoy the view. Her huge tans breasts heaving with every breath. You strip down and run up to her to say hi, and hope for much more.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>You’re so cute, $ running up to me like a puppy dog. Alright get on your back, you’re lucky I’m in the mood<</speech>>
<p>You do as she commands, dropping to your back almost dangerously quickly. Your cock is rock hard already pointing up and being the perfect pole to slowly lower her ass down on. Her round cheeks and tight hole swallow your cock completely as she bounces on you. Until you cum like a maniac.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/dean/coast/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|Beach Nude Dean][$scene to 1]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/dean/coast/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Leave|Beach Nude]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Tabitha is enjoying herself at the beach today. You decide to enjoy yourself as well. You walk up to her and with nothing more that a gesture, you get her attention and lead her towards the nude beach. She is yours, so she knows when to listen and when to follow. You command her to strip, and she readily does, dropping to her knees as she gets fully nude for your viewing pleasure.</p>
<p>You get nude and tackle her onto her side. You aim your cock for her ass and slide it in. You spank her ass and pound her ass as she look over her shoulder and deeply into your eyes. Her own eyes filled with lust and pleasure. You pound away until your are ready to cum. And you pull out and coat her face heavily.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/dean/coast/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her face|Beach Nude Dean][$scene to 1]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/dean/coast/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Leave|Beach Nude]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You get changed in the locker room and head towards the steam room. One inside you see a familiar ass pointing up from a table in the center of the room. You approach and realize that it is Dean Graves. You politely greet her. She pushes herself up from the table, giving you a good look at her tits as well before replying.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>$, good to see you. By the tent in your towel in looks like it is good to see me as well<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle lightly, telling her that you are always happy to see her. Especially so much of her. She gives you a wink before laying back down on the table.</p>
[[Get going|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You enter the gym, ready to start your workout when your attention is immediately drawn to a woman doing some exercises on a large exercise ball. Dean Graves is stretching and bouncing on the ball in ways that nearly get you hard when you imagine that you are the ball instead. Her tight gray work out clothes don’t help the situation either.</p>
<p>You go up and say hi, but leave her to her workouts. Dean Graves doesn’t seem the like the kind of woman that would want to be distracted too much while she works out. And you can tell by the smile she gives you when she leaves that she appreciates it.</p>
[[Go away|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $dean.loc is "Dean's house" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59')>><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>><<set _stage to 0>><<else>><<set _stage to 1>><</if>>
[[Ring the doorbell|deanhouse inside][$stage to _stage; $scene to 0]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You ring the doorbell, but nobody came. Maybe Dean Graves is resting or in another place.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<</if>><<if $stage is 0>>
[[Just spend time with her|deanhouse inside][$stage to 1]]
[[Give her a Christmas present|deanhouse inside][$stage to 2]]
[[Go back|deanhouse]]
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<p>You knock on Dean Graves’ front door and wait for her to answer. She greets you and invites your inside. You however, barely pay attention to anything beyond the amazing dress she is wearing. It hugs her curves perfectly and might as well be a topless dress with how much cleavage it shows.</p>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>My eyes are up here, $ But good to know my dress works as intended<</speech>>
<p>You spend some time with her, sharing a cup of coffee and talking. Although talking is hardly a way to explain what you were doing. Which was staring at the holes in her dress at the large tits almost bursting out. She seems like she has somewhere to be soon though. So once your cup is empty she ushers you out onto the street once more.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $christmas.gifted.dean is 0>>
<<set _giftsArray to Object.keys($>>
<<set _totalGifts to 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _giftsArray.length; _i++>>
<<if $[_giftsArray[_i]] is 1>>
<<switch _giftsArray[_i]>>
<<case "shoes">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Dean" data-setter="$gift to 'shoes'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "makeup">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Dean" data-setter="$gift to 'makeup'" class="link-internal">Give her the make up</a><br>
<<case "dildo">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Dean" data-setter="$gift to 'dildo'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "wine">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Dean" data-setter="$gift to 'wine'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "boots">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Dean" data-setter="$gift to 'boots'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "puzzle">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Dean" data-setter="$gift to 'puzzle'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Dean" data-setter="$gift to 'punching'" class="link-internal">Give her the punching bag</a><br>
<<set _totalGifts += 1>><</if>>
<<if _totalGifts is 0>><p class="hint">You don't have any gift to give right now. You may buy something to Mrs. Claus at the Mall</p><</if>>
<p class="hint">You already gave your Dean a gift this Christmas</p>
[[Go back|deanhouse]]
<p>Mrs. Sato is walking along the sand as you walk up to her. She seems surprised to see you, but happy as well. You greet one another and you talk for a little while as you walk with her along the beach. Her floral bikini is very cute, and you tell her as much.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Cute huh? Is that why you pay attention in class? Just trying to make a move on me?<</speech>>
<p>She asks with a giggle, clearly joking. You laugh with her, not giving away that she is partially right in her joke.</p>
[[Go away|Beach]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You find Akira on the beach and talk with her for a bit. You decide to invite her to the nude section, since her bikini has you pretty riled up at the moment. Her tits and ass on display getting you going rather easily like they always do. She giddily agrees. You walk over and you both strip. Seeing her without the bikini only doubles how aroused her body makes you. And the hard on you are sporting is a testament to that. In moments she is on her hands and knees and your cock is in her pussy, thrusting hard.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/sato/coast/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Leave|Beach Nude]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You head into the locker room and get changed. When you head out, you can’t help but stare at the round ass in the white leotard sitting on the bench. You recognize the shape immediately as belonging to Mrs. Sato. Although you never even bother to look up from the round cheeks as you approach her.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Oh are you waiting for the bench, $ Or are you just fine staring the whole time?<</speech>>
<p>You shake your head apologizing for staring. She gets up and pats you on the but, winking as she walks off. You take the bench and work out, watching her do squats while you do.</p>
[[Go on|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1 && $sato.loc is "Mrs. Sato's home" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59') && $christmas.gifted.sato is 0>>
[[Ring the doorbell|satohouse inside][$step to 0; $scene to 0]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<<elseif $sato.questmain gte 7 && $sato.loc is "Mrs. Sato's home" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59')>>
[[Ring the doorbell|satohouse inside][$stage to 2; $scene to 0]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<<elseif $sato.questmain gte 7 && $sato.loc isnot "Mrs. Sato's home" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59')>>
[[Ring the doorbell|satohouse inside][$stage to 3]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<<elseif $sato.loc is "Mrs. Sato's home" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59')>>
[[Ring the doorbell|satohouse inside][$stage to 1]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You ring the doorbell, but nobody came.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<</if>><<set $step to 1>><<if $step is 0>>
[[Just spend time with her|satohouse inside][$step to 1; $stage to 2]]
[[Give her a Christmas present|satohouse inside][$step to 2]]
[[Go back|satohouse]]
<<elseif $step is 1>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<p>You knock on Mrs. Sato’s front door. She answers it pretty soon after. She seems surprised but pleased to see you. By the look of her outfit, with her fishnet stockings and short skirt, you can guess that she was expecting her wife to come around. But, you’re here instead. She seems somewhat happy about that though.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>So what brings you here?<</speech>>
<p>You stumble for a moment. You realize that you didn’t think of a good reason to visit her before hand, so you lie and just say that you wanted to practice your Japanese. She looks at you have happy and half disappointed.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Is that all? Well, I guess I should be happy to have a student who finally gives a damn<</speech>>
<p>The two of you practice a bit, and you actually do get a little better at speaking the language.</p>
<<grades>><<addhours 1>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<if $scene is 1>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/sato/home/eatingpussy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/sato/home/eatingass.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/sato/home/blowjob.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/sato/home/doggysuki.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/sato/home/doggysato.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/sato/home/cowgirlsuki.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 7>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/sato/home/reversecowgirlsato.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 8>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/sato/home/cowgirlsato.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<elseif $scene is 9>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/sato/home/facial.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Unable to control your lust, you start eating her pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/sato/home/eatingpussy.mp4" width="1200" height="600" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Eat her pussy|satohouse inside][$scene to 1]]
[[Eat her ass|satohouse inside][$scene to 2]]
[[Blowjob|satohouse inside][$scene to 3]]
[[Fuck Suki|satohouse inside][$scene to 4]]
[[Fuck Sato|satohouse inside][$scene to 5]]
[[Cowgirl with Suki|satohouse inside][$scene to 6]]
[[Reverse Cowgirl with Sato|satohouse inside][$scene to 7]]
[[Cowgirl with Sato|satohouse inside][$scene to 8]]
[[Facial|satohouse inside][$scene to 9]]<<addmins 10>>
<p>You knock on the front door of Akira’s home. But rather than Akira, her wife Suki opens up to greet you. Her shirt is slightly unbuttoned, letting you have a good look inside her shirt. Something that draws her attention rather quickly. You stare for a moment before asking her if Akira is around.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Nope. Wish she was here myself. I’ll let her know you stopped by though<</speech>>
<p>You thank her and turn around, heading back out to the street.</p><<addhours 1>>
[[Leave|Residential district][$scene to 0]]
<<if $christmas.gifted.sato is 0>>
<<set _giftsArray to Object.keys($>>
<<set _totalGifts to 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _giftsArray.length; _i++>>
<<if $[_giftsArray[_i]] is 1>>
<<switch _giftsArray[_i]>>
<<case "shoes">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Sato" data-setter="$gift to 'shoes'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "makeup">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Sato" data-setter="$gift to 'makeup'" class="link-internal">Give her the make up</a><br>
<<case "dildo">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Sato" data-setter="$gift to 'dildo'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "wine">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Sato" data-setter="$gift to 'wine'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "boots">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Sato" data-setter="$gift to 'boots'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "puzzle">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Sato" data-setter="$gift to 'puzzle'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Sato" data-setter="$gift to 'punching'" class="link-internal">Give her the punching bag</a><br>
<<set _totalGifts += 1>><</if>>
<<if _totalGifts is 0>><p class="hint">You don't have any gift to give right now. You may buy something to Mrs. Claus at the Mall</p><</if>>
<p class="hint">You already gave Mrs. Sato a gift this Christmas</p>
[[Go back|satohouse]]
<<if $teacher.loc is "Ms. Lee's home" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59')>>
[[Knock at the door|leehouse inside]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You knock at the door, but nobody came.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>Ms. Lee answers the door soon after you knock. As the door swings open you are momentarily taken aback by the surprisingly elegant dress she is wearing. It looks like she is set to go to some sort of gala tonight. But the fact that she is wearing no stockings or shoes, hints to you that Ms. Lee tends to just dress like this at home.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Can I help you, $<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you stopped by to see if she would like to spend the evening with you. She smirks a bit, clearly finding the thought flattering. But there is also a hint of condescension in her look that tells you she finds that idea more cute than serious.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>That is very sweet. Perhaps some other time<</speech>>
<p>You are disappointed to leave. You infer that she sees her home as more intimate than she believes you can ever be with her. Although she appears to be flattered none the less.</p>
[[Get out|Residential district]]<<addmins 15>>
<<if $stage is 1>>
<p>There is a farmer’s market going on in the park today. You stroll through and check out what is for sale. You don’t find any fruits or vegetables that peak your interest. But the sight of a certain teacher in a flowy blue dress definitely does. You approach Ms. Lee as she is looking at some bananas.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Hello, $, I’m surprised to see you here. Don’t you think you should be studying your chemistry notes and not staring at me while I shop?<</speech>>
<p>You stumble over your words for a second before composing yourself and snapping back by saying that you are doing just fine with your studies. And you then ask if he she should really be grading papers and not looking for over priced organic fruit. She raises an eyebrow, clearly impressed that you had a comeback for her.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>I guess we both could be more productive<</speech>>
[[Continue|Park]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The moment you enter the park you notice your teacher Ms. Lee doing some Tai Chi. She is doing it with some girl you don’t recognize. You decide to sit back and watch for a bit as her body stretches out her yoga pants and sports bra rather tightly with each movement.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lee/park/taichi.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her right here|Park Lee][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>When the girl she is with walk away, you run up to Ms. Lee and grope her ass playfully. She spins around in surprise but is relieved when she sees you. You wordlessly coerce her to find a secluded spot in the bushes with you. She takes some convincing but before long your pants are off and your hard cock is balls deep in her pussy. She bounces on you hard, making you cum in no time. You pull out and unload all over her face, groaning a bit too loud as you do.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lee/park/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|Park Lee][$scene to 2]]<<addmins 30>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lee/park/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get going|Park]]<<addmins 30>>
<<QuestMarkers "Fitness Center pool">>
[[Hang out at the pool|Fitness Center pool watch]]
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex;">
<<if $grandma.questmain gte 1 && $grandma.loc is "Fitness Center pool">><script>grandmatext = "Greet your grandma"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_grandma" onmouseover="hover(grandmatext)">
[img["ressources/img/grandma/face.png"][Fitness Center pool Grandma]]
</div><<if _grandmamark is 1>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>>
<<if $school.statuschem gte 1 && $teacher.loc is "Fitness Center pool">><script>teachertext = "Ms. Lee is at the pool"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_teacher" onmouseover="hover(teachertext)">
[img["ressources/img/teacher/face.png"][Fitness Center pool Lee]]
<<if $powers.questmain gte 1 && $powers.loc is "Fitness Center pool">><script>powerstext = "You spot your math teacher here"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_powers" onmouseover="hover(powerstext)">
[img["ressources/img/powers/face.png"][Fitness Center pool Powers]]
<<if $restaurant.worked gte 1 && $missy.loc is "Fitness Center pool">><script>missytext = "Get near Missy"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_missy" onmouseover="hover(missytext)">
[img["ressources/img/missy/face.png"][Fitness Center pool Missy][$scene to 0]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex; margin-top: 60px;">
<<if $restaurant.barworked gte 1 && $carla.loc is "Fitness Center pool">><script>carlatext = "Carla's here"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_carla" onmouseover="hover(carlatext)">
[img["ressources/img/carla/face.png"][Fitness Center pool Carla]]
<<if $restaurant.employee gte 1 && $abigail.loc is "Fitness Center pool">><script>abigailtext = "Abigail is at the pool"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_abigail" onmouseover="hover(abigailtext)">
[img["ressources/img/abigail/face.png"][Fitness Center pool Abigail]]
<<if $mikaela.met is 1 && $mikaela.loc is "Fitness Center pool">><script>mikaelatext = "Approach Mikaela"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_mikaela" onmouseover="hover(mikaelatext)">
[img["ressources/img/mikaela/face.png"][Fitness Center pool Mikaela]]
</div><<if _mikaelamark is 1>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>>
<<if $tiffany.met is 1 && $tiffany.loc is "Fitness Center pool">><script>tiffanytext = "You see Tiffany at the pool"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_tiffany" onmouseover="hover(tiffanytext)">
[img["ressources/img/tiffany/face.png"][Fitness Center pool Tiffany]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When a girl is here, you may hover your mouse over her to know more about her interaction</p>
[[Leave|Fitness Center]]
<p>You head into the pool area having changed into your swim trunks. You notice your teacher, Ms. Lee hanging out there. She is standing on a towel she has sprawled out on the side of the pool. Her red bikini hugging her curves perfectly. She looks over her shoulder at you as you approach.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Lee">>Are you here to swim or to stare at bikini clad women, $<</speech>>
<p>She asks teasingly as she struts into the water. She sways her hips as she walks, knowing good and well what she is doing to you and any other onlookers.</p>
[[Get going|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You get yourself comfortable in a couch and have a good look at the gals around you.</p>
<<set _path to "ressources/scenes/fitness/poolrandom/" + random(1,32) + ".webp">>
<img @src="_path"/>
<p>You start getting more and more aroused with each girl that enters the pool.</p>
[[Get going|Fitness Center pool]]<<addmins 20>>
<<if $powers.loc is "Ms. Powers's home" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59')>>
[[Knock at the door|powershouse inside]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You knock at the door, but nobody came.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You go to Ms. Powers’ home and knock on the front door. After some time she answers, clearly shocked to see you. You greet her and step in, not bothering to wait for any sort of invitation. She gives you a rather indignant look.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Pardon me, but I do not think I invited you in<</speech>>
<p>You smile at her and tell her that you are both alone. And remind her that she doesn’t need to keep up the act.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Ya never know whose listening. Any fucker could be round the corner and hear me<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you understand and that you just came to hang out. She seems unsure at first. But, the two of you head to her kitchen and share a drink, talking and bonding over the course of an hour.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You see Ms. Powers walking along the pier and you run up to join her. Because you are in public she acts like the posh know it all, just like how she acts in class. It grates on you. But, you know her well enough that you can handle the front to get closer to what’s underneath. And based on what she is wearing, you can tell that there is plenty underneath.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>I absolutely adore the games here. Mostly because I’m so great at them. They are all simple mathematics. Take the ring toss for example. They design the games to be almost unwinnable. But with the right math and skill behind you, they are as simple as algebra<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle to yourself at her obvious flamboyant boasting. But, once she starts to actually play, she proves herself right. Three games, four rings per game, and all twelve rings land on the neck of a bottle. You can’t help but be impressed as you hold her massive stuffed prize for the rest of the time you spend together.</p>
[[Go along|Coast]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You enter the Smoke Stacked Lounge. As you make your way through the main hall of the lounge you notice your teacher Ms. Powers taking a long slow drag from a cigar as she sits in a large comfortable looking chair. She perks up a bit when she sees you. You approach and grab a cigar from the box of them she has laid out in front of her.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Why hello, $ Please help yourself<</speech>>
<p>She says with a slight hint of condescension in her voice as you smoke one of her cigars without asking. You smile and promise you’ll pay her back for it, and that you were just looking for an excuse to hang out with her. She blushes at your comment. They two of you chat while you smoke, leaving once you flick the last bit of ash.</p>
[[Time flies|The Smoke Stacked Lounge]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>While at the pool you see Ms. Powers hanging out on the edge. Her American flag bikini drawing a lot of attention. You decide to fool around when you walk up to her. You stand straight, place your right hand over your chest, and begin to jokingly say the pledge of allegiance. Pledging to her bikini. She sits up on her knees and giggles a bit.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Please stop you absolute fool<</speech>>
<p>You both laugh as you stop. You coax her into the pool and swim together for a while. You splash each other back and forth, greatly enjoying each others company.</p>
[[Continue|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>While walking through and enjoying the sights of the many huge tits and round asses bouncing around as the strippers dance, a familiar face catches our attention. Ms. Powers is sitting in a booth alone having a drink and watching the stage. You walk up to her and greet her.</p>
<<speech "Ms. Powers">>Y'all just keep finding me when I don’t wanna be found<</speech>>
<p>She speaks with her true accent, knowing no one else can hear her over the loud music. The two of you talk and drink a bit. You then see an unused stripper pole in a secluded part of the club. You suggest to her that she is probably a good dancer, and convince her to show you. She is a bit tipsy so she is pretty happy to walking over and grinding on the pole, for your viewing pleasure.</p>
[[Unexpected|Strip club]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $teacher.questmain is 2>><<set $teacher.questmain to 3>>
<p>You sit down to do your homework for chemistry as usual. But as you are reading through the assignment, you realize that it is absolutely impossible. You read it through over and over again, just in case you are missing something. But no matter what you do, the formula cannot be solved as it is written. You should talk to her during your next free period.</p>
<<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>Ms. Lee gave you some homework to make sure you understand the differences between acidic and alkaline substances. It seems pretty easy to understand. Although remembering the ph of many of the example substances will be the hard part when the test comes.</p>
<p>Your Chemistry homework this week is rather simple. You just need to fill out a periodic table with as many of the elements and their atomic weighs as you can. The minimum required for a passing grade is 25. And you make it to 40 before you even start counting them.</p>
[[Return|Library][$homework.donechem to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You sit at your desk to do this week’s economics homework. Having to write a paper about that advantages and disadvantages of both communism and capitalism, is sure to start some arguments. But you are certain that all your Mom would have to do to make them forget all about that is lean forward and show off her cleavage.</p>
<p>You have to write a paper about supply side economics for class. It it due by next class so you have to word hard to get it done. It is only a five hundred word paper though. So you have no problem getting it done quickly.</p>
[[Return|Library][$homework.doneecon to 1]]<<addhours 1>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You sit down to do your Japanese homework for the week. Writing down the Hiragana, and Katakana over and over again to demonstrate that you know how they are written, as well as how they are pronounced. It is tedious work but it really helps!</p>
<p>It is time to get your homework done for your Japanese class. You have to write a full introduction of yourself in Japanese. It is hard, but after an hour you are happy with it. Although you probably embellished some of your accomplishments a bit.</p>
[[Return|Library][$homework.donejap to 1]]<<addhours 1>><<set _ran to random(1,2)>>
<<if _ran is 1>>
<p>You pull out your homework for your math class and get to work. The work is difficult, but thankfully, Ms. Powers thinks so little of her students that her questions are phrased in a way that help you get the answer easier.</p>
<p>You sit at your desk and toil away at your math homework. You probably won’t be able to impress Ms. Powers much by doing well on her homework. She writes it in such a simplified way that a fourth grader could probably understand it. That being said quadratic equations aren’t exactly simple.</p>
[[Return|Library][$homework.donemath to 1]]<<addhours 1>><<if $missy.loc is "Missy's house" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59')>>
[[Knock on the door|missyhouse inside]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You knock on the door, but nobody came.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<</if>><<if $missy.slave is 1>>
<p>Now that Missy is your butt slut slave, you have open access to her home. You don’t even bother knocking anymore when you visit. You just head right in. When you close the door you call out to Missy, announcing your presence and asking her where she is at the moment.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>I’m in the bath, $missy.title!<</speech>>
<p>Hearing that you run along towards the sound of her voice. Her bathroom door is open and when you walk inside you enter to see a wonderful sight. Her huge ass just partially sticking out of the water. Soapy suds clinging to it and her body. Every motion of hers makes the water shift drastically.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Hand me a towel, $missy.title?<</speech>>
<p>You barely register her words, and almost mindlessly grab her towel to give it to her as she carefully exits the bath. You mind just focuses on her bare wet ass the entire time you are at her home.</p>
[[Get out|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You knock on Missy’s front door. You hear her yell out that she is on her way to answer it, so you stand there and wait patiently. When she finally arrives and pulls open the door to her apartment you are shocked and delighted to see her standing nude before you.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Hey, $, what’s up?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her you came over to see if she wanted to hang out. You explain that you had some free time and was hoping she had some as well.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Sure, come on in! I’m just watching a movie<</speech>>
<p>You follow her in, watching her ass sway and clap as she walks ahead of you. She leads you into the living room. You both sit on the couch together and watch a movie, talking here and there to comment on whats happening. You struggle to focus much though, for obvious reasons. When the movie is over you tell her you had a great time and head out, hiding your erection as you walk.</p>
[[Get out|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $missy.slave is 1>>
<p>As you are walking along the side of the pool you see a familiar ass bouncing with each step in front of you. Missy and her bodacious booty have apparently decided to take a trip to the pool today. You walk up behind her and give her huge ass a playful slap. She turns around suddenly shocked. But, her expression quickly cools when she sees that it was you who spanked her.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Don’t scare me like that, $missy.title! I don’t let just anyone touch my ass ya know<</speech>>
<p>You tease your butt slut that you let just about everyone see it though. And tell her that she should be showing it off right now. Since it is too big and nice to keep in her bikini bottoms. She giggles and agrees, bending over and sliding her bottoms off. She grabs her plush cheeks and bounces them with her hands for your viewing pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scene/missy/slave_pool.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Go on|Fitness Center pool]]<<addhours 1>>
<<elseif $missy.progress gte 3>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Missy is hanging out by the pool. She is laying on her stomach with her ass in the air. A beautiful sight to see. You walk up and sit down by her. After greeting one another you decide to let her know just how beautiful the sight is. Not just by telling her, but also by reaching out and grabbing hold of her butt cheek, shaking it playfully and watching it jiggle.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Don’t think I’m gonna let you have all the fun, $<</speech>>
<p>She reaches over and pulls down your shorts to let your growing cock flow free. She pulls it into her mouth and starts sucking powerfully. She bobs her head into your groin, not even caring about possible on lookers as she gags on your cock. Her skillful blowjob brings you to your limit. You unload all over her face, coating her in your jizz. Thankfully, no one saw the two of you having your fun.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/fitness/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Spray your jizz all over her face|Fitness Center pool Missy][$scene to 1]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/fitness/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Leave|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You see a bikini clad monster of an ass that could only belong to one girl that you know, Missy. You walk up to her and greet her, doing your best to look her in the eye as you talk and not gawk at her ass the whole time. And her very small swimsuit is not helping you in that regard.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Go ahead and look. I like being stared at. That’s why I wear bikinis that show off my ass, silly<</speech>>
<p>You smile a bit nervously. Part of you feels like this is a trap. But frankly, you could not care less as your eye go straight down to her large, round, bare cheeks. She shakes her head and pushes you playfully. She jumps into the water and you jump in after her, swimming with her for a little while.</p>
[[Leave|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $missy.slave is 1>>
<p>You start walking towards the nude beach when you see Missy headed there as well. She looks jittery, as if she can’t wait to get her clothes off and enjoy the sun. You run over to her and grab one of your butt slut’s plush ass cheeks. You tell her you are going to join her in the nude beach as you walk with her, never letting your hand move from her ass.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Well lets hurry up then, $missy.title! I’m sick of these damn clothes!<</speech>>
<p>You run with her to the nude section, and yank her pants down the moment you get there. You pull your cock out and slide it into her ass and start fucking her hard, where just about anyone could see you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scene/missy/slave_nude_beach.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Go away|Coast]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You head to the nude section of the beach, having seen a familiar face walk in there ahead of you. Missy is in the middle of stripping off her bikini when you walk up to her. She gives you a please sultry look, as if she enjoys the fact that someone she knows is seeing her strip down.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>You gonna strip down too? This is a nude beach after all<</speech>>
<p>She tries to look sexy as she drops her bikini thong down, but she ends up tripping over it as she steps out of the fabric. She catches herself from falling, but you still can’t help but chuckle at her clumsiness. She pouts a bit and punches your shoulder for laughing as you strip down as well. The two of you hang out in the nude and talk for a while. Although you don’t retain much from the conversation besides the fact that Missy is hot.</p>
[[Go away|Coast]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $missy.slave is 1>>
<p>You decide to get a late night work out in. You head in and out of the locker room rather quickly thanks to it being so empty at this time of night. You head back out and look around, kind of shocked at how there doesn’t seem to really be anyone else hear. Until you hear an exercise ball being moved towards the back of the main floor. You look over and notice something odd about the person on the ball. She is almost fully nude! You walk over to her and as you get closer, things start to make sense. It is Missy working out. You greet your butt slut slave as you approach her, remarking at how nice it is to see her showing so much skin in public.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Its great isn’t it! That’s why I come her so late now. No one around to tell me I can’t have my fat ass out while I work out<</speech>>
[[Leave|Fitness Center gym]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You walk out of the locker room and are greeted by Missy’s fat ass straining her pink shorts. She is bent over a bench, doing some curls with a pair of suspiciously light looking dumbbells. Each movement seems to stretch her shorts even tighter. The fact that they are still together is a testament to the brand that made them.</p>
<p>You walk over and greet her. The two of you talk as you work out too. You ask her about the weight of the dumbbells, saying that she looks like she can lift a whole lot more than that.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Oh I’m not here to workout. I’m here because I enjoy having all the guys in here stare at me<</speech>>
[[Leave|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $missy.slave is 1>>
<p>As you are strolling in the park, a fun idea comes to mind. You give Your butt slut Missy a call and tell her to meet you at the park to have a little fun. She obviously needs no convincing. She arrives in front of you in as short of a time as she could have possibly done. She is dressed rather conservatively for her. Clearly trying to wear something to cover up the lingerie you can see hints of from her outfit.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>What’s the plan $missy.title? Gonna pound my ass in the bushes?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that she needs to strip into her underwear. And that she will be the one having more fun today. You tell her to take a stroll through the park wearing as little as she can. You promise to bail her out if she gets arrested. She giggles and agrees stripping down in front of you and the whole park until just her skimpy lingerie is left.</p>
<p>You give her ass a slap and send her on her way, enjoying the free feeling she is experiencing, and the way her bare ass jiggles as she starts her walk.</p>
[[Get going|Park]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You are walking along a trail in the park when you notice Missy pass by you on her bike. You call out her name and she stops in her tracks. She looks over her shoulder at you, leaning forward a bit and accentuating her ass as she steps off the bike to speak with you.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Hey, $ Out on a walk? You should get a bike. I hear its great for your glutes<</speech>>
<p>You strongly consider getting a bike now. Considering What Missy heard, and the obvious results she has gotten you can’t really argue the effectiveness of it. You talk with her for a while before you both continue on your way.</p>
[[Get going|Park]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $carla.loc is "Carla's house" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59')>>
[[Ring the doorbell|carlahouse inside]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You ring the doorbell, but nobody came.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<</if>><<if $carla.slave is 1>>
<p>You arrive at your slave’s home and walk right in through the front door. Just as you like to see the moment she hears you enter Carla sprints downstairs, almost fully nude to greet you.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Yo $carla.title! Come in! Get a drink! Slap my ass! Do whatever!<</speech>>
<p>You smile and take her up on all of those offers. Not in that particular order though as you bring your hand down hard on her bare ass as you pass her. You walk to her kitchen and raid her liquor cabinet, pouring you both something to drink together as you spend some time talking and toying wither your slaves nude body.</p>
<p>You knock on Carla’s front door and before you even finish knocking you hear the sound of an oddly annoyed sounding Carla scream back out at you.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Who the fuck is it?<</speech>>
<p>You yell back, letting her know that it is you at the door. She doesn’t respond, so you sit there and wait. You assume she is coming to open the door. It takes her some time, and you wonder if she just ignored you. But eventually, she does open the door and let you in.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>What are you fucking doing here, $<</speech>>
<p>You tell her you wanted to hang out with her outside of work. She smiles at you, looking like she hardly believes that you are telling the truth. She shrugs and tell you to come on in. The two of you play some games together and share a drink. After the game you say good bye and head back out.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $carla.slave is 1>>
<p>You are walking along the pier and notice one of your scantily clad slaves walking along the boards. Wearing nothing but a bikini with fishnets, Carla is looking like a ready to fuck cum slut. Just like you want from all of your slaves.</p>
<p>You approach her and command her to crawl behind you like your pet while you continue to walk along the pier and enjoy the games. She doesn’t even question it. Dropping to her hands and knees and freely risking the splinters and she follows you like a lock sick puppy dog.</p>
<p>You are walking along the pier when you look down at the boards and see a familiar face in the space between them. You walk down to get underneath the pier and see that you were right. Carla is hanging out under the boards smoking a joint. She sees you and stares at you as you approach.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Fuck you doing here? Better not fucking rat me out for this shit<</speech>>
<p>You ease her worries, saying you won’t say a word. You ask her if she wants some company while she smokes. She shrugs and sits down, leaning against one of the large wooden support beams. You sit down and lean on it as well, beside her. The two of you talk and chill for a little while until her joint is all done.</p>
[[Continue|Coast]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $carla.slave is 1>>
<p>You head over to the section of the pool where you notice a familiar face. Carla, your slave, is sitting on the edge of the pool wearing something that really plays to the dynamic you two now have. Her swimwear looks more akin to that of an Arabian slave than anything that would be practical for swimming. But you do not complain at all because the submissive look in her eyes and the great view of her naked body more than make up for it.</p>
<p>You hang out with Carla for a while. Playing with her tits whenever you get bored with the water. Once you are satisfied, you give her a rough slap to her face, just to give her a taste of the pain she loves so much. Before you head back out of the pool.</p>
<p>You see Carla hanging out by the pool. You walk up to her and can’t help but notice her very unorthodox bikini. It looks almost like black leather, and even has a frilled skirt on it. You approach with a smile and ask her about it. Half because you are curious. And half because you are staring at it so much that you want an excuse to keep looking.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>I like it. What you have a fucking problem with it, or something? Keep it to yourself dickhead<</speech>>
<p>You recoil, assuring her that you like the bikini a lot. She looks at you skeptically for a moment. But, her look quickly softens.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Well are you just gonna fucking stare or are we gonna swim?<</speech>>
<p>The two of you hop into the water and swim together for a while. Although you don’t really stop staring, as her bikini is certainly eye catching.</p>
[[Go away|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk into the nude beach and see Carla laying nude on a towel. You smile mischievously as you yank your shorts off. And jog over to her towel. The moment she sees you and your hard cock she pops up from her towel and pulls your cock into her mouth. You hold her head still and fuck her throat deeply, with your balls swinging and hitting her chin.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/coast/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[She rides you|Beach Nude Carla][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You lay down and she slide on top of you, riding your cock with an insane amount of fervor and skill. Before long you are both cumming. You pull out, stand up and coat her tits in your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/coast/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her breasts|Beach Nude Carla][$scene to 2]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/coast/cumtits.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Leave|Beach Nude]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>As you enter the strip club you notice that it seems like a rave is going on right now. There is boisterous EDM music playing and there is a full on light show happening from the ceiling. You walk through the crowd and notice a familiar face. Abigail is part of the party. She is wearing a very skimpy bikini and is shaking her ass to the music. You take a seat with a good view and enjoy the show.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/abigail/redlight/musicvideo.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Go on|Strip club]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>Abigail is hanging out by the pool. As you approach you notice she is wearing an extremely flamboyant silver sequin bikini. It is eye catching in more ways than one, considering just how much tits and ass is contained inside of it. Her bright and big eyes are a saving grace as they help you keep your focus on her face rather than her tits as you walk up to her.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>$, nice to see you. There is actually some new fliers at the bar that I need you to remember to hand out<</speech>>
<p>She smile, finding it cute how dedicated she is to her business. You tell her that you will remember, but that she deserves to time to relax.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>The gesture is appreciated, $ But, I value dedication and hard work above all else. And I make sure it is rewarded as well<</speech>>
<p>You nod your head and assure her you understand and that you will do what you can to earn those rewards.</p>
[[Go away|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You notice Abigail enjoying a few spare puffs of a hookah in the back of the Smoke Stacked Lounge. You walk up to her, taken aback by how intimate her attire is. You ask to join her hoping to spend some time with such a lovely visage.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Please, join me. I prefer not to smoke alone. It makes me feel better about not working<</speech>>
<p>You join her sitting close enough to her that your thighs are touching. You take a drag of the hookah, tasting the strawberry notes of the tobacco. You both sit back and talk candidly, enjoying the moment.</p>
[[Continue|The Smoke Stacked Lounge]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>As you leave the locker room, a pair of tits stretching out a sports bra takes hold of your attention. Abigail, doing chest flies, and letting her massive tits jut outward is a very pleasant sight. You stop dead in your tracks to stare in fact.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Normally I prefer my employees earn the privilege of staring at my tits unchallenged, $ But, as it seems that you had no control in the moment, I’ll let it slide this time<</speech>>
<p>Her words shake you out of your stupor. You apologize for staring and move along to your work out, trying to clear your mind of the memory.</p>
[[Go on|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You take a seat on one of the stools at the Flaming Tiki and order a $mc.favdrink. You look around for someone to talk to and that is when you notice a familiar face coming up to the bar from the beach. Her tight black bikini showing off her curve beautifully as Abigail waves at you and takes the stool beside you, ordering a long island ice tea for herself.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>This bar is a blessing. I might buy it one day. I love having a drink after taking a dip<</speech>>
<p>The two of you talk over drinks for a while. She loves to talk about her ambitions. And apparently owning this tiki bar and the Cock and Bull are the least of them. She seems to really appreciate you taking an interest in her as well.</p>
[[Go on|Beach Bar]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $grandma.loc is "Grandma's home" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '21:59')>>
[[Knock on the door|grandmahouse inside]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You knock on the door, but your grandma doesn't come out. Maybe she's resting.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<</if>><<if $grandma.questmain is 5 && $ gte 20>><<set $grandma.questmain to 6>>
<p>Grandma $ has been teasing you quite a lot recently. You keep pushing her further and further, to test her limits. But it really doesn’t seem like she has any. So you decide that today will be the day you take it all the way and fuck your Grandma. You use your spare key to enter her house. The moment you enter the house you notice that you are hearing some odd sounds. You follow them up the stairs to your Grandmother’s bedroom, where the sounds become more decipherable. You hear clearly, the sounds of moaning. You peer into the bedroom and see your Grandma masturbating furiously on her bed. You smile mischievously and begin to undress. You drop your clothes onto the floor of the hallway and stride into her bedroom confidently. She is startled at first. But once she recognizes that it is you she smiles playfully.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>You shouldn’t sneak up on an old woman like that. Especially when my heart is already pumping<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that she should get ready, because you being here isn’t the only surprise she is in for today. She giggles and cocks and eye brow at you, interested.</p>
[[Surprise her|grandmamainquest5][$[4] to 1; $scene to 0]]<<addmins 30>>
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 3 && $ gte 10>><<set $grandma.questmain to 4>>
<p>You pay Grandma $ a visit with something of an ulterior motive in mind. You use your spare key to open the door and go inside. You hear sounds in the kitchen and you head in, seeing her washing some dishes once you enter. You announce yourself, startling her a little in the process. You apologize, and sit down at her kitchen table.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>No worries, hun. Just gimme some more notice next time alright?<</speech>>
<p>You smile, promising that you will. But then your eyes drift. They glide down to the heavy cleavage she is showing off with her very low cut tee shirt. She notices your eyes drift down so obviously. She rolls her eyes and giggles.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Right to the tits. Ya know you’re starting to get predictable, $<</speech>>
[[Be spontaneous|grandmamainquest3][$[2] to 1; $scene to 0]]
<<elseif $grandma.questmain is 1>><<set $grandma.questmain to 2>>
<p>You walk up to Grandma $’s front door and use your spare key to open it up and head inside. You call out for her to see if she is home. You don’t hear anything at first so you head towards the garage where the broken door is, and call out for her again. This time she replies.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>In the garage, $!<</speech>>
<p>You head through the door in the kitchen and into the garage. She is standing there, next to her car. Holding the garage door remote in her hands and periodically clicking it to show that it just won’t move.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Thank you so much for coming to help me, Hun. This has just been bugging the crap out of me. I’ve had to lift the door myself for a couple days now<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are glad to help as you start checking out the door and the system that lifts and lowers it. You see that the track isn’t bent, but as you look closer at the machine that opens it automatically you see some fraying around one of the wires. You step away and walk over to the breaker box to shut off the power to the room before going up and replacing the wire. All in all it takes you about half an hour to do and when you are done you press the remote once to show Grandma $ that it is working. It goes up easily and with another press of the button it goes right back down smoothly. She smiles at you ecstatically.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Oh thank goodness! Thank you so much, $! You are sooooo helpful. I forgot what its like to have a man around the house that can just take control of things like that<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even respond your Grandmother gets close to you. Pressing her body against yours and gently gliding her hands along your body. Quickly reaching surprising places. Her hand ends up on your bulge, and you can ever feel her give you a brief squeeze before moving on. You can’t help but enjoy the feeling and the sight of her cleavage though. As you stare and focus there rather than on the suddenness of the situation.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Make sure you come by again soon, $ I’m certain I can find something more for you to… help me with. Since you’re such a helpful grandson<</speech>>
<p>You stammer a bit but tell her that you are more than happy to help her with any and every need she could come up with. She winks to you as she walks out of the garage, leaving you with a hard on and blue balls as you head out of her house.</p>
[[Get going|Residential district][$[0] to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You use your spare key to get inside of your Grandma $’s house. You head inside and find her hanging out in her bedroom watching some television. A true crime show is on, and she seems engrossed in it. As you walk into her room you make a comment about how you find her love for those shows a little worrying. She sits up on her bed to look at you more directly as you speak.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Don’t worry hun, I don’t have any plans on killing anyone. I’d just like to know what to look out for if I ever do<</speech>>
<p>She laughs and after a moment of hesitation you laugh with her. Once you realize that she was joking you are able to enjoy to comedy of it. Even if it was a bit of a morbid joke. You sit beside her and watch the rest of the show. Grandma $ making comments here and there. Worrying you more about how much she pays attention to the detail. But, she is playful enough about it that you can tell she is just enjoying the shows. When its over you say goodbye and head out to the street.</p>
[[Get going|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Knock on your grandma's door|gallerygrandma1][$scene to 1]]
<p>You walk up to Grandma $’s front door and use your spare key to open it up and head inside. You call out for her to see if she is home. You don’t hear anything at first so you head towards the garage where the broken door is, and call out for her again. This time she replies.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>In the garage, $!<</speech>>
<p>You head through the door in the kitchen and into the garage. She is standing there, next to her car. Holding the garage door remote in her hands and periodically clicking it to show that it just won’t move.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Thank you so much for coming to help me, Hun. This has just been bugging the crap out of me. I’ve had to lift the door myself for a couple days now<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are glad to help as you start checking out the door and the system that lifts and lowers it. You see that the track isn’t bent, but as you look closer at the machine that opens it automatically you see some fraying around one of the wires. You step away and walk over to the breaker box to shut off the power to the room before going up and replacing the wire. All in all it takes you about half an hour to do and when you are done you press the remote once to show Grandma $ that it is working. It goes up easily and with another press of the button it goes right back down smoothly. She smiles at you ecstatically.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Oh thank goodness! Thank you so much, $! You are sooooo helpful. I forgot what its like to have a man around the house that can just take control of things like that<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even respond your Grandmother gets close to you. Pressing her body against yours and gently gliding her hands along your body. Quickly reaching surprising places. Her hand ends up on your bulge, and you can ever feel her give you a brief squeeze before moving on. You can’t help but enjoy the feeling and the sight of her cleavage though. As you stare and focus there rather than on the suddenness of the situation.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Make sure you come by again soon, $ I’m certain I can find something more for you to… help me with. Since you’re such a helpful grandson<</speech>>
<p>You stammer a bit but tell her that you are more than happy to help her with any and every need she could come up with. She winks to you as she walks out of the garage, leaving you with a hard on and blue balls as you head out of her house.</p>
<<if $grandma.questmain is 2 && $ gte 5>><<set $grandma.questmain to 3>>
<p>You have been spending more and more time with your Grandmother recently. Ever since she full on groped you in her garage, you both seem to be finding ways to run into one another. Today you found her at the gym, doing one of her usual workouts. She gives you a sultry smile as you walk up to her from the locker room. You greet her, asking if she wants to work out with you today.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Oh you just want to work out? Your eyes sure don’t look like they are pointed at any of the machines<</speech>>
<p>She stands up and steps closely to you. Her hands go to her tits and she squeezes them playfully in response to you subconsciously starting at them while you spoke with her. You don’t stop, enjoying the view of her large breasts bouncing and squishing between her fingers as her tits stretch her skin tight leotard. You admit to staring, and that you aren’t at all ashamed of it. You affirm to her that she provides a great view, so its hard not to stare.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Oh you’ve seen nothing, hun. But, you just might soon enough<</speech>>
<p>She glides her tongue along her top lip as she lowers the top half of her leotard down to her waist. Her bare breasts hang out and on display for you. Much to your surprise and joy. She continues to play with them, rolling her tits in her hands. She giggles as she takes one hand and gently pats your growing bulge.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Try a bit harder to focus, $ If this is all it takes to make your jaw drop, you might get into a bit of trouble<</speech>>
<p>She pulls her leotard back up and sits back down at her machine. She gets right back to her workout. You join her eventually, having to spend a bit of time focusing on cooling off so you don’t lift with your dick tenting your shorts the whole time. When your work out is finished, you walk your Grandmother out to her car. She gives your butt a playful squeeze before kissing your cheek and saying goodbye. You stand there, watching her drive off feeling blue balled yet again. You decide that you don’t plan on letting her do that to you again.</p>
[[Go away|Fitness Center][$[1] to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You head into the locker room and get changed. You come back out and see your Grandmother doing some exercises using a small trampoline in the corner of the gym. You walk over to her and at first are awestruck by how well she is wearing her leotard. But after a moment you compose yourself and offer to be her workout buddy today.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>That’s sweet hun. I’d love to. Just don’t slow me down<</speech>>
<p>You join her on a second trampoline and both of you do exercises together. You are shocked by how exhausted you feel so soon. You realize that you should do workouts like these more often. Especially considering $ barely even seems tired.</p>
[[Go away|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Your grandma seems to be at the gym|gallerygrandma2][$scene to 1]]
<p>You have been spending more and more time with your Grandmother recently. Ever since she full on groped you in her garage, you both seem to be finding ways to run into one another. Today you found her at the gym, doing one of her usual workouts. She gives you a sultry smile as you walk up to her from the locker room. You greet her, asking if she wants to work out with you today.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Oh you just want to work out? Your eyes sure don’t look like they are pointed at any of the machines<</speech>>
<p>She stands up and steps closely to you. Her hands go to her tits and she squeezes them playfully in response to you subconsciously starting at them while you spoke with her. You don’t stop, enjoying the view of her large breasts bouncing and squishing between her fingers as her tits stretch her skin tight leotard. You admit to staring, and that you aren’t at all ashamed of it. You affirm to her that she provides a great view, so its hard not to stare.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Oh you’ve seen nothing, hun. But, you just might soon enough<</speech>>
<p>She glides her tongue along her top lip as she lowers the top half of her leotard down to her waist. Her bare breasts hang out and on display for you. Much to your surprise and joy. She continues to play with them, rolling her tits in her hands. She giggles as she takes one hand and gently pats your growing bulge.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Try a bit harder to focus, $ If this is all it takes to make your jaw drop, you might get into a bit of trouble<</speech>>
<p>She pulls her leotard back up and sits back down at her machine. She gets right back to her workout. You join her eventually, having to spend a bit of time focusing on cooling off so you don’t lift with your dick tenting your shorts the whole time. When your work out is finished, you walk your Grandmother out to her car. She gives your butt a playful squeeze before kissing your cheek and saying goodbye. You stand there, watching her drive off feeling blue balled yet again. You decide that you don’t plan on letting her do that to you again.</p>
<<return>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You look at her and speak snidely as you say that you doubt she could handle you being anything but predictable. But, since she is complaining, you are more than willing to show her just how spontaneous her grandson can really be.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Oh? Well go on then. I may not be young, but I sure as hell ain’t fragile<</speech>>
<p>You step close to her, and grab her tee shirt by the collar, right at her cleavage. You pull your arms apart and tear he shirt open with ease. She gasps, half at your boldness and half in surprise. She looks down at her shredded shirt then back up at you. A crooked sultry smile is on her face.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>That all you got? Before I adopted $ I had my cloths torn off me at least twice a day<</speech>>
<p>You smile deviously. You tell her that this is just the appetizer. You pull your shorts down and let your hard cock bounce free. Then telling her that the plans you have for her will make her forget that there was a time before you. She looks at you skeptically. But, that look is ripped away when you reach up and gently grasp her by her throat. You push her down to her knees and shove your cock between her tits, commanding her to press them together for you.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Hun, you’re such a sweet boy. I never knew you had it in you. I’m glad I was wrong<</speech>>
<p>She presses her tits together for you as you start to thrust. Each buck of your hips making her tits shack and quake from the power of your groin slamming into them. Your balls slap her stomach, and the tip his her neck and chin as you use her for your own pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage2/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her tits|grandmamainquest3][$scene to 1]]
<p>You pin your Grandma on her back and pound away at her tits. Each thrust bringing us closer and closer to orgasm. She presses her tits together making a vacuum tight hole for you to fuck. You reach your peak, and start to unload your cum. You pull out from between her tits and fire shot after shot of cum all over them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage2/cum.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Well now that is the biggest load I’ve gotten in years. Good job, Hun. Hope you can keep this up. You might end up being more fun than I even thought<</speech>>
<p>You spank her ass playfully as you get dressed. You grab a bottle of water from her fridge, and watch her lick the cum up from her tits. She winks at you as you head out of her house.</p>
[[Get going|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
[[Knock on your grandma's door|gallerygrandma3b]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You pay Grandma $ a visit with something of an ulterior motive in mind. You use your spare key to open the door and go inside. You hear sounds in the kitchen and you head in, seeing her washing some dishes once you enter. You announce yourself, startling her a little in the process. You apologize, and sit down at her kitchen table.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>No worries, hun. Just gimme some more notice next time alright?<</speech>>
<p>You smile, promising that you will. But then your eyes drift. They glide down to the heavy cleavage she is showing off with her very low cut tee shirt. She notices your eyes drift down so obviously. She rolls her eyes and giggles.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Right to the tits. Ya know you’re starting to get predictable, $<</speech>>
[[Be spontaneous|gallerygrandma3b][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You look at her and speak snidely as you say that you doubt she could handle you being anything but predictable. But, since she is complaining, you are more than willing to show her just how spontaneous her grandson can really be.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Oh? Well go on then. I may not be young, but I sure as hell ain’t fragile<</speech>>
<p>You step close to her, and grab her tee shirt by the collar, right at her cleavage. You pull your arms apart and tear he shirt open with ease. She gasps, half at your boldness and half in surprise. She looks down at her shredded shirt then back up at you. A crooked sultry smile is on her face.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>That all you got? Before I adopted $ I had my cloths torn off me at least twice a day<</speech>>
<p>You smile deviously. You tell her that this is just the appetizer. You pull your shorts down and let your hard cock bounce free. Then telling her that the plans you have for her will make her forget that there was a time before you. She looks at you skeptically. But, that look is ripped away when you reach up and gently grasp her by her throat. You push her down to her knees and shove your cock between her tits, commanding her to press them together for you.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Hun, you’re such a sweet boy. I never knew you had it in you. I’m glad I was wrong<</speech>>
<p>She presses her tits together for you as you start to thrust. Each buck of your hips making her tits shack and quake from the power of your groin slamming into them. Your balls slap her stomach, and the tip his her neck and chin as you use her for your own pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage2/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her tits|gallerygrandma3b][$scene to 2]]
<p>You pin your Grandma on her back and pound away at her tits. Each thrust bringing us closer and closer to orgasm. She presses her tits together making a vacuum tight hole for you to fuck. You reach your peak, and start to unload your cum. You pull out from between her tits and fire shot after shot of cum all over them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage2/cum.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Well now that is the biggest load I’ve gotten in years. Good job, Hun. Hope you can keep this up. You might end up being more fun than I even thought<</speech>>
<p>You spank her ass playfully as you get dressed. You grab a bottle of water from her fridge, and watch her lick the cum up from her tits. She winks at you as you head out of her house.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 16]]<<if $grandma.questmain is 4 && $ gte 15>><<set $grandma.questmain to 5>>
<p>Grandma $ is lounging in her bikini by the pool. It is surprisingly empty at the moment, besides the two of you. You walk over and sit by her, wicked ideas filling your head as you approach. She seems to be almost asleep, with her eyes closed as she lays back and relaxes on the lounge chair. The moment you sit by her, you decide to wake her up and get her attention. You do so by pulling her bikini top a bit until it is mostly off and her tits pop free.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Perving on an old woman while she sleeps? Come on hun if you’re gonna try and have some fun at least be willing to go all out<</speech>>
<p>She doesn’t even open her eyes as she speaks, but somehow just knows that you recoiled at her first comment. She opens one eye to look over at you briefly before closing it again and reaching out for your groin. You stand up, and figure if she is gonna tease back, you are gonna make it worth your time. You slide your swim trunks off, pull her bikini off, and sit between her legs on the lounge chair. She sits up and looks at you, somewhat impressed.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>That’s more like it. What now hun? Or is that all you got?<</speech>>
[[Show her what you got|grandmamainquest4][$[3] to 1; $scene to 0]]
<p>Grandma $ is hanging out at the pool right now. She is sitting with her feet in the water when you head over to her. You call out to her, making her turn around and look at you. She steps out of the water and faces you as you approach.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Hey, $ Here to swim a bit, hun?<</speech>>
<p>You say that you’d love to swim with her. She takes her net shirt off and dives into the water with you. You swim together doing some laps and splashing each other a bit for a while, just having a great time. After some time you both get out. She goes to a lounge chair to sit back and relax. You head to the locker room to dry off and get changed.</p>
[[Go away|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You grab hold of her head by her hair and direct her to your rock hard cock. She licks her lips and leans in, wrapping her lips around your member and going to town. You lay back on the lounge chair and let her work. You keep your hand on her head, guiding her along deeper and deeper onto your cock until you feel her throat stroking you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage3/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her tits|grandmamainquest4][$scene to 1]]
<p>Her lips feel rapturously wonderful as they glide up and down along your shaft. Each bob of her head bringing you closer to the edge. You have her suck you off for quite a while. But in time you do start to cum. You pull your cock free from her mouth and slap her tits with it before starting to unleash your jizz all over her big round breasts.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage3/cum.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You sigh heavily, feeling properly drained when you finish coating her tits. She licks up every drop. Lifting her tits to her tongue and gliding along slowly to slurp up your jizz.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Mmmmm, tastes delicious. I hope you bring me another serving soon, hun<</speech>>
<p>You promise her that you will as you stand up and put your shorts back on. You dive into the pool and get your laps in like you originally planned before heading out. Your Grandmother is still laying there on the chair with her tits out when you leave.</p>
[[Leave|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Greet your grandma|gallerygrandma4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Grandma $ is lounging in her bikini by the pool. It is surprisingly empty at the moment, besides the two of you. You walk over and sit by her, wicked ideas filling your head as you approach. She seems to be almost asleep, with her eyes closed as she lays back and relaxes on the lounge chair. The moment you sit by her, you decide to wake her up and get her attention. You do so by pulling her bikini top a bit until it is mostly off and her tits pop free.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Perving on an old woman while she sleeps? Come on hun if you’re gonna try and have some fun at least be willing to go all out<</speech>>
<p>She doesn’t even open her eyes as she speaks, but somehow just knows that you recoiled at her first comment. She opens one eye to look over at you briefly before closing it again and reaching out for your groin. You stand up, and figure if she is gonna tease back, you are gonna make it worth your time. You slide your swim trunks off, pull her bikini off, and sit between her legs on the lounge chair. She sits up and looks at you, somewhat impressed.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>That’s more like it. What now hun? Or is that all you got?<</speech>>
[[Show her what you got|gallerygrandma4][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You grab hold of her head by her hair and direct her to your rock hard cock. She licks her lips and leans in, wrapping her lips around your member and going to town. You lay back on the lounge chair and let her work. You keep your hand on her head, guiding her along deeper and deeper onto your cock until you feel her throat stroking you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage3/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her tits|gallerygrandma4][$scene to 3]]
<p>Her lips feel rapturously wonderful as they glide up and down along your shaft. Each bob of her head bringing you closer to the edge. You have her suck you off for quite a while. But in time you do start to cum. You pull your cock free from her mouth and slap her tits with it before starting to unleash your jizz all over her big round breasts.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage3/cum.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You sigh heavily, feeling properly drained when you finish coating her tits. She licks up every drop. Lifting her tits to her tongue and gliding along slowly to slurp up your jizz.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Mmmmm, tastes delicious. I hope you bring me another serving soon, hun<</speech>>
<p>You promise her that you will as you stand up and put your shorts back on. You dive into the pool and get your laps in like you originally planned before heading out. Your Grandmother is still laying there on the chair with her tits out when you leave.</p>
<<return>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk up close to her by the side of her bed. You grab her by her waist and pull her up as you lay down on the bed. She puts her feet on the bed and her hands on your chest to stabilize herself. While she does that you take your cock and aim it at her pussy. Your head parts her lips, and you thrust up. She moans loudly, lowering herself down some once you are inside her. You hold onto her hips and thrust up powerfully, pummeling her pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage4/reverse_cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Paint her white|grandmamainquest5][$scene to 1]]<<addmins 30>>
<p>You fuck her ravenously. Using her surprisingly tight pussy for all its worth. Each thrust bringing you closer to orgasm, and making her experience several of her own. Finally your balls tense as you feel yourself about to explode. You pull out and she slide down to the floor on her knees in front of you. You stroke yourself and fire your cum all over her face and tits until she is well coated and dripping.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>This better just be the start, hun. You’re the first real fuck I’ve have in years<</speech>>
<p>You lay on her bed and tell her that you would love to keep going. And that you intend to be the last fuck buddy she ever needs.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>I’ll hold you too that, hun. Now get some rest, you’ve earned it<</speech>>
[[Leave|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
[[Knock on your grandma's door|gallerygrandma5b]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Grandma $ has been teasing you quite a lot recently. You keep pushing her further and further, to test her limits. But it really doesn’t seem like she has any. So you decide that today will be the day you take it all the way and fuck your Grandma. You use your spare key to enter her house. The moment you enter the house you notice that you are hearing some odd sounds. You follow them up the stairs to your Grandmother’s bedroom, where the sounds become more decipherable. You hear clearly, the sounds of moaning. You peer into the bedroom and see your Grandma masturbating furiously on her bed. You smile mischievously and begin to undress. You drop your clothes onto the floor of the hallway and stride into her bedroom confidently. She is startled at first. But once she recognizes that it is you she smiles playfully.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>You shouldn’t sneak up on an old woman like that. Especially when my heart is already pumping<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that she should get ready, because you being here isn’t the only surprise she is in for today. She giggles and cocks and eye brow at you, interested.</p>
[[Surprise her|gallerygrandma5b][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You walk up close to her by the side of her bed. You grab her by her waist and pull her up as you lay down on the bed. She puts her feet on the bed and her hands on your chest to stabilize herself. While she does that you take your cock and aim it at her pussy. Your head parts her lips, and you thrust up. She moans loudly, lowering herself down some once you are inside her. You hold onto her hips and thrust up powerfully, pummeling her pussy.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage4/reverse_cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Paint her white|gallerygrandma5b][$scene to 2]]
<p>You fuck her ravenously. Using her surprisingly tight pussy for all its worth. Each thrust bringing you closer to orgasm, and making her experience several of her own. Finally your balls tense as you feel yourself about to explode. You pull out and she slide down to the floor on her knees in front of you. You stroke yourself and fire your cum all over her face and tits until she is well coated and dripping.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage4/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>This better just be the start, hun. You’re the first real fuck I’ve have in years<</speech>>
<p>You lay on her bed and tell her that you would love to keep going. And that you intend to be the last fuck buddy she ever needs.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>I’ll hold you too that, hun. Now get some rest, you’ve earned it<</speech>>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 16]]<<if $scene is 0>><<set $grandma.questmain to 7>>
<p>You head into the Economics hall to talk to your Mother and are surprised to see that your Grandmother $ is here as well. The two are talking about something when you approach them. You miss most of it as you only get there at the tail end of the conversation. The moment you get close though, their attention quickly turns to you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh hey sweety!<</speech>>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Hey hun, what are you up to?<</speech>>
<p>You say that you like to come spend some time with your Mother on Wednesdays, when you don’t have anything important to do. You return the question, wondering why $ is here as well.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Oh me and $ here were thinking about grabbing some lunch together<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Yeah sorry sweety, our Wednesday fun will have to wait. I won’t be able to give you my undivided attention with Grandma here<</speech>>
<p>You smile smugly. You look at them both and ask your Mom why Grandma $ doesn’t just join you in your usual fun. You explain that the two of you have been having fun on your own for a while as well.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>$! What are you implying?<</speech>>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>He’s implying that he has been ramming both our pussies with that fat cock of his for a while now<</speech>>
<p>Your Mother looks at both you and $ with shock for a moment. But, the look fades when she realizes that there is no need for the theatrics of pretending to be surprised.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I shouldn’t be surprised. If even half the rumor are true you’ve probably had your way with most of the town by now<</speech>>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Is that so? You gotta tell me some of these rumors some time $ I love hearing about a man being so prolific<</speech>>
<p>You step up to them and pull open your Mother’s shirt, letting her heavy breasts fall free. You grab them in your hands and man handle her. Groping her to your heart’s content. You explain to Grandma $ that you will tell her all about your escapades. But only after you’ve plowed them both into cum covered messes. They both smile seductively, with eager anticipation.</p>
[[Fuck your Mom’s tits|grandmamainquest6][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You sit on your Mother’s desk chair and pull your cock out. You sit back and watch as your Mother kneels between your legs and wrap her huge tits around your shaft. She begins to bounce them up and down along your length, licking the tip and sucking on occasion. </p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Let me help, $<</speech>>
<p>$ reaches around and squeezes your Mom’s tits in her hands as she takes over. Stroking your cock with your Mom’s breasts as you thrust up in between them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage5/titjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck your Mom|grandmamainquest6][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You stand up from the chair and pull your Mother up with you. You push her onto her back onto her desk. You pull her panties off in one swift, powerful motion. You grab your cock by the base and guide it into her pussy. You begin to thrust, pounding away at her and marveling as her tits bounce in tandem with your thrusts.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage5/mom_missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck Grandma|grandmamainquest6][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull out of your Mom. But, only for long enough for her to stand and Grandma $ to lay down in her place. You slide your cock into her pussy next, aided by the wetness coating your cock from your Mom’s pussy. You hold her by her thighs as you pound away. Hitting deep into her hole with every powerful thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage5/grandma_missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat them both|grandmamainquest6][$scene to 4]]
<p>You fuck them both, through several orgasms. Their spasming pussies milking you with how tightly they clench onto your cock as you fuck them. Eventually you do reach your peak. You pull out and they both press together, giving you an incredibly sexy view as you start to cum. Your cock fires your load like a cannon, hitting their chins and huge tits until they are covered. You cum as much as you ever have, emptying your balls for all they’re worth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage5/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You sit back in your Mother’s desk chair and relax, nearly falling asleep after how hard you just came. They both kiss and lick your cum off of each other lustfully. Once they are done they get dressed, still kissing, as if something was just unlocked between them that was boiling over for a very long time. You get dressed as well, and leave them to their own fun, as you head out of the classroom saying goodbye to them just before you close the door.</p>
[[Neat|University][$[5] to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You head into the Economics hall to talk to your Mother and are surprised to see that your Grandmother $ is here as well. The two are talking about something when you approach them. You miss most of it as you only get there at the tail end of the conversation. The moment you get close though, their attention quickly turns to you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh hey sweety!<</speech>>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Hey hun, what are you up to?<</speech>>
<p>You say that you like to come spend some time with your Mother on Wednesdays, when you don’t have anything important to do. You return the question, wondering why $ is here as well.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Oh me and $ here were thinking about grabbing some lunch together<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Yeah sorry sweety, our Wednesday fun will have to wait. I won’t be able to give you my undivided attention with Grandma here<</speech>>
<p>You smile smugly. You look at them both and ask your Mom why Grandma $ doesn’t just join you in your usual fun. You explain that the two of you have been having fun on your own for a while as well.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>$! What are you implying?<</speech>>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>He’s implying that he has been ramming both our pussies with that fat cock of his for a while now<</speech>>
<p>Your Mother looks at both you and $ with shock for a moment. But, the look fades when she realizes that there is no need for the theatrics of pretending to be surprised.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I shouldn’t be surprised. If even half the rumor are true you’ve probably had your way with most of the town by now<</speech>>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Is that so? You gotta tell me some of these rumors some time $ I love hearing about a man being so prolific<</speech>>
<p>You step up to them and pull open your Mother’s shirt, letting her heavy breasts fall free. You grab them in your hands and man handle her. Groping her to your heart’s content. You explain to Grandma $ that you will tell her all about your escapades. But only after you’ve plowed them both into cum covered messes. They both smile seductively, with eager anticipation.</p>
[[Fuck your Mom’s tits|gallerygrandma6][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You sit on your Mother’s desk chair and pull your cock out. You sit back and watch as your Mother kneels between your legs and wrap her huge tits around your shaft. She begins to bounce them up and down along your length, licking the tip and sucking on occasion. </p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Let me help, $<</speech>>
<p>$ reaches around and squeezes your Mom’s tits in her hands as she takes over. Stroking your cock with your Mom’s breasts as you thrust up in between them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage5/titjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck your Mom|gallerygrandma6][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You stand up from the chair and pull your Mother up with you. You push her onto her back onto her desk. You pull her panties off in one swift, powerful motion. You grab your cock by the base and guide it into her pussy. You begin to thrust, pounding away at her and marveling as her tits bounce in tandem with your thrusts.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage5/mom_missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck Grandma|gallerygrandma6][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull out of your Mom. But, only for long enough for her to stand and Grandma $ to lay down in her place. You slide your cock into her pussy next, aided by the wetness coating your cock from your Mom’s pussy. You hold her by her thighs as you pound away. Hitting deep into her hole with every powerful thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage5/grandma_missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat them both|gallerygrandma6][$scene to 4]]
<p>You fuck them both, through several orgasms. Their spasming pussies milking you with how tightly they clench onto your cock as you fuck them. Eventually you do reach your peak. You pull out and they both press together, giving you an incredibly sexy view as you start to cum. Your cock fires your load like a cannon, hitting their chins and huge tits until they are covered. You cum as much as you ever have, emptying your balls for all they’re worth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/grandma/stage5/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You sit back in your Mother’s desk chair and relax, nearly falling asleep after how hard you just came. They both kiss and lick your cum off of each other lustfully. Once they are done they get dressed, still kissing, as if something was just unlocked between them that was boiling over for a very long time. You get dressed as well, and leave them to their own fun, as you head out of the classroom saying goodbye to them just before you close the door.</p>
<p>You take a seat on a bench in the park and do some people watching. One guy nearly fell on his face when he tripped on a crack in the concrete path. A woman passing by walking with a stroller with two kids in it looks like she hasn’t slept in a week. And then a buxom cougar comes into view. You stare at her bouncing tits as your Grandma $ walks through the park. You stand up and run over to her to say hi.</p>
<<speech "Grandma" $>>Hey hun! What are you up to our here? Looking to find hot joggers to hit on?<</speech>>
<p>You laugh and flatter her by saying that she is the only hot jogger around here. She laughs at your cheesy line. Placing a hand on your shoulder to show that she appreciates it though. You both talk and walk through the park together for a while, going your separate ways when you reach the end of the trail.</p>
[[Continue|Park]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $employees>><<if $>><<set _momEmployee to 1>><<else>><<set _momEmployee to 0>><</if>><</if>>
''Please, choose your family members' names:''
* <label>Your mother is: <<textbox "$" "Isabelle">></label>
* <label>Your sister is: <<textbox "$" "Sasha">></label>
* <label>Your aunt is: <<textbox "$" "Marie">></label>
* <label>Your cousin is: <<textbox "$" "Bella">></label>
* <label>Your grandmother is:<<textbox "$" "Millie">></label>
<<if _momEmployee is 1>>[[Done|Desk][$ to $]]<<else>>[[Done|Desk]]<</if>>
<<if $jade.dungeonintro is 0>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You are standing in your dungeon, thinking about bringing someone new to have some fun. Your mind wanders until you come to the conclusion that Jade is the best person to call down. She has become a very dedicated slut to you. And you feel like she is plenty slutty enough now to let you push her limits. You give her a call and tell her to come to your basement. She doesn’t even hesitate to agree. She arrives in a matter of minutes, jogging down the stairs and into the basement with you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey Mr. $mc.eyes eyes. This dungeon is nice. You and I can have a lot of fun in here<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you agree. And you show her what you have in mind for the first bits of fun when you pick up a leather wrist strap and wave it in front of her. She smiles at you seductively. She walks up to you and reaches for the strap, but you stop her. Forcefully grasping her by her arm. She looks at you confused for a moment. You look at her sternly, before pushing her onto the bed. You walk around and grab her arm. Strapping it to the bed post, making it appropriately snug.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I thought you wanted me to focus on you. I can’t do much strapped up like this<</speech>>
<p>You place your palm over her lips and gently shush her. You tell her that she will focus on you, by being a submissive little fuck toy. She looks at you, somewhat surprised. She lays back on the bed and raises her other arm towards the other bed post to allow you to strap her in fully. You pull her clothes roughly, nearly tearing them in the process. You tease and play with her body while she lays there helpless and writhes from the pleasure.</p>
[[Use her|jadedungeon][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Now that she is good and strapped in you climb up between her legs. You aim your cock into her pussy and shove it in hard. You lean in close and start to pound her hole with all your strength behind each and every thrust. You maul and grope her tits. They ways they bounced wildly with every time you filled her cunt drew you to them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her face|jadedungeon][$scene to 2]]
<p>You pound away, using her hole to your hearts content. You show no indication of any care for her pleasure whatsoever. You just thrust away, using her pussy like a warm pocket pussy. When its time to cum, you pull up and climb close to her face. You unleash your load all over Jade’s lips and into her mouth. She laps it up hungrily, happily pleasing you however you desire.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Jade">>Alright Mr. $mc.eyes eyes, let me loose so I can clean up<</speech>>
<p>You turn to her and tell her that you will let her go when she licks up every drop left on her face. She looks at you seductively and slowly licks up her face, everywhere her dexterous tongue can reach. When she is clean you let her free. She hops up to her feet and kisses you on the cheek, before getting dressed and heading out.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Invite me down here again sometime. This was a lot of fun<</speech>>
[[Continue|Basement][$jade.dungeonintro to 1; $[9] to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
[[Make her squirm|jadedungeon][$stage to 1]]
[[Make her gag|jadedungeon][$stage to 2]]
<<if $jade.slave is 1 && $mom.slave is 1>><a data-passage="jade and mom slave" class="link-internal">Have a threesome with $</a><</if>>
<<if $jade.corr gte 35 && $mc.str gte 30 && $mc.collars gte 1 && $jade.slave is 0>>[[Enslave Jade|jadeenslave]]<</if>>
<<if $jade.slave is 1>>[[Change the way she addresses you|jadetitle]]<</if>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You give Jade a call, telling her that you want to have some fun in your dungeon once again. She speeds over and is jogging down the stairs in no time. Without even needing you to say anything she starts stripping off her clothes in preparation for whatever plans you have today. You point to the sex swing you have set up and hanging from the ceiling. She smiles seductively as she walks over to is and takes a seat. You help her strap in and waits patiently for you. You decide to see how far you can push her today but pulling out a vibrowand back massager. You turn it on its highest setting and the sounds of vibration fill the room. She looks at you and bites her lip as you grab her by her thigh and press the vibrating head of the wand directly against her pussy. She squirms and convulses, trying to pull away as the stimulation becomes to much for her, but you hold her steady as you rack her body with pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/squirm.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cover her face in jizz|jadedungeon][$scene to 1]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/facial2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get going|Basement][$[10] to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Jade is at your beck and call. Nothing more than a text to her is needed to get her rushing over to your home to come down to your basement and get used for the sake of your pleasure. She clearly enjoys it too. It makes you wonder if you could take this farther with her one day. For now you tell her to hop on the sex swing so you can see how far you can push her throat before she breaks. Once in the swing you walk around behind her and pull her back so that she is looking at your cock and balls upside down. You grip hold of her tits like hand holds as you slide your cock into her throat. You quickly build up into a rough and pounding speed. Your balls slapping her face as your cock fills her throat and cuts off her air, making her gag and cough on your shaft. The sensation of which only serving to spur you on until you fill her throat with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/swing.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her face|jadedungeon][$scene to 1]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/facial2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get going|Basement][$[11] to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You are in a more horny mood than usual at the moment. You have the kind of built up desire that one woman just could not quell on her own. And it just so happens that you have two slaves that you could be fucking right now. So you decide to make it happen. You send a text to Jade, commanding her to drop whatever she is doing and come over. As your slave, she obviously does. While you wait for her you go upstairs and tell your Mother, $, to go to her bedroom and get naked. You command the same of Jade when she arrives as well. Both of them listen without even a second thought.</p>
<p>You head into the bedroom and give them a cocky grin as they lay nude, waiting for you. You strip down and lie on the bed, commanding your slaves to pleasure you like the fuck sluts that they are. They quickly get to work, making your cock hard and taking turns sucking you off with expert skill. The switch between sucking your balls, kissing your shaft and sucking your cock as they use every move in their repertoire.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/mom_jade_blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Pull them on top of you|jade and mom slave][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>When you are satisfied with their mouths you decide that it time to get inside of their cunts. You grab Jade by her arm and pull her close until she has both legs around you and is lowering herself onto your cock. You pull $ up toward your face and have her plop her thick ass down on top of you. You thrust up hard into Jade’s pussy while you voraciously eat our $</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/jade_cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck Mom|jade and mom slave][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pull out of Jade and put her on her back on the bed. You instruct your Mother to climb on top of her. The two begin to eat each other out, sixty nining. You climb behind your mother and enjoy bother her pussy and Jade's tongue as you shove your cock into her tight hole. You pound away, slapping Jade’s face with your balls as your ravage $’s pussy. You watch as her huge ass bounces in front of you as you thrust harder and harder.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/mom_doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|jade and mom slave][$scene to 3]]
<p>When you reach your limit you pull out of your Mother and command both her and Jade to kneel down in front of you. They each suck your cock a bit more to push you over the edge and get you to cum. You unload your thick cum all over both of their faces. Giving each of them a fair and healthy amount to enjoy. They kiss and lick your cum up off of each other’s face until they are clean. You tell them that they are good little cum sluts and that you will be calling on them again soon.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/mom_jade_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Leave|House][$[13] to 1]]<<addhours 2>>
<p>You take hold of one of your slave collars in your hand as your mind drifts to Jade. You decide that it is time to add her to your corral of sex slaves. You give her a call and in a very forceful tone, command her to clear her schedule for the rest of the day. She seems hesitant at first, but the power and decisiveness in your voice gets her to agree. You wait patiently for her to arrive. When she does, you are surprised to see how slutty she dressed. Wearing a pair of daisy dukes over a leotard.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>So, Mr. $mc.eyes eyes. Invite me over to have some more fun? Maybe wanna tie me up again?<</speech>>
<p>You look at her and give her a crooked smile as you show her the collar. You explain to her what you want. You make it abundantly clear to her, that you want her as your sex slave. She doesn’t reply, so you explain exactly what you expect of her while she is silent. Explaining that she will be yours, now and forever, and that she will do anything and everything you command of her. No matter how degrading, or slutty. She takes a moment to think, and you step up to her placing your hand firmly on her shoulder. Your toned muscles drawing her attention. Your work in the gym clearly paying off and having an effect on her.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>OK Mr. $mc.eyes eyes. I’m in. I don’t think I could say no to you even if I wanted. Go ahead and collar me<</speech>>
<p>As you put the collar around her neck, you add a stipulation to her enslavement. That the Mr. $mc.eyes eyes business ends here. From now on she will call you <<textbox "$jade.title" "Master">>.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I understand, $jade.title<</speech>>
[[Take your new slave out for a spin|jadeenslave b][$mc.collars -= 1]]
<p>You let Jade know that now you want to be called as her <<textbox "$jade.title" "Master">></p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>With the collar fastened tightly around her neck, you decide that it is time to finally break your new slave in. But, you’ve already had plenty of fun with Jade yourself. To truly test just how devoted of a slave she is, you decide to push Jade well beyond any limits she might have had before. You tell her to get into her car with you. She agrees without a word. A good start. You then drive down to the park. It is starting to get late, and you know just the right place to find what you are looking for at this time of night. You pull up to a spot in the park where two homeless men notoriously hang out every night. Most people assume they sleep there. You decide to help them get a really good nights rest tonight. You pull Jade’s leotard off to let her tits out. You then roll down the window and egg her on through it. She leans the top part of her body out the window as the two homeless men look at her, both confused and aroused. You get out of the car and stick your thumb in Jade’s mouth, pulling it open. You turn to the men and tell them that her mouth is theirs to enjoy to night. Jade looks at you, somewhat shocked. But says nothing, following your orders as she agreed. The two men grumble and shrug as they stand. They each pull their cocks out and take turns getting sucked off by Jade. She is hesitant at first. But, quickly gets into a groove. The way she sucks and gags on the homeless men’s cocks tells you that she is clearly getting aroused by this. Likely making her feel even more shame than she already was.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/double_blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Jade gets painted|jadeenslave b][$scene to 1]]
<p>The two men don’t last very long. Jade is skilled with her mouth and these men have no practice with her. They each cum on her face. By the amounts these men have been celibate for a rather long time. She gets thoroughly coated in the jizz of the two homeless men, until her face is painted almost completely stark white.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/double_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You bend down to look at your cum covered slave, and smile wickedly. You tell her that she has been a good little fuck toy. Something that makes her smile with pride. You then tell her to enjoy her evening with the homeless men.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Wha-?<</speech>>
<p>She looks confused for a moment before the reality of your subtle order sets in. She looks down solemnly for a moment before looking back up at you and smiling.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Thank you, $jade.title! Have a wonderful night!<</speech>>
<p>You get into Jade’s car and drive back home, leaving her to have her throat fucked all night by those two men. And likely several more that happen to pass by.</p>
<p class="got">Jade is now your slave!</p>
[[Next morning|Bedroom][$jade.slave to 1; $[12] to 1]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
[[Call Jade to the dungeon|galleryjade10][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You are standing in your dungeon, thinking about bringing someone new to have some fun. Your mind wanders until you come to the conclusion that Jade is the best person to call down. She has become a very dedicated slut to you. And you feel like she is plenty slutty enough now to let you push her limits. You give her a call and tell her to come to your basement. She doesn’t even hesitate to agree. She arrives in a matter of minutes, jogging down the stairs and into the basement with you.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Hey Mr. $mc.eyes eyes. This dungeon is nice. You and I can have a lot of fun in here<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you agree. And you show her what you have in mind for the first bits of fun when you pick up a leather wrist strap and wave it in front of her. She smiles at you seductively. She walks up to you and reaches for the strap, but you stop her. Forcefully grasping her by her arm. She looks at you confused for a moment. You look at her sternly, before pushing her onto the bed. You walk around and grab her arm. Strapping it to the bed post, making it appropriately snug.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I thought you wanted me to focus on you. I can’t do much strapped up like this<</speech>>
<p>You place your palm over her lips and gently shush her. You tell her that she will focus on you, by being a submissive little fuck toy. She looks at you, somewhat surprised. She lays back on the bed and raises her other arm towards the other bed post to allow you to strap her in fully. You pull her clothes roughly, nearly tearing them in the process. You tease and play with her body while she lays there helpless and writhes from the pleasure.</p>
[[Use her|galleryjade10][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Now that she is good and strapped in you climb up between her legs. You aim your cock into her pussy and shove it in hard. You lean in close and start to pound her hole with all your strength behind each and every thrust. You maul and grope her tits. They ways they bounced wildly with every time you filled her cunt drew you to them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her face|galleryjade10][$scene to 3]]
<p>You pound away, using her hole to your hearts content. You show no indication of any care for her pleasure whatsoever. You just thrust away, using her pussy like a warm pocket pussy. When its time to cum, you pull up and climb close to her face. You unleash your load all over Jade’s lips and into her mouth. She laps it up hungrily, happily pleasing you however you desire.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Jade">>Alright Mr. $mc.eyes eyes, let me loose so I can clean up<</speech>>
<p>You turn to her and tell her that you will let her go when she licks up every drop left on her face. She looks at you seductively and slowly licks up her face, everywhere her dexterous tongue can reach. When she is clean you let her free. She hops up to her feet and kisses you on the cheek, before getting dressed and heading out.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Invite me down here again sometime. This was a lot of fun<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
[[Call Jade to the dungeon|galleryjade11][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
[[Make her squirm|galleryjade11][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You give Jade a call, telling her that you want to have some fun in your dungeon once again. She speeds over and is jogging down the stairs in no time. Without even needing you to say anything she starts stripping off her clothes in preparation for whatever plans you have today. You point to the sex swing you have set up and hanging from the ceiling. She smiles seductively as she walks over to is and takes a seat. You help her strap in and waits patiently for you. You decide to see how far you can push her today but pulling out a vibrowand back massager. You turn it on its highest setting and the sounds of vibration fill the room. She looks at you and bites her lip as you grab her by her thigh and press the vibrating head of the wand directly against her pussy. She squirms and convulses, trying to pull away as the stimulation becomes to much for her, but you hold her steady as you rack her body with pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/squirm.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cover her face in jizz|galleryjade11][$scene to 3]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/facial2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
[[Call Jade to the dungeon|galleryjade12][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
[[Make her gag|galleryjade12][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Jade is at your beck and call. Nothing more than a text to her is needed to get her rushing over to your home to come down to your basement and get used for the sake of your pleasure. She clearly enjoys it too. It makes you wonder if you could take this farther with her one day. For now you tell her to hop on the sex swing so you can see how far you can push her throat before she breaks. Once in the swing you walk around behind her and pull her back so that she is looking at your cock and balls upside down. You grip hold of her tits like hand holds as you slide your cock into her throat. You quickly build up into a rough and pounding speed. Your balls slapping her face as your cock fills her throat and cuts off her air, making her gag and cough on your shaft. The sensation of which only serving to spur you on until you fill her throat with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/swing.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her face|galleryjade12][$scene to 3]]
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/facial2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
[[Call Jade to the dungeon|galleryjade13][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
[[Enslave Jade|galleryjade13][$scene to 2]]
<p>You take hold of one of your slave collars in your hand as your mind drifts to Jade. You decide that it is time to add her to your corral of sex slaves. You give her a call and in a very forceful tone, command her to clear her schedule for the rest of the day. She seems hesitant at first, but the power and decisiveness in your voice gets her to agree. You wait patiently for her to arrive. When she does, you are surprised to see how slutty she dressed. Wearing a pair of daisy dukes over a leotard.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>So, Mr. $mc.eyes eyes. Invite me over to have some more fun? Maybe wanna tie me up again?<</speech>>
<p>You look at her and give her a crooked smile as you show her the collar. You explain to her what you want. You make it abundantly clear to her, that you want her as your sex slave. She doesn’t reply, so you explain exactly what you expect of her while she is silent. Explaining that she will be yours, now and forever, and that she will do anything and everything you command of her. No matter how degrading, or slutty. She takes a moment to think, and you step up to her placing your hand firmly on her shoulder. Your toned muscles drawing her attention. Your work in the gym clearly paying off and having an effect on her.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>OK Mr. $mc.eyes eyes. I’m in. I don’t think I could say no to you even if I wanted. Go ahead and collar me<</speech>>
<p>As you put the collar around her neck, you add a stipulation to her enslavement. That the Mr. $mc.eyes eyes business ends here. From now on she will call you "$jade.title".</p>
<<speech "Jade">>I understand, $jade.title<</speech>>
[[Take your new slave out for a spin|galleryjade13 b][$scene to 0]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>With the collar fastened tightly around her neck, you decide that it is time to finally break your new slave in. But, you’ve already had plenty of fun with Jade yourself. To truly test just how devoted of a slave she is, you decide to push Jade well beyond any limits she might have had before. You tell her to get into her car with you. She agrees without a word. A good start. You then drive down to the park. It is starting to get late, and you know just the right place to find what you are looking for at this time of night. You pull up to a spot in the park where two homeless men notoriously hang out every night. Most people assume they sleep there. You decide to help them get a really good nights rest tonight. You pull Jade’s leotard off to let her tits out. You then roll down the window and egg her on through it. She leans the top part of her body out the window as the two homeless men look at her, both confused and aroused. You get out of the car and stick your thumb in Jade’s mouth, pulling it open. You turn to the men and tell them that her mouth is theirs to enjoy to night. Jade looks at you, somewhat shocked. But says nothing, following your orders as she agreed. The two men grumble and shrug as they stand. They each pull their cocks out and take turns getting sucked off by Jade. She is hesitant at first. But, quickly gets into a groove. The way she sucks and gags on the homeless men’s cocks tells you that she is clearly getting aroused by this. Likely making her feel even more shame than she already was.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/double_blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Jade gets painted|galleryjade13 b][$scene to 1]]
<p>The two men don’t last very long. Jade is skilled with her mouth and these men have no practice with her. They each cum on her face. By the amounts these men have been celibate for a rather long time. She gets thoroughly coated in the jizz of the two homeless men, until her face is painted almost completely stark white.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/double_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You bend down to look at your cum covered slave, and smile wickedly. You tell her that she has been a good little fuck toy. Something that makes her smile with pride. You then tell her to enjoy her evening with the homeless men.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Wha-?<</speech>>
<p>She looks confused for a moment before the reality of your subtle order sets in. She looks down solemnly for a moment before looking back up at you and smiling.</p>
<<speech "Jade">>Thank you, $jade.title! Have a wonderful night!<</speech>>
<p>You get into Jade’s car and drive back home, leaving her to have her throat fucked all night by those two men. And likely several more that happen to pass by.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 5]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
[[Call Jade to the dungeon|galleryjade14][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<a data-passage="galleryjade14" data-setter="$scene to 2" class="link-internal">Have a threesome with $</a>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You are in a more horny mood than usual at the moment. You have the kind of built up desire that one woman just could not quell on her own. And it just so happens that you have two slaves that you could be fucking right now. So you decide to make it happen. You send a text to Jade, commanding her to drop whatever she is doing and come over. As your slave, she obviously does. While you wait for her you go upstairs and tell your Mother, $, to go to her bedroom and get naked. You command the same of Jade when she arrives as well. Both of them listen without even a second thought.</p>
<p>You head into the bedroom and give them a cocky grin as they lay nude, waiting for you. You strip down and lie on the bed, commanding your slaves to pleasure you like the fuck sluts that they are. They quickly get to work, making your cock hard and taking turns sucking you off with expert skill. The switch between sucking your balls, kissing your shaft and sucking your cock as they use every move in their repertoire.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/mom_jade_blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Pull them on top of you|galleryjade14][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>When you are satisfied with their mouths you decide that it time to get inside of their cunts. You grab Jade by her arm and pull her close until she has both legs around you and is lowering herself onto your cock. You pull $ up toward your face and have her plop her thick ass down on top of you. You thrust up hard into Jade’s pussy while you voraciously eat our $</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/jade_cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck Mom|galleryjade14][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>You pull out of Jade and put her on her back on the bed. You instruct your Mother to climb on top of her. The two begin to eat each other out, sixty nining. You climb behind your mother and enjoy bother her pussy and Jade's tongue as you shove your cock into her tight hole. You pound away, slapping Jade’s face with your balls as your ravage $’s pussy. You watch as her huge ass bounces in front of you as you thrust harder and harder.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/mom_doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum|galleryjade14][$scene to 5]]
<p>When you reach your limit you pull out of your Mother and command both her and Jade to kneel down in front of you. They each suck your cock a bit more to push you over the edge and get you to cum. You unload your thick cum all over both of their faces. Giving each of them a fair and healthy amount to enjoy. They kiss and lick your cum up off of each other’s face until they are clean. You tell them that they are good little cum sluts and that you will be calling on them again soon.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/jade/bdsm/mom_jade_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<if $startup.level gte 4 && $ gte 15 && !$>>
<<set $ to {
name: 'Tiffany',
surname: 'Herrera',
priceFirst: 0,
priceWeek: 1300,
eff: 4,
neg: 4,
mark: 4,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/tiffany/face.png',
color: '#ffcc6d'
<<set _employeesArray to Object.keys($employees)>>
<<set _currentlyHired to 0>>
<<for _e to 0; _e lt _employeesArray.length; _e++>>
<<set _currentEmployee to $employees[_employeesArray[_e]]>>
<<if _currentEmployee.hired is 1>>
<<set _currentlyHired += 1>>
<<Highlight "Office">>
<<if $startup.level gt 1 && $origin is 1>>
<p class="hint">You have moved your work space to the new company building. You will find your team there</p>
<<elseif $ is 0 && $origin is 1>>
<br>[[Start your own business|Start up Creation][$origin to 2]]<br>
<<timed 0.2s>><div class="loc-nav">
<div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/startup/finances.jpg"][Review Finances]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Review finances</p></div>
<div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/startup/projects_available.jpg"][Available Projects][$step to 1]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Available projects</p></div>
<div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/startup/projects_current.jpg"][Current Projects]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Current projects</p></div>
<a data-passage="Work All Projects" data-setter="$step to 1" class="link-internal"><div @class="_workall1">[img["ressources/img/startup/projects_work.jpg"]]<div @class="_workall2"></div><p>Work on all projects</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Interact With Employees" data-setter="$step to 1" class="link-internal"><div @class="_interactemployees1">[img["ressources/img/startup/employees.jpg"]]<div @class="_interactemployees2"></div><p>Interact with employees</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Startup office">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Office Cafeteria" data-setter="$step to 1" class="link-internal"><div @class="_officecafeteria1">[img["ressources/img/startup/cafeteria.jpg"]]<div @class="_officecafeteria2"></div><p>Buffet</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"><<LocationPortraits "Office buffet">></div></div></a>
<a data-passage="Start up Hiring" data-setter="$origin to 2" class="link-internal"><div @class="_hiring1">[img["ressources/img/startup/hiring.jpg"]]<div @class="_hiring2"></div><p>Make a new hire</p><div style="position: absolute; bottom: 42px; right: -8px;"></div></div></a>
<<if $startup.level lt 4>><div @class="_officegrow1">[img["ressources/img/startup/grow.jpg"][Grow Your Company][$scene to 0]]<div @class="_officegrow2"></div><p>Grow your company</p></div><</if>>
<<if !($startup.level gt 1 && $origin is 1)>><<if $startup.level is 1 || $origin is 1>><div class="imglink">[img["ressources/img/home/house.jpg"][House]]<div class="shadow"></div><p>Leave</p></div><<else>><div class="imglink"><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>>[img["ressources/img/street/street_christmas.jpg"][Street]]<<else>>[img["ressources/img/street/street.jpg"][Street]]<</if>><div class="shadow"></div><p>Head out</p></div><</if>><</if>>
<<if !($startup.level gt 1 && $origin is 1)>><<OfficeBackground>><<else>><<addclass "body" "homeoffice">><</if>>
<<if $ lt 2000>><<set _prevMoney to $>><<set $ to 2000>><<set _has2k to true>><</if>>
<<set $startAt2 to 0>>
const target1 = $('input[id="radiobutton-startuplevel-0"]');
target1.on('change', handleChange);
const target2 = $('input[id="radiobutton-startuplevel-1"]');
target2.on('change', handleChange);
const target3 = $('input[id="radiobutton-loan-0"]');
target3.on('change', handleChange);
const target4 = $('input[id="radiobutton-loan-1"]');
target4.on('change', handleChange); }, 1000);
function handleChange(e) {
if(SugarCube.State.variables.tempmoney >= SugarCube.State.variables.priceTotal){
$("#costDisplay").html(`Total cost: <span style="color: green;">${SugarCube.State.variables.priceTotal}</span>`);
$("#hireDisplay1").css("display", "block");
$("#hireDisplay2").css("display", "none");
$("#costDisplay").html(`Total cost: <span style="color: red;">${SugarCube.State.variables.priceTotal}</span>`);
$("#hireDisplay1").css("display", "none");
$("#hireDisplay2").css("display", "block");
$("#hireDisplay2 span").html(`Start hiring (Not enough cash: $${SugarCube.State.variables.priceRemaining} left)`);
function refreshCosts(){
SugarCube.State.variables.tempmoney =;
SugarCube.State.variables.priceTotal = 1000;
if (SugarCube.State.variables.startup.level == 2) {
SugarCube.State.variables.priceTotal += 20000;
SugarCube.State.variables.startAt2 = 1;
SugarCube.State.variables.startAt2 = 0;
if ( == 1) SugarCube.State.variables.tempmoney += 25000;
SugarCube.State.variables.priceRemaining = SugarCube.State.variables.priceTotal - SugarCube.State.variables.tempmoney;
<h2 style="color: #848ed8;font-family: 'Raleway',sans-serif;font-size: 30px;font-weight: 800;line-height: 50px;margin: 0 0 24px;text-align: center;text-transform: uppercase;">Start up Creation</h2>
<p style="text-align:justify;">Before you set out on the exciting world of opening a small business, we need you to answer a few questions. To start us off, tell us what you would like to name your company.</p>
''Your new company name will be:''
* <label><<textbox "$" "Mycroft Co.">></label>
<p class="hint">Once you have decided your business’ name, you need to decide where you will begin.</p>
''Your company will start at:''
* <label><<radiobutton "$startup.level" 1>> Work from home</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$startup.level" 2>> Rent a small office space</label>
<p class="hint">Now, to start a business you need quite a bit of cash to get you going. You need to pay for a business license, insurance, and more. How do you intend to pay for all of this? Choose all that apply.</p>
''Your financing will be:''
* <label><<radiobutton "$loan" 0>> Cash on hand</label>
<<if $school.graduated is 1>>* <label><<radiobutton "$loan" 1>> Get a loan (Degree required)</label><<else>>* <label style="color: red;">Get a loan (Degree required)</label><</if>>
<<set $tempmoney to $>>
<<set $priceTotal to 1000>>
<<if $startup.level is 2>><<set $priceTotal += 20000>><</if>>
<<if $loan is 1>><<set $tempmoney += 25000>><</if>>
<<set $priceRemaining to $priceTotal - $tempmoney>>
<div id="costDisplay"></div>
<div id="hireDisplay1" style="display: none;">[[Start hiring|Start up Hiring][$origin to 1; $firstTime to 1]]</div><div id="hireDisplay2" style="display: none;"><span style="color: red;"></span></div>
<<if $origin is 1>>[[Go back|Intro]]<<else>><<if _has2k>>[[Go back|House][$ to _prevMoney]]<<else>>[[Go back|House]]<</if>><</if>>
<<widget "OfficeBackground">>
<<if $startup.level gte 4>>
<<addclass "body" "nationaloffice">>
<<elseif $startup.level gte 3>>
<<addclass "body" "regionaloffice">>
<<elseif $startup.level gte 2>>
<<addclass "body" "smalloffice">>
<<addclass "body" "homeoffice">>
<<widget "MakeEmployees">>
<<set $topOffsetMult to 0>>
<<if $startup.level is 1>>
<<set $employees to {
mom: {
name: $,
surname: '',
priceFirst: 1000,
priceWeek: 100,
eff: -1,
neg: 2,
mark: 2,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/mom/face.png',
color: '#ffcc6d'
jim: {
name: 'Jim',
surname: 'Smithers',
priceFirst: 2500,
priceWeek: 300,
eff: 3,
neg: 0,
mark: 0,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/employee/face.png',
color: '#f2f2f2'
tim: {
name: 'Tim',
surname: 'Mill',
priceFirst: 3000,
priceWeek: 200,
eff: 0,
neg: 3,
mark: 0,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/employee/face.png',
color: '#f2f2f2'
lyle: {
name: 'Lyle',
surname: 'Druthers',
priceFirst: 1500,
priceWeek: 400,
eff: 0,
neg: 0,
mark: 3,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/employee/face.png',
color: '#f2f2f2'
<<elseif $startup.level is 2>>
<<set $employees.tamara to {
name: 'Tamara',
surname: 'Sinclair',
priceFirst: 1000,
priceWeek: 500,
eff: 2,
neg: -1,
mark: 3,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/tammy/face.png',
color: '#ffcc6d'
<<set $employees.parker to {
name: 'Parker',
surname: 'Stevens',
priceFirst: 5000,
priceWeek: 350,
eff: 3,
neg: 1,
mark: 0,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/employee/face.png',
color: '#3aff93'
<<set $employees.jamal to {
name: 'Jamal',
surname: 'Peters',
priceFirst: 4000,
priceWeek: 450,
eff: 1,
neg: 0,
mark: 3,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/employee/face.png',
color: '#3aff93'
<<set $employees.ichiro to {
name: 'Ichiro',
surname: 'Kirashima',
priceFirst: 4500,
priceWeek: 400,
eff: 0,
neg: 3,
mark: 1,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/employee/face.png',
color: '#3aff93'
<<elseif $startup.level is 3>>
<<set $employees.erika to {
name: 'Erika',
surname: 'Hatzis',
priceFirst: 10000,
priceWeek: 700,
eff: -1,
neg: -1,
mark: -1,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/erika/face.png',
color: '#ffcc6d'
<<set $employees.piscine to {
name: 'Piscine',
surname: 'Patel',
priceFirst: 7000,
priceWeek: 650,
eff: 3,
neg: 2,
mark: 0,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/employee/face.png',
color: '#6460ea'
<<set $employees.ryan to {
name: 'Ryan',
surname: 'Irvin',
priceFirst: 8500,
priceWeek: 550,
eff: 0,
neg: 3,
mark: 2,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/employee/face.png',
color: '#6460ea'
<<set $employees.connor to {
name: 'Connor',
surname: 'Mactavish',
priceFirst: 7500,
priceWeek: 600,
eff: 2,
neg: 0,
mark: 3,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/employee/face.png',
color: '#6460ea'
<<elseif $startup.level is 4>>
<<set $employees.mikaela to {
name: 'Mikaela',
surname: 'Gutierrez',
priceFirst: 13000,
priceWeek: 1600,
eff: 3,
neg: 4,
mark: 2,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/mikaela/face.png',
color: '#ffcc6d'
<<set $employees.javier to {
name: 'Javier',
surname: 'Gutierrez',
priceFirst: 5000,
priceWeek: 400,
eff: 2,
neg: 2,
mark: 1,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/employee/face.png',
color: '#ffcc6d'
<<set $employees.trace to {
name: 'Trace',
surname: 'Henderson',
priceFirst: 11000,
priceWeek: 1500,
eff: 2,
neg: 5,
mark: -1,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/employee/face.png',
color: '#e35cf7'
<<set $employees.yuri to {
name: 'Yuri',
surname: 'Papovich',
priceFirst: 15000,
priceWeek: 1100,
eff: 5,
neg: -1,
mark: 2,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/employee/face.png',
color: '#e35cf7'
<<set $employees.taylor to {
name: 'Taylor',
surname: 'Johnson',
priceFirst: 13000,
priceWeek: 1400,
eff: -1,
neg: 2,
mark: 5,
hired: 0,
antiquity: 0,
img: 'ressources/img/employee/face.png',
color: '#e35cf7'
let sugar = SugarCube.State.variables;
let employees = Object.keys(sugar.employees);
if(employees.length >= 12){
sugar.topOffsetMult = 10;
}else if(employees.length >= 8){
sugar.topOffsetMult = 20;
}else if(employees.length >= 4){
sugar.topOffsetMult = 30;
sugar.topOffsetMult = 40;
}, 500);
<<widget "MakeIdCards">>
let sugar = SugarCube.State.variables;
let container = $('.idcard-slider');
let employees = Object.keys(sugar.employees);
let employeeImgs = [];
let targetEmployee;
let i;
let e = 0;
for (i = employees.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (i = employees.length - 1; i >= 0; i--, e++) {
targetEmployee = sugar.employees[employees[i]];
container.append(`<div class="idcard-container" style="width: 300px; height: 210px; background-color: #333e44;"><div style="width: 210px; height: inherit; border-radius: 50%; background-color: inherit; border: solid 9px rgba(155,155,155,0.2); transform: translateX(-105px);"></div><div id="cardMain" style="background-color: inherit; width: 300px; height: inherit; border: solid 9px rgba(155,155,155,0.2); border-left-width: 0px; border-top-right-radius: 2%; border-bottom-right-radius: 2%; border-right: solid 20px ${targetEmployee.color}; transform: translateY(-228px);"><img src=" "><div style="position: absolute; left: 100px; top: 10px; width: 190px; text-align: right; font-size: 104%;"><p style="margin-bottom: 6px;"><span id="nameSpan">${}</span> <span style="opacity: 90%;">${targetEmployee.surname.toUpperCase()}</span></p><p style="font-size: 78%; margin-top: 0px; letter-spacing: 0px;">SIGNING BONUS: ${targetEmployee.priceFirst}</p><p style="font-size: 78%; margin-top: 0px; letter-spacing: 0px;">SALARY: ${targetEmployee.priceWeek}</p><div class="progress-bar idcard" style="--widthsubt: 0;" data-label="efficiency" target="_efficiency"></div><div class="progress-bar idcard" style="--widthsubt: 0;" data-label="negotiation" target="_negotiation"></div><div class="progress-bar idcard" style="--widthsubt: 0;" data-label="marketing" target="_marketing"></div></div></div></div>`);
$('.idcard-container').last().css('top', e * sugar.topOffsetMult + 'px');
$('.idcard-container img').last().attr('src', employeeImgs[i]);
$('.idcard-container img').last().attr('style', `width: 50%; border-radius: 50%; border: solid 6px rgba(155,155,155,0.7); background: ${targetEmployee.color}; position: absolute; left: -74px; top: 25px;`);
$('.idcard-container span[id="nameSpan"]').last().attr('style', `font-weight: 800; color: ${targetEmployee.color};`);
$('.progress-bar.idcard[target="_efficiency"]').last().attr('style', `--widthsubt: ${targetEmployee.eff};`);
$('.progress-bar.idcard[target="_negotiation"]').last().attr('style', `--widthsubt: ${targetEmployee.neg};`);
$('.progress-bar.idcard[target="_marketing"]').last().attr('style', `--widthsubt: ${targetEmployee.mark};`);
if(targetEmployee.hired == 1) $('.idcard-container').last().attr('style', `width: 300px; height: 210px; background-color: #333e44; filter: grayscale(100%); top: ${e * sugar.topOffsetMult + 'px'}`);
if (':empty')){
$('.noEmployeesHide').css('display', 'none');
$('#noEmployees').css('display', 'block');
if(sugar.startup.level < 4){
$('#noEmployees').html("There aren't more job applicants right now. Upgrading your office could attract more people");
$('#noEmployees').html("There aren't more job applicants right now");
}, 1000);
<<widget "MakeFiringCards">>
let sugar = SugarCube.State.variables;
let container = $('.idcard-slider');
let employees = Object.keys(sugar.employees);
let employeeImgs = [];
let targetEmployee;
let i;
let e = 0;
for (i = employees.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (i = employees.length - 1; i >= 0; i--, e++) {
targetEmployee = sugar.employees[employees[i]];
if(targetEmployee.hired == 1){
container.append(`<div class="idcard-container" style="width: 300px; height: 210px; background-color: #333e44;"><div style="width: 210px; height: inherit; border-radius: 50%; background-color: inherit; border: solid 9px rgba(155,155,155,0.2); transform: translateX(-105px);"></div><div id="cardMain" style="background-color: inherit; width: 300px; height: inherit; border: solid 9px rgba(155,155,155,0.2); border-left-width: 0px; border-top-right-radius: 2%; border-bottom-right-radius: 2%; border-right: solid 20px ${targetEmployee.color}; transform: translateY(-228px);"><img src=" "><div style="position: absolute; left: 100px; top: 10px; width: 190px; text-align: right; font-size: 104%;"><p style="margin-bottom: 6px;"><span id="nameSpan">${}</span> <span style="opacity: 90%;">${targetEmployee.surname.toUpperCase()}</span></p><p style="font-size: 78%; margin-top: 0px; letter-spacing: 0px;">SIGNING BONUS: ${targetEmployee.priceFirst}</p><p style="font-size: 78%; margin-top: 0px; letter-spacing: 0px;">SALARY: ${targetEmployee.priceWeek}</p><div class="progress-bar idcard" style="--widthsubt: 0;" data-label="efficiency" target="_efficiency"></div><div class="progress-bar idcard" style="--widthsubt: 0;" data-label="negotiation" target="_negotiation"></div><div class="progress-bar idcard" style="--widthsubt: 0;" data-label="marketing" target="_marketing"></div></div></div></div>`);
$('.idcard-container').last().css('top', e * sugar.topOffsetMult + 'px');
$('.idcard-container img').last().attr('src', employeeImgs[i]);
$('.idcard-container img').last().attr('style', `width: 50%; border-radius: 50%; border: solid 6px rgba(155,155,155,0.7); background: ${targetEmployee.color}; position: absolute; left: -74px; top: 25px;`);
$('.idcard-container span[id="nameSpan"]').last().attr('style', `font-weight: 800; color: ${targetEmployee.color};`);
$('.progress-bar.idcard[target="_efficiency"]').last().attr('style', `--widthsubt: ${targetEmployee.eff};`);
$('.progress-bar.idcard[target="_negotiation"]').last().attr('style', `--widthsubt: ${targetEmployee.neg};`);
$('.progress-bar.idcard[target="_marketing"]').last().attr('style', `--widthsubt: ${targetEmployee.mark};`);
if (':empty')){
$('.noEmployeesHide').css('display', 'none');
$('#noEmployees').css('display', 'block');
$('#noEmployees').html("Seems like there isn't somebody to fire");
}, 1000);
<<widget "MakeProjects">>
<<set $chosenProject to {}>>
let sugar = SugarCube.State.variables;
let container = $('#project-container');
let projects = sugar.projectArray;
let i;
for(i = 0; i < sugar.numberOfProjects; i++){
container.append(`<a id="${i}" onclick="clickProject(" style="color: white;">
<div class="card">
<div class="titles">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<h2 class="name">${projects[i].name.toUpperCase()}</h2>
<div class="content">
<p style="color: #42db42;">PROFIT: $ ${projects[i].profit}</p>
<p>STAGES: ${projects[i].stages}</p>
<p>DEADLINE: ${projects[i].deadline} days</p>
$('.titles').last().css('background-color', projects[i].color);
window.clickProject = function(id){
let container = $('#projectDisplay');
container.css('display', 'block');
container.html(`Selected project: ${sugar.projectArray[id].name} <span style="color: #42db42;">- $ ${sugar.projectArray[id].profit}`);
$('#nextStage').css('display', 'block');
sugar.chosenProject = sugar.projectArray[id];
}, 1000);
<<widget "StartupGlobalStats">>
<<set _employeesArray to Object.keys($employees)>>
<<set $startup.globalstats.eff = 0>>
<<set $startup.globalstats.neg = 0>>
<<set $startup.globalstats.mark = 0>>
<<set $startup.globalstats.priceWeek = 0>>
<<for _e to 0; _e lt _employeesArray.length; _e++>>
<<set _currentEmployee to $employees[_employeesArray[_e]]>>
<<if _currentEmployee.hired is 1 && !( is "Erika" && $erika.dayoff is 1)>>
<<set $startup.globalstats.eff += _currentEmployee.eff>>
<<set $startup.globalstats.neg += _currentEmployee.neg>>
<<set $startup.globalstats.mark += _currentEmployee.mark>>
<<set $startup.globalstats.priceWeek += _currentEmployee.priceWeek>>
<<widget "TodayProjects">>
<<set $projectArray to []>>
<<set $companyNames to ["Parker Bros. Garage","Toy Emporium","Games Games Games","Smith Bait and Tackle","Dr. Rupert Natural Remedies","Sally’s Den","Gutter Professionals","Lawn Care Masters","Teacher’s United","Alpha Pest Control","New Day Insurance","Nick’s Salvage","Deep Fried Heaven","National Emporium of Flapjacks","Cult of Cthulu","Happy Endings Massage Parlor","Jack’s Joint","Smoke Stacked Lounge","Ass Eaters Intl.",]>>
<<set $companyDescs to ["A simple website is all they need","They are asking for something flashy, with lots of javascript","Their website needs to be professional","Their focus is on search engine optimization","They want a social media feel to their website","It needs to be easy to navigate through","This one needs and embedded video player","They are asking for a store page for e-commerce","The client is asking for their site to have music when you load it up","It needs a way for visitors to upload their own images","They need something new that doesn’t have any Flash on it now that it’s unsupported",]>>
<<set $numberOfProjects = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((4 + $startup.globalstats.mark) - (1 + $startup.globalstats.mark))) + (1 + $startup.globalstats.mark)>>
<<if $numberOfProjects lt 1>><<set $numberOfProjects = 1>><</if>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $numberOfProjects; _i++>>
<<set $randomName = $companyNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * $companyNames.length)]>>
<<set $randomDesc = $companyDescs[Math.floor(Math.random() * $companyDescs.length)]>>
<<set $difficulty = Math.floor(Math.random() * ($startup.level - 1 + 1)) + 1>>
<<set $stages = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((4 + $difficulty * 2) - (1 + $difficulty * 2))) + (1 + $difficulty * 2)>>
<<set $deadline = Math.floor(Math.random() * (($stages + 4) - ($stages + 1) + 1)) + ($stages + 1)>>
<<set $profit = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((500 * Math.pow($difficulty, 3) + (100 * $startup.globalstats.neg)) - (100 * Math.pow($difficulty, 3) + (20 * $startup.globalstats.neg)))) + (100 * Math.pow($difficulty, 3) + (20 * $startup.globalstats.neg))>>
<<switch $difficulty>>
<<case 4>>
<<set $color to "rgba(151, 84, 189, 0.62)">>
<<case 3>>
<<set $color to "rgba(128, 207, 255, 0.62)">>
<<case 2>>
<<set $color to "rgba(100, 225, 89, 0.62)">>
<<set $color to "rgba(242, 241, 241, 0.62)">>
<<set $uid = Math.random().toString(16).slice(2)>>
<<set $newProject to {
id: _i,
uid: $uid,
name: $randomName,
desc: $randomDesc,
difficulty: $difficulty,
stages: $stages,
stagesDone: 0,
finished: 0,
deadline: $deadline,
profit: $profit,
color: $color
<<set $projectArray.push($newProject)>>
<<if $startup.globalstats.eff lt 1>><<set _globaleff to 1>><<else>><<set _globaleff to $startup.globalstats.eff>><</if>>
<<set $stagesToDo = Math.floor(Math.random() * (_globaleff - 1 + 1)) + 1>>
<<widget "UpdateDeadlines">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $startup.projects.length; _i++>>
<<set $startup.projects[_i].deadline -= 1>>
<<if $startup.projects[_i].deadline lte 0>><<set $startup.projects.splice(_i, 1)>><</if>>
<<widget "PayEmployees">>
<<if $ gte $startup.globalstats.priceWeek>>
<<set $ -= $startup.globalstats.priceWeek>>
<<set $ = 0>>
<<widget "Bankruptcy">>
<<goto "Bank Bankruptcy">>
<<widget "FireNewerEmployee">>
<<_employeeToFire to {}>>
let sugar = SugarCube.State.variables;
let employees = Object.keys(sugar.employees);
let i;
for(i = 0; i < employees.length; i++){
if(sugar.employees[employees[i + 1]]){
if(sugar.employees[employees[i]].antiquity < sugar.employees[employees[i + 1]].antiquity){
SugarCube.State.temporary.employeeToFire = sugar.employees[employees[i]];
SugarCube.State.temporary.employeeToFire = sugar.employees[employees[i + 1]];
<<if is $>>
<<set $employees["mom"].hired to 0>>
<<set $employees[].hired to 0>>
<p class="hint"> is no longer with the company</p>
<<widget "UpdateEmployees">>
<<set _employeesArray to Object.keys($employees)>>
<<for _e to 0; _e lt _employeesArray.length; _e++>>
<<set _currentEmployee to $employees[_employeesArray[_e]]>>
<<if _currentEmployee.hired is 1>>
<<set $employees[_employeesArray[_e]].antiquity += 1>>
<<if $daycheck is "Friday">><<set $erika.mot -= 10>><</if>>
<<if $erika.mot lt 0>><<set $erika.mot to 0>><</if>>
<<set $erika.dayoff to 0>>
<<if $firstTime is 1>><<set $firstTime to 0>><<else>><<set $tempmoney to $>><<set $priceTotal to 0>><</if>>
<<if $startAt2 is 1>><<MakeEmployees>><</if>>
<<set $employeesToHire to []>>
<<if $employees>><<if $>><<if $ isnot $>><<set $ to $>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
window.changeSlide = function(direction){
let sugar = SugarCube.State.variables;
let currentCard = $('.idcard-active');
let nextCard =;
let prevCard = currentCard.prev();
let currentEmployee;
if(direction == 'next'){
let lastCard = $('.idcard-slider .idcard-container').last();
let firstCard = $('.idcard-slider .idcard-container').first();
let currentName = $('.idcard-active span').first().text() + " " + $('.idcard-active span').last().text();
if(currentName.length) {
let isMom = $('.idcard-active span').first().text().toLowerCase() ==;
if (isMom) {
currentEmployee = sugar.employees["mom"];
currentEmployee = sugar.employees[$('.idcard-active span').first().text().toLowerCase()];
$('#nameDisplay').css('color', currentEmployee.color);
let employeeArray = [];
window.selectEmployee = function(){
let sugar = SugarCube.State.variables;
let currentEmployeeName;
if($('.idcard-active span').first().text() == "MIKAELA" || $('.idcard-active span').first().text() == "JAVIER"){
currentEmployeeName = "MIKAELA & JAVIER";
currentEmployeeName = $('.idcard-active span').first().text() + " " + $('.idcard-active span').last().text();
let alreadyExists = $('#employeesDisplay li:contains(' + currentEmployeeName + ')').first();
let isMom2 = $('.idcard-active span').first().text().toLowerCase() ==;
let employeeToRemove = "";
if (isMom2) {
employeeToRemove = { return; }).indexOf(sugar.employees["mom"].name);
sugar.priceTotal -= sugar.employees["mom"].priceFirst;
employeeArray.splice(employeeToRemove, 1);
} else {
employeeToRemove = { return; }).indexOf(sugar.employees[$('.idcard-active span').first().text().toLowerCase()].name);
if(employeeToRemove == -1) employeeToRemove = { return; }).indexOf("Mikaela");
if(employeeArray[employeeToRemove].name == "Mikaela" || employeeArray[employeeToRemove].name == "Javier"){
sugar.priceTotal -= sugar.employees["mikaela"].priceFirst + sugar.employees["javier"].priceFirst;
employeeToRemove = { return; }).indexOf(sugar.employees["mikaela"].name);
employeeArray.splice(employeeToRemove, 1);
sugar.priceTotal -= sugar.employees[$('.idcard-active span').first().text().toLowerCase()].priceFirst;
employeeArray.splice(employeeToRemove, 1);
sugar.employeesToHire = employeeArray;
}else if(currentEmployeeName.length) {
let employeeToPush = sugar.employees[$('.idcard-active span').first().text().toLowerCase()];
if (isMom2) employeeToPush = sugar.employees["mom"];
if(( == "Mikaela" || == "Javier") && (sugar.employees.mikaela.hired == 0 || sugar.employees.javier.hired == 0)){
$('#employeesDisplay').append('<li><span style="color:' + employeeToPush.color + ';">MIKAELA & JAVIER</span><span style="color: red;"> - $' + (sugar.employees["mikaela"].priceFirst + sugar.employees["javier"].priceFirst) + '</span></li>');
sugar.priceTotal += sugar.employees["mikaela"].priceFirst + sugar.employees["javier"].priceFirst;
sugar.employeesToHire = employeeArray;
}else if(employeeToPush.hired == 0){
$('#employeesDisplay').append('<li><span style="color:' + employeeToPush.color + ';">' + currentEmployeeName + '</span><span style="color: red;"> - $' + employeeToPush.priceFirst + '</span></li>');
sugar.priceTotal += employeeToPush.priceFirst;
sugar.employeesToHire = employeeArray;
$('#nameDisplay').html("That employee is already in your team");
sugar.priceRemaining = sugar.priceTotal - sugar.tempmoney;
$('#nameDisplay').html("Please, choose an ID card first");
function handleChange() {
let sugar = SugarCube.State.variables;
if(sugar.tempmoney >= sugar.priceTotal){
$("#costDisplay").html(`Total cost: <span style="color: green;">${sugar.priceTotal}</span>`);
$("#interviewDisplay1").css("display", "block");
$("#interviewDisplay2").css("display", "none");
$("#interviewDisplay3").css("display", "none");
$("#costDisplay").html(`Total cost: <span style="color: red;">${sugar.priceTotal}</span>`);
$("#interviewDisplay1").css("display", "none");
$("#interviewDisplay2").css("display", "block");
$("#interviewDisplay3").css("display", "none");
$("#interviewDisplay2 span").html(`Begin interviewing (Not enough cash: $${sugar.priceRemaining} left)`);
$("#costDisplay").html(`Total cost: <span style="color: green;">${sugar.priceTotal}</span>`);
$("#interviewDisplay1").css("display", "none");
$("#interviewDisplay2").css("display", "none");
$("#interviewDisplay3").css("display", "block");
<<MakeIdCards>><p id="noEmployees" class="hint" style="display: none;"></p>
<<if $tempmoney gte $priceTotal>>
<p class="hint noEmployeesHide">Which job applicants would you like to call for an interview?</p>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div class="idcard-slider" style="margin: 0 auto; position: relative;"></div>
<div class="noEmployeesHide"><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></div>
<span id="nameDisplay" style="font-weight: 800; font-size: 130%;"></span>
<div class="noEmployeesHide"><input type="button" onclick="changeSlide('prev')" value="Previous"> <input type="button" onclick="selectEmployee()" value="Select"> <input type="button" onclick="changeSlide('next')" value="Next"></div>
<div class="noEmployeesHide">''EMPLOYEES TO BE HIRED:''</div>
<ul id="employeesDisplay" style="font-weight: 400;"></ul>
<div id="costDisplay"></div>
<p class="hint">Seems like you haven't enough money. Please go back and make sure of calculating the costs before moving forward.</p>
<div id="interviewDisplay1" style="display: none;">[[Begin interviewing|Start up Interviews]]</div><div id="interviewDisplay2" style="display: none;"><span style="color: red;"></span></div><div id="interviewDisplay3" style="display: none;"><span style="color: red;">Begin interviewing (First choose some job applicants)</span></div>
<<if $ is 1>>[[Fire an employee|Start up Firing]]<</if>>
<<if $origin is 1>>[[Go back|Start up Creation]]<<else>>[[Go back|Start up Office]]<</if>>
<<if $employeesToHire[0].name == $>>
<<set $employees["mom"].hired to 1>>
<<elseif $employeesToHire[0].name == "Mikaela" || $employeesToHire[0].name == "Javier">>
<<set $employees["mikaela"].hired to 1>>
<<set $employees["javier"].hired to 1>>
<<set $employees[$employeesToHire[0].name.toLowerCase()].hired to 1>>
<<set _exeptions to [$, "Tamara", "Erika", "Mikaela", "Javier", "Tiffany"]>>
<<if $employeesToHire[0].eff gte $employeesToHire[0].neg && $employeesToHire[0].eff gte $employeesToHire[0].mark>>
<<set _primaryStat to "very efficient">>
<<elseif $employeesToHire[0].neg gte $employeesToHire[0].eff && $employeesToHire[0].neg gte $employeesToHire[0].mark>>
<<set _primaryStat to "a stern negotiator">>
<<set _primaryStat to "a great marketer">>
<<if _exeptions.includes($employeesToHire[0].name)>>
<<switch $employeesToHire[0].name>>
<<case $>>
<p>You asked your mom $ to work with you at your company. She couldn't look more happy.</p>
<<case "Tamara">>
<<if $tammy.met is 0>>
<<set $tammy.met to 1>>
<p>You asked Tamara to work at your company again. She accepted and is again in your team.</p>
<<case "Erika">>
<<if $erika.met is 0>>
<<set $erika.met to 1>>
<p>You asked Erika to work at your company again. She accepted and is again in your team.</p>
<<case "Mikaela" "Javier">>
<<if $mikaela.met is 0>>
<<set $mikaela.met to 1>>
<p>You asked Mikaela to work at your company again. She accepted and is again in your team.</p>
<<case "Tiffany">>
<<if $tiffany.defeated is 0>>
<<set $tiffany.defeated to 1>>
<p>You asked Tiffany to work at your company again. She accepted and is again in your team.</p>
<<if $employeesToHire[0].name isnot "Tiffany">><p class="got">$employeesToHire[0].name is now part of your team!</p><</if>>
<<if $employeesToHire[0].name isnot "Tiffany">><<if $employeesToHire.length gt 1>>[[Next|Start up Interviews]]<<else>>[[Check the costs|Start up Total Costs]]<</if>><</if>>
<<set $employeesToHire.shift()>>
<<if $employeesToHire.length gt 1>>
<p>You read over $employeesToHire[0].name resume and ask him a few questions. Based on everything, he seems to be _primaryStat. After some talk, you decide it's time to call the next applicant.</p>
<p class="got">$employeesToHire[0].name is now part of your team!</p>
<<set $employeesToHire.shift()>>
[[Next|Start up Interviews]]
<p>You read over $employeesToHire[0].name resume and ask him a few questions. Based on everything, he seems to be _primaryStat. He would be an asset to your company. But first you should review the expenses.</p>
<p class="got">$employeesToHire[0].name is now part of your team!</p>
<<set $employeesToHire.shift()>>
[[Check the costs|Start up Total Costs]]
<<if $loan is 1>><<set $ to $tempmoney>><<set $mc.debt += 25000>><</if>>
<<set $loan to 0>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<p>After choosing your new adquisitions for your business, and before you can get to work, you need to pay for the expenses.</p>
''Total cost: <span style="color: #9898ff;">$ $priceTotal</span>''
<<if $startAt2 is 1>>[[Make the payment|Tiffany Intro][$ -= $priceTotal; $priceTotal = 0]]
<<else>>[[Make the payment|Start up Office][$ -= $priceTotal; $priceTotal = 0]]<</if>>
<<OfficeBackground>><<set $startAt2 to 0>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '12:00', '12:59') && $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $step is 1>>
[[Eat alone|Office Cafeteria][$step to 2]]
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex;">
<<if $ is 1 && $mom.loc is "Office buffet">><script>momtext = "Eat with your mom"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_mom" onmouseover="hover(momtext)">
[img["ressources/img/mom/face.png"][Eat With Mom]]
<<if $employees.tamara>><<if $employees.tamara.hired is 1 && $tammy.loc is "Office buffet">><script>tammytext = "Eat with Tamara"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_tammy" onmouseover="hover(tammytext)">
[img["ressources/img/tammy/face.png"][Eat With Tamara]]
<<if $employees.erika>><<if $employees.erika.hired is 1 && $erika.loc is "Office buffet">><script>erikatext = "Eat with Erika"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_erika" onmouseover="hover(erikatext)">
[img["ressources/img/erika/face.png"][Eat With Erika]]
<<if $employees.mikaela>><<if $employees.mikaela.hired is 1 && $mikaela.loc is "Office buffet">><script>mikaelatext = "Eat with Mikaela"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_mikaela" onmouseover="hover(mikaelatext)">
[img["ressources/img/mikaela/face.png"][Eat With Mikaela]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex; margin-top: 60px;">
<<if $>><<if $ is 1 && $tiffany.loc is "Office buffet">><script>tiffanytext = "Eat with Tiffany"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_tiffany" onmouseover="hover(tiffanytext)">
[img["ressources/img/tiffany/face.png"][Eat With Tiffany]]
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When a girl is here, you may hover your mouse over her to know more about her interaction</p>
<<else>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You decided to eat alone today. Food was <<if $startup.level gte 3>>splendind, as expected from an enterprise with the scope of $<<else>>modest.<</if>></p>
<p class="hint">You may have lunch with your team at 12:00 hs during work days</p>
[[Return|Start up Office]]
<<set _name to $>><span style="font-size: 130%; color: #ffcc6d;">''_name''</span>
<p>Your current amount of money is $ $</p>
<<StartupGlobalStats>><p>This week your company expenses will be <span style="color: red;">$ $startup.globalstats.priceWeek</span>. Payments are made automatically each Friday</p>
<<if $mc.debt gt 0>><p>You owe <span style="color: red;">$ $mc.debt</span> to the bank</p><</if>>
[[Change your company name|Company Rename]]
<<if $mc.debt gt 0>>[[Pay your bank debt|Bank Pay Debt][$step to 0; $origin to 2]]<</if>>
[[Go back|Start up Office]]
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $step is 1>>
<p class="hint">These are today's project offers. You may choose one to add to the current work projects of your team. Remember to check for new offers tomorrow!</p>
<div id="project-container"></div>
<br><br><p class="hint" id="projectDisplay" style="clear:both; display: none;"></p>
<div id="nextStage" style="clear:both; display: none;"><br><br>[[Choose this project|Available Projects][$step to 2]]</div>
<div style="clear:both;"><br><br>[[Return|Start up Office]]<br><br></div>
<p>You have chosen to work for $ $chosenProject.desc. This will take your team around $chosenProject.stages stages of development, and you will be paid $ $chosenProject.profit from finishing the project. You think about the conditions before getting to it.</p>
[[Choose again|Available Projects][$step to 1]]
[[Looks good|Start up Office][$startup.projects.push($chosenProject); $projectArray.splice($, 1); $numberOfProjects -= 1]]
<div id="project-container">
<<for _i to 0; _i < $startup.projects.length; _i++>>
<<set _colorStyle to "background-color: " + $startup.projects[_i].color + ";">>
<<set _name to $startup.projects[_i].name.toUpperCase()>>
<<set _desc to $startup.projects[_i].desc.toUpperCase()>>
<div class="card">
<div class="titles" @style="_colorStyle">
<div style="
height: 5px;
<h2 class="name">_name</h2>
<div class="content">
<p style="color: #42db42;">PROFIT: $ $startup.projects[_i].profit</p>
<p>STAGES DONE: $startup.projects[_i].stagesDone of $startup.projects[_i].stages</p>
<p>DEADLINE: $startup.projects[_i].deadline days left</p>
<div style="clear:both;"><br><br>[[Return|Start up Office]]<br><br></div>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if ( isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '11:59') || isDateBetween($gameDate, '13:00', '16:59') ) && $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $step is 1>><<if $employees>><<if $employees.tamara>><<if $employees.tamara.hired is 1>><<set _tammyHired to 1>><</if>><</if>><<if $employees.mikaela>><<if $employees.mikaela.hired is 1>><<set _mikaelaHired to 1>><</if>><</if>><</if>>
<<if _mikaelaHired is 1 && $mikaela.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5>><<set $mikaela.questmain to 1>><<set $[0] to 1>>
<p>You sit at your desk and get to work for the day. But, you aren’t even able to get ten minutes worth of work in before you hear a sudden commotion coming from the break room. You wonder what is going on so you head out of your office and into there to see that Javier and Mikaela have brought a group of employees around to celebrate the birthday of one of the interns. You enter in, wondering why they are putting this all together for an intern that likely won’t even be working with you by this time next year. Also, you wonder why you weren’t invited to this little break room party. You insert yourself briefly, shaking the intern’s hand and wishing him a happy birthday. You then get Mikaela’s attention and firmly ask her to join you in your office. She gives you a sly smile as if she knows why you want to talk to her. Once you are both in you office you close the door to afford you some privacy. You ask her why the sudden fan fair over an intern’s birthday.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Oh that is simply us showing the employees how much we value them. So that we my husband and I rip this company out from under you, they will be happy we did<</speech>>
<p>You are taken aback by her bold declaration. You are about to scold her, and even fire her for even suggesting such a thing. But then she distracts you by starting to undress. She undoes button after button, continuing to talk as she does.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>That is of course, if you don’t beat him out and show everyone how much you truly care about your company. Then I just might have a reason to not require my husband work here with me<</speech>>
<p>You aren’t sure to react as Mikaela bares it all for you. You can’t tell if this is a tactic to distract you, or if she is actually into you. You don’t really care in the moment. You just let yourself take it all in. Her massive ass and big tits are a spectacular sight.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Don’t lose your head. If you want to come out ahead you’ll need to be focused<</speech>>
<p>She redresses herself and head out of your office. You take a moment to enjoy the memory of her awesome ass. But, then you refocus. You have a challenge on your hands. You get the inclination that Mikaela is power hungry. She probably doesn’t give two shits about her husband. She only sees him as an easily manipulated tool to get power and standing. You figure if you make her husband look like a fool, you could take her as your own with ease.</p>
<p>You think on this as you get back to work. Deciding that you will show your staff why you started this company, by working your ass off.</p>
<p class="hint">Mikaela and Javier are trying to take the popular opinion away from you among your employees. Work hard every day to show your employees that you are as much a part of the team as they are. The more your work each week, the better their opinion of you will be. You will need to keep their opinion high to beat Javier and progress with Mikaela</p>
<<elseif _tammyHired is 1 && $tammy.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5>><<set $tammy.questmain to 1>><<set $[0] to 1>>
<p>You are hard at work today, coding up a storm while you work on several work orders. You send a message to your secretary Tammy, asking her to help you out and pick you up something to eat so you can focus on your work. After some time she walks into your office with a box of take out. She sees you with your eyes glued to the screen, typing away a storm and barely even noticing the world around you. She puts the box on your desk and starts to walk away. You don’t acknowledge it at all. You mind wholly absorbed. She walks back over and opens up the box, letting the smell of the cheesesteak inside waft into your nose. You twitch slightly, but are otherwise unfazed.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Okay this shit is just unhealthy!<</speech>>
<p>Tammy raising her voice takes you right out of your focus on the screen and draws you back into reality. You look down at the food and then up at Tammy, who is clearly disappointed with you. You smile and thank her for bringing you your order. But she still looks disappointed in you. So you ask her what’s wrong.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>You have your head so stuck in that screen you couldn’t even tell when fresh food that you asked for is in front of you. You need a break like nothing else!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you appreciate the thought, but that you are on a roll and don’t want to stop. You add that the more work you get done now, the more free time you will have later. She seems unconvinced.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Well if words won’t convince you to look away from that screen, action will!<</speech>>
<p>Tammy whimsically tosses her shirt off and pulls down her bra to show you her tits. She stand before you, standing seductively. Her stripper experience clearly helping her amplify the view she is providing you. And you must admit, it is a much better thing to look at than your screen. And you can’t help but give her your undivided attention.</p>
<p>With you firmly distracted, Tammy walks around behind you and gives you a shoulder massage, resting her bare tits on your head as she does. She helps you enjoy your short break, getting redressed before the two of you head back to work.</p>
<<set _employees to ["mom", "tamara", "erika", "mikaela", "tiffany"]>>
<<set _randomEmployees to []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < _employees.length; _i++>>
<<if $employees[_employees[_i]]>><<if $employees[_employees[_i]].hired is 1>><<set _randomEmployees.push(_employees[_i])>><</if>><</if>>
<<set _randomEmployee to either(_randomEmployees)>>
<<switch _randomEmployee>>
<<case "mom">>
<<case "tamara">>
<<case "erika">>
<<case "mikaela">>
<<case "tiffany">>
<p>Today everything looks normal at the office.</p>
[[Get to work|Work All Projects][$step to 2]]
<<else>><<if isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '11:59')>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(12)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<else>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(17)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><</if>><<set $startup.workScore += 2>>
<<if $startup.projects.length>>
<<set _projectsFinished to []>>
<<set _todayProfit to 0>>
let sugar = SugarCube.State.variables;
function compare(a, b) {
let comparison = 0;
if (a.deadline > b.deadline) {
comparison = 1;
} else if (a.deadline < b.deadline) {
comparison = -1;
return comparison;
<<set _stagesDone to $stagesToDo>>
<<set _stagesToDo to $stagesToDo>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $startup.projects.length; _i++>>
<<set _stagesLeft = $startup.projects[_i].stages - $startup.projects[_i].stagesDone>>
<<if _stagesToDo gt _stagesLeft>>
<<set $startup.projects[_i].stagesDone += _stagesLeft>>
<<set _stagesToDo -= _stagesLeft>>
<<if $startup.projects[_i].stagesDone gte $startup.projects[_i].stages>>
<<set $startup.projects[_i].finished = 1>>
<<set _todayProfit += $startup.projects[_i].profit>>
<<set _projectsFinished.push($startup.projects[_i])>>
<<set $startup.projects.splice(_i, 1)>>
<<set $startup.projects[_i].stagesDone += _stagesToDo>>
<<set _stagesToDo = 0>>
<<if $startup.projects[_i].stagesDone gte $startup.projects[_i].stages>>
<<set $startup.projects[_i].finished = 1>>
<<set _todayProfit += $startup.projects[_i].profit>>
<<set _projectsFinished.push($startup.projects[_i])>>
<<set $startup.projects.splice(_i, 1)>>
<<set $ += _todayProfit>>
<<if _projectsFinished.length gt 1>><p class="got">Congratulations! Today you and your team finished _projectsFinished.length projects. You earned _todayProfit from them.</p>
<<elseif _projectsFinished.length is 1>><p class="got">Today you and your team were able to complete 1 project. You got _todayProfit from it.</p>
<<else>><p class="hint">You and your team didn't complete any projects today. But you finished _stagesDone stage<<if _stagesDone gt 1>>s<</if>>. Let's keep working on them!</p><</if>>
[[Great|Start up Office]]
<p>Seem like you don't have any projects to work on right now. Your team enjoyed the spare time.</p>
[[Leave|Start up Office]]
<p class="hint">Your company works from Monday to Friday from 8:00 hs to 12:00 hs, and from 13:00 hs to 17:00 hs</p>
[[Leave|Start up Office]]
<<OfficeBackground>><<if (isDateBetween($gameDate, '08:00', '11:59') || isDateBetween($gameDate, '13:00', '16:59')) && $daycheck isnot "Saturday" && $daycheck isnot "Sunday">>
<<if $step is 1>><<QuestMarkers "Interact With Employees">>
[[Buy lunch for the office|Interact With Employees][$step to 2]]
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex;">
<<if $ is 1>><script>momtext = "Say hi to mom"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_mom" onmouseover="hover(momtext)">
[img["ressources/img/mom/face.png"][Interact With Mom]]
</div><<if _mommark is 1>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>>
<<if $employees.tamara>><<if $employees.tamara.hired is 1>><script>tammytext = "Talk with Tamara"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_tammy" onmouseover="hover(tammytext)">
[img["ressources/img/tammy/face.png"][Interact With Tamara]]
</div><<if _tammymark is 1>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>>
<<if $employees.erika>><<if $employees.erika.hired is 1>><script>erikatext = "Get close to Erika"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_erika" onmouseover="hover(erikatext)">
[img["ressources/img/erika/face.png"][Interact With Erika]]
</div><<if _erikamark is 1>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>>
<<if $employees.mikaela>><<if $employees.mikaela.hired is 1>><script>mikaelatext = "Greet Mikaela"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_mikaela" onmouseover="hover(mikaelatext)">
[img["ressources/img/mikaela/face.png"][Interact With Mikaela]]
</div><<if _mikaelamark is 1>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>>
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<div class="gallery" style="display: flex; margin-top: 60px;">
<<if $>><<if $ is 1>><script>tiffanytext = "Look what Tiffany's doing"</script><div class="girlcircle">
<div class="portrait" target="_tiffany" onmouseover="hover(tiffanytext)">
[img["ressources/img/tiffany/face.png"][Interact With Tiffany]]
</div><<if _tiffanymark is 1>><div id="questcircle"><div id="queststick"></div><div id="questcircle2"></div></div><</if>>
function hover(message) {
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = message;
<p id="interaction" class="hint">When a girl is here, you may hover your mouse over her to know more about her interaction</p>
<<else>><<addhours 1>>
<p class="got">You invited your whole team to lunch today. They look very happy with your attitude towards them.</p>
<p>Nobody is at the office right now.</p>
[[Return|Start up Office]]
<<if $mc.debt gt 0>><p class="hint">You owe <span style="color: red;">$ $mc.debt</span> to the bank</p>
<<else>><p class="hint">You currently are debt clean. Enjoy!</p><</if>>
<<if $mc.debt gt 0>>[[Pay your bank debt|Bank Pay Debt][$step to 0; $origin to 1]]<br><</if>>
<<if $ is -1>>[[Get your company back|Bank Recover Company]]<br><</if>>
<<if $step is 0>>
<<if $mc.debt gt 0>><p>You decide it's moment to clean some of your debt from the bank. How much would you like to pay?</p>
<<else>><p class="got">Congratulations, you have paid your whole bank debt!</p><</if>>
<<if $mc.debt gt 0>><p class="hint">You owe <span style="color: red;">$ $mc.debt</span> to the bank</p>
''Amount to pay for:'' <<textbox "$payment" "0">>
<<if $mc.debt gt 0>>[[Pay for a part of your bank debt|Bank Pay Debt][$step to 1]]
[[Pay your whole bank debt|Bank Pay Debt][$step to 2]]<</if>>
<<elseif $step is 1>>
<<if isNaN($payment)>>
<p class="hint">You should only write a number in the payment box. Please try again</p>
[[Try again|Bank Pay Debt][$step to 0]]
<<elseif parseInt($payment) gt $mc.debt>>
<p class="hint">You don't owe that much cash to the bank!</p>
[[Try again|Bank Pay Debt][$step to 0]]
<<elseif $ gte parseInt($payment)>>
<p class="got">You have paid $payment to the bank</p>
[[Do another payment|Bank Pay Debt][$step to 0]]<<set $step to 0>><<set $ -= parseInt($payment)>><<set $mc.debt -= parseInt($payment)>>
<p class="hint">You don't have that amount of money. Please try again with a smaller amount, or get to work!</p>
[[Try again|Bank Pay Debt][$step to 0]]
<<if $ gte $mc.debt>>
<p class="got">You have paid $mc.debt to the bank</p>
<<set $step to 0>><<set $ -= $mc.debt>><<set $mc.debt = 0>>
<p class="hint">You don't have that amount of money. Please try again with a smaller amount, or get to work!</p>
[[Try again|Bank Pay Debt][$step to 0]]
<<if $origin is 2>>[[Go back|Start up Office]]<<else>>[[Leave|Street]]<</if>>
<<if $mom.questmain gte 9 && $ gte 25 && $mom.corr gte 10 && $tammy.questmain is 4>><<set $mom.questmain to 10>><<set $tammy.questmain to 5>>
<p>You are sitting behind your desk, enjoying a short break from your work when your secretary Tammy walks into your doorway. She has a sultry smile on her face as she slowly walks in without a word. She places her hands on the edge of your desk, opposite you. Soon after, your Mother, $ walks in and does the same thing. You give them both a smile in return, having an idea why they are here by the way they are smiling at you. But then suddenly two more women enter. A pair of interns that you hired not to long ago simply because they are hot as hell. And by the low neck lines of the clothes all of these women are wearing, they clearly have intentions right now that are favorable for you.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Sir, you have been working so hard lately<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>We thought it might be a good time to help you relax, Sweety<</speech>>
<<speech "Tammy">>So why don’t you lean back<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>And let us relieve some of your tension<</speech>>
[[Lean back and enjoy|mommainquest9 alt][$scene to 0; $[21] to 1; $[4] to 1]]
<<else>><<set _ran to random(1, 5)>>
<<if $mom.questmain gte 10 && _ran is 1>>
<p>You are sitting behind your desk, enjoying a short break from your work when your secretary Tammy walks into your doorway. She has a sultry smile on her face as she slowly walks in without a word. She places her hands on the edge of your desk, opposite you. Soon after, your Mother, $ walks in and does the same thing. You give them both a smile in return, having an idea why they are here by the way they are smiling at you. But then suddenly two more women enter. A pair of interns that you hired not to long ago simply because they are hot as hell. And by the low neck lines of the clothes all of these women are wearing, they clearly have intentions right now that are favorable for you.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Sir, you have been working so hard lately<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>We thought it might be a good time to help you relax, Sweety<</speech>>
<<speech "Tammy">>So why don’t you lean back<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>And let us relieve some of your tension<</speech>>
[[Lean back and enjoy|mommainquest9 alt][$scene to 0]]
<<if $mom.slave is 1>>
<p>You’ve been working hard all day so you decide to blow off some steam and visit your slave, $ She apparently, could sense that you were coming. The moment you lay your eyes on her you see that she is already nude and sprawled out for you.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hello, $mom.title. How may I serve you today? Would you like your Mommy slut to give you a massage? Maybe something deep tissue?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are fine just enjoying the view for now and take a seat in front of her. She plays with her tits and shakes her ass for you. Giving you the best view she possibly can.</p>
<p>While you are working your pop your head in to see your Mom. She is dressed beautifully today and you can hardly keep your eyes off of her body. You do your best though and ask her if she would like to join you for some lunch today. She stands up and leans across her desk with a smile.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>I would LOVE to have lunch with you today sweety! Let me grab my purse and we can head out<</speech>>
<p>You and $ go out and spend the afternoon together sharing a meal. Before, much to your chagrin, heading back and returning to work.</p>
[[Leave|Interact With Employees]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<OfficeBackground>><<if $tammy.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $startup.level gte 3>><<set $tammy.questmain to 4>>
<p>Tammy has been working hard recently. Now that you have progressed and even have a new office for your business, you want to show her how grateful you are for her help along the way. You call her into your office and start rolling off a speech to her. You explain that you certainly could not be where you are today without her help. And that she is one of the most valued employees of the entire company. She smiles, almost swooning to your kind words. And you end the speech by telling her that you want to give her a promotion to an executive position.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Executive? Holy fuck really? Dios Mio thats- wait. Would that mean I wouldn’t be your secretary anymore?<</speech>>
<p>You explain that you would still work together. But that she would have more responsibility and less grunt work at the same time. She doesn’t seem happy to hear that though.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>I don’t want less grunt work. I want to be your secretary. I’ve been at this job for a while now. I like it! I like working for you. I don’t want that to change at all<</speech>>
<p>You are confused. You aren’t sure why she would be turning down a better job with better pay. But, you think on her words for a moment and realize that she probably doesn’t like the idea of someone replacing her. So you come up with a middle ground solution. You tell her that she can keep her position. But that her title will from now on be that of an executive assistant. And that her duties will stay mostly the same. Except with one major change.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>I like the sound of this so far. What’s the change? Do I get to fire people now?<</speech>>
<p>You say that you can have her fire people from now on if she wants. But, that wasn’t what you had in mind. She looks at you confused. You stand up and walk around the desk towards her. You stand behind her, bending over and grabbing both of her tits over her shirt. You tell her you were thinking she could have a more physical role in the company going forward. Since she is so eager to always be there and help you out. She giggles excitedly.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>You can just say that you want to fuck my brains out, Boss<</speech>>
<p>You shrug with a sly smile on your face. You lean in and blatantly say that you want to fuck her brains out. Without even a hint of warning Tammy pops up to her feet, pulls her blouse off over her head and pulls your face into her tits. You enjoy the beating your face takes from the massive melons while you undress, pulling your already rock hard cock out. She pulls her skirt up and shows you that she wasn’t wearing any panties. You kiss her passionately as you gently push her onto your desk and slide your cock into her hole, pounding her hard and fast the moment you get balls deep into her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tammy/desk_missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Plaster your executive assistant’s face|tammymainquest3][$[3] to 1]]
<<elseif $tammy.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10>><<set $tammy.questmain to 2>>
<p>You hear a slight commotion coming from outside your office. You hear someone yelling so you get up and look to see what is going on. You are somewhat alarmed to see that Tammy is screaming at someone over the phone. And has accrued quite a large audience of onlookers among your employees.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Fuck you, pendejo! You don’t fucking own me! I’ll stomp on those pathetic tic tacs you call balls if you ever speak to me that way again!<</speech>>
<p>She slams her phone down hard to hang up on the person. She looks around, giving the people who were watching her dagger like stares of contempt. She stands up and is about to storm out, but you stand in her way and ask her to join you in your office. She looks at you, clearly worried that she fucked up. But still more angry than anything. She stomps into your office and takes a seat, Crossing her arms indignantly. You close the door to give you both privacy, then walk to the front of your desk, leaning against it as you get ready to talk to her.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>So what are you gonna fire me now? Good luck getting on without me<</speech>>
<p>You hold your hands up and tell her that you have absolutely no intention of firing her.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>You don’t? I just cursed out a client and you weren’t gonna fire me?<</speech>>
<p>You confirm her surprised realization. And then you continue by asking her why she was angry, and if she is okay. You place a hand on her shoulder sympathetically. Explaining that she is too nice of a person to be screaming like that. And she must have had a reason if she did. You let her know you are hear to vent to if she needs it.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>He was just calling me a cunt and other names I won’t repeat, since one of our work orders for him came in a day late. Even though we told him it would. So I went off on him<</speech>>
<p>She puts on a brave face but you can tell she is holding back tears. You can’t tell if they are tears of relief that her job is safe or frustration from the situation as a whole. You tell her that you understand and that its alright. Adding that if the client calls again to just forward it right to you so you never have to deal with them again.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Okay I will. You are… being so great about this. When I worked at the club the owner would chew me out if I ever even raised my voice to a customer. And I had more that one guy shove their bare dick in my face over there. Why are you so patient about this?<</speech>>
<p>You answer, saying that she does great work and that one slip up and lost client isn’t worth everything that she brings to the company. She gives you a sultry smile as you talk. At some point she stops listening as her hands drift up towards her shirt. You ask what she is doing.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>You’re being so good to me, I figure I should be just as good to you, Boss<</speech>>
<p>She pulls open her shirt and lets her huge tits bounce free. Your cock starts to get hard in your pants almost instantly, bulging against the fabric. Tammy reaches over and yanks your pants down with a scary level of ease. She grabs your cock firmly and places it between her tits. Pressing them together she starts to stroke your cock, bouncing her body up and down.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tammy/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her|tammymainquest1][$[1] to 1]]
<p>Tammy is hard at work. She is typing away, responding to emails and setting your schedule for the coming weeks. She handles the many phone calls with ease. Redirecting and screening calls with expert skill. You walk by and give her a thumbs up to tell her she is doing a good job. When you do she stops and stands up. She walks around and gives you a quick hug before getting back to work. She clearly is really appreciative of the opportunity you’ve given her.</p>
[[Return|Interact With Employees]]<<addhours 1>>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $erika.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $ gte 3>><<set $erika.questmain to 4>>
<p>Earlier today you sent a few work orders over to Erika to be completed. And as the day goes
on, one by one each one comes back in. With how quickly they were done you presume that
she just made them bland and uninspired. But as you review them, you are pleasantly
surprised to see that they are in fact spectacular in all respects. In one day she programmed
three websites with stunning complexity and impeccable design. They are easy to use,
intuitive, and beautiful. Finally, the results you were looking for when you hired her. She even
sent an email to you asking you to send her more orders for the day. You decide that you’ll
hand deliver them yourself, so that you can compliment her on her work while you do.</p>
<p>You walk into the open door of her office, closing it behind you and closing the blinds. With
how some of your visits to Erika’s office have gone, it’s just smarter to be safe and do that the
moment you walk in. You turn towards Erika and drop some files for some more work orders
on her desk. She barely even notices you, snatching the files and getting right to work. It
seems like you might have done too good of a job motivating her to work hard. She looks like
a woman possessed. You walk around the desk and grab hold of her wrist to get her attention.
She snaps out of her coding trance and looks up at you confused.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Hey, what’s up. I’m in a groove here<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that she needs a break every now and then or she will burn herself out. You are
surprised you need to teach her that. But, this might be the perfect time for the final lesson
you can teach her. The value of a break and how it can empower your motivation. You tell her
to stand up and you lead her over to the couch in her office. You sit beside her and lean back,
enjoying the cushions. She is no stranger to relaxing, doing the same right after you.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I don’t get you. I thought you wanted me to be motivated and work hard on the
<p>You tell her that that is exactly what you want. But you explain to her that you don’t want her
to experience burnout. And that you think burnout might be part of why she lost so much
motivation in the first place.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>So what, I should just stop working when I’m on a roll and doing good work?<</speech>>
<p>You say that she always will need a break during the day. And you hint further that you can
think of some ways to distract her if she is struggling to relax. She smiles coyly, knowing
exactly what you are implying.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>In that case, hurry up. I could use a good distraction<</speech>>
[[Distract her|erikamainquest3][$scene to 0; $[3] to 1]]
<<elseif $erika.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15 && $ gte 2>><<set $erika.questmain to 3>>
<p>You get an email as you are sitting at your desk. It is from Erika. When you open it you notice
there isn’t much written there. All it is, is her asking you to come to her office right away. You
don’t think there is any emergency. But, just in case you head down the hall to her office
rather quickly. When you get there, you notice that her blinds are closed again. You knock on
the door, and wait for her to respond.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Come on in, hurry up!<</speech>>
<p>You walk into her office to once again see a fully nude Erika in her office. Only this time, she
is staring back at you. You are awestruck for a moment once again. But you compose yourself
and ask her what the urgent matter she needed you for was.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Oh that, yeah. I was working on a site that is gonna host porn on it. And I got horny.
Wanna fuck?<</speech>>
<p>Your eyes go wide for a moment. You did not even remotely expect these. Even when you
walked in to find her naked. But you aren’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. And you
figure that this might some how motivate her a bit too. If not it will certainly motivate you. You
tell her that you are in and immediately start to undress. She walks over to you and give you a
hand, pulling your pants down while you pull your shirt off. You lay her down on one of her
office chairs and slide your cock into her pussy. Once inside of her, you lift your leg up onto
the chair and put her in a pile driver position, dropping your weight down to fuck her hard and
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/erika/piledriver.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Paint her white|erikamainquest2][$[2] to 1]]
<<elseif $erika.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5>><<set $erika.questmain to 1>>
<p>You are walking through the offices when you notice that the blinds are closed to Erika’s
office. Its something you haven’t seen Erika do before, so you head over to see what is
happening. You hear odd shuffling from inside her office as you approach. You knock on the
door, announcing yourself and asking is everything is alright. You suddenly hear nothing
coming from her office. The brief moment of silence is broken when Erika finally speaks.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Yeah, I’m fine. Come on in. Close the door behind you though<</speech>>
<p>You do as she asks, opening up the door and closing it quickly behind you. The blinds on the
inside are closed but the ones on the outside windows are wide open. The sun light filtering in
and landing on Erika’s desk. Where she is laying, nude.</p>
<p>You are caught off guard seeing her large bubble butt pointed directly at you. You take a
moment to compose yourself before asking her why she is naked at her desk in the middle of
the day.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Oh the sun is really bright today. And I’m all out of work orders. So I decided to see if I
could get a little bit of a tan<</speech>>
<p>You aren’t sure how to respond. So you kind of just sit there and stare at her tight, round ass
for a while. You want to scold her. Saying that this is inappropriate. But, between how hot she
is, and that fact that she has gotten all her work done, you struggle to think of a good way to
argue that she did something wrong. So you just wish he luck on her tan and head out, back
to work. The image of her ass burned into your mind.</p>
[[Get going|Start up Office][$[0] to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $employees.erika.antiquity gte 7 && $erika.motActive is 0>><<set $erika.motActive to 1>>
<p>As you are reviewing some of the work your employees have done over the past couple weeks, you notice a shocking and unfortunate trend. It appears as though that Erika, while completing all of her work orders on time, is handing in uninspired and subpar results. And waiting until the last minute to turn them in as well. It isn’t as though anything she is producing is bad. It is simply that there is nothing but the most basic literal interpretations of the client’s requests. You start to worry. Between her resume and the money you are spending on her, you assumed she would be your best employee by a mile. But it seems as though she has no real care to put much more effort in past the bare minimum. You have to talk to her to find out what’s wrong.</p>
<p>When you reach her office you see her typing away at some code for her current work order. She has almost no emotion on her face. As if this were nothing but a mechanical process for her. No will or desire. Just typing to get the job done. This causes your concern to grow. No one can be excited all the time, but if you are never excited that can be a problem for a business. You approach her and sit across her desk from her to talk. You ask her if something is wrong, pointing out that she seems disinterested.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>That’s is probably because I am<</speech>>
<p>Her blunt reply is both a welcome and soul shattering surprise.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I really hoped dealing with clients and making their websites would be a challenge. But it’s just as soulless and corporate as I thought it would be. These people just want the most basic websites with pictures and POS systems<</speech>>
<p>She looks almost sad at how boring she finds the work. You realize that you are going to have to find a way to really motivate her if you want to get the exemplary employee that you thought you were hiring in the first place. You tell her you will see if you can find her more challenging projects as you get up and leave. She nods solemnly and gets back to soullessly typing away.</p>
<p class="hint">Erika needs your help to get motivated. From now on, visit Erika in or out of work to try and build up her motivation. When you motivate her enough, you can develop her motivation in order to make her more invested in her job. Make her the ideal employee and you will be rewarded in more ways than one. But remember, actions motivate people less the more often you repeat them in short succession!</p>
<p>You are going around doing a routine check on your employees. Its always good to check in on them. It helps you know that they are hard at work, and it helps remind them they you pay attention. You make your way to Erika’s office and see her standing in there and talking to seemingly no one. You knock on the door frame to announce your presence. She turns around to look at you.</p>
<p>You notice a small black device in her ear that she taps a couple times to point out to you. She is obviously on a phone call as she paces in her office. You throw her a thumbs up as a way to tell her she is doing a good job.</p>
<<if $erika.motActive is 1>><<if $erika.mot gte 100 && $ lt 3>>
[[Show Erika the value of self motivation|Erika Development][$choice to 1; $erika.mot -= 100]]
[[Give Erika examples of how she can find joy in smaller challenges|Erika Development][$choice to 2; $erika.mot -= 100]]
[[Erika needs to learn how to find joy in being creative|Erika Development][$choice to 3; $erika.mot -= 100]]
[[Give Erika a raise|Erika Motivation][$choice to 1]]
[[Give Erika a challenge|Erika Motivation][$choice to 2]]
<<if $>>[[Give Erika a gift|Erika Motivation][$choice to 3]]<</if>>
[[Give Erika the day off|Erika Motivation][$choice to 4]]
[[Buy Erika lunch|Erika Motivation][$choice to 5]]
[[Return|Interact With Employees]]<<addhours 1>>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $mikaela.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15 && $startup.workScore gt $mikaela.workScore>><<set $mikaela.questmain to 3>>
<p>You enter the break room as Mikaela is making herself some tea. She gives you a smug smile as she takes a seat and begins to drink from her mug. You pour yourself something to drink and take a seat across from her, just having the fun of a power move by giving her a smug grin right back. She scoffs, clearly annoyed that she can’t phase you.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>You won’t win. My hubby Javier is making every loser in this place love him. Meanwhile interns talk shit about you the moment you leave the room<</speech>>
<p>You laugh heartily. You tell her that if the opinion of interns is all she has going for her, she is going to have a tough time getting anywhere far in her goal of taking the company for herself.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Interns are the future of the industry. If they don’t like you, good luck having a future in the industry. Besides, I’m sure you could point out any employee in this entire company and they would inform you that they prefer Javier over you<</speech>>
<p>You laugh even harder this time. Telling her that you’d like to take her up on that wager. Saying that if you can find one she has to let you shut her up with your cock.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Another sex crazed megalomaniac. At least be unique in your failed methods of management. But fine, I don’t shy away from a challenge. If I win and the employee you pick says they like Javier more, even as a joke, you have to name him as Vice President of $<</speech>>
<p>You shrug saying you agree. You shake hands with her over the table to seal the agreement. You then pull your phone out and send a short text. A few moments later Tammy walks in to the break room. Mikaela instantly looks up at her and her smug look disappears. Her over confidence left her blind to your many options to beat her in this simple wager. You ask Tammy the simple question, who she likes more between yourself and Javier.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Idiota! What kind of question is that? Of course I prefer you, Boss. I barely even know that Javier tipo<</speech>>
<p>You thank Tammy and tell her that that is all you needed to know. She shakes her head confused before walking out back to her desk. You look at Mikaela who is seething with hatred at this moment.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>We both know that was a dirty maneuver. You’re lucky I’m a woman of my word, otherwise I might call this wager off after that stunt. Remember how true I am to my word if you do win this. Even though we both know you’ll lose in the end<</speech>>
<p>You shrug and disregard her grandstanding. You stand up and tell her to hurry up with her tea and meet you in your office. After some time she enters and you close the door and blinds to your office for the sake of some privacy. You unzip your pants and pull your cock out, shaking it in front of her to tease her. She scoffs at you, giving you a dagger eye filled look before getting to work.</p>
[[She gets started|mikaelamainquest2][$scene to 0; $[2] to 1]]
<p>You are walking throughout the hall doing a little walk through of the office to check on your employees. Everything seems fine, all of your employees appear to be working hard. You even pass by Mikaela as she is carrying some papers through the hall towards her and Javier’s office. You both smile at each other wordlessly as you pass. Once you get a few steps past her you turn back to take a look at her huge swaying ass as she walks along.</p>
[[Return|Interact With Employees]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You get your Mother’s attention and ask her if she would like to join you for lunch.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh I’d love to <<if $mom.slave is 1>>$mom.title<<else>>sweety<</if>>! Do you wanna order something or go out somewhere?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that the two of you should order some take out. You put in an order and spend some time talking while you wait for and eventually receive your food. You talk about work and about life. Considering your work you don’t always have time to share a meal together. So these moments are meaningful.</p>
[[Get going|Start up Office]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>You go to Tammy’s desk and ask her to order lunch for both you and her. You tell her that you want to have lunch with her today.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Sure thing boss! I’ve been dying for a cheesesteak recently!<</speech>>
<p>When your food arrives Tammy brings it in to your desk and the two of you sit and enjoy the meal together. You talk and learn a bit more about each other. Tammy even goes into detail about how she became a stripper in the first place.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>It isn’t a special story or nothing Boss. I was taking my clothes off for dudes already I figured I’d get paid for it<</speech>>
[[Get going|Start up Office]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>Erika is sitting at her desk looking over some papers. You figure that you should give her a break so you knock on her office door and tell her that you were ordering food. You ask her if she would like anything as well.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I would love a salad if that is doable. Anything without a vinegar based dressing<</speech>>
<p>You text the order along with your own to Tammy to get it for you both. You decide to head in and speak with Erika while you wait. You ask her how she is doing, always wanting to know the mind set of your employees. Especially your most efficient ones.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I’m doing well. And getting better every day<</speech>>
[[Get going|Start up Office]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<p>Mikaela and Javier have taken up the break room to have lunch together. Javier is doing his best to make his coworkers like him. No matter the circumstance, he clearly just really feels the need to be liked. You sit by Mikaela and greet her with a whispered joke at Javier’s expense. Mikaela laughs boisterously.</p>
<<speech "Javier">>What’s so funny?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Oh nothing dear. Just an inside joke between $ and myself<</speech>>
[[Get going|Start up Office]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<set _employeesArray to Object.keys($employees)>>
<<set _currentlyHired to 0>>
<<for _e to 0; _e lt _employeesArray.length; _e++>>
<<set _currentEmployee to $employees[_employeesArray[_e]]>>
<<if _currentEmployee.hired is 1>>
<<set _currentlyHired += 1>>
<<if ($startup.level is 1 && $ gte 20000) || ($startup.level is 2 && $ gte 50000 && _currentlyHired gte 2) || ($startup.level is 3 && $ gte 150000 && _currentlyHired gte 5)>>
<<switch $startup.level>>
<<case 1>>
<p class="got">You have paid $ 20000 to upgrade your building to a small office!</p>
<<set $ -= 20000>>
[[Continue|Tiffany Intro]]
<<case 2>>
<p class="got">You have paid $ 50000 to upgrade your building to a regional office!</p>
<<set $ -= 50000>>
[[Continue|tiffanymainquest1][$[0] to 1]]
<p class="got">You have paid $ 150000 to upgrade your building to a national office!</p>
<<set $ -= 150000>>
[[Continue|tiffanymainquest2][$scene to 0; $[1] to 1]]
<</switch>><<set $startup.level += 1>><<MakeEmployees>>
<<switch $startup.level>>
<<case 1>>
<p class="hint">You need $20,000 in order to upgrade the office</p>
<<case 2>>
<p class="hint">You need $50,000 and at least two employees in order to upgrade the office</p>
<<case 3>>
<p class="hint">You need $150,000 and at least five employees in order to upgrade the office</p>
<p class="hint">Your office is fully upgraded!</p>
[[Return|Start up Office]]
<<set $ to 0>>
<<set $ to -1>>
<p>It seems like this may be the end of the road. At least for the time being. You didn’t save, and failed to work hard enough to be able to afford the business you have built. All is not lost though. In this moment of strife, the bank has generously offered you a chance. Pay them what you owe, and you will get everything back! Just as you left it.</p>
[[Get to work!|Bedroom]]
<<if $ gte 500>>
<p>You pay $500 to get back your company where you left it. You will have two weeks of spare time before you have to pay your employees again, to help you recover financially.</p>
<p class="got">You have recovered your company!</p><<set $ to 1>><<set $startup.spareWeeks to 2>><<set $ -= 500>>
<p class="hint">You need at least $500 to recover and start working on your company again</p>
<<set $employeesToFire to []>>
window.changeSlide = function(direction){
let sugar = SugarCube.State.variables;
let currentCard = $('.idcard-active');
let nextCard =;
let prevCard = currentCard.prev();
let currentEmployee;
if(direction == 'next'){
let lastCard = $('.idcard-slider .idcard-container').last();
let firstCard = $('.idcard-slider .idcard-container').first();
let currentName = $('.idcard-active span').first().text() + " " + $('.idcard-active span').last().text();
if(currentName.length) {
let isMom = $('.idcard-active span').first().text().toLowerCase() ==;
if (isMom) {
currentEmployee = sugar.employees["mom"];
currentEmployee = sugar.employees[$('.idcard-active span').first().text().toLowerCase()];
if(currentEmployee) $('#nameDisplay').css('color', currentEmployee.color);
let employeeArray = [];
window.selectEmployee = function(){
let sugar = SugarCube.State.variables;
let currentEmployeeName;
if($('.idcard-active span').first().text() == "MIKAELA" || $('.idcard-active span').first().text() == "JAVIER"){
currentEmployeeName = "MIKAELA & JAVIER";
currentEmployeeName = $('.idcard-active span').first().text() + " " + $('.idcard-active span').last().text();
let alreadyExists = $('#employeesDisplay li:contains(' + currentEmployeeName + ')').first();
let isMom2 = $('.idcard-active span').first().text().toLowerCase() ==;
let employeeToRemove = "";
if (isMom2) {
employeeToRemove = { return; }).indexOf(sugar.employees["mom"].name);
sugar.priceTotal -= sugar.employees["mom"].priceFirst;
employeeArray.splice(employeeToRemove, 1);
} else {
employeeToRemove = { return; }).indexOf(sugar.employees[$('.idcard-active span').first().text().toLowerCase()].name);
if(employeeToRemove == -1) employeeToRemove = { return; }).indexOf("Mikaela");
if(employeeArray[employeeToRemove].name == "Mikaela" || employeeArray[employeeToRemove].name == "Javier"){
sugar.priceTotal -= sugar.employees["mikaela"].priceFirst + sugar.employees["javier"].priceFirst;
employeeToRemove = { return; }).indexOf(sugar.employees["mikaela"].name);
employeeArray.splice(employeeToRemove, 1);
sugar.priceTotal -= sugar.employees[$('.idcard-active span').first().text().toLowerCase()].priceFirst;
employeeArray.splice(employeeToRemove, 1);
sugar.employeesToFire = employeeArray;
}else if(currentEmployeeName.length) {
let employeeToPush = sugar.employees[$('.idcard-active span').first().text().toLowerCase()];
if (isMom2) employeeToPush = sugar.employees["mom"];
if(( == "Mikaela" || == "Javier")){
$('#employeesDisplay').append('<li><span style="color:' + employeeToPush.color + ';">MIKAELA & JAVIER</span></li>');
sugar.priceTotal += sugar.employees["mikaela"].priceFirst + sugar.employees["javier"].priceFirst;
sugar.employeesToFire = employeeArray;
$('#employeesDisplay').append('<li><span style="color:' + employeeToPush.color + ';">' + currentEmployeeName + '</span></li>');
sugar.priceTotal += employeeToPush.priceFirst;
sugar.employeesToFire = employeeArray;
$('#nameDisplay').html("Please, choose an ID card first");
function handleChange() {
let sugar = SugarCube.State.variables;
$("#interviewDisplay1").css("display", "block");
$("#interviewDisplay2").css("display", "none");
$("#interviewDisplay1").css("display", "none");
$("#interviewDisplay2").css("display", "block");
<<MakeFiringCards>><p id="noEmployees" class="hint" style="display: none;"></p>
<p class="hint noEmployeesHide">Which employees would you like to fire?</p>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div class="idcard-slider" style="margin: 0 auto; position: relative;"></div>
<div class="noEmployeesHide"><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></div>
<span id="nameDisplay" style="font-weight: 800; font-size: 130%;"></span>
<div class="noEmployeesHide"><input type="button" onclick="changeSlide('prev')" value="Previous"> <input type="button" onclick="selectEmployee()" value="Select"> <input type="button" onclick="changeSlide('next')" value="Next"></div>
<div class="noEmployeesHide">''EMPLOYEES TO BE FIRED:''</div>
<ul id="employeesDisplay" style="font-weight: 400;"></ul>
<div id="interviewDisplay1" style="display: none;">[[Fire employees|Start up Firings]]</div><div id="interviewDisplay2" style="display: none;"><span style="color: red;">Fire employees (First choose some employees)</span></div>
[[Go back|Start up Office]]
<<if $employeesToFire[0].name == $>>
<<set $employees["mom"].hired to 0>>
<<elseif $employeesToFire[0].name == "Mikaela" || $employeesToFire[0].name == "Javier">>
<<set $employees["mikaela"].hired to 0>>
<<set $employees["javier"].hired to 0>>
<<set $employees[$employeesToFire[0].name.toLowerCase()].hired to 0>>
<<if $employeesToFire.length gt 1>>
<p>You tell $employeesToFire[0].name the current situation of the company and the reasons why you made this decision. You both hope to work together again soon.</p>
<p class="hint">$employeesToFire[0].name is no longer part of your team</p>
<<set $employeesToFire.shift()>>
[[Next|Start up Firings]]
<p>You tell $employeesToFire[0].name the current situation of the company and the reasons why you made this decision. You both hope to work together again soon.</p>
<p class="hint">$employeesToFire[0].name is no longer part of your team</p>
<<set $employeesToFire.shift()>>
[[Go on|Start up Office]]
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You do just as they say and lean back in your chair, rolling back a bit to give them all room to walk around the table and kneel down in front of you. The each pull their dressed down to let their huge tits out. Tammy pulls your cock out and is the first to get to work. One by one they all join in, taking turns to grab your cock from the others and suck it into the lips with intense passion. $ looks you in the eyes and talks dirty to you while you get sucked off by all four of the buxom ladies.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mom/fourway_blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Move things to the couch|mommainquest9 alt][$scene to 1]]<<addmins 30>>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You decide that its time to progress just beyond their mouths and direct them to the couch you have in the corner of your office. Your Mother and one of the interns sit next to you. The intern eats your Mother’s pussy while Tammy hops onto your cock. She bounces on you quickly and powerfully, while the other intern licks and sucks on your balls. You press your face into Tammy’s big round tits while they bounce in your face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mom/tammy_cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[You Mom takes a turn|mommainquest9 alt][$scene to 2]]<<addmins 30>>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>$ decides that she has had enough of watching Tammy ride your cock and decides to take a ride of her own. Tammy takes your Mother’s place with the intern while your cock is enveloped by $’s tight pussy. She faces away from you as she bounces on your lap. Her big ass quaking as it slap down again and again. You can’t help but thrust up into her at the same time, making you both moan loudly in pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mom/mom_cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on them all|mommainquest9 alt][$scene to 3]]<<addmins 30>>
<p>You pull your cock out of her pussy, almost regretfully. But as you are just about to cum you want to spread the wealth around. The four lovely ladies take position, kneeling at your feet with their faces pressed together. Almost fighting one another to be the one right in front of your cock as the first rope of cum starts to fly. Your Mother, of course, is the lucky recipient of that first shot of cum. But you fire more than enough to spray over all four of them by the end of it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mom/fourway_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With the last drops of cum left out of your cock you sit back down on the couch. Slumping a bit from exhaustion. The ladies lick the cum up from their own faces and each others for a bit. You enjoy the show until they start to get up and get dressed. Your Mom and Tammy each give you a kiss on the cheek before heading back out to work. You lean back and close your eyes, enjoying a well deserved rest.</p>
[[Get going|Start up Office]]<<addmins 30>>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You are sitting behind your desk, enjoying a short break from your work when your secretary Tammy walks into your doorway. She has a sultry smile on her face as she slowly walks in without a word. She places her hands on the edge of your desk, opposite you. Soon after, your Mother, $ walks in and does the same thing. You give them both a smile in return, having an idea why they are here by the way they are smiling at you. But then suddenly two more women enter. A pair of interns that you hired not to long ago simply because they are hot as hell. And by the low neck lines of the clothes all of these women are wearing, they clearly have intentions right now that are favorable for you.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Sir, you have been working so hard lately<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>We thought it might be a good time to help you relax, Sweety<</speech>>
<<speech "Tammy">>So why don’t you lean back<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>And let us relieve some of your tension<</speech>>
[[Lean back and enjoy|gallerymom22][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You do just as they say and lean back in your chair, rolling back a bit to give them all room to walk around the table and kneel down in front of you. The each pull their dressed down to let their huge tits out. Tammy pulls your cock out and is the first to get to work. One by one they all join in, taking turns to grab your cock from the others and suck it into the lips with intense passion. $ looks you in the eyes and talks dirty to you while you get sucked off by all four of the buxom ladies.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mom/fourway_blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Move things to the couch|gallerymom22][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You decide that its time to progress just beyond their mouths and direct them to the couch you have in the corner of your office. Your Mother and one of the interns sit next to you. The intern eats your Mother’s pussy while Tammy hops onto your cock. She bounces on you quickly and powerfully, while the other intern licks and sucks on your balls. You press your face into Tammy’s big round tits while they bounce in your face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mom/tammy_cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[You Mom takes a turn|gallerymom22][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>$ decides that she has had enough of watching Tammy ride your cock and decides to take a ride of her own. Tammy takes your Mother’s place with the intern while your cock is enveloped by $’s tight pussy. She faces away from you as she bounces on your lap. Her big ass quaking as it slap down again and again. You can’t help but thrust up into her at the same time, making you both moan loudly in pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mom/mom_cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on them all|gallerymom22][$scene to 4]]
<p>You pull your cock out of her pussy, almost regretfully. But as you are just about to cum you want to spread the wealth around. The four lovely ladies take position, kneeling at your feet with their faces pressed together. Almost fighting one another to be the one right in front of your cock as the first rope of cum starts to fly. Your Mother, of course, is the lucky recipient of that first shot of cum. But you fire more than enough to spray over all four of them by the end of it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mom/fourway_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With the last drops of cum left out of your cock you sit back down on the couch. Slumping a bit from exhaustion. The ladies lick the cum up from their own faces and each others for a bit. You enjoy the show until they start to get up and get dressed. Your Mom and Tammy each give you a kiss on the cheek before heading back out to work. You lean back and close your eyes, enjoying a well deserved rest.</p>
''From now on, your company will be named:''
* <label><<textbox "$" "Mycroft Co.">></label>
[[Continue|Start up Office]]
<<OfficeBackground>><<widget "TammyInterview">>
<p>Now that you finally have an office space for $, you will undoubtedly get many more contracts and orders. So much so, that you won’t be able to sort through it all on your own and get your actual work done. So it’s time to hire a secretary to help you out. You put the job listing up online and even put up and hand made help wanted sign on the front door of the office. It doesn’t take long for the resumes to start pouring in. But none of ones submitted online really stand out to you. They all seem like college kids who just want some easy front desk job where they won’t have to actually do anything.</p>
<p>As you are deleting the lackluster resumes from your inbox, the front door to the office opens up. You look up from your desk and watch in shock as an utterly gorgeous woman walks in and begins to look around. Her leopard print shirt and black skirt hug her bodacious curves tightly. You stand up and smile warmly as the woman walks over to your desk. As she gets close she suddenly stumbles and nearly falls onto her face. But she manages, just barely, to catch herself with the help of your desk.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Fuck me that was close. If your desk wasn’t here my face would have looked like a half eaten empanada after than fall<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle lightly, surprised at how easily she can laugh at her own expense like that. You ask her if she is alright or needs anything.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Oh I’m fine! Boy, if I told you how many times I trip and fall in a day you’d think my legs were possessed. Anyway, I’m here about the job! My name’s Tamara Sinclar. But please, call me Tammy<</speech>>
<p>You are a little concerned about what she just said. But you figure if she can shake it off, then so can you. You ask her to take a seat across your desk from you. She plops down and crosses her legs in an oddly seductive manner. You begin the interview by explaining that the job is for a secretary position. You give a quick run down of her duties, including scheduling and taking phone calls for you. Ending off by simply saying that if there is something you are too busy for, it will be her job to handle for you.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Oh I’m great at all types of jobs. Anything you can’t take care of I can handle. I’m a stripper right now so I’m such a people pleaser. I’ll do everything I can to make you’re day easier<</speech>>
<p>You are caught off guard by how she just flippantly mentioned being a stripper. So you decide to ask about it. Noting that a stripper would likely make more than you could offer her for a salary.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Oh I have more cash than I know what to do with at this point. But I’m just trying to find a job that will have me getting hurt less. Tripping is one thing. The number of times I slip off the pole would make you wonder how I’m still walking around. I figure this job would have to be at least a little safer than that!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you at least hope it will be safer. You feel like even though she may not have the experience, she has a much better reason to work with you than any of the other resumes you have received. So you decide to offer her the job, letting her know that if she wants, she can start tomorrow.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Really! Hell yeah! You won’t regret this!<</speech>>
<p>She stands up and grabs your hand to shake it excitedly. She is shaking it so much that her tits are shaking along with her hand. And as you blatantly stare at them, you think to yourself that you don’t think you will regret this either.</p>
<<widget "ErikaInterview">>
<p>As you flip through resumes you are mostly disappointed by the qualifications of most of your
candidates. That is until you come upon one that is so exemplary that your eyes grow wide
while reading it. Erika Hatzis, graduated Summa Cum Laude from the ivy league, with a
double masters in engineering and marketing. Is fluent in 8 different languages. Reached the
highest ranking in 3 different martial arts. And has mastered 5 instruments. All of that, and
she isn’t even twenty five yet. You can’t help but be surprised that someone with this resume
is without a job, or even applying to be anything short of the CEO of a massive conglomerate.
But, with the application in hand you give her a call immediately, having her come in for an
interview as soon as she is able.</p>
<p>Luckily, she had time to come in today to talk. Tammy walks in and lets you know that Erika
has arrived. What follows behind her is a young, lithe woman is an elegant dress. She has an
odd look to her. One that combines youthful energy, vibrant intelligence, and cynicism rolled
into one. She walks in and you invite to her take a seat across your desk from you so that you
can get started.</p>
<p>You kick things off by spending some time discussing her qualifications. Or rather, with how
excited you are about them, you sound more like you are gushing over them.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I had rather driven parents, ya know? I always enjoy a good challenge, so it was
whatever. But, they were the ones to push me to do everything. Looking back I’m pretty glad
they did<</speech>>
<p>Her answer throws you a bit. She is much more candid than anyone you have interviewed
before. But it makes sense to you. Someone with as much backing her as she has likely has
no need to worry about being impressive in the interview. You ask her more generic
questions, not really even trying to find any good reason not to hire her. And in the end, you
offer her what you planned on offering her before she even stepped through the door. You lay
out the salary and job offer to her, knowing that she will likely decline but hoping none the
<<speech "Erika">>Sounds good to me. When do I start?<</speech>>
<p>Her almost emotionless response makes you think she turned you down at first. But, once
you realized that she actually accepted a wide smile grows on your face. You tell her that she
can start tomorrow if she is ready for it.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Definitely. I’ll see you tomorrow then<</speech>>
<p>With that, she stands up and leaves. You sit in your desk, a little unsure of how you convinced
her to work for you over all of the other offers you assume she must be getting. But you are
ecstatic either way.</p>
<p class="hint">Currently Erika is unmotivated!</p>
<<widget "MikaelaInterview">>
<p>A peculiar resume ends up on your desk after you put out a listing for an executive position for $ The resume itself is rather standard. It has a career objective, work history, education and special skills. But reading through it reveals that this isn’t a resume for a single person. But rather a couple. Mikaela and Javier Gutierrez. They both have impressive credentials and would both be a fit for the position. But at the bottom of the resume there is a small post script which explains why this resume is for both of them. They are apparently a package deal. Wherever they work, they must work together. On one hand its rather cute that a couple wants to work together this much. On the other hand, it is so odd to you that you aren’t even sure how to react. You figure that between your curiosity and their credentials, it was worth bringing them in for an interview at the very least.</p>
<p>You give them a call and in time they make it in to meet with you. Tammy lets you know they’ve arrived and then leads them in once she has your okay to. Javier enters the room first. He is an extraordinarily average looking man. There doesn’t seem to be anything special about him at all. Even his hand shake is mediocre. But behind him, enters Mikaela. And Mikaela’s monstrously massive ass finishes entering a few seconds later. It is so large and round that it heavily strains against her formal business attire.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Hello Mr. $ It is our pleasure to meet you. We can’t wait to show you why you should bring us on here at $<</speech>>
<p>You are impressed by how forward and commanding she is. By the way Javier mostly just smiles and nods you can tell that Mikaela has total control of him and the relationship in general. They way she looks at you and barely even acknowledges that her husband is there, you can tell that she sees him more as a useful tool for her own success. Rather than an actual life partner. The three of you each take a seat. You start asking them questions. Mikaela rarely lets Javier answer anything, always butting in and answering for the both of them. The only exception is when you ask Javier questions directly. But, most of the conversation you remain focused on Mikaela, whose massive behind is something you can plainly see even as she is sitting down. You decide to ask a few hard ball questions, to really try and find some crack in Mikaela’s strong exterior presence. You start by asking how they would react if you only offered the position to one of them. Mikaela is of course the one to respond.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Well, as our resume stated, we are a package deal. We either both sign on, or neither of us do. I hope you understand, we work best together. Separating us would just give you one above average employee rather than two spectacular ones<</speech>>
<p>You follow that up by asking Javier a question directly. Opting for a bold question, you ask him how he would react if a client tried to seduce him and get services for free. The question is unorthodox, and clearly makes him and Mikaela uncomfortable. But that is exactly what you want. You want to see how they react to such an uncomfortable situation. Mikaela almost starts answering for Javier, but you put a hand up to halt her. Insisting to allow Javier answer on his own.</p>
<<speech "Javier">>I… I would obviously reject any and all of her advances!<</speech>>
<p>I nod contemptuously. I push back asking him if he would still do that even if it would harm the company. Trying to test his loyalty and devotion with my grilling questions.</p>
<<speech "Javier">>Well, maybe… no, no of course not. I would never do anything of the sort. I would do much for the company I work for. But going that far would go against my wife. And that is something I simply cannot do<</speech>>
<p>You turn to Mikaela and ask her a similar question. Only this time ramping up the discomfort factor. You ask her if she would do anything and everything her employer asked of her, especially if it meant a promotion opportunity was on the line. She answers much more confidently.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Of course I would do anything. What is good for me is good for my husband. So nothing is off limits. Nothing at all<</speech>>
<p>Javier doesn’t even seem phased by Mikaela’s answers. But, you can’t help but like the sound of them. Despite the oddity that is this couple, you decide to bring them on and hire them. Hoping that their skills out weigh their peculiarities.</p>
<<widget "TiffanyInterview">>
<p>As you flip through the resumes on your desk you happen upon a familiar name, Tiffany Herrera. You are hesitant to assume it is the same Tiffany that has challenged you at every major stage of your career. But when you see her most recent work experience is from ‘Massive Assets LLC’, Tiffany’s company, you immediately realize that it must be her. You chuckle lightly as you pull up the name of the company on your computer. And the first result in your search is an article detailing how Tiffany’s company was bought out by some holding company. She must truly be desperate if she is applying to $ of all places. You wouldn’t imagine her pride would allow her to do such a thing. But, you figure if for no other reason than to have a good laugh, you invite her in for an interview.</p>
<p>When its time to meet with her, Tammy leads her in. She has a very phony smile on her face as she walks in, holding a leather folder in one hand and her purse in the other. She is clearly taking this very seriously. Which makes it that much funnier to you that you brought her in just to laugh at her. You have her take a seat and sit on your desk right in front of her. To point out the elephant in the room, you start off by asking what happened to her company. You can’t help but let out a light chuckle as you speak, which visibly sours her expression.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>I knew this was a terrible idea. One of my employees was embezzling money from the company and I lost everything. Happy?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you can’t lie, it is a rather cathartic feeling. You add that she was a pretty big bitch to you since you first met. You tell her that you are willing to give her a shot. But, you need to know what exactly she can offer that will put her ahead of the rest of the candidates. Hearing you ask that puts some pep into her voice as she begins to answer like she would in a more typical interview.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Well, I’m experienced, hardworking, dedicated, and as you well know, fiercely competitive. I’ll be one of your top programmers from day one, and I will make sure the competition feels the heat<</speech>>
<p>You nod your head as you listen, pretending to care about her rehearsed speech. When she is done you take a deep breath and shrug your shoulders. You ask her if that’s all. Pointing out that all of that led to a failed company. And making sure to mention that you have plenty of candidates willing and able to provide all of that for much less than what she would likely ask for. Adding that those people didn’t spend a long time insulting you either. She squirms in her chair. The lascivious look you give her clues her in to what you are suggesting that she offer. But, she is clearly hesitant.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>I see. If you are suggesting what I think you are, then all I have to say is that I don’t need this job that much<</speech>>
<p>She is clearly trying to act like she has more self respect and dignity than she truly does. But with some of the things you’ve seen her do already. You know she is full of shit. And you call her on it directly. You say flat out that with how high up you are in the industry now, you can buy out any company that she gets a job with and fire her on the spot. You walk up close to her, her eyes looking down and sullen as the realization hits her. You say that if she wants to keep working in this industry, she knows what job you really intend to hire her for. She shakes her head in disbelief and speaks with a tone full of futility.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>You’re serious? I guess I should feel flattered that you’d go so far to get me on your team<</speech>>
<p>Her disposition changes suddenly, acting her usual smug self and flipping her hair to act like she was just complimented. She seems to want to try and turn this around in her favor, something you have no intention of giving her any chance to do at all. You decide to press the advantage. You pull your cock out and tell her to start sucking like the whore she is. She is shocked at first. But she doesn’t give up her act.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>I almost forgot how big your cock is. Don’t worry, I can handle it<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a wink as she takes your cock in her hand and pulls it into her mouth. Just as you commanded her to. She looks up at you as she bobs her head. Sucking with admirable fervor. And gliding her tongue along the underside on your shaft as she swallows your length.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on your new employee’s face|tiffanymainquest3][$tiffany.defeated to 1; $[2] to 1]]
<p>You are hard at work today, coding up a storm while you work on several work orders. You send a message to your secretary Tammy, asking her to help you out and pick you up something to eat so you can focus on your work. After some time she walks into your office with a box of take out. She sees you with your eyes glued to the screen, typing away a storm and barely even noticing the world around you. She puts the box on your desk and starts to walk away. You don’t acknowledge it at all. You mind wholly absorbed. She walks back over and opens up the box, letting the smell of the cheesesteak inside waft into your nose. You twitch slightly, but are otherwise unfazed.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Okay this shit is just unhealthy!<</speech>>
<p>Tammy raising her voice takes you right out of your focus on the screen and draws you back into reality. You look down at the food and then up at Tammy, who is clearly disappointed with you. You smile and thank her for bringing you your order. But she still looks disappointed in you. So you ask her what’s wrong.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>You have your head so stuck in that screen you couldn’t even tell when fresh food that you asked for is in front of you. You need a break like nothing else!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you appreciate the thought, but that you are on a roll and don’t want to stop. You add that the more work you get done now, the more free time you will have later. She seems unconvinced.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Well if words won’t convince you to look away from that screen, action will!<</speech>>
<p>Tammy whimsically tosses her shirt off and pulls down her bra to show you her tits. She stand before you, standing seductively. Her stripper experience clearly helping her amplify the view she is providing you. And you must admit, it is a much better thing to look at than your screen. And you can’t help but give her your undivided attention.</p>
<p>With you firmly distracted, Tammy walks around behind you and gives you a shoulder massage, resting her bare tits on your head as she does. She helps you enjoy your short break, getting redressed before the two of you head back to work.</p>
<p>You start to thrust up into her tits in tandem with how she bounces. The sound of her tips smacking against your groin fills the room. The tightness of the space between her tits is greater than some pussies you’ve fucked. Its so nice that when you cum you cum hard. You pull away from her tits, stroking your cock until you unload, blasting your cum up and down her face until she is nice and slathered.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tammy/titjob_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Tammy">>We make a good team you and I. I’m glad you hired me<</speech>>
<p>She gives your cock a kiss before heading back out of your office. You stop her just before she leaves, point at her bare chest and cum covered face. Her eyes grow wide as she starts to lick up your cum and close her blouse. She gives you a thumbs up as she swallows all the cum in her mouth before heading back out.</p>
[[Continue|Start up Office]]<<addhours 1>>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Talk with Tamara|gallerytammy2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You hear a slight commotion coming from outside your office. You hear someone yelling so you get up and look to see what is going on. You are somewhat alarmed to see that Tammy is screaming at someone over the phone. And has accrued quite a large audience of onlookers among your employees.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Fuck you, pendejo! You don’t fucking own me! I’ll stomp on those pathetic tic tacs you call balls if you ever speak to me that way again!<</speech>>
<p>She slams her phone down hard to hang up on the person. She looks around, giving the people who were watching her dagger like stares of contempt. She stands up and is about to storm out, but you stand in her way and ask her to join you in your office. She looks at you, clearly worried that she fucked up. But still more angry than anything. She stomps into your office and takes a seat, Crossing her arms indignantly. You close the door to give you both privacy, then walk to the front of your desk, leaning against it as you get ready to talk to her.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>So what are you gonna fire me now? Good luck getting on without me<</speech>>
<p>You hold your hands up and tell her that you have absolutely no intention of firing her.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>You don’t? I just cursed out a client and you weren’t gonna fire me?<</speech>>
<p>You confirm her surprised realization. And then you continue by asking her why she was angry, and if she is okay. You place a hand on her shoulder sympathetically. Explaining that she is too nice of a person to be screaming like that. And she must have had a reason if she did. You let her know you are hear to vent to if she needs it.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>He was just calling me a cunt and other names I won’t repeat, since one of our work orders for him came in a day late. Even though we told him it would. So I went off on him<</speech>>
<p>She puts on a brave face but you can tell she is holding back tears. You can’t tell if they are tears of relief that her job is safe or frustration from the situation as a whole. You tell her that you understand and that its alright. Adding that if the client calls again to just forward it right to you so you never have to deal with them again.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Okay I will. You are… being so great about this. When I worked at the club the owner would chew me out if I ever even raised my voice to a customer. And I had more that one guy shove their bare dick in my face over there. Why are you so patient about this?<</speech>>
<p>You answer, saying that she does great work and that one slip up and lost client isn’t worth everything that she brings to the company. She gives you a sultry smile as you talk. At some point she stops listening as her hands drift up towards her shirt. You ask what she is doing.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>You’re being so good to me, I figure I should be just as good to you, Boss<</speech>>
<p>She pulls open her shirt and lets her huge tits bounce free. Your cock starts to get hard in your pants almost instantly, bulging against the fabric. Tammy reaches over and yanks your pants down with a scary level of ease. She grabs your cock firmly and places it between her tits. Pressing them together she starts to stroke your cock, bouncing her body up and down.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tammy/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her|gallerytammy2][$scene to 2]]
<p>You start to thrust up into her tits in tandem with how she bounces. The sound of her tips smacking against your groin fills the room. The tightness of the space between her tits is greater than some pussies you’ve fucked. Its so nice that when you cum you cum hard. You pull away from her tits, stroking your cock until you unload, blasting your cum up and down her face until she is nice and slathered.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tammy/titjob_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Tammy">>We make a good team you and I. I’m glad you hired me<</speech>>
<p>She gives your cock a kiss before heading back out of your office. You stop her just before she leaves, point at her bare chest and cum covered face. Her eyes grow wide as she starts to lick up your cum and close her blouse. She gives you a thumbs up as she swallows all the cum in her mouth before heading back out.</p>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $tammy.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15>><<set $tammy.questmain to 3>>
<p>You are enjoying a spa day when you notice that your masseuse seems different than normal. Very different in fact. And yet she seems oddly familiar. The huge tits and big plump lips are what give it away. That and how Tammy announces herself as she comes in.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Hey Boss! Getting a massage huh? Let me take over, I can rub you down better than any of the lame asses around here<</speech>>
<p>You figure it can’t hurt. And the way her towel is barely hanging on, you doubt you could even pay attention long enough to her words to say no right now. You decide to lay on your back at first. Not at all embarrassed by the tent in your towel that you are sporting. Tammy smiles coyly at you pulling your towel off and tossing it away.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>No point in keeping this around if you’re just gonna have that polla standing up like that anyway<</speech>>
<p>She leans in a bit to begin massaging your legs when she suddenly you hear her yelp, then feel a short a sharp pain in your groin. Tammy slipped and fell face first into your cock and balls. You recoil, filled with the sharp pain as you curl into the fetal position briefly while you wait for the pain to subside.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Sorry, sorry, sorry, I’m sooooo sorry. Are you ok?<</speech>>
<p>She runs around the side of the massage table and glides her arm along your back to comfort you. The pain goes away quickly enough. It is made better by Tammy trying so hard to apologize. It also helps to see that the fall made her towel fall off as well, giving you a spectacular view once you are able to calm down. She notices that your cock is still rock hard, and sees just what you are staring at.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Oh you got a taste of my face being against your cock and you want more so soon? Brave man<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even respond she dives head first onto your cock. Slurping it down. You stand up, now motivated to get really involved and put one leg up onto the massage table as you thrust down into her throat. She pushed her face closely up against your groin to take as much of your cock as she is able. Pulling away only for long enough to greedily suck on your balls before wrapping her lips around your shaft again.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tammy/ball_sucking.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Give her a spa facial|tammymainquest2][$[2] to 1]]
<p>You head towards the sauna to get a nice long steam session in. As you are entering you see someone you recognize heading out. Tammy is walking out of the sauna with a heavy flow of steam following her. Your eyes grow wide when you see that she isn’t wearing a towel, or anything at all for that matter. You can’t help but ask her about it.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Why wear a towel? That would just block the steam from some of my pours!<</speech>>
[[Go on|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>Her vacuum like throat has you in a state of primal lust. Her plump lips making fucking her mouth a spectacular experience. You pound away at her throat like an animal until you reach your limit. You start to cum, pulling out and firing your load into her mouth and all over her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tammy/facial_spa.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You groan as the last drop spill out onto her face. She scoops up every drop and licks her finger clean of your cum. Moaning and savoring the flavor.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>You really know how to use that thing don’t you Boss? I should slip and head but your balls more often<</speech>>
<p>You look at her with a serious face and ask her to never do that again if she can help it. Her response is only to laugh as she walks out of the sauna. Forgetting her towel on the way out.</p>
[[Continue|Fitness Center sauna]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You are enjoying a spa day when you notice that your masseuse seems different than normal. Very different in fact. And yet she seems oddly familiar. The huge tits and big plump lips are what give it away. That and how Tammy announces herself as she comes in.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Hey Boss! Getting a massage huh? Let me take over, I can rub you down better than any of the lame asses around here<</speech>>
<p>You figure it can’t hurt. And the way her towel is barely hanging on, you doubt you could even pay attention long enough to her words to say no right now. You decide to lay on your back at first. Not at all embarrassed by the tent in your towel that you are sporting. Tammy smiles coyly at you pulling your towel off and tossing it away.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>No point in keeping this around if you’re just gonna have that polla standing up like that anyway<</speech>>
<p>She leans in a bit to begin massaging your legs when she suddenly you hear her yelp, then feel a short a sharp pain in your groin. Tammy slipped and fell face first into your cock and balls. You recoil, filled with the sharp pain as you curl into the fetal position briefly while you wait for the pain to subside.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Sorry, sorry, sorry, I’m sooooo sorry. Are you ok?<</speech>>
<p>She runs around the side of the massage table and glides her arm along your back to comfort you. The pain goes away quickly enough. It is made better by Tammy trying so hard to apologize. It also helps to see that the fall made her towel fall off as well, giving you a spectacular view once you are able to calm down. She notices that your cock is still rock hard, and sees just what you are staring at.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Oh you got a taste of my face being against your cock and you want more so soon? Brave man<</speech>>
<p>Before you can even respond she dives head first onto your cock. Slurping it down. You stand up, now motivated to get really involved and put one leg up onto the massage table as you thrust down into her throat. She pushed her face closely up against your groin to take as much of your cock as she is able. Pulling away only for long enough to greedily suck on your balls before wrapping her lips around your shaft again.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tammy/ball_sucking.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Give her a spa facial|gallerytammy3][$scene to 1]]
<p>Her vacuum like throat has you in a state of primal lust. Her plump lips making fucking her mouth a spectacular experience. You pound away at her throat like an animal until you reach your limit. You start to cum, pulling out and firing your load into her mouth and all over her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tammy/facial_spa.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You groan as the last drop spill out onto her face. She scoops up every drop and licks her finger clean of your cum. Moaning and savoring the flavor.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>You really know how to use that thing don’t you Boss? I should slip and head but your balls more often<</speech>>
<p>You look at her with a serious face and ask her to never do that again if she can help it. Her response is only to laugh as she walks out of the sauna. Forgetting her towel on the way out.</p>
<p>You hold Tammy by the back of her neck while you fill her pussy with your cock, making her spasm and cum constantly. She grinds against you, her legs shaking more and more with each thrust. Before long her spasming pussy is clamping down on your cock so hard that it milks your for your cum like an industrial milker. Once you reach your limit, you pull out of her, letting her get down to her knees and open her mouth wide for your load. You fire it into her mouth, painting her tongue white and emptying your balls.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tammy/cum_mouth.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You fall back into the chair and groan in release. Tammy swirls the load in her mouth with her tongue a bit, savoring the taste before swallowing it all. She gets up and gets dressed again. But as she is about to leave she trips on the leg of your chair. You reach out to try and catch her, but only end up catching her shirt. Tearing it completely off of her. Leaving her tits totally exposed.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Well fuck. I guess your new executive assistant is spending the day working from in here<</speech>>
<p>You both laugh a bit before getting back to work. Tammy spends the day working beside you. Her huge tits being a constant distraction. But with her being so happy about her new duties, getting over the distraction is easier than ever.</p>
[[Return|Start up Office]]<<addhours 1>>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Talk with Tamara|gallerytammy4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Tammy has been working hard recently. Now that you have progressed and even have a new office for your business, you want to show her how grateful you are for her help along the way. You call her into your office and start rolling off a speech to her. You explain that you certainly could not be where you are today without her help. And that she is one of the most valued employees of the entire company. She smiles, almost swooning to your kind words. And you end the speech by telling her that you want to give her a promotion to an executive position.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Executive? Holy fuck really? Dios Mio thats- wait. Would that mean I wouldn’t be your secretary anymore?<</speech>>
<p>You explain that you would still work together. But that she would have more responsibility and less grunt work at the same time. She doesn’t seem happy to hear that though.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>I don’t want less grunt work. I want to be your secretary. I’ve been at this job for a while now. I like it! I like working for you. I don’t want that to change at all<</speech>>
<p>You are confused. You aren’t sure why she would be turning down a better job with better pay. But, you think on her words for a moment and realize that she probably doesn’t like the idea of someone replacing her. So you come up with a middle ground solution. You tell her that she can keep her position. But that her title will from now on be that of an executive assistant. And that her duties will stay mostly the same. Except with one major change.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>I like the sound of this so far. What’s the change? Do I get to fire people now?<</speech>>
<p>You say that you can have her fire people from now on if she wants. But, that wasn’t what you had in mind. She looks at you confused. You stand up and walk around the desk towards her. You stand behind her, bending over and grabbing both of her tits over her shirt. You tell her you were thinking she could have a more physical role in the company going forward. Since she is so eager to always be there and help you out. She giggles excitedly.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>You can just say that you want to fuck my brains out, Boss<</speech>>
<p>You shrug with a sly smile on your face. You lean in and blatantly say that you want to fuck her brains out. Without even a hint of warning Tammy pops up to her feet, pulls her blouse off over her head and pulls your face into her tits. You enjoy the beating your face takes from the massive melons while you undress, pulling your already rock hard cock out. She pulls her skirt up and shows you that she wasn’t wearing any panties. You kiss her passionately as you gently push her onto your desk and slide your cock into her hole, pounding her hard and fast the moment you get balls deep into her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tammy/desk_missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Plaster your executive assistant’s face|gallerytammy4][$scene to 2]]
<p>You hold Tammy by the back of her neck while you fill her pussy with your cock, making her spasm and cum constantly. She grinds against you, her legs shaking more and more with each thrust. Before long her spasming pussy is clamping down on your cock so hard that it milks your for your cum like an industrial milker. Once you reach your limit, you pull out of her, letting her get down to her knees and open her mouth wide for your load. You fire it into her mouth, painting her tongue white and emptying your balls.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tammy/cum_mouth.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You fall back into the chair and groan in release. Tammy swirls the load in her mouth with her tongue a bit, savoring the taste before swallowing it all. She gets up and gets dressed again. But as she is about to leave she trips on the leg of your chair. You reach out to try and catch her, but only end up catching her shirt. Tearing it completely off of her. Leaving her tits totally exposed.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Well fuck. I guess your new executive assistant is spending the day working from in here<</speech>>
<p>You both laugh a bit before getting back to work. Tammy spends the day working beside you. Her huge tits being a constant distraction. But with her being so happy about her new duties, getting over the distraction is easier than ever.</p>
<<OfficeBackground>><<widget "MomWork">>
<p>Today everything looks normal at the office.</p>
<<widget "TamaraWork">>
<p>Today everything looks normal at the office.</p>
<<widget "ErikaWork">>
<p>Today everything looks normal at the office.</p>
<<widget "MikaelaWork">>
<p>Today everything looks normal at the office.</p>
<<widget "TiffanyWork">>
<p>Today everything looks normal at the office.</p>
<</widget>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You are sitting behind your desk, enjoying a short break from your work when your secretary Tammy walks into your doorway. She has a sultry smile on her face as she slowly walks in without a word. She places her hands on the edge of your desk, opposite you. Soon after, your Mother, $ walks in and does the same thing. You give them both a smile in return, having an idea why they are here by the way they are smiling at you. But then suddenly two more women enter. A pair of interns that you hired not to long ago simply because they are hot as hell. And by the low neck lines of the clothes all of these women are wearing, they clearly have intentions right now that are favorable for you.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Sir, you have been working so hard lately<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>We thought it might be a good time to help you relax, Sweety<</speech>>
<<speech "Tammy">>So why don’t you lean back<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>And let us relieve some of your tension<</speech>>
[[Lean back and enjoy|gallerytammy5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You do just as they say and lean back in your chair, rolling back a bit to give them all room to walk around the table and kneel down in front of you. The each pull their dressed down to let their huge tits out. Tammy pulls your cock out and is the first to get to work. One by one they all join in, taking turns to grab your cock from the others and suck it into the lips with intense passion. $ looks you in the eyes and talks dirty to you while you get sucked off by all four of the buxom ladies.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mom/fourway_blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Move things to the couch|gallerytammy5][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You decide that its time to progress just beyond their mouths and direct them to the couch you have in the corner of your office. Your Mother and one of the interns sit next to you. The intern eats your Mother’s pussy while Tammy hops onto your cock. She bounces on you quickly and powerfully, while the other intern licks and sucks on your balls. You press your face into Tammy’s big round tits while they bounce in your face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mom/tammy_cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[You Mom takes a turn|gallerytammy5][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>$ decides that she has had enough of watching Tammy ride your cock and decides to take a ride of her own. Tammy takes your Mother’s place with the intern while your cock is enveloped by $’s tight pussy. She faces away from you as she bounces on your lap. Her big ass quaking as it slap down again and again. You can’t help but thrust up into her at the same time, making you both moan loudly in pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mom/mom_cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on them all|gallerytammy5][$scene to 4]]
<p>You pull your cock out of her pussy, almost regretfully. But as you are just about to cum you want to spread the wealth around. The four lovely ladies take position, kneeling at your feet with their faces pressed together. Almost fighting one another to be the one right in front of your cock as the first rope of cum starts to fly. Your Mother, of course, is the lucky recipient of that first shot of cum. But you fire more than enough to spray over all four of them by the end of it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mom/fourway_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With the last drops of cum left out of your cock you sit back down on the couch. Slumping a bit from exhaustion. The ladies lick the cum up from their own faces and each others for a bit. You enjoy the show until they start to get up and get dressed. Your Mom and Tammy each give you a kiss on the cheek before heading back out to work. You lean back and close your eyes, enjoying a well deserved rest.</p>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $tammy.loc is "Tammy's house" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '22:59')>>
[[Ring the doorbell|tammyhouse inside]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You ring the doorbell, but nobody came.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You knock on the front door to Tammy’s home. You marvel at how shockingly nice it is while you wait for her to answer. When she does, you notice that she seems a bit tipsy. The most obvious hint to that is how her tits are almost out of her tight dress and she doesn’t even seem to care at all.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Come on in Boss! I was just about to order some food<</speech>>
<p>You head in and share a meal together. You struggle to focus much, as she never really figures out that her tits are on display the whole time.</p>
[[Get going|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $erika.loc is "Erika's house" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '22:59')>><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>><<set _stage to 0>><<else>><<set _stage to 1>><</if>>
[[Ring the doorbell|erikahouse inside][$stage to _stage; $scene to 0]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You ring the doorbell, but nobody came.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<</if>><<if $stage is 0>>
[[Just spend time with her|erikahouse inside][$stage to 1]]
[[Give her a Christmas present|erikahouse inside][$stage to 2]]
[[Go back|erikahouse]]
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $erika.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10 && $ gte 1>><<set $erika.questmain to 2>>
<p>Erika has been progressing nicely recently. She clearly needs some more work before she
reaches her true potential. The potential that you hired her for. But, her hard work and
progression so far should be rewarded. So you head over to her house to surprise her with a
bottle of very good wine as a gift. You knock on the door, but no one answers. You sit there
for a while, knocking a few more times. Still no answer. You pull out your phone and are about
to give her a call when you hear the tapping of heels getting louder behind you. You turn
around and see Erika running up the driveway. She trips suddenly, dropping all of the papers
she was carrying all over the ground. You rush over to help her, making sure she was okay
first before helping her pick up the pile of papers.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I’m alright. No wait, I got it. Don’t help<</speech>>
<p>You refuse to stop. You keep picking up papers and give her a hand to stand back up on her
feet. You hand her you half of the stack of papers you picked up and she takes them
somewhat reluctantly. You ask her why she told you to stop helping her.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Because I can do it myself. I don’t need help. Why did you keep picking them up when
I said stop?<</speech>>
<p>She seems to be a bit angry with you. You tell her that you know she doesn’t need the help.
But that you wanted to give her a hand anyway. She doesn’t seem satisfied with your answer.
You realize that she likely takes self reliance very seriously.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Thanks, but helping people is just a dressed up way of buying them. People don’t help
each other for no reason. Its always so they can get something from them later<</speech>>
<p>Her bleak outlook takes you aback. You push back saying you aren’t looking for anything from
her. You even go so far as to point out that you came here with a gift to celebrate the hard
work she has been putting in at the office. She takes the bottle of wine from your hands and
smirks a bit.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>This is exactly what I mean. I appreciate the gesture. But, this gift is only because I
gave you something. My hard work. I bought it with that hard work. No one is nice without a
<p>You nod you head. Not in agreement but in understanding. You decide to push back on her in
one more way. You ask her why is has to be a self serving reason. Explaining that everyone is
nice for a reason. But, that reason could just be that they like doing nice things for people they
care about. She looks at you with a confused look on her face. There is even a hint of a blush
hidden in there as well.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Sure that’s possible. But, then are you saying this is just buying me? Or are you saying
you care about me?<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a coy smile, thinking she’s trapped you. You simply shrug and reply that you of
course care about her. Adding that you would not have spent the time working with her to
make her more motivated and enjoy her work more if you didn’t. If you didn’t care, you would
have just fired her.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>You would have? So I only have a job right now because you like me? Should I talk to
<p>You stammer over your words for a moment, trying to figure out what to say in response to
that. Only to have her punch you in the arm and laugh playfully.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I’m kidding. Come on in, we can share a glass. This wine looks good.<</speech>>
[[Follow her inside|erikamainquest1][$scene to 0; $[1] to 1]]
<p>You knock on Erika’s front door and stand outside, waiting for her to answer. After a minute or so she opens the door and much to your surprised delight is wearing nothing but a set of extremely sexy black lingerie.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Hey, what’s up?<</speech>>
<p>You say you were passing by looking for something to do, and wanted to know if she was free.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Sure come on in<</speech>>
<p>You follow her inside and sit with her in her living room. The two of you spend some time talking and having fun. She never gets dressed any further than her lingerie. Which makes it hard to focus on anything besides her gorgeous body. But you manage to at least hold the conversation.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $christmas.gifted.erika is 0>>
<<set _giftsArray to Object.keys($>>
<<set _totalGifts to 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _giftsArray.length; _i++>>
<<if $[_giftsArray[_i]] is 1>>
<<switch _giftsArray[_i]>>
<<case "shoes">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Erika" data-setter="$gift to 'shoes'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "makeup">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Erika" data-setter="$gift to 'makeup'" class="link-internal">Give her the make up</a><br>
<<case "dildo">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Erika" data-setter="$gift to 'dildo'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "wine">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Erika" data-setter="$gift to 'wine'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "boots">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Erika" data-setter="$gift to 'boots'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "puzzle">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Erika" data-setter="$gift to 'puzzle'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Erika" data-setter="$gift to 'punching'" class="link-internal">Give her the punching bag</a><br>
<<set _totalGifts += 1>><</if>>
<<if _totalGifts is 0>><p class="hint">You don't have any gift to give right now. You may buy something to Mrs. Claus at the Mall</p><</if>>
<p class="hint">You already gave Erika a gift this Christmas</p>
[[Go back|erikahouse]]
<</if>><<if $mikaela.loc is "Mikaela's house" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '22:59')>>
[[Ring the doorbell|mikaelahouse inside]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You ring the doorbell, but nobody came.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<</if>><<if $mikaela.questmain is 4 && $ gte 25 && $mikaela.corr gte 15>><<set $mikaela.questmain to 5>>
<p>You send Mikaela as text as you decide to head over to her home and pay her a visit. You knock on the door and within seconds she pulls the door open, revealing her lingerie clad self on the other side. You don’t even wait for her to invite you in, opting to walk in and smack her hard on her massive round ass as you pass by her. You ask her where her husband is, half joking as you expected her to have sent him out on some sort of meaningless errand.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Actually, Javier is upstairs. I have told him to sit in his chair and not to move until you are finished<</speech>>
<p>You are shocked at the thought of fucking Mikaela in front of her husband. But with the annoying bullshit that he and Mikaela tried to pull, you figure it is proper payback for the head ache of having to try and compete for your employee’s affections. You follow her up the stairs, you eyes focused on her swaying ass the whole way up. Once you get to the master bedroom you realize that she truly wasn’t lying and that Javier is sitting there in the corner of the room looking sullen. Clearly not wanting to participate in this but so thoroughly wrapped around Mikaela’s finger that he can’t really fight whatever whims she throws at him. In the end, you don’t care much about him. You are here to fuck Mikaela silly. Humiliating him in the process is just a bonus.</p>
[[Pull her onto your cock|mikaelamainquest4][$scene to 0; $[4] to 1]]
<p>Mikaela invited you over to discuss some things about work. You knock on her front door and wait a while for her to answer. She sends you a text telling you the door is open and that she is up in her bedroom. You take that as her inviting you up to speak with her. You enter and head up. You notice that her bedroom door is cracked open and you head inside to see Mikaela still getting dressed. Giving you a great view of her ass in the process.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Javier may not be here, so you’re lucky. But, I’d still prefer some privacy<</speech>>
<p>You nod and leave to let her get dressed. She comes out soon after and leads you down to her home office. The two of you discuss one of her projects for a bit over some coffee. When you are done you head out, giving her ass another quick peak before you leave.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $tiffany.loc is "Tiffany's house" && isDateBetween($gameDate, '07:00', '22:59')>><<if $gameversion is 75 && $ is 1>><<set _stage to 0>><<else>><<set _stage to 1>><</if>>
[[Ring the doorbell|tiffanyhouse inside][$stage to _stage; $scene to 0]]
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<p>You ring the doorbell, but nobody came.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]
<</if>><<if $stage is 0>>
[[Just spend time with her|tiffanyhouse inside][$stage to 1]]
[[Give her a Christmas present|tiffanyhouse inside][$stage to 2]]
[[Go back|tiffanyhouse]]
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $tiffany.questmain is 1 && $ gte 25>><<set $tiffany.questmain to 2>>
<p>You knock on Tiffany’s door and wait for her to answer. When she does you see that she is still dressed in her formal work attire. A white dress shirt, black pencil skirt, with some nude color pantyhose. She is surprised to see you at first, clearly not expecting any company. But she moves to the side to let you in, clearly understanding what you are here for.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Disturbing me at home to get your rocks off now too? Am I such a good fuck that you can’t wait until tomorrow?<</speech>>
<p>You enjoy her smug attitude these days. Especially since when you fuck her silly you get to watch it go away and see her be slutty as all hell. But, what she doesn’t realize is that you don’t plan on just fucking her. You plan on making her beg for it. You lead her through her own home, into her kitchen. You take a seat and tell her to pour you a glass of $mc.favdrink. She pours you a drink and pours a glass for herself. You sit at her kitchen table and pull open some details on a website on your tablet that you have been working on, on your own. She looks at you, perplexed by the prospect that you are here to discuss work and not to fuck her. But she takes a look regardless and sees that you are building a site for a porn production company. Her cheeks go a bit red as you scroll through it for her to look at. You pull up a video of a woman with a remarkably similar build to Tiffany getting gang-banged. Doing so under the guise of testing the video player.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Are you just here to make me watch porn? I thought you were here to fuck me or something<</speech>>
<p>You turn to her, ask her if she wants you to fuck her. Trying to trap her into admitting she is enjoying the arrangement, rather than just putting up with it. Something that she blushes at even more. Her face turning a deep shade of red. She shakes her head profusely.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Why on earth would I want you to fuck me? I get enough of that bullshit on a daily basis<</speech>>
<p>You shrug and continue to show her video after video, page after page. Asking for her comment on it all along the way. She is clearly struggling to keep herself composed. She is even shifting in her seat in a way that makes you know that she is very close to giving in. You finish off your drink and ask for another. She pours you one and another for herself as well.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>This is actually a nice site. You are a better programmer than I gave you credit for. No wonder your company survived over mine<</speech>>
<p>She leans over to get a closer look and places her hand on your thigh. Clearly trying to seduce you into fucking her. But two can play at this game. You reach around and place your hand on her lower back, pressing gently to get her even closer. Her eyes go wide, clearly struggling to keep her composure at this point. She is just one little push away from giving in. She makes a move of her own to try and take back the advantage, sliding her hand further up your leg towards your crotch. But, this only serves to play right into your hand. You grab her wrist and stop her from sliding up further. She looks at you in shock. You ask her what she is doing, exploring with her hands like that.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>What? Oh I wasn’t thinking<</speech>>
<p>You press your advantage. You stand up, keeping hold of her wrist and pressing her close to the table behind her. You bulge pressed against her groin. She looks up at you, unsure of how to react. Her own lust clearly overwhelming her and pushing her over the edge. She leans her head closer to yours to kiss you, but you pull away.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>No, don’t-<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that she knows what she has to say. You know that she wants this, and you know that once she admits it she will be the perfect little slut to have in your employ.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Fine, since you’re being so stingy. I want you to fuck me. Please pound me all nigh. Are you happy now? Can I get some dick?<</speech>>
[[Pound her asshole|tiffanymainquest5][$scene to 0; $[4] to 1]]
<p>You knock on Tiffany’s front door and wait patiently for her to answer. When she does, she is dressed down compared to the rather professional way you usually see her dress at work. Wearing nothing but a light purple teddy. You invite yourself in, and tell her that you’d like to spend the evening together discussing a few things.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Fine, that’s sounds alright. I’m sure I could impart some of my intelligence upon you<</speech>>
<p>You let her have her moment of smugness. But when you enter her living room you detail how you want her to sit, to participate in this discussion. With her teddy off, and bent over a stool giving you a good view. She is ticked off at first. But, she complies. Figuring she would still get the chance to talk over you and show off.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $ is 0>>
<<set _giftsArray to Object.keys($>>
<<set _totalGifts to 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _giftsArray.length; _i++>>
<<if $[_giftsArray[_i]] is 1>>
<<switch _giftsArray[_i]>>
<<case "shoes">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Tiffany" data-setter="$gift to 'shoes'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "makeup">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Tiffany" data-setter="$gift to 'makeup'" class="link-internal">Give her the make up</a><br>
<<case "dildo">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Tiffany" data-setter="$gift to 'dildo'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "wine">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Tiffany" data-setter="$gift to 'wine'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "boots">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Tiffany" data-setter="$gift to 'boots'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "puzzle">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Tiffany" data-setter="$gift to 'puzzle'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Tiffany" data-setter="$gift to 'punching'" class="link-internal">Give her the punching bag</a><br>
<<set _totalGifts += 1>><</if>>
<<if _totalGifts is 0>><p class="hint">You don't have any gift to give right now. You may buy something to Mrs. Claus at the Mall</p><</if>>
<p class="hint">You already gave Tiffany a gift this Christmas</p>
[[Go back|tiffanyhouse]]
<p>While you are walking along the sand you notice Tammy walking around looking for a good spot to sit by the water. You run up to her to say hello. Her tight red bikini taking most of your focus away as you initially approach her.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>How are ya Boss? Wanna chill by the water with me? Or are ya just gonna start at my tits all day?<</speech>>
<p>You joke and say that both sound like a good time to you. But you decide to sit with her, enjoying the sun as you hang out together.</p>
[[Leave|Beach]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You get changed into some workout clothes and make your way onto the main gym floor. You see a familiar face doing yoga in the far corner of the room. You walk up and greet Tammy just as she does a downward dog stretch. Getting deep into her stretch and having her round ass on display.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Here to get nice and swole Boss? Let me know if you need a spotter<</speech>>
[[Leave|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
[[Get close to Erika|galleryerika1][$scene to 1]]
<p>You are walking through the offices when you notice that the blinds are closed to Erika’s
office. Its something you haven’t seen Erika do before, so you head over to see what is
happening. You hear odd shuffling from inside her office as you approach. You knock on the
door, announcing yourself and asking is everything is alright. You suddenly hear nothing
coming from her office. The brief moment of silence is broken when Erika finally speaks.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Yeah, I’m fine. Come on in. Close the door behind you though<</speech>>
<p>You do as she asks, opening up the door and closing it quickly behind you. The blinds on the
inside are closed but the ones on the outside windows are wide open. The sun light filtering in
and landing on Erika’s desk. Where she is laying, nude.</p>
<p>You are caught off guard seeing her large bubble butt pointed directly at you. You take a
moment to compose yourself before asking her why she is naked at her desk in the middle of
the day.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Oh the sun is really bright today. And I’m all out of work orders. So I decided to see if I
could get a little bit of a tan<</speech>>
<p>You aren’t sure how to respond. So you kind of just sit there and stare at her tight, round ass
for a while. You want to scold her. Saying that this is inappropriate. But, between how hot she
is, and that fact that she has gotten all her work done, you struggle to think of a good way to
argue that she did something wrong. So you just wish he luck on her tan and head out, back
to work. The image of her ass burned into your mind.</p>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You head in and follow her to her kitchen. You take a seat at her kitchen table as she grabs
two glasses and pours you both some wine. She carries them over and hands you one of the
glasses while she sits down. Taking a sip you realize that it probably isn’t worth the money it
cost, but it is fantastic wine. You look over at Erika and see her chug down her glass greedily.
She pulls it from her lips ones it is empty and sighs loudly out of satisfaction.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>This is good wine. I should start a winery one day. I know I can make something even
better than this<</speech>>
<p>You can’t help but laugh at her competitive nature. You think for a moment and realize that
you could have some fun with this if you wanted. You turn to her and ask her if there is
anything she thinks she wouldn’t be the best at doing.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Probably losing. That’s the only thing I wouldn’t be able to do very easily<</speech>>
<p>She smirks at you playfully before pouring and chugging a second glass of wine. You press
the advantage and ask her if she would be the best at giving a blowjob. She laughs, nearly
choking on her wine. She forces it down, coughing a bit before laughing again.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Well that was bold. But, yes I would absolutely be the best at giving a blowjob. I
haven’t failed at anything I’ve ever tried. I doubt I’d fail at something that straight forward<</speech>>
<p>You shrug and say you’ve had a lot of blowjobs. Some great, some bad. It isn’t as easy as
she might think. She looks skeptical. So you challenge her saying that if she is so confident,
she should prove it. You lean back a bit in her chair, and spread you legs. Letting you bulging
cock press against your pants to tease her. She bites her lip and shrugs.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Might as well find out for certain<</speech>>
<p>She gets up out of her seat and kneels down between your legs. Her hands glide along your
groin up to your buckle. She undoes and pulls your pants down to let your cock spring free.
Her eyes grow wide at the size for a moment. She grabs it by the base and crooks her head
as she pulls it into her mouth. Bobbing he head up and down taking more and more past her
lips until they reach the base of your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/erika/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her face|erikamainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<p>She uses her hands and throat to stroke and massage your cock with shockingly expert skill.
Either this isn’t her first time sucking cock, or her claim that she is great at everything and
anything she tries is amazingly accurate. Before long she makes you cum. Your cock pulses
powerfully as she stroke your cock. You unleash your load all over her face, painting her face
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/erika/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You shove your softening cock back into your pants, feeling very satisfied. You look at Erika
as she cleans herself up. You think about how you could use this to your advantage to
motivate her further. You tell her that it was very good. But that it certainly wasn’t the best
blowjob that you’ve ever had. She turns to you with a look of shock on her face. The shock
fades and turns to one that makes it seem like she is relieved.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Well I guess I have to practice more<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are happy to help her practice whenever. She giggles in response. You
wish her a good night as you head out, telling her you look forward to seeing her at work.</p>
[[Leave|Residential district]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Erika has been progressing nicely recently. She clearly needs some more work before she
reaches her true potential. The potential that you hired her for. But, her hard work and
progression so far should be rewarded. So you head over to her house to surprise her with a
bottle of very good wine as a gift. You knock on the door, but no one answers. You sit there
for a while, knocking a few more times. Still no answer. You pull out your phone and are about
to give her a call when you hear the tapping of heels getting louder behind you. You turn
around and see Erika running up the driveway. She trips suddenly, dropping all of the papers
she was carrying all over the ground. You rush over to help her, making sure she was okay
first before helping her pick up the pile of papers.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I’m alright. No wait, I got it. Don’t help<</speech>>
<p>You refuse to stop. You keep picking up papers and give her a hand to stand back up on her
feet. You hand her you half of the stack of papers you picked up and she takes them
somewhat reluctantly. You ask her why she told you to stop helping her.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Because I can do it myself. I don’t need help. Why did you keep picking them up when
I said stop?<</speech>>
<p>She seems to be a bit angry with you. You tell her that you know she doesn’t need the help.
But that you wanted to give her a hand anyway. She doesn’t seem satisfied with your answer.
You realize that she likely takes self reliance very seriously.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Thanks, but helping people is just a dressed up way of buying them. People don’t help
each other for no reason. Its always so they can get something from them later<</speech>>
<p>Her bleak outlook takes you aback. You push back saying you aren’t looking for anything from
her. You even go so far as to point out that you came here with a gift to celebrate the hard
work she has been putting in at the office. She takes the bottle of wine from your hands and
smirks a bit.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>This is exactly what I mean. I appreciate the gesture. But, this gift is only because I
gave you something. My hard work. I bought it with that hard work. No one is nice without a
<p>You nod you head. Not in agreement but in understanding. You decide to push back on her in
one more way. You ask her why is has to be a self serving reason. Explaining that everyone is
nice for a reason. But, that reason could just be that they like doing nice things for people they
care about. She looks at you with a confused look on her face. There is even a hint of a blush
hidden in there as well.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Sure that’s possible. But, then are you saying this is just buying me? Or are you saying
you care about me?<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a coy smile, thinking she’s trapped you. You simply shrug and reply that you of
course care about her. Adding that you would not have spent the time working with her to
make her more motivated and enjoy her work more if you didn’t. If you didn’t care, you would
have just fired her.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>You would have? So I only have a job right now because you like me? Should I talk to
<p>You stammer over your words for a moment, trying to figure out what to say in response to
that. Only to have her punch you in the arm and laugh playfully.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I’m kidding. Come on in, we can share a glass. This wine looks good.<</speech>>
[[Follow her inside|galleryerika2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You head in and follow her to her kitchen. You take a seat at her kitchen table as she grabs
two glasses and pours you both some wine. She carries them over and hands you one of the
glasses while she sits down. Taking a sip you realize that it probably isn’t worth the money it
cost, but it is fantastic wine. You look over at Erika and see her chug down her glass greedily.
She pulls it from her lips ones it is empty and sighs loudly out of satisfaction.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>This is good wine. I should start a winery one day. I know I can make something even
better than this<</speech>>
<p>You can’t help but laugh at her competitive nature. You think for a moment and realize that
you could have some fun with this if you wanted. You turn to her and ask her if there is
anything she thinks she wouldn’t be the best at doing.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Probably losing. That’s the only thing I wouldn’t be able to do very easily<</speech>>
<p>She smirks at you playfully before pouring and chugging a second glass of wine. You press
the advantage and ask her if she would be the best at giving a blowjob. She laughs, nearly
choking on her wine. She forces it down, coughing a bit before laughing again.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Well that was bold. But, yes I would absolutely be the best at giving a blowjob. I
haven’t failed at anything I’ve ever tried. I doubt I’d fail at something that straight forward<</speech>>
<p>You shrug and say you’ve had a lot of blowjobs. Some great, some bad. It isn’t as easy as
she might think. She looks skeptical. So you challenge her saying that if she is so confident,
she should prove it. You lean back a bit in her chair, and spread you legs. Letting you bulging
cock press against your pants to tease her. She bites her lip and shrugs.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Might as well find out for certain<</speech>>
<p>She gets up out of her seat and kneels down between your legs. Her hands glide along your
groin up to your buckle. She undoes and pulls your pants down to let your cock spring free.
Her eyes grow wide at the size for a moment. She grabs it by the base and crooks her head
as she pulls it into her mouth. Bobbing he head up and down taking more and more past her
lips until they reach the base of your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/erika/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her face|galleryerika2][$scene to 2]]
<p>She uses her hands and throat to stroke and massage your cock with shockingly expert skill.
Either this isn’t her first time sucking cock, or her claim that she is great at everything and
anything she tries is amazingly accurate. Before long she makes you cum. Your cock pulses
powerfully as she stroke your cock. You unleash your load all over her face, painting her face
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/erika/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You shove your softening cock back into your pants, feeling very satisfied. You look at Erika
as she cleans herself up. You think about how you could use this to your advantage to
motivate her further. You tell her that it was very good. But that it certainly wasn’t the best
blowjob that you’ve ever had. She turns to you with a look of shock on her face. The shock
fades and turns to one that makes it seem like she is relieved.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Well I guess I have to practice more<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you are happy to help her practice whenever. She giggles in response. You
wish her a good night as you head out, telling her you look forward to seeing her at work.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Get close to Erika|galleryerika3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You get an email as you are sitting at your desk. It is from Erika. When you open it you notice
there isn’t much written there. All it is, is her asking you to come to her office right away. You
don’t think there is any emergency. But, just in case you head down the hall to her office
rather quickly. When you get there, you notice that her blinds are closed again. You knock on
the door, and wait for her to respond.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Come on in, hurry up!<</speech>>
<p>You walk into her office to once again see a fully nude Erika in her office. Only this time, she
is staring back at you. You are awestruck for a moment once again. But you compose yourself
and ask her what the urgent matter she needed you for was.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Oh that, yeah. I was working on a site that is gonna host porn on it. And I got horny.
Wanna fuck?<</speech>>
<p>Your eyes go wide for a moment. You did not even remotely expect these. Even when you
walked in to find her naked. But you aren’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. And you
figure that this might some how motivate her a bit too. If not it will certainly motivate you. You
tell her that you are in and immediately start to undress. She walks over to you and give you a
hand, pulling your pants down while you pull your shirt off. You lay her down on one of her
office chairs and slide your cock into her pussy. Once inside of her, you lift your leg up onto
the chair and put her in a pile driver position, dropping your weight down to fuck her hard and
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/erika/piledriver.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Paint her white|galleryerika3][$scene to 2]]
<p>You are so engrossed in pile driving Erika’s pussy that you nearly lose yourself and cum
inside of her. You pull out just in time though. You pull her down to her knees in front of you
and cum all over her face and into her wide open mouth as she tires to catch as much of your
load as she can into her mouth.
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/erika/facial2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You groan, satisfied as you walk over and start to get dressed again. You tell Erika that that
was fun. But you both need to get back to work. She smiles at you seductively as she walks
over and sits at her desk, not wiping any of your cum away from her face.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I think I have some new ideas for the porn site. Thanks for the help<</speech>>
<p>You are so engrossed in pile driving Erika’s pussy that you nearly lose yourself and cum
inside of her. You pull out just in time though. You pull her down to her knees in front of you
and cum all over her face and into her wide open mouth as she tires to catch as much of your
load as she can into her mouth.
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/erika/facial2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You groan, satisfied as you walk over and start to get dressed again. You tell Erika that that
was fun. But you both need to get back to work. She smiles at you seductively as she walks
over and sits at her desk, not wiping any of your cum away from her face.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I think I have some new ideas for the porn site. Thanks for the help<</speech>>
[[Leave|Start up Office]]<<addhours 1>>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You move over and grope her, pulling her clothes off as she pulls yours off. You take your rock
hard cock and aim it at her ass as she lays down on her back and holds her legs spread with
he hands. You slide into her tight ass, stretching out and making her wince in pained pleasure
as you fill her up. You begin to rock your hips, going deeper and deeper until you are
pounding away at her ass with a powerful rhythm.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/erika/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her face|erikamainquest3][$scene to 1]]
<p>Her tight ass squeezes and milks your cock thoroughly. You groan loudly as you pound her
roughly. Each thrust bringing you closer to orgasm. When the time finally comes you pull out
and climb up close to her face. You stroke your cock and unload. Plastering her face with your
load as the ropes of pearly white jizz streak across her face.
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/erika/facial3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You stand up and start to get dressed. You joke to her that now that she has had a good
break, she can get back too it. You add that she should think of you any time she is in need of
a break any time soon.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I’ll remember that. See you around, Boss<</speech>>
[[Leave|Start up Office]]<<addhours 1>>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Get close to Erika|galleryerika4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Earlier today you sent a few work orders over to Erika to be completed. And as the day goes
on, one by one each one comes back in. With how quickly they were done you presume that
she just made them bland and uninspired. But as you review them, you are pleasantly
surprised to see that they are in fact spectacular in all respects. In one day she programmed
three websites with stunning complexity and impeccable design. They are easy to use,
intuitive, and beautiful. Finally, the results you were looking for when you hired her. She even
sent an email to you asking you to send her more orders for the day. You decide that you’ll
hand deliver them yourself, so that you can compliment her on her work while you do.</p>
<p>You walk into the open door of her office, closing it behind you and closing the blinds. With
how some of your visits to Erika’s office have gone, it’s just smarter to be safe and do that the
moment you walk in. You turn towards Erika and drop some files for some more work orders
on her desk. She barely even notices you, snatching the files and getting right to work. It
seems like you might have done too good of a job motivating her to work hard. She looks like
a woman possessed. You walk around the desk and grab hold of her wrist to get her attention.
She snaps out of her coding trance and looks up at you confused.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Hey, what’s up. I’m in a groove here<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that she needs a break every now and then or she will burn herself out. You are
surprised you need to teach her that. But, this might be the perfect time for the final lesson
you can teach her. The value of a break and how it can empower your motivation. You tell her
to stand up and you lead her over to the couch in her office. You sit beside her and lean back,
enjoying the cushions. She is no stranger to relaxing, doing the same right after you.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I don’t get you. I thought you wanted me to be motivated and work hard on the
<p>You tell her that that is exactly what you want. But you explain to her that you don’t want her
to experience burnout. And that you think burnout might be part of why she lost so much
motivation in the first place.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>So what, I should just stop working when I’m on a roll and doing good work?<</speech>>
<p>You say that she always will need a break during the day. And you hint further that you can
think of some ways to distract her if she is struggling to relax. She smiles coyly, knowing
exactly what you are implying.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>In that case, hurry up. I could use a good distraction<</speech>>
[[Distract her|galleryerika4][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You move over and grope her, pulling her clothes off as she pulls yours off. You take your rock
hard cock and aim it at her ass as she lays down on her back and holds her legs spread with
he hands. You slide into her tight ass, stretching out and making her wince in pained pleasure
as you fill her up. You begin to rock your hips, going deeper and deeper until you are
pounding away at her ass with a powerful rhythm.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/erika/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Coat her face|galleryerika4][$scene to 3]]
<p>Her tight ass squeezes and milks your cock thoroughly. You groan loudly as you pound her
roughly. Each thrust bringing you closer to orgasm. When the time finally comes you pull out
and climb up close to her face. You stroke your cock and unload. Plastering her face with your
load as the ropes of pearly white jizz streak across her face.
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/erika/facial3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You stand up and start to get dressed. You joke to her that now that she has had a good
break, she can get back too it. You add that she should think of you any time she is in need of
a break any time soon.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I’ll remember that. See you around, Boss<</speech>>
<p>As you enter the gym you notice Erika in the corner with some boxing gloves on hitting a punching bag. She is really strong. Each strike makes the bag move considerably. You head over to her and grab the bag from behind to give her something more sturdy to hit. You feel the punches coming through strong and can’t help but be slightly aroused by it. She notices your growing hard on and slows down her punches. She yanks her gloves off so she can get down on her knees and pull your cock out. You grab her by her hair and shove her face down on your cock, making her gag loudly as you enjoy her throat enveloping your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/erika/gym_blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Continue|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>Erika is walking along the edge of the water. Her pink bikini hugs her bubble butt well and it difficult to not stare at. You walk up to her, having to jog a bit to catch up with her. You walk up beside her, but just a little behind to talk to her but still have a good view of her ass jiggling with every step.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I wish more people around here played beach volleyball. I’m really good. I even got some offers to go pro at one point<</speech>>
[[Continue|Coast]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You sit at the bar at the Flaming Tiki. You order a $mc.favdrink. You take a look around and see a familiar face walking in. Erika is heading to the bar, dressed up likely for a night of fun and drinking. You wave her over to invite her to join you. She sees and walks over, taking a seat beside you at the bar and ordering a vodka cranberry for herself.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I love this place. Its the only bar I’ve been two that makes a vodka cranberry better than I can make for myself. That girl at the Cock and Bull always puts too much Vodka in hers<</speech>>
[[Leave|Coast]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $tiffany.questmain is 0 && $ gte 20>><<set $tiffany.questmain to 1>>
<p>You are sitting in your office typing away when you notice Tiffany pass by your office door. A fun thought crosses your mind so you call her name to have her come in and speak with you. She stops in her tracks and doubles back. She walks in, curious what you called her for. You tell her that you have to go visit a client and that you want her to take the trip with you.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Sure thing, boss. I’ll grab my purse and meet you down in the parking garage<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her to let her know you agree with that plan. She walks out and you grab all of your things to head down yourself. You head down to the garage and grab a company van to take rather than your usual car. You wait by it and wave Tiffany over when you see her come out of the elevator. She walks over to you with a perplexed look on her face.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>The company van? Are we planning on picking something up from the client?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you want to bring it just in case. You both get in and drive off. It doesn’t take long for Tiffany to figure out that there is no client that you are headed to. Although it wasn’t very hard to deduce once you started to drive to the outskirts of the city. You pull off down a side road and to the side of a somewhat secluded road.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>So is this where you murder me? Or do we have a client working out of some abandoned dilapidated house?<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle at Tiffany’s question. Knowing that it is likely at least partly a defense mechanism for actual fear, you assure her that you have no intention of harming her. And that you came her to give you both some privacy. You tell her to get out and she does. She walks around to the back of the van to find you already standing there with your cock out. She stops in her tracks, rather shocked in the moment. But she quickly understands exactly what is happening.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>I could have thought of a million easier ways for you to get me to suck your dick<</speech>>
<p>You laugh but correct her that you aren’t here to get your dick sucked. You are here to fuck her properly. Her eyes go wide for a second before she shrugs. She apparently knew this was coming eventually. Evident by the fact that when she bent over and pulls down her skirt it revealed that she isn’t wearing any underwear at all. You take the golden opportunity presented to you and get to work. You shove your cock into her tight hole and begin thrusting away. She holds onto the van for support as you pound her and make her weak in the knees from pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/standing_doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|tiffanymainquest4][$[3] to 1]]
<p>A good boss should throw his employees curve balls every now and then. Never anything too rough. But, out of the box enough to keep them fresh and on their toes while they work. So you decide to keep Tiffany on her toes today by making her do a task that is well outside of her normal job description. You bring her down to the company garage and tell her to wash cars for the day. And that she has to show you a good time while you watch them.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/carwash.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Go on|Interact With Employees]]<<addhours 1>>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $choice is 1>>
<<if $erika.motChoices.raise is 0>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.raise to 1>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.raiseReset to $day + 5>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.raiseValue to 20>>
<<elseif $day gte $erika.motChoices.raiseReset>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.raiseReset to $day + 5>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.raiseValue to 20>>
<<if $erika.motChoices.raiseValue gt 1>><<set $erika.motChoices.raiseValue = Math.floor($erika.motChoices.raiseValue - 5)>>
<<else>><<set $erika.motChoices.raiseValue to 1>><</if>>
<<if $erika.motChoices.raiseValue lt 1>><<set $erika.motChoices.raiseValue to 1>><</if>>
<<set $erika.mot += $erika.motChoices.raiseValue>>
<<set $employees.erika.priceWeek += 20>>
<p>You bring Erika into your office to let her know that she will be getting a raise, in hopes of making her more motivated and invested in the job. Her weekly salary is now $employees.erika.priceWeek.</p>
<p class="got">Erika's motivation is now $erika.mot</p>
<<elseif $choice is 2>>
<<if $erika.motChoices.chall is 0>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.chall to 1>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.challReset to $day + 5>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.challValue to 20>>
<<elseif $day gte $erika.motChoices.challReset>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.challReset to $day + 5>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.challValue to 20>>
<<if $erika.motChoices.challValue gt 1>><<set $erika.motChoices.challValue = Math.floor($erika.motChoices.challValue - 5)>>
<<else>><<set $erika.motChoices.challValue to 1>><</if>>
<<if $erika.motChoices.challValue lt 1>><<set $erika.motChoices.challValue to 1>><</if>>
<<set $erika.mot += $erika.motChoices.challValue>>
<p>You go to Erika with a new work order. But lie to her when you tell her the date. You tell her the site is do in half the time that it actually is. Telling her that you wanted to see if she could handle the pressure of such a daunting task.</p>
<p class="got">Erika's motivation is now $erika.mot</p>
<<elseif $choice is 3>>
<<if $ is 0>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.giftReset to $day + 5>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.giftValue to 20>>
<<elseif $day gte $erika.motChoices.giftReset>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.giftReset to $day + 5>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.giftValue to 20>>
<<if $erika.motChoices.giftValue gt 1>><<set $erika.motChoices.giftValue = Math.floor($erika.motChoices.giftValue - 5)>>
<<else>><<set $erika.motChoices.giftValue to 1>><</if>>
<<if $erika.motChoices.giftValue lt 1>><<set $erika.motChoices.giftValue to 1>><</if>>
<<set $erika.mot += $erika.motChoices.giftValue>>
<</nobr>><<set _lastGift to $ - 1>>
<p>You go into Erika’s office and place the $[_lastGift] you got her down on her desk in front of it. You tell her it is to show your appreciation of her as an employee.</p>
<<set $>><p class="got">Erika's motivation is now $erika.mot</p>
<<elseif $choice is 4>>
<<if $erika.motChoices.dayoff is 0>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.dayoff to 1>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.dayoffReset to $day + 5>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.dayoffValue to 20>>
<<elseif $day gte $erika.motChoices.dayoffReset>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.dayoffReset to $day + 5>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.dayoffValue to 20>>
<<if $erika.motChoices.dayoffValue gt 1>><<set $erika.motChoices.dayoffValue = Math.floor($erika.motChoices.dayoffValue - 5)>>
<<else>><<set $erika.motChoices.dayoffValue to 1>><</if>>
<<if $erika.motChoices.dayoffValue lt 1>><<set $erika.motChoices.dayoffValue to 1>><</if>>
<<set $erika.mot += $erika.motChoices.dayoffValue>>
<<set $erika.dayoff to 1>>
<p>You tell Erika that she deserves some rest and that she can take the day off. You hope that this will make her appreciate the position more and work harder as a result.</p>
<p class="got">Erika's motivation is now $erika.mot</p>
<<if $erika.motChoices.lunch is 0>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.lunch to 1>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.lunchReset to $day + 5>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.lunchValue to 20>>
<<elseif $day gte $erika.motChoices.lunchReset>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.lunchReset to $day + 5>>
<<set $erika.motChoices.lunchValue to 20>>
<<if $erika.motChoices.lunchValue gt 1>><<set $erika.motChoices.lunchValue = Math.floor($erika.motChoices.lunchValue - 5)>>
<<else>><<set $erika.motChoices.lunchValue to 1>><</if>>
<<if $erika.motChoices.lunchValue lt 1>><<set $erika.motChoices.lunchValue to 1>><</if>>
<<set $erika.mot += $erika.motChoices.lunchValue>>
<p>You pop into Erika’s office and offer to buy her some lunch. You spend the time talking about interesting ideas for some of the projects you are both working on. Hoping to inspire her.</p>
<p class="got">Erika's motivation is now $erika.mot</p>
[[Leave|Interact With Employees]]
<<set $ += 1>>
<<if $ gte 3>>
<<set _motivation to "inspired">>
<<set $employees.erika.eff = 5>>
<<set $employees.erika.neg = 5>>
<<set $employees.erika.mark = 5>>
<<elseif $ gte 2>>
<<set _motivation to "motivated">>
<<set $employees.erika.eff = 3>>
<<set $employees.erika.neg = 3>>
<<set $employees.erika.mark = 3>>
<<elseif $ gte 1>>
<<set _motivation to "slightly motivated">>
<<set $employees.erika.eff = 1>>
<<set $employees.erika.neg = 1>>
<<set $employees.erika.mark = 1>>
<<set _motivation to "unmotivated">>
<<set $employees.erika.eff = -1>>
<<set $employees.erika.neg = -1>>
<<set $employees.erika.mark = -1>>
<<if $choice is 1>>
<p>You invite Erika into your office in order to have a discussion with her. You try your best not to frame it as though you are going to try and teach her something, even though that is your intention. You sit her down and spend the better part of an hour trying to explain the value of self motivation.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I used to motivate myself really easily. Someone would say I should do something, and that it would be hard. And I would take it as a challenge. But it was all easy. Everything I have ever done, was so easy. If I only succeed, even when putting almost no effort in, why should I put any effort in?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that she is unlikely to find many people who can honestly say what she just said. And that she should stop looking at it as though she doesn’t need to put in effort. But rather, that her effort can do more than the average person. You explain to her that if nothing else, she can always have the challenge of out doing herself.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Why would I out do myself? I already won. I would just be surpassing my own accomplishments. For there to be a winner there has to be a loser. And if I’m the winner and the loser, nothing actually happened<</speech>>
<p>Her warped view is hard for you to wrap your head around. But you do your best, spending over an hour to get her to see the value in personal growth. Eventually having to result to trying to make her view her past self as a different person, to make her view surpassing her own accomplishments as a positive. She is showing clear signs of growth afterwords.</p>
<p class="got">Erika became _motivation! Her work stats have been upgraded, and you may advance further in her main story</p>
<<elseif $choice is 2>>
<p>You head into Erika’s office and sit at the edge of her desk. You see a balled up piece of paper beside her keyboard. You grab it and stand up. You take a shot at the waste basket with it. Erika looks at you like you’re being childish and stupid. But as the paper ball lands in the basket with ease, you pump your fist victoriously. You see the look she is giving you and ask her why she is giving it to you.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>You’re getting excited over tossing a paper ball into a basket. Everyone has done that. Children do that with no issue. It is a celebration in mediocrity<</speech>>
<p>You sit across from her, looking deeply into her eyes as you speak to show her that you are being serious as you talk to her. You tell her that little challenges you make for yourself are important. That they can give you the little bursts of victory and motivation to make the bigger tasks seem easier.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I have no issue with things being too difficult. If anything I have the opposite issue. By your logic should I then shun your little challenges to make everything big more daunting?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that easy to complete and easy to do are two different things. Even if the job isn’t tough, wanting to do the work is much harder to keep consistent. And that a little win here and there can make the difference between a job being enjoyable, or oppressively boring. She looks at you skeptically, as you roll up a piece of black printer paper and hand it to her, telling her to give it a shot, literally. She take the ball and tosses it at the basket, sinking it with little to no effort. But, she cocks a small smile when it goes in. The point seeming to resonate with her. With that, you leave her office and she gets back to work.</p>
<p class="got">Erika became _motivation! Her work stats have been upgraded, and you may advance further in her main story</p>
<p>Erika sends you another completed work order. You look it over and are disappointed to see that while it is a terrifically programmed website that has everything the client asked for, it is dreadfully bland and uninspired. You decide that its time to try and work on Erika’s creative motivation and head over to her office. You walk in on her working on her next order. You take a look at it over her shoulder and see that it too is horrifically bland. You ask her if bland early 90’s web design is her style, saying so mostly as a joke, despite it being accurate.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Is it bad? I find it the most functional and simple thing to make. The more you try to make a site flashy the more likely you send a buggy product<</speech>>
<p>You say that you understand what she means. But add that visually pleasing matters as much to the user as functionality does. You ask her if she has any ideas that could make the site she is working on now stand out or look special. She looks closely and thinks on it for a moment.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>I could stylize the directory links to better reflect the business itself<</speech>>
<p>Its not much but its progress. You tell her to go for it. And to feel free to express herself as she designs the sites. You let her know that you trust her to be as creative as possible when building them. Because you trust that they will work perfectly when she is done, however they look. Your words put a smile on her face as she gets back into typing with a renewed exuberance.</p>
<p class="got">Erika became _motivation! Her work stats have been upgraded, and you may advance further in her main story</p>
[[Leave|Interact With Employees]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You sit at your desk and get to work for the day. But, you aren’t even able to get ten minutes worth of work in before you hear a sudden commotion coming from the break room. You wonder what is going on so you head out of your office and into there to see that Javier and Mikaela have brought a group of employees around to celebrate the birthday of one of the interns. You enter in, wondering why they are putting this all together for an intern that likely won’t even be working with you by this time next year. Also, you wonder why you weren’t invited to this little break room party. You insert yourself briefly, shaking the intern’s hand and wishing him a happy birthday. You then get Mikaela’s attention and firmly ask her to join you in your office. She gives you a sly smile as if she knows why you want to talk to her. Once you are both in you office you close the door to afford you some privacy. You ask her why the sudden fan fair over an intern’s birthday.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Oh that is simply us showing the employees how much we value them. So that we my husband and I rip this company out from under you, they will be happy we did<</speech>>
<p>You are taken aback by her bold declaration. You are about to scold her, and even fire her for even suggesting such a thing. But then she distracts you by starting to undress. She undoes button after button, continuing to talk as she does.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>That is of course, if you don’t beat him out and show everyone how much you truly care about your company. Then I just might have a reason to not require my husband work here with me<</speech>>
<p>You aren’t sure to react as Mikaela bares it all for you. You can’t tell if this is a tactic to distract you, or if she is actually into you. You don’t really care in the moment. You just let yourself take it all in. Her massive ass and big tits are a spectacular sight.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Don’t lose your head. If you want to come out ahead you’ll need to be focused<</speech>>
<p>She redresses herself and head out of your office. You take a moment to enjoy the memory of her awesome ass. But, then you refocus. You have a challenge on your hands. You get the inclination that Mikaela is power hungry. She probably doesn’t give two shits about her husband. She only sees him as an easily manipulated tool to get power and standing. You figure if you make her husband look like a fool, you could take her as your own with ease.</p>
<p>You think on this as you get back to work. Deciding that you will show your staff why you started this company, by working your ass off.</p>
<p class="hint">Mikaela and Javier are trying to take the popular opinion away from you among your employees. Work hard every day to show your employees that you are as much a part of the team as they are. The more your work each week, the better their opinion of you will be. You will need to keep their opinion high to beat Javier and progress with Mikaela.</p>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Colorful imagery aside, you start to yank your pants off to give Mikaela access to your cock. She pulls her slutty dress off of her big tits, making your cock rock hard before it even leaves your boxers. When you do pull it out her eyes grow wide. She kneels down between your legs and starts getting to work. Wrapping each tit around your shaft and pumping her body up and down, stroking you powerfully.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Jeez, with a cock like this I almost regret meeting Javier before you<</speech>>
[[Cum on her face|mikaelamainquest1][$scene to 1]]
<p>You thrust up as she bounces he body along your shaft. Each pump of your hip and stroke with her tits brings you closer to orgasm. It build quickly, and eventually brings you to the edge. You stand up, stroking your cock feverishly as you aim the tip at Mikaela’s face. You unleash your load all over her. Splattering her eyes, cheeks, and mouth with your thick load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/stripclub_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>The load drips onto the strip club floor as she looks down, almost ashamed with herself over having been plastered like that. You ask her whats wrong as you start to get dressed.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>I’ve never let a man cum on my face before. Why did I allow you to do that?<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle to yourself, saying that she was having too much fun to notice. You leave her with her thoughts and the wad of cash. Now satisfied.</p>
[[Leave|Red Light district]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>This time of day, the strip club is always starting to get more rowdy. As people funnel in to watch the dancers, some times it can end up looking more like a dance club than a strip club. You walk around and enjoy the view of the dancers. You are hoping to find one you like to get a private dance tonight. You fail to find anyone worth noting at first. Until an unusually large and shapely ass catches your eye. As you get closer, the woman it is attached to becomes more and more familiar. Until you reach her and realize that it is Mikaela who is currently dancing on the pole and showing off her illustriously massive ass.</p>
<p>You take a seat and enjoy the show with a crooked smile on your face. The woman who more or less threatened your company not long ago, is here dancing and showing off her body to the public. During her dance she notices you. Which makes her eyes grow wide with shock and fear. She keeps dancing though, clearly holding her tongue and trying to ignore the fact that you are there. In time her dance ends and she ends up walking the floor, looking to bring people into the VIP room for a private dance. You walk up to her and flash a large amount of cash. An amount large enough that she can’t rightly ignore. She is wordless, looking at you with disdain as she leads you into the VIP room. Once inside she closes the curtain behind you and you take a seat. She stands in front of you, clearly expecting you to say something, but you just silently wait for her to dance with a smug smile on your face.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Well are you going to say something or are you just going to smile at me like a perverted simpleton?<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle to yourself before replying to her. You say that you are here for a dance after all. So watching her with a smile is kind of the point of it all. You continue, saying that if she wants to talk she can explain why she is working at a strip club when you pay her and her husband so much to begin with.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Not that it is any of your business. I do this for the sake of a safety net. You can never be too careful. And I need to have money saved up that Javier doesn’t know about. Just in case<</speech>>
<p>Your smile grows. You tell her that if that is the case, you have to assume that this job is a secret she is keeping from her husband. The look of fear returns to her eyes.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Don’t tell me you’re going to blackmail me now. How cliché could you get?<</speech>>
<p>You shake your head telling her that you aren’t going to blackmail her. You explain that you are fine keeping things from her husband. The more you keep from him, the more you have to use against him should the need come up. You add that if she really needs side money, you always have good ideas for things that you would be willing to pay her for.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Oh you actually want to pay for this dance? How generous of you. And here I thought you were going to just talk to me and use this for leverage<</speech>>
<p>You reply that you couldn’t care less about the dance. You pull out a healthy stack of bills and place it on the couch beside you. Telling her that she can have the full stack if she wraps her tits around your cock. She scoffs annoyed. But doesn’t day no. She looks around for a moment, then back at you.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Fine! But if I hear word that this left this room, I will kick you in the balls so hard you’ll be vomiting your ejaculation<</speech>>
[[Get the VIP treatment|gallerymikaela2][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Colorful imagery aside, you start to yank your pants off to give Mikaela access to your cock. She pulls her slutty dress off of her big tits, making your cock rock hard before it even leaves your boxers. When you do pull it out her eyes grow wide. She kneels down between your legs and starts getting to work. Wrapping each tit around your shaft and pumping her body up and down, stroking you powerfully.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Jeez, with a cock like this I almost regret meeting Javier before you<</speech>>
[[Cum on her face|gallerymikaela2][$scene to 2]]
<p>You thrust up as she bounces he body along your shaft. Each pump of your hip and stroke with her tits brings you closer to orgasm. It build quickly, and eventually brings you to the edge. You stand up, stroking your cock feverishly as you aim the tip at Mikaela’s face. You unleash your load all over her. Splattering her eyes, cheeks, and mouth with your thick load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/stripclub_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>The load drips onto the strip club floor as she looks down, almost ashamed with herself over having been plastered like that. You ask her whats wrong as you start to get dressed.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>I’ve never let a man cum on my face before. Why did I allow you to do that?<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle to yourself, saying that she was having too much fun to notice. You leave her with her thoughts and the wad of cash. Now satisfied.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Mikaela drops to her knees and gets to work on your cock. She pulls it into her welcoming mouth and sucks on it powerfully. It grows and hardens in her mouth, growing until it reaches down to the entrance of her throat. Once you are nice and hard you grab hold of her head to really use her throat to the fullest. You thrust and pound away at her mouth and throat, making her gag and cough on your huge rod.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/blowjob_holding.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Glaze her|mikaelamainquest2][$scene to 1]]
<p>Her tight throat clearly hasn’t seen much use. It is perfect for getting you off and it manages too rather quickly. Especially with how roughly and quickly you are pounding away. When you do start to cum, you pull back and stroke your cock over her face. You unload, you cum flowing out and splattering her face and falling into her mouth. She moans hungrily as she tastes your jizz.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/work_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With her face nice and glazed, and your balls nice and empty you tell Mikaela to get back to work. You add that if she has any more ideas for bets in the future, you could always enjoy a round with her gigantic ass as well.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>You wish. Enjoy the view of my ass now. I’ll be kicking yours to the curb soon enough. Or maybe it will be Javier’s I kick. Time will tell, but I have my money on my hubby<</speech>>
[[Return|Start up Office]]<<addhours 1>>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You enter the break room as Mikaela is making herself some tea. She gives you a smug smile as she takes a seat and begins to drink from her mug. You pour yourself something to drink and take a seat across from her, just having the fun of a power move by giving her a smug grin right back. She scoffs, clearly annoyed that she can’t phase you.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>You won’t win. My hubby Javier is making every loser in this place love him. Meanwhile interns talk shit about you the moment you leave the room<</speech>>
<p>You laugh heartily. You tell her that if the opinion of interns is all she has going for her, she is going to have a tough time getting anywhere far in her goal of taking the company for herself.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Interns are the future of the industry. If they don’t like you, good luck having a future in the industry. Besides, I’m sure you could point out any employee in this entire company and they would inform you that they prefer Javier over you<</speech>>
<p>You laugh even harder this time. Telling her that you’d like to take her up on that wager. Saying that if you can find one she has to let you shut her up with your cock.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Another sex crazed megalomaniac. At least be unique in your failed methods of management. But fine, I don’t shy away from a challenge. If I win and the employee you pick says they like Javier more, even as a joke, you have to name him as Vice President of $<</speech>>
<p>You shrug saying you agree. You shake hands with her over the table to seal the agreement. You then pull your phone out and send a short text. A few moments later Tammy walks in to the break room. Mikaela instantly looks up at her and her smug look disappears. Her over confidence left her blind to your many options to beat her in this simple wager. You ask Tammy the simple question, who she likes more between yourself and Javier.</p>
<<speech "Tammy">>Idiota! What kind of question is that? Of course I prefer you, Boss. I barely even know that Javier tipo<</speech>>
<p>You thank Tammy and tell her that that is all you needed to know. She shakes her head confused before walking out back to her desk. You look at Mikaela who is seething with hatred at this moment.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>We both know that was a dirty maneuver. You’re lucky I’m a woman of my word, otherwise I might call this wager off after that stunt. Remember how true I am to my word if you do win this. Even though we both know you’ll lose in the end<</speech>>
<p>You shrug and disregard her grandstanding. You stand up and tell her to hurry up with her tea and meet you in your office. After some time she enters and you close the door and blinds to your office for the sake of some privacy. You unzip your pants and pull your cock out, shaking it in front of her to tease her. She scoffs at you, giving you a dagger eye filled look before getting to work.</p>
[[She gets started|gallerymikaela3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Mikaela drops to her knees and gets to work on your cock. She pulls it into her welcoming mouth and sucks on it powerfully. It grows and hardens in her mouth, growing until it reaches down to the entrance of her throat. Once you are nice and hard you grab hold of her head to really use her throat to the fullest. You thrust and pound away at her mouth and throat, making her gag and cough on your huge rod.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/blowjob_holding.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Glaze her|gallerymikaela3][$scene to 2]]
<p>Her tight throat clearly hasn’t seen much use. It is perfect for getting you off and it manages too rather quickly. Especially with how roughly and quickly you are pounding away. When you do start to cum, you pull back and stroke your cock over her face. You unload, you cum flowing out and splattering her face and falling into her mouth. She moans hungrily as she tastes your jizz.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/work_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With her face nice and glazed, and your balls nice and empty you tell Mikaela to get back to work. You add that if she has any more ideas for bets in the future, you could always enjoy a round with her gigantic ass as well.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>You wish. Enjoy the view of my ass now. I’ll be kicking yours to the curb soon enough. Or maybe it will be Javier’s I kick. Time will tell, but I have my money on my hubby<</speech>>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $mikaela.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $startup.workScore gt $mikaela.workScore>><<set $mikaela.questmain to 4>>
<p>You walk out of the locker room and find a seat by the edge of the pool. You are happy to just sit back and relax today. Running $ can be exhausting work. So getting a chance to kick back is always valuable. Unfortunately, your time to relax is cut short, but an admittedly pleasant sight. Mikaela is walking up to you in a gorgeously skimpy one piece swimsuit. She has an odd look on her face. One that you can’t rightly tell if she is angry with you, annoyed with you, or attracted to you. But, with her it is entirely possible that it is all three. You sit up in your seat and offer her the one next to you before asking her what she wants.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>I would like to talk, $<</speech>>
<p>The way she is using your first name and skipping the formalities throws you off. But you lean toward her and listen intently. As she clearly has something important to say.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>You have shown yourself to be dedicated to your company. In a way I did not expect when I met you. You have shown me that Javier does not have what it take to sway your employees away from you. So I am admitting that I have hitched myself to the wrong horse. I would like to unhitch now. And join you. I will stay aboard and can promise all of the same production that both Javier and I bring. But without Javier. Fire him, and I can be all yours<</speech>>
<p>She turns around and presents her voluptuous ass to you to show you exactly what she is offering. You do your best to show no emotion on your face as you respond. As you figure with her just presenting herself like this, she must be feeling desperate. So you want to try and take even more. You tell her that you won’t fire Javier. And that she has to stick with him and keep him on her leash as a good little worker dog. But that you still get her. You tell her you will fuck her whenever and however, and she will be rewarded greatly for it. You finish by saying that those are your only terms. And that if she refuses she might as well not come into work any further. Her eyes betray the amount of shock she is feeling from how boldly you are demanding this of her. She clearly isn’t used to being bossed around.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>I… I suppose that is agreeable. I still come out on top. I’m not sure Javier will be so easily strung along. But I shall do my best<</speech>>
<p>You stand up and abruptly spank her ass, enjoying it shake and ripple. Mikaela yelps at your sudden smack at her backside. You reach up and grab her by her hair, using it to direct over to the chair where you bend her over and put her in the perfect position to get fucked. You pull her one piece to the side, revealing her ass between the massive cheeks. You pull your hardening cock out and shove it between them. She has so much ass that it is hard to get deep into her at first. But the harder you thrust, the deeper your force yourself. She moans loudly, thankfully the pool is empty at the moment. Because with how you are pulling her hair and pounding away at her, no one would be able to ignore the two of you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/doggy_anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Mark her as your new slutty partner|mikaelamainquest3][$[3] to 1]]
<p>You take a dip in the pool and swim a few laps. When you get out you see Mikaela stretching and getting ready to dive into the pool herself. She is wearing a tight one piece swimsuit that is pulled up between her massive luscious ass cheeks. Likely against her will. You’d imagine that her ass is so large what gets consumed by her cheeks is hardly her decision.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Hello, $ Enjoy your swim?<</speech>>
<p>She asks you that teasingly, knowing you are staring at her ass as she walks to the edge of the pool. She gives it a little wiggle for your viewing pleasure before diving in and swimming away.</p>
[[Leave|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>Her tight ass seems almost virgin. And her screams of pleasure tell you that virgin or not, she has never been fucked in the ass like this before. Her orgasms force her to clamp down on your shaft, which only speed up your building orgasm. When it finally is time to unload you pull out and aim your cock at her face. You stroke it to finish off, firing your jizz all over her face and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/pool_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With that finished, you tell Mikaela to inform Javier of the new arrangement. You give her one more good slap on her massive ass before pulling your shorts back up and heading out. You may not have been able to relax today. But you certainly got rid of a lot of stress.</p>
[[Move on|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk out of the locker room and find a seat by the edge of the pool. You are happy to just sit back and relax today. Running $ can be exhausting work. So getting a chance to kick back is always valuable. Unfortunately, your time to relax is cut short, but an admittedly pleasant sight. Mikaela is walking up to you in a gorgeously skimpy one piece swimsuit. She has an odd look on her face. One that you can’t rightly tell if she is angry with you, annoyed with you, or attracted to you. But, with her it is entirely possible that it is all three. You sit up in your seat and offer her the one next to you before asking her what she wants.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>I would like to talk, $<</speech>>
<p>The way she is using your first name and skipping the formalities throws you off. But you lean toward her and listen intently. As she clearly has something important to say.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>You have shown yourself to be dedicated to your company. In a way I did not expect when I met you. You have shown me that Javier does not have what it take to sway your employees away from you. So I am admitting that I have hitched myself to the wrong horse. I would like to unhitch now. And join you. I will stay aboard and can promise all of the same production that both Javier and I bring. But without Javier. Fire him, and I can be all yours<</speech>>
<p>She turns around and presents her voluptuous ass to you to show you exactly what she is offering. You do your best to show no emotion on your face as you respond. As you figure with her just presenting herself like this, she must be feeling desperate. So you want to try and take even more. You tell her that you won’t fire Javier. And that she has to stick with him and keep him on her leash as a good little worker dog. But that you still get her. You tell her you will fuck her whenever and however, and she will be rewarded greatly for it. You finish by saying that those are your only terms. And that if she refuses she might as well not come into work any further. Her eyes betray the amount of shock she is feeling from how boldly you are demanding this of her. She clearly isn’t used to being bossed around.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>I… I suppose that is agreeable. I still come out on top. I’m not sure Javier will be so easily strung along. But I shall do my best<</speech>>
<p>You stand up and abruptly spank her ass, enjoying it shake and ripple. Mikaela yelps at your sudden smack at her backside. You reach up and grab her by her hair, using it to direct over to the chair where you bend her over and put her in the perfect position to get fucked. You pull her one piece to the side, revealing her ass between the massive cheeks. You pull your hardening cock out and shove it between them. She has so much ass that it is hard to get deep into her at first. But the harder you thrust, the deeper your force yourself. She moans loudly, thankfully the pool is empty at the moment. Because with how you are pulling her hair and pounding away at her, no one would be able to ignore the two of you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/doggy_anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Mark her as your new slutty partner|gallerymikaela4][$scene to 1]]
<p>Her tight ass seems almost virgin. And her screams of pleasure tell you that virgin or not, she has never been fucked in the ass like this before. Her orgasms force her to clamp down on your shaft, which only speed up your building orgasm. When it finally is time to unload you pull out and aim your cock at her face. You stroke it to finish off, firing your jizz all over her face and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/pool_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With that finished, you tell Mikaela to inform Javier of the new arrangement. You give her one more good slap on her massive ass before pulling your shorts back up and heading out. You may not have been able to relax today. But you certainly got rid of a lot of stress.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You get undressed rather quickly, looking to waste no time as you hop onto the bed and pull Mikaela on top of you. You aim your cock up and into her pussy as she lowers herself down onto you. She moans loudly as you split her pussy lips. You hold her down, gripping her ass as your thrust up into her in tandem with her bouncing all over your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/cuck_cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Put her ass to work|mikaelamainquest4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You pull out of her pussy for only just long enough to start pounding away at her ass. You bend her over and ram your cock right in, making her scream in pain pleasure as you start to pound away at her massive orb shaped ass with reckless abandon. You see Javier looking defeated and weak in the periphery of your vision. But you are too focused on pounding Mikaela’s tight hole to really notice.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/cuck_anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Mark her as your slut|mikaelamainquest4][$scene to 2]]
<p>You spend an inordinate amount of time blasting Mikaela’s cock with your ass. Maybe you drug it out because it was fun. Maybe Javier being there made it harder to cum. Maybe the universe wanted to punish Javier too. No matter the reason, the fun is about to reach its peak as you get close to cumming. You pull out of Mikaela’s ass and bring her face close to your cock. Your stroke to finish yourself off and unleash your load all over her face and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/cuck_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You groan with pleasure having finally cum. And one Mikaela is mark as your slut in front of her own husband, your work is completed. You get dressed and head out, not even saying goodbye as you let the fucked up couple manage their own relationship. Now that you’ve gotten what you want out of it.</p>
[[Go out|Residential district]]<<addhours 2>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You send Mikaela as text as you decide to head over to her home and pay her a visit. You knock on the door and within seconds she pulls the door open, revealing her lingerie clad self on the other side. You don’t even wait for her to invite you in, opting to walk in and smack her hard on her massive round ass as you pass by her. You ask her where her husband is, half joking as you expected her to have sent him out on some sort of meaningless errand.</p>
<<speech "Mikaela">>Actually, Javier is upstairs. I have told him to sit in his chair and not to move until you are finished<</speech>>
<p>You are shocked at the thought of fucking Mikaela in front of her husband. But with the annoying bullshit that he and Mikaela tried to pull, you figure it is proper payback for the head ache of having to try and compete for your employee’s affections. You follow her up the stairs, you eyes focused on her swaying ass the whole way up. Once you get to the master bedroom you realize that she truly wasn’t lying and that Javier is sitting there in the corner of the room looking sullen. Clearly not wanting to participate in this but so thoroughly wrapped around Mikaela’s finger that he can’t really fight whatever whims she throws at him. In the end, you don’t care much about him. You are here to fuck Mikaela silly. Humiliating him in the process is just a bonus.</p>
[[Pull her onto your cock|gallerymikaela5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You get undressed rather quickly, looking to waste no time as you hop onto the bed and pull Mikaela on top of you. You aim your cock up and into her pussy as she lowers herself down onto you. She moans loudly as you split her pussy lips. You hold her down, gripping her ass as your thrust up into her in tandem with her bouncing all over your cock.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/cuck_cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Put her ass to work|gallerymikaela5][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pull out of her pussy for only just long enough to start pounding away at her ass. You bend her over and ram your cock right in, making her scream in pain pleasure as you start to pound away at her massive orb shaped ass with reckless abandon. You see Javier looking defeated and weak in the periphery of your vision. But you are too focused on pounding Mikaela’s tight hole to really notice.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/cuck_anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Mark her as your slut|gallerymikaela5][$scene to 3]]
<p>You spend an inordinate amount of time blasting Mikaela’s cock with your ass. Maybe you drug it out because it was fun. Maybe Javier being there made it harder to cum. Maybe the universe wanted to punish Javier too. No matter the reason, the fun is about to reach its peak as you get close to cumming. You pull out of Mikaela’s ass and bring her face close to your cock. Your stroke to finish yourself off and unleash your load all over her face and into her mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/cuck_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You groan with pleasure having finally cum. And one Mikaela is mark as your slut in front of her own husband, your work is completed. You get dressed and head out, not even saying goodbye as you let the fucked up couple manage their own relationship. Now that you’ve gotten what you want out of it.</p>
<p>You enter into the lounge and take a seat by one of the hookahs. You look over toward the bar and see an ass so large it could only belong to one person, Mikaela. She is bent over the counter and her dress is currently falling in such a way that you can get a decent look at her massive cheeks from where you are sitting.</p>
<p>Once she is done at the bar you both wave hello to one another as she passes by. You invite her to sit with her. But she is here with Javier, so she understandably chooses to just spend time with him. You enjoy some time with a hookah before getting up and heading out.</p>
[[Leave|Red Light district]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You know that Mikaela is usually stripping around this time so you head in to catch a show. She clearly still isn’t very comfortable with the fact that her boss watches her strip. But, you don’t care one way or the other. She is a great stripper and watching her twerk her fat ass for you and the whole club is always a fun time.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/mikaela/strip.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Leave|Red Light district]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>Things are looking nice as you over see the movers finish bringing furniture in for your brand new office. $ is growing and with this new office space it will surely grow into something spectacular. Provided you keep working hard and hire the right people for the job. And there is no better evidence of this than the sight of the undeniably sexy person, who is just now strutting her way in through the front door of your office. Her flowy yellow dress left you unassuming. But the strong glare in her eyes and the way she speaks to you puts you right on your guard.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>So. You’re the new hot shot? You don’t really look like much<</speech>>
<p>You look at her confused, with a light scowl on your face to show that you take offense to what she is saying. You ask her just who she thinks she is, coming into your business and insulting you like that.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>I’m the competition. Not that you look like you’ll be much of one. Name’s Tiffany Herrera. I run ‘Massive Assets LLC’<</speech>>
<p>You scoff, and tell her to take her superiority complex elsewhere. You add in a jab that she should keep under estimating you. Noting that it will make it that much sweeter when you surpass her and she is working for you.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Me? Work for a rinky dink junk pile like this? Ha! At least you have a good sense of humor. Just make sure you stay out of my way. I won’t hesitate to trample you<</speech>>
<p>You get bold and ask her if she would like to make a wager on that claim.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Why not, I love wagers. I never lose them. I bet you’ll fail and won’t even need any more space than this broom closet sized office<</speech>>
<p>You look at her voluptuous body and tell her that she has to give you a strip tease if you win and manage to grow enough to get a bigger office. And you tell her that if you lose, you’ll give her fifty grand. You say this, perhaps a little too confident in yourself.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Ha! Deal! Better save up loser! I’ll want my money, cash in hand when you lose<</speech>>
<p>She turns away from you and begins to strut back out towards the door. You would be mad still, if the hem of her dress wasn’t bouncing against her shockingly large ass. Part of you is confused how she walks without her ass cheeks clapping it is so large. But, you remember how much of a bitch she was the moment she is out the door. You shake your head and refocus, getting back to work. Before long your new office is set up and ready. It is still a little small. But it is a huge improvement on your small little home office. And it is just a stepping stone on the great things you intend to accomplish.</p>
<<tiffanytrust>><<set $ += 4>>
<<tiffanycorr>><<set $tiffany.corr += 4>>
<p class="got">You now have the small office!</p>
[[Check the new job applicants|Start up Hiring][$origin to 2; $tiffany.met to 1]]
<p>With the lease signed and the movers hired, you stand proudly in the center of your new office space. You have grown to the point where $ now takes in clients from across the entire region. And with that level of growth and workflow, you will need new employees to handle it. Now, you have the space to put those employees to work. Your company is growing faster by the day. If you keep this up, you’ll dominate the industry one day.</p>
<p>Speaking of dominating the industry. There is a knock at the front door to the office. You open it up to let Tiffany in. As you came here today to give her the opportunity to pay up on her end of the best she so foolishly made against you. She is wearing the extremely slutty outfit you requested of her. You can’t help but eye her up as she walks in and gets ready to do her strip tease. You make mention of how nice it is to watch her ass bounce as she walks.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Oh shut up. I’m big enough to admit when I’ve lost. But, I’m not about to sit here and be degraded like one of the whores you need to pay to get your dick wet<</speech>>
<p>You laugh raucously back at her. Just thinking about all that she doesn’t know about you. You tell her that she is here to strip and that she should respect you as the winner. And stop being a sore loser.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Sore loser? HAH! That’s rich. I’m not a loser. You wanna see a loser, go find a mirror. This was just a fluke. One that I would never let happen a second time<</speech>>
<p>You smile devilishly. Shrugging at her implication, you suggest that you make a second wager. Since she is so confident in herself.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>You really are an idiot to try and win another bet against me. But fine. I bet you fail within a year. I win, you pay me two hundred grand<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle confidently. Not even slightly worried about taking her on. You tell her that if you win, she has to jerk you off until you cum all over her face.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Jeez you’re such a pervert. Fine, that’s worth two hundred grand. Not that I have to even worry about it. Losers like you will fail eventually. I just have to wait<</speech>>
<p>With the wager set, you grab a seat and tell her to get on with the strip tease. She scoffs, clearly annoyed and having forgot that she still has to follow through with that. Although she does make it worth your while. She shakes her ass and dances seductively as she pulls her clothes off. Tiffany obviously hates this. But takes pride in what she does to the extent that she will give you a good show because she’d rather degrade herself than look incompetent.</p>
<<tiffanytrust>><<set $ += 4>>
<<tiffanycorr>><<set $tiffany.corr += 4>>
<p class="got">You now have the Regional Office!</p>
[[Check the new job applicants|Start up Hiring][$origin to 2]]
<p>With the lease signed and the movers hired, you stand proudly in the center of your new office space. You have grown to the point where $ now takes in clients from across the entire region. And with that level of growth and workflow, you will need new employees to handle it. Now, you have the space to put those employees to work. Your company is growing faster by the day. If you keep this up, you’ll dominate the industry one day.</p>
<p>Speaking of dominating the industry. There is a knock at the front door to the office. You open it up to let Tiffany in. As you came here today to give her the opportunity to pay up on her end of the best she so foolishly made against you. She is wearing the extremely slutty outfit you requested of her. You can’t help but eye her up as she walks in and gets ready to do her strip tease. You make mention of how nice it is to watch her ass bounce as she walks.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Oh shut up. I’m big enough to admit when I’ve lost. But, I’m not about to sit here and be degraded like one of the whores you need to pay to get your dick wet<</speech>>
<p>You laugh raucously back at her. Just thinking about all that she doesn’t know about you. You tell her that she is here to strip and that she should respect you as the winner. And stop being a sore loser.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Sore loser? HAH! That’s rich. I’m not a loser. You wanna see a loser, go find a mirror. This was just a fluke. One that I would never let happen a second time<</speech>>
<p>You smile devilishly. Shrugging at her implication, you suggest that you make a second wager. Since she is so confident in herself.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>You really are an idiot to try and win another bet against me. But fine. I bet you fail within a year. I win, you pay me two hundred grand<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle confidently. Not even slightly worried about taking her on. You tell her that if you win, she has to jerk you off until you cum all over her face.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Jeez you’re such a pervert. Fine, that’s worth two hundred grand. Not that I have to even worry about it. Losers like you will fail eventually. I just have to wait<</speech>>
<p>With the wager set, you grab a seat and tell her to get on with the strip tease. She scoffs, clearly annoyed and having forgot that she still has to follow through with that. Although she does make it worth your while. She shakes her ass and dances seductively as she pulls her clothes off. Tiffany obviously hates this. But takes pride in what she does to the extent that she will give you a good show because she’d rather degrade herself than look incompetent.</p>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You started out with little. And now today you are about to open up a Nation wide office for $! Your company’s reach is about to expand wildly. And now, with the right staff behind you, you will be able to dominate this industry. You are about to make a lot of money, more than you likely will know what to do with. And as CEO, the amount of pussy you’ll be able to pull is more than one dick could ever need.</p>
<p>Speaking of which, you make a call to finally cash in on a certain bet made some time ago. You get comfortable in your new luxurious office as you wait for Tiffany to arrive. When your Secretary Tammy lets her in, she sneers at the smug smile that you greet her with. She came wearing her street clothes. Which, much to your delight includes some sexy fishnet stockings that hug her plump thighs tightly.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>When I heard you were the one who outbid me for this place I thought I’d die laughing. But, here you are proving me wrong again. I don’t like to be proven wrong. Especially when I have money on the line<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you don’t really care what she likes. And that all you really care about at the moment is the bet you both made. Emphasizing that it is time to pay up. She groans, annoyed at the prospect.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>You know I wouldn’t have even shown up here if I wasn’t going to pay up. Go ahead and pull your little dick out so I can jerk you quick<</speech>>
<p>You laugh a bit, and continue to smile smugly at her as you stand up and begin to undress. When your huge cock hangs freely between your now nude legs, her indignant look is wiped clean from her face. You lead her to a cot you have set up in your office for nights you work late. She walks over, her eyes never leaving your cock as she does. She sits down on the edge of the cot and reaches out for your cock with her hand. You smack it away roughly.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>What the hell? That hurt! If you want me to jerk you off you have to let me touch you<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that the two of you agree she would jerk you off. But no part of the agreement was that was going to be with her hands.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>What the hell else am I supposed to jerk with?<</speech>>
<p>You grab her by her shoulders and spin her around, pushing her face first onto the bed and pulling her shorts down to reveal her massive, fishnet covered ass cheeks to you. You grab one cheek in each hand and drop your hard cock in the spacious crack between them. You press her cheeks around your cock and thrust away, jerking yourself off with her bountiful booty.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/hot_dogging.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|tiffanymainquest2][$scene to 1]]
<p>You get rough with her ass and use it ass you please. When it is time to cum you roll her off the cot and onto the floor. She sits there on her knees with her mouth open as you stroke your cock in front of her. The slutty way she looks makes you wonder if she is just giving it her all like she always does, or if she truly is just a whore. Regardless, you cum and cum hard as you fire your load directly into her open mouth. She swallows it all greedily and even starts to suck the tip of your cock, almost unconsciously.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/cum_mouth.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You look down at her and laugh. You ask her if she likes your cum that much, or if she is just a slut. Her eyes grow wide as she pulls away from your cock. Clearly realizing how much further she was going that she intended to.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Shut the hell up, asshole. I was just doing the job right. Something lucky bastards like you would never understand. I’d say I’ll see you around. But I’m betting the only time ill see you is when I read about you going bankrupt<</speech>>
<p>You laugh a bit and tell her that she is cute when she is angry. This only serves to make her look cuter. She flips you off as she gets dressed and walks out the door. You get dressed yourself, and look to the future. Enjoying how bright it seems to be.</p>
<p class="got">You now have the National Office!</p>
[[Check the new job applicants|Start up Hiring][$origin to 2]]
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You started out with little. And now today you are about to open up a Nation wide office for $! Your company’s reach is about to expand wildly. And now, with the right staff behind you, you will be able to dominate this industry. You are about to make a lot of money, more than you likely will know what to do with. And as CEO, the amount of pussy you’ll be able to pull is more than one dick could ever need.</p>
<p>Speaking of which, you make a call to finally cash in on a certain bet made some time ago. You get comfortable in your new luxurious office as you wait for Tiffany to arrive. When your Secretary Tammy lets her in, she sneers at the smug smile that you greet her with. She came wearing her street clothes. Which, much to your delight includes some sexy fishnet stockings that hug her plump thighs tightly.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>When I heard you were the one who outbid me for this place I thought I’d die laughing. But, here you are proving me wrong again. I don’t like to be proven wrong. Especially when I have money on the line<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you don’t really care what she likes. And that all you really care about at the moment is the bet you both made. Emphasizing that it is time to pay up. She groans, annoyed at the prospect.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>You know I wouldn’t have even shown up here if I wasn’t going to pay up. Go ahead and pull your little dick out so I can jerk you quick<</speech>>
<p>You laugh a bit, and continue to smile smugly at her as you stand up and begin to undress. When your huge cock hangs freely between your now nude legs, her indignant look is wiped clean from her face. You lead her to a cot you have set up in your office for nights you work late. She walks over, her eyes never leaving your cock as she does. She sits down on the edge of the cot and reaches out for your cock with her hand. You smack it away roughly.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>What the hell? That hurt! If you want me to jerk you off you have to let me touch you<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that the two of you agree she would jerk you off. But no part of the agreement was that was going to be with her hands.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>What the hell else am I supposed to jerk with?<</speech>>
<p>You grab her by her shoulders and spin her around, pushing her face first onto the bed and pulling her shorts down to reveal her massive, fishnet covered ass cheeks to you. You grab one cheek in each hand and drop your hard cock in the spacious crack between them. You press her cheeks around your cock and thrust away, jerking yourself off with her bountiful booty.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/hot_dogging.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|gallerytiffany2][$scene to 1]]
<p>You get rough with her ass and use it ass you please. When it is time to cum you roll her off the cot and onto the floor. She sits there on her knees with her mouth open as you stroke your cock in front of her. The slutty way she looks makes you wonder if she is just giving it her all like she always does, or if she truly is just a whore. Regardless, you cum and cum hard as you fire your load directly into her open mouth. She swallows it all greedily and even starts to suck the tip of your cock, almost unconsciously.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/cum_mouth.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You look down at her and laugh. You ask her if she likes your cum that much, or if she is just a slut. Her eyes grow wide as she pulls away from your cock. Clearly realizing how much further she was going that she intended to.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Shut the hell up, asshole. I was just doing the job right. Something lucky bastards like you would never understand. I’d say I’ll see you around. But I’m betting the only time ill see you is when I read about you going bankrupt<</speech>>
<p>You laugh a bit and tell her that she is cute when she is angry. This only serves to make her look cuter. She flips you off as she gets dressed and walks out the door. You get dressed yourself, and look to the future. Enjoying how bright it seems to be.</p>
<p>The girl that was once your rival, is now sucking your cock just to be able to work for you. And she is doing a damn good job at it too. She works her mouth around the head and shaft until it brings you over the edge. You cum hard. Your cock pulses as your shoot your load all over her face and into her mouth. Rope after rope splashing against she skin until she is a properly decorated whore.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Tiffany">>So I assume I have the job<</speech>>
<p>You reply to her that she does. And that she will be performing many jobs for you in the future. Just as one final jab at her before telling her to leave your office. She rolls her eyes, clearly not entirely happy about her new arrangement. But, determined to make it work for her.</p>
<p class="got">Tiffany is now your employee!</p>
<<if $employeesToHire.length gt 1>>[[Next|Start up Interviews]]<<else>>[[Check the costs|Start up Total Costs]]<</if>>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>As you flip through the resumes on your desk you happen upon a familiar name, Tiffany Herrera. You are hesitant to assume it is the same Tiffany that has challenged you at every major stage of your career. But when you see her most recent work experience is from ‘Massive Assets LLC’, Tiffany’s company, you immediately realize that it must be her. You chuckle lightly as you pull up the name of the company on your computer. And the first result in your search is an article detailing how Tiffany’s company was bought out by some holding company. She must truly be desperate if she is applying to $ of all places. You wouldn’t imagine her pride would allow her to do such a thing. But, you figure if for no other reason than to have a good laugh, you invite her in for an interview.</p>
<p>When its time to meet with her, Tammy leads her in. She has a very phony smile on her face as she walks in, holding a leather folder in one hand and her purse in the other. She is clearly taking this very seriously. Which makes it that much funnier to you that you brought her in just to laugh at her. You have her take a seat and sit on your desk right in front of her. To point out the elephant in the room, you start off by asking what happened to her company. You can’t help but let out a light chuckle as you speak, which visibly sours her expression.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>I knew this was a terrible idea. One of my employees was embezzling money from the company and I lost everything. Happy?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you can’t lie, it is a rather cathartic feeling. You add that she was a pretty big bitch to you since you first met. You tell her that you are willing to give her a shot. But, you need to know what exactly she can offer that will put her ahead of the rest of the candidates. Hearing you ask that puts some pep into her voice as she begins to answer like she would in a more typical interview.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Well, I’m experienced, hardworking, dedicated, and as you well know, fiercely competitive. I’ll be one of your top programmers from day one, and I will make sure the competition feels the heat<</speech>>
<p>You nod your head as you listen, pretending to care about her rehearsed speech. When she is done you take a deep breath and shrug your shoulders. You ask her if that’s all. Pointing out that all of that led to a failed company. And making sure to mention that you have plenty of candidates willing and able to provide all of that for much less than what she would likely ask for. Adding that those people didn’t spend a long time insulting you either. She squirms in her chair. The lascivious look you give her clues her in to what you are suggesting that she offer. But, she is clearly hesitant.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>I see. If you are suggesting what I think you are, then all I have to say is that I don’t need this job that much<</speech>>
<p>She is clearly trying to act like she has more self respect and dignity than she truly does. But with some of the things you’ve seen her do already. You know she is full of shit. And you call her on it directly. You say flat out that with how high up you are in the industry now, you can buy out any company that she gets a job with and fire her on the spot. You walk up close to her, her eyes looking down and sullen as the realization hits her. You say that if she wants to keep working in this industry, she knows what job you really intend to hire her for. She shakes her head in disbelief and speaks with a tone full of futility.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>You’re serious? I guess I should feel flattered that you’d go so far to get me on your team<</speech>>
<p>Her disposition changes suddenly, acting her usual smug self and flipping her hair to act like she was just complimented. She seems to want to try and turn this around in her favor, something you have no intention of giving her any chance to do at all. You decide to press the advantage. You pull your cock out and tell her to start sucking like the whore she is. She is shocked at first. But she doesn’t give up her act.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>I almost forgot how big your cock is. Don’t worry, I can handle it<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a wink as she takes your cock in her hand and pulls it into her mouth. Just as you commanded her to. She looks up at you as she bobs her head. Sucking with admirable fervor. And gliding her tongue along the underside on your shaft as she swallows your length.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on your new employee’s face|gallerytiffany3][$scene to 1]]
<p>The girl that was once your rival, is now sucking your cock just to be able to work for you. And she is doing a damn good job at it too. She works her mouth around the head and shaft until it brings you over the edge. You cum hard. Your cock pulses as your shoot your load all over her face and into her mouth. Rope after rope splashing against she skin until she is a properly decorated whore.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Tiffany">>So I assume I have the job<</speech>>
<p>You reply to her that she does. And that she will be performing many jobs for you in the future. Just as one final jab at her before telling her to leave your office. She rolls her eyes, clearly not entirely happy about her new arrangement. But, determined to make it work for her.</p>
<p>She cums hard as you pound her. Making her fall off your cock and drop to her knees. You shove your cock into her mouth and pound away until your reach your peak. You stroke your cock and aim the tip at her face as you explode. You shoot rope after rope all over her cheeks and into her mouth until you are completely spent.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/facial2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She sucks on your tip ti get every last bit of cum out. Then she wipes the cum from her face and licks her fingers. Swallowing every drop. You get dressed once more and head back into the van, waiting rather impatiently for her, telling her to hurry up. When she is in you start driving back, making sure you explain to her that using her pussy to get you off will be part of her work duties from now on.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>I could have guessed. At least you know how to fuck. I think I’d be depressed if I had to work for you, and you were lousy in bed<</speech>>
[[Continue|Start up Office]]<<addhours 2>>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You are sitting in your office typing away when you notice Tiffany pass by your office door. A fun thought crosses your mind so you call her name to have her come in and speak with you. She stops in her tracks and doubles back. She walks in, curious what you called her for. You tell her that you have to go visit a client and that you want her to take the trip with you.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Sure thing, boss. I’ll grab my purse and meet you down in the parking garage<</speech>>
<p>You nod to her to let her know you agree with that plan. She walks out and you grab all of your things to head down yourself. You head down to the garage and grab a company van to take rather than your usual car. You wait by it and wave Tiffany over when you see her come out of the elevator. She walks over to you with a perplexed look on her face.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>The company van? Are we planning on picking something up from the client?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you want to bring it just in case. You both get in and drive off. It doesn’t take long for Tiffany to figure out that there is no client that you are headed to. Although it wasn’t very hard to deduce once you started to drive to the outskirts of the city. You pull off down a side road and to the side of a somewhat secluded road.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>So is this where you murder me? Or do we have a client working out of some abandoned dilapidated house?<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle at Tiffany’s question. Knowing that it is likely at least partly a defense mechanism for actual fear, you assure her that you have no intention of harming her. And that you came her to give you both some privacy. You tell her to get out and she does. She walks around to the back of the van to find you already standing there with your cock out. She stops in her tracks, rather shocked in the moment. But she quickly understands exactly what is happening.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>I could have thought of a million easier ways for you to get me to suck your dick<</speech>>
<p>You laugh but correct her that you aren’t here to get your dick sucked. You are here to fuck her properly. Her eyes go wide for a second before she shrugs. She apparently knew this was coming eventually. Evident by the fact that when she bent over and pulls down her skirt it revealed that she isn’t wearing any underwear at all. You take the golden opportunity presented to you and get to work. You shove your cock into her tight hole and begin thrusting away. She holds onto the van for support as you pound her and make her weak in the knees from pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/standing_doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|gallerytiffany4][$scene to 1]]
<p>She cums hard as you pound her. Making her fall off your cock and drop to her knees. You shove your cock into her mouth and pound away until your reach your peak. You stroke your cock and aim the tip at her face as you explode. You shoot rope after rope all over her cheeks and into her mouth until you are completely spent.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/facial2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She sucks on your tip ti get every last bit of cum out. Then she wipes the cum from her face and licks her fingers. Swallowing every drop. You get dressed once more and head back into the van, waiting rather impatiently for her, telling her to hurry up. When she is in you start driving back, making sure you explain to her that using her pussy to get you off will be part of her work duties from now on.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>I could have guessed. At least you know how to fuck. I think I’d be depressed if I had to work for you, and you were lousy in bed<</speech>>
<<OfficeBackground>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>With that admission, no matter how smug and halfhearted is was, is all you needed. You are in control now. She is no longer the girl you pay to be available to fuck. She is now the employee that is desperate for her bosses cock. So you give her what she needs. You grab her by her clothes and rip them off of her. You strip her down until nothing but the pantyhose remains. You lay her down on the floor and raise her ass up by her hips. With her legs spread in the air you reach down and pull her pantyhose open to let her already wet pussy out. But you aren’t aiming for that. You drop your pants and aim your diamond hard cock at her ass. Plunging it deep down into her, slowing your body and bouncing above her to pound and gape open her hole.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/piledriver_anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Make her ride you|tiffanymainquest5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You pull out of her and let her climb back up to her feet as you walk into her living room and sit on one of her chairs. She chases you in and hops right on top of you, eagerly aiming your cock back up between her ass cheeks. You reach around and smack her massive ass as she grinds her hips and rides your cock with her tight ass.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/cowgirl_anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cover her face|tiffanymainquest5][$scene to 2]]
<p>She rides you harder and harder. Cumming multiple times on your cock. Her convulsing body and clenching ass serving to make a tighter seal around your cock as she bounces on it for over an hour. When it is finally time for you to cum you pull her off of you and place her on her knees as you stand up and aim your load at her face. You fire your cum all over her, leaving large white streaks on her face. Some of it even pooling in her eyes when your massive load is finish firing. She looks at you with a huge slutty smile and slides the cum into her mouth, savoring the taste.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/facial3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With that done you start to get dressed again. Tiffany sits there, looking embarrassed. As if she knows what she has become. You make sure to get one final jab in before you leave. Telling her to keep her holes ready. Because you plan on using them all plenty at the office. She does nothing but nods, with a smile, finally accepting the loyal and desperate slut that she has become.</p>
[[Get out|Residential district]]<<addhours 2>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You knock on Tiffany’s door and wait for her to answer. When she does you see that she is still dressed in her formal work attire. A white dress shirt, black pencil skirt, with some nude color pantyhose. She is surprised to see you at first, clearly not expecting any company. But she moves to the side to let you in, clearly understanding what you are here for.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Disturbing me at home to get your rocks off now too? Am I such a good fuck that you can’t wait until tomorrow?<</speech>>
<p>You enjoy her smug attitude these days. Especially since when you fuck her silly you get to watch it go away and see her be slutty as all hell. But, what she doesn’t realize is that you don’t plan on just fucking her. You plan on making her beg for it. You lead her through her own home, into her kitchen. You take a seat and tell her to pour you a glass of $mc.favdrink. She pours you a drink and pours a glass for herself. You sit at her kitchen table and pull open some details on a website on your tablet that you have been working on, on your own. She looks at you, perplexed by the prospect that you are here to discuss work and not to fuck her. But she takes a look regardless and sees that you are building a site for a porn production company. Her cheeks go a bit red as you scroll through it for her to look at. You pull up a video of a woman with a remarkably similar build to Tiffany getting gang-banged. Doing so under the guise of testing the video player.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Are you just here to make me watch porn? I thought you were here to fuck me or something<</speech>>
<p>You turn to her, ask her if she wants you to fuck her. Trying to trap her into admitting she is enjoying the arrangement, rather than just putting up with it. Something that she blushes at even more. Her face turning a deep shade of red. She shakes her head profusely.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Why on earth would I want you to fuck me? I get enough of that bullshit on a daily basis<</speech>>
<p>You shrug and continue to show her video after video, page after page. Asking for her comment on it all along the way. She is clearly struggling to keep herself composed. She is even shifting in her seat in a way that makes you know that she is very close to giving in. You finish off your drink and ask for another. She pours you one and another for herself as well.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>This is actually a nice site. You are a better programmer than I gave you credit for. No wonder your company survived over mine<</speech>>
<p>She leans over to get a closer look and places her hand on your thigh. Clearly trying to seduce you into fucking her. But two can play at this game. You reach around and place your hand on her lower back, pressing gently to get her even closer. Her eyes go wide, clearly struggling to keep her composure at this point. She is just one little push away from giving in. She makes a move of her own to try and take back the advantage, sliding her hand further up your leg towards your crotch. But, this only serves to play right into your hand. You grab her wrist and stop her from sliding up further. She looks at you in shock. You ask her what she is doing, exploring with her hands like that.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>What? Oh I wasn’t thinking<</speech>>
<p>You press your advantage. You stand up, keeping hold of her wrist and pressing her close to the table behind her. You bulge pressed against her groin. She looks up at you, unsure of how to react. Her own lust clearly overwhelming her and pushing her over the edge. She leans her head closer to yours to kiss you, but you pull away.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>No, don’t-<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that she knows what she has to say. You know that she wants this, and you know that once she admits it she will be the perfect little slut to have in your employ.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Fine, since you’re being so stingy. I want you to fuck me. Please pound me all nigh. Are you happy now? Can I get some dick?<</speech>>
[[Pound her asshole|gallerytiffany5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>With that admission, no matter how smug and halfhearted is was, is all you needed. You are in control now. She is no longer the girl you pay to be available to fuck. She is now the employee that is desperate for her bosses cock. So you give her what she needs. You grab her by her clothes and rip them off of her. You strip her down until nothing but the pantyhose remains. You lay her down on the floor and raise her ass up by her hips. With her legs spread in the air you reach down and pull her pantyhose open to let her already wet pussy out. But you aren’t aiming for that. You drop your pants and aim your diamond hard cock at her ass. Plunging it deep down into her, slowing your body and bouncing above her to pound and gape open her hole.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/piledriver_anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Make her ride you|gallerytiffany5][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pull out of her and let her climb back up to her feet as you walk into her living room and sit on one of her chairs. She chases you in and hops right on top of you, eagerly aiming your cock back up between her ass cheeks. You reach around and smack her massive ass as she grinds her hips and rides your cock with her tight ass.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/cowgirl_anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cover her face|gallerytiffany5][$scene to 3]]
<p>She rides you harder and harder. Cumming multiple times on your cock. Her convulsing body and clenching ass serving to make a tighter seal around your cock as she bounces on it for over an hour. When it is finally time for you to cum you pull her off of you and place her on her knees as you stand up and aim your load at her face. You fire your cum all over her, leaving large white streaks on her face. Some of it even pooling in her eyes when your massive load is finish firing. She looks at you with a huge slutty smile and slides the cum into her mouth, savoring the taste.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/startup/tiffany/facial3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With that done you start to get dressed again. Tiffany sits there, looking embarrassed. As if she knows what she has become. You make sure to get one final jab in before you leave. Telling her to keep her holes ready. Because you plan on using them all plenty at the office. She does nothing but nods, with a smile, finally accepting the loyal and desperate slut that she has become.</p>
<</if>><<if $tiffany.defeated is 1>>
<p>It is always a good thing to have a strong rapport with your employees. So when you see them out and about through town, you make sure you put in the effort and show them that you care. For Tiffany however, you more so like to show her and the world how little you think of her. So when you see her in the gym working her fat ass out, you tell her to strip to give you a good view. She is hesitant of course. But, she has become quite accustomed to your lewd and demanding requests. And it is clear that her job is worth more to her than her dignity. So she follows your command and pulls her sports bra off and begins to pull her shorts down. The tight material hugging her thighs and accentuating her ass wonderfully.</p>
<p>You head onto the gym floor to start working out. Making your way to the benches to do some squats. But, unfortunately they are all full. You look to see if any of the people using them seems like they are almost done. And that is when you notice the absolutely massive ass squat down and command your total attention.</p>
<p>You pivot your plans and take a seat nearby to sit back and watch the show. She keeps squatting for a while, and before long you are no longer the only person sitting back and watching. A few minutes go by and when she is done with her set she turns around to see you staring. As well as the bevy of other onlookers who have turned their heads to pretend like they weren’t.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Enjoy the view, loser. While I work out and actually get shit done, you sit back and just wish you could beat me<</speech>>
[[Get going|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $tiffany.defeated is 1>>
<p>Your employee Tiffany is doing some stretched on a lounge chair by the edge of the pool. She is clearly warming herself up to swim some laps. You approach her with the intent of changing her plans to something you’ll enjoy more. You sit on the chair beside her and get her attention.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Hey boss. What are you doing here? Need any tips on how to swim?<</speech>>
<p>She laughs at her own snide comment. You reply calmly that she needs to take her clothes off. Her eyes grow wide in shock. But, she knows better than to argue. She pulls her bikini off to give you a nice view of her ass from behind.</p>
<p>You walk along the edge of the pool looking for a good place to jump in. You happen to pass by someone you recognize along the way. Tiffany Herrera is lounging on a pool float. She is clearly relaxing and enjoying her time in the water. You stop at the edge and stick your feet in the water, watching her drift.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>You should really be working, and not wasting your time staring at girls you’ll never get. Or don’t, be a loser and help me win<</speech>>
[[Leave|Fitness Center]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $tiffany.defeated is 1>>
<p>You decided that today would be a good day to surprise one of your employees with a trip to the pier. When they work hard, it is always good to show your appreciation of them and their efforts. Today’s employee you want to show your appreciation to is Tiffany. But, in your usual fashion, this won’t be a simple trip to the boardwalk to play games or ride rides. And this is made abundantly clear by the outfit you have Tiffany wearing right now.</p>
<p>You walk together. Or more accurately a few feet behind her to watch her ass shake in her fishnets with each step. You pay for her to go on the rides that would let her get on. And you buy her a nice lunch as well. All in all, a nice day. Made better by the great view.</p>
<p>You are passing by a marina while you walk along the pier. You see a lone woman by one of the boats. She looks out of place, so you walk up to see what’s going on. Only to see that it is Tiffany, waiting by one of the boats. She is dressed like she is about to go out onto the water. But also doesn’t have any gear to drive any of the boats. You approach her and curiously ask her what she is doing.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>Not that it is any business of yours, loser. But I’m waiting to talk to someone about buying their boat. Because I’m actually successful enough to own. One<</speech>>
<p>You shake your head, annoyed at her snide remarks. Telling her that you just wanted to make sure she wasn’t in any trouble before turning around and heading away. Leaving her to her thoughts and waiting for whatever schmuck intends to rip her off for one of these dinky boats.</p>
[[Get going|Coast]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You walk by Tiffany’s office on your way to the break room and see her looking a bit overwhelmed. You knock on her door and ask her if she would like to catch lunch with you.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>That sounds nice and all. But, I’m not looking for some sort of pity meal. I may have lost my own company but I can still afford to buy myself a meal<</speech>>
<p>You laugh and tell her that you were just trying to be nice. The two of you go out and share a meal together at a restaurant near the office. Tiffany can be really sweet when she isn’t trying to one up you.</p>
[[Get going|Start up Office]]<<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(13)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>>
<<widget "QuestMarkers">>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case "Fitness Center pool">>
<<if $grandma.questmain is 4 && $ gte 15>>
<<set _grandmamark to 1>>
<<set _grandmamark to 0>>
<<if $mikaela.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $startup.workScore gt $mikaela.workScore>>
<<set _mikaelamark to 1>>
<<set _mikaelamark to 0>>
<<case "Fitness Center gym">>
<<if $grandma.questmain is 2 && $ gte 5>>
<<set _grandmamark to 1>>
<<set _grandmamark to 0>>
<<case "Park">>
<<if $cousin.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15 && $cousin.corr gte 10>>
<<set _cousinmark to 1>>
<<set _cousinmark to 0>>
<<if $dean.questmain is 3 && $dean.route is "dom" && $ gte 15 && $mc.dom gte 20>>
<<set _deanmark to 1>>
<<set _deanmark to 0>>
<<case "Interact With Employees">>
<<if $mom.questmain gte 9 && $ gte 25 && $mom.corr gte 10 && $tammy.questmain is 4>>
<<set _mommark to 1>>
<<set _mommark to 0>>
<<if ($tammy.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $startup.level gte 3) || ($tammy.questmain is 1 && $ gte 10)>>
<<set _tammymark to 1>>
<<set _tammymark to 0>>
<<if ($erika.questmain is 3 && $ gte 20 && $ gte 3) || ($erika.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15 && $ gte 2) || ($erika.questmain is 0 && $ gte 5) || ($erika.mot gte 100 && $ lt 3)>>
<<set _erikamark to 1>>
<<set _erikamark to 0>>
<<if $employees.erika>><<if $employees.erika.antiquity gte 7 && $erika.motActive is 0>>
<<set _erikamark to 1>>
<<set _erikamark to 0>>
<<if $mikaela.questmain is 2 && $ gte 15 && $startup.workScore gt $mikaela.workScore>>
<<set _mikaelamark to 1>>
<<set _mikaelamark to 0>>
<<if $tiffany.questmain is 0 && $ gte 20>>
<<set _tiffanymark to 1>>
<<set _tiffanymark to 0>>
<</nobr>><<if $carla.dungeonintro is 0>>
<p>Since you have known Carla she has always been a rather abrasive person. But in bed she can turn into a pleasant submissive bitch. So you figure that she would be a perfect choice to bring down into your dungeon. And that you are glad to take a change to finally let loose some of the frustration she has built up inside of you. You give her a call. Two actually, as she doesn’t answer the first time. Something that you will have to remember when you are punishing her. And you invite her down into the dungeon to have a little fun with you. It doesn’t take her long to show up and walk down the steps in a rather pretty blue flower dress. She looks around the dungeon and gives a rare smile.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Not fucking bad. I’ve been in better dungeons but you have some killer fucking shit in here<</speech>>
<p>You are taken aback at first. But, it doesn’t take long for you to remember who you are dealing with. Carla having some bondage experience might just be one of the least surprising things you will hear all day.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>So what? You gonna tie me and fuck me? Or are you gonna grow a pair and actually show me a good time?<</speech>>
<p>Carla gives you a cocky smile. Too cocky for your liking. If she wants her limits tested, then that is exactly what you will do. You step close to her and grab her by her hair. You yank her roughly, dragging her along to a set of metal stocks and shove her in. You lock her into place using the bars. She struggles against them, but seems rather pleased that she can’t force her way free. You grab some scissors and cut her clothes off of her. You pull her hair and slap her around. Slapping her face tits and ass, with ever increasing intensity. When slapping her with your hand doesn’t seem to be enough with her you walk over and grab a leather whip to replace them. You spend the better part of an hour snapping the whip on different parts of her body. Changing her from new machine to new machine, restraining her and whipping her to make her feel the pain that she clearly loves feeling.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/montage.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When all is said and done she is sweaty, exhausted, and flushed red all over from where you whipped and slapped her. She is breathing heavy and looks dazed, both from the pain and dozens of orgasms she experienced. She sits in the center of the room, composing herself. You playfully ask her if that was a good enough rime for her.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. That was…. Pretty great<</speech>>
<p>She replies softly, shocking you with her lack of profanity. You ask her if she is alright, and she just nods quietly. You also ask her if she would like to do this again some time.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Absolutely. But I uh… I need to sleep<</speech>>
<p>She lays down and falls asleep within seconds. You put your whip away and grab some of Sasha’s clothes to have Carla wear out when she wakes up. You leave her to her rest and head out of the dungeon.</p>
[[Continue|House][$carla.dungeonintro to 1; $[5] to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
[[Strap her in|carladungeon][$stage to 1]]
[[Hang her up|carladungeon][$stage to 2]]
<<if $carla.corr gte 40 && $mc.dom gte 50 && $mc.collars gte 1 && $carla.slave is 0>>[[Enslave Carla|carlaenslave][$scene to 0; $[8] to 1]]<</if>>
<<if $carla.slave is 1>>[[Change the way she addresses you|carlatitle]]<</if>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<p>Carla visits you and your dungeon once again at your request. You have her take a seat in a bottomed out chair. You take the leather straps attached to the chair and tightly secure her in place. You test the slack in the restraints to see just how much she can still move if at all. You tighten them a bit more, not wanting her to move away from you for what you have planned. When you are confident she can’t wriggle herself away you slide a fucking machine between her legs, into the slot to make use of the hole in the seat. You like the dildo up with her pussy and turn it on. Starting slow at first, just to give a baseline for when you use harder levels later. You then grab a vibrating wand toy. As the machine pounds away at her cunt you shove to wand against her clit, turning up the speed of the machine to overwhelm her and make her writhe with pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/fuck_machine.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get going|Basement][$[6] to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You call Carla over for some more fun in your dungeon. It doesn’t take her long to arrive and when she does, she is wearing something easily removable to help you with stripping her down in mere seconds. The moment she is nude you cloth her back up though. You pull a straight jacket onto her body and strap her in. You tighten the straps securely, making sure she has just enough slack to not hurt her but to still make her largely immobile above the waist. You then pull her by the jacket to a stool and make her climb it so you can hang her from a chain attached to the ceiling. The chain holds her up by the jacket and suspends her once the stool is taken away. While she is helplessly suspended from the chair you attach clips to her legs and all around her pussy lips to hold them open as you press a vibrating wand into her folds. Making her cum a profuse amount.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/hanging.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get going|Basement][$[7] to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You decide that it is time that Carla get collared and join the ranks of your sex slaves. She has already become an extremely willing slut for you. But, greedily, you want more. So you call her over to your dungeon and tell her to call out of work for the day. Her reply is as foul mouthed as ever, but she eventually agrees. About an hour later she arrives. You meet her at the front door and lead her down to the dungeon.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>So what twisted fucking thing are you gonna strap me in that I needed to lose a whole goddamned day’s pay?<</speech>>
<p>You hold out the collar for her to show her the contraption she will be strapped in. You tell her that you want her to quit flirting with being your slut and fully commit to it.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Me? Your fucking sex slave? And what makes you think I would agree to such a thing<</speech>>
<p>Your answer cuts through Carla like a knife. You tell her that she is nothing but a sex obsessed pain slut and that if she ever wants you to bring her back down into this dungeon again she will agree. She looks at you and bites her lip. You can tell that she had already agreed in her mind. But just wanted to added verbal humiliation of you degrading her. Something you are happy to dish out to her. So you don’t let up until her indignant look turns into an aroused bite of her bottom lip.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Well, I guess you do make a decent fucking argument. Alright, I’m game. You want me to call you Master now or some dumb shit?<</speech>>
<p>You walk up to her and strap the collar onto her neck, sealing it with her consent. Once the collar is on you grab her by her chin and scold her. First explaining that her vulgar mouth is going to stop when talking to you. And that any use of profanity will incur your wrath. You follow that by telling her that from now on she will refer to you as <<textbox "$carla.title" "Master">>. You start pulling her clothes of as you demand that she tell you that she understand.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>I understand. But why don’t you make sure I do, $<</speech>>
<p>He active defiance is clearly baiting you into giving her exactly what she wants. On one hand, you don’t want to let her manipulate you. On the other, if you don’t punish her for this she won’t respect your authority. So you decide to give her what she wants. But make it as rough for her as physically possible.</p>
[[Take her outside and put her through the ringer|carlaenslave b][$mc.collars -= 1]]
<p>You let Carla know that now you want to be called as her <<textbox "$carla.title" "Master">></p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You grab some heavy duty rope and drag Carla upstairs to your front porch by her collar. She is hesitant at first, being completely nude at the moment. But she accepts your will as your drag her out. You use the rope to tie her up to the posts of the porch, putting her on display for anyone who might happen to walk by. She tugs against the ropes, still showing some resistance, playing it up to get a rise out of you. You smack her ass hard and pull it back close to you to begin fucking the struggle right out of her. You pull your cock out and slid it into her pussy and start too pound away. You pull her hair and spank her, making her cum in public like the filthy slut that she knows that she is.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/outside_doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Use her mouth|carlaenslave b][$scene to 1]]
<p>When you are sufficiently happy making her squirm and cum in public you reposition her bindings to attach her to a single post with her arms back. You grab her head and shove your cock down her throat. You fuck her mouth and throat relentlessly, pounding away and stretching out her throat beyond what is comfortable. She gags and drools, losing air as you assault her throat without giving her much chance to breath in between thrusts.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/outside_blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Bring her inside|carlaenslave c][$scene to 0]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Now that the world has seen her be the cock sleeve that she is you pull Carla inside by her ropes and put her on the couch. You tie her legs to her arms, making them spread wide for you with her whore holes on display. You take your cock and line it up with her ass, sliding it in roughly with no concern for her pleasure. You spank her ass as you pump away, fucking her ass with every bit of strength you have. The pain becomes pleasure for her and makes her squirt all over herself.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/tied_up_anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her|carlaenslave c][$scene to 1]]
<p>When you are finally ready to burst Carla is a cock drunk quivering mess. You pull out and slap her ass one more time for good measure before stroking yourself over her sweaty body. You start to cum, firing your load all over her. Your cum splashing against her from her face down to her belly as you thoroughly coat her. She can do nothing but stick her tongue out and beg for it like a greedy slut.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/cum.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With her thoroughly used sexually, you decide to put her through even more of an ordeal. You leave her there, tied up and covered in sweat and cum. You head into your bathroom to take a shower and then off to bed. When you wake up the next day Carla is still there, restrained and sleeping as soundly as she can in the circumstances. You cut her bindings off and let her finish resting, now confident that she is fully yours.</p>
<p class="got">Carla is now your slave!</p>
[[Next morning|Bedroom][$carla.slave to 1]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
[[Call Carla to the dungeon|gallerycarla6][$scene to 1]]
<p>Since you have known Carla she has always been a rather abrasive person. But in bed she can turn into a pleasant submissive bitch. So you figure that she would be a perfect choice to bring down into your dungeon. And that you are glad to take a change to finally let loose some of the frustration she has built up inside of you. You give her a call. Two actually, as she doesn’t answer the first time. Something that you will have to remember when you are punishing her. And you invite her down into the dungeon to have a little fun with you. It doesn’t take her long to show up and walk down the steps in a rather pretty blue flower dress. She looks around the dungeon and gives a rare smile.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Not fucking bad. I’ve been in better dungeons but you have some killer fucking shit in here<</speech>>
<p>You are taken aback at first. But, it doesn’t take long for you to remember who you are dealing with. Carla having some bondage experience might just be one of the least surprising things you will hear all day.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>So what? You gonna tie me and fuck me? Or are you gonna grow a pair and actually show me a good time?<</speech>>
<p>Carla gives you a cocky smile. Too cocky for your liking. If she wants her limits tested, then that is exactly what you will do. You step close to her and grab her by her hair. You yank her roughly, dragging her along to a set of metal stocks and shove her in. You lock her into place using the bars. She struggles against them, but seems rather pleased that she can’t force her way free. You grab some scissors and cut her clothes off of her. You pull her hair and slap her around. Slapping her face tits and ass, with ever increasing intensity. When slapping her with your hand doesn’t seem to be enough with her you walk over and grab a leather whip to replace them. You spend the better part of an hour snapping the whip on different parts of her body. Changing her from new machine to new machine, restraining her and whipping her to make her feel the pain that she clearly loves feeling.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/montage.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>When all is said and done she is sweaty, exhausted, and flushed red all over from where you whipped and slapped her. She is breathing heavy and looks dazed, both from the pain and dozens of orgasms she experienced. She sits in the center of the room, composing herself. You playfully ask her if that was a good enough rime for her.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. That was…. Pretty great<</speech>>
<p>She replies softly, shocking you with her lack of profanity. You ask her if she is alright, and she just nods quietly. You also ask her if she would like to do this again some time.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Absolutely. But I uh… I need to sleep<</speech>>
<p>She lays down and falls asleep within seconds. You put your whip away and grab some of Sasha’s clothes to have Carla wear out when she wakes up. You leave her to her rest and head out of the dungeon.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
[[Call Carla to the dungeon|gallerycarla7][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
[[Strap her in|gallerycarla7][$scene to 2]]
<p>Carla visits you and your dungeon once again at your request. You have her take a seat in a bottomed out chair. You take the leather straps attached to the chair and tightly secure her in place. You test the slack in the restraints to see just how much she can still move if at all. You tighten them a bit more, not wanting her to move away from you for what you have planned. When you are confident she can’t wriggle herself away you slide a fucking machine between her legs, into the slot to make use of the hole in the seat. You like the dildo up with her pussy and turn it on. Starting slow at first, just to give a baseline for when you use harder levels later. You then grab a vibrating wand toy. As the machine pounds away at her cunt you shove to wand against her clit, turning up the speed of the machine to overwhelm her and make her writhe with pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/fuck_machine.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
[[Call Carla to the dungeon|gallerycarla8][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
[[Hang her up|gallerycarla8][$scene to 2]]
<p>You call Carla over for some more fun in your dungeon. It doesn’t take her long to arrive and when she does, she is wearing something easily removable to help you with stripping her down in mere seconds. The moment she is nude you cloth her back up though. You pull a straight jacket onto her body and strap her in. You tighten the straps securely, making sure she has just enough slack to not hurt her but to still make her largely immobile above the waist. You then pull her by the jacket to a stool and make her climb it so you can hang her from a chain attached to the ceiling. The chain holds her up by the jacket and suspends her once the stool is taken away. While she is helplessly suspended from the chair you attach clips to her legs and all around her pussy lips to hold them open as you press a vibrating wand into her folds. Making her cum a profuse amount.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/hanging.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You walk downstairs into the basement.</p>
[[Call Carla to the dungeon|gallerycarla9][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
[[Enslave Carla|gallerycarla9][$scene to 2]]
<p>You decide that it is time that Carla get collared and join the ranks of your sex slaves. She has already become an extremely willing slut for you. But, greedily, you want more. So you call her over to your dungeon and tell her to call out of work for the day. Her reply is as foul mouthed as ever, but she eventually agrees. About an hour later she arrives. You meet her at the front door and lead her down to the dungeon.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>So what twisted fucking thing are you gonna strap me in that I needed to lose a whole goddamned day’s pay?<</speech>>
<p>You hold out the collar for her to show her the contraption she will be strapped in. You tell her that you want her to quit flirting with being your slut and fully commit to it.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Me? Your fucking sex slave? And what makes you think I would agree to such a thing<</speech>>
<p>Your answer cuts through Carla like a knife. You tell her that she is nothing but a sex obsessed pain slut and that if she ever wants you to bring her back down into this dungeon again she will agree. She looks at you and bites her lip. You can tell that she had already agreed in her mind. But just wanted to added verbal humiliation of you degrading her. Something you are happy to dish out to her. So you don’t let up until her indignant look turns into an aroused bite of her bottom lip.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>Well, I guess you do make a decent fucking argument. Alright, I’m game. You want me to call you Master now or some dumb shit?<</speech>>
<p>You walk up to her and strap the collar onto her neck, sealing it with her consent. Once the collar is on you grab her by her chin and scold her. First explaining that her vulgar mouth is going to stop when talking to you. And that any use of profanity will incur your wrath. You follow that by telling her that from now on she will refer to you as $carla.title. You start pulling her clothes of as you demand that she tell you that she understand.</p>
<<speech "Carla">>I understand. But why don’t you make sure I do, $<</speech>>
<p>He active defiance is clearly baiting you into giving her exactly what she wants. On one hand, you don’t want to let her manipulate you. On the other, if you don’t punish her for this she won’t respect your authority. So you decide to give her what she wants. But make it as rough for her as physically possible.</p>
[[Take her outside and put her through the ringer|gallerycarla9 b][$scene to 0]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You grab some heavy duty rope and drag Carla upstairs to your front porch by her collar. She is hesitant at first, being completely nude at the moment. But she accepts your will as your drag her out. You use the rope to tie her up to the posts of the porch, putting her on display for anyone who might happen to walk by. She tugs against the ropes, still showing some resistance, playing it up to get a rise out of you. You smack her ass hard and pull it back close to you to begin fucking the struggle right out of her. You pull your cock out and slid it into her pussy and start too pound away. You pull her hair and spank her, making her cum in public like the filthy slut that she knows that she is.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/outside_doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Use her mouth|gallerycarla9 b][$scene to 1]]
<p>When you are sufficiently happy making her squirm and cum in public you reposition her bindings to attach her to a single post with her arms back. You grab her head and shove your cock down her throat. You fuck her mouth and throat relentlessly, pounding away and stretching out her throat beyond what is comfortable. She gags and drools, losing air as you assault her throat without giving her much chance to breath in between thrusts.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/outside_blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Bring her inside|gallerycarla9 c][$scene to 0]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Now that the world has seen her be the cock sleeve that she is you pull Carla inside by her ropes and put her on the couch. You tie her legs to her arms, making them spread wide for you with her whore holes on display. You take your cock and line it up with her ass, sliding it in roughly with no concern for her pleasure. You spank her ass as you pump away, fucking her ass with every bit of strength you have. The pain becomes pleasure for her and makes her squirt all over herself.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/tied_up_anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her|gallerycarla9 c][$scene to 1]]
<p>When you are finally ready to burst Carla is a cock drunk quivering mess. You pull out and slap her ass one more time for good measure before stroking yourself over her sweaty body. You start to cum, firing your load all over her. Your cum splashing against her from her face down to her belly as you thoroughly coat her. She can do nothing but stick her tongue out and beg for it like a greedy slut.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/carla/bdsm/cum.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With her thoroughly used sexually, you decide to put her through even more of an ordeal. You leave her there, tied up and covered in sweat and cum. You head into your bathroom to take a shower and then off to bed. When you wake up the next day Carla is still there, restrained and sleeping as soundly as she can in the circumstances. You cut her bindings off and let her finish resting, now confident that she is fully yours.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 12]]
<<widget "MoveFinishedQuests">>
const sugar = SugarCube.State.variables;
if ( (sugar.jade.slave == 1) || (sugar.bdsm.activate == 0 && sugar.jade.questmain >= 5) ) {
const target = $('#jadeprogress');
if ( (sugar.lucy.slave == 1) || (sugar.bdsm.activate == 0 && sugar.lucy.questmain >= 5) ) {
const target = $('#lucyprogress');
if ( (sugar.kate.slave == 1) || (sugar.bdsm.activate == 0 && sugar.kate.questmain >= 4) ) {
const target = $('#kateprogress');
if ( (sugar.alice.slave == 1) || (sugar.bdsm.activate == 0 && >= 4 && sugar.has.aliceaddress == 1) ) {
const target = $('#aliceprogress');
if ( sugar.sis.slave == 1 || (sugar.bdsm.activate == 0 && sugar.sis.questmain >= 10) ) {
const target = $('#sashaprogress');
if ( == 1 || (sugar.bdsm.activate == 0 && >= 10) ) {
const target = $('#momprogress');
if ( sugar.aunt.questmain >= 5 ) {
const target = $('#auntprogress');
if ( sugar.cousin.slave == 1 || (sugar.bdsm.activate == 0 && sugar.cousin.questmain >= 6) ) {
const target = $('#cousinprogress');
if ( sugar.grandma.questmain >= 7 ) {
const target = $('#grandmaprogress');
if ( sugar.dean.questmain >= 5 ) {
const target = $('#deanprogress');
if ( sugar.powers.questmain >= 5 ) {
const target = $('#powersprogress');
if ( sugar.sato.questmain >= 7 ) {
const target = $('#satoprogress');
if ( sugar.teacher.questmain >= 6 ) {
const target = $('#teacherprogress');
if ( sugar.missy.slave == 1 || (sugar.bdsm.activate == 0 && sugar.missy.progress >= 5) ) {
const target = $('#missyprogress');
if ( sugar.carla.slave == 1 || (sugar.bdsm.activate == 0 && sugar.carla.progress >= 5) ) {
const target = $('#carlaprogress');
if ( sugar.abigail.progress >= 6 ) {
const target = $('#abigailprogress');
if ( >= 2 ) {
const target = $('#tiffanyprogress');
if ( sugar.tammy.questmain >= 5 ) {
const target = $('#tammyprogress');
if ( sugar.erika.questmain >= 4 ) {
const target = $('#erikaprogress');
if ( sugar.mikaela.questmain >= 5 ) {
const target = $('#mikaelaprogress');
const target = $('#noneprogress');
}, 1000);
<</nobr>><<if $mc.collars gte 1 && $missy.slave is 0>>
[[Enslave Missy|missyenslave][$scene to 0; $[5] to 1]]
<<elseif $missy.slave is 1>>
[[Change the way she addresses you|missytitle]]
<p class="hint">You haven't any good reason to call Missy here right now</p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You have been spending quite a bit of time with Missy. She is a very fun fuck. Mostly thanks to her damn near perfectly huge ass. She doesn’t seem like one who would be into bondage, but you wonder if she is submissive enough to be your slave. You figure that it would be worth a shot and pull out your phone to give her a call. You invite her over, not telling her about your idea to collar her. It doesn’t take her very long to arrive. You meet her at your front door and lead her down to your basement. She looks around, clearly shocked by the setup.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>What’s up, $ You seemed like, hella excited to get me over here<</speech>>
<p>You decide to try and be smooth about this. You tell Missy that you have an amazing time with her, and that you want to take things to an even more fun level.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>More fun? Not sure how I could have more fun than I already. Getting my ass stretched by your and all the fun I have at work is already a lot!<</speech>>
<p>You ask her if she would like to make those things even better. You show the collar to her and briefly explain that you want to make her your fat assed fuck slave. She gives you a skeptical look for a moment. A look that tells you she is half unsure of what you are talking about, and half unsure of whether she wants to agree to it or not. She takes a second and looks around the room before looking back at you.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Like, listen. I’m down to make this a bit more official if it means to fucking me more often. Especially at work. I love the idea of getting caught. But, I’m not into all this chains and whip stuff. I like less stuff on me, not more<</speech>>
<p>You not your head, telling her you understand. You suggest then that she become your always available butt slut. Never wearing panties if she has something over them, and always being ready to get bent over and stretched out at a moments whim.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>THAT! That is something I can get behind<</speech>>
[[Get behind her|missyenslave][$scene to 1; $mc.collars -= 1]]<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You walk around her and wrap the collar around her neck. While she make not want to be tied to strapped up, she seems rather accommodating to the collar. Likely because it doesn’t really cover anything up. The moment the clasp of the collar is fastened, she starts stripping. As if that little bit of leather instantly made her feel like she was wearing way too many clothes. Her shirt flies off and her booty shorts follow soon after. You figure you shouldn’t be rude and stand there all overdressed. You strip down as well, your hard cock jutting out in front of you. You bend her over and start mauling her ass. Her ass is so large and round that you can help but focus on it. Sliding your hands along it. Groping and gripping that soft mounds to pull them apart. You aim your cock at her ass and slide it in. Her tight hole is both hard and easy to enter. It is tight, but feels like it sucks you into it. And before long you are pounding away at her ass with every bit of strength you have inside you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/bdsm/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her into the floor|missyenslave][$scene to 2]]<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You reach forward and place your hand on her neck. You put some weight into it and push her face down into the floor as you continue to thrust into her. You speed up, pounding away harder and harder. The sound of your groin smacking into her huge soft ass is loud enough to be heard outside of your dungeon. If anyone is in the house, they would have no issue figuring out what you are doing to Missy right now. And the only thing louder than the slaps against her ass is the sound of her moans ass she cums on your cock repeatedly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/bdsm/fdau.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Blast her face|missyenslave][$scene to 3]]<<addmins 15>>
<p>You pound away at her plush ass until you can’t take anymore. You pull your cock free from her hole just as you are about to cum. You pull her face up close to your tip. It takes only a couple more strokes before you cum. The shots of jizz streak across her face as you coat it heavily. Giving her a layer of proper whore make up.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/bdsm/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You reach down and give her ass a loud and powerful smack. You tell her that you are going to use her ass like that much more often in the future. Punctuating it with with more slaps and rough gropes of her soft cheeks.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Make me cum like that and you can fuck me wherever and whenever you want, $<</speech>>
<p>You put your finger on her lips and tell her that from now on, as your slave, she must refer to you as <<textbox "$missy.title" "Master">>. She nods her head in understanding. Someone bewildered by your ability to command and dominate her so easily.</p>
<p>She stands up and picks up her clothes. She doesn’t bother getting dressed as she heads up the stairs saying goodbye. You chuckle to yourself thinking about her driving home nude.</p>
<p class="got">Missy is now your slave!</p>
[[Go on|Basement][$missy.slave to 1]]<<addmins 15>>
<p>You let Missy know that now you want to be called as her <<textbox "$missy.title" "Master">></p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
[[Enslave Missy|gallerymissy6][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You have been spending quite a bit of time with Missy. She is a very fun fuck. Mostly thanks to her damn near perfectly huge ass. She doesn’t seem like one who would be into bondage, but you wonder if she is submissive enough to be your slave. You figure that it would be worth a shot and pull out your phone to give her a call. You invite her over, not telling her about your idea to collar her. It doesn’t take her very long to arrive. You meet her at your front door and lead her down to your basement. She looks around, clearly shocked by the setup.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>What’s up, $ You seemed like, hella excited to get me over here<</speech>>
<p>You decide to try and be smooth about this. You tell Missy that you have an amazing time with her, and that you want to take things to an even more fun level.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>More fun? Not sure how I could have more fun than I already. Getting my ass stretched by your and all the fun I have at work is already a lot!<</speech>>
<p>You ask her if she would like to make those things even better. You show the collar to her and briefly explain that you want to make her your fat assed fuck slave. She gives you a skeptical look for a moment. A look that tells you she is half unsure of what you are talking about, and half unsure of whether she wants to agree to it or not. She takes a second and looks around the room before looking back at you.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Like, listen. I’m down to make this a bit more official if it means to fucking me more often. Especially at work. I love the idea of getting caught. But, I’m not into all this chains and whip stuff. I like less stuff on me, not more<</speech>>
<p>You not your head, telling her you understand. You suggest then that she become your always available butt slut. Never wearing panties if she has something over them, and always being ready to get bent over and stretched out at a moments whim.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>THAT! That is something I can get behind<</speech>>
[[Get behind her|gallerymissy6][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You walk around her and wrap the collar around her neck. While she make not want to be tied to strapped up, she seems rather accommodating to the collar. Likely because it doesn’t really cover anything up. The moment the clasp of the collar is fastened, she starts stripping. As if that little bit of leather instantly made her feel like she was wearing way too many clothes. Her shirt flies off and her booty shorts follow soon after. You figure you shouldn’t be rude and stand there all overdressed. You strip down as well, your hard cock jutting out in front of you. You bend her over and start mauling her ass. Her ass is so large and round that you can help but focus on it. Sliding your hands along it. Groping and gripping that soft mounds to pull them apart. You aim your cock at her ass and slide it in. Her tight hole is both hard and easy to enter. It is tight, but feels like it sucks you into it. And before long you are pounding away at her ass with every bit of strength you have inside you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/bdsm/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her into the floor|gallerymissy6][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You reach forward and place your hand on her neck. You put some weight into it and push her face down into the floor as you continue to thrust into her. You speed up, pounding away harder and harder. The sound of your groin smacking into her huge soft ass is loud enough to be heard outside of your dungeon. If anyone is in the house, they would have no issue figuring out what you are doing to Missy right now. And the only thing louder than the slaps against her ass is the sound of her moans ass she cums on your cock repeatedly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/bdsm/fdau.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Blast her face|gallerymissy6][$scene to 4]]
<p>You pound away at her plush ass until you can’t take anymore. You pull your cock free from her hole just as you are about to cum. You pull her face up close to your tip. It takes only a couple more strokes before you cum. The shots of jizz streak across her face as you coat it heavily. Giving her a layer of proper whore make up.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/bdsm/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You reach down and give her ass a loud and powerful smack. You tell her that you are going to use her ass like that much more often in the future. Punctuating it with with more slaps and rough gropes of her soft cheeks.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Make me cum like that and you can fuck me wherever and whenever you want, $<</speech>>
<p>You put your finger on her lips and tell her that from now on, as your slave, she must refer to you as $missy.title. She nods her head in understanding. Someone bewildered by your ability to command and dominate her so easily.</p>
<p>She stands up and picks up her clothes. She doesn’t bother getting dressed as she heads up the stairs saying goodbye. You chuckle to yourself thinking about her driving home nude.</p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You decide that you want to really get deep inside your butt slut. You pull out and bring her over to the couch in your office. You lay her down on her side and pull her right leg up over your right shoulder, so that her ass opens up a bit as you slide in and start to fuck her while she lays on her side. You lean in and put your weight behind you as you thrust. Pushing yourself as deeply into her asshole as her plus cheeks will possibly allow.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/bdsm/legup.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Paint her ass white|restaurantmanagerslave][$scene to 1]]
<p>You pound away, her hole gripping on your cock like she doesn’t want to let you go. Her huge fat ass cheeks ripple from the pounding you give her. Her tight hole makes it hard to hold out from cumming too long. And with her cumming and clamping down even tighter, you can’t hold back any longer. You pry your cock out of her hole and roll her onto her stomach. You stroke your cock a couple times to finish yourself off aiming your cock at the massive milky white orbs of her ass in front of you. You shoot out rope after rope up cum, painting her ass a marble white with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/bdsm/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You breath heavily, exhausted. Walking back towards your desk you grab your clothes and start putting them back on. Missy sticks around and relaxes in the after glow. Both of you completely forgetting that she still has work to get to, for a while. When she does remember she reluctantly redresses and heads out there. And you return to work, happy to be much more relaxed.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Working as a manager can be stressful sometimes. Even with a task as simple as filing supply orders. A single mistake can be costly. So it can be a great help when you have a slave fuck toy to call upon to help relieve some of that stress now and then. So when Missy walks by your door, about ready to start her shift, you decide to call in your butt slut to help relax. She stops in her tracks the moment she hears your name. She moves into your office and quickly closes the door behind her. She knows by now that if you are calling her in there is almost certainly a single reason for it.</p>
<<speech "Missy">>Looking to have some fun, $missy.title?<</speech>>
<p>She turns her body around slightly to show of the way her skirt is wrapped tightly around the curve of her ass. Any tighter and Her ass would rip through the fabric from any movement she made. It makes you wish it was tighter, because you can hardly wait to get her out of that skirt. And you tell her as much, saying that she needs to sit naked on the chair and get ready for you to get her ass gaped by your cock. She squeals with excitement as she pulls her clothes off with reckless abandon, tossing them to the floor and sitting backwards on a chair with her legs spread and her ass hanging off. It juts out even further than normal, fully on display for you. You walk over, undressing yourself and getting close to her so you can give her ass a nice solid spank. You aim your rock hard cock between her cheeks and slide it into her ass. You squeeze and sink your fingers into her ass as you start to thrust. Each thrust of your cock growing rougher and faster until she is squirming on the chair from how hard you are pounding her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/bdsm/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Put your back into it|gallerymissy7][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You decide that you want to really get deep inside your butt slut. You pull out and bring her over to the couch in your office. You lay her down on her side and pull her right leg up over your right shoulder, so that her ass opens up a bit as you slide in and start to fuck her while she lays on her side. You lean in and put your weight behind you as you thrust. Pushing yourself as deeply into her asshole as her plus cheeks will possibly allow.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/bdsm/legup.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Paint her ass white|gallerymissy7][$scene to 2]]
<p>You pound away, her hole gripping on your cock like she doesn’t want to let you go. Her huge fat ass cheeks ripple from the pounding you give her. Her tight hole makes it hard to hold out from cumming too long. And with her cumming and clamping down even tighter, you can’t hold back any longer. You pry your cock out of her hole and roll her onto her stomach. You stroke your cock a couple times to finish yourself off aiming your cock at the massive milky white orbs of her ass in front of you. You shoot out rope after rope up cum, painting her ass a marble white with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/missy/bdsm/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You breath heavily, exhausted. Walking back towards your desk you grab your clothes and start putting them back on. Missy sticks around and relaxes in the after glow. Both of you completely forgetting that she still has work to get to, for a while. When she does remember she reluctantly redresses and heads out there. And you return to work, happy to be much more relaxed.</p>
<<widget "UnlockFinishedGalleries">>
<<if $jade.slave is 1 && $quest.jadegiftquest gte 2>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $lucy.slave is 1 && $quest.lucygiftquest gte 5>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $kate.slave is 1 && $quest.kategiftquest gte 2>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $alice.slave is 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $sis.slave is 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<if _i isnot 25>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $mom.slave is 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<if _i isnot 22>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $aunt.questmain gte 5>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $cousin.slave is 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $grandma.questmain gte 7>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $dean.questmain gte 5>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<if _i isnot 11>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $powers.questmain gte 5>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $sato.questmain gte 7>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<if _i isnot 6>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $teacher.questmain gte 6>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $missy.slave is 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $carla.slave is 1>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $abigail.progress gte 6>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<if _i isnot 5>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $tiffany.questmain gte 2>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<if _i isnot 5>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $tammy.questmain gte 5>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $erika.questmain gte 4>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<if _i isnot 4>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<<if $mikaela.questmain gte 5>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $; _i++>>
<<set $[_i] to 1>>
<p>As you open your eyes you notice a chill in the room. You yawn and stretch, sitting up and looking out your bedroom window. To your delight, it’s snowing! You hop out of bed and race to the window to see the somewhat thick layer of snow blanketing the ground outside. You grab some warm clothes and head out into the growing winter wonderland. You race past the kitchen yelling to your Mother and Sister that it’s snowing. You rush through the front door, nearly slipping as you take your first steps out. You stand out and look up, enjoying the view of the snowflakes descending onto your face.</p>
[[Watch it fall|Christmas Intro b][$ to 1; $christmas.snow to 1]]
<p>You spend some time outside, simply enjoying the serenity of the quiet city as the snow falls. You make a few snowballs and throw them at trees and signs. You make a mental note to throw some at $ later. But once you start to get cold you head back inside.</p>
[[Go inside|Christmas Intro c]]
<p>You kick the snow off your feet as you step in and start pulling some of the heavier clothes off as you head to the kitchen. You see your Mother, dressed up in some of her sexiest winter gear.</p>
<p>And you notice $ is laying in the living room, seemingly trying to be overly cute and alluring for you.</p>
<p>You say good morning to them both. Heading to the cabinet to pull out a mug to make yourself something warm to drink.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Coffee is made already <<if $mom.slave is 1>>$mom.title<<else>>$<</if>>. But I can make you some cocoa if you’d prefer. I was going to make some for anyway<</speech>>
<p>You thank her but stick to a quick cup of coffee. You ask $ what she is up to today in between sips. But you are really just making conversation to have an excuse to stare at her cleavage longer.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>$ and I are going to the mall to start Christmas shopping! Would you like to come with? I’m sure we would all have more fun together!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yeah, come on <<if $sis.slave is 1>>$sis.title<<else>>$<</if>>! Come with us! You need to get me and Mom tons of presents!<</speech>>
<p>They both look at you with doe eyes and you cave in rather quickly. Although it’s not like you were thinking of saying no. But you play it up to make them think they convinced you. The excited look they have after you tell them you’ll shop with them is more than worth it.</p>
[[Dashing through the snow, to the mall you go|Christmas Intro d][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The three of you walk through the doors to the mall and start heading to stores. Each of you break off here and there to buy gifts for each other without them knowing. But, you struggle to find anything great to give either of them. Every store you walk through has such generic items that frankly, none of them seem like proper gifts for any of the women in your life. You take a seat on a bench alone, head in your hands and trying to think of gift ideas. But just nothing is coming to you. Your moment of thought is interrupted by a sudden cold wind though. You move your head from your hands and look in the direction of the draft only to see a gorgeous woman standing there beside you.</p>
<<speech "???">>Hiya! You must be $! You’re having trouble finding gifts for your loved ones right?<</speech>>
<p>You are taken aback. This hot woman with huge tits appears to be a psychic. You are hesitant to even respond to her, but you feel so oddly comfortable with her that you are compelled to. You tell her that she is correct, but ask her how she knows all of that.</p>
<<speech "???">>Oh my bad, of course you don’t know me. I’m Mrs. Claus!<</speech>>
<p>You look at her skeptically, completely confused as to how a woman that could be as insane as to call herself Mrs. Claus could ever be coherent enough to know the things that she knows about you. Your curiosity gets the better of you, so you play along to find out more about what is going on. You ask her to prove that she is Mrs. Claus.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Hmm, okie. I guess I can do a little magic for you to prove it. I know, I’ll conjure a gift here right now! I just have to focus and the thing you want most right in the moment will appear before you!<</speech>>
[[Try to stop her|Christmas Intro d][$scene to 1]]
<p>You try to stop her, but with a flick of her finger, the deed is done. A trail of glistening snowflakes fly from her fingers as her magic conjures the gift for you from thin air. Unfortunately, the thing you want most right now isn’t something you can put into a box. But it does appear before you, as Mrs. Claus’ shirt flies open and her massive melons spill out into open view.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Oh wow! You naughty boy! You could have just asked if you wanted to see my titties ya know. And now I’ve wasted a gift on something so simple! Well, enjoy it at least! I’m surprised you aren’t on the naughty list with thoughts like yours<</speech>>
<p>You shrug and stare, enjoying your gift as you continue to talk to the woman that shockingly appears to actually be the real Mrs. Claus. You ask her why she is here and not up in the North Pole at this time of year. She reaches forward to grab your hands and bring them up to her tits as she replies. You grope them happily, the massive mounds over flowing from your hands.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>I’m here to help silly! You need help getting gifts for all of those lovely ladies in your life. Only one person can give gifts better than I can. And he’s a bit preoccupied at the moment<</speech>>
<p>You continue to grope, your hands almost completely sinking into her soft tits. You thank her for coming to help you. But, you’re struggling to know how she can help when you can hardly imagine anything good to get all of your loved ones.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Oh that’s the easy part. Just one flick and just like how your perverted little mind got my tits out, their minds will create the gifts that they want more than anything else. They are gonna cost money though. That’s the secret of Christmas magic that Nick doesn’t like me telling people. Money is the source of it all. People buy gifts is what give him all his power! Like the power to be my sugar daddy for instance. Now I’ll be here in the mall. Come to me when you have some cash to buy the gifts. Bring them to the right person and you’ll be rewarded no doubt! And if you spread enough Christmas cheer, I’ll spread some more to you to top it all off<</speech>>
<p>She winks at you cutely as she finishes explaining what you need to do. But you still have a question on your mind. Why do you have to guess which gift will go to which girl? Why can’t she just tell you?</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Because I’m here to help silly, not just give you all the answers! Kids today I swear you want everything handed to you. Don’t worry, it shouldn’t be tough at all as long as you listen to them while they talk. Women tend to leave hint where you least expect them! Visit me soon, naughty boy<</speech>>
<p>With another swish of her hand she disappears, leaving you with your hands reach out in front of you and a bulge forming in your pants. A few people pass by giving you odd looks at the pose you are in. You just stand up and walk away, heading back to meet up with your Mother and $ When you catch up you notice that they each have many bags in each hand.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>There you are <<if $mom.slave is 1>>$mom.title<<else>>$<</if>>! We’ve been looking for you. No luck finding anything good huh? Don’t worry, you’ll find something. Sometimes it just isn’t the right day to shop. Like how those shoes I told $ about were gone today, it was a total bummer<</speech>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Yeah and they were out of my shade of eyeliner too. People really clean the shelves this time of year<</speech>>
<p>You agree with them and let them each know that you’re gonna get them something great. They give you a warm smile in return, clearly reassured by your words. Once you three are all finished shopping you head home. You offer to help them carry their bags in, but they refuse, clearly wanting to keep their gifts for you a secret. With nothing to bring in, you stand in the hall of your home, wondering what to do next.</p>
[[Go home|House][$gameDate.setUTCHours(12); $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)]]
<<set _greeting to either("’Bout time you came to visit me, you naughty boy!", "Ready to pick your next gift? Or just here to stare some more?", "I always have something to offer you, " + $>><<speech "Mrs. Claus">><span id="interaction">_greeting</span><</speech>>
<div id="table-users">
<div class="header">Mrs. Claus Store</div>
<table cellspacing="0">
<th width="230">Hint</th>
<tr onmouseover="hover('Designer Shoes')">
<td><img src="ressources/quest/christmas/shoes.png" alt="" /></td>
<td>Designer Shoes</td>
<td>''Made from a prestigious designer''</td>
<td><<if $ is 0>>[[Buy|Claus Main][$action to 1;$element to 1]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<tr onmouseover="hover('Make up')">
<td><img src="ressources/quest/christmas/makeup.png" alt="" /></td>
<td>Make up</td>
<td>''Looks jazzy''</td>
<td><<if $ is 0>>[[Buy|Claus Main][$action to 1;$element to 2]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<tr onmouseover="hover('Double Sided Dildo')">
<td><img src="ressources/quest/christmas/dildo.png" alt="" /></td>
<td>Double Sided Dildo</td>
<td>''A fairly big sex toy''</td>
<td><<if $ is 0>>[[Buy|Claus Main][$action to 1;$element to 3]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<tr onmouseover="hover('Expensive Wine')">
<td><img src="ressources/quest/christmas/wine.png" alt="" /></td>
<td>Expensive Wine</td>
<td>''From one of the best wine cellars''</td>
<td><<if $ is 0>>[[Buy|Claus Main][$action to 1;$element to 4]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<tr onmouseover="hover('Leather Boots')">
<td><img src="ressources/quest/christmas/boots.png" alt="" /></td>
<td>Leather Boots</td>
<td>''They look straight out of a bdsm lair''</td>
<td><<if $ is 0>>[[Buy|Claus Main][$action to 1;$element to 5]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<tr onmouseover="hover('Difficult Puzzle Box')">
<td><img src="ressources/quest/christmas/puzzle.png" alt="" /></td>
<td>Difficult Puzzle Box</td>
<td>''Extremely complex''</td>
<td><<if $ is 0>>[[Buy|Claus Main][$action to 1;$element to 6]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<tr onmouseover="hover('Punching Bag')">
<td><img src="ressources/quest/christmas/punching.png" alt="" /></td>
<td>Punching Bag</td>
<td>''Seems very hardy''</td>
<td><<if $ is 0>>[[Buy|Claus Main][$action to 1;$element to 7]]<<else>>You already bought it<</if>></td>
<div style="text-align:center;">
<<nobr>><<if $action is 1>>
<<if $element is 1 && $ gte 260>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $ -= 260>>
<p class="got">You have bought the designer shoes</p>
<<elseif $element is 1 && $ lt 260>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 2 && $ gte 80>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $ -= 80>>
<p class="got">You have bought the make up</p>
<<elseif $element is 2 && $ lt 80>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 3 && $ gte 120>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $ -= 120>>
<p class="got">You have bought the double sided dildo</p>
<<elseif $element is 3 && $ lt 120>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 4 && $ gte 440>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $ -= 440>>
<p class="got">You have bought the expensive wine</p>
<<elseif $element is 4 && $ lt 440>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 5 && $ gte 180>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $ -= 180>>
<p class="got">You have bought the leather boots</p>
<<elseif $element is 5 && $ lt 180>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 6 && $ gte 100>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $ -= 100>>
<p class="got">You have bought the difficult puzzle box</p>
<<elseif $element is 6 && $ lt 100>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
<<elseif $element is 7 && $ gte 140>>
<<set $ to 1>>
<<set $ -= 140>>
<p class="got">You have bought the punching bag</p>
<<elseif $element is 7 && $ lt 140>>
<p class="hint">You don't have enough money, sorry</p>
function hover(product) {
switch (product) {
case "Designer Shoes":
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = "These are so cute! They just have to go to a woman you could never live without";
case "Make up":
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = "This is an adorable shade. A must by for the little cutie in your life";
case "Double Sided Dildo":
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = "Oh so naughty! Someone has some pervy lesbos in their life";
case "Expensive Wine":
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = "Oh, a bottle of Chateau Margaux! You must know some ladies with very expensive taste in liquor";
case "Leather Boots":
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = "I just love these boots. They make me feel so in control. Only a woman who loves to have all the power could really appreciate these";
case "Difficult Puzzle Box":
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = "These things always piss me off. I like things to be easy, like pulling the string on a bikini. Only a genius could want anything to do with this";
document.getElementById('interaction').innerHTML = "Oh? A punching bag? I wonder who could want this. It has to be for someone who lost something and needs to get some frustration out";
[[Christmas Cheer rewards|Claus Cheer][$stage to 0]]
[[Go back|Mall]]
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Someone has some cheer to spend? Oh I hope you have enough, I like to be naughty too ya know<</speech>>
<<nobr>><<set $scene to 0>>
<<if $claus.cheer gte 10>>[[Give Mrs. Claus a taste of your candy cane|Claus Cheer][$stage to 1; $[0] to 1]]<br><</if>>
<<if $claus.cheer gte 20>>[[Have some fun with Mrs. Claus’ festive pillows|Claus Cheer][$stage to 2; $[1] to 1]]<br><</if>>
<<if $claus.cheer gte 30>>[[Slide up her chimney|Claus Cheer][$stage to 3; $[2] to 1]]<br><</if>>
<<if $claus.cheer gte 40>>[[Have her ride you like a reindeer|Claus Cheer][$stage to 4; $[3] to 1]]<br><</if>>
<<if $claus.cheer gte 42 && $[0] is 1 && $[1] is 1 && $[2] is 1 && $[3] is 1 && $ is 2 && $ is 2 && $ is 2 && $ is 2 && $ is 2 && $ is 2 && $ is 2>>[[Mrs. Claus has a reward for you|Claus Cheer][$stage to 5; $[4] to 1]]<br><</if>>
[[Return|Claus Main]]
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<p>You suggest that you’d like to use some of the Christmas Cheer you’ve created to feel her plump lips wrapped around your cock. You slide your pants down and whip it out to show her that you mean business.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Good choice! Nick always said he married me for how well I suck cock. So I’m sure you’ll feel like your cheer was well spent<</speech>>
<p>She swishes her finger and in a snowflake filled flash you are naked on your bed with Mrs. Claus kneeling above you in nothing but her underwear. She grabs your cock and slides it into her mouth, greedily sucking it down and mauling at it. She massages your balls and sucks you with almost magical mastery. You cum in her mouth and before you know it you are back at the mall, reveling in the euphoria, standing there as if no times passed.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>So can I get anything else for you, $<</speech>>
[[Continue|Claus Cheer][$stage to 0]]
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>So what will the naughty boy ask for today? I just can’t wait to hear<</speech>>
<p>You tell Mrs. Claus that you were here to spend some Christmas cheer on getting a chance to fuck her massive tits. She giggles playfully before pulling her shirt open to let those huge sweater puppies free. The bounce for a while after dropping, mesmerizing you.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>You mean these? You wanna shove your cock in between? Well come get your gift then!<</speech>>
<p>You don’t hesitate for even a second. Your pants are off and your cock is shoved between her tits so fast that your groin slaps into them and make a thundering noise upon collision. She grabs one tit with each hand and presses them together around your cock as you thrust between them. They are so soft that you can barely stand it. You fuck them for as long as you are able to hold back but before long you are cumming all over her tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>That was fun. Keep spreading cheer and maybe we’ll see what you can really do with that cock of yours<</speech>>
[[Continue|Claus Cheer][$stage to 0]]
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You talk to Mrs. Claus about cashing in some more of the Christmas cheer you’ve earned this year. You tell the buxom beauty that you want to spread some Christmas cheer to her and fuck her silly. And you punctuate it with a firm grasp of her plump ass.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Oh! I hope you know that even talking like that is gonna get you put on the naughty list! But, if you’ll take the coal in stuffed your stocking to stuff me full of cum, then I won’t complain<</speech>>
<p>With a flick of her hand you are both transported to your bedroom. She is nude and laying on her back. Her massive tits looking even larger as gravity pushes them against her chest. You are already naked too. So you waste no time shoving your cock right into her waiting pussy. You pound her slowly at first, warming her up for you as you build your pace.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Glaze her like a cookie|Claus Cheer][$scene to 1]]
<p>You pick up the pace and pound her hole like a mad man. Her huge tits bounce with each thrust and propel you towards your orgasm. When you do cum, Mrs. Claus drops to her knees and holds up her heaving chest in front of you as you unload. You spray your load all over her face and tits until she is as well glazed as your balls can muster.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Oh this is gonna put you on the naughty list for certain. So much cum! I think I might even end up on the naughty list after I eat it all. Oh who am I kidding, I’m always on the naughty list<</speech>>
[[Continue|Claus Cheer][$stage to 0]]
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You have earned more cheer this year and want to see if there is something more you can get from Mrs. Claus for all of your hard work. You talk to her about spending some more cheer and ask her what is left on the menu.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>$, I’m a magical cum slut. I will Always have something more to offer you. You have plenty of cheer stored up. How about I ride your cock until your naughty little jingle bells are emptied out?<</speech>>
<p>You smile lewdly, telling her that that sounds like more than a fair trade. She giggles cutely as she snaps her fingers and whisks you both away to your bedroom in a flurry of snowflakes and magic. And before you know it, you are on your back with your cock deep inside of Mrs. Claus’ pussy while she bounces on you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Give the magical cum slut what she wants|Claus Cheer][$scene to 1]]
<p>She bounces on you masterfully and powerfully. Her pussy lips grip onto your cock like a vice while she bounces and grinds on you like a woman possessed. Her massive tits bounce constantly, giving you a terrific view to go with the cock milking her pussy is providing. When you do reach your limit she almost doesn’t pull off of you in time. Getting on her knees just in time to get a face and chest full of jizz.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Oh that’s the stuff! Wow you’re a better fuck than I’m used to! I don’t usually get worn out emptying balls like that. Someone has lots of experience being naughty!<</speech>>
[[Continue|Claus Cheer][$stage to 0]]
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Oh wow, you’ve delivered all your gifts? There were so many, I hope you chose correctly. Even if not, I think you deserve a little something special for spreading so much Christmas cheer this year. And for spreading my pussy so well. How about we really go at it? No more holding back. I wanna see just how much that cock of yours can take<</speech>>
<p>She walks up and grabs hold of your bulge over your pants. You are already rock hard and frankly, you didn’t think you could possibly get fucked by her any hard than she already did, so you are more than happy to accept this reward. She kisses you deeply, you close your eyes for just a second during the kiss and open them up again when you feel your clothes disappear and the soft fabric of your bed against your back. You see that you are in your room and you watch as Mrs. Claus turns around and lowers her pussy down onto your cock. She rides you reverse cowgirl and really goes at it. She twerks and bounces her ass, grinding and shaking it every direction imaginable. She clenches her pussy around your cock and works you like magic.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Take control|Claus Cheer 5]]
<p>You are about to go to bed when you hear a knock at the front door. You weren’t expecting anyone so you head out to see who it is. Your Mother is there too walking towards the door about to answer it. You keep approaching and see that it is Mrs. Claus on the other side of the door when $ opens it.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hello, can we help you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Hiya! Oh good, just the two fuck buddies I was hoping to talk to!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Excuse me?<</speech>>
<p>Your Mother seems mildly concerned that Mrs. Claus is so privy to your relationship with her. She turns to you in shock. You put your hand on her shoulder and reassure her that everything is alright.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Yeah of course! No need to worry, $ I’ve know you two were fooling around from the beginning. I’m not here to make you feel worried about that. I’m here because your step son here, has done a fantastic job spreading Christmas Cheer this holiday season. And before I have to head home, I was planning on fucking his brains out at least one more time<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh, well, <<if $mom.slave is 1>>$mom.title<<else>>$<</if>>, I guess you should have fun then. I’m a bit confused but if you’re okay with this then I am<</speech>>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>By the bulge in his pants I’d bet he’s more than okay! Why don’t you join us? I’m sure he’d love both of us working on that huge cock of his together!<</speech>>
<p>You walk up behind your Mother and give her plush ass and good squeeze to let her know that you really do enjoy Mrs. Claus’ suggestion.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh I certainly can’t say no to an offer like that!<</speech>>
[[Get sucked off by the two buxom beauties|Claus Total Completion b][$scene to 0; $[5] to 1; $claus.completed to 1]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Her bouncing and grinding is fantastic, but after nearly half an hour of it, you realize that it isn’t enough. You decide to take control and fuck this magical cum slut into a coma. You lean forward and push her to her hands and knees on the bed as you begin pounding her doggy style. She starts shaking and screaming in pleasure as you tear through and pound her into a mewling bitch. Her eyes cross and she huffs from exhaustion, getting beat at her own game.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Mark her as your slut|Claus Cheer 5][$scene to 1]]<<addmins 30>>
<p>With Mrs. Claus cumming like a madwoman her clenching and spasming pussy pull you to the edge your self eventually. You help her down to the floor before you unload. Spraying your hot cum all over her until your balls are empty and she is struggling to see past the thick layer of jizz coating her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Oh Holy FUCK. I haven’t cum like that in decades! No wonder you have so many women to give presents. And now I feel bad, I was hoping to give you a gift and here you were the real giver. My legs are still shaking!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her not to worry about it, that fucking her was gift enough. You tell her to rest up and head off to the shower while she sits in your room, so thoroughly fucked that she can’t even magic herself away.</p>
[[Continue|House]]<<addmins 30>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The three of you move into the living room, undressing each other along the way. They push you down onto the couch and climb up on top of you. Mrs. Claus leans over your lap and starts to bob her head up and down along your shaft. Your Mom leans in to lick your cock while she massages your balls. The two work together to get you nice and hard, and they are so good at warming you up that you damn near cum from the dual blowjob.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/special/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Pound your Mother while Mrs. Claus helps|Claus Total Completion b][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You pull $ onto the couch with you on top of you. You lay on your back behind her and slide your cock into her pussy, holding her legs up with both hands as you start to thrust into her. Mrs. Claus massages your balls and plays with your Mother’s pussy while you ram her hard with every inch of your rock hard meat.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/special/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Plaster them both|Claus Total Completion b][$scene to 2]]
<p>Your Mother’s pussy is too nice and easy to fuck. Few things get you off better than her. And with Mrs. Claus’ help, the orgasm you’re building is sure to be historic. You pull out of your Mother and she and Mrs. Claus kneel down together with their tits up and mouths open, eager for your load. You deliver it too them, firing rope after rope of jizz all over their faces and tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/special/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With your balls emptied you lay back and rest. Your Mother and Mrs. Claus kiss and taste the cum off of each others bodies while you watch. You are so drained that you fall asleep to that sight. Waking up a while later, feeling very well rewarded.</p>
[[Next morning|House]]<<if $gameDate.getUTCHours() > 7>><<set $gameDate.setUTCDate($gameDate.getUTCDate() + 1)>><</if>><<set $gameDate.setUTCHours(7)>><<set $gameDate.setUTCMinutes(0)>><<set $day += 1>><<dayreset>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Give Mrs. Claus a taste of your candy cane|galleryclaus1][$scene to 1]]
<p>You suggest that you’d like to use some of the Christmas Cheer you’ve created to feel her plump lips wrapped around your cock. You slide your pants down and whip it out to show her that you mean business.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Good choice! Nick always said he married me for how well I suck cock. So I’m sure you’ll feel like your cheer was well spent<</speech>>
<p>She swishes her finger and in a snowflake filled flash you are naked on your bed with Mrs. Claus kneeling above you in nothing but her underwear. She grabs your cock and slides it into her mouth, greedily sucking it down and mauling at it. She massages your balls and sucks you with almost magical mastery. You cum in her mouth and before you know it you are back at the mall, reveling in the euphoria, standing there as if no times passed.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>So can I get anything else for you, $<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Have some fun with Mrs. Claus’ festive pillows|galleryclaus2][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>So what will the naughty boy ask for today? I just can’t wait to hear<</speech>>
<p>You tell Mrs. Claus that you were here to spend some Christmas cheer on getting a chance to fuck her massive tits. She giggles playfully before pulling her shirt open to let those huge sweater puppies free. The bounce for a while after dropping, mesmerizing you.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>You mean these? You wanna shove your cock in between? Well come get your gift then!<</speech>>
<p>You don’t hesitate for even a second. Your pants are off and your cock is shoved between her tits so fast that your groin slaps into them and make a thundering noise upon collision. She grabs one tit with each hand and presses them together around your cock as you thrust between them. They are so soft that you can barely stand it. You fuck them for as long as you are able to hold back but before long you are cumming all over her tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>That was fun. Keep spreading cheer and maybe we’ll see what you can really do with that cock of yours<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Slide up her chimney|galleryclaus3][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You talk to Mrs. Claus about cashing in some more of the Christmas cheer you’ve earned this year. You tell the buxom beauty that you want to spread some Christmas cheer to her and fuck her silly. And you punctuate it with a firm grasp of her plump ass.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Oh! I hope you know that even talking like that is gonna get you put on the naughty list! But, if you’ll take the coal in stuffed your stocking to stuff me full of cum, then I won’t complain<</speech>>
<p>With a flick of her hand you are both transported to your bedroom. She is nude and laying on her back. Her massive tits looking even larger as gravity pushes them against her chest. You are already naked too. So you waste no time shoving your cock right into her waiting pussy. You pound her slowly at first, warming her up for you as you build your pace.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Glaze her like a cookie|galleryclaus3][$scene to 2]]
<p>You pick up the pace and pound her hole like a mad man. Her huge tits bounce with each thrust and propel you towards your orgasm. When you do cum, Mrs. Claus drops to her knees and holds up her heaving chest in front of you as you unload. You spray your load all over her face and tits until she is as well glazed as your balls can muster.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Oh this is gonna put you on the naughty list for certain. So much cum! I think I might even end up on the naughty list after I eat it all. Oh who am I kidding, I’m always on the naughty list<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Have her ride you like a reindeer|galleryclaus4][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You have earned more cheer this year and want to see if there is something more you can get from Mrs. Claus for all of your hard work. You talk to her about spending some more cheer and ask her what is left on the menu.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>$, I’m a magical cum slut. I will Always have something more to offer you. You have plenty of cheer stored up. How about I ride your cock until your naughty little jingle bells are emptied out?<</speech>>
<p>You smile lewdly, telling her that that sounds like more than a fair trade. She giggles cutely as she snaps her fingers and whisks you both away to your bedroom in a flurry of snowflakes and magic. And before you know it, you are on your back with your cock deep inside of Mrs. Claus’ pussy while she bounces on you.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Give the magical cum slut what she wants|galleryclaus4][$scene to 2]]
<p>She bounces on you masterfully and powerfully. Her pussy lips grip onto your cock like a vice while she bounces and grinds on you like a woman possessed. Her massive tits bounce constantly, giving you a terrific view to go with the cock milking her pussy is providing. When you do reach your limit she almost doesn’t pull off of you in time. Getting on her knees just in time to get a face and chest full of jizz.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Oh that’s the stuff! Wow you’re a better fuck than I’m used to! I don’t usually get worn out emptying balls like that. Someone has lots of experience being naughty!<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Mrs. Claus has a reward for you|galleryclaus5][$scene to 1]]
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Oh wow, you’ve delivered all your gifts? There were so many, I hope you chose correctly. Even if not, I think you deserve a little something special for spreading so much Christmas cheer this year. And for spreading my pussy so well. How about we really go at it? No more holding back. I wanna see just how much that cock of yours can take<</speech>>
<p>She walks up and grabs hold of your bulge over your pants. You are already rock hard and frankly, you didn’t think you could possibly get fucked by her any hard than she already did, so you are more than happy to accept this reward. She kisses you deeply, you close your eyes for just a second during the kiss and open them up again when you feel your clothes disappear and the soft fabric of your bed against your back. You see that you are in your room and you watch as Mrs. Claus turns around and lowers her pussy down onto your cock. She rides you reverse cowgirl and really goes at it. She twerks and bounces her ass, grinding and shaking it every direction imaginable. She clenches her pussy around your cock and works you like magic.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/reversecowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Take control|galleryclaus5 b][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Her bouncing and grinding is fantastic, but after nearly half an hour of it, you realize that it isn’t enough. You decide to take control and fuck this magical cum slut into a coma. You lean forward and push her to her hands and knees on the bed as you begin pounding her doggy style. She starts shaking and screaming in pleasure as you tear through and pound her into a mewling bitch. Her eyes cross and she huffs from exhaustion, getting beat at her own game.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Mark her as your slut|galleryclaus5 b][$scene to 1]]
<p>With Mrs. Claus cumming like a madwoman her clenching and spasming pussy pull you to the edge your self eventually. You help her down to the floor before you unload. Spraying your hot cum all over her until your balls are empty and she is struggling to see past the thick layer of jizz coating her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/claus/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Oh Holy FUCK. I haven’t cum like that in decades! No wonder you have so many women to give presents. And now I feel bad, I was hoping to give you a gift and here you were the real giver. My legs are still shaking!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her not to worry about it, that fucking her was gift enough. You tell her to rest up and head off to the shower while she sits in your room, so thoroughly fucked that she can’t even magic herself away.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 21]]
<p>You are about to go to bed when you hear a knock at the front door. You weren’t expecting anyone so you head out to see who it is. Your Mother is there too walking towards the door about to answer it. You keep approaching and see that it is Mrs. Claus on the other side of the door when $ opens it.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Hello, can we help you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Hiya! Oh good, just the two fuck buddies I was hoping to talk to!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Excuse me?<</speech>>
<p>Your Mother seems mildly concerned that Mrs. Claus is so privy to your relationship with her. She turns to you in shock. You put your hand on her shoulder and reassure her that everything is alright.</p>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>Yeah of course! No need to worry, $ I’ve know you two were fooling around from the beginning. I’m not here to make you feel worried about that. I’m here because your step son here, has done a fantastic job spreading Christmas Cheer this holiday season. And before I have to head home, I was planning on fucking his brains out at least one more time<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh, well, <<if $mom.slave is 1>>$mom.title<<else>>$<</if>>, I guess you should have fun then. I’m a bit confused but if you’re okay with this then I am<</speech>>
<<speech "Mrs. Claus">>By the bulge in his pants I’d bet he’s more than okay! Why don’t you join us? I’m sure he’d love both of us working on that huge cock of his together!<</speech>>
<p>You walk up behind your Mother and give her plush ass and good squeeze to let her know that you really do enjoy Mrs. Claus’ suggestion.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh I certainly can’t say no to an offer like that!<</speech>>
[[Get sucked off by the two buxom beauties|galleryclaus6 b][$scene to 0]]
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The three of you move into the living room, undressing each other along the way. They push you down onto the couch and climb up on top of you. Mrs. Claus leans over your lap and starts to bob her head up and down along your shaft. Your Mom leans in to lick your cock while she massages your balls. The two work together to get you nice and hard, and they are so good at warming you up that you damn near cum from the dual blowjob.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/special/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Pound your Mother while Mrs. Claus helps|galleryclaus6 b][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You pull $ onto the couch with you on top of you. You lay on your back behind her and slide your cock into her pussy, holding her legs up with both hands as you start to thrust into her. Mrs. Claus massages your balls and plays with your Mother’s pussy while you ram her hard with every inch of your rock hard meat.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/special/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Plaster them both|galleryclaus6 b][$scene to 2]]
<p>Your Mother’s pussy is too nice and easy to fuck. Few things get you off better than her. And with Mrs. Claus’ help, the orgasm you’re building is sure to be historic. You pull out of your Mother and she and Mrs. Claus kneel down together with their tits up and mouths open, eager for your load. You deliver it too them, firing rope after rope of jizz all over their faces and tits.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/special/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With your balls emptied you lay back and rest. Your Mother and Mrs. Claus kiss and taste the cum off of each others bodies while you watch. You are so drained that you fall asleep to that sight. Waking up a while later, feeling very well rewarded.</p>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 21]]
<<if $gift is "shoes" && $mom.questmain gte 10>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh my goodness! These are just what I wanted! Thank you so much, <<if $mom.slave is 1>>$mom.title<<else>>$<</if>>!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that she is welcome, and that you are glad she likes her gift. You mention how you remembered her mentioning them earlier and knew you had to get them for her when you saw them. She gives you a very loving and sultry look, her face illuminated by the Christmas tree beautifully.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>You know, I think I should try these on. Why don’t you meet me in my bedroom in a few minutes? Let me know how I look in them?<</speech>>
<p>She pops up before you and even answer. You watch her ass swaying as she walks off towards her bedroom. You wait about five or so minutes, then head in after her. Once inside you see her sitting on the foot of her bed, wearing the boots, some fishnet stockings, and nothing else. You rush her, practically tackling her as you climb on and start to grope her body. You strip down and slide your cock deep into her pussy, spreading her legs and pounding her hard.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/mom/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her|Christmas Gift Mom][$scene to 1]]<<addmins 30>>
<p>Her tight pussy spasms harder and more frequently as you continue to fuck her. Your deep thrusts hitting every good spot inside of her and her clenching hitting every one of your spots. Before long you start cumming, pulling you and exploding all over her body. Ropes fly up to her tits and stripe across her body lewdly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/mom/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh, that’s two gifts you’ve given me this year. I need to step up my gift giving game!<</speech>>
<p class="got">You received 10 Christmas Cheer!</p><<set $claus.cheer += 10>>
[[Continue|House][$ to 1; $ to 2; $[22] to 1]]<<addmins 30>>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh wow. Thank you <<if $mom.slave is 1>>$mom.title<<else>>$<</if>>! It’s so sweet that you thought of me this year<</speech>>
<p class="got">You received 6 Christmas Cheer!</p><<set $claus.cheer += 6>>
[[Continue|House][$ to 1; $[$gift] to -1]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Give your Mom the shoes|gallerymom23][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh my goodness! These are just what I wanted! Thank you so much, <<if $mom.slave is 1>>$mom.title<<else>>$<</if>>!<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that she is welcome, and that you are glad she likes her gift. You mention how you remembered her mentioning them earlier and knew you had to get them for her when you saw them. She gives you a very loving and sultry look, her face illuminated by the Christmas tree beautifully.</p>
<<speech "Mom">>You know, I think I should try these on. Why don’t you meet me in my bedroom in a few minutes? Let me know how I look in them?<</speech>>
<p>She pops up before you and even answer. You watch her ass swaying as she walks off towards her bedroom. You wait about five or so minutes, then head in after her. Once inside you see her sitting on the foot of her bed, wearing the boots, some fishnet stockings, and nothing else. You rush her, practically tackling her as you climb on and start to grope her body. You strip down and slide your cock deep into her pussy, spreading her legs and pounding her hard.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/mom/missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum all over her|gallerymom23][$scene to 2]]
<p>Her tight pussy spasms harder and more frequently as you continue to fuck her. Your deep thrusts hitting every good spot inside of her and her clenching hitting every one of your spots. Before long you start cumming, pulling you and exploding all over her body. Ropes fly up to her tits and stripe across her body lewdly.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/mom/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Mom">>Oh, that’s two gifts you’ve given me this year. I need to step up my gift giving game!<</speech>>
<</if>><<if $gift is "makeup" && $sis.questmain gte 10>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>THE MAKE UP SET I WANTED! Oh my god how did you find it they were sold out? You are the best, <<if $sis.slave is 1>>$sis.title<<else>>$<</if>><</speech>>
<p>You laugh a bit at her reaction as you tell her she is welcome. She leaps over and gives you a big hug. You almost fall over from it, but she is so small that you are able to stay upright. She moves one hand down from your back, over to your crotch. She grabs hold of your bulge firmly and strokes your cock over your pants.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Oh you are definitely getting lucky for this one!<</speech>>
<p>She lets go of your cock and begins to strip herself down. In seconds she is nude and sitting backwards on a chair with her cute round butt poking out over the edge of the seat. She wiggles it enticingly at you, which is more than enough of an invitation for you. You pull your hard cock out and aim it right for her pussy. It slide in easily, even for how tight and small she is. Its so wet it is easy to glide ride in and thrust away.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/sis/chairfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Unload your jingle bells on her face|Christmas Gift Sis][$scene to 1]]<<addmins 30>>
<p>You fuck her so hard that if you put any more power behind your thrusts you’d topple her and the chair over in the process. Her tight quivering cunt grips your cock like a vice and just doesn’t want to let go. But as you get close to cumming, you decide that a creampie isn’t what you’re aiming for today. You pull your cock free, to an audible sigh of discontent from $ Only to be replaced with a squeal of glee as you turn her around and start unloading all over her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/sis/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You tell her that now she has a good reason to try out her new make up. Her eyes go wide in realization, as if she had forgotten about the make up. She jumps up and runs off with her gift without another word. You chuckle to yourself as you get dressed.</p>
<p class="got">You received 10 Christmas Cheer!</p><<set $claus.cheer += 10>>
[[Continue|House][$christmas.gifted.sis to 1; $ to 2; $[25] to 1]]<<addmins 30>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Thanks, so much. This is cool<</speech>>
<p class="got">You received 6 Christmas Cheer!</p><<set $claus.cheer += 6>>
[[Continue|House][$christmas.gifted.sis to 1; $[$gift] to -1]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<a data-passage="gallerysasha26" data-setter="$scene to 1" class="link-internal">Give $ the make up</a>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>THE MAKE UP SET I WANTED! Oh my god how did you find it they were sold out? You are the best, <<if $sis.slave is 1>>$sis.title<<else>>$<</if>><</speech>>
<p>You laugh a bit at her reaction as you tell her she is welcome. She leaps over and gives you a big hug. You almost fall over from it, but she is so small that you are able to stay upright. She moves one hand down from your back, over to your crotch. She grabs hold of your bulge firmly and strokes your cock over your pants.</p>
<<speech "Sasha" $>>Oh you are definitely getting lucky for this one!<</speech>>
<p>She lets go of your cock and begins to strip herself down. In seconds she is nude and sitting backwards on a chair with her cute round butt poking out over the edge of the seat. She wiggles it enticingly at you, which is more than enough of an invitation for you. You pull your hard cock out and aim it right for her pussy. It slide in easily, even for how tight and small she is. Its so wet it is easy to glide ride in and thrust away.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/sis/chairfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Unload your jingle bells on her face|gallerysasha26][$scene to 2]]
<p>You fuck her so hard that if you put any more power behind your thrusts you’d topple her and the chair over in the process. Her tight quivering cunt grips your cock like a vice and just doesn’t want to let go. But as you get close to cumming, you decide that a creampie isn’t what you’re aiming for today. You pull your cock free, to an audible sigh of discontent from $ Only to be replaced with a squeal of glee as you turn her around and start unloading all over her face.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/sis/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You tell her that now she has a good reason to try out her new make up. Her eyes go wide in realization, as if she had forgotten about the make up. She jumps up and runs off with her gift without another word. You chuckle to yourself as you get dressed.</p>
<</if>><<if $gift is "boots" && $dean.questmain gte 5>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Oh amazing! These boots are so sexy. I love them. And I can see why you thought I would. Why don’t you stick around for a little bit? We could share some of this Christmas spirit you gave me<</speech>>
<p>Tabitha places the boots down and begins to slowly and sensually undress. When her top is off her huge tits bounce with every movement. And before long she is almost completely nude. Except for a Santa hat that she is keeping on. She brings you into her bedroom and pushes you onto her bed, pulling your cock out and getting it ready to ride. She climbs up on top of you once you’re nice and hard and aims your cock towards her ass as she lowers herself down onto it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/dean/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Glaze her face and tits like Christmas cookies|Christmas Gift Dean][$scene to 1]]<<addmins 30>>
<p>She bounces and grinds up and down along your cock. It takes everything you have to not just bust your nut directly into her bowels with almost every time she lowers herself down to the base. Her thick ass plopping against your groin. She works you well and draws every bit of cum you have to the surface. You pull out of her ass just in time to unload all over her. You spray her face and tits with your load until she is nice and glazed.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/dean/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Mmm yummy. You should help me bake cookies sometime. You’d be a big help with glazing them<</speech>>
<p>She licks up the cum greedily as you get dressed. You share a quick kiss before you head out, satisfied and frankly a little worn out.</p>
<p class="got">You received 10 Christmas Cheer!</p><<set $claus.cheer += 10>>
[[Continue|Residential district][$christmas.gifted.dean to 1; $ to 2; $[11] to 1]]<<addmins 30>>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Hmm, how nice. You could have put more thought into it. But I appreciate the effort<</speech>>
<p class="got">You received 6 Christmas Cheer!</p><<set $claus.cheer += 6>>
[[Continue|Residential district][$christmas.gifted.dean to 1; $[$gift] to -1]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Give your Dean the boots|gallerydean12][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Oh amazing! These boots are so sexy. I love them. And I can see why you thought I would. Why don’t you stick around for a little bit? We could share some of this Christmas spirit you gave me<</speech>>
<p>Tabitha places the boots down and begins to slowly and sensually undress. When her top is off her huge tits bounce with every movement. And before long she is almost completely nude. Except for a Santa hat that she is keeping on. She brings you into her bedroom and pushes you onto her bed, pulling your cock out and getting it ready to ride. She climbs up on top of you once you’re nice and hard and aims your cock towards her ass as she lowers herself down onto it.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/dean/anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Glaze her face and tits like Christmas cookies|gallerydean12][$scene to 2]]
<p>She bounces and grinds up and down along your cock. It takes everything you have to not just bust your nut directly into her bowels with almost every time she lowers herself down to the base. Her thick ass plopping against your groin. She works you well and draws every bit of cum you have to the surface. You pull out of her ass just in time to unload all over her. You spray her face and tits with your load until she is nice and glazed.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/dean/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Dean Graves">>Mmm yummy. You should help me bake cookies sometime. You’d be a big help with glazing them<</speech>>
<p>She licks up the cum greedily as you get dressed. You share a quick kiss before you head out, satisfied and frankly a little worn out.</p>
<</if>><<if $gift is "punching" && $tiffany.questmain gte 2>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You lug the heavy punching bag in through Tiffany’s front door. You gently place it down in her foyer and look at the shocked expression on her face. You tell her that it is her Christmas gift this year and she gives you a surprised laugh</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>You can’t be serious! You got me a whole punching bag? This is too much, this had to have cost you a lot. Kinda feels like you’re trying to flaunt your money at me<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a sour look at first but you promise her that it isn’t anything like that. You add that if she doesn’t believe you, she can’ always take that frustration out on the bag now. She shrugs and gives it a good punch, and then a second, and before you know it she is pounding the bag on the floor like it owes her money. She stands up, huffing when she is done. Clearly a bit worn out but feeling some released tension.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>This is a great gift. Now I feel like a chump though. I didn’t get you anything. You just love to show me up. But, not this time. I know just how to win this gift exchange. You go sit in the living room, I’ll be back in a second<</speech>>
<p>You do as she says, waiting around for a bit until you hear her call you to come into her bedroom. You listen to her and are delighted by the sight of her mostly naked body laying on her bed. She curls one finger inviting you in seductively. As you walk in and undress, you grab a sizable candy cane from a stash of Christmas candy on Tiffany’s dresser. You walk up to her and tease her pussy with the candy cane, sliding it into her pussy to warm her up.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/mikaela/dildo.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Bend her over|Christmas Gift Tiffany][$scene to 1]]<<addmins 20>>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You pull the candy cane out, giving it a lick to taste her pussy combined with the peppermint. You then stand and bend her over her bed. You aim your cock towards her pussy and slide it right in, pounding her doggy style. You speed up with each thrust, pounding and making her phat ass quake with each thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/mikaela/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her back|Christmas Gift Tiffany][$scene to 2]]<<addmins 20>>
<p>You never stop thrusting even when you are about to cum. Instead, you just slide out of her pussy and slide in between her massive ass cheeks. The plush mounds wrap around your shaft nicely as you pound it out to the end, erupting and jizzing all over her ass and back.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/mikaela/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You fucked her so hard that Tiffany passes out the moment she feels your cum hit her back. Having cum several times herself along the way. You wipe the last bits of cum from your tip onto her face before getting dressed and heading out, knowing that you beat her yet again. Just another thing to work out with the punching bag.</p>
<p class="got">You received 10 Christmas Cheer!</p><<set $claus.cheer += 10>>
[[Continue|Residential district][$ to 1; $ to 2; $[5] to 1]]<<addmins 20>>
<<speech "Tiffany">>What’s this boss? Oh, wow great gift. I wonder how long it took you to come up with this one. Jeez how did you ever get to be the head of a company<</speech>>
<p class="got">You received 6 Christmas Cheer!</p><<set $claus.cheer += 6>>
[[Continue|Residential district][$ to 1; $[$gift] to -1]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Give Tiffany the punching bag|gallerytiffany6][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You lug the heavy punching bag in through Tiffany’s front door. You gently place it down in her foyer and look at the shocked expression on her face. You tell her that it is her Christmas gift this year and she gives you a surprised laugh</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>You can’t be serious! You got me a whole punching bag? This is too much, this had to have cost you a lot. Kinda feels like you’re trying to flaunt your money at me<</speech>>
<p>She gives you a sour look at first but you promise her that it isn’t anything like that. You add that if she doesn’t believe you, she can’ always take that frustration out on the bag now. She shrugs and gives it a good punch, and then a second, and before you know it she is pounding the bag on the floor like it owes her money. She stands up, huffing when she is done. Clearly a bit worn out but feeling some released tension.</p>
<<speech "Tiffany">>This is a great gift. Now I feel like a chump though. I didn’t get you anything. You just love to show me up. But, not this time. I know just how to win this gift exchange. You go sit in the living room, I’ll be back in a second<</speech>>
<p>You do as she says, waiting around for a bit until you hear her call you to come into her bedroom. You listen to her and are delighted by the sight of her mostly naked body laying on her bed. She curls one finger inviting you in seductively. As you walk in and undress, you grab a sizable candy cane from a stash of Christmas candy on Tiffany’s dresser. You walk up to her and tease her pussy with the candy cane, sliding it into her pussy to warm her up.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/mikaela/dildo.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Bend her over|gallerytiffany6][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pull the candy cane out, giving it a lick to taste her pussy combined with the peppermint. You then stand and bend her over her bed. You aim your cock towards her pussy and slide it right in, pounding her doggy style. You speed up with each thrust, pounding and making her phat ass quake with each thrust.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/mikaela/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her back|gallerytiffany6][$scene to 3]]
<p>You never stop thrusting even when you are about to cum. Instead, you just slide out of her pussy and slide in between her massive ass cheeks. The plush mounds wrap around your shaft nicely as you pound it out to the end, erupting and jizzing all over her ass and back.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/mikaela/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You fucked her so hard that Tiffany passes out the moment she feels your cum hit her back. Having cum several times herself along the way. You wipe the last bits of cum from your tip onto her face before getting dressed and heading out, knowing that you beat her yet again. Just another thing to work out with the punching bag.</p>
<</if>><<if $gift is "dildo" && $sato.questmain gte 7>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Your gift for the Satos this Christmas isn’t exactly a traditional one. But considering you doubt that they even celebrate Christmas, you’re sure that a sexual gift like a double sided dildo is plenty appropriate for the slutty married couple. So when you knock on their door to meet with them and give it to them, there is no awkward feeling in you, just a pleasant grin as they let you inside and hand it to them.</p>
<<speech "Suki">>Oh thank goodness! Our last one broke. You would not believe how quickly either. I swear its like we go through ten of these a year<</speech>>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Jeez Suki just layout our sex life for the boy. Not like he’s my student or anything<</speech>>
<<speech "Suki">>You lost that high ground the moment his cock went into your mouth Aki. Speaking of which. How about we show Mr. $ here how we really celebrate the holiday season?<</speech>>
<p>Suki takes charge, not even waiting for an answer out of Akira before moving in to kiss and slowly undress her. Your cock grows hard as you watch them from your chair. The hands and mouths explore each other’s bodies. You get a great front row view of just how they enjoy pleasuring each other.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/sato/lesbian.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Join in|Christmas Gift Sato][$scene to 1]]<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Suki pulls away giving you a sultry inviting look. Akira looks over at you with a burning need. The looks are enough for you to strip down and move over to them to join in. They pile on top of you, each of them grabbing a taste of your cock. Suki expertly swallows your shaft while Akira kisses and sucks on your balls. The two clearly have a wealth of experience using their mouths.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/sato/double_blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Pull Suki on top of you|Christmas Gift Sato][$scene to 2]]<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Their mouths are more than sufficient to get you off. But some times it pays to be greedy. Because you want more and you are going to take it. You pull Suki on top of you and slide your cock into her pussy. You thrust up and pound her hole powerfully. Akira plays with your balls and with Suki’s pussy as you ram your cock deep into her, making her scream with waves of pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/sato/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Feed them your load|Christmas Gift Sato][$scene to 3]]<<addmins 15>>
<p>Suki’s shocking tight pussy clamps down again and again, each time she cums. And she cums often. Your fuck her to the point of no return and pull out as you start to cum. You unload all over Suki’s face and plaster her with your load. The still cumming Suki crawls over to Akira and kisses her wife. The two swap your cum back and forth, savoring the taste before each swallowing their share.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/sato/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>They continue to kiss and lay together after. You decide to get dressed and leave them to their blissful rest, expecting a thank you card in the mail sometime soon.</p>
<p class="got">You received 10 Christmas Cheer!</p><<set $claus.cheer += 10>>
[[Continue|Residential district][$christmas.gifted.sato to 1; $ to 2; $[6] to 1]]<<addmins 15>>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Hey Suki, $ got us a Christmas gift. It’s… nice<</speech>>
<<speech "Suki">>Why thank you, $ That is sweet of you<</speech>>
<p class="got">You received 6 Christmas Cheer!</p><<set $claus.cheer += 6>>
[[Continue|Residential district][$christmas.gifted.sato to 1; $[$gift] to -1]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Give Mrs. Sato the dildo|gallerysato7][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Your gift for the Satos this Christmas isn’t exactly a traditional one. But considering you doubt that they even celebrate Christmas, you’re sure that a sexual gift like a double sided dildo is plenty appropriate for the slutty married couple. So when you knock on their door to meet with them and give it to them, there is no awkward feeling in you, just a pleasant grin as they let you inside and hand it to them.</p>
<<speech "Suki">>Oh thank goodness! Our last one broke. You would not believe how quickly either. I swear its like we go through ten of these a year<</speech>>
<<speech "Mrs. Sato">>Jeez Suki just layout our sex life for the boy. Not like he’s my student or anything<</speech>>
<<speech "Suki">>You lost that high ground the moment his cock went into your mouth Aki. Speaking of which. How about we show Mr. $ here how we really celebrate the holiday season?<</speech>>
<p>Suki takes charge, not even waiting for an answer out of Akira before moving in to kiss and slowly undress her. Your cock grows hard as you watch them from your chair. The hands and mouths explore each other’s bodies. You get a great front row view of just how they enjoy pleasuring each other.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/sato/lesbian.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Join in|gallerysato7][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Suki pulls away giving you a sultry inviting look. Akira looks over at you with a burning need. The looks are enough for you to strip down and move over to them to join in. They pile on top of you, each of them grabbing a taste of your cock. Suki expertly swallows your shaft while Akira kisses and sucks on your balls. The two clearly have a wealth of experience using their mouths.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/sato/double_blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Pull Suki on top of you|gallerysato7][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>Their mouths are more than sufficient to get you off. But some times it pays to be greedy. Because you want more and you are going to take it. You pull Suki on top of you and slide your cock into her pussy. You thrust up and pound her hole powerfully. Akira plays with your balls and with Suki’s pussy as you ram your cock deep into her, making her scream with waves of pleasure.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/sato/cowgirl.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Feed them your load|gallerysato7][$scene to 4]]
<p>Suki’s shocking tight pussy clamps down again and again, each time she cums. And she cums often. Your fuck her to the point of no return and pull out as you start to cum. You unload all over Suki’s face and plaster her with your load. The still cumming Suki crawls over to Akira and kisses her wife. The two swap your cum back and forth, savoring the taste before each swallowing their share.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/sato/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>They continue to kiss and lay together after. You decide to get dressed and leave them to their blissful rest, expecting a thank you card in the mail sometime soon.</p>
<</if>><<if $gift is "puzzle" && $erika.questmain gte 4>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You hand Erika your gift and watch with baited breath as she unwraps it. With the wrapping paper gone, she sees the extremely intricate puzzle box hidden inside. She gives it a brief smile before instantly attempting to solve it.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>This is nice. Maybe a little insulting that you think this would be a challenge for me. But nice that you thought I’d appreciate the challenge<</speech>>
<p>Erika works through and comes to a snag once or twice. But after a few moments the puzzle box is open. She places it on her desk and puts a couple things back inside, resealing the puzzle box to keep them safe.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>It will be nice to know those are all safe. It may have been easy for me but if my track record is anything to go by that box might be unbreakable otherwise. Thank you, I really appreciate the gift. Although I do feel a little somber. I didn’t get you anything for Christmas<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that it isn’t a big deal. Employees don’t need to get their boss Christmas gifts. But she doesn’t seem satisfied with that response.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>How would you like to fuck my face?<</speech>>
<p>Your eyes go wide by the sudden suggestion. But you nod and tell her that you would like that as a gift very much. She smiles and begins to undress for you. Once naked she lies on her back on the couch with her head laying off the edge. You undress at the same time, her thin body and bubble butt help get you hard rather quickly. You walk over and aim your cock at her mouth, sliding it in past her lips until they wrap around the base and your balls are pressed against her nose. You start to thrust, pushing past her gag reflex as you pound away at her slobbering mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/erika/facefuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Plaster her face|Christmas Gift Erika][$scene to 1]]<<addmins 30>>
<p>Her coughs and gags around your cock add to the pleasure of pounding away at her throat. Your balls slapping her face have a tinge of both pain and pleasure mixed in. But the pleasure is where you focus. And before you know it that focus reaches its peak as you begin to cum. Pulling out of her throat and shooting your load all over her face. Plastering her with rope after rope of cum.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/erika/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Once the last bit of cum leaves your cock Erika stands and begins to clean herself up. She turns to you and slyly speaks to you.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Merry Christmas $<</speech>>
<p>You wish her a merry Christmas as well before heading out, still reeling from the orgasm.</p>
<p class="got">You received 10 Christmas Cheer!</p><<set $claus.cheer += 10>>
[[Continue|Residential district][$christmas.gifted.erika to 1; $ to 2; $[4] to 1]]<<addmins 30>>
<<speech "Erika">>This is a nice gift. I already have one though. Sorry, I’m not easy to shop for. If I want something I just get it. Sometimes I don’t even have to pay. Things come easy<</speech>>
<p class="got">You received 6 Christmas Cheer!</p><<set $claus.cheer += 6>>
[[Continue|Residential district][$christmas.gifted.erika to 1; $[$gift] to -1]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Give Erika the puzzle|galleryerika5][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You hand Erika your gift and watch with baited breath as she unwraps it. With the wrapping paper gone, she sees the extremely intricate puzzle box hidden inside. She gives it a brief smile before instantly attempting to solve it.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>This is nice. Maybe a little insulting that you think this would be a challenge for me. But nice that you thought I’d appreciate the challenge<</speech>>
<p>Erika works through and comes to a snag once or twice. But after a few moments the puzzle box is open. She places it on her desk and puts a couple things back inside, resealing the puzzle box to keep them safe.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>It will be nice to know those are all safe. It may have been easy for me but if my track record is anything to go by that box might be unbreakable otherwise. Thank you, I really appreciate the gift. Although I do feel a little somber. I didn’t get you anything for Christmas<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that it isn’t a big deal. Employees don’t need to get their boss Christmas gifts. But she doesn’t seem satisfied with that response.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>How would you like to fuck my face?<</speech>>
<p>Your eyes go wide by the sudden suggestion. But you nod and tell her that you would like that as a gift very much. She smiles and begins to undress for you. Once naked she lies on her back on the couch with her head laying off the edge. You undress at the same time, her thin body and bubble butt help get you hard rather quickly. You walk over and aim your cock at her mouth, sliding it in past her lips until they wrap around the base and your balls are pressed against her nose. You start to thrust, pushing past her gag reflex as you pound away at her slobbering mouth.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/erika/facefuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Plaster her face|galleryerika5][$scene to 2]]
<p>Her coughs and gags around your cock add to the pleasure of pounding away at her throat. Your balls slapping her face have a tinge of both pain and pleasure mixed in. But the pleasure is where you focus. And before you know it that focus reaches its peak as you begin to cum. Pulling out of her throat and shooting your load all over her face. Plastering her with rope after rope of cum.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/erika/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Once the last bit of cum leaves your cock Erika stands and begins to clean herself up. She turns to you and slyly speaks to you.</p>
<<speech "Erika">>Merry Christmas $<</speech>>
<p>You wish her a merry Christmas as well before heading out, still reeling from the orgasm.</p>
<</if>><<if $christmas.gifted.abigail is 0>>
<<set _giftsArray to Object.keys($>>
<<set _totalGifts to 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _giftsArray.length; _i++>>
<<if $[_giftsArray[_i]] is 1>>
<<switch _giftsArray[_i]>>
<<case "shoes">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Abigail" data-setter="$gift to 'shoes'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "makeup">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Abigail" data-setter="$gift to 'makeup'" class="link-internal">Give her the make up</a><br>
<<case "dildo">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Abigail" data-setter="$gift to 'dildo'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "wine">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Abigail" data-setter="$gift to 'wine'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "boots">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Abigail" data-setter="$gift to 'boots'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<<case "puzzle">>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Abigail" data-setter="$gift to 'puzzle'" class="link-internal">Give her the _giftsArray[_i]</a><br>
<a data-passage="Christmas Gift Abigail" data-setter="$gift to 'punching'" class="link-internal">Give her the punching bag</a><br>
<<set _totalGifts += 1>><</if>>
<<if _totalGifts is 0>><p class="hint">You don't have any gift to give right now. You may buy something to Mrs. Claus at the Mall</p><</if>>
<p class="hint">You already gave Abigail a gift this Christmas</p>
[[Go back|abigailhouse]]
<<if $gift is "wine" && $abigail.progress gte 6>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<<speech "Abigail">>How did you know this is my favorite wine? Oh hell this is an amazing gift. Thank you so much! Come here<</speech>>
<p>Abigail places the bottle down gently before grabbing you and pulling you in for a big hug. She presses your face into her huge tits with the hug. You can’t tell if it is on purpose or not, but you get the distinct feeling that it is. Mainly by the way she is moving her chest during the hug to rub her tits against your face. You don’t mind one bit though, as you rub your face against the soft tits right back.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Oh someone likes my titties. Let’s see just how much you like them<</speech>>
<p>She reaches up and yanks her top down to let her tits fall free. She grabs one tit in each of her hands and bounces them for you ad she drops down to her knees. You pull your cock and shove it between the massive orbs. She rubs your cock with her tits getting it nice and hard.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/abigail/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Mount your boss|Christmas Gift Abigail][$scene to 1]]<<addmins 20>>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Once her tits get your rock hard, you help Abigail undress and lay back. You raise her legs up and wrap them around your waist as your slide your cock into her pussy. You grope and kiss her huge tits as your start to thrust. Using your weight to add to it as you pound away at her hole in the mating press position.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/abigail/matingpress.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Mate her|Christmas Gift Abigail][$scene to 2]]<<addmins 20>>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pound away to your hearts content. Your employers screaming and cumming on your cock. Her legs are wrapped around your waist tightly. Its very clear that she has no intention of letting you go anywhere. So you don’t even bother trying. You plunge yourself deep inside of her and unload, filling her up with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/abigail/creampie.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Someone was watching|Christmas Gift Abigail][$scene to 3]]<<addmins 20>>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>Once you are finished you pull out of Abigail’s over flowing cunt and start to get dressed. Before you can, you hear a whisper from the hall. You look over and see Eva, Abigail’s sister, standing there nude and toying with her pussy. You walk over to her and call her a slut for masturbating to the sight of her sister getting fucked</p>
<<speech "Eva">>Maybe I am a slut. What are you gonna do about it?<</speech>>
<p>You decide to give Eva the same treatment as her sister. You lead her to her own room and shove her down to her knees, shoving your still cum and pussy juice covered cock between her tits and thrusting between them while she pushed them together.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/eva/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Bend the sister over|Christmas Gift Abigail][$scene to 4]]<<addmins 20>>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>Once you are ready to go again you push Eva over her bed, slapping her large ass as it is presented in front of you. You ram your cock into her pussy from behind, pounding her doggy style like the slutty bitch that she is.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/eva/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fill a second womb tonight|Christmas Gift Abigail][$scene to 5]]<<addmins 20>>
<p>You grab hold of Eva’s hair as your pound away, using and abusing her hole like it were your own personal fleshlight. With how she acts whenever you see her, it isn’t even an unfair description of her. Once you reach your limit you do noting but fuck her harder. Not even thinking of pulling out as you unload deep into the second sister of the night. She shakes and cums around your cock as you fill her up. Clearly having gotten exactly what she wanted.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/eva/creampie.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She passes out soon after. You pull out and leave her there to rest, getting dressed and moving on now that you are properly drained.</p>
<p class="got">You received 10 Christmas Cheer!</p><<set $claus.cheer += 10>>
[[Continue|Residential district][$christmas.gifted.abigail to 1; $ to 2; $[5] to 1]]<<addmins 20>>
<<speech "Abigail">>Pfft. This is what you get me for Christmas? Wow if I knew you had this bad of judgment I might not of hired you. Thanks for the thought, I guess<</speech>>
<p class="got">You received 6 Christmas Cheer!</p><<set $claus.cheer += 6>>
[[Continue|Residential district][$christmas.gifted.erika to 1; $[$gift] to -1]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Give Abigail the wine|galleryabigail6][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<<speech "Abigail">>How did you know this is my favorite wine? Oh hell this is an amazing gift. Thank you so much! Come here<</speech>>
<p>Abigail places the bottle down gently before grabbing you and pulling you in for a big hug. She presses your face into her huge tits with the hug. You can’t tell if it is on purpose or not, but you get the distinct feeling that it is. Mainly by the way she is moving her chest during the hug to rub her tits against your face. You don’t mind one bit though, as you rub your face against the soft tits right back.</p>
<<speech "Abigail">>Oh someone likes my titties. Let’s see just how much you like them<</speech>>
<p>She reaches up and yanks her top down to let her tits fall free. She grabs one tit in each of her hands and bounces them for you ad she drops down to her knees. You pull your cock and shove it between the massive orbs. She rubs your cock with her tits getting it nice and hard.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/abigail/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Mount your boss|galleryabigail6][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Once her tits get your rock hard, you help Abigail undress and lay back. You raise her legs up and wrap them around your waist as your slide your cock into her pussy. You grope and kiss her huge tits as your start to thrust. Using your weight to add to it as you pound away at her hole in the mating press position.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/abigail/matingpress.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Mate her|galleryabigail6][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pound away to your hearts content. Your employers screaming and cumming on your cock. Her legs are wrapped around your waist tightly. Its very clear that she has no intention of letting you go anywhere. So you don’t even bother trying. You plunge yourself deep inside of her and unload, filling her up with your load.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/abigail/creampie.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Someone was watching|galleryabigail6][$scene to 4]]
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<p>Once you are finished you pull out of Abigail’s over flowing cunt and start to get dressed. Before you can, you hear a whisper from the hall. You look over and see Eva, Abigail’s sister, standing there nude and toying with her pussy. You walk over to her and call her a slut for masturbating to the sight of her sister getting fucked</p>
<<speech "Eva">>Maybe I am a slut. What are you gonna do about it?<</speech>>
<p>You decide to give Eva the same treatment as her sister. You lead her to her own room and shove her down to her knees, shoving your still cum and pussy juice covered cock between her tits and thrusting between them while she pushed them together.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/eva/titfuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Bend the sister over|galleryabigail6][$scene to 5]]
<<elseif $scene is 5>>
<p>Once you are ready to go again you push Eva over her bed, slapping her large ass as it is presented in front of you. You ram your cock into her pussy from behind, pounding her doggy style like the slutty bitch that she is.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/eva/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fill a second womb tonight|galleryabigail6][$scene to 6]]
<p>You grab hold of Eva’s hair as your pound away, using and abusing her hole like it were your own personal fleshlight. With how she acts whenever you see her, it isn’t even an unfair description of her. Once you reach your limit you do noting but fuck her harder. Not even thinking of pulling out as you unload deep into the second sister of the night. She shakes and cums around your cock as you fill her up. Clearly having gotten exactly what she wanted.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/christmas/eva/creampie.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>She passes out soon after. You pull out and leave her there to rest, getting dressed and moving on now that you are properly drained.</p>
<</if>><<if $mc.collars gte 1 && $lucy.slave is 0>>
[[Enslave Lucy|lucyenslave][$scene to 0; $[5] to 1]]
<<elseif $lucy.slave is 1>><<set _forbiddenLocs to ["Study hall","Mathematics hall","Cafeteria","Library"]>>
<<if !_forbiddenLocs.includes($lucy.loc)>>[[Give her ass some punishment|lucybdsm][$stage to 1; $[6] to 1]]
[[Give her tits a good whipping|lucybdsm][$stage to 2; $[7] to 1]]<</if>>
[[Change the way she addresses you|lucytitle]]
<p class="hint">You haven't any good reason to call Lucy here right now</p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>Lucy has been on your mind recently. The brainiac has been fun to fool around with. But, you’ve noticed something about her. She is very prideful in her intelligence and status. You wonder how much she likes you, and consider whether she would debase herself for you if ordered to do so. The idea of taking her down a peg and making her into your humiliated whore is rather exciting. You decide to give her a call, telling her to come over to your home and head down into the basement to meet you. She seems excited to get the call and promises to head over right away.</p>
<p>Just under an hour later she arrives. You hear the knocking on the front door. You text her to come straight in and come on down. She does, walking down tentatively as she explores her surroundings. She stops at almost every step, her mouth hanging agape at her surroundings. She clearly did not expect to walk in and find this in your home.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>This room is spectacular. Some of these devices seem magnificently intricate. Did you build them?<</speech>>
<p>You laugh and tell her that you can’t take credit for anything beyond setting them up. You give her a brief tour of your dungeon, showing off the various devices that you enjoy using on different girls.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Do you intend to use some of these on me? I can’t say I’m not flattered. But I’m not someone who particularly enjoys physical torture<</speech>>
<p>You let her know that you had guessed that as much was true. And follow that up by saying that mental torture was something you had in mind. You pull out a slave collar and show it to her. You explain that you want her as your slave so you can freely humiliate her to your hearts content.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Humiliate? I work for hours every day on my school work to avoid humiliation. Why on earth would you think I would want that?<</speech>>
<p>You get close to her, placing your hand firmly around the back of her neck. You explain to her what you see deep down inside of her. The over compensation. And how much it would feel freeing to her to let go of all of those perfectionist tendencies and let the world see her for the slut that she is. She squirms a bit in your grip. You can tell that she doesn’t want to admit it, but that she is quickly coming to realize that it is the unavoidable truth.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Let’s say, that perhaps you are correct. What would me agreeing to be your slave entail?<</speech>>
<p>You begin laying out the ground rules for her. Mostly the same standard rules you use for every slave. That she must refer to you as <<textbox "$lucy.title" "Master">> from now on. And that she must never tell you no again. Any whim or desire that you think of will be hers to play out without question. No matter how humiliated or degraded it leaves her. You add that you will demand a key to her home as well. She looks up and you and down at the collar. Going back and forth, clearly thinking hard on her choices.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>I accept your terms, $lucy.title. I will become your slave<</speech>>
<p>You call her a good slut as you wrap the collar around her neck and fasten it tightly. Being called a slut clearly seems to have excited her. She smiles sexily as she stands there awaiting more instructions. You tell her to undress and she does as you walk over to your table full of toys and grab a chain leash to attach to her collar. You walk back over to her, enjoying the view as you approach and hook the collar onto her. She scrunches her face at the thought of being leashed, but pushes through it, knowing her embarrassed feeling is exactly what you want her to feel. And even if she didn’t want to admit it, she was turned on by it. Especially feeling you exert your control over her. You move along, gently yanking downwards with the lease to pull her down to her knees in front of you. You pull your cock out and stick it in front of her as she obeys your order. You need no further words as she understands what you want. She grabs your cock and slides it into her mouth sucking on it powerfully.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lucy/bdsm/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Break your new slave in|lucyenslave][$scene to 1; $mc.collars -= 1; $lucy.slave to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Her mouth feels good, but it isn’t enough for you. Nowhere near enough for the first time fucking her as your new slave. You need to really make a statement. And show her just how degraded you intend to make her as your slave. You direct her with her leash, pulling her off your cock and pulling her onto the couch. You bend her over and start calling her every degrading name that come to your mind. Everything from slut and whore, to more vicious names like bitch and cunt. There is a part of her that you can see wants to protest. But as you slide your cock into her pussy that look of defiance washes away. You slam deep into her hole and thrust away, making her shake and cum all while hearing all the awful names you are calling her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lucy/bdsm/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Make her eat your cum|lucyenslave][$scene to 2]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>She cums over and over again on your cock. And even one time it seemed like she came from you calling her a cock sock, based on the timing of it. But it didn’t matter to you. Her pleasure wasn’t your focus, yours is. And as you get close to cumming you throw her off your cock and yank her face back towards it by her leash. You give your cock a few final strokes, aiming your cock at Lucy’s mouth. You erupt and blast your load all over her tongue until her mouth is full. She gulps down every drop of cum hungrily.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lucy/bdsm/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Lucy">>That was, quite intense. But I enjoyed myself greatly<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that that is good. And that she better get used to that feeling. As it will be coming more often. As often as whenever you see her. You tell her to start dressing in fewer and fewer clothes. She hesitantly acknowledges your order. Getting up and starting to pick up her cloths. Before she can put them on though, you snatch them out of her hand and tell her to walk home as is. She is about to protest. But she doesn’t. Clearly, her desires are already shifting and becoming clear to her. You give her ass a slap as she heads out, enjoying the sway of it as it goes.</p>
<</if>><<if $stage is 1>>
<p>You bring your brainy slave down into the dungeon for a little discipline. You aren’t even sure if she needs it. But you don’t care. The look of aroused fear in her eye is more than enough reason for you to pull out the whip. You bend her over your knee and yank her pants down to expose her tight ass. You spend some time, gently, but firmly snapping the whip across her ass over and over again. Enjoying the sound of her whelps.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lucy/bdsm/spanking.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>Lucy joins you in the basement and strips on your commands. Your degraded slut is always willing to do whatever you command. And when you call her names, she seems even more eager. The nastier the name, the more eager she seems. You lock her arms up above her head in some stocks. She stands there with her perky tits exposed and hanging freely. You pull out your whip and decide to take a few cracks of your whip against her tits. She whimpers with each strike of the leather. But as you start calling her every degrading name in the book, those whimpers turn into moans.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lucy/bdsm/titswhipping.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Go on|Basement]]<<addmins 30>>
<p>You let Lucy know that now you want to be called as her <<textbox "$lucy.title" "Master">></p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
[[Enslave Lucy|gallerylucy6][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Lucy has been on your mind recently. The brainiac has been fun to fool around with. But, you’ve noticed something about her. She is very prideful in her intelligence and status. You wonder how much she likes you, and consider whether she would debase herself for you if ordered to do so. The idea of taking her down a peg and making her into your humiliated whore is rather exciting. You decide to give her a call, telling her to come over to your home and head down into the basement to meet you. She seems excited to get the call and promises to head over right away.</p>
<p>Just under an hour later she arrives. You hear the knocking on the front door. You text her to come straight in and come on down. She does, walking down tentatively as she explores her surroundings. She stops at almost every step, her mouth hanging agape at her surroundings. She clearly did not expect to walk in and find this in your home.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>This room is spectacular. Some of these devices seem magnificently intricate. Did you build them?<</speech>>
<p>You laugh and tell her that you can’t take credit for anything beyond setting them up. You give her a brief tour of your dungeon, showing off the various devices that you enjoy using on different girls.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Do you intend to use some of these on me? I can’t say I’m not flattered. But I’m not someone who particularly enjoys physical torture<</speech>>
<p>You let her know that you had guessed that as much was true. And follow that up by saying that mental torture was something you had in mind. You pull out a slave collar and show it to her. You explain that you want her as your slave so you can freely humiliate her to your hearts content.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Humiliate? I work for hours every day on my school work to avoid humiliation. Why on earth would you think I would want that?<</speech>>
<p>You get close to her, placing your hand firmly around the back of her neck. You explain to her what you see deep down inside of her. The over compensation. And how much it would feel freeing to her to let go of all of those perfectionist tendencies and let the world see her for the slut that she is. She squirms a bit in your grip. You can tell that she doesn’t want to admit it, but that she is quickly coming to realize that it is the unavoidable truth.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>Let’s say, that perhaps you are correct. What would me agreeing to be your slave entail?<</speech>>
<p>You begin laying out the ground rules for her. Mostly the same standard rules you use for every slave. That she must refer to you as $lucy.title from now on. And that she must never tell you no again. Any whim or desire that you think of will be hers to play out without question. No matter how humiliated or degraded it leaves her. You add that you will demand a key to her home as well. She looks up and you and down at the collar. Going back and forth, clearly thinking hard on her choices.</p>
<<speech "Lucy">>I accept your terms, $lucy.title. I will become your slave<</speech>>
<p>You call her a good slut as you wrap the collar around her neck and fasten it tightly. Being called a slut clearly seems to have excited her. She smiles sexily as she stands there awaiting more instructions. You tell her to undress and she does as you walk over to your table full of toys and grab a chain leash to attach to her collar. You walk back over to her, enjoying the view as you approach and hook the collar onto her. She scrunches her face at the thought of being leashed, but pushes through it, knowing her embarrassed feeling is exactly what you want her to feel. And even if she didn’t want to admit it, she was turned on by it. Especially feeling you exert your control over her. You move along, gently yanking downwards with the lease to pull her down to her knees in front of you. You pull your cock out and stick it in front of her as she obeys your order. You need no further words as she understands what you want. She grabs your cock and slides it into her mouth sucking on it powerfully.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lucy/bdsm/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Break your new slave in|gallerylucy6][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>Her mouth feels good, but it isn’t enough for you. Nowhere near enough for the first time fucking her as your new slave. You need to really make a statement. And show her just how degraded you intend to make her as your slave. You direct her with her leash, pulling her off your cock and pulling her onto the couch. You bend her over and start calling her every degrading name that come to your mind. Everything from slut and whore, to more vicious names like bitch and cunt. There is a part of her that you can see wants to protest. But as you slide your cock into her pussy that look of defiance washes away. You slam deep into her hole and thrust away, making her shake and cum all while hearing all the awful names you are calling her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lucy/bdsm/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Make her eat your cum|gallerylucy6][$scene to 3]]
<p>She cums over and over again on your cock. And even one time it seemed like she came from you calling her a cock sock, based on the timing of it. But it didn’t matter to you. Her pleasure wasn’t your focus, yours is. And as you get close to cumming you throw her off your cock and yank her face back towards it by her leash. You give your cock a few final strokes, aiming your cock at Lucy’s mouth. You erupt and blast your load all over her tongue until her mouth is full. She gulps down every drop of cum hungrily.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lucy/bdsm/cumshot.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Lucy">>That was, quite intense. But I enjoyed myself greatly<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that that is good. And that she better get used to that feeling. As it will be coming more often. As often as whenever you see her. You tell her to start dressing in fewer and fewer clothes. She hesitantly acknowledges your order. Getting up and starting to pick up her cloths. Before she can put them on though, you snatch them out of her hand and tell her to walk home as is. She is about to protest. But she doesn’t. Clearly, her desires are already shifting and becoming clear to her. You give her ass a slap as she heads out, enjoying the sway of it as it goes.</p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
[[Give Lucy's ass some punishment|gallerylucy7][$scene to 1]]
<p>You bring your brainy slave down into the dungeon for a little discipline. You aren’t even sure if she needs it. But you don’t care. The look of aroused fear in her eye is more than enough reason for you to pull out the whip. You bend her over your knee and yank her pants down to expose her tight ass. You spend some time, gently, but firmly snapping the whip across her ass over and over again. Enjoying the sound of her whelps.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lucy/bdsm/spanking.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Give Lucy's tits a good whipping|gallerylucy8][$scene to 1]]
<p>Lucy joins you in the basement and strips on your commands. Your degraded slut is always willing to do whatever you command. And when you call her names, she seems even more eager. The nastier the name, the more eager she seems. You lock her arms up above her head in some stocks. She stands there with her perky tits exposed and hanging freely. You pull out your whip and decide to take a few cracks of your whip against her tits. She whimpers with each strike of the leather. But as you start calling her every degrading name in the book, those whimpers turn into moans.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/lucy/bdsm/titswhipping.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<if $mc.collars gte 1 && $kate.slave is 0 && $kate.corr gte 30>>[[Enslave Kate|kateenslave][$scene to 0; $[9] to 1]]<br><</if>>
[[Use your fucking machine on her pussy|katebdsm][$stage to 1; $[7] to 1]]
[[Resize her ass with your fucking machine|katebdsm][$stage to 2; $[8] to 1]]
<<if $kate.slave is 1>><br>[[Change the way she addresses you|katetitle]]<</if>>
<p>Kate is growing sluttier and sluttier, the more you fool around with her. The time to really amp up her slut factor has come. You give her a call and tell her about a party that is happening on campus tonight. You half lied of course. You don’t know of any parties specifically, but it is a college campus. There is always a party to go to. She seems excited to go, but you tell her to stop by you house and meet you in the dungeon before the two of you head over. She agrees and is standing in front of you within the hour.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>What did you want to meet here for Mr. Big Cock? I would have preferred to race you to campus<</speech>>
<p>You laugh lightly at what she said. You would have laughed harder if you didn’t know she was being serious. You turn to her and show her one of your slave collars. You explain that you want to enslave her and make her your slutty slave. She looks at you skeptically.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>I mean, I’m already pretty slutty for you. What more would you want from me as your slave? Wanna walk me around on a leash or some other weird shit?<</speech>>
<p>You laugh and explain what you really would expect from her. You tell her that she is blossoming into a true slut. And as your slave you want to have her in a state of submission so you can shatter whatever boundaries she has left. So she can become the true slut she was clearly meant to be.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>So you want me to be a full on slut? Like you wanna put me in chains, so I can fuck even more guys?<</speech>>
<p>You nod, telling her that sums it up rather well. You extend your hand with the collar in it towards her, telling her that the choice is hers, and saying that if she agrees, she will have to call you <<textbox "$kate.title" "Master">>. She wastes no time and grabs the collar, putting it on herself willingly and happily.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Sure thing Mr. Bi- I mean $kate.title. So are we still going to this party?<</speech>>
<p>You grab her by the neck to pull her close, bringing your arm around to smack her ass powerfully. Telling her that she can bet her sweet ass that you are both still going.</p>
[[Party on|kateenslave b][$mc.collars -= 1; $kate.slave = 1]]
<<if $stage is 1>>
<p>It only takes a short phone call to bring Kate down into your dungeon. It seems more and more these days that you have awakened the true slut in her. She is almost always ready to do something more adventurous if it means the two of you get to fool around. To her chagrin though, you tell her that you won’t be fucking her today.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>You won’t? Well damn what did I come here for? I could be swimming and getting faster!<</speech>>
<p>You point her to your fucking machine, and the much larger than average dildo that is attached to the other end of it. You tell her that she will be using the machine today.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh damn alright. I love this thing. Let’s see how long I can last!<</speech>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/kate/bdsm/machine_missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You strap Kate in and aim the dildo at her pussy. You turn the machine on and let it rip. The piston pumps her hole with the rubber cock quickly and powerfully. Stretching her pussy and reaching deep inside her. You let it run and give her no rest, seeing just how much she can truly handle. And the answer is, quite a lot.</p>
<p>Kate comes down to your dungeon surprisingly soon after you call her. She is giddy to foll around in her some more and it is easy to see based on how slutty she is dressed andhow bouncy she is acting.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Bring it on! What have you got in mind today?<</speech>>
<p>You point to your fucking machine to give her a very obvious hint. She smiles happily and starts to undress. She hops up, now nude, onto the table by the machine. But you stop her, telling her to reposition. You tell her that you are using it on her ass today. Something that shocks her with how worried and horny it makes her.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Damn, I’m not sure that thing will fit in my ass<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle, asking her if she is afraid of the challenge. She looks at you with a sour scrunch of her face. She knows you are manipulating her, but she also knows that she isn’t about to let you call her a coward.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Bring it on then<</speech>>
<p>You strap her into place and aim the machine at her ass. You turn it on and let it start working its way into her tight ass. Kate moans and groans loudly. The wide dildo stretching her well beyond what she is used to. You progressively increase the speeds and let it run as the machine powered rubber rod forces its way deep into her hole, stretching it to new levels deep within her depths.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/kate/bdsm/machine_anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Return|Basement]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You let Kate know that now you want to be called as her <<textbox "$kate.title" "Master">></p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The two of you head off towards campus. You admit to Kate that there was no party that you heard about but she doesn’t seem to mind. Mostly because just as you thought, there are plenty of parties going on on campus to go attend. You both eventually find a raging party happening at one of the frat houses. You lead Kate inside. You grab you each some drinks to help loosen her up. She seems a bit nervous, not really sure why you collared her before bringing her here. But your increasingly bold groping gives her a good idea.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Why don’t we find an empty room, $kate.title?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you have no interest in going anywhere private. You pull your already hard cock out and move her free hand to it. Her eyes grow wide as her fingers wrap around it. She slowly starts to stroke you as you undress her. The other people in the party start to take notice. The form a crowd around you both as you each get naked in the middle of the party. You push her down to her knees and let her get to work on your cock. She pulls in into her mouth and starts sucking it with her usual enthusiasm. It seems clear that a crowd isn’t an issue for her when she has some cock to focus on.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/kate/bdsm/enslave/public_blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Bend her over|kateenslave b][$scene to 1]]<<addhours 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You roughly yank her off your cock and push her down onto the floor. You aim your cock at her pussy and ram it deep inside of her. The crowd has grown and is cheering you on as you pound her tight hole. She is screaming in pleasure and clearly enjoys the growing crowd around her based on how wet she is getting.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/kate/bdsm/enslave/public_doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|kateenslave b][$scene to 2]]<<addhours 1>>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>After you make her cum a few times, and her reputation as a slut is firmly cemented among the party goers, you pull out and get ready to finish on her face. You stroke your cock to finish yourself off and unleash your load all over her. Spurt after spurt of jizz streaking all over her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/kate/bdsm/enslave/public_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>By the way she is masturbating and enjoying the feeling of you load on her skin, you can tell that she still wants more. So you decide to give it to her.</p>
[[Get some of the party goers involved|kateenslave b][$scene to 3]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>You pick out a few of the party goers, the ones clearly very interested in joining both men and women alike. You grab Kate by her hair and lead the entire group to one of the bedrooms in the house. Before long the entire group is naked and fucking each other in a lustful and impromptu orgy. Leaving her to be the slut that Kate is destined to be as your slave.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/kate/bdsm/enslave/orgy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Get going|Street]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Use your fucking machine on her pussy|gallerykate8][$scene to 1]]
<p>It only takes a short phone call to bring Kate down into your dungeon. It seems more and more these days that you have awakened the true slut in her. She is almost always ready to do something more adventurous if it means the two of you get to fool around. To her chagrin though, you tell her that you won’t be fucking her today.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>You won’t? Well damn what did I come here for? I could be swimming and getting faster!<</speech>>
<p>You point her to your fucking machine, and the much larger than average dildo that is attached to the other end of it. You tell her that she will be using the machine today.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh damn alright. I love this thing. Let’s see how long I can last!<</speech>>
<video src="ressources/scenes/kate/bdsm/machine_missionary.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You strap Kate in and aim the dildo at her pussy. You turn the machine on and let it rip. The piston pumps her hole with the rubber cock quickly and powerfully. Stretching her pussy and reaching deep inside her. You let it run and give her no rest, seeing just how much she can truly handle. And the answer is, quite a lot.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Resize her ass with your fucking machine|gallerykate9][$scene to 1]]
<p>Kate comes down to your dungeon surprisingly soon after you call her. She is giddy to foll around in her some more and it is easy to see based on how slutty she is dressed andhow bouncy she is acting.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Bring it on! What have you got in mind today?<</speech>>
<p>You point to your fucking machine to give her a very obvious hint. She smiles happily and starts to undress. She hops up, now nude, onto the table by the machine. But you stop her, telling her to reposition. You tell her that you are using it on her ass today. Something that shocks her with how worried and horny it makes her.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Damn, I’m not sure that thing will fit in my ass<</speech>>
<p>You chuckle, asking her if she is afraid of the challenge. She looks at you with a sour scrunch of her face. She knows you are manipulating her, but she also knows that she isn’t about to let you call her a coward.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Bring it on then<</speech>>
<p>You strap her into place and aim the machine at her ass. You turn it on and let it start working its way into her tight ass. Kate moans and groans loudly. The wide dildo stretching her well beyond what she is used to. You progressively increase the speeds and let it run as the machine powered rubber rod forces its way deep into her hole, stretching it to new levels deep within her depths.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/kate/bdsm/machine_anal.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Enslave Kate|gallerykate10][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>Kate is growing sluttier and sluttier, the more you fool around with her. The time to really amp up her slut factor has come. You give her a call and tell her about a party that is happening on campus tonight. You half lied of course. You don’t know of any parties specifically, but it is a college campus. There is always a party to go to. She seems excited to go, but you tell her to stop by you house and meet you in the dungeon before the two of you head over. She agrees and is standing in front of you within the hour.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>What did you want to meet here for Mr. Big Cock? I would have preferred to race you to campus<</speech>>
<p>You laugh lightly at what she said. You would have laughed harder if you didn’t know she was being serious. You turn to her and show her one of your slave collars. You explain that you want to enslave her and make her your slutty slave. She looks at you skeptically.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>I mean, I’m already pretty slutty for you. What more would you want from me as your slave? Wanna walk me around on a leash or some other weird shit?<</speech>>
<p>You laugh and explain what you really would expect from her. You tell her that she is blossoming into a true slut. And as your slave you want to have her in a state of submission so you can shatter whatever boundaries she has left. So she can become the true slut she was clearly meant to be.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>So you want me to be a full on slut? Like you wanna put me in chains, so I can fuck even more guys?<</speech>>
<p>You nod, telling her that sums it up rather well. You extend your hand with the collar in it towards her, telling her that the choice is hers, and saying that if she agrees, she will have to call you <<textbox "$kate.title" "Master">>. She wastes no time and grabs the collar, putting it on herself willingly and happily.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Sure thing Mr. Bi- I mean $kate.title. So are we still going to this party?<</speech>>
<p>You grab her by the neck to pull her close, bringing your arm around to smack her ass powerfully. Telling her that she can bet her sweet ass that you are both still going.</p>
[[Party on|gallerykate10 b][$scene to 0]]
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>The two of you head off towards campus. You admit to Kate that there was no party that you heard about but she doesn’t seem to mind. Mostly because just as you thought, there are plenty of parties going on on campus to go attend. You both eventually find a raging party happening at one of the frat houses. You lead Kate inside. You grab you each some drinks to help loosen her up. She seems a bit nervous, not really sure why you collared her before bringing her here. But your increasingly bold groping gives her a good idea.</p>
<<speech "Kate">>Why don’t we find an empty room, $kate.title?<</speech>>
<p>You tell her that you have no interest in going anywhere private. You pull your already hard cock out and move her free hand to it. Her eyes grow wide as her fingers wrap around it. She slowly starts to stroke you as you undress her. The other people in the party start to take notice. The form a crowd around you both as you each get naked in the middle of the party. You push her down to her knees and let her get to work on your cock. She pulls in into her mouth and starts sucking it with her usual enthusiasm. It seems clear that a crowd isn’t an issue for her when she has some cock to focus on.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/kate/bdsm/enslave/public_blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Bend her over|gallerykate10 b][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You roughly yank her off your cock and push her down onto the floor. You aim your cock at her pussy and ram it deep inside of her. The crowd has grown and is cheering you on as you pound her tight hole. She is screaming in pleasure and clearly enjoys the growing crowd around her based on how wet she is getting.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/kate/bdsm/enslave/public_doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Cum on her face|gallerykate10 b][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>After you make her cum a few times, and her reputation as a slut is firmly cemented among the party goers, you pull out and get ready to finish on her face. You stroke your cock to finish yourself off and unleash your load all over her. Spurt after spurt of jizz streaking all over her.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/kate/bdsm/enslave/public_facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>By the way she is masturbating and enjoying the feeling of you load on her skin, you can tell that she still wants more. So you decide to give it to her.</p>
[[Get some of the party goers involved|gallerykate10 b][$scene to 3]]
<p>You pick out a few of the party goers, the ones clearly very interested in joining both men and women alike. You grab Kate by her hair and lead the entire group to one of the bedrooms in the house. Before long the entire group is naked and fucking each other in a lustful and impromptu orgy. Leaving her to be the slut that Kate is destined to be as your slave.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/kate/bdsm/enslave/orgy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Return|Gallery Main][$stage to 6]]
[[Tie her up and fuck her throat|alicebdsm][$scene to 0; $stage to 1; $alice.already.bdsm1 to 1; $[5] to 1]]
[[Leash and then fuck the slut|alicebdsm][$stage to 2; $[6] to 1]]
<<if $quest.alicebathroom gte 4 && $alice.corr gte 15 && $mc.collars gte 1 && $alice.slave is 0 && $houses.usedRooms lt $houses.totalRooms>>
[[Enslave Alice|aliceenslave][$scene to 0; $[7] to 1]]
<<elseif $alice.slave is 1>>
[[Change the way she addresses you|alicetitle]]
<<if $stage is 1>>
<<if $scene is 0>>
<p>While you are hanging out in your basement dungeon, Alice comes to mind. She is such a whore that frankly, you wonder if there is a sexual act that she wouldn’t be into. You call her down to the basement to put that thought to the test. She heads down the stairs not long after, wearing damn near no clothes as she does. A shirt cut off below her tits and a pair of daisy duke shorts that could double as a pair of panties with how much is cut away.</p>
[[She begins to undress|alicebdsm][$scene to 1]]<<addmins 30>>
<<if $alice.already.bdsm1 is 0>><<speech "Alice">>Ooooh shit. Nice basement. I have a lot of these toys at my place too. I have a few bigger dildos than you. But, you went all out for this though. It’s fucking awesome<</speech>><<else>><<speech "Alice">>I can never get over how nice this basement is dude. So same thing as last time? Help me strap in?<</speech>><</if>>
<p>Without even a hint of direction coming from you she starts pulling off her cloths. You grab some straps and grab her arms. You nudge her down to her knees and start binding her arms up behind her head. Once she is nice and tied up you pull your cock out and put her mouth to work. Her blowjobs are expertly given as always. Something a woman with an unhealthy amount of experience with cocks would naturally develop. You take the chance to really put her throat to work. Shoving your cock as far down her throat as it will go. Until her chin and your balls get to know each other quite well.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/bdsm/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Continue|Basement]]<<addmins 30>>
<p>Alice is such a slut that her visiting your dungeon is never more than a call away. And the wait for her to come down is never very long either. She seems to always be more than eager to get tied up or leashed for some rough plowing. Since the thought crosses your mind, the moment she arrives you take a choker on her and attach a leash to it. You lead her around the room for a bit, making her crawl and beg at times. Once you are satisfied, and nice and hard, you strip her down and push her onto the bed.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/bdsm/sidefuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You lay her down and shove your cock into her pussy. She moans like the whore she is as you start to thrust. Each time your groin slaps against her legs and ass, the pleasure makes you thrust harder. You quickly build into a rough and powerful rhythm, the sound of wet smacks filling the basement as her soaking pussy is fucked deep.</p>
[[Continue|Basement]]<<addhours 1>>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
<p>You stand in your dungeon, having made the decision to use one of your slave collars on the ever slutty Alice. You have decided that sharing her is no longer in your interests. You want the nympho to be yours and only yours. You message her over SexApp and have her come over. The second she hears that you are waiting for her in your basement, she rushes over. When she does arrive she seems extremely eager to have some fun with you.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>You have no idea how much I’ve been needing this. I woke up this morning so fucking wet. I practically fucked like ten different dudes on the way over here. So what do you wanna do? Tie me up? Use a machine on me?<</speech>>
<p>You shake your head to tell her no as you raise up the collar in your hand and show it to her.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Oh a little pet play, kinky<</speech>>
<p>You rebuke her guess once again. You explain to her that this is a slave collar. Explaining that she is here so you can offer her the chance to become your live in slave from here on out. You detail it out for her, saying that she will move into the home, and never leave unless expressly given permission to by you. And that if she agrees, the term no will leave her vocabulary and she will only ever be allowed to get off using your dick from now on.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>You’re serious? Come on $ be serious. I love riding your cock, you’re like the best fuck I’ve had. But you know one guy ain’t enough for me. I can’t just turn this thing off<</speech>>
<p>She pats her groin indicating her pussy as she argues against your suggestion. You shrug, saying that if that is her decision, then she can leave right now. She looks confused so you continue on, and give her an ultimatum. You tell her that you have no interest in her otherwise at this point. And that you would love to have her as your slave. But unless she chooses it, and goes by your demands, then your relationship together is completely over. Emphasizing that there will be no further fucking between you two otherwise. By the look on her face, this clearly shocks and upsets her.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>You’d cut me off? What the fuck? Why?<</speech>>
<p>She stands there looking away from you. She is clearly thinking hard about what this would mean whichever way she decides. She stomps like a brat, clearly mad that she has to make a choice and can’t get everything that she wants. Resulting with a heavy sigh before speaking again.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Alright but I have some conditions too! If I live here, I do rent free, and I’m not paying for any food either. I mean, I doubt I’ll be able to work with the arrangement. So make it worth my while at least. And you fuck me every, single, day. No exceptions<</speech>>
<p>You nod in understanding. And continue your own explanation of the rules. Saying that she will be available to you at any and all times. And that you will continue to fuck other women regardless. Finishing by stating that from the moment the collar is on her neck forward, she is to refer to you as <<textbox "$alice.title" "Master">>. She scrunches her face for a second, before nodding in agreement. You walk up to her and wrap the collar around her neck, securing it firmly. Giving her a feint smile now that you own her.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Alright then, $alice.title, are we going to actually fuck now or was this all just one big tease?<</speech>>
[[Fuck your new slave properly|aliceenslave][$scene to 1; $mc.collars -= 1; $alice.slave to 1; $houses.usedRooms += 1; $ to "First home"]]<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You grab your slave and push her onto the couch. With one quick yank you tear her thong off of her and toss the broken fabric onto the ground. You undress, taking your quickly hardening cock and slide it inside of her. You reach forward, pinning Alice down by pressing down onto her back as you begin to thrust. You ram you cock into her hard and fast doggy style. Breaking her in for her new life of being used to you whims. You pound away, filling her hole roughly and clearly pushing her to limits that she isn’t used to having tested.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/bdsm/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her face|aliceenslave][$scene to 2]]<<addmins 15>>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You pull out of her ass and flip Alice over onto her back, with her head resting over the side of the couch. You tell her to open wide and she follow your order without hesitation. You slide your cock down her throat until you are balls deep and your sack is eclipsing her nostrils. Her throat stretches painfully around your cock as you start ramming it down repeatedly. Your balls slapping her whorish face with each buck of your hips.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/bdsm/facefuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Glaze her|aliceenslave][$scene to 3]]<<addmins 15>>
<p>Once you are close to cumming, you pull out of her throat and yank Alice down off the couch by her hair. You grab hold of it like a handle and direct her by her locks. You pull her up to her knees and hold her in place as you start to cum. Aiming your dick at her face you unload, streaking your heavy load across her head and into her hair.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/bdsm/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With your need satisfied, you tell your new slave to take care of her old home, and move her shit into her new home with you. She is too exhausted to reply but when she gives you a weary thumbs up, you know she understands. You leave your whore to recover, and head upstairs to continue your day.</p>
[[Continue|House]]<<addmins 15>>
<<set $alice.loc to "Sex dungeon">>
<<set $alice.loc1 to "Sex dungeon">>
<<set $alice.loc2 to "Sex dungeon">>
<<set $alice.loc3 to "Sex dungeon">>
<<set $alice.loc4 to "Sex dungeon">>
<<set $alice.loc5 to "Sex dungeon">>
<<set $alice.loc6 to "Sex dungeon">>
<<set $alice.loc7 to "Sex dungeon">>
<p>You let Alice know that now you want to be called as her <<textbox "$alice.title" "Master">></p>
<<if $scene is 0>>
[[Tie her up and fuck her throat|galleryalice6][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>While you are hanging out in your basement dungeon, Alice comes to mind. She is such a whore that frankly, you wonder if there is a sexual act that she wouldn’t be into. You call her down to the basement to put that thought to the test. She heads down the stairs not long after, wearing damn near no clothes as she does. A shirt cut off below her tits and a pair of daisy duke shorts that could double as a pair of panties with how much is cut away.</p>
[[She begins to undress|galleryalice6][$scene to 2]]
<<if $alice.already.bdsm1 is 0>><<speech "Alice">>Ooooh shit. Nice basement. I have a lot of these toys at my place too. I have a few bigger dildos than you. But, you went all out for this though. It’s fucking awesome<</speech>><<else>><<speech "Alice">>I can never get over how nice this basement is dude. So same thing as last time? Help me strap in?<</speech>><</if>>
<p>Without even a hint of direction coming from you she starts pulling off her cloths. You grab some straps and grab her arms. You nudge her down to her knees and start binding her arms up behind her head. Once she is nice and tied up you pull your cock out and put her mouth to work. Her blowjobs are expertly given as always. Something a woman with an unhealthy amount of experience with cocks would naturally develop. You take the chance to really put her throat to work. Shoving your cock as far down her throat as it will go. Until her chin and your balls get to know each other quite well.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/bdsm/blowjob.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Leash and then fuck the slut|galleryalice7][$scene to 1]]
<p>Alice is such a slut that her visiting your dungeon is never more than a call away. And the wait for her to come down is never very long either. She seems to always be more than eager to get tied up or leashed for some rough plowing. Since the thought crosses your mind, the moment she arrives you take a choker on her and attach a leash to it. You lead her around the room for a bit, making her crawl and beg at times. Once you are satisfied, and nice and hard, you strip her down and push her onto the bed.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/bdsm/sidefuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You lay her down and shove your cock into her pussy. She moans like the whore she is as you start to thrust. Each time your groin slaps against her legs and ass, the pleasure makes you thrust harder. You quickly build into a rough and powerful rhythm, the sound of wet smacks filling the basement as her soaking pussy is fucked deep.</p>
<</if>><<if $scene is 0>>
[[Enslave Alice|galleryalice8][$scene to 1]]
<<elseif $scene is 1>>
<p>You stand in your dungeon, having made the decision to use one of your slave collars on the ever slutty Alice. You have decided that sharing her is no longer in your interests. You want the nympho to be yours and only yours. You message her over SexApp and have her come over. The second she hears that you are waiting for her in your basement, she rushes over. When she does arrive she seems extremely eager to have some fun with you.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>You have no idea how much I’ve been needing this. I woke up this morning so fucking wet. I practically fucked like ten different dudes on the way over here. So what do you wanna do? Tie me up? Use a machine on me?<</speech>>
<p>You shake your head to tell her no as you raise up the collar in your hand and show it to her.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Oh a little pet play, kinky<</speech>>
<p>You rebuke her guess once again. You explain to her that this is a slave collar. Explaining that she is here so you can offer her the chance to become your live in slave from here on out. You detail it out for her, saying that she will move into the home, and never leave unless expressly given permission to by you. And that if she agrees, the term no will leave her vocabulary and she will only ever be allowed to get off using your dick from now on.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>You’re serious? Come on $ be serious. I love riding your cock, you’re like the best fuck I’ve had. But you know one guy ain’t enough for me. I can’t just turn this thing off<</speech>>
<p>She pats her groin indicating her pussy as she argues against your suggestion. You shrug, saying that if that is her decision, then she can leave right now. She looks confused so you continue on, and give her an ultimatum. You tell her that you have no interest in her otherwise at this point. And that you would love to have her as your slave. But unless she chooses it, and goes by your demands, then your relationship together is completely over. Emphasizing that there will be no further fucking between you two otherwise. By the look on her face, this clearly shocks and upsets her.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>You’d cut me off? What the fuck? Why?<</speech>>
<p>She stands there looking away from you. She is clearly thinking hard about what this would mean whichever way she decides. She stomps like a brat, clearly mad that she has to make a choice and can’t get everything that she wants. Resulting with a heavy sigh before speaking again.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Alright but I have some conditions too! If I live here, I do rent free, and I’m not paying for any food either. I mean, I doubt I’ll be able to work with the arrangement. So make it worth my while at least. And you fuck me every, single, day. No exceptions<</speech>>
<p>You nod in understanding. And continue your own explanation of the rules. Saying that she will be available to you at any and all times. And that you will continue to fuck other women regardless. Finishing by stating that from the moment the collar is on her neck forward, she is to refer to you as $alice.title. She scrunches her face for a second, before nodding in agreement. You walk up to her and wrap the collar around her neck, securing it firmly. Giving her a feint smile now that you own her.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Alright then, $alice.title, are we going to actually fuck now or was this all just one big tease?<</speech>>
[[Fuck your new slave properly|galleryalice8][$scene to 2]]
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<p>You grab your slave and push her onto the couch. With one quick yank you tear her thong off of her and toss the broken fabric onto the ground. You undress, taking your quickly hardening cock and slide it inside of her. You reach forward, pinning Alice down by pressing down onto her back as you begin to thrust. You ram you cock into her hard and fast doggy style. Breaking her in for her new life of being used to you whims. You pound away, filling her hole roughly and clearly pushing her to limits that she isn’t used to having tested.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/bdsm/doggy.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Fuck her face|galleryalice8][$scene to 3]]
<<elseif $scene is 3>>
<p>You pull out of her ass and flip Alice over onto her back, with her head resting over the side of the couch. You tell her to open wide and she follow your order without hesitation. You slide your cock down her throat until you are balls deep and your sack is eclipsing her nostrils. Her throat stretches painfully around your cock as you start ramming it down repeatedly. Your balls slapping her whorish face with each buck of your hips.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/bdsm/facefuck.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
[[Glaze her|galleryalice8][$scene to 4]]
<p>Once you are close to cumming, you pull out of her throat and yank Alice down off the couch by her hair. You grab hold of it like a handle and direct her by her locks. You pull her up to her knees and hold her in place as you start to cum. Aiming your dick at her face you unload, streaking your heavy load across her head and into her hair.</p>
<video src="ressources/scenes/alice/bdsm/facial.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>With your need satisfied, you tell your new slave to take care of her old home, and move her shit into her new home with you. She is too exhausted to reply but when she gives you a weary thumbs up, you know she understands. You leave your whore to recover, and head upstairs to continue your day.</p>
<p>You head into the kitchen to grab something quick to eat. You hear sounds as you enter and walk in to see your slave Alice sweeping up. She is dressed as slutty as usual with her cut off shorts. You appreciate how slutty your house slave is. And you appreciate her pulling her weight around the house along with it. Telling her as much when you pass her to get to the fridge.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>No need to thank me. I’m happy to do it. The more I clean around her, the more time you have to fuck me, $alice.title<</speech>>
<p>You give her an approving slap on her ass as you head out with your snack. Leaving her to her work as she finishes up cleaning the room.</p>
[[Continue|Kitchen]]<<addmins 30>>
<p>You pass by the bathroom and hear the shower running. You open the door and step inside to see who is getting washed up. Seeing the black hair you can tell that its your house slave Alice. You decide to have some fun, getting undressed and hopping into the shower with her.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>I hope you don’t plan on getting clean, $alice.title<</speech>>
<p>You grab the slutty slave and give her just what she wants. You pin her down on her back and spread her legs. Sliding your cock into her pussy as the shower rains down on your both you fuck her until you fill her pussy with your load.</p>
[[Get going|House]]<<addhours 1>>
<p>Alice is lounging around on your bed. She doesn’t go anywhere now that she is your slave. So seeing her laying nude on your bed is a daily occurrence. Her primary entertainment is getting fucked by you so she tries to initiate it more and more very chance she can possibly get.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Are you going to fuck me soon or are you going to make me beg, $alice.title?<</speech>>
<p>You promise her that you will resize her holes soon. You could fuck her here and now. But the thought of getting her to the point of begging actually sounds pretty nice. So you leave and let her stew in her mega horny state.</p>
<p>Alice is lounging around on your bed. She doesn’t go anywhere now that she is your slave. So seeing her laying nude on your bed is a daily occurrence. Her primary entertainment is getting fucked by you so she tries to initiate it more and more very chance she can possibly get.</p>
<<speech "Alice">>Are you going to fuck me soon or are you going to make me beg, $alice.title?<</speech>>
<p>You promise her that you will resize her holes soon. You could fuck her here and now. But the thought of getting her to the point of begging actually sounds pretty nice. So you leave and let her stew in her mega horny state.</p>
[[Continue|Bedroom]]<<addmins 30>>
<p>You take a seat on the couch by Alice and watch some TV with her for a little while. She is clearly in the mood to fool around. Every few minutes she is moving her hand to your crotch and rubbing your groin until you have a sizable bulge forming. Getting tired of her teasing you decide to get some release and give your slave what she clearly wants. You pull her down to her knees and fuck her throat. Making her struggle to breath around your shaft until you start to cum, unloading all over her face until her face is completely coated in your cum.</p>
<video src="ressources/scene/alice/slave_livingroom.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<p>You tell her to sit there and stay like that. She clearly wants to like up your nut, but she listens to your orders, letting the cum cool and dry on her face as your sit there and continue to watch TV with her at your feet.</p>
[[Continue|livingroom]]<<addhours 1>>